June 1, 2021 First Connect www.fbcokc.org 405- 232-4255 FBCOKC – A family of faith, growing in Gods love, striving to be faithful. Jesus loved banquets. He was always feasting with anyone who invited him to come to the table. Jesus was often the guest teacher dining with church going folks, preacher types, sinners, and outcasts. The Kingdom of God is like a banquet where everyone is welcome and we all have a seat at the table. In the story we studied on Sunday, we read about how so many rejected the invitation to come to the table. The invited guest turned down the invitation because life was too full of obligations and important things. So the host invites anyone and everyone. It was bold, radical and wonderful. The Kingdom of God is the place where everyone who says yes is welcome to come to the table. As the church, it is our job to always make room for more. To go out into our world and invite others to come to the table and become a child of God. We need to build bigger tables and always be on the side of grace and mercy. Are there people in your life who are looking for a place to belong? Are they looking for a place where they are wanted and welcome? Have the courage to invite them to worship with you! It occurs to me there is a difference between dining with someone and feeding them. When we serve others we can stay at a little bit of a distance. Sharing a meal is more about relationship and kingdom building. May we be people who build stronger relationships and build bigger tables where everyone is welcome. I can hardly believe it is June already! It doesnt feel like it yet. We are two weeks out from Kids Off Broadway! Please continue praying for all the children who will walk through our doors. Pray for God to draw them near and to change lives. We have so much to pray about for our church. Pray for the staff as we adjust to new responsibilities. Pray for the person God has already been preparing to join our church staff and serve this most amazing family of faith. Pray for wisdom for the leaders as we find our way forward dreaming new dreams. Pray for God to help us be faithful as the body of Christ right here in OKC. Join me on Facebook Wednesday night for a word of encouragement in the middle of your week. Read through Luke 15 as we study these rich parables over the next two weeks on Sunday mornings. I pray for you all the time, church family. Seek after God this day. Blessings. Sarah

First Connect

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Page 1: First Connect

June 1, 2021

First Connect

www.fbcokc.org 405- 232-4255

FBCOKC – A family of faith, growing in God’s love, striving to be faithful.

Jesus loved banquets. He was always feasting with anyone who invited him to come to the table. Jesus was often the guest teacher dining with church going folks, preacher types, sinners, and outcasts. The Kingdom of God is like a banquet where everyone is welcome and we all have a seat at the table. In the story we studied on Sunday, we read about how so many rejected the invitation to come to the table. The invited guest turned down the invitation because life was too full of obligations and important things. So the host invites anyone and everyone. It was bold, radical and wonderful.

The Kingdom of God is the place where everyone who says yes is welcome to come to the table. As the church, it is our job to always make room for more. To go out into our world and invite others to come to the table and become a child of God. We need to build bigger tables and always be on the side of grace and mercy. Are there people in your life who are looking for a place to belong? Are they looking for a place where they are wanted and welcome? Have the courage to invite them to worship with you!

It occurs to me there is a difference between dining with someone and feeding them. When we serve others we can stay at a little bit of a distance. Sharing a meal is more about relationship and kingdom building. May we be people who build stronger relationships and build bigger tables where everyone is welcome.

I can hardly believe it is June already! It doesn’t feel like it yet. We are two weeks out from Kids Off Broadway! Please continue praying for all the children who will walk through our doors. Pray for God to draw them near and to change lives. We have so much to pray about for our church. Pray for the staff as we adjust to new responsibilities. Pray for the person God has already been preparing to join our church staff and serve this most amazing family of faith. Pray for wisdom for the leaders as we find our way forward dreaming new dreams. Pray for God to help us be faithful as the body of Christ right here in OKC.

Join me on Facebook Wednesday night for a word of encouragement in the middle of your week. Read through Luke 15 as we study these rich parables over the next two weeks on Sunday mornings. I pray for you all the time, church family. Seek after God this day. Blessings.


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Verses Project for JUNE 2021 – Philippians 2:5-11 (see below)

When we internalize God’s word and memorize it, transformation happens. Mere words on a page are transformed into the Living Word of God alive inside of us. It impacts our actions, speech, character, and witness in the world. That’s why we have started “Verses Project” at FBCOKC where you will be challenged to memorize one passage of scripture per month. Of course you are welcome to memorize more than one passage but we’re setting a reachable goal that all of our church family – from kids to senior adults – can memorize. You can do this as an individual or invite your family to join you in memorizing God’s word. You’re free to choose your favorite translation. Below is a link to a Bible Memory app that helps people learn how to memorize scripture! It’s available for both apple and android devices. If you’re committing to join us in Verses Project, email [email protected] or call us so we know to be encouraging you along the way!


June 2021 - Philippians 2:5-11

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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FBCOKC Ministers and Staff Sarah Stewart, Pastor…………………...…………………………………...……………………………………………...……232-4255 extension 121

Brad Stewart, Minister for Discipleship ………………..………………………….……………………....……...232-4255 extension 122

Steven McConnell, Minister of Music………………………………..…………………………………………………...…...cell: 405-246-6687

Don Clothier, Pianist……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…cell: 405-408-2145

Jordan Browne, Children’s Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………….232-4255 extension 124

Lonnie Stearns, Facilities Manager……………………………………………………….…....232-4255 extension 150/cell: 245-5717

Barbara Ward, Financial Services Coordinator………………………………………………..………………...232-4255 extension 118

Toni Adams Executive Ministry Associate………..………………….…….………………………………….... 232-4255 extension 112

Please come and take part in being a greeter at FBCOKC.

We need greeters for Sunday mornings before Bible Study

and before the Worship Service. No experience necessary

because all you need to do is welcome and connect our

members and guests with a smile at the door. Even if you

can only greet one Sunday a month, we need you. Please

contact Toni Adams at [email protected] or 405-232-

4255 if you can volunteer or have any questions. Thank you

Deacon nominating will begin in a few short weeks! Begin praying now about who you would like to

nominate to serve as a deacon for the next year. We will have nominations starting June 13-27. Please

visit with the person before you nominate them to make sure they are willing to serve. You can nominate

as many church members as you would like.

Budget Report:

Includes contributions through: May

Budget Requirements thus far (thru the Month of May) 249,856.90

Budget Receipts Received Thus Far 223,027.93

Budget Requirements-Month 49,971.38

Budget Receipts Received This Period 48,132.63

Received to Date (%) For Current Month 96%

Received to Date (%) For Year (thru May) 89%

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FBCOKC—Come be YOU with US!

Cleaning Supplies Needed for Hope Is Alive House

This year, FBCOKC “adopted” the Hope Is Alive W2 home. Part of our support agreement is providing the house with cleaning supplies. Right now, they really need Swiffer WetJet cleaning pads. Other recommended cleaning supplies include: Clorox toilet bowl cleaner, Clorox wipes, trash bags, dish soap, Pledge furniture spray, glass cleaner, etc. If you would like to donate cleaning supplies, you may drop them off at the church office and we will make sure that they get to the house. If you’re unable to purchase specific items, but would like to donate financially, you can give to the Missions Budget by designating your gift either on a giving envelope or online. Thanks for loving our community by loving on the W2 HIA Home!


This month CareforOKC food pantry will be needing peanut butter and ramen noodles.

Thank you for brining those items to the church during the weeks operating hours.

SAVE THE DATE: Calling all women. Women’s Retreat is

scheduled for September 10 and 11 at St. Crispins Retreat

Center. Don’t miss this time of fun, Bible Study, food,

laughter, and fellowship.

The community care offering will be taken this Sunday, June 6. There will be a designated plate in the

Sanctuary. Thank you for loving on our community.

Starting Wednesday, June 9th @ 6:00pm. No experience necessary to sing unto the Lord!