1 The International Program in Design and Architecture [INDA] Admission Information FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS: Generally, Chulalongkorn University opens registration in January and April for international applicants. International applicants may submit their application documents before the Chulalongkorn registration period and get evaluated as to whether they are qualified for the INDA program. INDA requests that applicants fill out the INDA PreApplication Profile form and send it back to [email protected] along with: Two oneinch (1”) photographs; Official Academic Transcripts; Copies of official diploma, or equivalent certified high school completion, or academic status from applicant’s school; Exam and proficiencies scores; A copy of passport or national ID; Portfolio. You will be required to provide official documents before being accepted to the program. If you pass the basic requirements for admission, INDA will arrange an interview – either by Google Hangout, Skype, FaceTime, or in person. You will then have an English written test as well as a preliminary design aptitude test sent to you. If you do well and INDA accepts you as a student, INDA will arrange for you to take an official CUTad exam after you arrive on campus. Admission Requirements Details: 1. High school certificate or equivalence: In order to be eligible for matriculating at Chulalongkorn University, students must have successfully completed upper secondary or high school education, passed the high school equivalent standard test [GED, ICGSE], or is currently in high school [Mathayom 6, grade 1112 in the US system or year 1113 in the British IB system]. Students who have graduated from Ministry of Education accredited international schools in Thailand may use their school transcript or diploma. Otherwise, applicants need to obtain an equivalence certificate from the Ministry of Education. 2. One of the following English proficiency test scores [if nonnative English speaker]: TOEFL with a score of 550 (paperbase) or 79 (internetbase); OR IELTS with a minimum score of 6.0; OR CUTEP with a minimum score of 80; OR SAT 1* (Critical Reading) with a minimum score of 400; OR CUAAT* (Verbal) with a minimum score of 400.

FOR INTERNATIONAL$ APPLICANTScuinda.com/media/2014/09/INDA_Admissions_INFO_Sheet.pdf · charcoal work, graphics, computer graphics, paperwork (origami, paper/bookmaking), illustrations,

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The  International  Program  in  Design  and  Architecture  [INDA]  Admission  Information  

FOR   INTERNATIONAL   APPLICANTS:   Generally,   Chulalongkorn   University   opens  registration   in  January  and  April   for   international  applicants.   International  applicants  may  submit  their  application  documents  before  the  Chulalongkorn  registration  period  and   get   evaluated   as   to   whether   they   are   qualified   for   the   INDA   program.   INDA  requests  that  applicants  fill  out  the  INDA  Pre-­‐Application  Profile  form  and  send  it  back  to  [email protected]  along  with:  • Two  one-­‐inch  (1”)  photographs;  • Official  Academic  Transcripts;  • Copies   of   official   diploma,   or   equivalent   certified   high   school   completion,   or  

academic  status  from  applicant’s  school;  • Exam  and  proficiencies  scores;  • A  copy  of  passport  or  national  ID;  • Portfolio.  

You   will   be   required   to   provide   official   documents   before   being   accepted   to   the  program.   If   you   pass   the   basic   requirements   for   admission,   INDA   will   arrange   an  interview  –   either   by  Google  Hangout,   Skype,   FaceTime,   or   in   person.   You  will   then  have  an  English  written  test  as  well  as  a  preliminary  design  aptitude  test  sent  to  you.  If  you  do  well  and  INDA  accepts  you  as  a  student,  INDA  will  arrange  for  you  to  take  an  official  CU-­‐Tad  exam  after  you  arrive  on  campus.    

Admission  Requirements  Details:  1.  High  school  certificate  or  equivalence:  In  order  to  be  eligible  for  matriculating  at  Chulalongkorn  University,  students  must  have  successfully  completed  upper  secondary  or  high  school  education,  passed  the  high   school   equivalent   standard   test   [GED,   ICGSE],   or   is   currently   in   high   school  [Mathayom   6,   grade   11-­‐12   in   the   US   system   or   year   11-­‐13   in   the   British   IB   system].  Students  who  have   graduated   from  Ministry   of   Education   accredited   international  schools  in  Thailand  may  use  their  school  transcript  or  diploma.  Otherwise,  applicants  need  to  obtain  an  equivalence  certificate  from  the  Ministry  of  Education.  

2.   One   of   the   following   English   proficiency   test   scores   [if   non-­‐native   English  speaker]:  • TOEFL  with  a  score  of  550  (paper-­‐base)  or  79  (internet-­‐base);  OR  • IELTS  with  a  minimum  score  of  6.0;  OR  • CU-­‐TEP  with  a  minimum  score  of  80;  OR  • SAT  1*  (Critical  Reading)  with  a  minimum  score  of  400;  OR  • CU-­‐AAT*  (Verbal)  with  a  minimum  score  of  400.  

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3.  One  of  the  following  Math  test  scores:  • SAT  1*  (Math)  with  a  minimum  score  of  550;  OR  • CU-­‐AAT*  (Math)  with  a  minimum  score  of  550;  OR  • Another  internationally  accredited  standardized  test.  

*   In  case  of  submitting  both  English  and  Math  scores   from  either  CU-­‐AAT  or  SAT,  both  scores  must  be  from  the  same  test  date.  

4.  Test  of  Aptitude  in  Design:  • CU-­‐TAD  with   a  minimum   score   of   50%.   For   international   applicants,   INDA  will  

give  you  a  preliminary  Design  Aptitude  exam,  but  after  your  acceptance  to  the  program,   you   must   make   arrangements   to   take   the   CU-­‐TAD   soon   after   your  arrival  to  the  campus.  

5.  Portfolio:  • Personal  works   of   art,   craft,   and   design,   i.e.,   you can also include sketches,

ink/pencil drawings, craftwork, ceramics, “art” photographs, collage, charcoal work, graphics, computer graphics, paperwork (origami, paper/bookmaking), illustrations, cardboard sculptures, clothing design/production, game design, or computer applications   placed   in   an   A4  sized   folder   or   binding  with   a   thickness   not  more   than   one   inch   (see   further  details  below).  

6.  Application  form  with  a  1,000  Baht  non-­‐refundable  application  fee.  

7.  Verbal  Interview  and  Writing  Test  • An   Interview   and   writing   test   will   be   arranged   by   INDA   after   review   of   your  

profile  and  records.  

Portfolio  Details:  1.   The   Purpose   of   a   portfolio   is   to   demonstrate   your   artistic   ability   as   well   as   your  

organizational  skill.  The  contents  of  the  portfolio  must  demonstrate  your  versatility  in   different   media:   sketching,   painting,   collage,   photography,   etc.   Architectural  perspective  and  rendering  are  neither  required  nor  compulsory.  

2.   A   portfolio   reveals   a   great   deal   about   the   author.   Be   critical   about  what   you  put  inside.   Select  only   the  best  ones   that   represent   your  artistic   sensibilities,  passion,  and  the  maturity  of  your  thinking.  

3.  Special  attention  must  be  paid  to  the  quality  of  reproduction  of  the  original  work.  For   instance,   try   to   have   your   drawing   scanned   rather   than   photographing   it   by  yourself.   If   scanning   is  not  an  option  due   to   size  of  work,  a  digital   camera  with  a  minimum   of   eight   –   ten  mega   pixel   camera  with   appropriate   lighting   set   up  will  suffice.  

4.  Do  not  submit  work  any   larger   than  A4   format.   If  you  have  oversize  work,  please  

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have   it   professionally   reproduced   to  A4   size.   The   thickness   of   the   portfolio  must  not   exceed   one   inch.   Portfolios   larger   than   the   given   dimension   and   format   will  automatically  be  rejected.  

5.   All   the  work   shown   in   the   portfolio  must   be   exclusive  made  by   you.  Question   of  authenticity  may  result  in  a  demonstration  during  interview.  

6.  Please  refrain  from  including  family  or  trips  abroad  photographs.  

INDA  International  Tuition  

Tuition  Students   must   pay   both   Chulalongkorn   University   and   INDA   Tuition   Fees   as   detailed  below.   As   a   student   at   INDA,   you   could   expect   to   spend   approximately   500,000   to   1  million  Thai  baht  annually  in  tuition,  fees,  expenses,  and  living  costs.  

Tuition  Fees  per  Semester/Annually  (in  Thai  baht)  

Semester   Fee   Cost  

One  (August-­‐December)   Chulalongkorn  University  Tuition   21,000  TB  

  INDA  Tuition   144,500  TB  

Two  (January-­‐May)   Chulalongkorn  University  Tuition   21,000  TB  

  INDA  Tuition   144,500  TB  

Summer  –  June-­‐July   Chulalongkorn  University  Tuition   5,250  TB  

  INDA  Tuition   81,500  TB  

  ANNUAL  TUITION  TOTAL   417,750  TB  

Approximated  Student  Expenses  per  Month/Annually  (in  Thai  baht)  

Expense   Cost  –  Thai  baht   Approximate  Annual  Cost  

Housing   3,000-­‐20,000  TB/month   36,000-­‐240,000  TB  

Course  Supplies   10-­‐20,000  TB/semester   25,000-­‐50,000  TB  

Visa  Fees   2000-­‐5000  TB/year   2000-­‐5000  TB  

Cell  Phone  Service   300-­‐1500  TB/month   3600-­‐18,000  TB  

Living/Personal  Expenses   5000-­‐20,000  TB/month   60,000-­‐240,000  TB  

Transportation   500-­‐2000  TB/month   6,000-­‐25,000  TB  

APPROXIMATE  TOTAL  ANNUAL  EXPENSES  =  150,000-­‐600,000  TB  

Recommended  &  Other  Necessary  Supplies  ü Medical  Insurance  

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ü Computer  (preferably  laptop)  –  NECESSARY  ü Cell  Phone  (You’ll  Need)  

Additional   information  on  finding  housing,  costs,  Thai  culture,  touring,  and  other  topics  can  be  found  at:  http://studyinthailand.org/index.html  

Student  Scholarships  INDA   recognizes   the   great   social   and   cultural   benefit   of   having   a   diverse   student  population.  It  also  has  long  recognized  the  great  benefit  of  having  diverse  perspectives  on  design,  building,  use  of  materials,  and  cultural  elements  of  constructions.  Diversity  of  students   and   perspectives   makes   for   a   better   program   and   enlarges   the   range   of  possible  learning  areas  for  designers  and  architects.  With  this  in  mind,  and  in  honor  of  its  coming  tenth  anniversary,  INDA  is  determined  to  enlarge  its  diverse  student  population  and  perspectives  in  order  to  reach  new  levels  of  excellence.  There  are  some  scholarships  available   for   international   applicants   –   all   of   them   are   based   on  merit   and/or   extreme  need.  Your  interview  with  the  admission  committee  will  be  a  time  for  you  to  express  your  merit  and  need  for  a  scholarship.  Chulalongkorn  University  also  has  scholarships  listed  on  its  website:  http://www.chula.ac.th/en/scholarships-­‐group/chula-­‐scholarships/.  

Non–Degree  Student  Admissions  [http://www.chula.ac.th/en/prospective-­‐student/international_admission/]  

1. Visiting  Students  You   are   responsible   for   tuition   and   other   fees   and   required   to   contact   directly   to  INDA.   You   can   access   a   Visiting   Student   Application   at   [Download   -­‐  http://tinyurl.com/ktyv33r].  

 2.  Exchange  students  If  you  are  studying  at  one  of  our  partner  universities,  you  may  enroll  to  study  for  one  semester  or  one  academic  year  at  Chulalongkorn  University  as  an  exchange  student.  Please  note  that  exchange  students  can  obtain  an  academic  transcript  but  they  may  not  get  a  degree  from  CU.  You  are  required  to  contact  your  home  university  first;  then,  if   you  meet   the   requirements,   they  may   nominate   you   as   an   exchange   student   to   the  Office  of  International  Affairs  and  Global  Network  at  Chulalongkorn  University.  After  we  have  received  your  nomination  and  application  documents,  we  will   forward  them  to  the   Faculty   concerned   for   consideration.   The  official   result  will   be   informed   to   your  home  university  (IRO).  Exchange  students  will  be  exempt  from  tuition  and  other  fees.  You  can  access  an  Exchange  Student  Application  at  [Download].  

Exchange  Student  Requirements  GPA   requirement:   3.0+   is   preferred.   Submission   of   academic   transcripts   is   required  along  with  the  application  form.  • English  Language  Proficiency  

ü TOEFL  -­‐  Internet-­‐  based:  79-­‐80  -­‐  Computer-­‐  based:  213  

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-­‐  Paper-­‐based:  550  ü IELTS  

-­‐  Overall  band:  6.0  (The  score  should  not  be  more  than  2  years  old).  

• Language  Listening  Proficiency  Fluency   in   listening   and   speaking   English   for   the   INDA   program   is   essential.  Please  submit  the  proficient  test  score,  if  any.  

Required  Documentation  1. A  completed  application  form;  2. A  nomination  letter  from  your  home  institution;  3. Two  letters  of  references  in  sealed  and  signed  envelopes;  4. An   official   transcript   of   your   academic   records   (to   be   issued   by   your   current  

institution);  5. An  English  proficiency  score  record  (for  non-­‐native  speakers  of  English)*;  6. A  copy  of  your  passport;  7. Study   plan/description   of   academic   interests   (on   a   separate   sheet   of   A4-­‐sized  

paper);  8. Eight,  one-­‐inch,  color  photographs  (with  blue  background)  taken  no  more  than  

six  months  previously  in  smart  attire  or  a  civil  service  uniform  and  signed  on  the  reverse  side.  One  photo  should  also  be  attached  to  the  application  form.  

*   This   is   required   for   exchange   students   who   wish   to   study   in   an   international  program.  

Exchange  Student  Application  Deadlines  The   completed   application   form   must   reach   the   Office   of   International   Affairs,  Chulalongkorn  University  by  the  following  dates.  

Academic  Calendar  

Semester   Application  Deadline  

Classes  Begin  

Classes  End   Semester  Ends  

Trimester  System  

First   15  February   2nd   Week   of  August  

3rd   Week   of  November  

Last  Week  of  November  

Second   15  June  2nd   Week   of  December  

3rd   Week   of  March  

Last  Week  of  March  

Third   15  October   2nd   Week   of  April  

3rd   Week   of  July  

Last  Week  of  July  

International  System  

First   15  February   2nd   Week   of  August  

1st   Week   of  December  

3rd   Week   of  December  

Second   15  July  2nd   Week   of  January  

Last  Week  of  April  

3rd   Week   of  May  

Summer   15  December   1st   Week   of  June  

Last  Week  of  July  

Last  Week  of  July  

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As  of  April  2014