For Redd

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  • 8/12/2019 For Redd


    Long before my adventure started, my parents were a huge part of my life. There was a time

    that I can remember clearly that they brought me and Rose out. Where we had gone, the magic filled

    the air. Lights were everywhere. Laughter filled the air. Music drifted between tents that had popped up

    almost over night. There were feats of strength, creatures of the unusual variety, but one that caught myattention and made me practice was the ones with the superb agility.

    They whisked through the air performing stunts that any normal person wouldnt have such

    bravery to do. !ven the ones on the ground moved to and fro limber as could be. "or a child like I was,to watch such stage performances without there being a stage, for such lights, acrobatics, and

    daredevilry... #o words could describe my awe.

    $o here I stand. Ive gotten much older and my adventure has taken me to some truly ama%ingplaces. Will I be able to be ama%ed as I was back then& 'ne step forward started the spectacle that Ive

    remembered. (nlike last time though, things were even more fascinating. It kept up with the times.

    There were games, fascinating sights, even better feats of strength. My favorite part though, the barkerbeckoned people to see, the largest tent around.

    I wasted no time and enter with a smile on my face. Inside I watch the performances )ust as I

    had when I was little. I smiled all the same but there was little change, until the lights went low and

    there was a call to one last performance. My curiosity was pi*ued, my thoughts began to swim as towhat it could be.

    That was when I saw her. +er entrance was fantastic. Leaping from ring to ring high above the

    audience. The outfit shimmering making her look even more like a star. With such simple tricks beingdone, one would think that would be a bland performance, but the grace, and the air about her, my

    opinion never seemed to falter. It took me a moment to reali%e that everything had turned pitch black in

    to darkness and small lights had lit up along the top of the tent. $he was really among the stars.The simple performance began to turn daring as there were tricks that I would even *uestion

    myself in doing. I had to get a better look. With a soft utterance, I used my ability to keep a better focus

    on her and much to my surprise, she wasnt giving anything a second thought. #o hesitation, no

    grimace. ll that was there was beautiful confidence in herself. I needed to meet her.s the performance drew to a close, the lights above the audience dimmed out little by little,

    then when on remained, shed point it then bring her arms in close to her body and leap from on high,

    her body twisting and turning as she plummeted. The audience was tense with fright for her but it wassimple enough for me to see that she was perfectly safe. 'ne little error could mean the difference

    between life and death. $he was perfect, there wasnt even a second thought. -efore she landed, I got

    up and left, making my way to the entrance of the tent )ust as the crowd erupted in cheer. There wasnever any doubt.

    I found where she was stayed, it wasnt very hard. oin went far it seemed, but those I talked to

    seem rather protective of her. I had to show many times over that I had no weapons to speak of, eventhough I did, to them it )ust looked like )ust metal cubes, though they did confiscate my potions, Im

    sure Id be back for them later. I waited outside her door, until she finally approached. n immediate

    look of distaste cross her features and I )ust grinned.

    /Im sorry, but you arent allowed back here.0/Well, ifn y wan I coul )us leave bu, d like t talk a lil. Theres )us somethin bout ya tha

    intrigues me.0

    $he looked at me for a while I did my best to lay on the charm. (nfortunately, I knew the lookall too well. $he had a hard time understanding my accent. t least, thats what I thought until she

    invited me in and she took a seat #ear her vanity mirror and I stood near the door, +er words were

    smooth and rather calming as they flowed from her lips, /1ery well, sir, what can I do for you&0/2 see, I ain been t a place like this n a long time an I fin mself even more srprise tha I was

    whe I was young. Th effec tha made y a star, I coul definitely tell somethin. 2oure really a true

    princess.0 What I thought was flattery at the time seemed to get her flustered for another reason. The

  • 8/12/2019 For Redd


    look on her face said that I may have stepped somewhere I probably shouldnt have, /+3how did y3you



    /+ow did you know that I was a3a3a....0/Wai30 I had to start moving as she started to through various things at me, /Whoa4 +ol on

    5arlin40 When she ran out of things to through she curled up in her chair. $he looked fragile. With a

    sigh, I picked up the stuff she threw at me and then approached her, laying the stuff down from whereshe had picked it up, /I ain sure wha yre talkin b3 6 Wai. re y really a pr30

    /2eah. +ow did you find out&0 $he sounded to be on the verge of tears and thats when I )ust

    put a hand on her head softly and playfully mussed up her hair. /'i, 5arlin, ain no reason t b tha somethin t be proud f&0 $he combed out the white hair as soon as my hand left, and I

    s*uatted down in front of her to meet her lowered ga%e with my own. Those -lue eyes seemed to shine

    even when she didnt. /Its not. #ot when you dont know the whole story.0$he was hiding. I almost gave a frown when I got an idea. I reached up and put my palm her

    cheek giving her *uite a surprise at first but when she looked at my soft e7pression she softened up as

    well, /Tell y wha. Th day yre done a thi location, wh don y come with m fr a bi. W can go ou an

    have an aventure an ll even have y back n time t th ne7 spo so y won even b misse.0/+ow do I know I can trust you& I dont even know your name.0

    /$orry bou tha. I can b a lil rambunctious I sppose. Th names hais. m a treasure hunter an

    spenin time with a treasure like yrself is somethin tha woul give m th greaes pleasure n th worl.0!ven though I wasnt trying to, I couldnt help but flirt. $he was beautiful and there was no way I could

    possibly get her out of my mind, no matter how far I walked, no matter who I met. $he was hesitant to

    respond but she did agree, /Tomorrow is my last performance at this location. Ill find out where we aretraveling to ne7t then I will meet you by the entrance. Will that be alright&0

    I gave a nod and leaned up to kiss her forehead giving her another surprise, /ll b waitin there

    fr ya, 8rincess.0 $he looked up to as I stood up and I )ust gave her a *uick wink to show I was only

    teasing her. smile crossed her features. Radiance is the only thing I could think of to describe it./8lease, )ust call me Redd.0

    /2 go it.0

    I departed her room after that and went on my way to make preparations. The ne7t day cameand I waited by the entrance with Lucy, my horse. $he was antsy and ready to go since it wasnt often

    that we stayed in a single place for very long. t least she got along well with the horse I got for Redd.

    #ight had come and the lights had started to die down. I began to wonder if she was going to changeher mind. When the lights were all gone, the two horses and I were in the dark, standing there in wait.

    The moment twilight arrived I heard the rustling of grass and I looked to see the soft sparkle of

    two blue eyes look back to me. They stopped and the moon emerged from behind the clouds giving theonce darkened silhouette a heavenly glow. Its not often that I get truly awestruck but it would seemed

    that even the heavens favored her.

    /2ou waited.0

    / lifetime, ifn it were necessary.0/Where are we going&0

    /Wherever th win takes us.0

    /That sounds sketchy.0/venture comes t those tha re ready t g t wherever I beckons.0

    $he gave a sigh and walked towards me, patting my cheek before putting her small pouch in to

    the saddlebag of the horse I had gotten her. /+ave y ever rid30 -efore I could really ask, she mountedthe horse and turned it to where the moon would be setting, /+eh. 9eep tha up 5arlin an I )us may

    end up fallin fr ya.0 I )umped up on to Lucys saddle and turned with her, and with a *uick snap of the

    reigns, we both took off looking for adventure and going where the wind will take us.