Popular author returns to writing ... After a ten year break from writing, Royce Bond returns with an new direction. Read more on page 3. These two new titles are sure to amuse young readers. Read about this fun title on page 6. Read about this festive romp on page 7. Coming ... a new exciting title by award-winning author, Di Bates. To be released in June 2013. Read more on page 4. They are full to the brim with humour and written about subjects kids love. NEW RELEASES Morris Publishing Australia’s Author, George Ivanoff featured in the Woman’s Day magazine. . See page 5 One for the littlies ... This bright, well illustrated story book teaches children how to find lost objects. It can be personalised for the child reader. Available for boy or girl. See page 8 for more details. PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail? PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail? Dimity Powell

Focus on Books Edition 3

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Book industry news, reviews, and new releases

Citation preview

Page 1: Focus on Books Edition 3

Popular author returns to writing ...After a ten year break from writing,Royce Bond returns with an new direction. Read more on page 3.

These two new titles are sure to amuse young readers.

Read about this fun title on page 6.

Read about this festive romp on page 7.

Coming ... a new exciting title by award-winning author, Di Bates. To be released in June 2013.Read more on page 4.

They are full to the brim with humour and written about subjects kids love.


Morris Publishing Australia’sAuthor, George Ivanofffeatured in the Woman’s Day magazine. . See page 5

One for the littlies ...

This bright, well illustrated story book teaches children how to find lost objects. It can be personalised for the child reader.Available for boy or girl. See page 8 for more details.

PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?

Dimity Powell

Page 2: Focus on Books Edition 3


5 - the cover story – Morris Publishing Australia’s author George Ivanoff featured in Woman’s Day

6 - new release – by Robert FavrettoCAT-astrophe

7 - new release – by Dimity Powell PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail .

8 - new release - by Elaine OustonThe Lost Shoes

3 the cover story A new direction for author Royce Bond. A fantasy novel - -

The Princess and the Pirate.

4 - the cover story – Di Bates exciting new YA thriller The Girl in the Basement.

October 2012 Focus on books 1

9 - news and reviews - review for by Melissa Wray

Destiny Road

10 - news and reviews - Another rave review for The Mask of Deceit by Hettie Ashwin

11 - five things you didn’t know about and Jennifer Crane

Opal Dreaming

12 - news and reviews – review of by Darryl Greer


PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?

Dimity Powell

February 2013 Focus on Books 1

Page 3: Focus on Books Edition 3


February 2013 Focus on Books 2

15 – featured book – Simply Brilliant Budgeting

16 – featured best sellers – by Stephen Anastasi

The Runes of Ire and The Druid

17 – other popular books – by Clancy Tucker by Elaine Ouston

Gunnedah Hero and The Mystery of Nida Valley

18 – there is more to come – Crowing of the Beast My Secret Self On the Nose The Mystery of Nida Valley book 3 Barben’s Magic Quest

by Hetie Ashwin, by Julia Fulford-Kirby, by Robert Favretto,

and by Elaine Ouston

13 news and reviews – Review for book 2.

- Captured – The Mystery of Nida Valley

14 - featured book – Economic Vision

19 – order form – current publications p1 – Wholesale order form account 30 days - for sale or return for registered book sellers

20 – order form – current publications p2 – Wholesale order form account 30 days - for sale or return for registered book sellers

Page 4: Focus on Books Edition 3

Royce Bond is no stranger to school teachers or students. As a science teacher, his previous t i t les were ai med at t he education market, and enjoyed and sought after by students who loved humorous style .Since retirement, his writing style has changed to young adult fantasy novels – written with the same skill, and full of adventure, romance, and magic.

his writing

He began, what he thought at the time, was the first book in a series,

in February 2005 and since has written two more, , and

, the final book in this series. Early last year, he wrote and decided this book should be the first in the series. It is being published by Morris Publishing Australia, in April 2013.

The Knights of Katesch: The Summoning,

The Fall of MaligorThe Nexus

The Princess and the Pirate,

Royce published his first book, with Ashton Scholastic after he won

the prestigious National B.H.P./C.S.I.R.O. Science Teacher's Award. This book was used in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and in some schools in South America.

He went on to publish two children's books;

, and with Random House. These children's books were translated into Chinese and Korean.

Hodder Headline published his next book, and seven teacher reference

books were published by Scholastic Australia.

During this time, he worked as a part time

Kitchen Science,

The Case of the Smelly Armpit and other Scientific Mysteries Mars Attack,

Spare Body Parts,

cover story

February 2013 Focus on Books 3

freelance writer, publishing dozens of articles in magazines and newspapers across the nation, as well as working as a newspaper columnist.

He has dabbled in poetry and written over a dozen children's short stories and one television script, called


He started another series in 2006, and has written the second

book in that series, . He hopes to have this series published in 2013.

He has been a visiting author to numerous schools in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne and is available for author talks about writing or science.

R o y c e c a n b e c o n t a c t e d t h r o u g h

The Beetlejuice Pirates

The Lords of Time: Kidnapped

Battleground Earth


Some of his previous titles.

Page 5: Focus on Books Edition 3

I asked Di to tell us a little about herself and the inspiration for the book:


I am a well-known Australian children's author with 120 + published books, some of which have won national and state book awards and have sold overseas. I have also received the Lady Cutler Award for distinguished services to children's literature as well as grants and fellowships from the Literature Board of the Australia Council.I wrote as a result of seeing a newspaper article about kidnapped children, one a teenage girl, the other a 7-year-old boy. A photo of the two, gagged and handcuffed, had been found in an American strip mall car-park. When shown on national TV, two sets of parents came forward to identify their children, who had disappeared months earlier. The photo was the first evidence of what had happened to them.

Before becoming a writer, I was a primary school teacher. I never thought about being an author until I was in my thirties and was seconded from my teaching job to work as an editorial assistant on the NSW Department of Education School Magazine, which went to every public school in the state. The editor (and children's writer), Lilith Norman, was always making me re-write my stories, so, although she really bugged me by never praising my stories, she challenged me to become a better writer.When I moved a few months later to The Diggings, Dr George Mountain, Tanja via Bega (12 kms from the closest neighbour), I was bored. Writing a book helped filled in lonely hours. When I had my first book, ,

The Girl in the Basement


accepted for publication, it gave me confidence to write a second, then a third... that was 120 books ago!

© Dianne Bates On the night of her sixteenth birthday, Libby Bramble is abducted. She wakes to find herself prisoner in an underground bunker. Her abductor, Ernest Bradshaw, is an ordinary looking, middle-aged man. Bradshaw has lived alone with his mother until her recent death. Now alone, he has decided to re-create a family with a 'daughter' and 'son', named for siblings who perished in a fire. Later Bradshaw also abducts Angus, aged eight. When Libby is finally allowed out of the basement, she manages to smash a window and call for help. Bradshaw beats her savagely. During her recovery, a relationship of sorts develops and Bradshaw seems to trust her. When Libby makes her final escape attempt, however, he catches and bashes her so severely she almost dies. Libby realises that the only way she will ever get free is to kill her captor. When he talks about finding her 'a sister', Libby knows that the girl is to replace her. It is now more imperative than ever for her to discover a means of escape before she, like Angus, also 'disappears'. Eventually she is freed but it is due to an unexpected development.The book will be available from Dennis Jones and Associates, and all library suppliers in June. P r e - o r d e r s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d . E m a i l :



[email protected]

February 2013 Focus on Books 4

The Girl in theBasementRelease June 2013

Popular and multi-award winningauthor, Di Bates, has done it again...produced a YA novel that is going to be a big hit with readers from 14 to 90 years

cover story

Page 6: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 5

He was featured in an article called “Meet the real life House Husbands”.

In her review of this latest book, Life Death and Detention, Bev Novak from BevsBookBlog had this to say,:

Written in response to the popularity of the House Husbands television series, this article singles out four Aussie dads and their kids. I asked George how he ended up in the article?He told me , “A few weeks ago I came across an advert on a media site. A reporter was looking for men who had chosen to stay at home with the kids while their wives worked. Well, that was me — so I sent off a quick response. A few days later, I got an email asking if the girls and I were free for a photo shoot on October 5th … in Sydney!So, off we went, courtesy of Woman's Day. It was an 8:30am flight, then straight into a taxi to the photographic studio. Each Dad had photos with his kids, and then the whole lot of us were photographed together … which was quite a task with all those kids! (It's a shame they didn't end up using that pic.) Then each of the Dads was interviewed.”George is an award winning author and has written over 50 books. His YA novel won the 2010 CHRONOS AWARD, and Gamers' Challenge was shortlisted for 2012 CHRONOS AWARDS. MPA managing editor Elaine Ouston, told me his book sales rose after this article was released.

“ – the only words available to describe this collection of short stories. George Ivanoff not only has the insight to get into the heads of teenagers and know their every move and thought, but his writing style is short, clear, and penetrating. The profound themes in this collection are, at times, the frightening reality of the lives of teenagers as they cope with stress, depression, loneliness, and love. The unexpected twist thrown in at the end of each of these stories places this collection in the “must read” category. Take care though, mature reader themes predominate.”

“…what stories they are! They are bound to shock

Gamers' Quest

Dramatic, emphatic and explosive


the reader, or bring cause for reflection, or leave him or her uncomfortable. They are stories to make their young readers think, learn, and grow.”

is an eclectic mix of stories that deal with issues facing many teens; from bullying, to first love, and self-discovery. This is a collection of compelling stories about life in high school. Being a teenager can be fraught with difficulties. Not only do you have to deal with dysfunctional families at home, but with the weirdos at school as well. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes disturbing—that's what life is like for the modern teenager.

Reading Time

Life, Death and DetentionSYNOPSIS

TITLE: Life, Death and DetentionAUTHOR: George IvanoffISBN: 978-0-9872444-9-9 FORMAT: Paperback 198 x 129.EXTENT: 142 PP.STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm Inside: 80gsm white.RRP: Paperback $15.95. PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.PUB DATE: July 2012.AUDIENCE: Juvenile fiction 12 - 16

Morris Publishing Australia -

WHOLESALE:Dennis Jones and Associates:

James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.au





cover story

Morris Publishing Australia’sAuthor, George Ivanofffeatured in the Woman’s Day

Page 7: Focus on Books Edition 3

A: You don't know what you're capable of until you try. SYNOPSIS:Rhys's teacher, Mr Shakespeare, wants him to write a story.

But is it all as it seems?

But it's no easy task – especially when he's got writer's block and doesn't get along with his teacher. Throw in class pest, Alex, and a time out, and he's got a recipe for disaster. Inspiration comes from an unexpected source, and the story of a cricket match, a new neighbour, and an annoying cat becomes a winner.TITLE: CAT-astrophe AUTHOR: Robert Favretto ISBN: 978-0-9859147-9-0 FORMATS: eBook – Paperback

EXTENT: 32 pages

AU RRP: eBook: $4.99 – paperback: $13.95

PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia

PUB DATE: January 2013CATEGORY: Children’s book - HumourAUDIENCE: Early readers - 7 - 10 years


Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com


James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.au

The Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au – eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords, and online stores.

February 2013 Focus on Books 6

new release

His new book, CAT-astrophe, has just been released.

I asked Robert to tell us little about the book.

This story is along the same lines as the books and series: crazy, funny and really silly

– everything young boys love in a book.Robert’s previous publishing credits include Leonardo's Spot of Trouble (Blake Education), Lost for Words (Limelight Press) and winning first prize in the Victorian School News Tickler of a Teacher Tale competition.He has completed a Diploma of Professional Children's Writing and has presented writing workshops for primary school aged children and the Hastings Literacy Festival.

The idea for this book came from my primary school days. Writing a story was always par for the course as a first day back at school experience. While most children embraced the task, there were some less inspired. I thought this would make a good starting point for my story. The funny and unusual characters are fictional, and I added a sprinkling of jokes, puns, and wordplay for good measure.Children love stories, especially funny ones or jokes. That's why I enjoy writing for kids. They have a great sense of humour and love to be entertained. Imaginative stories full of fun and mischief are always popular with young readers – and it encourages them to read more! It's also a great way of getting serious messages across without turning them off.

I suppose some of Rhys's character traits and penchant for jokes and puns parallel mine. But unlike Rhys, I'm happier to step out of my comfort zone and give things a go.

Just Captain Underpants

Q: How did the idea for this book come to you?A:

Q: Does the life of your main character parallel with yours in any way? A:

Q: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Robert Favretto is a primary school teacher and Victorian based author of children's fiction.


Page 8: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 7

TITLE: PS - Who Stole Santa’s Mail? AUTHOR: Dimity Powell ISBN: 978-0-9859147-1-4 FORMATS: Paperback 129 x 198 EXTENT: 60 pages AU RRP: Paperback: $15.95 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: October 2012 CATEGORY: Children’s book AUDIENCE: Early readers

James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au

Morris Publishing Australia http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates: www.dennisjones.com.au


new release

Now, getting six hours of uninterrupted sleep is a close second. When she is not creating picture books and short stories for children, Dimity writes letters to Santa, hoping one day he'll write back.She is excited to have published her first children’s novel. And even more excited that it has been so well accepted and praised. See below for some brief comments from her reviews. Since completing her formal study in writing, she has had a short story accepted in The NSW School Magazine and won many special mentions, top ten placings, and commendations for her short stories and picture books. She is an active presenter to children's groups in schools and libraries.She is happy to conduct author talks, book signings, and other promotions at bookstores, schools, and libraries as requested. Bookings for these and other events can be made by contacting Morris Publishing Australia, [email protected] or by phone at 07 49267171. Or the author at [email protected] - website: http://dimswritestuff.blogspot.com/

" is a fun, action-packed story that represents the Christmas spirit with originality and the element of surprise. Dimity's quirky humour, and the many wonderful twists and turns she takes us on, makes this a book kids won't want to put down.”

Vanishing mail, an evil elf and poisoned reindeer? Two young boys who simply must save Christmas? Powell has created a festive romp that will ignite the flame on your Christmas pudding.

REVIEWS:PS Who Stole Santa's Mail

Candice Lemon-Scott, author.

Kids Book Review

SYNOPSIS:You'd better not shout. You'd better not cry. You'd better

watch out. I'm telling you why…

What he needs is a Christmas miracle.

Somebody's coming to town. He's naughty and not very nice. And he wants to destroy Christmas. When the post boxes of Bramblebury mysteriously begin to disappear, Sam has just weeks before the biggest day of Santa's year to discover what's happening to all the Christmas mail. And then his sister vanishes too. Will he be able to find his sister and save Christmas, along with Santa's reputation, before the Delivery Book closes for the year?

PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?PS: Who Stole Santa’s Mail?

Dimity Powell

Dimity Powell is an experienced writer and presenter . From the tender age of six, Dimity Powell believed books were the most wonderful things in the world.

Page 9: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 8

new release

Well known for her fantasy series, The Mystery of Nida Valley, Elaine turns her hand to producing a picture book.

This b r igh t , we l l i l lu s t ra ted s to ry bookteaches children how to find lost objects. The mother walks the child character through their movements since they last recall wearing their shoes, and helps them remember when they took them off.It can be personalised with the name of the child reader, and is available for boy or girl.

After a career as a graphic artist, copywriter and marketing consultant, Elaine retreated from the rat race and turned to her long time dream of writing children's fiction. To ensure she knew enough about her chosen craft, she went back to University and completed a Master of Letters in Creative Writing. She edits for other writers, teaches writing to adult students, and talks to students on writing at author visits to schools and at school festivals. Visits can be organised through Creative Net Spe ak er s A ge ncy. www.fordstreetpublishing.com/cnet She has four published children's books, including this picture book. Her fantasy series,

, for 9 – 16 year-olds is proving very popular. Book two, was released in 2012 and she is currently working on book three, and a young adult novel. The first book in another series, Barben's Magic Quest, will be released in 2013.

You can find more information on Elaine at the Morris Publishing Australia website,

or on the series website,

The Mystery of Nida Valley


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Paperback 215 x 215EXTENT: Pages: 16AU RRP: $16.99PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: December 2012. CATEGORY: Picture BookAUDIENCE: Under fives

Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates http://dennisjones.com.au

James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au

978-0-9859147-5-2 The Lost Shoes for boys978-0-9859147-6-9 The Lost shoes for girls



A very different book for author Elaine Ouston.


Page 10: Focus on Books Edition 3

Destiny Road is a story of decisions and consequence. It is a real life journey that changes the life of the main character, Jessica, in ways she couldn't imagine.

Brought up without a father, at 16 Jessica meets him for the first time. Before she has a chance to get to know him, her mother whisks her away to a new town. Leaving her life-long friends behind and starting at a new school is more than Jessica can cope with. Being threatened on her first day at her new school doesn't help at all. She struggles to fit in and begins to question her life. And then she is faced with a huge decision – a chance to go back to her old life – but it comes at a cost. Follow Jessica's journey as she struggles to find the right path and deals with the trauma of a new life, her first relationship and growing up. Based on the author’s life experience, Destiny Road is one young woman's coming of age tale that will have the reader utterly spellbound. Wray has managed to write with absolute brutal honesty that very easily could have become too confronting – especially for those who have experienced a similar situation. Nothing is "glossed over" or any emotion down-played, but the strength of her characterisation softens the blow from the issues faced. Jessica leaps from the page right from the very first line. Her journey fast becomes your own, and rather than feeling that you are just a voyeur along for the ride, you soon feel fully invested.The timing is perfect. You have time to catch your breath when needed without ever compromising the flow. In fact, the novel has such a polished feel I was surprised that this was indeed her debut into the published world.


Due to the fact that the issues are slightly mature and the emotional content often intense, I would only recommend this for the older YA bracket and up.Destiny Road is a delightful, well rounded adventure that will linger with the reader and leave you wanting more of Jessica's tale. Definitely one to add to your wish list. http://cels-confessionsofabookymonster.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/destiny-road-melissa-wray.html

TITLE: Destiny Road AUTHOR: Melissa WrayISBN: FORMATS: eBook: ePub - Kindle - PDF Paperback 129 x 198 EXTENT: 286 pages AU RRP: eBook: $4.99 Paperback: $19.95 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: August 2012 CATEGORY: Fiction AUDIENCE: Young Adult

Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.comhttp://www.dennisjones.com.au James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.



February 2013 Focus on Books 9

Review – Destiny Road

news and reviews

‘Destiny Road is a delightful, well rounded adventure that will linger with the reader and leave you wanting more of Jessica's tale. Definitely one to add to your wish list,’ says reviewer Cecilia Jansink.

Page 11: Focus on Books Edition 3

The story shifts with Anton's journey. The writing takes on a new form, as if accommodating the changes in the characters and setting. It is filled with adventure and surprise, and the story picks up pace and is filled with suspense.This is a well-written and enjoyable read with stand-out characters and situations that are thought-provoking, and at times extremely philosophical.

TITLE: The Mask of Deceit AUTHOR: Hettie AshwinISBN: 978-0-9859147-0-7 FORMATS: eBook Paperback 129 x 198EXTENT: 272 pages AU RRP: eBook: $9.95 - Paperback: $22.95 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: JULY 2012 CATEGORY: Speculative fiction AUDIENCE: Adult

Morris Publishing Australia -http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates: www.dennisjones.com.auJames Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.


If you read one speculative fiction book this year, make it this one. It is so close to what could happen in our future, and it is a scary possibility. It is a rivetting read. Don't take my word for it; check out what this reviewer has to say.

Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

This imaginative and compelling piece of speculative fiction is set in a Science Era. Carbon City is an automized, sanitized world where lock-outs occur and flesh eating arthropods clear up the bodies that get caught outside the boundaries. The population is secretly being chemically reduced while the government seeks to reduce food sources by rationing the Genetically Modified supply. People are also controlled by an insidious type of conditioning that masks manipulation and deceit.Greenhouse emissions, carbon trading and forbidden trans-migration defines the world that Anton and Buloke inhabit. Anton is accepting of his lifestyle where Buloke who works at the museum, is secretly trying to preserve something of her passion for the past.Buloke goes missing after trying to save an artefact from the museum that is in the process of being transformed into a virtual reality. Anton sets out to find her. Leaving Carbon City, he is secreted away on a train to the cold lands. His life takes on a whole new meaning. His quest to find his lover becomes a search and discover mission of Self; a journey of growth and realization as he travels through places he never imagined existed, experiences thoughts and emotions that are alien to him, and meets people that are nothing like the ones he left behind. But not everyone can be trusted, and unhappy events occur as Anton battles a war of trust verses deceit with those he encounters. We watch Anton's character strengthen and evolve, as he is propelled towards an unexpected resolution.

news and reviews

February 2013 Focus on Books 10

The Mask of Deceit receives more rave reviews

Page 12: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 11

five things you didn’t know about ...

Q1. Describe your book in five words or less.


Q2. How did the ideas for your book come to you?


Q3. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?


Q4. Why did you choose to write in this genre?


I asked Jennifer to share her writing experience with us ...

Children's historical fiction about horses.

Initially, when I went to the equestrian events of the2000 Sydney Olympics, and then when I read a translation of the ancient Greek text of Xenophon's (Peri Hippikes) , I became interested in the idea that how we train and ride our horses has been a gradual development throughout history and many of today's dressage movements originated from the use of horses in battle.

Historically, horses are integrally tied to our own development, one probably couldn't have happened without the other. I saw Opal Dreaming as a way to tie the present with the past, and show where much of what we do today originated. I also saw it as a way to pass on riding and horse handling skills that can certainly be used by readers if the opportunity arises. I wrote about something I was passionate about. I have had great joy and wonderful experiences with horses and I wanted to pass on some of that.

That history can be interesting, especially when you link it with something you love, like horses and riding. The Bronze Horses also highlights aspects of overcoming self-doubt and standing up for what you believe in, to help you make a difference.

History can be tiresome, but many children love horse stories, so melding the two together seemed a

On Horsemanship


natural way to go. It is important to remember however, that it is a work of fiction based on facts and not an historical record.

Yes, many of Erin's horse and riding experiences either reflect my own or what I have seen. Her horses are also based on those I have had over the years.

Q5. Does the life of your main character parallel with yours in any way?


TITLE: Opal Dreaming - The Bronze Horses AUTHOR: Jennifer Crane ISBN: 978-0-9859147-4-5 FORMATS: eBook & Paperback EXTENT: 126 pages AU RRP: eBook: $4.95 – Paperback: $17.95 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: 1/09/2012CATEGORY: Fiction - historical / adventureAUDIENCE: Middle Grade

Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com http://www.dennisjones.com.auJames Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.


Opal Dreaming - The Bronze Horsesand author Jennifer Crane

Page 13: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 12

news and reviews


Reviewed by Anastasia GonisThirteen days into his constabulary, PC Costain finds his first dead body. It's not so much the body, as how it died. The crucified man is discovered in Verulamium Park in England, by the ruins of an ancient Roman city. Australian DI O'Rourke is called in to head the investigation. This rivetting introduction to the first part, set in modern times, is a strong hook, which draws the reader into this interesting and well- crafted murder mystery.Part I goes back in time to the crucifixion of Christ and gives an intimate view of the life of Calvus, a loyal and ethical centurion in the age of Nero, Ruler of Rome. The young Calvus is amongst the soldiers who cast lots for Christ's belongings, and he reluctantly ends up with His sandals. These sandals are the thread used to connect the past with the present story. The experience of the crucifixion will change Calvus' entire life. It will influence his beliefs and moral attitudes, and reward him with dignity in death.This is an expansive and well-researched historical thriller/murder mystery. It exposes the class distinctions, corruption, abuse of power, but also the absolute loyalty commanded, before it again returns to modern times, the reason for the crucifixion and how it was connected to Calvus' life.But who carried out the crucifixion and why? This is the challenge for O'Rourke and his group as they go back and forth in time to find the answers.

In modern day St Albans, England there is a grisly discovery in Verulamium Park and Australian DI Chris O'Rourke is the investigating officer.A crucified body, ancient coffins, 2000-year-old skeletons, Latin writings and an old pair of sandals—it


is an investigation that baffles even the tenacious O'Rourke.In a story that spans three continents and two thousand years, what O'Rourke eventually discovers is about to send shockwaves around the globe.Written in two parts, 2000 years apart, there is a strong link between the events that occur in each setting. This novel is a powerful historical thriller with a spiritual aspect. It has all the mystery and intrigue of a the best selling thriller/mystery novels.

TITLE: CALVUS AUTHOR: Darryl Greer ISBN: 978-0-9859147-3-8 FORMATS: eBook – Paperback 152 x 203 EXTENT: pages 260AU RRP: eBook: $9.99 – Paperback: $24.95PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing AustraliaPUB DATE: September 2012. CATEGORY: Mystery / crime / historical thriller.AUDIENCE: Adult

Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates: http://dennisjones.com.auJames Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.auThe Nile Bookshop: www.thenile.com.au eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.


Author:Darryl Greer

“The author Darryl Greer is a Gold Coast lawyer with a p a s s i o n f o r w r i t i n g gripping, murder mystery. With powerful writing and a unique subject, he has the reader engaged from the first to the last word,” says Anastasia Gonis

Page 14: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 13

news and reviews

“This series holds magical and exciting adventures with an environmental theme running through it. There are wonderful sub stories flowing through and around the central story like streams and rivulets, which lead the reader to other places and other conclusions, then seamlessly draws them back again. The characters are outstanding: cruel and scheming, loving and forgiving, ruthless and daring. A third book is due early next year. The series is ideal for ages 9-16,” says this reviewer.

She goes on to say: Book One The Mystery of Nida Valley

Book Two: Captured

In , we met Meg when her friend Amanda disappeared

during a High School excursion. The ghost of Charles leads her to a clue to whereabouts of Amanda. Meg and her cousin Jaiden discover the handle on the painted gate of a mural opens a doorway that leads them to Nida Valley, a magical place, secret and protected, where megafauna and dinosaurs live. Here Meg first learns of the powers that she has inherited from her ancestors, the Guardians of Nida. Many puzzling questions need answering, so she is given a Book of Magic left to her by her grandmother. This makes Meg over-eager to learn everything quickly. But there are other people who also have special powers, all belonging to the Founding Families of the Valley. There are wondrous things to discover through these powers, which must only be used for good. But there are dangers at every turn. Things and people are not always what they seem. Mysterious happenings and sabotages take place frequently. And someone is trying to kill Meg. No one knows who or why. Then there is Grundymere, an insidious person with plans to take over the Valley for money-making purposes. Situations are being sabotaged and the traitor is still to be found.

continues with Meg passionate about saving the ancient creatures of the Valley from extinction. She's desperate to test the time-travel portal

found in the cave. Her plan is to return to the past and bring back company for her beloved Willie, the giant wombat. But Meg must learn that when something is removed from the past, there are consequences on the present. Meg's skills are increasing daily and she is seen as the next leader of the Guardians. To this end she is being tutored on the Book of Magic, secret potions and spells.Three pterosaurodons, that they use as transport in the valley, are missing. In the meantime, exciting and dangerous adventures are being undertaken by Meg and her friends. There is a kidnapping and more attempts on Meg's life. She is a courageous and daring young girl, yet ready to foolishly disobey rules in order to achieve her dream. But it also appears that some of her challenges could well be tests to her ability, skill and courage; a way for her to prove that she is capable of taking on the leadership role when the time comes. Anastasia Gonis reviewer.


TITLE: Captured - The Mystery of Nida Valley.AUTHOR: Elaine Ouston.ISBN: FORMAT: Paperback 198 x 129 – eBookEXTENT: 244 PP.STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm – Inside: 80gsm white.RRP: $19.95.PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.CATEGORY: Fantasy Fiction.AUDIENCE: Children 9 - 16WHOLESALE ORDERS: Morris Publishing Australia -

Dennis Jones and Associates - http://morrispublishingaustralia.com

http://www.dennisjones.com.aueBook available from Amazon, Smashwords, and many online stores.


Page 15: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 14


Economic Vision

Economic Vision

You don't need to have a background in finance to change your life, what you need to know is contained in Economic Vision. If you have a desire to get off the treadmill, then Economic Vision will add immeasurably to what you already know.Kim Stedman

contains the essence of everything I've learnt about financial freedom. The programme was originally launched in 2002.By reading the book, you will come to understand that all it takes are seven simple keys to change your entire life. These are seven positive keys that have been used and proven for centuries by those who wanted financial freedom.The knowledge contained within can change your life so powerfully and permanently, you'll hardly believe it!

SYNOPSIS: Imagine that you wake up a little while from now and realise that your home is your own, and you don’t owe anyone any money. At all! What’s more, there’s enough in just one of your bank accounts and from passive income to pay any accounts that may come your way, and pay for your cost of living.

Then you may have the experience where you can’t describe the feeling, but if you had to choose one word, it would be

This is the situation that you can create for yourself.



featured book


Financial stress is one of the greatest single causes of the breakdown of relationships of all kinds. While this helps lawyers, it does nothing to help society function fully. The vision and passion in this book provide direction, support and encouragement to enable the ultimate objective of financial freedom. It has the capacity to change lives, relationships and communities.

Brett Davies - Brett Davies Lawyers, a private tax law firm.

Former financial planner and radio presenter Kim Stedman has experienced the highs and lows of finance. He says, ‘I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and I know which I would rather be’.In this no nonsense approach, Kim speaks from a wealth of both knowledge and experience on the thinking and actions behind achieving the peace of financial freedom.

TITLE: ECONOMIC VISION.AUTHOR: Kim Stedman.ISBN: FORMAT: Paperback 152 x 230. eBookEXTENT: 266 PP.STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm Inside: 80gsm white bond paper.RRP: Paperback: $22.95. eBook $9.99PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.PUB DATE: May 2012.CATEGORY: Non - fiction - FinanceAUDIENCE: Adult


Ingram Book Company: http://www.ingrambook.comeBook available from Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.


James Bennett http://www.bennett.com.au On line: http://www.thenile.com.au/



Page 16: Focus on Books Edition 3

SYNOPSIS: In this 'Simply Brilliant Budgeting' book, you'll find a wealth of great information to drive your dollars further.

The author, Kathleen O'Dwyer was no stranger to doing it tough when studying for her career, and later raising her children single handed. From both her experience and desire to create a solid financial footing, she developed and used many of the common sense strategies that are outlined in this fun book.

This powerful but light-hearted look at money management really turns on some bargain basement ideas that will both surprise and encourage you. Even if you think you're doing all right now, there are ideas and strategies that can make things simpler, more effective, and improve your overall financial situation. By choosing to run with these ideas, you can add some fun to the family life too.

Kathleen's desire to help people was a driving force behind creating the book. These ideas served her well and enabled her to survive through the tough economic times of the late 1980's. Her tried and proven ideas can also help you.

By implementing these simple techniques, you may reduce your outgoing expenditure and thus increase your left over income, or even create one. This


gives you a starting point towards being in control of your personal finances.

And all without compromising your lifestyle!

James Bennett http://www.bennett.com.au On line: http://www.thenile.com.au/

TITLE: SIMPLY BRILLIANT BUDGETINGAUTHOR: Kathleen O’Dwyer.ISBN: 978-0-9872444-5-1 FORMAT: Paperback 129 x 198. eBookEXTENT: 84 PP.STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm artboard celloglazedInside: 80gsm white bond paper.RRP: Paperback: $14.99. eBook $4.99PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.PUB DATE: May 2012.CATEGORY: Non - fiction - Finance - BudgetingAUDIENCE: Adult


Ingram Book Company: http://www.ingrambook.comeBook available from Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores.




February 2013 Focus on Books 15

featured book

Author Kathleen O’Dwyer

Page 17: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 16


The Runes of Ire

The DruidSHORTLISTED FOR THE VARUNA AWARD. Torn from the only life she has ever known, Titian begins an adventure into her worse nightmare. Join her as she embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and danger.Exiled from her tribe for making a Druidic staff, Titian and her dying friend, Myriam, are taken in by the Clan and Kindred. But theirs is a turbulent world, edged with war. Kidnapped by the Swarthymen, she escapes to, and is lost in a cave where she feels she is travelling 'sideways, ever sideways'. Not knowing she is being pursued, as her old world seethes in turmoil, Titian begins a perilous journey—into an unknown destiny—to find the mythical Fragrant Moss, the only thing that might save her friend. Legend says it grows only in the Land of the Rainbow'd Sun. This is a beautiful, exciting, elegant book that you will love.

James Bennett: http://www.bennett.com.au - On line: http://www.thenile.com.au/

TITLE: The Druid - AUTHOR: Stephen AnastasiISBN: 978-0-9872444-3-7 - FORMAT: Paperback 203 x 127. eBookEXTENT: 160 PP. - STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm artboard celloglazed. Inside: 85gsm creme bond paper. - RRP: $17.95. eBook $4.99 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia. PUB DATE: April 2012.CATEGORY: Fantasy Fiction. AUDIENCE: Children 8 - 16WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORDERS: Morris Publishing Australia: http://morrispublishingaustralia.comDennis Jones and Associates: http://www.dennisjones.com.au

Amazon Books: http://amazon.com and many online stores.

TITLE: The Runes of Ire - AUTHOR: Stephen Anastasi - ISBN: 978-0-9872444-2-0 - FORMAT: Paperback 203 x 127 & eBook - EXTENT: 268 PP. - STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm artboard celloglazed.Inside: 85gsm creme bond paper. RRP: Paperback $22.95. eBook $5.99 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.PUB DATE: April 2012. CATEGORY: Fantasy Fiction. AUDIENCE: Children 8 - 16

Morris Publishing Australia:http://morrispublishingaustralia.comDennis Jones and Associates: http://www.dennisjones.com.au -

Amazon Books: http://amazon.com and many online stores


James Bennett http://www.bennett.com.au On line: http://www.thenile.com.au

Take an exciting adventurous journey to the 41/2 th dimension. Let your imagination soar as you join Garney and his friends on a wild and rambunctious ride into a land of dragons, swarthymen, and magic. At the 4 ¼ dimensional House of Two Rooms, the shared inheritance of all who have Pepper Barnicoat as their multi-grandfather, a mansion where everything is exactly nothing like it seems, Garney discovers that he is a descendant of one of the five Druidic families of Yore. Curiosity brings accident and Garney and his crippled cousin Eldeth adventure and misadventure their way to the walled city of Yore in the 4 ½ th dimension. But here they are stuck. Neither can ever return to Two Rooms unless one finds a talent for hyperlogic, mathemagic, can dazzle a Mystal, and preferably, redeem the Barnicoat name, besmirched by Mad Barnicoat four Yonks ago. So Garney must set things right, as best a twelve-year-old with the weight of a whole civilisation on his shoulders can do.

Page 18: Focus on Books Edition 3

GUNNEDAH HERO by Clancy Tucker

THE MYSTERY OF NIDA VALLEYBook one in The Mystery of Nida Valley series.

TITLE: Gunnedah Hero - AUTHOR: Clancy Tucker - ISBN: eBook: 978-0-646-56847-8 - Paperback: 978-0-646-55733-5

FORMATS: eBook: Paperback

EXTENT: 280 pages RRP: eBook: $5.20 Paperback: $18.50 PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia - PUB DATE: 2011 CATEGORY: Historic Australian adventure - AUDIENCE: 9 to YA

Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com eBook available on Amazon, Smashwords and many online stores

AUTHOR: Elaine Ouston. - ISBN: Paperback: 9780987061270 - eBook: 9780987244405FORMATS: Paperback 198 x 129 - eBook: ePub - Kindle - PDF - EXTENT: 224 PP.PAPERBACK STOCK: Cover: 250 gsm artboard celloglazed. Inside: 80gsm white bond.RRP: Paperback $14.99 - eBook $2.99PUBLISHER: Morris Publishing Australia.PUB DATE: Paperback May 2011 - eBook second edition December 2011.CATEGORY: Fantasy Fiction. - AUDIENCE: Juvenile 9 - 16

ePub - Kindle - PDF -

This is a wonderful coming of age story for boys. It is set in the Australian bush and parallels the lives of two boys – one a present day lad of 14, and the other, his great-great-grandfather at the same age. The story is based on a manuscript left to the present day lad that tells the story of his great-great-grandfather’s heroic journey to save the family’s cattle property during the 1910 drought.



WHOLESALE ORDERS: Dennis Jones and Associates: Morris Publishing Australia: http://morrispublishingaustralia.com

James Bennett http://www.bennett.com.au - On line: http://www.thenile.com.au/

Synopsis:While saving her best friend Amanda, fourteen-year-old Meg Sealy and her older cousin Jaiden, stumble upon a secret valley where time stands still. The three friends are thrust into a dangerous world of magic, time travel, and creatures they believed extinct. Here they learn that it is their destiny to use their new magic skills to join the fight to save the valley from an evil break-away order, bent on exploitation. Follow their journey as undercover villains threaten Meg’s life, and they fight to save the animals from extinction.

February 2013 Focus on Books 17

other popular books

Page 19: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 18

there is more to come ...

Crowing of the Beast by Hettie Ashwin: In a world where justice is often denied, two Jewish lawyers defend the rights of one man. Set in Paris, The Crowing of the Beast follows the course set by George Nozette and Bernard Simeoni as they are thrust into a high profile case to defend Heinz Tag, a Neo-Nazi supporter, for the murder of a Jewish protester. A powerful page-turner, you won’t be able to stop reading this book. Audience: Adult.

The Mystery of Nida Valley - Book 3 by Elaine Ouston: The adventures continue as Meg and her friends journey back to the discovery of Nida Valley in an attempt to save the Megafauna wombats from extinction and stop Grundymere from taking over the valley and destroying the sanctuary for the last megafauna and dinosaurs that roam the earth.

Five more exciting titles to be released in 2013.

My Secret Self by Julia Fulford-Kirby: . Tossed aside a week before her wedding, Kim flees to another country to avoid the pain. Here she discovers not only more about the mother she never knew, she discovers a whole new self. This story will make you cry for her pain, cheer on her attempts to reinvent herself, and smile at the end. A story of romance, deceit, a voyage of self-

discovery and growth

On the Nose by Robert Favretto: On the Nose is a fun and entertaining read.

Audience: Early readers.

Someone or something has dropped a stink bomb in the city of Aroma – and the stench is devastating! Can Justin's amazing nose sniff out the mystery of the phantom smell? I'm sure this story will be enjoyed by the young primary school kids who love the books and the series. This story is along the same lines: crazy, funny and entertaining – everything a young boy loves in a book. Just Captain Underpants

Barben’s Magic Quest by Elaine Ouston: Four Australian children on a world tour, join forces with a Wizard to save the ancient forests of the world from destruction.

Audience: Children 9 -12 years

Join them as they start their journey in the ancient forest in England and travel to France to save the famous Paimpont Forest.

Page 20: Focus on Books Edition 3

February 2013 Focus on Books 19

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TITLE: The Mask of Deceit - AUTHOR: Hettie AshwinISBN: 978-0-9859147-0-7

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TITLE: Opal Dreaming - The Bronze Horses - AUTHOR: Jennifer Crane ISBN: 978-0-9859147-4-5 - FORMATS: eBook & Paperback $17.95 $9.88

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TITLE: Destiny Road - AUTHOR: Melissa WrayISBN: - FORMATS: eBook: $19.95 $10.98AUDIENCE: Young Adult

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TITLE: The Runes of Ire - AUTHOR: Stephen Anastasi ISBN: 978-0-9872444-2-0

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TITLE: The Druid - AUTHOR: Stephen Anastasi ISBN: 978-0-9872444-3-7

$15.95 $8.78 Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates http://www.dennisjones.com.au James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.au


TITLE: Simply Brilliant Budgeting - AUTHOR: Kathleen O’Dwyer - ISBN:

$14.95 $8.25 Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates http://www.dennisjones.com.au James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.au


TITLE: Economic Vision - AUTHOR: Kim Stedman ISBN:

$22.99 $12.62 Morris Publishing Australia - http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com Dennis Jones and Associates http://www.dennisjones.com.au James Bennett library suppliers: www.bennett.com.au


TITLE:Life, Death and Detention - AUTHOR: George Ivanoff ISBN: 978-0-9872444-9-9

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TITLE: The Mystery of Nida Valley Book 1 - AUTHOR: Elaine Ouston ISBN: 978-0-9870612-7-0

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TITLE: Captured - The Mystery of Nida Valley book 2 AUTHOR: Elaine Ouston - ISBN: 978-0-9872444-4-4

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TITLE: Gunnedah Hero - AUTHOR: Clancy TuckerISBN: 978-0-646-55733-5

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