A BRIEF REPORT of the Business Transacted during +he First Session (February-March) 1991 the First Legislative Assembly of the State of -, GOA !l!J3E GOA LW;ISLATURE D E P ~ SECRETARIAT, PANAJI 1891

First (February-March) 1991 - Goa Legislative Assembly ·  · 2017-02-03(February-March) 1991 of the First Legislative Asscmbly of the State of Goa preparcti $11 ... 16. Dr. Jhalmi

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the Business Transacted during +he

First Session (February-March) 1991

the First Legislative Assembly

of the State of

-, G O A




the Business Transacted during

the First Session (February-March) 1991 /

theFirst Legislative Assembly


. - the state of



This Booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted durlng the First S C S S I ~ I * ~ (February-March) 1991 of the First Legislative Asscmbly of the State of Goa preparcti $11

pursuance of the provision of Rule 287 of the Rules -of Procedure and Conduct of Business ol' kllr

Goa Legislative Assembly. Statistical information in regard to some of the item is-also gi \cr~ wherever possible.

Assembly Hall M. M. NAIK ' Panaji, 8.10. 1991. Secretary to the Legislative

Assembly of Goa.


Page No. 1. Rricf Report of tile First Session ( February -March ) 1991 of the First


-.. .. Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa. ............................................... 1 . .

. 2 Stalcmcnt No. 1'; Dates of Meetings ................................ : ........................ 3

............................................... 3. Statement No. 2 - Attendance of embers 4

- ......................... 4. Statement No. 3 Percentage of Attendance of Members 4 -

5 . Statement No. 4 - Summary of Business transacted by the Goa Legislative

AssEmbly today during the First Session 1991 .......... ' 5

6 . Statcment No. 5 -Nomination of Mcmbers by the Speaker on various - - ..................... ...................... .... ................. Committees .; : : 20 .

.7. StatementNo. 6 -Nomination of Members by the Speaker on Public

Accounts Committee and Estimates Committee- ........ 2 1

8. Statement No. 7 - Nomination of Members of Pwel of Presiding Members 22

..... 9. Statement No. 8 statistical information regarding Government Bills 22

10. Statement No. 9 - Statistical information regarding Private Members Bills 23

.......................... 11. Statement No. 10 - Non-Official Resolutions .............. : , L


12. Statement No. 11 - Notices under Rule 61 (Calling Attention ) ................ . 13. Statement No. 12 - ~c~artmentwise statistical information of Starred

........................ Questions ......................................... ...: 26

14. Statcment No.- 13 - ~ciartmentwise statistical information of Unstarrcd - . Qu_~stions . ..................................................................... 28 -

15. Statement No. 14 Presentation of Reports .......................................... '\ -


a 1 Statement No. 15 - List of papers laid on tile table of the Housc.. . : .......... 29

....................... 17. Statement No. 16 - Demands for Grants for the year 91-92 '. 30

18. Statcmcnt No. 17 - Announcement of Assent to Rill: ........................... 1-31


.A Brief Report of the First Session (February-March) 1991 of the First Legisla- 'tive Assembly of the State of Goa.

The First Session (February-Mnrch) 1991 of the Legislative Ascmbly of the State of Goa commencetl at the Assembly Hall Panaji on 13th Febn~ary, 1991. The House was adjourned Sine- dlcon27thMarch 1991. 15 meetings were heldand total time taken for theBusinesso~thcmecting wcrc 42 hrs. 20 minutes.

Governor's Address

Shri Khurshed A?am Khan addressed the Legislative Assembly undcr Article 176 (1) of the Constitution of Indiaon 13th Feb, 1991. Acopy of the ~o.r'cmor's address was laid on the Table of the House on the same day. The Motion of Thanks to Governor's address was moved on 20/2/91. Discussio~on thc Motion of Thanks took place on 20th and 21st Fcbruary, 1991.

Election and Nominations

Members were elected on Public Accoun~ Cornmiltee and Estim:itcs Committce.

(Vide Statement No. 6)

fvkmbers'were nominated on the following Committees

1. Business Advisory Committee. 2. Privilcgcs Comnlittce. 3. Committee on Govemtncnt Assurances. 4. Comnliitcc on Pctitiohsr- I

-- - ', 5. Commitice on Delegated Legislation. 6. Rules Conlrnittee. 7. Comnlittcc on Public Undertaking\.

- 8. Library Committee.

(Vide Statement No. 5 )

-Members were nominated on the Panel of Presiding Members

{Vide Statement No. 7) I

. . / / Election of Deputy,Spenker

ThcElection of Dcputy Speaker was held on 27th Fcbruary , 1991 and Shri Simon I'ctcr D'Sowa was electcd as Deputy Speaker.

Gowrnment Legislative Business

. Three Bills wcrc introduced and passcd during the Session. K

(Vide S tatemcnt No. 8)

, racn

-2 - 13.

svate \lemhers Bills - .

Four Rill\ wcrc ~ntroduccd. Two R111, ucrc rcfcrrcd to-Select Committee; oneBill was withdraqn by leave of the House and f~irtlicr \i.lgz\ of one Rill is postponed to next Session.

t Vitlc Statcnlcnt No. 9)

1:inancial l5usiness

Su plementary Demands for Gr:tntsSor tlle year 1991-92 were prescntcd to the Housc ~ I I on thcsc Demands tcu>kplacc o n . . 2(,13/')1. k~ a11 33 demands w e n n,o,,eti. Discussion andvotin,

26/3/91. All the dcrnantls ucrc lai\\cd.

(Vide Statement No. 16)

Non-Official Resolutions

Two days were allotcd for ~ r i v ~ t e ~ e m b e r s ~ u s i n c . \ \ tiuring the Scq4ion. Eighteen notices of Resolutions wcrc rcczit {jut of which fifteen Kcsolu~it>ri.; werc .~d~n~rtcd.


(Vide Statemen1 No. IOY

Motion for Congratulations

Motion of Congratulations to ~ h r i ~ & k t r a o P. Dcm o for his being corlfcrred the award of Prdmashri by the President 07 India in the Republic Day honours list a .ir l).irscd on 19/2/91. Motionof Congmtu1;ttion to FranciscoMartins and Members ol'( ; . ) . I 110:1t fj)r M inning the 1 st p~ ize at the Kcpuhlic D;iy l'made in Pelhi was passcd on 19/2/9 1

Motion of Congratulations to Dr. Raghunath MashclL.ir li)r Iwing conferred on him the award ol 1';iiTmashri by the President of India onrlle Republic Day n :is p:~sscd on 19/2/91. - .

Motion of Condolence -

Motion of Condolenced was moved on passing away of late Shri Luta Ferrao an eminent social worker, friend of down trodden an ardent believer in Democratic Principles and Champion of communal harmony was passcd on 19/2/91.

Starred and Unstarred Questions 1

Notices of 322 Starred Questions and nil Unstmcd Questions were received , * *a-

Questions Stared Unstarrcd Total

... ... ... Kcccivcd ... ... 322 - 322

... Disallowcd/Withdrawn ... ... ... l? - 10

... Starred Questions admitted ... ... - ... - 111 111 U n s t ~ r c d

... ... ... ... Consolidated ... 8. 1 9 '

... ... ... Lapsed ... ... 31 - 3 1 ... ... ... ... Admitted ... 162 110 272 ... ... ... Rcplicd ... ... 43 109. 152

... ... ... Not Put ... . . . I 1 - 1 ... ... ... Not Reached ... ... 116 - 116

... ... ... I'ostponcd ... ... 2 . 1 3

, (VideStatcmcntNo.12&13)

Calling Attentions

Out of i 5 Calling Attention Notices 8 wcre admitted

(Vide Statement No. 11)

Presentation of Report

A Report,of House Committee on Nylon 6,6 Project at Kerim, Ponda, Forty Fifth, Forty Sixth an? Forty Seventh Report of l'ublic Accounts Committee. A Report of the House Committee to ~nvestlgate into Elcctron~c clty at Vcrna andThuty Sccond Report of Govcrnmcnt Assurances Committee were presented to thc House.

(Vide Statement No. 14) <

Other Announcements

Govcmor's Assent to 11 Bills were announced

(Vide Statement No. 17)


Sr. Date of Mectiflg Timing of Mccting Total pcriod No. .from to . H.M.

7. 25-2-91 - 02.30 p. rn. 04.05 p. m. 1.35 04.30 p. m. 04.55 p. m. 0.25

8. - 27-2-91 02.30 p. m. 03.28 p. m. 0.58 - 0348 p. m. 04.33 p. m. . - 0.45

9. 28-2-91 02.30 p. m. 04.00 p. m. ' 1.30

02.30 p. m. 04.02 p. rn. 04.35 p. 111. 06.1 6 p. m.



Attendance of Members (Excluding Speaker, Dy. Speaker, Ministers and Leader of Opposition)

J . .

Date Prcscnt . Abscnt _

- 13-2!1991 29 -

18-2-1991 28 1

25-3-1991 28. 2 - ,.

26-3-1991 3 0 -

27-3-1991 , 30 . -


Percentage of Attendance of each Member of the Legislative Assembly , - (Excluding the Speaker, Dy. Speaker and 'linisters

. ,, and Leader of'opposition) . -

Sr. No. of days No. - Name of Member attended in Percenlage

the Session 1 - 2 3 4


1. SIui Kh:illap Rm1:ikant Dattnrd 6 66.67% 2. Shri M:itlrck;tr Dcu Gunaji 15 loOC/o 3. Shri Naik V+ayak Vithal 15 100% '

4. Shri Sirsat Surendra Yassant S 100% 5 Shri Pxuiekar tT1rc\11 15 . 100% -

- 5 -

1 - 2 3 4

6. Dr. De'Souza Wilfrcd Ziio Fcrn~ino 4 66.67% 7. Shri Gonsalvcs Joao Baptista Floriano 15 100% 8. Shri Zuwarkar Somnath Datta 15 100% 9. Shri Gonsalves Victor Rcnjomin 15 100%

10. Dr. Pcgado Carmo Kafael Andrc Jose 15 100% 11. Shri Cl~odankar Dharma Vassudco 15 . 100% 12. Smt. Kakodkar Shashikala Gurudatt 12 80% "

13. Shri Rane Pratapsingh Raoji 14 93.33% 14. Slui Pwbllu Ralkrislma Ashok Jairam 15 100% 15. Shri Shivdas Atmaram Shct Vcrekar 12 80% 16. Dr. Jhalmi Kashinath Govind 14 93.33% 17. Shri Slirodkar Subhash Ankush 13 86.67% 18. Shri Haroon Shaikh Hassan 15 - 100% 19. Shri D'Souza Simon Peter 8 100% 20. Shri Godinho Mauvin 15 100% 21. Slui Alcmao CIlurclifl Braz 14 93.33% 22. Slui Cardoz Luis Alex 15 100% 23. Slri Naik Anant Narcinva 14 93.33% 21. Shri Sardinlla Cosmc Francisco Cact,mo 13 86.67% ' 25. Shri Falciro Luizinho Joaquim - 15 - 100% 26. Miss Furtado Farrcl Bcnito 12 - 80% 27. Shri Fcmandcs Manucl Grcgorio 14 93.33% 28. , Slxi Amshckm Mohan Anant 15 100% 29. Shri I'raM~u Dcssai Rnnu Anant - - 15 100% 30. Sfui Fcrnctn9cs Domnic 13 86.67% 31. Shri Vclip Prakasl~ 8 , 100% 32. Shri Caonkar Vasu Paik ' 15 ' 100%


Summary of businc4s transacted by the Coa Legislative Asseml~ly day to day during 111, First Sessibn (February-Alarch) 1991.

~ 6 d n e s d a ~ , the 13th February, 1991

I. Shl i Klmrshcd Alnm Khan, Governor, dclivcrcd his addrcsi to the House.

11. Secrctxy laid a copy of thc Covcrnor's Addrcss on the Table of the Housc.

Monday, the 18th February, 1991

T \lo11 Si3z:lkcr prcscntcd the Rcport of rhc Rusincss Aiiv~sory Committee to iy I I

l i ( II i :iur Rl,~tistc~ ~ ~ ~ o v c d Lhat thc 1c1x)rt of RAC bc aric~ptcd.

\loiion wasput to vote and carricd

Y _. " +-A

- 6 - i

II. Motion of ConMcncc in thc Chief Minister : Hon. Chicf Minister moved the following motion.

" That this house expresses its confidence in the Chief Minister".

24 Members took part in the debate. Motion was put to vote and carried.

III. Government Bills.

The following Bills were introduced :-

i) Bill NO. 4 of 1991 - The Goa Agricultural Tenancy (Amendment) Bill, 1991.

ii) Bill No. 5 of 1991 - The Goa Land Usc (Regulation) Bill, 1991. i

Shri Luizinho Falciro moved the following motions. Under Articlc 179 (c) of Constitution of hd i a for leave of the House to move the following Resolutions.

1) 'That the Dy. Speaker of the Asscmbly be rempved from this office". 24 Members rose in their scats in favour of leave bcing grantcd and thc leave was

J granted.

2) "That thc Speaker of the Assembly be removed Erom his officc". 23 Members r o c in their rats in favour of lwvr bchg grmtcd and the leave was / /' granted.

' d

i 1. Tuesday, the 19th February, 1991 E

I. /Motion of Congratulations ' / i) Dr. Wilfrcd D'Souza movcd the following Congratulatory Motion :

"This Housc Congatulntcs Shri Vasnntrao P. De~npo for his being confcrrcd the award of Padmasl~cc by the Prcsidcnt of India on thc Kcpublic Day Honours list".

15 Members took part in the debate. Motion was passcd unanimously.

ii) Shri Alfrcd Tavarcs a Journalist intcrmpted the proceedings of the House by shouting from the press Gallery and he was removed from t l~c Gallery by Marshall. .

iii) Dr. Wilfred D'Souza moved the following Congratulatory Motion. 7

"This House Congratulates Slui Francisco Martins and Members of the Goa Float for winning the first prize at Republic Day Parade in Delhi this year".

7 Mcmbers took part in the debate. Thc motion was passed unanimously.

iv) Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar moved thc following Congratulatory Motion :-

"Tllis Housc Con&:ir:ltulatcs Dr. Kngliunaih Mashclkar for being confcrrcd on him the award of Padma'slri hy rhc I'rc..;i~lsnl o f 1ntli;i OII rile Kci,uhlic Day".

4 Members took part in the dcbatc. Tllc hloiionp.i\ p.i\,ctl un.ii~ii!~ourly. /

11. Motion of Condolence

Slui Rarnakant D. Khalap movcd the iollowing Condolatory Motion.

"This House dccply mourns rllc sad and suddcn dcmisc of Shri Luta Ferrao, /

an cminent social work'er. fridnd of Ooun trodden and ardcntbelicver in democratic principles and champion of coi~~tnun;il Iiarmony"

Motion was proposed. 18 Mcmbcrs took'p:~ri in the Debate.

Motion was passed unanimously.

III. Sccrctary announced assent to eleven Rillg.

IV. Hon. Speaker reported to the House about the decision of disqualirication of following 3Mcml~crs of the Housc under the Tcnth Schedulc of the Constitution of India.

1. Shri Ratnakar Chopdckar. i

2. Shri Sanjay Bandekar. \

3. Slui Ravi S. Nik . ,

Hon. Spcakcr rcportd to thc Housc that Dr. Luis Proto Rarbosa has bccndisqualificd under Para5 of thc Tcnth Schedule of ~IicConstitution of Indiaby Dr. KashinalrJhalnli, hlcmlxr clectcd for thc purpose of the Legislative Asscnlbly of Goa.

V. . Govemmcnt Rills.

r i) Rill No. 4 of 1991 - The Goa Agricultural Tenancy (Amcndnient) Bill,

1991 was considcrcdrcadclause by clause andpassed.

ii) ',Bill No. 5 of 199 1 - Thc Goa Land Use (Regulation) Bill, 1991 was takcn into consideration- on read clause by clausc and passed.

Wednesday, the 20th February, 1991

Hon. Spcaker made an obscnlation regarding thc interruptions m d c by a Press corrcspon- 7 dent in the Housc on 19/2/91.

I. Slui A. N. Naik, MLA prcscntcd arcport of House Committee which w s constituted to investigate dn the aspect of pollution, posscssionof landctc. onNylon6,6 kojcct at Kcrim Ponda.

11. Discussion on Govcmor's Address. -

Shri Vinaykumar P. Usgaonksir, movcd thc following Motion of Thanks.

That an address be prcscntcd to thc Govcrnor in thc following tcrps :

"That thc Mcmbcrs of Ihc Goa Lcgislative Assembly assembled in this Scssion arc dccply grateful to the Govcmor for the Address which hc has bccn plcascd to dclivcr to thc Housc on 13th February, 1991. Motion was proposed. Dr. Carrno Pegado seconded the motion".


- -8- a-

- -w


Shri A. N. N:iik rnovcd the following amcndmcnt to the Motion of Thanks. ,

~ u t rcgiets that this shortest evcr ad(lrcss to bedclivcrcd to this August House sadly lacks any serious approach to theproblems bcing faccd by our Statc and appears simply to bc a compulsive cxercise undcrtakcn For thc sake of it since it miserably fails to mention thc following importccnt features.

1. The concrcte.and constructive stcps taken inrelation to fucl availability and the plight of gulf rctumccs. ,

2. The effective steps takcn to curb hoarding and profiteering to prevent price rise of - essential commodities.

3. Steps bcing takcn to,rejuvcnatc tourism h d ~ ~ t ~ y which on its own admission is seen as udortunatcly adverscly affcctcd.

4. The spcciGc direction in which the Govcmmcnt p~oposed to protcct and balance thc ecological and environlncntal balance in the Statc without any "Comprornisc".

5. The inclusion of Mandovi Bridge disaster amongst the spccdy and efficient cxecution of on going projects. J

6. The inordinate delay in forwarding the relcvan~documcnts regarding great provcdoria fraud to thc C. R . I. and failurc to pursuc thc said importmt matter fiirtlier, - -

7. Thc Unwarranted appointment ofNon-I. A. S. Officer to hcad an importnnt Government Dcpartmcnt.

I 8. Frcqucnt canccllation or modification of important cabinet decisions during the ycm 1990.

'. 9. The work-in-progress of Sclaulim Earthcn Dam and Anjttncrn Dam projcct.

~ 7

10. Thc fate of Mag30 scwcrage trcahncnt plant. . . -

An amendment to the Motion of Thanks proposed. Ninc rncrnbcrs took part in debatc.

~ h u r s d a ~ , the 21 st February 1991

I. Resumption of Discussion on Govcmor's Addrcss : Sixtccn Mcmbcrs took part in ihc Dcbatc. Arncndincnts tabled by Shri A. N. Naik piit to

vote and defeatcd.'

Motion of ~ l l a n k s was put to vote carried.

Friday, the 22nd .February, 1991 ---

I. i) Hon. Ctiicf Minister laid on tllc 1.11>1~. .\rlnt~tl! Kcport of ill< Go.! I ' , r t ) I t , S,.rvicc. , Commission for the y c x 1988-89 (Firsi Kcl ) \ ) t~ I


ii) Shri-Mohan Amshckar Cllairl~l:m, I'ublic Accounts Commit~c~. i ) ~ . - . . - t i ~ . - t l Forty Fifth, Forty Sixth and ~ o r t ~ - ~ i v c n ~ l l Kcpori or illc 1)ublic Accounts Co~ll~l~i i icc. .

II I'rivatc Members Business.

TII,. !%4cming Bills were-introduced.

1) n 11 No. 1 of 1991 - 'Ihc Goa Regulation of ~ k ~ l o ~ m c n t and Conditions of Service of Migrant Workmen , Bilf 1991 (by Shri Luizinho Faleiro)

ii) Bill No. I IlN1 -The Goa Old Age Pension Bill 1991 (by Shri Luizinho Faleiro)

- - iii) B i No. 3 of ! The Goa Unemployment Assistance and Self-

I mployment Scheme Bill, 1991 '(by Shri . \ I iii~inho Faleiro) a

Monday, the 25th February, 1991

I. Three Starred Question were answcrc~i

D[. Chief Minister laid on the Table of the itou>s : The Goaprevcntion of Malpractices at University, Roard and Other Specified Exaninations ordkancc 199Q (Ordinance NO.‘^ of 1990.)


Ill. Shri Mohan Amshcka~ prcscnted die Report of House ~ o i m i t t c e constituted to investigate into Electronic city at Vema.

IV. Hon. Speaker prcscnted the Report of the Business Advisory Committee to the ~ou'se. Thc Ministcr,of Legislative Affairs moved for adoption of thc Kcport. TheMotion for adoption of the Rcport was put to vote and carricd.

Shri Luizinho Faleiro moved the followingmotionundcr Article 179 (c) of theconstitution -

"That the Dcputy Speaker of the Assembly be removedfrom his office".

*Nine Members took part in d ~ e Deb'atc. Motion was put to vote and carried. -

Wednesday, the 27th February, 1991 - I. i) Two Starrcd Qucstians wcrc answcred. -

ii ) One Starrcd Question was postponed to next Session. iii) Thrce Unstarred Questions were answcred.

Rill No. 7 of 1991 -The Coa I'rcvention of Malpractices at University Roard aid other Slxcificd Examinations was introcluccd, considered and read clausc by clause.

m) Election of Qcputy Spc.?kcr

Spcaker made the following announccn~cnt : For the election of h e Ily: Speaker .the following nomination were rcccivcd:

i - 10- - -.k-y

i 1. Shri Mohan Amshekar - Proposed by Dr. K. G. Jhalmi and sccondcd by

7 Shri Ramakant D. Khalap.

2. Shri Simon D'Souza - Proposed by Shri Skaikh Hassan Haroon and seconded . by Shri Luizinho Faleiro.

3. SI2i Simon D'Souza- Proposed by Shri Domnic Fernandcs and Seconded by Dr. Carmo Pegado.

4. Shri Simon D'Souza.- Proposed by Slui Manu Fcmandes and Seconded by Shri Francisco Sardinha.

Shri Shaikh Hassan Haroon movectthe following motion :

"That Hon. Mcmbcr Shri Simon Peter D'Souza bc elected to the office of the \ Deputy Speaker pf this House". ~o ' t i on proposed.

Dr. Kashinath Jhalmi moved the following motioc :

"That Hon. Member Shri Mohan Amshekar be elected to the office of the Deputy Speaker of this House.

The Speaker adjourned the House for half an hour for the poll. The Speaker declared the result as follows :

Total votes polled -36 ' . Valid votes - 36 Invalid votes - Nil Votes polled by Shri Simon D'Souza - 24

Votes polled by Shri Mohan Amshekar - 12

- The Spcakcr declared that Shri Simon Peter D'Souza be duly elcctcd to the office of h e Dcputy Speaker of the House and offered him hearty congratulations. Chief Minister, Shri Rwi

'Nnik, Dr. Wilfred D'Souza, and Shri Ramakant D. Khalapc~nducted Slui Simon D'Souza to d ~ c seat.


15 members offered felicitations to the Dcputy Spcakcr. Deputy Speaker in reply tllankcd the Members. /

Thursday, the 28th February, 1991

I. Hon. Speaker announced that ~ h r i ~am'akant~. Khalaphas becnrecognised as the Leader of Opposition w. e. f. 28-2-1991.


II. Three Starred Questions were answered.

DI. Calling attention to thc mattcr of urgcnt public importance. ,

Shri A. N. Naik, called thc attention of thc Chief Ministcr to the followin~mattcr of Urgent Public Importance :

" Tension anxiety and fcar caused in thc minds of people of Goa due to reported news item in the Gomantak Times dated 27th Febntary, 1991 regmding supply of spoilt atta by t l~c Sahakar Bhandar in Panaji and stcps Government intcnd to take in thc mattcr to correct the situation".

Chief Minister made statement thercon. A fcw questions were askcd and replicd to by way of clarification.


IV. Hon. Speakcr fixed4tl1March. 1991 as thc day for discussion of rcsolution for rcmoval . of Spcakcr.

V. Govcrnment Bill.

Rill No. 7 of 1991 -Thc Goa Prevention of illalpractices at Univcrsity, Roard and other spccificd Examinations Bill, 1991 was passcd as amcndcd.

Monday, the 4th March, 1991 ,

T. i) One Starred Questions wasnot called as thcMcmber was absent ,and was transfcrred . to Unstarred list.

ii) Two Skirrcd Questions wcre postponed.

TI). Shri Luii.inho Faleiro movcd the Iollowing resolution under article 179 (c) of the Constitution of India.

" That the Spe,&cr of the Assenll>ly bc removed from his officc".

Twenty two Members took part in the Dcbate. Thc resolution was put to vote anti p~sscd.

Thursday ,the 21st March ,1991

T. i) Scvcn Starred Questions wcrc answcrcd.

ii) One Starrcd Question was postponed.

iii) Tcn Starrcd QucsGons wcre not rcached and wcrc t~ansferrcd to Unstnrrcd list.

11 11. Shri A. N. Naik called the attention of thc Hon. Chicf Ministet to the following matter -

of urgent piiblic importance.

" Kcportcd fraud of about Kupecs five crorcs in Excisc Department duc to re- clussificationpf “Cosmetics " items as "bicdicinc " and the stcps Government takcn in h e matter to rccovcr the sane.

Chief Minister made a statcmcnt that tllc matter will be handed ovcr to C. R. I. Some querics wcre also askcd m d rcplicd to by way or clarification.

, *


- v-* - 1'- i

II Shri A. N. Naik callcd the attention of Minister for Irrigation to thc following matter of - urgent public importance :

" Rcportcd newsof Rrcak/Rrcach of Salaulim Irrigation canal ncar Quepem Codrt and loss of vegetation thercby causing serious anxicty among the people of the and the' farmers and steps takcn by Government in the matter"

Minister for Irrigation m d e a statement thcrcon. Few queries were also replied to by way of clarification.

111 Hon. Speaker prcscntcd the rcport of thc Rusincss Advisory Committee to thc ~ o d s e . Hon. Law Ministcr moved thc motion for adoption of the rcport.

Motion was put'to vote carricd.

IV. Hon. Law Minister announced 11c busincss to bc transacted during thc wcck. /

4. Thc Finance Minister presented the st~pplementnry Dcmands for grants for the ycar 1990-91.

Friday, the 22nd March,l991

I i) Six Starrcd Questions wcre answcrcd. ,

ii) Thirty Two Starrcd Questions wcre not rcachcd and were transferred to Unst:irrcd List. -

11. Hon. Spc:kcr announced thc 1):incl of Prcsiding.Mcmbcrs for the yc:n 1991-92.

I. Shri bonlnic Fcrnandes 2. Sllri Vinayak V. Naik 3. Slui Surcsh V. 1)mulckar ,

4. Slui Prhkash S. Vclip

III. Hon'ble Spcakcr nominated thc following Membcrs on the Busincss Ad\ I \ O I \


1. The Spccik'cr' - Chairman 2. The Dy. Spcakcr

' 3. The Chief Ministcr 4. The Law Ministcr 5. Thc Lcaclcr of Opposition 6 . Shri Luizinho Folciro.

I'?. Hon'ble speaker Nominnted the following hlcmbcrs on P~ivilcgcs Committee.

1. Tile Dy. Spcnkcr - Chair~nan 2. Dr. Wilfred D'Souza L

3. Shii J . R. Gonsalves /

4. Shri Ranu A. 1)ribl~ildcsai 5. Shri I'ratapsingh ~ . ' ~ a n c 6. Slui Surcndra Sirsat.

- . -


V i) s k i Surcndra Sirsat, MLA callcd tllc attcntion of thc Ministcr for Industries to thc following matter of urgent public importance :

" A Rcport on Daily Gomantak of 20th March over thc issue of disbarscmcnt of funds by Khadi and Village Industrics Board to Non-Existing l'crsons and consc- quent mes t ofone bf theemployee ofBankorRxoda, Margao in idcntifying them for the purpose of opning an account in b.mk and stcps bc taken by Govcrnmcnt in thc mattcr".

Ministcr for Industrics madc a statcmcnt thcrcon. Few questions were askcd and replied to . by way of clarification:

ii) Shri A. N. Naik called the attcntion of thc Ministcr for Revenuc to tllc following mattcr of urgent public import.mcc:

" Scrious -irregularity in construction activity at Assolna, Salccte by' constructing bungalows :md making division of plots in agricultural land without obtaining -conversion thcreby causing serious loss to vcgctation as well as to Govcrnmcnt treasury and stcps takcn by tllc Governrncnt in tlic mattcr".

Ministcr for Law promiscd to make a statcmcnt on 26/3/91.

Private Members. Busincss


1. The following Bill was introduced:

Thc GoaMundknrs (I'rotcction from Eviction) ( Sccond Amendment ) Rill, 1991 by Slr i Luis Alex Cardozo

, - i) Rill No. 1 of 1991 - Thc Goa Regulation of Employment and Conditions of

Scrvice of Migrant Worhncn Rill, 1991 by Shri Luiz- -- inho Falciro. ,

Shri Luizinho Falciro movcd a motion for Considcration of thc Rill.

Dr. Kashinalh G. Jhalnli movcd a motion to rcfcr the Bill to the Sclcct Committee and the, Rill was rcrcrrccl to Selcct conlnlittce Consisting of following Mcmbcrs.

1. Law Ministcr - C h i r n ~ a n 2. Shri Luizinho Falcko 3. Dr. Kashinath Jhalmi 4. Shri Donmic Fcrnlindcs 5. Sllri Vinayak Naik 6. Sllri Vassu I'aik Gaonkx 7. Slui Luis Alcx Cardozo 8. Shri I'rakash Vclip.

ii)RillNo. 2 of 1991 -Thc GoaOld AgcPcnsinnRill, 1991 by ShriLuizinho Faleiro.

Tllc Bill was withdrawn by leave of tllc Housc.

- iii) Bill No. 3 of 1991 - Thc Goa Uncmploymcnt Assistance and Sclf Employmcnt , Schcmc Rill: 1991 b Shri Luizinllo Falciro-Thc Pill was '

rcfcrred to liic svnc lc1ei.t Cmaaittcc to which Rlll I$". 1 - of 1991-Thc Goa Kc~ulation of E~nployment and Condi- tions of Scrvicc of higrant Workmen Bill, 1991 was rcfcrrcd by ~ I l c House on 22/3/91.

, Resolutiom:

1. Rcsolution No. 9 by Shri A. N. Naik.

"This HouscurgcsGov~mmentto takeurgcntstcps to opcn amininiumof~~nc Public Lihrary in each Panchayat arca inour state, with a hall containing books worth of Rs. 25000/- each and this House also furthcr rccommcnds the Govcrnnicnt to distribute grants to the respcctivc panchayats for this noble educational causc".

Resolution was ~novcdand proposcd. Two mcmbcrs tookpart in the debate. ~esolutionwas put to votc and dcfeatcd.

2. Rcsolution No. 5 by S k i A. N. Noik.

"This House strongly rccomrncnck Government to makc coinpulsory policy of Lifc 111surancc Corporation of India ( L. I. C. ) to all its class 111 and class IV - crnployces by contributing 50% of thc Prchium towarcls its own stntc coffcrcs".

Rcsolution jvas movcd and proposcd.Two mcmbcrs tookp& in the dcbate. RcsoluGon was put to vote andcjfcatcd.


3. tow solution No. 12 by Shri A. N. Naik. J e

. d ) %

" This Housc urgcs Govcrnmcnt to move the Ccntral Govt. to bring about Q improvement in tlic telccommu~nication systcm in thc Statc". 1

Resolution was movcd and proposcd. Scvcn mcmbcrs took p:irt in thc dcbate. Resolution was put to vote and pascd. .

L -. 4. Resolution No. 15 by Shri A. N. Naik. \

" This House strongly rccommcnds Govcmnlcnt to immcdiately place an ordcr with thc Goa Shipyard Limitcd to build a sea - going passcngcr vcsscl for thc purposc of navigating Ihc samc on Coa- Ro~~ibay sea-route, on tllc lincs of M. V. " DEKNG" a 300 passcngcr vcsscl built rcccntly by G.S.L. for the Administration of ~ n d a h a n 8: Nicobar Island ; and this House fuathcr urgcs Govt. to chmtcr this vessel by inviting opcn tcndcrs from thc privatcnavigationcompanics, in ordcr to cn- surc its run-on -profit basis and rccovcr thc mount investcd in building thc vcsscl':

pcsolution was moved and proposcd. Tbvp Mcmbcrs took part in the Dcbate. Rcsoluti'on , was put 10 vote and dcfeated.

5. Rcsolution No. G by Shri A. N. Naik.

> I " This Housc rccon~mcnds Govt. to take necessary steps to conduct an efTectivc imd physical chcckof all tllc cssential commodities, berorc they rcach to thc fair price shops and co-opcrative Socictics to ascc~tain whethcr thcy arc fit for human consumption.

Rcsolu~ion wasnlovcd and proposcd. Two ~nembcrs tookpart in the dcbatc. Rcsolution was put to votc ,md carricd.


Monday, the 25th March, 1991

I. i) Five Starred Qucstions were answered.

ii)Thirty one Starred Questions werenotreached and wcre transfcrrcd to Unstarrcd List.

iii) Three Unstarrcd Questions were answered.

TI. Slui SurendraV. Sirsat, MLAcallcd tllc attcntion of the Chicf Minister to the following mnttcr of urgent pul~lic importance :-

" The rcportcd brutal assault on the Chief Rcporter of Hcrdd Mr. Anthony Fcrnandcs by some pondas and dctcnninste law and order situation and apprchcnsion in the mint1 of public due to Ihc failurc of the Govt. to dctect the culprits".

Chicf Ministcr nladc a statement thcrcon. Few Qucstions wcrc J s o asked and replied to by way of clnrification.

111. Dr. K:shinath Jhslnii moved a rnolionfor appointing aHouse Committee to investigate into thc loans sanctioned by Khadi Rc Village Indusuics Board during thc ycar 1990-91.

Motion was put to votcand dcfcatcd.

IV. i) Minister for Tndustrics 1:iid on tllc Table of the House

Two Notifications rcgarding Official Language Act, 1987 ( Act No. 5 of 1987.) -

ii) Ministcr for Housing laid on the Table of thc Housc .

Audit Rcport of Blc Housing Romd for thc ycsr 19S7-8s and 1988-89. -- ~i i ) Ministcr for Powcr laid on the Table of thc House:-

- AIIII :I : I~ Rcport 1959-90 of thc Goa Mcat Cornplcx Ltcl.

V) Govcrnmcni lJ111

Thc following I(\\) ~ + I C introduced

- Rill No. I ri OF I0L)l - Thc Gos Mctlical Council Rill, 1991. .

V ) Chicf MirlistGr prescn~cci Annual Financial S~ntcmcnt for the yc:s 1991-92 to the Housc and made a spccch.

Tuesday, the 26th March, 1991

I . i) Tcn Starred Questions wcrc answered.

ii) Twcnty six Starrcd Qucstions were notrcachcd and were transfcrrcd to Unstarrcd list.

iii) Forty two Unstarrcd Questions werc answered.

II. Shri VinayakNaik, Chairman of thc Committcc on Govcmmcnt Assurwccs presented Thirty Second Report of tluc Govcrnmcnt Assurances Conunittee

TrI. Tlle Minister for Rcvcnue made a statcn~cnt to which his attcntion was drawn by Sllri A. N. Naik, MLA on 22/3/91. Few Qucstions wcre asked andrcplicd to by way of clarificalion _ '

ii) Slui Victor Consalvcs called the attention of Minister for Irrigation to the following matter 'of mgcnt public irnprtancc:-

- " Fear and anxiety created in thc minds or thc villagers residing in and around

Mcrces due to rcccnt damage caused to t l ~c ficlds and thc salt p:ms on account of inundation of saline watcr due to thc bre:lchcs ca~rscd Lo dlc bbnd at Murda and Morombim -0- I'ccpeno and lllc rcn~cdia1'n~c:isurcs dl? Government intends to t&e to repair tllc buncl".

Ministcr for Irrigation n~adc a statement thcreon. Few question wcre oskcd mind rcplicd to by way oFclariGcation. . -

iii) Shri Churchill Alcm:~o called dlc attention of the Chic[ klinistcr to thc following mnttcr of urgent I'uhlic importance:-. ' '

" Scrious msicty in thc minds ofpaoplc of Renadir11 Constituency ciuc to in- adequatcdri~lking watersupply causinggrcathardsl~ips to thcrcsidcnts ofahvcarea as Zunri Agro Chcnlical pumps is drnwing avcmgcof 13,000 cubic nlclrcs of watcr per day tllcrcby tl~cpcoplcof Bcnclulinl Constituency arc affccted and steps takcn by .

- C;ovcrnmcnt in thc matter".

-- The Cluicf Miniser madc a statcrncnt thcrcon. - Few Qucstions wcrc askcd ;tlld rcplicd to by way of cltlrification.

IV. The following supplementary dcmands wcrc moved and proposed:

Demand No. 1 - State Legislature I Dcrnnnd No. 2 - General Atl~ninistration

Dcmancl No. 3: Administr5iion of Justice and Elections Dcrntind No.'4 - Rcvcnue Administration.

. Dcmand KO. 6 - 110.1,i Transport s

Dcmand No. 7 - Trcnsury and. Accounts Administration - .. Demand No. 8 - I'olice ( Charged ) Dcmand No. 9 - Jails Dcrnand No. 1 1--Starioncry and Printing ,

Demand Nu. 12 - Public Works and Housing Demand No. 13 - Miscellaneous Gcncral Service

e@ Demand No. 14 - Education, spirts, Art and Culture Dcmand No. 15 - Mcdical Family welfare Demand No. 16 - Water supply and sanitation Dcrnand N;. 17 - Urban Dcvclopmcnt , Demand No. 18 - Information S( Publicity Dcmand No. 19 - Social Welfare and Nutrition

- Dcmand No. 20 - Labour and Ernploymcnt . Dcmand No. 22 - Agriculture

Dcmand No. 22 - Animal Husbandry Dcrnand No. 23 - Fislicrics Dcmand No. 24 - ForcsLry and Wild Life Dcrnand No. 25 - Food 'md Civil Supplics DemandNo. 26 - Co-operation & M?rkcting Demanc1 No. 27 - Community Development Dcmand No. 28 - Spccial Arda Programme Dcmand No. 29 - Irrigation and Flood Control Demand No. 30 - Energy Dclnand No. 31 - Industries and Minerals Demand No. 32 - Porls and 1nl;md Water Transport Dcmancl No. 33 - Roads and Bridges Dcm:innd No. 34 - Tourism - Dcmand No. 35 - Lo:ins and Advanccs to Government Scrvants etc.

.I en h4embcrs look part in die debate. All the dcmands wcre put to votc and passed.

(;ovcrnmcnl Rills:

i) Rill No. 8 of 1991 - Thc Go3 Supplcmcntary AppropriationRill, 1991 was intro- - duccd, considcrcd read clause by clause and passed.

/ iiJ Rill No. 10 OF 1991 - The Goa Mcdical Council Rill, 1991 was considcrcd, read

clause by clausc and pnsscd.

wedriesbay, the 27th March, 1991. \

- /

I. i) Eigl~r Stmrcd Qucslions wcrc answered.

ii) Onc S~mrctl Qucstion was pos~poncd I

iii) Twenty Starred Questions wcrc not rcachcd and wcrc trmis~crcd to Unstrnrred List

iv) Fifty Lwo Uns1:lrrcd QucsGons wcrc answcrcd.

. -18-

IT. Ruling by Hon. Speaker on Breach of I'rivilcge.

Hon. Officiating Spealccr gave aruling on hcnoticc of privilcgc rcccivcd from Sliri A. N. Naik against Dr. Wilfred D'Souza and withheld his'conscnt

111. Shri Vsssu ~ a i k ~ a k k a r chairman of the Estimates Conimittcc prcscntcd tli$ '22nd cud 23rd Report of the Estimates Committee.

IV. The Hon. Officiating Spe,&cr nominated the following Mcmbcrs on the commiltccs.


1. Shri Vassu Paik Gaonkar - Chairman . 2, Dr. Kasliinah Jhalnii

3. Sllri Vinnysk V. Naik

4. Shri St~bliash A. Shirodkar

5. Shri Churchill Alcnim

6. Miss Fmcl Furtado

2. COiMMITTEE ON PITI'l'IONS Rulc No. Datc of Nominaion

1. Srnt. Shashiknla C. Kakodkw - C11:irpcrson 204 271319 1

2. Slr i ~ h i v d & Vcrcksr

3. Shii Somnath-D. Zuwarkar

4. Slr i ~h i~rc l~ i ' l l Alcmao

5. Miss Farrcl Furtado


1. Shri Sliaikh Hassan Hmoon- ChSrman ' 214 27/3/91 -2. S l u ~ Dolnnic Femandcs 3. Slui Victor Gonsalvcs . 4. Sliri Mauvin Godinho 5. SIiri Prakash Vclip 6. Shri Mollan A. Amsllckar


=/- - 19- \ ,

4. RULES C011.1M17TEE Rule No. ' Date of Nomination

1. The Speaker - Chairman 217 27/3/91 2. The Dy. Speaker 3. The Law Minister 4. Shri P. R. Rane 5. Dr. Kashinath Jhalmi 6 . Shri Prakash Velip


- .- 1. Shri Francisco C. Sardinha - Chairman 169 271319 1 2. Shri Shaikh H. Haroon -

3. Shri L u i ~ i a o Faleiro 4. Shri Luis Alex Cardozo 5. Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar 6. Shri Ranu Prabhu Dessai

.V. The Hon'ble officiating Speaker announced the names of the following Members duly elected on Public Accounts Committee (1991 -92)



1. Slui Suresh V. Parulckar - . 2. Shri Subhash Shirodkar 3. Shri Ralkrislma J. Prabhu - - - 4. Shri Luis Mcx Cardozo 5. Slui Dharma V. Chodankar

/ 6. S+i Mohm A. Amshekar

V. A ) Undcr article 179 (c) ofthe Constitution of India Dr. Kashinath Jhalmi moved the Motion for leave of the House to move the following Resolution. -

" That the Dy. Speaker be removed from office of Dy. Speaker of the Goa Legislative Asscnlbly for thc reason that he unconstitutionally the Reviewed decision of earlier Speaker in the matter of disqualification of Shri Ratnakar Chopclekar and Shri Sanjay Bandckar".

VI. The.Hon'ble Spcaker announced tlle name of the following Members duly elected on Estimates Committee

Esfirnates committee

1. Dr. K. G. Jhalnli 2. Shri Surendra V. Sirsat 3. Slui Somna~h D. Zuwarkar 4. Dr. Car1110 K. Pcgado 5. Shri Mmuel-Femanclcs 6 . Shri Victor Gonsalves

Under Rule 170 (1) Slui Surendra V. Sirsat is appointed as Chairman of the Estimates Cormnittee.

/ - 20 - - 1

\'II Vote on Account - -

The Minister for Finance movcd a motion under rule 257 of the Rules of Proccdurc and Contluct of Business of Goa Lcgislative Assembly for vote on Accounts 1991-1992.

\'Ill Government Bills ,


The following Rill was introduced considered, read clause by clause and passed.

Bill wo. 9 of 1991 - Tlle Goa Appropriation ( Vote on Account) Bill, 1991.

Thc Housc is adjoumcd sinc-dic. ,

r STATEMENT NO 5. , Norninalion of Members by Speaker on various committees

Sr. Name of the Committee Name of Mcmbers Rulc under which Dateof - No. nominated . nomination 1 2 3 4 5

1. Business Advisory I . Thc Spcakcr 193 22-391

Commi~~cc 2. Thc Dy. Spcaker 3. hi Chief Minister

L. 4. Thc Law Minister

5 , Lcadcr of Opposition 6 . Shri Luizinho Falciro

2. Privilege Comrnittcc 1. The Dy. Spca;kcr 2 . 6 ~ Wilfred D'Souza 3. Shri 1. B. Gonsalvcs 4. Shri l'ratapsingh R. Rane .5. S l ~ i Surendra Sirsat

3. Committee on Govt. 1. Slui Vassu Paik Gaonkar Assurances ( Chiiirman )

2. Dr. Kashinafl~ G. Jhalmi 203 27-3-91 , 3. Shri Vinayak V. Naik

4. Slzi Subhash A. Shirodkar 5. Shri Churchill Alcmao

- 6 . Miss Farrcl Furtado

4. Committcc on Petitions 1. Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar 204 27-3-91 ( Chairperson ) 2. Shri Shivdas Vcrckar 3. Shri Somnatii D. Zuwarkar 4. Sbri Ralkrishan ( Ashok ) J. Prabhu

i 5. Shri, Churchill Alcmao

6 Miss Farrel ~urtad; /

-/ - - -21 - \

- l 1 2 * 3 4 5

'5. Committce~n 1. SIui Shaikh H. Haroon 2 14 27-7-91 Dclcgated Legislation ( Chairman )

2. Shri Domnic Fcrnandcs 3. Shri Victor Gonsalvcs 4. Shri Mauvin Godinlio- 5. S E i 1"raknsh Vclip 6 . Sllri Mohan A. Amshckar

6. Rulcs committee 1. Tlic Speaker - ~iiairman 217 271319 1 2. The Dy. Speaker 7 . Thc I.sw Minister

- 4. Slui 1'. K. Kanc 5. Dr. Kasliinath Jlislmi 6 . Sl~ri 1'1 :lk;lsh Vqlip -

7. Commitlcc on I . Shri Francisco Sardinlia , e, q- 169 271319 1 Pul~lic Untlcrl:thing\ ( Chairman )

2. Shri Sllsikli H. Haroon *- 3. Sl~ri Luizidio Falciro -e< -

4 be-- Q C A ~ 4. Shui Luis Alcx Cardozg G-a. 5. Smt. Sliashikala Kakodkar fl 6. Shri Kanu I'rabhu Dessai y c c ~ ( 3

8. Libr'uy Cornmihe 1. Shri J. B. Gonsalvcs '

(Chairman ) , 2. Shri Dolnnic Fcmandcs , 3. Slui Ralkrishn a A. J. Prabliu 4. Shri Manuel Fcmandcs 5. Shri DCLI G. Mandrckar 6. Shri Shivdas A. S. Vcrekar

STATEMENT NO. 6 Elcction or Mcnibcrs on. Various committccs

Name pE the Name of the Rulc Undcr Date of Committee Mcmbcrs wl~ich clcc~cd clcct~on

1. Public Accounts Committee 1. Sllri Surcsh V. f'ardekar 27/31 9 1 2. Shri Subhash A. Shirodkar

. ,-%,,,3. Slui Ralkrishna J. 1'r:iMiu by ' 4. Shri Luis Alcx Cardozo *-- wL pa4' 5. Shri Dharn~a Cliodmkar \",-Lo 6. Shri Mollan A. A~nsllckar h-vp.

2. Estimates Committee 1. Dr. Kashincith Jl~almi 2. Shri Surcndra V. Sirsat 3. Shri Somnnlh D. Zuwnrkar 4. Dr. Carno K. l'cgatlo -



~ o m k a t i o n of Membcrs by Speaker on Panel of Presiding Members

3 Sr. Name of the Members Rule No. Date of Nomination No. -

1. Shri Domnic Femandes 11 221319 1 \

2. Slui Vinayak V. Naik

3. Shri Suresh V. Parulckar

4. Shri Prakash S. Velip


Sratistical information r,*p:trtlir~g Go\.c.n~~ncnk Rills .. - -

Da~c Date L ) ; I L ~ of ' Sr. ~ i t le 'o f the Bill Mcrnber in chrg.. 1l):tlc No. $1 f o l . of clausc p'assmg

i t - Consl- by Clausc

1. Rill No. 4 of 1991 - The i'l~ief h.tioi.;t..r 1 3/2/91 191219 1 19/2/91 19/2/91 Goa Agricultural Tenancy - ( Amcndmgnt ) Bill. 1991 4

2. RillNo. 5 of 1991 - Thc Chicf Ministcr 18/2/91 19/2/91 - 19/2/91. 19/2/91 Goa Land usc (Kcgula~io~l Bill, 1991)

3. Rill No.7 of 1991 - The Cliicf Minis~cr 27/2/91 27/2/91 27/2/91 28/2/91 Goa Prcvcntion of ' /

* Malpractices at- University, Rolud and other specified Examination .







Statistical information regarding Private M c ~ n h r s Bills

Sr. Date of Da~c of Date of Date of No. Title of t h e Riu Mcmbcr in Charge introduction considyration clause by - passing Remarks

Clause reading \

1. Rill No. 1 of 1991 - The Goa Shri ~ u k i n h o 221219 1 221319 1 - Rcfcrred to selcct \

Regulation of Employment Falciro Sel/ect Committee and Condi~ions of Senlice of

Migrant Worhncn Rill, 1991

2. Rill No. 2 of 1 991 - The Goa Old Agc Pension Bill 1991

3. RillNo. 3 of 1991 -ThcGoa Unan~l~loynicnt Assistance and self cnlployment Schemc Rill,

' 1991.

I. Tha Gon ~ u n d k a r ( ~rotcction from Eviction ) ( Second Amcndmcnt ) Bill, 1991.

Shri Luizinlio Falciro

Slui Luizinho Faleiro

Shri Luiz A. Cardozo

- Bill was withdrawn by leave of the House

- Referred to Select



Nan-Official Resolutions

1. Nuumber of days alloucd for discussion ............ 2 clays

............ 2. Numbcr of notices of Kcsolutions rcccivcd 18 days .,

3. Numbcr of Noticcs oCrcsolutions/ witlldrawn ............ disallowed/rercrred to Pvlcnlbcrs 3

4. Numbcr of Kcsolutim finally admittcd

............ 5. Numbcr of resolutions movcd and witl~drawn Nil

............ 6 . Nurnbcr or Rcsolutions moved and defcatcd 3

............ 7. Nuhbcr of Kesolutions movcd and adopted 2

- 8. Nufil~cr of Rcsolutions lapsed on propagation


Calling Attention ( Under Rule 61 )

No. of noliccs No. oF noliccs No. of noliccs Siil>jec! in bricf Name of Rlcmbcr Dale on which ~llc rnot~cr rccc~vcd disallowcd/Lapscd admlltcd discusscd

witlldrawn , ---------------

' 5 6 8+1 1. Supply of spoilt Shri A. N. Naik. 281219 1 ( consolidatcd ) Atta by Sahakar , '

Bhandar, l'&aji I

I 2. Fratid of rupccs five Slui A. N. Naik and 211319 1 crores in Exciscl Dr. Kashinalh Jhalrni



3. Break of Saladim Shri A. N. Naik 21/3/91 Irfigation Canal ncar Qucpcm Court

'k 4. Disburscmcnt of fund of Khac!i Shri Surcntira Sirsat

\ 221319 1

I & Village Industry Roard

5. Irregularity in consln~ction Shri A. N. Naik 26/3W 1 ac~ivily in Assnora.


6. Innundation of Saline Slui Victor Gonsalvcs 26/3/91 walcr clue to thc branchcs causcd lo ~ l lc Bund at Murda . I

& hforombi~n -0-Pcqucno.

7. Inadcqua~c watcr supply to Shri Churchill 2613D 1 I

Bzn;ruli~n constilucncy. Alcin:~o 1 I

8. Assnull on Chicf Sllri Surcndra 251319 1 1 Kcportcr of Hcrald Sirsat - .

i ' \ -

\ STATEMENT NO. 12 Dcpartmcnhvise S ta~istical Jnformation of S~larrcd Questions

Dcpartmcnt Admitted as Nolices Ke~licd I'ostlmncd

Koccived Disallowed Unstarrcd Consolidated Lapsed Admitted Orally No& put to Ncxt Not Reacl~ed Session ,

1 1 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11

... ... U.D.D. . 1 1 1 ... 2 ... 4 4 1 1

... ... ... civil supply ' i ... 3 ... 1 1 1

... ... ... ... ... ... Agriculture 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... Social WclT:~rc. , 8 ... 5 1 2 2 ... ... ... ... 4 ... 2 1 1 1 .

... .. ... kESti& 18 3 -. 2 13 6 1 , 6 ... ... P.W. D. x 1 1 28 3 4 45 19 26

... ... ... ... Transpwt 14 1 ' 8 5 3 2 ... ... ... ... lnland M .tt,.~ 7 ... 2 ' 1 4 4

Translwr~ ... ... ... .... ... Tourisill 7 ... 2 5 5

... ... ... ... I'rovdori;~ 6 ... 2 4 2 2 ... ... G. A. 1). 8 . 5 - 1 2 1' 1 1 ... ... ... Co-operalion 10 2 1 7 2 1 4 ... ... Irrigalion 18 ... 8 1 1 8 1 7

I ... ... ... Powcr 17 1 3 5 8 1 7 Official

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Language Ccll 2 2 ... ... ... ... ' 17, ... 10 7 1 6 Education *I

... ... ... Sports 12 ... 2 / 1 9 1 8 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 \

I ' I

i -28 r STATEMENT NO. 13

~ c ~ i r t m c n t r i s r : Statistical infornation udtarrkd Questions

Dcpartmcnt Kcgcivcd Stlured Questions Consolidated iNotices Rep1 jed Postponed lo admitted as Unqtarrcd admitted Orally next Sessiott

2 ... 2 2 ... ... ' U.D.D. ... ... ... Civil Supply 3 3 3

. . . . ... ... Social Wcl fare 5 5 5 ... ... ... R. D. A. , 2 I 2 r 2

... ... Industries 3 ,. . 3 4 P.W:D. ' ... 28 1 27 27 ...

... ... Transport 8 ... 8, 8 ... ... ... - Inland Watcr Transport 2 2 2

2 ... 2 2 ... ... 'I Provedoria

... ... ... Co-Operation 2 2 2 ... ... ... Irrigation 8 8 8 ... ... ... Power 3 3 3 . . . . . ... Official Language Cell ... 2 2 2 ... ... Education \ 10 10 10 ... ... ... ... Sports 2 2 2 ... ... P. H. D. 5 5 5 .,.

I . a . ... ... Protocol 1 1 1

... ... Revenue 4 , . . 4 4 ... ... ... Home 5 ' 5 5 ... ... Labour 4 4 4 .., ... ... Pcrsonncl 5 I 5 5 . . . ... ... ... Law 1 'I 1 ... ... ... S. T. E. 1 7 - 2

... Panchayati K 4 ... - 2 2 >

& Co~nniunit! Dcv. ,

I I1 1 110 I ( I 0 1 -

\ --


I,---- - 29 -

\ STATEMENT NO. 14 ~resent2tion of Reports

Sr. No. Name of the Report Date on which prcscntcd ate of discussion

1. A Report of House Committee 20/2/9 1 Constituted to investigate on the aspect of Pollution, possession of land etc. on Nylon 6,6 Project at I

Kerim Ponda.

Forty Fifth , Forty Sixth and Forty 22/2/91 Seventh Report of the Public Accounts Committee.

A report of the House Cprnrnittee 25/2/91 constituted to investigate into electronic cily at Verna


Thirty Second Report of Government 26/3Pl Assurances committce.


List of papers laB on the Table '

% S[. \ \ a \ .I$,,.. I Laid by Date on which laid on the Table of the House

-- 1. Tlic ~ n n u a l ~ ~ p o r t of Goa Public Chief Minister 22/2/9 1

'Scrvicc Comn~ission . 2. The Goa Prevention of Malqractices Chief Minister 25/2/9 1

at university Board and other Specified ,

Exanintitions Ordinance i990.

3. 2 Notifications under Sub-Section Minister f i r (1) OF stction (3) of Goa Daman & for Industries Iliu Ol'licial L:tn<uap Act, 1987.

4. Tllc Audit Keport of Goa Minister for 25/3/91 Housing Board for the Year . Housing - 1988-89.

5. The ~ n n u n l Report 1989-90 Ministcr for Power 25/3/9 1 of the Goa Meat-Complex . Housing C


- -.-. - 30 -- I



Demands for Supplementary Grants for thc year 1990-91


No. of Dcmands Number of Demands Discussed . No. of Demands ~ c m k moved guillotined


33 Demand No. 1 - Statc Legislature - Demand No. 2 - Gcncral Administration


Dcmand No. 3 - Administration of Juslice and Elections Dcmand No. 4 - Revcnuc Administrat,ion Demand No. 5 - Road Transport Dcmand No. 7 - Treasury and Accounts Adminisgation Dcrnand No. 8 - Policc ( Charged ) Dcmand No. 9 - Jails DcmandNo. 11- Stationcry and Printing Demand No. 12.- Public Works and Housing Dcmand No. 13 - Misccllancous Gcncral Scrviccs Dcmand No. 14 - Education, Sport, Art and Culture Dcmand No. 15 - Mcdic J Family wclfarc

. Dcmand No. 16 - Water Supply and Sanitation Demar;d No. 17 - Urban Dcvelopmcnt Dcrnand No. 18 - Inrormation & Publicity Dcmand No. 19 - Social Wclfarc and Nutrition Dcrnand No. 20 - Labowr and Employmcnt Demand No. 21 - Agriculture -

Demand do. 22 - Animal Husbandry - Demand No. 23 - Fishcrics Demand No. 24 - Forestry and Wild Life r Dcmand No. 26 - Co-opcration & Markcling Dcmand No. 27 - Comn~unity Dcvclopmcnt Dcmand No. 28 - Spccial Arca Programme, Dcmand No. 29 - Irrigation and Flood Control Dcmand No. 30 - Energy Dcmand No, 31 - Industries and Mincrals

,' Dcmand No. 32 - Ports and Inland Transport Dcrnand No. 33 - Koads and Bridgcs ,Dcmcind No. 34 - Tourism

, Dcmand-No. 35 - Loans and Advanccs to Government Scrvants ctc. @ -- . ,

- 31 -


Announcement of Assent to Bills

Sr. No. Name of the Bill Date on which Whelher asscntcd by assent announced Prcsidcnt

or Convemor

1 Bill No. 8 of 1990 - The Goa Mundkar 191219 1 Governor

- (Protection from Eviction ) (Aqncndment ) Bi11,1990

2. Rill No. 9 of 1990 -The Goa (Extensioh ' 19/2/1991 . of Dowry Prohibition Act) Bill, 1990

3. Bill No. 10 of 1990 - The Goa Public 1 91219 1 Money ( Recovery of Dues ( Arr~endment ) Bill, 1990

4. Bill NO. 11 of 1990'- The Lkgislative 19/2/9 1 Diploma No. 2070 dated 15/4/1961 ' ( Amendment )Bill, 1990. 'V

1 5. Bill No. 12 of 1990- The Goa Motor 19/21!) 1 Vehicle Taxation on Passengers and 1

Goods ( Amendment ) Bill, 1990. .

6. Bill No. 13 of 1990 - The Goa Sales Tax' 19/2/91 (Amendment ) and Validation Bill, 1990

7. Bill No. 15 of 1990 - the Goa Sales Tax 19/2/91 . - ( Amendment ) Bill, 1990.

8. Xi11 No. 16 of 1990 - The Goa ~ o t o r . 191219 1 vehicle Tax ( Amendment ) Bill, 1990

9. * Bill No. 17 of 1990 - the Goa Change 191219 1 of Name and Surname Bill, 1990

10. Rill No. 18 of 1990 - Thc Goa Ferries Rill. 19@/91 1990. -

11. f 4 i I I NO 19 of 19'30 - The Goa Salaries 19/21'> 1 - k AII~ ,J~ .~ I IL r\ of Mrril~icrs ( Amendment )

I Rkli. A3')I , '.