i" i 3 . i i - . " r '.-T- - :' if flu ft I 1 & ,1 n nk I v I t i 1:1 VOL. V.-- NO. 304. HONOLULU, IIA.WA.IIA.N ISLANDS, Fill DAY. DECLMUEli 24, 188G. PK1CL 5 CENTS. i dvcrtiscmcntis. THE DAILY dvrrliscmeiits. A' ATTORXEYS.AT.LAW, TO PLANTERS. SUN FifiE QFFIGI 1H PUBLIailKD 1. ox 1 o . o r CUKk-VC- K W. VOt-VK- Y v ASUFOHD. FEW C3 Claim Sprecki-- SV'ui.CJ Irwin. Every Morniug Except Sundays. Qurcn - I3!inlurj Street?, O AkliforU A Atifortl, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. O.U.'ft llonolJlo Hale, adjoining the Pout Office. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., S. L. 8TANLET. JOHN rm Nl . Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobber of Flue WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 110 Front St., Su rrni9elH. Itt Aw ISAAC kU HVI1. UKNKT (N)W KLL DAVIS & CO WELL, MAN TFAC'TURKHS or Santa Cruz Lime, KNGI.ISH POKTU.ND 1MPORTKR.NOF FI RK BRICKS, FI Ilk CLAY', Ktc. 211-21- 3 DRUM M Street, bet. CUv and Waithluf Ion, P. O. Box 2,2J. SAN FRANCISCO. WHuLtSALS 4 RETAIL eulers lu II A Y AN 1 J KA 1. Telephone No. 1?". delivered pl.ui.pl) . ....fC 0j .... :t 00 MUBMCKIITIONS : Advkktiskk, ono yt-n- r AUVKRTISER, HIX lUOIlOlA Auvkkthkr, three iiinnttiM.. AUVKKTISKK, per UiMlllll C AcvtKTisKK, one y.r Daily P. Daily I'. Daily 1. 1aily 1. W kkk i.v .... 1 r, I rt ; JOHN T. DAUE, Attorney hikI 4'uuuiellor at Lh Otlikre No. 1J, Spreckels Block, Honolulu. 17u ootUltf We bave or. bund a ut of Automatic Feeding Furnaces. Fo. four and flve foot furnaces. complete with grait bars, bearer and trasb carriers. Machines of iris ui.-tk- e are now ir. successful operation at Hp-- kel-tvill- Make- - Sugar Compan and other plan atioii". A No, a consignment of Iiltei Presses, llaving all tbe Iatl iii.provements. PLANTERS AND OTHEliS Interested are requested to call and examine tlie above. For prices and turtber partU-ular- s ap ply to Win. G. Irwin & (3o., BANKEKS. .... 5 00 KSTULlsHEU 1710. KFFKC1KD Vl'OX KVKKY INSUHAM'KS property ttt tLe current raU-- a of premium. lUal aum Insurrd in IHH5 - - 327,333,700 Claims arranged hy the Iwal -- a'.s, und pad v.lifi promptitude and liberality, Ibe lurindii tion of tbe Local 1 1 ibni.is ret ofinr'H G. VV. Macfarlane & Co., 31.!lwtf Ageiitdfor the Hawaiian Lildii.lrt. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y Or LIVERPOOL. txlnutl r:let- - Nulii-iieil- . ein SuttHcriptiou, V. 1, C A. (tncluiliug C 50 Payable Invariably in Advance ar..f HOXUI.II.L BROWN. ATTOt .VE V AT-L- A W AND CECIL luhiio, I'ampLeli'!. Block. Merchant street J. 0. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SAlDLEUV, FIRKMKN'S KQUIPMKNTS, 12 and 14 Pine street, Sun Francisco, Chi lritw Kxchbiitge 011 tlie i juci'I part of tLo world. . ' Aireul. if SUKEKA ! M. THOMPSON. ATT () H NEY-AT-- L A W , BONE MEAL!! i ii.nii'.iiMm I' A ' T A I. And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's Agents fof Kirby'8 kan'a Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kluda of leather. 4 scS IV Hlock, sec'otiil story, rooms S and . Kutrauce on Will receive deposit on open Recount, make collections and conduct ft eeiierid limiting and exclutiiKe liiiiiiiesH. N.erchaut street. Honolulu, H. I. 44 tf ITNLIMITKl LI.V.ILIT. J. til. MONSARRAT. IiiHMrniws 01 1 lcriit ! 1Mr will le ein-cte- d at Moderate Kates of Pr tu niu, by tle irridersigned. WM. . IKW1X A CO ATTORNEY AT LAW Ieios!tt )'ariu InTert-- received in 1mi;s lit subject to miMis'ied resjulullo.is. their Sav rule and 1 ;.m :itf The undersigned a'e now prepared rt eeive orders fur this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck A Ohlaudt San Francisco. The following is a report of the parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per ceut Organic Matter 29.18 " ' Silu-iou- s Matter i. Go " " Lime 31.70 ' Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " Manacera for Uuw. Islands tf H. H. KLUH. J. W. MlLLkR. ELLIS & mi :llek Wholesale and Com mission Dealer lu Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPKAR MTJtKKT, Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCO Order Koll-ltett- . Weci'.t-l- y AND NOTARY PUBLIC have received a consignment o the most Economical at. J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Fl.tsli former. Milk and Butter producer m use. Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nu ritlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal is equal to SOU B.8. of oats, or 3I lbs. of corn, or to 767 lua. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lot's to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXKU t KEI), as well as our rdual supply of the best kinds o Hay, OalM, Wlicat, Coin, t.lc, Ktf. LAIJNTK fe CO. 3! tf KeiI Kwtate In any part or the lilufr. Bought, Sold and Leased on Coninihuiiou, Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn Oar Sleeping and Saloon Cars. Our railway system is confessedly In nl-ran- ee of any other in the world. Our mileage is as larjM as that of all Kurope combined. Some of the Krmlish ami con- tinental roads are more solidly built; but. for comfort and luxury there is nothing comparable to our sleeping and saloon cars. The private cars in which otir rail- way magnates travel are in oint of luxury and costliness far ahead of anything of the kind in the Old World. All our leading railway men habitually use cars superior In elegance to those occupied by monarchs in other parts of the world. William K. Vanderbilt, Kobert Barrett, Milton H. Smith, Hugh J. .Tewett, and some twenty others of our railway people use cars cost- ing from 20,000 to $:10,000 each. There are about 190 very costly cars in use, rep- resenting $ 4,000,000 in cash. Of these some sixty cost $:J0,000 each. A Mr. Talbot, editor of a railway news- paper, was presented with a car recently, made by Herr Krupp, the famous gun founder. It is of hard wood, Eastlake finish, with a great deal of aesthetic drapery. The objervation room in the end of the car is finished in oak, with French plate glass windows extending from the ceiling to the floor, velvet cur- tains, Wilton carpets and embossed leather furniture, including divans. The bedroom is in maple and amaranth, and opening from it is the parlor, the most elegant apartment of the car. It is finished in solid mahogany, with rich in- laid panels and carvings of rare and costly woods from the Holy Land. The butler's room, pantry and kitchen are models. It would cost at least $00,000 to to duplicate, this car. Famous actresses have had private cars very luxurious in their apartments. Mine. Fatti had such a one, while Mrs. Tangtry actually lived in her car when filling her engagements Oxide of Iron 85 Carbonic Acid 1.89 Alka Salts 52 Ko, 27 MKIU1L1ST NTKKKT, Gazett-- i Block, Honolulu. 45-t- f M. PHILLIPS Co.. aiil Wlulttile IeitIrH in 1iiiMrtrH Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy (ioods. No. 11 Kaabumauu street Honolulu. II. I. 25if-- w tf U N I O K Fire ami Marine Insurance Co. or Now Zealnnil. ciiMTAU : io.oo.ooo: lbll!hel n Agency at UHviiiir for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine s on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. I,omn4m promptly aljuHtel A payable. I9,lwtf WM. U. IKWIX A CO. Koliala Saloon. Metropolitan Market Wbittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW tJLAMH and AR- TISTS' M ATKRI AI.S, 2123 Front ft.t t t Kau Frauelitco 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prompt imrf Careful Attention. W. fi. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. 21tfl W. O IHWIM. UIKU NTBEET, WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FAI'IOKS Honolulu 4'iiiiniiwioi and U. I. s AlikNT John Colburii, Importer and Dealer In E. H. WINCUKHTKit C. MAIN. PKOPRIKTOR O, J. WALLKR, Hay and. G rain5 The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CA LIFORXIA Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. MACFARLANE & CO-- , DKAL.KUM AM) tJF.X WMOI.KSAI.K iu WlNKfS and LlUl OKb. ATo. Its Knnliuiiiaiiu Strovt. Corner Kins and Matinakea Streets. Main & Winclicstcr, Manufacturers and Importers of Hfru'H. Kntldleft, Itritllcn, Wlilpa. COLLARS, KADDLERY WARE, KTC. Nos. 214, 21G, 218 and 220 Bait-r- y Street, Hau Francisco. Illuntrated catalogue aout on application. 11)1 in ck2 1 Cholrenl Meat from Flaeal llcr4, President .Miperiiitendent W. II. TAYLOR-JO- S. MOORE IIONOLtTLir. U'8-- tf delivered promptly. Mutual telephone 3S7. 37 tf H. HACKFELD & CO., i:KKAI, ONMISSI AtiTN I S. G1 r 26 u TELEPHONE 55 Fancy ilrlnkn of every Ueserlplion a Nperilly. li. BE. Webb, 5odfewly Vroprirtor. Queen St.. Honolulu, H.I. .a mllle and ihlpplng supplied on 8UORT 'NTEEPHIS P OFrtliftEIT W. M.AKKTKNS. BANNI.N8. MANHOOD J7 RESTORED NOT ICK and at the ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Cu., A Cinini4iii Merelin. 1niMrter Honolulu, II. I. PLAN I AG 31 ILL. Alnkon. near tHern St. 3-- tf JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, ? 1 I .V, .si n ! J ; t '1:: ?! jr t-- i t '',! Vt r 1M . li 'hi US V., V; V . 4 i- - it If'.! diY !' ft ft P J : i t -- Ah , 1 Lowest Market Prices. The reason thai Thousand cannot qrt rurl of SEMIXAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MAN- HOOD, andtheretultcf abtse.diteate orexrt.ie$, it owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR-RU- E A. DR. LIEDid' 3 JNVIOORAT0H it the 0.VL Yen re for PROSTA TOP.RIIEA. Price, 2.00 per partaye, 6 packaqn, S 10.00. Guide to Health and Self-Analy- tt tent fret. Addresi LIB-BI- O DISPENSA R Yfor Diteate of Hen, 4U0 Oearv St., San franctsrtt. Cat. iw:if outside of New York. Demorest's Monthly. Fine Flavor of Highland Mutton. In conversation with a reporter an au- thority at Fulton n.arket said: "The supe- rior flavor of Welch or Highland mutton is beyond all doubt due to the aromatic plants which abound on the pasturage of those hills, and on which the sheep feed. The lulls in Wales are thickly covered with wild thyme, while those in the Highlands are full of lady's mantle and other aromatic herbs which are seldom, if ever, found in other pastures. This is a hint of nature's own giving, which the farmer who goes in for sheep rais:.n or dairying cannot aiford to desoise in these times of hard competition. "The aromatic herbs may be no less nutritious than clover or rye jrrass, but they are just as needful to the formation of a perfect pasturage as the other varie- ties of plants. For this reason they should le grown in all pasturages. They are easy of cultivation, and will grow in the worst ground, but some arc, of course, letter suited to certain kinds of soil than others. Fan-ley- , lovcage, cumin, cor- iander, carraway, angelica and wild fennel delight in loamy soils, wild thyme, rock rose, hvsop, sago, savory and horehound in dry, ioor soil s and peppermint in moist soil. N. Y. Mail and Kxpress. SI Alnkon Ntreel. Will furnish scirxates and make coiitrai ts for any description of wood buildiiiKS. Jobbing of uil kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. fharges as low as the lowest tf To the Public. OF STKAM MACHINKRY, IN 1UILDKRS steamboat, Steamship, Uud Ku vines and Roilf rs, Hih Pressure or Compound. STKAM VKSjSKLS. of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY' KNtilNKS compounded when ad- visable. STKAM LM'XCHEs, B:irges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade iu which they are to he employed, speed, ton- nage and dralt of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS AND SUOA MA- CHINKRY' made after the most approved plans. Also, all Roiier Iron Work connected therewith. WA'fKR 11 PK, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any sine, made iu suitable lengths for contiectiiiK together, r Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted ou the Krouud. HY'PRAULIC R1VKTINO, Roiier Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by H:lraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work beiny far superior to hand work. still WORK, ship and Steam Capstan.!, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made af ,er the most approved plans. friOLK AOKNTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c tie Coast of the Heine Safety Roilur. PUMPS Wired Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated luivy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. 11. S WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) Ose!0-lyd-- GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. f. 1 1. l. Manufacture ami Supply all khvds of Koli. .'wt. i'lui ah. I i :! 2 fit)fvrH. UimitrV liirdN, I'iiiei, Etc. All meats delivered from this market are thor ougly ohilled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all Ib Juicy properties, and Is GUARANTKKl TO KKf.P LONOKH WM. McOANDLESS, A. (I ti''ii Htrvci. Fisli Market. Iealcr in choicest IIKKK, VKAL Ml"ri'tX, HWH.etc. Family and shipping Onlers carefully attended to. Live stock fiiriiiKhed to vessels at short notice, and veKetables of all kinds supplied to order. -- 9 tf W. II. AhDIMCII, enertl i:isines As'nt. Has removed to J. I. Oowsett's store, Queen st., where he will attend to auy Lusi uess entrusted to his care. tKPOT Ol- - I'NION DA lit V. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, and prompt attention jji.u to the delivery of the same. 4' THOMAS LINDSAY 3Iiimifacturiug Jeweler, The Pacific Transfer Co., AKTKB DKI.IVKRV THAN rRKSHI.Y- - KILLKDMKAT, 47-- U Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. o. 6(1 ituitiiii rvf-t- . PLANTERS, ATTENTION ! Mutual Telephone 391 Rell Telephone 77. II. I. Ilonol lit (I. Dodge, Sweeney & Co., Sun FrmiclMro, Cal. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, aud all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR I. lhby, McNeill A lobby's Canned Neati. II. 91. I u e (Eni(l Ilrniid) t'tilcsvye Ilatnw Ilrnry rbas;e'N Camifd 'lfiinM und Hhiii SiinHPe, And 1. W. HiiNif'w "IlHir" Brand of Canned Salmon. 104 mch20 07 :v.tt Parilcular attention paid to repHirlr.i?. I am fullv prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, al! of wulch I will guai-ante- e to execute faithfullv. :hr ly s. F ORAM AM, Proprietor. Furnished or Unfurnished MULES !! Just received, exj.rig CONSUELO, New rhotorapli Rooms. Down fall of Hie "XVrfmuo Crnxe." A few months ago, perhaps last fall, there was a perfect perfume craze." It swept through the fashionable and un- fashionable sets of New York society, women especially, and reached some few other cities. The masculine element, COTTAOF ON LL NALILO AND TIKOII STS., l furnished complete for housekeerinc Use of hoie and carriage; larpe Krden. Arplyto ('HAS J. ITSHF.L, 1'27 octTIf Cor. Fort ami Hotel Sts. XICHOL'S STORF. FOHT ST KF.F.T, OVEK t the Shooting Gallery. Victures, l'ort-rait- s and Views. First-cl.is- s work. Salisfaction guariinteed. llt.ip'J . A. GONSALYFS. 18 Fine Youii Mils J. H . SOT3 K , Successor 1o J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazecie Block. everywhere known as "the dudes." took it uo also. Not tlrnijists oniy, imi ury G. 31. Jossclyn V Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Ship Chandlery. 3 and 40 Market St., Nan Fraueiseo. Agents fo Taunton Hh'athlng Metal Manufactur- ing Curpany. 12fe24-l- y oods houses, anil every store where women most do concrretrate, in New York Employment Office X'X.X city, were called on hourly by crowds of Which are offered for sale on reasonable term women, who went from house to house ";imt)linir" perfume, till it became neces- - W. O. RICHARDSON, RKSIOKNT AUKNT 20Y I.eiilelrir Street. Honolulu. II. I. 27 Merchant St., BEAV B SALOCf; Apply tr- - WM. G. IRWIN & CO 41 tf (iirv to keen duplicate stock on hand and rpHK I'NDKlISIuF.Ii HAS MOVKD INTO l the 1 trice of .Mr. J. K. Wiseman, where he w ill be prepared to furnish household servants, collect bills, do AiikIo-- i 'hiiu-s- interpreting, and a general business. .SI SOVONO. an exierienced set of clerks who could discriminate lietween bona Hue customers, r'llKT SI'KKKI Ml leleohone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. uiwi iliosH who took this method of re iveii to plenishing their mouchoir case and toilet stand. IS.iiiftl Atteiilloit Ijtrte oii t rartn. DE. M- - GOTO WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importer of Wagon Lumber And CAKHIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Ileal Street. Sau Fraurlnro. S tfAw IPC gap29 tf Foundation Timbers ! ! The craze took such proportions that Opposite Wilder A Co.'aj H. JT, "olto, Propr. OPEN FUM 3 A. M. TII.I. 1 H. M the result distrusted the originators of it, and it was suddenly dropped by the elite, until now nerf tuners tell us there is far ANl SlRtlF.ON. LEPROSY A 1)HYSICIAX Oillce hours at Kakaalo. from to 11 a. in. eer dav except Sunday. Will vi?,it JOSHUA HEXDY jVEacliine Works ?"o. 35 to 51 Fremont Stioet. SAN FRANCISCO. Manufacturers f New and dealers in Second- hand Boilers. Engines and Machinery Of Kvery Description. less demand than usual for iKifumery, ami tcood ta.-t- e has asserted its sway, deli HI. Fl. Mayhew, CONTllACTOK AND BUILDER, Hd Hotel Mtrret, Honolulu. II 1., (Opposite Fashion Stabls). patients at their residence by request. All othe r diseases treated at his olhce, coi lier of l'unch-Ixi- wl and I'.eretaiihi streets. Ortice hours from 1 to p. isi.: Sunday's, i'roin 8 to 12 a. la. 112apr'2 cate, retined and natural odors being mostly in demand. Cor. Cleveland leader. LEVI STltAUSS & CO., 14 and in Rattery street, Han Francisco Cal. We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k Foundation Timbers. TO Tenement on tle Island of Malta. Dr. PHiiipsoH's juctmnt of a tenement b.-irr.- k tl:e ilaml f Malta exceeds, in. !.-.- . I :Mivl!:in r ever n norted from the COTTAC.F. NOW OCCUPIED BY MR. K. SIZF.N IGx'4 iiK-tiCN- , 12 Fet lAtng. AikI llxl ineli, 16 MAtng. ffiir: Importers of Foi'eign and Domestic DryKoods Hosiery, Ladies and dent's FuriilKl.iriif CUxxht. niole Proprieurs and Manufacturers of thecele-barte- d PATKNT RI VKTKD CIXJTHINO. II Ian2fi H7 Tucker. cntai niii six rooms, h;it I, ... . BKLL TKLKPnONK 53. P. O. POX 315. ro.m. panirv. veiamta iKim,eio. mere are :ii-"- o sl.-ihle- cirriaje house, servant's room, all iu good order. Apply to 1. R. Hl.Nl'LY, at Pacific Havu:ire i'o.'s Store. Fort street. :i28declll' Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACH INER Y, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, rRRIGATINO AND PVMPINU MACHINKRY PIPINU, PIPK-FITT1NO- KTC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upoti appli- cation. 7fe23.lv I'lBST-CLlS- S MXfHF.S, COFt'KK, tk.i, soifi withr. r.i(;i:u m r, ati'yi micl Tobacc OF BF.ST BRANDS Plain and Fancy II IK--S personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Lar.ge Variety of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will Bud an Klegaul limm i CO, BILLIARD MLS on the Premises. Tlr- - Pioprietr would be pleased to receive a call from his Vrlen.ts and the Public generally wtio may desire a These timbers, as thir name signifies, are nearly as solid and durable as iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. CH1MSTMAS W0HK. Ail work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications lui'de. Jobbing in all details done at short notice. Ooud work and low charges Is my mono. , KTTKKING AND ILLUMINATING J'OSK Ar. Gr. Irwin & Co. 311nov25tf V nvo:i iuv kind of material. Mottoes, moti- - . ". - , , i t c hiil t.f the Calcutta black hole. "Their cellar !cn.V siy lie, "have no fireplace, ami linivfore no chimneys, ami serve f,i;i . lv U'l a whole family. They have no wimlvs, mul so7-.- e tlieni have no other aperture of any kind than the door: and when you have reached the lHttoni of the pit you find the solid rock, wet with slops and fold with the odor of the children. So little air reaches the lottom th:.t the floor never dries, and so little light that you have to light a wax match to avoid falling down in the doorway. In one house there were three subterranean stories of six cellars in each, and in the lowest of all thirty people were living. t!.irty-nin- e feet below the surface of the street. Ex- change The Only rerion Now Living. Thomas Brown, aged CO, living away tip in the Adirondacks, New York, raises his feeble voice to claim that he is the only person now living who has talked with George Washington. Thomas was a youngster of five summers at tao time. Chicago Times. ogra.r.s ::!fl onjinai uesifjus oumucu lor uui j worV. i r.rcrs taken for Christmas cards of culiiects and scenery, suitable to seud WESNEIt- - & CO. 92 Fort Ntreet. Have ou hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. ! Watches Bracelets Necklets Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornament of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plato Elegant Solid Silver Tea Seta. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Mpecialty. Repairing; in all Itn branebes. tar Bole Agents for King's Eye Preset ver. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STRONG, nhrnnd. MRS. J. l. 218 Fort street. Mutual Televdione No. N. . BURGESS, SI Kin1; St. ..Honolulu. BAGGAGE and GENERAL EXPRESS. Di:yiug and steamer freight carefully handled. 4fli-- e Telephone 202. Rosllonc 152. a.37 dec3tf I.I Xf'M, A SXDKK. K A UANE KII.M.IKIVK. L. G. SUES0VIC1I & C0.? Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Iomestic Frcits, green and dried:; manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoa nut. Ilananns, Ijmes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kiuds, Dates and Smyrna Pies, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Lone ex- perience in shippins to China, Australia, Mexico, Central America. Katern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct by every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 13SS. Honolulu. II . I., P.O. box 120. 413, 4I.i and 417 Washington ?treet. opposite Post Office; 412, 414 and 41fi Merchant street. 10 feb2f. 57 SAN FRANCISCO. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printing st the Pari He fommerriHl -- rtlr AND DKALF.KS IN SHOT- -: IMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt Winchester Ken i. ly and Martin Magazine Ritles. Remiug ton h.i"ips an. I Ballard sporting Rilies. Agents forW W (ireener. Colt. Parker and Remington Breech-lo'- a i ng Double Gims, Cdt and smith Wesson KstoU. N. CURRY & BRO., US San-Som- e bltect. Sal Francisco Cal. KMy Office will from this date be presented for pay II. J. N0LTR Honolulu, Match 2, 188S. 3 if 'J.- - ' 'WJf 'SJsj.-?- Q

flu nk v - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38370/1/1886122401.pdf · finished in solid mahogany, with rich in-laid panels

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r '.-T- - :' iffluft I 1& ,1 n nk I v I



dvcrtiscmcntis.THE DAILY dvrrliscmeiits.A'


ASUFOHD.FEW C3Claim Sprecki-- SV'ui.CJ Irwin.Every Morniug Except Sundays.

Qurcn - I3!inlurj Street?,O



O.U.'ft llonolJlo Hale, adjoining the PoutOffice.


S. L. 8TANLET. JOHN rm Nl .

Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobber of Flue


110 Front St., Su rrni9elH.Itt Aw




CLAY', Ktc.211-21- 3 DRUM M Street, bet. CUv and Waithluf Ion,



eulers lu

II A Y A N 1 J K A 1 .

Telephone No. 1?".

delivered pl.ui.pl) .

....fC 0j.... :t 00


Advkktiskk, ono yt-n- r

AUVKRTISER, HIX lUOIlOlAAuvkkthkr, three iiinnttiM..AUVKKTISKK, per UiMlllllC AcvtKTisKK, one y.r

Daily P.Daily I'.Daily 1.1aily 1.W kkk i.v

.... 1 r, I

rt ;


Attorney hikI 4'uuuiellor at LhOtlikre No. 1J, Spreckels Block, Honolulu.

17u ootUltf

We bave or. bund a ut of

Automatic FeedingFurnaces.

Fo. four and flve foot furnaces. complete withgrait bars, bearer and trasb carriers. Machinesof iris ui.-tk-e are now ir. successful operation atHp-- kel-tvill- Make- - Sugar Compan and otherplan atioii". A No, a consignment of

Iiltei Presses,llaving all tbe Iatl iii.provements.

PLANTERS AND OTHEliSInterested are requested to call and examine tlieabove. For prices and turtber partU-ular- s apply to

Win. G. Irwin & (3o.,

BANKEKS..... 5 00

KSTULlsHEU 1710.

KFFKC1KD Vl'OX KVKKYINSUHAM'KS property ttt tLe current raU-- a

of premium.

lUal aum Insurrd in IHH5 - - 327,333,700

Claims arranged hy the Iwal -- a'.s, und pad

v.lifi promptitude and liberality,

Ibe lurindii tion of tbe Local 1 1 ibni.is ret ofinr'H

G. VV. Macfarlane & Co.,

31.!lwtf Ageiitdfor the Hawaiian Lildii.lrt.



txlnutl r:let-- Nulii-iieil- .ein SuttHcriptiou, V. 1, C A. (tncluiliugC 50

Payable Invariably in Advance ar..f

HOXUI.II.LBROWN. ATTOt .VE V AT-L- A W ANDCECIL luhiio, I'ampLeli'!. Block. Merchant




12 and 14 Pine street, Sun Francisco, Chi

lritw Kxchbiitge 011 tlie i juci'I part of tLoworld. . ' Aireul.if SUKEKA !


ATT ( ) H NEY-AT-- L A W ,

BONE MEAL!!i ii.nii'.iiMmI' A ' T A I.And Solicitor In Chancery Office, Campbell's Agents fof Kirby'8 kan'a Cruz Tanneries. Sole

Harness and all other kluda of leather.4 scS IVHlock, sec'otiil story, rooms S and . Kutrauce on

Will receive deposit on open Recount, makecollections and conduct ft eeiierid limiting andexclutiiKe liiiiiiiesH.

N.erchaut street. Honolulu, H. I. 44 tfITNLIMITKl LI.V.ILIT.

J. til. MONSARRAT.IiiHMrniws 01 1 lcriit !

1Mrwill le ein-cte- d at Moderate Kates of Pr tu

niu, by tle irridersigned.WM. . IKW1X A CO ATTORNEY AT LAWIeios!tt )'ariu InTert-- received in

1mi;s lit subject to miMis'iedresjulullo.is.

their Savrule and

1 ;.m :itf

The undersigned a'e now prepared rteeive orders fur this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck A OhlaudtSan Francisco.

The following is a report of theparts, as obtained by Chemical analy-

sis:Water 8.10 per ceutOrganic Matter 29.18 " 'Silu-iou- s Matter i. Go " "Lime 31.70 'Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "

Manacera for Uuw. Islandstf

H. H. KLUH. J. W. MlLLkR.

ELLIS & mi:llekWholesale and Com mission Dealer lu

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPKAR MTJtKKT,

Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCOOrder Koll-ltett- . Weci'.t-l- y



have received a consignment o the mostEconomical at. J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Fl.tsli former. Milk and

Butter producer m use.

Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nuritlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal is equal to SOU B.8. of oats,or 3I lbs. of corn, or to 767 lua. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lot's to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXKU t KEI), as well as

our rdual supply of the best kinds o

Hay, OalM, Wlicat, Coin, t.lc, Ktf.

LAIJNTK fe CO.3! tf

KeiI Kwtate In any part or the lilufr.Bought, Sold and Leased on Coninihuiiou,

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

Oar Sleeping and Saloon Cars.Our railway system is confessedly In nl-ran- ee

of any other in the world. Ourmileage is as larjM as that of all Kuropecombined. Some of the Krmlish ami con-

tinental roads are more solidly built; but.for comfort and luxury there is nothingcomparable to our sleeping and salooncars. The private cars in which otir rail-way magnates travel are in oint of luxuryand costliness far ahead of anything of thekind in the Old World. All our leadingrailway men habitually use cars superiorIn elegance to those occupied by monarchsin other parts of the world. William K.Vanderbilt, Kobert Barrett, Milton H.Smith, Hugh J. .Tewett, and some twentyothers of our railway people use cars cost-ing from 20,000 to $:10,000 each. Thereare about 190 very costly cars in use, rep-resenting $ 4,000,000 in cash. Of thesesome sixty cost $:J0,000 each.

A Mr. Talbot, editor of a railway news-paper, was presented with a car recently,made by Herr Krupp, the famous gunfounder. It is of hard wood, Eastlakefinish, with a great deal of aestheticdrapery. The objervation room in theend of the car is finished in oak, withFrench plate glass windows extendingfrom the ceiling to the floor, velvet cur-tains, Wilton carpets and embossedleather furniture, including divans. Thebedroom is in maple and amaranth, andopening from it is the parlor, the mostelegant apartment of the car. It isfinished in solid mahogany, with rich in-

laid panels and carvings of rare andcostly woods from the Holy Land. Thebutler's room, pantry and kitchen aremodels. It would cost at least $00,000 toto duplicate, this car. Famous actresseshave had private cars very luxurious intheir apartments. Mine. Fatti had sucha one, while Mrs. Tangtry actually livedin her car when filling her engagements

Oxide of Iron 85Carbonic Acid 1.89Alka Salts 52 Ko, 27 MKIU1L1ST NTKKKT,

Gazett-- i Block, Honolulu. 45-t- f

M. PHILLIPS Co..aiil Wlulttile IeitIrH in1iiiMrtrH Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy (ioods. No. 11 Kaabumauu streetHonolulu. II. I. 25if-- w tf

U N I O KFire ami Marine Insurance Co.

or Now Zealnnil.

ciiMTAU : io.oo.ooo:

lbll!hel n Agency atUHviiiir for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine s on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

I,omn4m promptly aljuHtel A payable.I9,lwtf WM. U. IKWIX A CO.

Koliala Saloon.

Metropolitan MarketWbittier, Fuller & Co.,

Manufacturers of



2123 Front ft.t t t Kau Frauelitco

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

imrf Careful Attention.

W. fi. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.





U. I.s AlikNT John Colburii,Importer and Dealer In


Hay and. G rain5The Risdon

Iron & Locomotive Works,Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,


Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors




ATo. Its Knnliuiiiaiiu Strovt.

Corner Kins and Matinakea Streets.

Main & Winclicstcr,Manufacturers and Importers of

Hfru'H. Kntldleft, Itritllcn, Wlilpa.COLLARS, KADDLERY WARE, KTC.

Nos. 214, 21G, 218 and 220 Bait-r- y Street, HauFrancisco. Illuntrated catalogue aout

on application. 11)1 in ck2 1

Cholrenl Meat from Flaeal llcr4,President

.MiperiiitendentW. II. TAYLOR-JO- S.

MOOREIIONOLtTLir. U'8-- tf delivered promptly.Mutual telephone 3S7. 37 tf


Fancy ilrlnkn of every Ueserlpliona Nperilly.

li. BE. Webb,5odfewly Vroprirtor.

Queen St.. Honolulu, H.I. .a

mllle and ihlpplng supplied on 8UORT



A Cinini4iii Merelin.1niMrter Honolulu, II. I.PLAN I AG 31 ILL.

Alnkon. near tHern St.3-- tf


House Carpenter & Builder,

? 1I .V,





; t












V .

4 i- -




ft ft

PJ :

i t

--Ah ,


Lowest Market Prices.

The reason thai Thousand cannot qrt rurl ofSEMIXAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MAN-HOOD, andtheretultcf abtse.diteate orexrt.ie$,it owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR-RU- E

A. DR. LIEDid' 3 JNVIOORAT0H itthe 0.VL Yen refor PROSTA TOP.RIIEA. Price,

2.00 per partaye, 6 packaqn, S 10.00. Guide toHealth and Self-Analy- tt tentfret. Addresi LIB-BI- O

DISPENSA R Yfor Diteate of Hen,4U0 Oearv St., San franctsrtt. Cat.


outside of New York. Demorest'sMonthly.

Fine Flavor of Highland Mutton.In conversation with a reporter an au-

thority at Fulton n.arket said: "The supe-

rior flavor of Welch or Highland mutton isbeyond all doubt due to the aromatic plantswhich abound on the pasturage of thosehills, and on which the sheep feed. Thelulls in Wales are thickly covered withwild thyme, while those in the Highlandsare full of lady's mantle and otheraromatic herbs which are seldom, if ever,found in other pastures. This is a hintof nature's own giving, which the farmerwho goes in for sheep rais:.n or dairyingcannot aiford to desoise in these times ofhard competition.

"The aromatic herbs may be no lessnutritious than clover or rye jrrass, butthey are just as needful to the formationof a perfect pasturage as the other varie-

ties of plants. For this reason they shouldle grown in all pasturages. They areeasy of cultivation, and will grow in theworst ground, but some arc, of course,letter suited to certain kinds of soil thanothers. Fan-ley- , lovcage, cumin, cor-

iander, carraway, angelica and wild fenneldelight in loamy soils, wild thyme, rockrose, hvsop, sago, savory and horehoundin dry, ioor soil s and peppermint in moistsoil. N. Y. Mail and Kxpress.

SI Alnkon Ntreel.Will furnish scirxates and make coiitrai ts forany description of wood buildiiiKS.

Jobbing of uil kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

fharges as low as the lowest tf To the Public.

OF STKAM MACHINKRY, IN1UILDKRS steamboat, Steamship,Uud Ku vines and Roilf rs, Hih Pressure orCompound.STKAM VKSjSKLS. of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY' KNtilNKS compounded when ad-

visable.STKAM LM'XCHEs, B:irges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade iuwhich they are to he employed, speed, ton-nage and dralt of water guaranteed.


CHINKRY' made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Roiier Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WA'fKR 11 PK, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysine, made iu suitable lengths for contiectiiiKtogether, r Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted outhe Krouud.

HY'PRAULIC R1VKTINO, Roiier Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by H:lraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work beiny far superior tohand work.

still WORK, ship and Steam Capstan.!, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeaf ,er the most approved plans.

friOLK AOKNTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c

tie Coast of the Heine Safety Roilur.PUMPS Wired Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated luivy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. 11. S WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands )Ose!0-lyd--


St. f . 1 1. l.Manufacture ami Supply all khvds of

Koli. .'wt.i'lui ah. I i :! 2 fit)fvrH.UimitrV liirdN,I'iiiei, Etc.

All meats delivered from this market are thorougly ohilled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all Ib Juicy properties,and Is GUARANTKKl TO KKf.P LONOKH

WM. McOANDLESS,A. (I ti''ii Htrvci.

Fisli Market. Iealcr in choicest IIKKK, VKALMl"ri'tX, HWH.etc.

Family and shipping Onlers carefully attendedto. Live stock fiiriiiKhed to vessels at shortnotice, and veKetables of all kinds supplied toorder. -- 9 tf

W. II. AhDIMCII,enertl i:isines As'nt.

Has removed to J. I. Oowsett's store, Queen st.,where he will attend to auy Lusi uess entrustedto his care.

tKPOT Ol- - I'NION DA lit V.

Orders for milk respectfully solicited, andprompt attention jji.u to the delivery of thesame. 4'


3Iiimifacturiug Jeweler, The Pacific Transfer Co.,AKTKB DKI.IVKRV THAN rRKSHI.Y- -KILLKDMKAT, 47-- U

Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.o. 6(1 ituitiiii rvf-t-.

PLANTERS, ATTENTION !Mutual Telephone 391Rell Telephone 77.II. I.Ilonol lit (I.

Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,Sun FrmiclMro, Cal.

Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, audall kinds of provisions.

SOLE AGENTS FORI.lhby, McNeill A lobby's Canned

Neati.II. 91. I u e (Eni(l Ilrniid) t'tilcsvye

IlatnwIlrnry rbas;e'N Camifd 'lfiinM und

Hhiii SiinHPe,And 1. W. HiiNif'w "IlHir" Brand of

Canned Salmon. 104 mch20 07

:v.ttParilcular attention paid to repHirlr.i?.I am fullv prepared to do all kinds of drayage,

hauling or moving work, al! of wulch I will guai-ante- e

to execute faithfullv.:hr ly s. F ORAM AM, Proprietor.Furnished or Unfurnished MULES !!

Just received, exj.rig CONSUELO,

New rhotorapli Rooms.Down fall of Hie "XVrfmuo Crnxe."

A few months ago, perhaps last fall,there was a perfect perfume craze." Itswept through the fashionable and un-

fashionable sets of New York society,women especially, and reached some fewother cities. The masculine element,


l furnished complete for housekeerinc Useof hoie and carriage; larpe Krden. Arplyto

('HAS J. ITSHF.L,1'27 octTIf Cor. Fort ami Hotel Sts.XICHOL'S STORF. FOHT ST KF.F.T,OVEK t the Shooting Gallery. Victures, l'ort-rait- s

and Views. First-cl.is- s work. Salisfactionguariinteed. llt.ip'J . A. GONSALYFS. 18 Fine Youii Mils

J. H . SOT3 K ,Successor 1o

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazecie Block.

everywhere known as "the dudes." tookit uo also. Not tlrnijists oniy, imi ury

G. 31. Jossclyn V Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery.3 and 40 Market St., Nan Fraueiseo.Agents fo Taunton Hh'athlng Metal Manufactur-

ing Curpany. 12fe24-l- y

oods houses, anil every store wherewomen most do concrretrate, in New York Employment Office X'X.Xcity, were called on hourly by crowds of

Which are offered for sale on reasonable termwomen, who went from house to house";imt)linir" perfume, till it became neces- -


20Y I.eiilelrir Street.

Honolulu. II. I.27 Merchant St.,BEAV B SALOCf; Apply tr- -

WM. G. IRWIN & CO41 tf(iirv to keen duplicate stock on hand andrpHK I'NDKlISIuF.Ii HAS MOVKD INTOl the 1 trice of .Mr. J. K. Wiseman, where he

w ill be prepared to furnish household servants,collect bills, do AiikIo-- i 'hiiu-s- interpreting, and ageneral business. .SI SOVONO.

an exierienced set of clerks who coulddiscriminate lietween bona Hue customers, r'llKT SI'KKKIMl leleohone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.uiwi iliosH who took this method of re

iveii toplenishing their mouchoir case and toiletstand. IS.iiiftl Atteiilloit

Ijtrte oii t rartn.DE. M- - GOTO



16 to 22 Ileal Street. Sau Fraurlnro.

S tfAw

IPC gap29 tf

Foundation Timbers ! !

The craze took such proportions that

Opposite Wilder A Co.'aj

H. JT, "olto, Propr.OPEN FUM 3 A. M. TII.I. 1 H. M

the result distrusted the originators of it,and it was suddenly dropped by the elite,until now nerf tuners tell us there is far ANl SlRtlF.ON. LEPROSY A

1)HYSICIAX Oillce hours at Kakaalo. fromto 11 a. in. eer dav except Sunday. Will vi?,it


jVEacliine Works?"o. 35 to 51 Fremont Stioet.


Manufacturers f New and dealers in Second-hand

Boilers. Engines and Machinery

Of Kvery Description.

less demand than usual for iKifumery,ami tcood ta.-t-e has asserted its sway, deli


Hd Hotel Mtrret, Honolulu. II 1.,

(Opposite Fashion Stabls).

patients at their residence by request. All othe rdiseases treated at his olhce, coi lier of l'unch-Ixi- wl

and I'.eretaiihi streets. Ortice hours from 1

to p. isi.: Sunday's, i'roin 8 to 12 a. la. 112apr'2cate, retined and natural odors beingmostly in demand. Cor. Cleveland leader. LEVI STltAUSS & CO.,

14 and in Rattery street, Han Francisco Cal.We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k

Foundation Timbers.TOTenement on tle Island of Malta.Dr. PHiiipsoH's juctmnt of a tenement

b.-irr.- k tl:e ilaml f Malta exceeds,in. !.-.- . I :Mivl!:in r ever n norted from the


AikI llxl ineli, 16 MAtng.ffiir:Importers of Foi'eign and Domestic DryKoods

Hosiery, Ladies and dent's FuriilKl.iriif CUxxht.niole Proprieurs and Manufacturers of thecele-barte- d


Tucker. cntai niii six rooms, h;it I,... . BKLL TKLKPnONK 53.P. O. POX 315.ro.m. panirv. veiamta iKim,eio. mere are :ii-"- o

sl.-ihle- cirriaje house, servant's room, all iugood order. Apply to 1. R. Hl.Nl'LY, at PacificHavu:ire i'o.'s Store. Fort street. :i28declll'

Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d



Catalogues and price lists forwarded upoti appli-cation. 7fe23.lv


tk.i, soifi withr. r.i(;i:u m r,

ati'yi micl TobaccOF BF.ST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy II IK--S personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Lar.ge Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will Bud an Klegaul

limm i CO, BILLIARD MLSon the Premises.

Tlr- - Pioprietr would be pleased to receive a call

from his Vrlen.ts and the Public generally

wtio may desire a

These timbers, as thir name signifies, arenearly as solid and durable as iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.CH1MSTMAS W0HK. Ail work in my line faithfully done. Plans and

specifications lui'de. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Ooud work and low charges Ismy mono. ,

KTTKKING AND ILLUMINATING J'OSK Ar. Gr. Irwin & Co.311nov25tfV nvo:i iuv kind of material. Mottoes, moti- -

. ". - , , i t c

hiil t.f the Calcutta black hole. "Theircellar !cn.V siy lie, "have no fireplace,ami linivfore no chimneys, ami servef,i;i . lv U'l a whole family. They have nowimlvs, mul so7-.- e tlieni have no otheraperture of any kind than the door: andwhen you have reached the lHttoni of thepit you find the solid rock, wet with slopsand fold with the odor of the children. Solittle air reaches the lottom th:.t the floornever dries, and so little light that youhave to light a wax match to avoid fallingdown in the doorway. In one house therewere three subterranean stories of sixcellars in each, and in the lowest of allthirty people were living. t!.irty-nin- e feetbelow the surface of the street. Ex-


The Only rerion Now Living.Thomas Brown, aged CO, living away

tip in the Adirondacks, New York, raiseshis feeble voice to claim that he is the onlyperson now living who has talked withGeorge Washington. Thomas was ayoungster of five summers at tao time.Chicago Times.

ogra.r.s ::!fl onjinai uesifjus oumucu lor uui jworV. i r.rcrs taken for Christmas cards of

culiiects and scenery, suitable to seud

WESNEIt- - & CO.92 Fort Ntreet.

Have ou hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

! Watches Bracelets NeckletsPins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornament of all kinds.

Silver and Gold PlatoElegant Solid Silver Tea Seta.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing; in all Itn branebes.tar Bole Agents for King's Eye Preset ver.

MONTHLY PAYMENTS.STRONG,nhrnnd. MRS. J. l.218 Fort street.

Mutual Televdione No.

N. . BURGESS,SI Kin1; St. ..Honolulu.


GENERAL EXPRESS.Di:yiug and steamer freight carefully


4fli-- e Telephone 202. Rosllonc 152.a.37 dec3tf


L. G. SUES0VIC1I & C0.?Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Iomestic Frcits, green and dried:;manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoa nut. Ilananns,Ijmes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kiuds, Datesand Smyrna Pies,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Lone ex-

perience in shippins to China, Australia, Mexico,Central America. Katern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 13SS.

Honolulu. II . I., P.O. box 120.413, 4I.i and 417 Washington ?treet. opposite Post

Office; 412, 414 and 41fi Merchant street.10 feb2f. 57 SAN FRANCISCO.

All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingst the

Pari He fommerriHl --rtlrAND DKALF.KS IN SHOT--:

IMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt WinchesterKen i. ly and Martin Magazine Ritles. Remiugton h.i"ips an. I Ballard sporting Rilies. AgentsforW W (ireener. Colt. Parker and RemingtonBreech-lo'- a i ng Double Gims, Cdt and smithWesson KstoU. N. CURRY & BRO., US San-Som- e

bltect. Sal Francisco Cal. KMy

Office will from this date be presented for payII. J. N0LTRHonolulu, Match 2, 188S.

3 if

'J.- -

' 'WJf'SJsj.-?-



'iuU'friismnHs. dict'lisciitriiis.T 13! 15 !


Pacific Coiimiemal Advertiser

Is now lor mlf l ; i a.t tl liliv ii 1 !: r ; i

tieular cases, but the general average is ;

summed up in our firt sentence.There are reasons why the Christmas

trade should be dull, however. The j

Treaty uncertainty and political changes i

CHAS. PETERSEN'S SOWS,Sail FrHiii lMii. ( h)

Manufacturers of all kinds of FA FN FRY nJ TOILET

SOAPS fcU9C"Get our quotation, lefore piscli: your orv.rrs.

Iraie .Ser ! by lite lor f ( reett'ltiireli Choir.

OKliF.K OF SEHVICK, lI:e . 2'T1I.1. Voluntary Trio -- organ, piano and

violin; Mendelssohn; Mrs. Hanford. MisIle.-si-e Dickson ami Mr. Yarndley.

2. Invocation and Doxology.3. Sentence, "Christmas A.

Adam.Solo Mr. II. W. Morse; chorus and

violin obligato.4. Old Testament Lesson.5. Hymn, "Christmas;" L. Mason;

Choir and Congregation.G. New Testament Lesson.7. Anthem, "Behold I Bring You Good

Tidings," (Barnby); solo Mr?. Hanford.X. Prayer.9. Response (ladies' voices). "Holy Re-

deemer;" organ and piano accornpania-ment- .

10. Hymn, "Herald Angels" (Mendels-sohn); Cluir and Congregation.

11. Address.12. Anthem, "Hosanna in the Highest"

(J. istainer); Fort-stre- et Church Choir.13. II yum, "Antiwch," L. Mason; choir

and congregation.14. Dismission and recessional.In the absence of Mr. M. Jones, Mrs.

Cruzan and Mr. Brown will officiate atthe organ; Mr. J. W. Yarndley,

1 B. E. EHLEBS & CO.

1 w vnm IN V a

- ' mil t -4 J . t T tVilf

w 9 f m.rrSSffessM

:o:- -

Ir3Are show i tig

IIolicUw-- Also, Rimie

a flnr llut l

GroocLreal- -




WILDERDAVIS &The Pine Exhibit Made at the Pair bv

the Erederichshurg Brewing Co.

One of the most novel itr.u unique exhibits of the Mechanics' Fair v aa that of theFredericksburg I.;ter Brewing Co. It was in t fie form of a bower, thereof being formedof hop vines, wl, lie around tlie sides were arranged Ihe vaiions packages of tbe famousFredericksburg beer. Tbis company was the pioneer in the manufacture of layer on theCoast. Afu i overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded in producing an export

En rer ISTot SurpassedBv any other made in the United States. A proof of this is seen in the fact that theirgoods". ire sold as far Fast as Chicago, despite Eastern comjeti tiou. How can they dothis after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it may asked. In the first placehops are better and cheaper here than in the Fast; again. California barley is the bestgrown in the United Statt s; but the chief reason is the supei ior quality of the brew. Asthey use only the finest ai tesiin water and tlm very best material, and have all the bestand latest machinery, they are able to produce an article that

DEFIISS COMPETITION.Their Export Lager is so perfect that it will keep any number of years in any climate,and is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Islands, South America, and in shortthroughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years their output has quadrupled; lastyear it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this jeur will exceed that Ktnount.

Since writing the above we harn that the Fredericksburg Bewing Co. was awardedthe first prize, a silver medal, " for the best Export Eager," ai.--o th first pr:e, anothersilver medal, for the " best Keg Lager Beer." Journal of Cu'ou-aci'- , San Francisco.

Importers and Dealers inSiMtl himI Faiif.v Uruvorief. Iroluo', lrv loim mimI Feed.

jNTo. 5 Iort street.Announce to their patrons and the piiMir the receipt of an invoice of t'ROSSK & BI.ACKWELTAFANCY t! HOC Mil KS, rpmpriwiiii;, without their taiiilanl brands of 4'oier f.f nl! Ieli'H-- i mid t Iirist iiittt .IHI.

The arrival of the "Zealandia," now due, will euahle us to otTer au additional invoice oflec ted delicacie.- - for the Xnias Reason. We recommend tJ families atrial of our No. 1 FamilyHour, " Fr-iio- " Hill and " tiichor" lira ud, in So pound and 10 pound sackn, a Klntiuowa,pearl white, unequalled bread-makin- g FIcitr.

California and Jslanci 33uttorA specialty. Htl ITS, VEGETABLES. OVSTE11S end BITTER received ou ICE by everya teamer.

FAT (JOHN FED TUJIKEYSFor Thanksgiving ai.d Xmas. Prices low. Qualify guaranteed and delivery prompt.'

I". O. Bos- - 55. 7itf ItUli Tlliou. No. l.'tO.

H. S. CBOCKEK & CO.,CGHaving bee .ppointad SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands for the above

celebrated Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill all orders for the trade andfamily consumption at bedrock figures.

FHEETH k PEACOCK, 215, 217,210, Push sirm. Sim Franciso.

Stationers, lrinters, Xntliograulier.san i

Blank 13oolv A l anufiicturers.lf i.VJ 3m

2:1 Niuianu Street, Honolulu.e'2.'f I BOTH TELEPHONES No. 40.

The undersigned lias justopened up a new assortmentof Goods, suitable for Hie




involving po-.-i- financial complicationsno doubt have had a depressing effectupon the retail trade, as it certainly hashad upon the wholesale business. Thenour tradesmen have reajtd an antici-patory harvest in the birthday festivitiesof the King; and as the retail storesmade a fair amount of money upon thatoccasion, they cannot very well hope toenjoy the profits of a lavish expenditureso soon afterward--- .

The wet and inclement weather is an- - j

other reason for the slack Christinasbusiness. After the weather cleared upyesterday the stores were soon filled bypurchasers who waded through mud andslush to get to them, and should fineweather prevail to-da- y we think therewill be an active holiday trade. Shouldrain again s.--t in, the execrable state ofthe streets and roads will seriously inter-fere with business. If public thorough-fares had been only in a half decent con-

dition, we have little doubt the takingsof storekeepers in their Christmas tradewould have been twenty-fiv- e per centgreater than it is.


Tlte rain storm was a timely supple-ment to the purifying agencies of Nature.But for such occasional beneficient out-pourings by Divine Providence in thisregion the population of Honolulu wouldbe decimated by fever, the Herculeanefforts at sanitation by the Road Super-visor and the Board of Health notwith-standing.

To show that Nature was not un-

mindful of her children in thiscase we may state that the rainfall of Wednesday and Thursdaymorning last, according to Dr. RobertMcKibbin's record on Beretania street,was 0.12 inches, and that the record atthe Survey Department, GovernmentBuildings, was 4 inches. The amountof surface filth washed away by thestorm water cannot possibly be estim-ated. Then there was the undergrounddrainage, w hich must also have done agreat deal of sanitary work. And aboveall it was done upon a sound economicalbasis. The rain cost nothing, and it didthe work of at least fifty scavengers.Doubtless the roads cut up by it will costa great deal of money to repair them,but this should not count when estimat-ing the benefits of providential sanitation.


The "Bulletin" agrees with the Advkr-TisKiii- n

decrying the existence of filth ascalculated to foster disease. In a city-suc- h

as Honolulu, where there is ampleelbow room, an abundant water supplyand a constantly renewed atmospherederived either direct from the ocean oracross a range of wooded mountains,there is no excuse whatever for badsmells, which have become jermanentin certain localities. Were it not for theaccumulation of refuse repeatedly com-

plained of by more than one newspaperin this city, they would not arise. In-

stances could by named in which reformssimilar to this in other parts of theworld have been postponed, and thefriendly warnings of the press disre-garded until too late.


The Honolulu Rifles mustered for theircustomary drill at the Armory last night.

lr. C. J. Fishel has some real Paisleyshawls marked at only $4. They are

j beauties.' Mr. Wenner will keep his store open this

evening. Do not fail to inspect his splen-did stock of holiday goods.

The streams which run off the moun-tains are greatly swollen by the recentrains, which ceased early yesterday.

The crowd at Sachs store yesterday wasa large one, and the salesmen were keptvery busy waiting on customers. Eachone receired a very handsome toy andwent away happy.

The glass was placed in the windows ofSt. Andrew s Cathedral yesterday. Thereremains a good deal to be done to-da- y, buthe building will be ready for the first ser-

vices morning.Captain Paul's new harkentine, lately

built at the Sound, is nineteen days out forthis port. The vessel will be named theKa Moi, and has on board nineteen horsey'consigned to II. J. Agucw. I.

Jacob Sims, the bootblack, will have hisstand on Saturday and Sunday on Hotelstreet, near the Fashion Stables. At thifestive season Jacob promises a shine thatcannot be excelled in any other part of theworld, and all for ten cents.

The Christmas entertainment, whichwas to have been at the Lyceum last even-ing to the children of the Sunday School,was postponed on account of the wetweather. The date on which it will beheld has not been determined on.

Messrs. l'reeth Si Peacock have been ap-,- v

pointed sole agents for the Islands for the'Fredericksburg Rrewing Company's lager.'beer, and they are prepared to fill allorders. They also have a full stock ofgoods of a wet nature for the holidayseason.

. Itiioliin Iiiiiie.."Mr. A. Wenner, jeweler, Fort street,

011 bein. asked last evening by an Ad-vkktis- kk

mail why he kept his storeopen so late, said that he had done a"rushing business" all day, and hopedto round up the best Christmas sales ofmany years to-nig- ht. His display of newand valuable goods in his show windowand store is certainly the best ever seenin Honolulu, but he is worrying himselfto death because he has not space to setout the vast accumulation of seasonablegoods in silver and gold, and platedware, which he has added to his stock byhde shipments.

J. H. HOPEK Merchant stiwtCRYSTAL SODA WOHKM Hotel utreetT. (I. THRUM Fort street

Five Cent per Copy.

FRIDAY December 24th.


The formal opening of .St. Andrew'sMemorial Cathedral for Divine worshipon the great Christian festival, Christ-mas Day, deserves more than a passingnotice. The movement to establish anAnglican Episcopal Church at Ilonol lluwas begun in 144, but it was not until1859 that it took practical shape underthe lead and patronage of KamehamehaIV. Communication was had throughthe Foreign Office at Lendon with theEnglish hierachy, but it was mainlythrough the influence of Bishop Kip, ofCalifornia, who visited London in 18W,that the request of the Kin and hislopular consort, the late Queen Emma,was complied with. A mission wasconsequently constituted with .a Bishopat its head, the Rev. T. N. Staley, D. D.fbeing consecrated Bishop of Honolulu inthe Chapel of Lambeth Palace, Decem-ber 5, 1851. The newly consecratedBishop arrived in his diocese October18, 18G2, accompanied by two priests,Revs. G. Mason and K. Ibbotson.Bishop Staley resigned his see in 1870and was succeeded by the present dio-

cesan, Right Rev. Dr. Willis.Meanwhile Kin Kamehameha IV.

had busied himself with a translation ofthe Book of Common Braver into Hawaiian, and or. the arrival of the firstBishop and his clergy the translation ofthe Eening and Morning Prayer andthe Litany was placed in the hands ofthe printers. The entire work was com-pleted before his death in his 00th year,on St. Andrew's Day, November 30,18G3. The King also wrote an explana-tory preface, which was printed withthe Prayer Book. This is the book nowin use in all Hawaiian Protestant Epis-copal churches

It was determined to perpetuate thefourth Kamehaineha's name in connec-tion with the Anglican Episcopal Mis-

sion, and accordingly the foundationstone of a memorial church was laid byhis successor, Kamehameha V., whoalso took a lively interest in the affairsof the Church. A large sum was sub-scribed in Honolulu by British residents,and upon the occasion of the visit of thelate Queen Emma to London in 18(k themembers of the English Church sub-

scribed liberally towards the HawaiianMission, and $10,000 of this fund wereinvested in stones for the. MemorialCathedral.

These stones arrived in due course,but lay idle for fifteen years on theCathedral Rite granted by KamehamehaIV. At length it was determined that abeginning should be made, and thechancel built according to the originaldesign. This has been successfullydone, and the opening service on Christ-mas Day will be held in the chancel,which has been temporarily f'tted up forpublic worship.. It will not, however,accommodate the entire members of theAnglican Church at one time, and there-fore two services one in Hawaiian andone in English will be held, as has beenthe case latterly in the pro-Cathedr- al.

The chancel is a noble structure,and gives promise of what St.Andrew's Memorial Cathedral will bewhen finished. It is sixty feetfrom floor to apex, and the arch isbeautifully projortioncd. Leaving outof the question the grand edifice at SaltLake City reared by the Mormons, thereis no ecclesiastical or sacred building inthe States or Territories west of theMissouri river at all comparable with it.

In addition to the $10,000 subscribedin England for the building fund of St.Andrew's Memorial Cathedral, therolias been contributed in various ways bythe members of the Anglican commu-nion here $51,445 18. There are cutstones on the ground sufficient to com-

plete two bays, but from $15,000 to $20,-00- 0

are needed to do that work and pro-rid- e

internal fittings. The offertorieson Christinas Day will be applied to thatpurpo, anil it is not too much to hopathat a libiral response to this appealwill b m ide by our fellow citizens uponthat ocea-iiou- . TI13 day itsjlt ap-

peals especially to the generousimpulses of in?n. It celebrates thedawn of that new era in thelife of humanity which h;?s brought withit accumulated blessings, and is des-

tined, in fullns ot time, to accomplishthe gloriom promise : "Peace on earth;

.good will toward men."The occasion, we have already shown,

is one having special claims ujon allresidents of the Kingdom, whether ofnative or foreign birth. It is a memo-rial church to th most popular monarchof his line, the completion of which wasdear to the heart of his equally popularand esteeme 1 widow, Queen Emma. Itis furthermore a church of which it maybe truly said that Kings have been itsnursing fathers, and Queens its nursingmothers, the reigning sovereign in com-

mon with his immediate predecessorshaving been active in the church workof the Anglican Mission. And it is abuilding furthermore which will be anornament and credit to the city uon itscompletion.


As a rule the Christmis trade hasbeen dull. This is the testimony of re-

tail storekeepers as a whole. Of coursethere are mi fyinj statements in par- -


Mr. C J. Fishel announces a most elaUorate display of dry goods, which a visit tothe store will show to be amply warranted.

The three daily papers were unanimousyesterday in their condemnation of thecondition of the streets and those responsi-ble for it.

Duffy's I'u re Malt Whisky is not a medi-cated liquor, but a pure, unadulteratedwhisky for medicinal use, free from fuseloil and all noxious impurities, and is pre-scribed by physicians. It is a medicinefor the sick and feeble, and a beverage forthe million, because it is absolutely pure.



-- OF THE- -

Third Semi-Aiuu- ml

Target PracticeOF THE

11 m iaii R Be Association

To be held at their range on King street, op-- Jposile the Government Nursery,

3ATUBDAY,January 1, 1SS7, nt 9 a. 111.

GOVEBNOB DOMINIS CUP,Valued at $100, for the highest aggregatescore in matches Nos. 1, 2 and 3, to be-

come the property of the markMiian win-ning it three times ai regular meetings of theil. B. A.

Won July 5, 1886, by J. Brodie, M. D.

I. THE BBODIE MEDAL.Valued at $50, also oecoud prize of $5. Con-ditions of the iiiaicu : Open to all membersof the Association, and members of the reg-ular and volunteer military companies ofthe Kingdom ; to become the property ofthe marksman winning it three times r.tregular meetings of the 11. It. A.

Distance, 200 yads; rounds, 10; anymilitary rifle under .lie rules; limited toone entry to each competitor. Entrancefee, SI.

Won January lr 1836, by Ym. Unger.Won July 5, LidO, by C. B. Wilson.

II. II. It. A. TROPHY.Valued at S150. Competitors limited tomembers of the Association. Conditions :

For the highest aggregate score at 200 and500 yards; 10 rounds at each distance: anymilitary title under the rules; to become theproperty of the marksman winning it threetimes at regular meetings of the II. It. A.Entrance fee, $1.

Won January 1, 1886, by F. J. Higgins.Won July 5,1886, by J. Brodie, il. D.


Valued at S100; also a second prize of $5.Conditions: Open to all comers; to becomethe property ot the marksman winning itthree times at regular meetings of the 11.It. A.; 10 rounds each at the 400 and 500yard ranges; any military rifle under therules; limited to one entry for each com-petitor. Entrance fee, SI.

Won July 5, 1886, by J. Brodie, M. D.

IV. ALL-COMER- S' MATCH.' Four cash prizes, namely: 25, 15, 10 and10 per cent ot the net receipts. Conditions :Open to all marksmen; any military rifleunder the rule.--; 10 rounds: distance, 200yards. Entrance fee, $1. Entries unlim-ited.


Open to all members of the Associationwho liave never made a record exceeding 75per cent at any regular meeting of the H.,It. A. First prize, a silver cup. Conditions:Rounds, 10; distance, 200 yards; any mili-tary rifle under the rules. Entrance fee, SI.Entries unlimited.


Open to all members ot the Associationwho have never made a record exceeding C5

per cent at any regular meeting of the H.11. A. First prize, Spriugtield rifle. Con-ditions, same as in match No. 5.

VII. CONSOLATION MATCH.Four cash prizes, namely, 25, 15, 10 and

10 per cent of the net receipts. Conditions:Open to all marksmen who have nevermade a record exceeding 70 per cent at anymeeting of the 11. 11. A.; rounds, 5; dis-tance, 200 yards; any military rifles underthe rules. Eutrai.ce fee. 50 cents. Entriesunlimited.

Extra guns and cartridges can be obtainedat the range.

. J. II. FISHER,Secretary.

J. LKODIE, M. D.,President. 371 jal

The Popular Millinery House,

104 "Fort Street


-- AT-



P. O. BOX 504. 1 3CD d

Order of Evii'ff Sales




MUDAY. leeeinlier 1; 1th, at 7 p. 111., at sales-room.

The coJiilort of ladies .iir,,.vsaiP. uiirhe specially attended to.


333 dec'24 Auelioneer.


. chant, I'ff-'- s lo state that liis pl-ce- of

business will not be open on SAT l! It DAY next,Chris mas Day.


Christmas Supplies !

The finest and hf-s- assorted stock of wiu s, etc.,can le had of

W. S. LUCE.The Assortment of









Special attention i drawn to his

Celebrated White Port.



Dissolution of Partnership.

. VOTICE IS HFREIiY GIVEN Til AT THEiS interest of H.M.Dow in the. business ofWest, Pow & 'n., Fort street, Honolulu, haleen purchased ly O. West. The business willbe conducted under the firm name of

WEST, DO W .t CO.,Which Mr. Pow will continue to manage, butwithout auv further responsibility for the firmdec-t- s or obligations. All debts due the late firmof West, Pow it Co., should be paid to the undei-sigue- d,

who will pay all debts due by it.WEST, POW K CO,.

Per G. Wet.Honolulu, Peceuibtr 13, ltbC. 3".;"jalC

IsT. S. SC1-IS-, Pr-opr-ie- t oi-- .

Just npeiied, a fine selection of useful and nrnamfntal articles, xnitabl' for Cliriat-ma- n

fJifiH. Tlie entire lot will bo ofTfcr!il a tritle above cost price. In addition to tbeabove we will ofTr

EXTRA INDUCEMENTSDuring tbe Holiday Season in every department.

Special Holiday SaleCommencing SATURDAY, Decemior 11, 188C, for three weeks only, we will ofl't r the fol-lowing bargains :

Satins, polid colors and ftripd. at 33c a yard.Mikado Towel Tidies in pink, bull' and blue, at 2c.Lisle Thread Hose, open vvoik, in pink, light blue and ctrdinal, at COc a pair.Ladies' Chemises, at 40c.Silk Gloves, all colors, at 50c a puir.Children's Gingham Dresses, at 40e.Colored Border Handkerchiefs, at $1 a dozen.

The above urieo we for Hie Holiday Season Only.

Mils. M ELLIS' dressmaking st.il;li.hr)n-u- t on h- - premies. , 71


lire Wliiskj

F O 11

A I ediei rial XJ.se,NO FUSEL ' OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated


Curative Institutions,InlirtitarloM,


rreserihed by Physicians Everywhere


IPure StimulantFor the Sick, Invalids, Convalescing Patient,

Aeu People,


Awarded FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL atWorld's Exposition, New Orleans, La.. 1S8".

1'or i:xeM5eiie' nut! I'urify.

Miicfiirlc'ine & Co.,Sole Agents

C!d-w- tf


j Temple of Fashion.'iiu out entire fctork.

SALES 1'lkiirsila.v H each week at 10 a. in.,and on Su t u rli.y each week at 7 p- - iu., untilJanuary 1, 187.

Dry Goods,

Fiiwy Goods,

House Fiiriiiinir Goods,


XI Tvr 17 K 7 AV K --A. TFS ,And many other articles too numerous to men-tion. :46janl

For Lease or Sale, j

rpHF. HOT'SE AND LOT AT WAIKIK1, ATJ prenent occupied by (i. P. r reeth. Apply

otFce at ofFREETH & PEACOCK,

a5 dec'Jktf 2i Nuuauu street.


'T. IT.. WISEMAN,Jenerai;i.iiKiiM-- Acoit.

Campheirs IIoek, Meieliant Street, Honolulu.KSTAIiLIKIIKD 1870.

Luolis ainl arcounts and collectioiiH atteuCed to jiromi.tly.Bell Telephone 172. IM. Itox 315. 7! Mutual Telephone 372.

, LEWI fe CO.,Ill Fort Si reel. Importer anil Dealer in

Staple and Fancy Groceries.-- :o:-

FRESH GOODSBy every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

"Provisions, TCtc.- - "Rtc.61 Satisfaction guaranteed. Teley.hone So. 240. V. O. Box No. 297.

4 .




f !1'V AUTHORITY. Miipremo Court. SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES. SVtlrfrti sfWf His. Afjbfrtisfmfnrs.



Nuprnuo "onrt olie.Mr. "William Foster, Master of the

Supieme Court, has given notice thatthe books of the clerks oil ice will beclosed for the year on Wednesday, I

JV:h, and that no money will bereceived or paid out after that date untilMonday, January od.

EXUELBHECHT'S j AT F1SHEL'S STORE,Q&ztttlsmtnts.Iiej.art meitl Mi Interior.

Friday, liecfciuber 31st.bt.nif the anniveriaryof the hirthday of Her .Majesty the Queen, allGovernment otliiea throughout the Kingdomwill be clo.-t-d on that day.

L. AIIOLO,Minister of Interior.

Interior office, Leceuiber 17, IMC;3t;.'idwdec31

AT C HAM UK US BKFoKE PKKSToN, J.Tin km, y, I)ucemler 1. i

Hop .Sing et al. vs. Komi On, f..n- - ;

closure of mortgage. Messrs. C. V.Ashl'ord at;d V. A. Kinney for plaint'iti's, j

Hon. l'aul Neumann and Mr. F. M. ;

Hatch for defendant. Arguments were i

heard and decision reserved. ;

BEFORE JCDD, C. J.J. II . Congdon, who had been arrested j

on a warrant on Wednesday, as he was i

about to leave by the steamship Austra- -

lia for San Francisco, applied for theissue of a writ of habeas corpus, Jis- -

charging him from the custody ot the j

Marshal. Messrs. Ashl'ord & Ashford, j

associated with whom were Hon. Paul j

Neumann and Mr. J. T. Hare, apeared j

for the Mr. F. M. Hatch for j

the Marshal, respondent. The pleadingshaving been read, arguments of counsel '

were heard covering numerous and im- - ;

Iortant points of law. The petitioner j

is the defendant in a civil suit nowpending in the .Sujireme Court, and was

Corner of Fort and Hotel Sts.,

May be Seen one of the most Elaborate

avs ofDisplK 1

Martim-Hi'- s c ider i a- -i lurely pure.Ue.nl advertisement of Martinelli's.

cider.Yuen Kee iV Co. luve reiiiovtd to Hotel

street.MartineliiN cider i the Lest and pure-- t

made.Val Ulatz Milwaukee lager Leer i- - the

tine-- t in the market. Bottled expresslyfor this climate. '

For gent' embroidered col-

lar and curt" Loxe-s- , an-- J shaving ?ets,"gu toPaths' store, 10. Fort street.

Malaria, the curse of iarre sec tioiij. ispositively cured and prevent d by the useof Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky.

Ju-- t received, undressed kid gloves innew shade, fancy white and colored em-

broidered handkerchiefs at Paths' store.Undressed kid doves, ladies' underwear,

pink, white, cream and blue cashmere justreceived by last steamer, at C". J. Fi-hel- 's.

A lot of Turk, I'olu and Tain plush caps,children's Normandy bonnets and ladies'hats just received at .Saeh' lOl Fortstreet.

Dr. Clinton A. Ssage. M.D., Pekin, N. Y.writes: 'd have been prescribing Dully 'sl'ure Mi't Whisky and find it adapted toca.-e-s requiring a pure alcoholic stimu-lant."

The largest and best stock of Christmascan Is ever seen in this city jut arrived; allnew and of the very latest designs. Callearly and select. King Dros.' art store,Hotel street.

Messrs. Wing On Wo & Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, ben leave to notify tbe publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXX and other choice brands of

Tax 'II--lo- r uliv.TLe Tax Collector will commence collecting

taxes in the district of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, atthe following jdaces:

I'roui Kii-u- f e to Ookala, at the North HiloCourt House, LaUTiahoehoe,

From ilakalail to Keakaha, at the Court Houxein Hilo Town.

On ttugar j lantationu taxes will be collected aithe ottiie of each repectie plantation. Noticewill he given hefoiehand to managers by theTax Collector, or by hi order, what day hefchouldjall to collect taxes.

V. l'AHIA,Tax Collector of Hilo, Hawaii.

Hilo, i)eceml.er 1, 188C. dw If

GOODSarrested by order of Mr. Justice McCully,as he was about to leave the Kingdom,until buch time as he should give bondto secure the payment of a debt allegedto be due one Ackerman, Captain of the

GIGALeads Them All. Etc., ever view inbarkentine (Jeorge C. Perkins, for freight, j

Counsel for petitioner argued that theapplication for the warrant of arrest was !

incomplete, in that it did not allege any

brought to

this City.Ytur lves aul 'liillreii re-juice.

llavtuv IuiiikI tlie Siiiiiltrr 4 iitryour rliuiee.mmdebt due; that the allegation that de-

fendant was intending to depart fromthe Kingdom was of itself insuilicient to

n ftEngelbreclit, Son cV: Co.,justify the arrest; and that the facts;

utated on behalf of Ackerman shouldhave been iositive, and not merely onbelief. The form of the jurat and the j

K,.n-- J b..i , l.; If l.i. i. ;m !

All water rates due on term ending June :;o,1&37, miiRt he paid at the office of the HonoluluWater Works before the l.jth day of January.1S87. All rates remaining unpaid January ;5,IB37 will be subject to an additional 10 pel centParties paying rates will prexeut their last re-

ceipt.CHAS. B. WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.Approved: L. A J COLO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, December!, 1H6.

I'OltT OF ilO.SOLUliU, 11. 1.

AKK1VAI.S.TurusOAY, December 'IS.

Stinr Kilauea IIou, from Haniakuafclir i.calii, from Haualei, KauaiHebr Liholiiio, from HawaiiSour Mile Morris, from KoolauSchr Kiuma, from Koolau

103 mch'J9 21 FIKST STKEET, S. 1..Manna cigars, ot the Lest quality, lor saleat moderate prices.

Absolutely Pure.This powder newr varies. A marvel of purity.

Ftrtrr'rh yiU v ;l'.so:neno5-'- . More economicaltlian the or lir.arv kinds, and cannot lesold in com-prti-

i v im the multitude of low-te- st, shortht, nhuu SoLDOKLTBI

ta. Koyai. i'owitii Co.. lOt) Wall-s-

N. Y.9.1 wtf Austmlian Mail Service.


"Wine and Spirit Merchants,No. 15 RSuuanu Street.

Having eulaiKed and renovated their titore and repleuiHhed their stork, are 1 ow fully propMftd tosupply all goods iu their line at very low en t market ratei.

3. i

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Christinas Cheer !

Joseph. Tinker, The new and fine Al steel steuiuship

resx)nd in damages in case he could notsustain his case were severely criticisedby by petitioner's counsel. It was alsosuggested that a writ of habeas corpuswould, if granted, confound the preroga-tives of the Justices, to wit, where oneJustice orders the arrest and anotherorders the discharge ; and it was con-

tended by counsel for the respondentthat the better course would have beento apply to the Justice who authorizedthe issuance of the warrant to vacate the.time. Some powerful arguments werebrought out on both sides. On theprisoner stating that he was convenientlyprovided for by the Marshal, His Honorstated that he would render his decisionin the matter this afternoon at 1 o'clock.

Ii:i,AIU l ItKS.Thl'hsuay, lecember

fituir Wafmaiialo, for KoolauSchr .Mana, for Honomu 99ROYAL CI,TJB GIN.timmaan untirrfTriri 99MARIPOHA,iVIl4 T1711 rmxrm if i i m kc IVUilSchr Nettie .Merrill, for Kauai




1t ' J







i $

. i '

4 i -



.VI. J

Hi- -


; -- J ij v.


Special attention is calledto this extra quality of j11N, heing tllelrown importation aud a yeiysuperior article.

A full assortment of Cnliroruia ViueM and all tbe bent brands of Itrcr. Ale and 1'orlrralways in stock. Also, treuuin IjOiiIh Kudrrrr sweet Champagne, quarto and pints.

Cordials, Liqiiorirs, 13itters, Etc.Island orders promptly attended to and oods carefully packed for Mhlpment.

Teloiliouo :. 15i5anl ' I. . Kt 187.

Of t.'iu Ocennio steuiiislnp CoDipany, will tie dueat lluimlulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or atiout

January 14, 1887,AiH will leave for the nhwve pint with mails andpitssenKevs on or uhout that date.

For freight or p.. Iiavitl!)' SITKKIOHACCOM MU PATIOS S, aj.pl Kj

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AOKNT8.

Has ou hand for Christmas bis noted

COHN-FE- D POKK AND SAUSAC.ES,Together with his usual supply of good



Which will he delivered on Christmas Day asusual.


together with my noted CAMUK1DUE,fresh every d;-v-. All orders strictly attended to.BOTH Tia'.EWiOXKS, No. 28i.

! in lrt Iruiti Foreign INirlM.Haw M'br Jennie Walker, U Anderson, from

Fauiiing's Islaud.Am l.ktue Mary Winkrlioau, Chad Backus,

from San fr'rauciseoAm bark r'oreat Oueeu, J C M Winding, from

Au VrauciscoAm bark Nellie May, A Austin, from Newcastle,

N S WAm bark Saratiac, I) 11 Shaw, from New VorkHaw bark Star of Devon, A Lovell, from I'an-uiug- 's

IslandAju ship Mercury, from Newcastle, N S WAm bktne W H Di.uoii.l, from San FranciscoAm bktue Eureka, il .'.teyer, from San Fran-

ciscoAiu bktne Klla, K C itust. fr.nii San FranciscoAm brgtue Clans SprecKels, K 1 Drew, froui

Sau FranciscoAm bktne Wresller, (' Schnauer, from New-

castle, N S WAm bktue Amelia, Win from Port

Tow use ui.' , via liiio, HawaiiOer iiark 1'aciiic, c Oltutaii n, f i om lircnien

RECEIVED, ex ZEALANDIA,Iopl:nf Vniiniin SiiAfl'

JlllLAM. iuiuu iu v.i

370 dec 24--A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF--For Sydney and Auckland.

s'& .v.. 2

Tlie ICille Asoelnlion.The programme of trie third semi-annu- al

eomjietitive target practice of theHawaiian Uille Association, to takeplace on New Year's Day at the range onKing street, appears in detail in anothercolumn, and there is every reason to ex-Iec- t

that the event, will be a very popu-lar one, not only among marksm :n, butthe general public as well. The. pro-

gramme is a liberal one, the aggregatevalue of tiie prizes probably being some-thing approaching $1,000. They includethe Dominis cup valued at $100, the Uro-di- e

medal valued at $o0, the Associationtrophy valued at $150, the Alden Fruitand Taro Company medal valued at


Christ imiM lay .Services.

The festival of Christmas will be cele-

brated in the new St. Andrew's Cathe-dral on Saturday as follows: C ::I0 a.m., choral celebration of the Holy Com-

munion. The choir of surpliced boyswill sing Tours' unison service, and theBishop will celebrate; 7:.'10 o'clock,celebration of the Holy Communion,with the Rev. George Wallace as cele-

brant. The choir will render Tours'service in F. At 0:30 o'clock a. m.there will be morning prayer, with ser-

mon by the Iiishop of Honolulu. Themusic will be Gregorian and the hymnsspecially selected for Christmas. At11 :l" o'clock a. m. there will be morn-ing prayer, with sermon by the Rev.(ieorge Wallace. At this service a largechoir of ladies and gentlemen will singTours' Te Deum ami Jubilato in F, andthe anthem, "And the Glory of theLord," from Handel's Messiah. Theproper psalms and Tallis' responses will!e sung and the usual Christmas hymns.Following this service there will beanother celebration of Holy Communion.At 12 :30 o'clock p. m. there will be anadministration of holy baptism, to befollowed with evening prayer and bap-

tism in Hawaiian at 3 :.' 10 o'clock. Theservices for the day will conclude withevensong at 0 p. in., when a sermon willbe preached by the Rev. Herbert H.Gowen.


ThaiiltH from theHer Royal Highness Princess Like-lik- e

has received a letter from the King'sChamberlain, His Excellency Governorlaukea, by command of His Majesty, inwhich the King thanks Her RoyalHighness and members of EducationalSociety, Division 2, presided over byher, for the kind and loyal sentimentsexpressed by them on the occasion ofHis Majesty's fiftieth birthday, and fortheir handsome present, which he ac-

cepts with high appreciation of the mo-

tives that inspired it, and which he willever preserve as a memento of thathappy occasion. A letter of thanksfrom His Majesty, through the Cham-berlain, was likewise addressed to HerRoyal Highness Princess Kaiulani, asPresident of the Hookuonoono Society,for the part that organization took in thefiftieth birthday jubilee celebration.

MOKAMA The :iew and tine A 1 Hteel steamship--INCLUDIKG-


Of the Oceanic steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or iihout"VolcanojJIartin Guitars, Fancy Goods, Toys

Aud XMA3 CARDB for the Holidays. Also received a tock of

ITnrnitnre ,lurlutlluff Reed Roc Iter, "iIl Mutt Kxiimtue.

$100, the Association second and thirdclass matches for a silver cup and aSpringfield ritle resjiectively, and all-

comers' and a consolation match, in-- OK

each of which four cash prizes are of

Iv I L, J. TJ JE V,December 25,

And will have prompt di.ipatcn wiili mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For f.eiht or passatje, hiivin .SITKKIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. (. Irwin & Co.,

xetNt'K iiX. I rrn Furcijfii 1'orli.Brit bark Oleugaber, Iiolleston, from Liver-

pool, due Jan 1 :; 1

Am bark Marbiia Fisher, from (ilangow, dueJau J5-:-

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Bjuson, Hailed fromBoston August 7th, due December

Haw schr Oeueral Siegel, Sarders, fromFrench Frigate SUoals, due Nov 20-3- 0

tier bark Hydra, from Hongkong, due Decem-ber

iierman bark Hercules, Scbaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October Vth, due February -'J8

Uawu schr Malolo, J B Holland, from Mani-Lik- i,

via Faiining's Island, due December 1"-3- 1

Am tern W S Bowue, A H 1'aul, from Situ Fran-cisco, due Dec 20-:- il

Haw S S Zealaudia, iHereudorp, from SanFrauclsco, eu route to the (,'olouies, due Dec 25

Am schr Anna. Uobertson, from San FVancisco,due at Kahului, Maui, Decem)er 20-3- 1

Am tern W S Bowue, A H Paul, sailed fromSan trancisco December 5, due December 18-- 2

Am bki;i Planter, W K I'eiiimau, from SanFrancisco, due December l

Am bark Caibarieu, O A Perkins, from SauFrancisco, due December 20 ai

Am wh bark Hunter, lino W Jenks, from theLine Islands, due March 10-3- 1

Brit stmr Explorer, from Apia, due Dec 20-:- k)

Haw bark Tuos U Foster, F W ltu4g, from Vic-

toria, B C, due Dec 2.v:tlAm schr Selina, Blake, from Sau Francisco,

due at Hilo. Hawaii, Dec 20 2t;KM SS Mariposa (Am), 11 M Hayward, f rom

the Colonies, eu route to Sau Francisco, dueJauI


Is Xow on Exhibition AGENTSn WEST, DOW & CO.

fered, amounting to upwards of $100. Inthe first four cases, the prizes have to bewon three times at regular meetings ofthe Association before becoming theproperty of the marksman. In severalinstances second prizes are offered, andthe distances range from 200 to "0J yards.The programme is in the hands of Mr.J. II. Fisher, the Secretary, by whomthe details of the arrangements will nodoubt be satisfactorily carried out.

-- AT- jaol

CAMPBELL'S BLOCK,vi inrmxTi?! i rci ninQueen Street. Li.LuiillllnfiLLlo Jim

Mil 1 111 H I F.

X HOl'P.S. From 1 p. m. to 4 p in., and 7 p.m. to 'J p. in.


lOO Fort Street,Have just received, per steamship AUSTRALIA, an lininenee variety of all kinds of fancy go4useful and ornamental, suitable for the


ADMISSION:General Admission : 50c

Oiristmni Service at (lie KoinaiiCatholic Cathedral.

Friday, December 24th, being the eveof Christmas, is a day of fast and absti-nence.

Saturday, December 2oth, is Christ-mas, a holy day of obligation.

Low masses from 5 a. m. to 9 a. m.Holy Communion at all low masses, thefirst one excepted.

Pontifical High Mass at 10 a. in., fol-

lowed by baptisms of adults and infants.The Mass in C of Werner will be ren-

dered by the choir of St. Louis College,whose band will also play several oftheir best pieces. Knglish sermon.

Confirmation at 3 p. m., followed byrosary and benediction.

A collection will be made during theHigh Mass to pay for the new roofwhich has just ben put on the church.

Children : : : 25cTicket for Male nt Sopcr's hiiiI at

tlie llutvaiiaii IIteI.::47 dcfStf

A Unbent Corpun Case.

The case heard by tlie Chief Justicein Chambers yesterday, and reiorted inanother column, is one of considerableimp irtance inasmuch as it involvesissues afflicting tlie liberty of

the subject. Mr. Congdon wasarrested under peculiar circumstancesas he was on the point of leaving


! for the Coast, and is now contesting the

This absolutely pureCIDER is manufac-

tured in the orchardone year before plac-

ing it on the market,and generates its owngas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for saleby


Gri-anc- l

, Orpening I

legality of the action taken under direc-tion of the Marshal of the Kingdom.Several different conceptions are enter-tained by members of the bar as to whatshould have been the course pursued,and the law as it will be laid down bythe Chief Justice to-da- y will thereforeestablish a precedent.

The Hawaiian steamship Zealandia, CaptainR. K. Vail Otereudorp, may be expected at thisport on her way to the Colonies, viaSamoa.

The bark Nellie May will finish dischargingcoal to-da- y and will then take in ballast, and isexpected to sail early next week for the Sound.

The ship Mercury will be docked near the Pa-

cific Mail Company's wharf early next week,

after the Nellie May is gou to discharge coal.

The brigautiue Claus Spreckels will finishdischarging caigo to-da- y, and is expected to sailabout next Tuesday with sugar for Sau Fran-lijc- o.

The steamers Kinau and W. Ci. Hall will ar-

rive to-d- ay from windward ports.

The new American barkentiue Planter, Cap-

tain W. It. Perritnau, Is supposed to be 15 days

out for this port from Sau Francisco.The barkentiue W. H. Dimond will load sugar

for San Francisco after the departure of thebrigautine Claus Spreckels.

The schoouor Emma arrived from Kauai De-

cember 23J with la3 bas rice, baJfs rice bran.31 head cattle, iucludiug 2tf calves and 3 pigs,and 5 hides. Ueyorts calms in the channel, andwill leave again next week.

The 915 tons coal brought by the barkentiueJohn Smith Lave been sold to Messrs. W. G. Ir-

win & Co. The vvssel Is auchored in the streamand will be dockelabout next Tuesday uear theOceanic Company' wharf.

The scho Jner Liholibo arrivel December 2:;d

in ballast from Funal ia, II iwaii.

Tbe lailing of tbe schooner Jennie Walker forFanning's Island L3 been further postponed tillChristmas Day.

The German bark Pacific wi'l sdlfor Bremen.

The schooner Anna is 19 days out fro u San

Francisco for Kahului, Maui.

The barkentine Mary Winkelmart is expectedto leave next wee1 for Sa.i Fraucisco. The Ame-

lia will load next, an J then the Eureka.


FREETH & PEACOCK,VIioleale Mine ul .Spirit MercUmut,

I'ulice Court. Honolulu, H. I.

The 4tueeir llirtii.lay.Invitations have been issued from the

Chamberlain's office for a grand luau atthe Palace at 2 p. in. on New Year'sday, in honor of the birthday of HerMajesty l' 'en Kapiolani, w ho attainsher fifty-.-eco:- id year on December 31 ,

1SS0. The i" citations embrace the vari-

ous education ."vl benevolent societiespresided over by the Royal Princesses,among them the Hookuonoono or Sav-

ings Society, at the head of which is the

23 jSTiniaiiii street - -


esFort Street, above Hotel,

Saturday USTiglit

Sole ants for J. J. Melclter's " ELEPHANT" GIN, Pellisson's uncolored,nnsweetenc.l, pure old BRANDY only two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hv. V. Smith & Co.'s

THISTJjEDEW whisky,We ofTer for sale at reduced figures, a large and . well assorted stock of

ALES, liEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.

.youthful Princess Kaiulani. The affair


Thcrsday, Decemler 23d.Keahealoa was fined the usual sum for

drunkenness.Kauakanui was charged with assault

and battery on Sam Gaudle, Jr., andKalepa. Pleaded not guilty. Mr. A.C. Smith for defendant. Fined $4 andcosts $1 00.


Tong Y'in vs. Sung M. Fai, action onpromissory note for $180. Judgmentconfessed for the amount. Attorney'scommission $12, and costs $3.

promises t b extremely enjoyable a:i I

interesting. DECEMCEIi 11th.

373 Telelione Sit. 2J8.I. O. Itox 504.Aceountaiit, Lainl, Estate and

Ia)Qv Agent. Accounts Collected.

Having refitted and remodeled the premise,the proprietors are prepared to furnish the best

Wines, Liquors,les, Cigars, Etc.,

Purchased hy MR. IUDD on his late trip to theStates.

l.vi V Wililer.This popular grocery firm has a fine

lot of edibles for the Christmas season ofthe best and choicest quality. There aretoo many things to enumerate, andtherefore we should advise our readers tocall at th ; store early this morning amileave their orders, so that there will beno disapointment. The firm will keepopen this evening, but will close onChristmas D.iy.

EA.G-A.lS- r &d CO.Corner of Fort and SVlerchant Streets,


Ternpor try address at J. E. WISEMAN'S, Mer-chant

Kefereuces lion. A. S. Cleghorn, R. J. Crei'h-ton- ,

Esq.P. O. Box 4C'J. 35 declf.tf

LOST.Thanking our raanv friends for pa?t patron- -

Wet Jool.Remember that Mr. W. S. Lin e closes

his store therefore ordersshould be left to-da-y as early as possible.He has a splendid stock ot" wines ofall kinds, including seven differentbrands of champagne. Then there isthe celebrated white port, a genuinearticle. The interior of this store is very

atre, and cordially inviting them to call upon

The schooner Leabi arrived off port last even-

ing from Kauai.

Jll Itcu.i I Ill's.To every purchaser at t lie stuie ol

Lewis .t Co., grocers, Fort street, thatlinn will present a handsome Japanesefan. As the weather is warm, it willcertainly be a very seasonable gift. Thelinn has made every preparation for thefestive season, and has on hand niceChristmas boxes containing confections,raisins, figs, etc. They keep open thisevening.

i:eului; Snie.Mr. Lewis J. Ievey w ill hold his last

Christmas sale this evening at 7 o'clock,

.If en's anil ItoyV I'nie 'nt om-iiixil- o 4'Itt li iii:, I"iiriiitiiiiir iimulm,


TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Island orde.s solicited and promptly attended to. Satiefaction guaran-teed. 7" tf

V LACE HANDKERCHIEF, WITH THE.A Initials R. P. B.. the t.roberlv of Her Royal

us iu our new quarters, we are., respecttuiiy,


Proprietors.declO-t-f -

Highness Princess The finder willwhen he will di-po- se of a large and va- - j tastily decorated, and makes one feel

ried assortment of goods. This will be j that Christmas is close at hand. Everythe last chance. ' order will be faithfully attended to.

be suitably rewanieu on actuum yvalue attached hv owner. Return to Ctiamlier-laia1- !)

"oflice. aly nov27tf



4- T-



SVilrerttsriKN: tsA JAPANESE TROUPE. AiSftmcnunts.--.lU4HIil 1 Ul.i;.

cyjiij Rustic wiis-iks-. II. Mclntyre fc Vivo..


Groceries Provisions and FeedKAST IDK.N'KK KOKT AM' KI.NmMUKKTX

.Vew UckkI receive,! hv everv packet from the K -- tern xiaki and Kurope. rel CHllft'nilProduce by every steamer. All onler fU!.f r.ly ;.n. inSe.! t. Mint iuxhSs (U Mv. rett to any pnrt or w.rcity free of clmrse. Isin order s;i!ici tel. stisf.-t...- : fc.i.iranta'etl. roi"lloe Hox o. ' --'

t60 pHTelephone o. Si


TLe urjutTMgiic'd ofitr :'cr salt atJow-- t ti aiUtWHITE WLLS ANGELICA,


HOCK, MUSCAT wtt and dry).MA LACiA, C H A M PA C. N E ,



FJSEETII il-- PEACOCK.IV O. llx a; 3 Telephone Xo. 46.

fellows Who t'nuptn the Cars.I was watching a brake i;.-- coupling

cars in the Grand Central yard the otherafternoon, when my neighbor, one of theprincipal freight ollirials of the road, said :

"You wouldn't WL'eve it to watch thatexpert and nervy risking his life,that there is a new car-couple- r inventedevery working day of the year, and yet nopatent lias so tar bei n hit on that will re-place the work of the hand in making acoupling. The couplings themselves aremuch better and safer thar they used tobe when they consisted simply of a ringand a pin, but the work of making acoupling is still one of peril. Many ofthe automatic couplings do very well forlight cars, but they cannot stand the jolt-ing and jerking and the heavy strain ofloaded and ponderous cars, running nowslow, now fast, shaking every bit of looseiron about them till it rings like a bell.It takes courage and intelligence to makea man an expert coupler. A first-cla- 3

man in that line doesn't stay there verylong. He either gets killed or promoted.

"The mortality among the second-clas- s

men must something fearful," I sug-gested.

"On the contrary, they last mnchlonger. You see, they are more careful.It is the smart men who get reckless,don't observe precautions and so getthemselves hurt."

"What liecomes of a brakeman whenhe gets crippled ?" I asked.

"If he can hold a flag, we make a flag-man of him. You will find one-arme- d andone-legge- d flagmen all along the railroads.There are several men without arms flag-ging it. If a man loses both legs orcan't get around lively, we put him in thestore sheds and supply departments. Wenever let a man go who is crippled in ourservice, if he can possibly be helped inearning a living." X. Y. Xews Dabble.


Chandelier Lamps and Lanterns,Water Kilters ami Ctu'lfi. Au.t-iira- Corvl:, Hail r.i uinl Vlain Aniifaltii Iuce ir,

KrUfe Mapte.

NOW h FEESS.1.887. Fourth Year of Publication. I1S87,



For the Y ear of Our Lord ISS?, Containing an

Astronomical Civil & Ecclesiastic' CaleiHl'r

Iov tlie Llolidnys:

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,A new invoice iu Utest uttcrUM. Curiine l'ainl for us iu tlu otmiitry, wilLuut Taiulh. A liirW

iuvnirrt of the elt lir.tU-- J

lJilliiig:h:im latont Plows.Horse Hoes anil Culiiviitors, Harrows, Hoes, I.ulrii-al- i (.ila, etc., eic, etc.

PAC 1 Fl C IIAH 1) WA E COjVI PA i Y ,(i.ii!iTi:i)i,

Fort Street- IOK I'll K

Oflicial and BusinessTOGETHKK WITH

Vnil Statistical and General InformationRLATIKG TO THEiHAWN ISLANDS,

THE HONOLULU IllOiN W0HK8 CO.Have ronipli'teil iiikI itr Utr nl- - tti tnu ltil'rM, v4:


1 Combination ISoiler, V2 it. x 5 it. ( in.1 Combination Steel JJoiler, 12 fl.x 1 ft.,also

1 Second-Han- d Tabular lioiler, 12 ft. x 1 it.G4 je:--8- 6 Apnly to The Honolulu. Iron Works Co.

Groat ains and exjei'He have hcvu gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most usetiil and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and to'.irists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Otlicial Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest iutheir condition and prospect abroad.

Send in your orders for copies early.

ill . H . 1UCUI111M1j1 (X )U1!





May 8tkPer Irlaiipchia. 1,754 Packages :

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,822 Pr:2iaic s :

To Arrive Per Coiisnelo. 332 Packages,













U i1.)






Just Arrived by '"Saranae."

For Sale at $1 7.1 per "r.w, bythe Irny Load-- 25 fuses.

i ft?W guarantee the PEARL OIL. just arrivedi by Sa:aDac, ad aupeiiur l n ii tuirWet ts j' a FAMILY OIL.

Castle & Cooke..'US decl'7

TO LET.'1 PA LA MA TWO NICF C'OTTAUFS IN R-oil bello I.uue, for $:so and ?J0 lr uoutti

lnqunv at 11 Jinan liros., yuecnstreet. ;t J ff

Assignee uSTotiee.

(1 APA1I having made an ansiun-.en- t to..IAN" IJLo.S. lor the heiietit of liia creditors,

all 8 Laving any claims aaiiirit said C.AI'All, art Jierehy notified to present them withITOper vouchers at the oitice of the undersigned,and all persons ovvin to said C A FA II, or ha-in- sf

any property of his ill their po.-sessi- arel.erehy noiilied to m:ike payment and accouutiugat once to the undeivi-lied- . All claim not pre-sented within tix mouths from publication willbe forever barred.

lU'MAN BROKHonolulu, Xoveml.e r at), IhhG. :i2ti-ja- ni


Steam Navigation Co.(LI MITKD..


HA'1 ('omnia tide

Will rim ri tfuhir.y to Muulaea. Main, and Kouaai:i KtMi. Hawaii.

Si'HAMKU 1WALAK1,FilKKMAN ... Commands

Will run regularly to Xim iliwili, Koloa, Klet-i-

and U'ainieu, Kauai.

STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,M.Al'A t." 1.KV. Com ni nder

Will run regularly to Hauioa. Muni, and Kukni-hael- e.

JloimkHU ai.'il I'antitiuu. Hawaii.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. K. FOSTER, President.J. Ksa, ecretarv. . fi:.ep7-l- y


WDierc a Advertiser


PHiNTiXii OFFICEIs (irt'pirt'i ! iio hi) kii:l-- .

Oomrnorciai & Leg a' WorkHavini,' j 11.1 1 llt-c- vt.-- a (.'oinplt-t- and New j

ysol tni-n- t of !


Job Types ;iii1 Ornaments

Of the Lit st Stvh'ts, from the niont Ctlehrated Foundries of the United tat?n,

and eii'.vioyiu only Experiencedau . j asty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter llend.Hill Mentis.

4 'iron 1 1 I'm.

X'e Ilcml..Hf Mlfll.ClltN,

Itilln l I.imIIhit,Contract.

j.N(lrlu.ro lilitillt.

a Nliip:in;r t'tintriii'lM,llHii.ui fc Ki!i;;i'h

OileiKlitr.ttluiilt 4 liocltN,

SI or I: 4'et ti flea !.IIiiHiiies t'aril..

fflit t'lie-ki- .

Jfilli lioKfln.Iffl III. ll--- k

)iiers,11 aroint.

Hurrinifr Corf Htrn .

And in fact everything whirli a first-clas- s

oliice can !"

J FRAWK CERTZ,j Importer anil Manufacturer Jj Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESgyOrders from tbe other Islands solicited.

Bio, 114 Fort SI., Honolulu,59-tf-



Learning; the Japanese Language JapsFond of the Hath Taking a. Liking toLager Deer Saying Prayer StreetPerformance In Japan.

"It was the first troupe of Japanese thathad ever played throughout the UnitedStates and Canada, and was a big nov-elty. It was made up of eighteen Japseleven men, three women and four child-ren. They could not talk a word of Plng-lis- h,

and as I had to live right with themI was obliged to pick up their lansruage a--:

best I could. I did it through pantomime,picking up an object or doing a thingand then getting the proper words forthem from the Japs. I hail a little in-

dexed book, and used to put the wordsand expressions that I learned in it,writing them as they sounded to me, withthe definition. In a few months after IJoined them I was quite a Jap myself.The language- - is easily learned, and re-

sembles Spanish very much. I dressedlike the Japs,, and allowed my hair togrow long. Here's an old photograph ofme as I appeared with little Kotzko in mykimona. I looked like the real article,didn't I?"

"What's the kimona?""It's the loose, flowing robe that the

Taps veur, folding it across the breast. Intsummer it Is a light garment, and in win-ter it Is heavily padded and very warm.Some of these kimonas are beautifullyembroidered. Under this kimona theywear the baggy pants or mamushka,fastened at the waist by a belt, called theobe.'


"Rut the Japs soon wanted Americanclothes, and they got them, too. Toyo-kich- i,

one of the party, went out on hisown hook one day, and came back with avery queer hand-me-dow- n suit on, over athin undershirt, and his pants tucked in apair of very stogy cowhide loots. Oh,but he looked funny when he walked intothe hotel in this rig. The 'Cheap John'clothier had" taken advantage of him andcharged him four prices, so that I had togo around and get part of the money back.

"The Japanese are the most cleanlypeople that I have ever seen," proceededMr. Hildreth. "I had to be careful to se-

cure bath rooms at every hotel we visited,and if there were no bath rooms I was ex-

pected to 'make rates' with some bathhouse in the town. Why, on the sleepingcars they were up at daylight scrubbingthemselves all over, and as soon as theyreached the hotel they were at it again.They use on their hair a peculiar pomadethat glistens and shines on their jettylocks. The women use more of this thanthe men. Occasionally the men use agreat deal of it, though, in combing theirhair up to a stiff knot on the tops of theirheads. They all insisted ipon two batfisper week regularly, besides their spongebaths daily, and they used to have thewater so hot that neither you nor I couldstand it. Almost the first English theypicked up was the expression 'Gimmewasser,' which they used on going intoevery hotel."

"Did your Japs tackle kindly to Ameri-can intoxicants?"

"Yes, but they were never under the in-

fluence. They liked beer, and it seemedto have no effect upon them. Everynight after a performance the troupewould gather in the hotel and have beerand lunch. Some of them liked otherdrinks, however, and had to have them.One old man and his wife wanted ginand another Jap tackled sherry. I had toget this for them, too. They would nothave played if I didn't. When I fustwent with them they would not eat thehotel food and I had to arrange to haveone of the women of the party go into thehotel kitchen and cook for the Japs. Theyused to eat eggs, rice and meat stews.

PARTICULARLY FOXD OF PIE."After a time, though, they went

through the regular bills of fare fromsoup to nuts. They were particularlystuck on that great American institution

pie. Then they always said theirprayers morning and night, and just be-

fore they went on the stage to do their actthey prayed to their God to help them.In praying they invariably turned theirbacks upon any one present, stood erect,rubbed their hands softly together, andmuttered their petition in a sing-son- g

tone. They were all interested in thehabits and customs of the Americans, andwhen they saw any strange tiling theystudied it over until they learned it.

"My chums in the company were twoboys, Kotzko and Yousaumatz. The lat-

ter was the boy who did the ladder act,and Kotzko used to be balanced on a longbamboo iole with Otoyon, a little girl.These two boys wouldn't live without me,so I always got a double-bedde- d room andbunked with them. At first they wouldn'tsleep in an American bed, and always car-ried their mats for the floor, with pillowsof wood, made bowl-shape- d for the headand rounded so that they would movewith the head. The memlwrs of thetroupe all came from Yokohama and Na-

gasaki. They were not of the street-performin- g

class In Japan, but of the middleclass, like those in the 'village.' An oldman, Yonousan, who was totally blind,used to do the iron jaw act by lifting tubsfull of great stones with his teeth. Hewas, however, a street performer, butlater performed in legitimate places ofamusement like the others. He used tostand on the street corners in. the Japanesetowns, and after a man had collected acrowd by drumming a Japanese banjo hewould do the egg trick, swallo'v a needleand thread and bring th- - zieedle outthreaded, and other feats o magic, whiletha loy, Kotzko. wnr' , do tumbling.Then they would c"..ect the cana, ormoney, the usu.il ". ring being a large,oval coin called a torapo. It had a squareholin the center, and the collector wouldstring them on a wire. When the triocollected a certain amount they would lieidle and not go to work again until all themoney was gone." Chicago Herald Inter-view.

The Tiiieven of New York.The thieves of. New York city are

pretty well inf nned tt to the fields inwhich they wish to pasture. Every per-son in the city that possesses enoughwealth to make it worth while for theconsideration of the thief is known to theprofession. It is said that the only wayin which the Asiors ar 1 Vanderbilts havesucceeded in escayi' . robbery is by main-taining a private rd over the house.Chicago Time.

How t: Jaestn Was Decided.Little Johnny, sge 5, was greatly take a

with the circus-porter- s and begged hispapa to take him to the circus. He couldget no proniisa from him, however, until,making a iast beseeching appeal on cicrusday, his father replied; "Well, Johnny,we will go down street and see the tents."Johnny walked along with his father,looking very dubious indeed at such ascanty privilege antil, glancing up, he re-

marked: "Pa-- ,.4, I'd much rather see the

con tec's." That decided it; they went in-

side. ;"j4trthood.

A Millionaire "Widow Factotum.Mrs. Mark Hopkins, the millionaire

widow, has for her factotum a youngcolored man, who manages much of herbn3in$s and conducts a part ot her corresponde nee. Chicago Herald.


Will be Sold at the J


:o:- -

.0 :- -

H 01 10 lu 1 uCG

'.Kt:i:i VKi)


owost jM;m1co1 7ntes,

nul 41 QiKen MrcW, Honolulu.

W. T. V. SCI1KNCK,Kun Fruiiclsco. t.1

;uid Coal,US' H A p. I W A I' E , IhImh, OII, Uh, Mull!,,,

.Vlls. ,, , ,, ,,,. 'l.u,or to I ron, and cost t II I tic'.0 lnV'.M V


j j... '.i-.v o

Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

M. W. McChesney Son,ly 42

Tlie "Lick It Is ioii Ity."The ceremony of conferring the order of

knighthood at the hands of tne queen isnot imposing. It is not, in fact, a publicceremonial, and only those are permittedto witness it who, by their otlicial connec-tion with the queen's household, may at-tend her. The loyal subject upon whomsuch distinguished honor may be onferredmay not even invite hi. "best i. ni.," northe members of hi 1 circle of relatives or friends to be present. Arrayedin whatever uniform he May be entitled towear, or whatever dress ct.i.rt eti'.mrteand the time of clay n.-.k- ; v. : . v, it I.e !.ea civilian, the subject jw-.-vl- ; hi :;;.'. !l In-f- ore

his sovereign and k; N m .' r n;;, ;.!feet. Seated on the t.I.i:e i:;;iv, thequeen lays the s!.ini:. !!;:. 'f n'swoniacross the shoulder of I .e. .Tug I utexalted beneficiary, and . x t he-titl- e

which she is about 1 eo: .r, Aihi'.Sir So and So." Pi. .in .Mr. ( ;:;

is thus 13' a si:.;'h- - ti.u:uci herrnajest3''s sword tr:;:i ; ii.ied into SirKnight So and So, and he is permittedperchance to ki.--s his sovereign's lingertips in grateful acknowledgment of thedistinguished honor.

In oxher cases thin this of a ph:inknighthood, and when the title carrieswith it a decoration, the queen, withher own royal ban 's, pins the glitteringand coveted bauble upon the coat of herelevated subject. This is tdl, but to therecipient it is a great deal.

Counting the I'isli in Cin Pacific.The excitement about the Canadian

fisheries give a hint as to the prospectivevalue of one of the undeveloped resourcesof the northwest. The shore fishing ofthe provinces, on the Atlantic side, is ofsufficient importance to bring the UnitedStates and its neighbors to the verge of aquarrel, but it is a small matter comparedwith the opportunities open in the north-western waters on this side of the conti-nent. The mackerel fishing, which is thepresent matter of dispute, is of no less im-portance than the banks cod fishing ; jetthe whole extent of the Newfoundlandbanks is only about 70,000 square miles,while in the Pacific and Okhotsk we have300,000 square miles, in Behring seaalmost as much more, and around theChoumagin islands 0,000 ; altogethernearly ten times the area of the Atlanticbanks. The total money value per an-num of the fisheries on the banks and oftthe east coast of the British North Ameri-can provinces is in the neighborhood of$2.",000,000, which embraces the catch ofthe vessels of all nations resorting there.When the fisheries of the north Pacificare developed to anything like the extentof those of the north Atlantic they willform one of the great industries of thiscoast. San Francisco Call.

The Gray Squirrel Will Probably Snrrive.But if Professor Gunning should be

light that with a few exceptions the iloraof this planet will ultimately be reducedto garden plants and the fauna to barn-yard pets the few exceptions will probablyinclude the American gray squirrel. Insome way or ether natural selection hasinsured its survival by probably decisivesafeguards. It can run, it can climb, itcair swim and it can almost fly, for it cannot be killed by a fall. In its tree bur-rows it can survive the hardest winter. Ifnuts should fail it can subsist on buds,seeds and birds' eggs. In spite of inces-sant hunting it has thus survived in everycounty of every forest state in the union,and would possibl3" survive the entire ex-

tirpation of forest trees, for it is probablethat the prairie dog is nothing but a modi-fied gray squirrel. Dr. Felix I.. Oswald.

William Waldorf Astor and Wife.Mr. William Waldorf Astor K in ap

pearance, the ideal of a prosperoi oungbusiness man stocky, wide-aw- a. andcommonplace looking, with nothing toindicate that he knows anything outsideof real estate matters. He is the onlyAstor who has ventured into any otherfield than business. As a politician, youngMr. Astor was disastrously defeated at thepolls; as minister to Italy he was buried,and as an axithor he is far from beingsuccessful. Now he is at wjrk on a play.It is not generally believed that he willbe the long-looked-f- American dramatist. He is the sole male representative ofthe family, and it is no secret that theelders view his excursions into art, litera-ture, politics, and the drama with scantfavor. They argue that with fcJOO, 000,000and 37,000 houses to look after he has allthat he need jo occupy his mind; butyoung William Waldorf goes on with hisnreu'ic efforts just the same. He has acharmi ngly unaffected and direct manner,and a beautiful wife, whom he loved andmarried In Philadelphia. New York Cor-respondent Philadelphia Press.

Tricks of the Chinese Thief.It is said that of late bed clothing has

been taken to Chinatown in large quanti-ties. Armed with a bamboo stick aboutfour feet long, which may be readilylengthened to fifteen or twenty feet by atelescopic slide, the Mongolian hoodlummakes his way about dusk to a back orside window, which has been left open atthe top for ventilation. The pole is stuckthrough the window, being stretched outas it is inserted, and by means of a smallhook at the end bedspreads, blankets,sheets, and pillows are pulled throughthe opening. It has sometimes occurredthat bed clothing has thus been removedwhile the Ix-i-l contained an occupant, whowa sleeping soundly. In the case of analarm the pole i dropped, and, being onthe outside of the building, the hoodlumeasily makes his escape. San

EUREKA," "1MKACJ0N" AM) "1HI) ( 1MSS 99

'otloii Itllll4-- r I.ilM'll

Rubber Hose, Hoie Carts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Iieparl nien t siij. plies Kener-.ll- r oiihre IhPacking, Hubber Packing, etc., etc. Send lor circulars and prii . ..


Directory of Honolulu

Win. (j. Irwin & Co



In Karrels,Hair Uarrels.

Ami lloxea.C'Vlih'

In Half BarrelsAnd 2." pound Boxes.

I'OWDKltKDIn Boxes.

flOLUKN O. (COFFEE;Half Barrels

And Boxes

Soap.BI L E Ml IT I Li : 1



t'orii'l HeelAN- D-

I.IIIM'll IOllbllf H.

Flour.FAMILY ::ii quarter aack-)- ,

B KEU'S EXT HA Iialt -- ackS).

Ts MtMlinm l.read.

I.i:liiat inA Oils.

Lime and (Vnient.

(Hlniti7i-i- ( (orruuiileil Iron ltoo(iH(fS. f., 7, 8, 9, Id foot

i i IDGING- -

Corda!.Xisnil i and sisul, l'nai a 1 w i lie, Y h ile Line


I'cPd'.V F('It tin Viuand iioili'i- - ('overiii.

"A TEN! S, i?uifa)le fur enmpitisf and Kiirveyiiig partii -- . i

. .f



( I.iui i leilKeep constantly on hand, for sale, STF.AM.FAMILY aud PLACKSMH H COAL, aud a generalassort mentor IKON. ;ct ly

36 California street.

1S76. (1KO. W. IJXCOL.X, 1S86.

BUILDER.75 and 77 Kiiur Street, - - - - J loiiolulu,

Bell Telephone Xo. 27."i. :.:, .MiiIhhI IVIe ,e No. 5.

WILDER &d CO.,rMroirj'F.iis and ijr.Ai.Fns in

STEAMER KINAU,(L.orvnt'11, Conmiaiiiler i.

l.t'avi's Honolulu as pT following s !m'(1u1p,tuUi'liiiiH ut I.aliaiua, MauUicu, Muk.-.tuj- . M.ihu-Koua- ,

Ka ailiito IniiMiii!-lio-- . Hiki anil Kcuulioii:'oniiisciici:ig on MOSllA Y. July ZK, ISst., and

on iviry alti-rnat- .lomli-- at J p.m., tlie Kliiauwul make too VOl.l'AMl '. KIF, rou tiiiig

nil Weillieswlay rnoriiilii; . w lu-rt- " liorsi s amii:hi l i: s are in wr.ilhiK to oiiovey fusst users totlif Vul.t.'A N In iL'K .live n.iles in tlie aaiiJie:;ml nine inilen liv carriage i.

I'asseiiKeis liy th:s route will li.ive two daysand two ni.lits m VOLCANO IIUI SK.

TICKKTS full lili: HOr.N" HUP TO Til Kvolcano, rinv iiollaks, whhh paysA 1.1. L'HAKHKS.

The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Voh-aii- trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and leiurn isulurdaymorning.

HASSKNOEH TKA1NS will tronnect Willi tlieKinau at Malmkona

The Kimiu AVI 1. 1. TOi"'H at Hor.okaia andPuauliau on down trip from Hi'o for Passengerdif a sitrnal is ni;ide from the shore.


Leaves Houoli:lu pvtry Jlmidiiy t e. m. torKi.niiRkakai. Kaliuliii, lfuelo. liana ami

K ipaiililu , e ery Week : Kealiae, M ..kola u and . inievery olln r w eek. IJclni iHur. w ,11 st. p at theahuve torts, arriving hack Saturday im i i;iiii:5

For mailK and paseiiyerr: onlv.

STEAM Eli KILAUEA HOtl,I I'amei mi . (001 ilia I ili-- 1


Will leave regularly for f.utinlna, l'a.-tnhai-

Ooka'a. Kiikaiao, Hor-oliiiiH- , l.aupDiioe-hoe- .HaValau an. I Onomea

STEAMElTEEIITTA,Clark, ("oniiiiander)

Will leave regularly for fume joils as Kilaueaflou.

STEAMER MOKOLI1,t MeOregor, ( 'omniaruler).

Leaves for the following polls iy ultui HteMonday at 5 p. m.:

ConimenciiiK August 2 To I. anal, Kainaln. t'v-ko- o,

Lahaiiia. Olowaln. Iteturiil:-- ! to LaliaiiiH.1'iikoo, Kamulo. Lanui, arri vU:g Hi Ilni.olii Hi Sat-urday morning.

Coniaienein:i Anirust 9-- To Ktuinal;ak;i, Kanui-lo- .

I'ukoo, Halawa. Wailaii. ivlekunu. Kalaupapa.Uetnrnint to Pnkoo. I.titiainu. 01 wain. Lalsaina.I'ukoo. Kamalo, Kuunakai-ai- , nrrivinfr at Hono-

lulu Saturday morning.

j8" The Company will not 1)0 responsible lorany freight or packages uu iess nt'eipted for, norfor personal baggage iimess plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or Jewelry iinleas placed Inbarge of tlie Purser.All possible rare will he taken of Live stock, but

the Company will not assume any risk of accident.AM"I. o WH IM ):, President,

s. B. ROSE, secretary.OFFICE Corner Fort and Unen :'trets.

.V, I v Mar 30

1 . A I J .. 11'ACiive Aiici.'is ;!;?ieuFor li e r.evv e.lilimi :.f " LII'I. !iV OF POF.TKYAXD WiXC," l.y Villiatu CuHen Try.-.Ti-

. Tbervtain of se en l.niiili-- vo'.r.iues- - a librniy Initself: 'i.oi-- ci.oice ; ijnot; .lions.I'be largest,

(ol Com jI-- t anil !!fnlAlso, .ifents for Jobn I.oid's fa

mous work, "Ti e IVacoti I.iilns of History,"oueof the very best am', most ltnerestinjj histor-ical works ever published, complete in five vol-

umes, in plai n cloth and fil e bindings. Also,Pit tuns in Palestine," "Tlie Story of Jesus,"

illustrated with one luiinlied iull-pag- platesand numerous other beautiful designs audstudies frenn the Holy Land.

Tor cirrulars, terms and full particulars a.l-dre- ss

j. ROMAN,l?ookeller ami IMiblislser.

liCt'sutter street. San Fraiciseo, Cul, 297 tf

LumbeDvMirs, sash and P.linds. All UIim! of III II I

Corrugated Iron. Porll'.iol C. ,eM : s' H

.7 O JrT JST

.C M w

Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing--, Tin, Copperr -

1 f

t i4
