T. Substantial say that we save the US 1.5B a day which meets the 500M Not a substantial increase to the BUDGET as stated in the plan We have substantial increase, it is not unfair because the neg can use Politics and DAs and if we were unfair they could not use that CP. LinkTurn- neg card says there will be support for this Neg links to tyranny Cannot dismiss their plan because of warming If we don’t do the plan we’ll just sit there and die Global warming is past the tipping point, their plan doesn’t solve. Also you can’t get the Helium 3 as stated in case because of no fusions Congress will ot waste time because they want to save their own lives NEG DOESN’T OFFER REASON WHY CONGRESS WONT WANT IT We can do fusion now We will have resource wars because of buying oil from the middle east CASE With squo, we should win case outweighs and magnitude We will be able to save the earth


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Page 1: Flow


Substantial say that we save the US 1.5B a day which meets the 500M

Not a substantial increase to the BUDGET as stated in the plan

We have substantial increase, it is not unfair because the neg can use Politics and DAs and if we were unfair they could not use that


LinkTurn- neg card says there will be support for this

Neg links to tyranny

Cannot dismiss their plan because of warming

If we don’t do the plan we’ll just sit there and die

Global warming is past the tipping point, their plan doesn’t solve.

Also you can’t get the Helium 3 as stated in case because of no fusions

Congress will ot waste time because they want to save their own lives


We can do fusion now

We will have resource wars because of buying oil from the middle east


With squo, we should win case outweighs and magnitude

We will be able to save the earth

Page 2: Flow

In the 1AR, the Aff never mentions tyranny which means we win that tyranny will not occur

We also win on the CP


We don’t violate we state that the plan is substantial also T is not an order

We meet their T, we have the grounds and limits


Congress is a necessary link to avoid tyranny

Tyranny already happened (Andrew Jackson)

Native Americans died due to this tyranny

DA.Nasa won’t have a hard time with Congress because they want to save their lives

Nasa isn’t a waste of money because it helps us do many things

Fusion energy isn’t a problem because its trying to save our lives

Doing the plan will increase the economy

No globablized war because they want to save themselvesCASE.

Impact calc: Solve for global warming, resource wars and economic collapse

Our impact outweighs because they only have 1 minor impact we have 3 major


We will die if we don’t do the plan

We will stick with the quo and die :c

Not fair to anybody, why would you sit down and die if you can still prevent death

Page 3: Flow

Our case outweighs the neg because we solve for more impacts, neg doesn’t

Neg wants the US to become dictatorship

Leads to war and death

Only choice is to vote for aff for a better world