FIRST WORD - First Baptist Church€¦ · FIRST WORD March 2017 ... firm in the faith. ... I stopped to get some STRENGHT and COURAGE to help me run this race,

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March 2017


It is March. The weather is changing. The wind is

blowing. One day it’s warm. The next day it’s cold.

We thought the groundhog had made a big

mistake, but doubt arises as the temperatures

cause us to shed our garments. Such is the month

of March. No wonder they call the unpredictable

basketball tournaments “March Madness.”

In like fashion, daily turmoil in the political climate

keeps us in a state of constant change and social

madness. Every day we find one crisis after

another. We stand on tiptoe, guessing what will be

the next outrage and unpredictable outcome

stemming from Capitol Hill and the White House.

We are made uneasy by the impending threat to

healthcare. The apparent emotional instability of a

President, the threat of active terrorists and the

challenge to our national security are imminent

pressures on the minds of people worldwide.

This daily instability urges us to embrace the Rock

of Ages. We must not sink into a state of despair,

but look to the hills whence our help comes. God is

still our anchor. We are called to hold fast and be

firm in the faith. Our victory is in Christ Jesus.

Keeping emotional balance must be a deliberate

goal. On March 25, 2017 at 10:00 AM, our Health

and Family Resource Center ministry will sponsor a

Behavior Health Program featuring mental health

professionals who will share information and help

to support people in need. Take advantage of this

opportunity to gain insight on how to address

behavioral challenges.

Our Spring Educational Institute will take place on

Monday, March 20th through Wednesday, March

22, 2017. We will have three nights of

concentrated study. The bible study will be on the

scripture that supports our 2017 Theme, “Seeing

the Vision in Difficult Times” (Habakkuk ). We need

to fortify ourselves to face the challenges before us.

Let us study His Word.

And the LORD answered me and said, Write the

vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may

run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an

appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and

not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will

surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV)

Sunday, March 26, 2017, is Officers’ Day in First

Baptist. This is a special time for all of us to

support the Deacons, Trustees and Deaconess in

their hour of appreciation. These leaders have

played a significant role in the life and well-being of

our Church. We thank God for their commitment to

services that sustain the development of our

fellowship. Please be present at the 10:50 AM

Worship Service.

Finally, Saturday, March 11, 2017, is the 76th

birthday of our First Lady, Mrs. Brenda Tucker. An

“Afternoon of Elegance” has been planned to

celebrate her natal day. She is requesting that you

support the First Baptist Church Senior Center

through a designated contribution suggested on the

promotional materials. Please show your love by

providing a gift to support the ministry that she

gave 38 years of her life to build. Her heart and

memories are still lingering.

Let the spirit of love and peace always abide, even

in the ever-changing tides. For God never changes.

He is from everlasting to everlasting.

Page 2

The words of the hymn writer seem so appropriate

for this occasion “…..hush, hush, somebody’s

calling my name, hush, hush, …….somebody’s

calling my name ……oh my Lord, oh my Lord….

What shall I do”?

Yes, Hush Somebody’s Calling My Name, that is

the theme for the March Men’s Ministry breakfast

meeting. At this meeting “The Men’s Ministry of

First Baptist Church (FBC)” will invite other men

and persons in the community to join us for

breakfast, as we fellowship, feast, praise God,

strengthen one another and answer God’s call to

come to “Him”!

Each of us has a been or will be “Called By God.”

As a result, “God” has put a measure of Himself in

each of us and is calling us to do “His” Will. God

has uniquely put a measure of “Himself” in us, that

we can serve humanity and glorify “Him” as we

serve. For instance, when God reveals His divine

Will for our lives and we say yes to His Will, that’s

called “answering God’s call.” In other words,

when God calls you, don’t look to your left or to

your right to see how others are responding; this

call is to you, the individual. In other words, God is

expecting each of us (you) to respond to “His” Call!

Too often, we concern ourselves with what others

in the group or the crowd are doing. However,

when God wants to do something special, He

doesn’t call the group, “He” calls an individual.

In this 12th chapter of Genesis, God has called

Abram, who will eventually become Abraham.

Can’t you see Abram, days before he experienced

his call? Can’t you see God speaking to Abram,

saying: “Abram, this isn’t a career move; this is a

calling,” I am calling you to be with me! Yes, there

is a difference. A career move is well thought out,

it’s timed. It involves planning and networking

with measurable goals and objectives. On the

other hand, when there is “a call from God” there

is no empirical data; there are no maps, no charts,

no compasses, or written directions. Answering a

call from God involves listening to God through the

depths of your heart that you can hear “His” still,

quiet voice!

In his initial call, God moved Abram out of Haran,

which represented Abram’s “comfort zone.” God

wanted Abram to come out of his familiar safe

place, to a different environment that he was not

as familiar with. In other words, God wanted

Abram to move out of his comfortable past and

into his uncertain future. Now between God’s call

to Abram and Abram’s response to God, God made

some promises to Abram. Let’s examine these



words, God wants Abram to know, He doesn’t have

to figure everything out. Abram doesn’t have to

guess God’s Will; God says… “I will show you a

small glimpse of what your future will be! Just

believe, I am guiding you and directing your

course, thus I will get you to this destination safety.

Perhaps today God wants to show you a glimpse of

“His” Will and of your future.

Page 3

“HUSH, SOMEBODY’S CALLING MY NAME!” (By The Reverend Donald Robinson and Deacon Bruce Roberson)

(Genesis 12:1-5)



NATION. God is saying to Abram, I won’t just give

you a few children, grandchildren or a son. God is

saying, I will enlarge you beyond your

comprehension. I will reproduce you in great

numbers; I will make you a nation of people! This

promise from God was unusual because Abraham

and Sarah were both well past their reproductive

years. Thereby, the only way they could have a

child would be for God to grant them a miracle

baby! And yes, God did give them a miracle baby;

they named him Isaac (laughter). As you can

imagine to Abram’s wife, Sara, this was laughable.

However, from this baby came a nation of people.

In fact, all of the hundreds of millions of Jews,

Arabs and Christians can trace their spiritual

ancestral lineage to Abraham.


are looking outside of God for our blessings. We

want our families to bless us; we want our

communities, politics, jobs, schools, fraternities or

churches to bless us! But God is reminding us,

“He” is the one who is the true source of our

blessings. He reminds us: ‘I will bless you through

the family, through the community, through the

school, through the job, or through the church.’ It

seems as if I can hear David saying,…….. “He” will

prepare a table for me, even in the presence of my



GREAT. Too often, we find ourselves competing in

the marketplace to become famous or popular.

We try to have the right friends, be in the right

places or at the right time for the right job. We try

to meander through the winding social, political

and fraternal circles in this asphalt jungle, called

America! We do this because we want to be

known. We want to be recognized. However, as

Christians we find that the pursuit of self-

aggrandizement over and against the selflessness

which Jesus requires of us, puts our diverse

agendas into conflict. In other words, this spiritual

walk causes us to wear an uneasy crown. Thanks

to Abram, we are reminded, we don’t have to

make ourselves great. All we have to do is

humble ourselves, surrender to God, do His Will,

then He promises, He will make our names great!

During the month of March, Men of FBC, will you let

the Holy Spirit guide you? Will you answer God’s

call? Let’s in the meantime, re-commit ourselves

to Christ, His teaching and to FBC, as we listen

quietly for our names. Meanwhile, Hush,

hush…..Somebody’s Calling My Name…..Hush,


Page 4

As I was walking down

life’s highway a long

time ago, I saw a sign

that read “Heaven’s

Grocery Store.” As I got

a little closer to the

door, it opened wide

and when I came to

myself, I was standing

inside. I saw a host of

Angels. They were standing everywhere, one

handed me a basket and said, and “My child shop

with care.” Everything a Christian needed was in

that grocery store; and all you could not carry, you

could come back the next day for more.

First, I got some PATIENCE; LOVE was in the

same row. Further down was UNERSTANDING;

you need that wherever you go.

I got a box or two of WISDON, a bag or two of


I just couldn’t miss the HOLY GHOST, for it was

all over the Place.

I stopped to get some STRENGHT and

COURAGE to help me run this race,

By then my basket was getting full, but I

remembered, I needed some GRACE.

I didn’t forget SALVATION, for salvation –that

was free.

So, I tried to get enough of that to save both

you and me.

Then, I started up to the counter, to pay my

Grocery Bill,

For I thought I had everything to do my

Master’s Will

As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER, and I just

had to put that in, for I knew that when I

stepped outside, I would run right into sin.

PEACE and JOY were plentiful; they were on the

last shelf.

SONG AND PRAISES were hanging near, so I

just helped myself.

Then I said to the Angel, How much do I owe? He

smiled and said, MY CHILD, JESUS PAID YOUR’S.

During the month of February, many Valentine

gifts were given to the residents and staff at

Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home. What a joy it was

to see the glow on the people’s faces, as they

received their special gifts.

Remember, the First Sunday of each month we

would like for you to join us at Stoddard Baptist

Nursing Home that we can bring joy and

happiness to the resident’s and staff at the

nursing home together! We also sent Valentine

card’s to our sick and shut in members of the

Church, who were convalescing during the month

of February.

During the

month of

March, we

will be going

out in the


area of DC,


the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as passing out

spiritual tracts and related biblical materials. As

we go forth, let us remember, the Lord Jesus

Christ challenges us to overcome fear and

abandon our complacency. In fact, Jesus says, to

us….. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me,

will do the works I have been doing and will do

even greater works than these, because I am

going to the Father” (John 14:12). “Let us journey

onward in Jesus name and do some of

these……….. greater works”!

May the Peace of God be with you always, as you

serve “Him” in the daytime, for the nighttime

comes, when no man can work! Page 5

“FBC Missionary Society Ministry” (By Sister Colleen Sweat and Fellow Missionaries)

Heaven’s Grocery Store

“Youth News, You Can Use” (By Sister Kareema Robinson and Minister Reggie Williams)

Believe What You Feel

Page 6

One day a certain teacher said he had an

exercise he wanted his class to try. He

asked, the students to stand, facing away

from their classmates and to deliberately

fall backward, relying on each student to

catch the other. Most of the students were

uncomfortable with this and would not let

go for more than a few inches, before

stopping themselves. In fact, many students

laughed in embarrassment, as some fell

flat on their backs.

Finally, one student, a thin, quiet, dark-

haired girl, whom I noticed always, wore

bulky, white fisherman sweaters. She often

patiently crossed her arms over her chest,

closed her eyes, leaned back, and did not

flinch. She reminded me of one of those

Lipton tea commercials, where the model

splashes into the pool.

For a moment, I was sure the girl was going

to fall flat on the floor. However, at the last

moment, her assigned partner grabbed her

head and shoulders and yanked her up

harshly, but safely. Thus, she never hit the


“Whoa!” several students yelled. Some even

clapped! The teacher finally smiled and said

to the girl, “you close your eyes,” that was

the difference. In life, sometimes you

cannot believe what you see, you have to

believe what you feel. And if you are ever

going to have other people trust you, you

must cause them to feel that they can trust

you, too, even when you're in the dark. Even

when you're falling!"

Wise Words For Our Youth

1. You are in a world of prejudgment,

but you can still redefine yourself.

2. Don’t ever let anyone question your

blackness — it’s not their right.

3. Success not only comes through fame

and fortune, but through sacrifice, hard

work and integrity.

4. Athletes and entertainers are not the

only aspiring role models — search for

mentors in your community and


5. Being light or dark-skinned makes

you no better or inferior than any other

person. Just be the person God made

you to be.

6. Boys, it’s okay to express your

emotions; and girls, it’s okay to exercise


7. Education is and will always be,

essential — no matter what career you


8. Words are stronger than fists,

therefore use your words more.

9. Let your inner beauty be shown

through your personal creativity, not just

through images in pop culture.

10. You are smart and entitled to

happiness, just like anyone else in the


“Youth News, You Can Use” (Cont’d)

Page 7

A big shout out to the youth who participated in

the Total Youth Experience held on Saturday,

February 25, 2017. At this event our youth

shared original and historic poetry with an

emphasis on Black History month. Our youth

did an awesome job and showed once again,

they are more than capable of handling any

task or assignment they are given.

Also, on Saturday,

February 25, our Daisy

and Brownie Girl Scout

Troops competed in

the Girl Scout Council

of the Nation’s

Capital’s Annual Step

Show Competition.

This event took place

at Trinity University.

Winners have not

been announced, but we congratulate in

advance our team for the highly spirited and

creative performance they gave.

Our Girl Scouts

a r e s e r io u s

about reaching

their cookie

sales goals. They

were spotted

this month in full

force manning their cookie booths at various

sites, including our neighborhood Wal-Mart. On the second Sunday in March we will

celebrate Girl Scout Day with our troops, who’ll

be leading the 10:50 AM service. Each of our

troops will continue to provide opportunities for

our girls to build courage, confidence and

character, thus enabling them to make the

world a better place. And if you haven’t already

done so, do pick up a few boxes of Girl Scout

cookies. In fact, get them early and often!



Chyna Milan Holloway is a

fifth grade student at

Shepherd Elementary

School in Washington, DC

and is an International

Baccalaureate (IB). She is

in a Primary Years

Program School. She has

h i g h g o a l s a n d

expectations in all her

a s s e s s m e n t s a n d

reflected high standards

throughout her academic journey.

Chyna also took the Partnership for

Assessment of Readiness for College and

Careers (PARCC) in English language arts/

Literacy (ELA). Her performance level and

score indicated, she is on track for college and

career readiness.

Chyna is a high achiever in her French class

and is also a member of the school’s choir and

art club. She is a reader for the schools

kindergarten class and a morning announcer

on the school’s P.A. system (I wonder where

she got that from). In addition, Chyna is a

member of the Yearbook Club, which is

scheduled to see a performance of the Dance

Theater of Harlem in New York this April.

“Youth News, You Can Use” (Cont’d)

Page 8

Chyna is a high achiever in her French class

and is also a member of the school’s choir

and art club. She is a reader for the schools

kindergarten class and a morning

announcer on the school’s P.A. system (I

wonder where she got that from). In

addition, Chyna is a member of the

Yearbook Club, which is scheduled to see a

performance of the Dance Theater of

Harlem in New York this April.

Chyna is the recipient of several school

awards including: being named her school’s

spelling bee champion, Advanced

Achievement in Reading and Mathematics

and the Hour of Code (computer) Award. In

addition, this year she finished in the top

ten at the City Wide Spelling Bee


Chyna has attended FBC since birth and is a

member of the youth choir and choral

speakers ministries. In addition, she is

often called upon to speak at various

church events. Most importantly, Chyna

regularly attends Sunday School at FBC.

She is the daughter of Monica Watson and

Chris Holloway. She is also the

granddaughter of Deaconess Barbara

Mickens, who homeschooled Chyna at an

early age and is undoubtedly proud to see

how well her efforts have paid off.

Chyna thanks God daily for granting her

wisdom, knowledge, understanding,

protection and faith. She also thanks both

her personal and church family for always

praying and encouraging her to do her best.

Her motto is: “The Sky Is The Limit”.

Congratulations to Jahmal Banks, a ninth

grader at Bishop O’Connell High School in

Alexandria, Virginia. Not only did he have an

outstanding football season as a wide

receiver on his school’s varsity football

team, he also received an Honorable

Mention at the Virginia Independent

Schools Athletic Association’s Banquet,

held in January. Jahmal earned this award

for his outstanding performance as a

Freshman Wide Receiver during the 2016

football season.

Parents: We know your children are doing

awesome things in school and in the

community. Please let us know of their

accomplishments, so that we can share

their achievements with our church family.

Forward information to Sister Kareema

Robinson or Minister Reggie Williams.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery,

and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the


Page 9

An Afternoon of Elegance

for First Lady Brenda B. Tucker

Join us for a gala celebration honoring our First Lady, Sister Brenda B. Tucker on

her 76th birthday. We will also pay tribute to her for her 38 years of dedicated, loyal

and devoted service to the First Baptist Senior Center.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Noon – Three PM

First Baptist Church ~ Ida Clark Hall 712 Randolph Street, NW ~ Washington, DC 20011

Rev. Dr. Frank D. Tucker, Senior Pastor

You may pay tribute in honor of the First Lady’s birthday by contributing to her most

beloved First Baptist Church Comprehensive Senior Citizens Center in one of the

following ways:

Become a Trailblazer of the Center with a gift of $200.00

Become a Benefactor of the Center with a gift of $100.00

Match her years of age with a gift of $76.00

Match her years of service at FBSC with a gift of $38.00

For additional information regarding the activities of the Senior Center and the fund

-raising project, see a member of the celebration committee in Ida Clark Hall

following the 7:50 AM and the 10:50 AM worship services.

Deaconess Naomi S Rembert Sister Victoria Taylor

Chairperson (202-468-2990) Center Director (202-723-4313)

Page 10

Page 11

According to II Chronicles seven through ten,

when God’s people came into the Temple to

worship they expressed an insatiable desire to

experience God. The text gives the impression

when God’s people come into God’s House,”

they were excited and ready to experience

“The Shakinah Glory” of God! In fact, it seems

God’s presence was so dynamic that, the

priest and Levites could barely get into the

Temple to perform their ecclesiastical duties

because the hot fire of The Holy Spirit was so

overwhelming! I can imagine, as they were

entering the Temple of God, they sang with

great joy…..“The presence of The Lord” is here,

I can feel it in the atmosphere”…..the

presence of “The Lord” is here, I can feel it in

the atmosphere….

My friends, I believe that’s what many will be

singing and testifying, to as they make their

way into “The House of God” at First Baptist

Church (FBC) on “Good Friday” (April 14,

2017)! Therefore, beginning Friday, April 14,

2017 (from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM) get ready

to hear seven dynamic accounts of the “Last”

poignant words uttered by Our Lord and

Savior, Jesus The Christ from “The Cross!”

Yes, seven sons and daughters of The First

Baptist Church will render these utterances;

we commonly call “The Seven Last Words” of

Jesus at “The Cross.”

Please remember, on “Good Friday” the

government extends religious leave to

persons, who desire to share in this deeply

personal religious event unencumbered! This

“Good Friday” service is a great opportunity to

invite some of our co-workers, colleagues,

neighbors, friends and family, who have not

accepted Jesus The Christ as their personal

Lord and Savior. Perhaps on that day, they

can say yes to “Him!”

Additionally, you can rise early Sunday

morning and experience the spontaneity and

freshness of “The People Who Were Looking

For Jesus” as they journeyed “on the road to

Emmaus.” During this “Easter Sunrise

experience,” which will be held on Sunday,

April 16, 2017 at 6:00 AM. Our Pastor

Reverend Dr. Frank D. Tucker and the

ministerial staff will lead us on this hope

restoring, faith affirming “Road To Emmaus”


You don’t want to miss out on what it might

have been like for those persons who rose

early Sunday morning looking for Jesus after

“His” death on the cross. What is it like for you

today, as you revisit His death, suffering and

resurrection? Do you believe he has risen

within you? Come and experience afresh for

yourself what it means to have Jesus alive

inside of you!

Next we’ll conclude our day with two spiritually

enriching worship services at 7:55 AM and

10:50 AM. The senior pastor of the historic

First Baptist Church, The Reverend Dr. Frank

D. Tucker will proclaim “the Gospel” at both of

these services. If you know someone who

needs to be spiritually revived, encouraged or

restored, please bring them with you! If

there’s someone who doesn’t know Jesus, as

their personal Lord and Savior, bring them


GET READY FOR HOLY WEEK 2017 AT FBC” (By The Reverend Donald Robinson)

Page 12

Whatever you do, if you care for them, don’t let this moment of personal spiritual

opportunity pass them by. Get your friends to Jesus, by any means necessary! Listed

below are the scriptural themes the preachers will preach from on “Good Friday:”


“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

“Today Thou Shalt be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43)

“Woman, behold They Son! Son, behold Thy Mother” (John 19:27)

“My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

“Thirst” (John 9:28)

“It Is Finished” (John 19:30)

“Father, in Thy hands I commend my Spirit.” (Luke 23:46)


Page 13



Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 7:50 A.M.

and 10:50 A.M. Services



Saturday, March 11, 2017



Sunday, March 12, 2017

at 10:50 A.M. Service


March 17, 2017


Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 7:50 A.M.

and 10:50 A.M. Services


March 23, 2017 through March 25, 2017


Sunday, March 26 2017 at 7:50 A.M.

and 10:50 A.M. Services

First Baptist Church 712 Randolph Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20011

(202) 541-5000 ~ Fax: (202) 291-2565

Email: [email protected]