Find Arabidopsis protein homologs Align Mimulus contig with Arabidopsis protein (ESTWISE) Calculate intron positions/phases in Arabidopsis proteins Find corresponding positions in Mimulus unigenes Design primers spanning introns in Mimulus unigenes (Primer3) Mimulus unigenes Arabidopsis gene models Arabidopsis proteins ESTs Genetically map Align Mimulus unigenes to Arabidopsis proteins (ESTWISE) Physically map (hybridize to BACs) Design overgos within exons Design SNP assay from sequenced alleles

Find Arabidopsis protein homologs

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Mimulus unigenes. ESTs. Find Arabidopsis protein homologs. Arabidopsis proteins. Align Mimulus unigenes to Arabidopsis proteins (ESTWISE). Align Mimulus contig with Arabidopsis protein (ESTWISE). Arabidopsis gene models. Calculate intron positions/phases in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs

Find Arabidopsis protein homologs

Align Mimulus contig with Arabidopsis protein (ESTWISE)

Calculate intron positions/phases in Arabidopsis proteins

Find corresponding positions in Mimulus


Design primers spanning introns in Mimulus unigenes (Primer3)

Mimulus unigenes

Arabidopsisgene models

Arabidopsis proteins



Align Mimulus unigenesto Arabidopsis

proteins (ESTWISE)

Physically map

(hybridizeto BACs)

Design overgos within exons

Design SNP assayfrom sequenced alleles

Page 2: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs

At5g24550 27 FSTTPLNRYSFPPHFDFGVASSAYQYEGAVEEGGRSPSIWDNFTHAFPE + + P NR FPP F FG ASSAYQ+EGA EGG+ PSIWD +TH FPE YESKPFNRTDFPPGFLFGAASSAYQFEGAAFEGGKGPSIWDTYTHQFPE MgUnigene 90 tgtactacagtccgtctgggttgtctggggtgggagcaatgatacctcg aacactagcatccgtttgcccccaatagcctaggagcgtgacacaatca taggtccctttatttttattttttatattatatgaatttgttctcataa

At5g24550 76 R-TNMDNGDVAVDFYHRYKDDIKLIKEMNMDSFRFSLSWSRILPSGKLS + + NGDVA DFYH YKDD+KL+K++ +D FR S++WSR+LP GKLS KIADRSNGDVANDFYHLYKDDVKLLKDLGLDVFRMSIAWSRVLPHGKLS MgUnigene 237 aaggcaaggggagttcctagggatcagtgcggtcatagttcgtccgaca atcaggagatcaataataaaatattaatgtattgtctcgcgttcagatg gattacctcgtcctttgtgttgagggtaagttcggcttgatagataaat

At5g24550 124 DGVNKEGVQFYKNLIDELIKNGIKPFVTIYHWDIPQALDDEYGSFLSPR GVNKEG+ FY N+I+EL+ NGI PFVT++ WD+PQAL+DEY FLSP RGVNKEGIAFYNNVINELLANGITPFVTLFLWDLPQALEDEYRGFLSPL MgUnigene 384 aggaaggagttaagaagccgagaactgactctgcccgcgggtagtcacc ggtaaagtctaaattaattcagtccttctttgatcactaaaaggttgct aagcaagtctccttctactataaaatgaattgcctaaagtataccatta

At5g24550 173 IIDDFRNFARFCFQEFGDKVSMWTTFNEPYVYSVSGYDAG---NKAIGR I+DD+ +F +CF+ FGD+V W TFNEP+V++ GYD G A GR IVDDYLDFVELCFKNFGDRVKNWITFNEPFVFTNGGYDGGFLGTLAxGR CONTIG5 531 agggtcgtggcttaatggcgaataatagctgtaaggtgggtcgacgcgc ttaaatattatgtaatgagtaagtctaactttcaggaaggttgctcNgg tgcttgtcgatctgtcatttgtgcaccggcgcatgcctgaccgtacctg

At5g24550 219 CSKWVN CS W N CSSWxN MgUnigene 678 ttttNa gccgga cgggct

Page 3: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs

Marker yield per EST

Page 4: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs


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Page 6: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs
Page 7: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs
Page 8: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs
Page 9: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs

Duke Univ.John Willis

Fred Dietrich

Univ. of Washington Toby Bradshaw

CUGI Jeffery Tomkins

UNC Chapel HillTodd Vision

Michigan State Univ. Doug Schemske

Univ. of MontanaLila Fishman

Frontiers in Biological Research:

Integrated Ecological and Genomic Analysis of

Speciation in Mimulus

Page 10: Find  Arabidopsis  protein  homologs

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