PARALLEL GRAMMAR SERIES A FIEST LATIN EEADEE AND WEITEE C.'^MrpiX, M.A. (OxoN.) ASSISTANT MASTER IN THE ORATORY SCHOOL, EDGBASTON "In which little hook I have left many things out of purpoae, considering the tenderness and small capacity of young wits specially learning a tongue unto them all stravge."—CoLEiT, Preface to Latin Grammar. SECOND EDITION. LONDON SWAN SONNENSCHEIN AND CO. PATERNOSTER SQUARE 1889 ©

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Page 1: First Latin Reader and Writer





"In which little hook I have left many things out of purpoae, considering the

tenderness and small capacity of young wits specially learning a tongue unto them

all stravge."—CoLEiT, Preface to Latin Grammar.







Page 2: First Latin Reader and Writer

The following are the distinguishing features of the PAEALLBLGRAMMAR SERIES :— yt '7/




The same grammatical phenomenon is classified alike and namedalike wherever found. Slightly different phenomena are described hy

slightly different but not inconsistent names. A pupil using these

Grammars will therefore not be distracted by discordant grammatical

views or puzzled by divergent formulse where a single formula wouldsufBce.

The order of the various Grammars being identical, mastery of one

involves mastery of the principles and methods of the others.

These important results are attained witJwut any revolution in

terminology. It has been found that the existing stock of names, if

used economically, is sufficient or very nearly sufficient.

Syntax is based on Analysis of Sentences, and the principle of

Comenius, "Per exempla," as distinct from "Per prsecepta," is

followed ; i. e. , rules are based upon a preceding set of selected

examples, from which they may be inductively inferred.


The Series is designed ReWE:ar is therefore of suffliefore of sv

,. iasp^^tovarntfege "fs ^aCriffce

ff;^anfgiBejtt of

andbpe to

.ji( rtance'if the

e page

Grammar Schools. Each GJaini

cover the whole school cours<


of utilising the local memoi y,

pupil passes from book to boa^ and fro:

to another.

On the other hand, this Series M'<ilmMig!l»itl*'l!iy iupplmumi't and not to

supplant the teacher. Exposition and discussion are therefore confinedto narrow limits. The object of the promoters has been to present inas brief space as possible a conspectus of the main features of the


All the Grammars are printed in three sizes of type—Small Pica,Long Primer, and Brevier—corresponding to three stages of learning.A line down the margin gives additional prominence to the elementarymatter. Great care has been bestowed upon making the pages aspictorial as possible, in order thereby to aid the local memory.

It is hoped that these volumes may fairly claim the title of a SERIESOF PARALLEL GRAMMARS. No labour has been spared in making themuniform, not merely externally, but also in principle and method.


Page 3: First Latin Reader and Writer


This Readee and "Weiter is intended as a First Course of

Latin. The chief points of Accidence to the end of the regular

verb (including capio and the Deponents, but excluding Genders

of Nouns and Principal Parts of Verbs that form the Perfect

and Supine irregularly) are taken up, not however in the order

of systematic grammar, but in the order of teaching. The verb

is brought in early, adjectives like duriis follow upon nouns of

the 1st and 2nd Declension; after Exercise 11 nouns, adjectives,

pronouns, and verbs march on abreast.

The head line of each reading lesson directs the pupil's

attention to the part of his Latin Grammar which he must

study in connection therewith, e.g. urbs, laudatus sum,Comparison of Adjectives : a few paradigms, such as

agricola sedulus—not ordinarily given together in gram-

mars—are added. It is hoped that the pupil will thus become

familiarised with the use of his grammar from the first, and

lay the foundation of that ' local memory ' which it is so

desirable to cultivate. Any Latin Grammar may be- used, but

references are given to the Latin Accidence of Professor

SoNNENSCHEiN, in the Parallel Grammar Series. Quantities

too are marked on the same principle as in that grammar,

i.e. on the principle of not ma/rhing natwrally short vowels at all.

It is hoped that the eye, no longer confused by a multiplicity of

signs, will thus be trained, and serve as a valuable auxiliary to

the ear. Full and carefully constructed Vocabularies (including

a considerable number of " Phrases ") and a General Index

(Latin and English) complete the book.

Irregularities in Accidence and all formal study of Syntax

are postponed. Mai Hreint qui trap emhrasse ; a few indispen-

sable rules of Syntax are given ; but for the most part Syntax

is taught by the method of Model Sentences

per exempla, as

Comenius said it should be.

Page 4: First Latin Reader and Writer


Great pains have been taken to make this book mterestvng


Continuous passages and stories have been introduced as early

and as often as possible, both in the English and the Latin

parts. It is astonishing how small an equipment of grammar

is necessary for translating a story, even one of considerable

length {e.g. Exercises 18—24). Quotations too from great

writers—English as well as Latin—have been introdiiced from

time to time ; some of the most noteworthy sayings in literature

present no grammatical difficulty, and may serve to ' set the

learner on thinking.' Even the disconnected sentences, which

ring the changes on the various inflected forms, are, it is hoped,

sometimes instructive, sometimes perhaps even amusing, never

absolutely dull or meaningless.

In the Latin part care has been taken to avoid words of

doubtful Latinity ; in the English part, to have some regard for

style, and to avoid the depressing jargon that still masquerades

as English in many an elementary book.

The English Exercises are modelled, more or less closely, on

the corresponding Latin Exercises : the writing of Latin thus

grows naturally out of the experience gained in reading ; reading,

writing, and grammar, go on side by side and illustrate one another.

I am indebted for much help in the Latin part to the Lateinische

Lesebiicher of Dr. Friedrich Holzweissig, Director of the Victoria

Gymnasium at Burg, and of Dr. Otto Eichter.

I should be most grateful to Teachers and others for any

corrections or suggestions.

C. M. D.OrATOKY SOHOOt, Edgbaston,

September 1st, 1888.

NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION.In the second edition, which is called for within four months

of the appearance of the first, some- errors in the indexes and

vocabularies have been corrected, and a few more model sentences

introduced. C. M. D.

December Uth, 1888.

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„ LATIN 131

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Observe carefully :

In the English and Latin parts

1. "Words enclosed in curved brackets ( ), unless preceded by the word say,

are to be omitted in translation.

2. Words in square brackets [ ] are to be translated.

In the English paet

3. Words connected by a hypben are to be translated by a single Latinword.

4. Only those prepositions followed by an asterisk (*) are to be translated.

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mensa (Gram. § 17).

Nominative and Genitive (Sing, and Plur.)


Page 8: First Latin Reader and Writer


Accusative {Sing, and Plur)


Page 9: First Latin Reader and Writer


1. Agricola rosas filiae dat. 2. Puella aquam agricolis

dat. 3. Ancillae coronam reginae dant. 4. Puella rosas

dominae dat. 5. Domina pecuniam ancillls saepe dat.

6. Puellae coronam dominae dant. 7. Audacia nautarum

gloriam Britanniae parat; 8. Industria agricolis Britanniae

est causa gloriae. 9. Fama poetarum incolis Graeciae est

causa gloriae. 10. Domina rosas et gemmas puellae dat.

11. Filiae reginae gemmas puellis dant.- 12. Nauta- et

agricola rosas puellis saepe dant. 13». Filia agricolae aquamnautae dat.

Ablative {Sing, and Flur.)

1. Sunt in Hibernia agricolae. 2. Sunt in Britannia

nautae. ' 3. Erant in Graecia poetae. 4. In ora Germaniae

et Italiae nautae sunt. 5. Ancillae reginam rosis ornant.

6. Ancilla dominam corona ornat. t. E^ina poetas coronis

ornat. 8. I>omina ancillas gemmis saepe ornat. 9. Ancillae

dominas coronis saepe ornant. '^10. Puella agricolam modestia

delectat. Vn. Nautae Biitanniae patriam fema audaciae

ornant. 12. Puellae patriam modestia ornant. 13. Nautae

patriam audacia ornant, agricolae industria. 14. In ora

Asiae coloniae erant. 15. Incolae vias statuis et coronis

ornant. 16. Filiae agricolarum aram rosis ornant.


Roma et Athenae.

1. Il5ma in Italia est. 2. R5mae vias statuae ornant.

3. In viis Romae erant arae et statuae'dearum.^ 4. Fama

ararum et statuarum est R5mae causa gloriae. 5. Ecce


filiae incolarum Romae aras dearum coronis ornant. 6.

Athenae sunt in Graecia. 7. In viis Athenarum erant arae

et statuae dearum. -iS. Athenas statuae et columnae etiam

B 2

Page 10: First Latin Reader and Writer


nunc oraant. 9. Athenarum incolis iadustria erat causa

divitiarum. 10. Athenaesuntpatria poetarum. 11. Athenae

erant schola litterarum et doctrinae. 12. Inimicitiae Per-

sarum erant incolis Athenarum causa pugnarum et victoria-

rum. 13. Erat in copiis Persarum discordia, concordia in

copiis AthenanMn.


dominus (Gram. § 21).

1. Dominus servum habet. 2. Industria servi dominumdelectat. 3. Dominus igitur cibum et pecuniam servo dat.

4. Serve, modestia et industria dominum delectant. 5. Serve,

agricolae da cibum. 6. Servi, ubi est dominus? Dominus

est in horto. 7. Vergilius et Horatius poetae ^rant R5man-orum. 8. Fama poetarum Romanis est causa gloriae. 9.

Eomani erant domini Italiae. 10. In numero servor-um

Graecorum erant barbari ; serv5rum Romanorum in numerS

erant Graeci et Galli et German!. 11. Fama doctrinae ,et

litterarum est Germanis causa gloriae. 12. Dominus in-

dustriam servorum laudat.


bellum (§ 21). sum (Gram. § 189).

Model Sentence : Ego sum vir, vos estis pueri, tii es puella.

/ a/m a man, you a/re hoys, you*are a girl.

%^ Put the Finite Verb in the same number and person as

the Subject.

1. Ub! es, Carole 1 Ubi est Henricus ? Ubi estis, amici ?

2. Cum Frederico sum in horto. 3. Saepe sumus in hortis

et campis. 4. Ludi Carolum et Henricum delectant. 5.

Fredericus et Augustus in campo sunt. 6; Bellum est

malum, nam agricolis et incolis oppidorum mala parat.

7 Agricolae bellum non amant. 8. Inimicitiae populorum

Page 11: First Latin Reader and Writer


sunt causa bellorum. 9. Muri et valla et fossae sunt in

bello munimenta oppiddrum. 10. O bella, saepe estis causa

malorum. 11. Hodie amici sumus Germanorum et Gallorum.

12. Carole, non-ne es amicus Henrici? 13. Amicus sumHenrici et Frederici. 14. Bella non semper mala sunt. 15.

Ubi sunt templa ? In oppid5 templa sunt.


liber, puer, vir (Gram. §§ 23, 25).

1. Ego discipulus sum • tu es magister. 2. Nos d'iscipuli

sumus ; v6s estis magistri. 3. Puer, ubi sunt libri liberorum ?

4. Libri sunt in mensa sed liberi sunt in hort5. 5. Liberi

magistri sunt in agris agricolae. 6. Ubi sunt generi agri-

colae ? 7. Generi et ministri agricolae in agro sunt. 8. Sub

vesperum liberi agricolarum in agris saltant. 9. Saltant

etiam ministri agricolae. 10. Sub vesperum pueri et puellaei

in horto deambulant. 11. In scbola magistri discipulis

saepe sunt socii ludorum. 12. Puerorum et puellarum in-

dustria et modestia magistros delectant. 13. Tabulae non

s5lum pueris sed etiam viris sunt causa laetitiae,


sum, eram, ero (Gram. § 189).

1. Nunc pueri sumus, postea viri erimus. 2. Henrice,

nunc vir es, olim eras puer. 3. Filii, 5lim pueri eratis, mox

eritis viri. 4. Nunc pueri sunt discipuli, mox magistri

erunt. 5. Ltidi puerorum magistro semper erunt causa

laetitiae. 6. Magistri, socii ludorum liberis eratis et eritis.

7. O puer, mox vir eris. 8. Libri puerorum et puellarum

etiam viros saepe delectant. 9. Ministri agricolae llberos sed

non libros amant. 10. Viri sumus sed pueris socii ludoram

saepe erimus. 11. Discipuli estis et eratis, mox eritis-


Page 12: First Latin Reader and Writer



Deus (Gram. § 25).

1. Amici sunt donum Dei. 2. Deus est dominus caeli et

terrae. 3. Incolis terrae Deus beneficia praebet. 4. Mundus

est templum Dei. 5. Liberi sunt donum Dei. 6. Templa

erant aedificia deorum. 7. Neptunus et Mercurius dei erant

Eomanorum. 8. Est Deus, sed non sunt dei. 9. Erant

Graecis et Romanis di et deae. 10. Animus est dSnum Dei.

11. Erant in templis deorum arae et statuae et columnae.

12. Deus, dominus es caeli et terrae. 13. Graeci et Romani

aras, statuas, templa dis dedicabant.


duruB (Gram. § 92).


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fUi (Gram. § 189).

1. O Helena, causa multorum malorum Trojanis fuisti.

2. Vina Graecorum praeclara erant. 3. socii, saepe in

malis fuimus sed mox fortunati erimus. 4. Strenui fuistis, o

nautae Angliae. 5. In scliola, pueri, seduli et attenti fuistis


postea docti eritis. 6. Olim non seduli eramus, nunc autem

attenti et seduli sumus. 7. Fuisti in Italia ? Non in Italia

fui sed in nonnullis oppidis Helvetiae. 8. Fuistis in Graecia ?

Non in Graecia fuimus; in Germania Carolus et Henricus

fuerunt. 11. Superbi fuistis, Romani, et multarum terrarum

cupidi. 12. Fuit Ilium, fuisti Priame, fuistis Trojani !


pulcher, liber (Gram. §§ 93, 94).

Model Sentence : BonI sunt liberi curis : nam parvo sunt con-


Good men a/re free from ca/res : for they are

contented vnth little.

Boni, good m^n. Bonae, good women. Bona, good things (goods).

1. Pauci curis liberi sunt. 2. Nonnulli curis nunquamliberi fuerunt. 3. In fuga exitium miserum est, in victoria

gloriosum. 4. Olim in patria nostra ursi erant. 5. Miseri

fuimus, mox erimus beati. 6. Vita virorum liberorum non

semper libera curis est. 7. Via aspera gloriae viris liberis

est jucunda. 8. Viri liberi viam asperam gloriae amant.

9. Liberos pigros libri pulchri n5n delectant. 10. Exempla

mala diseipulSrum pigrorum nonnullis pueris noxia fuerunt.

11. Vita nostra humana non sempiterna erit. 12. Miseri

non erimus, nam paucis content! semper fuimus. 13. Nunc

es et semper fuisti amicus miseris, amice.

Page 14: First Latin Reader and Writer



fUi, ffaeram, fUero (Gram. § 189).

Model Sentences : Ubi fuisti ?

Where have you been 1

Fuisti-ne in Graecia ?

Have you been in Greece ?

A Dialogue.

Garolus. Ubi hodie fuisti, Frederice ? Ubi fuit avus tuus ?

Frederlcus. In oppidd fui cum av5 meo. G. Fuistis-ne in

foro oppidi? F. Fuimus in foro. G. Erant-ne multi viri

in for5 ? F. Multi viri, pulchris armis ornati, in foro erant.

Spectaculum erat pulchrum. C. Fueras-ne jam antea in

oppid5 ? F. Fueram in oppid5 cum amic5 nostr5. Sed tu

cur hodie in oppido non fuisti ? G. Magister mens iratus

erat ; nam in schola non attentus fueram. F. Si attentus

fueris, nulla erit causa irae magistro nostr5. Si magistri

industria tua content! fuerint, magna erunt praemia tua.

2. Catilina, vir nefarie, patriae nostrae perniciosus semper

fueras. 3. Viri improbi, semper fueratis improborum amici.

4. Si boni fueritis, beati eritis.


Singular. Plural.

Nom. agricola sedulus ) agricolae seduliVoc. agricola sedule 3

Ace. agricolam sedulum agricolas sedulos

Gen. agricolae seduli agricolarum seduldrum

Bat. agricolae sedulo | agricolis sedulisAbl. agricola seduld J

Page 15: First Latin Reader and Writer


1. Agricolae seduli saepe sunt beati. 2. Agricolae pigrJ

nunquam erunt prosperi. 3. Nautae nostri plerumque sunt

impavidi. 4. Incolae Britanniae olim feri et bellicosT erant.

5. Homerus clarus erat poeta Graecorum, Vergilius et

Horatius clari erant poetae Romanorum. 6. Etiam nunc in

scholis nostris fabulae palchrae poetarum Graecorum pueros

et puellas delectant. 7. Si ministri seduli fuerint, agricolae

contenti erunt. 8. Nautae nostri ventorum et undarum

periti sunt. 9. Multi nautae in insula nostra semper fuerunt.

10. Corifithus erat clarum oppidum Graeciae ; etiam nunc

multi nautae incolis Corinthi divitias apportant. 11. Primi

incolae Romae feri ac barbari erant. 12. Industria ministri

gaudium agricolae sedulo parat.


es (Imper., Gram. § 189) ; ab-sum, ad-sum, de-sum

(Gram. § 215).

1. Es sedulus, 6 puer 1 2. Este attenti et seduli, discipuli,

et postea docti eritis. 3. Es amicus misero, amice ! 4. Este

cauti, socii, nam callidae sunt inimicorum insidiae. 5. Puellae,

este modestae, nam modestia puellis magnum est ornamentum.

6. Patria incolis cara esto. 7. Nautae ventorum et undarum

periti sunt5. 8. Seduli sunt5 agricolae nostri. 9. SteUae

longe absunt a terra. 10. Amicus amic5 in periculis non

deerit. 11. Impavidi este, nautae, nam ubique adest Deus,

neque viris probis et piis unquam deest. 12. Nos uno tantum

loco sumus, Deus nusquam abest. 13. Viri probi et boni

amicis nunquam defuerunt.

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Page 17: First Latin Reader and Writer


parsimonia, et industria, et modestia Juliae. Parsimonia et

industria puellae bonum agricolam vaide delectant, Sed

magis delectat Marcum modestia filiae, nam puellig magnumest ornamentum modestia. Saepe exclamat Marcus libeiis suis


" Este laboriqsi et docti : estote modesti : nam si boni fueritis,

Deo can eritis." Puellae pulcbrae non sunt semper bonae.

Puellae bonae baudquaquam semper sunt pulchrae. Julia au-

tem et bona et pulcbra erat. Itaque filia boni agricolae n5n

solum Marco sed etiam universis vici incolis causa erat



The Farmer and the Sailor (contimoed).

Gains erat filius agricolae. Non solum laboriosus erat, sed

etiain doctus. Haudquaquam poetarum Romanorum et

Graec5rum imperitus erat. Vergilius, Horatius, Ovidius

puerum valde delectant, sed magnus Homerus puerum magis

delectat. Fabulas poetarum Graecorum Jiiliae narrat, nam

linguae Graecae puella n5n perita est. Itaque libri agricolae

liberis valde sunt jucundi. Nibilominus Gains est laboridsus

agricola. Pauci agricolae sunt docti;pauci sunt periti et

poetarum et agriculturae. Boni poetae baud raro sunt mali

agricolae. Gaius autem et doctus poeta et sedulus agricola

erat. Itaque Marco causa gaudii erant liberi, Hbri liberis.


The Farmer and the Sailor (continued).

Augustus est nauta strenuus, Augustus est fidus amicus

Marci agricolae. Agrippa est unicus nautae filius. Magna

pueri diUgentia Augustum delectat, Itaque nauta exclamat


"Fill, diligentia tua me valde delectat. Ecce praemium

diligentiae tiiae et industriae ! Feriae tib! erunt., Marcus,

unus ex amicis meis, nos ad se visendum invitat. Omniao

Page 18: First Latin Reader and Writer


imperitus es vitae rusticae. Vita rustica te delectabit."

Postridie ad agricolam visendum nauta et filius iter faciunt.

Magnum est gaudium amicorum, nam amicitia nautae et

agricolae est firma. Interea Gains et Julia Agrippae multa

monstrant. Hortum, porc5s, equos, catulos puero monstrant.


The Faemer and the Sailor {continued).

Postridie Agrippa cum Marci filio ambulat. Gaius Agrippae

monstrat alta.s piros, malos ramosas, cerasos jucundas. P5madat amico. Postea in magnam silvam veniunt. Sunt in si.va

pini procerae, fagi altae, tiliae opacae ; sunt etiam ferae in

silva, nam silva est domicilium eervorum et aprorum. Est

in silva rivus. Ripae rivi sunt amoenae umbra pin5rum

altarum et platanorum opacarum. Turn pueri sub umbra

fagi altae sedent. Deinde Agrippa amicum suum interrogat


" Ferae-ne sunt in silva ? " Turn Gaius :" Olim silva erat

domicilium ursorum et luporum et aprorum; etiam hodie

silva plena est aprSrum." Subito magnum et ferum aprum

vident. Tum Gains magna gaudio exclamat :" Ecce aper



Haudquaquam gaudet Agrippa ; timet, sed nihil respondet.


The Farmer and the Sailor {continued).

Mox tamen Gains aprum sagittis actitis vulnerat, namSagittarius est peritus. Sed aper nondum est mortuus : in

Gaium irruit et jam jam bellicosum poetam lacerat, sed sine

mora Agrippa gladio beluam necat, nam nautae filio audacia

nunquam defuit. Tum pueri tam gloriosa victoria gaudent.

Postea Marcus et Augustus cum Julia ad locum forte veniunt.

Vident aprum mortuum ; mox pueros vident, audiunt de

proelio et audaciam puerorum laudant.

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The Farmer and the Sailor (conchtsion).

Postridie pueri ad agros ambulant. Agricola cum ministris

arat, Gaius quoque arat ; sed Agrippa stupet, est enira omnino

imperitus agriculturae. Mox tamen exclamat :" Mehercule


InteUeg5. Aratrum est navis terrae." Haud multo postea

migrat Gaius cum Agrippa et Augusto ad oppidum maritimum.

Gaius vitae maritimae omnind est imperitus. De violentia

undarum pelagi multa in libris poetarum legit, sed undas

pelagi nunquam vidit. Tandem ad altos scopul5s veniunt

et pelagus vident. Turn Agrippa exclamat, " Ecce navis !


Gaius novum monstrum diii aspicit. tandem "Papae ! " inquit,

" navis est aratrum pelagi."


laudo, laudabam^ laudabd ; lauda ; laudare (Gram.

§ 190).

1. Yin strenui, magna patientia toleratis molestias vltae.

2. Etiam dura saxa aqua cavat. 3. Industria et diligentia

multa pericula vitamus.. 4. Patruus pueris exclamabat


"Industria et diligentia multa pericula vitabitis." 5. Am-plificamus patriam nostram n5n solum armis sed etiam

industria, 6. Horati, vitam urbanam saepe vituperabas.

7. Vita rustica E.5man6s antiques delectabat. 8. Vir strenue,

ex magnis periculis patriam liberabis. 9. Prudentia pericula

multa vitabatis. 10. Eomani, cum multis popuJSs de imperio

certabatis. 11. Germani antiqui deis captivos immolabant.

12. Graeci Romanes doctrina superant. 13. Socii, armis

patriam nostram ex periculo liberabimus. 14. Filii, aequo

animS tolerate molestias vitae. 15. Jucundum et decorum

est patriam amplificare et pr5 patria pugnare.

Page 20: First Latin Reader and Writer




Carolus. Multi laudant vitam nautarum. Avus tuus laudat

vitam rusticam. Tu quoque vitam rusticam laudas. Cur

laudatis ? Frederlcus. Laudamus silvarum umbram, agros et

hortos vicorum, aquam puram rivomm. C. Nuper laudabas

oppidum et commoda vitae urbanae. Ctir sententiam tuam

miitas ? F. Laudabam oppidum et etiam nunc laud5.

Sententiam meam non miito. Multa sunt commoda vitae

urbanae, sed vita agricolarum agricolam futurum delectat.

Semper ego laudabo vitam rusticam, tu laudabis vitam

urbanam. 0. Ambulabimus per vias amplas, spectabimus

aedificia pulcbra, delectabunt oculos nostros statuae



vox (Gram. § 30).

1. Virtute magni eritis et opulenti, 5 socii. 2. Probitas

grata est Deo. 3. Varia sunt virorum judicia, variae volun-

tates. 4. In magna civitate multa et varia ingenia sunt.

5. Lyourgus leges suas auctoritate dei DelpbicS confirmabat.

6. Judex legum custos esto. 7. Viri boni aequitatem amant.

8. Initium salutis est notitia peccati. 9. Integritas vitae

laudem parat. 10. Tarquinius Priscuset Tarquinius Superbusreges Eomanorum fuerunt. 11. Tanaquil Tarquinii Prisci

regis conjunx erat. 12. Equites Ariovisti, regis Germanorum,populos Galliae olim vexabant. 13. Ariovisto, duci German5-rum, Caesar bellum denuntiabat. 14. Nautae pacem amant,milites bellum.

Page 21: First Latin Reader and Writer



dolor, mos (Gram. § 32).

1. Errare humanum, sed in errore perseverare stultum est.

2. Florum odSres et colores varii sunt. 3. Magna est laus

militibus patriam liberare. 4. Hecuba efat uxor sedula et

fida Priami. 5. Hectoris mater erat Hecuba. 6. Hector

erat virorum et liberorum et mulierum Trqjae impavidus

defensor. 7. M5rum integritas firmum fundamentum civitatis

Romanae erat. 8. Nullus flos est sine colotO) multi fiores

sunt sine odore. 9. Odor florum pulcbrorum jiicundus est.

10. Multi sunt oratores clari Graecorum et Romanorum.

11. Honor est praemium laborum egregiorum.


leo, homo, virgd (Gram. § 34).

1. Deleetant homines ludi. 2. Cicer5nem populus Roma-

nus patrem patriae nominabat. 3. Magnos homines virtus

nSbilitat, non fortuna. 4. Imagines vestrae, filii, filiis vestris

carae erunt. 5. Philosophiam Cicero appellabat vitae ducem,

inventricem legum, magistrato morum. 6. Mala conscientia

etiam in solitudiue anxia atque soUicita est. 7. NuUamvirtus mercedem laborum pericul5rumque deslderat.

8. Liberae sunt nostrae c6gitati5nes. 9. Nulla est excusatio

peccati amici causa peccare. 10. Calamitas virtutis occasio

est. 11. Salus hominum in Dei est tutela. 12. Amor homines

conciliat. 13. Aqua gelida homines aegros saepe levat.

14. Verecundiam virtutum custodem recte appellabas.

15. Leonem regem ferarum appellamus. 16. Leones homi-

nibus infesti sunt.

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nomen, genus (Gram. § 32).

1. N5ta sunt carmina pulchra Homeri. 2. De certaminibus

Graecorum et Trojanorum in Homeri carminibus serm5 est.

3. Multi homines sunt temporum praeteritorum laudatores.

4. Saepe laudabatis, amici, tempora praeterita. 5. Ignavia

corpus hebetat,. firmat labor continuus. 6. Corpoi-a vestra

sudore et labore firmabitis, pueri. 7. Umbra nemorum et

fliiminum murmure animos et corpora recreabimus. 8. Ira

hominibus mult5rum scelerum causa est. 9. Homeri carmina

hominum animos semper delectabunt. 10. Ciceronem oratorem

murmura et clamores populi non perturbabant. 11. Vere et

autumno in Italia itinera sunt jucunda, molesta aestate.

12. Eeverentiam praestamus capiti cano. 13. Multa

crimina sunt falsa.


laudavi, laudaveram, laudavero^ laudavisse (Gram.

§ 190).

1. Statuas virorum strenuorum heri coronis ornavimus.

2. Multi praeclaram gldriam sceleribus maculaverunt. 3. Cim-bri Teutonique Romanes saepe fugaverant ; non tamendesperaverunt Eomani, sed tandem patriam liberaverunt. 4.

Creavisti, Deus, caelum et ornavisti splendidis stellis. 5. Vitia

sua emendavisse pulchrum est. 6. Inimicos superavisse

homines delectat. 7. Patriam servavisse magna gloria est.

8. Poeni magnis certaminibus RomanSs superaverant, Romanitamen n5n desperabant. 9. Magnas ducis Germanorumcopias non superabitis, nisi bellum magna cura paraveritis.

10. Homines cauti causam consideraverint : causam nimiaceleritate non jiidicabunt. 11. Milites, fortitudine magnapugnavistis.

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urbs (Gram. § 35).

1. N^scia m^ns hominiim fati sortisque futflrae.^ 2. Laureafronde victores Graecl frontem coronabant. 3. Philosophi

etiam in calamitate aequam mentem servant. 4. Magna pars

hominum "sorte sua non est contenta. 5. Pretiosas merces

olim Phoenices Graeciae incolls apportabant. . 6. Ferrata calce

equites stimulant equos. 7. Sacri anseres noctti in Capitolio,

arce Romanorum, vigilabant. 8. Romulus, conditor R5mae,fratrem Remum necavit. 9. Cantabit vacuus coram latrone

viator. 10. Fllii mei, mentem sanam in corpore sano servate.

11. Multarum urbium origines incertae sunt. 12. AnimdsRomanorum conjiirationis Catilinae timor perturbavit. 13.

Custodibus arcium laudem parat vigilantia.


civis, nubes (Gram. § 37).

1. Viatores altas oppid5rum turres procul spectant. 2. Dira

pestis bominibus sunt cupiditates. 3. Surdae sunt stultorum

aures. 4. Albi corvi «unt rarae aves. 5. Asini habent crassam

pellem;plagarum tamen, o pueri, haudquaquam cupidi sunt.

6. In civitate Lacedaemoniorirm|magna fuit capitis quondam

rever^ntia cani. 7. Oladium magnarum belli Gallic! memoria

civibus Romanis semper acerba erat. 8. Hostium insidiae

propter vigilantiam custodum et animum impavidum militum

innocuae fuerunt. 9. Magna est piscium et avium celeritas


magna est vulpium calliditas. 10. In aede Vestae ignis erat

perpetuus. 11. Magna classe Pompeius praedones superavit.

12. Roma caput orbis terrarum fuit. 13 Athenae sedes artium

et litterarum fuerunt.

1 The accents show how the verse is to be scanned. They do not represent

the ordinary prose accent. (Cf. Gram. § 7.)

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laudor, laudabar, laudabor ; laudare ;laudari

(Gram. § 194).

Model Sentences.

Discipuli seduli a magistris laudantur.

Diligent jpupils are praised by their masters.

Discipuli seduli amore doctrinae stimulaDtur.

Diligent pupils are spurred on by the love of learning.

^° On the Ablative with and without d see Gram. § 10.

1. Modestia et j)robitate ornantur puellae. 2. Probitate

ornabantur antiqui Romani. 3. Bellum est ; ad arma con-

vocamini, adeste patriae ! 4. Tii delectaris armis, nos delec-

tamur equis. 5. Olim artibus et litteris delectabaris, nunc

armis et equis delectaris. 6. A fratre meo eras ad ludum in

hortum invitaberis. 7. Etiam durum saxum aqua cavatur.

8. Este attenti et seduli, discipuli ! nam si attenti et seduli

fueritis, multis praemiis atque honoribus ornabimini. 9. Testes,

a judicibus interrogabiminl. 10. Non praemiis sad conscientia

recti ad studium pulchrae virtutis stimulabimur. 11. Discipuli

seduli non solum praemiis mrlneribusque sed etiam vero amore

doctrinae ad studium artium et litterarum stimulabuntur.

12. Si bonus fueris, a Deo et a parentibus amaberis. 13. JHcun-

dum est ab amicis amari, a magistris laudari. 14. Laudare a

bonis, 6 puer, vituperare a malis ; nam molestum est ab

improbis laudari, vituperari a probis.


laudatus sum, (eram, ero ; esse.)

1. Variis stellis a Deo caelum ornatum est. 2. ForumRoiranum rostris ornatum erat. 3. Gloria magna et laudibus

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egregiis omati estis, Romanl, et semper ornati eritis. 4. Copiae

Jugurthae saepe a Mario fugatae sunt. 5. A Brenno Italia

vastata erat. 6. LegatI Romanoruin cum Clusinis contra

Gallos pugnaverant ; itaque ira Gallorum in Romanos excitata

erat. 7. Eiomanl a Gallis ad Alliam magno proelio superati

et fugati erant, multi Romani necati [erant], oppida Roman-orum expugnata [erant], agri vastati [erant], urbs a Gallis

occupata [erat]. 8. Titus Antoninus propter clementiam Pius

appellatus est. 9. Liberata erat urbs nostra audacia et vir-

tute nostra. 10. Victoria civibus nuntiata erit. 11. Urbs

Roma a Romulo aedificata esse putabatur.


ovile, animal, mare (Gram. §§ 39, 40).

1. Equitis calcari equus incitatur, praeceptoris laude disci-

pulus. 2. Maria sunt plena magnorum animalium. 3. In

templis Romanis pulvinaria erant; in pulvinaribus deorum

simulacra collocabantur. 4. Post proelium cruentum milite?

in cubilibus coUocati sunt ; vulnera militum curata sunt.

5. Monilia ornant mulieres. 6. Propter cubilia olim, ut ait

Horatius, fori homines unguibus et pugnis pugnabant.

7. Magna voce judex de tribunalijiidicium pronuntiat. 8. De-

mosthenes et Cicero exeiuplaria sunt eloquentiae. 9. Anima-

lium varia sunt genera. 10. Maria habent litora, flumina

ripas. 11. Riipes litorum marium saepe sunt altae. 12. In

mari immenso multa sunt genera variorum animalium. 13. Mare

periculosum laudat nauta.


tristis (Gram. § 96).

1. Ars longa, vita brevis. 2. Agri ab hoste crudeli vastati

erant; postea diligenter arati sunt. 3. Doctrina et omni

c 2

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litterarum genere Graeci Romanos longe superabant. 4. Natu-

ram suam mutare difficile est. 5. Insignia sunt Homeri poetae

opera. 6. Est bonoram civium bella civilia vitare. 7. Juvenalis,

poeta Romanus, mentem sanam in corpora sano tanquam sum-

mum donum deorum immortalium exoptabat. 8. Avaro omnia

desunt. 9. Corpus hominis est mortale, animus immortalis.

10. Animus immortalis hominum Deo est similis. 11. Dis-

similes sunt hominum mores : sunt homines fortes et timidi,

fideles et infidi, dociles et indocti, crQdeles et mites. 12. Vita

servorum turpis et misera et tristis est. 13. Fortes fortiina



acer, prudens (Gram. §§ 97, 98).

1. Avaro omnia desunt, sapienti nihil. 2. Milites in pugna

atroci vulnerati sunt ; a mulieribus piis ciirabuntur. 3. Tem-pera praesentia felicia sunt. 4. Vir sapiens semper felix est,

etiam in calamitatibus. 5. Etiam gravia vulnera tempus

sanat. 6. Animalia rationis et orationis expertia sunt.

7. Clarum et celebre fuit templum Dianae Ephesiae.

8. Socratem innocentem Athenienses damnaverunt. 9. Scipio,

Africani pater, pugna equestri ab Hannibale superatus est.

10. Celebre est ndmen Hannibalis : Hannibal erat vir acri

ingenio. 11. Copiae Hannibalis equestres et pedestres duci-

bus et militibus Romanorum diii timoris erat causa.


moneo, monebam, monebo ; mone ; monere(Gram. § 191).

A Letter to a Feiend in Town.

Si vales, bene est ; ego valeo. Vitae rusticae amator te,

vitae urbanae amatorem, salutat. Nunc frondent silvae, nunc

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formosus est annus. Omnia nunc florent ; omnia prata, omnes

agri virent. Modo ambu-lamus per agros et arva ; modo

jacemus in gramine viridi, arcemus a nobis omnes ctlras.

Jucundum est in gramine jacere; dulce est curaH molestas

aroere. Heri ad collem, finitimum hort5 avunculi mei,

meaveram. Sol splendebat in caelo sereno, arbores altae

iimbram praebebant. Quamdiii vita urbana tibi placebit?

Si hue properaveris, valde delectaberis, magnum gaudium

habebis, gratiam miU habebis. Silvae, prata, arva, omnia

sunt plena vitae, plena laetitiae. Arce igitui: omnes curas

et hue propera.


monui, monueram, monuerd ; monuisse.

1. Nemo unquam omnibus hominibus placuit. 2. Socrati

philosopho invidia improborum hominum nocuit : nam accu-

satus est et capitis damnatus [est]. 3. Multis hominibus di-

vitiae nocuerunt. 4. Draconis leges severae displicuerunt

Atheniensibus. 5. Non hostes bellicosi et feroces sed luxuria

et divitiae Romanis nocuerunt. 6. Omnes antiquae gentes

regibus 5lim paruerunt. 7. Omnes artes semper floruerunt

apud Graecos. 8. Alexander, multas terras imperi5 tenuisti.

9. Magistri puer5s saepe monuerant ; sed pueri neque paren-

tibus neque praeceptoribus paruerunt. 10. Intemperantif.

corpori nocuerit. 11. Carmina dulcia tua, Vergili, omnibur;

Romanis placuerunt. 12. Tarquinius Superbus moribus cog-

nomen meruit. 13. Dulce est de patria bene meruisse.


graduSj cornu (Gram. § 51).

1. Aestus maris liinae motibus gubernantur. 2. Mundus

non casu incerto, sed legibus certis gubernatur. 3. Vehemen-

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tes animi motus maris fluctibus similes sunt. 4. Ulixes sociis

exclamavit : O socii, aequ5 animo casus vitae tolerate


5. Portus Athenarum semper multis navibus frequentabantur.

6. Ulixes non solum cum hostibus, sed etiam cum fluctibus

maris et tempestatibus dimicabat. 7. Magistratiis legum

ministri et custodes sunt. 8. Sonitus tubae militibus est

signum pugnae. . 9. Lusciniae dulci cantu homines delectant.

10. Cervorum cornua similia sunt ramis. 11. Violentus

fluctuum impetus multas naves mercatorum in litora jactavit.

12. Pericles toto corporis habitu verum principem praestabat.

13. Exercitibus Vari Arminius cladem magnam et interitum



facies, respublica (Gram. §§ 55, 58).

1. fist modus in rebiis, sunt c^rti denique fines. 2. Omnia

rerum principia sunt parva. 3. Miserorum animi spe rerum

prosperarum saepe delectantur et confirmantur. 4. SalUs rei-

publicae summa lex magistratuum esto. 5. Strepitu armorum

et clamore Germani saepe acies R5man5rum perturbaverunt.

6. Omnes res a Deo creatae sunt. 7. In planitie MarathSnia

Miltiades parva Atheniensium acie ingentem Persarum exer-

citum superavit. 8. Falsa rerum specie saepe homines ad spem

vanam excitantur. 9. Oculi et aures sunt partes faciei hu-

manae. 10. Obsides victori pignora sunt fidei hostis. 11. Rei-

publicae Romanae bella civilia causa perniciei erant. 12. Rempublicam ornat civium concordia.


delevi, deleveram, delevero (Gram. § 260).

1. Quot et quantas terras Romani expugnaverunt, quot et

quantos popul5s bello superaverunt, quot et quantas urbes

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deleverunt ! 2. P. Sclpio Africanus urbem Carthaginem

expugnavit et delevit. 3. E,5mani non solum totam Italiam,

sed etiam totum orbem terrarum fama n5minis sui impleverunt.

4. Xerxes Athenas incendio delevit. 5. Omnes Macedones

praematuram Alexandri mortem defleverunt. 6. Omnes milites

foedam Caesaris mortem defleverunt. 7. Cicer5 orationibus

praeclaris anim5s adulescentium Romanorum amore patriae

implevit. 8. Mercatores nostri in multas terras commeaveruni

et omnium rerum copia patriam compleverunt.


moneor, monebar, monebor ; monere ; moneri

^Gram. § 195).

1. Dum pueri sumus, docemur et exercemur. 2. Multarum

rerum utilium cognitione exercetur memoria nostra. 3. Apudpopulos antiques pueri usque ad annum aetatis septimum in

ciira matrum tenebantur. 4. Postea corporis facultates exer-

cere docebantur. 5. Nunc pueri sumus, mox milites erimus;

mox exercebimur et docebimur arma gestare et bellare, et in

severa disciplina tenebimur. 6. Nemo ante mortem beatus

habeii debet. 7. Omnes usu docemur. 8. Fas est et ab hoste

doceri. 9. Mors perditorum civium nunquam maerebitur.

10. Divitiis augebatur Romanorum luxuria. 11. Urbs Veii

complures aestates biemesque continuas obsidebatur. 12. Puer,

in juventiite a magistris et a parentibus docere.


monitus sum, (eram, ero ; esse)

deletus sum, (eram, er5; esse)

1. Praematiira Alexandri mors ab omnibus Macedonibu^.

defleta est. 2. Neque a leonibus territus est Daniel, neque

Page 30: First Latin Reader and Writer


minis Goliae David. 3. P. Cornelius Scipio Carthaginem

delevit ; Corinthus, urbs Graeciae opulenta, a L. Mumniio

deleta est. ^. Exercitus Eomanus pugna Cannensi ab Hanjii-

bale profligatus et paene deletus erat. 5. Perterriti erant

Eomani, sed de rei publicae salute non desperabant, 6. Por-

senna, rex Etruriae, incredibili Mucii Scaevolae audacia

territus est. 7. Mors miserabilis Phaetbontis, filii Solis, a

sororibus defleta erat;propter nimium luctum a deis in arbores

mutatae sunt. 8. Xerxis classis ad insulam Salaminem in

mari angusto a Graecis deleta est. 9. Viris fortibus honos

semper babitus est. 10. Saepe homines temerarii atque im-

periti falsis rtimSribus territi sunt. 11. Temporibus Neronis

Roma a Christianis deleta esse falso putata est. 12. C. Julius

Caesar a vate frustra monitus est.


Comparison of Adjectives (Gram. §§ 109—111).

Model Sentences.

Nihil est amabilius quam virtus,

or Nihil est amabilius virtiite.

Nothing is more lovable than virtue.

The English ' than ' is expressed (1) by the conjunction

q^iam coupling like cases of the things compared; (2) by the

Ablative without a corjunction.

1. Nullum vitium foedius est quam avaritia. 2. Nihil

amabilius est pio et probo homine. 3. Dulce est malum,dulcior Hva, dulcissimum autem mel. 4. Tamesis est lono-us

Padus est longior, Danuvius est longissimus. 5. Euripides

/6rat praestans, Sophocles praestantior, Homerus autem prae-

stantissimus. 6. Suavissima sunt carmina Horfiti. 7. Oculorura

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sensus est acerrimus. 8. Natura est dux certior quam ars.

9. Accipiter est celer, hirundS celerior, celerrima aquila.

10. Clariora sunt nomina poetarum Graecorum quam Eoman-orum. 11. Omnium oratorum R5man5rum praestantissimus

erat Cicer5 ; eloquentior tamen Cicerone erat DemostKenes

Atheniensis. 12. Beluarum nulla pmdentior est elephanto.

13. In Graecia et Italia sunt multae urbes celeberrimae et

pulcherrimis aedificiis ornatae. 14. Villus argentum ^st auro,

virtiitibus aiirum. 15. Ira insaniae simillima est. 16. Crura

cervorum gracillima sunt.


Peculiarities in the Comparison of A^ectives(Gram. §§ 112, 116).

1. Fructus laboris optimiis est placere melioribus. 2. Con-

scientia rectae voluntatis maxima consolatio rerum incom-

modarum est. 3. Usus optimus magister est. 4. Vacare

culpa maximum est solacium. 5. Turpis fuga mortis omni

est morte pejor. 6. Pliirimas et maximas opportunitates

amicitia habet. 7. Antiquis temporibus Suevorum gens

erat longe maxima et bellicSsissima Germanorum omnium.

8. Hibernia dimidiS minor est quam Britannia. 9. In majore

bonore est sapientia quam divitiae. 10. Praeteritorum

temporum memoria optima vitae humanae magistra est.

11. Majorum gldria posteris quasi lumen est. 12. Major est

animi voluptas quam corporis. 13. Fames est optimum

condimentum. 14. Remus Romulo junior erat. 15. Benjamin

filiorum Jac5bi natu minimus erat. 16. Judas, filius Jacobi,

Josepho senior erat.

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Comparison of Adverbs (Gram. §§ 174<—175).

1. Facilius homines exemplis excitantur quam praeceptis.

2. Difficilius liberi educantur quam libri scribuntur. 3. Alauda

suavius quam merula cantat, suavissime autem luscinia-

4. Fortius vix unquam pugnatum est quam apud Thermopylas

a Leonida et sociis. 5. Catuli timidi vehementius latrant

quam mordent. 6. Excelsis multo faoilius casus nocet.

7. Vinum aegrotis prodest raro, nocet saepissime. 8. Fortitei

in Asia pugnaverunt Persae, non minus fortiter a Graecis

pugnatum est ; fortius et acrius quam Graeci pugnaverunt

Romani. 9. R5mani fortissime et acerrime pugnaverunt et

magnum imperium obtinuerunt. 10. Lacedaemonii plerumque

fortius quam Atbenienses dimicaverunt ; tamen cautius et

prudentius Atbenienses [dimicaverunt]. 11. Secreto amicos

admone, lauda palam. 12. Homines hominibus plurimum

prSsunt et obsunt.


ego, tu (Gram. §§ 129, 130).

1. Spes est in nobis, in Deo exitus. 2. Conscientia est vox

Dei in nobis. 3. Non nobis solum creati sumus, sed parenti-

bus, propinquis, amicis, reipublicae. 4. Patria communis

omnium nostrum parens est. 5. Fili, notum tibi est dictum

Biantis : Omnia mea mecum port5. 6. Si tibi res parva est,

^st tibi mdgna quies. 7. Animus dominus rectorque tui esto,

non corpus. 8. Tum imperator exclamat : Milites, si fortiter

pugnaveritis memoriam vestri diti servabit patria, communis

omnium nostrum parens. 9. O Gordo, hominem gravissimum,

civem egregium, impavidum militem, te semper praebuisti


memoria tui a me diti servabitur.

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is, ea, id ; se (Gram. §§ 131—133).

1. Viri probi sui potentes erunt, virtutibus sibi gloriam

parabunt, se ornabunt, patriam amplificabunt. 2. Discipuli

SScratis eum maximis laudibus praedicaverunt et memoriam

ejus servaverunt. 3. Memores praeceptorum ejus vitam suam

virtutibus ornaverunt et magistro et sibi gldriam paraverunt.

4. Socrates eos metu mortis liberaverat et iis viam verae

felicitatis monstraverat. 5. Hamilcar in Hispaniam filium

Hannibalem secum duxit. 6. Aliena vitia in oculis habemus,

a tergo nostra. 7. Deum ex operibils ejus cognoscimus.

8. Memoriam augebis, si earn exercueris. 9, Homo doctus in

se semper divitias babet.


hie, ille, iste (Gram. §§ 138, 142—144).

The German Leader harangues his Troops (a.d. 9).

Arminius his fere verbis et bac 5ratione militum animos

firmavit: Komani adsunt, barum angustiarum et harum

regionum imperiti, paludum et horum locorum difficultate

impediti, denique silvarum nostrarum umbra territi. Hi mon-

ies, bae regiSnes, hoc caelum, omnia baec Romanes terrent.

Dei n5bis viam libertatis monstrant. In his silvis nulla via

illis aperta erit. Haec patria nostra, hie sol, hoc caelum testes

sunt injtiriarum Rdmanorum. Hanc patriam nostram delere,

bac in terra nos, conjuges, liberSs omnibus injiiriis vexare, his

in regionibus imperare, exoptant. Patria, communis omnium

nostrum parens, ad pugnam vos vocat. Si hunc exercitum

superaveritis, liberi eritis et tiiti a superbia Eomani illius


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is, idem, alius (Gram. §§ 147—150).

1. Non eadem omBibushouestaatque turpiasunt. 2. Hom-inis vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem iter est. 3. Aliud ex

alio malum. 4. Vir sapiens ii5n turn hoc, turn illud, sed idem

semper af5Srmare solet. 5. Noimullis animalibus longa sunt

crura : isdem fere sunt longa colla. 6. Ejusdem horae saepe

aliud est exitium, aliud initium; celeriter enim mutatur

fortuna. 7. Demosthenes, Graecorum oratorum praestantissi-

mus, venenum absorbuit, nam de patria desperaverat ; eundem

vitae exitum habuit Hannibal. 8. Ex vitio alius sapiens emen-

dat suum. 9. Nihil aliud adhiic mihi defuit ad summamfelicitatem quam tua amicitia. 10. Non omnes flSres ejusdem

generis eundem colorem aut eundem odorem aut eandem

formam habent. 11. Non semper idem eritis ; non semper

isdem rebus delectabimini.


ipse, iinus, solus &c. (Gram. §§ 163—165).

1. Nihil est facilius quam alterum admonere, nihil difficilius

quam suos emendare mores. 2. Horho avarus nihil ciirat nisi

ipsius vel commoda vel incommoda. 3. Nulli rosae deest

spina. 4. Uni Deo omnia beneficia debemus. 5. Non sibi

s5li natus est hom5. 6. Nemo nuUius culpa© sibi est conscius

7. Omne animal se ipsum amat. 8, Antoninus Pius, imperator

Romanus, nulli acerbus, cunctis benignus fuit. , 9. Socrates

totius mundi se incolam et civem putabat. 10; Marti s et

Rheae Silviae duo fuerunt filii ; alteri.nomen erat RSmulus,alteri Remus.

11. Donee eris felfx multos numer^bis amicos


T^mpora si fuerint nfibila, so'lus eris.

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rego, regebam^ regain ; rege j regere (Gram. § 192).

1. Deus orbem terrarum regit. 2. Filii, non viribus aut

velocitate corporis res magnas geretis, sed consilio et prudentia.

3. Virum bonum nee gratia, nee pretio, nee pericul5 a recta

via deduees. 4..Et ad ludum et ad pugnam Graeei arma

siimebant. 5. MercatSres friimentum ex Sicilia et Aegypto

in Italiam quotannis vehebant. 6. Themistocles quod rem

familiarem neglegebai;, a patre exheredatus est. 7. Amieumcognoscetis amore, more, 5re, re. 8. In animi tranquillitate

vitam beatam ponimus. 9. Filii, Deum oculis non cernitis,

sed eum ex operibus ejus cognoscitis. 10. Litterarum studia

et felieitatem extoUunt et minuunt calamitatem. 11. Hauddifficile est Deum ex operibus ejus cernere et cogaoscere.

12. N5tum est praeeeptum illud Apollinis Delpbici : Nosee te

ipsum. 13. Diim vitant stulti vitia, In contraria ciirrunt.


rexi, rexeram, rexero ; rexisse (Gram. § 192).

legi, legeram^ legero ; legisse (Gram. § 273)

metui, metueram^ metuero ; metuisse (Gram. § 275).

1. Discordia intestina etiam magna imperia corruerunt.

2. Si eiiras vestras minueritis, felici5res eritis. 3. Paucas

fabulas legistis : mox piiires vobis narrabuntur. 4. MajSrem

honorem veteres Germani tribuerunt uxoribus quam Graeei

et E5mani. 5. In rebus adversis amicos destituisse turpissi-

mum est. 6. Atbenienses Socratem falsis eriminibus arguer-

unt, et capitis damnaverunt. Sed mortem non metuit ille et

praeclara bilaritate extremis vitae boris de animi immortali-

tate coram amicis disputavit. 7. Orpheus cantii suo silvas

et saxa duxisse narratur. 8; Non Lacedaemoniorum armis,

sed civium discordia respublica Atbenien.'^ium corruit.

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claudo, claudere^ clausi, clausum (Gram. § 267).

verto, vertere, verti, versum (Gram. § 274).

The Gauls under Brennus defeat the Eomans and

ENTER Rome (a.u.c. 865).

Olim exercitus R5manus a Gallis ad AUiam pr5fligatus

erat. Multa milia E5manorum trucidati erant ; multi terga

verterant, pauci e manibus hostium evaserant. Galli ad urbem

ipsam cum exercitu se verteruat. Turn cives aut fugae se

mandaverant aut in Capitolium ascenderunt. Senatores in

foro adventum Gallorum exspectabant. Portas urbis non clau-

serant. Itaque Galli per portas non clausas in urbem intra-

verunt et postea ad curiam se verterunt. Ibi iinus ex Gallis

barbam senat5ris manii prehendit sed statim a Romano illo

verberatus est. Turn vero Galli, ira commoti, omnes senatores

trucidaverunt et urbem ipsam incenderunt.


credo, credere, credidi, creditum (Gram. § 298).

cado, cadere, cecidi, casum (Gram. § 271).

caedo, caedere, cecidi^ caesum (Gram. § 271).

1. T^omina et res gestas virorum fortium poetae memoriae

tradiderunt. 2. Homines caecos saepe reddidit avaritia et

cupiditas. 3. Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. 4. Cecinit

Homerus deorum et hominum laudes. 5. Croesum, regem

Lydorum, ApoUinis responsum fefellit. 6. Multos vir5s probos

et justos Athenienses in exsilium pepulerunt. 7. Themistocles

apud Athenienses in proditiSnis suspicionem cecidit.

8. Alcibiadem cives ex urbe pepulerunt. 9. Catilina, vir

nefarius, Oiceronis vigilantiam non fefellit. 10. Athenienses

Aristidem ex patria pellere statuerunt.

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Numeral Adjectives : Cardinals (Gram. §§ 122—125).

1^^ Mille is an adjective, mllia a noun (§ 124).

1. Dionysius duodequadraginta annos praefuit Syracusanis.

2. Tria bella RotQani cum Carthaginiensibus gesserunt ; cer-

tatum est primo bell5 PunicS per annos XXIV. 3. R5mamad Lilybaeum LXXIII Carthaginiensium naves ceperunt,

CXXIII [naves] demerserunt, XXII milia hostium ceperunt,

XIII milia occiderunt. 4. Romuli temporibiis centum sen-

atores Roman! erant, ServiiTullii temporibustrecenti, Caesaris

temporibus quingenti. 5. In pugna Marathonia necati sunt

ex numero Persariiin sex milia et quadringenti, ex numero

Atheniensium centum nonaginta duo. 6. Leonidas cumtrecentis Lacedaemoniis, septingentis Thespiensibus, mille

Thebanis, quinque milibus ceterorum Graec5rum,Thermopylasoccupavit et cum multis milibus Persarum fortiter dimicavit.


Ordinals (Gram. §§ 122, 125).

1. Primus annus urbis Romae fuit ante Christum natum

septingentesimus quidquagesimus tertius. 2. Regnabant in

urbe Roma reges usque ad annum quingentesimum nonum.

3. Anno ducentesimp sexagesimo sexto tota fere Italia in

potestate Romanorum erat. 4. Plato uno et oct5gesim5 aetatis

ann5 e vita excessit. 5. Anno millesim5 octingentesimo

undevicesimo nata est Victoria, Britannorum regina et Indo-

rum imperatrix. 6. Anno millesimS octingentesimo tricesimo

septimS regno successit. 7. Jam Anglis praefuit annos quin-

quaginta : itaque multis discipulis feriae fuerunt. 8. Anno

quadringentesimo tricesimo prim5 bellum Peloponnesiacum

conflatum est.

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quis ? quid? qui, quae, quod? (Gram. § 151).

1. Quis vestrum est sine culpa ? 2. Cul ign'otae sunt

Athenae ?' Quibus hominibus ignoti sunt Athenienses ?

3. Quid magis ^st saxo dunim, quid m611ius linda ?

Dura tam^n moUi saxa cavantur aqua.

4. Quid est tam regiuBii quam miserls succurrere ? 5. Quid

est praestantius sapientia ? quid honiini melius ? 6. Quae

potest esse felicitas sine notitia Dei ? 7. Quis non agnoscit

Dei benevolentiam ? 8. Quae potest esse amicitia inter

ingratos ? 9. Quis forum Romanum rostris ornavit ? C. Duilius

ornavit. Cur ornavit 1 Magnam victoriam a Carthaginiensibus

reportaverat. 10. Quibus virtutibus Hector insignis erat?

Fortitudine, patriae amore, humanitate. 11. Ciijus Mius erat

HectoT ? quorum frater ? Hector erat filius Priami ; frater

erat Faridis et Polydori et multorum aliorum. 12. Olim

philosophus sic interrogatus est : Quid est in bomine pessimum

et quid optimum ? At ille respondit : Lingua.


qui, quae, quod (Gram. § 160).

Model Sentences.

Urbs, quae in coUe est, deleta est.

The city, which (subject) is on the hill, has been destroyed.

Urbs, quam aedificavimus, deleta est.

The city, which (object) we have huilt, has been destroyed.

1. Eae res, quae multitudini placent, saepe perniciosae sunt.

2. Eas res, quae multitiidini placent, saepe vitare


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3. Eae res, quas multitudo magni aestimat, saepe perniciS-

sae sunt.

4. Eas res, quas multitudo magni aestimat, saepe vitare


5. Ei, qui aliorum rebus adversis non moventur, ab omnibus


6. Eos, qui aliorum rebus adversis n5n moveutur, omnesrepudiant.

7. Ei, quos aliorum res adversae non movent, ab omnibus


8. Eos, quos aliorum res adversae n5n movent, omnes



1. [IsJ qui se excusat, se acciisat. 2. Graeci divinos bonores

tribuebant iis bominibus, qui tyrannos necaverunt. 3. Admira-

bilis fuit Socratis illius sapientia, cujus necem Athenienses

sero defleverunt. 4. Tolerabilia sunt [ea] quae tolerant

ceteri. 5. [Is] qui se ipse laudaverit, cito babebit derisorem.

6. C. Jiilius Caesar necatus est ab iis, quibus maxima beneficia

tribuerat. 7. [Ea] quae nocent, docent. 8. Nisi utile est id

quod agimus, vana est gloria nostra. 9. Homines timidi etiam

ea pericula vident, quae non sunt. 10. Non solemus magni

aestimare eas res, quas semper videmus. 11. Utrique peccant

et [ii] quibus omnia placent„et [ii] quibus nihil. 12, Bis dat

qui cito dat.


regor, regebar, regar ; regere ; regi (Gram. § ] 96).

1. Non omnes agri frugiferi sunt, qui coluntur. 2. Omnes

natHra trahimur et diicimur ad cogniti5nis et scientiae cup-

iditatem. 3. N6scitur ^x sociis qui non cogn6scitur ex se.


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4. Honos, ut ait Cicero, alit artes, et omnes gloria incen-

duntur ad studia. 5. Ex Sicilia et Aegypto frtiinentum

' quotannls in Italiam vehebatur. 6. Vir bonus nee gratia,

:.nec pretio, nee periculo a recta via deducetur. 7. Homeri

carmina ab omnibus Graecis legebantur. 8. Juvenes, si

Tobusti eritis, ad arma vocabimini et conscribemini, et in

: armis exercebimini, et, si periculum erit, contra hostes du-

cemini. 9. Niiper periculum belli erat : jam conscribebantur

'-exercitus, jam ducebantur c5piae in fines hostium. 10. Car-

mina Homeri et Vergili ab omnibus pueris legi debent.

-11. Euer.ad studia amore sapientiae virtutisque incendere.


: rectus sum, (eram, ero ; esse).

1. Olim >Xerxes, rex Persarum, ingentem exercitum in

Graeciam duxit. 2. Jam urbi Atheniensium appropinquabat.

3. Sed cives cum ux5ribus et liberis urbem reliquerant.

4. Victus est Xerxes consilio Themistoclis. 5. Philippus, rex

Macedonam, ad Cbaeroneam opes Graeciae proelio fregit.

6. Fracta est potentia civitatum Graecarum discordia. 7. Avun-

culi mei me semper hoc monebant : Mane in statione qua

positus eris. 8. Romani multos reges subegerunt, multasque

civitates 'in potestatem suam redegerunt. 9. Multi reges a

Romanis subacti sunt : multae civitates in potestatem eonim

redactae sunt. 10. Ad lacum Trasumenum Romani ab

Hannibale ingenti clade victi sunt. 11. Ad lacum Trasume-

mum Romanos ingenti clade vicit Hannibal.


audio, audiebam, audiam ; audi ; audire

(Gram. § 193).

1. Nemo liber est qui corpori servit. 2. Aegyptii mort'uos

condiebant, eosque domi servabant. 3. Dum felis dormit

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saliunt mures. 4. Cicero Zenonem, philosophum Epicureum,

Athenis saepe audiebat. 5. Ea vere scitis, quorum causas

cognoscitis. 6. Equi hirmiunt, sues grunniunt, infantes vagiunt.

7. Carthaginienses captivos su5s ferreis catenis vinciebaut

magnaque severitate custddiebant. 8. Contumeliam si dixeris,

audies. 9. Cibos condit sal, cenam condiunt sales. 10. Precis

miser5rum exaudiet Deus. 11. Causas multarum rerum

nescimus. 12. Mors omnes dolores finiet. 13. Cives boni

semper patriae servient. 14. Pulchrum et jucundum est

patriae servire. 15. Cives, patriae servite. 16. Audi

alteram partem.


audiTi, audlveram, audlvero ; audivisse.

1. Natura oves pellibus moUibus vestivit. 2. Lacedaemonii

urbem suam non muniverunt, quod civium fortitudine satis

defendebatur. 3. Athenienses consilio Themistoclis urbem

et portum firmis praesidiis muniverunt. 4. Demosthenes

vitam venenS finivit. 5. R5mulum et Remum fratres lupus

nutrivit. 6. Magna fide Hiero, rex Syracusanorum, foedus

RSmanum custddiverat. 7. Si Deum dilexerimus ejusque

praeceptis oboediverimus, vitam nostram feliciter finiemus.

8. [li] qui consilio prudentium non oboediverint, jure

poenis afHigentur. 9. Olim musculus rete, qu5 le5 implicatus

est, dentibus acutis delevit et leSnem ex e5 expedivit.

10. Liberi, Deo parentibusque oljoedivisse et patriae servivisse

vobis in senectute causa magnae laetitiae erit.


audior, audiebar, audiar ; audire ; audirl

(Gram. § 197).

1. Nunquam periculum sine pericul5 vincitur. 2. Qui

corporis voluptati servit, turpioribus vincitur catenis quamD 2

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servus. 3. De aetate Homeri, clarissimi Graecorum poetae,

inter viros doctos non consentitur. 4. Etiam infelicium

hominum curae somnd leniuntur, 5. Exaudientur a De5

preces miseroram. 6. Cibi condiuntur sale, cena conditur

salibus. 7. Castra Romana aggeribus et fossis muniebantur.

8. Pueri Ramani a Graecis doctoribus artibus et litteris

erudiebantur. 9. Omnia mala aliquando finientur et lenientur.

1 0. Exaudientur a Deo preces eorum qui Dei legibus oboediunt.

11. Si Deum dilexerimus, in omnibus malis abeocustodieinur.

12. Homines improbi puniri debent. 13. Puer, artibus et

litteris erudire. 14. Pueri, virtute sapientiaque erudimini.


auditus sum, (eram, ero; esse).

1. Gallorum oppida ingentibus muris et fossis munita erant.

2. Olim Capitolium ab anseribus custoditum et servatum

est. 3. Mores R5manorum luxuria et divitiis moUiti sunt.

4. Alexander Magnus ab Aristotele philosopho eruditus esse

narratur. 5. Romulus et Remus fratres a lupa nutriti esse

dicuntur. 6. Nulla re animus Coriolani leniebatur ; tandem

matris et uxoris precibus mollitus est. 7. Magna fide ab

Hierone, rege Syracusanorum, foedus Romanum custoditum


8. The Ass in the Lion's Skin.

Asinus, pelle leonis indutus, homines et bestias terrebafc.

Sed forte propter motus eeleritatem aures eminebant. Agnitiis

[est] igitur ab hominibus et ob petulantiam ptinitus est.


capio (Gram. § 212).

1. .Aetas fugit, dum verba facimus. 2. Non accepimus

vitam brevem sed facimus. 3. Mors improvisa rapuit rapietque

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homines. 4. Magna debemus suscipere dum vires habemus.

5. Omnibus in rebus respice finem. 6. Aequo animo excipe

necessaria. 7. Homini avar5 ne Croesi quidem divitiae suf-

ficiunt. 8. Non semper bona et salubria cupimus. 9. Omnesvoluptates fastidium pariunt. 10. Justis oculis Deus mortalia

aspicit. 11. Barba non facit pbilosophum. 12. Consule vlr,

fac vota sendx, juvenlsque labora. 13. Deus animalia adbom-

inum utilitatem fecit. 14. Oompliires equities Romani Oieer-

onem in lecto confodere statuerunt. 15. Quis pltirimum habet ?

Is qui minimum cupit.


capior (Gram. § 212).

1. Fides amic5rum in dubiis rebus perspicitur. 2. Perfidi

merits ab omnibus despiciuntur. 3. Justis oculis a De5

mortalia aspiciuntiur. 4. In Italia et Graecia multa antiqui-

tatis monumenta quotannis effodiuntur. 5. Jugurtha,

Numidarum rex, a Sulla captus est et in vincula conjeotus.

6. C. Julius Caesar a multis conjuratoribus confossus est.

7. Regulus, qui a Poenis captus est, omnes cruciatiis aequ5

animo sustinuit. 8. Germani antiqui in pugnam procedentes

arma manibus concutiebant. 9. Aegyptus per Octavianum

imperio Romano adjecta est. 10. Virtiis sola neque datur

dono neque accipitur. 11. A Deo purae, non plenae, manus

aspicientur. 12. l&ffodiiintur opes irritam^nta malorum.


hortor; vereor (Gram. §§ 221, 225).

1. Cicero ad Atticura haec scripsit: Caesar mihi litteris

hiimanissimis gratulatur et omnia poUicetur. 2. Ciceronis

aequales antiques 6rat5res magis admirabantur, ipse suorum

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temporum eloquentiam anteponebat. 3. Maxime admiramur

eum, qui pecunia non movetur. 4. Maxima culpa est in eo,

qui et veritatem aspernatur et in fraudem obsequi5 impellitur.

5. Miseros spes consolatur. 6. Liberi parentes verentur, servi

doihinum metuunt. 7. Nunquam mails alienis laetabimur.

8. Homines strenul apium dSigentiam, formicarum sedulitatera

imitabuntur. 9. Leges seciiritatem et tranquillitatem civi-

tatis tuentur. lO: In omnibus calamitatibus bonos bona

conscientia cons5latuT. 11. Aegyptii omne genus bestiarum

venerabantur. 12. Parentes vererl debemus. 13. Improbos

ad virtiitem stimulare et hortari debemus.


labor ; blandior.

1. Tempera labuntur. 2. Magn5s homines virtiite metimur

non fortiina,. 3. Joels modicis delectamur, immodicis irascimur.

4. N5n minus nostra sunt [ea] quae animo complectimur, quam[ea] quae oculis intuemur. 5. Non solum ipsa fortiina caeca

est, sed e5s etiam plerumque efficit caecos, quos complexa est.

6. Adversa ex secundis, ex adversis secunda nascuntur.

7. Oculi saepe blandiuntur et mentiuntur. 8. Ex cupiditati-

bus odia et discordiae nascuntur. 9, Mortem praematuram

sed gloriam aetemam Achilles sortitus est. 10. Epaminondas

Thebanus ne joc5 quidem mentiebatur. 11. Philippus, rex

Macedonum, dum bellum molitur contra Persas occisias

est. 12. Amnis|labitur 6t labetur in 6mne voliibilis a^vum.




1. Si patriae commiini omnium parenti grati eritis, eorumvirorum, qui de patria optime meruerunt, virtiitem imita-

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bimini ; si virtutem illorum virorum imitati eritis, et vobis et .

patriae gloriam comparabitis. 2. Concordia res parvae cres-~

cunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur. 3. Qui aliis insidiabiturj.

ipse labetur. 4. Audi multa, loquere pauca. 5. Homo sapiens •

loquetur et tacebit recto tempore. 6. Tacere saepe melius-

est quam loqui. 7. De mortuis boni bomines nihil nisi bene

loquentur. 8. Cato filium his dictis hortatus est : Experire.

clementiam Caesaris.

9. The, Lion's Share..

I^eSni, qui 5lim venabatur, socii fuerunt canis et lupus.

Nacti sunt ingentem cervum. Tum leo in tres partes aequales

praedam divisit et ad socios suos ita lociitus est : Primampartem sum5, quia rex vester sum ; secundam quoque tribuetis

duci vestro ; tertiam si tetigeritis, inimicus vester ero. Sic

improbum illud animal iiniversam praedam devoravit. Interea

canis et lupus tristes assidebant.


1. Filii, veremini parentes. 2. Innumerabilia bona Deus

generi humano largitus est et cotidie largitur. 3. Homobonus n5n mentietur, nam turpe est mentiri. 4. Ei homini,

qui mentitus erit, fidem npn habebimus. 5. Qui tibi laudem

tribuit, quam n5n meritus es, is tibl blanditur. 6. Qui

officio suo functus erit, is gloriam assequetur et omnium bono-

rum hominum laudem merebitur. 7. Scytbae aurum et

argentum non appetebant; lacte et melle vescebantur,

pellibus ferarum aut murium litebantur. 8. Multi homines

olim in Graeciam ad Olympia proficiscebantur. 9. Dulce et

decorum est pro patria mori.

10. The Wolf and the She-goat.

Lupus forte capram in alta rupe conspicatus est. "Ciir

non," inquit " sterilia saxa relinquis et in amoends campos

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descendis ? " Sed capra, quae fraudem sensit, respondit


".Non placet dulcia antepoaere salutaribus."



sim, essem, fuerim, fliissem (Gram. § 189).

laudem, laudarem, laudaverim, laudavissem (§ 190).

1. Amemus Deum. 2. Vitemus pericula vitae otiosae.

3. Prudentia vites pericula, tIf strenue. 4. Utiaam dementia

vestra et patientia, filii, odium inimicorum vestrorum supere-

tis. 5. Speremus [ea], quae optamus ; sed quicquid accidit,

aequo animo toleremus. 6. Utinam in rebus secundis super-

biam et arrogantiam vitavissemus ! 7. Ne mutemus amic5s.

8. In rebus adversis ne desperemus, in rebus secundis ne

simus superbi. 9. Utinam conscientia tua bona esset, Marce


10. Utinam modestior et prudentior fuisses, vir praeclare


11. Sit mens sana in corpore sano ! 12. Mores mei grati sint

omnibus hominibus ! 13. Heri in oppido multi erant milites.

Utinam ibi fuissem, nam multorum militum aspectus mihiest gratissimus.


lauder^ laudarer, laudatus sim^ laudatus essem(Gram. § 194).

1. Pueri, si modesti eritis, a Deo et a probis hominibuslaudabimini ; semper igitur superbia vitetur et licentia. 2.

Utinam semper laudemur a probis, tum nihil curabimus si abimprobis vituperabimur. 3. Utinam mox victoria nostrorumnuntietur. Immo vero utinam jam nuntiaretur. Utinam

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victSria nostra servemini, cives. 4. Vitia radicitus ex-

stirpentur : et tu, 6 puer,

Prlncipiis obsta : sero medicina paratur,

Diim mala p^r longas c6nvaluere moras.

5. A spirited answer.

Olim in proelio miles quidam amico dicebat : Utinam

nostrarum copianim numerus duplicatus esset, nam magnae

sunt cSpiae hostium. Cui ille respondit : Sententiam tuam,

amice, baud probo. Die potius : Utinam copiae bostium

duplicatae essent. Nam peritia et fortitudo nostrorum mult5

major est quara bostium.


moneam, monerem, monuerim, monuissem(Gram. § 191).

monear, monerer, monitus sim, monitus essem

(Gram. § 195).

Leaen by heakt :

Venio ut te videam.

/ am coming to see yoit,

(that I may see yo%C).

Veniam ut te videam.

/ shall come to see you

{that I may see yov).

Veni ut te videam.

/ ham come (or / am come)

to see you, (that I may see you).

Veni ut te viderem.

/ caTne to see you

(that I might see you).

Veniebam ut te viderem

/ was comitig to see you

(that I might see you).

Veneram ut te viderem

I had come to see you

(that I might see yov).

1. Curate, filii, ut fortes vos praebeatis. 2. Cauti sitis


curate tamen ne omnibus periculis terreamini. 3. Praecepta

divina monent ut peccatavitemus tanquam pestem. 4. Cura

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ut valeas. 5. Oro, filii, ut assentatio procul a vobis amoveatur,

quae n5n solum amic5, sed ne liberd quidem digna est. 6.

Nero urbem Romam incendit, ut Trojae ardentis imaginem

haberet. 7. A cura corporis removeatur omnis viro non dig-

nus ornatus. 8. Commeant mercatores in multas ten-as, ut

omnium rerum copia patriam compleant. 9. Utinam omnes

praeceptis Dei pareant. 10. TTtinam. facultates animi et cor-

poris semper exercuissemus. 11. TJtinam, mi Mi, facultates

animi et corporis semper a te exercitae essent. 12. Curate,

pueri, ut memoriam exerceatis ; sed curate ut, non solum

memoria, sed etiam omnes facultates a vobis exerceantur.


regam, regrerem, rexerim, rexissem (Gram. § 192).

regar, regerer, rectus sim, rectus essem(Gram. § 196).

'D^ quum intellegeret

When he pereeived (= perceiving)

quum intellexisset

When he had perceived ( = baving perceived).

L Hannibal quum saepe vicisset Romanos, maestus cessit

ex Italia ut patriae succurreret. 2. Edimus ut vivamus, nonvlvimus ut edamus. 3. Demonax philosophus quum videret

bominem stultum veste splendida ornatum, prebendit vestem

et : Antea, inquit, tuam vestem ovis gestabat et ovis erat. 4.

Alexander Macedo quum in Sige5 ad Acbillis tumulum astit-

isset, Fortunatus es, inquit, adulescens, nam tuae virtutis

Homerum praecSnem invenisti. 5. Seneca baec ad amicumscripsit : Ante senectiitem curavi, ut bene viverem ; in senec-

tiite euro, ut bene § vita decedam. 6. Cicero diligenter

vigilabat, ne respublica a nefariis hominibus subverteretur

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7. Lacaena quum filium inproelium. misisset et de morte ejus

nuntium accepisset :' idcirco ' inquit ' genueram, ut pro patria




VestIgia Terrent.

Leo senex, quum non satis roboris baberet ad victum com-

parandum, callidum adhibuit consilium, ut vitam sustentaret.

Morbum simulabat et in spelunca jacebat ut adventum

bestiarum silvae exspectaret. Bestiae autem advenerunt ut

regem aegrdtum saliitarent. Quas, quum le5 comprehendisset,

devorabat. Quum multae bestiae ab eo consumptae essent,

etiam vulpes apparuit ut pristino rapinarum socio dolorem

declararet. Vulpes autem cauta ante speluncam animal

illud callidum salutavit. Quam quum leo aspexisset, blandis

verbis rogavit ut intraret. ' Cur cessas ' inquit, ' speluncam

meam intrare ?' At ilia :' Vestigia me terrent,' inquit, ' omnia

enim ceterarum bestiarum vestigia ad speluncam tuam spec-

tant, nulla retrorsum.' Quae verba quum dixisset, tergum



audiam, audirem, audiverim, audivissem

(Gram. § 193).

audiar, audirer, auditus sim^ auditus essem

(Gram. § 197).

1. Semper observemus auream illam regulam : Audiatur et

altera pars. 2. Diligenter pastores ovilia custodiant, ne lupus

inter eves saeviat. 3. Nunquam cupiditatibus oboediamus.

4. Oapitolium quum custodes in impetii Gallorum dormirent,

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ab anseribus custoditum et servatum est 5. Multi adules-

centes Eomani Graeciam petebant, ut doctores philosophiae

audirent. 6. Isocrates quum infirmitate vocis impediretur ia

public5 dicere, orationes scripsit. 7. Numa Pompilius, ut

populum ferum religi5ne molliret, sacra multa instituit. 8.

Anaxagoras philosophus quum mortem filii audlvisset, vultum

non mutavit, sed :' Humana sors,' inquit, ' lilio contigit ; nam

mortalis erat.'


Gerunds and Gerundives (Gram. §§ 190—197).

1. Ut ad cursum equus, ad arandum bos, ad indagandum

canis, sic hom5 ad jntellegendum et ad agendum natus est.

2. Mores inter ludendum simplicius se detegunt. 3. Mens

humana disceado alitur et cogitando. 4. Audendo atque

agendo res Anglicana crevit. 5. Liidendi quendam modumretinere debemus ne in aliquam turpitudinem delabamur.

6. Dialectica est ars vera et falsa dijudicandi. 7. Justitia in

suum cuique tribuend5 cernitur. 8. Virtus est colenda.

9. Ex vita discedendum est non tanquam ex domo sed tan-

quam ex hospitio : commorandi enim natura nobis dever-

sorium non habitandi locum dedit. 10. Exercendum corpus

est, ut consilio rationique oboediat. 11. Delenda est Carthago.

12. Cavendo tutus eris.


The Supine (Gram. §§ 190—193).

1. Multi homines olim in Graeciam profecti sunt spectatum

Olympia. 2. Themistocles quum civium suffragiis e civitate

ejectus esset, Argos habitatum concessit. 3. Philippus quumspectatum liidos procederet, juxta theatrum a Pausania

Page 51: First Latin Reader and Writer


occisus est. 4. Nihil suavius est auditu quam tidorum

amiGorum consilia. 5. Virtus difEcilis inventti est : rectSrem

ducemque desiderat, sed vitia etiam sine magistro discuntur


tamen suavis Christi disciplina viam bene beateque Vivendi

reddit facilem atque jiicundam. 6. Quum bellum Helvetiorum

confectum esset, totius fere Galliae legati ad Caesarem gratu-

latum convenerunt. 7. Totius fere Galliae legati ad Caesarem

pacem petitum convenerunt. 8. Aedui 5lim legatos ad

Caesarem miserunt auxilium contra Helvetios rogatum.


Participles (Gram. §§ 189—197).

1. Terra nosnascentes excipit, natos alit, postremo mortuos

gremio su5 complectitur. 2. Turpe quid ausurus te ipsum

sine teste time. 3. Pompeius in acie Pharsalica a Caesare

victus, "fuga quaerens salutem, in insulam Cyprum classem

direxit, ut aliquid in ea virium contraheret. 4. Populus

Romanus, quum in theatre Vergili versiis audivisset, surrexit

universus, et forte praesentem spectantemque poetam venera-

tus est sic quasi Augustum. 5. Ubi intravimus Catonis

cubiculum, ipsum sedentem et librum intra mantis tenentem

deprehendimus. 6. Nullum vitium turpius est quam avaritia,

praecipue in principibus rem publicam gubernantibus. 7.

Cicero haec scribit: Senectutem ut adipiscantur omnes

optant ; eandem accusant adepti. 8. Stultus est, qui equum

emptiirus non ipsum inspicit, sed stratum ejus ac frenSs.

9. Alexander ad Jovem HammSnem perrexit, consultiirus

et de rebus futuris et de engine sua. 10. Jugurtha milites

hortatus ut victoriarum suarum memores essent, Romanos

aggressus est. 11. Fidenates aliquando legatos Romanos ad

se missos interfecerunt. 12. Pueri Lacedaemonii verberum

dol5re laniati non gemebant. 13. Lysander Lacedaemomus

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magnam sui reliquit famam, magis felicitate quam virtute

partam. 14. Alexander moriens anulum digito detractum

Perdiccae tradidit. 15. Luna opposita soli radios ejus obscurat.



The Two Grabs.

Caneer filio : Recta, inquit, via precede ! cur obliquis sem-

per gradibus procedis ? At Mius respondet ; Mi pater, vestigia

tua animadvertd.

The Nightingale and the Goldfinch.

Luscinia et acanthis ante fenestram in caveis inclusae

pendebant, Luscinia cantum jucundum forte ediderat. Turn

pater Mio ostendens aves eum interrogavit : Auctorem-ne

cantiis agnoscis, mi fili ? Statim filius raspondit : Interrogas ?

Acanthis sonos suaves edidit;

peiinas enim splendidas




Dionysius tyrannus quanquam multos amicos habebat,

tamen credidit nemini, sed barbaris hominibus corporis cus-

todiam committebat. Et, quia insidias hominum metuit,

filias suas tondere docuit. N5l6 enim, inquit, homini ulli

coUum committere.

Out OF THE Frying-pan into the Fire.

Mulier vidua diurno quaestu vitam sustentabat et sub galli

cantum cotidie ancillas ad opus excitabat. At illae, diiiturn5

Page 53: First Latin Reader and Writer


labore fatigatae, tandem gallum domesticum occidere statuer-

unt. Jam vero tanquam e fum5 in flammam se induxerant


nam domina de li5ra incerta, saepe jam media nocte eas ex-


The Ixl-natuked Horse.

Agitabat mercator equum et asinum onustos sarcinis.

Asinus itinera fetlgatus equo :' Deime ' inquit ' oneris mei

partem.' Sad equus preces comitis neglexit. Paulo post

asinus labSre consumptus in via corruit et efflavit animam.

Mercator igitur omnes sarcinas atque insuper pellem asini equo

imposuit. Turn ille g«mens fortunam suam :' Quam stulte


inquit ' eontempsi comitis preces ; nam antea onus parvulum

vehebam, nunc autem gravissimum veto.'

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1. Sicily is an island. 2. Sicily and Crete are islands.

3. Sicily, Crete, (and) Sardinia are islands of Europe. 4. The

farmer's anger is the cause of fights. 5. The sailors' anger is

the cause of a fight. 6. Anger is often the cause of fights,

but fights are often the cause of anger. 7. Greece is the

country of poets. 8. Britain is the native-land of sailors and

farmers and poets. 9. The wrath of poets is not often

the cause of fights.

1. Garlands adorn the girl's hair. 2. Garlands adorn the

girls' hair. 3. A garland adorns the girl's hair. 4. The

poet's glory adorns, (his) native-land. 5. Britain and Ireland

possess sailors and farmers. 6. Britain possesses sailors and

farmers and poets. 7. Garlands often adorn girls. 8. Girls

often have roses. 9. The reputation of industry adorns the

farmers of France. 10. The reputation of modesty adorns

the girls of Ireland.

1. The girl gives a garland to the poet. 2. The queengives money to the poet's daughter. 3. The mistress gives

Page 55: First Latin Reader and Writer


money and garlands to the girls. 4. The reputation of

modesty wins glory for the girls. 5. The reputation of

bravery wins glory for the sailors of Britain. 6. The

industry of the farmers is a cause of glory to the inhabit-

ants of Germany and France. 7. The girls give -jewels to

the queen's daughter. 8. The maid-servants often give roses

to (their) mistress. 9. The farmers' daughters give money to

the girl. 10. The queen often gives the poet money. 11. The

poet's daughter' often gives the queen roses. 12. The fame

of (their) poets wins glory for the inhabitants of Greece.


1. In* Britain there are sailors and farmers. 2. On* the

coast of Africa there are colonies. 3. The farmers of

Germany adorn (their) country by (their) industry. 4. The

maid adorns (her) mistress with roses and jewels. 5. In* the

islands of Europe there are sailors. 6. There were formerly

poets in* Italy and Greece. 7. The sailors delight the

inhabitants of the island with (their) bravery. 8. The maids

often adorn the queen with garlands and jewels. 9. The

queen adorns the poet with a garland. 10. The inhabitants

of Eome adorn the altars with roses.


1. The inhabitants of Italy are farmers, the inhabitants of

the islands and coasts of Italy are sailors. 2. Poets win

glory for Kome. 3. The fame of learning and letters adorns

Athens. 4. Victories were also a cause of glory to the

inhabitants of Athens. 5. Discord was often the cause of

enmity to the inhabitants of Athens. 6. The victory of

the forces of Greece causes {say: prepares) joy to the

inhabitants of Athens, sorrow to the Persians. 7. Riches

are often a cause of pride. 8. There is glory in* learning


Page 56: First Latin Reader and Writer


and industry, not in* riches. 9. Poets' hair is often a cause

of glory to '—poets.


1. The slave has a master. 2. The slaves have masters.

3. Britons are not slaves. 4. The reputation of (their)

poets is a cause of glory to the Greeks. 5. The industry

of the slaves delights the masters. 6. The masters

therefore give money and food to the slaves. 7. Master,

where is the slave ? The slave is in* the field. 8. The

industry of the slave is a cause of joy to the master. 9. The

industry of the slaves and of the maidservants delights the

master and the mistress. 10. There are slaves in* Asia and

Africa, but not in* Europe.


1. Where are Frederick and Charles ? 2. We are in* the

field with* Henry. 3. Where are you, Augustus? Whereare you, Augustus and Charles ? 4. I am in* the garden.

We are in* Frederick's garden. 5. There are temples in* the

town. 6. Are you not often in* the town 1 7. I am often in*

the town but I am not often in* the temples of the town.

8. Where are the fortifications of the town ? 9. The town

has no {say : not) fortifications. 10. Germans, you are nowthe friends of Englishmen.


1. We are teachers, you are pupils. 2. You are a teacher,

I am a pupil. 3. Charles and Henry are men, Augustusand Frederick are boys. 4. Towards* evening men, boys,

women, (s^nd) girls dance in* the field. 5. Towards* evening

the farmers' sons and daughters walk-about in* the gardens.

6. Books delight not only men but also children; not only

Page 57: First Latin Reader and Writer


teachers but also boys. 7. Games are a source of delight

not only to boys and girls but also to men and women.

8. The boy's industry pleases (say : delights) the teacher.

9. The children's books are on* the table. 10. The men's

children love books.


1. We were once boys, we are now men. 2. Boys, you are

now pupils, hereafter you will be teachers. 3. Charles and

Henry were once boys, now they are men ; soon they will be

farmers. 4. Boys' games were always a source of delight to

the farmer. 5. Books and games will always be a source of

delight to boys and girls. 6. We were often the companions

in {say: of) games not only to boys but also to men. 7. Charles,

you are now a boy, you will soon be a man. 8. Books are

not often a source of pleasure to the farmer's servants.

9. I am a man ; but I shall often join in boys' games (say


be a companion of games to boys). 10. Britons never will

be slaves.


1. Eiches are the gift of God. 2. God always was, is, and

will be. 3. Mercury was a god of the Romans, Diana was a

goddess. 4. The sacrifices of the gods and goddesses were a

source of joy to the Greeks. 5. In* the temple of the god

there is an altar. 6. There were altars, temples, (and) oracles

in* Greece and Italy. 7. A friend is the gift of God. 8. The

Greeks and Romans had temples and oracles of the gods

(say : there were to the Greeks, &c.) 9. God, thou-dost-

grant gifts and benefits to the inhabitants of the earth.


1. The English were formerly good bowmen. 2. The

friendship of a good man is pleasant. 3. The battles between*

E 2

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the Greeks and the Persians were bloody. 4. The war

between* the Greeks and the Turks was bloody. 5. The

English are and always were good sailors. 6. The French

and Germans are industrious farmers. 7. The stories of the

Greek poets are pleasing to boys. 8. The memory of a true

friend will always be pleasing. 9. The star of Mercury was

known to the Greeks and Romans. 10. The Italians were

vigorous farmers.


1. Helen, thou hast been the cause of destruction to the

Trojans. 2. Troy, thou art no more ! (say: thou hast been).

3. Comrades ! you have often been in* many misfortunes, but

hereafter you will be prosperous. 4. Charles, you have been

diligent in* school, you will soon be learned. 5. Boys, have

you been in* Greece ? 6. We have not been in* Greece, but

we have been in* many towns of Italy and in* some towns of

Sicily. 7. My companions have been in* Mona, a small

island (abl?) of Europe. 8. queen of the Trojans, thou

hast not been fortunate. 9.' Son,, you have been attentive

and diligent, hereafter you will be learned.


1. Lazy children do not love (say: love not) beautiful books.

2. You will never be wretched, (my) sons, for you have always

been contented with few-things. 3. The rough path of

glory has always been pleasant to our vigorous sailors. 4.

We have never been free from cares, for we have not beencontented with little. 5. Lazy boy ! your evil examplehas often been harmful to your companions. 6. You havebeen wretched, but you will soon be happy. 7. Friends,

you always have been and always will be friends to the

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wretched. 8. Bears have been hurtful to children. 9. Yourdiligence delights your teacher. 10. God adorns our life

with many benefits. 11. The life of free men is not



A Dialogue.

Father. Where have you been to-day, my sons ? Augustus.

We have been in* the forum of the town with* our companions.

F. Were there many boys in* the town ? A. In* the streets of

the town there were many boys adorned with beautiful arms.

There had been previously many girls adorned with beautiful

garlands. F. Had you been in* the town already, boys?

A. We had [been]. To-morrow, also, we shall be in* the

town. F. But why was not Charles in* the town ? A. The

master was angry yesterday, for Charles had not been diligent

and attentive. F. Boys, if you are (say : shall have been)

attentive and diligent, your teachers will have no cause for

anger (say : no cause of anger will be to your teachers). A. If

we are (say : shall be) good we shall be happy.


1. The industiy of the servants delights the good farmers.

2. Timid men will never be vigorous sailors. 3. Lazy

sailors will never be the cause of glory to our country.

4. Virgil was a celebrated poet of the Romans. 5. Even

now the beautiful stories of great poets are the source of

delight to boys and girls. 6. If the farmers are (say : shall

have been) industrious, the inhabitants will be prosperous.

7. Farmers are not always skilled in the winds. 8. Capua

was a rich town of Italy. 9. Some inhabitants of London

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are luxurious. 10. Many sailors bring riches to the inhabit-

ants of London. 11. The inhabitants of England are not

now barbarous, but formerly the inhabitants of our island

were fierce and uncivilised.


1. Be attentive, my sons ! for diligence is a great ornament

to boys and men. 2. Let friends be faithful to (their) friends.

3. Let servants be honest and faithful to (their) masters. 4.

Boys, you were not present yesterday ; why were you absent ?

5. We were in* the town with* our companions ; we shall not

be absent to-morrow. 6. Be sturdy, sailor, and faithful to

your country ! 7. You, my sons, are in one place only ; Godis present everywhere. 8. A good and faithful friend will

never be wanting to (his) friend. 9. The moon is far distant

from* the earth, and the earth is far distant from* the stars.

10. My daughter, be modest, diligent, (and) attentive.


1. Lofty poplars adorn the streets of our town. 2. Cherry-trees and apple-trees were not formerly known to the inhabit-

ants of our country. 3. There are no pear-trees in* yourgarden. 4. Soon there will be many apple-trees and pear-trees in* my gardens. 5. London is a wealthy town, for sailors

often bring wealth to (its) inhabitants ; consequently someinhabitants of London are luxurious. 6. Your gardens arepleasant with the shade of thick plane-trees. 7. The bankof the river is thick with the branches of many beeches.8. Corinth was formerly adorned with beautiful temples ofNeptune. 9. The gardens of the Romans were full of thickplane-trees and lofty cypresses.

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The Farmer and the Sailor.

Mark, a hard-working and honest farmer, has two children,

Gaius and JuUa (say : There are to M., &c.). Julia's eyes

are black and beautiful. Beautiful also is the girl's modesty.

Julia greatly delights the farmer by (her) industry and thrift.

For industry, and thrift, and- modesty are great ornaments to

a girl. A beautiful girl is not always good ; and a good girl

is not always beautiful. But Julia is both beautiful and

good. Accordingly Julia delights not only the worthy farmer

but also all the inhabitants of the village.


The Farmer and the Sailor (coniimisd).

Gaius is the farmer's son. He is not only skilled in agri-

culture but also in literature. The Roman poets greatly

delight the boy, but the Greek poets delight the boy more.

Often while he ploughs he recites the beautiful stories of

Homer. In the evening, too, he tells many a story (say :

many stories) to Julia, for the maiden is by-no-means skilled

in the Greek poets. The stories of the Greek poets please

the farmer also. And-so the books of Gaius delight not only

Mark's children but also Mark.


The Farmer and the Sailor (continued).

Augustus, a vigorous and stalwart sailor, is a friend

of our (friend) Mark. The worthy sailor has an only son,

Agrippa (say.- There is to, &c.). The boy by (his) great

diligence is a cause of great joy to Augustus. Accordingly

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the sailor brings (his) son to visit the farmer. Great is the joy

of the friends, Mark and Augustus. Great also is the joy of

the children. Gains shows the boy his horse and his dogs


Julia also shows Agrippa many-things—the garden, the

fields, the pigs, the hens. Then Augustus exclaims :" A

country life entirely delights me."


The Farmer and the SIilor (continued).

Next-day the boys take-a-walk together. Now they are in*

a big forest. Gaius shows (his) friend stately pines and lofty

beeches. There is in* the forest a river, pleasant with the shade

of thick plane-trees. Presently the boys sit down on* the bank

of the river, and Agrippa questions (his) friend about* bears and

wolves and wild-boars. Afar-off they see many boars. Pre-

sently one of* the boars sees the boys, and lo ! now he is

rushing against* the good and learned farmer.


The Farmer and the Sailor {continued).

But the learned farmer is a skilful archer. He therefore

soon wounds the beast with a sharp arrow. Accordingly the

sharp arrow of the warlike poet is a cause of delay to the

wild-boar. Wild-beasts by-no-means love sharp arrows. Thebeast, however, is not-yet dead. Lo ! he is tearing the skilful

archer. Then Agrippa slays the boar with (his) sword ; for

bravery never fails (say: is wanting to) our sailor. Afterwards

the farmer and the sailor hear about* the boys' glorious victory,

and praise the bravery of (their) sons.

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The Faemer ajsid the Sailor {conclusion).

Next day Mark ploughs a field in-company-with* (his) son

and (his) servants. Agrippa for-a-long-time gazes-at the

plough, and the farmer, and the field. He-is-amazed, for he

is entirely unskilled in agriculture. At-length our sailor

cries :" By Hercules ! the plough is the ship of the fields."

Not long afterwards Gaius removes with* the sailor and the

sailor's son to* a sea-side town. Now, Gaius has often read

about* " lofty rocks," " violent waves," " the wide main." But

he has never seen the lofty rocks, the violent waves, the wide

main. Soon, however, the boys come to* the sea. By chance

a ship draws-near to* the land. Gaius for-a-long-time gazes-

at the strange prodigy and is-amazed. At-length he cries


" Wonderful ! the ship is great Neptune's plough." Nowour (friend) Gaius is a poet.


1. Water will hollow-out even a hard rock. 2. My son, you

will avoid great dangers by prudence. 3. My uncles were

always exclaiming, " Boys, we shall adorn our country not only

by bravery, but also by prudence and diligence." 4. Formerly

we were continually striving with* many nations of Europe.

5. Romans, you surpassed {say: were surpassing) all-other

nations in boldness. 6. Comrades, you formerly by your

bravery delivered {say : were delivering) (your) country from*

many evils ; will you now endure the injuries of your enemies ?

7. The Roman poets were often praising a country life. 8. Myson, by patience you will endure the troubles of life. 9.

Comrades, you are now freeing your country from* a great

peril. 10. While I breathe I hope. 11. My friend, endure

Page 64: First Latin Reader and Writer


the troubles of life with patience. 12. It is (a sign) of

vigorous men to bear 'the troubles of life with unruffled




Charles. Why do you praise the farmer's life ? Your uncles

praise, and were continually praising, a town life. Fredericks I

shall soon be a farmer, for the advantages of a country life are

great. A country life will always please me ; but a town life

pleases my uncles : for they are altogether unskilled in the

pursuits of a country life. Why do you always praise a town

life ? G. I praise and shall always praise a town life. None-

the-less do I praise a country life. Neither a town life nor a

country life is always agreeable to me. ~ Fr. Shall we walk

to-day through* the fields ? We will look-at the tall poplars

and the shady beeches ; we will walk through* the pleasant

forest ; afterwards your grandfather's large gardens will

please us.


1. Our judges have generally been the guardians of our

laws. 2. In* some states the judges are not the guardians

of the laws. 3. We shall always praise equity. 4. Innocence

of life secures repose to king and commons. 5. Eomulus and

Numa were the first kings of the Komans. • 6. By virtue and

innocence of life you will secure peace and quiet. 7. Henrietta

was the wife of King Charles {say. Charles, the king).

8. The wars of soldiers are generally the cause of sorrow to

farmers. 9. The report of peace is pleasant to the hostages.

10. Judges, be honest guardians of the laws ; thus you will

secure peace to king and commons. 11. The safety of the

commons is dear to good kings. 12. Peace secures repose

to soldiers and generals.

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1. Cicero was not only an illustrious orator, but also the

fearless defender of Ms country. 2. Flowers adorn woods and

fields and gardens. 3. Many flowers liave {say : there are to, &c.)

agreeable hues and odours. 4. We praise the pleasant smell

of beautiful flowers. 5. You were praising the integrity

of the manners of the ancient Eomans. 6. Some flowers are

injurious. 7. There are white, and red, and black flowers.

8. Great honours will be the reward of the illustrious defender

of our country. 9. Great learning was the cause of great

honour to the orator. 10. Cicero was in* the number of the

illustrious orators of the Romans. 11. You always liked the

rewards of your toils ; —in fact many rewards and few toils.


1. We rightly call modesty the guardian of virtue. 2. Ca-

lamities have often been the occasions of remarkable

virtues. 3. Modesty in* maidens is pleasing. 4. The thoughts

of bad men will be anxious. 5. Many men have been the

prey of lions ; consequently some men are hostile to lions.

6. There are black lions in* Asia. 7. In* the books of the poets

there are maiiy stories about* lions. 8. In* the Roman circus

there were fights between men and lions {say : of men and

lioDs). 9. We call lions the kings and lords of wild-beasts.

10. My uncles were continually exclaiming: "Boys, if you

sin {say : shall sin) for the sake even of father, mother,

brothers, sisters, it will be no excuse for sin " {say : of sin).


1. The beautiful songs of Homer and Virgil will be always

dear to boys and men. 2. Uncle, you often used-to-praise^

^ Translate ' used-to ' by the imperfect tense.

Page 66: First Latin Reader and Writer


" the good old times " (say : by-gone times). 3. Grandfathers

and poets will often be praisers of by-gone times. 4. My son,

you will strengthen (your) body by toil and sweat. 5. My sons,

you will weaken (your) bodies by sloth, you will strengthen

(them) by hard labours. 6. In* Italy in the summer we often

used-to-refresh (our) bodies with 'the shade of woods and

glades and the pleasant murmurs of cool streams. 7. The

murmurs of the populace will not disturb the true lover of

(his) country. 8. In spring the roads are generally pleasant,

in winter they are often unpleasant. 9. Mea generally show

reverence to grey heads. 10. Elephants have large heads.

11. Be contented always : —in spring, summer, autumn,



1. The Greeks had fought in vain in* many contests with*

the Trojans ; nevertheless they did not despair. 2. Stalwart

soldiers, you have delivered your country from* great dangers.

3. To have repaired one's mistakes is pleasant to good men.

4. Soldiers, you will not overcome the forces of (your) adver-

saries, unless you fight {say : shall have fought) with great forti-

tude. 5. To have saved (his) country was the cause of great

praise to Cicero. 6. The generals will have stained their glory

with great crimes. 7. To err is human ; to have persevered in*

error is foolish. 8. We had often refreshed our minds with

the pleasant murmur of the cool stream.


1. The minds of men will always be ignorant of (their)

future lot. 2. We are without* wealth ; we shall sing in-the-

presence-of* robbers and pirates. 3. You praised, O Romanpoet, a sound mind in* a sound body. 4. Learned men dispute

about* the origins of many cities. 5. Florence was once the

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mistress of the arts. 6. Fear of conspiracies will disturb the

minds of timid men. 7. The Phoenicians used-to-carry their

merchandise to the inhabitants of many lands and cities.

8. Calamity proves the mind of a man. 9. Death is the end

of toils and cares. 10. In summer the leaves of the trees

delight us. 11. In winter the violence of storms often

devastates gardens and fields.


1. Our sailors had put to flight the ships of the enemy {say :

enemies). 2. Foxes are cunning. 3. The memory of a great-

defeat will always be bitter to a proud people. 4. Elephants

have thick skins. 5. Our ambushes were harmless to the

enemy on-account-of* (their) dauntless hearts and the vigilance

of (their) leaders. 6. Asses' ears are long. 7. We shall soon

behold the lofty tower of the town. 8. The temple of Vesta

was situated on* the Palatine hill. 9. The consul Duilius

adorned the Roman forum with the beaks of ships. 10. Caesar

built many ships and prepared an expedition against* Britain.

11. Augustus, after* many wars, at length subdued the whole

world. 12. Fire proves gold; calamities (prove) the minds

of men.


1. You are summoned to* arms, stalwart soldiers;you will

not fail {say : you will not be wanting to) (your) country.

2. My sons, you used-to-be-delighted with the pursuit of the

arts ; now, alas ! you are only delighted with horses and

dogs. 3. Pupils, if you are {say : shall be) diligent, yon will

be loved by* (your) teachers and by* (your) parents. 4. For-

merly, my son, you used-to-be-spurred-on to* the pursuit of

the arts by the love of praise ; now you are spurred-on by the

love of knowledge. 5. We shall be questioned by* the judges

to-morrow, 6. Even hard rocks will be hoUowed-out by water.

Page 68: First Latin Reader and Writer


7. My brothers will be invited to-morrow by* their friends to*

{say : into*) (their) garden for* a game. 8. Dangers are often

avoided by prudence. 9. Thou wast called Great (nom.), OAlexander, and great thou wast.


1. The cities will have been freed by the valour of the

soldiers and citizens. 2. Many cities of Italy were taken-by-

storm by* Hannibal, general of the Carthaginians. 3.

Homer, you have been adorned with great praise by* manynations. 4. The Tloman forum was adorned with the beaks

of ships. 5. The Romans were defeated by* Hannibal in a

great battle near* Cannae. 6. Alexander, on-account-of* (his)

great valour and (his) many victories, was called Great.

7. The victory of our soldiers had been announced by* heralds

to the citizens of many cities. 8. The ambassadors exclaimed


" Citizens, if you fight (say : shall have fought) against* the

Romans, you will be defeated ; if you are defeated (say


shall have been defeated), you will be put-to-death."


1. Dangerous seas will be praised by* dauntless sailors, for

sailors are often on* a dangerous sea. 2. Judgment had been

pronounced with a loud voice by* the judge from* the bench.

3. Wild-beasts often fight for* lairs. 4. The girl was adorned

with a necklace. 5. The images of the gods had been placed

on* a couch. 6. Horses are urged on by the spurs of (their)

riders ; diligent pupils by the love of learning and the praise

of (their) teachers. 7. After* the battle the soldier was laid

on* a couch;

(his) wounds were attended-to by* a pious

woman. 8. The old Romans were models of severity of

manners. 9. Storms are not dangerous on* a deep sea.

10. Out-of* the great number of seas (that exist) many were

not kno wn to the Romans in ancient times.

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1. The lives of men are short. 2. The time of human life

is short. 3. Death is common to all men and to all ages of

men. 4. The forms of men are various, but many-things are

common to all men. 5. God is the father of all men. 6. The

life of men is dissimilar, men's manners are dissimilar, men's

dwellings are dissimilar. 7. All things will always be wanting

to avaricious men, for they are never satisfied . even with

immense riches. 8. The bodies of men are mortal, (their) souls

are immortal. 9. All seas and rivers are full of various fish.

10. We are charmed with the marvellous brilliance of the

stars. 11. The songs of Homer surpass in sweetness all the

songs of the Roman poets. 12. Boys, if you are {say: shall

be) brave, fortune will help you.


1. There were many wise men in* Greece. 2. Italy was the

fatherland of many wise men. 3. Hannibal was a man of

keen intellect, the author of wholesome counsels to his

(fellow-) citizens, and the keen and dauntless leader of swift

and dauntless soldiers. 4. He was the conqueror of many

horse and foot forces of the Romans. 5. Wise men will

always be happy even in* calamities. 6. There were three

orders of the Roman people : the senatorial order, the eques-

trian order, (and) the plebeian order. 7. You will not stir-up

the indolent even by a sharp spur. 8. Nothing is difficult to

a diligent and industrious man. 9. The wholesome counsels

of the good will always be unpleasant to the bad.


A Letter to a Town Friend.

If you are-in-good-health, it is well; we are-in-good-

health. All the woods will soon be-in-leaf; all the meadows

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will be-green. Soon we shall walk through* the fields and

woods, we shall lie on* the green grass, we shall put-to-

flight black care. How long will a town life be-pleasing to

your parents ? If your father and mother hasten (say


shall have hastened) hither, they will be extremely delighted


they will have keen enjoyment, and will feel grateful

{say : have gratitude) to me. They will see the leafy woods,

the pleasant streams, the fields decked with flowers. You

and they will lie down (2nd plur) beneath* the shade of

" immemorial elms " amidst* the " murmurs of innumerable

bees." Hasten, then (say : therefore), without* delay.


1. Not the walls of the city (of) Rome, but the valour

of the Romans terrified Porsenna. 2. Pyrrhus' elephants

did not frighten Fabricius. 3. Even great dangers will not

frighten brave men. 4. The snares of Catiline were not harm-

ful to Cicero the consul, but the hatred of Clodius was-harmful.

5. Corinth and Thebes formerly flourished : once they were

wealthy cities of Greece. 6. The beautiful songs of the Greek

and Roman poets had always been-pleasing to the boys.

7. The great perils of the sea will not have been-displeasing to

the brave sailors of our country. 8. Alexander the Great and

Charles the Great by (their) valour deserved (their) surname.

9. By thy sweet songs, Virgil, thou hast always been pleasing

to diligent pupils ; nevertheless, O learned poet, thou hast

often been extremely displeasing to unlearned boys.


1. The leaders of the Roman army were skilled in war.

2. In spring we shall be charmed with the sweet singing of

sweet nightingales. 3. Numerous ships thronged the harbour.

Page 71: First Latin Reader and Writer


4. The Roman soldiers were aroused by the sound of a trumpet.

5. Stags are endowed with horns. 6. In* the armies of Varus and

of th.e Romans, there was a great number not only of Romancitizens but also of allies. 7. The camps of the Roman armies

were the beginnings of many cities of Britain and Germany.

8. Many ships were cast (on) to* our shores by the violent rush

of the billows. 9. Cowardice has often been the cause of

great disasters to armies.


1. The discord of the citizens has often been the cause of

ruin to many states. 2. The welfare of the state is dear not

only to the magistrates, but also to all good citizens. 3. Un-principled men often show the appearance of faithfulness, but

faithfulness they have none. 4. Boys, you will learn many

things by practice. 5. Our hopes have often been disappointed

{say: we hate been cheated in hope), yet we will never

despair (fut.). 6. Liars often deceive us by the appearance

of truth. 7. By three things the life of animals is preserved :

by food, drink, breathing. 8. The Germans, by (their) shouts

and by the din of (their) arms have often thrown-into-

confusion the lines of the Romans. 9. Luxury has been the

cause of the destruction of many nations.


1. In one year the Romans destroyed Carthage, a large

town of Africa, and also Corinth {say : both Car. &c. and

Cor.), a very wealthy city of Greece. 2. The fame of oiir

soldiers, sailors, (and) merchants has filled not only Europe

but also the whole world. 3. We have filled the world with

the glory of oui' name and the fame of our exploits.,

4. Youths, by (means of) the splendid orations of Cicero, you


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will have filled your minds with the love of (your),country.

5. Rome, how many cities, how many nations hast thou

overcome in war, how many hast thou destroyed : how many,

Athens, hast thou overcome in learning and arts, how

many hast thou spurred-on to* wisdom and knowledge


6. Alfred (Tennyson), one of our poets, has in beautiful

words lamented the untimely death of his friend, Arthur

(Hallam) ; Milton had many years (a5Z.) before wept-over the

untimely death of Lycidas—for so {say : thus) he called his

friend Edward (King). Virgil also in* the Aeneid laments

the untimely death of Marcellus.


1. While you are boys, my sons, you are taught and

drilled. 2. You are now boys, you will soon be soldiers;

you will soon be drilled and taught to bear arms. 3. Myuncle used-to-approve-of the opinion of Solon :

" Men ought

not to be considered happy before* death." 4. All-men are

taught by experience. 5. Wise-men will not be terrified bydeath, for death daily threatens all. 6. A tyrant is feared

by* many and fears many. 7. The Spartan boys (say:

the boys of the Sp.) were kept in strict discipline, the

Athenian boys (say: of the Ath.) were educated moreliberally. 8. If its hall be necessary to fight for* father-

land, we shall be terrified by no danger. 9. The wicked

are terrified by the laws. 10. The lion is frightened

by fire. 11. We ought not to be terrified by death. 12.

Caesar was considered great because-of-(his)-benefits (dbl.)

and munificence, Cato because of (his) upright life (say:

integrity of manners).


1. The untimely • death of Lycidas was bewailed by*Milton. 2. Caiihage was destroyed by* P. Cornelius Scipio.

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3. Athens was destroyed with fire by* Xerxes, 4. ThePersian kingdom {say : the kingdom of the P.) flourished

for-a-long-time but it was destroyed by* Alexander. 5. Por-

senna, King of Etruria, was not terrified by the walls of

the city (of) Rome, but by the valour of the Romans.

5. Fabricius, the Roman ambassador {say: of the R.) was

not terrified by Pyrrhus' elephant;(but) he kept a cheerful

and steady countenance. 7. The minds of the Roman youths

were filled with love, of (their) country by the splendid

speeches of Cicero.


1. Ignorance of future ills is more useful than the know-

ledge (of them) ; or,- as one of* our (own) poets sings


" Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise " {say : know-

ledge is folly). 2. Apples are sweet, grapes (are) sweeter, but

honey (is) sweetest. 3. Hawks are swift, swallows (are)

swifter, eagles swiftest. 4. The songs of Homer are sweeter

and more renowned than (those) of Virgil. 5. London is the

richest and the most thickly populated {say : most crowded)

of all the cities of Europe, or rather, of the world ; neverthe-

less, perhaps many cities are pleasanter and more beautiful

than London. 6. Death is most like sleep {dat.) ; sleep is

most like death {dat). 7. The beginnings of the arts and of

literature are often most difficult, but the fruits are most

delightful; the beginning of a work is often most difiicult,

the end most easy. 8. The sun is many times larger {say :

-larger by many parts) than the earth. 9. It is most easy

{neut.) to blame the faults of others, most difficult to mend

one's-own. 10. Sight is the keenest of all the senses.

11. Of all pains tooth-aChe {say: pain of the teeth) is

perhaps the most acute.

F 2

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1. In* the Spartan state {say : s. of the Sp.) the authority

of good manners was greater than (that), of the laws. 2. Toil

and hunger are the hest sauces for food (gen.). 3. Of all

pleasures the greatest is to-be-free-from fault. 4. Malta is

one of* the smallest islands of Europe. 5. Fear of future ills

is worse than present ill. 6. There is no better bond of

friendship, as Cicero says, than agreement in measures and

desires {gen). 7. The pleasures of the soul are much {say :

by much) greater than (those) of the body. 8. Romulus was

older than Remus. 9. There were many nations in the

kingdom of the Persians, more in the kingdom of Alexander

the Great, most in the Roman Empire. 10. A sound mind

in* a sound body is the greatest blessing {say : highest good-



1. You will arouse men most easily by examples, with-

most-difficulty {adv) by precepts. 2. We educate children

less easily than we write books about* the education of

children. 3. A timid dog will bark more fiercely than hewill bite. 4. The Romans fought most bravely, mostprudently, (and) most eagerly. 5. My sons, admonish yourfriends kindly and in-private

; praise (them) not less kindlyand in-public. 6. Bad companions are most harmful {say :

are-harmful most) to boys. 7. English soldiers {say : s. of the

E.) fight not less bravely and eagerly than the ancientRomans. 8. No empires have ever been better governedthan the British Empire {say : E. of the B.). 9. The precepts

of philosophers are not seldom remarkably at variance

fight) with* (their) lives.

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1. You have not been created for yourselves only, but for

(your) country and for tbe human race. 2. Friends, if wefight {say: shall have fought) well the citizens will long

cherish the memory of us. 3. If my possessions are small,

my {say : for me) repose is great. 4. Citizens, England is

the common parent of you all. 5. Boys, if you show {say


shall have shown, and use praebeo) yourselves hard-working,

honest, brave, (and) pure, the memory of you will ever be

cherished by* us all. 6. Master, your memory of us will be

extremely pleasing to us (use : placeo). 7. The better part

of thee is immortal. 8. If you show yourself a dauntless

soldier (and) an upright citizen, your (fellow-) citizens will

long preserve the memory of you. 9. None {say : no one) of

us will be happy if he sins (say : shall have sinned).


1. A wise man will be master of himself; he will win

glory for himself by (his) virtues; he will strengthen (his)

country. 2. No one has been created for himself only.

3. The wise possess riches in* themselves. 4. Socrates was

always master of himself and controlled himself; he was

always urging (his)^ disciples to* virtue. 5. He freed himself

and them from the fear of death, 6. Virtue was cherished

both by* him and by* them {say: as by* him so by*


7. The Retort Courteous.

A foolish youth once exclaimed to (his) friend : Bias the

philosopher is narrated to have carried all his goods {say


his-own-things) with him [say: himself). I, too, am a

philosopher; /, too, carry all my goods with me. (His)

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friend replied to him : By Hercules, you do not carry much.

Thereupon the youth became silent.



Arminius urges the Germans to* battle with these words


Soldiers, the enemy is present, unacquainted with (say :

unskilled in) this district, embarrassed by the difficulties of

these marshes. The Komans are frightened by these moun-

tains, these forests, this district, this climate {say : sky). The

path of freedom is pointed out to you by* the gods. Nopaths will be open to them in* these dense forests. You,

soldiers, are all witnesses of the atrocious injuries of the

Romans. They eagerly desire to destroy your country, the

common parent (ace) of you all. Your wives and children

summon you to* battle. If we destroy (say: shall have

destroyed) their army (say : the army of those), we shall be

freed from all danger of slavery.


1. We shall not always remain the same ; the same things

will not always delight us. 2. All flowers have not the

same hues or the same odours; moreover the same flower

has not always the same hue, or the same odour, or the sameappearance. 3. The kindly light of the same sun, of the samemoon, of the same stars, gladdens {say : delights) both the evil

and the good. 4. " Riches," you say, '' are the chief good;


I don't approve-of that opinion (of yours), my friend; myopinion is different. 5. You will perhaps exclaim: "Youare a simpleton {say : foolish) ; that opinion (of yours) will

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perhaps be pleasing (use placeo) to another, not to meassuredly." 5. Bulls defend themselves with their horns,

boars with their teeth ; some beasts by flight, others by

cunning. 7. From* (use e) the faults of others wise menmend their own.


1. Wise men are wont to consider themselves inhabitants

and citizens of the whole world. 2. No roses are without

thorns {say : thorns are wanting to, &c.) : no life is without

sorrows {use dolor). 3. We are not born for ourselves alone

but for all mankind {say : men). 4. My sons, you ought to

be bitter to no one {use nuUus), but courteous to all.

5. While the Greeks are fighting with* the Persians in* Asia

the rumour of the victory at Plataeae {say : Plataean victory)

comes to* both armies {say: either army). 6. Patriotic

{say,- good) citizens prefer the safety of the state to their

own interests. 7. The highest pleasure does not consist

{say: is not) in* dear (-bought) splendour, but in* thyself

8. All animals love themselves.


1. Neither dangers nor threats will beguile an upright

man from* the straight path. 2. We accomplish great things

not only by physical strength {say: str. of body), but by

industry, wisdom, (and) coui-tesy. 3. Merchants from Mar-

seilles {say : Massilian merchants) used-to-carry merchandise

to* Britain. 4. My friends, you used to make happiness consist

{say : you used-to-place a happy life) in* virtue ; now, alas !

you make it consist in* ease, riches, (and) pleasure; yet

virtue itself is the highest pleasure. 5. The Helvetians used-

to-surpass the rest of the Gauls in valour, because they used-

Page 78: First Latin Reader and Writer


to-contend with* the Germans in almost daily skirmishes


we read this {say : these-things) in* Caesar's Commentaries.

6. Excessive security often leads men into* danger.


1. My son, if you lessen {say : shall have lessened) your

cares, you will be happier. 2. Christians have always

assigned much greater honour to women than the ancient

Greeks and Eomans. 3. To have accused a man falsely

{say : with or on a false charge) is most wicked. 4. If you

have {say : shall have) never abandoned your friends, your

memory {say : the memory of you) will always be cherished

by* them. 5. Plato in the Phaedo has written admirably2 3

{say : very well) about* the death of that (famous) philoso-


pher Socrates. 6. The disciples and the friends of Socrates

granted him many honours after* (his) death.


The Gauls enter and sack Rome.

The Gauls once routed the Roman army near* the Allia.

They slew many thousands of the Romans. Many retreated

{say : turned their backs) ; few escaped alive. Afterwards

the Gauls led (their) army to* the city itself. Thereupon

the citizens seek safety in flight or go-up to* the Capitol.

Soon the Gauls enter the city—for the Romans have not shut

the gates—and betake themselves to* the Forum. There a

certain Gaul {say : of* the Gauls) seizes the beard of one of*

the senators. That senator moved with wrath strikes himwith his ivory staff. The Gauls thereupon slay the senators

and burn the temples and buildings of the city itself.

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1. Kings and states have often driven excellent {say : very

good) citizens into* exile. 2. Unprincipled men have often

deceived both themselves and other men, but they will not

deceive God. 3. Themistocles and Alcibiades were suspected

by the Athenians (say : fell into* suspicion with* [use apud]

the A.), the one of treachery, the other of sacrilege.

4. The Story of Joseph.

Joseph was one of* the sons of Jacob, a very pious man(gen.). Joseph's brothers, moved with jealousy and wrath,

sold him to the steward of the King of Egypt (say: Egyptians).

Soon afterwards the . steward's wife laid a false accusation

against him (say : accused him on a false charge). And the

husband believed (his) wife and cast Joseph into* prison.

Afterwards, however, he was set-free, and the king granted

him very many honours and very great rewards.


1. Pericles governed the Athenians forty years (ace).

2. After* the first Punic war the Carthaginians waged two2 1

other wars with* the Eomans. 3. Queen Victoria has2 1

reigned fifty-one years : Queen Anne reigned only twelve

years : Queen Anne is dead : in fact, she departed this life

(say: from* life) 175 years (abl.) ago. 4. Scipio Africanus

destroyed two cities most hostile to the Roman Empire,

Carthage and Numantia. 5. Edward I. governed the English

with the greatest glory for thirty-five years (ace).

6. Over-doing the thing.

A little boy—the name of this boy was Tommy—once ate

in one day fifty-nine apples, sixty-eight pears, (and) seventy-

seven tarts. Next-day Tommy ate no apples, no pears, (and)

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no tarts: nor is this fact surprising, for he died {say: departed

from* life) on-the-previous-day.,This {nmt.) is a melancholy

{say: sad) instance of over-eating. All ye little boys, be

warned ! And from* this boy learn temperanx;e.


Memoeable Dates.

1. Rome was built in the 753rd year before* Christ.

2. The English first migrated to* these shores in the 449th

year after* Christ. 3. (Saint) Augustine introduced the

Christian religion to* the inhabitants of this island in the

597th year after* Christ. 4. Alfred the Great died in the

30th year of his rule, and in the 901st year after* Christ.

2 1

5. Socrates died in (his) 7lst year: that most famous

philosopher was put-to-death by* his own countrymen {say


citizens). 0. Carthage was destroyed in the third Punic war,

in the 146th year before* Christ. 7. C. Julius Caesar was

slain by* conspirators in the 44th year before* Christ.

8. Elizabeth, Queen of England {say: of the English), died in

the 45th year of (her) rule, and in the 1603rd year after*



1. Which of us is without* faults ? 2. To what boy_ are

Rome and Athens unknown ? 3. What is so glorious as to

pardon (one's) enemies {dot.) ? 4. What is better for us all

than to preserve (our) serise-of-duty towards* God, (our)

parents, (our) fatherland ? 5. Cicero in* one of* his orations

asks " What {neut.) is piety if it is not {say : except) good-

will towards* (one's) parents ? " In another book he says

" Cultivate justice and piety."

Page 81: First Latin Reader and Writer


(59.) 6. Pious Aeneas.

Whose {plur!) son was Aeneas ? Aeneas was the son of

Venus and Anchises. For what virtue {abl) was Aeneas

conspicuous ? For piety : he tells us this (neiit) himself in*2 3 1

the Aeneid ; for in* that most famous poem Virgil introduces

him to* us more than once exclaiming {ace. of exclamans)


" I am pious Aeneas." What man, what woman, will (any)

longer be sceptical {say : will doubt) about* his piety ?


1. They who excuse themselves, accuse (themselves).

2. He who is not affected by the woes of another will be

scorned by* all. 3. He whom the woes of another do not

affect is himself most wretched. 4. He to whom the mis-

fortunes of others are pleasing (use placed) is the basest of

men. 5. All will despise him who is not affected by the

woes of others. 6. It is God who rules and moves this

world. 7. A timid man sees even dangers which do not

exist {say : are not). 8. He is rich to whom (that) which he

has is enough. 9. The farmer plants trees whose fruits he

himself will never see.


A Martyr to Gout.

One of* my uncles, who used-to-dwell with* us, more than

once gave me this advice {say : advised me this [accl\) :" My

nephew, you ought to avoid those things which are-harmful

to you." Now the uncle, about* whom I am narrating this,

is—as he himself not unfrequently used-to-tell {use dico) us

a "martyr to gout" {say: is tortured with the pains of

gout) ; which-thing is not surprising, for they to whom wine

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is-pleasing are sometimes tortured with gout. One day

{say: once) my uncle, to whom wine is not wholly displeasing,

was drinking my father's port {say : Falernian) and at-the-

same-time bewailing (his) woes. To* whom I softly

approached and said, "Uncle, ought we not to avoid those

things which are-harmfal to us ? " Uncle, whose reply was

sudden and unforeseen—for he threw a tankard at* me

dwells with* us no longer {say : not longer).

62. .

1. Men who are not known through* {use ex) themselves

will be known through* (their) companions. 2. Upright

men are beguiled from* the straight path of honourable-

conduct neither by dangers nor by money. 3. The beautiful

songs of Homer and Virgil are even now read with the

greatest delight by* many boys and men, aye, even by* manywomen and girls, in* Europe, Asia, Africa, (and) America.

4. The works of Greek and Latin writers used-to-be-read by*

Queen Elizabeth {say: E. Queen of the English) and by*

many other women of that century. 5. If there is {say : shall

be) a war, we shall be summoned to arms, we shall be

enrolled, we shall be led against* the enemy {plw.). 6. Theenemy, against* whom we shall be led, will assuredly be

beaten {say: conquered).


1. Many states have been conquered not by* foreign

armies but by internal strife. 2. Good soldiers will remainin* the posts in which they have been {say : shall have been)

placed. 3. In the second Punic war Hannibal's army wasconquered by* a Eoman army near* Zama in the 201st year

before* Christ. 4. A Eoman army conquered Hannibal

near* Zama in the 552nd year of the foundation of the city

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(say : of the city founded). 5. The forces of the Greeks were

crushed, in a battle near* Chaeronea, by* Philip, King of the

Macedonians. 6. The armies of Xerxes were conquered by*

the Athenians and Plataeans at the battle of Marathon (say


Marathonian battle [aS^.]) in the 490th. year before* Christ.

7. Miltiades led the Greeks against* the enemy, who were

beaten {say: conquered) with enormous (say: very great)



1. My good friend, if you sing (say : shall have sung, and

use cano) the horses will neigh, the pigs will grunt, the

babies will squall, and the old cow will die {say : end her

life). 2. They who are-slaves to (their) bodies are not free,

although they call themselves free citizens of a free state.

3. While cats sleep mice play. 4. The sons of rich Romans

used to attend the lectures of {say: used-to-hear) Greek

philosophers at Athens {ail). 5. Many of* the ancients

ended (their) lives by poison. 6. Nowadays {say: to-day)

also many men end (their) lives by a premature death ; some

by wine, others by too-much pleasure, others by too-many

cares—but many women, as a famous man has lately remarked

{say : said), by too few.

7. Gladly lerne : gladly tec'he.

We shall all (of us) ever be-ignorant-of many things : never-

theless we shall learn many things if we are {say: shall

be) attentive. And like that "clerk of Oxenforde" (nom.),

whom our (own) Chaucer introduces to* us in* the Canterbury

Tales, " gladly will we lerne and gladly teche " others {say : we

joyful shall ourselves learn, joyful we shall instruct others).


1. My son, if you obey {say: shall have obeyed) God, you

will end (your) life happily. 2. He who hearkens {say: shall

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have hearkened) to the wise will end (his) life happily.

3. Mice have sometimes released lions from* the nets in

which they had been entangled. 4. Aristotle the philosopher

instructed -Alexander the Great; Ascham, who wrote the

famous {say : that) book which is entitled The ScJwlemaster,

instructed Elizabeth, Queen of England (say : of the English).

5. Nothing would calm (say: was softening) Coriolanus'

wrath ; at length the entreaties of (his) mother and of (his)

wife softened him. 6. Geese once guarded and preserved the

Roman Capitol.


1. They who are-slaves to the pleasures of (their) senses

are bound with firmer bonds than any captives. 2. Dangers

are never conquered without* dangers. 3. The cries of the

poor and wretched are heard by* God. 4. (When) a boy I

often used-to-hear these words from* my uncles :" You are

being brought-up and instructed with the greatest care by*

(your) parents and teachers and uncles : you ought therefore

to be gtateful (say: have gratitude) to (your) parents and

teachers and uncles." 5. A people (when) stirred-up to*

sedition by long-standing wrongs will not be soothed by

honied (use suavis) words. 6. Any boy's character will be

weakened by luxury and sloth.


1. Gracchus, Cicero, Horace, (and) many other Romanswere instructed in Greek literature. 2. Elizabeth, Queen of

England, about^ whom I have written before, was instructed

by* Ascham, who, as I have already said, wrote a book whichis entitled The Scholemaster. 3. Many [and] most famousmen were instructed by* that (celebrated) schoolmaster,

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Dr. Busby. Now Busby {say : ille) had been well grounded(say: instructed) in the precepts of Solomon, nor was he

2 1

wont to neglect what (say : that which) that wise (say : mostwise) king wrote concerning* the rod.


1. My-friend, time flies while you are making a long

speech (say : many words). 2. Diseases daily carry off mento* an untimely death. 3. Boys, undertake great things

while you have strength, but in* all matters be prudent and

look-to the end. 4. A wise man will accept adversity (say


adverse things) with an untroubled mind. 5. Not even a

Rothschild's (say: Croesus') wealth will satisfy misers. 6.

Excessive luxury produces disgust. 7. Books alone do not

make a wise-man. 8. It is pleasant, as Horace says, to trifle

occasionally. 9. Young men and maidens, long hair does

not make a poet.

10. Anecdote of Br. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson (say: a certain philosopher) was once in-

dulging-in-nonsense with* a friend. Suddenly he stopped

and " Look ! " said he, " I see a fool coming " (ace. of veniens)


'' we must be grave."


1. A faithless man will be despised by* everyone (say : all).

2. Many ancient monuments have lately been excavated

through the industry and enthusiasm of learned men. 3. Afew years (all.) ago the island (of) Cypras was annexed to the

British Empire. 4. Disgust is produced by too-much plea-

sure. 5. Liars (say: lying-men) will be despised by* all.

6. A great part of Pompeii has already been excavated, a

part is now being excavated. 7. Caesar when he crossed the

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Rubicon is said to have exclaimed :" The die is cast."

8. When the fertile fields of Italy were beheld by* the

Teutons they were fired with a very great desire of plunder.


2 _ 3

1. The infamous Catiline {say : Catiline that most infamous1

man) was threatening destruction to all good-men. 2. The

ancient Germans, as Tacitus the historian {say: writer of

things) narrates, were often wont in* cavalry {say: eques-

trian) battles to jump-down from* (their) horses and to fight

on foot {ahl. jplur). 2. Just laws defend and protect the

good ; they threaten only the bad ; and so good citizens

reverence and observe just laws, bad citizens reject and

violate them. 4. Noble-minded men will never rejoice in

the misfortunes of others {adj). 5. My sons, imitate the

diligence of the ants and the bees, but avoid the ferocity of

the tiger (plur.), the cunning of the fox {phi/r.), (and) the

vanity of the peacock {plur.). 6, Amongst* the Spartans it

was a crime to give-vent-to-lamentations in time of sickness

{say: to lament in* diseases). 1. All men will reverence

him who. is not led away by threats or money from* the

straight path of honourable-conduct. 8. Virgil in* the sixth

book of the Aeneid lamented the untimely death of



1. Few-people get-angry with jests in moderation (say:

moderate). 2. It is better not to tell-lies even in fun {say


not in fun even). 3. Edward the First, King of England{say: of the English), died while [he is] contriving waragainst* the Scotch. He succeeded to the throne in the

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1272nd year after* Christ and reigned thirty-five years.


4. The noble-minded Gordon (say: Gordon that noble-3 1

minded man) who was slain in* Africa a few years (ahl!)

ago, met with {say : obtained-by-lot) an untimely death but

(achieved) undying fame. 5. Dissensions often arise from*

desire of money. 6. Hours, days, months, years roll-on : the

past (say: time past) never returns, never will return.

7. Pleasures flatter our senses. 8. Death will pursue even

those who fly-from it. 9. God always was : He was never



Advice to the Young.

1. Hear (^fer.) many-things, speak little (say .- few-things).

2. My son, if you desire to be useful to (your) country, which

is the common parent of us all, you will follow the footsteps

of those men who have deserved (use mereor) well of* (their)

country ; if from* childhood you tread (say : shall have trod)

in the footsteps of those men, you will achieve renown both

for yourself and for (your) country. 3. To speak is often

well; to be silent is often better; for, as the proverb says,

speech is silvern, silence is golden. 4. Of* the absent and

the dead speak nothing except good (say: well). 5. They

who lay-traps for others often fall (into them) themselves ; or

as David, that (celebrated) King of the Jews, writes :" He

hath dug a pit ; he hath fallen into* it himself"


1. If you tell-lies (say : shall have lied) no one will ever

believe you even (when) speaking the truth (say: true-

things). 2. My son, reverence God, (your) parents, (and


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your) country, for this (/em.) is true piety. 3. Upright men

will never lie, for to lie is unworthy of a Christian (all) and

a gentleman.

4. The Lion's Share.

Once upon a time {say: once) a lion goes out hunting

{say: hunts). A wolf and a dog also hunt with* that

Monarch of the Beasts. They obtain (as) booty an enormous2 3 1

animal, which the wily lion {say : the lion, that wily beast)

divides into* three parts. "The first part," he says, "is

mine, for am I not your king ? The second (part) you will

scarcely refuse to me who am your leader. If you attempt

{say : shall have attempted) to touch the third (part), I shall

promptly.make a meal of you {say: devour)." Thereupon the

lion alone devoured the banquet, for, as the dog remarked

{say : said) to the wolf, it is sometimes better to be silent than

to speak.


1. Let us avoid pride in* prosperity {say: prosperous

things), gloom in* adversity {say : adverse things). 2. Wouldthat we had always been hard-working ! 3. Would that wehad always endured adversity with patience ! 4. Would that

you were hard-working


5. Semorse.

One of* my friends once said to me, " My father often

used-to-exhort me in these words: 'Would that you werediligent; would that you avoided {imperf.) excessive plea-

sure ! O that you would avoid {pres.) the perils of an idle

life!'" Then not without* tears he exclaimed: "Alas!would that I had been hard-working, would that I hadavoided evil companions, would that I had hearkened {use:

obtempero) *o you, my father ! Now, alas ! it is too-late."

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Then I consoled him, and said :" Let us not despair. You

will yet (say: hereafter), as I hope, live many years (ace).

Let us hope-for better-things. It is never too-late to mend(one's) ways " {say : manners),


1. Let pride and arrogance be avoided by* us all. 2. MayGod, (your) country, (your) parents ever be loved by* you


3. May the perils of an idle life ever be avoided by* you!

4. Would that sloth had always been avoided by* us ! 5. Let

not friends be changed, 6. Would that sloth were avoided

by* you ! 7. Would that God, (your) country, (and your)

parents were loved and had always been loved by* you


8. Would that envy, hatred, (and) malice were avoided

by* all men



^ In the following Exercises translate the italicised

infinitives by ut or ne and the subjunctive.

1. Take care, my son, to show yourself brave. 2. Let us be

cautious; let us, however, take care owt to he frightened by

shadows. 3. The mother of St. Louis, that (celebrated) King

of France {say: of the French), was wont to exhort her

children to avoid sin more than death itself. And rightly,

for it is better to die than to sin grievously. 4. May all

vices be far removed from* you, my children ! 5. Would

that we had always obeyed the counsels of the wise ! 6. The

famous poet Horace used-to-advise that moderation should

be used (impf. sulj. of adhibe5) in* all things. 7. Let pride be

repressed in* prosperity (say; prosperous things). 8. Would

that we had always repressed pride in* prosp erity, gloom in*

G 2

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adversity ! {say : adverse things). 9. Would that envy, hatred,

(and) malice had always been kept-in-check by* us, for how-

many evils have these vices produced



1. Good citizens will diligently take care that the State

may not be overturned by* unprincipled men. 2. Let us in*

youth take care to live well so-that in* old-age we may die

(wse decedS) well. 3. Fools live to eat ; sensible men (say:

wise^men) eat to live. 4. Two boys once seeing (say: when

they saw) one oP their companions decked (out) with

magnificent garments cried-out with greater truth than

courtesy: "An ass you always were, an ass you always will

be." But a certain-man who was standing-by said :" Not an

ass but a peacock."

5. The Miser.

Harpago, whom Moli^re brings-on-the-stage in L'Avare

{(say : in* that comedy which is entitled The Miser), greatly

admired that saying : Let us eat to live ; let us not live to

•eat. Having recited this (say: which when he had recited)

two or three times he exclaimed with the greatest joy : "I

highly (say: greatly) approve-of that sentiment. Let it

foe written (up) everywhere in* my house."


The Sick Lion.

An aged lion once upon a time (say: once) employed a

wily scheme to get himself (rfai.) food. He shammed sickness

and lay in* (his) cave. "For without doubt" (say: not

doubtfully), said he, " the beasts will come to wish their king

good-day (say: to salute their king), and

to he devoured!'

Hereupon the monarch softly smiled. . Soon the unsuspecting

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beasts arrive, and having been seized (say :- who when they

had been seized) by* the lion were promptly devoured. But

a certain fox, who was not less wily than the lion, saluted

him from-a-distance. To whom the lion said :" Why do

you not enter the cave ? " But the fox answered :" I am

terrified by the footprints of the other beasts," and quickly



1. Let us always hear the other side (say : part). 2. Good

citizens obey the laws gladly, the bad (obey them) only that

they may not be punished. 3. Would that we all obeyed

(imp/. SM&;'.) the commandments of God and the just laws of

men for-the-sake-of* duty and the love of virtue ! 4. Henry I.;

King of England (say: of the English), having heard ol

(say : when he had heard about*) the death of (his) son, is

related never to have smiled again (say : afterwards).

6. A Brutal Jest.

Sir Robert Peel (say : a very celebrated man) having fallen

(say': when he had fallen) from* (his) horse and having (say


when he had) afterwards died, one of* his enemies said :" He

was a great man : let us set-up a statue to him." Which

(neut) when another had heard, he answered :" Let us rather

set-up a statue to the horse."


1. Boys' characters are easily detected in* (use inter)

playing. 2. By acting manfully we shall overcome manydifficulties which the timid fly-from. -3. No age is too-late

to learn (say: for* learning). 4. A short time of life is

enough for* living well and happily. 5. Let us ever be

ready to teach and to learn (say; for* teaching, &c.).

6. Misers are not only tormented by the desire of accumu-

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lating, but also by the dread of losing. 7. The alternation of.

day and night preserves living-beings by assigning (them)

one time for action, one for rest (say : another time of acting,

another time of resting). 8. The Phoenicians are said to

have invented the art of writing. 9. All the powers of mind

and body ought (say: are) to be cultivated. 10. Our bodies

ought {say : are) to be exercised in-order-that they may obey

.right .reason.


1. When the Romans had abandoned this island, the

Britons sent ambassadors across* the sea to* the English to

ask-for help against* the Picts and Scots. 2. Hannibal

when he had been summoned-home to defend (his) country,

waged war against* P. Scipio. 3. Sophocles, one of* the most

illustrious of the Greek poets, brings-on-the-stage Oedipus

with bleeding eyes—a terrible sight (say: terrible in the

seeing). 4. Let nothing unseemly insight or sound (say : in

the saying or in the seeing) come-near (say: touch) these

portals within* which dwells a boy, for the greatest reverence

is due (say: is owed) to boys. 5. Virtue is hard to find

(say: in the finding) without* help: nevertheless the path

to virtue (say: of virtue) is made (i.i,se reddo) easy by the

gracious (say : sweet) discipline of Christ.


1. Boys, (when) about-to-do anything unworthy of a man(all), fear yourselves (though) without* witnesses. 2. Tohim who seeks (say : seeking) many things, many things will

ever be-wanting, 3. They are fools who (when) about- to-buy

horses do not examine them (use ipse), but (their) saddles

and bridles. 4. One of* the Roman poets has said: Scornpleasures

; pleasure bought with pain doth-harm. 5. Achilles,

moved by Priam's entreaties, restored the body of Hector

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whom he had slain. 6. Nothing is so pleasing to-those-who-

have-attained (partic.) as to-those-who-are-desiring (partic).

7. This is a true saying : They who are about-to-do an injury

are already doing it. 8. Elephants (when) about-to-cross a

river §end the smallest first, lest by the entrance of the

bigger (elephants) the height of the river should be increased

{pres.) 9. The poet Virgil, once (being) present in* the

theatre as a spectator (say : and looking-on), was saluted by*

the whole audience (say : multitude).


Dwellers in Glass Houses should not throw Stones.

A certain crab once cried out to (his) sons :" My children,

walk straight!

" (say : advance by a straight way). But the

little crabs answer him :" Father, we are attending-to your

steps, not our (own)." This reply, though it perhaps lacked

courtesy, was nevertheless just.

The Goldfinch and the NiGHirNGALE.

Two birds, shut-up in* a cage, were once hanging in-front-

of* a window : the one was a goldfinch, the other a nightingale.

The latter (say : this) by chance had sung very beautifully.

Then a little boy pointing-to the goldfinch exclaims :" This

bird has sung that beautiful song, for her feathers are



Out of the Frying-pan into the Fire.

Once-upon-a-time (say : once) there-lived near* London a

certain maid-servant. The name of this maid-servant was

Eliza. Other maid-servants also lived in* the same house.

These girls used-to-be-aroused by* (their) mistress, a widow

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woman (a6Z.), every-day at* cock-crow. At-length Eliza,

wearied (out) with (her) daily labours, said to (her) com-2 1

panions :" I am {say : have) determined to wring that hideous

cock's neck." Accordingly Eliza forthwith slew the cock.

But these girls had now got out-of* the frying-pan into* the

fire. For after* the death of the "harmless necessary"2 8 4 5 1

cock (say: the cock, that harmless and useful bird), they

were often aroused by* (their) mistress at midnight.


The ill-natured Horse.

A horse and an ass laden with baggage were once being

driven by* a merchant. The ass being wearied with (his)

heavy load (says) to the other animal :" Prythee, my good

brother, carry a part of this load, for I cannot (any) longer

carry the whole load." But that animal despised the

entreaties of the ass, and answered with the greatest

haughtiness :" We are not brothers

;ymi are an ass, / (am)

a horse. I will-not carry your burdens, wearied (as I am)

with my (own)." Soon afterwards the horse's companion

sank-down in* the road and shortly afterwards died. Then2 1.

the merchant compelled that foolish horse to carry not only

all the ass's burdens but also the ass itself Thus the horse

paid the penalty {say : penalties) of his arrogance.

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The words in the Lat.-Eng. vocabularies are arranged in the ofder of the

parts of speech : first the nouns (in alphaJ>etical order), then the pro-

nouns (if any), and so on.

English into Latin.


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hy eJmjice, perchancenot yet


without [foil, by abl.]

about, of, concerning ;

from [foil, by abl.]



draws near



Now Gains &c. = Gains autem &c.

[see autem, Vooab. 12]


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mater (matr-)

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murmur (mur-

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parens (parent-) parenttestis (test-) witness

rectus straight, right [rec-

tum = rectitude']

convoco, 1 summoninterrogo, 1 question, askinvito, 1

-que and [to be attachedto second of twowords coupled]





Brennus, 2


Jugurthalegatus, 2

Marius, 2

T. Antoninus,

excito, 1

expuguo, 1

nuntio, 1

oecupo, 1

puto, 1


canis {can-), m.ad [foil, by ace]seientia


AlliaBrennusmildness, clemency

inhabita/nis of Glus-

iumJugwrthaambassador, officer

Marius2 Titus Antoninus

rouse {up), arouse

take by stmin,


think, suppose

against [foil, by ace]



CannaeSannibal {Hanni-


praecS {praecon-)


animal (ani-

mal-), n.

calcar (oalcar-),

n. sptir

living being, amvmal

subilo (oubil-),

n. couch, lair

Demosthenes(Demosthen-) Demosthenes

eloquentla eloquence

exemplar (ex-

emplar-), u. modelgenus (gener-),

n. kinA, sort, racelitus (litor-), n. shoremare (mar-), n. sea

raonile (monil-),

n. necklacepraeoeptor

(praeceptor-) teacher, schoolmasterpugnus, 2 fist

pulvinar (pul- cioshioned seat ofTinar-), n. gods, couch

rupes (rup-), f. rock, crag, cliff

simulacrum imagetribunal (tri-

biinal-), u. platform, benchunguis (ungu-),

m. nail, talon

vox (voc-), f. voice

vulnus (vul-

ner-), n. wound

periculosus dangerous, perilous


eoUooo, 1

ciiro, 1

incito, 1

pronuntio, 1


lay, pla^x

take care {of), attend

to, careforurge {on)


severity severitas (-at-), f.

Juvenalis(Juvenal-) Jwvenal

natiira naPwre

opus (oper-), n. work



avaricio^is [as n.



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magistratus, 4 magistratemercator (mer- merchant


motus, 4 motion, movementPericles (Peri- Pericles


ingens (-nt-) huge, eriormous

Maiathonius of MarcUhonvanus empty, vain

denique finally, to sum up

portus, 4 harbour

Page 111: First Latin Reader and Writer


impleo, -evi, fdl-etum, 2





Acneis (Aeneid-) fAlurediis, 2

Artunis, 2

Edimardibs, 2

res gestae [lit : things

Lyoidas, 1 (Gr. § 20)

Marcellius, 2

Milto (Milton-)


ante before, in front of

[foil, by accus.]

Cato Gato (Gaton-)

daily, everyday coifdie

educate, bring educS, 1


more liberally





timed, 2




Solo (Solon-)

immineo, 2 [foil.


tyrannus, 2



cognitio (cog- learning to know,

nition-) f. knowledge

disciplina in^truetion,discipUne

facultas (-at-) f. means,faculty, power

fas (indecl.) right

Veil (pi.) Veii

juventiis(-iit-}f. age of youth, youth

oomplures(com- many, several


perditus base, abandoned, in-

famousSeptimus seventh

utilis useful, serviceable

augeo,-xi,-ctum, increase, accumulate


bello, 1 war, wage war

debeo, 2 owe, ought, must

dooe5, -ui, ioc- teach

turn, 2

exerceo, 2 exercise, drill

gesto, 1 carry, bear, wear

habeo, 2 have, hold, consider

maereo, 2 mowra (over), grieve


obsideo, -sedi, besiege

-sessum, 2

usque up to, asfar as

ChristianTis, 2

Cornelius, 2


David (David-)


Golias, 1 (Gram.

§20)Julius, 2

luctus, 4

minae, pi.

Mucins Scae-

volaMummius, 2

Nero (Neron-)


rumor (rumor-)

mSalamis (Sala-

min-) f.

soror (soror-)

vates (vat-)




perterreo, 2

profligo, 1




. Goliath


grief, lamentation


Mucdus Scaevola


rumour, report



prophet, seer

narrowof Cannaeincredible

piteous, lamentable


frighten (or terrify)


dash to the ground,

ruin, rout

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paene almost, nearly

cheerful hilaris

countenance mtltus, isteady eonstans [constant-)

pain, grief, woe dolor (dolor-) mperhaps fortasse

rather potmssight visus, 4

sleep somnus, 2

tooth deTis (dent-) m



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bond, chain vineiilum

counsel, mea- consilmmsure, advice

Malta MelUa


alauda lark

Leonidas, 1 Leonidas(Gram. § 20)

merula blacJcbird

praeceptum commaTidment, pre-


Thermopylae Tliermopylae



admoneo, 2

latro, 1 harkmordeo, mo- iite

mordi, mor-sum, 2

obsum (Gram. § am an obstacle [foil.

215) by dat.]

obtineo, -uJ, hold, occupy ; gain-teutum, 2

prosum (Gram, am useful [foil, by§ 215) dat]

scnbuntur ijthey) are written


hardly, with





facile •

fortiter Ira/oely, strongly

minus (Gram, less

§175)multum muchpalam openly, inpiiblic

priidenter prudentlysecreto in secret, in private

suaviter kindly, sweetly

vehementer fiercely, vehemently

vix scarcely


remarkablywe write

educdtio (edvicSMoni-)



Bias (Biant) Biasdictum a sayingexitus, 4 end, result

Gord6(Gord6n-) GordonImperator (-or-) commander-in-chiefrector (-or-) guider, master



porto, 1

near [propinqui =kinsfolk, relatives']

with me [= cum meGram. § 134]


cherish fovea, fofol, fotum, 2

pure, chaste pvdieus


Hamilcar(Ham- HamilcarUcar-)


he (she, it)


Hlspaniametus, 4tergum

is (ea, id)


alienus of (or belonging to)


memor(memor-) mindfulpotens (-nt-) powerful, master

[foil, by gen.]

cognoscimus we knowduxit


(he) led

monstro, 1 point out, showpraedico, 1 proclaim, extol

became silent coiiticiUiit

narrate, tell, narro, 1


reply, answer responded, -di, -sum,2


augustiae narrow passes, defiles

difficultas(diffi- difficulty

cultat-) f

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libertas {Wkt- freedom, liberty

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oerno, erevi,

cretum, 3 peroeive

cognosco, -novi,

-nitum, 3 knowcurro, cucurri,

cursuni, 3 rundeduco, -xi,

-ctura, 3 lead away,exheredo, 1 disinherit

extoUo, extuli,

3 lift up, enhance

gero, gessi, ges- lear, carry on, wage,

turn, 3 accomplish

minuo, -ui,

-iitum, 3 ,lessen

neglego, -xi,

-ctum, 3 neglect

noseo, n5vl,

notum, 3 knowpono, posui,

positum, 8 place, set uprego, -'xl,

-ctum, 3 rale

sumo, -psi,

-ptum, 3 take

veho, -xi,


-ctum, 3 carry

quotannis every year, yearly

quod tecause


(Gram. § 114) last, extremeintestinus internal, intestine

plus (plur-) more (Gram. § 107)vetue (veter-) old (Gram. § 105)

arguo, -ui, 3 accuse

corruo, -ui, 3 sink downdestituo, -ui,

-titum, 3 abandonmetuo, -ui, 3 feartribuo, -ui,

-utum, 3 grant, assign


damnare capitis = to condemn to



adventus, 4


Flats (Flaton-)

Phaedo {Phaedon-)

seribo, -psl, -ptum, 3










commentdrius, 2contendo,-i,-tum, 3

comitds (cSmitat-), f.cotididnus


dUco, -xl, -ctum, 3


legd, legi, ledum, 3

secUritds {secHntaf-),




tat-), f.


(-at-), f.


ciiria senate-house

manus, f. 4 hand, bandmilia (mil-), 3 thousands [Gr. § 124]

porta gate

senator (sena-

tor-) senator

asoendn, -di,

-sum, 3 go up, ascend


shut, close


-sum, 3


-sum, 3

exspecto, 1


-sum, 3

intro, 1

mando, 1

prehendo, -di,

-sum, 3



wait for

burn, fire

go in, enter

commit, give up

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trucido, 1 slay, slaughter,

butcherverbero, 1 strike

verto, -ti, -sum, twrn3

statno, -ui,

-utum, 3

trado, -idi,

-itum, 3 give up, hand down

ibi there

statim immediately, forth-

withvero indeed, truly


ira comtnoti = moved with angerper portas non clausas = through

the unclosed gates

alive vimis

betake recipiunt

certain gtildam (Gr. § 161)ivory (adj.) ebumeusseek, ask quaero, -sziii, -situm, 3

staff baeulum


Aloibiades (Al-

cibiad-) Aloibiades

Aristides (Aris-


Croesus, 2 Croesusexsilium exile

Lydi Lydianspr6diti6(-on-),f. treachery

responsum answer, reply

suspioio (-on) f. suspicion

caeous blind

cado, cecidi,

oasum, 3 fallcano, cecini,

oantum, 3 singdisco, didioi, 3 lea/mfallo, fefelll,

falsum, 3 deceive

pello, pepuli,

pulsum, 3 drive

reddo, -idi, give lack,

-itum, 3 make

believe, trust credo, -idi, -itum, 3

[foil, bydat.]cast, thrust condo, -idi, -itum., 3

foreign peregrmmhusband mariMis, 2

prison career [career-), msacrilege sacrilegium

sell vends, -idi

steward vUicus, 2




Dionysius, 2 DionysiusLilybaeum LilybaeumServius TuUius,

2 Servius TulliusSyracusani SyracusansThebanus ThebanThespiensis




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magni aestimare = to value highlypit. at a great {pricey]


excuse excusS, 1

plant sero, sevl,

see video, vidi, mswm, 2


derisor (deri-

sor-) scoffer

nex (nee-), f. (violeiii) death

admirabilis admirabledivinus divine

tolerabilis endurable, tolerable

ago, egi, actum,3 do, perform, act

video, Tidi vis-

um, 2 see





quickly, promptlylate, too late

approach appropinquo, 1

at in [foil, by ace]at tbe same time simul

gemo, m, -itum, 3

bibo, -i, 3


habits, 1

nepos (nepot-)



drinkFalerniangoutlive, dwellnephewsoftly

sometimessuddentankard poculumthrow, cast jado, jeci, jaetum, 3

torture, torment crMcio, 1

unforeseen impromsusunfrequently say : seldom [Voc. 19]


fines (fin-), m.pi. territory [smg. — end]

frugifer, 2


fruitful, fertile

hardy, robust

alo, -ui, -turn, 3 nourish

conseribo, -psi-,

-ptum, 3 enrol

traho, -li,

-ctum, 3

vmmoAmericaayecenturyconquer vinco, mci, victum, 3

honourablecon-duct honestas (-at-), f.

writer scriptor (scriptor-)


ChaerSnea Chaeronealaous, 4 lake

opes (op-), f. pi. wealth, resources

Philippus, 2 Philippotentia powerstatio, (sta- .

tion-), f. post, station

Trasumenus Trasumenus (Lago

frang5, fregi,

fractum, 3 break, crushredigo, -egi,

-actum, 3 bring back, reducerelinquo.-liqui,

-lictum, 3 leave, abandonsubigo, -egi,

-actum, 3 subdue

foundedPlataeanZama Za/ma


cenacontumeliafelis (fel-), f.


chain, fetterdinner, supper.


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infans (infant-) lalby, infant

mas (mur-), m. mouseprex (prec-), f. entreaty, prayer

sal (sal-), m. salt [sales = witl

sus (su-) [Gram.

§ 48] loar, sow

Zeno (Zenon-) Zeno



of iron,, iron

Imarseasmi, emhaVm,


hear, give ear to



audio, 4

condio, 4

custodio, 4

dormio, 4

exaudio, 4

finio, 4

grunnio, 4 grunt

liinuio, 4 naigh,

nescio, 4 am ignorant of [foil.

by aceus.]

salio, -ni, -turn,

4 leap, jump {about)

soio, 4 knowservio, 4 am a slave,, serve

[foil, by dat.]

vagio, 4 squall

vincio, vinxi,

vinetum, 4 hind

donu [locat.] at home [Gr. §§ 54,59]


m- Athenis

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anylong-standing in/oeterMus

poor ' pauper (pamper-), 3

sedition seditio {sedition-), f,weaken, soften mollio, i


bestia ieast

lupa she-wolfpetulantia insolence

indHtus clad

emineo, -ui, 2 Jmng out, project

ob on account of, for[foil, by accus.]

Dr. BusbyrodSolomon

Busieius, 2


Salomon (Salomon-)



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irasoor, iratns, 3 get angry [foil, bydat.]

labor, lapsus, Zfall, glide, roll onmentior, 4 lie, tell lies


4 measuremolior, 4 contrive

nascor, natus, 3 am bom, arise

sortior, 4 allot, obtain by lot

day dies, 5

month mensis {mens-), m.pursue, follow sequor, secUtus, 3return revertor, -versus, 3

Scotch, Soots Scoti

absent absens (-nt-)

childhood pueritia

deserve mereor, 2 [foil, by de]

footprint, foot-


golden aureusJew Jadaeus, 2

pit fovea

proverb proverhiwrArenown say: glorysilence silentiumsilvern (of sil-

ver) argenteustread ingredior, -gressus, 3



succeed to throne = regwam excipere

or regno suocedere.




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bring on stage induco, -xl, -etwm, 3comedy comoediaHarpago Earpago {-ml-)

hause domus, f. [Gram.

§54]Molifere Molierus, 2recite recito, 1

^" ' two or three times' = iis vel

ier [see Gram. § 122]


morbns, 2 disease

rapiua plunderr5bur (r5bor-), hard oak; hardness,

n. strength

gpelunca cave

blandus allii/ring, coaxing

pristinus former

adhibeo, 2 use, employadvenio, -veni,

-ventum, 4 arrive

a])pareo, 2 appea/r

cesso, 1 delay

comprehends,-di, -sum, 3 seise, grasp

consumo, -psi,

-ptum, 3 eat up, consumedeclare, 1 manifest, declare

rogo, 1 ask (for)

simul5, 1 pretend, shamSustento, 1 endure, sustain

retrorsum iack again


ad viotum comparandum = to get



Anaxagoras, 1

(Gram. § 20) Anaxagorasinfirmitas(-at-),

f. weakness, infirmity

Isocrates (Iso-

crat-) Isocrates

ovile (evil-), n. sheeifold

ovis (ov-), f. sheep

pastor (pastor-) shepherd

regula rule

sacrum sacred rite

publicus public [publicum =public place]

contingo, -tigi,

-tactum, 3 happenimpedio, 4 hinder [irapedio

dieere = hinder

from speaking]

instituo, -ui,

-utum, 3 set up, establish

peto, -ivi, -itum,

3 ask, seek, make forsaevio, 4 rage

gladly laete


bos (bov-) ox, cow [Gr. § 49]cursus, 4? running, course

deversorium inn, lodging

dialectica dialectic

hospitium place of entertain-

ment, innjustitia justice



come venio, venl', ventum, 4

doubtfully dubiefrom a distance procul [Voc. 21]

hereupon hie

scheme consilium [Voc. 46]smile surrldeo, -risl, -vi-

sum, 2

unsuspecting credulus

quisque (Gram.

§ 138) each one

aliqui (Gram.

§ 158) some, anyAnglicanus English [res Angli-

eana= The EnglishState]

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audeo, ausus, 2 dare, ventv/re oncaveo, cavi,

cautum, 2 taike heed, bewarecommoror, 1 stay, linger

cogito, 1 ponder, think

delabor, -lapsus,

3 slip down, fall

detego, -texi,

-tectum, 3 discover, deteet

dijudioo, 1 decide

disoedo, -cessi,

-oesswm, 3 depart

do, dare, dedi,

datum, 1 give

indago, 1 trace oitt, track

intellego, -exi,

-actum, 3 understandretineo, -ui,

-tentum, 2 retain, maintain

simplioiter simply


commorandi...n5u haWtandi loeum= as a place for...not for...

alternation vices (mc-),f. (pi.)

lose amittS, -misi, -mis-

Sum, 3

manfullyreadyrest - reqv/iesco, -em, -i

late, too late serus


Argi (pi.) Argosauxilium help

Pausanias, 1

(Gram. § 20) Pausanias

suffragium vote, suffrage


conflcio, -feci,

-fectnm, 3

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Pharsalicns of Pharsalus

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Sub galli oantum = at eoclc-crow.

E fumo in flammam me induco = Iget out of the frying-pan into the

fire [lit. I bring myself out of the

smoke into thejimne.']

agitS, 1 drive

contemno, -psi,

-ptum, 3 despise, contemndemo, -psi,

-ptum, 3 take awayefflo, 1 breathe out

impono, -posui, place on, impose [foil.

-positum, 3 by dat.]

comes (cmnii-)


wring, twist tof^ueo, torsi, tortum,


mauperpaulo post


besides, in addition

shortly afterwards


onus (oner-), n. load, burden

saroina burden [plur. = bag-




very small

cannot raeyiieo [foil,by Iniin.]

compel cSgo, eoegi, coactum,


pay solvd, solv%,soliltum, 3

Jrythee [= I quaeso [old form of

pray (the^)] qrtaero, see 55]

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The numbers refer to the Vocahttlaries.


abandon, 54, 63abode, 32about, 22absent (am), 16absent, 72accept, 68

accomplish, 63accordingly, 18accumulate, 43accuse, 39achieve, 72Achillea, 71across, 81act, 61

acute, 37admire, 70admonish, 47adorn, 24adorned, 14advance, 81

advantage, 25adversary, 30adverse, 54advise, 39Aeneas, 59Aeneid, 42afar off, 21

affect, 60Africa, 4

Africanus, 37

after, 32afterwards, 9

against, 21, 34age, 36aged, 46ago, 57

agreeable, 21agreement, 46agriculture, 19alas, 33Alcibiades, 56

Alexander, 12Alfred, 42aUve, 55all, 18, 36AlUa, 34ally, 8

almost, 50alone, 52already, 14also, 5, 13

altar, 4

alternation, 80although, 64altogether, 20always, 7am, 7

ambassador, 34ambush, 16America, 62

amidst, 11

Anchises, 59ancient, 24and, 1, 28, 33anger, 1

angry, 14animal, 35Anne, 57annex, 69announce, 34another, 51

answer (».), 56answer (vb. ), 49

ant, 70

anxious, 28any, 66anything, 82appearance, 41

apple, 21, 45apple-tree, 17approach, 61approve (of), 31

archer, 11arise, 71Aristotle, 65Arminius, 40arms, 14army, 40arouse, 34arrive, 78arrogance, 74arrow, 22art, 31

Arthur, 42as, 35, 45, 59Ascham, 65Asia, 4ask (for), 55, 78

ass, 32assign, 54assuredly, 51

at, 61

Athenians, 37Athens, 5

at length, 23atrocious, 37attain, 82attempt, 73attend to, 35, 83attentive, 12Augustine, 58

Augustus, 7

author, 37authority, 26avaricious, 36

avoid, 24aye, 62


baby, 64back, 49bad, 12, 14baggage, 85

bank, 17

banquet, 73barbarous, 15

bark, 47base, 43battle, 11

beak, 32bear (n.), 13bear (vb.), 24, 43beard, 55beast, 22beautiful, 13because, 53, 72bee, 38beech, 17before (adv.), 14before (prep. ), 43

beginning, 26

beguile, 53behold, 25, 69

believe, 56

bench, 35beneath, 21

benefit, 10

betake, 55

between, 11

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bewail, 42big, 11

billow, 40bind, 64bird, 32bite, 47bitter, 32black, 18blame, 24bleeding, 11

bliss, 45bloody, 11

boar, 21body, 29boldness, 2bond, 46book, 8

born, 52both {cmij. ), 1

bowman, 11

boy, 8

branch, 17brave, 36bravely, 47bravery, 2

breathe, 24breathing, 41

bridle, 82brilliance, 36bring, 15bring up, 43bring on the stage,

77bristle, 82Britain, 1

Britons, 6

brother, 28build, 32building, 10bull, 51

burden, 85burn, 55

but, 1

buy, 82by, 16by chance, 22bygone, 29by Hercules, 23by no means, 18


Caesar, 26

cage, 83calamity, 28call, 28camp, 40Cannae, 34cannot, 85Capitol, 31captive, 24Capua, 15care, 13carry, 31, 48, 53carry off, 68Carthage, 42Carthaginians, 11cast, 40, 61

cat, 64Catiline, 14Cato, 43cause, 1

cautious, 16cave, 78celebrated, 11century, 62certain, 55chance, 22, 40change, 25character, 27charge, 29Charles, 7charm, 24,

cheat, 41cheerful, 44cherish, 48cherry-tree, 17childhood, 72children, 8

Christ, 58Christian, 44Cicero, 27circus, 28citizen, 32city, 31Clodius, 39coast, 4

cock, 84colony, 4come, 78comedy, 77commandment, 47commentaries, 53common, 36commons, 26companion, 8, 84

compel, 85

comrade, 8

concerning, 22

conquer, 62

conqueror, 31

consequently, 17consider, 43console, 70conspicuous, 36conspiracy, 31conspirator, 58consul, 32contend, 53contented, 13contest, 29continually, 7contrive, 71control, 40cool, 28Corinth, 15Coriolanus, 65couch, 35counsel, 46countenance, 44country, 1

country [adj. ), 20courteous, 51courtesy, 53cow, 64cowardice, 29crab, 83create, 30Crete, 1

crime, 29cross, 69crowded, 37crowing, 40crush, 63cry (re.), 29cry out, 24cultivate, 59cunning (re. ), 32cunning \adj. ), 16cypress, 17


daily {adj.), 53daily {adv.), 43dance, 8danger, 16dangerous, 35

daughter, 3

dauntless, 15

David, 44day, 71

dead, 22dear, 16

death, 31 '

deceive, 56

decked, 14deep, 17defeat (re.), 32defeat (»J.), 24defend, 65defender, 27delay, 22delight («J.), 24delight (re.), 5

delightful, 11deliver, 24dense, 50depart, 57deserve, 39desire (re.), 32desire (!)&.), 28,36,


despair, 30despise,60, 69, 82,


destroy, 42destruction, 12,

40detect, 80determine, 56devastate, 31devour, 72Diana, 10die (re. ), 69die {'db.), 58, 73different, 51difficult, 36difficulty, 50difficulty (with),

47dig (up), 69diligence, 13diligent, 11diligently, 36din, 41disappoint, il, 56disaster, 32disciple, 8

discipline, 43discord, 5

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disgust, 68. displeasing (am),

39dispute, 31

dissension, 5dissimilar, 36

distant (am), 16

distance (from a),

21, 78district, 50disturb, 29^vide, 72do, 68dog, 20, 33doubt, 59doubtfully, 78

draw near, 63dread, 31

dress, 35drill, 43drink («.), 41

drink [vh.), 61

drive, 56, 85

Duiliua, 32dutiful, 16duty, 73dwell, 61

dwelling, 32


eagerly, 47

eagle, 45ear, 32earth, 10ease, 53easily, 47

easy, 45

eat, 57

educate, 43education, 47Edward, 42Egyptian, 11

either {adj.), 52elephant, 11

Eliza, Elizabeth,


elm, 38embarrassed, 50empire, 24employ, 78

end (71.), 31

end {vb.), 64endowed, 40endure, 24, 69enemy, 16, 32England, 12English (the), 7

Englishmen, 7

enjoyment, 15enmity, 5

enormous, 41

enough, 60

enrich, 24enrol, 62entangle, 65enter, 65enthusiasm, 69entirely, 20entitle, 65

entrance, 82entreaty, 64envy, 39equestrian, 37equity, 26err, 27error, 27

escape, 55Etruria, 44Europe, 1

even, 5

evening, 19

ever, 7 ; 16

everyday, 43everywhere, 16

evil, 12eye, 18example, 13

excavate, 69except, 30excessive, 30exclaim,, 24excuse («.), 28excuse [vb.), 60exercise, 43

exhort, 70exUe, 56expedition, 32experience, 41

exploits, 42extremely, 18


Eabricius, 39

fact, 41

faithful, 16

faithfulness, 41

faithless, 69

Faleraian, 61fall, 56, 71

false, 29fame, 2

famous, 11

far, 16

farmer, 1

father, 28fatherland, 1

fault, 45fear (n. ), 31, 49

fear (vh.), 43, 54

fearless, 15feather, 83ferocity, 70fertile, 62few, 13

field, 6, 8

fierce, 15

fiercely, 47fight («.), 1

fight (vb.), 24fill, 42find (out), 77fire(».). 32, 42

fire (vb.), 55

firm, 20firs, 20first (adj.), 15first (adm.), 58

fish, 32flatter, 71flight, 13Florence, 31flourish, 38flower, 27

fly (from), 68follow, 71folly, 45

food, 6

fool, 27fpolish, 27footr(m.), 70foot (adj.), 37footprint, 72footstep, 72for (eoi)j. ), 7

for(pre^.). 20, 24,


for a long time, 23forces, 5

foreign, 56

forest, 17form, 36formerly, 4, 32forthwith, 55fortification, 7

fortitude, 30fortunate, 12forum, 14fox, 32France, 2

Frederick, 7

free (adj.), 13free (vb.), 24freedom, 50free from (am) 46

French, 6

friend, 7

friendship, 11

frighten, 39

from, 16, 20, 22fruit, 45.

full, 17fun, 71

future, 25


Gains, 18

game, 8

garden, 6

garland, 2

garment, 77gate, 55Gauls, 6

general, 26generally, 15Germans, 6Germany, 2

get, 72get angry, 71

gift, 10girl, 2give, gives, 3

glade, 29gladly, 79gloom, 5

glorious, 13glory, 2God, a god, 10

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goddess, S

gold, 32golden, 72goldfinch, 83good, 11

goodwill, 26goose, 81Gordon, 48go up, 55gout, 61govern, 40, 57grandfather, 14giant, 54grape, 45

grass, 38gratitude, 38

grave, 39

great, 11

greatly, 18

Greece, 1

Greek, 11

Greeks, 6

green (am),

grey, 29.

grievously, 76grunt, 64guard, 65guardian, 26


hair, 2

hang, 83Hannibal, 34happily, 65, 81

happy, 13, 37harbour, 40hard, 11

hard-working, 18harmful, 13harmful (am), 39harmless, 32, 37Harpago, 77hasten, 38hatred, 39haughtiness, 74have, 38hawk, 45he, 49head, 29health (am in

good), 38

hear, 64

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like [vb.), 26line (of battle), 4

lion, 28literature, 5little, 12live, 61, 74living-being, 3Slo, 5load, 85

lofty, 17London, 15long (adj. ), 32long (adv. ), 23longer, 59

long-standing, 66look, 68look at, 25look on, 38look to, 68lord, 6

lose, 80lot, 31

loud, 11

loudly, 47love(i)J.), 26.love (n.), 28lover, 29luxurious, 15

luxury, 39Lycidas, 42lying, 41


Macedonians, 42magistrate, 40magnificent, 30maiden, 2

maid (-servant), 3

main, 23make, 68

Malta, 46man, 8, 28manfully, 80manners, 27many, 12Marathonian, 57Marcellus, 42Mark, 18marsh, 50marvellous, 36master, 6, 8, 49

matter, 41

me, 20meadow, 38measure, 46memory, 11

mend, 30merchandise, 31

merchant, 40Mercury, 10midnight, 84Miltiades, 41

Milton, 42mind, 10, 31

miserable, 13

miser, 36misfortune, 7

mistake, 27mistress, 3

model, 35moderate, 71modest, 16modesty, 2Molifere, 77monarch, 26money, 3, 63month, 71monument, 69moon, 11

more, 18moreover, 51

mortal, 36mother, 27mountain, 50mouse, 64move, 60moved, 55much, 12much (ad/D. ), 47multitude, 60munificence, 43

murmur, 29

must, 43my, 14


name, 42narrate, 49

nation, 7, 26native-land, 1

nay, 62near, 20

necessary, 43

neck, 51necklace, 85neglect, 53neigh, 64neither, 16nephew, 61Neptune, 10net, 65never, 9

nevertheless, 22next day, 20nightingale, 40no, none, 14noble-minded, 70nobody, no one,

39none the less, 19nor, 16not, 1, 19not-even, 68

nothing, 21

not yet, 22now (adm.), 5

now (com/.), 12, 23Numa, 26

Numantia, 57number, 6

numerous, 12


that, 74obey, 65observe, 70obtain, 72occasion, 28occasionally, 68odour, 27Oedipus, 81of, 20, 22often, 1

old, 24, 46old age, 65on, 4

on account of, 32once, 4, (nwm.) 59one, 16one (of two), 52one's Cown), 18only(a(fo.)> 8, 16only (adj.), 20

open, 50opinion, 25

or, 45oracle, 10orator, 27oration, 37order, 37origin, 31ornament, 16other, 51

other (all or the),

24other (of two), 52ought, 43our, 13

out of, 20overcome, 24over-eating, 57overturn, 77owe, 43

pain, 45Palatine, 32pardon, 59parent, 33part, 31

past, 29path, 4

patience, 24pay, 85peace, 26peacock, 70pear, 57pear-tree, 17

penalty, 65people, 7perhaps, 45

Pericles, 40peril, 16persevere, 27Persians, 5

Phaedo, 54Philip, 63philosopher, 31

Phoenicians, 31

Picts, 81

piety, 59pig, 20, 64pine, 21pious, 16

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pirate, 81

pit, 72place (vb.), 35, 53place («.)> 16plane-tree, 17plant, 60Plataean, 52Plato, 54

play, 64pleasant, 11,21,38please, 24, 38pleasing (am), 38pleasing, 11pleasure, 46plebeian, 37

plough, 23plunder, 69poem, 59poet, 1

point out, 49

point to, 83poison,- 51

Pompeii, 69poor, 66poplar, 17populace, 29Porsenna, 39poi'tal, 81possess, 38possessions, 41

post, 63power, 43, 58practice, 41praise {n. ), 26praise {vb.), 24praiser, 29precept, 47prefer, 70premature, 42prepare, 26present, 37present (am), 16presently, 9

preserve, 30previously, 14prey, 28Priam, 12pride, 5

prison, 56private (in), 47produce, 68promptly, 61pronounce, 35

prosperous, 12, 15protect, 70proud, 12

prove, 31

proverb, 72prudence, 24prudent, 45

prudently, 47public (in), 47Punic, 57punish, 66pupil, 8

pure, 48pursue, 71pursuit, 25put to death, 31put to flight, 30Pyrrhus, 39


-queen, 3

question, 33quickly, 61, 61quiet, 26


race, 35rather, 45read, 53ready, 80reason, 37recite, 77red, 27refresh, 29refuse, 73reign, .57

reject, 70rejoice, 70relate, 49release, 65religion, 58remain, 51remarkable, 25remarkably, 47remove, 76Bemus, 31

renown, 72renowned, 11repair, 30

reply, (».) 56;(vb.) 49

report, 2

repose, 26repress, 76

reputation, 2rest {vb.), 80rest (the), 24restore, 56return, 71reverence (n.), 29reverence [lib. ), 70reward, 14rich, 15riches, 5

rider, 26

right, 33rightly, 28-river, 17, 29road, 29robber, 31

rock, 23, 24, 35rod, 67roll on, 71Roman, 18Romans, 6

Rome, 4Romulus, 26rose, 2

rough, 13rout, 44Rubicon, 69ruin, 41

rule (n.), 24rule {vh.), S3rumour, 44rush (w.), 40

sacrifice, 10sacrilege, 56sad, 36saddle, 82safety, 26sailor, 1

sake (for the), 2832

salute, 38same, 51same time (at), 61Sardinia, 1

satisfy, 68satisfied, 36

sauce, 46save, 30say, 23, 35, 59saying, 48

scarcely, 47

scheme, 78school, 5

schoolmaster, 35Scipio, 37scorn, 60, 82Scotch, Scots, 71sea, 23, 35

sea-side, 23

secure, 26

security, 63

sedition, 66see, 60seek, 55, 79seize, 55, 78seldom, 19self, 52sell, 56senator, 55senatorial, 37send, 77sense, 45sense of duty, 59sensible, 37, 46sentiment, 25servant, 8serviceable, 43set free, 24set up, 53severity, 35shade, shadow, 17shady, 26sham, 78

sharpi 22sheep, 65ship, 32shore, 35short, 36shortly, 85shout, 29show, 29, 38shut, 65shut up, 83Sicily, 1

sight, 14, 45silence, 72silent (am), 72

Page 135: First Latin Reader and Writer


silvern, 72sin (re.). 26sin(DJ.), 28sing, 31, 56singing, 40sink down, 54sister, 28situated, 17

skilful,- 15skilled, 15skin, 32skirmish, 11

sky, 10slave, 6

slave (am), 64slavery, 50slay, 55, 57

sleep {n.), 45

sleep {vb.), 64sloth, 29

small, 12smell, 27smile, 78

snares, 16

so, 18, 26, 59

Socrates, 37

soften, 65, 66

softly, 61

soldier, 26some, 12sometimes, 61

son, 8

song, 29soonj 9

soothe, 65Sophocles, 45sorrow, 5

soul, 10sound {adj. ), 31

sound (w.), 40

source, 1

Spartan, 32speak, 72speech, 37

splendid, 12splendour, 52spring, 29spur, 35

spur on, 31

squall, 64staff, 55stag, 21stain, 30

stalwart, 11

stand by, 77star, 11

state, 26, 41

stately, 17statue, 4

steady, 44step, 83

steward, 56stir up, 31

stop, 68storm, 31story, 8

straight, 33

strange, 17

stream, 17, 29

. street, 4strength, 53

strengthen, 24, 29strict, 39strife, 5

strive, 24sturdy, 11

subdue, 32

succeed, 58, 71sudden, 61

suddenly, 21

summer, 29

summon, 33

sun, 38surname, 39

surpass, 24surprising, 57

suspicion, 56swallow, 45sweat, 29sweet, 38, 45sweetness, 36

swift, 37sword, 22


table, 8

Tacitus, 70take by storm, 84

take care, 35

tale, 8

tall, 17tankard, 61

tart, 57

teach, 43teacher, 8, 66

tear, 74tell, 49

tell UBS, 71temperance, 57temple, 7, 32terrible, 81

teiTify, 39

Teutons, 69than, 45

that {adj.), 50

that (conj.), 76that (ofyours), 51

theatre, 81

Thebes, 39Themistocles, 53

then, 20 ^

there, 55therefore, 6

thereupon, 21

they, 38thick, 17, 32thing, 41

think, 34, 80this, 50

thorn, 52

though, 64thought, 28

thousands, 55threaten, 43, 70threats, 44three, 41

thrift, 18

throng, 40through, 25throw, 61

throw into con-

fusion, 29

thus, 26, 72

thy, 14tiger, 70time, 29timid, 15

to, 20to-day,


together, 21

toil, 27to-morrow, 14

too, 18

too-late {adj.), 80

too-late {adv. ), 61

too-much, 30

tooth, 45

torment, 61

torture, 61

touch, 72towards, 59

towards evening, 8

tower, 32town {n.), 7

town (adj.), 24treachery, 66

tread, 72tree, 31

trifle, 68Trojans, 12trouble, 24Troy, 12true, ^11

trumpet, 40truth, 41

truthful, 41Turks, 11turn, 55

two, 18tyrant, 43


uncivilized, 15

uncle, 24, 38

undertake, 68

undying, 71

unforeseen, 61

unfrequentJy, 19,

60unknown, 59unlearned, 36

unless, 30

unpleasant, 29

unprincipled, 14

unruffled!', 24

unseemly, 42unskilled, 19

unsuspecting, 78

untimely, 42untroubled, 38

unworthy, 73

upright, 12urge (on), 35

us, 8

useful, 43

Page 136: First Latin Reader and Writer


vain (in), 30valour, 26vanity, 70various, 26Venus, 59Vesta, 32vibe, 30Victoria, 57victory, 2vigilance, 31vigorous, 11village, 18violate, 70violence, 23violent, 23Virgil, 6

virtue, 26voice, 35

wage, 53walk, 25

wall, 7

wanting (am), 16war, 7

warlike, 15warn, 39water, 3

wave, 15, 40we, 8

weaken, 29, 66wealth, 5

wealthy, 15weary, 84weep, 42welfare, 41well, 38when, 69, 77where, 6which, 59while, 19white, 27whole, 40wholesome, 31

wholly, 20why, 14wicked, 14wide, 23, 25wife, 26wild-beast, 21

wild-boar, 21

Page 137: First Latin Reader and Writer


The numiers refer to the Vocabularies


a, ab, 16absorbeo, 51

absum, 16

ac, atque, 28

acanthis, 83

aocido, 74acoipis, 68accipiter, 45

acouso, 39acer, 37acerbus, 32Achilles, 71acies, 41acriter, 47aciitus, 22ad, 20adhibeo, 78adhuo, 51

adicio, 69adipiseor, 82aJjuvo, 36administro, 47admirabilis, 61

admiror, 70admoneo, 47adsum, 16adulescens, 42adveaio, 78adventus, 55adversariua, 30adversus, 54aedea, 32aedifieium, 10aediflco, 32

aegrotus, 47

Aegyptius, 11

Aegyptus, 17Aeneis, 42aequalis, 70aequitas, 26aequus, 24, 31

aestas, 29aestimo, 60aestus, 40

aetas, 36

aetemus, 71

aevum, 71affirms, 51

affligo, 65Africa, 4Africanus, 37ager, 8

agger, 66

aggredidr, 82agito, 85agnosco, 59

ago, 61agrjoultura, 19

agricola, 1

Agrippa, 20ait, 35alauda, 47

albua, 27Alcibiades, 56

Alexander, 12alienus, 49aliquando, 66, 82aliqui, 80aliua, 51

Allia, 34alo, 62alter, 52altus, 17

amabilia, 45amator, 29ambulo, 25amioitia, 11amicua, 7amnia, 71amo, 26

amoenus, 2lamor, 28amoves, 76amplified, 24amplus, 25

Anaxagoraa, 79ancilla, 3

Angli, 58Anglia, 12 '

Anglicanus, 80angustiae, 50angustua, 44animadverts, 83animal, 35animua, 10annua, 38anser, 31

ante, 43antea, 14antepSnS, 70antiqnitaa, 69antiquua, 24Antoninua, 34anulua, 82anxiua, 28aper, 21

apertns, 50apis, 38ApollS, 53

appareo, 78appello, 28

appetS, 73apportS, 31

appropinquo, 61

apud, 39aqua, 3

aquila, 45ara, 4

aratrum, 23arbor, 31

arceS, 38ardena, 76argentum, 45Argi, 81

arguS, 54Ariovistua, 26Aristides, 56Aristoteles, 65arma, 24Armiuiua, 40arS, 36arrogantia, 74ara, 31arvum, 38arx, 31

aacendS, 55Asia, 4

asinus, 32aspectus, 74asper, 13aspemor, 70aspioio, 68assentatio, 76assequor, 73aasidTeS, 72asts, 77at, 59Athenae, 5

Atbenienses, 37

Page 138: First Latin Reader and Writer


atque, ao, 28atrox, 37

attentua, 12

Attiorfs, 70auctor, 37auctoritas, 26

audacia, 2

audeo, 80

audio, 64

aiigeo, 43Augustus, 7

aureus, 72

auris, 32aurum, 32aut, 45autem, 12

autumuus, 29auxilium, 81

avaritia, 45ayarus, 36avis, 32

avunculus, 38avus, 14


barba, 55

barbams, 6,15'

beatus, 13

beate, 81

bellicosus, 15

bello, 43bellum, 7

belua, 22

bene, 38beneficium, 10benevolentia, 59benignus, 51

Benjamin, 46

bestia, 67Bias, 48

bis, 61

blandior, 71

blandus, 78

bonus, 11

bos, 80

Brenuus, 34brevis, 36Britanni, 6

Britannia, 1


cado, 56

caecus, 56

caelum, 10Caesar, 26

oalamitas, 28

calcar, 35calliditas, 32

callidus, 16

calx, 31

campus, 6

cancer, 83canis, 33

Cannensis, 44

cano, 56canto, 31

cantus, 40canus, 29capillus, 18

capio, 57

Capitolium, 31

capra, 73captivus, 24

caput, 29

earmea, 29Carolus, 7


57Carthago, '42

carus, 16

castra, 40casus, 40

catena, 64Catilina, 14Cato, 43catulus, 20

causa, 1

caute, 47cautus, 16

cavea, 83caveo, 80cavo, 24cedo, 77

celeber, 37celer, 37celeritas, 30celeriter, 51

cena, 64cerasus, 17cerno, 53certamen, 29certo, 24

certus, 40cervus, 21

cesso, 78

ceteri, 24, 57

Chaeronea, 63

Christianus, 44

cibus, 6

Cicero, 27Cimbri, 30cito, 61

civilis, 36

civis, 32

civitas, 26

clades, 32

clamor, 29

clarus, .11

classis, 32claud5, 55

dementia, 34Cliisim, 34cogitatio, 28

cogito, 80cognitio, 43

cognomen, 39

cognosce, 53

coUis, 32collooo, 35

collum, 51

ool5, 59

colonia, 4

color, 27columna, 5

coma, 2comes, 84

comme5, 42committo, 84commodum, 25commoror, 80

commotus, 55communis, 36

compare, 72complector, 71compleo, 42Gomplures, 43comprehends, 78conoedS, 81concilio, 28Concordia, 5

concutio, 69condimentum, 46condio, 64conditor, 31

conficio, 81

confirmo, 26

oonflo, 58

confodio, 68

oonicio, 69conjunx, 26oonjuratio, 31

conjiirator, 58

conscientia, 28conscius, 52

conscribo, 62

consentio, 66

considers, 30consilium, 46

consolatio, 46conaolor, 70

conspicor, 73consul, 32consuls, 68

consiimS, 78

contemns, 85contentus, 13contingo, 79

continuus, 29

contra, 34contrahS, 82oontrarius, 53

contumelia, 64

convalescS, 75conveniS, 81

convocS, 33

copia, 42cSpiae, 5

coram, 31Corinthus, 15Coriolanus, 65

Cornelius, 44coma, 40corSna, 2

coronS, 31

corpus, 29corruo, 54corvus, 32cotidie, 43

eras, 14crassus, 32credo, 56creo, 30cresco, 72Creta, 1

crimen, 29Croesus, 56

cruciatus, 69crudelis, 36

Page 139: First Latin Reader and Writer

mnjiX {LATIN). 133

cruentus, 11

eras, 45cubiculum, 82oubile, 35culpa, 45cum, 7

cunctus, 52cupiditas, 32cupidus, 12cupio, 68cupressus, 17

cur, 14cura, 13curia, 55

cur5, 35curio, 53

cursus, 80custodia, 84custodio, 64custos, 26Cyprus, 17


da, 6

dabat, 17

dat, dant, 3

damno, 37Daniel, 44DanuYius, 45David, 44de, 22dea, 5

debeo, 43decedo, 58declare, 78decorus, 24dedi, 80dediico, 53defends, 65defensor, 27defleo, 42deinde, 21

delabor, 80delecto, 24deleo, 42Delphicus, 26demergo, 57demo, 85Demonax, 77Demosthenes, 35denique, 41

dens, 45denuntio, 26deprehendo, 82derisor, 61

descends, 73desidero, 28despero, 30despicio, 69

destitud, 54

desum, 16detego, 80detrabo, 82deus, 10

deversorium, 80devoro, 72dialectica, 80Diana, 10dico, 59dictum, 48

difficilis, 36

difficultas, 50

difficulter, 47

digitus, 82dignus, 76dijudico, 80

dilabor, 72diligenter, 36diligentia, 13

diligo, 65

dimico, 40dimidium, 46

Dionysius, 57

dirigo, 82

diras, 32discedo, 80disciplina, 43

discipulus, 8

disco, 56

discordia, 5

displiceo, 39dispute, 31

dissimilis, 36

diu, 23diurnus, 84diiitumus, 84divido, 72divinus, 61

divitiae, 5

do, 80doceo, 43docUis, 36doctor, 66

doctrina, 5

doctus, 12dolor, 45domesticus, 84"domi, 64domicUium, 21domina, 3

dominus, 6

domus, 77donee, 52douum, 10dormio, 64

Draco, 39dubius, 69

duco, 53DuiUus, 32

dulcis, 38

dum, 19duo, 18

dupUco, 75durus, 11

dux, 26


e, ex, 20eece, 5

edo, 57

edo, 83,

educo, 43officio, 71

efflo, 85effodio, 69

ego, 8

egregius, 25ebea, 33eicio, 81

elepljantus, 11

eloquens, 45

eloquentia, 35

emendo, 30emiueo, 67

emo, 82enim, 23Epamiunndag, 71

Epbesius, 37Epicureus, 64

eques, 26equester, 37equus, 20err5, 27error, 27erudio, 64

et, 1

etiam, 5

Etrurla, 44Euripides, 45Europa, 1

evado, 55ex, e, 20exaudio, 64exoedo, 67excelsus, 47excipio, 68

excito, 34exclamS, 24excusatio, 28excus5, 60

exemplar, 35exemplum, 13

exerce,6, 43exercitus, 40exberedo, 53

exitium, 12, 51

exitus, 48exopto, 36expedio, 65experior, 72expers, 37

expugno, 34

exsilium, 56

exspeoto, 55

exstirpo, 75extollo, 53

extremus, 54


fabula, 8

facies, 41

facile, 47facilis, 45

facio, 68

facultas, 43

fagus, 17

fallo, 56

falso, 44falsus, 29Sma, 2

fames, 46familiaris, 53fas, 43fastidium, 68

fatlgo, 84

fatum, 31

Page 140: First Latin Reader and Writer


fecundus, 17felioitas, i5felioiter, 65felis, 64felix, 37femina, 8

fenestra, 83fera, 21fere, 50feriae, 20ferox, 39ferratiis, 31ferreus, 64ferua, 15Melis, 36Fldenates, 82fides, 41fidus, 16filia, 3

films, 8

finio, 64finis, 31, 62finitimus, 38

firmo, 29firmus, 20fixns, 11

flamma, 84floreo, 38flos, 27fluctus, 40fliinien, 29fiuvius, 17foedua (adj.), 42foedus (m.), 65forma, 36formica, 70formosus, 38forte, 22fortis, 36fortiter, 47fortitude, 30fortiina, 28fortiinatus, 12forum, 14fossa, 7

frango, 63frater, 28fraus, 70Fredericus, 7

frenum, 82frequents, 40frondeo, 38frons, 31

fruotus, 45friigifer, 62friimentum, 17frustra, 30fiiga, 13fugio, 68fugo, 30fiimus, 84'

fundamentum. 27fungor, 73futiirus, 25, 31

Gains, 18Galli, 6

Gallia, 2Gallicus, 32gallus, 84gaudium, 15

gelidus, 28gemma, 3

gemo, 61

gena, 18

gener, 8

gens, 39genus, 35Germani, 6

gero, 53gestae (res), 42gesto, 43gigno, 77gladius, 22gloria, 2

gloriosus, 13Golias, 44Gorde, 48gracilis, 45gradus, 83Graeci, 6

Graecia, 1

giamen, 38gratia, 38gratulor, 70gratus, 26gravis, 37greminm, 81grunnio, 64guberno, 40


habeo, 38

habito, 61

babitus, 40Hamilcar, 49

Hammon, 82Hannibal, 34

baud, 19haudquaquam, 18hebeto, 29

Hector, 27Helena, 12Helvetia, 12

Helvetii, 53

Henricus, 7heri, 14Hibernia, 1

hie, 50hiems, 29Hiero, 65hilaritas, 54hinnio, 64hirundo, 45Hispania, 49hodie, 7Homerus, 15homo, 28honestus, 11

honor, honos, 27hora, 51Horatius, 6

hortor, 70hortus, 6

hospitium, 80hostis, 32hiic, 38hiimanitas, 59hiimanus, 13

ibi, 55idcirco, 77idem, 51igitur,. 6

ignavia, 29ignis, 32ignotus, 59Ilium, 12ille, 50imag5, 28

imitor, 70immensua, 11

immo, 62immodicus, 71

immolo, 24immortalis, 36

immortalitas, 54impavidus, 15impedio, 79impeditus, 50

impello, 70imperator, 48imperatrix, 58

imperitus, 19

imperium, 24impero, 50impetus, 40impleo, 42implies, 65impono, 85improbus, 14improvisus, 61

in, 4, 21

iucendium, 42incendo, 55ineertus, 31

incito, 35includo, 83incola, 1

incommodum, 52incoramodus, 46

inoredibilia, 44incnltus, 15indago, 80Indi, 58iudoctus, 36indiioo, 77, 84


industria, 2indiitus, 67infans, 64infelix, 66infestus, 28infidus, 36infirmitas, 79ingenium, 26ingens, 41ingratus, 69inimioitia, 5

iuimious, 16initium, 26injiiria, 24innocens, 37innocuus, 32

Page 141: First Latin Reader and Writer


innumerabilis, 78inquit, 23intiania, 45insidiae, 16insidior, 72insignia, 36inspicio, 82instituo, 79insula, 1

insuper, 85integritas, 26intemperantia, 39intellego, 80inter, 11

interea, 20interficio, 82interitns, 40interrogS, 33

intestinus, 54intra, 81

intro, S5intueor, 71invenio, 77inventrtx, 28invidia, 39invito, 33ipse, 52

ira, 1

irascor, 71Sratus, 14irritamentum, 69is, 49Isocratea, 79ita, 72Italia, 2itaqne, 18

iter, 29

jaceo, 38Jacobus, 46jacto, 40jam, 14jocus, 71

Josephus, 46jucundus, 11

Judas, 46judex, 26judicium, 26judico, 30Jugurtha, 34

Julia, 18

Julius, 44Juppiter, 82jus, 65justitia, 59

Justus, 11

Juvenalis, 36

juvenis, 46juventus, 43juxta, 81

labor, 71labor, 27laboriosus, 18

laboro, 68

lac, 73Laoaena, 77Lacedaemonius 32lacus, 63laetitia, 5

laetor, 7

lanio, 82largior, 73latro [vh.), 47latr5(?i.)i 31laudator, 29laudo, 24laureus, 31

laus, 26lectum, 68

legatus, 34lego, 53

lenio, 65

le5, 28Leonidas, 47

levo, 28lex, 26liber, 13liber, 8

liberi, 8

libero, 24libertas, 50

licentia, 75

Lilybaeum, 57

lingua, 19litterae, 5, 70

litus, 35locus, 16Londinium, 15

longe, 16

longus, 32loquor, 72luctus, 44liido, 64Indus, 7

lumen, 46luna, 11lupa, 67lupus, 21luscinia, 40luxuria, 39luxuriosus, 15Lycurgus, 26Lydi, 56

Lysander, 82


Maced5, 42macul5, 30

maereo, 43

maestus, 77magis, 18

magister, 8

magistra, 28magistratus, 40magnus, 11

maj5res, 46malum, 7

malum, 45

mains, 12

mains, 17

mando, 55

maneo, 51

manus, 55

Maratbonins, 41

Marcus, 18

mare, 35

maritimus, 23Marius, 34Mars, 52

mater, 27me, 20

medicina, 75medius, 84meheronle, 23mel, 45memor, 49memoria, 11

mens, 31

mensa, 8

mentior, 71

meo, 38mercator, 40merces, 28

Mercurius, 10mereo, 39

mereor, 72merito, 69merula, 47merx, 31

metallum, 11

metior, 71metuo, 54metus, 49

mens, 14mihi, 38miles, 26milia, 55Miltiades, 41

minae, 44Minerva, 11minister, 8

minn5, 53

minus, 47miser, 13

miserabilis, 44

mitis, 36

mitto, 77modestia, 2

modestus, 16

modicns, 71

modo, 38modus, 41

molestia, 24molestus, 29molior, 71

mollio, 66

mollis, 59

moneo, 39

monile, 35mens, 50

monstro, 49

monstrum, 23monumentum, 69

mora, 22morbus, 68mordeo, 47morior, 73mors, 31

mortalis, 36niortuus, 22mos, 27motus, 40moveo, 60

Page 142: First Latin Reader and Writer


mox, 9

Mucins Scaevola,

44mulier, 27multitudS, 60multum, 47multus, 12Mummius, 44mundus, 10miinimentum, 7munio, 65munus, 33murmur, 29mums, 7mus, 64museulus, 65muto, 25


nam, 7

nanciscoT, 72narro, 49nasoor, 71natura, 36natus, 62nauta, 1

navis, 32-ne, 14ne, 68, 74, 76nee, neque, 16neoessarius, 68neco, 31nefarius, 14neglego, 53nemo, 39nemns, 29Neptunus, 10STero, 76nescio, 64neseius, 31nex, 61

niger, 18nihil, nil, 21

uihilominus, 19Nilus, 17nimius, 30nisi, 30nobilito, 28noceo, 39noctil, 31nomen, 42

nomino, 28non, 1

nondum, 22non-ne, 7nonnulli, 12nos, 8

nosco, 63noster, 13notitia, 26nStus, 11

novus, 17nox, 84noxius, 13niibilus, 52nuUus, 14Numa, 26numero, 52nnmerus, 6

Numidae, 69nunc, 5

nunquam, 9nuntio, 34nuntius, 77niiper, 26nusquam, 16nutriS, 65


ob, 67obliquus, 83oboedio, 66obsoiiro, 82obsequium, 70observe, 70obsea, 26

obsideo, 43obsto, 75obsum, 47obtineo, 47oocasio, 28oocido, 57ocoumbo, 77occupo, 34Ootavianus, 69oculus, 18odium, 39odor, 27officium, 73olim, 4Olympia, 73omnino, 20

omnis, 36onus, 85onusttis, 85opaous, 17opes, 63oppidum, 7

oppono, 82opportunitas, 46opto, 74opulentus, 15

opus, 36ora, 4

oratio, 37orator, 27orbis, 32ordo, 37origo, 31

ornamentum, 16ornatus {ptc.), 14omatus (re.), 76orno, 24oro, 76Orpbeus, 54OS, 53

ostendo, 83otiosus, 74Ovidius, 19ovile, 79ovis, 66, 79

Padus, 45paene, 44palam, 47paliis, 50Panormus, 17papae, 23parens, 33pareo, 39pario, 68Paris, 59paro, 26pars, 31parsimouia, 18parvulus, 85parvus, 12pastor, 79pater, 28patientia, 24patria, 1

patruus, 24

paucus, 13paulo (post), 85Pausanias, 81pax, 26pecoatum, 26pecco, 28peciinia, 3

pedester, 37pelagus, 23pellis, 32pello, 56


58pendeo, 83penna, 83per, 25Perdieoaa, 82perditus, 43perfidua, 69pergo, 82Pericles, 40perioulosus, 35perieulum, 16peritia, 75peritua, 15pernieiea, 41

pernioiosus, 14perpetuus, 32Persae, 5

peraevero, 27perspicio, 69perterreo, 44perturbs, 29pestis, 32peto, 79petulantia, 67Phaetbon, 44Pharsalicus, 82Philippua, 63philosophia, 28philoaophus", 31Phoenices, 31Piger, 13pignus, 41pinus, 21pirus, 17piseis, 32pius, 16placeo, 38plaga, 32planities, 41platanus, 17plenus, 17

Page 143: First Latin Reader and Writer


plerumque, 15plus, 54poena, 65

Poeni, 11poeta, 1

polliceor, 70Polydorus, 59Pompeius, 32pomum, 21pono, 53populus, 7

populus, 17porcus, 20Porsenna, 39porta, 55

porto, 48portus, 40post, 32postea, 9

posteii, 46postremo, 82postridie, 20potens, 49potentia, 63

potestas, 58

potius, 45praebeo, 38

praeoeptor, 35praeceptum, 47praecipue, 82praeclarus, 12praeoo, 34praeda, 28, 69praedico, 49praedo, 31

praematurus, 42praemium, 14praesens, 37praesidium, 65praestans, 45praesto, 29praesum, 57praeteritus, 29pratum, 38prehendo, 55pretiosus, 31

pretium, 53prex, 64Priamiis, 12


primus, 15princeps, 40principium, 41

priscus, 26

pristinus, 78

pro, 24probitas, 26probo, 31

probus, 12procedo, 81

procerus, 17procul, 21

proditio, 56

proelium, 11

proficiscor, 73profligo, 44pronuntio, 35propero, 38propinquus, 48

propter, 32prosperus, 15prosum, 47prudens, 45priidenter, 47prudentia, 24publicus, 79puella, 2puer, 8

pugna, 1

pugno, 24pugnus, 35puleher, 13pulviiiar, 35Punicus, 57punio, 66

purus, 25puto, 34


quaero, 55quaestus, 84quam, 45quamdiu, 38quanquam, 64quantus, 42quasi, 46

-que, 33qui ? 59qui, 60quia, 72quidam, 55quidem, 68quies, 26quis ? 59

quis, 82

quisque, 80quisquis, 74quod, 53quondam, 32

quoque, 18quot, 42qilotannis, 53quum, 77


radicitus, 75radius, 82ramosus, 17ramus, 17rapina, 78rapio, 68

raro, 19rarus, 11

ratio, 37

recreo, 29recte, 28rector, 48

rectus, 33redds, 56

redigo, 63regina, 3regio, 50regius, 59

regno, 57reguum, 11

rego, 53regula, 79Eegulus, 69religio, 58relinquo, 63

removes, 76

Remus, 31reporto,- 59repudi5, 60res, 41

res gestae, 42respicio, 68respondeo, 49responsum, 56respublica, 41

rete, 65letineo, 80retrorsum, 78reverentia, 29rex, 26

Rkea Silvia, £2

ripa, 17rivus, 17robur, 78robustus, 62

rogo, 78

Eoma, 4

Eomani, 6

Eomanus, 19Romulus, 26rosa,, 2

rostrum, 32rotundus,!!rumor, 44rUpes, 35

rusticus, 20

sacer, 31

sacrum, 79saepe, 1

saevio, 79sagitta, 22Sagittarius, 11

sal, 64Salamis, 44sales, 64salio, 64saluber, 68

salus, 26salutaris, 73saluto, 38

sano, 37sanus, 31

sapiens, 37sapientia, 59

sarcina, 85Sardinia, 1

satis, 60

saxum, 24scelus, 29scbola, 5

scientia, 33

scio, 64Scipio, 37

seopulus, 23scribo, 54

Scythae, 73se, 49secrets, 47secundus, 71

securitas, 70

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sed, 1

sedeo, 82sedes, 32sedulitas, 70sedulus, 11

semper, 7

sempiternus, 11senator, 65Seneca, 77senectus, 65senex, 46sensus, 45sententia, 25sentio, 73Septimus, 43

serenus, 38sermo, 29sero, 61

sero, 60servio, 64Sevvius, 67servo, 30servus, 6

seVeritas, 35severus, 39si, 14sic, 26Sicilia, 1

Sigeum, 77signum, 40silva, 17similis, 36simpliciter, 80simulacrum, 35simulo, 78sine, 22situs, 17socius, 8

Socrates, 37sol, 38solacium, 46soleo, 51

solitiidB, 28sollicitus, 28solum, 8

solus, 52somnus, 45

sonitus, 40Sonus, 83Sophocles, 45soror, 28sors, 31

sortior, 71

species, 41spectaculum, 14specto, 25spelunoa, 78spero, 24spes, 41summus, 36spina, 52spleudeo, 38splendidus, 30statim, 55static, 63statua, 4

status, 56Stella, 11sterilis, 73stimulo, 31stratum, 82strenuus, 11strepitus, 41studium, 25, 69stulte, 85stultus, 27suavis, 46suaviter, 47sub, 21 ; 8

subigo, 63

subito, 21subjectus, 17

subverts, 77succedo, 58i!

succurro, 69sudor, 29Suevi, 46sufficio, 68sum, 7

summus, 36sumo, 63superbia, 5

superbus, 12supers, 24surdus, 32surgo, 82sUs, 64suscipio, 68suspicio, 56sustento, 78sustineo, 69suus, 18SyraoCisani, 57


taceo, 72tam, 22, 59tamen, 22Tamesis, 46Tanaquil, 26tandem, 23tango, 72tanquam, 36tantum, 16Tarquiiiius, 26te, 38temerarius, 44tempestas, 31templum, 7

tempus, 29teneo, 39tergum, 49terra, 10terreo, 39testis, 33Teutoni, 30theatrum, 81Thebanus, 67Ttemistocles, 53Thermopylae, 47Thespiensis, 57tibi, 38tilia, 21times, 43timidus, 15timor, 31Titus, 34tolerabilis, 61tolerS, 24tondeS, 84totus, 40tradS, 56trahS, 62tranquillitas, 53Trasumenus, 63tribQnal, 35tribuS, 54tristis, 36tristitia, 5

triumphus, 31TrSjani, 12trucido, 66tu, 8

tuba, 40tueor, 70tum, 20

tumulus, 77Turoi, 11

turpis, 36turpitiido, 80turris, 32tiitela, 28tiitus, 50tuus, 13tyraimus, 43Tyrus, 17


ubi, 6, 69ubique, 16Ulixes, 40ullus, 66umbra, 17uuda, 15unguis, 35Bnicus, 20iiniversus, 18unquam 16Unus, 16urbanus, 24urbs, 31ursus, 13usque, 43usus, 41ut, 35, 76uterque, 62titilis, 43utUitas, 68utinam, 7411tor, 73ava, 45uxor, 27

vacS, 46vacuus, 31valde, 18vagiS, 64valeo, 38validus, 11vallum, 7vanus, 41varius, 26Varus, 40vasts, 31

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vates, 44

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