Metzger Lumber Co. Delphi, Indiana LUMBER Yellow and white pine, fir, cypress, hemlock, and i·edwood. A good material for every purpose. MASON MATERIALS Common and rough face brick, fire brick, flue liners, ce- ment, lime, B1·ixment, fibered sand plaster, wood fiber, plas- ter board, In s ulite lath. ROOFING Red cedai', asphalt, and asbestos shingles, roll roofing, cor- rugated iron roofing, roof paint, roof paste, creosote, roof- ing nails, ridge roll, valleys, etc. PHONE 43 POSTS, GATES AND TILE Cedar gate posts, several sizes, cedar line posts; cr·eosote posts; gates in any length, clay tile in nearly all sizes. MILL WORI{ Doors and windows with all frames and trimming materials, mouldings, lattice, screen doors, laddEl's. PAINTS Full line Nu-Da House and Barn Paints. MISCELLANEOUS Wall board, in s ulite, glass, p utt y, nails, building paper, in- s ulating matel'ials, building hardware, septic tanks, boats, oars, oar Jocks, etc. The Home of Summer Cottages Roy Metzger, H.B. Wilsoh and Urban Weitzel, Owners. H.B. WILSON and J. DICKISON, Mgrs. FIRESTONE SERVICE £-IRE-CHIEF Carney Service Station PHONE 89 DELPID, IND. CROSBY HOTEL RESTAURANT TAP ROOM PHONE 66 B. T. CROSBY, Mgr. .... Corrected July 1, 1934 "tl c: :r = 0 z c:s > 0 ro z ('") Clo c: ·- 0 The !::> 0 ..... ·;: M Carroll 0 00 . .... u Pi" .... g_ 0 t; lfl QO Telephone 3 > < 0 ro F- '(/) u 'g Co. ell 0 t:; $)) ro DELPHI, INDIANA < ell c.: C/l u 0 0 'O > z ? ro < c:.i 0 >.z c = 0 Exchange on Main Street ..c: ::;, Q., ro DELPHI ICE, COAL & SUPPLY CO. Phone 85 214 W. Franklin The Delphi Citizen Print


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Page 1: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

Metzger Lumber Co. Delphi, Indiana


Yellow and white pine, fir, cypress, hemlock, and i·edwood. A good material for every purpose.


Common and rough face brick, fire brick, flue liners, ce­ment, lime, B1·ixment, fibered sand plaster, wood fiber, plas­ter board, Insulite lath.


Red cedai', asphalt, and asbestos shingles, roll roofing, cor­rugated iron roofing, roof paint, roof paste, creosote, roof­ing nails, ridge roll, valleys, etc.


Cedar gate posts, several sizes, cedar line posts; cr·eosote posts; gates in any length, clay tile in nearly all sizes.


Doors and windows with all frames and trimming materials, mouldings, lattice, screen doors, laddEl's.

PAINTS Full line Nu-Da House and Barn Paints.

MISCELLANEOUS Wall board, insulite, glass, putty, nails, building paper, in­s ulating matel'ials, building hardware, septic tanks, boats, oars, oar Jocks, etc.

The Home of Summer Cottages Roy Metzger, H.B. Wilsoh and Urban Weitzel, Owners.



Carney Service Station PHONE 89 DELPID, IND.



.... Corrected July 1, 1934 "tl ~

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<~~ z ('") ~ Clo c: ·- 0 The

!::> 0 ~ll.o~ ..... ~~

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F- ~ o~ '(/)

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~ -~""" DELPHI, INDIANA < ~ ell c.: ~ ~

~ o· C/l ~· u 0 0 'O > z ? ro < c:.i 0 >.z c

~ = 0

Exchange on Main Street ~ ..c: ::;, Q., ro



Phone 85 214 W. Franklin

The Delphi Citizen Print

Page 2: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF





Do your ads command at­tention? They will if pre­

pared with the experience,

skill and care given every ad

set in our plant.

The Latest County News -' - - Editorials of Local Interest

The Delphi Citizen ••• 1

Exclusive agents in Carroll Co. for RYTEX STATIONERY 111

11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 nm nm nmamamam11111 1111111111

!l I


Brewer's Milk I I If you're cross or run down, your doctor I will probably full you to add to your daily I menu the food that's richest in great health

I building elements-three glasses of fresh pure Brewer's Milk every day.


Brewer's Dairy I PHONE 33-22

mD am mu mn




- oOo-

JULY 1934

- oOo-


S. H. WALKER, President

M. W. PERRY, TreasUl'er

CHAS. A. CARTWRIGHT, Secy. and General Mgr.

- oOo-

Delphi Exchange, 111 ~ E. Main Sti.-eet


Office Phone, No. 62 Supply Room Phone, No. 3

Page 3: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

Party-Line Subscribers are Urged to Hold the

Telephone Only Five Minut·es

FIVE MINUTES is usually sufficient to complete an ordinary

business transaction by t elephone.

If the telephone company saves work when party lines are

"tied up" for long periods while people are talking, the poLC.>' i.;

unfail• to its other patrons and the practice is discouraged.

It is not a kind act to compel your neighbor to wait more

than FIVE MINUTES while you hold the line-a call for a doc­

tor or an important business transaction may be delayed.

"Do unto others as you would have

them do unto you." is a good rule

The company does not permit the attachment of unauthor­

iZJed devices or instruments, to or to connect with it lines 0 1·

equipment. If persisted in, the Telephone Company reserves the

right to cancel the contract of the offending subscriber upon t en

days' notice and to remove its instrnments and equipment.

Carroll Telephone Oo.




Speak distinctly, talk into the mouthpiece . If you do not allow the sound wave to ~mter the mouthpiece, thence to the transmitter, how can you expect the receiving party to hear you1· conversation?

Remember this : No community every really enjoyed first­class telephone service unless the Telephone Company had the intelligent and hearty co-operation of its subscl'ibers and the pub­lic.

Speak gently, remember your voice is the sounding board of your soul.

Golden Rule-Answer calls promptly as you expect to be answered.

Report names of habitual bonowers of telephone service. We will see them about installing telephones for their own use.

Listen carefully to the number of Operator repeats to you, af ter you have given your order ; she may have misunderstood your order.

Answe1· your bell promptly, a ring means a friend calling you, do not make him wait, failure on your part to answer at once way be the means of causing your party to hang up the receiver, if such is the case the Operator has no way of telling who called.

Call by number onJy. Be brief, but courteous to the Opera­tors-we require them to be so to you. They have no time to converse with you; they do not know subscribers names, the deal entirely with numbers.

For all changes or l'emovals, notify the Operator and when leaving the city, so a record can be made and the Opel'ator will lrnow why you do not answer calls.

Call Bookkeeper for information regarding telephone rentals and contracts.

In case of fire, call Centrnl, and give distinctly the location of the fire and numb_er of your residence; be sure you are correctly understood before you leave the telephone. The Fire Department will be notified.

Page 4: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

lf your troubles or complaints are not attendetl to promptly and satisfactorily, please report to the Office Manger, No. 62.

A charge will be made for repairing broken telephones cov­ering actual cost of material and labor.

Subscribers ar e r esponsible for all toll charges for messages sent from 'their respective instruments and should refer all unau.­thorized persons to pay stat ions for such service.

Do not expect perfection in telephone service. Teleph<Y'1es like people, have their weakness.

There are always three parties to a telephone call- the person cal! ing, the telephone operator and the person called-all are hu­man, all must co-operate-courtesy will help all.

Use the Directory-do not t ry to remember numbers, do not guess, look it up.

Do not use t he te}ephone during a storm.

Hello meami noth ing. Please state eithe1· the telephone num­ber, the name of t1rn firm or the party answer ing. It will save valuable time and needless questions by doing o. You will help your service.

- oOo-

Pay Stations for Long Distance Connections

-of the-


OFFICE BOOTH --- - ------- - ---- --- -------- 111~ E. MAIN

WELCOME INN, PAY STATION -------------- 108 E. MAIN


Be Sure You Understand Class of Long Distance Toll Calls




PLEASE CONSULT this Directory before making calls. "INFORMATION" does not give out numbers for names which can be found in this Directory. OPERATORS know numbers not names.

Please read and follow instructions and your service will im­prove.

HERE'S A SAFE RULE FOR EVERYBODY: Consult the telephone book Don't rely on your memory. You may l'emem­ber a number perfectly-but it may be someone else's number and not the one you want. No doubt "Central" makes mistakes Voices var y in distinctness over the phone and the operator i~ human, after all. It is only when you do your best to call the right number and speak distinctly that you've done your pa1-t It's then up to the operator. ·

ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS : Does any other company .or store in town wait on me so uniformly promptly or cause so little direct loss of t ime, as does the Telephne Company?

"Can I get the service of a cle1·k, a sales girl a cashier or of anyone else nearly as quickly, whenever I want' them, as I can those of a Telephone Operator?"

W.e ki ndly ask you to help us help you to give the best service possible. It takes both operator and patron working together.

Appointment and Messenger Calls

Appointment calls are "person to person" calls the order for which, provides that communication is to be ar;anged to take place at a specified time.

Messenger calls are person to person calls, requiring the use of a messenger., to se~ure attendance of a designated person, at one of the public stations, at the distant point. The rate is t he sam~ as the par ticular par ty rate, plus any charge for messenger service.

T~e above ra~es are computed on the day rate, whether the call 1s made durmg the day, or during the night.

Repor t charges apply under the same general condition as specified, for "person to person" calls.

Page 5: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

A 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 351 Ab lract Company ---- Office ----------- Couxt House 1 9-1 Acheson, J . \\". ________ Re idence --- 132 W. North St.

4 Adams & Afflis -------_Pharmacy ------- 119 S. Wash. 260-t Adams, Bryce _________ Residence -------- 222 N. Ohio 295 Afnis, W. W. --------._Residence ---- 217 E · Franklin 132 Aldridge, Wa}'l1e ______ _ Residence _____ 120 N. Market 35 Allen, M1· . J . H. _______ 'fl' ~idcnce ____ 213 S. Indiana 135 Amick, C. T. --------- . Residence ----- 322 E. Monroe 1 11 .Anderson, Arthur ______ nes iclence ____ 316 E. Madison 13 1 Anderson, M. G. ______ __ Residence ------ 601 E. Monroe 235 Andrew, nober l ________ nesi<lence ----- 503 N. Indiana 158 A1mory -------- - - - ---------- _______ East Main St.. 278 Arnold, George ________ n e iclence ---- 422 E . Frankhn J O Arnold , Hany _n esidence ____ 121 N. Indiana 397-2 Ashba, Paul ___________ ".:te · idence ------ 703 E . Monroe

3 1 Aulo Hole-I, Silas Wilson. Mgr. _______ 121 w. Franklin

B 165 Insurance __ ___ __ H. W. Bradshaw Agency :321 Baer, Everett _________ nesidence ------ ,109 N. Inrli~ 11a

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

289 Baer , John _____________ n e; idl'nce 121 N. \\'ash. 10 -2 Bailey, C. A. ______ Residence ----- 121 N . .:VIm+1•t l37 Balser , Ilun _____ --· __ Rcsidcnc·c ___ !512 N. \Vtls n St 2 Q-,1 Burker, J . \\'right ___ ___ Residence ____ 218 \V. Franklin 160-2 Barnett, Mrs. J ennie Residence ------ 219 W. F ront

3:50 Ba setl, Fred __________ n csid'-'nce _____ -118 \\". F1ont

364 Baum, Edw. Green Hot!SC ____ 1117 E. Main 9 Daum, Ed w. __________ Residt!nce _____ 121 F.- .~r:rnklin

29 Baum, Harry __________ Resirlence _______ 121 \V. Fronl 426 aum. Robert ________ n esiclence ---------- Elr1wvorl 106-2 Beal, George __________ Resirlence ______ 30!) \\. Norlh 20 Beamer, Dr. G. 0. ______ Office ---------- 2Hi S. \\':ish·

~ ~. ~o0 Beamer, Dr.JLO. ______ Res!dence _____ ~08, E . l\JoniSle (I (;, .1v Beard,\ . J . __________ Re. tdcnce --- rnti I•,. Norffi . . !-3 12 Been, Jason _____ _____ R<>sid:-nre - ----- 1J !) E . F1·011t 307 Beja, Steve ___ ___ .:. __ __ Shoe Repair _____ 21!) S. \Va h. 1!)5 Bennett. Mr. Ellen _____ Residence ---- 12 N. Union ~;)!) Bt>sl. Chnrles _ _ ____ Resirl<'nce ____ 6 15 E . rfonrol! 2:12 B<>sl. J ohn ___________ Residence -------- 7:;1 E. Main

G8 Bibbins, Mrs. Frank ___ Rcqidcnce _ 609 E. F rank li n J S ~ /lc.o...>-ttt- 1 · ~ a '.'>" ?t .>:.- • r -

Phone 2:J WELCOME BIN CAFE l 0 E. Main

R. G. Bradsha~ MOTOR SALES



''Standard Service'' GASOLINE MOTOR OILS






P HONE 140

R. G. Bradshaw Motor Sales


Page 6: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

t·---·---·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·---~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---,. l INSURANCE REAL ESTATE . l LIFE - ACCIDENT RENTALS 1 l 'BONDS - FffiE TRUSTS l t BURGLARY E tc. t i UNION INSURANCE AGENCY ! I Harry E. Reed-Managers--Leo Craig l l "W e Will Appreciate An OpportunJty To B e Of Se rvice To You" i l State Bank Bldg. Phone 61 1 I . +i - •------- -- 1111- w- .. - •- •·-•- •- •- •------ •- •-- •- •- •+

+•- 11t1- •- •- • - •- • - •- •- H- •- • - •- wi- n1t- 11.-.. - 11M- •- •- •- •- n- •- •- •t i 1

l J. Pearl1nan 8 Son i j I I


l Phone 125 Delphi, Indiana I

.l.11-•-·-----·----·-·-·-·-----·--·-·-·-·--·-·-·-·+ +--·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---~~ i I




l Any Distance Prices Reasonable I I



j Harry Baer I I

f Phom~ 289 Delphi, Ind. I

.!. ------------·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·----·-·-·-·-·+

) 331 Bitler & Son ___________ coal Co. ________ W. Franklin 331 Bitler, Clifford ________ Residence --- --- 803 E. Monroe 72 Blythe & Son's, Furniture & U ndertak.ing

or 40, 185, 273 72 Blythe, Edw. __________ Residence ______ 121 N. Union 40 Blythe, Miss Lillian ____ Residence __ 921 S· Washington

166 Bollhauve, Hubert ______ Residence ____ 1022 E. Monl'Oe 406-3 Boone, Larry __________ Residence ______ 322 W. North 371 Bowen, Abner _________ Residence _____ 524 E. Franklin

79 Bowen, A. T. & Co. _____ Bank ------------ 125 E. Main 145 Bowen, E. W. ---- -~ ---_Residence ------- South Delphi

92 Bowen, E. W. ___ ______ Office ______ 1131h W. Fi·anklin 89 Bowen, Mrs. N. W. _____ Residence __ _____ 404 E. Main

102 Boyles, Chas. __________ Residence ________ __ Pitt sburg 436 Boyles, Reid ___________ Residence __________ W. Delphi 234-4 Brackelll'idge Mrs· W. T.Residence -------- 312 E. Main 456 Bradshaw, Howard _____ Residence ______ 817 E. Monroe 165 Bradshaw, Howard W. __ Qffice ---------- 313 S. Wash. 165 Bradshaw Insurance Agency 313 S. Wash. 140 Bradshaw, R. G. Motor Sales. F'ord Dealer,_ Mkt. & Main 336 Bradshaw, Robert G. ___ Residence ______ 111 S. Illinois 311-4 Briney, Mrs. Faye ______ Residence ______ 520 N. Wash. 443 Bragunier, W. I-I. ______ Plumbing Shop __ 118 S. Market 196 Brewer, A. H., Shoe Store ____ 108 W. Main 178 Buewer, A. I-I. __________ Residence _______ 407 W. Main 178 Brewer, Harry S. ______ Residence _______ 407 W. Main 476 Brown, Wm· ___________ Residence ------ 110 E._ Front 167 Burr, Mrs. John H. _____ Residence ______ 115 W. Front _ 463-3 Butler, Mrs. Stella ______ Residence ____ 203 Y.. W. Front

c 165 Insurance ___ ___ _ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 321 Caldwell, C. E . _________ Residence ___ ___ 221 N. Indiana 361 Carney, Dr . C. E . _______ Office ________ K. of p. Bldg.

77 Carney, Dr . C. E . _______ Residence ______ 423 W. F ront 80 Carney, Mrs. John _____ Residence ______ 516 E. Monroe 39 Carney Ti11e Shop ________ Cor. Market and Main Streets 88 Carr, B. F. ___________ _ Residence --- ----- 415 E. Main

100 Carroll County Credit Exchange -------- Pletcher Bldg. 31 Carroll Co. Farm Bureau W. Franklin

Co-Op. Assoc. Inc. 99 Carroll County Loan & Trnst Co., Bank __ __ 111 E M,ain 62 Carroll Telephone Co. ___ Manager's Office 111 lh E . Mlain 3 Carroll Telephone Co. __ _ Supply Room ___ _____ E . Main

67 Carroll 'Delephone Co· ___ Wire Chief Desk 1111h E. Main 268 Carter, Mark __________ Residence ____ 330 W. Front St.

'Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Mai11

Page 7: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

H:·-:<··X··X·-¥.· ·>:··Y: ·X··X·-l<·-X-·Y: -i'c·:<--l<·-l<· ·Y:-lC··X-·X··Y:-¥.·,'C··Y: ·Y.·-lC··:f+;·*->:··l!-·Y:-lC··X··:<-·Y:-!C··lf ·X··X··X··X··X·-X--X-·l!-·X··X··Y:·X··X··X·

i t * WILL L. COWDIN * i "THE PLUMBER" ~ ~ ~ ;t OFFICE 391 - PHONES- RESIDENCE 179 :~ * ~ * i ~ DELPHI, INDIAN A :~ ~ ~ c-:<··X·'<-*-l<··X·-l<··X·-l<··:<-·X··:<-·X·***+:·"·**"··Y..-i<·*-¥.·-:<-**•l!-*-Y.··X·'<-'<-·lf'f.-·/:·+:·,<-·:<-·X·'.<··X··X··l.·*-¥.··Y.··Y..'k**

159 Cartwright, Mrs. Geo. ___ Residence ___ ___ 116 W. North 377 Cartwright, Chas- A. ____ Residence ______ 411 W. Front 192 Cartwright, John H. __ ._ Residence ______ 103 N. Indiana 78 Cartwrigh t , Wason & Carr, Attorneys __ Over Postoffice

267 Cash Coal Co. ____ __ ____ Office ________ 118 N. Wabash 144-4 Charles, Mrs. Aal"On ____ Residence __ ____ 601 N. Indiana 471 Ohissom, Claude ___ ___ _ Residence ____ __ 308 N. Indinn,1 14 Citizen, Newspaper _____ ----------- 114 E. Franklin St.

CITY OFFICES 97 City Clerk and Treasurer_ ______________ :.____ Armory 97 Ciiy Fire Department ---------------------- Am1ory

72 Blythe & Sons, Fun1iture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

97 City Marshal -- ---------------------------- Armory 59-2 City Water Works _____ Plant --------------- S. Union

317 Clark, Joseph A. _____ __ Residence ____ 221 E. Franklin 369 Clauser, Dr· A. C. ____ __ Office ________ 204 E. Main St. 369 Clauser, Dr- A. C. ______ Residence ______ 226 W. North 413 Clauser, Roy ___ _______ Residence ______ 622 E. Monroe

56 Clawson Chevrolet Sales ____ __ E. Main St. 452-2 Clawson, Mrs. Ella __ __ _ Farm _____ 1 mi. N. State rd. 39 '1.54-'1 Clawson, Gerald ________ Residence ----------- S. Delphi 266 Clawson, J esse _________ Residence ______ 518 N. Indiana 2G0-3 Clawson, Orin _________ Ucs:dence ____ ____ 215 N. High 399 Clawson, Robert L. ______ Residence ______ 305 N. Union 400-1 Clawson, Walter _____ __ Residence ______ 142 W. North

124 Clifford's Grocery 101 W. Franklin 415 Clifford, Ambrose ____ _ Residence ____ -409 W. Monrnc 379 Clifford, J ames A. ______ Residence ________ 218 N. Ohio

75 Clifford, Mrs. J . H. ____ Resid1ence _______ 501 N. Wash 381 Coble, L. R. _______ ____ Residence _____ 402 E. Franklin 201 Coble, Raymond E· _____ n.esid·ence ____ 327 Cottage Ave. 130 Conn, Robt - --------- .Machine Shop __ N. Washington

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

:***************************************************; * * * CLAWSON CHEVROLET SALES i * * * 0 * ~ M BILE GAS - OIL - GREASES ~ i GOODRICH TIRES ~ ffi New and Used Parts ~ * * ~ PHONE 56 ~ I t*·X· * ·:+·:+ -x--x-·X··X-·X·* +:··/.··X··:+·X··X·"· ·Y.--:+ ·l!--X··X·*·X··X-·X·* ·:<-·X··X·-X· ·X··X··Y.· -lC·'l.-·X· -X- ·X··:+* ·>:·+:-·:+·)!-* ;(··:t *.i~ 243 Coomey, Mrs. James H._Residence ___ -425 W. Franklin

- 35" Cooper, Matthe _______ Residence 288 Corns, Mrs. Wm· __ _____ Residence -_-_-_-_-_-_-_J.J.TE.-F1:-0~1t 4tll Country Club _______ ·-

COUNTY OFFICES 69 County Agei:t --- ----·· . Office ________ ___ Court House

446 County Auditor ___ ____ Office ___ ________ Court House 485 County Clerk __________ Office ___________ Court House 485 County Recorder ____ __ Office ___________ Court House

90 County Sheriff _____ ___ Office _________ __ Court House 487 County Superintendent _Office ___________ couTt House

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & U nd·ertaking or 40, 185, 273

310 446 111 448 179 391 284 403-2 189-2

1 93 93

215 164 320-4 334 150


County Surveyor ______ Office ___________ Court House County Treasurer ___ ___ Office ___________ Court House Judg~'s Chamber ______ Office ___________ Court House Cowd~n, Mrs. W. G. Jr. _Residence ______ 118 W. Monroe Cowdm, W. L. _____ ___ _ Residence ________ 315 W. Main Cowdin, W. L. ______ __ _ Plumbing Shop __ 115 W. Frank. Cox! Mrs. Carrie ____ ___ Residence _____ 503 E. Franklin Cra~g, Russell --------- Residence _______ 1139 E. Main Craig, Leo ------------Residence -------- 824 S. Wash. Cram~~m, Dr. C. C. -----Office __ __ 11511.i ·s. Washington Crampon, Dr. C. C. - - ---Residence ______ 218 E. Monroe Cr~wford Bros. ____ _____ Residence ______ 134 E. North Cr~pe, A. B. ------------Residence ___ ll 71h W. Franklin ICr!pe, Mrs. Ethel ______ Residence ___ 217 Cottage Ave. · Cripe, J. C. ____________ Residence ____ 413 W· Summit Crosby, Byram _____ ___ Residence ______ 114 'h E. Main Crosby, The ___________ Hotel __________ 111 N. Wash.

D 165 Insurance _____ __ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 454-1 Daugherty, Max _______ Residence 810 S. Prince Wm. rd.

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 8: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

l.':-·:(-·::-.;.:-·:·c-::-7c* ·»·>:--::--:f 7.· -i:·-X·*·X· -)(- ·ic *•» .;(· ·»·:f %·X··X·7:··X· ·X· 'l.·'.<··X··X· ·X· -ic.;(··X·*7:··Y.··X··l<·-!<· -i:--x- ·X··:\·7:· ·: :··X·** ... ~ .

* PH508NE DELPHI PHONE ~ ;I; MARKET 58 ~~ = ~ • • =~ South Side Squa11e * ~ * ~I~ GROCERIES - FRUITS - VEGETABLES~~ ~ ! :;: "Om Meats Direct From Our Own Packing Plant Save * ~~--i:·7c~f-:<-'<-*7:•***·X- ·X·¥.·7:··X·7:··:<-·:<-:.:::~<-::~:+:~-:~:.:~.::::.:;*****7:··:<·7:·*·::-·:·:· ·::··::·7:·* ~

64 Day, Wilbur V. ________ Pastor M. E. C. ___ 118 N. Union 390 Dame Ice Cream Parlor -------------- - 114 S. Marl{iet

1 Davidson, R. E. ___ Residence 420 W. Main 470-1 Davies, Miss Mary _____ Residence ____ 227 N. High St· 365 Davies, C. A. __________ Residence ____ 319 E. Frank1111 147 Davies, Hugh __________ Residence ______ 111 S. Illinois 183 Davies Oil Co. ___ ______ Filling Station __ 110 N. Wash. 106 Davis, Wm. ____________ Residence _____ _ 315 \V. Front 340-2 Delaney, John ___ ______ Residence ___ 502 W. Frankli11 323 Delong, James A. ___ ___ Residence ____ 814 E. Momoe 165 Delphi Body Works ____ Office ---- 313 S. Washington

72 Blythe & SoniS, Furnitur1e & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

------14 Ddlphi Citizen, Newspaper ____ E. Franklin 42 Delphi Hatchery, W. J. Beard, Prop. ______ 102 S· Mark~t 85 Delphi Ice, Coal & Supply Co. ___ N. Wilson 85 Delphi Ice, Coal & Supply Co., Office __ 214 W. F1·anklin 22 Delphi Journal Office _____ 114 E. Main St. 58 Delphi Market __ __ _____ Grocery ______ 120 W. -Main St.

110 Delphi Motor Sales --------------------- Ruffing Ave. 164 Delphi Sheet Metal & Furnace Co. ____ 117 W. Franklin 173 Delphi Wood Working Co. ________ 402 S. Washington St· 470-3 Dern, Mrs. Clara _______ Residence __ 515 E. Monroe St. .122 Dickison, J . B. ________ Residence _____ 234 W. Summit 228 Dodson, B. S. __________ Baptist Parsonage 310 E. F1·ank. 494 Dole, Mrs. Lenna ______ _ .Residence __ 513 N. Washington 239 Donbeck, Edw. ________ Residence ____ 1015 E. Monroe '165-2 Donbeck, Mrs. Fred ____ Residence ______ 710 N. Union 2118 Dotson, J. F . __________ Residence ______ 719 N. Wash.

439 Downey, J. C., the Tire Man __ W. Franklin 402 Downey, J . C. _________ __ Residence ______ 116 S. Wilson 40tl-1 Downham, Mrs. Roy ____ Residence ________ West Delphi 132-3 Downs, Edw. ______ __ __ Residence _____ 307 N. Indiana

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main


210 Drake, Benj. H. ________ Residence ______ 210 W. Frnnt 139 Dueifus, Mrs. Sophia ____ Residence ______ 422 E. Monroe 408-3 Duff, Mrs. A. C. _____ ___ Residence _____ 115 N. Market 46 Duffey, I. & Son Co. Stock Yds. N. WHs·on

277 Dyer, Samuel ____ ______ Residence _____ 504 E. Momoe

E 165 Insurance __ ___ __ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 250 Edgewood Cafe ____ Ed Gerard, Prop. ____ 115 E. Main 460-1 Eldridge, Mrs. Addie ___ Residence ___

7 __ 303 W. Front

72 Blythe & Sons, Furnitu1•e & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

217 Elless, H. F- __ _________ Residence _____ 209 E. Franklin 27 Elless & Orr _______ ____ Druggists ______ 112 W. Main

383 Ellis, Roy ____________ _ Residence _____ 804 E. Monroe 45 Emrick Cream Station ---------------- 123 E. Franklin

F 165 Insurance ______ _ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 255-3 Farr, Wade ____________ Residence _____ 824 S. Illinois 348 Fauset, Clyde _______ __ Residence _ 606 N. Washington 189-3 Ferling, Fred __________ Residence _____ 131 W. Summit 340-3 Ferrier, Edw. _______ ___ Residence ___ 507 W. Franklin 332 Feni·m:·, Edw. Jr. _______ Residence ____ 603 E. Franklin 222-4 Fife, Sherman _________ Residence ______ 1202 E. Main 199 Frushour, Frank ____ __ Residence _____ _ 122 W. Front 283 Fry, Dale _____________ Residence ___ 315 Cottage Ave

G 165 Insurance _______ H . W. Bradshaw Agency 152 Gamble, Robt. J . _______ Residence - - ----- 311 N. Union 186 Gardner, J. M- _________ Residence _____ 321 W. Front

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main


Page 9: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

I I .


A. Grimm & Sons I 421 E. Main St. Stat:~ Road 25


Phones: 73 or 268


• I

~ I • I I

SUPERIOR AMBULANCE SERVICE I . . +•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- •-n-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- ~-•+

108 Gardner, W. H. ________ Residence ______ 111 S. Wilson 444 Garrison, Geo. H. __ ____ Residence ____ 416 E. Franklin

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Und·ertaking or 40, 185, 273

404-4 Garrison, J oe _________ Residence -------- West Delphi 311-2 Gerard, E. L. ----------Residence _ 316 N. Washington

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main


;**************************************************** ~ ~


* = * Are you lnsu1·ed? If not, see us for aJI kinds of insurance Including * = Life, Health and Accident, Pu1blic Liability, Compensation, Fire and ;j; ; Lightning, Tornado, Windstorm, H all and full coverage for your Au- = :;: tomobile; also Fidelity and Surety Bonds. w~ have all old line com- * * * * ~~ * * * * LIST YOUR R EAL ESTATE W lTH US, W.E'LLFIND Y OU A B UYER :;· * ~ :~ P hone 279 W. E. HOLMES Delphi, Incl. * * ~ :·l(-{:··:+-lC··:<··X··:+******·X·-it··lE--it·-lC·-it·-i<·*·lE-*·X··lE--l<··X··lE-**·lE-i<·-lC··X··X··lE-·lE-****·:f-l<·*·X·*·X·*·**·lE--le 320-1 Gillam, Manfred ________ Residence ________ 902 E. Main -478 Goehenour, Ray-;-Dr y Clean~rst07 S:-Waslt;--

51 Gochenour, Dr. W. W. __ Dentist - --------- 204 E- Main 313 Gochenour, Dr. W. W. __ Residence ____ 104 E. Summit 294 Goff, James A. ________ Residence ___ __ 510 E. Monl'Oe 234-2 Graham, L. Bun· ______ Residence ------- 316 E. Main 240 Grantham, Mrs. Lewis M.Residence ___ 323 E. Franklin 287 Gray's Delphi Electric Hatchery ------------- N. Union 3'53-1 Griffith, F1:ed _________ Residence ___ __ 214 W. Summit 330-2 Griffith, Wm. __ _______ Residence ______ 204 E. North

73 Grimm & Sons _________ Funeral Directors 421 East Main St., or 268

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

377 Grimm, Adam _________ Residence ----- 411 W. Front 73 Grimm, E. Q. --------- -Residence ______ 421 ¥.! E. Main

151 Grimm, Lorenz ________ Residence ----- 112 W. Monrne 346 G:ros. Chas. ____________ Residence _____ 114 N. Indiana

5 Gros, Dr . Hubert _______ Qffice __________ 117 E. Main 5 Gros, Dr. Hubert _______ Residence ________ 223 E. Main

330-4 Gunder, Delbert ________ Residence ____ 115 W. Summit

H 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 71 Halls Meat Market _______ 117 E. Franklin

244 Hall, Geo· __ ___________ Residence ______ 316 W. Main 322 Hall, Gus A. Attorney ________ Smith Bldg. 388 Hall, Gus A. __________ ,_Residence ____ 209 E. Monroe 468-2 Hall, Oscar ____________ Residence _______ West Delphi 198 Hall, Robt. ____________ Residence ____ 429 W. Franklin 218 Hamling, J ohn _________ Residence ______ 104 W. Front 367 Hamling, J ohn _______ __ Pool Room _______ 124 E. Main

Phone 23 WE LCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 10: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

****************************************************4 * ~ f: STOP AND THINK :~ ~ f: ;r; F ire Lakes $50,000,000.00 toJI yearly. Think of the years f: ,~ of toil and saving it takes to get a home and you can lose it * ~ in fifteen :minutes when fire takes its toll. Isn't it worth :i; :!: protecting in every possible way? ;~ ;f; Ser vice Will Protect You- A11 Old Line Companies "!'

~~ HUNTSINGER INSURANCE AGENCY ~ * ± ~ East Side Square Delphi, Ind. P hone No. 209 r: K: «· ·X· ·X··:+·X· ·X··:+ ·:+ * * ·:+ '** ** 'f ·:+ *.;(··:+ *+:··:f ·X· ·X· ·X· ·:+ ·:f +:··:+ '+->:· .;{·'f * ''<··:+• +:·* * **• * Y:··:+*·X· ·:\··X·':: ;' 412 Hamling, John H. ______ Residence ______ 509 E. Momoe

28 Hamling & S1uock, A ttys. Union Bank Bldg 32 Hanna & Hanna ________ Attorneys _____ 110 '1.? W. Main 86 Hanna, Mrs. J ohn L. ___ Residence ___ ____ 222 E . Nort h

427 Hanna, Joseph ___ ___ __ Residence ____ 610 E. Franklin 356-2 Hru:dy, Miss Anna ______ Residence ------ 220 W. Front 280-1 Hargraves, Carl ________ Residence ______ 108 S. Wabash

105 Hargraves, Ethel, Beauty Shop 116 E. Main 113 Hargrav'€'s Motor Sales ______ 4 N. Market 206 Harris, L. G· & Co. _____ Produce Co. _ 212 W. Franklin

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

486-3 Harshman, Mrs. Lois __ _ Residence ____ __ 610 N. Wash. 408-1 Hatfield, Mr s. Frances _ Residence ______ 109 W. Monroe

1 Haugh Coal Office ___ ____ 210 W. Main St. 245 Haugh, Mrs. Harry _____ Residence _______ 209 W. Front 482 Haughey, Miss Nellie ___ Residence ----- - - 739 E. Main 255-2 Haynes, Burnside ______ Residence _____ 525 W. Summit 389 H efleng, Wm. ---------- Hesidence _____ 616 N. Union 260-1 Hefner, Mort _________ _ Residence ________ 230 N. Ohio 1153-2 IIeiland, Will W· ------- ncsirlence _____ 339 W. Summi~ 303-L! Hein, Chas. _____ _______ Residence _________ Arnold St. r353-4 Herron, George ________ 1\.esidence ____ 105 S. Masonic: ~25 Hicks, B. C. -----------~esid ence ____ 615 E. Franklin 496 Hildebrand, Earl _______ Residence _______ 1026 E. Main 462 Hinkle, Mrs. Bert ______ Residence _____ 112 S. Illinois 384 Hoaglan, Walter _______ Residence _______ 721 N. Union 279 Holmes & Davidson _____ Office _____ Odd Fellows Bldg. 1t35-4 Holmes, Russell _______ Ttesidrnce _____ 508 N. Indian:i 260-2 l-ionan, Miss Anna _____ n esidence _______ 227 N. Ohio

54 Hoshaw Bros., Aucts ___ Office __________ 115 S. Wash. ~72 Hoshaw, Harve ________ Residence _____ 306 N. Union

P hone 2:3 WE LCOME INN CAFE 108 E . Main

,, 344 318-3 396 189-1 368 169 169 463-2 209 ::20-2

Hoshaw, Loyal _________ Residence ________ 723 E . Main Ilotrn, Adolph --------· Residence ______ 615 N. Union Howell Produce Co. ______ . ----- - ------ 111 E. Frnnklin Howe, M:rs. N. J. ______ Residence ------ 211 W. North Hughes, Earl __________ nesidence ____ _ 222 N. Indiana Hunter, Dr. C. W. ----- .nesidence __ _____ 110 W. Front Hunter & Hunter ______ Chiropractor s _ Odd F e!. Bldg. Hunte_r, Mrs. Ray __ ____ Residence ___ 404 W. Water St. Huntsmger , Allen ------Residence _______ 416 W. Main Hyman, Cla1·ence _____ -.1.•C"Sidcnce ------------ Mill St.

I 165 Ins:urance. ___ ___ _ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 33!?_!nd1ana Ser v1ae Corp·, Light & Power Office 107 S. Wash.

72 Blythe & Sons, Furnitur,e & U nd·ertaking 9. . A-Yt ~r 0, 185 3 () \::JN°' J.._

143 Indiana Ser vice Corp., nterurban Station ____ S. Wash. 214 Ives, Joseph T. J r . ______ Residence ______ 125 W. North

18 Ives, J oseph T. J r . ------Attorney ___ _ I. O. O. F . Bldg. 261 Ives, Myron --- ----- ---Residence _____ 601 E . Monroe

.J 165 Insurance ______ _ H. ~· Bradshaw Agency 343 Jackson, B. B. _________ Residence ______ 1146 E. Main 170-2 Jackson, Eva Parker ___ _ Residence _____ _____ Pittsburg 488-2 Jacoby, Warren H . _____ Residence __ ___ 122 E. Summit

13 J ail ----------------------------- - ----- 306 W. Main 242-3 James, C. L· __________ Residence ___ 515 S. Wash. St. 87 Johnson, Edward _______ Residence ________ 733 E. Main

171 Johnson, Miss Naomi ___ Residence -'-- --- 301 N. Union 231 J oh nson, Earl __________ Residence __ __ 525 E . Frnnklin 14 Johnson, Myron ________ Residence ___ 1141h E . FranJdin

131 Johnson, Robt. ____ __ __ Residence ________ 323 E. Main tl 63-4 Jones, Mrs. Carrie _____ Residence _____ __ 203 w. Front 232 Jones, Dan _________ ___ Residence ___ 124 N. Lincoln

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 11: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

·*-X-·:{··X·+:·->:-·Y.· % ·Y.··l.··X·-lE-·r. ·/H<-*·X··:+·:+·X-·X·*·X· ·X· **·X· ·:<-·X· ·X··X··Y.··X·*-¥.··X··X-¥.··X· ·:+ ·X·-X--l<··:+·:f %··X··:<·-l<··l!-¥.··Jt! i * * * i F. W. Lamb & Sons ~~ d * : * f: Mfg. of The Automatic Sealing Burial Vaults ~; ;f. GENERAL CONTRACTING CEMENT WORK * i * ~ BRICK WORI{ PLASTEkING ~ * - For Information- :t * ~ ~ DELPHI PHONE 230 ~; * • rli-7.··X··:f%+:·+<*.Y'***7.··:+-if**•:{··X·7:··:+**·:+.r, • .;+-:+*+:··X·+:·*·X--iH+*·:<·*·X··:<··X·*·X-·/Hf+c*·X-·l!-·/:··X·*i

22 Journal Printing Office ________ __ ____ __ 114 E. Main St. 91 Julien, Mrs. Geo. W. ____ Residence ____ 315 E. Franklin 44 Julien & Kerlin, Attys. ___ __ 1171 N. Wash.

225 Julien, Floyd __________ Residence ___ 416 W. Front Si. 74 Julius, C. 0 . ___________ Clothing Store __ 109 S. Wash.

107 Julius, C. 0. ______ __ __ Residence ----- 242 W· North

I{ 165 Insurance _____ __ H. W. Bi·adshaw Agency 57 Kaler, Dr. Lester __ __ _ .Dentist ____ 101 Y.? W. Franklin

477 Keen, D. L. ____ _______ Residence _______ 621 N. Union

72 Blythe & Sons, Furnitur,e & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

291 392 408-4 101-2

12 2

229 19

55 1135-3 469

' 327

Keever, Miss Sadie _____ Residence ___ __ 215 E. Monroe Keim, 0. S. ____________ }{esidence _______ 223 W. Main Kelly, Mrs. Alma ______ Residence ___ 204 N. Wash. St. Kempf, Peter ---------- ~esidence ________ __ Wells SL Kerlin, C. M· __________ Residence ______ 322 W. Matn Kerlin E levator ------------------------ Hamilton St. Kerlin, Hiram __________ Residence _____ 114 S. Illinois Kirkpatrick, Mrs. E. E. _Residence ______ 416 N. Wilson Kirkpatrick, Dr . J.ohn, Office Journal Bldg. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Monroe Residence ______ 403 N. Union Kite, Grover __________ Residence ____ 312 E. Franklin Kramer, Mrs. Zelpha ___ Residence ___ 315 W. Franklin

L 165 Insurance __ __ __ _ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 311-3 Lamb, Miss Anna ______ Residence ______ 418 N. Wash. 230 Lamb, Fi:anJ< __________ Residence ___ 114 'f! E. Main St. 397-3 Lane, WilbuT ______ ____ Res idence ______ 212 N. Wash. 479 Lanier, G· W. __________ Residence ______ 612 N. Union 101-4 Larimore, Chas. ________ Residence _ 814 N. Washington

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main


•l<-·X-+:· ·X··X··l!-¥.··l!-·X··X·.;:··X· ·:\·% ·:<-·X-·X· ·:f ·:<· ·i:··:<··X· 7C··:+"··X··X-·X·-X-+:··X··:+7.·% 7'· ·:<··X· ·X· -X- ·X··»·:~* ·*·X··X··:<· ·X··X··X· -Y.·+H * ~ ~ LOANS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY UP TO ~ ~ $300.00 m ~ * ~~ Special P lan for Farmers--Come in, Phone or Write ffi

~ Leavell S Bates m * * * . ~ * Phone 459 Delphi, Ind. ~; ~7:-~-:~·X·;;·-t:·i:··X··:+*·X··X··:{· ·X-·(.··:<·-:<- ·X··X·7.·7c+:-·X··ii-·X··::··X-·:f7:·-X-·X··:+.;.:.-x-·:<·-X--X-'\-·X·~r.-X··:<··::·-X-·X··X· ·:<--:<- ·:·:+:··X~l 353-2 Larimore, James _______ Residence ______ 1125 Masonic 254 Lathr ope, Joseph __ _____ Residence ___ 205 E . Franklin 459 Leavell & Bates ------- ------------ 115¥.. E. Franklin 362 Lehnert, Chas. ________ Residence ___ 105* S. Wash. St. 353-3 Lewis, J. T. ____________ Residence ---- 925 S- Masonic 498 Lewis, Quinn __________ Residence ____ 121 W. Summit 429 Library, Public ----- --------- -------- 222 E. Main St. 202 Lostutter, Paul R. ______ Residence ____ 604 E . Franl<lin 404-2 Loveland, Geo. _____ __ __ Residence ___ ___ 118 N. Market 405 Loveland, I. W. ________ H.esidence ------- 310 N. Union

207-1 Loy Roofing Co., _____ Office 307 N. Wash.

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

207-2 Loy, M:rt·s. Geo. C _______ Residence ------ 324 N. Uniou 470-2 Lucas, Wilson B. ______ Residence _____ 501 E . Monroe 329 Lyon, Frank B- ________ Residence - ------ 1218 E. Main

Mc 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 26 McCain, Luther ________ J ewelry Store __ _ W. Franklin

258 McCain, Luther _______ _ Residence ------------- Rural 242-4 McCain, Wm. __________ Residence _______ 708 S. Wash. 133 McCormick, Mrs. J ohn __ Residence _____ 110 S. Indiana 492 McCormick, Thomas ____ Residence ___ 410 E . Franklin 374 McDowell, M1·s. Lulu ____ Residence ____ 823 E. Franklin 419 McGuire, Edwin _______ Residence _____ 902 E. Momoe

..gis-4 -MeMarmis, Setwyn __ Residence __ ____ 621 . nd:iana---17 McPherson, Mrs. J essie __ Residence ----- 112 \6 W. Main

M 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 486-2 Mabbitt, Mrs. James ___ Residence _____ 123 W. Madison

30 MaHanna, Wm. ________ Residence ------- 308 W. North

P hone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 12: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

259 158 263 . 262 500 333 286 465-1 428

43 340-4 118 418 24

481 290


Main Stl:eet Fashion Shop ------------------- E. Main Margowski, w. S. ______ Druggist ________ 103 S. Wash. Ma1·gowski, Mrs. W. S. __ Residence ____ _ 222 E. Monroe Martin, Fred C. ________ Residence _____ 210 W. North Masonic Temple -------- ---------- 215 S. Washington Mayhill, B. B. __________ Residence ------ 304 W. Front Miti Cleaner , Joe Shigley, Prop. 117 E. Main Medley, Lester -------_Residence ______ 409 N. Wash. Melin, R. W. __________ Residence __ ____ 1201h W. Mlain Metzger Lumber Co. ___ Qffice ________ 1101 N. Wash. Meyer, Wm. J . _________ l{esidence ____ 514 W. Franklin Monon Railway Station _______________ _ 222 N. Market Moore, John Doxie _____ Residence ______ 219 N. Union

Mount & Son1 Hardware? 104-106 W. M~in Mount, Haughey _______ Residence _______ 309 E. Main Mount, John ___________ Residence _______ 307 E. Main MQtor Inn ____________ Garage ---------- E. Frankli11

N 165 Insurance __ _____ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 65 Nelson, Roy -----------Residence __ 405 ¥.. E. Franklin 95 Newell , Ernesi -------- TI.esidence ______ 415 W. Front

- - -- - -----~ ---------72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Und·ertaking.

or 40, 185, 273

0 165 Insurance ___ ____ H. W. Bradshaw Agenry 60 Obear & Obear A ttys. __ Odd Fellows ·Bldg.

224 Obear , James 0. ______ _ Residence ____ __ 322 W. F ront 3!i4 Odell, Miss Josephine ___ '~<'sidence ___ 322 W. F ranklin 349 Odd F ellows, No. 28 ____ Chib Room ____ S. Washington 297 On, Forrest - ------ - ---ne idence ______ 909 E. Monrce


165 Insurance __ ___ __ H .. W. Bradshaw Agency 226 Page, Earl ____________ Residence _____ _ 522 E. l\fo- r c 271 Parker, Harry B., Presby terian Parsonage __ 215 E. Main 176. P arks, Charles _________ Residence __ 401 N. Washin,gton 1tl2 P ear son, Clay C. _______ Residence ______ 110 S. l\ifarln•t 142 Pearson, Mrs. Robt . ____ Bea utv Shoppe _ 101 N. Union 222-2 P effley, Wm. H. ____ __ _ Residence ______ 1205 E- Main 125 P erlman, Jacob & Son ___ Junk Shop ____ 117 N. Wabash

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

190 Perry, MI·s. Franklin ___ Residence -- ---- 110 S. Indiana 170-4 Pittsbru·g School ----- --------------------- Pit tsburg

53 Pletcher, L. M., Hardware ___ 114 W. Main 127 Pletcher, L . M. _________ l:<.esidence _____ 224 N. Wilson

. 195 Pol'ter , Victor J., Standa rd Oil Agt. ______ 206 W. Front 445 Pratt, Chas. D. ________ Residence------ 116 E . Sununit 234-3 Presbyterian Church --- ------------- --- ----- E. Main 153 Pruitt, E. E. - --------- ·- Residence ______ K of P. Bldg.

Q 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 181 Quick & Clifford _______ Clothing Store ____ 102 E. Main 417 Quick, Paul ____________ Residence ______ _ 221 N. High

38 Quick, Dr. W. R _______ H,.esidence ______ 124 E. Front 38 Quick, Dr. W. 1-<.· _______ Office --- ------ 106% W. Main

435-1 Quinn, F rank __________ Residence ______ 416 N. Indiana 155 Quinn, Millard _________ Residence ______ 603 E. Monroe 207-3 Quinn, Troy ___________ Residence __ 323 N. Washington


165 Insurance ______ _ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 273 Rardon, James _________ Residence ------ 403 S. Illinois

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & U nd·ertaking or 40, 185, 273

197-2 ·107

61 197-4 -165-3 264

25 163-1 466 -135-2

37 t174 ] 93 194 ]8f)

128 330-3 280-3 177 451

Reed, Mr s. Ann ________ Residence _____ 604 N. Indiana Reed, Rev. Clifford _____ P arsonage _ 207 N. Washington Reed, Harr y __ _________ Office ______ Union Bank Bldg· Reed, Harry __ _________ Residence ______ 511 N. Union 1'{.eed, Willard __________ Residence _ 607 N. Washington Rees, Frank _________ __ Residence ____ 222 W. Franklin Reliable Coal Co. -------------------- 210 W. Main St . H.etherford, J esse ______ Residence ____ K. of P. Building Heynolds, Levi ___ _____ Residence ______ _ 110 W. Main Koach, MI·s. Geo. ______ 1lesidence ____ 422 N. Indiann Roach, Harry ___ _______ .oakery ______ 103 W. Franklin Roach, Hal'l'y __________ l{esidence ______ _ 111 N. Ohio Roach, J·ohn ___________ Cafe ________ 207 W. Franklin Roach, John B. ________ Residence ______ 403 W. Momoe Roach, l{obt. __________ l1rsidence ____ 214 E· Frankli 'l Roach, Mrs. Wm. ____ __ Residence ______ 218 N. Wilson Robbins, Clyde ________ Residence ______ _ 107 E. North Robbins, Mrs. Lulu ____ l~esidence _____ 104 S. Wabash Robinson, Benjamin F . __ Residence ______ 503 N. Wilson Robertson, Mrs. Minnie_Residence _____ 513 E . Franklin

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 13: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

82 Robinson, Mrs. F. H. ___ Residence ------- 322 E. Main 200 Robinson, Ralph _______ Residence ----- 315 E. Monroe 460-4 Rogers, Mrs. Sarah ____ Residence ------ 221 W. Front 293 Roskuski, Chas. ________ Residence ------ 512 1{. Indiana 197-1 Roskuski, Jacob ------- . Residence ------ 622 N. Union 470-4 Rothenberger, Mrs· Levi_Residence ---- 609 E. Moru·?e 188 Ruffing, Edwin -------- Residence ---- 201 E. Frankl~n 378 . Ryan, Miss Genevieve ___ Residence -------- 221 N. Ohio 191 Ryal'I, T. J. ____ ________ Residence ____ 502 E. Franklin

s 165 Insurance ___ ____ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 21 Sargent & Bassett _____ Tire Shop _ Cor. Main & Wabash

296 Saxton, Chas. __________ Residence _ 215 N. Washington 234-4 Schermerhorn, Reid ____ Residence -------- 312 E. Main

98 Schilling, Mrs. Julia ____ Residence _ 433 N. Washington 121 Schnep-p, Arthur _______ Residence ------ 208 E . Front 275 Schnepp, Chas. _______ _ Residence ---- 222 E. Franklin 81-3 School Bldg. Supt's. Office ---------------- E· Monroe 81-2 School Bldg. Principal's Office -------------- E. Monroe

144-3 Schrader, Nick __ _______ Residence ------ __ N. Wilson 486-4 Schweiger, Reid _____ __ Residence ---- 309 N. Marke! 493 Schweiger, Wm. _______ _ Residence ----- 121 ~ N. W?sh. 302 Scott, Miss u oldie ______ Residence ---- 317 E. M~d1son

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

338 Shaeffer, Lee ---------_Residence ----- 111 N. Indiana 205 Shatfer, C. B. --------- _Residence -------- 507 E. Maiu 204 Shatfer, Garfield ______ Residence ----- 414 E. Monroe 342 Shaffer, Mi·s. Nancy ____ Residence ------- 215 W. l\iain 450 Shaffer, Wm. __________ Residence ------- 3ll W. Fro::t 460-3 Sheagley, Wm· ---------Residence ------ 310 W. Front 464 Shealy, Miss Josephine _Residence ------- 216 S. Wilson

52 Shell American Gasoline Co., Fill. St. Cor. Wash & Frank 356-4 Shelly, Roscoe _________ Residence ------ 108 S. Wabash 373 Sheets, Chester ________ Residence __ 720 S. Washington 247 Sheets, Dr. Frank ______ Residence ---- 407 E. Frankl.n 286 Shigley, Joe, Miti Cleaner __ 117 E. Main St. 83 Shil·k, Mrs. James A. ___ Residence -------- 407 E. Main

101-3 Shuey, Otto ___________ Residence -..,.-------- Wells SL 265 Shuey, R. A. __________ Residence ------ 403 W. Main 116 Shultz, Dr. J. J. _______ _ Residence ____ 209 N· Indiana 116 Shultz & Clayton, Drs. __ Office _______ 126 E. Franklin 234.-1 Sibbitt, Mrs. May ______ Residence ------ 113 N. Indiana 385-3 Sidenbender, Newton ___ . tcsidence __ N. Carrollton Kd.

9-1 Sims. Mrs. Joseph ______ Kesidence ----- 114 S. Indiana 96 Sisters of St. Joseph ____ Residence --------- E. Monroe

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 10 E. Main


-s M I T H ' s- = PEARSON'S

HELL GA TATION i BEAUTY SHOPPE Bait - Beer - Grocerie !!

and Meats. Hair Cutting All Types of Waving :

CHARLES SMITH $* = Pittsbw·g Call 142 for appointment. %

: ~ ~***************************************************~ 425 Smith, C. A. ___________ Residence _____ 616 E. Moru·o2

47 Smith, Mrs. C. J. ------- .esidence ___ ___ 215 W. Front 129 Smith, Earl D. ------- Residence ------ 426 W. Main <180 Smith, Geo- ____________ Attorney -------- 122 W. Main 380 Smith, Geo. ___________ _ Residence ------ 104 W. North

246 Smith's Grocery ______ 121 So. Washington 105 Smith, Adah B. ________ Specialty Shop __ 116 E. Main 406-4 Smith, Ml:s. Gwinn _____ Residence ____ 804 s. Hamilton 375 Smith, Herbert H. ___ ___ Residence _____ 321 E. Moru·oe 197-3 Smith, Howard ________ Residence ______ 315 N. Union 120 Smith, Dr. L. H. _______ Dentist ____ Odd Fellows Bldg.

72 Blythe & Son19, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

210 Smith, Dr. L. H. ___ __ __ Residence ----- - 220 S. Wilson 157 Smith, Omal' _____ _____ Residence ------- 4.10 N. Union 1!88-1 Smith, Wm. B. ________ Residence _____ 202 E· Summit 452-1 Smith, Chas. R. ________ Grocery ------------ Pittsburg 274 Smith, Mrs. Tom _______ Residence ------ 124. W. Water 282-2 Smith, W. C. ________ __ Residence ------ 109 W. Fl'Qnt 484 Smith & Smith ________ Attorneys -------- Best Bldg. 447 Smith 's Flower Garden ________________ 128 W. Summit 447 Smith, Rev. Wm. Grant_ _Residence ____ 128 W. Summit 424 Smith, Wm. S. _________ Residence _____ 520 E. Franklin 117 Smock, Edw. ---------_Residence ______ 127 E . North 242-2 Smock, Geo. ___________ Residence ------ 117 E- North 33 Smock, Mrs. James C. __ Residence _____ 122 W. North

330-1 Smock, John __________ Residence _____ 203 E. Summit 454-3 Snoddy, S. M. _________ _ Residence --------- South Side 448 Snyder, Mi·s. Anna _____ Residence ----- 118 W. Monroe 172 Standard Oil Filling Sta. __________ Cor. Union and Main 163 Stewart, Chas. _______ __ Residence ------ 308 N. Wash. 434 Stewart Grocery ______ 302 N. Washington 318-1 Stokes, Elmer _________ Residence ------ 522 N. Wilson

Phone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 14: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

t ·X·*·:<··X··X--X-.;t,--X·-:<· ·X··X··X··X··>H<·-:(· ·X··X··:<-·::·-X··l:· ·i!-7<· lt.··>:- ·X··:<··X··X· -:<··:<-.;<- ·::-·X··X·«··X· -;;..;<-·X·*-l<··X··X-.;:-.;: •. ;.:. -l\··X··::-~! t ~ - * ~ THAYER'S DAIRY ~ ~ f ~ PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS *

L._ ..... ,,,..~,~~:~ .. :~.~::~::~~:~ ... * •• ,,. .... .J 282-4 Stout, G. W. _____ _____ Residence ------- 218 S. Wash. 70 Stranahan, Mrs . Frank __ Residence __ __ 519 E . Franklin

303 Swifts Cr eam Station ------------------- 102 S. Market

T 165 Insurance _____ __ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 104 Taylor, Mrs. Kathryn ___ Residence ______ 311 Rinehart 123 Taylor, L. M. ______ ____ Residence ____ 209 N . Market 453-3 Thayer, B· F . __________ Residence ____ 423 W. Summit 454-2 Thayer, Harold ____ ____ Residence ------- 213 E. North

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & U nd·ertaking or 40, 185, 273

356-3 486-1 126 114 404-3 314 341 444 335 30!5-2

Thompson, E arl ____ ___ Residence ___ 316 W. Franklin Timmons, Ja mes _______ Residen ce _____ 315 N. Market Todd, J ohn ___________ _ Residence ______ 420 W. Front Toughman, Miss L. -----Residence ____ 411 E. Franklin Trobaugh, Claude _____ _ Residence ____ 501 W. Franklin Trnbaugh, Roy _________ Residence ____ 424 W . . Summit Troba ugh, Wm. ___ _____ Residence _______ 116 E. Front Troxell, Miss Elizabet h _ .. Residence ___ _ 416 E . Franklin Tume1·, J am es --------_Residence ______ 408 N. Was h· Tyler , Russell _________ Residence ____ 310 Cottage Ave.

u 165 Insurance ___ ____ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 345 Ulm, Buel _____________ Res idence __ ___ ___ 110 S. High 146 Ulm, Leo -------------- Residence ____ 521 E. l\fom 'oe 216 Union State Bank --------------- Cor. Was h. and Main

v 165 Insurance ____ ___ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 132-4 Van Ostran, Mrs. Geo. __ Uesidence ------ 417 N. Union

Phone 2~ WELCOME INN CA FF. 108 E. Main

101-1 Vian co, Frank ________ _ Residence ---------- ~ells St . 452-4 Vianco, Geo. __________ Residen ce - --------- P1ttsbt~.l'g 420 Vianco, J oh n __ ________ Residence ------- 803 N. U111on

w 165 Insurance _______ H. W. Bradshaw Agency

10 Wabash R. R. P assenger Station, Oor. Monroe & Market 397-1 Wagoner, Lloyd ________ Residence -------- 228 N. High

48 Walker, Mrs . S. H. ______ Residence _________ Sout h Side ~04. Wason, J ames P. ______ 'Residence ------ 404 w. Front

16 Wason, W. B. _____ _____ Residence ------ 408 W. Frnnt 213 Wason, W. B. __________ Store ______ 113 S. W ashington 280-2 Watt, Ml'S. Etta ________ Residence ___ 310 W. F'ranklin 423 Weckerly, l1 rank _______ Kesidence ------ 206 W. Front

7 Weckerly, Glenn _______ Residence ________ 217 N . Ohio 23 W elcome Inn Caf.e -------------------- 108 E. Main S t.

175 Welday, J ames _________ Residence ________ 527 E. Mail~

·168-l Wells, Edgar L. _______ Grocery ---------- Wesl Delphi 76 Wells, Yantis ____ ______ Res idence ____ _ 113 W. North 8 Western Uni on TelegTaph Ortic<-> 6 p . m. to 8 a . m., Towel' 4 Western Union Telegraph Offi ce 8 am to 6pm, 119 Wash.

109 Whi teman Bros. & Co. __ City Mills _____ N. Wash ington 440 Whiteman , Grover ______ Residence ------ 227 N. Wilson

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking or 40, 185, 273

461 282-1 352 385-4 491 372 238 497 305-3 255-4 115 320-3

Whitem an, J. L. __ ______ Residence-------- 231 N. H igh Wilbur , Mrs . T. B- _____ Residence __ __ 10911.! W. Front Wilcoxson, Tony _______ R£sidence ____ 731 W. Franldin Wilson, Chas. N . _______ Residence ----- 515 N. Indian~t Wilson, Francis _______ _ Residence _____ 757 E. Monro?. Wilson, H enry B. _______ Residence ------ 203 E. l\fonr?e Wilson, Silas __________ Residence __ __ 419 W. Franklm Wingard Mrs . Ma ri-on _- Residence -------- 814 E. Main Wolfe, Mrs . J,enny ______ Residence ------- - 928 E- Main Wood, Chas . A. ________ Residence ____ 116 W. Summ it Wood, Will II. ---------- Residence -------- South Si rle Woodley, A C. ________ Residence ____ ____ 739 Mill S t.


6 York Dry · Cleaners ______ _ 109 E. F.ranklin

z 165 Insurance ___ ____ H. W. Bradshaw Agency 154 Zoo k J ohn A. __ ________ Meat Market -- 113 W. Franklin

63 Zook'. John A. __________ Uesidcnce ------ 216 W. F ronl

P hone 23 WELCOME INN CAFE 108 E. Main

Page 15: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

ONE LONG RING ON RURAL LINES It means either a call for help in your neighborhood or there

is important news for you, so take your iieceiver off the hook and listen.

26-121 26-2221 35-112 23-212 18-21 32-22 25-1112 20-221 25-5-2 31-121 25-112 36-121

19-2222 21-211 21-221 19-221 28-222 38-5-2 32-21 33-12 30-121 18-2221 16-2221


A Alberts, Chas _______ Res.------ 3% ml. E . Flora rd. No. 3

Alberts, Mrs. Marietta Res ----- 4 72 ml. E . Flora rd. No. 3 Allen, John F. ______ Res. ----------------- 5 ml. s. Delphi Allen, Alba G. __ ____ __ Res. ------ 3 % ml. S. E . Co. Farm rd. AIJen, L. D. ___ ____ __ Res. -- 5% mi. S. Sugar Creek Gravel Allman, Arthur ____________ Res. -------- 31h ml. w. Delphi Ander son, M:rs. Eva - - Res. -------- 6'h ml. N. State rd. 39 Anderson, Floyd ___ __ Res. -- 4 '1.i mi. W . Cash Henderson rd. Ander son, Geo. R. -- _Res. ------------ 5 ml. N. State rd. ?.9 Amstutz, Fred ______ Res. ---------------- 4 ml. w. Delphi Arnold, James ______ Res. ---------- 5 ml. N. w. State rd. ~9 Ashba, Wrn. _______ _ Res. ------------ s ml. s. State rd. 39

B Baird, 0. S· _________ Res. ----------------------- Pittsburg Ball, Howard -------- Res. ---------- 1 mi. S. Wabash Way Bankable Stock Farm _Res. ------ 4 1h mi. S. County Line r'1. Barker, Miss May -- - -Res. ------ 41h ml. w. Brookston rd. Baum, T. H. -------- Res. -------- 2 ml. E. Flora rd. No. 3 Blanchard, Mrs. H. P. Res. ------ 5 11.? mi. N. Greenwalt rd. Boothroyd, Fred ___ _ Res. ---------------- 4 mi. w. Delphi Boone, David __ ____ _ _ Res. ----------- S mi. N. Range Line Boone, Mart ___ ___ __ Res. ------ 31h mi. N. E . Slate rd. 25 Bowma n, Mrs. G. E._Bowen F. __ 4 mi. s. Old State Td. « Q

Bradshaw, W. H. ____ Res. ------ 2 mi. W. Nelson Giles 1·d.

33 -22 Brewer's Dairy ____ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ Rural 33-22 22-22 rn-222 18-221 33-211 23-2221 23-22221 33-222 33-221 13-12

Brewer, F. M. ------- Res. ---- 2 mi N. Range Line Grave.I Brewer, Geo. R. _____ Res. ------------ 2 mi. w. State rd. 39 Brookbank, Lynn ____ Res. - ----- 2 mi. W. LaRue Coble rd. Brow11, David _______ Res. ------ 41h ml. S. Rohrabaugh rd. Bl'OWn, M1·s. Mel ____ Res. -------------- 4 ml. N. Ginn rd. Brown, Sam _____ ___ Res. ---- 21h mi. E . County Farm rd. Brown, Wiclif _______ Res. ----- 3 ml. E . County Farm rd. Burkholder, Mrs· A. L.Res. ------ 3 % mi. N. w . H. Ginn rd. Bm·gitt, 0. H . (Dick) Res. --------- 3 % mi. N. Range Line Bush , Mrs . Raymond_Res. ----------------- West Delphi

The habit of subsc1·ibers using telephone over limited time Is an Injustice to your neighbor and a great annoyance to compaily. \

c 20-lB Camp T ecumseh ____ ---------------------- 4 mi. w. Delph• 32-211 Childer s, Mrs . Chas._Res. ----------------- 5 mi. w. Ddvlli 30-22221 Childer s , J ames I. ___ Res. ------ 3% mi. N. E. Rockfield rd.

32-121 Childers, Mr s . John __ Res. ---------------- 5 mi. w. Delphi 25-222 Clawson, C.R. ____ ___ Res. ------ 4'.o!i mi. N. w. Slate rd. 29 22-2221 Clawson, Glae _______ Res. ---------------- 4 mi. w. Delphi 33-21 Clawson, Harry ___ ___ Res. ------ S'h mi. N. Range Line rd. 11-221 Cleaver , Clar ence ___ _ Res. -------- 3V. mi. s. Wabash Way 11-2221 Cole, Clar en ce ______ Robinson F. -- 5 mi s. Wabash Way Ll.,-22 County F arm _______ Res. -- 2 11.o mi. S. E. County Fal'm I'd. 28-22221 Oox, Geo. ____ _______ Res. ------ 3 ~1? mi. E. Flora rd. No. 3

28-212 Cox, Ne" el _________ Res. ---- 3% mi. E. Flora rd. No. 3 18-2112 Cl'ipe, J ames H. _____ Ca1ncy F. ------ 2 \6 mi. S. Stale rd. S9

22-2222 27-21 19-121 26-22 17-G-2 17-222 15-21 L 37-2222 36-212

26-2211 39-221 20-112

10-22 2 '-22221 11-21 15-2222

( 0-1112 27-2221 ~ 1-221 35-2112 20-212 20-22 38-12 38-222 17-2111 26-222

D Davidson, Mrs . R. c. __ Res. ------------- 4 mi. N. W. Delphi Dasher , Morgan _____ Res. ------------ 1/1 mi. s. Stale rd. ;;? Davis, Ora _________ Res. ----------------------- Pittsburg Dillman, Emmitt ____ Res. -------- 3 mi. E. Flora rd. No. 3 Dobbins, Mrs. T. ____ Res. -------- l'li mi. S. Wabash W~y Dobbins, Walter _____ ttca. -------- 1 1

;.. mi. s. Wabash Way Do.::J<, Lewis T. ______ Res. ---- 4 '{, mi. N. E. Logansport rd. 1Ju11, Loyd v. _____ __ Res. ---------------- 5 mi. S. E1·b rd. Du1f, Ra ymond ______ Res. ---- 3 ~~ mi. s. E. Flora rd. No. l

E E ikenbeny, Chas· Res. ------ 6 mi. E. Flora rd. No. 3 E is, E arl ___________ Res. ----------------------- Pittsburg Ei liott, Dora ________ Res. ---- 4 mi. W . Cash Henderson rd.

F Fauber, Walter ______ Res. - - --- 3o/., mi. w. Brookston rrl.

Fetterhoff , Lee ______ Res. ----------- o/i mi. s. Slate rd. a9 F isher , J ohn __ _____ _ Res.----------- 4 m i. S. Wabash Way Fi·aser, E dw. ________ Res. ---- 2 mi. N. E. Loganspo1·t r d.

G Gerben s, A ndrew Res. -------- 1 Y.? mi. E. Camden r<l. Gcr bens, Martin _____ Julius F. ------------- 1 mi. s. Delphi Giles, N elson ________ Res. ------ 21A mi. W. Nelson Giles rd. Gingrich , Lawr ence __ Res. - ---------------- 5 mi. s. Delphi Ginn, Mrs . M. J. _____ Res. ---- 4 mi W. Cash Henderson rd. Givler, Wm. __ _______ Res. ------ 2 ~'• mJ. W. Brookston rd. Grantha m, Lut her ___ Res. ----------- 8 mi. N. E. Towpath Gxantham, Wilbur ___ Res. ----------- 8 mi. N. E. Towpalh Greenup, Wm. ___ ____ Res. ------------------ 2 mi. s. Delphi Gr egg, Roy ___ ______ Res. -------- 3 % mi. E. Flora rd. No. 3

Page 16: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

37-211 32-12 37-21 35-2221

Griffith, Han-y ______ Rt!s. - - -------- 4'h ml. S. Ireland rd. Gruber, Larry ______ Res. - --- ---------- 5% ml. W. Delphi Gushwa, Albert ____ _ Res. ---------- 3'h mi. s. Ireland rd. Gushwa, Reed __ ___ _ ,_R es. ------ - - -- 5 m i. s. W a bash Way

! ,2. • 2.3~~/ ~amahan ~~ !_~e~. _x_;;._ ____ ~ j m~~ r:n~r;Jk 40-221 Haslet, Chas. __ _____ R es. ------- - - - - - 2 mi. E. Camden r<.I. 26-12 l:iawley, W. G. ______ R es. ------- 4 mi . E. Flora rd. No. 3 25-2111 Henderson, Lee _____ R es. -------- 6 mi. N . w . State rd. 3!-J 33-2221 Hildebran, Lorenzo __ R es. ------ 2 mi N . Range Line grnv~I 26-2111 Hoaglan, Wm. ______ R es. ------ 3¥.? mi. E . F lora rd. No. 3 38-22 Hoffman, Roscoe C. __ Res. ------ - - - 7 ¥.. mi. N . E . Towpa th 32-2222 Hoover, Hem·y ___ ___ Gr im m F . - 1 mile W. N elson Gll t!s rd.

22-222 HuIIord, Carl - - - ---- Garage --- - -- 4 mi. N. W. State rd. 39 19-21 Hufty, Wilfred ___ __ _ R es. --- - - --- 5 ml W . Brookston 1·d.

17-2222 Hudson, Geo. - ---- - - R es. -------------- - 2 % mi. S. D elp hi


40-2112 4.0-211 18-222 38-lB 32-112 26-221 25-2222


22-221 12-12 11-22 17-22 14-221 19-2111 21-22221

35-222 18-121

I Imler, Frank -------_R es. - - ------ 3 'h mi. w . Brookston rd.

J Jackson, Isaac ____ __ R es. -------- 4 mi. E . James Shirk rd. Jackson, Reid _______ Res. ----- - 5 mi. E . James Sh!1·k rd. J efferies, 0 . J . __ ____ H a r ley F. --4'h ml. S. E . R ohra baug h Johnson, Chas. E. ___ R es. ---- -- 5 mi. N . E . Carrollton ni.

Johnson, ~frs. Geo. W.Res. - -------- ---- 'h mi. W est D elph i Johnson, Merritt ___ _ R es. ------ 3 mi. E . l< 1ora rd . N o. 3 Julien, Aaron __ __ ___ R es. -------- 5 mi. N . W . S tate rd. 39

K Klepinger, vVm. __ ___ R es. -------- 2 ¥., mi. W . Bl'Ooks ton rd

L Lane, John R. _______ R es.--------- 4 mi. N. w. S tate rd 39

Lehnert, Mrs. Lucy __ R es. ------ --- 3 mi. s. w. State rd. 25 Leatherman, Oscar __ R es . -------- 3 11.! mi. s. W lllbash Way Liebert, Frank __ ____ R es. --- - ------- --- 2% mi. s. D elphi Liebert, John ___ __ __ Res. ------ 4 mi. S. Richard Lane rd .

Lybrook, Frank _____ R es. ----------------------- Pi ttsburg Lynch, Harve _______ R es. ---------- 'h mi. s. W a bash W a y

Mc McCouch, John _____ _ R es . ------------- 5 mi. Sou th Del11lll McCouch, Raymond R es. -------- 4 mi. s. old State rd. ~9.

M 14-211 Mabbitt, Emmitt B. _Res. ---- 3 \6 mi. S. Richa rd Lane ru.

Gray's Chicks Are Officially State

Blood Tested


Be sure to see our hens in laying cont.est at Chicago World's Fa.l.r. Our flocks a.re bred for production Instead of show bird stock. Good

clean flocks with good production Is what really makes m ost profit. See us now a.nil le t us help you plan your poultry plant and pr11-Ctlcal lmproventen ts.

W e a.re authorized and have certificate to selJ you eithe r male birds 01· pullets If you wis h . See us for pnrtlcula.rs.

W e have a complete line of feeds: Gray's special chick feeds, laying rations, broiler n1tlons and hominy feeds for both poultry and bogs. Also have complete line of poultry supplies.



. ,

• ~ £!·:#-f O.i *·f §·* II.§ 0.1 §,§ i 101 0 ,§ ii.I O.F



Hand Made Cigars All Kinds Razor Blades (Lowest Prices In the U. S. A.)

W e carry ln stock "Shu~Katch" Treatment for aU Seei:J, Fa.rm and Garden-Ta.Ices the place of Lime.

215 N. Washington Street Delphi, Indiana

Page 17: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

• ....... ·····- .... mp rtttt+Miittti•••• •• ...

Quick & Clifford Better Clothes for !Rss Money






522 East Monroe Street

Page's Phone 226 Coble's Phone 201

Delphi, Indiana am• e am


BEER AND SANDWICHES West of Post Office Phone 193






16-2211 30-222 23-1112 37-221 37-2112 31-222 33-5-2 31-2112 31-211 20-222 30-2211 H-5-2 ] 7-5-2 30-212 i!0-22 15-22 16-12 22-2211 18-5-2 22-212 12-22 :3G-222 - -21

2;)-22 !18-1122 28-2222 35-1}-2

Macak, Guy _________ R es. ---- 3 1 ~ ml. w. LaRue Coble rd .

Maggart, Ralph _____ Res. ---------- 2 11ll m l. E. Camden rd.

Martin, l\U les _______ J u li .. n F . --- -4 m l. E . County F . rd. Martin, Roy ________ R es. -- ----- 5~ m l. s . E . Ireland rd . Martin, Wm. ________ R es. -------- 5~ m l. S. State rd. 39 Maxwell , Dale __ ___ __ R es. ------ 5 m l. W. N elson Giles 1·d. Maxwell, E. E. ______ R es.---- 2 1k ml . N . Range L ine 1d . Maxwell , Lee ________ Res. ------ 5 m l. W. Nelson Giles r el.

1\ilax\\·ell, \V. T. ______ Res. --- -- 3'" ml. W . Nelson Giles rd . Mayhill, B. B. ------ Ca mp Quietude x, m1. N. C. T ecumseh Mears, John A. ______ Res. ------- ------ 3 ·, ml. N. E. D elphi

Menaugh , l\Irs. Edna _ Res. --------- 3 1, ml. s. Wabash Wey

Miller , J . N. _ ____ _ _ _R es . . -------- 2~ ml. S. Wabash W ay Mill ion, Paul _______ _ R es. ------ 3 1• ml. N . E . Camden I d.

Milroy, Harry _______ R ·,;, ··-------- 1 ml. E. Camden rd . Moore, C. V. ____ ____ R es. ---------------- 1 ml. N. D elphi. Monnett Bros. ___ ___ R,.s. ---- 3• , mi. W . LaRue Coble rd. Monnet t, Ra y ______ R es. --------- 2 ml. N . S ta te rd. 311 Montgomery, G. H . _ 1Bert> Res. 5 ml. s. Old S t.ate rd. 39

Morrison, Clem ______ R es. ---- ---- ---- ----- -- Piltsbu1,: Mulvey , S. K. ________ Res.-------- 4'• ml. S. w. State rd ·•fi

l\lttllendol'e. H. w. ---Re:l. ----------- 2 ., ml. s. Stale rd. ::~ 1\Iu1·phy, Geo. ____ ___ Res. ---·-- 11,, ml. E. F lota rd . No. J

N Nel~OT\ , J ames _____ Res. ---- -- 5'" m l. N. State rd. J!', N~ff, Lafe __ ________ R es.------ 2 1,~ ml. N . E . Car roll ton ru. Ne well, Ea l') B. ____ .Rea. ·------- 4 ml. E . F lora rd. No. 3 Nichter, John _______ Res. ---------------- 4' , ml. S. Delphi

0 33-2222 O'F an ell, Thomas Res. ------- 3 ml. N. Range Line rd. !H-212 Over holsel' , John ___ R es. - ------ 5 ml. w. Nelson Gll~s rd

31-5-2 31-1112 25-2221 lil-212 26-21 3 -212 28-221 23-2L

26-1112 12-222 30-221 !19- 112

p P age, Irvin _________ R es. ------ "'• ml w. Nelson Giles rd. Pa tton, Mrs. Edw. ___ Res.------ 2 ml. w. N elson Giles 1d.

P earson, Vernie _ _ __ R es. ------- ----- 6 ml. N. S tate rd. 3:> P ear so11, \V. 0 . ______ Reil. ----------- 3 ml. s . Wabash W a,.1 P etel'S, h enry _______ Res.------ 4'~ ml. E . Flora rd . No. J P et erson, \V. F. ______ R es. ------ 2 ml. N. E . Carrollto n :-d. Pierce, Mrs. Alma ___ Res. ------ 2· l ml. E . F lom rd . No. 3 Powell, Mrs. J . E. ___ R e11. -------- 2·~ ml. E . Co. Fann rd.

R Redding, Freeman ___ Res. -- -- 3•, m l. E . F lo ra rd. No. 3 Ri ley, Ira ----------- Wo lf F . ---- 6 ml. s . w. Slate rd. 25 Robbins, Arthur __ _Reil. ------ 3 ml. N. E . Rock field rd Robbins, LeRoy _____ R es. ---------------------- Pittsbur~

Page 18: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

38-2222 11-222 35-22 12-221 12-21

Rogers, B. R. _______ _ Res. ------ 3 ml. N. E. Carrollton rd. Rohrabaugh, A. A. __ Res.----------- 51h ml. South Dt!lphi Rohrabaugh, H. S. __ Res. -------- 5¥.i ml. S. Wabash Way Runkle, James ____ __ Res. -------- 5 ml. s. w. State rd. :>5 Rush, Wm. A. - - ---- -Res. -------------- 4 mi. S. Haslet rd.

s 15-222 Sagers, John ____ ____ Res. ---- 3 ml. N. W. Logansport rd. 28-2221 Schnepp, Chris ______ Res. -------- 1 ¥.i ml. Flora rd. No. 3

27-222 Schock, Orvel _______ Res. ------ 1 ml. E . Baum's Blu!f rd. 37-12 Schreiner, Virge _____ Res. ---------- 3 1,4 mi. S. Ireland rd. 30-2221 Schweiger, Fred _____ Res. ------ 311.: ml. N. E. Camden rd. 28-22 Shaeffer, John A. ____ Res. ------ 1 ~ ml. E. Flora rd. No. 3 30-1112 Shaffer, J. Lloyd ___ Res. ------ 4.o/.i mi. N. E. Camden rd. 36-2222 Shaffer, Mrs. Ray _ __ Rt!s. -------- 4 ml. E. Flora rd. No. 1 11-121 Sha11), Dale _________ Res. -------- 4. Y.i mi. S. Wabash Way J9-5-2 Shepru·d, Frank _____ Res. -------- 3 mi. W. Broo'uiton rtl. 40-22221 Shirk, Mrs. Jam es A. _ Farm -- 2 y, ml. E. Jas. A. Shlrk r I. 35-21 Shultheis, Clarence __ __ Welday F. -- 511.? ml. s. Wabash Way 38-211 Sidenbender, Josephin~Res. ------ 3 ¥~ ml. N. Carrollton rd. 23-211 Sieber, Chas. _____ ___ Res.-------- 4 mi. E. CoWlty Farm rd. 23-222 Sines, Earl __________ Res. ------ 4 mi. E. County Farm rd. 32-222 Smith, 0. E. ________ Res. -------- 4 ~ mi. W. Childers rd. 16-22221 Spring, Amel ______ _ Res. ------ 2 mi. W. Nelson Giles rd. 30-221 Stark, 11. W. - --- - --- Res. --------- 6% ml. S. Wabash Way 30-122 Studebaker, Bert ____ Res. ------ 3 ~ ml. N. E . Robbins rJ. 21-22 Studebaker, Harvey - ··Res. ------ 4 mi. S. W. County Line rd. !39-21 Stunkard, Florence __ Res. ----------------------- Pittsburg 39-22 Swaim, Frank _____ __ Grocery -------------------- Pitlsbu1·g J8-22 Switzer, Wm. ____ ___ Res. __ ; _______ 2 ¥.! mi. S. Stale rd. 39

39-2221 30-22 19-211 21-2112 11-2112 l il-112

25-212 27-221

36-22 28-12 17-121 l G-122

T Thompson, Chas. Res. ----------------------- Pittsburg Thomps·on, Miss Nell ieRes. ----;:------- 3 ip.i. E. Camden rd. Thompson, Verde __ __ Res. -------- 3 ml. W. Brookston i·d. Todd, Georg€ __ _____ Rt!s. -------- l o/i. mi. S. Wabash Way Trawin, Larry -----· Res. ---------------- 3'/a ml. s. Delphi Trawin, Robt. ___ __ __ Res.--- ------------ 3'1.i ml. S. Delphi.

v Van Natta, Robt. ____ Res. -------- 6 mi. N. W. State rd. 39 Voyles, Arvil ______ ._ Res. ------ 4% mi. S. Rohrabaugh rd.

w Wagner, John ______ .. Res. -- 3 1)., mi. S. W. Flora rd. No. 1 Wagoner , Clint ____ .. Res. ------ 2 Y.. ml. S. Flora rd. No. 3

Weil, Chas. _________ Res. --------------- 2% mi. S. Delphi Wingnrd, Clarence ---Res. ------ 4 ml. N. Ill. Logansport rd.

Pe;rson to Person Calls Orders for person to per son service, are accepted only under

the condition that a limited charge; (to be known as a "report charge") will be made. When the order is to establish commun­ication with a particular per son, and conversation is h eld, the "person to per son" rate applies. This service requires a greater amount of operating effort, and the use of the circuit so that rate for such calls is about one-fourth greater that t he "station to station" rate.

Vacation Rates A r ate will be charged for tho period when a subscriber is ab­

sent from his residence; one-fourth the r egular rate will be charged when a subscriber is absent for a longer period than 011e month. No r eduction will be made in the rate for a shorter per­iod than one month.

Telephone Rates Gross

Business single line - - --------------------$3.10':' Business t wo party line - --- - - --- --------- 2.60 Business rural party line --- ------ --------- 2.10 Residence single line -------------------- - 1.85':' Residence party line - - - - ----------------- 1.35 Rural club house party line ---------------- 1.60 Churches, schools and lodges ------------- 2.10 Rural party line ------------------------ 1.35 Business extensions ----- ---------- - ----- 1.10 Residence extensions - -------------------- .60

Joint Users Monthly Rate

Net $3.00*

2.50 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.50 2.00 1.25 1.00


Business Residence Joint user s rate ------------------- ------$1.50 $1.00 E xtra for Directory lis ting - - -------------- .50 .50

*The above ar e base r ates to which shall be added a line charo·e of $.25 per month per quarter mile or fract ion thereof beyond the corporate limits of Delphi.

All bills shall be paid monthly or quarterly in advance at the opt!on ~f the subscriber s. li monthly, net rate shall b~ charg­ed 1f paid on or before the t enth day of the month in which ser­vice is render ed. Otherwise the gross r at e will be charged. If quarterly, the net i·ate, shall be chaged if paid on or before the tenth day of the first month of the quarter; otherwise the gross rate shall be charged, provided that in all cases the additional' $.10 per month shall be considered on a monthly and not quar­t erly basis.

Page 19: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

Station to Station Messages

A more efficient and economical use of the toll lines. You are

requested when making your call to do so on the most economi­

cal basis. We urge you to use the "station to station" message

whenever poss ible. Yom· orde1· should specify the telephone sta­

tion called, either by telephone number, or by name of the sub­

scriber station, stating, "I will talk to anyone."

Service Connection Charges

Business Main Stations ----- ------------------------- $2.50

Residence MP.in Stations ------ - ------------- - --------- 2 CO

For Extension Station connected with any class of s...1·v:cc Business ------- - - ------------------------------ _ 1.50

Rcsidnece ---------------------------------------- 1.23

Where service is established by use of ins trumental it :es

already in place in the subscriber's premises and no

change is made in the type or location of such ins trur.1ent

alitics, a charge of ------- ---------------------- ---- .50

Moving and other Charges

(a) For moving a telephone set from one location to another

on the sama premises, Busill€ss or Residence, a charge of __ $1.25

(b) For moving any other equipment or wiring from one loca­

tion to another on the same premises, a charge based on the cost

of labor and material.

(A) For change in type or style of telephone set, Business or

Residence, a charge of ------------------------------ $1.25

(B) For other changes in equipment or wiring a charge based

on the cost of labor and material.

Telephone Toll Rates TO OUR PATRONS:

Yom· attention is called to the advantages, and economies which may be had under our present toll rate schedule. State to the toll operator the class of servcie you wish, when making your call.

Collect Calls "Collect Calls" are the calls on which charges are reversed ;

that is, one to be collected from the subscribers at the distan 1•

sta t '.·J '• at which the call is completed.

Report Charges Will be made in the following cases, when it is impossible to es­

tablish cor.1 1:1unication between particular persons, an,J ~·moi

be secured within one houi·. A report charge applies (1) when the call d party refuses to talk; (2) when the report is retumed, and the person called is "out, and will r eturn at a specified time,'' or "out, and time of return unknown," or "absent from the city.' ' This charge is to cover compensation for the operating work per­formed, and use of toll circuits , and is about one-fourth of the "station to station" rate.

In any case where a 1·eport applies the minimum charge is f~ve cents.

Standard Toll Evening and Night Rates The following reduced rates, for evening and night service, on

a "station to station" basis only, are effective:

Between 7 :00 p. m. and 8 :30 p. m. The station to station rates are approximately one-fow·th less than the day rate and are known as "Evenjng Rates.''

Between 8 :30 p. m. and 4 :30 a. m., the station to station rates are approximately one-half less than the day rate and are known as "night rates.''

For the purpose of applying night. r ates, the time. o_f day ~t the point at which a "station to station" message or1gmates, is used.

These reduced rates on station to station messages do not ap­ply when the rates are thiry-five cents or Jess. The minimum evening and night rnte is thirty-five cents.

Page 20: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF



p t mPl &ml iilillMmMDMDfiDHlifiCMMlfilMM#MIMIDMMHDlliil#IDIDl#N • !I I ;

I Elless 8 Orr I !I


I ! ;




I I Elless Phone 217 Orr Phone 297 I


w DID am am DID am am DID am am DID am eameameD1D•~ ~

I Whiteman Bros. 8 Co. I 1l • I GRAIN, FEED AND COAL I !I

1 Phone 109 Delphi, Ind. u

-DID - 11111 am DID am am

i SLIM'S CARACE i ! Expert repairing on all makes of cars and I I tractors-complete line of parts. I i WRECKER SERVICE-DAY AND NIGHT I I SLIM HOAGLAND, Mgr. I I Office Phone 21 House Phone 384 I

Page 21: FIRESTONE SERVICE Metzger Lumber Co. £-IRE-CHIEF

488-3 Acheson, J. W. ______ :.._ ____________ 136 E. Summit St. 21 Austin Electric Welding _____ Cor. Main & Wabash Sls.

83 304 234-2

21 401

435-2 69







Baum, David R. __ Lawyer __ l08t W. Main Bilsland, H. K. ------- - ------------ 404 'h W. Front St. Bloodhart, John W. ________________ 316 E. Main St. Boone & U lm _Tire Shop ___ Cor. Main & Wabash Sts. moyd, Jack H. ----------------- -- 207 E. Summit St.

Cassman, Charles ----- ----------- 502 N. Indiana St. County Agent _______ ------------ Post Office Bldg. Cowdin, Mrs. W. G. Jr. ___________ _ 20!:J1h E . Main St.

Frawley, Frank E ------------- 621 N. Union Street

Hargraves, Floyd T. __________ 818 Prince William Rd.

Kirkpatrick, Carlyle C. ______________ 121 'h N. M:nlrnt

McGreevey, C. J. ---------------- 218 N. Wabash S L. l\1 innich, E. L. ____________ ___ 3 Mi. S. State Road 39

242-1 Pa trick, J. E. ---------------------- 118 W. Water St. 32-5-2 Pl'eston, Mrs. Ella _________________ 4 Mi. W. D21phi

2C2 Red Cross Nurse--- - - - - ------ ---------- Court H~u'Se 311-1 Roger s, Russell ------------------ 305 N. Market St.

468-2 Schrader, Floyd -- ---- ----------------- West Delphi 431 Scudder, P. G. ------ ------------------- 407 E. Main

52 Shell A.merica1 Bulk Pbnt ----------- W. Monroe S L. 41 Shell Service Station __ ____ Ccr. Wash. & Franklin Sts.

12-222 Shipley, Calv in ____ _____ __ _ G Mi. S. W. Sta te Road 2.> 208 Sieber , Robert L. & Co. ______ Cor. Main &·Market Sts. 208 Sieber, Robt. L , __ Res. __ __ ____ Cor. Main & Market S ,s. 403-2 Skomp, Sam ---------------------- 1139 E. Main St. 36-2221 Smith, Fred Cr~vcn ----------- 4 Mi. E. State Rd. 18 22-2211 Snoderly, Sar: .uel S. ------ --- 4 Mi. N. W. State Rd. 39

2G4 Thompson, R. A. ----- ---------- --- 228 N. High Sl.

410 Ulen Contracting Corp._ Qffice _____ 105 S. Washington 405 Ulen Contracting Corp. Barn ---------- S. Washington

13<) Washburn, Brandt ---------------- 407% E. Main St. 175 Welday, James --------------------- 527 E . Main St. 330-4 Wingard, II. A. ------------------ 210 E. North St.

'1.2G Zeits, Rev. Bernard --------------- 701 N. Union St.

./ '\

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