A BRIEF REPORT the Business Transacted during the Second Session [Merch-April) 1980 of the Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu

Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

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Page 1: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


the Business Transacted during the

Second Session [Merch-April) 1980


the Fifth Legislative Assembly


Goa, Daman and Diu

Page 2: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April



Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April) 1980 of the Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu prepared in pursuance of the provisions of rule 270 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Goa, D m a n and Diu Legislative Assembly. Statistical information in regard to some of the items is also given wherever possible.

Assembly Ball, Panaji, July, 1980.


Secretary to the Legislative Assembly of Qoa, Daman and Mu

Page 3: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Pg. No.

Brief Report of the Second Session (March-April) 1980 of the Go4 Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly ... ... ... ... ... 1

Statement No. 1 -Dates of Meetings . .. ... .. . . .. ,.. ... 4

Statement No. 2 -Attendance of Members . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 5

Statement. No. 3 - Percentage of Attendance of Members . . . . . . . . . 6

Statement No. 4- Summary of Business transacted by the Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Assembly day to day during the Second Session, 1980 ... ... . . . ... ... . .. ... ... . :. . .. ... 7-36

Statement No. 5 - Meetings of various Committees during Session period 36

Statement No. 6-Statistical information regarding Government Bills 37-38

Statement No. 7 -Statistical information regarding Private Members' 1 . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... 39

Statement No. 8 - Non-Official Resolutions . . . ... ... ... ... 40

Statement No. 9 -Notices under Rule 59 (half an hour discussion) ... 41

Statement No. 10 -Notices under Rule 61 (Calling attention) ... . .. 41-43

Statement No. 11 -Notices under Rule 74 (Breach of Privilege) . . , . . . Statement No. 12 - Divisions . . . . . . ... ... ... ,.. ... Statement No. 13 - Departmentwise statistical information of Starred

Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statement No. 14 - Departmentwise Statistical information of Unstar-

red Questions ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . Statement No. 15 - Disposal of Short Notice Questions . . . ..* ... Statement No, 16 - Departmentwise Statistical information of Short

Notice Questions . . . ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... Statement No. 17 - Presentation of Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statement No. 18 - List of papers laid on the Table of the House . . . Statement No. 19 - Demands for Supplementary Grants for the year

1979-80 ... . . . ... ,.. ... ... ... ... . . . ... Statement No. 20 - Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81 . .. . .. 50-51

Statement No. 21-Cut motions to Demands for grants for the year 1980-81 ... . . . . . . , . . ... .*. ... ... ... ... 51

Statement No. 22 -Statement showing the dates on which the perfor- mances Budgets circulated among the members ... ... ... ... 52

Statement No. 23 -Announcement of assent to Bills ... ... ... 53

Page 4: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

Brief &port of the Seoond Session (March-April) 1980 of the Fith // Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu

The Second Session (March-April) 1980 of the Fifth Legislative Assembly of m a , Daman and Diu commenced a t the Assembly Hall, Panaji on Tuesday, the 25th March, 1980. 19 meetings were held and the total time taken for the Business of the meetings was 74 hrs. and 47 minutes.

Administratark Address

The Administrator addressed the Legislative Assembly under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of Govt. of Union territories Act, 1963 on 25th March, 1980. A copy of the Administrator's Address was laid on the table of the House on the same day. The Mokon of Thanks to the Administrator's address was moved on 31st March, 1980. Amendments were moved to the said motion and were rejected by the Housa Discus- sion on the Motion of Thanks took place on 3lst March, 1980.

Motion of Condolence

On 25th March, 1980 Motions for Condolences were moved (i) on passing away of Loknayak Jaiprakash Narayan (ii) on the death of Telo Mascarenhas, a gwat freedom fighter and distinguished son of Ooa.

On 7th April, 1980 motion for condolence was moved mourning the sudden tragic death of Smt. Shanta Jog, Shri Jairam Hardikar and others a t Kameri village near Karad on 5th April, 1980.

. ..

Government Legislative Business

Eleven Bills- were introduced during the Session out of which 10 were prtssed and 1 kept pending.

(Vide Statement No. 6 )

Private Members? Bills

Three Private Member's Bills were introduced during the Session out of which 1 Bill was defeated a t the introduction stage, and 2 Bills were withdrawn with the leave of the House at the consideration stage.

(Vide Statement No. 73

Supplememtary Demands for grants for the year 1979-80 were presented to the Rouse on 27th March, 1980. The discussion and voting on these demands took place on 27th March, 1980. All the Demands were passed.

(Vide Statement No. 19)

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Vote of Account for the year 1980-81 were presented to the Houee on 27th M-~A, 1980. The discussion on Vote on Account took place on the same day and the Motion\ for Vote on Account was carried. The Budget for the year 1980-81 was presented to the House on 26th Xarch, 1980. The General Discussions on the. Budget-took place for 2 days i. e. 1st and 2nd April, 1980. Discussion and Voting on the Demands fpr grants took place for 9% days i. e. 7th,-,8th, 9th, loth, 14th, 15th, .16th, l?th, 2lst and 22nd April, 1980, (upto 4.30 p. m.). In all 26 demands were submitted to the Vote of the House. All the Demands were passed.

(Vide Statement No. 20)

Fourteen cut-motions wme tabled and 11 were admitted and moved. -

(Vide Statement No. 21) - . -.-

. . . . . . Starred and Unstarred Questions - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >

Noticed of 662 Starred Questions and 10 Unstarred Questions were received.

Questions Starred Unstarred Total --

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received ... 662 10 672' . . . . . .

' Admitted . . . . . . . . . . . ... .-. ... 493 -10 . . . .5Q3

Consolidated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 45 - - 45- - .

Starred questions admitted as Unstarred . . . . . . - 74 74

Dissalowed, withdrawn referred to Members etc. 33 - 33

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Replied 207 84 291 . . -- . ., Lapsed . -:.; " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . .- 1 6

. ~

,- , . . . ... Postponed i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 16

* (Vide Statement Nos. 13 & 14)

Short Notiee Queskions

Two Short Notice Question were received. Both were admitted. . . .

(Vide statement nos. 15 and 16)

Non-Off icial Resolutions . - , , -

28th March, 1980, 11th and 18th April, 1980 were allotted for private l$ekbem9 ~usiness. 142 Notices of Resolutions were received pu t of which 141 were admitted.

(-Vide Statement No. 8)

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Out of 47 Calling attention notices 32 were admitted and 9 were bracketted.

(Vide Statement No. 10)

Other RZotions

Wllowing motions for congratulations were moved and carried.

1. Motion congratulating Mrs. Indira Gandhi for winning the Parliamentary Elections with majority and her assuming the Office of the- Prime Minister of India.

2. Motions felicitating Dempo Sports Club on their repeated performance of winning Rover's Cup.

3. Motion Associating with pride the celebration of Konkani Day which coincides with the date of anniversary of Shenoy Goembab.

4. Motion appreciating the enthusiasm shown by the people to celebrate the Tricentenary Death Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on 14th April, 1980.

5. Snri Luizinho Faleiro moved a motion condemning the attempt on the life of Smt. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister.

Half and hour discussion

One notice of halfwan hour discussion was received and admitted and was fixed for discussipn on 15th April, 1980.

(Vide Statement No. 9)

Presentation of Reports

28th and 29th Reports of the Public Accounts Committee were presented to the House on 25th March, 1980.

(Vide Statement No. 17)

. -

Other Announmments

Administrator's Assent to three Bills were announced.

(Vide Statement No, 23)

Division's' were claimed 4 times during the Session.

(Vide Statement No. 12)

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Statement No. 1 : i

Dates o meetings

Sr. No. Date of meeting Time of meetings Total period

From To H M

Total Time

Page 8: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


9 STA-T. No. 2

-./' Attendance of Membera (excluding-Speaker, Dy. Speaker and Mhistere)

- - - - - Date Present Absent

- - - - .

25th March, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 22 - 26th March, 1980 ... ... ... ... .,. 22 - 27th March, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 22 - 28th March, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 21

31st March, 1980 ... ... ... ... . . . 21

1st April, 1980 ... ... . . . . . . . . . 21

2nd April, 1980 ... ... ... .. . ... 20

7th April, 1980 ... ... ... ,., ... . 20

8th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 20

9th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... .,. ' 21

10th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... .,. 21

11th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 19

14th April, 1980 , . .; - . . . . . . ... ... 19

15th April, 1980 . ... ... . . . . . . . . . 21

16th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 20

17th April, 1980 ... ... . . . . . . . . . 21

18th April, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... 19

21at April, 1980 ... ... . . . . . . . . . 21

22nd April, 1980 ... ... ... ... ... , 21

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', Percentage of attendance of artch members of the Legislative Assembly

(Excluding the Spesker. Dy . Speaker and Ministers)

Name of xnetnber No . of days attended in Percentage- the session

1 . Shri Deu Gunaji Mandrekar . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 100%

... 2 . Shri Ramakant Dattaram Khalap ... ... 19 100%

. . . . . . . . . 3 . Shri Chandrakant Uttam Chodankar 19 100%

4 . Dr . De Souza Wilfred Tito Fermino ... ... ... 17 89.47 %

5 . Shri Shamsunder Jairam Nevagi ... . . . . . . 19 100%

6 . Shri Vishnu Rama Naik . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 19 100%

7 . Shri Vishnu Anant Naik . . . . . . . . . ... ... 19 100%

8 . Shri Michael A . C . Fernandes ... . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

9 . Shri Vinayak Dharma Chodankar . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

1 . Shri Teotonio F . P . Pereira ... . . . . . . ... 19 100% "

11 . Shri Babuso Savlo Gaunkar . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 100%

12 . Shri Ramchandra Tukararn Prabhu . . . . . . . . . 17 89.479e

13 . Shri Gurudas V . Naik Tari ... . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

14 . Shri Dilkush F . Dessai . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 11 57.89%

15 . Shri Vassv Faik Gaonkar ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73f&

16 . Shri Mario Emerciane Vaz ... . . . . . . . . . 19 100%

17 . Shri Francisco F . F . D . Cruz . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 73.68%

18 . Shri Luizlnho J . Faleiro ... . . . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

19 . Shri A . N . Naik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

20 . Shri H . Dourado ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 19 100%

21 . Shri Narsinhbhai Lallubhai Tandel . . . . . . ... 16 8421%

. 22 . Dr Samji Bhika Solanki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 94.73%

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Summary of business transacted by the Goa, Darnan and Diu Legislative Assembly day to day during the Second Session, 1980

Tuesday, +he 25th March, 1980

I. The Administrator Colonel Partap Singh Gill delivered his address. /'

11. The Secretary laid on the table of the House a copy of the Administrator's Address.

111. The Chief Minister laid the following papers on the table of the House: - (i) The Annual Report of the Economic Development Corporation of Goa,

Daman and Diu Ltd., for the year 1978-79.

(ii) The Accounts and Audit Reports of the Goa, Daman and Diu Industrial Development Corporation for the year 1977-78.

IV. Shri He~culano Dourado moved the following motions for condolence: - (i) "This House pays its homage to the Lok Nayak, the valiant freedom

fighter, social reformer, great thinker and crusader for the uplift of the down- trodden. In J. P's death our country has lost a great humanist. His contribution in the nation building and his dedicated l i e will continue to inspire younger generation to contribute their might in the task of building this nation."

The motion proposed. Four members took part in the debate.

Motion was put to vote and passed unanimously. The Members stood in silence for two minutes as a mark of respect to the departed soul.

(a) "This House condoles the death- of Shri Telo Mascarenhas, a great freedom fighter and a distinguished son of Goa."

The motion proposed. Three members took part in the debate. The motion was put to vote and carried. The members stood in silence for one minute a s a mark of respect to the departed soul.

V. Shri Herculano Dourado moved the following motions for congratulation: - (i) "This House congratulates Mrs. Indira Gandhi for wining the Parliamen-

tary elections with such a majority and on he^ assuming the office of t ? ~ e Priqle Minister of India and wishes her all success in running an efficient and clean Govt. for the benefit of the people of our great country."

Tbe motion proposed. Nine members took part in the debate. The motion was put to vote and passed unanimously.

(ii) "This House warmly felicitates Dempo Sports Club on their repeated performance of w$nhg Rover's Cup which achievement by a Goan teaan made the aOans proud," - . .

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i ' The motion proposed. Four members took part in the debate. The motion wqs

put to vote and passed unanimously. \ VI. The Secretary laid on the table of the House the following Bill passed by the

House and assented to by the Administrator.

Bill no. 1 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Diu Appropriation Bill, 1980.

VII. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committeei-presented. the .28th and 29th Reports of the Public Accounts Committee (1980-81) to the House.

VIII. Hon. Speaker informed the House about the Report of the Business Advisory Committee. The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved for the adoption of the Report. The motion for adoption of the Report was put to vote and carried.

IX. Minister for Legislative Affairs announced the business to be transacted during the week.

X. The Minister for Finance (Chief Minister) presented and laid before the House Supplementary Demands for Graats for the year 1979-80.

Wednesday, +he 26+h March, 1980

I. (i) ~hir teen starred questions were answered.

(ii) One Starred question was postponed.

(iii) Five Starred q u e s t i o ~ ~ were not reached and were transferred to unstarred list

11. (1) S/Shri Dilkush F. Desai, V. D. Chodankar and R. D. Khalap, called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Grave situation prevailing due to erruption of violence on 25-3-80 wherein 14 policemen and Mr. Mathany Saldanha, General Secretary of 'Goenchea Ram- ponkarancho Ekvott' having received injuries during demonstration organised by All Goa Mechanised Boat owner Association in protest of Government's 5 km. order and enforcement of Section 144 of Cr. P. C. banning fishing in coastal area in 5 km. zone and steps Govt. intend to take in the matter".

The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

(2) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Serious apprehension in the minds of the people over the alleged murder of one Surya Morajkar of Britona whose dead body was reportedly found in the verandah of his house and the action Government taken in the matter".

The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

III. The Minister for Finance (Chief Minister) presented and laid before the House the Annual Financial Statement for the year 1980-81,

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1 i

7 Thursday, the 27th March, 1980


I. (i) Ten Starred Questions were answered.

(ii) Four Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred list.

11. (1) Shri A. N. Naik called the attention of the Minister for Education to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Serious unrest amongst the students of Chowgule College and the teaching community in the territory due to the unfair and arbitrary dismissal of some professors by the management of Chowgule College and action Government intends to take in the matter".

The Minister of Education made a statement thereon.

(2) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Chief Minister to the fol- lowing matter of urgent public importance: -

"Serious apprehension in the minds of the people on the reported dis- appearance of Smt. Kushavati Gaonkar who was recently acquitted from the charges of murdering her minor children and steps Government taken or intend to take in the matter".

The Chief Minister made a statement thereon. Few questions were also replled by way of clarification.

(3) The Chief Minister made a statement in respect of the Calling atternon notice raised by Shri R. D. Khalap, regarding alleged murder of one Shri Surya Marajkar of Britona to which his attention was called on 26-3-1980.

111 The Minister for Finance (Chief Minister) moved a motion under Section 31(1) of the Govt. of Union Territories Act, 1963 for Vote on Accounts 1980-81, Motion proposed, put to vote and carried.

IV. Diseussicm and Voting on Supplenlentary Demands for Grants for the year 1979-80.

The fallowing Demands were discussed, put to vote and granted.

Demand No. l- Union Territory Legislature and Elections

Demand No. 2 - Miscellaneous General Services.

Demand No. 3 - Administration of Justice.

Demand No. 4 - Land Revenue, Stamps and Registration.

Demand No. 5 - State Excise, Sales Tax and other Taxes and Duties.

Demand No. 6 - Taxes on Vehicles - Appropriation - Interest payment (Charged) (discussion

only - -

Demand No. 7 - Police and ??ire Services. - .

Demand No. 8 -Jails.

Demand No. 11 - Pension.

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-. 10 - ~ e m a n h ~ o l . 12 -Public Works, Housing and Urban Development. (

Demand No. 13 -Roads and Bridges.

Demand No: 14 - Education, Art and Culture.

Demand No. 15 - Medical, Flamily Welfare, Public Health, Sanitation and Water Supply.

Demand No. 18 - SociaJ Security and Welfare, Relief on Account of Natural Calamities and Food.

Demand No. 19 + Cmperatim and Community Devdopmmt.

Demand No. 21 - Agriculture and Allied semices.

Demand No. 22 - Irrigation and Powefr Projects.

Demand No. 24 4 Road and Water Transport Services (including Ports). - Appropriation - Public Debt (charged) (discussion only).

V. G w e 8 m e n t Bills.

The following Bills were introduced, considered, read clause by clause and passed:

1) Bill no. 5 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Diu Supplementary Appro- priation Bill, 19880.

2) Bill no. 6 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Diu Appmpriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 1980.

Friday, the 28th March, 1980

I. i) Nine Starred Questions were answered.

ti) Three Starred Questions were1 postponed,

iii) Fourteen Starred' Questions were not reached and were tramfered to unstarred list.

11. The Chief Minister laid the following papers on the table of the House:

1 ) The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty-Fifth Amendment) Rules, 1979.

2) The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty-Sixth Amendment) Rules, 1979.

3) The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty-Seventh Amendment) Rules, 1979.

4) The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty Eighth Amendment) Rules; 1979.

171. The Minister for Legislative Affairs announced the business to be tran- sacfed during the week.

Dr. (1) Shri C. U. Chodankar, called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Acute shortage of cement and serious inconvenience to the public on account of present system of distribuition d cement restricting to maximum

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of five bags on the strengh of certificate issued by village Panchayats and -/ steps Government intends to take in the matter."

The Chief Minister made a statement thereon.

(2) Shri A. N. Naik, called the attention of the Minister for Health to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Serious breach of trust and propriety committed by the erstwhile Goa Government on the reported news of misleading the Government of India by deliberately submitting wrong informati- that a one man enquiry Committee was appointed to go into various allegations made by a local advocate Shri Gopal V. Tamba regarding cases of corruptiosn in ~ e ' a l t h Department by memoranda dateu 28th May, 1977, 16th July, 1977 and 1Gth August, 1977 and

action taken by present popular Government into this grave matter."

The Minister for Public Health asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

V. Private Members' Business :

1) Bills:

(i) Bill No. 2 of 1980-The Goa, Daxnan and Diu Agricultural Tenancy (Amendment) Bill, 1980 by Shri R. D. Khalap.

Shri A. D. Khalap, moved that the leave may be granted to introduce the Bill, The motion proposed. Tho members took part in the debate. The motion for leave to introduce the Bill was put to vote and defeated.

(ii) Bill No. 3 of 1980. -The Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control (Fifth Amendment) Bill, 1980 by Shri Luizinho Faleiro, was introduced.

2 ) Resolutio.rts: ( i ) Resolution No. 9 by Shri Herculano Dourado.

"This House recommends Government to construct a bridge linking St. Jacinto island with Zorint, Dabolim.

Resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. Resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

(ii) Resolution No. 1 by Shri V. D. Chodankar,

"This House recommends Government to construct a bridge linking Cum- barjuai with Gaundali as a facility to the people of these areas".

Resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate, Resolution Was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

(iii) Resolution Nol. 8 by Shri V. D. Chodankas.

"This House recommends Government to construct a bridge linking Orondo Chodan with Britona as a facility to the people of this areas".

The resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. Resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House,

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(iv) Resolution No. 3 by Shri Francisco Monte Gruz.

"This House strongly recommends Government to start a Higher Secondary -

School a t Khandola-Marcel".

Resolution proposed. Three members took psrt in the debate. Resolution was was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

(v) Resolution No. 10 by Shri D. G. Mandrekar:

"This House recommends Government to erect the statue of late Dr. Baba- saheb Ambedkar, an Architect, of Indian Constitution, a great social reformer, and a great leader who dedicated his life for the cause of downtrodden; in the capital city of the Union territory of Goa, D a ~ a n and Diu".

Resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. Resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

Monday, the 3 1 st March, 1980

I. i) Twelve Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Nine Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred list.

11. Motion under Rule-123.

Shri R. D. Khalap moved the following motion:

"This House appreciates the enthusiasm shown by the people of Goa in organizing the appropriate functions to celebrate the tricentenary Death Anni- versary of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and expresses the hope that people shall continue to follow the enlightened path shown by this great national leader".

The motion proposed, put to vote and carried.

111. The Chief Minister laid on the Table of the House a statement of his assets.

IV. The secretary laid on the Table of the House the following Bills passed by the House and assented to by the Administrator:

( i) Bill No. 5 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Supplementary Appro- priation Bill, 1980.

(ii) Bill No. 6 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 1980.

V. Shri C. U. Chodankar, called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Serious apprehension in the minds of the people on the reported news of large scale adulteration of liquor and fear in the minds of people as an health hazard and steps taken by Government in the matter".

The Chief Minister made a statement thereon. Few Questions were &so replie.' by way of clarification,

Page 16: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

(ii) Shri Luizinho Faleiro called the attention of the Minister for Public Health

., ,,fib the following matter of urgent public importance: - -4

"Fear and alarm created in the minds of the people of coastal areas and workers of M/s. Zuari Agro Chemicals due to high percentage of Amonical Nitrogen and Phosphate found in the effluent on 30-3-1980 a t 0800 hours and 1600 hours and the steps Government intends to take in the matter".

The Minister for Public Health asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

(iii) The Chief Minister made a statement in respect of calling attention notice raised by S/Shri D. I?. Desai, V. D. Chodankar, and R. D. Khalap; regarding errup- tion of violence broken on 25th March, 1980 during demonstration organised by All Goa Mechanised Boat Owners Association in protest of Government's 5 Kms. order and enforcement of section 144 of Cr. P. C. banning fishing in coastal area in 5 Km. Zone.

VI. Shri A. N. Naik moved the following motion of thanks to the Administrator's Address:

"That an Address be presented to the Administrator on the following terms:

"That the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu assembled in this Session are deeply grateful to the Administrator for the address which he has been pleased to deliver to the House on 25th

March, 1980."

The motion propolsed. Shri Luizinho Faleiro seconded the motion.

Shri R. D. Khalap moved the fallowing amendments:

"That a t the end the following be added:

But regrets that -

a ) The address is only a glorification of the activities during the Presi- dent's rule and the present Government cannot take any credit for the same.

b) The address makes no mention of

i) The measures to provide facilities for the Goan youth to get proper training for examination conducted by U. P. S. C.

ii) Utter failure of the Government to maintain law and order within the territory in General and along the coastal line in particular.

iii) Utter failure of the Government to detect the alleged murderer Dr. Paranjape who c~~mmitted double murder in the city.

iv) .failure to disclose any time bound programme for Nationalization of Bus transport inspite of a clear undertaking given by the Ruling Party in the Party's election Manifesto.

v) Decision to allot 50% quota of cement to private dealers thereby promoting blackmarketing in the territory;

vi) Unwarranted sealing of oil storage tanks by the Vasco Muni- cipality for more than 24 hours thereby causing heavy losses to the Nation.

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vii) Utter failure to give solace to the toiling tenants that thek shall be made owners of the land tilled by them. k, -

viii) Unwarranted delay in appointing the Chairman for the ' - Housing Board.

ix) Failure to appoint Regional Planning Board, for the city of Mapusa.

X) Need to upgrade economically viable Village Panchayats like Sankhali, Sanvordem-Cudchorem to the status Municipalities.

xi) Unleashing a tremendous wave of illicit distillation of Feni from Navsagar, rotten jaggery etc.

xii) Lifting of all dry days except birth aniversary of Mahatma Uadhi which appears to be contradiction.

xiii) Steps to demarcate the 5 Kms. luke and to solve the problem of Ramponkars, Magkars and Trawler operators.

xiv) Steps to up-grade the Primary Health Centre Tuem and to set up Rural Health Centres a t Keri-Tiracol, Torshem, Kansarvarnem, Ibrampur and other remote areas of the territory;

XV) Steps to set up University for Goa and enact Education Act. xvi) Delay in completing the sports complex a t Pedem. xvii) The shabby and disgraceful organization of Shigmo Festival

procession. xviii) Steps taken to construct a floating bridge across River Colvale

pending the completion of the main bridge. xix) Steps to improve the Tourist Centres a t Harmal, Mandrem,

Morgim, Keri and Tiracol. XX) Legislation on mining rejects. xxi) Soaring prices of firewood as well as its non-availability. xxii) Steps to set up Industrial Estate a t Pedne xxiii) Measures taken for establishment of the factory a t Tuem by

Hindustan Antibiotics. xxiv) Unwarranred delay in appointing fhe Chairman of Economic

Development Corporation. XXV) Steps to construct a building for I. T. I. a t Pernem. xxvi) Steps to increase Power for Industrial and domestic use. xxvii) Need to provide an additional ferry-service a t Siolim-Chopdem

and s new ferry a t Morjim-Gudem and the steps intended to be taken i~ the matter."

Shri Babuso S. Gaonkar moved the following amendments:

"That a t the end of the motion the following be added namely: - But regret that- there is no mention in the address about-

1) The plight of tillers and mundcars;

2) Starting of new courses other than Engineering;

3) Aforestration and full-fledged measures taken there on;

4) Negligence and bad administration of Navigaton;

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5) Measures to solve the day to day increasing labour problems;

6 ) Failure to provide subsidy and protection to agriculturists;

7) Failure to provide playground facilities as a meamre to develop sports;

8) The aweful growth of unemployment in this territory and failure to remedy the situation;

9) failure to implement the housing scheme to the poorer section of the people;

iO) Failure to control the rising prices and changing fares in hotels and restaurants as the Gwners feel:

11) Failure to improve the conditions of S. C./S. T. and other backward communities and steps taken to include Gauda, Dhanger, Velip, Jogi and Kunbis in the Scheduled Tribe;

12) Steps to improve tourist facilities a t Kerim, Marcela etc.

13) Delay in appointing Managing Director to Sanjivani Sugar Factory;

14) Failure to open Balwadis in different villages;

15) Need to provide ferry service between Tonca-Marcaim to Agasairn;

16) Steps taken by Government to construct buildings to house Govern- ment Offices;

17) Failure to send Goan youth for trainbng that will require for slaughter house."

All the amendments to the motion of thanks were put to vote a d defeated. 14 members took part in the debate.

The sitting of the House extended upto 8.52 p.m.

The Motion of Thanks put to vote and carried.

Tuesday, the Is+ April, 1980

I. i) Seven Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Twenty eight Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred list.

11. (1) Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Tense situation prevailing in the area of Cansaulim and Arossim and other coastal villages due to indiscriminate extraction of sand from the beaches thereby causing damage to cashew trees, coconut plantation, houses and the fields and likely breach of peace in view of the ensuing monsoons when the situation is likely to be aggravated and the problem of law and order situation may crop up as on last two occasions the Village Pachayat Offices have been gheraosd by the villagers of the above coastal'areas."

Chief Minister made a statement thereon. Few questions were replied by way of clarification,

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2) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of Minister for Public Health to thje following matter of urgent public importance: - l-

\ '--/

"Grave situation arising out of lack of the Gongrene Syrup in the Asilo and Goa Medical College resulting in amputation of a limb of a young girl in the Asilo Hospital and steps to prevent recurrence of such emergencies taken by Government".

The Minister of Public Health asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

IlI. General discussion on Annual Financial Statement for the year 1980-81.

Ten members took part in the debate. The debate on general discussion was not concluded.

Wednesday, the 2nd April, 1980

I. 1) Eleven Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Eighteen Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred list.

11. Shri A. N. Naik raised a question of breach of privilege arising out of a letter from Mrs. Usha Sharad Vengurlenkar published in 'Navprabha' in its issue dated 10th April, 1980.

ITI. The Minister for Legislative Affairs announced the business to be trans- acted during the week.

N. The Chief Minister laid the following papers on the table of the House: - The Goa, Daman & Diu Minor Minerals Extraction and Removal (Amend-

ment) Rules, 1979.

V. (i) S/Shri R. D. Khalap & D. G. Mandrekar called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Tension prevailing in the Harijan Community of Mapusa due to the decision of Samata Sanvardhaneshu Samaj of .Mapusa to impose social boycot upon the family of one Vaikunth Kenaudekar".

The Chief Minister made a statement thereon. Few questions were also replied by way of clarification.

(ii) Shri A. N. Naik, called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Hardship faced by several industrial entrepreneurs due to cancellation of provisional registrations granted to them during the period between 1972 to 1978 and which later became time-barred and steps taken by the Government to enable these applicants to start these units".

The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

(iii) Minister for Health made a statement in respect of the calling attention v notice raised by Shri A. N. Naik, regarding reported news of misleading the

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Povernment of India by deliberately submitting wrong information about the *J appointment of one man inquiry committee to go into various allegations made

by local advocate Shri Gopal V. Tamba regarding cases of corruption in Health Department.

(iv) Minister for Public Health made a statement in respect of the Calling Attention Notice raised by Shri Luizinho Faleiro, regarding high percentage of amonical nitrogen and phosphate found in the effluent to which his attention was called on 31-3-1980.

V. General discussion on Annual Financial Statement for the year 1980-81 The discussion resumed.

The sitting of the House was extended.

15 members took part in the debate. The debate on C3enera.l Discussion was concluded.

Hon'ble Speaker informed the House about the letter received from Adminis- trator acknowledging the Motion of Thanks passed by the House.

Monday, the 7th April, 1980

I. i) Nine Starred Question were answered.

ii) Three Starred Questions were postponed.

iii) One Starred Question was not reached and was transferred to ustarred list.

11. Shri R. D. Khalap moved the following motion for condolence:

"This House deeply mourns the sudden and tragic death of Srnt. Shanta Jog, Shri Jayram Hardikar and six other a t Kameri village near Karad in Sanqli d'istrict in the small hours of Saturday the 5th April, 1980. In the death of Smt. Shanta Jog and Shri Jairam Hardikar the Marathi stage in h h a has lost its stalwarts. Goan lovers of Marathi dramas and films cannot forget the height of Smt. Jog's acting pkrfonnance. Her death has created a void in the Marathi stage which will not be easily filled in the near future?

The troup belonged to the Goa Hindu Association which is a premier c~iltural organization of Goans in Bombay. The Association's 1w.s is irreparable.

This I I w bows in deep respect of the memory of the departed souls." The motion proposed, put to vote and carried. Thereafter members observed

2 minutes silence as a mark of respect to the departed soul.

1) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Minister for Education to the following matter of urgent public importance :-

"Strong resentment expressed by the people of Me~ces upon the repor- tea news of a school building there used for the purpose obf gambling and repeated incidences of defiling the place by miscreants coupled with the apathy d the authorities to prevent such abuses,"

The Minister for Education made a statement thereon. Few questions were replied by way d clarification.

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2) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Ministe~ for Public Healt! to the following matter of urgent public importance :-

"Grave situation arising in the Asilo Hospital Mapusa, due to breakdowr of X-Ray machinery and equipment and the serious consequences upon the fuctioning of the Hospital."

Tne Minister for Public Health asked for time to reply the calling attation notice.

3) The Minister for Public Health made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by Shri R. D. Khalap regarding lack d gas gangrene spy ! in the Asilo Hospital and Goa Medical College to which his attention was called on 1st April, 1980.

IV. Ruling by the Speaker:

Hon'ble Speaker gave the following Ruling: - "Before we resume the discussion and voting I would like to lay down the

procedure to be adopted by us with regard to time limit etc.

Under Rule 12(1) the Administrator has allotted 9% days for discussion and voting on demands and under sub-rule (2) of the said rules the Leader of the House has determined the order of discussion of demands which was communicated to the Hon. Members by Bulletin Part 11. As per the practice followed in recent years, the demands for grants will be put to vote on the respective day for which they are set forth for discussion.

The normal sitting of the House is upto 6.45 p. m. Excluding the question hour, statement on calling attention notices, other motion etc. and time for recess we may get approximately 2 hours for discussion and voting on demands fixed for the day. In this 2 hours, one hour will be allotted for Hon. Members and o m hour for the reply of Ministers. Within one hour alloted for Hon. Members XO minutes will be assigned to Shri R. D. Khalap and 10 minutes to Shri V. A. Naik and 40 minutes will be divided among all other members who wish to . participate in the debate.

I think I have made it clear, the demands set forth for the day v@ll be put to vote at 6.45 p. m, in case discussion is not concluded earlier."

T'. Discussion and Voting on Demands for grants for the year 1980-81. Demand No. 16 - Information and Publicity.

Demand No. 19 - Co-operation and Community Develbpmeat. Ten members took part in the debate. Demands were put to vote and carried,

Tuesday, the 8th April, 1980

1. i) Thirteen Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Fifteen Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Un- \/ s t a r r d List.

A n . The Chief Minister made a statement regarding indiscriminate extraction of aanti from beaches to which his attention was called en lst April, 5980.

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)? 111. Ruling by the Speaker I./

The Speaker addressed the House on the extraction of sand as under:

"Honourable Members, Shii Herculano Dourado and Francisco Monte Cruz had brought to the attention of the Honourable Chief Minister the grave problem posed by the indiscriminate extraction of sand by holders of mining leases granted by the Government by a calling attention notice on 1st April, 1980.

It was brought to the notice of the House that uncontrolled extraction of sand is destroying vast areas of land along the coast posing danger to the people around. There has been also a, great deal of resentment and alarm from the people residing in the affected villages on account of this indiscriminate sand extraction and inaction on the part of the Authorities to curb the situation.

The Authorities have sat, so far as silent spectators to the whole situation although they are aware through their agencies, of the problem. The Hydro- grapher in his report to the Captain of Ports after carrying out a necessary site inspection of the areas, has pointed out that there were various breaches of the terms of the lease committed by the extractors. In addition, he has also pointed out that vast damage is caused to properties surrounding the areas where mining leases have been granted. He has also mentioned that no minor mineral lease can be granted within a distance of 400 mts. from the beaches .

in terms of the Notification bearing No. 5-108/75-IPD dated 6-11-1975. The Captain of Ports vide letter of 22nd March, 1980, addressed to the Secretary, Industries and Labour Department, has cautioned that further damage would . be caused if the lesee's were allowed to extract sand until the expiry of the leases.

The Chief Town Planner had addressed a letter on 3rd May, 1978, to the Development Commissioner and Chairman of Environmental Committee, Go- vernment of Goa, Daman and Diu, and again in 'a letter of 27th August, 1977, to the Revenue Secretary made a fervent request to the Industries and Mines Department to immediately stop this extraction of sand and save the beaches and the surrounding agricultural lands from permanent damage before it is too late.

There have been resolutions of Panchayats of villages where the sand is being extracted, to stop the said activity. I have perused all these Reports and given due consideration to the views expressed by the Members of this House. I am of the view that it is incumbent upon the Goa Government to act immediately to protect the unfortunate people living on the sea coast from the danger posed to life and property. I would, therefore, urge the Government to take recourses to the provisions of law including Section 133 of the Criminal Procedure Code to suspend in the first instance all operations of sand extraction along the coast and thereafter make the necessary arrangements to cancel the said leases. Furthermore, to direct the department concerned to process claims from the owners for damages to their dwelling houses and property including coconut and cashew plantation as also to level the entire excavated area to ensure that tidal water and rain water are not filled up as recommended in the Hydrographer's report dated 19th March, 1980.

I have given this ruling after due consideration of the opinions and sen- timents expressed by the Members of this House and all the reports submitted

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by the Authorities above as also technical experts in the matter. This rulin is not only the unanimous expression of the sentiments of the Members this House but it is the collective wisdom and will of this House"

IV. 1) Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Minister for River Navigation Deptt. to the follotving matter of urgent public importance.

"Anguish created in the minds of the people about the wasteful expenditure made by the Govt. on the purchase of a defective Cuter Section dredger worth lakhs of rupees which is in a state of disuse ab initio and the action Govt. intends to take in the matter."

Minister for River Navigation Deptt. asked for time to reply the Calling Attention Notice.

2) Shri A. N. Naik called the attention of the Minister for Labour to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Serious situation due to labour unrest in Goa Flour Mills of the Wallace Flour Mills Co. Ltd. and steps Government taken or intend to take to set right the situation there so as to avoid any possible shortage of flour in Goa."

The Minister for Labour asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

' 3) Minister for Health made a statement in respect of the calling attention nctice raised by Shri R. D. Khalap regarding breakdown of X-Ray machin- and equipment in the Asilo Hospital, Mapusa.

V. Discussion and Voting on Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81,

Demand No. 4 - Land Revenue, Stamps and Registration.

Demand No. 15-Medical, Family Welfare & Public Health, Sanitation and Water Supply.

Demand No. 24 - Road and Water Transport Services (including Ports).

The Speaker announced that the cut-motions tabled by Shri R. D. Khalap to Demand Nos. 4, 15 and 24; are disallowed under rule 15 of Administrator's Rules due to short of notice period.

Seventeen members took part in the debate. Demands put to vote and carried.

Wednesday, the 9th April, 1980

I. i) Ten Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Twenty one Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred List.

iii) One Starred Question was postponed.

iv) One Unstarred Question was unswered.

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,,l II. Shri Herculano oura ado moved the following motion:

L- J' "This House associates itself with pride in the celebration of Konkani Day to-day which coincides with the date of aniversary of Shenai Goembab, who inspired Goan-ego to go back to its mother tongue Konkani which was subjected to humiliation under alien rule".

Motion proposed. Two members took part in the debate. Motion was put to vote and carried.

III. 1 ) Shri V. A. Naik called the attention of the Minister of Public Health to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Serious apprehension in the minds of the people on the reported news appearing on 5-4-1980 in the Marathi daily "Gomantak" of non-payment of salary for a continuous period of 3 years to one Health Officer without any basis and steps taken by the Government in the matter".

The m s t e r for Health made a statement thereon.

2) Shri Luizinho Faleiro & Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Tense situation a t Gudi (Quepem) due to alleged burning of hay stack and house of mundkar Shri Carvalho by bhatkar Shri Manuel Miranda and serious apprehension in the minds of the mundkars of this territory on the failure of the police to take any action in the matter and steps Govt. propose to take in the matter".

The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

3) The Minister for River Navigation Deptt. made! a statemant in respect of ,

the calling attention notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado, regarding the waste- full expenditure made by the Govt. on the purchase of a defective Cutter-Section Dredger worth la,khs of rupees to which his attention was called on 8th April, 1980.

IV. Discussion & Voting on Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81.

Demand No. 14 - Education Art & C,ulture.

Demand Na, 31 - Agriculture & Allied Services.

Fourteen members took part in the debate. One cut-motion moved to Demand No. 14 was put to vote and defeated. Demands were put to1 vote and mrried.

Thursday, the 10th April, 1980

I. i) Twelve S t a m d Questions wwe answered.

ii) Two Starred Questions were not answered as the members c o n c a d were absent.

iii) Twenty-one Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Urntarred List.

N) Two Unstarred Questions were answered,

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/ 11. 1) S/Shri A, N. Naik, Herculano Dourado & Babuso Gaonkar called the atten;

tion of the Minister for Power to the following matter of urgent public importance. '-

"Power supply cut imposed by Karnataka State Electricity Board on G m since 8-4-1980 causing great hardships and inconvenience to the wnsumerr, and steps taken by Govt. in the matter."

Minister for Powe'r made a statement thereon.

2) Shri R. D. Khalap, called the attention of the m e f Minister to the following matter of uygent public importance:

"Reported breach in the bandhara of Opa Water Works a t Khandeapar resulting in wastage of lakhs of gallons of water and the consequent effects upon domestic and industrial water supply and the steps taken by the Govt. in the matter."

Chief Minister made a statement thereon.

3) The Chief Minister made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by A. N. Naik, regarding hardship faced by reveral industrial entrepreneurs due to cancellation of provisional registrations, to which his attention was called on 2nd April, 1980.

4) The Minister far Labaur made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by Shri A. N. Naik, regarding unrest in Goa Flour Mills of the Wallace F lmr Mills Co. Ltd., ta which his attention was called an 8th April, 1980.

5) The Chief Minister made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by S/Shri L. Faleiro and R. D. Khalap, regarding alleged burning of hay stack and house of mundkar Shri Carvdho by Bhatkar Shri Manuel Miranda, to which his attention was called on 9th April, 1980.

I3I. Discussion and Voting on Demands far Grants for the year 1980-81:

Demand No. 7 - Pdice and Fires Services. Demand No. 8 - Jails.

The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved a motion for the extension of the sitting of the House by an hour. The motion was put to vote and carried.

13 members took part in the debate.

The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved a motion for the extension of the duration of the sitting of the House by one hour. The motion was put to vote and carried.

Cut motions moved to demands were put to vote and defeated.

Demands were put to vote and carried.

Friday, the l lth April, 1980

I. (i) Fourteen Starred Questions were answered. (ii) Five Starred Questions v:cl.e not put as the members concerned were

absent and were transferred to unstarred list. (iii) Twenty three Starred Questions were not reachehd and were transferred .

to Unstarred List,

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(iv) Two Unstarred Questions were answered. . - . -/ 11. Hon'ble Speaker informed the House about the report of the Eusiness Advisory

Committee. The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved for adoption of the Report. ,

The motion for adoption of the Report was put to vote and carried,

111. Minister for Legislative Affairs announced the business to be transacted during the week.

IV. Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Minister for Public Health to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Fear and anxiety caused in the qinds of the people due to the reported death of one Sakahutur Rehman Agha a t the Hospicio Hospital, Margao, due to the negligence of the doctors on Tuesday the 8th April, 1980 and the steps Government intends to take in the matter".

The Minister for Public Health asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

2) Shri Herculano Dourado, called the attention of the Minister for Revenue to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Serious anxiety created in the minds of public due to change of name of various Railway Stations in Goa by South Central Railway and the Government reaction thereon".

The Minister for Revenue asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

V. Government Bills :

The following Bills were introduced: (i) Bill No. 8 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman and Diu Laying of Rules Before

Legislature Bill, 1980. (ii) Bill No. 9 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Diu (Extension of the Powers

of Attorney Act) Bill, 1980. (iii) Bill No. 10 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Entertainment Tax

(Amendment) Bill, 1980. (iv) Bill No. 11 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax (Amend-

ment) Bill, 1980.

(v) Bill NO. 12 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Diu Legislative Diploma No. 645 dated 30-3-1933 (First Amendment) Bill, 1980.

(vi) Bill No. 13 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Debt Relief Bill, 1980.

VI. Private Members' Business:

A. Bills:

i) Bill No. 4 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayats Regu- lation (Amendment) Bill, 1980 by Shri Hemulano Dourado, MLA; was introduced.

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/ ii) Bill No. 3 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease, Reht

\ and Eviction) Control (Fifth Amendment) Bill, 1980 by $hri Luizinho Faleiro; MLA; was withdrawn with the leave of the House at the consideration stage\-= of the Bill.

i) Resolution No. 53 by Shri C. U. Chodankar:

"This House strongly. recommends Government to set up an Agricultural College to impart training and to provide research facilities in modern agricultural techniques a t Navelim, being near to the Salauli Irrigation Project."

The Resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. The resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

ii) Resolution No. 96 by Shri D. F. Desai. "This House strongly recommends Govt. to take upon the work of laying

the road Telaulii Dialgon-Coldem which was handed over to P.W.D. in 1976 by Telaulim Panchayat."

Speaker gave the following ruling on a letter given by Shri Luizinho Faleiro, M.L.A. who had tabled identical resolution as that of Resolution No. 96.

"I have received a letter from Hon. Member Shri Luizinho Faleiro requesting mti to allow him to move Resolution No. 96 standing in the name of Shri Dilkush Desai in today's list of business as Shri Dilkush Desai is not likely to attend the Session today and also because he has tabled an identical resolution. The Hon. Member has requested me to invoke Rule 285.

If the Hon. Member Shri Dilkush Desai had given authority to Shri Faleiro, Shri Faleiro could have very well moved the Resolution under Rule 106 of the 1Wes of Procedure. Now the point before us is whether in the absence of such authority Shri Faleiro can move the Resolution, on the ground that he has given notice of an identical resolution.

Notices of Resolution are tabled under Rule 99 of the Rules of Procedure and under Rule 115 the relative precedence of the notices of Resolution are determined by ballot in accordance with the direction of the Speaker.

When identical or substantially similar questions of notices of calling atten- tions etc. are received from sevwal members we are consolidating such notices and the names of the members who have given notices are brackated thereto. But as far as resolutions are concerned, we are not bracketing the names of members but such notices are given separate numbers and included in the ballot. While taking the ballot if two identical notices come, the second one is cancelled and chance is being given to have five resolutions on different subjects. Similarly when a resolution is moved, identical notices of resolutions are excluded while taking the subsequuent ballots of the same session.

It is also stated a t page 769 of Volume II of Practice of Procedure by Kaul & Shakdher as under:

"Where two or more members give separate notices of an identical motion or on the same matter, the names of all such members are bracketed on the admitted notice, the names of the members iater se being arranged in'the ordw in which notices are received in point of'time, or in the order

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- 25 - i -.

?-. --* determined by ballot, as the case may be. The right of moving the motion in such cases belong in the first instance the member whose name appears first on the list." ,

Further it is stated in the foot-note of the same book by mutual agreement among the members, a member whose notice is not the first in the point of time, may be allowed to raise a discussion.

As our Rule is silent about the notices of identical resolutions, I think this is a fit case to invoke Rule 285. I, therefore, allow the member to move the resolution by invoking Rule 285."

Resolution No. 96 pr~posed. k part in the de'bate. The W o - lution was withdrawn 9 t h the leave of

iii) Resolution No. 48 by Shri Luizinho Faldro. "This House strongly recommends Govt. to move the Central Govt. to take

up with- the Govement of Portugal the matter regarding settlement of the claims of the Indian, depositors who deposited their gold, precious articles and the money in the Banco National Ultramarino during the erstwhile] Portuguese regime."

The resolution proposed. Two members took part in the debate. The resolution was put lm vote and cmied.

iv) Resolution No. 87 by Shri Luizinho Faleiro. "This House strongly recommends Governneat to create water supply and

Sewarage Board fqr the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu with immediate effect, for the effficient execution of water supply schemes to1 the entire territory".

The Resolution proposed. Four members took part in the debate. The resolution was withdrawn with the learn of the House.

V) Resolution No. 132 by Shri V. P. Gaonkar: "This Souse strongly recorkmends Government to pursue vigorously with the

Government of India the issue of inclusion of Gawda Community of Goa in the Scheduled Tribes Order."

Resolution proposed. Shri Herculano Dourado moved the following amendment: after the word "Gawda" add the words "and Kunbi" and for the words

"scheduled tribe order" substitute the worYZs "backward classes".

Five members took part in the debate. The amendment moved by Shri Herculano Dourado was put to vote and carried. Resolution as amended was put to vote and carried.

Monday, the 14th April, 1980 I, i) Sixteen Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Eight Starred Questions were not put as the members concerned were absent and were transferred to Unstarred list.

iii) Three Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to unstarred list.

iv) Three Unstarred Questions were answered.

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11. Ruling by the SpeaEer. i .

Q - Hon. Speaker gave the following ruling on the breach of privilege notice given

by Shri A. N. Naik, regarding a letter by Mrs. Usha Sharad Vengurlekar published in 'Navprabha' in its issue dated 10th April, 1980.

"On 11th April, 1980 Hon. Member Shri A. N. Naik has invited our attention to a letter by Mrs. Usha Sharad Vengurlekar published in "Navprabha" in its lssue dated 10th April, 1980. He has given a n&~ce un&r Rule 74 of Procedure alleging serious breach of privilege and gross contempt of the House by the letter in question. I t is his contention that the verbal onslaught against one M. L. A. is directed against himself l f b l y t a intimidate and discourage him in discharging the duties of the Legislator witho~ut fear or favour. Further by stating that Siddharth's death is being used for political p u w e , the lettw casts aspersions in the legislative work of the concerned M.L.A.

I have obtained an official version of the impugned letter which reads as Wer :

"To capitalise on death of Sidhartha for political ends amounts to dis- respect to feelings of Bandocikar family.

It pained and suiyrised me to read the that last week in the Goa Assesmbly sescion the ruling party members demanded that the por- trait of late Bhau be removed from the Assembly Hall and' rqlaced by Prime Minister. I need not tell Goans how he worked for them., He was the first Chief Minister of Gm. and first leader of the House. Hence be deserves the respect.

Another MLA demanded enquiry. into the death of Sidhartha.

Sidhartha .was not a political man, so that this MLA every now and then should make use of Sidhartha's death for his political ends. Moreover what cam be achieved through an enquiry?

Sidhartha was the only dear brother among seven d us.

Its cmly we who are baring the pangs of separaticvn, due to his loss. It amounts to disrespect to the feelings of us-members of Bandodkar family to use his death for meeting ones political ends. This tendency is not at bt civMsed and nable,

If these MLAs desire to serve pmple), they should co-0p~l"ab with Chid Minist% Shri Rane off and on instead of coming in way of his c o w tructive work.

I appeal to my Goan brethren not to encourage such mischivom ten- dencies.

Mrs. Zfsha Sharad Vmgurlekm,


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', Under Section 16(3) of the Government of Union Territories Act, the powers / /$rIYiieges and immunities of the Legislative A s m b l y of Union territory and of

the members of the Committees thereof shall be such as are for the time being enjbyed the House of the People and its members and committees. As stated in the Book of Practice and Procedure of Parliament by Kaul & Shakdher speaches and writings reflecting on the House or its Committees or members are punished by the House as a contempt on the principle that such acts tend to obstruct the- House in the performance of their functions by diminishing the res- pect due to them.

However, it is also established that fair comment on Parliamentary Conduct of Members does not amount to a breach of privilege. But so far no guide-lines have been laid down as to what constitutes fair comment. Each case must stand upon its own facts and circumstances and if corruption is alleged or suggested or improper motives are attributed the House would clearly bet well within its rights, in dealing with the matter as a contempt.

The impugned letter describes the speech of the member demanding enquiry into the death of Sidhartha as not at all civilised and noble. Further it appeals to the Goans not to encourage such mischivous tendencies thereby describing the speach as rnischivcuus.

The letter morewer imputes malafides to the Hon. Member concerned in so far as it states that he is using Sidhartha's death for meeting one's political ends. The letter may thus transgress the Linlits of fair comment and may deter the member from discharging his duties.

I am therefore of the opinion that a prim-facie case is made out by the lattez- in question. I therefore refer the matter to the Committee on Privileges, for examination, investigation and report. 7 111. Shri V. D. Chodankar, M. L. A. was suspended from the service of the House

for the day.

.IV. Shri ~ u h h o Faleim M. L. A. moved a motion condemning the attempt on the life of Smt. Indira Gandhi. The motion proposed put to vote and carried.

-V..i) Shri Herculano Douracto called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance;

"Serious inconvenience caused to travelling public a t Cortalim and various villages between Vasco and Margao, due to discontinuance of stage-buses from Cortalim-Margao and Cortalim-Vasco da Gama and conversion of these routes as direct routes between Vasco-Margao and vice-versa and steps Government intend to take in the matter."

The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

ii) Shri R. D. Khalap, and Shri Herculano Dourado, called the attention of the Minister for Labour to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"Reported misappropriation of amount of Rs. two lakhs in the I. T. I. Farmagudi by producing receipts from the store-keeper that some machinery worth the said amount has been received in the said I. T.I. and the action taken by the Government in the matter."

Minister for Labour asked for time to reply the calling attention notice,

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VI. (i) The Minister for Revenue made a statement in respect of the callin' attention notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado, regarding change in the n a m L + , of various Railway Stations in Goa by South Central Railway to which his attention was called on 11th April, 1980.

(ii) The Minister for Public Health made a statement in respect of the Calling Attention Notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado regarding tragic death of Shri Krishna Shirodkar on 8-4-1980 due to power failure in Goa Medical College Hospital, to which his attention was called in 11-4-1980.

VII. Discussion and voting on Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81.

Demand No. 12 -Public Works, Housing and Urban Development.

Demand No. 13 -Roads and Bridges.

One cut motion was moved to each of the above demands. Cut motions pro- posed. 18 members took part in the debate.

The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved a motion for the extension of the duration of the sitting of the House by one hour. The motion proposed, put ' to vote and carried.

Cut motions moved to these demands were put to vote and defeated. Demands were put to vote and carried.

Tuesday, the 15th April, 1980

I. (i) Seven Starred Questions were answered.

(ii) Thirty Four Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred List.

11. ( i ) Shri R. D. Khalap called the attentin of the Chief Minister to the follow- ing matter of urgent public importance:

"Serious inconvenience to the people of Altinho, Sant Inez and Panaji due to failure of Water Supply Systenl and the action taken by the Government. The Chief Minister asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

(ii) The Minister for Public Health made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado, regarding reported death of Sakahutur Rehman Aga a t the Hospicio Hospital, Margao due to negligence of the doctors on 8th April, 1980.

ID. Discussion and voting on Demands for grants for the year 1980-81.

Demand No. 20 - Other Economic Services and Mines and Minerals. A .

Demand No. 23 - Industries.

Demand No. 26 - Loans and Advances by the Union Territory 'Government Appropriation Public Debt (discussion mly). ,


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-29- \

One cut motion was moved to each of the demand Nos. 20 & 23. 15 members 'ook part in the debate. The Minister for Legislative Affairs moved a motion for the

* A x t e n s i o n of the duration of the sitting of the House by one hour. The motion pm- posed, put to vote and carried. Cut motion to demand Nos. 20 and 23 were put to vote and defeated. All the above demands were put to vote and carried.

IV. S/Shri A. N. Naik and Herculano Dourado MLAs raised half an hour discus- $ion under Rule 59 on points arising out of answer given ,on 8th April 1980 to a starred Question No. *423 regarding arrears of revenue in Electricity Department.,

Wednesday, the 16th April, 1980

I. 1) Ten Starred Questions were answered.

ii) One Starred Question was postponed.

iii) Three starred questions were not put a s , the members concerned were absent and were transferred to Unstarred List.

iv) Twenty six starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred List.

V) One Unstarred Question was answered.

11. The Chief Minister laid the following papers on the Table of the House:

1) Finance Accounts for the year 1977-78.

2) Appropriation Accounts for the year 1977-78.

3) Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Indian for the 1977-78.

44 Finance Accounts for the year 1978-79.

5 ) Appropriation Accounts for the year 1978-79.

6) Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 1978-79.

111. i) Shri Herculano Dourado, called the attention of the Minister for Education to the following matter of urgent public importance:

"The discontentment and frustration caused amongst sportswomen of Goa as reported in the Navhind Times dated 15th April, 1980 regarding the non-func- tioning of the all Goa Women's Hockey Association since 1975 inspite of the grants allotted by the sports council to the same body which has killed the hockey movement in Goa and the steps Government intends to take in the matter."

The Minister for Education made a statement thereon. Few questions were also replied by way of clarification

ii) Minister for Public Health made a statement in respect of the calling atten- tion notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado regarding death of one Sakahutur Rehman Agha at Hospicio Hospital Margao to which his attention was called on 11th April, 2880.

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IV. Discussion and Voting on Demands for grants for the year 1980-81. b - ,gi

Demand No. 18 -Social Security and Welfare, Relief on account of -Gala-W mities and Food.

Damand No. 25 - Tourism.

The sitting of the House was extended.

Cut motion moved to Demand No. 18 was put to vote and defeated. ..De~ap$ls were put to vote and carried.

Thursday, the 17th April, 1980

I. ( i ) Sixteen Starred Questions were answered.

(ii) Four Starred Questions were not put as the members coacerned were absent and were transferred to Unstarred List.

(iii) Three Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Un- starred List.

(iv) One Unstarred Question was answered.

11. Shri R. D. Khalap called the attention of the Minister for Civil Supplies to the following matter of urgent public Importance.

"Acute shortage of wheat flour (maida) in Goa resulting in severe setback to the Bread making industry, stoppage of Wallace flour mill and-failure of GO- vernment to take any steps to restart the same".

The Minister for Civil Sppplies asked for time to reply the calling attention notice.

111. Government Bill.

Bill No. 14 of 1980: -The Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities (Fifth Amend- .merit) Bill, 1980 was introduced.

IV. Discussion and voting on Demands for grants for the year 1980-81. '

Demand No. 1 -Union Territory Legislature and Elections.

Demand No. 2 - Administration of Justice. ,. . .. ,

Demand No. 17 - Labour and Employment.

One cut motion was moved to each of the demand No. 3 & 17. 17 members took part in the debate. Cut motions moved to the demands were put to vote and-defeated. Demands were put to vote and carried.

Friday, the 18th April, 1980

I. (i) Fifteen Starred Questions were answered.

(ii) Four Starred Questions were not put as the members concerned were absent and transferred to Unstarred List. . -

(iii) Four Unstarred Questions were answered. , , . - . .. ~

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11. The Minister for Legislative Affairs announced the business to be transacted 47&ring the week.

111. Private Members' Business.

A) BQm.

Bill No. 4 of 1980: -The Goa, Daman and Village Panchayats Regulation (Amendment) Bill 1980 by Shri Herculano Dqurado, MLA was withdrawn wit11 the leave of the House a t the consideration stage.

-- B) Reso2ution. 1) Resolution No. 82 by Shri Luizinho Faleiro.

- "This House strongly recommends Govt. to establish a police outpost at


The resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. Resoluti'on was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

2) Resolution No. 33 by Shri V. R. Naik. i

"This House recommends Govt. to move the Central Govt, to extend the telephone facilities to the island of Chorao."

Resolution proposed. Three members took part in the debate. The resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House

- r- . 3) Resolution No. 136 by Shri C. U.-Chodankar.

"This House recommends Govt. to set up a cottage Hospital a t Canacona in addition to the existing Primary Health Centre."

Resolution proposed. Two members took part in the debate. Resolution was with- drawn with the leave of the House.

4) Resolution No. 122 by Shri A, N. Naik.

"This House recommends Govt. to establish a Primary Health Centre a t .Navelim in order to provide medical. facilities to the people of Navelim,..$inque- ti, Telaulim, Dialgon, Dramapur, Sirlim, Davorlim, Dicarpale, Catamorod, Man- dopa etc."

Resolution proposed. Two members took part 'in the debate. The Resolution was withdrawn with the leave of the House.

5) Resolution No. 77 by Shri R. D. Khalap.

"This House recommends Govt. to pursue the idea of a floating bridge a t Colvale pending the construction of the pukka bridge and complete the same as urgently as possible."

~Resblutibn pmpoaxl. Two memlbtJxs took part ih the debate. The Resblution was - - .- - . -w4thdrawR Wtk the leave of .the- How@. -

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IV. Government Bills.

1) The following Bills were considered, read clause by clause and passed.

i) Bill No. 8 of 1980-The Goa, Daman & Diu Laying of Rules -Before Legislature Bill, 1980.

ii) Bill No. 9 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman & Diu (Extension .of the Powers of Attorney Act) Bill, 1980.

iii) Bill No. 10 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman & Dill Entertainment Tax (Amend- ment) Bill, 1980.

iv) Bill No. 11 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman & Diu Sales Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

V) Bill No. 12 of 1980-The Goa, Daman & Diu Legislative Diploma No. 645 dated 13/3/1933 (First Amendment) Bill, 1980.

2) Bill No. 13 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Debt Relief Bill, 1980.

Minister for Revenue moved the motion for consideration of the Bill. Shri R. D. Khalap moved that the Bill be referred to the Select Committee. The debate on con- sideration of the Bill was not concluded. '

Monday, the 2 1s t April, 1980

I i) Sixteen Starred Questions were answered.

ii) Four Starred Questions were not put as the members concerned were absent and were transferred to Unstarred List.

iii) Sixteen gtarred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Unstarred list.

iv) Forty-four Unstarred Questions were answered.

II. The Chief Minister laid on the table of the House the -Goa, Daman & Diu Excise Duty (First Amendment) Rules, 1980.

III. 1) Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Chief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

"Serious difficulties experienced by the Goa seamen as the Director general of shipping has asked only the Goa seamen to furnish bank guarantee and as a result lot of Goans are likely to face unemployment and hardship and steps Govt. intend to take in the matter."

The Minister for River Navigation made a statement thereon.

2) Shri A. N. Naik called the attention of the Ctiiief Minister to the following matter of urgent public importance: -

. . . :!'The sudden dissapearance of the truck driver, Shri- Digambar Balkrishna Kerkar from Sao Jose de Areal, Margaol on hPa return from Madraa:aa or

Page 36: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

I' about 16th February, and apprehension in the minds of people of that area, 4 - including his landlady Smt. Minguelina Cardozo, who has complained to the

Margao Dy. S. P. alleging that he has been murdered, by letter dated 4th March, 1980 and failure on the part of police in tracing the whereabout of the said truck driver till this date."

The Chief Minister made a statement thereon.

3) The Chief Minister made a statement in respect of the calling attention notice raised by Shri Herculano Dourado regarding discontinuance of stage buses from Cortalim-Margao & Cortalim-Vasco da Gama to which his attention was called on 14-4-980.

IV. Ruling by the Speaker. Hon'ble Speaker gave the following ruling: - 4'

"As promised on Friday, the 18th April, 1980, I rise to giv ruling on the point of order raised by Hon. Member Shri Herculano Dourad 1 on notices of Bills tabled by him proposing to enhance the salaries of Dy. Speaker, Ministers and Members of this Assembly;

Notices of Bills received are examined by our Department with a view to ensure that the Bill conforms to the various provisions of the Govt. of Union territories Act and Rules. When the Bill satisfies all the requirements as men- tioned in the Book on Practice and Procedure of Parliament by Kaul & Shak- dher, a Bill number is indicated a t the top of the Bill and the cover and docket pages are prepared and attached to the Bill. One of the points for examination before introduction is whether recommendation of the Administrator is required either for introduction or consideration of the Bill under any of the provisions of the Govt. of Union territories Act. A3 pointed by the Member the amendment to the Salaries and Allowances of Members of the Legislative Assembly Act, tabled by him will attract only section 23(3) of the Govt. of Union Territories Act as the Bill only involves expenditure from the consolidated fund. But as far as the other two Bills are concerned the position is diferent. As per section 3 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the Speaker and Dy. Speaker Act, 1964 the Speaker shall be paid such salary as are provided for a Minister under the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act, 1964, Hence any enhancement to the salary of the Minister will automatically amount to increase in salary of Speaker. Salary of Speaker and Dy. Speaker are char- ged on the consolidated fund and as such amendments proposing to increase the salary of Speaker and- the Dy. Speaker will amount to increase in the expen- diture charged on the consolidated fund. The amendment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of Ministers which also amounts to increase of salary of Speaker and the amendment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of Speaker and Dy. Speaker Act proposing increase in salary of Dy. Speaker will thus attract section 23(l)(d) of the Govt. of Union Territories Act and the recommendation of the Administrator is therefore required for their introduction in the Legislative Assembly. In view of this position the amendment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act and the amendment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the Speaker and Dy. Speaker Act cannot be introduced in the Assembly without the recom- mendation of the Administrator. Coming to the amendment to the Salaries and

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Allowances of Members of the Legislative Assembly Act, though such a Bi prd- posing to provide pension to p e Hon. Members was allowed to be introduce a, during first session, 1979 without obtaining the recommendation of the Adminis-

, trator, I differ on the point mainly because as quoted by me from Kaul & Shak- dher a Bill requiring recommendation of the Administrator for consideration in the Assembly can be given a Bill number and sent for printing with cover and docket page only when the requirement of recommendation is satisfied. It is obvious that we cannot introduce a bill without having registered and given a Bill No. Even if a Bill is introduced it will not serve any purpose if it is stalled a t the consideration stage for want of recommendation of the Administrator. . With this view in mind and also in order to save the precious time of the House the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of Members of the Legislative Assembly (Amendment) Bill, 1980 tabled by Shri Herculano Dourado was not included in the list of Business for introduction. As far as the other two bills are concerned as already pointed out by me they will attract section 23(1) of the Govt. of Union Territories Act, and thus cannot be introduuced without the previous recommendation of the Administrator.

All the 3 Bills have been referred by me to the Administrator and I have not yet received them. / V. Discussion and voting on Demands fordGrants for the year 1980-81.

Demand No. 22 - Irrigation & Power Projects.

Demand No. 5- State Excise, Sdes Tax and other Taxes and Duties.

Demand No. 6 - Taxes on vehicles.

Appropriation, -Interest Payments (discussion only). - One7 Cut motion moved to Demand No: 22 was put to vote and defeated. Demand

Nos.. 22, 5 and 6 were put to vote and granted. -/

Tuesday, +he 22nd April, 1980

I. ( i ) Nine Starred Questions were answered.

(ii) One Starred Question was not put a s the members concerned were absent and were transferred to Unstarred List.

(iii) 20 Starred Questions were not reached and were transferred to Un- starred List.

(iv) Twenty four unstarred Questions were answered.

II. Discussion and voting on Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81. Demand No. 2 - Miscellaneous General Services.

Demand No. 9 - Stationery and Printing.

Demand No. 10 - Other General Services. - . Demand No. 11 - Pensions.

- Two members took part in the debate.

he depapps were put tk yqte and =nted.-

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111. (i) Minister for Tourism made a statement in respect of the calling atten- ion notice raised by Shri R. D. Khalap regarding acute shortage of wheat flour A

(Maida) and stoppage of Wallage Foulr Mill to which his attention was called on ,

17-4-1980. I

(ii) Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Minister for Public Health to the following matter of urgent public importtince.

"Fear, panic and insecurity caused in the minds of travelling public over the burning of the ferry boat named "RIBANDAR" in the midstream a t Cor- "Llim-Agacaim River crossing on 20-4-1980 due to carelessness of the navigation staff and the steps taken by the Government to streamline and discipline the staff and to care for the safety of the public travelling by the ferry boats."

The Minister for Revenue made a statement thereon.

(ii) Shri Herculano Dourado called the attention of the Minister for Education to the following matter of urgent public importance.

"The apprehensions and confusion created in the minds of the people in the matter of Monte de Guirim case and how Government intends to act in the matter, vis-a-vis the minority rights." The Minister for Education made a statement thereon.

IV. Government Bills.

1) Bill no. 7 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu Appropriation Bill, 1980 was introduced, considered, read clause by clawe and pamed.

2) Bill no. 15 of 1980-The Goa, Daman and Diu State Aid to Industries (Amendment) Bill, 1980 was introduced.

3) Bill no. 14 of 1980- he Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities (Fifth Amendment) Bill, 1980 was considered, read clause by clause and passed.

4) Bill no. i3 of 1080-The Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Debt Relief Bill, 1980.

Minister for Revenue moved a motion for extension of the duration of the sitting of the House by an hour. The motion was put to vote and carried.

The motion moved by Shri R. D. Khalap to refer the Bill to the Select committee was put to vote and defeated. The motion for consideration put to vote and carried. The Bill was read clause by clause and passed.

V. Under Rule - 169 Shri Herculano Dourado moved the following motion and spoke:

"This House resolves to constitute a committee consisting of the following members to make a detailed study of ramponkars and trawler owners in this territory and the grievances arising out of the enforcement of the order prohibiting fishing by mechmised vessels within 5 Kms. from the coast keeping in view the natural sea resources and to report to the House its findings and recommendations to settle the dispute after taking into c~nsideration: -

1) the ecological aspects.

2) the socio-economic aspects of the parties in dispute.

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3) how the issues have been settled elsewhere in India under similar condition.

4) whether indiscriminate trawling in the shallow waters close to the shore is likely to cause damage to the breeding grounds; and to suggest viable solution to the problem by 1st September, 1980.

The following are the members of the Committee.

1) Dr. De Souza Wilfred Tito Fermino.

2) Shri A. N. Naik.

3) Shri R. D. Khalap.

4) Shri Herculano Dourado.

5) Shri F. M. P. D'Cruz.

6 ) Shri Luizinho J. Faleiro.

7 ) Shri Mario Emerciane Vaz.

8) Shri C. U. Chodankar.

9) .Shri V. A. Naik.

10) Shri V. P. Gaonkar.

11) Shri Michael Fernandes.

12) Shri V. G. Desai.

Shri V. G. Desai, Deputy Speaker was declared to be the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee.

The House was adjourned sine die.

Statement No. 5

Meetings of various Committees during the Session,

Sr. No. Name of the Committee Dae of Business transacted meeting

1 Business Advisory Committee 10-14-80 Allocation of time for the Business to be transacted during the Session.

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Statistical information regarding Government Bills

Sr. No. Title of the Bill Date of

Date Of Date Of clause by Dato of Minister in charge introduc- considera- clause \ Remarks tion tion reading

1. Bill No. 5 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 27-3-80 27-3-80 27-3-80 27-3-80 Diu Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 1980.

2. Bill No. 6 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 27-3-80 27-3-80 27-3-80 27-3-80 Diu Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill 1980.

3. Bill No. 8 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Law Minister 11-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 W -4

Diu Laying of Rules Before Legislature Bill, 1980. I

4. Bill No. 9 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Law Minister 11-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 Diu (Extension of the Powers of Attorney Act) Bill, 1980.

5. Bill No. 10 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 11-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80

Diu Entertainment Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

6. Bill No. 11 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 11-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 Sales Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

7. , Bill No. 12 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Minister for 11-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 18-4-80 Diu Legislative Diploma No. 645 dated Revenue \ 30-3-1933 (First Amendment) Bill, 1980.

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Title of the Bill Date o -

Minieta. Date of in- Date of con- clause f in charge troduction sideration -

reading -

2 3 4 6 6 7 8

I IY Date. of Remrkr

clause aassmrc

8. Bill No. 13 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Minister for 11-4-80 18-4-80 22-4-80 22-4-80 Diu Agricultural Debt Relief Bill, 1980. Revenue

9. Bill No. 14 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman and Minister for 17-4-80 22-4-80 22-4-80 22-4-80 Diu Municipalities (Fifth Amendment) Law Bill, 1980.

10. Bill No. 15 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 22-4-80 - -

Diu State Aid to Industries (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

PI. Bili No 7 of 1980 -The Goa, Daman and Chief Minister 22-4-80 22-4-80 22-4-80 22-4-80 Diu Appropriation Bill, 1980.

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S t a t i s t i d information regarding Private Members' BiUs

Date of Title of the Bill Member Date of in- Date of con- clause by Date of

Br. No. in charge troduction sideration clause passing Rernrarku reading

1. Bill No. 2 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and Shri R. D. Kha- - - - Leave to introduce Diu Agricultural Tenancy (Amendment) lap the Bill was de- Bill, 1980. feated.

2. Bill No. 3 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Shri Luizinho 28-3-80 - - The Bill was with- Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Faleiro drawn with the Control (Fifth Amendment) Bill, 1980. l e a v e of the I

Houge a t the consideration cD stage. I

3. Bill No. 4 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and Shri Herculano 11-4-80 - Diu Village Panchyats Regulation (Amend- Dourado. ment) Bill, 1980.

- The Bill was with- drawn with the . l e a v e of the House a t the consideration stage.

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Non-Official Resolutions \

1. Number of days allotted for discussion ... ... ...

... 2. Number of notices of resolutions received . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Number of notices of resolutions disallowed

4. Number of resolutions withdrawn ... ... ... ...

... 5. Number of resolutions finally admitted ... .. .

6. Number of resolutions moved and withdrawn . . . . . .

7. Number of resolutions moved and lost ... ... ...

8. Number of resolutions moved and adopted ... ...

9. Number of resolutions on which discussion was resumed

10. Number of resolutions not moved . . . . . . ... ...

... 1 . Number of resolutions on legs ... ... ...

... 12. Number of resolutions lapsed on sinedie ... ...

... 3 days

... 142

... nil

... one

... 141

... 13

... nil

2 ...

... nil

... nil

... ... nil

. . . . . . 126

Page 44: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Half an hour discussion on matter arising out of questions and answers (Under Rule 59)

Date on Notice Notices Department Subject which the received admitted disc%11owed/ concerned Name of member matter was Remarks

/lapsed discussed

1 1 - Industries & Labour Arrears of revenue in S/Shri N. Naik 15-4-80 - Electricity Depart- and Herculano ment starred ques- Dourado. tion No. 423 dated 8-4-80. -


Calling Attention (Under Rule 61) I I

No, of e

notices Date of 1 No.. of dssallowed/ Eii:' notices (lapsed,

Subject in brief Name of member which the received withdrawn admitted matter was discussed


4'1 6 32 1. Serious unrest amongst the students of + 9 Chowgule college.

(bracketed) 2. Grave Situation due to violence on 25-3-1980 wherein 14 policemen injured.

3. Reported disappearance of Smt. Kushavati Gauns;

4. Murder of Surya Morajkar. 5. Social boycot of Harijans.

Shri A. N. Naik. 27-3-80

Shri Dilkush Dessai, Shri 31-3-80 V. D. Chodankar and R. D. Khalap.

Shri R. D. Khalap. 27-3-80

Shri R. D. Khalap. 27-3-80 Shri R. D. Khalap and 2-4-80

Shri D. G. Mandrekai..

Page 45: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

6. Large scale adulteration of liquor. Shri C. U. Chodankakr. 31-3-80

7. Acute shortage of Cement. Shri C. U. Chodankakr. 28-3-80

8. Tense situation in Coastal Villages. Shri Herculano Dourado 1-4-80 and Shri F. M. Cruz.

9. Breach of Trust and propriety committed by A. N. Naik. misleading Union of India by submitting false information.

10. Hardship of industrial entrepreneurs due to A. N. Naik. 10-4-80 cancellation of Licences.

11. Lack of gas gongrene syrup. Shri R. D. Khalap. 7-4-80

12. High percentage of Amonical Nitrogen and Shri Luizinho Faleiro. 2-4-80 1 phosphates found in effluents of M/S. Zuari Agro Chemicals. k%

I 13. Wasteful expenditure on purchase of defective Shri Herculano Dourado. 9-4-80

cutter section dredger.

14. Gambling in School building a t Merces. Shri R. D. Khalap. 7-4-80

15. Break-down of X-Ray machine a t Asilio Shri R. D. ma lap . 8-4-80 Hospital, Mapusa.

16. Strike in Goa Flour Mill and shortage of A. N. Naik. 10-4-80 flour.

17. Non-payment of salary for 3 years to a Shri V. A. Naik. 9-4-80 Health Officer.

18. Setting fire to a mundkar house in Quepem. Shri Luizinho Faleiro ana 10-4-80 Shri R. D. Khalap.

19. Power cut by Karnataka. S/Shri A. N. Naik, Hercu- 10-4-80 lano Dourado, R. D. Kha- lap and Babuso Gaonkar.

/ \

Page 46: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

\ ~

20. Breach in the Bandhara of Opa water Shri R. D. Khalap. Works.

21. Death of Shri Krishna Shirodkar in Goa Shri V. D. Chodagkar. 14-4-80 Medical College.

22. Death of Rehman Agha in Hospicio Hospital, Shri Herculano Dourado. 16-4-80 Margao.

23. Change of names of various railway stations. Shri ~ e r c u l a n o Dourado. 14-4-80

24. Change of bus routes and inconvenience to public.

25. Two lakhs misappropriation in I. T. I. Far- magudi.

26. Failure of water supply to Altinho, St. Inez and Panaji.

27. Furnishing of bank guarantee by Goa seamen.

28. Discontentment and frustration among sportswomen in Goa.

29. Disappearance of truck driver Shri Digamber Balakrishna Kerkar.

l ' i J 30, Shortage of wheat flour in Goa.

31. Burning of the ferry-Boat named "Ribandar".

32. Apprehension and confusion created by Monte de Guirim case and Government stand thereon;

Shri Herculano Dourado.

Shri R. D. Khalap and Shri Herculano Dourado.

Shri R. D. Khalap.

Shri Herculano Dourado.

Shri Herculano Dourado.

Shri A. N. Naik.

Shri R. D. Khalap.

Shri Herculano Dourado.

Shri Herculano Dourado.

Page 47: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Breach of Privileges (Under Rule 74)

No. of notices

NO. of for which NO. of notices of notices

received H. sDeaker admitted was withheld

Subject Name of Member Remarks

1. Breach of privilege against Mrs. Usha Sharad A. N. Naik Referred to Privilege Vengurlekar on account of her letter published Committee on 14-4-80 in "Navprabha" in its issue dated 10-4-80.


The Name of the member Sr. No. Date who claims the division Motions , zesofn T:zf Whether motion

favour against canried or of motion motion negatived

1. 31-3-80 R. D. Khalap Amendment to the motion of thanks to the 2 17 Negatived Administrator's Address

2. 9-4-80 R. D. Khalap Cut motion to demand No. 14

3. 16-4-80 R. D; Khalap Cut motion to demand No. 23

2 17 Negatived

1 16 Negatived

4. 17-4-88 R. D. Khalap Cut motion to demand No. 3 2 14 Negatived

Page 48: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Departmentwiae Statistical information of Starred Questions

B 4

3 .b

Departments .T! - 8 3 - 24 2 a g 0 2 In 8 Y, 4 CG P; a !3 P; $i -L

v z Law . . . . . . . . . 20 3 - - 6 2 - 9 3 - 6

PHD. L . . . . . . . 46 1 I - 1 - - 42 21 1 20

Rev. . . . . . . . . . 29 1 - - 1 2 - 25 16 2 7

FAD. , . 48 - - - 4 1 - ....... 43 14 2 27 I

b P U1

Finance . . . . . . . . . 22 1 A - 6 3 - 12 - 12 I

DPAR. . . . . . . . . . 37 5 - - 8 5 - 19 2 - 17

Home . . . . . . . . . 89 6 1 - 14 9 - 59 26 2 31

Inb. & Lab. . . . . . . 104 7 1 - 9 11 1 75 29 9 37

WET. . . . . . . . . . 170 4 1 *1+1 13 7 15 128 52 8 68

"Postponed to next Seerion.

Page 49: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Departmentwim Statistical information of Unstarred Questions

Starred Sr. No. Department Ref. to Questions Conso- Received Disallowed withdrawn M.L.A. admitted ahs lidated Admitted Replied


3. FAD . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 4 - 4 4

4. Revenue " . . . . . . . . . - - - - 1 - 1 1

5. Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 6 - 6 6

6. Planning . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 7. D. P. A. R. . . . . . . . . . 1 - - - 8 9 9

9. Home . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - 14 - 14 14

. . . . . . lo. Ind.. & Lab. ... 1 - - - 9 - 10 10

. . . . . . . . . . 11. W.E.T ... 5 - - - 13 - 18 18 - 10 - - 74 - 84 84

I:. bP Q,


Page 50: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Disposal of Short Notice Questions

... Received ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . .

... Admitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Admitted as Starred ... ... ...

... ... Admitted as Unstarred ... ... Withdrawn, Dissallowed . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . Lapsed . . . . . . 7. Replied . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 2


Departmentwise Statistical information @f Short Notice Questions - -

.- Sr. .No. Department -

1. W.E.T. . . . . . . 1 - - - 1 1 . - , , -

2. Ind. & Lab. ... ... 1 - - - - 1 1


Presentation of Reports

Name of the Report Date of Date of presentation dlscusaron

m e n t y eighth and twenty ninth reports of the Public Accounts Committee (1980-81) 255-80 -

Page 51: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Ust of papers laid on the Table

Date on which ST. No. Subject Laid by table laid oh of th the e


1. The e u a l Report of the Economic Development Chief Minister 25-3-80 Corporation of Goa, Daman & Diu Ltd. for the year 1978-79.

2. The Accounts & Avdit Reports of the Goa, -do- 25-3-80 Daman and Diu Industrial Development Corpo- ration for the year 1977-78.

3. The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty- -do- 28-3-80 fifth Amendment) Rules, 1979.

4. The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty- - do - 28-3-80 sixth Amendment) Rules, 1979.

5. The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty- - do - 28-3-80 seventh Amendment) Rules, 1979.

6. The Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles (Forty- -do- 28-3-80 eighth Amendment) Rules, 1979.

7. The Goa, Daman and Diu Minor Minerals Ex- - do - 2-4-80 tractions and Removal (Amendment) Rules, 1979. ..1 , - . -

8. Finance Account for the year 1977-78. -do - 16-4-80

9. Appropriation Accounts for the year 1977-78. -do - 16-4-80

10. Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General -do - 16-4-80 of India for the year 1977-78.

11. Finance Account for the year 1978-79. -do - 16-4-80,

12. Appropriation Accounts for the year 1978-79. -do - 16-4-80

13. Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General -do- 16-4-80' of India for the year 1978-79.

Page 52: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April


Demands for Supplementary Grants for the y a r 1979-80

Number of Demands discussed

21 Demand No. 1 - Union Territory Legislature and Elections.

Demand No. 2 - Miscellaneous General Services.

Demand No. 3 - Administration of Justice.

Demand No. 4 - Land Revenue, Stamps and Registration.

Demand No. 5 -State Ekcise, Sales Tax and other Taxes and duties.













No. 6 -Taxes on Vehicles. - Appropriation - Interest Payment (Char-

ged) (discussion only).

No. 7 - Police and Fire Services.

No. 8 -Jails.

No. 11 -Pension.

No. 12 -Public Works, Housing and Urban Deve- lopment.

No. 13 -Roads and Bridges.

No. 14-Education, Art and Culture.

No. 15-Medical, Family Welfare, Public Health, Sanitation and Water Supply.

No. 18 -Social Security and Welfare, Relief on Account of Natural Calamities and Food.

No. 19 - Cooperation and Community Development.

No. 21 - Agriculture and Allied Services.

No. 22 -Irrigation and Power Projects.

Demand No. 24-Road and Water Transport Services (including Ports).

- Appropriation - Public Debt (Charged) (discussion only).


Page 53: Fifth - Goa Legislative Assembly Fifth Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu J \ PREFACE Thls booklet contains a journal of the Business transacted during the Second Session (March-April

STATErnNT No. 20

Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81

Number 'of Demands d<icussed

26 1. Demand No. 16 -Information and Publicity.

2. Demand No. 19 - Cooperation and Community Develop- ment.

3. Demand No. 4 -Land Revenue, Stamps and Regis- tration.

4. Demand No. 15-Medical, Family Welfare and Public Health, Sanitation and Water Supply.

5. Demand No. 24-Road and Water Transport Services (including Ports).

6. Demand No. 14 -Education, Art and Culture.

7. Demand No. 21 - Agriculture and Allied Services.

8. Demand No. 7 -Police and Fire Services.

9. Demand No. 8 - Jails.

10. Demand No. 12 -Public Works, Housing and Urbafi Development.

11. Demand No. 13 - Roads and Bridges.

12. Demand No. 20 -Other Economic Services and Mines and Minerals.

13. Demand No. 23 - Industries.

14. Demand No. 26 -Loans and Advances by the -Union Territory Governments.

- Appropriations - Public Debt (discus- sion only).

15. Demand No. 18 - Social Security and Welfare, Relief on acccxunt of Natural Calamities & Food.

16. Demand No. 25 - Tourism. ...

17. Demand No. 1 - Union Territory Legislature and Elec- tions.

18. Demand No. 3 - Administration of Justice.

19. Demand No. 17 -Labour and Employment.

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20. Demand No. 22 - Irrigation and Power Projects.

21. Demand No. 5- State Excise, Sales Tax and other Taxes and Duties.

22. Demand No. 6 - Taxes on Vehicles. - Appropriation - Interest Payments

(discussion only).

23. Demand No. 2 - Miscellaneous General Services.

24. Demand No. 9 - Stationery & Printing.

25. Demand No. 10 -Other General Services.

26. Demand No. 11 -Pension.



Cut motion to Demands for Grants for the year 1980-81

No, of Cut motions Demand No. notices Remarks

'weived Disallowed Moved Not moved

Demand No. 4 . . . . . . 1 1 - -

Demand No. 15 . . . . . . 1 1 - -

Demand No. 24 . . . . . . 1 1 - -

Demand No. 14 ... ... 1 - 1 -

Demand No. 7 ... ... 1 - 1 -

Demand No. 8 ... ... 1 - 1 -

... Demand No. 12 ... 1 - 1 -

Demand No. 13 . . . . . . 1 - 1 -

Demand No. 20 . . . . . . 1 - 1 - . . . . . . Demand No. 23 1 A 1 -

. . . . . . Demand No. 18 1 - . 1 - Demand No; 5 ... - 1 - 1 -

Demand No. 17 . . . . . . 1 - 1

. . . . . . Demand No. 22 1 - 1 - I

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Statement showing the circulation of Performance Budget

Sr. No. Title of the performance Budget

1. Performance Budget of Directorate of Agriculture Depart- ... ment for the year 1980-81 ... ... . . . . . .

2. Performance Budget of Fisheries Department for the year 1980-81 ... ... ... ,.. -.. ... ... ...

3. Performance Budget of Animal Husbandry Department for the year 1980-81 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ...

4. Performance Budget of Forest Department for the year . . . . . . 1980-81 . . . . . . . . . ... ... ...

5 . Performance Budget of Health Department for the year 1980-81 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6. Performance Budget of Goa College of Pharmacy for the ... ... . . . . . . ... ... ... year 1980-81

7. Performance Budget of Goa Medical College for the year 1980-81 . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ...

8. Performance Budget of Directorate of Education for the ... year 1980-81 ... . . . . . . ... ... ...

9. Performance Budget of College of Engineering for the year . . . . . . 1980-81 . . . . . . . . . ... ... ...

10. Performance Budget of Government Polytechnic for the year 1980-81 . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . .

11. Performance Budget of Department of Sports and Cultural Affairs for the year 1980-81 . . . . . . . . . :.. ...

12. Performance Budget of Public Works Department for the year 1980-81 ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . .

Date of circulation

to members

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Announcement of assent to Bills

Sr. No. Name of the Bill Date on Whether assented

which assent by President or iannounced Administrator

1. Bill. No. 1 of 1980 - The Goa, Daman and 25-3-1980 Administrator Diu Appropriation Bill, 1980.

2. Bill No. 5 of 1980- The Goa, Daman and 31-3-1980 Administrator Diu Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 1980.

3. Bill No. 6 of 1980-The Goa, Daman 31-3-1980 Administrator and Diu Appropriation (Vote on Ac- count) Bill, 1980.