Finding Financial Freedom Celebrate Communally

Finding Financial Freedom

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Finding Financial Freedom. Celebrate Communally. Our Goal. To live in the joy and freedom of serving only One Master. Simplicity Prayer. Father, teach me the freedom of devotion, the power of simplicity, the peace of an undivided heart, and the joy of wanting only one thing! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finding Financial Freedom

Celebrate Communally

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Our Goal• To live in the joy and freedom of

serving only One Master.

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Simplicity Prayer

Father, teach me the freedom of devotion,the power of simplicity,

the peace of an undivided heart,and the joy of wanting only one


The Prayer of St Craig of Hilton

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Interdependent Truth

• Work Gloriously• Wait Patiently• Live Simply• Give Generously

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But the truth is...

• You are always giving away something that is not yours!

• Your Father wants you to use the very gifts He gave in the first place!

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Cheerful Giving...

• Cheerful giving to God is always the fruit of loving Him.

• God doesn’t want or need your money – He wants your heart.

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Made in His Image... Matthew 22

You give according to the likeness and image you want

to reveal and represent.

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Interdependent Truth

• Work Gloriously• Wait Patiently• Live Simply• Give Generously

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Interdependent Truth

• Work Gloriously• Wait Patiently• Live Simply• Give Generously• Celebrate Communally

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Leviticus 23• Sabbath Rest - Chill & Feast• Passover - Feast• Firstfruits - Feast• Harvest - Feast• Trumpets - Music• Atonement - Total Fast• Tabernacles - Camp & Feast

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The Works of God• Deliverance• Atonement• Forgiveness• Provision• Protection

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Rites of Passage• Life - Dedication• Maturity - Coming of age• Faith - Baptism• Love - Marriage• Legacy - Death

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You can’t miss itUsing money for God does not only include:

• productivity • saving• simplicity • generosity

• but also celebrating!

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Luke 1412 Then Jesus said to his host, ‘When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbours; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. 

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Luke 1413 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’

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Freely give and receive...• Accept gifts and don’t feel

obligated to return them.

• Give gifts and don’t feel entitled to anything from them.

• Don’t exploit the charismata of giving or hospitality!

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Creative Thinking• Our previous church built a 250

seater church building and paid off all debt in less than 5 years.

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We moved in... • without ceilings or carpets or paint

on the walls (live simply/ wait patiently)

• increased our monthly payments to the bank ahead of the required amount

• took interest free loans from within the congregation (give generously)

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We treated ourselves... • treated ourselves to one extra

finish per year if we could afford it.

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Within Five Years... • we had painted, carpeted, fitted a

proper kitchen, put ceilings in and paid off the bank and our members’ loans (work gloriously).

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It was so much fun... • and had such a sense of

momentum that a family even donated an additional 100m2  for the youth venue (celebrate communally).

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We celebrated• Every November we invited the

whole church to a spit braai / 3 course meal and would not let anyone pay for themselves...

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New People were...• Always surprised by how the whole

vibe and spirit was one of generosity and not need.

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Money...• Handled correctly reveals and

advances the Kingdom of our God.