FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM David Boger Eric Paterson Ralph Noack Penn State University, Applied Research Lab State College, PA USA 10th Symposium on Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology 20 - 23 September 2010 NASA Ames Research Center Moffet Field, California USA DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Boger, Paterson, and Noack (PSU/ARL) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A 10th Overset Symposium 1 / 32

FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM · FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM David Boger Eric Paterson Ralph Noack Penn State University,

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Page 1: FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM · FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM David Boger Eric Paterson Ralph Noack Penn State University,

FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset GridImplementation in OpenFOAM

David Boger Eric Paterson Ralph Noack

Penn State University, Applied Research LabState College, PA USA

10th Symposium on Overset Composite Gridsand Solution Technology

20 - 23 September 2010NASA Ames Research CenterMoffet Field, California USA

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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Development of foamedOver has been sponsored by:CREATE-Ships, Myles Hurwitz, Project ManagerSupercomputing resources have been provided by: DODHigh–Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP)and the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) DOD SupercomputingResource Center (DSRC)

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1 Objectives

2 BackgroundOpenFOAMSuggar++DiRTlib

3 foamedOver

4 Code Verification and Example ApplicationsStatic MeshesDynamic Meshes

5 Validation

6 Summary

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Develop a library that provides dynamic–overset mesh capabilityfor NavyFOAM (and other naval applications/solvers).

I NavyFOAM is an OpenFOAM–based incompressible, multiphase,free–surface hydrodynamics solver.

Adhere to OOP standards of OpenFOAMLibrary design goals:

I Build on top of Suggar++ and DiRTlib.I Instrumentation of solvers with overset capability should be simple.I Dynamic–mesh capability for a variety of motion types: table

look–up; analytical functions; 6DOF equations of motion.I Utilization of the run–time selection mechanism for motion type and

algebraic solvers.I Simulation control through dictionaries.

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ObjectivesIntended Use

Intended use is naval hydrodynamics: surface ships; submarines;weapons systems.CREATE-Ships: Develop CFD tools which can impact design andacquisition

I Rapid Design Capability: Automation of CFD ProcessI Hull–form optimization and ship motions in ocean waves

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Page 6: FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM · FoamedOver: A Dynamic Overset Grid Implementation in OpenFOAM David Boger Eric Paterson Ralph Noack Penn State University,

OpenFOAM: Executive SummaryOverview

OpenFOAM is a free-to-use Open Source numerical simulationsoftware with extensive CFD and multi-physics capabilities.Free-to-use means using the software without paying for licenseand support, including massively parallel computers.Software under active development, capabilities mirror those ofcommercial CFDSubstantial user base in industry, research labs, and universitiesPossibility of extension to non-traditional, complex or coupledphysicsPhysics model implementation through equation mimicking

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OpenFOAM: Executive SummaryMain components

Discretization: General-polyhedral finite–volume method.Numerous schemes are available.Lagrangian particle tracking.Finite Area Method: 2-D FVM on curved surface in 3-DLibraries for turblence modeling (RANS, DES, LES);thermophysical properties; combustion; . . .Automatic mesh motion, support for topological changesParallelism via domain decomposition. Methods include metis,scotch, simple, and hierarchial

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OpenFOAM: Executive SummaryEquation Mimicking

Flexible handling of arbitrary equations setsNatural language of continuum mechanics: partial differentialequationsExample: turbulence kinetic energy equation


+∇ · (Uk)−∇ · [(ν + νt)∇k ] = νt


(∇U +∇UT


− ε0k0


I Objective: Represent differential equations in their natural languagesolve(

fvm::ddt(k)+ fvm::div(phi, k)- fvm::laplacian(nu()+nut(), k)

== nut*magSqr(symm(fvc::grad(U)))- fvm::Sp(epsilon/k, k)


I Correspondence between implementation and the originalequation is clear

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OpenFOAM: Executive SummaryTop–Level Applications and Utilities

ApplicationsI Libraries encapsulate interchangeable models with run-time

selectionI New models provide functionality by adhering to a common

interfaceI Custom top-level solvers written for a class of physics, e.g.

compressible combusting LES or VOF free-surface flowI Code clarity is paramount: existing solvers act as examples for

further development or customization

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OpenFOAM: Executive SummaryTop–Level Applications and Utilities, Cont.

UtilitiesI Pre-processing, data manipulation, mesh-to-mesh mapping etc.I Mesh import and export, mesh generation and manipulationI Parallel processing tools: decomposition and reconstructionI Post processor hook-up (Paraview) and data export (EnSight,

Tecplot, Fieldview)I Solution analysis, PyFoam

Customized Data Extraction and AnalysisI User-defined on-the-fly data extraction: function objects

This is just a “standard set”: Users write their own applicationsusing the library

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OpenFOAM at Penn State

PSU OpenFOAM communityhas significantly grown toinclude faculty and studentsfrom:

I Applied ResearchLaboratory

I Mechanical EngineeringI BioengineeringI Nuclear EngineeringI Aerospace EngineeringI Research Computing and


Application areas include:I Naval hydrodynamicsI Fluid–structure interactionI Wind– and hydro–turbinesI Atmospheric turbulence and

LESI Explosives detectionI Cardio–vascular

hemodynamics and bloodpumps

I Electron beam-physicalvapor deposition

I Nuclear–reactor dynamicsI Rotorcraft icingI CFD education

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Overset grid assembly softwarePerforms hole-cutting, donor search,overlap minimizationStatic or dynamic (moving body)assembliesStructured and unstructured gridsNode-centered and cell-centeredflow solversStand-alone executable (static) orlibrary calls for dynamic grids(libsuggar.so)

1Ralph W. Noack, David A. Boger, Robert F. Kunz, and Pablo M. Carrica, "Suggar++: An Improved General Overset Grid

Assembly Capability," AIAA Paper 2009-3992

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DiRTlib is a solver-neutral library that simplifies the addition of anoverset capability to a flow solver by encapsulating the requiredoperations

Acquire interpolation stencils via fileI/O or direct communication withlibSuggar++

Provides higher-level methods totransfer field data from donors toreceptors and interpolate

Provides lower-level access to donormember indices and weights to helpbuild implicit global matrix




2Ralph W. Noack, “DiRTlib: A Library to Add an Overset Capability to Your Flow Solver” AIAA 2005-5116

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FoamedOver is an interface between OpenFOAM and otherspecialized libraries

DiRTlib – Library to facilitatethe addition of oversetcapability to any flow solverSuggar++ – Overset gridassembly softwarePETSc – Library of datastructures and routines for theparallel solution of largesystems of linear andnon-linear equations

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FoamedOver is a collection of custom classes, solvers, andapplications.

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FoamedOver is a stand-alone library that provides a dynamic oversetgrid capability to any OpenFOAM solver

No changes are required tothe OpenFOAM library itselfAny OpenFOAM solver ismade overset-capable by theinsertion of a half-dozen linesof code . . .. . . and the use of customrun-time selectable objects

# include “oversetObject.H”# include “createOverset.H”

U *= cellMask;overset.updateFringeValues(U);

dynamicFvMesh oversetFvMesh;


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Run–Time Selectable Objects

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Code verification on static meshesPotential Foam

cylindersteadypotential flow

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Overset dictionary for static meshesconstant/oversetDict

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

isOverset yes;readFromDisk yes;isDynamicOverset no;dciFileName ‘‘SUGGAR/output++.dci’’;clipInterpolation yes;

bodies ();

// ************************************************************************* //

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Code verification on static meshesinterFoam

submerged hydrofoila

steadyincompressible multiphase

aJ. Duncan, "The Breaking and Non-Breaking Wave

Resistance of a Two-Dimensional Hydrofoil," J. Fluid Mech,126:507–520, 1983.

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Code verification on static meshesinterFoam

extension of damBreak tutorialunsteadyincompressible multiphase


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Code verification on static meshescompressibleInterFoam

extension of depthChargetutorialunsteadycompressible multiphase

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Code verification on dynamic meshesUnsteady potential flow

cylinderprescribed mesh motionunsteadyunsteady potentail flow is aseries of steady solutions


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Dictionaries for dynamic mesh motionconstant/dynamicMeshDict and constant/oversetDict

%-----------------------------------------------------------------// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

dynamicFvMesh oversetFvMesh;

// ************************************************************************* //

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //isOverset yes;readFromDisk no;isDynamicOverset yes;useLibSuggar yes;motionType multibody;


oversetMotion specifiedTrajectoryOversetMotion;translationTable "constant/translations";rotationTable "constant/rotations";

});// ************************************************************************* //

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Code verification on dynamic meshesicoDyMFoam


pitching foilprescribed mesh motionincompressible, laminar,mulitphase flow

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Code verification on dynamic meshesinterDyMFoam with 6DOF

falling cylinder6DOF mesh motionincompressible, multiphase,laminar flowCompare to simplifiedanalytical solution forfree-falling body with constantCD


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Overset dictionary for dynamic meshes with 6DOFmotionconstant/oversetDict

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

isOverset yes;readFromDisk no;isDynamicOverset yes;useLibSuggar yes;motionType multibody;


oversetMotion sixDofOversetMotion;}


// ************************************************************************* //

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Body dictionary for sixDofOversetMotion0/ship

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

mass m [1 0 0 0 0 0 0] 0.500;momentOfInertia J [1 2 0 0 0 0 0] (10 10 10);

equilibriumPosition x [0 1 0 0 0 0 0] (0 0.1144 0);linearSpring k [1 0 -2 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);linearDamping d [1 0 -1 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);

// Xabs = Xeq + XrelXrel Xrel [0 1 0 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);U U [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);Uold Uold [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);

rotationVector (0 0 1);rotationAngle rotationAngle [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 0;omega rotUrel [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);

force f [1 1 -2 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);moment m [1 2 -2 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);

forceRelative fRel [1 1 -2 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);momentRelative mRel [1 2 -2 0 0 0 0] (0 0 0);

// ************************************************************************* //

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Code verification on dynamic meshesComplex mesh motion: interlacing paddles


interlacing rotating paddlesmotion would be very difficultto resolve with GGI, RBF, orLaplacian dynamicFvMeshmethods.

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Code verification on dynamic meshesWater entry of projectiles


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Validation for intended–use applicationsModel 5415: an international benchmark for a naval surface combatant

Gothenburg 2010 A Workshopon CFD in ShipHydrodynamics, Dec 8-10,201049th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting, 4-7January 2011

I Steady resistanceI Dynamic sinkage and trim

(2DOF)I Ships in waves (diffraction

problem)I Roll damping with bilge


Steady wave field at Fr = 0.28

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Validation for intended–use applicationsModel 5415: an international benchmark for a naval surface combatant

Gothenburg 2010 A Workshopon CFD in ShipHydrodynamics, Dec 8-10,201049th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting, 4-7January 2011

I Steady resistanceI Dynamic sinkage and trim

(2DOF)I Ships in waves (diffraction

problem)I Roll damping with bilge


Comparison to experiment: dynamic sinkage and trim vs. speed-0.001







0.006 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45



Froude number










0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45



Froude number


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Validation for intended–use applicationsModel 5415: an international benchmark for a naval surface combatant

Gothenburg 2010 A Workshopon CFD in ShipHydrodynamics, Dec 8-10,201049th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting, 4-7January 2011

I Steady resistanceI Dynamic sinkage and trim

(2DOF)I Ships in waves (diffraction

problem)I Roll damping with bilge


Background mesh with ambient waves

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Validation for intended–use applicationsModel 5415: an international benchmark for a naval surface combatant

Gothenburg 2010 A Workshopon CFD in ShipHydrodynamics, Dec 8-10,201049th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting, 4-7January 2011

I Steady resistanceI Dynamic sinkage and trim

(2DOF)I Ships in waves (diffraction

problem)I Roll damping with bilge


Overset mesh for roll damping simulations

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foamedOver is a collection of custom classes, solvers, andapplications which adhere to OpenFOAM object–orientedprogramming practices, and which utilizes the existing toolsSuggar++, DiRTlib, and PETSc.It is a stand-alone library that provides a dynamic overset gridcapability to any OpenFOAM solver.motionObjects have been developed which permit table-lookup,analytical, and 6DOF motions.

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