Flow Assurance Services

Flow Assurance Services - Tracerco Flow Assurance... · Flow assurance specialists have long faced the challenge of maintaining continuous flow through subsea pipelines. Over time

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Flow Assurance Services

Flow assurance specialists have long faced the challenge of maintaining continuous flowthrough subsea pipelines. Over time depositscan build-up and can lead to shortfall of revenue through lost production. When theseissues arise, operators face the problem of determining the exact location, extent and nature of the build-up and/or blockage in order to take corrective action, without risking damage to the subsea pipeline or further lossof production.

Research indicates that 50% to 80% of remediation attemptsfail first time. This is largely down to a limited knowledge ofwhere, what and how much material is causing the restriction.Attempting remediation more than once at least doubles the cost, and while there is lack of full knowledge of what the restriction is, or the extent of it, the second, third or fourth remediation could still fail. Each failed remediationattempt extends the lost production time and is very costly to the operator.

Tracerco has the technology to enable operators to pinpointexactly where the restriction is in the pipeline, how much there is, and identify whether it is sand, asphaltene, wax, hydrate or scale. We have a long history of assisting operators withdeposition detection and this knowledge empowers you tounlock the full production potential of your subsea pipeline and get remediation right the first time.

“Research indicates 50% to 80% of remediation attempts fail the first time.”

Flow Assurance Services

“Incorrect remediation can more than double your overall project costs and damage your asset.”

“Efficiently restore the full production potential of your subsea pipeline by utilising Tracerco flow assurance services.”

In some rare cases, it is clear where the single blockage or issue is. In most cases, the problem could be multiple deposits across several kilometers of pipeline.Understanding with certainty the location of any deposits is the first step to addressing the issues.

Even if modelling indicates where issues might be occurring,for the avoidance of doubt and a costly mistake it is only prudent and sensible to use a fast screening pipeline inspection technique. This will ensure all issues are known before deciding on the appropriate proper remediation of theline. Modeling is only as valuable as the information availableto input into the models. The only way to be absolutely certainis to measure it. Tracerco offer a fast screening service tolocate flow assurance issues known as Explorer™.

Explorer™, a unique instrument, is able to screen subseapipelines for content and deposit build-up at fast speed, allowing many kilometres of pipeline to be inspected per day. It is non-intrusive with no pipeline preparations needed,measuring content from the outside of the pipeline. There is no need to remove protective coatings or interrupt productionto carry out the inspection, making it a cost-effective solution to flow assurance problems.

Explorer™ operates at depths of up to 3,000m (10,000ft) and can inspect pipe diameters from 2 to 60 inches. It has the ability to screen a variety of different piping systems: standard rigid pipe (coated or uncoated), pipe-in-pipe, bundles, and flexibles.

Explorer™ detects the location of deposit build-up by measuring the density profile of the pipeline and thenanalysing any detected anomalies. An abnormal density, in relation to the material present in the line, indicates a build-up of deposits. The tool provides a detailed profile showing mean densities of pipeline contents and amounts of deposit based on assumed densities.

While Explorer™ is effective at detecting deposits it is not giving the full picture in terms of those restrictions. You willneed to know more detail on what type of blockage you are faced with and the total amount of material prior to commencing a remediation campaign.

The action you take to remove hydrate build-up will be very different to the removal of scale deposition, wax, etc. So it'simportant you're confident you have all the data to avoid taking any action that could be ineffectual, wasting time and therefore increasing lost production and consequently revenue and resource losses.

Once Explorer™ has located the area(s) of the suspectedblockage(s), Discovery™ can be deployed to accurately characterise its precise nature and extent.

Multi award-winning technology, Discovery™, is a breakthrough in pipeline inspection that gives detailed high resolution CT scans of subsea pipelines, accurately distinguishing between wax, hydrate, asphaltene, sand, or scale deposition at density differences of 0.05g/cc.

As with Explorer™, Discovery™ does not require coating removal prior to scanning, which can save operators over 35% on the total cost of an inspection program. In addition,Discovery™ can give an integrity health check whilst screeningfor flow assurance issues giving you a “two for one benefit.”The technology will provide a detailed tomographic scan.

Discovery™ can operate at depths up to 3,000m (10,000ft) and is ROV operated, or diver operated in shallow water regions. It scans through all types of coatings on lines thatare between 6" and 27" in diameter. It provides results in realtime meaning you can act quickly to clear restricted flow andget production targets back on track, allowing for efficientdecision making whilst still in the field.

Once you have planned and executed your remediation campaign, you may want to confirm the procedure was successful. Use Discovery™ to scan the areas where youwere experiencing issues to ensure complete and properremoval of all deposits and that the line is clear.

“Remediation costs can run into tens of millions of US dollars.”

A customer was experiencing a complete blockage in one of their production lines in the Gulf of Mexico. Modeling indicated that the blockage was due to a hydrate plug andattempts were made to remove it by pressurecycling from the platform.

After several unsuccessful attempts and with the line being offline for a number of years the customer approached Tracerco to use Discovery™ technology to characterise the blockage.

Detailed real time scans showed that the issue was anasphaltene blockage and treating with pressure cycling had compounded the problem by densely packing thematerial in the line. Had Discovery™ technology been used prior to any remediation attempts this issue could have been avoided and the high cost of the initial ineffectual remediation attempts eliminated.

This line is now non-recoverable. The operator is now forced to abandon the line and in order to do so must verify to theregulators that the line is clear of hydrocarbons.

Total cost by the end of the abandonment will be in excessof $200M.

Fortunately for this operator they have a sister line that canhandle the volume from the field to keep producing or thenumber would be substantially higher. However, any newfinds in this field will be more expensive and require thelaying of a new pipeline.

Case Study

For further details please contact:

Measurement Technology CentreThe MoatBelasis Hall Technology ParkBillinghamTS23 4ED

Tel: +44 (0)1642 375500Web: www.tracerco.com/subsea/flow-assurance

Tracerco Limited is a subsidiary of Johnson Matthey PLC, 5th Floor, 25 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AB.Registered in England No. 4496566. Tracerco is a trading name of Tracerco Limited.

Tracerco is a trading name of Tracerco Limited. TRACERCO is a trademark of the Johnson Matthey Group of companies.

