Flow and dispersion in street intersections L. Soulhac a , V. Garbero b, c , P. Salizzoni a, d, * , P. Mejean a , R.J. Perkins a a Laboratoire de Me´canique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, Universite´ de Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon I, 36, avenue Guy de Collongue, 69134 Ecully, France b Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24,10129 Torino, Italy c Golder Associates S.r.l., Via Banfo 43,10155 Torino, Italy d Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24,10129 Torino, Italy article info Article history: Received 14 May 2008 Received in revised form 31 January 2009 Accepted 2 February 2009 Keywords: Street canyon Street intersection Urban air pollution Dispersion models abstract Street intersections play an important role in determining pollutant concentrations in the urban canopy – vehicle emissions often increase in the vicinity of road intersections, and the complex flow patterns that occur within the intersection determine the pollutant fluxes into adjoining streets and into the atmosphere. Operational models for urban air quality therefore need to take account of the particular characteristics of street intersections. We have performed an experimental and numerical investigation of flow and dispersion mechanisms within an urban intersection, and on the basis of our observations and results, we have develo- ped a new operational model for pollutant exchanges in the intersection, which takes account of the non- uniformity of the pollutant fluxes entering and leaving the intersection. The intersection is created by two streets of square cross-section, crossing orthogonally; concentrations were measured by releasing a neutrally buoyant tracer gas from a line source located in one of the streets. As a general result, the numerical simu- lations agree well with the measurements made in the wind tunnel experiments, except for the case of ground-level concentrations, where the computed concentrations far from the axis of the line source are significantly lower than the measured values. In the first part of the study we investigate the influence of an intersection on the velocity and concentration fields in the adjoining streets; we show that the immediate influence of the intersection extends within the adjoining streets, to a distance of the order of the charac- teristic size of the streets. A large recirculating vortex is formed at the entrance to the cross-wind streets, and this determines the exchange of pollutants between the streets and the intersection. For some wind directions the average velocity in the street segment between intersections is the same as that which occurs in an infinitely long street with the same wind, but for other angles the average velocity in the finite-length street is significantly lower. The average concentration along a finite-length street is significantly different from that observed in an infinitely long street. In the second part of the study we investigate how the pollutant fluxes in the incoming streets are redistributed amongst the outgoing streets. An analysis of the mean streamlines shows that the flows remain relatively planar, with little variation over the vertical, and we have exploited this result to develop a simple operational model for the redistribution of pollutant fluxes within the intersection. This model has been further adapted to take account of the influence of fluctuations in wind direction over typical averaging periods. The resulting model is used in the street network model SIRANE. Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Street intersections play an important role in determining pollutant concentrations in the urban canopy. Firstly, traffic flows are disrupted, and vehicles are obliged to accelerate and decelerate, thereby increasing emissions. In congested intersections, or at intersections controlled by traffic lights, idling vehicles will increase emissions above the level for free-flowing traffic. Secondly, street intersections are regions where there is significant exchange of pollutants between the connected streets. So models of pollutant dispersion within the urban canopy need to take account of the specific effects induced by street intersections. And since pollutant concentrations are often measured close to, or within, street intersections, the correct analysis of these data requires a detailed understanding of the physical processes involved (Ott, 1977; Scaperdas and Colvile, 1999). There have been several in situ experiments to investigate how traffic emissions vary in the vicinity of street intersections (O’Toole et al., 1975; Rosas et al., 1980; Bullin et al., 1982), and the results of * Corresponding author at: Laboratoire de Me ´ canique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, Universite ´ de Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite ´ Claude Bernard Lyon I, 36, avenue Guy de Collongue, 69134 Ecully, France. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Salizzoni). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Atmospheric Environment journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/atmosenv 1352-2310/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.02.061 Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996

Flow and dispersion in street intersectionsair.ec-lyon.fr/Doc/Publi/Soulhac-Atm-Env-2009.pdfFlow and dispersion in street intersections L. Soulhac a , V. Garbero b,c , P. Salizzoni

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Page 1: Flow and dispersion in street intersectionsair.ec-lyon.fr/Doc/Publi/Soulhac-Atm-Env-2009.pdfFlow and dispersion in street intersections L. Soulhac a , V. Garbero b,c , P. Salizzoni

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Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996

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Atmospheric Environment

journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate/atmosenv

Flow and dispersion in street intersections

L. Soulhac a, V. Garbero b,c, P. Salizzoni a,d,*, P. Mejean a, R.J. Perkins a

a Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, Universite de Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I,36, avenue Guy de Collongue, 69134 Ecully, Franceb Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italyc Golder Associates S.r.l., Via Banfo 43, 10155 Torino, Italyd Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 14 May 2008Received in revised form31 January 2009Accepted 2 February 2009

Keywords:Street canyonStreet intersectionUrban air pollutionDispersion models

* Corresponding author at: Laboratoire de MecaniquUniversite de Lyon, CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, IBernard Lyon I, 36, avenue Guy de Collongue, 69134

E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Salizz

1352-2310/$ – see front matter � 2009 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.02.061

a b s t r a c t

Street intersections play an important role in determining pollutant concentrations in the urban canopy –vehicle emissions often increase in the vicinity of road intersections, and the complex flow patterns that occurwithin the intersection determine the pollutant fluxes into adjoining streets and into the atmosphere.Operational models for urban air quality therefore need to take account of the particular characteristics ofstreet intersections. We have performed an experimental and numerical investigation of flow and dispersionmechanisms within an urban intersection, and on the basis of our observations and results, we have develo-ped a new operational model for pollutant exchanges in the intersection, which takes account of the non-uniformity of the pollutant fluxes entering and leaving the intersection. The intersection is created by twostreets of square cross-section, crossing orthogonally; concentrations were measured by releasing a neutrallybuoyant tracer gas from a line source located in one of the streets. As a general result, the numerical simu-lations agree well with the measurements made in the wind tunnel experiments, except for the case ofground-level concentrations, where the computed concentrations far from the axis of the line source aresignificantly lower than the measured values. In the first part of the study we investigate the influence of anintersection on the velocity and concentration fields in the adjoining streets; we show that the immediateinfluence of the intersection extends within the adjoining streets, to a distance of the order of the charac-teristic size of the streets. A large recirculating vortex is formed at the entrance to the cross-wind streets, andthis determines the exchange of pollutants between the streets and the intersection.For somewind directionsthe average velocity in the street segment between intersections is the same as that which occurs in aninfinitely long street with the same wind, but for other angles the average velocity in the finite-length street issignificantly lower. The average concentration along a finite-length street is significantly different from thatobserved in an infinitely long street. In the second part of the study we investigate how the pollutant fluxes inthe incoming streets are redistributed amongst the outgoing streets. An analysis of the mean streamlinesshows that the flows remain relatively planar, with little variation over the vertical, and we have exploited thisresult to develop a simple operational model for the redistribution of pollutant fluxes within the intersection.This model has been further adapted to take account of the influence of fluctuations in wind direction overtypical averaging periods. The resulting model is used in the street network model SIRANE.

� 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Street intersections play an important role in determiningpollutant concentrations in the urban canopy. Firstly, traffic flowsare disrupted, and vehicles are obliged to accelerate and decelerate,thereby increasing emissions. In congested intersections, or atintersections controlled by traffic lights, idling vehicles will

e des Fluides et d’Acoustique,NSA Lyon, Universite ClaudeEcully, France.oni).

All rights reserved.

increase emissions above the level for free-flowing traffic. Secondly,street intersections are regions where there is significant exchangeof pollutants between the connected streets. So models of pollutantdispersion within the urban canopy need to take account of thespecific effects induced by street intersections. And since pollutantconcentrations are often measured close to, or within, streetintersections, the correct analysis of these data requires a detailedunderstanding of the physical processes involved (Ott, 1977;Scaperdas and Colvile, 1999).

There have been several in situ experiments to investigate howtraffic emissions vary in the vicinity of street intersections (O’Tooleet al., 1975; Rosas et al., 1980; Bullin et al., 1982), and the results of

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L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962982

those studies have been used to develop semi-empirical models suchas IMM and MICRO2, to estimate concentrations near crossroads(Benesh, 1978; Zamurs and Piracci, 1982; Griffin, 1983; Messina,1983). But the experiments were performed in open areas (becausethe main interest was the influence of intersections on emissions,rather than on dispersion) and the models that have been developeddo not explicitly consider the effects of the surrounding buildings, sothey cannot reasonably be applied to the urban environment.

There have also been several studies of pollutant dispersion inurban street intersections using both experimental and numericalapproaches. Hoydysh and Dabberdt (1994) and Hoydysh et al.(1995) carried out wind tunnel experiments for a grid of orthogonalstreets, measuring concentrations of a tracer gas within the inter-sections. These studies demonstrated that the concentrationsvaried significantly within the intersection, with maximum valuesconsistently located at street corners, and showed that the streetaspect ratio had an important influence on conditions within theintersection. Robins et al. (2002) also performed wind tunnelexperiments to investigate the dispersal of pollutants in an urbanstreet intersection; their results showed that the flow was verysensitive to the wind direction relative to the intersection, so thateven small asymmetries in the configuration could lead to verydifferent dispersion patterns.

Numerical simulations of flow in street intersections haveprovided a detailed picture of some of the major flow mechanismsthat occur. Hunter et al. (1990) studied the case of two streets crossingat right angles, and showed that when one of the streets wasorthogonal to the wind direction, large vertical-axis recirculatingregions formed in the cross-wind streets, at the interface with thestreamwise street. In another study, Gadilhe et al. (1993) simulatedthe flow in a square in Nantes, analyzing the recirculating motionstaking place within it. Scaperdas and Colvile (1999) studied the flowand the dispersion within a real intersection in London by means offield measurements and numerical simulations, focusing on theinfluence of the external wind on pollutant concentrations.

The flow field within and around a street intersection in Londonwas measured as part of the DAPPLE project field campaign (Dobreet al., 2005); an analysis of those measurements showed that, ata short distance from the intersection, the main features of the flowin the streets were similar to those observed in idealised two-dimensional street canyons – a combination of flow channeledalong the street, and a recirculating vortex with its axis parallel tothe street axis. In this study, the streets that formed the intersectionhad a rather irregular geometry.

As far as we are aware, the only operational model for pollutantdispersion in urban street intersections was developed by Yamar-tino and Wiegand (1986). The model assumes that the pollutants inthe intersection are well-mixed, so that the whole intersection canbe treated as a single box containing pollutant with a uniformconcentration, which is computed from a simple mass balance ofthe fluxes entering and leaving the box. Data from measurementsand numerical simulations show that this is a rather unrealisticassumption, which limits the ability of the model to providereasonable predictions of concentrations within the intersectionand in the adjoining streets, so there is a need to develop a morerealistic model, which can nevertheless be used in an operationalcontext.

The various studies of flow and dispersion in urban streetintersections all show that, even for simple configurations, the flowstructure is very complicated, and a detailed description wouldrequire a large number of experiments and numerical simulations.An operational model must be able to treat an infinite variety ofsituations, rapidly, and with limited computing resources, so it willonly be capable of reproducing some of the more basic aspects ofmass and momentum exchange in the intersection. A reasonable

objective for such an operational model, compatible with theconditions in which it is likely to be used, would be to compute theaverage concentration in the intersection and the average pollutantfluxes into and out of the adjoining streets, for given meteorologicalconditions and pollutant emissions. The average concentration isunderstood here to be taken over both space and time; the typicalaveraging period for an operational model would be of the order of1 h, but in certain circumstances it could be as little as 15 min. Theaim of the research presented here has been to understand thebasic physical processes which determine mass and momentumexchanges between the streets that define the intersection, and touse the results of that work to develop a suitable operational model.The model that we have developed forms part of the urbandispersion model SIRANE, in which the urban canopy is modelledas a network of streets, with pollutant exchanges between differentstreets, and between the streets and the overlying atmosphere (see,for example, Fig. 1). In this model, each street segment is charac-terized by a constant height, width and direction, and streetintersections are therefore defined as the nodes at which the streetcharacteristics change. These nodes can be the junction of severaldifferent streets, but they can also be the points at which the height,width or direction of a street changes significantly. The modelSIRANE has already been used to compute street level concentra-tions in several large European cities including Lyon, Paris, Gre-noble, Turin and Milan (Soulhac et al., 2002, 2003, 2004; Boni et al.,2008; Biemmi and Gaveglio, 2007). More recently, the networkapproach was adopted by Hamlyn et al. (2007) to model pollutantdispersion within regular arrays of obstacles.

The geometry of real street intersections can be relativelycomplicated and a full description might require many parameters(the geometrical characteristic of the streets, the size and shape of theintersection, details of the roofs, building walls, ground.) so it seemsunrealistic to attempt a universal classification of intersections. Butmany of these details are probably relatively unimportant in theaverage exchange of mass and momentum (Salizzoni et al., 2008).Firstly, the exchanges will be dominated by the faster moving parts ofthe flow, distant from the boundaries; secondly, temporal fluctua-tions in wind direction should smooth out some of the finer details,and the time average of the concentration fluxes should be lesssensitive to individual details of the boundaries. By analogy with therepresentation of real streets as simplified canyons, a ‘minimal’definition of a street intersection might therefore be the intersectionof a number of simple, smooth-walled canyons, with a height equal tothe average of the heights of the intersecting streets. This definition isalso consistent with the context in which the operational intersectionmodel is likely to be used, in which the contributing fluxes will beobtained from calculations based on the flow in individual streetcanyons.

In order to develop an operational model for the pollutant fluxes ina street intersection in an urban environment, we have investigatedthe simplest possible configuration, consisting of the orthogonalintersection of two identical streets, of square cross-section. Althoughsimple and idealised, this configuration is nevertheless typical ofa rather large number of street intersections in European cities. Wehave used both wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulationsto study the velocity and concentration fields within the intersection,as a function of the external wind direction. The configuration isdescribed in detail in Section 2, together with the experimentalfacilities and the numerical methods that have been used. We focusfirst (Section 3) on the velocity and concentration fields generated inone of the streets adjoining the intersection, to establish the ‘zone ofinfluence’ of the intersection; the results from the street networkstudy are compared with corresponding results for an isolated streetof infinite length. Then, in Section 4, we investigate flow and disper-sion within the core of the intersection as a function of the external

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Fig. 1. The street network approach applied to a district of the city of Lyon (France).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2983

wind direction. In particular, we focus on the topology of the flow inthe intersection, so as to understand how the flows from the incomingstreets mix and are redistributed amongst the outgoing streets.Finally, in Section 5, we present a new operational model for thepollutant exchange in a street intersection. This model can be inte-grated into urban dispersion models in order to improve the evalu-ation of the pollutant turbulent exchanges in street intersections, andforms part of the SIRANE urban dispersion model, developed at theLaboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique (LMFA), EcoleCentrale de Lyon.

2. Experimental and numerical methods

2.1. Wind tunnel experiments

The experiments were performed at the LMFA, in a recirculatingatmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel, with a test section thatmeasures 14 m � 2.5 m � 3.7 m.

A grid of streets was created by placing obstacles (10 cm highand 50 cm � 50 cm in plan) on the floor of the wind tunnel ina regular pattern, 10 cm apart, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This createdstreets with a square cross-section (height H ¼ 10 cm, widthW ¼ 10 cm) and a length L ¼ 50 cm. At a scale factor of 1:200 thiswould correspond to streets measuring 20 m � 20 m in cross-section.

The boundary layer was generated using a combination of Irwinspires at the entry to the test section, and roughness elementsdistributed randomly on the floor over a distance of about 6 mupwind of the measurement section. The incoming velocity profilein the boundary layer has a logarithmic form:

U ¼ u*


z� dz0


with a displacement height d of 20 mm, a roughness length z0 of2.7 mm and a friction velocity u* of 0.27 ms�1. These values wereobtained by fitting the assumed profile (Equation (1)) to themeasured velocities, using the method described in Salizzoni et al.(2008).

In the analysis that follows, we will refer to the street parallel tothe wind direction as street no.1, and the street perpendicular to thewind as street no. 2, as shown in Fig. 2. This figure also defines thewind angle q relative to the initial configuration q¼ 0�; experimentshave been performed for q ¼ 0�, 15�, 30�, 45�, 60�, 75� and 90�.

Velocities were measured using a two-component LaserDoppler Anemometry system. The dispersion of pollutant withina street intersection was investigated by placing a line source ofpollutant (length 2L) along the axis of street no. 1, as shown in Fig. 2.The source emitted a continuous mass flux Q of ethane (C2H6),which was chosen as a tracer gas because its molecular weight isnearly the same as that of the air. The tracer gas concentrationswere measured with a Flame Ionisation Detector. The homogeneityof the emission from the line source was tested before starting themeasurement campaign (Meroney et al., 1996).

2.2. Numerical simulations

The numerical simulations were performed using two codes –FLUENT and MERCURE (Carissimo et al., 1995), a three-dimensionalnumerical code which implements a finite difference method tosolve the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations. A standardk–3 turbulence model was used in both cases. The computationswere performed using a Cartesian grid with variable spacing;closest to the rigid boundaries the spacing was set equal to H/40,and it increased with distance from the boundary. The roughnesslengths of the roof and sidewalls of the street were set equal toH/400. The geometrical symmetry of the obstacle array was used to

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= 0

Wind= 90

street n 1

street n 2

a b

Fig. 2. Wind tunnel set up (on the left) and numerical domain (on the right); the dashed line represents the line source.

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962984

limit the size of the computational domain, and hence thecomputing time; the computations were performed for a singleintersection, with periodic conditions on the inlet and outletsections, so that the flow exiting from a street was identical to theflow entering the street at the upstream boundary. A condition ofzero shear was applied at the upper boundary. Scaperdas andColvile (1999) found that both symmetrical and asymmetricalnumerical solutions were possible for a symmetrical geometry, likethe one investigated here, and the use of periodic boundaryconditions ought to permit asymmetrical solutions. However all thesolutions we obtained were symmetrical, but we did not attempt topush the model towards asymmetrical solutions. Scaperdas andColvile (1999) also found that concentration measurements in theside streets were not very repeatable, and this may be anotherindication of the possible coexistence of symmetrical and asym-metrical solutions. In this study the numerical model was used tocompute steady state solutions, so this would also have the effect ofselecting some solution – possibly the symmetrical ones – overunsteady, asymmetrical solutions.

3. Flow and dispersion in the streets connected to anintersection

Previous studies (Robins et al., 2002) have shown that thedirection of the external wind can have an important influence onthe flow within a street intersection, and on the transport andmixing of pollutants. We have therefore measured the velocitiesand concentrations in the streets forming an intersection, fordifferent external wind directions; those configurations have alsobeen simulated numerically. Because the obstacles in the array arearranged symmetrically, it is only necessary to study wind direc-tions between 0� (wind parallel to the x-axis) and 45�, so these arethe limiting cases for our analysis.

Fig. 3. Visualisation of the main structure of the flow in a street connected to anintersection (numerical simulation).

3.1. External wind perpendicular to the x-axis (q ¼ 90�)

This configuration, illustrated in Fig. 3, represents one of the twolimiting cases for the wind direction; the wind blows along-streetno. 2 and perpendicularly across street no. 1, so that, sufficiently farfrom the intersection, we should expect the flow in the street no. 1to resemble that in a classical street canyon, with a recirculating celloccupying most of the street. Since the wind blows parallel to streetno. 2 the flow within the street should be relatively rectilinear, andthis means that there must be a transition zone at the entrance to

the street no. 2, in which the recirculating cell develops. This raisesthree interesting, and practically important questions:

� How does the flow adapt from rectilinear flow in street no. 2 tothe recirculating cavity flow in street no. 1?� What is the characteristic length of this transition zone?� Does the transition have any important influence on the flow in

street no. 2?

In order to understand how the transition takes place, we needto define the region of transition. To do this, we have measuredhorizontal and vertical velocities (u and w) within the street no. 1,along the horizontal and vertical planes passing through the centreof the cavity, at different distances (x) from the centre of theintersection. The measured velocities have been normalised by theexternal wind speed at roof height UH and normalised profiles areplotted in Fig. 4 for five different distances from the intersection(x/H ¼ 0.6, 0.8, 1.4, 2.2, 3); the length of the street no. 1 is equal to5H, so the profiles at x/H ¼ 3 corresponds to flow close to the mid-point of the street, and by symmetry the conditions here should beclosest to those in an infinitely long street with a perpendicularexternal wind.

On the same profiles we have also plotted the results of thecorresponding 3-D numerical simulations and the velocity profilesmeasured in a previous wind tunnel study of flow and dispersion inan isolated street canyon, which corresponds to the case of aninfinitely long street without end effects (Soulhac, 2000).

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-0.5 0 0.5y/H

-0.5 0 0.5


-0.5 0 0.5y/H

-0.5 0 0.5y/H

-0.5 0 0.5






















-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1






















2D street - Wind tunnel

3D street - Wind tunnel

3D street - Numerical

x/H = 3 x/H = 2.2

x/H = 1.4 x/H = 0.8

x/H = 0.6



a b

c d



Fig. 4. Mean velocity profiles at different sections of the street no. 1: comparison between numerical and experimental results. a) x/H ¼ 3; b) x/H ¼ 2.2; c) x/H ¼ 1.4; d) x/H ¼ 0.8;e) x/H ¼ 0.6.

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2985

The first point to note is that the numerical results agree well withthe measured velocities, for all values of x/H, even close to theintersection, where the flow is likely to be highly three-dimensional.This means that we can use the numerical simulations to obtainadditional information about flow in the transition zone that mightbe hard to extract from experimental measurements.

The second point is that all the profiles exhibit the characteristicform of a recirculating cell driven by an external flow, witha downward flow on the downwind face of the cavity, and anupward flow on the upwind face. The flow is driven by the shearfrom the external wind, and this is demonstrated by the steepgradient in the horizontal velocity, at the top of the cavity.

A comparison between the 3-D and the 2-D profiles shows thatthere is only one position (x/H ¼ 2.2) where the two are in closeagreement. As already argued, symmetry considerations suggestthat the closest agreement ought to occur for x/H ¼ 3 but this isclearly not the case. One possible explanation could be that theflow is very sensitive to wind direction, and that a small error inpositioning the array or a small dis-symmetry in the array couldlead to a large displacement of the ‘neutral’ profile along thestreet. But the agreement between numerical and experimentalprofiles, for both x/H¼ 2.2 and x/H¼ 3, suggests that this is not thecase, for these small errors in alignment are not present in thenumerical simulations.

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L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962986

On the basis of these measurements it would seem reasonableto conclude that the influence of the intersection penetrates intothe street to a distance between 1.4H and 2.2H.

We can infer some aspects of the complicated 3-D structure ofthe flow in the transition region from the way in which the velocityprofiles evolve with distance from the intersection, notably bycomparing them with the profiles of infinitely long street. The basicflow pattern within the street remains that of a recirculating cell,filling the street, and driven by the wind above the street. Near themid-point of the street the profiles for the 2-D and the 3-D streetare similar, but there are some significant differences between thetwo, close to the intersection (e.g. x/H ¼ 0.6). The downwardvelocities on the downwind face of the cavity are much lower in the3-D street than in the 2-D street, indicating that less air must beentrained across the upper surface of the cavity. However at groundlevel the reverse flow, towards the upwind face of the cavity, ismuch greater in the 3-D street than in the 2-D street. Indeed, theupwind mass flux in the lower half of the street easily exceeds thedownwards mass flux in the cavity on the downwind face. Byconservation of mass, the upwind flux must be fed by theentrainment, at ground level, of air in the intersection, and thisentrainment is driven by the vertical-axis recirculating region thatforms at the entrance to the cross-wind street. This can be seenschematically in Fig. 3 – both the vertical-axis recirculation and thehorizontal-axis recirculation contribute to an upwind flux atground level in the cross-wind street, close to the intersection.

All along the cross-wind street (no. 1) the flow exhibitsa rotating cell structure, with a centre that moves around asa function of distance from the intersection. This suggests that theflow has a helicoidal structure. The computational results agreewell with the measured velocities, at all position in the cross-windstreet, so the numerical model can be used to investigate someaspects of the flow that cannot be studied easily using experimentaltechniques.

In order to study the dispersion of pollutant along the cross-windstreet (no.1), and the exchanges that occur, both with the atmosphereand at the intersection, we placed a line source all the way along thecentre of the cross-wind street, and across the intersection.Concentrations of tracer gas in the cross-wind street were measuredat different distances from the intersection, and some of the profilesare shown in Fig. 5. The concentration field within the cross-windstreet, on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the street, in the centreof the street (x/H ¼ 3) is shown in Fig. 5a. The cavity is filled witha strong recirculating cell which transports the tracer from the linesource at the bottom of the cavity – first upstream, then rising alongthe upwind wall before turning over at the top of the cavity. Theconcentration contours suggest that the centre of this recirculatingcell is located at about half the cavity height, somewhat downwind ofthe axis of the street.

The vertical profile of dimensionless concentration at the mid-point of the street (x/H ¼ 3) and on the street axis has been plottedin Fig. 5b, together with the corresponding profile obtained fromnumerical simulations, and an equivalent profile for an infinitelylong street oriented perpendicular to the wind.

The measured and the computed profiles agree well over the fullheight of the cavity, but the concentrations are almost twice thosemeasured in an infinitely long street. This means that the concen-tration distribution is still strongly affected by the finite length ofthe street. The velocity measurements show that the end conditionshave no influence on the recirculating velocities at the mid-point ofthe cross-wind street, so the only possible explanation for the largedifference in the concentration measurements is that there must bea significant component of the wind along the street, induced by theend conditions. The horizontal profile of concentration at mid-height (Fig. 5c) confirms that the computational results agree well

with the measured data, and that once again the concentrations ina street of finite length are greater than those in an infinitely longstreet, by a factor that varies between 1.5 and 2. The profiles all showa double peak superimposed on a concentration that decreases withincreasing distance downwind. The double peak arises from the wayin which the recirculating cell transports the tracer gas around thecavity, from the source at ground level, and the general underlyingdecrease in concentration is due to the escape of tracer gas into theatmosphere, across the upper boundary of the cavity.

The overall increase in concentration in the finite-length street,compared with an infinitely long street, suggests that the endconditions might generate a flow along the street, from the inter-section to the mid-point, which would transport pollutant alongthe street; continuity and symmetry conditions would then ensurethat the pollutant left the street at the mid-point. To test thishypothesis we have plotted the measured and computed concen-tration profiles on the axes of the cross-wind street, at mid-height(Fig. 5d). Once again the numerical results agree reasonably wellwith the measured concentrations and provide at least partialconfirmation of this hypothesis. There is a clear peak in theconcentration at the mid-point of the cross-wind street, and theconcentration decays symmetrically from this towards the ends ofthe street. The numerical simulations and the measurements agreereasonably well in their estimates of the peak concentration at thecentre of the street.

Both the computed and the numerical profiles show that therate at which the concentration decays along the street decreasestowards the end of the street; the computed profile shows a clearminimum (at x/H ¼ 1.5 and x/H ¼ 4.5), followed by an increase inconcentration, up to a value only slightly less than the peak value atthe mid-point of the street. The measured profiles also showa slight peak in the concentrations at these points, but the peakconcentrations are much lower than those computed in the simu-lations. This rather striking ‘triple peak’ concentration distributionoccurs in both the experimental and the numerical results, and canonly be explained by the rather complex three-dimensional struc-ture of the flow in the street. The concentrations plotted in Fig. 5dare measured at the centre of the street, at the half height, and arenot therefore necessarily representative of the cross-sectionallyaveraged concentration at the same position. The basic flowstructure in the street consists of a single vortex (as shown inFig. 5a) centred on the axis of the street, and driven by the externalwind, so that the pollutant at the bottom of the cavity is transportedtowards the upwind face of the street. In an infinitely long streetthis structure is relatively stable, and will generate a constantconcentration at the centre of the street, independent of the axiallocation. But in the configuration studied here, the basic configu-ration is perturbed by the flow structures that develop at each endof the street. These are essentially regions of recirculating flow,about a vertical axis, which entrain unpolluted air from the streetaligned with the wind (street no. 1 in our configuration); the axis ofthis recirculating flow bends over at the top of the cavity, andbecomes aligned with the axis of the street, so that the vertical-axisrecirculating region blends into the larger horizontal-axis recircu-lating flow that occupies the large central part of the street. This isillustrated schematically in Fig. 3, and in more detail in Fig. 13cwhich shows the pathlines of pollutant particles emitted by a linesource along the floor of the cavity, as computed in the numericalsimulations. These pathlines, together with the concentration fieldat street level, largely explain the measured and computedconcentration distributions along the axis of the street. In thevertical-axis recirculating region, the pollutant emitted by theground-level line source is well-mixed at ground level throughoutthe recirculating region, and slowly lifted by the flow as it spiralsupwards around the vertical axis. The peak in the concentration

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-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 600





10010.6 13.9 11.5

44.8 32.2 21.0

54.4 25.8 16.9

−→ Wind

0 10 20 30 40 500.0







−0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.50










2D (wind tunnel)

3D (wind tunnel)


2D (wind tunnel)

3D (wind tunnel)

3D (num. simulation)

3D (wind tunnel)









00.5 1 2 3 4 5 5.5

a b

c d

Fig. 5. Comparison between the concentration fields within an infinite street and within a street of finite length, for wind incident at an angle of 90� . a) Concentration field in thestreet no. 1 at x/H ¼ 3 (wind tunnel). The crosses represent the measurement points. b) Vertical profiles of concentration C* ¼ CUHWL/Q at y/W ¼ 0 and x/H ¼ 3. c) Horizontal profileof concentration C* ¼ CUHWL/Q at x/H ¼ 3 and z/H ¼ 0.5. d) Horizontal profile of concentration C* ¼ CUHWL/Q at y/W ¼ 0 and z/H ¼ 0.5.

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2987

distribution at the end of the street is more or less coincident withthe vertical axis of the recirculating region; the concentration fallsoff very rapidly towards the open end of the street, because of therapid flow of non-polluted air in the street aligned with the wind.On the other side of the recirculating region the polluted air leavesthe region at the upper surface of the cavity, and on the upwindside of the cavity, because it is then carried across the top of thecavity by the external wind. This means that the reverse flow atthe bottom of the cavity is essentially provided by clean airentrained from the street aligned with the wind, and explains whythe concentration on the street axis drops to a minimum on theinside edge of the recirculating region. This entrained air willprovide a steady drift along the street, towards the mid-point of thestreet, converting the 2-D recirculating flow of the infinite streetinto a helical motion, with an angle of inclination that varies withposition over the cross-section of the street; the recirculating flowis slowest at the bottom of the cavity – so the angle of inclination (ofthe pathlines) relative to the external wind direction is greatestthere – and fastest at the top of the cavity, where the pathlines aremore or less aligned with the external flow. As a result theprojection of the pathlines onto a horizontal plane resemblesa sawtooth wave along the axis of the street, as can be seen inFig. 13c. If the street and the line source were infinitely long, theseeffects on their own would still not be sufficient to explain theobserved concentration variation along the axis of the street – the

simplest way to see this is to imagine the line source emittinga constant stream of particles, without any diffusion; the particlepathlines would then form a sheet wrapped around the centre ofthe main recirculating cell, and the conditions in any cross-sectionof the street would be identical, independent of the axial location ofthe cross-section. But in the finite-length street the surfacecomposed of the particle pathlines wrapped around the centre ofthe street now contains a band – a helix of finite width, corre-sponding to the clean air entrained at the end of the street. If theparticle paths were centred on the axis of the street, and if diffusiveeffects were the same throughout the cross-section, this still wouldnot be sufficient to generate an axial variation in centrelineconcentration. But in fact the recirculating cell is not centred on theaxis of the street, as the velocity profiles (Fig. 6a–e) show, and so asthe clean air winds its way down the street the distance of theplume centreline from the centre of the street varies, and it is thismeandering that gives rise to the axial variation in concentration onthe street centreline. A corollary of these hypotheses is that if theexperiment were to be repeated with a very much longer street, thevertical-axis recirculating cell should not change very much –because it is determined principally by conditions at the entrance –but additional peaks in the centreline concentration should occuron each side of the mid-point of the street, corresponding toadditional ‘turns’ in the helix. The computed concentration agreereasonably well with the measured values, except close to the ends

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0 0.5 10



cos( )






= 0


2D Street - Eqn. 33D Street num.2D Street num.

Fig. 6. Mean velocity within a street: comparison between a 2-D street and a 3-Dstreet.

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962988

of the streets, where the numerical values significantly exceed themeasured ones. This is probably because the line source is repre-sented in the calculations as infinitely thin, whereas in the exper-iments the line source emits over a finite width. So there is an initialdilution of pollutant, close to the source, which is absent from thenumerical simulations. Consequently, the numerical simulationswill tend to underestimate the dispersion and overestimate theconcentrations close to the source.

3.2. Influence of the external wind direction

Previous studies (Soulhac et al., 2008; Dobre et al., 2005) haveshown that in the general case of wind incident on the street at anyangle, the flow in the street is helicoidal, provided that the street islong enough. This flow pattern arises from the superposition of thealong-street and cross-street components, and this decompositionwas exploited by Soulhac et al. (2008) to develop a simple modelfor the spatially averaged flow along the street.

If we consider a wind which blows above the street with speed U,at an angle q, then the velocity induced within the street and parallelto it, can be denoted Uk. This velocity varies throughout the volumeof the street, but the street-averaged value can be defined as

Ustreet ¼1





Ukðy; zÞdydz (2)

Soulhac et al. (2008) then showed that for a given external windvelocity U, blowing at an angle q to the street axis, the mean velocityalong an infinite street is modelled reasonably well by the meanwind speed resolved parallel to the street:

UstreetðqÞ ¼ Ustreetðq ¼ 0�Þ cosðqÞ (3)

This is not the case for a street of finite length and the end effectscaused by the intersections could modify the simple theoreticalrelationship for an infinitely long street (Equation (3)). To test thiswe have calculated the street-averaged velocity, for a finite-lengthstreet, and for different incidence angles, and the results are plottedin Fig. 6, together with the result for the simple model for an

infinite street. This shows that the simple model agrees well withthe computed average velocities for an infinitely long street, butthat it tends to overestimate the velocities for a street of finitelength. This overestimate is proportionally greatest for wind anglesof 45� and 60�, but this is also very sensitive to wind direction whenthe angle is close to zero; this is probably the result of flowentrainment into the side streets by the vertical-axis recirculatingregion that forms at the entrance to the side street. The side streetdownwind of the intersection will entrain a significant quantity ofair, thus reducing the average velocity in the main street. The weakcomponent of the wind along the side street will help transportflow away from the intersection. On the opposite side of theintersection, a similar recirculating region forms for very low anglesof incident wind, and this will also entrain fluid out of the mainstreet, as well as tending to inhibit flow from the side streetentering the main street. The net effect is therefore to removemomentum from the flow along the main street and it is only whenthe wind is perfectly aligned with the main street that this effectdisappears. This effect is likely to be very sensitive to the geometryof the street – the extent of the recirculating regions will depend onthe aspect ratio of the streets, for example – so the case of a windexactly aligned with the main street may be a very special casewhich hardly ever occurs in practice. This would imply that even ata wind angle of 0�, the mean flow in a street with intersections willbe substantially less than the value computed for an infinitely longstreet without intersections.

4. Flow and dispersion within a street intersection

In this section we investigate how the flow in a street intersec-tion redistributes pollutant amongst the adjoining streets, and howthis depends on the wind direction. To begin with we consider thebasic case in which the wind is parallel to one of the streets – streetno. 1, in which we have placed a line source of pollutant – and thenwe investigate the influence of wind direction; in total, we haveexamined 7 different angles (0�, 15�, 30�, 45�, 60�, 75� and 90�).

We are particularly interested in the exchanges between thedifferent streets, and we can obtain some indication of these byexamining the streamlines of the flow entering from differentstreets, as shown, for example, in Fig. 7b.

4.1. Wind parallel to the street (q ¼ 0�)

The graph of the velocity vectors at half height (z ¼ H/2) plottedin Fig. 7a shows that several effects influence the velocity fieldwithin the intersection. Firstly, the flow separation at the upstreamcorners of the side streets leads to the formation of vertical-axisrecirculating zones at the entrances to the two side streets, whichpenetrate into the side streets a distance of the order of the streetwidth. These recirculating zones also appear to extend a small wayinto the main street – probably the result of the growth of the shearlayer which forms downstream of the flow separation. The graph ofthe mean streamlines in the street (Fig. 7b) shows that the vertical-axis vortices in the two side streets are principally responsible forthe exchanges between the streets; those exchanges are essentiallylimited to the fluid exiting closest to the sidewalls. There is verylittle flow from the side street into the main street (no. 1) so, byconservation of flux, the flow in the main street must entrain airfrom the overlying canopy, whilst some of the flow in the sidestreets must leave through the top surface, into the overlyingcanopy. In terms of pollutant dispersal, this means that polluted airfrom street no. 1 must be entrained into the side streets beforebeing vented to the atmosphere, further along the side street. Thenet effect of this is that the intersection generates an enhancedlateral diffusion of pollutant into the overlying atmosphere.

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Fig. 7. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 0� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing the endof the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground: comparisonbetween wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2989

Fig. 7 also shows that the streamlines in the main street remainfairly uniform with height; the image is a projection of a largenumber of streamlines at different heights, and there are very fewthat cross each other. This is far from true in the side street, wherethe flow is strongly three-dimensional. The plot of ground-levelconcentrations (Fig. 7c) shows that the mixing in the main street isstrongly enhanced downstream of the intersection. Fig. 7d showsa quantitative comparison of the measured and computedconcentrations at selected points around the intersection. Thenumerical model and the measurements agree well on the axis ofthe main street, but are substantially different at all other pointsalong the centreline; the numerical model consistently underesti-mates the measured concentrations, by factor between 5 and 20.This difference can be explained by fact that the velocity andconcentration fields are very sensitive to small asymmetries in theintersection (see, for example, Robins et al., 2002) so that evena slight displacement of the plume centreline can lead to significantdifferences in concentrations at a given location.

4.2. The influence of wind direction

In order to investigate the influence of wind direction we haverepeated the preceding measurements and analysis for winddirections of 15�, 30�, 45�, 60�, 75� and 90�. The correspondingresults for those cases are presented in Figs. 8–13.

The graphs of velocity vectors (Figs. 8a–13a) and streamlines(Figs. 8b–13b) show that as the direction turns (q ¼ 15�), the

recirculating zone in the ‘upwind’ side street rapidly leaves the sidestreet, and reforms in the main street, downwind of the intersec-tion. The upwind corner of the intersection remains a separationpoint, but because there is now a component of flow along the sidestreet, directed towards the intersection, the flow leaks out intothe mainstream, and there is no recirculation region at the end ofthe side street. The downwind corner of the intersection alsobecomes a separation point – because the flow from the side streetcannot turn immediately through 90� – and so a recirculationregion is established there. Once the wind angle reaches 45� theflow pattern in the intersection becomes symmetrical about thediagonal, with identical recirculating regions in the two down-stream streets (Fig. 10a and b). As the wind direction increases from45� to 90�, the flow patterns simply become rotated and reflectedversions of those obtained for the complementary angles (90� � q),since the streets and the obstacles are all symmetrical.

It is important to note that in all these cases, there is very littleevidence of time-averaged streamlines crossing within the inter-section which means that the direction of the time-averagedvelocity within the intersection varies little with distance from theground. This suggests that the average flow within the intersectioncan be considered essentially two-dimensional, i.e. independent ofdistance from the ground. Similar results were obtained in the windtunnel measurements of Kastner-Klain and Plate (1998) and in thewind tunnel simulations of the Dapple site by Carpentieri (2006).We will exploit these results later to propose a simple model forflux distribution in the intersection.

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Fig. 8. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 15� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing the endof the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground: comparisonbetween wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962990

The graphs of the concentration at ground level (Figs. 8c–13cand 8d–13d) show that there is very little diffusive transport ofpollutant into the side streets. Upstream of the intersection thechange in wind direction immediately generates an asymmetricconcentration distribution in the main street, as the recirculatingflow in the street carries ground-level pollutants upstream. Forq ¼ 15�, 30� (Figs. 8c–11c) the influx from the side street immedi-ately deflects the ground-level pollutants to the downwind side ofthe street – overcoming the recirculating flow in the street – but thedeflection is not enough to push the pollutants into the side street.At 45� the peak in the concentration is deflected sufficiently that itimpacts on the downstream corner, with half the pollutants goinginto the side street, and half remaining in the main street. Therecirculating patterns in the main street downwind of the inter-section are rather complicated – the external wind creates large-scale recirculating flows in the street, with a horizontal axis,generating a helical type flow (Soulhac et al., 2008; Dobre et al.,2005), whilst the separation from the downwind corner generatesa smaller localised recirculating region, with a vertical axis. Theinteraction of these recirculating flows ensures that the pollutant israpidly mixed across the whole of the main street, downwind of theintersection.

The quantitative comparisons of measured and computedground-level concentrations (Figs. 8d–13d) show the same generaltrend as for the case q ¼ 0�; the numerical model computes peakcentreline concentrations that are close to the experimental valuesfor all wind directions, but greatly underestimates the off-centre

concentrations in all cases. The higher ground-level concentrationat the street corners observed in the experiments can be againexplained by the effect of the initial dilution associated with thefinite width of the line source, compared with the infinitely thinline source which is assumed in the numerical model.

Both the measured and the computed concentrations show thatlocal average concentrations vary within the intersection. Thissuggests that the instantaneous variation in concentration will beeven greater, due both to fluctuations in the overall concentrationsand fluctuations in the wind direction, which will displace theentire concentration field (Hoydysh and Dabberdt, 1994). Theconsequences of this are discussed further in Section 5.3.1.

5. A simple model for the dispersion of pollutants in a streetintersection

The experimental and numerical study of flow and dispersion inan intersection has shown that the physical processes involved arecomplex and depend on a wide variety of parameters. Even fully 3-D calculations such as those presented in Section 4 cannot repro-duce all of the details, and are far too time-consuming to be used forpractical operational modelling. But, as various studies have shown,street intersections play an important role in the redistribution ofpollutants between streets, and in the exchanges between streetsand the atmosphere, so their influence has to be included inoperational urban air-quality models.

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Fig. 9. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 30� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing the endof the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground: comparisonbetween wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2991

To provide an operational model for the effect of street intersec-tions, we have developed a model based on a simplified description ofthe flow field within a street intersection: the flow in the intersectionis imposed by the flow in the connected streets and the flow in thestreets is driven by the external atmospheric flow. The modelconsiders the intersection as the junction of street segments andtakes into account the mass exchanges at the intersection by meansof a balance of the incoming and outgoing fluxes; each street ischaracterized by an average velocity Ustreet, which depends on theintensity and the direction of the external wind, as well as on thegeometrical characteristics of the street – length, width and height.The model assumes two independent transport mechanisms, onerelated to the mass exchange in the horizontal plane and the other tothe mean vertical air motion. In order to evaluate the pollutanttransport in the vertical direction, vertical air fluxes within theintersection are computed as the consequence of an imbalance in theincoming and outgoing fluxes within the intersection.

We assume that the flow in each street contributing to anintersection is driven by the wind field above the buildings, and wehave developed simple relationships to compute the air flows asa function of wind velocity and direction, and street geometry(Soulhac et al., 2008). The first step is to divide the streets into twoclasses – the streets in which the flow is towards the intersection,denoted by the index m ¼ 1, M and those in which the flow is awayfrom the intersection, denoted by the index n¼ 1, N. Yamartino andWiegand (1986) assumed that there would be perfect mixingwithin the intersection, so that the concentrations in the outgoing

flows would be identical. The measurements and computationspresented in Section 4 show that this is not necessarily true, andthat mixing within the intersection is often rather limited, as hasalso been observed by Scaperdas and Colvile (1999) and Robinset al. (2002). This means that the concentrations in the outgoingflows will be determined by the contributions from individualincoming streets, and we cannot simply homogenise the incomingconcentrations. So the simple model presented here is based onthat the computation of a transfer matrix Q ½m;n� which gives themass flux from any incoming street m into any outgoing street n.Before we can compute this matrix we have to consider the possibleexchange with the atmosphere, which will occur if there is animbalance between the incoming and the outgoing fluxes. Indeed,since these fluxes are computed independently, from a consider-ation of the flux induced in each street by the wind, there is noreason to expect that the fluxes will balance. The flux imbalance Qi

in the intersection i is given by:

Qi ¼Xm¼M


Qm �Xn¼N



where a positive value for Qi indicates that there is more flowentering the intersection from the contributing streets than leavingit through the streets, and a negative value for Qi indicates that thetotal flow in the streets leaving the intersection exceeds the totalflow in the streets entering the intersection. These two cases haveto be considered separately.

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Fig. 10. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 45� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing theend of the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground:comparison between wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962992

5.1. Qi > 0: flow out of the intersection into the atmosphere

The atmosphere acts as a passive sink which receives the excessincoming flux in the intersection. We therefore include the atmo-sphere as an extra, fictitious, outgoing street n ¼ N þ 1, and the fluxfrom each of the incoming streets is assumed to contribute to theatmospheric flux in proportion to the flux in that street. The flux tothe atmosphere is then given by:

Q ½m;N þ 1� ¼ QiPm* ¼Mm* ¼1 Qm*


and the modified fluxes entering and leaving the intersection:

Q 0m ¼

1� QiPm*¼Mm*¼1 Qm*

!Qm fluxes leaving the upwind streets

Q 0n ¼ Qn fluxes entering the downwind streets

5.2. Qi < 0: flow into the intersection from the atmosphere

The atmosphere acts as a passive source supplying the addi-tional flux required for the outgoing streets, so it is modelled as anadditional, fictitious incoming street m ¼ M þ 1, and the flux from

each of the outgoing streets is assumed to receive a contributionfrom the atmosphere, in proportion to the flux in that street. Theflux from the atmosphere is then given by:

Q ½M þ 1;n� ¼ QiPn* ¼Nn* ¼1 Qn*


and the modified fluxes entering and leaving the intersectionbecome:

Q 0m ¼ Qm

Q 0n ¼

1� QiPn* ¼Nn* ¼1 Qn*


5.3. The flux transfer matrix

Once the incoming and outgoing fluxes have been modified toinclude the transfer to or from the atmosphere, the modified fluxesbalance:



Q 0m ¼Xn¼N


Q 0n

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Fig. 11. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 60� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing the endof the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground: comparisonbetween wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2993

and it only remains to redistribute the incoming fluxes over theoutgoing streets.

The model for the advective redistribution of pollutants in theintersection is based on the observation that there is very littlevertical variation in the mean flow at any point in the intersection;as can be seen in Figs. 8b–13b, the streamlines hardly cross eachother at all. For any given intersection, and set of fluxes within theincoming and outgoing streets, there is only one way in whichthe incoming fluxes can be redistributed so as to satisfy both the(imposed) outgoing fluxes and the requirement that streamlinesmust not cross. The method is illustrated with the example shownin Fig. 14; flows Q1,Q2 and Q3 enter through streets 1,2 and 3, andflows Q4, Q5 and Q6 leave through streets 4, 5 and 6. So the streets 1,2 and 3 correspond to m ¼ 1, 2, 3 and the streets 6, 5 and 4correspond to n ¼ 1,2,3 respectively. After the flows have beenmodified to account for any flux imbalance in the intersection, thefluxes Q1–Q6 become Q 01—Q 06. Then the transfer matrix Q ½m;n� isgiven by:

Q ½m;n� ¼


Q 06 Q 01—Q 06 00 Q 02 00 0 Q 03

375 (4)

If there is a flow out of the intersection into the atmosphere, thetransfer matrix would be:

Q ½m;n� ¼


Q 06 Q 01—Q 06 0 aQ1

0 Q 02 0 aQ2

0 0 Q 03 aQ3

375; where a ¼ QiPm¼3

m¼1 Qm


and if there is a flow from the atmosphere into the intersection itwould be:

Q ½m;n� ¼


Q 06 Q 01—Q 06 00 Q 02 00 0 Q 03

bQ6 bQ5 bQ4

37775; where b ¼ QiPn¼3

n¼1 Qn(6)

Once the air fluxes have been computed it is straightforward tocompute the pollutant fluxes and the concentrations in theoutgoing flows. The flows Qm in the incoming streets transportpollutant at a concentration Cm, so the pollutant mass flux in eachincoming flow is just QmCm. For the case in which there is no fluximbalance, and hence no exchange with the overlying atmosphere,the concentrations in the outgoing street n are then just given by:

Cn ¼Xm¼M


Q ½m;n�Cm=Xm¼Mþ1


Q ½m;n�

This can readily be extended to cover the two cases involvingexchanges with the atmosphere.

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Fig. 12. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 75� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing theend of the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground:comparison between wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–29962994

5.3.1. Effect of fluctuations in wind directionThe simple model for convective exchange in the intersection

assumes that the wind will be steady over the averaging period, butthis is rarely the case, and fluctuations in wind direction can have animportant influence on the eventual redistribution of pollutantswithin the intersection. To model this effect simply, we compute anaverage transfer matrix Q ½m;n� for each intersection, where theaverage is taken over the time step of the model, and includesfluctuations in wind direction on time scales shorter than the timestep of the model. In an urban dispersion model, the mass exchangesin each intersection can then be computed using this averagedtransfer matrix. We assume that the concentrations depend prin-cipally on conditions in the neighbourhood of the intersection, anddo not change much over the averaging period for the wind. We alsoassume that fluctuations in wind speed are uncorrelated with fluc-tuations in wind directions, so the average flux redistribution in theintersection does not depend on wind speed.

The average transfer matrix is computed assuming that thefluctuations in wind direction q are small enough that they can bemodelled by a Gaussian probability density function:

f ðqÞ ¼ 1


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2pp exp

(� 1


�q� q0




where q0 is the mean wind direction during the model time stepand sq is the standard deviation of the angle, over that period. Thenthe average transfer matrix is given by:

Qðq0Þ ¼Zq0þ3sq


f ðq� q0ÞQðqÞdq (8)

The average transfer matrix Q ½m;n�ðq0Þ expresses the average airflux circulating from a street towards another. The influence of thefluctuations in wind direction depends strongly on the value of thestandard deviation sq of the external wind direction. Blackadar(1997) has proposed a simple expression for this variable, based onthe standard deviation of the transverse velocity fluctuations sv andthe average velocity u:



where sq is expressed in radians. For operational purposes, sv canbe evaluated directly from in situ sonic anemometer measure-ments or it can be evaluated indirectly from empirical relationswhich relate sv/u* to z/LMO and z/d (Fisher et al., 1998), where d isthe boundary layer height and LMO is the Monin–Obukhov lengthscale.

The value of sq represents the standard deviation of thewind direction due to ‘atmospheric turbulence’, i.e. higherfrequency fluctuations, and meteorological variability in theatmospheric boundary layer, i.e. lower frequency fluctuations(Stull, 1988).

Page 15: Flow and dispersion in street intersectionsair.ec-lyon.fr/Doc/Publi/Soulhac-Atm-Env-2009.pdfFlow and dispersion in street intersections L. Soulhac a , V. Garbero b,c , P. Salizzoni

Fig. 13. Flow and dispersion in a street intersection for q ¼ 90� . a) Velocity field at z ¼ H/2. b) Streamlines crossing the end of the street no. 1 (black) and streamlines crossing theend of the street no. 2 (white). c) Concentration field C* on the ground in case of a line source placed in the street no. 2 (MERCURE). d) Concentration values on the ground:comparison between wind tunnel measurements (black) and MERCURE simulations (grey).







Fig. 14. Internal transport phenomena within the intersection.

L. Soulhac et al. / Atmospheric Environment 43 (2009) 2981–2996 2995

6. Conclusion

Flow and dispersion within a street intersection have beenstudied using numerical and experimental methods. Thenumerical simulations reproduced some aspects of the windtunnel experiments well, but other features – most notably theground-level concentrations away from the axis of the linesource – were not captured at all. In the first part of this studywe investigated the influence of an intersection on the velocityand concentration fields in the adjoining streets, by comparingconditions within the street with those that occur in an infi-nitely long street. This showed that the immediate influence ofthe intersection extends within the adjoining streets, toa distance of the order of the characteristic size of the streets.Flow and dispersion at the entrance to cross-wind streets isdominated by a large vertical-axis recirculating vortex whichforms at the interface between the intersection and the street.This vortex also appears to have an important influence onexchanges between the streets and the overlying atmosphere.The intersection also influences the average velocity and theconcentration distribution in the street segment between twointersections; for some wind directions the average velocity isthe same as that which occurs in an infinitely long street withthe same wind, but for other angles the average velocity in thefinite-length street is significantly lower. The average concen-tration along a finite-length street is significantly different fromthat observed in an infinitely long street.

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In the second part of the study we investigated how thepollutant fluxes in the incoming streets are redistributed amongstthe outgoing streets. An analysis of the mean streamlines obtainedfrom numerical simulations shows that the flows remain relativelyplanar, with little variation over the vertical, and we have exploitedthis result to develop a simple operational model for the redistri-bution of pollutant fluxes within the intersection. The model alsoincludes exchanges with the overlying atmosphere, computed froma balance of the incoming and outgoing fluxes in the streets. Thismodel has been further adapted to take account of the influence offluctuations in wind direction over typical averaging periods.

The intersection model is a module of the urban air-quality modelSIRANE, which has now been applied to several European cities,including Lyon, Grenoble, Paris, Milan, Turin. Comparisons with fieldmeasurements for a number of these cities (Soulhac et al., 2002, 2003,2004; Boni et al., 2008; Biemmi and Gaveglio, 2007) and with windtunnel data (Garbero, 2008) enabled us to validate many aspects ofthe model; these validation studies are the subject of on-goingresearch, and will be described in detail in future publications.


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