Fire God

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Fire God is a fiction/fantasy Greek Mythology type of book. The main character is Hermatographes. He is on a quest that involves danger, risk, power, determination and bravery.

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Author: Granit Pervetica

Illustrator: Granit Pervetica

This book is dedicated to my parents and my

sisters ; Kaltrina and Melisa.


Author's Statement

Fire God is a fiction/fantasy Greek Mythology type of book.

The main character is Hermatographes.

He is on a quest that involves danger, risk, power,

determination and bravery.

Author: Granit Prvetica

Illustrator: Granit Prvetica

Fire God

One man stands as the greatest assassin and leader

in the war of the Fire Outlaws and the Nature

village. His name is Fire God. …“Hermatographys

watch out, nature vine at your 3 O’clock!” Yelled

the Fire God. Hermatographys ducked and the Fire

God pulled out the Wrath blade and slashed the

vine. But the Fire God didn’t know that a poison

vine was coming at him from behind, which was

the death of the Fire God.



A riot began as every fire outlaw civilian began to

panic to the Fire God’s death and the invasion that

had just began. The three princes of the Nature God

began to drag poor people who protested against

them into the forbidden lake where Thunderhydro-

seals ate whoever got close. They jumped

out of the lake and into the air as they roared and

snapped their teeth showing that they wanted to eat

as these fierce beasts had not eaten for centuries.

The three princes chucked the peasants into the

river knowing the Hydro-Seals would eat them but

they didn’t! For some reason the Hydro-Seals did

not eat them. Instead, they left them to drown?

Why did they not eat the peasants? Why did they

not roar in happiness for food? “Eat stupid Hydro-

Seal.!” Exclaimed the first prince in anger.



Later that day in the town square the funeral of The

Fire God began. Dancers, entertainers and most

importantly Hermatographys the next Fire God.

Hermatograhys walked through the crowd and

onto the funeral stage of Fire God. He pulled the

Fire God’s wrath blade and placed the blade on the

blade hook making him Fire God. Just as the

funeral ended Vipro the snake Serpent charged in

and pulled his venomous blade out of his sword

hook and scraped Hermatographys with the blade

but just as he did that Hermatographys pulled out

his wrath blade and blasted it into the ground to

make a powerful blow. The blow was so powerful

that Vipro exploded. Goo flew every where.



“Why such behaviour noble knight? Why” said

Hermatographys. Everybody was screaming and

running as the powerful blade awoke the saint!

“Who dares awaken the most powerful God

ever!!?”, said the Saint. “Me, Hermotographys.”

said Hermotographys. This was the dark secret of

the Fire God, the day he actually became Fire God

was the day he met the Saint. 1952 the Fire God

headed to his house as the weather predicted a

stormy day. As the Fire God entered the house he

had an image in his head. This image was the

future. 1956 the Fire God collapsed in the town

square. As he faded away the Saint came and told

him “ I can spare your life if you let me keep your

soul” The Fire God’s spirit was broken but he said :

“Yes! I’ll do anything for you if you keep me

alive”. The Saint brought him back alive and took

him to the cave of the Undead where the Saint had a

blacksmith to forge the Fire God’s wrath blade.

“This is what you want me to do? Control a legion

of fire warriors with this blade?”.



The Saint nodded. “I want you to become an

assassin and leader of the fire legion!” Exclaimed

the Saint. This is the day that the Fire God became

Fire God. “So you have to let me take your soul for

you to master the power of the Fire God” Said the

Saint. Hermotographys refused and pulled out his

wrath blade, showing defensive signs by his body

language. He ran up to the Saint, jumped up in the

air, front flipped and then stabbed the blade in the

head of the Saint. “You think that you can kill a

Saint? hahaha I’m already dead!” Said the Saint.

With that quick thought Hermotographys ran out

of the funeral hall and into the town market where

he bought the ghost blade which not only had the

power to slice and undead ghost but bring the dead




Hermotographys ran back to the funeral hall and

slashed the Saint. The Saint screeched in horror as he

thought nobody could find out the secret to killing him.

The Saint disappeared and Zeus appeared in his place.

Zeus appeared with Pandora’s blade crafted by the

greatest Warlock, Steve. Zeus told Hermotographys a

vital piece of information; “Take this sword and go to

The Ruby Desert. When you arrive there, stab the

sword into the stone of Medusa and wait for the earth to

shake then kill Medusa yourself. When you have

slayed Medusa, Apollo will appear. “I hear your words

Zeus and I will go to the desert and kill Medusa. “For

the Fire God!!” Hermotographys Exclaimed.



Hermotographys went to the desert and found

himself stuck in a dune and confused. Eventually

Hermotographys got out of the sand dune and

headed to the east side of the desert.

Hermotographys was half way from his

destination and half way was waiting a tramp!?

The tramp put up a market stall in the middle of

nowhere!? “I sell swords for 5 Sek- Dught coins.”

said the tramp. “Can I have a helmet?” said

Hermotographys. The Tramp replied “Aiye, I think

you might want the Anubis-Vampire helmet. The

best darkness helmet that gives you great power

with the Anubis armour, for 670 Sek-Dught coins.”

“Where can I get these Sek coins?”

Hermtotgraphys asked. The tramp told him to find

Zefros the doom reaper.



Legend says that Zefros the Doom reaper killed

twenty thousand people in one night!!! Greek

legends say that he is richer then Zeus, he has over

99999999,999999 Sek-Dught coins.

He would give 20,000 Sek-Dught coins away for

every quest that you complete. Hermotographys

thought this through in his head and knew that he

had to complete Zeus’s task; slay Medusa. “Sorry I

have to complete something from Zeus, but I’ll

come back later.” With that over, Hermotographys

raced to the rock which was miles away!

With Hermotographys exhausted but at the stone

he let out one last breath and stabbed the sword in

the stone and the earth shook. Medusa rose out of

the ground and shook the rubble off her.

Hermotographys let out a roar of rage showing he

wanted to fight, “Bring it on Medusa, raaa!” They

both charged at each other and Hermotographys

held his shield up just before he crashed into




Medusa turned into stone and roared rage and

magically made Zeus’s sword and slashed

Hermotographys shield in half. “Nooooo!”

Hermotograhys screamed. He jumped out of

Medusa’s way and Medusa fell to the ground in

pain and agony. With one last breath

Hermotographys pulled out the Wrath blade and

slashed Medusa! Suddenly the earth shook again

and out of the ground Medusa rose again! “What’s

this nonsense?” Hermotographys asked.He

charged at her but this time he pulled out The

Wrath blade and slashed her. “Maybe the Gods of

Olympus wanted me to slash her in one go?”

Hermotographys said. Suddenly Apollo rose from

the ground and held out the God of War’s helmet

and said “Take this helmet and go to the far east of

Calofros mountains. When you arrive put the

helmet on and wait to battle Zeus.” “Why do I have

to kill Zeus the God of all Gods.” Hermotographys

replied. “Because Zeus betrayed us, he’s using you

to kill all the Gods” Apollo said. Hermotographys

got offered Zeus lighting blade and he accepted.



With Hermotographys ready, he set off to the

mountains. When he arrived he put the helmet on

which summoned Zeus. Hermotographys waited

for about half and hour before Zeus came

thundering down in fire, “Who summons the great

Zeus!” Zeus roared “Me, Hermotographys, and

I’m here to kill you Zeus.” You tried to use me and

now I will use your sword to kill you!”

Hermotographys Exclaimed in rage and ran up to

Zeus and then Zeus disappeared. Zeus then

reappeared in the sky on fire. Zeus shot flame balls

at Hermotographys while Hermotographys was

cart wheeling trying to dodge the Fireballs. Zeus

stopped and turned in to lightning. He charged at

Hermotographys like a lightning bolt had gone

lose. “This is bad, ahhhhhhh!!!” Hermotographys

screamed in fear running back and forth.



“Gods of Olympus, is this what you call a hero?

Someone who runs around like a terrified

chicken!” Zeus said. Hermotographys stopped and

thought that he had an opportunity to strike Zeus

and he did with Zeus’s own sword! Zeus fell to the

ground and blood spattered from his arm which

only meant one thing; he was getting weaker.

“No, this is impossible!” Zeus screamed. “That’s

the power of a terrified chicken Zeus!”

Hermotographys said. With Zeus badly injured

Hermotographys walked up to him and grabbed

him by the neck, and then Hermotographys held

him up to the sky and said “Zeus God of all Gods,

why do you try to use me! You know I can kill you

and you know I will” “What’s the point of giving

up, just kill me Hermotographys!!” Zeus

exclaimed “Killing you would upset the Gods,

which will make me a bad hero.



I can not kill you Zeus, not whilst the Gods are

looking upon us” Hermotographys said. “Fine!

Said Zeus. Suddenly Hermotographys heard a

thundering sound; the sound of Zeus. He blew him

self up in thunder! Blood flew up in the air and on

Hermotographys. “Weird behaviour from a God

but at least that was the end of Zeus?”

Hermotographys said in triumph. Apollo appeared

in the sky and nodded his head telling

Hermotographys he did a good job and now he

could head to his village to announce the good

news. Hermotographys arrived in his village safely

but still covered in blood. “I better clean myself

and put Zeus’s sword onto me back sword hook

and take off the hip sword hook. I need to look

ready to bring the Fire God to life.”

Hermotographys said.



Hermotographys went to the funeral hall and

kneeled then got out his ghost sword and held it up

in the air. Suddenly the heavens shook and the Fire

God rose from his funeral grave. Hermotographys

ran up to him and said “Fire God, take your sword

back and lead us once more.” Fire God reapplied “I

know what you did for me and this village so you

take the blade and lead our army” “Ok Fire God”

Hermotographys said. That day a great festival

began. The festival of the return of the Fire God

and the rise of Hermotographys and from that day

on Hermotographys is the Fire God the leader of

the Fire outlaws and the saver of the fire village!




Granit is ten and lives in West london with his parents

and his two sisters, Kaltrina and Melisa.

He attends MInet Junior School as a year six student.

He enjoys reading and writing fiction stories and his

first story was published in the " Young Writers'

Yearbook 2010" when he was only eight.

He is now working on his second book.