Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment Biologic Environmental Survey Report to Atlas Iron Ltd September 2021

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Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2

Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Biologic Environmental Survey

Report to Atlas Iron Ltd

September 2021

Page 2: Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment


Version No. Author Review / Approved for


Approved for Issue to

Name Date

1 D. Gleeson C. Knuckey D. Morley 25/01/2021

2 C. Knuckey D. Gleeson D. Morley, S. Shute 23/07/2021

3 B. Downing D. Gleeson, C. Knuckey D. Morley, S. Shute 13/08/2021

4 D. Gleeson C. Knuckey D. Morley, S. Shute 12/09/2021

5 C. Knuckey C. Knuckey D. Morley, S. Shute 13/09/2021


Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no

part of this report, its attachments or appendices may be reproduced by any process without the written consent of Biologic

Environmental Survey Pty Ltd (“Biologic”). All enquiries should be directed to Biologic.

We have prepared this report for the sole purposes of Atlas Iron Pty Ltd (“Client”) for the specific purpose only for which it is

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In preparing this report we have made certain assumptions. We have assumed that all information and documents provided to

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We are not aware of any reason why any of the assumptions are incorrect.

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Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment


Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... i

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Project Description .................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Scope and Objectives ............................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Assessment of Significance ...................................................................................................... 7

1.4.1 Fauna Habitats .................................................................................................................. 7

1.4.2 Fauna Species................................................................................................................... 8

Survey Effort ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Key Receptors ................................................................................................................................ 11

3.1 Fauna Habitats ....................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Habitat Features ..................................................................................................................... 12

3.2.1 Caves .............................................................................................................................. 12

3.2.2 Caves near the Development Envelope .......................................................................... 14

3.2.3 Water Features ................................................................................................................ 15

3.3 Vertebrate Fauna Species ...................................................................................................... 18

3.3.1 Species Recorded in the Development Envelope ........................................................... 18

3.3.2 Species Potentially Occurring in the Development Envelope ......................................... 22

Sources of Potential Impacts ........................................................................................................ 25

4.1 Direct ...................................................................................................................................... 25

4.1.1 Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat ........................................................ 25

4.1.2 Vehicle Strike................................................................................................................... 26

4.2 Indirect .................................................................................................................................... 26

4.2.1 Introduced Species .......................................................................................................... 26

4.2.2 Increased Light ................................................................................................................ 27

4.2.3 Increased Noise and Vibration ........................................................................................ 27

4.2.4 Dust ................................................................................................................................. 27

4.2.5 Altered Fire Regimes ....................................................................................................... 28

4.2.6 Modification of Water Regimes ....................................................................................... 28

4.3 Cumulative .............................................................................................................................. 29

Criteria for Assessing Impacts ..................................................................................................... 32

5.1 Within Western Australia ........................................................................................................ 32

5.2 Matters of National Environmental Significance ..................................................................... 32

5.2.1 Endangered Species ....................................................................................................... 33

5.2.2 Vulnerable Species ......................................................................................................... 34

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Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Impact Assessment of Key Receptors ........................................................................................ 35

6.1 Impacts to Fauna Habitats ...................................................................................................... 35

6.2 Potential Impacts to Habitat Features .................................................................................... 36

6.3 Potential Impacts on Fauna Species ...................................................................................... 37

6.4 Impacts to Matters of National Environmental Significance ................................................... 54

General Management Recommendations ................................................................................... 67

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 71

References ...................................................................................................................................... 73


Figure 1.1: Study Area, Development Envelope and Disturbance Footprint .......................................... 6

Figure 3.1: Broad fauna habitats and habitat features of the Study Area and Development Envelope17

Figure 3.2: Conservation significant fauna records in the Development Envelope and vicinity ........... 24

Figure 6.1: Potential northern quoll habitat within the Development Envelope .................................... 63

Figure 6.2: Potential ghost bat habitat within the Development Envelope ........................................... 64

Figure 6.3: Potential Pilbara leaf-nosed bat habitat within the Development Envelope ....................... 65


Table 1.1: Breakdown of the Disturbance Footprint ............................................................................... 5

Table 1.2: Definitions and terms for fauna of conservation significance ................................................ 8

Table 2.1: Summary of terrestrial fauna surveys conducted within the Study Area ............................... 9

Table 3.1: The extent of fauna habitats within the Development Envelope, and their potential use by

species of conservation significance ........................................................................................ 12

Table 3.2: Caves recorded in the Development Envelope ................................................................... 13

Table 3.3: Caves recorded outside of the Development Envelope ...................................................... 14

Table 3.4: Water features recorded in, or in close proximity to, the Development Envelope ............... 16

Table 4.1: Summary of Project impact sources and potential outcomes on fauna ............................... 30

Table 5.1: Impact criteria used to assess the extent for each potential impact source ........................ 32

Table 6.1: Fauna habitats impacted by the Project .............................................................................. 35

Table 6.2: Distance between caves and the Disturbance Footprint ..................................................... 36

Table 6.3: Potential impacts to vertebrate species of conservation significance .................................. 38

Table 6.4: Significance of the Project to Matters of National Environmental Significance ................... 55

Table 7.1: Potential mitigation and management strategies for each impact source identified as

potentially arising from the Project (adapted from DoE, 2016) ................................................ 69

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Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

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Atlas Iron Pty Ltd (Atlas) is developing the Sanjiv Ridge Project (formerly known as the Corunna Downs

Project), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately

33 kilometres (km) south of Marble Bar in the Pilbara region of Western Australia (WA). To ensure Atlas’

production portfolio is maintained, Atlas is progressing studies to support the future Sanjiv Ridge - Stage

2 Project (the Project), which involves the above water-table mining of an additional ore body, referred

to as the Glen Herring deposit. A variety of additional infrastructure will be required to support the Stage

2 expansion including the development of three open pits to access the Glen Herring deposit, four waste

dumps, and a connecting haul road. The area to be cleared covers approximately 124.62 hectares (ha)

and is hereafter referred to as the indicative Disturbance Footprint. The indicative Disturbance Footprint

is located wholly within a Development Envelope which covers approximately 245.48 ha.

This Assessment provides a detailed summary of the recent survey work completed for the Project and

assesses the potential impacts to vertebrate fauna, specifically species listed under the Biodiversity

Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

1999 (EPBC Act). The systematic framework within which this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

was completed comprised:

• identification of potential key receptor species and habitats relevant to the assessment;

• identification of input sources (both direct and indirect) to define potential impacts;

• assessment of the significance of these potential impacts on the key receptors; and

• identification of areas of potential management to mitigate the impacts on the key receptors.

Four broad fauna habitat types have been mapped across the Development Envelope: Ironstone

Ridgetop; Rocky Ridge and Gorge; Stony Rises and Rocky Foothills.

Thirty-one species of conservation significance, comprising ten mammals, 17 birds and four reptiles,

have been identified as having previously been recorded within and/or having the potential to occur

within the Development Envelope. Three of these species have been recorded within the Project’s

Development Envelope, namely the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), ghost bat (Macroderma

gigas), and Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (Rhinonicteris aurantia). A further four species of conservation

significance were recorded during a previous study in close proximity to the Development Envelope,

the Pilbara olive python (Liasis olivaceus barroni), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), spectacled hare-

wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti) and western pebble-mound mouse (Pseudomys

chapmani) and were considered highly likely to occur within the current Development Envelope. Despite

not having been recorded, a further two species of conservation significance are considered likely to

occur within the Development Envelope: the long-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis longicaudata) and Gane’s

blind snake (Anilios ganei). The remaining 22 species are regarded as possible, unlikely or highly

unlikely to occur in the Development Envelope.

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Impact Assessment

Nine potential sources of impact that may arise due to the Project were identified and considered in this

Assessment: removal, fragmentation or modification of habitat; vehicle strike; introduced species;

increased light; noise and vibration; dust; changed fire regimes; modification of water regimes; and

cumulative impacts.

Land clearance, referred to herein as ‘removal, fragmentation or modification of habitat’, is listed as a

Key Threatening Process under the EPBC Act, and fauna habitat loss as a direct result of land clearing

and excavation is considered the primary impact of the Project on terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Habitat

loss and degradation is expected to occur throughout all of the habitats present, including those

considered important for several species of conservation significance. Overall, the scale of impact on

species of conservation significance by removal, fragmentation or modification of habitat is expected to

be Moderate (especially within areas of the proposed pits and waste rock dumps) to Low (for the

proposed haul road). Although direct impacts of habitat loss from land clearing can be calculated,

indirect impacts to local and regional populations are difficult to quantify. All other impact sources (i.e.

vehicle strike; introduced species; increased light; noise and vibration; dust; changed fire regimes and

modification of water regimes) were assessed as being of Low consequence for the majority of fauna

of conservation significance assessed.

Northern quoll

The northern quoll is listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act and BC Act. The northern quolls

occurring in the Development Envelope are likely part of a larger permanent breeding population

occurring across the broader area. This population can be considered a high density population as

defined by the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) (DoE,

2016). Within the Development Envelope, critical habitat was identified as both Rocky Ridge and Gorge

and Rocky Foothills habitat. At a local scale, the species is likely to experience a Low to Moderate level

of impact, primarily from removal, fragmentation and modification of habitat; vehicle strike; the increased

threat of introduced species; and the cumulative impacts associated with both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of

the Sanjiv Ridge Project. Low level impacts may also be experienced from increased light, noise, dust,

altered fire regimes and modification of water regimes. As the population occurring within the

Development Envelope meets the definition of a ‘high-density population’ and thus a population

‘important for the long-term survival of the species’, the impacts to the species are likely to be significant

as defined by the DAWE.

Ghost bat

The ghost bat is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act. Ghost bats are likely to

permanently reside within the Development Envelope. One cave is located immediately adjacent to the

Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of the Project (CO-CA-34). While limited diurnal

roosting has been observed, this cave is unlikely to be used regularly and therefore be of significance

to the species. Of the ten caves to be retained, nine are located within 150 m of a pit area: CO-CA-24

(19 m), CO-CA-22 (15 m), CO-CA-26 (14 m), CO-CA-23 (21 m), CO-CA-25 (8 m), CO-CA-20 (53 m),

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CO-CA-27 (90 m), CO-CA-28 (119 m) and CO-CA-29 (144 m). Due to the proximity of these nine caves

to the Glen Herring mining pit, there is a potential that their structural integrity or microclimate may be

compromised. The tenth cave (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the Haul Road.

At a local scale, the ghost bat is likely to experience a Low to Moderate level of impact, primarily from

removal, fragmentation and modification of habitat, but also potentially light, noise and vibration, dust,

modification of water regimes, vehicle strike and the cumulative impacts of both Stage 1 and Stage 2

of the Sanjiv Ridge Project. Low level impacts may also potentially be experienced due to introduced

species and altered fire regimes. While ghost bats may temporarily abandon the area during

construction and mining, it is expected that bats would return to the area post-mining provided the

structural integrity and suitable microclimate of significant features (CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-

27) is retained. As such, a significant impact to the species could be avoided with the implementation

of suitable management practices.

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat

The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act and has been

confirmed in the Development Envelope. None of the caves identified within the Development Envelope

were deemed suitable as a diurnal roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat. All individuals recorded within

the Development Envelope are likely to have originated from CO-CA-01 (a permanent diurnal roost

located 495 m east of the Development Envelope) or CO-CA-03 (a non-permanent breeding roost

located 3.98 km south of the Development Envelope). It is highly unlikely that the physical attributes of

these roosts would be significantly impacted by the Project.

One cave considered a potential nocturnal refuge for the species (CO-CA-34) is located immediately

adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint. Of the ten caves to be retained, nine are located within 150 m of

a pit area: CO-CA-24 (19 m), CO-CA-22 (15 m), CO-CA-26 (14 m), CO-CA-23 (21 m), CO-CA-25 (8

m), CO-CA-20 (53 m), CO-CA-27 (90 m), CO-CA-28 (119 m) and CO-CA-29 (144 m). Due to the

proximity of these caves to the southern mining pit, there is a potential that their structural integrity or

microclimate may be compromised. One cave (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the Haul Road.

Pilbara leaf-nosed bats may be deterred from using these caves due to the indirect impacts of noise,

vibration, dust and lighting. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would

be expected to use them post-mining.

The impacts considered to be greatest for this species are habitat loss and degradation as well as

potentially vehicle strike and modification of water regimes. However, this impact is unlikely to extend

beyond the Development Envelope to the regional level and the Project is not likely to have a significant

impact on this species, as defined by the DAWE.

Pilbara olive python

The Pilbara olive python is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act and is highly likely

to occur within the Development Envelope, potentially as a resident, particularly within Rocky Ridge

and Gorge habitat. The impacts considered to be of most significance for this species are habitat loss

and degradation as well as potentially vehicle strike and modification of water regimes. However, these

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impacts are unlikely to extend beyond the Development Envelope to the regional level and the Project

is not likely to have a significant impact on this species, as defined by the DAWE.

Other Species

The western pebble-mound mouse (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA,

Priority 4), spectacled hare-wallaby (DBCA, Priority 3), peregrine falcon (BC Act, Other Specially

Protected Species), long-tailed dunnart (DBCA, Priority 4), Gane’s blind snake (DBCA, Priority 1),

northern brushtail possum (EPBC Act and BC Act, Vulnerable), spotted ctenotus (DBCA, Priority 2) and

fork-tailed swift (EPBC Act and BC Act, Migratory) were confirmed or regarded as highly likely, likely or

possible to occur in the Development Envelope, though none of these are likely to experience more

than a low level of impact overall at the local and regional scale, if present.

The night parrot (EPBC Act, Endangered and BC Act, Critically Endangered) was considered unlikely

to occur in the Development Envelope due to the absence of suitable habitat and therefore unlikely to

be impacted by development of the Project.


It is recommended that all aspects of the Project be designed with mitigation of impacts on native fauna

considered. It is understood that Atlas will implement a range of adaptive management strategies for

Project design and operation, including a significant species management plan, blast management plan

and surface water management. The potential significant impacts to fauna and their habitats highlighted

in this report should be considered and mitigation measures to reduce these impacts be incorporated

into relevant management plans and procedures.

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1.1 Background

Atlas Iron Pty Ltd (Atlas) is currently in the process of developing the Sanjiv Ridge Project (formerly

known as the Corunna Downs Project), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western

Australia, approximately 33 kilometres (km) south of Marble Bar (Figure 1.1). To ensure Atlas’

production portfolio is maintained, Atlas is progressing studies to support the future Sanjiv Ridge - Stage

2 Project (the Project), which involves the above water-table mining of an additional ore body, referred

to as the Glen Herring deposit. Atlas commissioned Biologic Environmental Survey (Biologic) to

undertake a vertebrate fauna impact assessment (this Assessment) for the development of the Project.

Stage 1 of the Sanjiv Ridge Project is already approved and under development. The area considered

for this Assessment, hereafter referred to as the Development Envelope, comprises 245.48 hectares

(ha). The Stage 2 Development Envelope is adjacent to the Stage 1 development (Figure 1.1) though

overlaps slightly (approximately 4.10 ha).

The Development Envelope lies wholly within an area previously surveyed by MWH (2018b) for the

Stage 1 development (hereafter referred to as the Study Area; Figure 1.1). This Assessment is largely

based on data obtained and analysed by MWH (2018b) and two targeted vertebrate fauna assessments

conducted over the current Development Envelope by Biologic (2021c, 2021d).

1.2 Project Description

The Project will involve the development of three open pits to access the Glen Herring deposit, four

waste dumps, and a connecting haul road. Run of mine ore will be transported along a new haul road

in dump trucks from the Project to the Stage 1 operations for processing and eventual haulage to Port

Hedland. The Disturbance Footprint of the Project is approximately 124.62 ha (including an area of

approximately 0.474 ha which overlaps with the Stage 1 Disturbance Footprint) and is contained entirely

within the Development Envelope. (Figure 1.1). The three above groundwater open-cut pits cover a

total area of 39.10 ha (Table 1.1). The Project will also include a haul road (49.47 ha), four waste dumps

(36.05 ha) (Table 1.1). Note that the Disturbance Footprint areas reported in this document are

approximate and subject to minor change.

Table 1.1: Breakdown of the Disturbance Footprint

Component Portion of Disturbance Footprint

Hectares %

Haul road 49.47 40

Pits 39.10 31

Waste dumps 36.05 29

Total 124.62 100

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- Marble

Bar R


756061 764061 772061 78006176



















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy AreaDevelopment EnvelopeDisturbance FootprintStage 1 Development EnvelopeLocal Road

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

ATLAS IRONSanjiv Ridge Stage 2 ProjectVertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Figure 1.1: Study Area, Development Envelope and Disturbance Footprint

Scale: 1:100,000±0 2 4

KmIBRA Subregion


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1.3 Scope and Objectives

The overarching objective of this Assessment is to identify and assess the potential impacts of the

Project on broad fauna habitats, vertebrate fauna assemblages and vertebrate fauna of conservation

significance within the Development Envelope and surrounds. This was achieved by:

• Identification of potential key receptor species and habitats relevant to this Assessment. This

Assessment was specific to the species of conservation significance and fauna assemblages

identified as potentially occurring within the Development Envelope and/ or those that have

previously been recorded within the Development Envelope;

• Identification of input sources to define potential impacts (both direct and indirect) for the

potential key receptor species. The impacts are determined based on areas considered likely

to be impacted prior to and following modification of the Development Envelope;

• Assessment of any major impacts of the Project that are expected to result from cumulative


• Assessment of the significance of these potential impacts on the potential key receptor species,

in relation to extent, duration, magnitude (local and regional) and certainty; and

• Identification of areas of potential management to mitigate the impacts of these sources on the

potential key receptor species.

This Assessment was carried out in a manner consistent with the following documents developed by

the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and the Commonwealth Department

of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE - formerly the Department of Environment [DoE]):

• DAWE (TSSC, 2008b) Approved conservation advice for Liasis olivaceus barroni (olive python

– Pilbara subspecies);

• DAWE (TSSC, 2016a) Conservation advice Macroderma gigas ghost bat;

• DAWE (TSSC, 2016b) Conservation advice: Rhinonicteris aurantia (Pilbara form), Pilbara leaf-

nosed bat;

• DoE (2013) Matters of national environmental significance: Significant impact guidelines 1.1

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999;

• DoE (2016) EPBC Act referral guideline for the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus


• EPA (2016) Environmental factor guideline: Terrestrial fauna;

• EPA (2018) Statement of environmental principles, factors and objectives; and

• EPA (2020) Terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys for environmental impact assessment.

1.4 Assessment of Significance

1.4.1 Fauna Habitats

Fauna habitats may be significant if they provide habitat important to the life history of a significant

species, i.e. breeding, feeding and roosting or aggregation areas, or where they are unique or isolated

habitats, for example wetlands, in the landscape or region (EPA, 2016). These significant fauna habitats

are also a focus of this Assessment.

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1.4.2 Fauna Species

Terrestrial fauna may be significant for a range of reasons, including (EPA, 2016):

• being identified as a species of conservation significance;

• being a species with restricted distribution;

• enduring a degree of historical impact from threatening processes; or

• providing an important function required to maintain the ecological integrity of a significant


For the purposes of this Assessment, species considered to be of conservation significance are those

that are afforded protection under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and/ or the Western Australian Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

(BC Act). A summary of applicable legislation and status codes is provided in Table 1.2. For some

species, there is insufficient information to determine their status. These species are also considered

by the EPA and DBCA as being of conservation significance for all development related approvals and

are listed on a ‘Priority List’ that is regularly reviewed and maintained by the DBCA (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2: Definitions and terms for fauna of conservation significance

Agreement, Act or List Status Codes


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment lists threatened fauna, which are determined by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) as per criteria set out in the Act. The Act lists fauna that are considered to be of conservation significance under one of eight categories (listed under ‘Status Codes’).

• Extinct (EX)

• Extinct in the Wild (EW)

• Critically Endangered (CE)

• Endangered (EN)

• Vulnerable (VU)

• Conservation Dependent (CD)

• Migratory (MG)

• Marine (MA)


Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act)

At a state level, native fauna are protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. Species in need of conservation are given a ranking ranging from Critically Endangered to Vulnerable.

• Extinct (EX)

• Extinct in the Wild (EW)

• Critically Endangered (CE)

• Endangered (EN)

• Vulnerable (VU)

• Migratory (MI)

• Conservation Dependent (CD)

• Other Specially Protected (OS)

DBCA Priority List

DBCA produces a list of Priority species that have not been assigned statutory protection under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. This system gives a ranking from Priority 1 to Priority 4.

• Priority 1 (Poorly known species) (P1)

• Priority 2 (Poorly known species) (P2)

• Priority 3 (Poorly known species) (P3)

• Priority 4 (Rare, Near Threatened, and other species in need of monitoring) (P4)

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This Assessment is largely based on data obtained and analysed as part of the targeted vertebrate

fauna survey completed by Biologic (2021c). A primary objective of the survey completed by Biologic

(2021c) was to consolidate all previous work completed across the Development Envelope, and

complete a field survey to fill any knowledge gaps pertaining to vertebrate fauna. The report produced

as a result of this targeted survey (Biologic, 2021c) was used in the development of the EPBC Act

referral (submitted in February 2021). An additional survey was later completed by Biologic (2021d) to

further characterise significant features known to occur in the Development Envelope and assess these

relative to others occurring in the surrounding area. In total, 11 field surveys had previously been

undertaken for the Sanjiv Ridge Project since 2014 (Biologic, 2019b, 2019c, 2019d, 2019e, 2020a,

2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d; MWH, 2018a, 2018b) (Table 2.1). All 11 surveys were undertaken within

the Study Area, and seven of these covered some or all of the Development Envelope (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1: Summary of terrestrial fauna surveys conducted within the Study Area

Survey Title Year of Survey

Survey Type

Survey Effort Conservation Significant

Species Recorded

Biologic (2021d) Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2: Ghost bat and Pilbara leaf-nosed bat monitoring and regional survey

January 2021


• Habitat assessments

• Cave assessments

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Cave microclimate monitoring

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Development Envelope:

• Ghost bat (recorded at 11 sites

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (recorded at 8 sites)

Outside Development Envelope:

• Ghost bat (recorded at 4 sites

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (recorded at 5 sites)

Biologic (2021b) Corunna Downs project, northern quoll monitoring 2020

June 2020 Monitoring (northern


• Photo monitoring

• Camera trapping

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Northern quoll (39 individuals) Inside Development Envelope:

• Northern quoll (5 individuals)

• Northern quoll (scats)

Biologic (2021a) Corunna Downs project, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and ghost bat monitoring survey 2020

June 2020

Monitoring (Pilbara

leaf-nosed bat and

ghost bat)

• Photo monitoring

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Ghost bat scat monitoring

• Cave microclimate monitoring

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (detected at all monitoring sites)

• Ghost bat (recorded at 3 sites – CO-CA-01, CO-CA-03 and CO-CA-05)

Biologic (2021c) Sanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Development area consolidated terrestrial fauna report

May 2020 Targeted

• Habitat assessments

• Cave assessments

• Water feature assessments

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Acoustic night parrot recording

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Development Envelope:

• Northern quoll (1 scat record scat)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (calls recorded at 5 out of 10 caves, at 1 water feature and 1 general foraging site)

• Ghost bat (recorded at 8 out of 10 caves)

Biologic (2019d) Corunna Downs project, northern quoll monitoring survey 2019

July 2019 Monitoring (northern


• Photo monitoring

• Camera trapping

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Northern quoll (41 individuals) Inside Development Envelope:

• Northern quoll (5 individuals)

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Survey Title Year of Survey

Survey Type

Survey Effort Conservation Significant

Species Recorded

Biologic (2019b) Corunna Downs project, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and ghost bat monitoring survey 2019

July 2019

Monitoring (Pilbara

leaf-nosed bat and

ghost bat)

• Photo monitoring

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Ghost bat scat monitoring

• Cave microclimate monitoring

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (detected at all monitoring sites)

• Ghost bats (recorded at all caves monitored)

Inside Development Envelope:

• Ghost bat (6 ghost bat scats were opportunistically observed at a slight overhang at a northern quoll trapping site [NQ-TR-01]).

Biologic (2020a) Corunna Downs Pilbara leaf-nosed bat roost analysis

April 2019


April 2020

Roost Analysis (Pilbara

leaf-nosed bat)

• Cave microclimate monitoring

• Ultrasonic bat monitoring

• Water monitoring

Inside Study Area:

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (recorded at both CO-CA-01 and CO-CA-03 on every night of monitoring except 1 (due to cyclone).

Biologic (2019c) Corunna Downs project, northern quoll monitoring survey 2018

July 2018 Monitoring (northern


• Photo monitoring

• Camera trapping

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Northern quoll (14-19 individuals)

Inside Development Envelope:

• Northern quoll (2 individuals)

Biologic (2019e) Corunna Downs project, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and ghost bat monitoring survey 2018

July 2018

Monitoring (Pilbara

leaf-nosed bat and

ghost bat)

• Photo monitoring

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Ghost bat scat monitoring

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (detected at all monitoring sites)

• Ghost bat (recorded at 3 sites – including CO-CA-01)

MWH (2018a) Corunna Downs project: Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and ghost bat baseline monitoring survey

July 2017

Monitoring (Pilbara

leaf-nosed bat and

ghost bat)

• Photo monitoring

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Cave microclimate monitoring

• Ghost bat dusk census

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bats (detected at all monitoring sites)

• Ghost bats (detected at all monitoring sites)

MWH (2018b) Corunna Downs project: Terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey

February 2014




Detailed and


• Habitat mapping

• Habitat assessments

• Systematic trapping

• Active searching

• Avifauna census

• Spotlighting

• Camera trapping

• Ultrasonic bat recording

• Targeted northern quoll trapping

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat diurnal roost monitoring and census

• Targeted searches

• Opportunistic observations

Inside Study Area:

• Northern quoll (38 records)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (41 records. NB: up to 600 individuals observed in cave CO-CA-01)

• Ghost bat (10 records)

• Pilbara olive python (4 records)

• Peregrine falcon (1 record)

• Spectacled hare-wallaby (1 record)

• Western pebble-mound mouse (13 records – 10 inactive mounds, 1 active mound and 2 direct captures)

Inside Development Envelope:

• Northern quoll (3 individuals)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (1 call recorded at water feature CO-CA-04)

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3.1 Fauna Habitats

Previous mapping completed by MWH (2018b) was used to determine that a total of four broad fauna

habitat types occur across the Development Envelope. This comprises, in decreasing order of extent

(Figure 3.1, Table 3.1):

• Ironstone Ridgetop;

• Rocky Ridge and Gorge;

• Stony Rises; and

• Rocky Foothills.

Ironstone Ridgetop and, to a lesser extent, Rocky Ridge and Gorge were the dominant broad fauna

habitats within the Development Envelope, covering 60.29% (147.99 ha) and 31.59% (77.55 ha) of the

Development Envelope, respectively (Figure 3.1, Table 3.1). Stony Rises and Rocky Foothills cover

4.68% (11.48 ha) and 3.45% (8.46 ha) of the Development Envelope, respectively (Figure 3.1,

Table 3.1).

Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat provides suitable habitat for several conservation significant species.

This habitat provides breeding, foraging and dispersal habitat for the northern quoll (Dasyurus

hallucatus), northern brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis), Pilbara olive python

(Liasis olivaceus barroni), Gane’s blind snake (Anilios ganei) and long-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis

longicaudata); suitable roosting, foraging and dispersal habitat for the ghost bat (Macroderma gigas);

foraging and dispersal habitat for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (Rhinonicteris aurantia) (Table 3.1); and

suitable nesting and foraging habitat for peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus).

Ironstone Ridgetop habitat provides suitable breeding, foraging and dispersal habitat for the western

pebble-mound mouse (Pseudomys chapmani) and long-tailed dunnart; and roosting, foraging and

dispersal habitat for the ghost bat. The Ironstone Ridgetop habitat also provides suitable foraging and

dispersal habitat for the northern quoll, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, Pilbara olive python and peregrine falcon.

Rocky Foothills habitat provides foraging and dispersal opportunities for several species of conservation

significance; the ghost bat, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, Pilbara olive python and peregrine falcon.

Additionally, Rocky Foothills habitat may provide breeding, foraging and dispersal opportunities for the

northern quoll, spotted ctenotus, long-tailed dunnart and western pebble-mound mouse. Instances of

rocky breakaway occurring within Rocky Foothills habitat may also provide denning habitat for the

Pilbara olive python.

Stony Rises habitat may provide breeding, foraging and dispersal opportunities for the spectacled hare-

wallaby and western pebble-mound mouse. This habitat also provides suitable foraging and dispersal

habitat for the ghost bat, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, and peregrine falcon. The Stony Rises habitat is

widespread throughout the surrounding landscape and throughout the Pilbara region generally and is

not heavily depended upon by any species of conservation significance that are present or considered

likely to occur in the Development Envelope.

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Table 3.1: The extent of fauna habitats within the Development Envelope, and their potential use by species of conservation significance

Habitat Potential Use by Species of Conservation Significance

Area within Development


ha %

Ironstone Ridgetop

• Northern quoll (foraging, dispersal)

• Ghost bat (roosting, foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara olive python (foraging, dispersal)

• Western pebble-mound mouse (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Long-tailed dunnart (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Peregrine falcon (foraging, dispersal)

147.99 60.29

Rocky Ridge and Gorge

• Northern quoll (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Ghost bat (roosting, foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Northern brushtail possum (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara olive python (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Gane’s blind snake (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Long-tailed dunnart (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Peregrine falcon (nesting, foraging)

77.55 31.59

Stony Rises

• Ghost bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Spectacled hare-wallaby (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Western pebble-mound mouse (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Peregrine falcon (foraging, dispersal)

11.48 4.68

Rocky Foothills

• Northern quoll (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Ghost bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (foraging, dispersal)

• Pilbara olive python (foraging, dispersal)

• Spotted ctenotus (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Western pebble-mound mouse (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Long-tailed dunnart (breeding, foraging, dispersal)

• Peregrine falcon (foraging, dispersal)

8.46 3.45

Total 245.48 100

3.2 Habitat Features

3.2.1 Caves

Caves can be important features within a landscape, particularly in arid zone systems, often providing

stable microclimates, shelter and protection (Medellin et al., 2017). Caves comprise simple cavities,

shallow overhangs, deep fissures, extensive and complex caverns or abandoned mine shafts

(Armstrong & Anstee, 2000; Churchill, 2008).

Eleven caves which may provide significant habitat for the ghost bat and Pilbara leaf-nosed bat have

been recorded within the Development Envelope (Biologic, 2021c). Evidence of the ghost bat has been

recorded at nine of these caves (Biologic, 2021c) (Table 3.2). Ghost bats were directly observed at four

of these caves (CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-27 and CO-CA-34). The greatest number of ghost bat

individuals and ghost bat scats were recorded in CO-CA-24, where 20 ghost bats were observed

roosting (Biologic unpub. data).

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Of the eleven caves, one was identified as a potential maternity roost for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), five

were identified as diurnal roosts for the ghost bat (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-21, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-27 and

CO-CA-34), three were identified as potential diurnal roosts (CO-CA-25, CO-CA-28, CO-CA-29), and

two were identified as night roosts (CO-CA-23 and CO-CA-26) (Table 3.2) (Biologic, 2021d). Of the

caves recorded, three are located within Ironstone Ridgetop habitat (CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-

CA-29), whilst the remainder are located within Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat. Caves CO-CA-22, CO-

CA-24 and CO-CA-27 were regarded as being critical habitat for the species (critical habitat for the

associated species as adapted from recognised threats (TSSC, 2016a)) as they were deemed likely (or

have previously been demonstrated) to support regular usage by the local population.

No evidence of diurnal roosting of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat was observed within the caves in the

Development Envelope or indicated by ultrasonic call recordings. Of the eleven caves within the

Development Envelope, eight were confirmed as nocturnal refuges for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, and

the remaining three were classed as potential nocturnal refuges for this species Biologic (2021d)

(Table 3.2).These caves are not considered critical habitat, however, they are important for persistence

of the species in the local area (TSSC, 2016b).

Table 3.2: Caves recorded in the Development Envelope

Name Ghost Bats Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat

Records Significance Records Significance


Calls recorded indicating diurnal roosting

Diurnal roost Calls recorded but diurnal

roosting not indicated Nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded indicating Diurnal roosting

Diurnal roost Calls recorded but diurnal

roosting not indicated Nocturnal refuge


Up to 1 individual observed in cave

* Diurnal roost Calls recorded but diurnal

roosting not indicated Nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded but diurnal roosting not indicated

Night roost Calls recorded but diurnal

roosting not indicated Nocturnal refuge


Up to 20 individuals observed in cave

*Potential maternity roost

Calls recorded but diurnal roosting not indicated

Nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded indicating potential diurnal roosting

Potential diurnal roost

No evidence recorded but cave suitable for species

Potential nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded but diurnal roosting not indicated

Night roost No evidence recorded

diurnal cave suitable for species

Potential nocturnal refuge


Up to 14 individuals observed in cave

* Diurnal roost Calls recorded but diurnal

roosting not indicated Nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded indicating potential diurnal roosting

Potential diurnal roost

Calls recorded but diurnal roosting not indicated

Nocturnal refuge


Calls recorded indicating potential diurnal roosting

Potential diurnal roost

Calls recorded but diurnal roosting not indicated

Nocturnal refuge


Up to 6 individuals observed in cave

Diurnal roost No evidence recorded

diurnal cave suitable for species

Potential nocturnal refuge

* indicates critical habitat for the associated species as adapted from its recognised threats (TSSC, 2016a).

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3.2.2 Caves near the Development Envelope

There are 31 caves known to occur outside of the Development Envelope in the surrounding area

(Table 3.3). However, two of these, caves CO-CA-08 and CO-CA-15, have been or are expected to be

cleared as part of the Stage 1 development.

For the ghost bat, 22 of the 31 caves are regarded as night roosts or potential night roosts for the

species. There is also one potential diurnal roost, six diurnal roosts and two potential maternity roosts

(caves CO-CA-33 and CO-CA-35). CO-CA-33 is a deep natural cave (~20 m) located approximately

4.79 km south of Stage 1’s Split Rock Pit. CO-CA-35, also a potential maternity cave, is a historical gold

mining adit located approximately 5.58 km south-west of the Glen Herring pit. A series of caves are

located in close proximity (280-875 m) to the Development Envelope, comprising diurnal roosts (CO-

CA-01 and CO-CA-05), a night roost (CO-CA-17) and potential night roosts (CO-CA-09 and CO-CA-


Cave CO-CA-01 is a permanent diurnal roost of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and is located approximately

543 m to the east of the Disturbance Footprint (but within the Study Area) and 3.18 km from Glen

Herring pit. The population of Pilbara leaf-nosed bats at cave CO-CA-01 was estimated to be

approximately 400 – 600 individuals by MWH (2018b). Approximately 3.98 km to the south of the

Development Envelope (but also within the Study Area) lies cave CO-CA-03, a non-permanent breeding

roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat. A major roost analysis focussing on CO-CA-03 and CO-CA-01 was

undertaken in 2020 (Biologic, 2020a).

Cave CO-CA-01 is also regarded as a diurnal roost for ghost bats (Biologic, 2021a) and is therefore of

high conservation value (Table 3.3). CO-CA-03 is also of high conservation value as this cave is a

diurnal roost (Biologic, 2019b, 2021a) and confirmed night roost for the ghost bat, although individuals

use this cave on an irregular basis (Biologic, 2019b). CO-CA-05 is considered as a transitory diurnal

roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and diurnal roost for ghost bats and is therefore of high conservation

value for both of these species (Biologic, 2021a).

Table 3.3: Caves recorded outside of the Development Envelope

Name Ghost Bat Significance Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat

Significance Reference

CO-CA-01 Diurnal roost Permanent diurnal roost (Biologic, 2021a)

CO-CA-02 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-03 Diurnal roost Non-permanent breeding roost (Biologic, in prep.)

CO-CA-04 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-05 Diurnal roost Transitory diurnal roost (Biologic, 2021a)

CO-CA-06 Night roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-07 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-08 Night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-09 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-10 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021a)

CO-CA-11 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

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Name Ghost Bat Significance Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat

Significance Reference

CO-CA-12 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-13 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-14 Potential night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-15 Night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-16 Potential night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-17 Night roost Nocturnal refuge (MWH, 2018b)

CO-CA-18 Potential diurnal roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021a)

CO-CA-30 Diurnal roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-31 Diurnal roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-32 Diurnal roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-33 Potential maternity roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-35 Potential maternity roost Nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-36 Potential night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-37 Night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-38 Night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-39 Potential night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-40 Night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-41 Night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-42 Potential night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

CO-CA-43 Potential night roost Potential nocturnal refuge (Biologic, 2021d)

3.2.3 Water Features

A total of four natural water features have been recorded within or in very close proximity to the

Development Envelope (Biologic, 2021c; MWH, 2018b). These features are highlighted because they

may provide important sources of food and water for species of conservation significance. In particular,

gorges with pools represent priority foraging habitat for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (TSSC, 2016b), and

are generally considered productive habitat features of a landscape, providing resources for the

northern quoll (Oakwood, 1997) and the Pilbara olive python (Pearson, 2003).

Of the four water features recorded, one was considered permanent (CO-WS-16) and three were

classed as ephemeral rockpools (CO-WS-04, CO-WS-17 and CO-WS-18) (Biologic, 2021c; MWH,

2018b). CO-WS-16 represents a groundwater fed (via a spring/seep) chain of smaller pools following

the topography for approximately 100 m (Atlas Iron, 2021b). The previous survey identified a total of

five permanent water features and six semi-permanent water features in the Study Area (MWH, 2018b),

The aforementioned ephemeral pool (CO-WS-04) was previously identified within the Development

Envelope (MWH, 2018b). The remaining water features are located to the east and the south of the

Development Envelope.

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It is likely that additional temporary/ seasonal waterbodies occur throughout parts of the Development

Envelope where pooling or flowing water may be present following significant rainfall events, particularly

within gorges and gullies or other habitats supporting minor drainage lines.

The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat was recorded at CO-WS-16 during a recent survey (Biologic, 2021c)

(Table 3.4), and was recorded at CO-WS-04 by MWH (2018b). The northern quoll was previously

recorded near CO-WS-16 via motion camera and secondary evidence (scats) (Biologic, 2019c, 2019d,

2021b). All of the natural water features both inside and outside of the Development Envelope are

considered important foraging resources for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and Pilbara olive python.

Table 3.4: Water features recorded in, or in close proximity to, the Development Envelope

Name (Source) Permanent Water Species Recorded

CO-WS-04 (MWH, 2018b) Ephemeral Rock Pool Pilbara leaf-nosed bat

CO-WS-16 (Biologic, 2021c) Permanent seep fed pool Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, northern quoll

CO-WS-17 (Biologic, 2021c) Ephemeral Rock Pool -

CO-WS-18 (Biologic, 2021c) Ephemeral Rock Pool -

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772098 774098 776098 77809876



















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy Area

Development Envelope

Disturbance Footprint

Stage 1 Development Envelope

#* Water Feature

1 Cave

ATLAS IRONSanjiv Ridge Stage 2 ProjectVertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Figure 3.1: Broad fauna habitatsand habitat features of the Study Areaand Development Envelope

Scale: 1:25,000±0 0.5 1

KmFauna Habitat

Ironstone Ridgetop

Rocky Foothills

Rocky Ridge and Gorge

Stony Rises




















































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3.3 Vertebrate Fauna Species

A total of 312 species of vertebrate fauna were identified during the desktop assessment as previously

being recorded and/or having the potential to occur in the Development Envelope. Of these, 31 species

are of conservation significance, comprising ten mammals, 17 birds and four reptiles. These are

discussed further below in Section 3.3.1 and Section 3.3.2.

Note that there are ‘no unique assemblages’, no species with restricted ranges, or species required for

ecological integrity known to occur in the Development Envelope and Study Area.

3.3.1 Species Recorded in the Development Envelope

Of the 31 species of conservation significance identified in the desktop assessment, three have been

recorded in the Development Envelope:

• northern quoll (Endangered – EPBC/BC Act);

• ghost bat (Vulnerable – EPBC/BC Act); and

• Pilbara leaf-nose bat (Vulnerable – EPBC/BC Act).

Each of these records are discussed in further detail below.

Northern Quoll

The previous detailed survey by MWH (2018b) documented the northern quoll 38 times within the Study

Area, comprising of trapped individuals, camera trap images and secondary evidence (e.g. scats). All

of these records were collected within Rocky Ridge and Gorge; Drainage Line; Riverine; and Rocky

Foothill (within the vicinity of Rocky Ridge and Gorge) habitats (MWH, 2018b). The presence of two

females (one carrying young) in the Study Area during the previous survey indicates the presence of

nearby den sites and confirms that a breeding population occurs within the Study Area as opposed to

rogue, dispersing males only (MWH, 2018b). Of the 38 northern quoll records, several were located in

the Development Envelope at two different sites, both within Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat. An adult

female northern quoll was captured at one of these sites (NQ-TR-01) (MWH, 2018b). This indicates that

female northern quolls are likely using the Development Envelope for breeding.

Follow up monitoring surveys were undertaken within the Study Area in 2018 (Biologic, 2019c), 2019

(Biologic, 2019d) and 2020 (Biologic, 2021b). During the 2018 monitoring, northern quolls were

detected from 514 motion-sensor camera capture events across the Study Area, which accounted for

14-19 individuals (Biologic, 2019c). Twelve of these capture events occurred within the Development

Envelope at NQ-TR-01 (Biologic, 2019c). Once spot patterning analysis was undertaken, it was found

that these 12 capture events accounted for two individuals (Biologic, 2019c). During the 2019

monitoring, northern quolls were detected from 307 motion-sensor camera capture events across the

Study Area, which accounted for 41 individuals (Biologic, 2019d). Of these, five individuals were

recorded in the Development Envelope, indicating that the population may have risen since the year

before (Biologic, 2019d). During the 2020 monitoring, northern quolls were detected from 242 motion-

sensor camera capture events across the Study Area representing at least 39 individuals, five of which

were recorded in the Development Envelope (Biologic, 2021b). During a recent field survey, Biologic

(2021c) recorded the northern quoll once via secondary evidence (scat) in the Development Envelope

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(Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat), however, it should be noted that methods were not focussed on

quantifying the presence of this species.

The results from current and previous surveys and monitoring suggest that northern quolls occur in a

high density with a permanent breeding population occurring across the Study Area. A high density

population is defined as ‘numerous camera triggers of multiple individuals across multiple cameras and

or traps on the site’ (DoE, 2016). The Study Area was estimated to have a population of 51 northern

quolls in 2019 (Biologic, 2019d). Since the northern quolls recorded in the Development Envelope are

highly likely to be part of the same population as those recorded in other parts of the Study Area, the

northern quolls occurring in the Development Envelope should be considered as being part of a high

density population as defined above by DoE (2016).

Northern quolls are known to occur within a range of habitats, including ironstone and sandstone ridges,

scree slopes, granite boulders and outcrops, drainage lines, riverine habitats dissected rocky

escarpments, open forest of lowland savannah and woodland (Braithwaite & Griffiths, 1994; Oakwood,

1997, 2002, 2008). Rocky habitats tend to support higher densities, as they offer protection from

predators and are generally more productive in terms of availability of resources (Braithwaite & Griffiths,

1994; Oakwood, 2000). Other microhabitat features important to the species include: rock cover;

proximity to permanent water and time since last fire (Woinarski et al., 2008).

The species is likely to occur as a resident within the Study Area. Within the Development Envelope,

habitat critical to the survival of northern quoll (as defined by DoE, 2016), is represented by the Rocky

Ridge and Gorge and the Rocky Foothills habitats, as they will be the primary habitats utilised for

breeding, foraging and dispersing. The northern quoll has been previously recorded within these habitat

types within the Study Area (DBCA, 2020a). The Ironstone Ridgetop may also be utilised for foraging

and dispersal habitat but is not considered critical to the species’ occurrence within the Development


Ghost Bat

Ghost bats roost in deep, complex caves beneath bluffs of low, rounded hills, granite rock piles and

abandoned mines (Armstrong & Anstee, 2000). Armstrong and Anstee (2000) reported high relative

humidity (82-84%) at two known maternity roosts in the Hamersley Ranges. The remaining caves had

relative humidity readings of between 14-31%. While ghost bats appear to prefer roosting in relatively

humid caves, it is thought that temperature is a more important factor influencing roost suitability, with

the species preferring relative warm caves around 23 to 28°C (Baudinette et al., 2000; TSSC, 2016a).

Cave temperatures during the baseline survey were outside the published preferred temperature range

for the species, which did not deter the species from utilising caves during the survey (Biologic, 2021d).

However, microclimate requirements and the species reliability on such parameters are not well


Caves used by the species can be classified into three categories (Biologic, 2015):

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• Night Roosts: only utilised during the night, mostly to feed on prey items or to rest, and are

typically shallow caves and shelters/ overhangs that can be well lit during the day.

• Diurnal Roosts: used for shelter during the day.

• Maternity Roosts: in addition to being used for shelter during the day, these caves have

attributes suitable to support breeding, and ghost bats have been recorded in these caves during

the breeding season, including pregnant females or females with pups.

Ghost bats are known to require a number of suitable caves throughout their home ranges; both due to

temporal factors (i.e. night/ feeding roosts for feeding throughout the duration of the night, as well as

diurnal roosts for resting), and seasonal factors (use of certain caves as maternity roosts, depending

on the right environmental conditions). The presence of diurnal roosts and/ or maternity roosts in an

area is the most important indicator of suitable habitat for ghost bats, and these caves are generally the

primary focus of conservation and/ or monitoring (DBCA, 2019c).

The previous detailed survey by MWH (2018b) documented the ghost bat ten times over six locations

within the Study Area, comprising: two sightings, three scat (all different locations) and five echolocation

records; no records were taken from within the Development Envelope. However, during a monitoring

survey targeting the northern quoll in 2019, six ghost bat scats were opportunistically observed at a

slight overhang (i.e. a forward slanting rock face with indentation) at northern quoll trapping site NQ-

TR-01 (Biologic, 2019b). This location would have been used by the ghost bat(s) as an opportunistic

foraging location.

The ghost bat has been recorded in the Study Area on multiple occasions since this time (Biologic,

2019b, 2019e, 2021a, 2021c) and 42 caves providing some value to the ghost bat are now known to

occur within the Study Area. The three most significant caves recognised for the species are potential

maternity roosts: CO-CA-24, CO-CA-33 and CO-CA-35 (Biologic, 2021d). Cave CO-CA-24 is a shallow

but well protected cave, located within the Development Envelope. Since its discovery by Biologic

(2021c), individuals have consistently been recorded using this cave, including a record of 20 individuals

and scats containing elevated progesterone (female pregnancy hormone) (Biologic, 2021d). CO-CA-33

is a deep natural cave (~20 m) located south of Stage 1, approximately 4.79 km south of the Split Rock

pit (Figure 3.1). The number of scats observed at CO-CA-33 (1,200) is indicative of usage by large

groups and/ or consistent usage by ghost bats over time. Ultrasonic monitoring has indicated that the

roost was being used by multiple individuals in January 2021 and potential juvenile social calls were

recorded (Biologic, 2021d). Cave CO-CA-35 is a historical gold mining adit located approximately

5.58 km south-west of the southern pit within the Development Envelope (Figure 3.1). While the adit

has not been accessed due to safety concerns, ultrasonic monitoring has indicated that the roost was

being used by multiple individuals in January 2021 and potential juvenile social calls were recorded

(Biologic, 2021d). A series of diurnal roosts are also known to occur in the area, including six diurnal

roosts and two potential diurnal roosts within the Development Envelope (Table 3.2), and six diurnal

roosts and one potential diurnal roost outside the Development Envelope (Table 3.3).

Of the eleven caves recorded within the Development Envelope, one was identified as a potential

maternity roost for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), five were identified as diurnal roosts for the ghost bat

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(CO-CA-20, CO-CA-21, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-27 and CO-CA-34), three were identified as potential

diurnal roost (CO-CA-25, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29), and two were identified as night roosts (CO-CA-

23 and CO-CA-26) (Table 3.2). Whilst CO-CA-34 was confirmed as a diurnal roost, the cave is very

shallow and had no evidence of long-term use, suggesting that it is used on an opportunistic and

temporary basis only. Of the caves recorded, three are located within Ironstone Ridgetop habitat (CO-

CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29), whilst the remainder are located within Rocky Ridge and Gorge

habitat. Due to the presence of roosting caves within the Ironstone Ridgetop and Rocky Ridge and

Gorge habitats, these two habitats are considered important for the ghost bat, and caves CO-CA-22,

CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27 are considered critical habitat for the species. Foraging and dispersal habitat

is provided by all habitat types, including Rocky Foothills and Stony Rises, however the species is

unlikely to be dependent on these within the Development Envelope.

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat

The previous detailed survey by MWH (2018b) recorded the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat in the Study Area

from 41 records, including four direct sightings, 37 echolocation recordings and one night of video-

census recording. Of these records, most were from Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat (26 records) while

Ironstone Ridgetop had the next numerous (six records) (MWH, 2018b). The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat has

previously been recorded once (from calls) within the Development Envelope (MWH, 2018b).

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat calls were recorded at five of the caves sampled (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-21, CO-

CA-22, CO-CA-23 and CO-CA-24) and one general foraging habitat site (VCRD-12; located in Ironstone

Ridgetop habitat) by Biologic (2021c). The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat was recorded at water feature CO-

WS-16 by Biologic (2021c) as well as at CO-WS-04 by MWH (2018b).

Pilbara leaf-nosed bats roost in undisturbed caves, deep fissures or abandoned mine shafts. The

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat’s limited ability to conserve heat and water (Armstrong, 2001) means it requires

warm (28–32ºC) and very humid (85–100%) roost sites in caves (Armstrong, 2001; Churchill, 1991)

and/or mine shafts as these enable the individuals to persist in arid climates by limiting water loss and

energy expenditure (van Dyck & Strahan, 2008). Such caves are relatively uncommon in the Pilbara

(Armstrong, 2000; Armstrong & Anstee, 2000), which limits the availability of diurnal roosts for this

species. During the winter, approximately March to August, Pilbara leaf-nosed bats aggregate in

colonies within caves that provide a suitably warm, humid microclimate; however, the species disperses

from these main colonies during the wet season, approximately September to February, when suitably

humid caves are more widely available (TSSC, 2016b). The level of dispersal in the wet season may

also be influenced by the seasonal availability of food resources (Churchill, 1994). TSSC (2016b)

categorised underground refuges used by the species into four categories:

• Permanent Diurnal Roosts (Priority 1 – critical habitat for daily survival): are occupied year-

round and are likely to be the focus for some part of the 9-month breeding cycle.

• Non-Permanent Breeding Roosts (Priority 2 - critical habitat for daily and long-term survival):

are used during some part of the 9-month breeding cycle but not year-round.

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• Transitory Diurnal Roosts (Priority 3 – critical habitat for daily and long-term survival): are

occupied outside the breeding season and could facilitate long distance dispersal.

• Nocturnal Refuge (Priority 4 – not considered critical but important for persistence in a local

area): are occupied or entered at night for resting, feeding or other purposes (excluding


Of the eleven caves within the Development Envelope, eight were confirmed or identified as nocturnal

refuges for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and three were classed as potential night roosts. No evidence of

diurnal roosting was observed within these caves or indicated by ultrasonic call recordings. Instead, it

is likely that the Pilbara leaf-nosed bats recorded during the field survey originated from CO-CA-01

(permanent diurnal roost; located approximately 495 m to the east of the Development Envelope; refer

to Figure 3.1) or CO-CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost; located approximately 3.98 km to the south

of the Development Envelope and 8 km south of the southern pit; refer to Figure 3.1). Other caves,

including six nocturnal refuges of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, were also recorded by MWH (2018b),

nearly all of which lie to the east and south of the Development Envelope (Figure 3.1). The closest cave,

CO-CA-05, lies approximately 280 m east of the Development Envelope (and within the Stage 1

Development Envelope) and is intermittently used as a roosting location for Pilbara leaf-nosed bats

(Biologic, 2019b). The type and quality of potential foraging habitat surrounding known or suspected

roost sites can be critical to the survival of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (TSSC, 2016b) so the Rocky Ridge

and Gorge habitat within the Study Area is considered critical foraging habitat for this species.

3.3.2 Species Potentially Occurring in the Development Envelope

Other species of conservation significance may occur in the Development Envelope despite not having

been recorded. Based on the occurrence of nearby records and the types of habitats present in the

Development Envelope, four species of conservation significance identified in the desktop review

(Biologic, 2021c) are considered highly likely to occur within the Development Envelope. These are:

• Pilbara olive python (Liasis olivaceus barroni) - Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC


• western pebble-mound mouse (Pseudomys chapmani) – listed as a Priority 4 by DBCA;

• peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) – Specially Protected (BC Act); and

• spectacled hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti) – listed as a Priority 3 by


The Pilbara olive python has previously been recorded outside the Development Envelope in the Study

Area on six occasions (MWH, 2018b). The closest record of the western pebble-mound mouse was of

inactive mounds and was located approximately 100 m south of the Development Envelope (inside the

Study Area) (MWH, 2018b). The peregrine falcon was recorded during the previous baseline survey in

Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat approximately 7 km south of Development Envelope (inside the Study

Area) (MWH, 2018b). The peregrine falcon was also recorded opportunistically within the Study Area

during the 2019 monitoring of the northern quoll (Biologic, 2019d). The closest record of the spectacled

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hare-wallaby was approximately 7 km south west of the Development Envelope (inside the Study Area)

(MWH, 2018b).

Based on the occurrence of nearby records and the types of habitats present in the Development

Envelope, two other species of conservation significance identified in the desktop review (Biologic,

2021c) are considered likely to occur within the Development Envelope. These are:

• long-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis longicaudata) - listed as a Priority 4 by DBCA; and

• Gane’s blind snake (Anilios ganei) - listed as Priority 1 by the DBCA.

The closest record of the long-tailed dunnart (undated) was located approximately 26 km north, north-

east of the Development Envelope (DBCA, 2020b). One Gane’s blind snake was recorded

approximately 15 km south-west of the Development Envelope in 2014 (Outback Ecology, 2014).

A further three species are considered possible to occur, namely:

• northern brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis) - Vulnerable under the EPBC

Act and the BC Act;

• fork-tailed swift (Apus pacificus) - Migratory under the EPBC and the BC Act; and

• spotted ctenotus (Ctenotus uber johnstonei) - listed as Priority 2 species by the DBCA.

The remaining 17 species of conservation significance are considered unlikely or highly unlikely to use

the Development Envelope. These were mostly marine and waterbirds that have very specific habitat

preferences that are not present in the Development Envelope. However, brush-tailed mulgara, short-

tailed mouse and greater bilby were also considered unlikely to occur as there is no suitable habitat

present in the Development Envelope.

The night parrot was considered unlikely to occur in the Development Envelope based on the scarcity

of records in the vicinity of the Development Envelope despite targeted sampling, and absence of

suitable habitat. For example, most areas of Triodia lacked large, long-unburnt grasses due to a fire

which occurred in 2013 and there was no representation of preferred foraging habitat (ephemeral

grasslands and chenopod shrublands).

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767892 769892 771892 773892 775892 77789276





























Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy AreaDevelopment EnvelopeDisturbance Footprint

Stage 1 Development Envelope

1 Cave

ATLAS IRONSanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Project Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Figure 3.2: Conservation significantfauna records in the DevelopmentEnvelope and vicinity

Scale: 1:40,000±0 1 2


Conservation Significant FaunaBiologic (2020)

Northern quoll - ENGhost bat - VUPilbara leaf-nosed bat - VU

Database SearchesNorthern quoll - EN

!( Ghost bat - VU!( Pilbara leaf-nosed bat - VU

Orange leaf-nosed bat - P4Spectacled hare-wallaby (mainland) - P4Western pebble-mound mouse, ngadji - P4

Previous ReportsNorthern quoll - ENGhost bat - VUPilbara leaf-nosed bat - VUPilbara olive python - VUSpectacled hare-wallaby - P4Western pebble-mound mouse - P4

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Broad threatening processes for fauna of the Pilbara include such events as over-grazing, frequent

wildfires, exotic species promoting predation and competition, changed hydrological regimes, and the

expansion of mining, agriculture, and tourism (Carwardine et al., 2014). Of these threats, impact

sources inherent to the Project were identified. The mechanisms by which the impact sources can arise

can be generally categorised as either direct, indirect, or both (EPA, 2016). These impact sources can

be permanent or temporary, and result in changes to fauna or fauna habitat beyond the immediate

development (EPA, 2016) or, in this case, beyond the Disturbance Footprint.

4.1 Direct

Direct impacts reduce the diversity and abundance of species in an area through mortality or

displacement of individuals or populations (EPA, 2016). The impact source most commonly causing

direct impacts to fauna is the removal, fragmentation or modification of habitat (EPA, 2016).

4.1.1 Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Recent research has found that the most common threat to Australian threatened taxa is habitat loss,

fragmentation and degradation (Ward et al., 2021). Habitat loss has long been recognised as the single

most important factor in the continuing decline of nearly all species of conservation significance (Cogger

et al., 1993; Garnett et al., 2011; Woinarski et al., 2014) and results from activities associated with the

clearing of land and vegetation for mining (including waste rock and water storage) and infrastructure

(e.g. roads and pipelines) (EPA, 2016), among other things.

Associated with this loss is habitat fragmentation, which can cause division and isolation of local

populations of animals through disruption of movement patterns (Debinski & Holt, 2000). Species most

likely to experience such isolation would be those inhabiting continuous stretches of habitat (e.g. gorges

or rocky breakaways) and those with less mobility, such as sub-fossorial herpetofauna and small

terrestrial mammals (e.g. western pebble-mound mouse). A reduction in population size and reduced

gene flow between separated local groups of these animals could result in founder effects, genetic drift

and increased inbreeding and exacerbate local extinctions (Furlan et al., 2012; Lande, 1999). Clearing

for infrastructure, such as roads and pipelines, could also increase edge effects on the adjacent

vegetation, causing altered levels of predation, restricting or increasing fauna movements, and altering

assemblage structure (Goosem, 2001), resulting in an impact area larger than the actual cleared


The removal, fragmentation, or modification of fauna habitat will occur through activities such as

clearing of vegetation, and the removal of topsoil and landforms. The total Disturbance Footprint for the

Project is estimated to be approximately 124.62 hectares (ha). The main areas of land disturbance are

associated with the construction of a haul road (49.47 ha), waste dumps (36.05 ha) and mining pits

(39.10 ha).

One cave is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of

the Project (CO-CA-34). Of the ten caves to be retained, nine are located within 150 m of a pit area and

one cave (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the Haul Road.

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No water features lie within the Disturbance Footprint. Note that the disturbance footprint areas reported

in this document are approximate and subject to minor change.

4.1.2 Vehicle Strike

Vehicle strike is a known threat to conservation significant fauna of the Pilbara, particularly for nocturnal

species foraging or travelling near roads at night and species that tend to be active on roads (e.g.

basking or foraging) during daytime. For example, northern quolls are known to cross roads (Dunlop et

al., 2014) and are opportunistic foragers known to scavenge roadkill (Radford, 2012), which can lead

to vehicle strike and mortality. Pilbara olive pythons are slow-moving, and many have died on roads

due to a natural instinct to remain still in response to the vibrations of an approaching vehicle (Pearson,

2003). Road deaths caused deliberately by motorists are a recognised threat to Pilbara olive pythons,

particularly when they are often mistakenly identified as a poisonous brown snake (TSSC, 2008b).

The Project will involve the development of a connecting haul road and increase traffic volumes in the

Development Envelope, with an indicative total land disturbance of roads of approximately 49.47 ha. In

addition, the haul road will be up to 16 m wide for two-way traffic and designed to accommodate heavy

vehicles, presenting a higher risk of collision with vertebrate fauna. Ore will be hauled from the Project

via haulage trucks along the new road which will connect the Project to Stage 1.

4.2 Indirect

The impact sources which most commonly cause indirect impacts to fauna are discussed below in

relation to Project and are summarised in Table 4.1.

4.2.1 Introduced Species

Invasive species are one of the most prevalent threats affecting Australian threatened taxa (Ward et al.,

2021). Introduced species pose a range of potential impact sources to Pilbara fauna. Potential impacts

from introduced species include over-grazing and land degradation from introduced herbivores (e.g.

camels (Camelus dromedarius), goats (Capra aegagrus)), competition (e.g. rabbits (Oryctolagus

cuniculus), cats (Felis catus)), habitat degradation from weeds (e.g. buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris)),

poisoning from cane toads (Prugh et al., 2009), disease (e.g. toxoplasmosis (Dickman, 1996)), and

most critically, the introduction of feral predators such as cats and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

(Carwardine et al., 2014). There is ample evidence that predation by introduced species such as feral

cats is a primary factor in the decline of numerous taxa (Burbidge & McKenzie, 1989). In addition,

management of invasive species using poison (e.g. 1080 poison) is identified as a threat for some

mammal species (Woinarski et al., 2014).

Although weeds and feral animals are not a mining specific impact, there is the potential for a range of

invasive species to be introduced or attracted to the area as a result of operational activities such as

development of the haul road and increased traffic movements, waste and water management, and

human habitation. Feral predators are considered likely to occur in greater numbers near areas of

human settlement and roads/ tracks (Andrews, 1990; Brown et al., 2006; Lach, 2008; Mahon et al.,


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Buffel grass is listed as having high ecological impact and rapid invasiveness (DBCA, 2019a), and has

been recorded close to the Development Envelope (within the Study Area) (MWH, 2018b). Introduced

species that have been recorded in the Study Area include cat, camel, dog/dingo, European cattle and

house mouse (Mus musculus) (MWH, 2018b). Once established, the presence of introduced species is

considered a permanent impact, as modification to the habitat within the Development Envelope (i.e.

clearing of large areas) opens up landscape for these species, enhancing their ability to forage, transit

and therefore reside in the area. Furthermore, the conclusion of pest management practices after mine

closure will allow these species to permanently establish in the Development Envelope.

4.2.2 Increased Light

Altered light environments may affect foraging, reproduction, migration, and communication (Longcore

& Rich, 2004). The most likely disturbance responses of native fauna from increases in light spill are

the avoidance of illuminated areas previously used for foraging by light-sensitive species, or changes

to prey item aggregation for insectivorous species resulting in changes to foraging behaviour. However,

there is a lack of research into the impact of these factors on native fauna in the Pilbara. Temporary

mobile lighting will be installed in the active mine pit and active operational areas.

4.2.3 Increased Noise and Vibration

Species using audible cues for breeding activity, especially bats, birds and amphibians, may experience

disruption to breeding cycles or reduced breeding success due to increased noise. For example, traffic

noise is thought to negatively impact on bird and amphibian communities by masking territorial or mate

attracting calls (Parris & Schneider, 2009; Shannon et al., 2014). Other behavioural responses to

increased noise levels are reduced foraging time, through minimisation to exposure and by increased

vigilance behaviour (Shannon et al., 2014).

Vibration may also disrupt fauna when activities such as blasting are located in proximity to locations

where individuals occur. The impact of vibrations to the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and ghost bat have been

studied previously (Armstrong, 2010; Bullen & Creese, 2014), though thresholds and limits are relatively

unknown. Due to the proximity of blasting areas to roosting locations, it is likely that individuals residing

in the area will be disrupted by vibration and noise caused from blasting activity. Additionally, increased

noise and vibration will be associated with all elements of the Project, particularly around the pit area

and roads.

4.2.4 Dust

Dust can indirectly affect fauna by altering the structure and composition of native vegetation (Farmer,

1993). Dust interferes with photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration and allows penetration of

gaseous pollutants (Farmer, 1993). Most plant communities can be adversely affected by dust

deposition, resulting in alteration of plant community structure (Prajapati, 2012). However, no prior

studies have been able to detect a significant adverse impact of airborne dust on plant function in the

Pilbara (Grierson, 2015). A decline in vegetation quality impacts faunal assemblages by reducing both

food and habitat resources. Within the Development Envelope, increased dust emissions may result

from the pit mining, dumping of waste rock material and from vehicle movements on the haul road.

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4.2.5 Altered Fire Regimes

Fire is a natural process in the Pilbara that commonly arises through lightning strike. However, changes

to fire regimes, particularly when fires are too frequent or intense, can have negative ecological impacts

(Doherty et al., 2016) and adversely impact threatened taxa (Ward et al., 2021). For example,

understory growth that provides many reptiles and mammals with protection from predators can be lost

when fires are too frequent or intense as can certain food resources, such as seeding grass for

graminivorous birds (Carwardine et al., 2014). The impacts of an altered fire regime can vary between

fauna species, and low frequency fires may also have an impact; for example, if the subsequent dense

vegetation inhibits movement. Altered fire regimes have been identified as one of the causes of decline

or extinction of medium-sized mammals in arid Australia (Burbidge & McKenzie, 1989; Burrows et al.,


Although difficult to predict, it is possible that the Project may increase the frequency or intensity of fires

due to potentially increased incidences of ignition caused by an expanded traffic network and increased

traffic movements and/ or a potential increase in grassy fuel load due to increased weeds. Conversely,

the Project may instead reduce the scale/extent of natural wildfires due to infrastructure acting as

firebreaks and on-site management (i.e. fire suppression).

4.2.6 Modification of Water Regimes

Within the Pilbara, the growth of the mining industry presents new challenges for water management,

from alteration of flow regimes and creation of new water sources on the surface (Carwardine et al.,

2014). The Project is located in the Chichester subregion. The Chichester subregion drains to the north

via numerous rivers (e.g. Nullagine, De Grey, Oakover, Shaw, Yule, Sherlock) (Kendrick & McKenzie,


Although there are no water courses within the Development Envelope itself, any diversion of natural

hydrological flows and changes to the extent of watersheds within the Development Envelope could

affect water dependent ecosystems along the Drainage Line habitat outside of the Development

Envelope. Similarly, any rainfall run-off, especially near the waste dump areas, could lead to a possible

decrease in water quality downstream in the catchment.

Two water features are located within the Development Envelope namely, CO-WS-04 and CO-WS-16.

CO-WS-04 is an ephemeral, surface-fed rockpool located downstream of the southern pit. CO-WS-16

is a permanent, seep fed pool located just inside (approximately 2.5 m) the eastern boundary of the

Development Envelope. Although CO-WS-16 would not be directly impacted by the Project, a pit would

be situated uphill from this water feature (approximately 130 m to the closest pit) which may impact its

catchment and influence the ecological community currently in the area. It is concluded that the Project

will not significantly impact water levels upon the pool, nor should water quality be impacted should

Atlas implement the proposed water monitoring program and management procedures outlined by Atlas

Iron (2021b).

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4.3 Cumulative

Potential cumulative ecological impacts are identified in this section by considering the environmental

stressors already operating or approved to operate in the Study Area (i.e. Stage 1), and considering

how these stressors, in conjunction with the potential impacts of the Project will affect vertebrate fauna

of conservation significance. Both the Project and Stage 1 are shown on Figure 1.1.

Cumulative impacts of both stages would result in a reduction in the carrying capacity (i.e. maximum

number of species or individuals that the environment can support) of the of the Study Area, at least for

certain species. Carrying capacity is usually determined by the organism’s resource requirements. For

example, female northern quoll generally have exclusive home ranges (Cook, 2010) so cumulative

habitat loss in the Study Area would equate to a smaller maximum population size for this species into

the future. It should be considered whether the new population size is likely to be sufficient to ensure

ongoing viability.

Impacts from other impact sources (vehicle strike, introduced species, increased levels of light, vibration

and noise, dust, changed fire and water regimes) can also be cumulative (Table 4.1).

It is probable that individuals of at least some species of fauna displaced by the habitat removal for

Stage 1 would be using habitat that is proposed to be lost to accommodate the Project. This may be

pronounced for those fauna species which rely on Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat and Ironstone

Ridgetop habitat.

Cumulative impacts are unlikely to be substantial in Stony Rises and Rocky Foothills habitat as these

habitats would be minimally impacted to accommodate the proposed haul road, and good habitat

connectivity would remain throughout the Study Area.

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Table 4.1: Summary of Project impact sources and potential outcomes on fauna

Impact source Potential impact within the Development Envelope

Impact pathways and potential impacts Potential outcomes on fauna

Removal, fragmentation or modification of habitat (including reduced access, or prevention of access, to feeding or roosting habitats)

• Total land disturbance of approximately 124.62 ha* (including haul road, mining pit, waste dump)

Direct • Habitat loss or reduction in condition

• Mortality or displacement of individuals

• Population fragmentation

• Decline in population size

• Local extinction

• Reduction in the carrying capacity of the environment, or a reduction in the maximum number of species or individuals that the environment can support (usually determined by the organism’s resource requirements)

• Reduced reproductive success

• Reduction in diversity


• Habitat fragmentation and/or reduction in habitat quality of adjacent areas

• Habitat modification or loss due to structural changes (i.e. shafts and adits)

• Responses to disturbance or other behavioural changes in individual animals

• Erosion and altered drainage patterns

Vehicle Strike

• Indicative total length of roads of 6.6 km length (approximately 49.47 ha disturbance*)

Direct • Collision with animals • Mortality or injury of individuals

• Decline in population size

Introduced Species

• Cat, Camel, Dog/Dingo, European Cattle and House Mouse as well as buffel grass have all been recorded within the Study Area (MWH, 2018b).


• Habitat degradation and loss (from grazers and weeds)

• Competition for resources

• Predation

• Increased mortality from toxic introduced species

• Increased mortality resulting from use of poisons as part of management (e.g. 1080 poison)

• Introduction/spread of disease

• Increased fuel loads from grassy weeds

• Mortality of individuals

• Decline in population size

• Local extinction

Increased light

• Unquantified. Temporary mobile lighting will be installed in active mine pit and active operational areas

Direct • Responses to disturbance or other behavioural changes in

individual animals, especially for light sensitive species • Displacement of individuals

• Decline in population size

• Disruption to breeding Indirect • Changes in prey item aggregation for insectivorous

species, resulting in changes to foraging behaviour

Vibration and noise

• Vibration from the operation of heavy machinery and site works, including blasting


• Responses to noise disturbance or other behavioural changes in individual animals

• Species using audible cues for breeding activity may also experience disruption to breeding cycles or reduced breeding success

• Habitat modification or loss due to structural changes from vibration (i.e. shafts, adits)

• Displacement of individuals

• Reduction in carrying capacity of the environment

• Reduction in faunal diversity

• Disruption to breeding

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Impact source Potential impact within the Development Envelope

Impact pathways and potential impacts Potential outcomes on fauna


• Unspecified but increases certain to occur, particularly after blasting

• Potential impacts due to dust settlement will be predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads

Indirect • Potential habitat modification due to degradation of

vegetation or topsoil modification may occur

• Displacement of individuals

• Reduction in carrying capacity of the environment

• Reduction in faunal diversity

Changed Fire Regimes

• Unspecified Indirect

• High frequency or intensity fires can reduce understorey habitat cover and reduce food sources such as seeding grass for graminivorous birds. High frequency fires may impact fire sensitive species (e.g. mulga) or increase dominance of early stage Triodia communities.

• Low frequency fires can result in dominance of senescent vegetation and high fuel loads.

• Reduction in carrying capacity of the environment

• Changes in species compositions

• Reduction in faunal diversity

Modification of water regimes

• Minor reduction to pre-mining runoff for surface catchments present

Direct • Disturbance response from water-dependent species (e.g. migratory avian species, bat species)

• Mortality/ displacement of individuals

• Changes in carrying capacity

• Changes in population size

• Changes in diversity Indirect

• Habitat modification along Drainage Line habitat located beyond the Development Envelope, arising from local hydrogeological changes

• Possible decrease in water quality downstream in the catchment

Cumulative ecological impacts

• Cumulative total of land disturbance of the Project and Stage 1 (approximately 423.6 ha)

• Cumulative disturbance due to vehicle strike, introduced species, increased levels of light, vibration and noise, dust, changed fire and water regimes


• Cumulative habitat loss/ degradation

• Increases in habitat fragmentation

• Responses to disturbance or other behavioural changes in individual animals

• Reduction in local population size/ viability

• Reduction in the carrying capacity of the environment

• Loss of viability of remnant habitat

• Decline in ecosystem health

* Note – disturbance footprint areas reported in this document are approximate and subject to minor change.

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5.1 Within Western Australia

The terms “significant impact” and “significant effect” are not defined in the Environmental Protection

Act 1986. Therefore, the prediction of significance for each potential impact identified in the

Development Envelope is assessed using criteria considered by the EPA in their referral process (EPA,

2018). These criteria were considered and defined by Biologic in Table 5.1 below and are considered

in detail for each conservation significant species in Table 6.3. In summary, the magnitude for every

potential impact source to every species is assessed as Negligible, Low, Moderate or High.

Table 5.1: Impact criteria used to assess the extent for each potential impact source

Criteria Assessment

value Definition


Short-term >1 year

Long-term Years – decades

Permanent Indefinitely


Negligible Displacement or loss of condition in individual animals

Low Loss of individuals but no measurable change in population size

Moderate Demonstrable change in population

High Population persistence threatened


Data deficient Insufficient data exist to quantify the impact pathway or the species’

ecological response


The impact has not been documented during similar mining developments,

but anecdotal accounts and literature reviews of other data suggest it could



A reasonable body of data exist to support the assessment, or the impact

has occurred during similar mining developments and would reasonably

be expected to arise from the current proposal

High The impact is quantifiable and can be predicted with confidence from a

reasoned evidence base

5.2 Matters of National Environmental Significance

For species considered Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) under the EPBC Act,

significant impact criteria developed by DoE (2013) are also used to assess impacts. The criteria

assessed for each species also followed significant impact criteria for Endangered and Vulnerable

species by DoE (2013) as well as the conservation listing advice for specific species where available

(i.e. DBCA, 2017; DEWHA, 2008; TSSC, 2005).

For this Assessment, the definition of a ‘significant impact’ follows that of the DAWE, being an impact

which is important, notable, or of consequence, having regard to its context or intensity. Whether or not

an action is likely to have a significant impact depends upon the sensitivity, value, and quality of the

environment which is impacted, and upon the intensity, duration, magnitude and geographic extent of

the impacts (DoE, 2013). The DoE (2013) state that for an impact to be ‘likely’, it is not necessary for a

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significant impact to have a greater than 50% chance of happening; it is sufficient if a significant impact

on the environment is a real or not remote chance or possibility.

For this Assessment, species listed as MNES (DoE, 2013) that have been confirmed to occur or are

highly likely or likely to Occur within the Study Area have been assessed in accordance with DoE

guidelines (DoE, 2013) to determine whether the Project will have a significant impact on their survival

(refer to Section 6.4). Fauna listed under the EPBC Act but considered possible or unlikely to occur in

the Study Area are not considered in this Assessment. Because these species have not been readily

recorded in the Study Area, it is unlikely that they would occur permanently, in high densities or be

dependent on the Study Area itself. Therefore, even if present, it is unlikely that such species would be

significantly impacted by the Project.

The definitions of important populations for each MNES species have been described below, and the

results of this assessment have been summarised in Section 6.4 and Table 6.4.

5.2.1 Endangered Species

The northern quoll is classified as Endangered under the EPBC Act and has been confirmed to occur

in the Study Area. Criteria for which this species is assessed are based on whether the population in

question is considered a population important for the long-term survival of the species, defined by DoE

(2016) as:

• high density quoll populations, which occur in refuge-rich habitat critical to the survival of the

species, including where cane toads are present;

• occurring in habitat that is free of cane toads and unlikely to support cane toads upon arrival

i.e. granite habitats in WA, populations surrounded by desert and without permanent water; or

• subject to ongoing conservation or research actions (i.e. populations being monitored by

government agencies or universities or subject to reintroductions or translocation).

A high density population may be characterised by numerous camera triggers of multiple individuals

across multiple cameras and or traps on the site (DoE, 2016). Given these definitions, the northern

quolls recorded within the Study Area are likely to be from a resident population which is important for

the long-term survival of the northern quoll. The Study Area was estimated to have a population of 51

northern quolls in 2019 (Biologic, 2019d). The estimated population size in the Study Area is more than

that of Indee Station (annual population sizes between 3 – 12 females and 0 – 3 males), which is

considered to offer the area of highest suitability for northern quolls in the Pilbara (Hernandez-Santin et

al., 2019). The northern quolls recorded in the Development Envelope are highly likely to be part of the

same population as those recorded in other parts of the Study Area. Subsequently, the northern quolls

occurring in the Development Envelope should be considered as being part of a high density population

as defined above by DoE (2016).

For the northern quoll, habitat critical to the survival of the species is defined by DoE (2016) as: habitat

within the modelled distribution of the northern quoll, which provides shelter for breeding, refuge from

fire or predation and potential poisoning from cane toads. Dispersal and foraging habitat associated

with or connecting populations important for the long-term survival of the northern quoll are also

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considered habitat critical to the survival of the northern quoll (DoE, 2016). Within the Development

Envelope, critical habitat is represented by Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat and Rocky Foothills habitat

(Section 3.3.1).

5.2.2 Vulnerable Species

The following species are classified as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and are considered as MNES:

northern brushtail possum, ghost bat, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and Pilbara olive python.

An ‘important population’ of a Vulnerable species is defined by DoE (2013) as a population that is

necessary for a species’ long-term survival and recovery. This may include populations identified as

such in recovery plans, and/ or that are:

• key source populations either for breeding or dispersal;

• populations that are necessary for maintaining genetic diversity; and/or

• populations that are near the limit of the species’ range.

‘Habitat critical to the survival of a species or ecological community’ is defined by DoE (2013) as areas

that are necessary:

• for activities such as foraging, breeding, roosting, or dispersal;

• for the long-term maintenance of the species or ecological community (including the

maintenance of species essential to the survival of the species or ecological community, such

as pollinators);

• to maintain genetic diversity and long-term evolutionary development; and/ or

• for the reintroduction of populations or recovery of the species or ecological community.

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6.1 Impacts to Fauna Habitats

Land clearance is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the EPBC Act, and loss of habitat for

fauna, as a direct result of land clearing and excavation, is considered the primary impact of the Project

on terrestrial vertebrate fauna. The estimated quantity of each habitat that would be impacted by the

Project is presented in Table 6.1. Habitat loss and degradation will likely occur throughout all of the

habitats present (Table 6.1).

The scale of impact is expected to range from Moderate (especially within areas of land clearing for the

proposed pit and waste dump) to Low (for the proposed haul road which will connect Stages and 1 and

2). Habitat loss or degradation is going to occur on the greatest scale in the Ironstone Ridgetop habitat

due to development activities and construction. However, there is habitat connectivity outside of the

Development Envelope and beyond. In addition, none of the habitat types are restricted within or to the

Development Envelope.

Potential indirect impacts on fauna habitat may include changes to fire regimes, reduction in habitat

quality from dust deposition, and increases in the abundance of introduced species (Section 4.2).

The cumulative total of land disturbance due to the Project and Stage 1 is a maximum of approximately

423.60 ha. However, at the time of the assessment of Stage 1, the exact disturbance footprint had not

been finalised so the entire Development Envelope was considered for the purposes of assessing

potential impacts (MWH, 2016b). Cumulative potential disturbance (Project and Stage 1) for habitats

occurring in the Disturbance Footprint is presented in Table 6.1. Cumulative disturbance is likely to be

of greater consequence for fauna of conservation significance in Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat (due

to regular occurrence of caves and water sources which are important for these species) and, to a

lesser extent, Ironstone Ridgetop habitat. Cumulative disturbance could also potentially arise due to

vehicle strike, introduced species, increased levels of light, vibration and noise, dust, changed fire and

water regimes although the scale of this impact is expected to be low overall for most species of

conservation significance.

Table 6.1: Fauna habitats impacted by the Project


Total in Development Envelope

Total in Disturbance Footprint

Cumulative Potential Disturbance (Project

plus Stage 1) in Study Area

ha % ha % ha %1

Ironstone Ridgetop 147.99 60.29 89.11 71.51 255.67 16.57

Rocky Ridge and Gorge 77.55 31.59 25.00 20.06 67.29 3.81

Stony Rises 11.48 4.68 5.86 4.71 84.96 1.10

Rocky Foothills 8.46 3.45 4.64 3.73 15.68 0.35

Total 245.48 100 124.62 100 423.60 2.74 1 = Habitat to be removed within Stage 1 and Stage 2 as a percentage of each habitat within the Sanjiv Study Area

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6.2 Potential Impacts to Habitat Features

One cave is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of

the proposed Project (cave CO-CA-34). Cave CO-CA-34 was confirmed as a diurnal roost for the ghost

bat, however, due to its characteristics (shallow and exposed) it is likely to provide for only temporary

and occasional usage by the species. Of the remaining 10 caves located within the Development

Envelope, nine are located within 150 m of the proposed southern pit, including caves considered critical

habitat for the ghost bat (CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27). The tenth cave (CO-CA-21) is located

within 30 m of the Haul Road. Caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27 were regarded as being

critical habitat for the species (critical habitat for the associated species as adapted from recognised

threats (TSSC, 2016a)) as they were deemed likely (or have previously been demonstrated) to support

regular usage by the local population.

Any bats roosting in these caves at the time of mining would likely be impacted indirectly through noise,

vibration, dust and lighting. It is highly likely that ghost bats and Pilbara leaf-nosed bats would abandon

these caves during construction and mining. However, if the structural integrity and suitable

microclimate of the caves are retained, the bats would be expected to use them post-mining. Damage

or structural collapse due to vibration could occur if vibration levels exceed geotechnical thresholds. In

addition, any reduction in the water catchment that reduces surface water infiltration could decrease

microclimate quality of the affected cave.

Atlas Iron (2021a) completed a laser scan for five of the closest caves to provide further detail on the

distance between the caves and the nearest pit. While the inner pit shells are yet to be finalised, Atlas

have committed to retaining these caves (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2: Distance between caves and the Disturbance Footprint

Cave ID Significance to Ghost

Bat Significance to Pilbara

Leaf-nosed Bat Distance (m) from

Disturbance Footprint

CO-CA-20 Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge ^53

CO-CA-21 Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge ^30 from haul road, 2,247 from southern pit

CO-CA-22 *Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge 15

CO-CA-23 Night roost Nocturnal Refuge 21

CO-CA-24 *Potential maternity roost Nocturnal Refuge 19

CO-CA-25 Potential Diurnal roost Potential Nocturnal Refuge 8

CO-CA-26 Night roost Potential Nocturnal Refuge 14

CO-CA-27 *Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge ^90

CO-CA-28 Potential Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge ^119

CO-CA-29 Potential Diurnal roost Nocturnal Refuge ^144

CO-CA-34 Diurnal roost Potential Nocturnal Refuge To be impacted

* = considered critical habitat; ˆ = measured from front of cave only

There are four water features within, or in very close proximity to, the Development Envelope. Atlas

have applied retention buffers to all water features known from the Development Envelope to ensure

none are lost from clearing for the Project. CO-WS-16 is a permanent, seep fed pool located just inside

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(approximately 2.5 m) the eastern boundary of the Development Envelope. Although CO-WS-16 would

be retained, the closest pit would be constructed approximately 130 m away. This may disturb fauna

which use the water feature (i.e., Pilbara leaf-nosed bat and northern quoll, which have been recorded

there or nearby). However, it is concluded that the Project will not significantly impact water levels upon

the pool, nor should water quality be impacted should Atlas implement the proposed water monitoring

program and management procedures outlined by (Atlas Iron, 2021b).

The other two water features are semi-permanent rockpools (CO-WS-17 and CO-WS-18) and are

located outside of the Development Envelope, approximately 70 m away from the haul road. CO-WS-

17 and CO-WS-18 could potentially be affected by decreased water quality due to runoff during

construction but this is likely to be minimal with appropriate erosion controls in place.

6.3 Potential Impacts on Fauna Species

Overall, habitat removal and degradation are together considered to be the primary impact to fauna of

conservation significance within the Development Envelope. Potential increases to the abundance of

introduced species due to the Project could impact many species of conservation significance via a

range of means including predation, competition for food resources, and further habitat degradation -

especially by introduced grazers. Vehicle strike may also have a moderate impact on some species.

Table 6.3 below summarises the potential impacts of the Project on fauna of conservation significance

that are confirmed, highly likely, likely or possible to occur in the Development Envelope. Other

vertebrate fauna within the Study Area, including common and widespread species, would also be

subject to a similar range of impacts.

It should be noted that, as for all developments, the direct and indirect impact sources that may affect

key receptor species can be difficult to quantify and predict in advance of developments occurring.

Although land clearing or degradation may be estimated, the final impact to the local populations or

regional distribution of a species is difficult to quantify. The extent and magnitude of other impact

sources, such as noise, light, or changed fire regimes, have not been well researched for fauna species

of the Pilbara, and thus this impact assessment is limited in its accuracy.

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Table 6.3: Potential impacts to vertebrate species of conservation significance

Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Species recorded within the Development Envelope

Northern quoll

Dasyurus hallucatus



BC Act


Confirmed (Biologic, 2019c, 2021c)

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

The primary impact is the extent of clearing of core breeding habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge as well as Rocky Foothills). Clearing of Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Stony Rises habitat would result in a reduction in the availability of foraging/ dispersal habitat.


Moderate – The population within the Study Area is most likely permanent and considered a high-density population important for the long-term survival of the species. Although their semelparous nature (Oakwood, 2000) may make them susceptible to local extinction, the species does have good dispersal ability (Spencer et al., 2013; Woolley et al., 2015). Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge and 8.46 ha of Rocky Foothills habitat (considered critical habitat for the northern quoll) is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha and 4.64 ha, respectively) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be lost. A further 94.97 ha of non-critical foraging and dispersal habitat (Ironstone Ridgetop and Stony Rises) would be lost. The preferred habitat of the northern quoll (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Rocky Foothills habitat) extends well outside the Development Envelope (on both sides). Hence, the Project is unlikely to cause fragmentation of habitat for this species. In the short-term individuals displaced by the Project would be expected to disperse into nearby suitable habitat, though the removal of habitat will reduce the long-term carrying capacity of the area.

Low – The preferred habitat for the northern quoll (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Rocky Foothills) extends well outside the Development Envelope and the species is widespread in a regional context. In the Pilbara, the distribution of northern quolls is already fragmented (Hill & Ward, 2010), though regional genetic analysis indicates this has no impact upon genetic diversity (Spencer et al., 2013). Thus, the Project is not expected to significantly increase fragmentation of habitat on a regional scale.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Reduction in local population size

High – Habitat loss and fragmentation by mining and infrastructure development is well recorded as a potential impact on the northern quoll in the Pilbara (Cramer et al., 2016b; Woinarski et al., 2014)

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Moderate – Northern quolls are known to cross roads (Dunlop et al., 2014), and are opportunistic foragers known to scavenge roadkill (Radford, 2012). The species is regularly recorded from both vehicle strike and from being crushed in machinery (Cramer et al., 2016b). The widening of a single access track was found to significantly increase mortalities and led to the extirpation of a population of eastern quolls in Tasmania (Jones, 2000). To date, there has been one reported death of a northern quoll due to vehicle strike within the Study Area. Additionally, there are records from another mine in the Pilbara, such as Abydos DSO project (MWH, 2015, 2016a). Northern quolls have been previously recorded near the site of the proposed haul road, in Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat. Although vehicular use of the proposed haul road would increase the likelihood of mortality for this species, the threat of vehicle strike is likely to subside substantially post-life of the mine.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally, would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

High – The species is regularly recorded from vehicle strike (Cramer et al., 2016b).

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas.


Moderate – Feral predators are considered likely to occur in greater numbers near areas of human settlement and roads/ tracks and are therefore likely to increase as a result of development of the Project. The threat posed by cats to the northern quoll is thought to be severe, although the impacts of cats may be reduced in rugged refuge areas (Woinarski et al., 2014). Northern quoll are susceptible to cane toad toxins (Hill & Ward, 2010). However, cane toads have not yet expanded south through the Pilbara. Invasive weed species may disadvantage northern quolls through inhibiting movement or fostering inappropriate fire regimes (Hill & Ward, 2010).

Low – The presence of introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present in the region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Loss of prey items from competition

• Alteration/degradation of habitat

Moderate – There are no records of cane toads in the Pilbara, although they are predicted to invade the region (Cramer et al., 2016b). The degree to which feral predators are present in the Study Area currently, compared to the potential increase due to development of the Project is relatively unknown, though expected to increase.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near the pit and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Northern quolls are known to occur around mine sites and human dwellings, and to shelter amongst mine infrastructure such as vehicles, machinery and laydown areas (Oakwood, 2008) where there are enhanced levels of light. Higher concentrations of prey items (e.g. insects) may congregate around lights (Oakwood, 2008), affecting normal behaviour and movements of northern quolls.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light disturbance, especially in denning areas

• Changes to prey distribution

Moderate –The extent to which the northern quoll may be affected by light is not well understood, though they are known to occur around mine sites.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near the pit which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Northern quolls are known to occur around mine sites and human dwellings, and to shelter amongst mine infrastructure such as vehicles, machinery and laydown areas (Oakwood, 2008) where there are enhanced levels of noise. Nonetheless, individuals may disperse from areas near the pits during active mining activities.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise disturbance, especially in denning areas

Moderate– The extent to which the northern quoll may be affected by noise is not well understood, though they are known to occur around mine sites.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to the haul road.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Northern quolls have been observed persisting in close proximity to active mines that generate substantial amounts of dust (Nasir et al., 2017). Some contaminants from dust caused by mining activities have been shown to accumulate in the organs of northern quolls (Nasir et al., 2017), however, this evidence came from a manganese mine. In comparison, iron ore dust is considered typically benign (Breathsafe, 2020). Nonetheless, individuals may disperse from area of increased dust if foraging resources are also reduced.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by dust is not well understood

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from altered fire regime in foraging/ denning areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Northern quolls cope with fire in rocky habitats (Cook, 2010). The most detrimental local impact of fire on northern quolls is likely to be through consequential changes in habitat structure and floristics (Hill & Ward, 2010); however certain habitats such as deeply incised Valleys, Gorge/ Gully habitats and Rock Outcrops provide refuge from fire. Fire may also affect reproductive characteristics of northern quolls, or cause increased predation after removal of cover (Hill & Ward, 2010).

Low – The season, frequency, extent and severity of fires are all likely to be key factors influencing regional northern quoll populations (Hill & Ward, 2010). Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Possible loss of prey items

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Potential change in breeding cycles

• Loss of individuals from increased predation

Moderate – Altered fire regimes (causing habitat change and loss) is well recorded as a potential impact for northern quoll in the Pilbara (Cramer et al., 2016b; Woinarski et al., 2014).

Modification of Water Regimes

Minor reduction to pre-mining runoff for surface catchments present

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – CO-WS-16 is a permanent, seep fed pool located just inside (approximately 2.5 m) the eastern boundary of the Development Envelope. Nonetheless, CO-WS-16 would be retained. It is concluded that the Project will not significantly impact water levels upon the pool, nor should water quality be impacted should Atlas implement the proposed water monitoring program and management procedures outlined by Atlas Iron (2021b). Given that northern quolls are known to persist in disturbed environments, and the ecological qualities of the water feature are likely to be retained, the species is not expected to be adversely affected by this impact source.

Low – Although there are no water courses within the Development Envelope itself, any diversion of natural hydrological flows and changes to the extent of watersheds within the Development Envelope could affect water dependent ecosystems along the Drainage Line habitat outside of the Development Envelope. Northern quolls have a heavy reliance on Drainage Line habitats for dispersal (DoE, 2016). Any impacts to this habitat may impact upon movements outside of the Development Envelope.

• Loss of foraging and dispersal habitat

Moderate – The degree to which the reduction to the pre-mining runoff for surface catchments will impact the local water regimes within the Study Area is relatively unknown, though expected to be minimal with correct management.

Ghost bat





BC Act


Confirmed (Biologic, 2019b, 2021c)

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing (and extent of barrier to movement) of/ near roosts which mainly occur in Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat, except three which are situated in Ironstone Ridgetop habitat. All of the types of habitat found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the ghost bat to use for foraging and dispersal and a portion of each would also be impacted by the Project. One diurnal roost is located within the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted. Nine caves are located within 150 m of the southern pit and one cave is located 30 m from the Haul Road


Moderate – Small areas of the Rocky Ridge and Gorge, and Ironstone Ridge habitats support critical roosting habitat for the species, including caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27. One cave, CO-CA-34, considered a diurnal roost is expected to be impacted. The remaining ten caves are not located within the Disturbance Footprint but are located within 150 m of disturbance (Table 6.2). Any ghost bats roosting in these caves at the time of mining would be impacted indirectly through noise, vibration, dust and lighting. It is highly likely that ghost bats would abandon these caves during construction and mining. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them post-mining. It is expected that the southern pit wall will be in proximity (<150 m) to nine caves, including: CO-CA-24 (19 m), CO-CA-22 (15 m), CO-CA-26 (14 m), CO-CA-23 (21 m), CO-CA-25 (8 m), CO-CA-20 (53 m), CO-CA-27 (90 m), CO-CA-28 (119 m) and CO-CA-29 (144 m). Damage or structural collapse due to vibration could occur if vibration levels exceed geotechnical thresholds. In addition, any reduction in the water catchment that reduces surface water infiltration could decrease microclimate quality of the affected cave. Decreased microclimate quality is particularly relevant to cave CO-CA-24 which is a potential maternity roost and CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27 which are diurnal roosts. All of the types of habitat found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the ghost bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb a portion of each.

Low – Genetic analyses suggest that there is a single, large, highly diverse genetic population of ghost bats in the Pilbara region with significant movement between caves (Biologic, 2017). Highly mobile species such as bats may experience disruptions if they are unwilling to fly across large cleared areas while foraging (Hopkins, 2015). However, ghost bats have been demonstrated covering large distances within the Pilbara, including a movement of ~130 km (Biologic unpub. data.) as well as more widely in Queensland, ~50 km (Toop, 1985), suggesting any regional impacts will be minimal. There are 31 caves known to occur outside of the Development Envelope in the surrounding area of which two have been or are expected to be cleared as part of the Stage 1 development, 22 are night roosts or potential night roosts for the species, one is a potential diurnal roost, six are diurnal roosts and two are potential maternity roosts.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments.

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Disruption to breeding cycles

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Moderate - Highly mobile species such as bats may experience disruptions if they are unwilling to fly across large cleared areas while foraging (Hopkins, 2015). The flight paths within the Study Area and beyond preferred by ghost bats are not known. Also, the extent to which the surrounding foraging grounds have reached their carrying capacity is unknown.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Moderate – Mortalities due to vehicle collisions at night may increase as the species often forages close to the ground (Churchill, 2008). Vehicle movements associated with haulage to Stage 1 of the Sanjiv Ridge Project would occur 24 hours a day and may present an increased risk for vehicle strike of ghost bats.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in local population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded vehicular collisions with ghost bats in the region.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas.


Low – Invasive species are unlikely to have a significant effect on ghost bats in the Study Area in comparison to other key threats. It is anticipated that numbers of feral predators, such as feral cats and foxes, and introduced grazers, will not significantly increase with suitable monitoring and management. There is recent evidence that ghost bats prey on cane toads and are susceptible to their toxicity (Purtill, 2014), however, there are no records of cane toads in the Pilbara at the time of writing this report.

Negligible – The presence of introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present in the region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Loss of prey items due to competition

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate - There are no records of cane toads expanding into the Pilbara although they are predicted to invade the region (Cramer et al., 2016a). Cats may prey on ghost bats; however further research is required to determine the magnitude of this threat.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Moderate – Recent research has shown that the effect of artificial light on cave-dwelling bats varies depending on species and also the type of light (Straka et al., 2020). Ghost bats are known to be susceptible to disturbance (R. Bullen, pers. comms. 2019), and strong light sources may confuse or blind foraging ghost bats. Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and one cave (CO-CA-21) is within 30 m of the Haul Road. Ghost bats using these caves are highly likely to be affected by indirect impacts such as artificial lighting, which may contribute to ghost bats abandoning these caves. Re-occupation by ghost bats would be expected to occur contingent on sound structural integrity of the caves post mining. Three additional caves are located within 200 m of the Glen Herring pit (CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and are also likely to be affected by artificial lighting.

Low – Localised increases of artificial light from mining activities is not expected to impact ghost bat colonies in the broader region.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light during mining activities

• Changes to prey distribution

Moderate – Recent research has shown that the effect of artificial light on cave-dwelling bats varies depending on species and also the type of light (Straka et al., 2020). Research is required to determine the impact of the types of lights used in mining on the ghost bat.

Increased Noise and Vibration

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Moderate – Ghost bats are susceptible to disturbance including vibration and noise (Martin, 2012, 2018), and have an observed tendency to vacate roosts in response (TSSC, 2016a). Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29). Ghost bats using these caves are highly likely to be affected by indirect impacts such as increased noise, which may contribute to ghost bats abandoning these caves. Ghost bats would be expected to reoccupy caves after mining provided the structural integrity of caves is maintained. Three other caves are located within 200 m of the southern pit (CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and are also likely to be affected by increased levels of noise. Ghost bats using CO-CA-21 (30 m from the haul road) may be affected by indirect impacts of vehicle movement (such as increased levels of noise and vibration), which may contribute to ghost bats vacating this cave.

Low – Any bats which abandon caves within the Project area as a result of mining activities may find alternative roosts. However, the extent to which alternative roosts and the surrounding foraging grounds have reached their carrying capacity is unknown and thus has potential to impact the species at a regional scale. However, the magnitude of this potential impact is unlikely to be significant. Increased levels of noise and vibration may affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope, along the haulage route.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise during mining activities

• Disruption to breeding cycles

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There is uncertainty surrounding the noise and vibration thresholds that the ghost bat will tolerate, however, it should be noted that many mines have operated without abandonment by ghost bats, including the Abydos DSO project (Biologic, 2019a).


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Moderate – Ghost bats are believed to be susceptible to disturbance such as dust (Martin, 2012, 2018). Ghost bats have excellent vision and it is possible that high dust levels could irritate the eyes or reduce vision and affect their ability to capture prey (TSSC, 2016a). Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and one cave (CO-CA-21) is within 30 m of the Haul Road. Ghost bats using these caves are highly likely to be affected by indirect impacts such as increased levels of dust, which may contribute to ghost bats abandoning these caves. Re-occupation by ghost bats would be expected to occur contingent on sound structural integrity of the caves post mining.

Low – Increased levels of dust would be unlikely to affect individuals outside of the Study Area.

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/degradation of habitat

Moderate – The impact of dust on individuals and foraging habitat is not well studied for ghost bats in the Pilbara, however, it should be noted that many mines have operated without abandonment by ghost bats, including the Abydos DSO project (Biologic, 2019a).

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from altered fire regime in foraging and roosting areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Consideration of fire frequency is relevant to the maintenance of suitable foraging habitat, especially when females are lactating and might require greater food resources (TSSC, 2016a). Although the Project may inadvertently change the frequency of fire, it is not expected to have a significant impact on the species due to the ability to forage widely across a landscape (Augusteyn et al., 2018).

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Temporary loss of foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Possible temporary loss of prey items

Moderate – Although some population declines could be attributed to prey lost through habitat modification by fire (Duncan et al., 1999), there is a lack of research into the impact on changes to season, frequency and extent of fires on a local and regional scale for ghost bats.

Modification of Water Regimes

Minor reduction to pre-mining runoff for surface catchments present. Habitat features reliant on specific water regimes.

Long-term (life of mine)

Moderate – It is believed that ghost bat roost selection is in part related to temperature and humidity (Armstrong & Anstee, 2000; Churchill & M., 1990; Pettigrew et al., 1986). Any reduction in the water catchment that reduces surface water infiltration could decrease microclimate quality of an affected cave. The potential maternity roost (CO-CA-24) and diurnal roosts (CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27) within the Development Envelope are likely to contain specific parameters required by the species and are most likely fed through water recharge through the surrounding geology. The removal of habitat in close proximity to such features has the potential to impact surface water infiltrations and therefore microclimate of particular caves. Any alterations to the recharge of water features in the Development Envelope may also impact upon the local foraging capacity of a site.

Low – Alteration of water regimes within the Development Envelope is unlikely to be a significant issue outside of the Development Envelope.

• Loss of roosting habitat during mining

• Loss of prey items utilizing water sources

Low – The degree to which cave microclimate may be influenced by the Project remains untested. Similarly, there is no contemporary evidence to confirm the importance of microclimate to the species within the Pilbara.

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat





BC Act


Confirmed (Biologic, 2021c; MWH, 2018b)

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing and extent of barrier to movement in foraging/ dispersal habitat (all habitats in the Development Envelope). One cave is in the Disturbance Footprint, nine caves are located within 150 m of the southern pit and one cave is located 30 m from the Haul Road


Low – The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is likely to forage nightly within the Study Area, however, the caves in the Development Envelope are probably not used for diurnal roosting as no evidence of this was found during field surveys. It is likely that these bats originated from CO-CA-01 (permanent diurnal roost; located approximately 495 m to the east of the Development Envelope) or CO-CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost; located approximately 3.98 km to the south of the Development Envelope and 8 km south of the southern pit). These roosts would not be disturbed by the Project. One cave, CO-CA-34, considered a potential nocturnal refuge is expected to be impacted. The remaining ten caves are not located within the Disturbance Footprint but are located within 200 m of disturbance (Table 6.2). Pilbara leaf-nosed bats may be deterred from using these caves due to the indirect impacts of noise, vibration, dust and lighting. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them post-mining. Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29). Due to the proximity, the caves’ structure and microclimate may be compromised. While nocturnal refuges are important for the persistence of the species in the local area, they are not considered critical to the survival of the species (TSSC, 2016b). At the time of writing, additional studies are being undertaken by Atlas in relation to potential impacts on and management of these caves.

All of the habitat types found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb a portion of each. Water features are important for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat as foraging and drinking sources. No water features are found within the Disturbance Footprint. However, four water features are located within or very close to the Development Envelope, including CO-WS-16 a permanent, seep fed pool located just inside (approximately 2.5 m) the eastern boundary of the Development Envelope.

Low – A local population decline has the potential to contribute to a population decline at a regional level, especially if critical habitat is lost and a significant proportion of the regional population is affected (TSSC, 2016b). However, this is unlikely to result from the Project.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Disruption to breeding cycles

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Moderate - Highly mobile species such as bats may experience disruptions if they are unwilling to fly across large cleared areas while foraging (Hopkins, 2015). The flight paths within the Study Area and beyond preferred by Pilbara leaf-nosed bats are not known.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Moderate – the species is known to be susceptible to strikes from vehicles (TSSC, 2016b). Five records of the species in the Pilbara are from roadkill (Fortescue Roadhouse, 1990; near Tom Price, 1995; near Yarrie, 2005), or specimens found in carparks, presumably after falling off the vehicle (Millstream, no date; Karratha, 1985) (Armstrong, 2001). They tend to fly relatively low and display a curiosity for light sources, which increase the chance of mortality along roads (Cramer et al., 2016a). Local decline of the species may occur if a busy haul or access road is to be located close to a known foraging site. Vehicle movements associated with haulage to Stage 1 of the Sanjiv Ridge Project would occur 24 hours a day and may present an increased risk for vehicle strike of ghost bats.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in local population size

High - The species is known to be susceptible to strikes from vehicles (TSSC, 2016b).

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas.


Low – The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat has been exposed to the degradation and modification of natural habitats caused by introduced species such as invasive weeds, domestic herbivores and other larger feral ungulates since the arrival of Europeans (TSSC, 2016b). Buffel grass has been recorded within the Study Area (MWH, 2018b). Invasive species are unlikely to have a significant effect overall, and in comparison, to other key threats. It is anticipated that numbers of feral predators, such as feral cats may increase during the development, and are a known predator of the species (Woolley et al., 2019). However, the number of individuals is expected to be low.

Low – there is unlikely to be a significant impact on a regional scale to Pilbara leaf-nosed bat from introduced species.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Loss of prey items from competition

• Alteration/degradation of habitat

Moderate – The impacts of feral predators, such as feral cats and foxes, and introduced grazers, upon the species is relatively unknown.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The species displays a curiosity for light sources (TSSC, 2016b), and foraging Pilbara leaf-nosed bats have been recorded as attracted to artificial lights (car headlights, head torches and mine site lights) (Cramer et al., 2016a), which may make them more susceptible to vehicle strike or predation. The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat has been observed to tolerate lighting associated with mining (MWH, 2014). Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29). It is highly likely that the use of these caves by Pilbara leaf-nosed bats during construction and mining would be impacted, partially due to artificial lighting. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them as nocturnal refuges post-mining. A nocturnal refuge (CO-CA-21) is located approximately 30 m from the proposed haul road in the south of the Development Envelope (Figure 6.2). The use of this cave as a nocturnal refuge by this species may be affected by vehicle headlights, however, any impact is expected to be minimal.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact on a regional scale to the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat from increased levels of light.

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

Moderate - There is uncertainty surrounding the light thresholds that the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat will tolerate with respect to artificial lighting.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is recorded as being susceptible to the impacts of noise and vibration. However, it has been noted that there has been no observation that bats vacate an area or structure during the period when mining is undertaken, as long as the caves or gullies nearby remain intact (Cramer et al., 2016a). Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29). It is highly likely that the use of these caves by Pilbara leaf-nosed bats during construction and mining would be impacted, partially due to artificial lighting. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them as nocturnal refuges post-mining. A nocturnal refuge (CO-CA-21) is located approximately 30 m from the proposed haul road in the south of the Development Envelope (Figure 6.2). The use of this cave as a nocturnal refuge by this species may be affected by traffic noise, however, any impact is expected to be minimal.

Low – Increased levels of noise and vibration are not expected to significantly affect individuals outside of the in the region.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise during mining activities

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There is uncertainty surrounding the noise and vibration thresholds that the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat will tolerate.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The species is recorded as being susceptible to dust impacts, although Armstrong (Cramer et al., 2016a) noted that there has been no observation that bats vacate an area or structure during the period when mining is undertaken, including when in proximity to dust. Nonetheless, nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and one cave (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the Haul Road. It is highly likely that the use of these caves by Pilbara leaf-nosed bats during construction and mining would be impacted, partially due to increased levels of dust. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them as nocturnal refuges post-mining.

Negligible – on a regional scale, there is unlikely to be a significant impact from increased dust levels on the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat.

• Temporary disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate - Pilbara leaf-nosed bats are recorded as being susceptible to the impacts of dust; however, the impact on individuals and foraging habitat is not well studied for the species.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from altered fire regime in foraging and roosting areas.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Consideration of fire frequency is relevant to the maintenance of suitable foraging habitat, especially when females are lactating and might require greater food resources (TSSC, 2016b). Although the Project may inadvertently change the frequency of fire, it is not expected to have a significant impact on the species.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Possible temporary loss of prey items

Moderate – Although some population declines could be attributed to prey lost through habitat modification by fire (Duncan et al., 1999), there is a lack of research into the impact on changes to season, frequency and extent of fires on a local and regional scale for Pilbara leaf-nosed bats.

Modification of Water Regimes

Minor reduction to pre-mining runoff for surface catchments present. Habitat features reliant on specific water regimes.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Pilbara leaf-nosed bats are highly reliant on humid conditions at roost sites, particularly diurnal roosting sites (Armstrong, 2001; Baudinette et al., 2000). The removal of habitat in close proximity to caves known to the species has the potential to impact surface water infiltrations and therefore microclimate of particular caves. However, given that such caves do not represent diurnal roosts for the species and or the relative activity levels are low compared with nearby roosts, it is unlikely that that humidity and therefore surface water infiltrations is an important part of the species’ presence in the area.

Low – Alteration of water regimes within the Development Envelope is unlikely to be a significant issue outside of the Study Area.

• Loss of foraging habitat during mining

• Loss of prey items utilising water sources

Low – The degree to which cave microclimate may be influenced by the Project remains untested.

Species considered highly likely to occur within the Development Envelope

Pilbara olive python

Liasis olivaceus barroni



BC Act


Highly likely Closest record ~500 m east of Development Envelope (inside Study Area) (MWH, 2018b).

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

The primary impact is the extent of clearing and fragmentation in core habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop). Clearing of Rocky Foothills habitat would also result in a reduction in the availability of foraging/ dispersal habitat.


Moderate – Destruction of habitat is an identified threat to the species (TSSC, 2008b). Although the Pilbara olive python has not been recorded within the Development Envelope. This species has previously been recorded outside the Development Envelope but within the Study Area on six occasions (Biologic, 2021c). Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project. Approximately 4.64 ha of Rocky Foothills habitat, which is used for foraging and dispersal by this species, would also be removed. No water features are located within the Disturbance Footprint. Pilbara olive python may disperse over roads but drains and pits will represent barriers to movement so a degree of partial fragmentation of habitat may occur due to the Project.

Low – The species is known to be widespread in the surrounding region, and the preferred habitat for this species extends well outside the Study Area. Although males occupy a distinct home range, travelling up to 4 km during breeding season to locate females (Pearson, 2003), only minor impacts at a regional scale are expected.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Moderate – Some level of habitat disturbance appears to be tolerated by the Pilbara olive python. Numerous nearby records exist, and Pilbara olive pythons are a large species with higher dispersal capabilities and home ranges (Pearson, 2003; Tutt et al., 2004).

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Moderate – The species is slow-moving, and many have died on roads due to a natural instinct to remain still in response to the vibrations of an approaching vehicle (Pearson, 2003). A new haul road will be constructed as part of the Project and road usage in general will increase substantially during the development and operation of the mine. However, it is anticipated that Project staff would receive training to ensure collisions with the Pilbara olive python are avoided, where possible.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – Vehicle strike is a well recorded threat for the species, and there may be unrecorded deaths from vehicular collisions within the Study Area.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas


Low – Predation by introduced species (cats, foxes, dogs), particularly on juveniles, is identified as a major threat (TSSC, 2008b). Predation by cats, foxes and dogs on the prey that the Pilbara olive python relies upon as a food source is also a threat (Ellis, 2013). Feral predators are considered likely to occur in greater numbers near areas of human settlement and roads/tracks (Andrews, 1990; Brown et al., 2006; Lach, 2008; Mahon et al., 1998) The presence of introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated locally by the Project.

Low – The presence of introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated locally by the Project, however, there is unlikely to be a significant increase in regional predation or weeds due to the Project.

• Direct loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

• Loss of prey items

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate – Predation by introduced species has been well recorded for the Pilbara olive python. Further research is required to determine the impact of cane toads on the Pilbara olive python.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the Pilbara olive python is affected by increased levels of artificial light is not well understood, however, the main impact of light generated by the Project is likely to be possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light and changes to prey distribution.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light

• Changes to prey distribution

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of light is not well understood.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - Although they lack eardrums, snakes possess inner ears which are able to pick up not only ground-borne vibrations but low frequency airborne sounds. Pilbara olive pythons disturbed by noise generated by the Project are likely to disperse from greatly enhanced levels of noise. Their ability to habituate to noise is not well known.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not well understood.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the Pilbara olive python is affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood, however, the main impact of dust generated by the Project is likely to be the alteration/ degradation of habitat.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Temporary disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in foraging/ denning areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The most detrimental local impact of fire on the species is likely to be through consequential changes in habitat structure and floristics, and possible loss of prey items. Although the Project may inadvertently cause changes to the frequency of fire, it is not expected to have a significant impact on this species.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality

• Increased vulnerability to predation due to loss of habitat cover

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Possible loss of prey items

Low - There is a lack of research into the impact of different fire regimes for Pilbara olive pythons on a local and regional scale.

Modification of Water Regimes

Minor reduction to pre-mining runoff for surface catchments present. Habitat features reliant on specific water regimes.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Waterholes and sources are an important feature for the Pilbara olive python representing key foraging sources (Pearson, 2003). There are four water features located within or very close to the Development Envelope, including CO-WS-16, which is a permanent, seep fed pool located on the eastern boundary of the Development Envelope. Although all water features would be retained, a pit would be situated approximately 130 m upstream and may result in small amount of rockfall and increased sediment in runoff. It is concluded that the Project will not significantly impact water levels upon the pool, nor should water quality be impacted should Atlas implement the proposed water monitoring program and management procedures outlined by Atlas Iron (2021b). However, it is likely that the water pool may be somewhat impacted, and in addition to other impact sources, temporarily deter individuals from the area

Low – Sources of permanent water are of high ecological value in the Pilbara (Carwardine et al., 2014); however changes to water quality or regimes from the Project is unlikely to have an impact on regional populations of the Pilbara olive python.

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Loss of prey items utilizing water sources

Moderate - Habitat quality is strongly influenced by the presence of water sources (Pearson, 2003). The degree to which habitats within the Study Area will be impacted by altered water regimes is relatively unknown, though is expected to be minimal.

Peregrine falcon

Falco peregrinus

BC Act Specially Protected

Highly likely Confirmed inside Study Area (outside of the Development Envelope) (Biologic, 2019d; MWH, 2018b).

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

The primary impact is the extent of clearing on core habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge; mainly foraging/ dispersal habitat but potential nesting habitat along high ridges/ rocky ledges). Clearing of other foraging/ dispersal habitat (Stony Rises; Ironstone Ridgetop; and Rocky Foothills) would result in a reduction in the availability of foraging/ dispersal habitat.


Low – The peregrine falcon is a habitat generalist and although it has not been recorded within the Development Envelope, this species has been recorded in the Study Area (Biologic, 2019d; MWH, 2018b). The peregrine falcon is highly mobile and can easily move away from disturbances, making it less susceptible to being impacted by the Project. The Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat provides potential nesting habitat along high ridges/ rocky ledges. Approximately 25.00 ha of this habitat would be lost due to the Project, however, fragmentation of habitat is not likely to occur.

Low – Suitable habitat for the peregrine falcon is widespread and common in the region. The Project is unlikely to have an impact on this species at a regional scale due to its general habitat preference, high mobility and large distribution.

• Displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

Moderate – The species is highly mobile and a habitat generalist.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – Peregrine falcons generally only occasionally scavenge carcasses (Olsen, 1995) (e.g. roadkill) so they are less likely to be struck by vehicles.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded vehicular strikes within the Study Area or nearby.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas

Permanent Low – Increases in introduced species used as prey may benefit the peregrine falcon. Peregrine falcon nestlings and fledglings may fall prey to introduced predators such as cats and foxes.

Low – there is unlikely to be a significant impact on a regional scale to the peregrine falcon from introduced species.

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat, including increases to fuel load

Moderate – This species is known to occur in highly disturbed areas alongside introduced species.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The peregrine falcon is known to sometimes occur around human habitation and activities where there are enhanced levels of light (e.g. high-rise buildings in some Australian capital cities and power stations) and therefore has some ability to habituate to light disturbances.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of artificial light, especially in roosting areas

Moderate – Although peregrine falcons are known to inhabit highly artificial environments (e.g. cities and power stations), the extent to which this species is affected by light is not well researched.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The peregrine falcon is known to sometimes occur around human habitation and activities where there are enhanced levels of noise (e.g. on high-rise buildings in some Australian capital cities and on power stations) and therefore has some ability to habituate to noise disturbances.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Moderate – Although peregrine falcons are known to inhabit highly artificial environments (e.g. cities and power stations), the extent to which this species is affected by noise is not well researched.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The impact of dust from mines has not been well-studied for the peregrine falcon. Some degradation of foraging habitat is likely to occur. Iron ore dust is considered typically benign (Breathsafe, 2020).

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/degradation of habitat

Moderate – The impact of dust on individuals and foraging habitat is not well-studied for the peregrine falcon.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from altered fire regime in foraging and roosting areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Frequent fire may impact the quality of foraging habitat available to the species.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Potential loss of nestling individuals from direct mortality

• Possible loss of prey items

Low – The species response to fire and changes to fire regimes is not well researched.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – This species is likely to use Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitats for foraging. Modification to existing water regimes and water quality from mining activities may impact suitable habitat for this species by affecting availability of prey.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the peregrine falcon in the region.

• Changes to foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Displacement of individuals

Moderate – The degree to which habitats within the Development Envelope will be impacted by altered water regimes is relatively unknown, though is expected to be minimal.

Western pebble-mound mouse

Pseudomys chapmani DBCA Priority

Priority 4

Highly likely Closest record ~100 m south of the Development Envelope (inside the Study Area) (MWH, 2018b).

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing and fragmentation of core habitat (Stony Rises; Ironstone Ridgetop; Rocky Foothills)


Low – Individuals within mounds are known to have small “core” home ranges (0.29-0.93 ha), and do not use secondary mounds, indicating that they are utilising a patchy food resource (Anstee et al., 1997). Although the species can potentially use three of the habitat types in the Development Envelope, the western pebble-mound mouse is a habitat specialist and any individuals within the Development Envelope are likely to be negatively impacted by any ground disturbances on a local level. However, clearing for roads is unlikely to cause a barrier to movement between local populations, as small rodents are known to readily cross roads and use culverts (Queensland Department of Main Roads, 2000).

Low – The distribution of the species is strikingly fragmented by unsuitable plains and it is unlikely that the species can disperse across substantial barriers within the region (Ford & Johnson, 2007). However, the species and its core habitat are widespread in the local region and throughout the Pilbara, and despite the smaller body size (which limits long-distance dispersal) (Whitmee & Orme, 2013), only minor or no impacts at a regional scale are expected.

• Loss/displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of core habitat

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Moderate – Despite no active mounds being recorded in the Development Envelope, this species is widespread and common through the region and has been confirmed to have occurred in the Study Area.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – As a rodent, the western pebble-mound mouse has a high fecundity and boom-bust life-mode which enables populations to recover from individual deaths (Start et al., 2000), including fatalities caused by collisions with vehicles.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Direct loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded deaths from vehicular collisions within the Development Envelope.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas


Low – Feral predators (e.g. cats, foxes, dogs etc) are considered likely to occur in greater numbers near areas of human settlement and roads/ tracks (Andrews, 1990; Brown et al., 2006; Denny et al., 2002; Eco Logical, 2015; Lach, 2008; Mahon et al., 1998). Predation by these species is likely to be a contributing factor to the decline of this species. However, this threat will be actively managed for the life of the Project.

Low – The presence of introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present in the region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate – Predators such as feral cats and foxes are unlikely to significantly increase with suitable monitoring and management.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The species is quite adaptable and may acclimatise to certain disturbances, such as artificial light as evident from active mounds observed adjacent to exploration camps (e.g. M. O’Connell, pers. obs.).

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light

• Changes to prey distribution

Moderate – This species is thought to tolerate a small amount of disturbance. The impact of artificial light on individuals is not well studied for the western pebble-mound mouse.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The species is quite adaptable and may acclimatise to certain disturbances, such as noise as evident from active mounds observed adjacent to exploration camps (e.g. M. O’Connell, pers. obs.).

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Moderate – This species is thought to tolerate a small amount of disturbance. The impact of increased levels, and different types, of noise on individuals is not well studied for the western pebble-mound mouse.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The impact of dust from mines has not been studied for the western pebble-mound mouse. Some degradation of foraging habitat is likely to occur. Iron ore dust is considered typically benign (Breathsafe, 2020).

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Temporary disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate – The impact of dust on individuals and foraging habitat is not well studied for the western pebble-mound mouse.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The western pebble-mound mouse has persisted in more fire-prone habitats, and it is noted as unlikely that fire has been a significant, causative factor in their decline (Start et al., 2000). Indeed, western pebble-mound mice persist in their core spinifex habitats, and mounds are still actively tended, after fires have removed surrounding vegetation (Start et al., 2000). Populations can retain density well in the initial post-fire period (Start et al., 2000).

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality, and increased predation from loss of habitat cover

• Loss of habitat cover (i.e. mature spinifex)

Moderate – The species is known to persist or recover well post-fire.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to this species.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to this species.

• Nil

High – Unlikely that habitats utilised by this species will be impacted by altered water regimes.

Spectacled hare-wallaby

(Lagorchestes conspicillatus leichardti)

DBCA Priority

Priority 3

Highly likely Closest record ~7 km southwest of the Development Envelope (inside the Study Area) by MWH (2018b).

Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing/ barrier to movement on potential habitat (Stony Rises)


Low – there are no records within the Development Envelope, however, the spectacled hare-wallaby has been previously recorded ~7 km SW of the Development Envelope (inside Study Area) (MWH, 2018b). A small quantity of habitat suitable for the spectacled hare-wallaby (5.86 ha of Stony Rises habitat) would be removed by the Project for the proposed haul road. The spectacled hare-wallaby is larger species with good dispersal capabilities, thus would be expected to be able to move away from disturbances (e.g. land clearing). There is good connectivity to the same habitat beyond the boundary of the Development Envelope.

Low – Little is known of the regional distribution of this species; however, it is unlikely that any local impacts of the Project would manifest at a regional scale.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of potential habitat (Stony Rises)

Moderate – The species is highly unlikely to experience significant loss of habitat, and as a medium sized mammal the species is likely to be able to overcome local barriers to movement

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – The spectacled hare-wallaby is more active at night, when it forages on shrubs, grasses, and herbs (Burbidge, 1983). This reduces the likelihood of collisions with vehicles because vehicles associated with the Project will be less active at night. Nonetheless, the proposed haul road will dissect suitable habitat (Stony Rises) so some fatalities may occur.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill, the number of individuals affected regionally is not considered significant.

• Direct loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded deaths from vehicular collisions within the Study Area.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas


Low – Significant threats to the species include predators and impacts to core habitat from grazing (Broome Bird Observatory, 2017). Feral cats are thought to be responsible for the local extinction of the spectacled hare-wallaby on the Montebello Islands (Burbidge & Johnson, 1995).

Low – although predation by introduced species is recorded as one of most significant threats to the species, there is unlikely to be a significant increase in predation due to the Project in the broader region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat from grazers

Moderate – Predation by introduced species is thought to have been responsible for the local extinction of the spectacled hare-wallaby on nearby Montebello Islands (Burbidge & Johnson, 1995).

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – If this species is present in the Development Envelope, it is likely to be present in low densities and in areas away from the proposed infrastructure and any associated increased levels of artificial light.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light, if present.

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of light is not well understood.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – If the spectacled hare-wallaby is present in the Development Envelope, it is likely to be present in low densities and in areas away from the main source of noise (blasting in the mining pits). However, the proposed haul road will traverse habitat suitable for the Spectacled Hare-wallaby (Stony Rises habitat). Any individuals, if present after the haul road is constructed, may experience a low level of noise disturbance from vehicular traffic.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise, if present.

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not well understood.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – If the spectacled hare-wallaby is present in the Development Envelope, it is likely to be present in low densities and in areas away from the main source of dust (blasting in the mining pits). Any individuals, if present, may be affected by dust generated by vehicular traffic if in areas close to the haul road.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – All sites occupied by the species have potentially suitable shelters (shrubs, grass tussocks or spinifex hummocks) within 50 m of the feeding areas (Ingleby & Westoby, 1992). Although the spectacled hare-wallaby may feed in areas regenerating after fire (Maxwell et al., 1996), frequent fires can decrease the suitability of the core habitats to provide shelter for the species and lead to the exacerbation of feral predation.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality

• Increased predation from loss of habitat cover

• Loss of habitat cover (i.e. mature spinifex)

• Change in food availability

Moderate – The species is known to require shelter in close proximity to feeding sites, and any increases in fire frequency or severity is likely to decrease the habitat suitability within the Study Area.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

• Nil

High – Unlikely that habitats utilised by the species will be impacted by altered water regimes.

Species considered likely to occur within the Development Envelope

Long-tailed dunnart

Sminthopsis longicaudata

DBCA Priority

Priority 4


Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing and fragmentation on habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge; Ironstone Ridgetop; and Rocky Foothills).

Permanent Low – The species is a habitat specialist to rocky scree and plateau areas and thus clearing of such habitat may directly impact the species (Burbidge et al., 2008).

Low – In consideration of the species smaller body size (which limits long-distance dispersal), the highly patchy nature of records and the distance between populations, the dispersal ability of this species is potentially very poor (WAM, 2019). However, the core habitat extends beyond the Study Area boundary and is considered widespread in the region and throughout the Pilbara. Hence only minor impacts at a regional scale are expected.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of core habitat

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

• Loss of genetic diversity

Moderate – No records exist within the Study Area; however, potentially suitable habitat for this species will be impacted by the Project.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – no records of the long-tailed dunnart exist within the Study Area; however, this species is likely to occur within the Development Envelope. Long-tailed dunnarts have a relatively high fecundity which allows populations to recover from individual deaths (McKenzie et al., 2008).

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Direct loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded deaths from vehicular collisions within the Study Area.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas


Low – Although predation by introduced species is listed as a threat, introduced species (particularly cats and foxes) are unlikely to significantly increase with suitable monitoring and management. Buffel grass, noted as a threat due to its capacity to alter habitat structure and increase fire hazard (Crowley, 2008), has been recorded within the Study Area previously.

Low – Although predation by introduced species is recorded as one of most significant threats to the species, there is unlikely to be a significant increase in predation due to the Project in the broader region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat, including increases to fuel load

Low – The cause of the species’ decline is not well defined, but assumed to be from a range of impact sources, including predation (Crowley, 2008).

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the long-tailed dunnart is affected by increased levels of light is not well understood, however, the main impact of light generated by the Project is likely to be possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light and changes to prey distribution.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light disturbance during mining activities

• Changes to prey distribution

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of artificial light is not well understood.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the long-tailed dunnart is affected by increased levels of noise is not well understood, however, the main impact of noise generated by the Project, especially loud noises (e.g. from blasting) is likely to be possible dispersal.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise disturbance during mining activities

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not well understood.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the long-tailed dunnart is affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood, however, the main impact of dust generated by the Project is likely to be the alteration/degradation of habitat.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The impact of changed fire regimes on this species is thought to be a contributing factor to its decline but is not well researched. Studies on other Sminthopsis species recorded that post-fire abundance was greatest at 4-9 years (mid succession habitat preference) (Wilson & Aberton, 2006).

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality, and increased predation from loss of habitat cover

• Possible loss of prey items

Low – The species response to fire and changes to fire regimes is not well documented.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

• Nil

Moderate – The degree to which habitats within the Development Envelope will be impacted by altered water regimes is relatively unknown, though is expected to be minimal.

Gane’s blind snake

Anilios ganei

DBCA Priority

Priority 1


Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing and fragmentation in Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat


Low – Gane’s blind snake has been recorded form gorges and gullies within rocky habitats but may also be present in mulga and stony habitats (Mitchell et al., 2019). This species is likely to occur within the Study Area as a resident within Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat. Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be lost.

Low – The species has fairly widespread distribution in the surrounding region (Mitchell et al., 2019), and the preferred habitat for this species extends well outside the Study Area. Only minor impacts at a regional scale are expected.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal habitat

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Moderate – Little ecological information is known about the species. Abundance is not well known (Mitchell et al., 2019).

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Negligible – It is not known whether this species would attempt to cross a road, but it is considered unlikely.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species due to vehicle strike in the region.

• Unknown - it is not known whether this species would attempt to cross a road, but it is considered unlikely.

Data deficient – Little ecological information is known about the species. It is not known whether this species would attempt to cross a road. Unreported incidents of vehicle strike may exist.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas

Permanent Low – Individuals of the species are likely to be preyed upon by introduced predators such as cats and foxes, however, this has not been researched.

Low – There is unlikely to be a significant increase in predation at a regional level due to the Project.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

Data deficient – Little ecological information is known about the species.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Blind snakes have small, dark spots for eyes which are thought to probably only sense light and dark. Blind snakes also spend most of their time within burrows or under leaf litter and come to the surface infrequently, always at night and predominantly after rain (Cogger, 2014). It is not known whether artificial lights due to the Project would affect the Gane’s blind snake, should this species be present.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of light is not understood.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not understood.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not understood.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The extent to which the species may be affected by dust is not understood. However, the main impact of dust generated by the Project is likely to be the alteration/ degradation of habitat.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The most detrimental local impact of fire on the species is likely to be through consequential changes in habitat structure and increased vulnerability to predation.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality

• Increased vulnerability to predation due to loss of habitat cover

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Possible loss of prey items

Low – The species response to fire and changes to fire regimes is not researched.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

• Nil

Moderate – The degree to which habitats within the Development Envelope will be impacted by altered water regimes is relatively unknown, though is expected to be minimal.

Species considered possible to occur within the Development Envelope

Northern brushtail possum

Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis


Vulnerable (nomination only)

BC Act



Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Primary impact is the extent of clearing on core habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge)


Low – Within Western Australia, the former range of the brushtail possum has been considerably reduced by habitat clearing and predation by foxes, including in large areas of arid country (CALM, 2012). Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat (which contains core habitat for the northern brushtail possum) is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be lost. The preferred habitat of the northern brushtail possum (Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat) extends well outside the Development Envelope (on both sides). Hence, the Project is unlikely to cause fragmentation of habitat for this species.

Low – Little ecological information is known about the Pilbara population, although it is most often recorded from gorges and major drainage lines that contain large hollow-bearing Eucalypts (DBCA, 2019b). One of the preferred habitats for this species (Rocky Ridge and Gorge) extends well outside the Development Envelope. Although the species is widespread in a regional context, it is infrequently recorded in the Pilbara region. The Project is not expected to further significantly increase fragmentation of habitat on a regional scale.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ hollow habitat

• Reduction in population size

• Increase in population isolation

Low – Little ecological information is known about the Pilbara population of the northern brushtail possum. Additionally, there is some conjecture as to whether the population of the region represents the Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis or Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucos (Woinarski et al., 2014)

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – Brushtail possums are known to cross roads (Giffney et al., 2009), and this can lead to vehicle strike and mortality. With a potential reproductive rate of nearly two per year (Kerle, 1998), it is probable that populations of the northern brushtail possum can readily recover from individual deaths.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Moderate – There may be unrecorded vehicular strikes within the region and the extent to which this occurs is relatively unknown.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas.


Low – The northern brushtail possum is regarded as a ‘critical weight range’ mammal, and thus more susceptible to pressure from introduced predators (Burbidge & McKenzie, 1989). Invasive weed species may disadvantage the northern brushtail possum through inhibiting movement or fostering inappropriate fire regimes.

Low – although predation by introduced species is recorded as one of most significant threats to the species, there is unlikely to be a significant increase in regional predation from the Project.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Loss of prey items from competition

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate – The degree to which feral predators are present in the Study Area currently, compared to the potential increase due to development of the Project is relatively unknown, though expected to increase.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Brushtail possums are known to occur around human habitation and activities (Roetman & Daniels, 2009) where there are enhanced levels of light and noise. However, there are no specific studies on the impact of light on the northern subspecies. There may be higher concentrations of prey items e.g. insects around lights (Oakwood, 2008). There is unlikely to be a significant impact from increased light to local individuals.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light, especially in denning areas.

Moderate – Although brushtail possums are well-known to commonly co-inhabit with humans, the extent to which the northern subspecies of brushtail possum is affected by light is not researched.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Brushtail possums are known to occur around human habitation and activities (Roetman & Daniels, 2009) where there are enhanced levels of light and noise. However, there are no specific studies on the impact of noise on the northern subspecies. There may be higher concentrations of prey items e.g. insects around lights (Oakwood, 2008). There is unlikely to be a significant impact on local species (if present) due to increased noise.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise, especially in denning areas

Moderate – Although brushtail possums are well-known to commonly co-inhabit with humans, the extent to which the northern subspecies of brushtail possum is affected by noise is not researched.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The impact of dust from mines has not been studied for the northern brushtail possum. Some degradation of potential foraging habitat is likely to occur. Iron ore dust is considered typically benign (Breathsafe, 2020).

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Temporary disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Moderate – the impact of dust on individuals and foraging habitat is not well studied for brushtail possums.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from altered fire regime in foraging and denning areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – On a local level, inappropriate fire regimes are likely to impact any individuals present through consequential changes in habitat structure and floristics. In particular, the availability of the tree hollows and ground refuges (hollow logs, rockpiles and the burrows of other animals) utilized by the species (Kerle et al., 1992) will be detrimentally impacted by frequent fire. Fire may also cause increased predation after removal of cover (Carwardine et al., 2014). However, the high fecundity of the species means that they can readily recover from short periods of unfavourable conditions within their preferred habitat (Kerle, 1998).

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat, in particular refuges

• Possible loss of prey items, although species is omnivorous (Cruz et al., 2012)

• Loss of individuals from increased predation

Moderate – altered fire regimes (causing habitat change and loss) is well recorded as a potential impact for critical weight range mammals in the Pilbara (Cramer et al., 2016b; Woinarski et al., 2014).

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – Within the Pilbara the species is most often recorded from gorges and major drainage lines that contain large hollow-bearing Eucalypts (DBCA, 2019b); therefore, modification to existing water regimes and water quality from mining activities may impact the suitability of habitat within the Development Envelope. Morton (1990) emphasized the importance of drought refuges, and Kerle et al. (1992) believe that for the northern brushtail possum, these refuges may need sufficient ground water supplies for the survival of palatable trees and shrubs.

Low – Sources of permanent water are of high ecological value in the Pilbara (Carwardine et al., 2014); however changes to water quality or regimes from the Project is unlikely to have an impact on regional populations.

• Changes to foraging habitat within Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat

• Displacement of individuals

Low – Little ecological information is known about the Pilbara population, and although the species may require drought refuges with sufficient groundwater, this requires further study.

Fork-tailed swift

Apus pacificus




Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing on all habitats in the Development Envelope


Low – The fork-tailed swift is a wide ranging but sparsely distributed species that occurs in a wide range of dry and/or open habitats (Johnstone & Storr, 1998). This species does not breed in Australia, migrating from breeding grounds in the northern Hemisphere. While in Australia, the species is almost exclusively aerial, feeding and possibly also roosting aerially (DoE, 2018). The fork-tailed swift can potentially use all habitats in the Study Area for foraging. The Project is unlikely to cause fragmentation of habitat for this migratory species because the fork-tailed swift is highly mobile, and individuals displaced by the Project would be expected to substitute other nearby habitat for foraging.

Low – The fork-tailed swift is often observed during foraging or migration, with flocks ranging from 10 to 1,000 individuals (DoE, 2018). Despite being migratory, there is unlikely to be a significant impact on this species at a regional scale due to their ability to substitute other nearby habitat for foraging.

• Displacement of foraging individuals

• Permanent loss of habitat

Moderate – it is likely that some habitat suitable for these migratory species will be impacted by the Project.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

BC Act


Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – while in Australia, the species is almost exclusively aerial, feeding and possibly also roosting aerially (DoE, 2018). Although it is possible, the fork-tailed swift would rarely be involved in collisions with vehicles.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species due to vehicle strike in the broader region.

• Direct loss of individuals

• Slight reduction in population size

High – the fork-tailed swift would rarely be involved in collisions with vehicles.

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas

Permanent Low – while in Australia, the species is almost exclusively aerial, feeding and possibly also roosting aerially (DoE, 2018). The risk of predation by introduced species such as cats or dogs would be very low.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species due to predation by introduced species in the broader region.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Slight reduction in population size

High – while in Australia, the species is almost exclusively aerial, feeding and possibly also roosting aerially (DoE, 2018), which would make them safe from introduced predators such as cats and dogs.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – the fork-tailed swift would only visit infrequently and would, therefore, be less vulnerable to the impacts of increased artificial lighting due to the Project.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light

Moderate – impacts of artificial lighting on some migratory birds have been recorded (DoEE, 2019).

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – it is probable that the fork-tailed swift would react to sudden, loud noises (e.g. from blasting) by dispersing. Recent experimental research overseas has shown that some migratory bird species almost completely avoid traffic noise altogether (McClure et al., 2013). the fork-tailed swift would only visit infrequently and would, therefore, be less vulnerable to the impacts of increased noise due to the Project.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Moderate – recent experimental research overseas has shown that some migratory bird species almost completely avoid traffic noise altogether (McClure et al., 2013), however, this study did not include the fork-tailed swift.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – dust may impact the ability of this species to forage. However, the fork-tailed swift would only visit infrequently and would be less vulnerable to the impacts of dust due to the Project.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

• Disruption to foraging behaviours

Low - the extent to which the fork-tailed swift is affected by dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in preferred habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – fire may affect the fork-tailed swift if it causes loss of prey items. However, if this happens, the fork-tailed swift is highly mobile and would be expected to forage in nearby unaffected habitat.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - the extent to which the fork-tailed swift may be affected by a change of fire regime in the Pilbara is not known.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long term (life of mine)

Low – The fork-tailed swift is unlikely to land within the Study Area due to its almost exclusively aerial behaviour within Australia (DoE, 2018). However, any alterations to surface water flows, including into natural water features, may impact upon the species’ ability to forage in the Development Envelope.

Negligible – Alterations to water regimes in the Development Envelope due to the Project is unlikely to have an impact on regional populations.

• Degradation/ alteration of foraging habitat

Moderate – this species is likely to use the Development Envelope infrequently. The degree to which habitats within the Development Envelope will be impacted by altered water regimes is relatively unknown, though is expected to be minimal.

Spotted ctenotus

Ctenotus uber johnstonei

DBCA Priority

Priority 2


Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

Extent of clearing on preferred habitat. Rocky Foothills habitat provides suitable habitat.


Low - Within the Pilbara, the taxon is known from Triodia on hillslopes, Acacia xiphophylla over chenopods, and Acacia xiphophylla scattered tall shrubs to high open shrubland (Cogger, 2014). The loss or modification of core habitat may have a potential impact on the ability of the Development Envelope to support a population. However, no evidence of the spotted ctenotus was found in the Development Envelope.

Low – Little information is known about the distribution of the species. Minor or no impacts at a regional scale are expected.

• Loss/ displacement of individuals during vegetation clearing and mining developments

Low – Little ecological information is known about the species and there are very few records of the species.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Low – Road usage will increase substantially during the development and operation of the mine, including along the proposed new haul road. Subsequently, the likelihood of the spotted ctenotus being struck by vehicles would also potentially increase although it should be noted that this species has not yet been recorded in the Development Envelope or Study Area.

Low – Although the Project will increase vehicle traffic generally in the region, and thus increase the likelihood of roadkill occurring, the number of individuals that would be expected to be affected regionally would not be considered high enough to adversely impact the population.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

Low – there may be unrecorded deaths from vehicular strikes

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas


Low – Buffel grass is noted as threat for other threatened Ctenotus species through alteration of habitat structure and increasing fire hazard (TSSC, 2008a), and the weed has been recorded within the Study Area previously (MWH, 2018b). Individuals of the species are likely to be preyed upon by introduced predators such as cats and foxes.

Low – There is unlikely to be a significant increase in predation or weed invasion at a regional level due to the Project.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat, including increases to fuel load

Low – Little ecological information is known about the species and there are very few records of the species.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the spotted ctenotus is affected by increased levels of artificial light is not well understood, however, the main impact of light generated by the Project is likely to be possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light and changes to prey distribution.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of light

• Changes to prey distribution

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of light is not well understood.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - Lab-based research of the effects of acute exposure to mining machinery noise on the behaviour of a different species of lizard demonstrated negative effects on the lizards’ behaviour and welfare (Mancera et al., 2017). The effect of elevated levels of noise on the spotted ctenotus is unknown. It is probable that this species would react to sudden, loud noises (e.g. from blasting) by at least temporarily retreating to a refuge or dispersing.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Possible dispersal from greatly enhanced levels of noise

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of noise is not well understood.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Low - The extent to which the spotted ctenotus is affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood, however, the main impact of dust generated by the Project is likely to be the alteration/ degradation of habitat.

Negligible – Increased levels of dust are not expected to affect individuals outside of the Development Envelope.

• Temporary disruption to foraging behaviours

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat

Low - The extent to which the species may be affected by increased levels of dust is not well understood.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Low – The most detrimental local impact of fire on the species is likely to be through consequential changes in habitat structure and floristics, and loss of prey items.

Low – Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality

• Increased vulnerability to predation due to loss of habitat cover

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Possible loss of prey items

Low – The species response to fire and changes to fire regimes has not been researched.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long term (life of mine)

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

Negligible – there is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

• Nil

High – Unlikely that habitats utilised by the species will be impacted by altered water regimes.

Night parrot Pezoporus occidentalis EPBC Act Endangered BC Act Critically Endangered


Removal, Fragmentation or Modification of Habitat

No breeding, nesting or foraging present


Negligible – The night parrot is a habitat specialist in old age spinifex on Sand and Stony plain with Acacia (DPaW, 2017). However, the night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – Habitat removal or modification due to the Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species at a regional level as the Project is unlikely to significantly fragment habitat for this species.

• Nil

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Vehicle Strike Extent of the proposed haul road

Long term (life of mine)

Negligible – Published accounts of night parrot behaviour suggest that the night parrot may be prone to vehicle strikes. However, the night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Low – Published accounts of night parrot behaviour suggest that the night parrot may be prone to vehicle strikes. Hamilton et al. (2017) observed a bird crouching on a road, 1-1.5 m from the road edge. The bird did not fly when approached but ran under a slow-moving vehicle. A second observation recorded a bird emerging from the base of a group of Eremophila shrubs, and the bird ran across the road (Hamilton et al., 2017). Regional haulage movements will not increase (from that covered under Stage 1) as a result of the Project. This, along with the fact that night parrots are not known to occur within the region, and thus are rarely encountered, indicates that there will be minimal, if any, impact to the species.

• Loss of individuals

• Reduction in population size

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

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Species Likelihood

of occurrence

Impact source


Extent Duration Magnitude (Local) Magnitude (Regional) – including consideration

of cumulative impacts of Stage 1

Potential consequence of


Certainty (Level of Confidence)

Introduced Species

Predominantly in and around disturbed areas

Permanent Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – TSSC (2008c) lists numerous threats arising from introduced species including; predation by feral cats and foxes, competition for food and degradation of habitat by livestock and feral herbivores, reduced availability of water due to consumption by camels and livestock and habitat degradation by rabbits and goats. Although predation by introduced species is recorded as one of most significant threats to the night parrot, there is unlikely to be a significant increase in predation regionally as a result of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from predation

• Reduction in population size

• Alteration/ degradation of habitat, including increases to fuel load

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Increased Light

Predominantly concentrated near pits and other mining infrastructure that will be used at night when required.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of artificial light.

• Nil

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Increased Noise

Near mine infrastructure and roads, especially near pits which is where blasting will occur.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased noise levels.

• Nil

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.


Predominantly concentrated near dust-generating activities such as pit blasting and in close proximity to haul roads.

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact to this species in the broader region due to increased levels of dust.

• Nil

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Altered Fire Regimes

Extent of disturbance from fire in core habitat areas

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Low – The core habitat of the species is old age spinifex (>50 years) (DPaW, 2017) so changes to regimes that increase fires will detrimentally affect core habitat and likelihood of species persistence (TSSC, 2008c). While the species is highly unlikely to be impacted within the Development Envelope (as there is no suitable habitat and the species is highly unlikely to occur), fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond the boundary and subsequently impact on the suitability of habitat in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence given the control measures that would be expected to be in place as part of the Project.

• Loss of individuals from direct mortality

• Increased vulnerability to predation due to loss of habitat cover

• Loss of foraging/ dispersal/ denning habitat

• Possible loss of prey items

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Development Envelope due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Modification of Water Regimes

Extent of change to existing water sources

Long-term (life of mine)

Negligible – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Study Area due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records.

Negligible – There is unlikely to be a significant impact from altered water regimes to the species.

• Nil

High – The night parrot is not likely to occur in the Development Envelope due to an absence of suitable breeding, nesting and foraging habitat, as well as a lack of nearby records

Note: coloured cells indicate a scale of magnitude significance, where yellow = Low, orange = Moderate, and red = High.

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6.4 Impacts to Matters of National Environmental Significance

Impacts to fauna listed as MNES under the EPBC Act are considered in Table 6.4.

The northern quoll was assessed under criteria recommended by DoE (2016). The Project is likely to

cause a significant impact to the species based on two of these criteria: ‘result in the loss of habitat

critical to the survival of the northern quoll’ and ‘decrease the size of a population important for the long-

term survival of the northern quoll’.

The remaining MNES species are listed as Vulnerable and were all assessed using the criteria

recommended by DoE (2013) with the exception of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat which used criteria

recommended by TSSC (2016b). To assess whether a significant impact is likely for the majority of

these criteria it is necessary to first determine whether a population meets the definition of an important


• Pilbara leaf-nosed bat

All Pilbara leaf-nosed bats from the Pilbara region are regarded as representing a ‘important


• Ghost bat

For the purposes of this assessment, the ghost bat was regarded as representing an ‘important

population’. Ghost bats in the Development Envelope form part of the Chichester subregional

population, which contains the highest population in the Pilbara (TSSC, 2016a). The presence

of a potential maternity roost also indicates that the population is likely to be a breeding and

source population. Furthermore, the population represents individuals breeding and occupying

natural caves of the region; this is important because much of the Chichester population is

known from its occupation of disused underground mines, such as Lalla Rookh, which are

physically unstable and of interest to future mining development (TSSC, 2016a). Therefore,

natural breeding caves of the region are of increased importance, particularly given the

longevity which they are likely to have over abandoned mining adits (100s of years versus

1,000s of years, J. Barnett pers. comms. in Biologic, 2016).

• Pilbara olive python

The Pilbara olive python is highly likely to occur with in the Development Envelope. However,

the quality and extensiveness of habitat represented in the surrounding area (which was

previously acknowledged as supporting a key source population) is considered far greater than

that occurring in the Development Envelope. As the Development Envelope is unlikely to

support an integral part of this key source population, the area is not believed to support an

‘important population’ based on definitions outlined by the DoE (2013) (Table 6.4).

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Table 6.4: Significance of the Project to Matters of National Environmental Significance

Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact






Endangered Confirmed

Result in the loss of habitat critical to the survival of the northern quoll


The population within the Study Area is most likely permanent and considered a high-density population important for the long-term survival of the species. Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat (which contains critical breeding habitat for the northern quoll) is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be removed. Rocky Foothills habitat is also considered critical habitat and 4.64 ha is located within the Disturbance Footprint. A further 94.97 ha of non-critical foraging and dispersal habitat (Ironstone Ridgetop and Stony Rises) would be lost. The preferred habitat of the northern quoll (Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat and Rocky Foothills habitat) extends well outside the Development Envelope (on both sides). Hence, the Project is unlikely to cause fragmentation of habitat for this species. In the short-term individuals displaced by the Project would be expected to disperse into nearby suitable habitat, however, the removal of habitat would likely reduce the long-term carrying capacity of the area for this species. As the Project is likely to disturb an amount of breeding, foraging and dispersal habitat, it is likely that the Project will have a significant impact on the northern quoll based on this criterion. Notably, the extent of suitable habitat to be removed is small.

Decrease the size of a population important for the long-term survival of the northern quoll and therefore interfere with the recovery of the species


As defined by DoE (2016), the population existing within the Study Area is considered to be a high density population, as numerous camera triggers of multiple individuals across multiple cameras and traps has occurred. DoE (2016) describe that high-density northern quoll populations, which occur in refuge-rich habitat critical to the survival of the species, are important for the long-term survival of the northern quoll. Female northern quolls generally have exclusive territories (Cook, 2010) so population size is constrained by the area of suitable habitat. Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge and 8.46 ha of Rocky Foothills habitat (both considered critical habitat for the northern quoll) is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha and 4.64 ha, respectively) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be lost. The removal of this habitat would likely reduce the long-term carrying capacity of the area for this species. The Project would also potentially exacerbate threatening processes, particularly introduced species and vehicle collision, and this could result in a loss of individuals. The Project is likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion. Notably, the extent of suitable habitat to be removed is small, and the corresponding reduction on the carrying capacity of the area for the species would also be expected to be small.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Introduce inappropriate fire regimes or grazing activities (i.e. increasing the risk of late dry season high intensity fires to the area) that substantially degrade habitat critical to the survival of the northern quoll or decrease the size of a population important for the long-term survival of the species


The Project would not increase the grazing pressure within the Development Envelope. Fires inadvertently started in the Development Envelope may potentially escape and burn beyond of the boundary and subsequently impact on populations in the surrounding region. However, this would probably be a rare occurrence and would be restricted to the life of mine.

The Project is unlikely to cause a significant impact to the species based on this criterion.

Fragment a population important for the long-term survival into two or more populations


Infrastructure of the Project is unlikely to restrict interaction between individuals. The species is regarded as having good dispersal capabilities (Spencer et al., 2013; Woolley et al., 2015) and the Development Envelope is surrounded by suitable habitat to disperse to and within (especially Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Rocky Foothills habitat). The Project is unlikely to cause significant impact to the northern quoll based on this criterion.

Result in invasive species or increases of them that are harmful to the northern quoll becoming established in its habitat, namely cane toads, feral cats, red foxes or exotic grasses which increase fire risk.


The presence of invasive species including introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. An increase in cat and red fox numbers are of primary concern. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present. Appropriate measures to control cats and red foxes would further minimise impacts on northern quolls. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Ghost bat



Vulnerable Confirmed Lead to a long-term decrease in the size of an important population of a species


(provided the structural

integrity and microclimate of CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-

CA-27 is not compromised)

There is potential that the Project may impact upon a potential breeding site for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), which is located approximately 19 m from the wall of the southern pit. Caves CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, which are diurnal roosts for the species, are also located within close proximity to the southern pit (15 m and 90 m respectively). Due to the proximity of these caves to the southern mining pit, there is a potential that their structural integrity or microclimate may be compromised. Should the structural integrity or microclimate of CO-CA-24, and to a lesser extent CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, be compromised, there is strong potential this may lead to the long-term decrease in the size of an important population. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion provided the structural integrity and suitable microclimate of caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27 is retained.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Reduce the area of occupancy of an important population


(provided the structural

integrity and microclimate of CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-

CA-27 is not compromised)

All habitats occurring in the Disturbance Footprint provide potential foraging habitat for the ghost bat. However, the portion of each to be removed is unlikely to impact upon the species’ occupation within the area. One cave will be impacted as part of the Project (CO-CA-34). While limited diurnal roosting has been observed, this cave is unlikely to be used regularly and therefore be of significance to the species. The remaining ten caves are not located within the Disturbance Footprint but are located within 150 m of disturbance. Ghost bats are susceptible to disturbance including vibration and noise, and have an observed tendency to vacate roosts in response (TSSC, 2016a). Any ghost bats roosting in these caves at the time of mining would be impacted indirectly through noise, vibration, dust and lighting. It is highly likely that ghost bats would abandon these caves during construction and mining. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them post-mining. There is potential that the Project may impact upon a potential breeding site for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), which is located approximately 19 m from the wall of the southern pit. Caves CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, which are diurnal roosts for the species, are also located within close proximity to the southern pit 15 m and 90 m respectively). Due to the proximity of these caves to the mining pit, there is a potential that their structural integrity or microclimate may be compromised. Should the structural integrity or microclimate of CO-CA-24, and to a lesser extent CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, be compromised, this may reduce the area of occupancy for the species if the caves are abandoned. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion provided the structural integrity and microclimate of caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27 is retained.

Fragment an existing important population into two or more populations

Unlikely Genetic analyses suggest that there is a single, large, highly diverse genetic population of ghost bats in the Pilbara region with significant movement between caves (Biologic, 2017). The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Adversely affect habitat critical to the survival of a species


(provided the structural

integrity and microclimate of CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-

CA-27 is not compromised)

There is potential that the Project may impact upon a potential breeding site for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24; approximately 19 m from the southern pit) as well as a diurnal roost (CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27; approximately 15 m and 90 m respectively from the southern pit). Due to their proximity to the mining pit, there is potential for the structural integrity of these caves to be compromised and/ or for indirect impact through changing of microclimate. Should CO-CA-24, and to a lesser extent CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, be impacted there is strong potential this may lead to the long-term decrease in the size of an important population if the species is unable to continue using these caves. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion providing CO-CA-24, CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27 are not damaged due to the Project.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Disrupt the breeding cycle of an important population


(provided the structural

integrity and microclimate of

CO-CA-24 is not

compromised and disruption

to this cave commences prior to the breeding period)

There is potential that the Project may impact upon a potential breeding site for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), which is located approximately 19 m from the wall of the southern pit. Due to the proximity of this cave to the mining pit, there is a potential that the structural integrity or microclimate may be compromised. Should the structural integrity or microclimate of CO-CA-24 be compromised, this could disrupt the breeding cycle of the species. Ghost bats are susceptible to disturbance including vibration and noise, and have an observed tendency to vacate roosts in response (TSSC, 2016a). Any ghost bats breeding in CO-CA-24 during the commencement of construction and mining at the southern pit will likely be disrupted as a result of noise, vibration, dust and lighting. Given that other breeding sites are known from the Study Area (CO-CA-33 and CO-CA-35), disruption to the breeding period could potentially be avoided if ghost bats choose to breed in caves available outside of the Development Envelope and if construction and mining activity commenced before the breeding cycle. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion provided the structural integrity and suitable microclimate of CO-CA-24 is retained and disruption to bats begins prior to the breeding period.

Modify, destroy, remove or isolate or decrease the availability or quality of habitat to the extent that the species is likely to decline


(provided the structural

integrity and microclimate of CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-

CA-27 is not compromised)

All habitats occurring in the Disturbance Footprint provide potential foraging habitat for the ghost bat. However, the portion of each to be removed is unlikely to cause a decline of the species in the area. One cave will be impacted as part of the Project (CO-CA-34). While limited diurnal roosting has been observed, this cave is unlikely to be used regularly and of significance to the species. The remaining ten caves are not located within the Disturbance Footprint but are located within 150 m of disturbance. Ghost bats are susceptible to disturbance including vibration and noise, and have an observed tendency to vacate roosts in response (TSSC, 2016a). Any ghost bats roosting in these caves at the time of mining would be impacted indirectly through noise, vibration, dust and lighting. It is highly likely that ghost bats would abandon these caves during construction and mining. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them post-mining. There is potential that the Project may impact upon a potential breeding site for the ghost bat (CO-CA-24), which is located approximately 19 m from the wall of the southern pit. Caves CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, which are diurnal roosts for the species, are also located within close proximity to the southern pit (15 m and 90 m respectively). Due to the proximity of these caves to the mining pit, there is a potential that their structural integrity or microclimate may be compromised. Should the structural integrity or microclimate of CO-CA-24, and to a lesser extent CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27, be compromised, this may result in a decline of the species in the area. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion provided the structural integrity and microclimate of caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27 is retained.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Result in invasive species that are harmful to a vulnerable species becoming established in the vulnerable species’ habitat


The presence of invasive species including introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Introduce disease that may cause the species to decline

Unlikely The Project is not likely to introduce or increase transmission of any diseases relevant to this species. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Interfere substantially with the recovery of the species.

Unlikely The Project is unlikely to interfere substantially with any conservation recovery initiative for the species. The Project is unlikely to significant impact the species based on this criterion.

Pilbara leaf-

nosed bat



Vulnerable Confirmed

Lead to a long-term decrease in the size of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat population


None of the caves identified within the Development Envelope were assessed as being suitable as a diurnal roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat, so it is likely that these bats originated from CO-CA-01 (permanent diurnal roost; located approximately 495 m to the east of the Development Envelope) or CO-CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost; located approximately 3.98 km to the south of the Development Envelope and 8 km south of the southern pit). These roosts would not be disturbed by the Project. All of the types of habitat found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb only a portion of each. It is unlikely that the Project will have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Reduce the area of occupancy of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat population


The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is likely to forage nightly within the Study Area, however, the caves in the Study Area are probably not used for diurnal roosting as no evidence of this was found during field surveys (Biologic, 2021c).

One cave, CO-CA-34, considered a potential nocturnal refuge. It is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of the Project. The remaining ten caves are located within 150 m of disturbance. It is highly likely that the use of these caves by Pilbara leaf-nosed bats would be impacted during construction and mining due to noise, vibration, dust and/ or lighting. However, if the structural integrity of the caves is retained, the bats would be expected to use them as nocturnal refuges post-mining. All of the types of habitat found within the Study Area are suitable for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb only a portion of each. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Adversely affect individuals or habitat critical to the survival of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat


None of the caves identified within the Development Envelope were deemed suitable as a diurnal roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat so it is likely that these bats originated from CO-CA-01 (permanent diurnal roost; located approximately 495 m to the east of the Development Envelope) or CO-CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost; located approximately 3.98 km to the south of the Development Envelope and 8 km of the southern pit). These roosts would not be disturbed by the Project. One cave, CO-CA-34, considered a potential nocturnal refuge. It is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of the Project.

Pilbara leaf-nosed bats are highly reliant on humid conditions at diurnal roosting sites but also likely nocturnal refuges (Armstrong, 2001; Baudinette et al., 2000). While nocturnal refuges are important for the persistence of the species in the local area, they are not considered critical to the survival of the species (TSSC, 2016b). Nine caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit (CO-CA-20, CO-CA-22, CO-CA-23, CO-CA-24, CO-CA-25, CO-CA-26, CO-CA-27, CO-CA-28 and CO-CA-29) and one cave (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the Haul Road. Due to the proximity, the caves’ structure and microclimate may be compromised. Any alterations to the recharge of water features in the Development Envelope may also impact upon the local foraging capacity of an area. While nocturnal refuges are important for the persistence of the species in the local area, they are not considered critical to the survival of the species (TSSC, 2016b).

All of the types of habitat found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb only a portion of each. Water features are important for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat as foraging and drinking sources. No water features are located within the Disturbance Footprint. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Disrupt the breeding cycle of an important colony


The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is likely to forage nightly within the Study Area, however, the caves in the Study Area are probably not used for diurnal roosting as no evidence of this was found during field surveys (Biologic, 2021c). It is likely that these bats originated from CO-CA-01 (permanent diurnal roost; located approximately 495 m to the east of the Development Envelope) or CO-CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost; located approximately 3.98 km to the south of the Development Envelope and 8 km south of the southern pit). These roosts would not be disturbed by the Project. Thus, the Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Modify, destroy, remove or isolate or decrease the availability or quality of Pilbara leaf-nosed bat habitat to the extent that the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is likely to decline


The caves in the Study Area are probably not used for diurnal roosting as no evidence of this was found during field surveys (Biologic, 2020b). One cave, CO-CA-34, considered a potential nocturnal refuge. It is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint and will be impacted as part of the Project. All of the types of habitat found within the Development Envelope are suitable for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat to use for foraging and the Project would disturb only a portion of each. Water features are important for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat as foraging and drinking sources. No water features are found within the Disturbance Footprint. Thus, the Project is unlikely to cause significant impact to the species based on this criterion.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact








Vulnerable Highly likely

Lead to a long-term decrease in the size of an important population of a species


Although the Pilbara olive python has not been recorded within the Development Envelope, this species has previously been recorded outside the Development Envelope but within the Study Area on six occasions (Biologic, 2021c). The species is highly likely to occur within the Development Envelope, potentially as a resident, particularly within Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop habitats, where breeding habitat and shelter sites are available via rocky crevices and tree hollows in some areas, and long-term pooling of water occurs. Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project, however, no water features are located within the Disturbance Footprint. The population of the Development Envelope is unlikely to meet the definition of a ‘important population’, as defined by (DoE, 2013), and therefore will not have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Reduce the area of occupancy of an important population


Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project, however, no water features are located within the Disturbance Footprint. The population of the Development Envelope is unlikely to meet the definition of a ‘important population’, as defined by (DoE, 2013), and therefore will not have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Fragment an existing important population into two or more populations


The species is highly mobile and able to travel extensive distances (Pearson, 2003; Tutt et al., 2004) and the Development Envelope is surrounded by suitable habitat to disperse to and within (including Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop habitats). Pilbara olive python may disperse over roads but drains and pits will represent barriers to movement so a degree of partial fragmentation of habitat may occur due to the Project. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Adversely affect habitat critical to the survival of a species


Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project. However, approximately 111.43 ha of critical habitat would be retained within the Development Envelope. Additional Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat surrounding the Development Envelope and Ironstone Ridgetop habitat adjoining the Development Envelope to the north would also remain. Thus, the Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Disrupt the breeding cycle of an important population


The species is highly likely to occur within the Development Envelope, potentially as a resident, particularly within Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop habitats, where breeding habitat and shelter sites are available via rocky crevices and tree hollows in some areas, and long-term pooling of water occurs. Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project and some disruption to breeding may occur, if the species is present during clearing. However, the population of the Development Envelope is unlikely to meet the definition of a ‘important population’, as defined by (DoE, 2013), and therefore will not have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

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Species EPBC Act


Likelihood of


MNES Significant Impact Criteria

Likelihood of Impact


Modify, destroy, remove or isolate or decrease the availability or quality of habitat to the extent that the species is likely to decline


Approximately 114.11 ha of critical habitat (Rocky Ridge and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop) of the Pilbara olive python would be removed as part of the Project. However, approximately 111.43 ha of critical habitat would be retained within the Development Envelope. Additional Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat surrounding the Development Envelope and Ironstone Ridgetop habitat adjoining the Development Envelope to the north would also remain. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Result in invasive species that are harmful to a vulnerable species becoming established in the vulnerable species’ habitat


Predation by introduced species (cats, foxes, dogs), particularly on juveniles, is identified as a major threat (TSSC, 2008b). Predation by cats, foxes and dogs on the prey that the Pilbara olive python relies upon as a food source is also a threat (Ellis, 2013). The presence of invasive species including introduced predators and invasive weeds may be exacerbated by the Project. However, this is not likely to have a significant impact on top of background levels already present. The Project is unlikely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Introduce disease that may cause the species to decline

Unlikely The Project is not likely to introduce or increase transmission of any diseases relevant to this species. The Project is not likely to have a significant impact on the species based on this criterion.

Interfere substantially with the recovery of the species.

Unlikely The Project is unlikely to interfere substantially with any conservation recovery initiative for the species. The Project is unlikely to significant impact the species based on this criterion.

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772894 774894 77689476

















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy AreaDevelopment EnvelopeDisturbance Footprint

Stage 1 Development Envelope

Northern quoll - ENBiologic (2020)Previous ReportsDatabase Searches

Potential HabitatBreeding, foraging and dispersal

Foraging and dispersal

ATLAS IRONSanjiv Ridge Stage 2 ProjectVertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

Figure 6.1: Potential northern quollhabitat in the Development Envelope

Scale: 1:20,000±0 0.5 1


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772199 774199 776199 77819976



















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy Area

Development Envelope

Disturbance FootprintStage 1 Development Envelope

1 Cave

Ghost bat - VUBiologic (2020)

Previous Reports

!( Database SearchesPotential Habitat

Foraging and dispersalRoosting, foraging anddispersal

Figure 6.2: Potential ghost bat habitat in the Development Envelope

Scale: 1:25,000±0 0.5 1


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!(!( !(!(








































772199 774199 776199 77819976



















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy AreaDevelopment Envelope

Disturbance FootprintStage 1 Development Envelope

#* Water Feature

1 Cave

Pilbara leaf-nosed bat - VUBiologic (2020)Previous Reports

!( Database SearchesPotential Habitat

Foraging and dispersal

Figure 6.3: Potential Pilbara leaf-nosed bat habitat in the Development Envelope

Scale: 1:25,000±0 0.5 1


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772894 774894 77689476

















Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 50Projection: Transverse MercatorDatum: GDA 1994 Created 06/08/2021

Marble Bar

Port Hedland

LegendStudy AreaDevelopment EnvelopeDisturbance FootprintStage 1 DevelopmentEnvelope

#* Water Feature

Pilbara olive python - VUPrevious Reports

Potential HabitatBreeding, foraging anddispersalForaging and dispersal

Figure 6.4: Potential Pilbara olive python habitat in the Development Envelope

Scale: 1:20,000±0 0.5 1


ATLAS IRONSanjiv Ridge Stage 2 Project Vertebrate Fauna Impact Assessment

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The following broad management recommendations have been developed as a guide for mitigating the

potential impacts to fauna of conservation importance, their respective habitat, and native fauna

assemblages in general.

Mitigation has the principal aim of avoiding significant impacts and should be applied in a hierarchical

order. The EPA (2014) mitigation hierarchy is: Avoid, Minimise, Rehabilitate, Offset. Similarly, the DoE

(2016) mitigation hierarchy is:

1. Avoid impacts – preserve populations and habitat to avoid further loss.

2. Mitigate impacts – prevent habitat degradation and retain habitat function.

3. Monitor effectiveness of mitigation – ensure mitigation is effective and feeds back into an

adaptive management plan.


Habitat loss and degradation due to the Project will be minimised in Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat

which is considered to be important for fauna of conservation significance. Approximately 77.55 ha of

Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat is present in the Development Envelope and a comparatively smaller

portion of this (25.00 ha) is situated within the Disturbance Footprint and would be lost.

The Project would generally avoid clearing all caves (noting that CO-CA-34 is expected to be impacted)

or water features as the Disturbance Footprint has been designed to exclude them. However, nine

caves are located within 150 m from the southern pit; five of these are between 8 m – 21 m away from

the pit. It is highly likely that ghost bats would cease to use these caves during construction and mining.

However, the bats would be expected to return post-mining, providing the structural integrity of the

caves is not impacted, the caves are not intersected by the proposed pit wall and the microclimate of

the caves remains suitable. Due to the potential significance of CO-CA-24 to the ghost bat as a potential

maternity cave, impacts to this cave should be avoided. Impacts to CO-CA-22 and CO-CA-27 should

also be avoided as these caves are considered diurnal roosts and, as such, are important for the ghost


The Project will not impact CO-CA-01 (permanent diurnal roost of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat) or CO-

CA-03 (non-permanent breeding roost of the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat) as these roosts lies outside of the

Development Envelope.


A Significant Species Management Plan (SSMP) for Stage 1 of the Project has been updated to include

considerations of Stage 2, to assist in minimising and mitigating potential impacts to conservation

significant fauna species. Other management procedures have been developed to minimise potential

impacts of the Project, including Ground Disturbance Procedures which would control and minimise the

impacts of clearing.

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A progressive rehabilitation and closure plan is expected to ensure disturbed areas are rehabilitated as

soon as practical. Any artificial water bodies created during mining activity should be removed. As part

of the rehabilitation of the Project, efforts should be made to replace the habitat of conservation

significant fauna that has been removed. For example, native vegetation characteristic of remnant

vegetation in the surrounding landscape should be planted. Similarly, waste landforms should be

formed to contain rocky features where practicable which will provide denning habitat for the northern

quoll and refuge for other fauna such as reptiles.


Unlike mitigation actions which occur on-site and reduce the direct impact of that particular project,

offsets are undertaken outside of project areas to counterbalance significant residual impacts (EPA,



Management recommendations should reduce impacts to individuals of fauna of conservation

significance; however, it is unlikely that all impacts will be avoided. This is because habitat loss/

degradation is the primary threat posed to each of these species but is also an integral part of mining


Annual monitoring programs should be implemented for conservation significant species occurring

within the Development Envelope (e.g. northern quoll, ghost bat, Pilbara leaf-nosed bat) which will

assist in identifying if population declines occur beyond what is expected. This information can be used

to inform strategic adaptive management strategies during or subsequent to development.

Table 7.1 details potential mitigation and management strategies for each impact source potentially

arising from the Project. The management measures for the Project could be integrated with the

management measures already being undertaken for Stage 1, where practicable.

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Table 7.1: Potential mitigation and management strategies for each impact source identified as potentially arising from the Project (adapted from DoE, 2016)

Impact source


consideration of

cumulative impacts)

Potential mitigation and management strategy


Fragmentation or

Modification of


• Where practicable, minimise land disturbance and clearing activities in habitat known to or likely to support species of conservation

significance, especially Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat, Rocky Foothills habitat, but also the areas around the one permanent and two semi-

permanent water features which were recorded within or in very close proximity to the Survey Area during the current surveys (one within

Rocky Ridge and Gorge habitat and the other two within Ironstone Ridgetop habitat).

• Stockpile cleared vegetation, topsoil and oversize waste overburden separately to ensure maximum reuse of these resources in subsequent


• Consider timing of clearing activities to reduce the impact on the northern quoll (avoid July - September; Hernandez-Santin et al., 2019) and

ghost bat (avoid May to November, Churchill, 2008)

• If possible, consider retaining corridors or linkages, for example culverts or underpasses underneath roads in key habitat areas, so that

individuals can move between fragmented fauna habitats.

• Investigate strategies to reduce impacts of high frequency traffic on fauna and barriers to fauna dispersal created by the haul road corridors.

• Implement a progressive rehabilitation and closure plan to ensure disturbed areas are rehabilitated as soon as practicable.

• Erect signage to ensure no entry into conservation significant areas of the Development Envelope (except for necessary environmental

management and monitoring).

Vehicle Strike

• Implement measures to minimise roadkill, especially for nocturnal species or those prone to collisions with vehicles. Such measures could

include speed limits, awareness signage, erecting fences or barriers, and providing alternative routes for fauna such as underpasses.

• Rumble strips on roads have led to decreased rates of roadkill of nocturnal animals in some areas.

• Report and record road kills.

• Restrict unauthorised off-track driving.

Introduced Species

• Conduct monitoring and control of feral animals.

• Implement management measures to prevent any new feral species from colonising the Development Envelope.

• Employ housekeeping measures such as waste management.

• Modify existing habitat to make it less suitable for feral cats (e.g. reduce fragmentation by rehabilitating tracks and clearings and making it

more structurally complex with shelter and escape sites for native fauna).

• Prepare and implement a weed management procedure to prevent the spread of existing weed species and the establishment of new weeds,

especially those that have the potential to modify habitat for conservation significant fauna species.

Increased light

• Design artificial lighting to illuminate designated operations areas and limit illumination of the surrounding landscape, especially water

sources and substantial rocky outcrops.

• Direct lights inwards towards mine activities to minimise effects of lighting on fauna in adjacent areas.

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Impact source


consideration of

cumulative impacts)

Potential mitigation and management strategy

Increased noise and


• Avoid blasting at night to minimise noise disruption to nocturnal species.

• Implement blast management to avoid compromising the structural integrity of key caves and use adaptive management to mitigate

unforeseen impacts.


• Implement dust suppression measures to reduce the effects of dust on vegetation and natural water bodies, and hence on fauna habitats

and fauna assemblages. This would include management of vehicle speed on unsealed roads and considering the proximity of habitats to

blasting and excavation.

Altered Fire Regimes

• Manage fuel loads of those weeds known to alter fire patterns to reduce risk of high fire intensity.

• Prepare and implement a strategy to manage unplanned fires.

• Educate and train all staff about equipment and procedures to be used in response to unexpected fire events.

Modification of Water


• Minimise and manage impacts to natural surface hydrology.

• Ensure any water bodies created during mining activity are of as high-water quality as can be attained.

• Minimise the potential for waterbirds to be attracted to artificial water sources, if applicable.

• Implement Surface Water and Groundwater Management Procedures.


• Implement a Significant Species Management Plan (SSMP) that contains specific management and monitoring targets for fauna of

conservation significance recorded within the Development Envelope, to be reviewed on a regular basis.

• Implement blast management.

• Educate mine site personnel and contractors about fauna of conservation significance.

• Any incident that results in the injury or death of a fauna species of conservation significance should be reported to DBCA and specimens

should be retained (i.e. stored in a freezer) for further examination.

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This Assessment provides a summary of the survey work completed within the Development Envelope

to date and assesses the potential impacts of the Project on terrestrial fauna of conservation

significance. The main threat to fauna in the Study Area is habitat loss as a result of direct clearing for

the mine and mine infrastructure.

The largest impacts are likely to occur to species of elevated conservation significance, in particular the

northern quoll (listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act and BC Act). At a local scale, the species is

likely to experience a Low - Moderate level of impact, primarily from removal, fragmentation and

modification of habitat; vehicle strike; the increased threat of introduced species; as well as cumulative

impacts. Approximately 77.55 ha of Rocky Ridge and Gorge and 8.46 ha of Rocky Foothills habitat

(considered critical habitat for the northern quoll) is present in the Development Envelope and a

comparatively smaller portion of this (25.00 ha and 4.64 ha, respectively) is situated within the

Disturbance Footprint and would be lost. Furthermore, as the population occurring within the Study Area

meets the definition of a ‘high-density population’ and thus a population ‘important for the long-term

survival of the species’, the impacts to the species are likely to be significant, as defined by DAWE.

The ghost bat is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act. Ghost bats are likely to occur

within the Development Envelope as residents, with roosting confirmed and several caves likely to

support the species. At a local scale, the species is likely to experience a Low to Moderate level of

impact, primarily from removal, fragmentation and modification of habitat, but also potentially light, noise

and vibration, dust, modification of water regimes, vehicle strike and cumulative impacts. Rocky Ridge

and Gorge, and Ironstone Ridge habitats support critical roosting habitat for the species, including caves

CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27; none of which will be removed as a result of the Project. Low

level impacts may also potentially be experienced due to introduced species and altered fire regimes.

While ghost bats may temporarily abandon the area during construction and mining, it is expected that

bats would return to the area post-mining provided the structural integrity and suitable microclimate of

significant features (caves CO-CA-22, CO-CA-24 and CO-CA-27) is retained and construction and

mining does not commence during the ghost bat breeding period. As such, a significant impact to the

species could be avoided with suitable management practices put in place.

The Pilbara leaf-nosed bat is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act and has been

confirmed in the Development Envelope. None of the caves identified within the Development Envelope

were deemed suitable as a diurnal roost for the Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (Biologic, 2021c). One potential

nocturnal refuge cave is located immediately adjacent to the Disturbance Footprint (CO-CA-34). Of the

remaining ten caves (classified as either potential or confirmed nocturnal refuges for the species), nine

are located within 150 m of the Glenn Herring Pit and one (CO-CA-21) is located within 30 m of the

Haul Road. Pilbara leaf-nosed bat activity may be impacted at these caves during construction and

mining, however, if the structural integrity and suitable microclimate of these caves is retained, the bats

would be expected to use them in a similar manner to baseline levels, post-mining. The impacts

considered to be of most significance for this species is potentially vehicle strike. However, this impact

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is unlikely to extend beyond the Study Area to the regional level and the Project is not likely to have a

significant impact on this species, as defined by the DAWE.

The Pilbara olive python is listed as Vulnerable under the EPBC Act and the BC Act and is highly likely

to occur within the Development Envelope, potentially as a resident, particularly within Rocky Ridge

and Gorge and Ironstone Ridgetop habitats. The impacts considered to be of most significance for this

species is habitat loss and degradation as well as potentially vehicle strike. However, this impact is

unlikely to extend beyond the Development Envelope to the regional level and the Project is not likely

to have a significant impact on this species, as defined by the DAWE.

The western pebble-mound mouse (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions [DBCA],

Priority 4), spectacled hare-wallaby (DBCA, Priority 3), peregrine falcon (BC Act, Other Specially

Protected Species), long-tailed dunnart (DBCA, Priority 4), Gane’s blind snake (DBCA, Priority 1),

northern brushtail possum (EPBC Act and BC Act, Vulnerable), spotted ctenotus (DBCA, Priority 2) and

fork-tailed swift (EPBC Act and BC Act, Migratory) were confirmed or regarded as highly likely, likely

and/or possible to occur in the Development Envelope, though none of these are likely to experience

more than a low level of impact overall at the local and regional scale, if present. The night parrot

(EPBC, Endangered and BC Act, Critically Endangered) was considered unlikely to occur in the

Development Envelope due to the absence of suitable habitat.

By adopting a systematic approach and by considering a set of defined criteria supported by published

research, this Assessment identifies the potential impact sources most likely to be enhanced by the

Project in relation to species of conservation significance present or likely to be present. It is understood

that Atlas will implement a range of adaptive management plans and procedures for Project operation.

The significant impacts to fauna and fauna habitats highlighted in this report should be considered and

where practicable mitigation strategies that reduce potential impacts should be incorporated into

relevant management plans and procedures.

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