Rail and Underground Panel Date: 20 May 2015 Item: Fit for the Future – Stations This paper will be considered in public 1 Summary 1.1 The accompanying presentation provides an update on the Fit for the Future Stations programme. 1.2 The presentation provides an update on the following aspects of the programme: (a) the overall programme, which will be delivered in three phases; (b) the training programme: (c) the appointment of Area Managers; (d) the ticket office closure programme including the communications to customers about the closures and how the lessons learnt from the initial closures are being used in later closures; (e) the Customer Satisfaction Scores and Staff Information Survey results following surveys undertaken pre and post transformation; (f) the introduction of the new operating model in early 2016; (g) the communication of changes to staff throughout the programme; and (h) the next and ongoing steps for the programme. 2 Recommendation 2.1 The Panel is asked to note the paper and presentation. List of appendices to this report: Appendix 1: Fit for the Future – Stations presentation List of Background Papers: None Contact Officer: Nick Brown, Interim Chief Operating Officer Number: 020 7088 4956 Email: [email protected] 1

Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

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Page 1: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

Rail and Underground Panel

Date: 20 May 2015

Item: Fit for the Future – Stations

This paper will be considered in public

1 Summary 1.1 The accompanying presentation provides an update on the Fit for the Future

Stations programme. 1.2 The presentation provides an update on the following aspects of the programme:

(a) the overall programme, which will be delivered in three phases; (b) the training programme: (c) the appointment of Area Managers; (d) the ticket office closure programme including the communications to

customers about the closures and how the lessons learnt from the initial closures are being used in later closures;

(e) the Customer Satisfaction Scores and Staff Information Survey results following surveys undertaken pre and post transformation;

(f) the introduction of the new operating model in early 2016; (g) the communication of changes to staff throughout the programme; and (h) the next and ongoing steps for the programme.

2 Recommendation 2.1 The Panel is asked to note the paper and presentation.

List of appendices to this report: Appendix 1: Fit for the Future – Stations presentation List of Background Papers: None Contact Officer: Nick Brown, Interim Chief Operating Officer Number: 020 7088 4956 Email: [email protected]


Page 2: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Fit for the Future – Stations Update for Rail and Underground Panel

Appendix 1

Page 3: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

DRAFT Fit for the Future Stations (FftF-S) is key to delivering Rail & Underground’s Customer Service Priority.

Reliability & Safety

Customer Service – Every Journey Matters

Capacity from the current network Capacity from growing the network

Efficiency People Technology

Underpinned by:

Keep London Moving

Keep London Growing

Making Life in London Better

Page 4: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

DRAFT The programme will be delivered in three distinct phases – with all ticket offices closed by the end of 2015 and the new staffing model introduced in early 2016

2014 2015 2016



Customer facing change Customer Service B


Staffing Model C

People Development Programme

Process & Technology Enablers

Install and empower 97 Area Managers to lead FftF

– S change

Deliver a step change in customer service, through ticket hall transformation

Establish a more efficient and

effective staffing model

All ticket offices closed end 2015

Page 5: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

DRAFT Change is being driven by our people; we are training over 4000 staff at the Every Journey Matters Academy

• Customer Service Training: 1376 staff members trained to date

• Leadership training for

Area Managers throughout 2015

• Over 100,000 days of

training planned for our staff

• Comprehensive training

plans for all operational staff

Page 6: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Area Managers now have full accountability of their Areas.

Where we are now:

What we’ve achieved: • Area Managers (AM) in place

throughout the network. • AMs trained in aspects of

leadership management. • AM forums to help highlight

and discuss issues. • Feedback sessions to ensure

continual learning.

What next: • Continued AM engagement

through the development of the ‘footsteps’ plan.

• Continued leadership management Training throughout 2015.


A Phase A: Putting in a new leadership model for stations

Page 7: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

As of today, 71 ticket offices are closed across the network. 61 stations operate without a Ticket Office



- Station has both open and closed Ticket Offices

Numbers correct as of 5 May 2015

- Station operates without a Ticket Office

Phase B: Transforming Ticket Offices

Page 8: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Our first Gateway (King’s Cross) ticket office closed on 9 April – initial feedback has been positive.



‘The ticket machines are really easy to use and if you aren’t sure

of the right ticket the staff are really helpful’

‘It’s really great that they have a

staff member right by the machine to answer questions, I think otherwise many people

would get confused!’

‘This is King’s Cross, there will always be lots of people asking all

kinds of questions, the ticket offices closing hasn’t really

changed that’

Page 9: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Customers have been kept informed throughout the process

Targeted staff communications regarding season tickets

Posters at stations two weeks before closure

Vinyl at stations quickly in place

Social Media utilised to disseminate information



Page 10: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

And we are learning lessons from what staff and customers are telling us to improve transformations.

Process for issue escalation refined


Hoardings only encroaching on ticket hall for a minimum time

Better Area Manager engagement in place Communications

quickly in place

Hoardings up at King’s Cross, Night 1 – Customer

communications in place

Vinyl at Shepherd’s Bush

Page 11: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSS) and Staff Information Survey (SIS) scores have increased for transformed ticket halls.


Staff Helpfulness SIS

Staff Attention to Customers SIS

Staff Presence SIS

Network Trend (las t 3 periods and current period to date)

P re v P ost Trans formation

O pen v C losed (C urrent P eriod to date)

C urrent Network S core*




Customer Satisfaction: Staff Helpfulness & Availability CSS

All with Ticket Office vs FftFS Transformed

FftFS Transformed only All LU Stations

Page 12: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Staff are now more visible in the Ticket Hall



P aid s ide

T ic k et offic e

Unpaid s ide

After closure Before closure

% of Staff in Customer-facing areas

6% 0%



29% BEFORE Transformation









AFTER Transformation 71%


Figures may not match exactly due to rounding


Figures may not add up exactly to 100 % due to rounding

Page 13: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

There are many more ticket office transformations to come; Planned Transformation Starts 2015/16.





of S



King’s Cross St. Pancras (Western) transformation start 09

All Visitor Information Centres (VIC’s) completed 50% of

transformations started

All ticket office to ticket machine conversions started

All ticket offices closed

All transformations completed






King’s Cross St. Pancras (Tube) transformation start


Page 14: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

In early 2016 we implement a simpler staffing model which requires ~900 fewer posts



Today Future





Not permanently on stations

Current station reporting lines




Proposed future station reporting lines

Not permanently on station(s)

Phase C: Implementing the new Station Staffing Model

Page 15: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

People movement is needed for the staffing model change and we are working to meet staff preferences

What we’ve achieved:

• First Voluntary Severance window processed ~630 applications approved

• Salary and Location guarantees met • Nobody loses money • Nobody moves >30 minutes unless

they want to • On top of existing guarantees of job


• Initial ‘Location Matters’ Preferencing exercise complete

• 70% of staff got area they wanted • 75% of staff got substantive grade

What next:



• Second Voluntary Severance window


• Open review process for ‘Location Preferences’ to improve situation of those unhappy with outcome

• Enable ‘swaps’ • Further opportunity to place

people where they want to go due to more people leaving

• Reduce number of people ‘covering-down’ or unhappy

• By Autumn vast majority of people will know where they are going

Page 16: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

We are communicating and listening to our staff throughout the process.

Get on Board blogs

Video: vox pops plus film series re ticket hall changes

Articles and features on:

FftFS website


LU intranet

Briefing materials: Where we are now packs Ticketing pocket guide

Events: AM Forum PM Stations meetings DSM briefings

Regular channels: OTM magazine Station visits Team Talk Bulletins Posters

Managers toolkits: Programme on a Page briefing sheet

Page 17: Fit for the Future Stations - Transport for Londoncontent.tfl.gov.uk/rup-20150520-part-1-item09-fit... · Rail and Underground Panel . Date: 20 May 2015 . Item: Fit for the Future

This document reflects ongoing work and discussions within LU on options for the future of London Underground. It does not represent LU’s final position on the contents, which are subject to ongoing consultation with our trades unions.

Next Steps.

• On average, 7 ticket windows transforming on a weekly basis – continue to track and review closures on an ongoing basis.

• Continue to support staff through the transformation. • Ensure training remains world class as more of our staff attend the

Every Journey Matters academy and partake in tailored training courses.

• Ensure review process is conducted for Location Matters.