Finding Frequent Items i n Data Streams [Charikar-Che n-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH , 2004/12/17

Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

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Page 1: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton]

Paper reportBy MH , 2004/12/17

Page 2: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams

TodaySynopsis Data StructuresSketches and Frequency Moments Finding Frequency Items in Data Streams

Page 3: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Synopsis Data Structures

Synopsis Data Structures “Lossy” Summary (of a data stream) Advantages – fits in memory + easy to com

municateDisadvantage – lossiness implies approxim

ation errorKey Techniques – randomization and hashi


Page 4: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Random Samples Goal maintain uniform sample of item-stream Sampling Semantics?

Coin flip select each item with probability p easy to maintain undesirable – sample size is unbounded

Fixed-size sample without replacement Our focus today

Fixed-size sample with replacement Show – can generate from previous sample

Non-Uniform Samples [Chaudhuri-Motwani-Narasayya]

Page 5: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Generalized Stream Model

Input Element (i,a)a copies of domain-value i increment to ith dimension of m by a a need not be an integer

Data stream: 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, . . .

m0 m1 m2 m3 m4

11 1

2 2

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m0 m1 m2 m3 m4

11 1

2 2

On seeing element (i,a) = (2,2) On seeing element (i,a) = (1,-1)

m0 m1 m2 m3 m4

11 1



m0 m1 m2 m3 m4

11 1



Page 7: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Frequency Moments

Input Stream values from U = {0,1,…,N-1} frequency vector m = (m0,m1,…,mN-1)

Kth Frequency Moment Fk(m) = Σi mik

F0: number of distinct values

F1: stream size

F2: Gini index, self-join size, Euclidean norm

Fk: for k>2, measures skew, sometimes useful

F∞: maximum frequency

Page 8: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams

Introduction Main Idea COUNT SKETCH Algorithm Final result

Page 9: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Problem - This work was done while the author was at Google Inc.

The Google ProblemReturn list of k most frequent items in stream

Motivation search engine queries, network traffic, …

Remember Saw lower bound recently!Solution

Data structure Count-Sketch maintaining count-estimates of high-frequency elements

Page 10: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Introduction (1)

One of the most basic problems on a data stream [HRR98,AMS99] is that of finding the most frequently occurring items in the stream

We shall assume here that the stream is large enough that memory-intensive solutions such as sorting the stream or keeping a counter for each distinct element are infeasible

This problem comes up in the context of search engines, where the streams in question are streams

of queries sent to the search engine and we are interested in finding the most frequent queries handled in some period of time.

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Introduction (2)

A wide variety of heuristics for this problem have been proposed, all involving some combination of sampling, hashing, and counting (see [GM99] and Section 2 for a survey).

However, none of these solutions have clean bounds on the amount of space necessary to produce good approximate lists of the most frequent items.

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Notation Assume {1, 2, …, N} in order of frequency mi is frequency of ith most frequent element m = Σmi is number of elements in stream

Two notions of approximating the frequent-element problem FindCandidateTop

Input: stream S, int k, int p Output: list of p elements containing top k

FindApproxTop Input: stream S, int k, real Output: list of k elements, each of frequency mi > (1-) mk

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for example, that nk = np+1 + 1, that is, the k-th most frequent element has almost the same frequency as the p + 1st most frequent element. Then it would be almost impossible to find only p elements that are likely to have the top k elements.

We therefore define the following variant:


Page 14: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Main Idea

Consider single counter X hash function h(i): {1, 2,…,N} {-1,+1}

Input element i update counter X += Zi = h(i)

For each r, use XZr as estimator of mr

Theorem: E[XZr] = mr Proof

X = Σi miZi

E[XZr] = E[Σi miZiZr] = Σi miE[Zi Zr] = mrE[Zr2] = mr

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A couple of problems

The variance of every estimate is very large

O(N) elements have estimates that are wrong by more than the variance.

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Array of Counters

Idea – t counters,c1,...ct, t hash function h


We can then take the mean or median of these estimates to achieve an estimate with lower variance.

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Problem with “Array of Counters”

Variance – dominated by highest frequency

Estimates for less-frequent elements like kcorrupted by higher frequencies

Avoiding Collisions?spread out high frequency elements replace each counter with hashtable of b co


Page 18: Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams [Charikar-Chen-Farach-Colton] Paper report By MH, 2004/12/17

Count Sketch data structure

Hash Functions independent hashes h1,...,ht and s1,…,st

hashes independent of each other Data structure: hashtables of counters X(r,c)

1 2 … b

s1 : i {1, ..., b}

h1: i {+1, -1}

st : i {1, ..., b}

ht: i {+1, -1}

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configuration and operations

sr(i) – one of b counters in rth hashtable

ADD(i): for each r, update X(r,sr(i)) += hr(i)

Estimator(mi) = medianr { X(r,sr(i)) • hr(i) }

Maintain heap of k top elements seen so far

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Why we choose median

we have not eliminated the problem of collisions with high-frequency elements, and these will still spoil some subset of the estimates. The mean is very sensitive to outliers, while the median is sufficiently robust.

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Overall Algorithm

1. Add(i) 2. If i is in the heap, increment its count. Else,

add i to the heap if Estimate(mi) is greater than the smallest estimated count in the heap.

In this case, the smallest estimated count should be evicted from the heap.

This algorithm solves FindApproxTop where our choice of b will depend on .

we can add and subtract . Thealgorithm takes space O(tb + k).And we bound t and b.

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Final Results (1)

bound t and b t =O( log m/) , where the algorithm fails wit

h probability at most b = O(k + i>k mi

2 / (mk)2)

(5 lemmas and 1 theorem are listed in the rear)


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Final Results (2)

FindApproxTop O([k + (i>kmi

2) / (mk)2] log m/) Zipfian Distribution: mi 1/i

gives improved results compare with Sampling algorithm.

Finding items with largest frequency change This problem also has a practical motivation in the context of search engine query streams, since the queries whose frequency changes most between two consecutive time periods can indicate which topics people are currently most interested in [Goo].

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5 Lemmas and 1 theorem(1)

nq(l) be the number of occurrences of element q up to position l.

Ai[q] be the set of elements that hash onto the same bucket in the i-th row as

q does

]}[][,:{][ ,,, qhqhqqqqA iii