Athlete/Client 1: The athlete/client scored an overall fifteen, but has an obvious imbalance between the left and right leg with the hurdle step. The left leg scores a two, whereas the right a three. The left hip externally pops out, while when performed from the right side everything is symmetrical and in proper alliance. Though scoring a two is not bad, it the functionality would be great to achieve the same success level to the right side of a three. Maybe a higher examination of the left side is needed. These are not severe, but after higher examination proper measurement s can be made again. This individual also has poor trunk/abdominal functionality. This individual scored a one on trunk stability push-up. The individual could not tighten the trunk/abdomen in order to lift themselves all the floor. The individual could push-up with their arms, with thighs/legs in the air, but abdomen would remain stationary on the floor. They would need to go through the Kendall’s test to help strengthen the upper and lower abdomen. Also, incline push-up progression and assisted push-up. Corrective Exercises for all: Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge Inline lunge: Medicine ball-Chop open, lift/closed partner stretch Shoulder mobility: Wall sit shoulder press, T-Bar external rotation, stretch Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift Trunk stability push-up: Self stretch/partner, assisted or incline push-up progressions Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

FMS Testing and Implications Packet

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Page 1: FMS Testing and Implications Packet

Athlete/Client 1:

The athlete/client scored an overall fifteen, but has an obvious imbalance between the left and right leg with the hurdle step. The left leg scores a two, whereas the right a three. The left hip externally pops out, while when performed from the right side everything is symmetrical and in proper alliance. Though scoring a two is not bad, it the functionality would be great to achieve the same success level to the right side of a three. Maybe a higher examination of the left side is needed. These are not severe, but after higher examination proper measurement s can be made again.

This individual also has poor trunk/abdominal functionality. This individual scored a one on trunk stability push-up. The individual could not tighten the trunk/abdomen in order to lift themselves all the floor. The individual could push-up with their arms, with thighs/legs in the air, but abdomen would remain stationary on the floor. They would need to go through the Kendall’s test to help strengthen the upper and lower abdomen. Also, incline push-up progression and assisted push-up.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Medicine ball-Chop open, lift/closed partner stretch

Shoulder mobility: Wall sit shoulder press, T-Bar external rotation, stretch

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift

Trunk stability push-up: Self stretch/partner, assisted or incline push-up progressions

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 2:

The athlete/client scored an overall of seventeen, which is fairly high. This athlete surprisingly has no scene unbalances to either sides of their body. The athlete/client seems to be in proper health, and shape with balanced medium to high scores on all tests given. Also, the client never complained of any pain when clearing exams were conducted. This athlete needs to only follow with more and proper self or partner stretching, with some corrective procedure as well.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression resisted

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 3:

This athlete/client scored an overall average score of fourteen. This individual received a score of one on their shoulder mobility with the left side being a two, and the right a one. This also concludes an imbalance to the shoulders and body. This could be due to a past injury or tightness due to lack of mobility. Further examination would need to be considered to at least get both actively to the same score.

Also, this athlete/client scored a one within the active straight leg raise. This score is due to extreme tightness within the hamstrings and quadriceps refuting poor range of motion overall. All other tests that were conducted were within balance of each other and actively within a normal range/score of one another.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch/partner stretch, stick work (semi assisted), trunk rotations (internal/external), wall sit

Active straight leg raise: Self/Partner stretch, stick or foam roll work, straight leg raise with assists of contracting and relaxing between

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (resisted if needed)

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 4:

This athlete/client had a high overall score of seventeen. The only imbalance or implication this individual has is within his shoulder mobility. The individual’s right shoulder scored a two, and left three. The right shoulder was stiffer, and with decreased range of motion. Though, within the clearing exam of these tests no pain was felt. Further shoulder examination made need to be concluded to observe probable accurate corrective exercises to the right shoulder.

All other tests were concluded within normal rages of motion, with having no pain or acts of discomfort to any part of the body. Scores were all within normal range, and great values. This individual is overall healthy and trains daily within the gym.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression, wall sit shoulder press, T- Bar

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift (resistance if needed)

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (resisted if need be)

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 5:

This athlete/client scored an overall medium to high average score of sixteen. This individual does not suffer, nor show any imbalances within the body while conducting these tests. This athlete/client scores high to marginal markings, (scores) within all tests except trunk stability push-up. This individual simply could not raise themselves, or their trunk cavity off of the floor. This concluded with a score of a one. Scoring a one for a woman concludes not being able to do one repetition at the clavicle range. This individual definitely needs to arrange corrective exercises to help gain the strength, mobility, and stability to at least gain them to a two. These exercises are as stated below:

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge resisted, chop/lift

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression, wall sit shoulder press, T- Bar

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift (resistance if needed)

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (assisted if needed or knees), assisted by bands also if needed

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 6:

This athlete/client scored an average score of fifteen. This individual shows no pain to any of the tests that were conducted on them within the clearing exams or tests itself. The only improper imbalances that were partaken within the exam were scene during the active straight leg raise. The subject scored a one on the right side, and two on the left. Scoring a one results in the dowel being below the patella joint, and two at mid-thigh.

Overall, the subject scored evenly within each test, having a consistent feedback. By utilizing the corrective exercise below the subject could see induced relief of higher scores in the future. Without using the assigned corrective tests, one could see a future of problematic imbalance within the body and or daily movements.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Medicine ball-Chop open, lift/closed partner stretch

Shoulder mobility: Wall sit shoulder press, T-Bar external rotation, stretch

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, stick/foam work, straight leg raises

Trunk stability push-up: Self stretch, push-up progression (resisted if need be)

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 7:

This athlete/client scored an overall average of sixteen. This individual showed no displacement or imbalances while conducting the tests. Also, the subject did not suffer from any pain while conducting the clearing exams. Overall, the subject pertains in great health, and equal mobility/stability within their own body. Suggestions with corrective exercises stated below can only improve the increase and overall mobility and stability of the athlete/client. Therefore, hopes of a more corrective range of motion as a body in one functional unit.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression, wall sit shoulder press, T- Bar

Active straight leg raise: Self/Partner stretch, Supine single leg lowering exercise with support, single leg raise

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (resisted if need be)

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 8:

This athlete/client scored an average of fifteen. The subject showed no implications within the tests when being conducted except shoulder mobility. The individual scored a two on the left side, and a three on the right. The subject did state of having an overall tightness to the left shoulder. Further proper examination should be done in order to accurately progress the individual for proper corrective exercises and to balance one another out.

Overall, the client scored well and average within all areas. The individual did not state of any pain or discomfort when conducting the clearing exams. Thus, with proper further examination and corrective exercises should conclude a more mobile, stabilization with range of motion.

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression, wall sit shoulder press, T- Bar

Active straight leg raise: Self/Partner stretch, Supine single leg lowering exercise with support, straight leg raise (resisted/assisted)

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (assisted by bands if need be), knee assisted push-ups

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 9:

This athlete/client scored an overall of fifteen. The individual showed no imbalances or implications when conducting the tests. Also, there was never any stated pain when conducting the clearing exams. This individual’s scores were consistent throughout the test as a whole. No instabilities were found when examining the tests. As a whole this individual seems within proper health and overall good average good standing. Though, with corrective exercises as listed below, much improvement can be made from these. Doing these would result in more stability, mobility, and accurate range of motion.

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stride with hip external rotation, stride with/without spinal rotation, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge stride twist progression

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift, leg raise with plantar/dorsiflexion variations

Trunk stability push-up: Self/Part stretch, push-up progression, core engagements

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Athlete/Client 10:

This athlete/client scored an overall high score of eighteen. The subject did not show of any abnormalities or imbalances when the tests were being conducted. Thus, the individual did not state of any pain or discomfort after any of the clearing exams. Also, the client is in well shape and has great range of motion to all areas of the body. The only factor that could be worked on is within the truck/abdomen. Therefore, by using the corrective exercises as stated below, the client should overly see an increase in stabilization, mobility, and more accurate range of motion.

Corrective Exercises for all:

Deep Squat: Self stretch/partner stretch, wall sit, dorsiflexion stretch, toe touch

Hurdle step: Stretch, stride with hip external rotation, standing static closed/open chop/lift, straight leg bridge

Inline lunge: Stretch (gastroc/soleus) lunge resisted, chop/lift, chop open

Shoulder mobility: Stretch, chop/lift progression, wall sit shoulder press, T- Bar

Active straight leg raise: Partner stretch, single leg dead lift (resistance if needed)

Trunk stability push-up: Stretch, push-up progression (assisted if needed or knees), assisted by bands also if needed

Rotatory stability: Rolling exercises, flexed hip lateral rotation abduction/adduction, self-stretch

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Scoring and implications:

Deep Squat: III Upper torso is parallel with tibia or toward vertical• Femur below horizontal• Knees are aligned over feet• Dowel aligned over feetII• Upper torso is parallel with tibiaor toward vertical• Femur is below horizontal• Knees are aligned over feet• Dowel is aligned over feetI• Tibia and upper torso are notparallel• Femur is not below horizontal• Knees are not aligned over feet• Lumbar flexion is noted

Hurdle step:


• Hips, knees and ankles remain

aligned in the sagittal plane• Minimal to no movement isnoted in lumbar spine• Dowel and hurdle remainparallelII• Alignment is lost between hips,knees and ankles• Movement is noted in lumbarspine• Dowel and hurdle do notremain parallelI• Contact between foot andhurdle• Loss of balance is noted

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In line-lunge:

III• Dowel contacts remain withL-spine extension• No torso movement is noted• Dowel and feet remain insagittal plane• Knee touches board behindheel of front footII• Dowel contacts do not remainwith L-spine extension• Movement is noted in torso• Dowel and feet do not remain insagittal plane• Knee does not touch behindheel of front footI• Loss of balance is noted

Shoulder Mobility:


Fists are within one hand length


Fists are within one and a half hand lengths.


Fists are more apart than one and a half hand lengths

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Active Straight Leg Raise:

III• Ankle/Dowel resides betweenmid-thigh and ASISII• Ankle/Dowel residesbetween mid-thigh and midpatella/joint lineI• Ankle/Dowel resides below midpatella/joint line

Trunk Stability Push-up:

III• Males perform 1 repetition withthumbs aligned with the top ofthe forehead• Females perform 1 repetitionwith thumbs aligned with chinSpinal extension can be clearedby performing a press-up in thepush-up position. If there is painassociated with this motion, azero is given and a morethorough evaluation should beperformed. If the individual doesreceive a positive score bothscores should be documented forfuture reference.II• Males perform 1 repetition withthumbs aligned with chin• Females perform 1 repetitionwith thumbs alignedwith clavicleI• Males are unable to perform 1repetition with hands alignedwith chin• Females are unable to perform1 repetition with thumbs alignedwith clavicle

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Rotatory Stability:

III• Performs 1 correct unilateralrepetition while keeping spineparallel to board• Knee and elbow touch in lineover the boardSpinal flexion can be cleared byfirst assuming a quadrupedposition and then rocking backand touching the buttocks to theheels and the chest to the highs.The hands should remain in frontof the body reaching out as faras possible. If there is painassociated with this motion azero is given. If the individualdoes receive a positive scoreboth scores should bedocumented for future reference.II• Performs 1 correct diagonalrepetition while keeping spineparallel to board• Knee and elbow touch in lineover the boardI• Inability to perform diagonalrepetitions