FINCENT Finnish Defence Forces International Centre COURSE CATALOGUE 2010


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Defence ForcesInternational Centre



Finnish Defence ForcesInternational Centre


Welcome to FINCENT............................................4

General Information.............................................5


The Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management...............21

How to apply......................................................22

Contact Information



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The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre is an internationally distinguished centre of military crisis management training and education with over 50 years of expertise. We organise and host courses according to the UN, NORDCAPS, the EU and NATO PfP agreements and framework.

FINCENT had its 40th birthday in autumn 2009. The Centre was relocated from its original location of Niinisalo to new premises in the Greater Helsinki area of Hyrylä in Tuusula in the summer of 2008. Modern facilities enable the most efficient running of the courses for all parties concerned.

FINCENT concentrates in military crisis management training and education, which it is dedicated to constantly develop in response to rapid changes in the environment. In order to achieve this, the intertwined co-operation with its partners in the Nordic countries as well as the European and global network are viewed as the most important tools.

FINCENT produces three types of courses. Firstly, the training is provided in its traditional stronghold courses, such as the UN Military Observer Courses (UNMOC). Secondly, FINCENT runs courses in co-operation with other national and international training centres. A third category of courses are proposed by outside parties and tailored and implemented by FINCENT.

We are streamlining and expanding our training and education by introducing Mobile Education and Training Teams (FINMETT). A co-operational establishment with the Crisis Management Centre and FINCENT, which is called the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management, has been founded. Additionally, we are introducing new network-based and virtual instruction system to enhance training.

The staff at FINCENT is dedicated to offer high quality courses to meet the needs of both national and international students. Our aim is to provide the students with the prerequisites necessary for their awaiting posts in demanding crisis management operations all over the world. We also take pride in our facilities and regard the comforts of the students as very important. Our courses also offer an excellent chance to taste the Finnish way of life and culture.

I hope that this catalogue offers useful courses for yourself or for your organisation. I wish you most welcome to Finland, to Tuusula and to FINCENT.

Esa VanonenLieutenant ColonelCommandant


General Inform

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FINCENTFinnish Defence Forces International Centre(FINCENT) since 2001; formerly the UN TrainingCentre, founded in 1969. NATO/PfP Training andEducation Centre (PTC) since 2001.


To arrange and host national and international seminars, courses and exercises for the UN, NORDCAPS, the EU, NATO and NATO/PFP.

To support Finnish civilian crisis management efforts.

To conduct research and development projects on peace support operations.

To send Finnish officers to participate in courses abroad.

To cooperate with international and national civilian and military partner organizations.


FINCENT provides excellent training facilities for courses in Tuusula, which is located 30 kilometres from Helsinki.

HQ and Course BuildingHigh tech auditorium, seating 150 persons4 classrooms with 20 seats eachEDP-classroom with 20 seatsPSO gaming classroom with 20 seatsLibraryReceptionOffice facilities

Students’ HotelAccommodation for 56 personsLounges with kitchen facilitiesWell equipped gymLaundry facilities

Training AreaTraditional and very high-level courses, such as the United Nations Military Observer Course (UNMOC), will be arranged partly in Artillery Brigade’s Exercise Area in Niinisalo, as the terrain there has proven to be excellent for the demanding observer exercises.




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UNMOCNORDCAPS United Nations Military Observer Course

Course periodsUNMOC I (FIN.1137.41) 26 April–14 May 2010 UNMOC II (FIN.1137.42) 9–27 August 2010UNMOC III (FIN.1137.43) 25 October–12 November 2010

Purpose of the courseTo prepare officers for service as MILITARY OBSERVERS in any UN mission and particularly for current UN operations.

ContentsOrganizations, past and present Peace Support Operations (PSO).Observer and monitoring duties, emphasis on reporting procedures.Political, social, religious and other factors prevailing in the mission areas.Other abilities to enable the individual officer to carry out the tasks that may be given to him / her immediately following his / her arrival in the mission area.Climatic, topographical and environmental factors under which service may have to be conducted.

Courses last three weeks and are run by Staff (Finland) and Instructors (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden), consisting of some 15 personnel altogether. During the first week students gain a basic knowledge of Peace Support Operations (PSO) and theoretic information on observer duties. In the second week they focus on performing as observers, learn how to use an interpreter, negotiate and mediate, and finally, in the third week their skills are tested in a field exercise. On weekends the students become familiarised with local culture on short trips in Finland.

A course has 50 seats, of which most are reserved for Nordic students and the rest for other students from all over the world. Over the years, 68 nations and 4149 students have participated in UNMOC courses.







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Student criteriaProfessionally trained with working experience of at least six years (Captain to Lieutenant Colonel).Ability to understand, speak and write in the English language at level 2 according to STANAG 6001.A valid driver’s license.Physically fit.Basic knowledge of computers.The working language is English.





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NS M3-45NATO/Partner/MD Operational Staff Officer Course

Course PeriodNS M3-45-A 15–26 March 2010 (TBC)

Purpose of the CourseTo train officers to function at entry level in a NATO-led multinational HQ conducting Peace Support Operations (PSO). On-the-job training will still be required in order for the graduate to be able to function effectively in a combined and joint environment.

ContentsThe course provides an insight into NATO involvement in operations across the spectrum, and especially in Peace Support Operations. The course will prepare students in order for them later to be able to work in NATO HQs and staffs and implement the Operational Planning Process in current NATO operations.

Student CriteriaThis course is applicable to personnel from NATO, PfP or MD nations involved in operational planning in the NATO environment. The course is structured around 3 modules with an underlying package of practice in operational staff work with emphasis on an understanding of the Operational Planning Process (OPP) and its applicability at all levels in operations.

Military officers or civilian equivalents from PfP/ MD and NATO nations of OF-3 (Major) or OF-4 (Lieutenant Colonel) rank, although (OF-2) (Captain) and OF-5 (Colonel) ranks will be accepted for appropriate job positions.

Officers/civilians (see above) assigned or selected for assignment to:

A NATO-led multinational Joint Headquarters.A national field headquarters operating under a NATO Headquarters.The staff of defence colleges with functional responsibility in this area.




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NATO PfPCLCNORDCAPS NATO/PfP Coordination, Liaison and Cooperation Course

Course periodsNATO PfPCLC I (FIN.2732.10) 8–18 February 2010NATO PfPCLC II (FIN.2732.11) 31 May–10 June 2010NATO PfPCLC III (FIN.2732.12) 4–14 October 2010

Purpose of the courseTo prepare nationally trained officers for coordination, liaison and cooperation tasks in Peace Support Operations (PSO) and Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW). To develop and improve the working skills of an individual student with emphasis on coordination, liaison and cooperation in order to enhance interoperability.

ContentsIntroduction to NATO arrangements and structures as a common base for the performance of CLC, including practical exercises.Lessons learned from CLC work, based on experience from PSOs.CLC between the military component, different civilian components and together with the various parties involved in a conflict.Operational and administrative principles to be adopted when establishing and conducting CLC tasks.Reports and reporting.Briefing and debriefing.Principles for negotiation and mediation including work with an interpreter.

Knowledge related to military crisis managementMedia awareness.Gender issues.Trafficking.Mission security.

Student criteriaProfessionally trained.Rank from Warrant Officer to Major.English at level 3332 (STANAG 6001).Basic knowledge of computers.Open to NATO/PfP members.The working language is English.








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NATO PfPLOGNATO/PfP Logistics Course

Course periodNATO PfPLOG (FIN.1134.14) 13–24 September 2010

Purpose of the courseTo educate PfP and NATO officers to function in a NATO-led multinational HQ conducting a Peace Support Operation (PSO) and in a logistics detachment.To familiarize Staff Officers with NATO logistics procedures in PSOs at tactical level in order to enable them to be assigned within a multinational battalion/brigade HQ or a logistics unit.

ContentsOn completion of the course the students should:

Have a basic knowledge of the NATO military structureUnderstand current NATO policy and doctrine for PSO´s.Understand the command and control structure and procedures in a NATO-led PSO.Understand current NATO logistic structure and procedures in NATO-led PSOs.Know the staffing and basic duties of the G4 section of a Multinational Brigade/Task Force (MNBDE/MNTF) as well as the tasks of the Multinational Logistics Detachment.Be familiar with the bilateral or multinational agreements guiding or demanding cost sharing and the use of logistic units.Be familiar with the deployment planning of a battalion-size stand-by-force including the establishment of logistics procedures.

Student criteriaPreferably no previous experience from PSO in logistics tasks.Ability to speak, understand and write the English language at level 2 according STANAG 6001.Military officers or civilian equivalents in ranks of OF-1 (Lieutenant) to OF-3 (Major), although OF-4 (Lieutenant Colonel) will be accepted from NATO and PfP-countries for appropriate job positions.











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NATO PfPCMCNATO/PfP Civil Military Cooperation Course

Course periodNATO PfPCMC I (FIN.6.19) 13–17 December 2010

Purpose of the courseTo provide tools for CIMIC work especially for persons who will be working in CIMIC positions in the ISAF, KFOR and EUFOR operations. Lessons, exercises and field experience are mainly based on these operations.

ContentsIntroduction to CIMIC definitions and structures.Knowledge related to CIMIC work.Lessons learned from CIMIC work, based on experiences from PSOs.Practical exercises.Lessons learned from ISAF PRT’s.

Student criteriaCompany and battalion level.English at level 3332 (STANAG 6001).

Other informationThe course is established to meet the needs of CMC personnel at tactical level.The working language is English.






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NATO PfPCISNORDCAPS NATO/PfP Communication and Information Systems Course

Course periodNATO PfPCIS (FIN.2726.13) 29 November–3 December 2010

Purpose of the courseTo provide basic information for signal officers about multinational operations and to enable and prepare them:

To act in PfP and CIS environments.To participate in PfP exercises.To serve as signal officers in multinational PSOs.To have a better understanding of the international CIS environment for later duties in their home country or abroad.To familiarize participants with the CIS system of the Nordic Brigade.

Student CriteriaEnglish at level 3332 (STANAG 6001).Signal branch background.Rank from Lieutenant to Captain (Major).Ideal for students with no experience of previous PSO/MNOs.

Other InformationThe course concentrates on tactical (G6/S6) and unit level multinational communications (Brigade, Battalion and Company).The working language is English.






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LANGUAGE COURSES: MEC, MFC, PSOTCMilitary English Course, Military French Course,Peace Support Operations Terminology Course

Course periodsMEC I/2010 4 January–25 February 2010MEC 2/2010 15 February–9 April 2010MEC 3/2010 12 July–2 September 2010MEC 4/2010 27 September–18 November 2010

MFC 26 April–17 June 2010

PSOTC 8–10 December 2010

Purpose of the coursesMEC and MFC – a blended learning course including distance learning and instructor-led periods.PSOTC – proficiency in spoken, written and professional military English, understanding of military terminology.

Course contentsThe main focus of MEC and MFC is on enhancing students’ language skills in preparation for duties in crisis management or international tasks. The course focuses on the use of general language and language needed by military personnel in meetings, briefings and other situations and includes among other things translation, preparation for language tests, communication and pronunciation exercises. The main focus of PSOTC is on military terminology, military operational language and operational planning process terminology.

Student criteriaStaff Officers / Military Observers.Planned task in mission year 2009 - 2010.Good knowledge of English (MEC), French (MFC).Consistent ability for independent work.




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EU, NATO and UN Orientation SeminarsSeminar periodsNATO Orientation Seminar 11 March 2010UN Orientation Seminar 22 April 2010EU Orientation Seminar 27 May 2010

Purpose of the seminars The purpose of the seminars is to train participants in the EU, NATO and the UN activities in crisis management operations.

ContentsThe focal point of the training lies in military planning and decision-making as well as in cooperation between civilians and the military directed by organisations.

Student criteriaProfessionally trained civilians and military personnel.Rank from Warrant Officer to Lieutenant Colonel (military).English at level 3332 (STANAG 6001).Open to NATO/PfP members.

Other Information The working language is English.



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ICMIntegrated Crisis Management Course

Course periodICM 27 September–1 October 2010

Purpose of the courseThe course aims to familiarize participants with the integrated approach of crisis management with specific regard to the interaction of civilian and military actors.

Student CriteriaCivilian or military experts, such as Political Advisors, Development Advisors, Police Advisors, Heads and Deputy Heads of Offices, Executive Directors with experience of crisis management and peace building missions.Currently working in a crisis area or prospective participants in future missions.Good comprehension of English.

Other informationThe course is conducted in cooperation with Crisis Management Centre Finland (CMC Finland) within the framework of the Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management.




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CA AFGHANISTAN Cultural Awareness Afghanistan Seminar

Seminar periodCA AFGHANISTAN 18 May 2010

Purpose of the seminarTo give military and civilian personnel involved with planning and coordinating the national effort in supporting Afghanistan a better understanding of the impact the Afghan culture may have on the support effort. Special emphasis will be on the variety of cultures found in Afghanistan.

ContentsLectures and panel discussions with focus on different support efforts in Afghanistan and case studies of cultural misunderstandings leading to failure and correct interpretation leading to success.

Student CriteriaParticipation by invitation from FINCENT.

Other InformationLecturers and personnel on the panels are international and national experts on the crisis management and reconstruction effort in Afghanistan and on the cultures of the region.

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CA AFRICA Cultural Awareness Africa Seminar

Seminar periodCA AFRICA 23 February 2010

Purpose of the seminarTo give military and civilian personnel involved with planning and preparing crisis management operations in Africa a better understanding of the impact Africa’s different cultures may have. Special emphasis will be on the variety of cultures found in Africa.

ContentsLectures and panel discussions with focus on different cultures in Africa.

Student CriteriaParticipation by invitation from FINCENT.

Other InformationLecturers and personnel on the panels are international and national experts on the African culture and potential crisis areas of the region.

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METTMobile Education and Training Teams

FINCENT will conduct courses run by Mobile Education and Training Teams at requested locations.

Education and training topics are:Civil-Military CooperationMilitary Observer TrainingEstablishment of PSO Training CentresOther crisis management-related issues

TAILORED COURSESFINCENT is a reliable counterpart in providing tailored courses and expertise for different international groups.

Courses can be organized using training modules or within the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management.


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FINCENT COURSES and SEMINARS2010Finnish Defence Forces International Centre conducts the following courses and seminars:

NORDCAPS United Nations Military Observer CourseUNMOC I (FIN.1137.41) 26 April–14 May UNMOC II (FIN.1137.42) 9–27 August UNMOC III (FIN.1137.43) 25 October–12 November

NATO/Partner/MD Operational Staff Officer CourseNS M3-45-A 15–26 March 2010 (TBC)

NORDCAPS NATO/PfP Coordination, Liaison and Cooperation CourseNATO PfPCLC I (FIN.2732.10) 8–18 February NATO PfPCLC II (FIN.2732.11) 31 May–10 JuneNATO PfPCLC III (FIN.2732.12) 4–14 October

NATO/PfP Logistics CourseNATO PfPLOG (FIN.1134.14) 13–24 September

Civil Military Cooperation CourseNATO PfPCMC I (FIN.6.19) 13–17 December

NORDCAPS NATO/PfP Communication and Information Systems Course NATO PfPCIS (FIN.2726.13) 29 November–3 December

Military English CourseMEC I/2010 4 January–25 February MEC 2/2010 15 February–9 April MEC 3/2010 12 July–2 SeptemberMEC 4/2010 27 September–18 November

Military French CourseMFC 26 April–17 June

Peace Support Operations Terminology CoursePSOTC 8–10 December

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NATO, EU and UN ORIENTATION SEMINARSNATO Orientation 11 March UN Orientation 22 April EU Orientation 27 May

Integrated Crisis Management CourseICM 27 September–1 October

Cultural Awareness Afghanistan SeminarCA AFGHANISTAN 18 May

Cultural Awareness Africa SeminarCA AFRICA 23 February

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The Finnish C

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The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) and Crisis Management Centre Finland (CMC Finland) established the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management in June 2008. Its core tasks are the development of civil-military relations and coordination in crisis management both for national crisis management capacity building and international crisis management missions.

The Finnish Centre of Expertise is based on a shared campus principle were responsibility is shared between FINCENT and CMC Finland, both of which continue to function in their capacity of independent governmental institutions. The goal is to create a clear framework for the cooperation that already exists between these two institutions.

The Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management endeavours to develop common and shared training in crisis management as well as to promote an overall understanding of comprehensive crisis management. Its tasks also include research, publishing and seminar activities. The Integrated Crisis Management Course and crisis management courses in Kuopio will be organised within the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management in 2010. The civilians interested in the Integrated Crisis Management Course should apply through CMC Finland, and military personnel through FINCENT.

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Download the application form at www.fincent.fi and fill it out in English. The application form should be submitted through the appropriate national channels to FINCENT no later than 8 weeks prior to the start of the course. Please note that FINCENT does not process applications sent by individuals: all applications must be authorized by the point of contact in home nation HQ or equivalent.

Confirmation of admission will be sent in due time before the course.


Course seats have been allocated in advance between the NORDCAPS countries. Please, contact your own HQ and/or national POC for further information.


Based on manning lists, reservists are called annually by the Pori Brigade and officers by the Army HQ.

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FI-04301 TuusulaFinland

Phone: +358 299 800 Fax: +358 299 540 902 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Homepage: www.fincent.fi

For further information, please contact FINCENT.

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