FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Advice prepared by Tasflora for Consulting Environmental Engineers November 2014

FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

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Page 1: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment


Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Advice prepared by Tasflora for Consulting Environmental Engineers

November 2014

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1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................... 3

2 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................... 5

3 SURVEY METHOD .................................................................................. 5




7 WEEDS .................................................................................................. 12


8.1 Area 1 ................................................................................................. 13

8.2 Area 2 ................................................................................................. 14

8.3 Area 3 ................................................................................................. 14

9 RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 15

10 REFERENCES .................................................................................... 17






© Tasflora 2014.

This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without prior written permission from Tasflora.

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An upgrade to the capacity of the Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is proposed, which will involve installation of either a new sequenced batch reactor (SBR) or membrane bioreactor (MBR) at the site. Three potential locations have been identified for their installation (Areas 1-3), each of which will require removal of some native vegetation.

Flora and fauna surveys of the areas of proposed disturbance were undertaken in October and November 2014. Key observations were as follows.

• A small area of Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland (TASVEG code DGL) occurs at the southern end of Area 1. This native vegetation community is listed as vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and as a high priority native vegetation community under the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

• No threatened native vegetation communities were observed within Area 2 or Area 3.

• No threatened flora species listed under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 (the TSP Act) or Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act) were observed within the three survey areas.

• No fauna species listed under the TSP Act or EPBC Act were observed when undertaking the surveys.

There is suitable habitat within Area 1 and Area 2 for the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor; listed as endangered under the TSP and EPBC Acts) The potential impact on this species of undertaking development in either Area 1 or Area 2 is considered to be low. However, as development in either area will require removal of a number of mature Eucalyptus globulus and/or Eucalyptus ovata trees, which are a primary foraging source for the swift parrot, a biodiversity offset proposal is recommended to replace these trees.

All three areas contain potential foraging habitat for the eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii; listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act). The potential impact on this species is considered to be low as no suitable nesting habitat for this species was observed and there are large areas of alternative grassy foraging habitat on adjacent Council land.

From an ecological perspective, Area 3 is the preferred location for installation of the proposed SBR/MBR. This area does not contain any native vegetation communities and very few native plants are present. The potential ecological impact of undertaking development in this area is considered to be very low.

Development of Area 1 is the least preferred option from an ecological perspective as installation of the SBR/MBR in this area will require disturbance of the threatened DGL community and removal of several Eucalyptus globulus trees. If development is to proceed in Area 1, a

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biodiversity offset will be required under the section 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

Several declared and environmental weeds occur within the three survey areas. Control of these weeds is recommended prior to commencing construction activities, and a weed hygiene plan should also be implemented.

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The Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located at the end of Treatment Plant Road off Tinderbox Road East, Blackmans Bay (refer Figure 1). The WWTP is owned and operated by TasWater, with surrounding land owned by Kingborough Council.

Figure 1: Location of the Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant (map source: the LIST).

An upgrade to the capacity of the WWTP is proposed which will involve installation of either a new sequenced batch reactor (SBR) or membrane bioreactor (MBR), subject to further analysis during the preliminary design phase. Tasflora has been engaged by Consulting Environmental Engineers (CEE) to undertake a flora and fauna survey of three potential locations for the proposed SBR/MBR (refer Figure 2) to:

• determine whether any threatened native vegetation communities listed under the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Act 2002 (the Nature Conservation Act) will be impacted by the proposed development;

• determine whether any native flora or fauna species listed under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 (the TSP Act) or the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act) will be impacted by the proposed development;

• identify any weed species present, including those that are listed as declared weeds under the Tasmanian Weed Management Act 1999 (the Weed Management Act); and

• assess the potential impact of the proposed development on the ecological values of the site and the surrounding area.


A vegetation survey and habitat assessment of the three areas of potential disturbance (identified as Areas 1-3 in Figure 2) was undertaken by

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Figure 2: Areas of potential disturbance surveyed by Tasflora (aerial imagery obtained from the LIST).

Tasflora on 15 October 2014 (Areas 1 & 2) and 6 November 2014 (Area 3). The survey of Area 1 was extended to include native vegetation adjacent to Treatment Plant Road, as it is possible that this would be disturbed during any development of Area 1.

Due to the small survey area, the random meander technique was used to cover the entire footprint of Areas 1-3. Vegetation communities were identified and attributed to TASVEG mapping units as described by Kitchener and Harris (2013). All native species encountered were recorded, as well as declared and environmental weeds. A large portion of the Area 1 and Area 3 survey areas contains recently mown pasture land, and exotic grasses and herbs encountered in these areas were also recorded. Nomenclature for flora was guided by de Salas and Baker (2014), with common names following Wapstra et al. (2005).

A desktop assessment was undertaken in addition to the field visit to assist in assessing the flora and fauna values of the area. This assessment included a review of a number of publicly available information sources, including the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Natural Values Atlas (NVA), the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST) and the federal Department of the Environment Protected Matters Search Tool.

Area 3

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The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment for fauna species identified in database searches. No systemic fauna surveys were undertaken.

Due to varying flowering times and annual cycles, it is possible that some species (eg annuals, grasses, orchid species) may have been missed because they were not able to be identified (ie no flowers or seed heads present) or their annual cycle had already finished and the plants had died back. In some instances, identification of individual plants to a species level was not possible as no flower heads were present.


Four TASVEG vegetation mapping units were recorded within the survey areas, as summarised in Table 1 and illustrated in Figures 3-4. Of these, the Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland community (TASVEG code DGL) occurring at the southern end of Area 1 is listed as a threatened native vegetation community under the Nature Conservation Act and as a high priority native vegetation community under the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

It is noted that some of the classifications of native vegetation communities on the property differ from that identified by DPIPWE’s NVA. The TASVEG mapping of communities on the NVA was in many cases derived through a desktop analysis of aerial and satellite imagery, particularly for vegetation on land that has not been previously surveyed. For this reason, the actual vegetation mapped during ground truthing in some cases differs to the vegetation communities indicated by the NVA.


A flora species list for each of the three survey areas is provided at Appendices 1-3. No threatened flora species listed under the TSP or EPBC Acts were observed.

According to the NVA, two threatened flora species have been previously recorded within 500m of the survey areas (DPIPWE 2014).

• Austrostipa bigeniculata (doublejointed speargrass) – listed as rare under the TSP Act. This species occurs in open woodlands and grasslands, often in association with Austrostipa nodosa. While suitable habitat for this species was observed within the DGL community in Area 1, it was not observed within the survey areas. However, the survey was undertaken outside this species’ key identification period of late November to early April (Threatened Species Section 2014).

• Cynoglossum australe (coast houndstongue) – listed as rare under the TSP Act. A perennial herb which occurs in grasslands, open forests and landward margins of sand dunes. Not observed within the survey areas and unlikely to have been overlooked.

• Lepidium pseudotasmanicum (shade peppercress) – listed as rare under the TSP Act. A perennial herb which occurs on bare ground in

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Table 1: Native vegetation communities and other TASVEG mapping units occurring within the survey area.

TASVEG community name


Description Conservation status1

Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

DGL Dry sclerophyll community dominated by mature Eucalyptus globulus trees (refer Figure 5). There is a tall shrub layer dominated by Allocasuarina verticillata, while the low shrub layer is virtually absent. The grassy ground cover grades into the FAG community to the north, with many exotic grasses and herbs present. Native grasses and sedges present including Lomandra longifolia, Austrostipa stuposa, Themeda triandra, Lepidosperma laterale, Austrodanthonia caespitosa and Dianella revoluta.



Agricultural land

FAG Exotic grassland dominated by introduced grasses and herbs. The majority of this community has been recently mown (refer Figure 6).


Regenerating cleared land

FRG Former exotic grassland with recolonisation by native species occurring (refer Figure 7). Some remnant natives, including several large E. globulus and E. ovata trees, are present adjacent to the WWTP boundary, indicating that this may have been a DGL community prior to clearance. Some revegetation activities have previously been undertaken in this area.


Urban areas FUR Cleared land, sheds, a pipe and other infrastructure associated with the existing Blackmans Bay STP (refer Figure 8). Some large remnant Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees are present.


1 Lower case = status under Nature Conservation Act 2002; UPPER CASE = status under the

Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

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Figure 3: TASVEG communities recorded within Area 1 and Area 2.

Figure 4: TASVEG communities recorded within Area 3.

Area 3







Area 3

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Figure 5: Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland (DGL) in Area 1.

Figure 6: Exotic grassland dominated by introduced grasses and herbs in Area 1 and Area 3.

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Figure 7: Regenerating cleared land occurring in Area 2.

Figure 8: Urban environment (FUR) around the Blackmans Bay WWTP in Area 2.

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grassland and grassy woodland. Not observed within the survey areas and unlikely to have been overlooked.

A number of threatened flora species have been previously recorded within 5km of the survey area (DPIPWE 2014). A full list of these species, and an assessment of the likelihood of them occurring within the survey areas, is provided at Appendix 4.

Bedfordia salicina (Tasmanian blanketleaf) was the only flora species endemic to Tasmania recorded within the survey areas.


No fauna species listed under the TSP Act or EPBC Act were observed when undertaking the survey, and none have been previously recorded within 500m of the proposed development (DPIPWE 2014).

There is suitable habitat within Area 1 and Area 2 for Lathamus discolor (swift parrot; listed as endangered under the TSP and EPBC Acts). This bird species forages in mature Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees, and nests in hollows in mature eucalypts across a range of species with stem diameter greater than 70cm at breast height. The following observations were made about potential swift parrot habitat within the survey areas.

• Area 1 contains approximately 20 semi-mature E. globulus trees which could provide a potential foraging source for the swift parrot. Some of these may have hollows that could be used for nesting, and all have the potential to develop hollows in the future.

• Area 2 contains several large E. globulus and E. ovata trees that could provide foraging and/or nesting habitat for the swift parrot.

• A number of small E. ovata saplings were observed within the FRG community in Area 2. These are not of flowering age and will not provide a foraging source for several years.

The three survey areas each contain potential foraging habitat for Perameles gunnii (eastern barred bandicoot; listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act). This species inhabits grassy woodlands, native grasslands and mosaics of pasture and shrubby ground cover.

According to the NVA, a number of threatened fauna species have been previously recorded within 5km of the survey areas and/or mapping indicates that suitable habitat may be present (DPIPWE 2014). A full list of these species, and an assessment of the likelihood of them occurring within the survey areas, is provided at Appendix 5.


Several declared and environmental weeds were observed within the survey areas, as summarised in Table 2.

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Table 2: Declared and environmental weed species recorded within the survey areas at the Blackmans Bay WWTP.

Weed species Common name

Status2 Distribution

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera

boneseed Declared


Scattered seedlings occur in Area 1 & Area 2

Genista monspessulana canary broom Declared


Scattered individuals occur in Area 1 & Area 2

Rubus fruticosus aggregate blackberry Declared


Scattered individuals occur in all survey areas.

Ulex europaeus gorse Declared


Small patch in the south of Area 1

Erica lusitanica Spanish heath

Declared Scattered seedlings in Area 2

Foeniculum vulgare fennel Declared Isolated individuals in Area 1

Arctotheca calendula capeweed - Small patches occur in Area 1

Cotoneaster sp. cotoneaster - Scattered individuals occur in Area 2

Pittosporum undulatum sweet pittosporum

- A single plant in the north east corner of Area 2

Rosa rubiginosa sweet briar - Scattered individuals occur in all survey areas

The declared weed Echium plantagineum (Paterson’s curse) has previously been recorded on Council land within 100m of Areas 1-3, and has been identified as a priority emerging weed within the Kingborough municipality.3 However, no evidence of this species was found within the survey areas.


8.1 Area 1

Development of Area 1 is the least preferred option from an ecological perspective. Installation of the SBR/MBR in Area 1 will require disturbance of the threatened DGL community and removal of several Eucalyptus globulus trees.

The conservation significance of the DGL community is considered to be relatively low due to its small size, evidence of previous disturbance and high proportion of introduced species as it grades into the adjacent mown FAG community. However, any clearing of this vegetation will require a biodiversity offset proposal under Section 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

2 Declared = listed as declared under the Tasmanian Weed Management Act 1995; WONS =

Weed of National Significance

3 Refer http://www.kingborough.tas.gov.au/page.aspx?u=489

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Mature Eucalyptus globulus trees in Area 1 could provide foraging and/or nesting habitat for the swift parrot. However, the potential impact of their removal is considered to be low due to the close proximity of a very large number of alternative E. globulus trees on Council land immediately to the south and north that will not be impacted by the proposed development. Removal of any E. globulus trees in Area 1 will require a biodiversity offset proposal under section 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

The potential impact on the eastern barred bandicoot of undertaking development in Area 1 is considered to be low. No suitable nesting habitat for this species was observed, and while this area contains potential bandicoot foraging habitat, there are sufficiently large areas of alternative grassy foraging habitat on adjacent Council land such that this species is unlikely to be impacted by the proposed development.

8.2 Area 2

The potential ecological impact of installing the SBR/MBR in Area 2 is considered to be lower than that of Area 1.

No threatened native vegetation communities listed under the Nature Conservation Act or listed as priority native vegetation under the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000 will be impacted by undertaking development in Area 2.

Area 2 contains several mature Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees and that could provide foraging and/or nesting habitat for the swift parrot. However, the potential impact of their removal is considered to be low due to the close proximity of a very large number of alternative E. globulus trees on Council land immediately to the south and north that will not be impacted by the proposed development. Removal of any of these trees will require a biodiversity offset proposal under Section 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

The potential impact on the eastern barred bandicoot of undertaking development in Area 2 is considered to be low. No suitable nesting habitat for this species was observed, and while this area contains potential bandicoot foraging habitat, there are sufficiently large areas of alternative grassy foraging habitat on adjacent Council land that this species is unlikely to be impacted by the proposed development.

It should be noted that Area 2 is located on a sloping hillside and any development in this area will likely require bank stabilisation, retaining walls and infrastructure to address drainage issues, which would not be required in Area 1 or Area 3.

8.3 Area 3

From an ecological perspective, Area 3 is the preferred location for installation of the proposed SBR/MBR.

This area contains does not contain any native vegetation communities and very few native plants are present. However, it is noted that there are three

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Eucalyptus globulus trees immediately to the west of Area 3 that may require removal as part of the development process. These trees could provide foraging and/or nesting habitat for the swift parrot. However, the potential impact of their removal is considered to be low due to the close proximity of a very large number of alternative E. globulus trees on Council land immediately to the south and north that will not be impacted by the proposed development. Removal of any of these trees will require a biodiversity offset proposal under Section 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000.

The potential impact on the eastern barred bandicoot of undertaking development in Area 3 is considered to be low. No suitable nesting habitat for this species was observed, and while this area contains potential bandicoot foraging habitat, there are sufficiently large areas of alternative grassy foraging habitat on adjacent Council land that this species is unlikely to be impacted by the proposed development.


The potential ecological impact of installing the proposed SBR/MBR is lowest in Area 3, and development should occur within this area if possible.

Recommendation 1: If technically feasible, the SBR/MBR should be installed in Area 3 to minimise the potential ecological impacts of the WWTP upgrade.

The south western corner of Area 3 is located close to the threatened DGL community (refer Figure 3). The following recommendations are made to facilitate ongoing protection of the threatened DGL community during construction activities in Area 3.

• The DGL community should be fenced off with highly visible tape or fencing during the construction process to reduce the risk of inadvertent damage occurring to native vegetation in this area.

• All contractors working on the site should be made aware that they need to avoid this area.

• Consideration should also be given to permanently fencing off this community to provide for its ongoing protection.

Recommendation 2: If Area 3 is developed, the DGL community should be fenced off to protect it during construction activities.

It is recognised that development in Area 1 or Area 2 may be preferred from a technical perspective. These areas each contain a number of Eucalyptus globulus and/or E. ovata trees that may provide swift parrot habitat. There are also three E. globulus trees located immediately west of Area 3 that may require removal if this area is developed. While the ecological impact of removing these trees is considered to be low (refer Section 8), the following recommendations are made to minimise the potential impact on the swift parrot.

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• Removal of mature E. globulus and E. ovata trees should be avoided where possible, except where their removal is necessitated because of their location within the development footprint.

• All mature E. globulus and E. ovata trees to be retained within the development footprint should be taped in a highly visible colour during the construction process to reduce the risk of inadvertent damage occurring. All contractors working on the site should be made aware that they need to avoid these trees.

• Replacement planting of E. globulus and/or E. ovata trees should be undertaken elsewhere on the property to offset the number of healthy trees removed. It is recommended that for every mature E. globulus/E. ovata tree removed, five new E. globulus/E. ovata seedlings be planted elsewhere on the Council land surrounding the Blackmans Bay WWTP.

• Maintenance (eg watering, replacement planting) of all E. globulus and/or E. ovata trees planted should be undertaken for a minimum of five years.

Recommendation 3: Measures should be implemented to protect mature Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees during construction activities.

Recommendation 4: For every mature Eucalyptus globulus/E. ovata tree removed, five new E. globulus/E. ovata seedlings should be planted.

Development of Area 1 is the least preferred option from an ecological perspective. However, if it is determined that development is to proceed within in Area 1, then a biodiversity offset proposal should be developed in accordance with Schedule 10 of the Kingborough Planning Scheme 2000 to offset the impact of undertaking development within the threatened DGL community that occurs in the southern half of this area.

Recommendation 5: If development is to be undertaken within Area 1, a biodiversity proposal to offset the impact on the threatened DGL community should be developed and implemented.

Control of declared and environmental weeds occurring within the development footprint of all areas would be desirable prior to commencing development. This is particularly important with regard to weeds that currently contain seed that could be spread during the development process (eg Spanish heath).

Recommendation 6: Control of declared and environmental weeds should be undertaken prior to commencing development.

A weed hygiene plan should be developed and adhered to during the construction process to prevent the spread of declared weed seed to other sites, and to prevent the introduction of new declared weeds (eg Patersons curse) and soil based pathogens to the site. The following broad management principles and hygiene protocols should be included:

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• Prior to and after working on site, all machinery should be cleaned following the general washdown procedure and machinery checklists detailed in the Tasmanian washdown guidelines for weed disease and control (Rudman et al 2004) to ensure it is free from weed seeds or soil bearing pathogens. These checklists include the removal of soil, mud etc. and the blowing out of any dry plant material.

• Bare areas of soil remaining after excavation work should be regularly monitored for new weed germinants and, when required, control measures adopted in a timely fashion.

• Any soil excavated from the site should not be relocated to other sites due to the likely weed seed bank in the soil; rather it should be retained on site or disposed of at a waste disposal facility. Stockpiles of soil to be retained on site should be monitored for new weed germinants and, when required, control measures adopted in a timely fashion.

• Importation of external soil from other sites should be minimised. If this does occur, precautions should be undertaken to ensure that the soil comes from an area free of weeds and soil based pathogens. Stockpiles should be kept moist and covered to ensure that soil does not blow around. Regular monitoring of the soil for new weeds should be undertaken and control measures adopted in a timely fashion to prevent the introduction of new weed species onto the property.

Recommendation 7: A weed hygiene plan should be developed and adhered to during the construction process.


de Salas, M. F. and Baker, M. L. (2014). A census of the vascular plants of Tasmania and index to the Student’s Flora of Tasmania and Flora of Tasmania Online. Tasmanian Herbarium, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Tasmania.

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2014). Natural values report 61722. Unpublished report for Tasflora.

Kitchener, A. and Harris, S. (2013). From forest to fjaeldmark: descriptions of Tasmania’s vegetation. Edition 2. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Hobart.

Rudman, T., Tucker, D. and French, D. (2004). Tasmanian washdown guidelines for weed disease and control. Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Tasmania. Refer: http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/invasive-species/weeds/weed-hygiene/washdown-guidelines

Threatened Species Section (2014). Austrostipa bigeniculata (doublejointed speargrass): Species Management Profile for Tasmania's Threatened Species Link. http://www.threatenedspecieslink.tas.gov.au/austrostipa-bigeniculata. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania. Accessed on 28/10/2014.

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Wapstra, H., Wapstra, A., Wapstra, M. and Gilfedder, L. (2005). The little book of common names for Tasmanian plants. Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Tasmania.

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APPENDIX 1: FLORA SPECIES RECORDED WITHIN AREA 1 Recorder(s): A. Woolford, C. Woolford Date: 15 October 2014

Key to codes: e = endemic; i = introduced

Note: All native species encountered were recorded, as well as declared and environmental weeds. A large portion of the survey area is dominated by pasture grasses and herbs, and much of this area had been recently mown. It was therefore not possible to identify some species of exotic grasses and herbs encountered in this area as no seed heads were present.

Family name Species name Common name



Carpobrotus rossii

Tetragonia implexicoma

native pigface

bower spinach







Arctotheca calendula

Bedfordia salicina

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera

Senecio quadridentatus

Sonchus sp.

Taraxacum officinale


Tasmanian blanketleaf


cotton fireweed

sow thistle



Allocasuarina littoralis

Allocasuarina verticillata

black sheoak

drooping sheoak


Astroloma humifusum native cranberry







Genista monspessulana

Medicago sp.

Trifoilium subterraneum

Ulex europaeus

Vicia sp.

canary broom


subterranean clover




Geranium solanderi southern cranesbill

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Acacia dealbata subsp. dealbata

Acacia mearnsii

silver wattle

black wattle


Eucalptus globulus subsp. globulus

Tasmanian blue gum


Oxalis perennans grassland woodsorrel


i Fumaria sp. fumitory


Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa

prickly box




Plantago coronopus subsp. coronopus

Plantago lanceolata

slender buckshorn plantain

ribwort plantain





Rosa rubiginosa

Rubus fruticosus aggregate

Sanguisorba minor

sweet briar


salad burnet



Lepidosperma laterale variable swordsedge


Dianella revoluta var. revoluta

spreading flaxlily





Anthoxanthum odoratum

Austrostipa stuposa

Briza maxima

Bromus sp.

sweet vernalgrass

corkscrew speargrass

greater quaking-grass


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Cynadon dactylon var. dactylon

Dactylis glomerata

Ehrharta sp.

Holcus lanatus

Phalaris sp.

Poa annua

Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei

Rytidosperma caespitosum

Themeda triandra



Yorkshire fog


winter grass

silver tussockgrass

common wallabygrass

kangaroo grass


Lomandra longifolia sagg

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APPENDIX 2: FLORA SPECIES RECORDED WITHIN AREA 2 Recorder(s): A. Woolford, C. Woolford Date: 15 October 2014

Key to codes: e = endemic; i = introduced

Note: All native species encountered were recorded, as well as declared and environmental weeds. Some species of native trees present in this area appear to have been planted and are not native to the area or are mainland species – these are indicated with a *.

Family name Species name Common name



Tetragonia implexicoma bower spinach





Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera

Senecio quadridentatus

Sonchus sp.

Taraxacum officinale


cotton fireweed

sow thistle



i Brassica sp.


* Allocasuarina littoralis

Allocasuarina verticillata

black sheoak

drooping sheoak


Einadia nutens subsp. nutens

climbing saltbush


Astroloma humifusum native cranberry


i Erica lusitanica Spanish heath






Genista monspessulana

Medicago sp.

Pultenaea juniperina

Trifoilium subterraneum

Vicia sp.

canary broom


prickly beauty

subterranean clover


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i Centaurium erythraea common centaury


Geranium solanderi

Pelargonium australe

southern cranesbill

southern storksbill



i *


Acacia sp.

Acacia baileyana

Acacia mearnsii

Acacia melanoxylon

Acacia retinodes

mainland wattle

cootamundra wattle

black wattle







Callistemon pallidus

Eucalptus globulus subsp. globulus

Eucalyptus ovata var. ovata

Leptospermum lanigerum

Melaleuca ericifolia

yellow bottlebrush

Tasmanian blue gum

black gum

woolly teatree

coast paperbark


Oxalis perennans grassland woodsorrel


i Fumaria sp. fumitory



Bursaria spinosa

Pittosporum undulatum

prickly box

sweet pittosporum


i Plantago lanceolata ribwort plantain


i Rumex sp. dock




Banksia marginata

Hakea sp.

silver banksia

mainland hakea

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Acaena novae-zelandiae

Cotoneaster sp.

Rosa rubiginosa

Rubus fruticosus aggregate

Sanguisorba minor

common buzzy


sweet briar


salad burnet


i Galium sp.


Exocarpos cupressiformis native cherry


Viola hederaceae subsp. hederaceae

ivyleaf violet



Gahnia radula

Lepidosperma laterale

thatch sawsedge

variable swordsedge


Diplarrena moraea white flag-iris


Dianella revoluta var. revoluta

spreading flaxlily


Juncus pallidus pale rush









Anthoxanthum odoratum

Bromus sp.

Cynadon dactylon var. dactylon

Cynosurus echinatus

Dactylis glomerata

Ehrharta sp.

Holcus lanatus

sweet vernalgrass



rough dogstail


Yorkshire fog

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Phalaris sp.

Poa annua

Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei


winter grass

silver tussockgrass


Lomandra longifolia sagg



* Callitris rhomboidea Oyster Bay pine

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APPENDIX 3: FLORA SPECIES RECORDED WITHIN AREA 3 Recorder(s): A. Woolford, C. Woolford Date: 6 November 2014

Key to codes: e = endemic; i = introduced

Note: All native species encountered were recorded, as well as declared and environmental weeds. The majority of the survey area is dominated by pasture grasses and herbs, and much of this area had been recently mown. It was therefore not possible to identify some species of exotic grasses and herbs encountered in this area as no seed heads were present. Some plants in this area appear to have been planted and are not native to the area or are mainland species – these are indicated with a *.

Family name Species name Common name







Arctotheca calendula

Bellis perennis

Sonchus sp.

Taraxacum officinale


English daisy

sow thistle



Allocasuarina verticillata drooping sheoak


Astroloma humifusum native cranberry




Trifoilium subterraneum

Vicia sp.

subterranean clover



Geranium solanderi southern cranesbill


* Acacia melanoxylon blackwood


* Melaleuca sp. mainland melaleuca


Oxalis perennans grassland woodsorrel


i Fumaria sp. fumitory

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Plantago coronopus subsp. coronopus

Plantago lanceolata

slender buckshorn plantain

ribwort plantain





Rosa rubiginosa

Rubus fruticosus aggregate

Sanguisorba minor

sweet briar


salad burnet


i Galium sp.






Anthoxanthum odoratum

Austrostipa stuposa

Briza maxima

Bromus sp.

sweet vernalgrass

corkscrew speargrass

greater quaking-grass








Cynadon dactylon var. dactylon

Dactylis glomerata

Ehrharta sp.

Holcus lanatus

Phalaris sp.

Poa annua

Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei

Rytidosperma caespitosum

Themeda triandra



Yorkshire fog


winter grass

silver tussockgrass

common wallabygrass

kangaroo grass

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name Conservation significance


Radius at which recorded

Observed within survey area


Austrostipa bigeniculata

doublejointed speargrass

rare 500m No Occurs in open woodlands and grasslands, often in association with Austrostipa nodosa. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Survey undertaken outside main flowering period of mid November to mid March.

Austrostipa nodosa knotty speargrass

rare 5km No Occurs in grassland or open forest. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Survey was undertaken at the very start of this species’ flowering period of mid October to January.

Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass

rare 5km No Occurs in dry, open habitats, including grassy remnants, roadside banks and coastal vegetation. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Survey was undertaken within this species’ flowering period of October to February.

Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid

vulnerable VULNERABLE

5km No Occurs in heathy and grassy open eucalypt forest (often with sheoaks), and heathland on sandy and loamy soils, most often on sunny north facing sites. Habitat unlikely to be suitable. Survey was undertaken within this species’ flowering period (late August - early November).

Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs rare 5km No Occurs in heathy and sedgy open eucalypt forest and woodland on sandy soil. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Carex gunniana mountain sedge rare 5km No Occurs in wet eucalypt forest and sandy heathlands, by the sides of streams, in littoral sands and in shingle with seepage. No suitable habitat occurs within the survey areas.

Carex tasmanica curly sedge VULNERABLE 5km No Occurs in soaks and seepage lines in a range of grassy woodland communities. No suitable habitat occurs within the survey areas.

Cynoglossum australe coast houndstongue

rare 500m No Occurs in grasslands, open forests and landward margins of sand dunes. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Juncus amabilis gentle rush rare 5km No Occurs in moist situations, such as areas of seepage on roadsides. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

4 Data obtained from DPIPWE (2014).

5 lower case = TSP Act; UPPER CASE = EPBC Act.

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Species Common name

Conservation significance


Radius at which recorded

Observed within survey area


Lachnagrostis punicea subsp. filifolia

narrowleaf blowngrass

rare 5km No Occurs in coastal environments. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Lepidium pseudotasmanicum

shade peppercress

rare 500m No Occurs on bare ground in grassland and grassy woodland. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Lepidosperma tortuosum

twisting rapiersedge

rare 5km No Occurs in open heathland and eucalypt woodland. Habitat unlikely to be suitable. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Parietaria debilis shade pellitory rare 5km No Coastal species that has been recorded around muttonbird rookeries, on cliffs/rocks in salt spray zone, on grazed pasture/grassland and from sand dunes with other forbs. Habitat unlikely to be suitable. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood

rare 5km No Occurs in heathy and grassy open eucalypt forest, woodland and heathland on well drained sandy and loamy soils. Habitat unlikely to be suitable. Survey undertaken outside the flowering period of this species (December - March).

Ranunculus sessiflorus var. sessiflorus

rockplate buttercup

rare 5km No Grows in grassland and grassy woodland. Unlikely to have been overlooked. Potential habitat exists in all survey areas. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Rytidosperma indutum tall wallabygrass

rare 5km No Occurs on mudstone and dolerite in open dry sclerophyll woodlands. Habitat may be suitable. Survey undertaken outside main flowering period of November to February.

Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel

rare 5km No Occurs in grassland and woodland in subalpine and alpine areas. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed rare 5km No Occurs in dry sclerophyll forest. Habitat may be suitable. Unlikely to have been overlooked.

Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid

endangered 5km No Recorded from near-coastal (low elevation) heathland, sedgeland and open heathy/sedgy eucalypt woodland on well-drained sandy loams. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Thelymitra malvina mauvetuft sun-orchid

endangered 5km No Recorded from coastal heath and sedgeland on sandy loams or clay loams at low elevations. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

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Radius at which recorded

Observed within survey area


Accipter novaehollandiae

grey goshawk endangered 5km No Inhabits mature blackwood swamp forest, wet forest and mixed forest at lower altitudes. No suitable habitat or nests observed within the survey areas.

Alcedo azureus diemenensis

Tasmanian azure kingfisher

endangered ENDANGERED

5km No Inhabits riverine habitat. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Antipodia chaostola Chaostola skipper

endangered ENDANGERED

5km No Inhabits dry lowland vegetation communities with Gahnia radula and G. microstachya present. While Gahnia radula is present in Area 2, it is considered unlikely that it provides habitat due to the very small number of Gahnia radula plants present.

Aquila audax subsp. fleayi

wedge-tailed eagle (Tasmanian)

endangered ENDANGERED

5km No Prefers to nest in tall eucalypts in large areas of old growth or mixed eucalypt forest. No nests observed within the survey areas.

Dasyurus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll


5km No Inhabits mature wet forest. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Discocharopa vigens ammonite snail endangered 500m8 No Inhabits wet and dry sclerophyll forest on the under surface of

stones. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Haliaeetus leucogaster

white-bellied sea-eagle

vulnerable 5km No Nests in large sheltered eucalypts. No nests observed within the survey areas.

Lathamus discolor swift parrot endangered ENDANGERED


No Forages in mature Eucalyptus globulus and E. ovata trees, and nests in hollows in mature eucalypts across a range of species with stem diameter greater than 70cm at breast height. Suitable foraging and nesting habitat within Area 1 and Area 2 – refer Section 6.

Lissotes menalcus Mt Mangana stag beetle

vulnerable 500m8

No Inhabits rotting logs in wet sclerophyll forest. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Litoria raniformis green and golden frog

vulnerable VULNERABLE


No Dependent upon permanent freshwater lagoons for breeding. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Pardalotus forty-spotted endangered 5km

No Forages in grassy Eucalyptus viminalis forest. No suitable

6 Data obtained from DPIPWE (2014). Marine animals recorded within 5km been excluded as no marine habitat exists within the survey area.

7 lower case = TSP Act; UPPER CASE = EPBC Act.

8 Based on habitat mapping.

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Species Common name Conservation significance


Radius at which recorded

Observed within survey area


quadragintus pardalote ENDANGERED habitat exists within the survey areas.

Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot


No Inhabits grassy woodlands, native grasslands and mosaics of pasture and shrubby ground cover. Suitable foraging habitat occurs within all survey areas.

Prototroctes maraena

Australian grayling

vulnerable VULNERABLE


No Inhabits coastal streams and rivers, and requires free movement between freshwater and marine habitats. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Pseudomoia pagenstecheri

tussock skink vulnerable


No Inhabits lowland Poa tussock grassland and grassy woodland. No suitable habitat exists within the survey areas.

Sarcophilus harrisii Tasmanian devil endangered ENDANGERED

5km No Nests in hollow logs, caves, dense vegetation, dens or burrows. No suitable nesting habitat observed and considered unlikely to regularly traverse the survey areas.

Tyto novaehollandiae subsp. castanops

masked owl (Tasmanian)

endangered VULNERABLE

5km No Inhabits dry eucalypt forest and woodland. Nesting habitat is old growth eucalypts containing hollows. No suitable nesting habitat observed within the survey areas.

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Natural Values Atlas ReportAuthoritative, comprehensive information on Tasmania's natural values.

Reference: Blackmans Bay STP

Requested For: Taswater

Timestamp: 03:21:51 PM Tuesday 19 July 2016

Raptors: buffers 500m and 5000m

Threatened Flora: buffers 500m and 5000m

Threatened Fauna: buffers 500m and 5000m

Tasmanian Weed Management Act Weeds: buffers 500m and 5000m

Priority Weeds: buffers 500m and 5000m

TASVEG: buffer 1000m

Threatened Communities: buffer 1000m

Geoconservation: buffer 1000m

Tasmanian Reserve Estate: buffer 1000m

Biosecurity Risks: buffer 1000m

The centroid for this query GDA94: 526683.0, 5237444.0 falls within:

1:25000 Map: 5223 BLACKMANS BAY

Property: 2983848 112 TINDERBOX RDBLACKMANS BAY TAS 7052

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527356, 5238361

525965, 5236544

Threatened flora within 500 metres

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Threatened flora within 500 metres

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Verified Records

Unverified Records

No unverified records were found!

For more information about threatened species, please contact the Manager, Threatened Species and Marine Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4340

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Threatened flora within 500 metres

Id Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

1235810 Austrostipabigeniculata

doublejointed speargrass r Andrew North(2500)

18-Aug-2010 Sighting 526860, 5237970 +/- 10m

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530677, 5242866

522664, 5232043

Threatened flora within 5000 metres

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Threatened flora within 5000 metres

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Verified Records

Threatened flora within 5000 metres

Id Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

1235810 Austrostipabigeniculata

doublejointed speargrass r Andrew North(2500)

18-Aug-2010 Sighting 526860, 5237970 +/- 10m

1154776 Austrostipabigeniculata

doublejointed speargrass r Andrew Welling(3369)

10-Feb-2010 Sighting 526696, 5242419 +/- 10m

1244934 Austrostipabigeniculata

doublejointed speargrass r Andrew Welling(3369)

12-Feb-2010 Sighting 526700, 5242420 +/- 10m

1464242 Austrostipa blackii crested speargrass r A Welling(29033),D EAlbrecht(29036)

17-Oct-2011 Sighting 527601, 5233978 +/- 20m

1244999 Austrostipa blackii crested speargrass r Andrew Welling(3369),D.E.Albrecht (4108)

17-Oct-2011 Sighting 527630, 5233970 +/- 100m

1266379 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527957, 5233594 +/- 5m

1266377 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527866, 5233490 +/- 5m

1266378 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527909, 5233506 +/- 5m

1266376 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527853, 5233489 +/- 5m

1266375 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527839, 5233481 +/- 5m

1266373 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527740, 5233487 +/- 5m

1417896 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r M Wapstra(29009)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527839, 5233481 +/- 5m

1266374 Austrostipa scabra rough speargrass r Mark Wapstra(1621)

18-Jan-2012 Sighting 527783, 5233476 +/- 5m

1002655 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

30-Oct-2007 Sighting 525772, 5240890 +/- 10m

1073355 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

07-Sep-2007 Sighting 525764, 5240892 +/- 10m

1073356 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

07-Sep-2007 Sighting 525760, 5240892 +/- 10m

1068689 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Andrew North(2500)

17-Sep-2008 Sighting 525758, 5240892 +/- 10m

955206 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

18-Sep-1992 Sighting 525772, 5240890 +/- 10m

553448 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU UnknownUnknown(21598)

17-Sep-1996 Sighting 525712, 5240883 +/- 100m

1073354 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

07-Sep-2007 Sighting 525776, 5240888 +/- 10m

228882 Caladenia caudata tailed spider-orchid v VU Hans and AnnieWapstra (6223)

02-Oct-1992 Sighting 525772, 5240890 +/- 10m

1002652 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

30-Oct-2007 Sighting 525763, 5240885 +/- 6m

1002654 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

30-Oct-2007 Sighting 525762, 5240900 +/- 6m

228853 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Janet Somerville(2865)

15-Oct-1944 Sighting 525112, 5241683 +/- 2000m

564458 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Hans Wapstra(3208)

08-Nov-1980 Sighting 525612, 5240583 +/- 100m

1073376 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

20-Oct-2007 Sighting 525763, 5240889 +/- 10m

1073375 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

20-Oct-2007 Sighting 525764, 5240892 +/- 10m

1073374 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

20-Oct-2007 Sighting 525762, 5240894 +/- 10m

1002653 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

30-Oct-2007 Sighting 525754, 5240896 +/- 6m

564461 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r D Higgins (6422) 23-Oct-1978 Sighting 525712, 5240883 +/- 100m

566941 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Janet Somerville(2865)

15-Oct-1944 Sighting 525112, 5240183 +/- 1000m

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Threatened flora within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1073373 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

20-Oct-2007 Sighting 525759, 5240895 +/- 10m

568513 Caladenia filamentosa daddy longlegs r Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1980 Sighting 525712, 5240883 +/- 100m

422829 Carex gunniana mountain sedge r JamieKirkpatrick(1315)

01-Nov-1984 Sighting 526812, 5242183 +/- 100m

1431121 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

21-Jan-2015 Sighting 525163, 5238327 +/- 5m

1431128 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

26-Jan-2015 Sighting 524137, 5238685 +/- 5m

1431119 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

21-Jan-2015 Sighting 525154, 5238320 +/- 5m

1431120 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

21-Jan-2015 Sighting 525156, 5238329 +/- 5m

1431127 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

21-Jan-2015 Sighting 525118, 5238245 +/- 5m

1431122 Comespermadefoliatum

leafless milkwort r M Wapstra(29009)

21-Jan-2015 Sighting 525161, 5238333 +/- 5m

1474244 Goodenia geniculata bent native-primrose e Leonard R.Rodway (4869)

20-Oct-1929 Sighting 526000, 5239000 +/- 10000m

1420077 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r A Welling(29033),D EAlbrecht(29036)

17-Oct-2011 Sighting 527896, 5233977 +/- 50m

951383 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

21-Jun-2000 Sighting 522512, 5239683 +/- 100m

343434 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

29-Oct-1998 Sighting 523212, 5240283 +/- 100m

1046504 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523141, 5240049 +/- 10m

1046505 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523460, 5240477 +/- 10m

1046506 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523426, 5240730 +/- 10m

1307419 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

07-Dec-2006 Sighting 523460, 5240480 +/- 50m

1046513 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523536, 5240560 +/- 10m

1235900 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r David Ziegeler(7381)

03-Sep-2010 Sighting 522012, 5235061 +/- 10m

1244998 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew Welling(3369),D.E.Albrecht (4108)

17-Oct-2011 Sighting 527850, 5234000 +/- 100m

1046512 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523282, 5240257 +/- 10m

1244997 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew Welling(3369),D.E.Albrecht (4108)

17-Oct-2011 Sighting 527720, 5234250 +/- 100m

1046508 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523554, 5240645 +/- 10m

1046510 Juncus amabilis gentle rush r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523519, 5240868 +/- 10m

228278 Lachnagrostis puniceasubsp. filifolia

narrowleaf blowngrass r Leonard R.Rodway (4869)

01-Feb-1929 Sighting 526612, 5239183 +/- 1000m

356859 Lepidiumhyssopifolium

soft peppercress e EN Philip Barker(1911)

12-Sep-1994 Sighting 525312, 5242383 +/- 100m

228834 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r P.A. Collier(29187)

10-Feb-1986 Sighting 524612, 5239183 +/- 100m

930007 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Alan M. Gray(1473)

01-Feb-2003 Sighting 524212, 5240083 +/- 100m

955060 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew Welling(3369)

15-Jul-2007 Sighting 524143, 5239689 +/- 20m

1297442 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

13-Nov-2012 Sighting 524921, 5240099 +/- 10m

1297443 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

13-Nov-2012 Sighting 524918, 5240098 +/- 10m

1300525 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

02-Dec-2011 Sighting 524178, 5239677 +/- 10m

1307471 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Alan M. Gray(1473)

10-Jul-2007 Sighting 524912, 5240083 +/- 100m

1300515 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 Sighting 524925, 5240063 +/- 10m

1300516 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 Sighting 524909, 5240104 +/- 10m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Threatened flora within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1300517 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 Sighting 524903, 5240091 +/- 10m

1300520 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

07-Nov-2011 Sighting 524939, 5240073 +/- 10m

1300521 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r David Ziegeler(7381)

11-Nov-2011 Sighting 524263, 5240023 +/- 10m

1300522 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r David Ziegeler(7381)

11-Nov-2011 Sighting 524276, 5240018 +/- 10m

1300523 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

02-Dec-2011 Sighting 524305, 5240010 +/- 10m

1300524 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Andrew North(2500)

02-Dec-2011 Sighting 524023, 5240029 +/- 10m

228279 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Winifred M.Curtis (5737)

01-Aug-1944 Sighting 526612, 5239183 +/- 1000m

228874 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Alex Buchanan(1467)

14-May-1994 Sighting 525412, 5240483 +/- 100m

1307469 Lepidospermatortuosum

twisting rapiersedge r Alan M. Gray(1473)

20-Oct-2003 Sighting 524912, 5240083 +/- 100m

1087781 Parietaria debilis shade pellitory r Mark Wapstra(1621)

07-Nov-2009 Sighting 526761, 5236662 +/- 25m

1312188 Parietaria debilis shade pellitory r Mark Wapstra(1621)

07-Nov-2009 Sighting 526761, 5236662 +/- 25m

1472918 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Mark Wapstra(1621)

05-Feb-2016 Sighting 525763, 5240887 +/- 3m

1073563 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

12-Jan-2009 Sighting 525759, 5240892 +/- 10m

553445 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v M Wall (1612) 01-Jan-1980 Sighting 525612, 5240683 +/- 500m

1459664 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v P Fehre (14771) 01-Dec-2014 Sighting 525770, 5240890 +/- 10m

1073567 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

12-Jan-2009 Sighting 525770, 5240890 +/- 10m

1073564 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

12-Jan-2009 Sighting 525767, 5240891 +/- 10m

1073565 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

12-Jan-2009 Sighting 525768, 5240894 +/- 10m

1073566 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v Malcolm Wells(5059),P Fehre(14771)

12-Jan-2009 Sighting 525770, 5240894 +/- 10m

1459665 Pterostylis squamata ruddy greenhood r-v P Fehre (14771) 16-Dec-2015 Sighting 525770, 5240890 +/- 10m

228974 Rytidosperma indutum tall wallabygrass r Leonard R.Rodway (4869)

01-Jan-1928 Sighting 526612, 5239183 +/- 1000m

930179 Rytidosperma indutum tall wallabygrass r Andrew North(2500)

23-Apr-2002 Sighting 526838, 5236416 +/- 100m

228973 Rytidosperma indutum tall wallabygrass r O Rodway(1840)

01-Dec-1928 Sighting 526612, 5239183 +/- 1000m

1046507 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523490, 5240679 +/- 10m

1046511 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523657, 5240647 +/- 10m

1159626 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

09-Oct-2009 Sighting 522863, 5240258 +/- 10m

1315715 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Andrew North(2500)

04-Dec-2006 Sighting 523490, 5240680 +/- 50m

1046509 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Andrew North(2500)

21-Dec-2006 Sighting 523601, 5240691 +/- 10m

1159472 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Karen Ziegler(3104)

17-Apr-2009 Sighting 523618, 5240613 +/- 10m

1159624 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

09-Oct-2009 Sighting 522936, 5240267 +/- 10m

1159625 Scleranthus brockiei mountain knawel r JohannaElizabethSlijkerman(21605)

09-Oct-2009 Sighting 522887, 5240245 +/- 10m

1315799 Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

23-Oct-2006 Sighting 525036, 5236549 +/- 25m

228134 Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed r Leonard R.Rodway (4869)

20-Oct-1929 Sighting 525112, 5241683 +/- 2000m

1267419 Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed r Mark Wapstra(1621)

26-Nov-2011 Sighting 522548, 5235385 +/- 5m

1267418 Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed r Mark Wapstra(1621)

26-Nov-2011 Sighting 522547, 5235367 +/- 5m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 41: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Unverified Records

No unverified records were found!

For more information about threatened species, please contact the Manager, Threatened Species and Marine Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4340

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Threatened flora within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

951863 Senecio squarrosus leafy fireweed r Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

23-Oct-2006 Sighting 525036, 5236549 +/- 10m

1297444 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

13-Nov-2012 Sighting 524829, 5240133 +/- 10m

1297441 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

13-Nov-2012 Sighting 524778, 5240084 +/- 10m

1201449 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525038, 5241425 +/- 10m

1083775 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525041, 5241423 +/- 5m

1271887 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

08-Nov-2011 Sighting 524907, 5241321 +/- 10m

1301026 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Peter Jarman(21012)

23-Nov-2012 Sighting 524170, 5239460 +/- 5m

1201450 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525041, 5241424 +/- 10m

1201448 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525035, 5241459 +/- 10m

1201447 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525036, 5241460 +/- 10m

1201446 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525039, 5241459 +/- 10m

1083778 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525066, 5241470 +/- 5m

1083777 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525015, 5241427 +/- 5m

1083776 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525029, 5241422 +/- 5m

1058074 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2001 Sighting 524900, 5240057 +/- 100m

344989 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Hans Wapstra(3208)

02-Nov-2001 Sighting 525019, 5241432 +/- 6m

1466469 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Annie Wapstra(9224)

07-Nov-2012 Sighting 524668, 5237645 +/- 5m

1201451 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

23-Nov-2010 Sighting 525041, 5241420 +/- 10m

1301025 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Annie Wapstra(9224)

24-Nov-2012 Sighting 525224, 5237994 +/- 5m

1300518 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 Sighting 524832, 5240133 +/- 10m

1300519 Thelymitra atronitida blackhood sun-orchid e David Ziegeler(7381)

11-Nov-2011 Sighting 524767, 5240093 +/- 10m

1201218 Thelymitra malvina mauvetuft sun-orchid e Malcolm Wells(5059)

20-Nov-2010 Sighting 525098, 5238253 +/- 10m

1316726 Thelymitra malvina mauvetuft sun-orchid e Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224),JA Jeanes (21837)

02-Nov-2001 Sighting 524795, 5239850 +/- 50m

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527356, 5238361

525965, 5236544

Threatened fauna within 500 metres

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Threatened fauna within 500 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 44: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Verified Records

Unverified Records

No unverified records were found!

Threatened fauna within 500 metres

(based on Range Boundaries)

For more information about threatened species, please contact the Manager, Threatened Species and Marine Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4340

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Threatened fauna within 500 metres

Id Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

1291978 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Drew Lee(6973)

15-Jul-2009 Initial sighting 526772, 5238111 +/- 100m

1293168 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

09-Jul-1997 Initial sighting 526800, 5238000 +/- 100m

Species Common Name SS NS Potential Known Core

Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR 1 0 1

Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle pe PEN 1 0 0

Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU 1 0 1

Dasyurus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll r VU 1 0 0

Litoria raniformis green and gold frog v VU 1 0 0

Antipodia chaostola chaostola skipper e EN 1 0 1

Pseudemoia pagenstecheri tussock skink v 1 0 0

Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanian devil e EN 1 0 0

Aquila audax subsp. fleayi tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN 1 0 0

Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU 1 0 1

Pardalotus quadragintus forty-spotted pardalote e EN 1 1 0

Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk e 1 0 1

Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v 2 0 0

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Page 45: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

530677, 5242866

522664, 5232043

Threatened fauna within 5000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Threatened fauna within 5000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 47: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Verified Records

Threatened fauna within 5000 metres

Id Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

1270675 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 527813, 5233490 +/- 20m

1270676 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

23-Jan-2011 Sighting 525254, 5233508 +/- 15m

1270688 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 527304, 5234725 +/- 50m

1307788 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e Nick Mooney(16443)

10-Sep-1985 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

1307642 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e UnknownVickers (25901)

01-Jan-1916 Sighting 523809, 5235924 +/- 5000m

1270689 Accipiternovaehollandiae

grey goshawk e Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 526638, 5233021 +/- 50m

1229655 Alcedo azurea subsp.diemenensis

azure kingfisher or azurekingfisher (tasmanian)

e EN L Wall (1526) 16-Jul-1978 Sighting 521935, 5236620 +/- 250m

1049958 Antipodia chaostola chaostola skipper e EN Andrew Welling(3369)

15-Jun-2007 Sighting 524962, 5240033 +/- 20m

1202018 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525113, 5240473 +/- 10m

1050379 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell(1915),BillBrown (3537)

25-Nov-2008 Sighting 525115, 5238215 +/- 5m

1050380 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell(1915),BillBrown (3537)

25-Sep-2008 Nest 525106, 5238216 +/- 5m

602602 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 06-Oct-2004 Sighting 525087, 5238171 +/- 50m

1202019 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Andrew North(2500)

12-Nov-2008 Sighting 525155, 5240473 +/- 10m

1262668 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

30-Apr-2012 Sighting 525106, 5238219 +/- 5m

1262680 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524891, 5238233 +/- 5m

1262675 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524881, 5238182 +/- 5m

1266101 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

29-May-2012 Nest 526011, 5237694 +/- 5m

1281537 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

29-May-2012 Sighting 524961, 5240043 +/- 10m

1262683 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 08-May-2012 Sighting 524189, 5238009 +/- 5m

1262682 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 08-May-2012 Sighting 524198, 5238006 +/- 5m

1262681 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 08-May-2012 Sighting 524323, 5237999 +/- 5m

1262679 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524882, 5238228 +/- 5m

1262678 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524881, 5238228 +/- 5m

1262677 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524776, 5238208 +/- 5m

1262676 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524873, 5238218 +/- 5m

1262674 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 524891, 5238186 +/- 5m

1262673 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 525009, 5238210 +/- 5m

1262672 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 05-Apr-2012 Sighting 525102, 5238225 +/- 5m

1262684 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

08-May-2012 Sighting 524147, 5238052 +/- 5m

1262685 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN Phil Bell (1915) 08-May-2012 Sighting 524137, 5238061 +/- 5m

1262686 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN C. Hawkins(23517)

08-May-2012 Sighting 524140, 5238067 +/- 5m

1266100 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

29-May-2012 Nest 526115, 5237712 +/- 5m

1262666 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

30-Apr-2012 Sighting 524798, 5238200 +/- 5m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 48: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1262667 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

30-Apr-2012 Sighting 524878, 5238235 +/- 5m

1262669 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

07-May-2012 Sighting 524956, 5238144 +/- 5m

1262670 Antipodia chaostolasubsp. leucophaea

chaostola skipper e EN K. Richards(23665)

14-May-2012 Sighting 525451, 5237683 +/- 5m

1291067 Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle pe PEN Michael KennethTodd (10621)

18-Jun-2010 Sighting 524866, 5239770 +/- 100m

1256247 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m

1256183 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

14-Nov-1994 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256184 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Dec-1993 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256185 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Dec-1992 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256187 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Bill Brown(3537)

17-Sep-2007 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1308799 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN C Banks-Smith(26038)

06-Apr-1993 Sighting 527055, 5232581 +/- 5000m

1259322 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

05-Jan-2009 Nest 526492, 5234700 +/- 30m

1256180 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

19-Dec-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256186 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256182 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Oct-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256355 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 526488, 5234658 +/- 10m

1256354 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 526488, 5234658 +/- 10m

1256249 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m

1256248 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Oct-2000 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m

1256179 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1256181 Aquila audax subsp.fleayi

tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN Nick Mooney(16443)

17-Dec-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

1239855 Brachionichthyshirsutus

spotted handfish e CR Mark Green(22988)

14-Apr-1999 Sighting 530091, 5240745 +/- 50m

1240084 Brachionichthyshirsutus

spotted handfish e CR Mark Green(22988)

23-Dec-2008 Sighting 523703, 5234657 +/- 100m

1378760 Brachionichthyshirsutus

spotted handfish e CR NaomiLawrence (1799)

03-Sep-2013 Sighting Polygon

1378758 Brachionichthyshirsutus

spotted handfish e CR NaomiLawrence (1799)

03-Sep-2013 Sighting Polygon

1378757 Brachionichthyshirsutus

spotted handfish e CR NaomiLawrence (1799)

03-Sep-2013 Sighting Polygon

882819 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

01-Jan-1996 Sighting 523712, 5236182 +/- 25m

883259 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

01-Jan-1996 Sighting 525612, 5233183 +/- 100m

883260 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

01-Jan-1996 Sighting 527012, 5232783 +/- 100m

884909 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

01-Jan-1996 Sighting 527712, 5233783 +/- 100m

1309526 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN J Price (1357) 25-Jan-1982 Sighting 523262, 5235560 +/- 1000m

897682 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-May-1979 Sighting 524544, 5233755 +/- 1850m

902100 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN J Baylys (1131) 17-Jan-1981 Sighting 523199, 5237461 +/- 1850m

358880 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN Menna Jones(8901)

08-Apr-1995 Sighting 526412, 5232683 +/- 100m

895923 Dasyurus viverrinus eastern quoll EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

28-Feb-1979 Sighting 527266, 5235596 +/- 1850m

1293547 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Hans Wapstra(3208)

25-Jun-1993 Initial sighting 526876, 5233580 +/- 100m

1293301 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN 12-Nov-1999 Initial sighting 526692, 5238611 +/- 100m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1291978 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Drew Lee(6973)

15-Jul-2009 Initial sighting 526772, 5238111 +/- 100m

1294752 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Rosemary Gales(11443)

10-Aug-2004 Initial sighting 527159, 5241252 +/- 100m

1294345 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN RachaelAlderman(7136),DavidPemberton(18632)

30-Aug-2010 Initial sighting 527536, 5241806 +/- 100m

1292313 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Sam Thalmann(24183)

30-Oct-2007 Initial sighting 526790, 5232536 +/- 100m

1294347 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN RachaelAlderman(7136),DavidPemberton(18632)

30-Aug-2010 Sighting 527536, 5241806 +/- 100m

1293705 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Hans Wapstra(3208)

18-Jul-1998 Initial sighting 529208, 5240011 +/- 100m

1293623 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Annie Wapstra(9224)

28-Aug-1995 Initial sighting 526906, 5241353 +/- 100m

1292545 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN Andrew Irvine(24188)

24-Jun-2005 Initial sighting 526618, 5238512 +/- 100m

1294346 Eubalaena australis southern right whale e EN RachaelAlderman(7136),DavidPemberton(18632)

30-Aug-2010 Sighting 527536, 5241806 +/- 100m

1307104 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

08-May-2011 Shell 526593, 5238290 +/- 100m

1306944 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

01-Jan-2003 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1306951 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

24-Jul-2004 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1306967 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

17-Apr-2005 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1306968 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

24-Apr-2005 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1307067 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

26-Nov-2006 Shell 526593, 5238290 +/- 100m

1306977 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

28-Jan-2006 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1307010 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v MargaretRichmond(25787)

01-Feb-1985 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1307053 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-May-2003 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1307059 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

22-Apr-2006 Shell 526440, 5240933 +/- 100m

1307066 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

22-Oct-2006 Shell 526593, 5238290 +/- 100m

1306976 Gazameda gunnii Gunn's screw shell v Simon Grove(20579)

26-Jan-2006 Shell 526593, 5238290 +/- 100m

1257129 Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

1257131 Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v Lorraine Francis(23444)

19-Dec-2002 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

1257130 Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Aug-2006 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

1257133 Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v Grant Hall(23445)

16-Jan-2005 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

1257132 Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v Nick Mooney(16443)

12-Dec-2007 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

845004 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

11-Nov-1991 Sighting 525412, 5232783 +/- 1000m

845061 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

18-Jan-1990 Sighting 526312, 5234982 +/- 1000m

845062 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

18-Jan-1990 Sighting 526312, 5235383 +/- 1000m

845067 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

18-Jan-1990 Sighting 526412, 5235183 +/- 1000m

845069 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

26-Oct-1989 Sighting 526512, 5241383 +/- 1000m

845095 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

26-Oct-1989 Sighting 526812, 5239283 +/- 1000m

853722 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

10-Sep-1983 Sighting 525812, 5234883 +/- 1000m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 50: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

853760 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

26-Oct-1989 Sighting 526712, 5239583 +/- 1000m

846987 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

09-Sep-1990 Sighting 524212, 5235383 +/- 1000m

870885 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Peter Brown(1919)

01-Oct-1987 Sighting 525312, 5233383 +/- 100m

870926 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Peter Brown(1919)

11-Sep-1987 Sighting 525812, 5234883 +/- 100m

873621 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

19-Jan-1994 Sighting 526312, 5235383 +/- 50m

873625 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

19-Jan-1994 Sighting 526312, 5234982 +/- 50m

877455 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

28-Aug-1994 Sighting 526412, 5238484 +/- 100m

877456 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

09-Sep-1994 Sighting 524512, 5236383 +/- 50m

877458 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

10-Sep-1994 Sighting 524212, 5235383 +/- 50m

876017 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Peter Brown(1919)

11-Sep-1987 Sighting 525812, 5232783 +/- 100m

873792 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

27-Oct-1993 Sighting 526512, 5241383 +/- 100m

873811 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

27-Oct-1993 Sighting 526812, 5239283 +/- 50m

872356 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

12-Nov-1993 Nest 525512, 5236783 +/- 50m

872359 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

12-Nov-1993 Sighting 526112, 5235483 +/- 50m

876955 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

12-Nov-1993 Sighting 525612, 5236883 +/- 50m

873200 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

31-Aug-1994 Sighting 524212, 5235383 +/- 50m

877871 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

27-Oct-1993 Sighting 526712, 5239583 +/- 50m

900913 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR D Milled (6077) 07-Oct-1967 Sighting 527259, 5233745 +/- 18500m

899768 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR D Milled (6077) 27-Sep-1966 Sighting 527259, 5233745 +/- 1850m

899826 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR D Milled (6077) 23-Jan-1968 Sighting 527259, 5233745 +/- 18500m

873629 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

19-Jan-1994 Sighting 526412, 5235183 +/- 50m

845003 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

30-Sep-1983 Sighting 525312, 5233383 +/- 1000m

845028 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

11-Nov-1989 Sighting 525612, 5236883 +/- 1000m

877087 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Peter Brown(1919)

12-Nov-1995 Sighting 525412, 5232783 +/- 25m

1066518 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Shaun Thurstans(6695)

16-Dec-2005 Nest 526569, 5235160 +/- 10m

1201074 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR ThreatenedSpecies SectionStaff Unknown(21723)

01-Jan-2000 Sighting 525694, 5236853 +/- 100m

1201075 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR ThreatenedSpecies SectionStaff Unknown(21723)

01-Jan-2000 Sighting 526083, 5236122 +/- 100m

845032 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

10-Sep-1983 Sighting 525812, 5232783 +/- 1000m

1097494 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR Iona Mitchell(3342)

24-Oct-2009 Sighting 526680, 5241453 +/- 200m

1311824 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR F Watson(26551)

26-Jan-1990 Sighting 526266, 5239247 +/- 5000m

1311836 Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR J Cunningham(25871)

16-Sep-1951 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

1293147 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1996 Initial sighting 528894, 5233072 +/- 100m

1293148 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1996 Sighting 528894, 5233072 +/- 100m

1292305 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU 17-Jun-2003 Initial sighting 530333, 5234421 +/- 100m

1294681 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Isabel Beasley(24181)

16-Aug-2008 Initial sighting 529695, 5239354 +/- 100m

1294142 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Kris Carlyon(24149)

03-Jun-2012 Sighting 523114, 5236348 +/- 100m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1293149 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1996 Sighting 528894, 5233072 +/- 100m

1293168 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

09-Jul-1997 Initial sighting 526800, 5238000 +/- 100m

1292664 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Isabel Beasley(24181)

16-Aug-2008 Initial sighting 529636, 5240809 +/- 100m

1292677 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Isabel Beasley(24181)

09-Jun-2008 Initial sighting 528759, 5233883 +/- 100m

1293145 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1996 Initial sighting 527026, 5238643 +/- 100m

1293146 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Hans Wapstra(3208)

29-Oct-1996 Sighting 527026, 5238643 +/- 100m

1292124 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Andrew Irvine(24188)

13-Jun-2003 Initial sighting 529393, 5239389 +/- 100m

1291996 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Alex Terauds(26027)

09-Aug-2003 Initial sighting 526808, 5241065 +/- 100m

1293937 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Andrew Irvine(24188)

15-Jun-2003 Initial sighting 527312, 5240819 +/- 100m

1294433 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Rosemary Gales(11443)

18-Jul-2010 Initial sighting 527222, 5232413 +/- 100m

1294141 Megapteranovaeangliae

humpback whale e VU Kris Carlyon(24149)

03-Jun-2012 Initial sighting 523114, 5236348 +/- 100m

1299645 Mirounga leoninasubsp. macquariensis

southern elephant seal pe PVU 04-Feb-1982 Initial sighting 526531, 5241188 +/- 100m

1298895 Mirounga leoninasubsp. macquariensis

southern elephant seal pe PVU 25-Nov-1984 Initial sighting 522428, 5235595 +/- 100m

1299646 Mirounga leoninasubsp. macquariensis

southern elephant seal pe PVU 04-Feb-1982 Sighting 526531, 5241188 +/- 100m

1298896 Mirounga leoninasubsp. macquariensis

southern elephant seal pe PVU 25-Nov-1984 Sighting 522428, 5235595 +/- 100m

1154695 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

18-Jan-2010 Sighting 524104, 5239149 +/- 10m

1154697 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

18-Jan-2010 Sighting 524117, 5239161 +/- 10m

1154700 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

21-Jan-2010 Sighting 524199, 5239120 +/- 10m

1154702 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

03-Feb-2010 Sighting 523695, 5238880 +/- 10m

1154703 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

16-Nov-2009 Sighting 526568, 5234784 +/- 10m

1154704 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

14-Dec-2009 Sighting 526480, 5234042 +/- 10m

1154706 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

07-Jan-2010 Sighting 526434, 5234476 +/- 10m

1154707 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

07-Jan-2010 Sighting 526283, 5234759 +/- 10m

1154709 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

07-Jan-2010 Sighting 525961, 5235085 +/- 10m

1154710 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Feb-2010 Sighting 527160, 5233461 +/- 10m

1154711 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Feb-2010 Sighting 527169, 5233488 +/- 10m

1154712 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Feb-2010 Sighting 527012, 5233749 +/- 10m

1154713 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

25-Jan-2010 Sighting 526627, 5234008 +/- 10m

1154715 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

10-Feb-2010 Sighting 526999, 5232930 +/- 10m

1154716 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

11-Feb-2010 Sighting 526458, 5236111 +/- 10m

1154717 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

24-Feb-2010 Sighting 526536, 5233619 +/- 10m

1154719 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

24-Feb-2010 Sighting 526262, 5233378 +/- 10m

1154720 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

24-Feb-2010 Sighting 525897, 5233591 +/- 10m

1270681 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

20-Aug-2012 Audible 526522, 5234050 +/- 20m

523770 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526512, 5235684 +/- 100m

523774 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 527812, 5233483 +/- 100m

884424 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Peter Brown(1919)

09-Sep-1994 Sighting 523312, 5238183 +/- 100m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 52: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1154721 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

24-Feb-2010 Sighting 525007, 5233990 +/- 10m

1154689 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

21-Dec-2009 Sighting 523282, 5238249 +/- 10m

1154693 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

30-Dec-2009 Sighting 523882, 5239299 +/- 10m

1154696 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

18-Jan-2010 Sighting 524071, 5239120 +/- 10m

1154699 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

21-Jan-2010 Sighting 524144, 5239118 +/- 10m

1154701 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

21-Jan-2010 Sighting 524161, 5239131 +/- 10m

1154705 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

07-Jan-2010 Sighting 527775, 5233461 +/- 10m

1154708 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

07-Jan-2010 Sighting 525926, 5234931 +/- 10m

1154714 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

10-Feb-2010 Sighting 526670, 5233090 +/- 10m

1154718 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

24-Feb-2010 Sighting 526440, 5233193 +/- 10m

1315009 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN E Fox (26807) 09-Dec-1993 Sighting 523809, 5235924 +/- 5000m

1315010 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN T Press (26888) 01-Jan-2004 Sighting 523809, 5235924 +/- 5000m

523771 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526612, 5233583 +/- 100m

523772 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 527012, 5232983 +/- 100m

523723 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 523812, 5239483 +/- 100m

523740 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 525612, 5233683 +/- 100m

523747 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526012, 5234883 +/- 100m

533306 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 525912, 5233083 +/- 100m

533335 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 525912, 5233583 +/- 100m

533342 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526512, 5234483 +/- 100m

533343 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526812, 5236083 +/- 100m

617618 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN D Milledge(2582)

16-Mar-1968 Sighting 528616, 5233739 +/- 2000m

845035 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 525862, 5235033 +/- 1000m

845065 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526412, 5234058 +/- 1000m

845072 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526587, 5233783 +/- 1000m

853727 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 525962, 5234783 +/- 1000m

853733 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526287, 5235558 +/- 1000m

853753 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526362, 5233458 +/- 1000m

853766 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526837, 5233083 +/- 1000m

846966 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 523812, 5239483 +/- 1000m

523722 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 523812, 5239083 +/- 100m

525854 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Niall Doran(1814)

01-Dec-2003 Sighting 523832, 5239912 +/- 100m

1241408 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

12-Nov-2011 Sighting 523674, 5240688 +/- 100m

950980 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Peter Brown(1919)

01-Jan-1985 Sighting 524975, 5233992 +/- 50m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 53: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

950981 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Peter Brown(1919)

01-Jan-1985 Sighting 524925, 5234026 +/- 50m

523755 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526412, 5236683 +/- 100m

845071 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526587, 5233533 +/- 1000m

853763 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 526747, 5233383 +/- 1000m

533338 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

01-Jan-1999 Sighting 526312, 5233683 +/- 100m

953903 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Niall Doran(1814)

01-Dec-2003 Nest 523720, 5239729 +/- 20m

1154683 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

03-Sep-2009 Sighting 523260, 5238236 +/- 10m

1154684 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

08-Oct-2009 Sighting 523296, 5238184 +/- 10m

1154685 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

12-Oct-2009 Sighting 523830, 5239156 +/- 10m

1154686 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

10-Dec-2009 Sighting 523600, 5238376 +/- 10m

1154687 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

15-Dec-2009 Sighting 523806, 5238716 +/- 10m

1154688 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

15-Dec-2009 Sighting 523261, 5238240 +/- 10m

1154690 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

21-Dec-2009 Sighting 523921, 5239563 +/- 10m

1154691 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

23-Dec-2009 Sighting 523243, 5238189 +/- 10m

1154692 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

23-Dec-2009 Sighting 523396, 5238257 +/- 10m

1154694 Pardalotusquadragintus

forty-spotted pardalote e EN Sally Bryant(2266)

18-Jan-2010 Sighting 524086, 5239130 +/- 10m

846992 Patiriella vivipara live-bearing seastar pv PVU UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 Sighting 524512, 5234183 +/- 1000m

1238983 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

18-Apr-2008 Sighting 525800, 5241996 +/- 10m

1238984 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

23-Apr-2008 Sighting 526008, 5241554 +/- 10m

1238985 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

23-Apr-2008 Sighting 526291, 5241650 +/- 10m

1238987 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

23-Apr-2008 Sighting 525827, 5241788 +/- 10m

1238988 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

24-Apr-2008 Sighting 526135, 5241477 +/- 10m

1238990 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

19-Jun-2008 Sighting 526235, 5241994 +/- 10m

1238991 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

19-Jun-2008 Sighting 525853, 5241990 +/- 10m

1238992 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

19-Jun-2008 Sighting 526135, 5241477 +/- 10m

1238981 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

18-Apr-2008 Sighting 525800, 5241996 +/- 10m

737606 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

27-Nov-1992 Sighting 524772, 5241777 +/- 1881m

1238982 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

18-Apr-2008 Sighting 526008, 5241554 +/- 10m

1238986 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

23-Apr-2008 Sighting 526135, 5241477 +/- 10m

1238989 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

25-Apr-2008 Sighting 525853, 5241990 +/- 10m

998563 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU M Lindeman(11981)

25-Mar-2004 Sighting 526430, 5241990 +/- 10m

1315223 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU W Bryden(25903)

23-Sep-1962 Sighting 526004, 5241103 +/- 1000m

1315224 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU W Bryden(25903)

08-Nov-1970 Sighting 526004, 5241103 +/- 1000m

1315225 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU UnknownUnknown(21598)

23-Feb-1994 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

1315226 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU D Robertson(26803)

27-Sep-1989 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

1315227 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU BarbaraWieneke(26790)

30-May-1997 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

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Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

1315228 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Eric R Guiler(26226)

07-Aug-1956 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

1315232 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU C Wong (26796) 12-Mar-1984 Sighting 521910, 5235565 +/- 1000m

1315269 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU W Bryden(25903)

07-Apr-1967 Sighting 526004, 5241103 +/- 1000m

1315192 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU D R Gregg(26211)

13-Aug-1973 Sighting 526004, 5241103 +/- 1000m

1315222 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU J Cunningham(25871)

21-Nov-1956 Sighting 526004, 5241103 +/- 1000m

1250083 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Michael Driessen(1655)

05-Mar-2011 Sighting 524147, 5239060 +/- 500m

1250103 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Peter Jarman(21012)

24-Apr-2011 Sighting 524210, 5239400 +/- 500m

998564 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU M Lindeman(11981)

25-Mar-2004 Sighting 526180, 5242010 +/- 10m

1238846 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Dean Heinze(22683)

15-Sep-2008 Sighting 522063, 5237989 +/- 10m

998561 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU M Lindeman(11981)

25-Mar-2004 Sighting 526370, 5242000 +/- 10m

745820 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

05-Apr-1992 Sighting 521786, 5236913 +/- 3094m

745835 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

30-Aug-1992 Sighting 521988, 5237131 +/- 100m

745839 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

19-Jan-1992 Sighting 522136, 5237499 +/- 1863m

745843 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

27-Nov-1992 Sighting 525437, 5241900 +/- 1881m

745844 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

27-Nov-1992 Sighting 525534, 5241926 +/- 1881m

737598 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

19-Jan-1992 Sighting 521786, 5236913 +/- 1863m

737599 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

30-Mar-1993 Sighting 521988, 5237131 +/- 1069m

737603 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

30-Aug-1992 Sighting 522212, 5238387 +/- 100m

885311 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU LeslieStephenson(3491)

17-Aug-1991 Sighting 525412, 5242383 +/- 100m

884181 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Michael Driessen(1655)

04-Jun-1993 Sighting 524912, 5240383 +/- 100m

895591 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU R Hooper(2020)

19-Mar-1971 Sighting 527281, 5239297 +/- 18500m

895186 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

01-Jan-1974 Sighting 525923, 5239302 +/- 1850m

895657 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU R Hooper(2020)

06-Apr-1968 Sighting 527281, 5239297 +/- 18500m

895204 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU R Hooper(2020)

25-Jan-1974 Sighting 521835, 5235615 +/- 1850m

907314 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU UnknownUnknown(21598)

25-May-1981 Sighting 523193, 5235611 +/- 1850m

898125 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Hans Wapstra(3208),AnnieWapstra (9224)

08-Mar-1976 Sighting 525916, 5237452 +/- 1850m

745842 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

30-Aug-1992 Sighting 522177, 5237997 +/- 100m

737607 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

27-Nov-1992 Sighting 525612, 5241987 +/- 1881m

745845 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU Greg Hocking(7572)

30-Aug-1992 Sighting 526758, 5242298 +/- 100m

998552 Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU S Nicol (11983) 01-Dec-2002 Sighting 524300, 5240200 +/- 100m

1349641 Prototroctes maraena australian grayling v VU UnknownUnknown(21598)

26-Nov-1972 Sighting 521616, 5236794 +/- 20m

350539 Prototroctes maraena australian grayling v VU UnknownUnknown(21598)

26-Nov-1972 Sighting 521812, 5236783 +/- 100m

1467615 Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanian devil e EN Dean ? (29655) 03-Feb-2016 Kill carcass 522511, 5239008 +/- 200m

1259447 Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanian devil e EN - Anonymous(16453)

04-Mar-2012 Sighting 524089, 5241442 +/- 2000m

1264590 Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanian devil e EN Barbara ?(21083)

30-May-2012 Sighting 527058, 5242452 +/- 1500m

1335699 Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU K Herwynen(27947),THerwynen(27984)

15-Jul-1979 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

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Unverified Records

No unverified records were found!

Threatened fauna within 5000 metres

(based on Range Boundaries)

For more information about threatened species, please contact the Manager, Threatened Species and Marine Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4340

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

*** No Raptor nests or sightings found within 500 metres. ***

Threatened fauna within 5000 metresId Species Common Name SS NS Observers Date Obs Type Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55

361024 Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU A Herweynan(1851)

15-Jul-1979 Sighting 525612, 5241433 +/- 5000m

361028 Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU D Perkins (7352) 20-Aug-1984 Sighting 525612, 5241433 +/- 5000m

1335700 Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU D Perkins (7352) 20-Aug-1984 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

361055 Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU P Rapley (1973) 30-Apr-1989 Sighting 522862, 5238683 +/- 500m

1291009 Tyto novaehollandiaesubsp. castanops

masked owl (tasmanian) e VU Michael KennethTodd (10621)

31-Mar-2009 Sighting 524571, 5235622 +/- 10m

1291007 Tyto novaehollandiaesubsp. castanops

masked owl (tasmanian) e VU Michael KennethTodd (10621)

09-Mar-2009 Sighting 524231, 5239261 +/- 10m

Species Common Name SS NS Potential Known Core

Lathamus discolor swift parrot e CR 1 0 1

Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle pe PEN 1 0 0

Perameles gunnii eastern barred bandicoot VU 1 0 1

Dasyurus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll r VU 1 0 0

Litoria raniformis green and gold frog v VU 1 0 0

Antipodia chaostola chaostola skipper e EN 1 0 1

Pseudemoia pagenstecheri tussock skink v 1 0 0

Sarcophilus harrisii tasmanian devil e EN 1 0 0

Aquila audax subsp. fleayi tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN 1 0 0

Discocharopa vigens ammonite snail e CR 1 0 0

Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU 1 0 1

Prototroctes maraena australian grayling v VU 16 0 0

Lissotes menalcas mount mangana stag beetle v 1 0 0

Pardalotus quadragintus forty-spotted pardalote e EN 4 2 0

Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk e 1 0 1

Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v 2 0 0

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530677, 5242866

522664, 5232043

Raptor nests and sightings within 5000 metres

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Raptor nests and sightings within 5000 metres

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Page 58: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Please Note:Note that inactive, damaged and/or lost eagle nests may be reinstated or replaced in following seasons (possibly even years later) and it should not be assumed that

these locations will remain inactive in the long term.

Where there is no data in the Nest Productivity and Nest Occupancy fields it is likely that the productivity and occupancy of these nests has not been assessed and the

absence of this data does not imply that the nests are un-occupied or un-productive.

Approaching a nest on foot during the breeding season (June to February inclusive) is highly disruptive for breeding eagles. Therefore eagle nests should not be

approached during this time unless approved by a relevant DPIPWE specialist or their delegate.

Verified Records

Raptor nests and sightings within 5000 metres

Nest Id/LocationForeign Id

Species Name Observer Obs Date ObsType

Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

Season NestProductivity


425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Bill Brown(3537)

17-Sep-2007 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 2007

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Dec-1993 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 1993 1

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

17-Dec-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 2000 1

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Dec-1992 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 1992 1

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

14-Nov-1994 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 1994

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

19-Dec-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 2000 1

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Oct-2000 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 2000

425 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 525799, 5234289 +/- 10m 2006

468 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m

468 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m 2006

468 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Oct-2000 Nest 526514, 5233811 +/- 10m 2000

505 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 526488, 5234658 +/- 10m

505 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Bill Brown(3537)

23-Oct-2006 Nest 526488, 5234658 +/- 10m 2006

844 Haliaeetusleucogaster

LorraineFrancis (23444)

19-Dec-2002 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m 2002 2

844 Haliaeetusleucogaster

Nick Mooney(16443)

12-Dec-2007 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m 2007 1

844 Haliaeetusleucogaster

Nick Mooney(16443)

13-Aug-2006 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m 2006

844 Haliaeetusleucogaster

Nick Mooney(16443)

01-Jan-1985 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m

844 Haliaeetusleucogaster

Grant Hall(23445)

16-Jan-2005 Nest 527263, 5235884 +/- 100m 2004 2

1945 Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

05-Jan-2009 Nest 526492, 5234700 +/- 30m


Nick Mooney(16443)

10-Sep-1985 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m


Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 527304, 5234725 +/- 50m


Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 527813, 5233490 +/- 20m


Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

23-Jan-2011 Sighting 525254, 5233508 +/- 15m



01-Jan-1916 Sighting 523809, 5235924 +/- 5000m


Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163)

23-Feb-2011 Sighting 526638, 5233021 +/- 50m

Aquila audax MichaelKenneth Todd(10621)

18-Jun-2010 Sighting 524866, 5239770 +/- 100m

Aquila audaxsubsp. fleayi

C Banks-Smith(26038)

06-Apr-1993 Sighting 527055, 5232581 +/- 5000m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 59: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Unverified Records

No unverified records were found!

Raptor nests and sightings within 5000 metres

(based on Range Boundaries)

For more information about raptor nests, please contact the Manager, Threatened Species and Marine Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4340

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Raptor nests and sightings within 5000 metresNest Id/LocationForeign Id

Species Name Observer Obs Date ObsType

Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55

Season NestProductivity


Falco longipennis Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

27-Jun-2012 Sighting 527915, 5233430 +/- 50m

Falco longipennis Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

05-Mar-2012 Sighting 523759, 5236147 +/- 50m

Falco longipennis Elaine JoyMcDonald(21163),PennyGeard (23208)

23-Jan-2011 Sighting 527826, 5233542 +/- 50m

Falco peregrinus UnknownUnknown(21598)

14-Dec-1999 Sighting 526091, 5241356 +/-10000m


A Herweynan(1851)

15-Jul-1979 Sighting 525612, 5241433 +/- 5000m


D Perkins(7352)

20-Aug-1984 Sighting 525612, 5241433 +/- 5000m


K Herwynen(27947),THerwynen(27984)

15-Jul-1979 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m


P Rapley(1973)

30-Apr-1989 Sighting 522862, 5238683 +/- 500m


D Perkins(7352)

20-Aug-1984 Sighting 526274, 5241468 +/- 5000m

Species Common Name SS NS Potential Known Core

Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle pe PEN 1 0 0

Aquila audax subsp. fleayi tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle e EN 1 0 0

Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl pe PVU 1 0 1

Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk e 1 0 1

Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle v 2 0 0

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527356, 5238361

525965, 5236544

Tas Management Act Weeds within 500 m

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Tas Management Act Weeds within 500 m

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Verified Records

Tas Management Act Weeds within 500 m

Id Species CommonName

Observers Date Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55


WMA WonsDensity


1171273 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526520, 5237210 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

260824 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Alex Buchanan(1467)

06-Oct-1997 526812, 5237783 +/-100m

SuncoastDrive,Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

1171275 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237330 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171276 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237330 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171278 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526570, 5237350 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171279 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237380 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171281 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526770, 5237550 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171282 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237610 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171283 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526470, 5237620 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171284 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526500, 5237620 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171399 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237650 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171400 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237660 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171401 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171403 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526820, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171404 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237680 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171405 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237680 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171406 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171407 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171408 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526830, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171410 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526840, 5237710 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171412 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526820, 5237750 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171413 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237830 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171414 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526740, 5237830 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171415 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526770, 5237850 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171416 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526670, 5237860 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171418 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237860 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 63: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 500 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1171419 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526790, 5237860 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171421 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237870 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171422 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526760, 5237870 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171423 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237880 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171424 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526600, 5237880 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171425 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526460, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171426 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526510, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171428 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526860, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171429 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237900 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171431 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526430, 5237910 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171432 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237910 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171433 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526410, 5237920 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171435 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237930 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171436 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526720, 5237940 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171438 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5237960 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171439 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526860, 5237960 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171440 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526570, 5238020 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1180710 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Alan M. Gray(1473)

01-Sep-2008 526640, 5237680 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171272 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526590, 5237200 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171280 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526620, 5237410 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171417 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5237861 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171420 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237870 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171427 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526590, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171430 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237900 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171434 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237930 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171437 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526830, 5237940 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171441 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Jan-0001 526670, 5238101 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Unverified Records

For more information about introduced weed species, please visit the following URL for contact details in your area.


Tas Management Act Weeds within 500 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1171402 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171409 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237710 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171285 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526510, 5237630 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171274 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237220 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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530677, 5242866

522664, 5232043

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 m

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Page 67: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Verified Records

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 m

Id Species CommonName

Observers Date Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55


WMA WonsDensity


1368672 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524799, 5239123 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,30 LadyPenrhyn Drive

Present Yes

1368702 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524805, 5239117 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,acccess trackto Reservebtwn 30 and38 LadyPenrhyn Drive(32 LadyPenrhyn Dve)

Present Yes

1368674 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524805, 5239117 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,acccess trackto Reservebtwn 30 and38 LadyPenrhyn Drive(32 LadyPenrhyn Dve)

Present Yes

1170893 Calluna vulgaris heather Hans Wapstra(3208)

10-Feb-2009 524840, 5239161 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1368673 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524825, 5239128 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,38 LadyPenrhyn Drive

Present Yes

1368701 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524825, 5239128 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,38 LadyPenrhyn Drive

Present Yes

1368700 Calluna vulgaris heather Sandy Leighton(7048),AxelMeiss (22424)

06-Apr-2011 524799, 5239123 +/-10m

Blackmans Bay,30 LadyPenrhyn Drive

Present Yes

259734 Carduus nutans nodding thistle Alex Buchanan(1467)

21-Dec-1999 521912, 5236883 +/-100m

BehindMargateBowling Club

Present Yes

474309 Carduus nutans nodding thistle Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

1164079 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525950, 5241487 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

462854 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

1164081 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525811, 5241601 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164077 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526093, 5241371 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164074 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526340, 5241359 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164071 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526530, 5241728 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164013 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 527265, 5232851 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164069 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 527502, 5233122 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164009 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522358, 5236407 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164005 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522561, 5235985 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1163999 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522490, 5235195 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164002 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522493, 5235487 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164083 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525842, 5242075 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164082 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525757, 5242064 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164080 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525875, 5241551 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Page 68: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1277409 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524291, 5240753 +/-100m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277175 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

911027 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 527571, 5233303 +/-25m

Present Yes

911239 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526417, 5239845 +/-5000m

Kingston/Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

912030 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 525604, 5239195 +/-5000m

Kingston/Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

911777 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 526012, 5239264 +/-25m

Present Yes

911224 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526092, 5240821 +/-5000m

Kingston/Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

592120 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524530, 5240394 +/-10m

Present Yes

576640 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed David Ziegeler(7381)

15-Dec-2003 525412, 5238183 +/-500m

Present Yes

1163998 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522486, 5235066 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164000 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522504, 5235296 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164001 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522510, 5235408 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164003 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522494, 5235585 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164004 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522505, 5235697 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164006 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522585, 5236333 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164007 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522551, 5236455 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164008 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522423, 5236497 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164010 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522040, 5236998 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164011 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 522103, 5237289 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164012 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 524159, 5235557 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164014 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 527378, 5232894 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164068 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 527448, 5233072 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164070 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 527581, 5233163 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164072 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526446, 5241518 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164073 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526390, 5241424 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164075 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526277, 5241295 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1164076 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526173, 5241343 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

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Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1164078 Chrysanthemoides moniliferasubsp. monilifera

boneseed UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-0001 526023, 5241426 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1277253 Coprosmarobusta

karamu Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524141, 5240720 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

258657 Cortaderiajubata

pink pampasgrass

Alex Buchanan(1467)

25-Feb-1997 522312, 5236383 +/-100m

Dru Point,Margate

Present Yes

583166 Cortaderiaselloana

white pampasgrass

David Ziegeler(7381)

15-Dec-2003 525412, 5238183 +/-500m

Present Yes

1411640 Cortaderiaselloana

white pampasgrass

Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524784, 5240017 +/-10m

Present Yes

1173040 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524084, 5239673 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173041 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524079, 5239684 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173042 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524073, 5239696 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173043 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524066, 5239701 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173044 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525742, 5240050 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173045 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525736, 5240055 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173047 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525731, 5240061 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173048 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525742, 5240065 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173051 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525900, 5241091 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173054 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525826, 5241203 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173061 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526489, 5242606 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176393 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524670, 5239213 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176398 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524832, 5239367 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176401 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524841, 5239376 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176405 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524911, 5239571 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173031 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524118, 5239608 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173035 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524126, 5239618 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173038 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524106, 5239641 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173046 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525751, 5240058 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176392 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524570, 5239200 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173052 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526146, 5241139 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173026 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524111, 5239600 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176394 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524662, 5239237 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 70: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1176395 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524687, 5239254 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176396 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524210, 5239280 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176397 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524510, 5239320 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176399 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524800, 5239372 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176400 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524824, 5239373 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176402 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524814, 5239383 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176403 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524210, 5239440 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176404 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524160, 5239540 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176406 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524139, 5239590 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176385 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 523778, 5236124 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176386 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 523729, 5237042 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176387 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

13-Mar-1985 521839, 5237449 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1176391 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524860, 5239160 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173027 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524118, 5239600 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173028 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524101, 5239601 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173029 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524128, 5239602 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173030 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524111, 5239604 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173032 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524126, 5239609 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173033 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524105, 5239609 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173034 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524131, 5239612 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173036 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524113, 5239618 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173037 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524110, 5239635 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1173039 Cortaderia sp. pampas grass UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 524097, 5239657 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1090115 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524924, 5239954 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1277337 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524140, 5240844 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

592180 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524681, 5240450 +/-100m

Present Yes

1277177 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277255 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524141, 5240720 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 71: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1277366 Cytisusscoparius

english broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524150, 5240912 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1171445 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 524830, 5238900 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171449 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525964, 5239379 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171453 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526053, 5239399 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171268 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 523870, 5236631 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171272 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526590, 5237200 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171280 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526620, 5237410 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171417 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5237861 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171420 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237870 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171572 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526018, 5239407 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171575 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526410, 5240750 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171427 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526590, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171430 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237900 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171434 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237930 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171437 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526830, 5237940 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171441 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Jan-0001 526670, 5238101 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171402 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171409 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237710 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171285 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526510, 5237630 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

260824 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Alex Buchanan(1467)

06-Oct-1997 526812, 5237783 +/-100m

SuncoastDrive,Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

1171443 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5238190 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171444 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 524760, 5238879 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171446 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525979, 5239366 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171447 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525965, 5239369 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171448 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525987, 5239377 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171450 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Jan-0001 525970, 5239380 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171451 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525966, 5239398 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171452 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525995, 5239399 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 72: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1171454 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 525979, 5239399 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171269 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 523940, 5236640 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171270 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 523890, 5236670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171271 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 521700, 5236970 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171273 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526520, 5237210 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171274 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237220 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171275 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237330 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171276 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237330 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171278 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526570, 5237350 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171279 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237380 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171281 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526770, 5237550 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171282 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237610 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171283 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526470, 5237620 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171284 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526500, 5237620 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171399 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237650 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171400 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237660 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171401 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171403 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526820, 5237670 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171404 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237680 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171405 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526490, 5237680 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171406 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526480, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171407 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171408 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526830, 5237690 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171410 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526840, 5237710 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171411 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 523680, 5237749 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171412 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526820, 5237750 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171413 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237830 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 73: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1171414 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526740, 5237830 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171415 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526770, 5237850 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171416 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526670, 5237860 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171418 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237860 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171419 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526790, 5237860 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171421 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526640, 5237870 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171422 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526760, 5237870 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171423 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526550, 5237880 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171424 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526600, 5237880 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171425 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526460, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171426 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526510, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171428 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526860, 5237890 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171429 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526540, 5237900 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171431 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526430, 5237910 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171432 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526580, 5237910 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171433 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526410, 5237920 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171435 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526730, 5237930 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171436 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526720, 5237940 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171438 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5237960 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171439 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526860, 5237960 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171440 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526570, 5238020 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171569 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526047, 5239400 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171570 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526040, 5239401 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171571 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2008 526030, 5239404 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171573 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 523640, 5240640 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171574 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 526400, 5240740 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171576 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse RichardGreenhill(10442)

01-Jan-0001 525450, 5241990 +/-20m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 74: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1180710 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Alan M. Gray(1473)

01-Sep-2008 526640, 5237680 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171442 Echiumplantagineum

patersons curse Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Jan-0001 526700, 5238160 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1277338 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524140, 5240844 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277368 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524150, 5240912 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277413 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524291, 5240753 +/-100m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277186 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1411649 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524934, 5240030 +/-10m

Present Yes

911021 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 526782, 5232973 +/-50m

Present Yes

911779 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 526802, 5236683 +/-25m

Present Yes

592150 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524575, 5240344 +/-10m

Present Yes

592196 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524681, 5240450 +/-100m

Present Yes

584943 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524484, 5240307 +/-10m

Present Yes

1169840 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524150, 5236310 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169841 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524400, 5236330 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169842 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524760, 5236340 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169844 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524250, 5236460 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169845 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524390, 5236540 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169848 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 525230, 5236650 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169849 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Andrew Welling(3369)

01-Apr-2007 521700, 5236960 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169850 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 525520, 5237550 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169851 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524140, 5237710 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169852 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 523960, 5237740 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169856 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524390, 5238610 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169857 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

17-Oct-1959 525920, 5239286 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169859 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 523900, 5239360 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169860 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524200, 5239670 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169870 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

15-Aug-1980 525927, 5241137 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169871 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

23-May-2003 524569, 5241142 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170280 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524600, 5234220 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170282 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524560, 5234330 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170285 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524390, 5235020 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170286 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524440, 5235050 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170287 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524570, 5236119 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170289 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524490, 5236150 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170290 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524860, 5236251 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 75: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1227104 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1227169 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1227135 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 MultiLineString Present Yes

1169843 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524680, 5236420 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169846 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 525220, 5236540 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169853 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524140, 5237830 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170288 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524690, 5236130 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170291 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Heather Clark(17062)

01-Mar-2008 524060, 5236310 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169855 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 523240, 5238519 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1169858 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

09-Sep-1960 525920, 5239286 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

260562 Erica lusitanica spanish heath T. Shea (5642) 15-Aug-1980 526112, 5241483 +/-1000m

Kingston HighSchool

Present Yes

929942 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Alex Buchanan(1467)

23-May-2003 524459, 5240992 +/-2000m

Present Yes

462866 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

440394 Erica lusitanica spanish heath UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-1993 525112, 5238183 +/-1000m

Present Yes

422832 Erica lusitanica spanish heath JamieKirkpatrick(1315)

01-Nov-1984 526812, 5242183 +/-100m

Present Yes

1467647 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Louise Gilfedder(1499),F Duncan(27509)

10-Mar-2016 527250, 5235300 +/-200m

236 TinderboxRoad

Present Yes

1405418 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525717, 5235922 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405423 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525728, 5235912 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405427 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525727, 5235923 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405431 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525757, 5235934 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405440 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525532, 5236006 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405413 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525682, 5235943 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405414 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525587, 5236008 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405415 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525537, 5235995 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405416 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525782, 5235902 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405417 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525708, 5235924 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405419 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525723, 5235925 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405420 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525723, 5235919 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405421 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525725, 5235913 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 76: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1405422 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525724, 5235909 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405424 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525737, 5235916 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405425 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525741, 5235913 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405426 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525725, 5235921 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405428 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525735, 5235927 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405429 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525744, 5235927 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405430 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525750, 5235933 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405432 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525764, 5235940 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405433 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525755, 5235949 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405434 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525739, 5235963 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405435 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525730, 5235963 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405436 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525730, 5235953 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405437 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525725, 5235950 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405438 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525721, 5235940 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1405439 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525663, 5235940 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1422515 Erica lusitanica spanish heath James Hattam(25981)

05-Aug-2014 526465, 5235193 +/-50m

Present Yes

1090116 Erica lusitanica spanish heath Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524940, 5239916 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1226441 Foeniculumvulgare

fennel UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 MultiLineString Present Yes

258513 Foeniculumvulgare

fennel Alex Buchanan(1467)

13-Feb-1997 521512, 5236683 +/-100m

Northwest BayRiver atMargate

Present Yes

1226425 Foeniculumvulgare

fennel UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1078609 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Andrew North(2500)

21-Jun-2007 525150, 5240401 +/- 0m KingstonRetirementVillage

Present Yes

1090118 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524986, 5239996 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1277196 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1411639 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524743, 5240029 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411686 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523780, 5239989 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411713 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523259, 5238243 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411725 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523766, 5239862 +/-10m

Present Yes

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 77: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


911019 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 525212, 5233543 +/-25m

Present Yes

876270 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

04-Jul-1994 526712, 5239583 +/-50m

Present Yes

592094 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524484, 5240307 +/-10m

Present Yes

585022 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524681, 5240450 +/-100m

Present Yes

585001 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524575, 5240344 +/-10m

Present Yes

295391 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Janet Somerville(2865)

27-Sep-1958 525312, 5241483 +/-2000m

Main Road,cnr. RoslynAvenue andMount RoyalRoad,Blackmans Bay

Present Yes

296265 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Janet Somerville(2865)

24-Sep-1958 525312, 5241483 +/-2000m

Browns River Present Yes

296264 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Janet Somerville(2865)

05-Oct-1958 525312, 5241483 +/-2000m


Present Yes

1090117 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524984, 5239919 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1277342 Genistamonspessulana

canary broom Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524140, 5240844 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1171739 Lepidium draba hoary cress orwhite weed

Cassandra Strain(6044)

23-Oct-2008 523100, 5240997 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

462850 Lepidium draba hoary cress orwhite weed

Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

1169163 Leycesteriaformosa

elisha's tears orhimalayanhoneysuckle


01-Jan-2007 522493, 5235487 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1170143 Leycesteriaformosa

elisha's tears orhimalayanhoneysuckle

Annie Wapstra(9224)

01-Mar-2008 524520, 5239170 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1090124 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 525006, 5239927 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090123 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524996, 5239986 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090121 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524935, 5239980 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090120 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524927, 5239983 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090119 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524914, 5239984 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1405512 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525612, 5236021 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present Yes

1090122 Rubusanglocandicans

blackberry Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524986, 5239996 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1411642 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524760, 5240013 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411645 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524896, 5240012 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411646 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524935, 5240039 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411648 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524934, 5240030 +/-10m

Present Yes

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Page 78: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1411680 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523775, 5240413 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411681 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523730, 5240270 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411682 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523742, 5240044 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411687 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523815, 5239856 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411699 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523769, 5238906 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411703 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523689, 5238722 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411705 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523550, 5238617 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411706 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523522, 5238570 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411708 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523440, 5238455 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411710 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523383, 5238373 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411711 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523351, 5238328 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411719 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523529, 5238620 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411726 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523741, 5239894 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411728 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523679, 5239958 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411731 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523690, 5240252 +/-10m

Present Yes

911786 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Oct-2000 526802, 5236683 +/-25m

Present Yes

911023 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Tim Rudman(22437)

23-Sep-2000 526802, 5236683 +/-100m

Present Yes

841408 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

18-Apr-1988 525312, 5233383 +/-100m

Present Yes

592099 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524484, 5240307 +/-10m

Present Yes

592202 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524681, 5240450 +/-100m

Present Yes

592173 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524575, 5240344 +/-10m

Present Yes

583202 Rubus fruticosus blackberry David Ziegeler(7381)

15-Dec-2003 525412, 5238183 +/-10m

Present Yes

1226187 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1226233 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 MultiLineString Present Yes

1226245 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1226297 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

474406 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

440405 Rubus fruticosus blackberry UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-1993 525112, 5238183 +/-1000m

Present Yes

1467678 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Louise Gilfedder(1499),F Duncan(27509)

10-Mar-2016 527250, 5235300 +/-200m

236 TinderboxRoad

Present Yes

1411641 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524787, 5240005 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411637 Rubus fruticosus blackberry David Ziegeler(7381)

07-Nov-2011 525002, 5240102 +/-10m

Present Yes

1277227 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277152 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524168, 5240771 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277429 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524291, 5240753 +/-100m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

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Page 79: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1277386 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524150, 5240912 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277316 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524141, 5240720 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1277351 Rubus fruticosus blackberry Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524140, 5240844 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

258514 Salix x fragilisnothovar. fragilis

crack willow Alex Buchanan(1467)

13-Feb-1997 521512, 5236683 +/-100m

Northwest BayRiver atMargate

Present Yes

1411718 Seneciojacobaea

ragwort Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523525, 5238593 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411730 Seneciojacobaea

ragwort Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523645, 5240154 +/-10m

Present Yes

1277235 Ulex europaeus gorse Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524248, 5240747 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present Yes

1090125 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524935, 5239980 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1411688 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523825, 5239805 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411690 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523833, 5239761 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411691 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523821, 5239696 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411692 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523808, 5239676 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411694 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523783, 5239523 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411697 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523804, 5239036 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411698 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523798, 5238991 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411700 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523719, 5238857 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411702 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523788, 5238862 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411715 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523296, 5238272 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411720 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523536, 5238645 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411721 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523624, 5238788 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411723 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523586, 5238746 +/-10m

Present Yes

1411732 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523573, 5238699 +/-10m

Present Yes

1166312 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Oct-1999 523852, 5239312 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1166723 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

13-May-2003 522578, 5238361 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1166785 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

07-Feb-2001 523832, 5239682 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1166786 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

05-Oct-2001 523892, 5239652 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165751 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523752, 5240147 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165752 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523752, 5240028 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165754 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523865, 5239402 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165755 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523800, 5239356 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165760 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

28-May-2003 523504, 5238622 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

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Unverified Records

For more information about introduced weed species, please visit the following URL for contact details in your area.


Tas Management Act Weeds within 5000 mId Species Common

NameObservers Date Easting/Northing

GDA94 Zone 55LocationDescription

WMA WonsDensity


1165761 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

28-May-2003 523557, 5238673 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165784 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

13-May-2003 522777, 5238449 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1171741 Ulex europaeus gorse Matthew Baker(6602)

25-Sep-2008 524459, 5240993 +/-50m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1226627 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 MultiLineString Present Yes

1226588 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1226634 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

08-Jan-1995 LineString Present Yes

1165841 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2001 523912, 5239582 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165977 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2001 523504, 5238622 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165984 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Jan-2001 523518, 5238667 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1166313 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

01-Oct-1999 523912, 5239562 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165753 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523819, 5239413 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

1165756 Ulex europaeus gorse UnknownUnknown(21598)

12-Mar-2003 523799, 5239304 +/- -1m

Present Yes Not known(or uncertain)

474421 Ulex europaeus gorse Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present Yes

422854 Ulex europaeus gorse JamieKirkpatrick(1315)

01-Nov-1984 526812, 5242183 +/-100m

Present Yes

1090127 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524970, 5239986 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090128 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524977, 5239983 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090129 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524986, 5239996 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090130 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524996, 5239986 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090131 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524999, 5239958 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1090126 Ulex europaeus gorse Mark Wapstra(1621)

08-Dec-2009 524952, 5239982 +/- 5m HawthornDrive(adjacent firestation),Kingston

Present Yes

1411685 Ulex europaeus gorse Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523780, 5239983 +/-10m

Present Yes

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Page 81: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

*** No Priority Weeds found within 500 metres ***

Priority Weeds within 500 m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 82: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

530677, 5242866

522664, 5232043

Priority Weeds within 5000 m

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Page 83: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Legend: Verified and Unverified observations

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Priority Weeds within 5000 m

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Verified Records

Unverified Records

Priority Weeds within 5000 m

Id Species CommonName

Observers Date Easting/NorthingGDA94 Zone 55


WMA WonsDensity


1411727 Acacia baileyana cootamundrawattle

Dave Sayers(22086)

15-May-2012 523705, 5239932 +/-10m

Present No

583204 Acacia baileyana cootamundrawattle

David Ziegeler(7381)

15-Dec-2003 525412, 5238283 +/-500m

Present No

592092 Acacia baileyana cootamundrawattle

Karen Ziegler(3104)

06-Oct-2004 524484, 5240307 +/-10m

Present No

1289312 Acacia howittii sticky wattle Iona Mitchell(3342)

28-Sep-2012 524941, 5233944 +/-100m

Present No

1405229 Acacia howittii sticky wattle Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525701, 5235995 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present No

1180544 Billardieraheterophylla

bluebell creeper R Menary(21820)

03-Jun-2009 525000, 5240400 +/-50m

Present No Not known(or uncertain)

1405392 Echiumcandicans

pride of madeira Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525505, 5236021 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present No

1170891 Grevillearosmarinifolia


Matthew Baker(6602)

25-Sep-2008 524459, 5240993 +/-50m

Present No Not known(or uncertain)

1180543 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Matthew Baker(6602)

25-Sep-2008 524861, 5240076 +/-50m

Present No Not known(or uncertain)

871295 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

04-Jul-1994 526812, 5239283 +/-50m

Present No

1405489 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525675, 5235902 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present No

260776 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Alex Buchanan(1467)

19-Aug-1996 526612, 5241783 +/-100m

Tyndal Road,Kingston.

Present No

876271 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Raymond (Ray)Brereton (2095)

04-Jul-1994 526712, 5239583 +/-50m

Present No

1467670 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Louise Gilfedder(1499),F Duncan(27509)

10-Mar-2016 527250, 5235300 +/-200m

236 TinderboxRoad

Present No

1405488 Pittosporumundulatum

australiandaphne,victorian box,mock orange,sweetpittosporum orvictorian laurel

Mark Wapstra(1621)

03-Oct-2013 525536, 5235992 +/- 5m 505 TinderboxRoad,Tinderbox

Present No

462924 Reseda luteola weld Louise Gilfedder(1499)

01-Jan-1993 525512, 5240383 +/-100m

Present No

259225 Salix x pendulinavar. pendulina

weeping willow Alex Buchanan(1467)

01-Oct-1997 525712, 5242283 +/-100m

Browns Road,Kingston

Present No

1277353 Salix x pendulinavar. pendulina

weeping willow Kirsty Kay(21610)

23-Jul-2010 524140, 5240844 +/-200m

159-183Channel Hwy,Kingston

Present No

1411647 Schinusterebinthifolius

broad-leavedpepper tree

Andrew North(2500)

14-Nov-2011 524955, 5240047 +/-10m

Present No

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 85: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

For more information about introduced weed species, please visit the following URL for contact details in your area.


Priority Weeds within 5000 m

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 86: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

527725, 5238862

525598, 5236044

Threatened Communities (TNVC 2014) within 1000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 87: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Legend: Threatened Communities

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Threatened Communities (TNVC 2014) within 1000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 88: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

For more information contact: Coordinator, Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program, Conservation Values Information Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4320

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Threatened Communities (TNVC 2014) within 1000 metresScheduled Community Id Scheduled Community Name

22 Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

17 Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

22 Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

22 Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

17 Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

14 Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone

17 Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

17 Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 89: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

527725, 5238862

525598, 5236044

TASVEG 3.0 Communities within 1000 metres

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Page 90: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Legend: TASVEG 3.0

TASVEG 3.0 Communities within 1000 metres

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TASVEG 3.0 Communities within 1000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 92: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

TASVEG 3.0 Communities within 1000 metres

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Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

Page 93: FLORA AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT Blackmans Bay...Flora and Fauna Assessment Blackmans Bay WWTP upgrade Tasflora, November 2014 7 The fauna assessment was limited to on ground habitat assessment

For more information contact: Coordinator, Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program, Conservation Values Information Section.

Telephone: (03) 6165 4320

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

TASVEG 3.0 Communities within 1000 metresCode Community Emergent Species

DTO (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

DVG (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland

FUR (FUR) Urban areas

DTO (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

DPU (DPU) Eucalyptus pulchella forest and woodland

DAS (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone

DTO (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

DAS (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone

DAD (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

DTO (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

FUR (FUR) Urban areas

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

DTO (DTO) Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments

DAS (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone

FRG (FRG) Regenerating cleared land

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

DVG (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland

DVG (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

FUR (FUR) Urban areas

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

DAS (DAS) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone

DAD (DAD) Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on dolerite

NAV (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest

NAV (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest

NAV (NAV) Allocasuarina verticillata forest

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

FAG (FAG) Agricultural land

FUR (FUR) Urban areas

FUR (FUR) Urban areas

DVG (DVG) Eucalyptus viminalis grassy forest and woodland

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

DGL (DGL) Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland

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527725, 5238862

525598, 5236044

Geoconservation sites within 1000 metres

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Legend: Geoconservation (NVA)

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Geoconservation sites within 1000 metres

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Note: Restricted sites are not displayed.

For more information about the Geoconservation Database, please visit the website


or contact the Geoconservation Officer:

Telephone: (03) 6165 4401

Email: [email protected]

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Geoconservation sites within 1000 metresId Name Statement of Significance Geographical Significance Status

2198 Blackmans Bay DoleriteContact

Notable example of type. Part of the site is one of theoriginal GSA 1979 geological monuments.

Continent Listed

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527725, 5238862

525598, 5236044

Reserves within 1000 metres

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Legend: Tasmanian Reserve Estate

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Reserves within 1000 metres

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For more information about the Tasmanian Reserve Estate, please contact the Sustainable Land Use and Information Management Branch.

Telephone: (03) 6233 2744

Fax: (03) 6223 8603

Address: GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7000

Reserves within 1000 metresName Classification Status

Fossil Cove Conservation Area Conservation Area Other Formal Reserve

Informal Reserve on other public land Informal Reserve

Informal Reserve on other public land Informal Reserve

Informal Reserve on other public land Informal Reserve

Fossil Cove Conservation Area Conservation Area Other Formal Reserve

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527725, 5238862

525598, 5236044

Known biosecurity risks within 1000 meters

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Legend: Biosecurity Risk Species

Legend: Hygiene infrastructure

Legend: Cadastral Parcels

Known biosecurity risks within 1000 meters

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Species of biosecurity risk

No known species of biosecurity risk found within 1000 metres

Generic Biosecurity Guidelines

The level and type of hygiene protocols required will vary depending on the tenure, activity and land use of the area. In all cases adhere to the land manager's

biosecurity (hygiene) protocols. As a minimum always Check / Clean / Dry (Disinfect) clothing and equipment before trips and between sites within a trip as needed


On Reserved land, the more remote, infrequently visited and undisturbed areas require tighter biosecurity measures.

In addition, where susceptible species and communities are known to occur, tighter biosecurity measures are required.

Apply controls relevant to the area / activity:

Don't access sites infested with pathogen or weed species unless absolutely necessary. If it is necessary to visit, adopt high level hygiene protocols.

Consider not accessing non-infested sites containing known susceptible species / communities. If it is necessary to visit, adopt high level hygiene protocols.

Don't undertake activities that might spread pest / pathogen / weed species such as deliberately moving soil or water between areas.

Modify / restrict activities to reduce the chance of spreading pest / pathogen / weed species e.g. avoid periods when weeds are seeding, avoid clothing/equipment

that excessively collects soil and plant material e.g. Velcro, excessive tread on boots.

Plan routes to visit clean (uninfested) sites prior to dirty (infested) sites. Do not travel through infested areas when moving between sites.

Minimise the movement of soil, water, plant material and hitchhiking wildlife between areas by using the Check / Clean / Dry (Disinfect when drying is not possible)

procedure for all clothing, footwear, equipment, hand tools and vehicles http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ThemeNodes/SLEN-5NU68G?open

Neoprene and netting can take 48 hours to dry, use non-porous gear wherever possible.

Use walking track boot wash stations where available.

Keep a hygiene kit in the vehicle that includes a scrubbing brush, boot pick, and disinfectant http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/Publications/LBUN-8896DT?open

Dispose of all freshwater away from natural water bodies e.g. do not empty water into streams or ponds.

Dispose of used disinfectant ideally in town though a treatment or septic system. Always keep disinfectant well away from natural water systems.

Securely contain any high risk pest / pathogen / weed species that must be collected and moved e.g. biological samples.

Hygiene Infrastructure

No known hygiene infrastructure found within 1000 metres

Known biosecurity risks within 1000 meters

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EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other mattersprotected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.

Information on the coverage of this report and qualifications on data supporting this report are contained in thecaveat at the end of the report.

Information is available about Environment Assessments and the EPBC Act including significance guidelines,forms and application process details.

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act


Buffer: 2.0Km

Matters of NES

Report created: 30/06/16 15:22:40


This map may contain data which are©Commonwealth of Australia(Geoscience Australia), ©PSMA 2010

CaveatExtra Information


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This part of the report summarises the matters of national environmental significance that may occur in, or mayrelate to, the area you nominated. Further information is available in the detail part of the report, which can beaccessed by scrolling or following the links below. If you are proposing to undertake an activity that may have asignificant impact on one or more matters of national environmental significance then you should consider theAdministrative Guidelines on Significance.

Matters of National Environmental Significance

Listed Threatened Ecological Communities:

Listed Migratory Species:


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park:

Wetlands of International Importance:

Listed Threatened Species:





National Heritage Places:

Commonwealth Marine Area:

World Heritage Properties:




The EPBC Act protects the environment on Commonwealth land, the environment from the actions taken onCommonwealth land, and the environment from actions taken by Commonwealth agencies. As heritage values of aplace are part of the 'environment', these aspects of the EPBC Act protect the Commonwealth Heritage values of aCommonwealth Heritage place. Information on the new heritage laws can be found athttp://www.environment.gov.au/heritage

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated.Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land,when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken onCommonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing totake an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

A permit may be required for activities in or on a Commonwealth area that may affect a member of a listed threatenedspecies or ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, whales and other cetaceans, or a member ofa listed marine species.

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act




Listed Marine Species:

Whales and Other Cetaceans:


Commonwealth Heritage Places:



Critical Habitats:

Commonwealth Land:

Commonwealth Reserves Terrestrial:

NoneCommonwealth Reserves Marine:

Extra Information

This part of the report provides information that may also be relevant to the area you have nominated.


5State and Territory Reserves:

Nationally Important Wetlands:

1Regional Forest Agreements:

Invasive Species: 35

NoneKey Ecological Features (Marine)

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Listed Threatened Species [ Resource Information ]Name Status Type of PresenceBirds

Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle, Wedge-tailed Eagle(Tasmanian) [64435]

Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Aquila audax fleayi

Australasian Bittern [1001] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Botaurus poiciloptilus

Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher [25977] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Ceyx azureus diemenensis

Antipodean Albatross [64458] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea antipodensis

Gibson's Albatross [82270] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea antipodensis gibsoni

Southern Royal Albatross [1072] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea epomophora (sensu stricto)

Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea exulans (sensu lato)

Northern Royal Albatross [64456] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea sanfordi

White-bellied Storm-Petrel (Tasman Sea), White-bellied Storm-Petrel (Australasian) [64438]

Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Fregetta grallaria grallaria

Swift Parrot [744] Critically Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Lathamus discolor

Bar-tailed Godwit (baueri), Western Alaskan Bar-tailedGodwit [86380]

Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Limosa lapponica baueri

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recoveryplans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecologicalcommunity distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used toproduce indicative distribution maps.

Listed Threatened Ecological Communities [ Resource Information ]

Name Status Type of PresenceGiant Kelp Marine Forests of South East Australia Endangered Community likely to occur

within area

Matters of National Environmental Significance

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Name Status Type of Presence

Northern Siberian Bar-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit(menzbieri) [86432]

Critically Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Limosa lapponica menzbieri

Southern Giant-Petrel, Southern Giant Petrel [1060] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Macronectes giganteus

Northern Giant Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Macronectes halli

Fairy Prion (southern) [64445] Vulnerable Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Pachyptila turtur subantarctica

Forty-spotted Pardalote [418] Endangered Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Pardalotus quadragintus

Gould's Petrel, Australian Gould's Petrel [26033] Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera

Australian Fairy Tern [82950] Vulnerable Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Sternula nereis nereis

Buller's Albatross, Pacific Albatross [64460] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche bulleri

Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [82345] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche cauta cauta

White-capped Albatross [82344] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche cauta steadi

Grey-headed Albatross [66491] Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Thalassarche chrysostoma

Campbell Albatross, Campbell Black-browed Albatross[64459]

Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche impavida

Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche melanophris

Salvin's Albatross [64463] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche salvini

Hooded Plover (eastern) [66726] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Thinornis rubricollis rubricollis

Masked Owl (Tasmanian) [67051] Vulnerable Breeding known to occurwithin area

Tyto novaehollandiae castanops (Tasmanian population)


Spotted Handfish [64418] Critically Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Brachionichthys hirsutus

Australian Grayling [26179] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Prototroctes maraena

Red Handfish [83756] Critically Endangered Species or speciesThymichthys politus

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Name Status Type of Presencehabitat may occur withinarea


Tasmanian Chaostola Skipper, Heath-sand Skipper[77672]

Endangered Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Antipodia chaostola leucophaea


Blue Whale [36] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Balaenoptera musculus

Spotted-tail Quoll, Spot-tailed Quoll, Tiger Quoll(Tasmanian population) [75183]

Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Dasyurus maculatus maculatus (Tasmanian population)

Eastern Quoll, Luaner [333] Endangered Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Dasyurus viverrinus

Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Eubalaena australis

Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Megaptera novaeangliae

Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Tasmania) [66651] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Perameles gunnii gunnii

Tasmanian Devil [299] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Sarcophilus harrisii


a land snail, a charopid land snail [82806] Critically Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Discocharopa vigens

Tasmanian Live-bearing Seastar [85451] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Parvulastra vivipara


Tailed Spider-orchid [17067] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Caladenia caudata

Matted Flax-lily [64886] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Dianella amoena

Clover Glycine, Purple Clover [13910] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Glycine latrobeana

Basalt Pepper-cress, Peppercress, Rubble Pepper-cress, Pepperweed [16542]

Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Lepidium hyssopifolium

Tapered Leek-orchid [64947] Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Prasophyllum apoxychilum

Fleshy Greenhood [66694] Critically Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Pterostylis wapstrarum


Great White Shark [64470] Vulnerable Species or species habitatknown to occur

Carcharodon carcharias

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Name Status Type of Presencewithin area

Listed Migratory Species [ Resource Information ]* Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list.Name Threatened Type of PresenceMigratory Marine Birds

Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Apus pacificus

Antipodean Albatross [64458] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea antipodensis

Southern Royal Albatross [1072] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea epomophora (sensu stricto)

Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea exulans (sensu lato)

Gibson's Albatross [64466] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea gibsoni

Northern Royal Albatross [64456] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea sanfordi

Southern Giant-Petrel, Southern Giant Petrel [1060] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Macronectes giganteus

Northern Giant Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Macronectes halli

Flesh-footed Shearwater, Fleshy-footed Shearwater[1043]

Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Puffinus carneipes

Buller's Albatross, Pacific Albatross [64460] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche bulleri

Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [64697] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche cauta (sensu stricto)

Grey-headed Albatross [66491] Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Thalassarche chrysostoma

Campbell Albatross, Campbell Black-browed Albatross[64459]

Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche impavida

Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche melanophris

Salvin's Albatross [64463] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche salvini

White-capped Albatross [64462] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche steadi

Migratory Marine Species

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Name Threatened Type of Presence

Blue Whale [36] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Balaenoptera musculus

Pygmy Right Whale [39] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Caperea marginata

Great White Shark [64470] Vulnerable Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Carcharodon carcharias

Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Eubalaena australis

Dusky Dolphin [43] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Lagenorhynchus obscurus

Porbeagle, Mackerel Shark [83288] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Lamna nasus

Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Megaptera novaeangliae

Killer Whale, Orca [46] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Orcinus orca

Migratory Terrestrial Species

White-throated Needletail [682] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Hirundapus caudacutus

Satin Flycatcher [612] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Myiagra cyanoleuca

Migratory Wetlands Species

Latham's Snipe, Japanese Snipe [863] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Gallinago hardwickii

Bar-tailed Godwit [844] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Limosa lapponica

Listed Marine Species [ Resource Information ]* Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list.Name Threatened Type of PresenceBirds

Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Apus pacificus

Commonwealth Land [ Resource Information ]The Commonwealth area listed below may indicate the presence of Commonwealth land in this vicinity. Due tothe unreliability of the data source, all proposals should be checked as to whether it impacts on aCommonwealth area, before making a definitive decision. Contact the State or Territory government landdepartment for further information.

NameCommonwealth Land -

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act

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Name Threatened Type of Presence

Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Ardea alba

Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Ardea ibis

Antipodean Albatross [64458] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea antipodensis

Southern Royal Albatross [1072] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea epomophora (sensu stricto)

Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea exulans (sensu lato)

Gibson's Albatross [64466] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea gibsoni

Northern Royal Albatross [64456] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Diomedea sanfordi

Latham's Snipe, Japanese Snipe [863] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Gallinago hardwickii

White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Breeding known to occurwithin area

Haliaeetus leucogaster

White-throated Needletail [682] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Hirundapus caudacutus

Swift Parrot [744] Critically Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Lathamus discolor

Bar-tailed Godwit [844] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Limosa lapponica

Southern Giant-Petrel, Southern Giant Petrel [1060] Endangered Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Macronectes giganteus

Northern Giant Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Macronectes halli

Satin Flycatcher [612] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Myiagra cyanoleuca

Fairy Prion [1066] Species or species habitatknown to occur within area

Pachyptila turtur

Flesh-footed Shearwater, Fleshy-footed Shearwater[1043]

Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Puffinus carneipes

Buller's Albatross, Pacific Albatross [64460] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche bulleri

Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [64697] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely

Thalassarche cauta (sensu stricto)

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Name Threatened Type of Presenceto occur within area

Grey-headed Albatross [66491] Endangered Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Thalassarche chrysostoma

Campbell Albatross, Campbell Black-browed Albatross[64459]

Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche impavida

Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche melanophris

Salvin's Albatross [64463] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche salvini

White-capped Albatross [64462] Vulnerable* Foraging, feeding or relatedbehaviour likely to occurwithin area

Thalassarche steadi

Hooded Plover [59510] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Thinornis rubricollis

Hooded Plover (eastern) [66726] Vulnerable Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Thinornis rubricollis rubricollis


Big-belly Seahorse, Eastern Potbelly Seahorse, NewZealand Potbelly Seahorse [66233]

Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Hippocampus abdominalis

Short-head Seahorse, Short-snouted Seahorse[66235]

Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Hippocampus breviceps

Crested Pipefish, Briggs' Crested Pipefish, Briggs'Pipefish [66242]

Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Histiogamphelus briggsii

Sawtooth Pipefish [66252] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Maroubra perserrata

Mollison's Pipefish [66260] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Mitotichthys mollisoni

Halfbanded Pipefish [66261] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Mitotichthys semistriatus

Tucker's Pipefish [66262] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Mitotichthys tuckeri

Common Seadragon, Weedy Seadragon [66268] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Phyllopteryx taeniolatus

Spiny Pipehorse, Australian Spiny Pipehorse [66275] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Solegnathus spinosissimus

Spotted Pipefish, Gulf Pipefish [66276] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Stigmatopora argus

Widebody Pipefish, Wide-bodied Pipefish, BlackPipefish [66277]

Species or species habitatmay occur within

Stigmatopora nigra

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Name Threatened Type of Presencearea

a pipefish [74966] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Stigmatopora olivacea

Hairy Pipefish [66282] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Urocampus carinirostris

Port Phillip Pipefish [66284] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Vanacampus phillipi


Long-nosed Fur-seal, New Zealand Fur-seal [20] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Arctocephalus forsteri

Australian Fur-seal, Australo-African Fur-seal [21] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Arctocephalus pusillus

Whales and other Cetaceans [ Resource Information ]Name Status Type of PresenceMammals

Minke Whale [33] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Blue Whale [36] Endangered Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Balaenoptera musculus

Pygmy Right Whale [39] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Caperea marginata

Common Dophin, Short-beaked Common Dolphin [60] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Delphinus delphis

Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding likely to occurwithin area

Eubalaena australis

Risso's Dolphin, Grampus [64] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Grampus griseus

Dusky Dolphin [43] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Lagenorhynchus obscurus

Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Megaptera novaeangliae

Killer Whale, Orca [46] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Orcinus orca

Bottlenose Dolphin [68417] Species or species habitatmay occur within area

Tursiops truncatus s. str.

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State and Territory Reserves [ Resource Information ]Name StateFossil Cove TASPeter Murrell TASPeter Murrell TASThinking Frog - Tinderbox TASTinderbox Marine TAS

Regional Forest Agreements [ Resource Information ]

Note that all areas with completed RFAs have been included.

Name StateTasmania RFA Tasmania

Extra Information

Invasive Species [ Resource Information ]Weeds reported here are the 20 species of national significance (WoNS), along with other introduced plantsthat are considered by the States and Territories to pose a particularly significant threat to biodiversity. Thefollowing feral animals are reported: Goat, Red Fox, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Water Buffalo and Cane Toad. Maps fromLandscape Health Project, National Land and Water Resouces Audit, 2001.

Name Status Type of PresenceBirds

Common Myna, Indian Myna [387] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Acridotheres tristis

Skylark [656] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Alauda arvensis

Mallard [974] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Anas platyrhynchos

European Goldfinch [403] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Carduelis carduelis

European Greenfinch [404] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Carduelis chloris

Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon [803] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Columba livia

House Sparrow [405] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Passer domesticus

Spotted Turtle-Dove [780] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Streptopelia chinensis

Common Starling [389] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Sturnus vulgaris

Common Blackbird, Eurasian Blackbird [596] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Turdus merula


Domestic Dog [82654] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Canis lupus familiaris

Goat [2] Species or species habitatlikely to occur

Capra hircus

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Name Status Type of Presencewithin area

Cat, House Cat, Domestic Cat [19] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Felis catus

Brown Hare [127] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Lepus capensis

House Mouse [120] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Mus musculus

Rabbit, European Rabbit [128] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Oryctolagus cuniculus

Brown Rat, Norway Rat [83] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Rattus norvegicus

Black Rat, Ship Rat [84] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Rattus rattus

Pig [6] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Sus scrofa

Red Fox, Fox [18] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Vulpes vulpes


Madeira Vine, Jalap, Lamb's-tail, Mignonette Vine,Anredera, Gulf Madeiravine, Heartleaf Madeiravine,Potato Vine [2643]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Anredera cordifolia

Climbing Asparagus, Climbing Asparagus Fern[66907]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Asparagus africanus

Bridal Creeper, Bridal Veil Creeper, Smilax, Florist'sSmilax, Smilax Asparagus [22473]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Asparagus asparagoides

Asparagus Fern, Climbing Asparagus Fern [23255] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Asparagus scandens

Bitou Bush, Boneseed [18983] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Chrysanthemoides monilifera

Boneseed [16905] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera

Broom, English Broom, Scotch Broom, CommonBroom, Scottish Broom, Spanish Broom [5934]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Cytisus scoparius

Flax-leaved Broom, Mediterranean Broom, Flax Broom[2800]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Genista linifolia

Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom, Canary Broom,Common Broom, French Broom, Soft Broom [20126]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Genista monspessulana

African Boxthorn, Boxthorn [19235] Species or species habitatlikely to occur

Lycium ferocissimum

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Name Status Type of Presencewithin area

Chilean Needle grass [67699] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Nassella neesiana

Serrated Tussock, Yass River Tussock, Yass Tussock,Nassella Tussock (NZ) [18884]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Nassella trichotoma

Blackberry, European Blackberry [68406] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Rubus fruticosus aggregate

Willows except Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow andSterile Pussy Willow [68497]

Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Salix spp. except S.babylonica, S.x calodendron & S.x reichardtii

Gorse, Furze [7693] Species or species habitatlikely to occur within area

Ulex europaeus

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- non-threatened seabirds which have only been mapped for recorded breeding sites

- migratory species that are very widespread, vagrant, or only occur in small numbers

- some species and ecological communities that have only recently been listed

Not all species listed under the EPBC Act have been mapped (see below) and therefore a report is a general guide only.Where available data supports mapping, the type of presence that can be determined from the data is indicated in generalterms. People using this information in making a referral may need to consider the qualifications below and may need to seekand consider other information sources.

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, Statevegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are lesswell known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps.

- seals which have only been mapped for breeding sites near the Australian continent

Such breeding sites may be important for the protection of the Commonwealth Marine environment.

For species where the distributions are well known, maps are digitised from sources such as recovery plans and detailedhabitat studies. Where appropriate, core breeding, foraging and roosting areas are indicated under 'type of presence'. Forspecies whose distributions are less well known, point locations are collated from government wildlife authorities, museums,and non-government organisations; bioclimatic distribution models are generated and these validated by experts. In somecases, the distribution maps are based solely on expert knowledge.

The information presented in this report has been provided by a range of data sources as acknowledged at the end of thereport.


- migratory and

The following species and ecological communities have not been mapped and do not appear in reports produced from thisdatabase:

- marine

This report is designed to assist in identifying the locations of places which may be relevant in determining obligations underthe Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It holds mapped locations of World and National Heritageproperties, Wetlands of International and National Importance, Commonwealth and State/Territory reserves, listed threatened,migratory and marine species and listed threatened ecological communities. Mapping of Commonwealth land is not completeat this stage. Maps have been collated from a range of sources at various resolutions.

- threatened species listed as extinct or considered as vagrants

- some terrestrial species that overfly the Commonwealth marine area

The following groups have been mapped, but may not cover the complete distribution of the species:

Only selected species covered by the following provisions of the EPBC Act have been mapped:

-43.01569 147.32799


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-Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT-Birdlife Australia-Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme

-Department of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia


-Office of Environment and Heritage, New South Wales

-Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania

-Parks and Wildlife Commission NT, Northern Territory Government-Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection, Queensland

-Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria

-Australian National Wildlife Collection

-Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia

This database has been compiled from a range of data sources. The department acknowledges the followingcustodians who have contributed valuable data and advice:

-Australian Museum

-National Herbarium of NSW

Forestry Corporation, NSW-Australian Government, Department of Defence

-State Herbarium of South Australia

The Department is extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who provided expert adviceand information on numerous draft distributions.

-Natural history museums of Australia

-Queensland Museum

-Australian National Herbarium, Atherton and Canberra

-Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria

-Geoscience Australia

-Ocean Biogeographic Information System

-Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums-Queensland Herbarium

-Western Australian Herbarium

-Tasmanian Herbarium

-Northern Territory Herbarium

-South Australian Museum

-Museum Victoria

-University of New England

-CSIRO-Other groups and individuals

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