Financial Innovation and Bank Behavior

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  • 8/10/2019 Financial Innovation and Bank Behavior


    Financial innovation and bank behavior: Evidence fromcredit marketsLars Norden a , Consuelo Silva Buston b ,n , Wolf Wagner ca Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlandsb ILADES - Alberto Hurtado University, Chilec Tilburg University, The Netherlands

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 14 March 2013Received in revised form24 November 2013Accepted 2 January 2014Available online 24 January 2014

    JEL classifications:G1G2

    Keywords:Financial innovation

    Credit derivativesSyndicated loansLoan pricingFinancial crisis

    a b s t r a c t

    This paper investigates whether, and through which channel, the active use of creditderivatives changes bank behavior in the credit market, and how this channel was affectedby the crisis of 2007 2009. Our principal finding is that banks with larger gross positionsin credit derivatives charge significantly lower corporate loan spreads, while banks'net positions are not consistently related to loan pricing. We argue that this is consistentwith banks passing on risk management benefits to corporate borrowers but not withalternative channels through which credit derivative use may affect loan pricing. We alsofind that the magnitude of the risk management effect remained unchanged during thecrisis period of 2007 2009. In addition, banks with larger gross positions in creditderivatives cut their lending by less than other banks during the crisis and haveconsistently lower loan charge-offs. In sum, our study is suggestive of significant riskmanagement benefits from financial innovations that persist under adverse conditions

    that is, when they matter most.& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Credit derivatives [have] contributed to the stability of the banking system by allowing banks to measure and managetheir credit risks more effectively. Alan Greenspan (2005)

    The boom in subprime mortgage lending was only a part of a much broader credit boom characterized by the creation of complex and opaque financial instruments that proved fragile under stress. Ben Bernanke (2008)

    1. Introduction

    Financial innovations are at the center of the debate on how to shape the future global financial system. The dominantview prior to the crisis of 2007 2009 was that financial innovations are beneficial for the financial system. The experience of the crisis has led to an at least partial reassessment of this view. Many policy makers now argue that the use of financialinnovations needs to be restricted or prohibited. There is also general concern that financial innovations, while beneficialunder normal economic conditions, may amplify shocks in times of crisis. Whether this concern is justified depends on whyand how these innovations are used in the financial system. If, for instance, the innovations are employed by financialinstitutions to improve risk measurement and risk control, they may serve to insulate the financial system against negativeshocks. The use of financial innovations may, however, also encourage risk-taking by financial institutions and causedependence on their continued availability. This can result in greater vulnerability in times of stress.

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    0165-1889/$ - see front matter & 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    n Corresponding author. ILADES - Alberto Hurtado University, Erasmo Escala 1835, Room 202, Chile. Tel.: + 56 (0)228897458.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Norden), [email protected] (C. Silva Buston), [email protected] (W. Wagner).

    Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 43 (2014) 130 145[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/10/2019 Financial Innovation and Bank Behavior


    Despite the importance of this issue, there is relatively little evidence on the channels through which financialinnovations may affect the behavior of financial institutions and on how these channels are operating under adverseconditions. In this paper we analyze the key innovation in credit markets of recent decades credit derivatives. Specifically,we examine whether, and through which channel, the active use of credit derivatives changes bank behavior in the creditmarket, and how this channel was affected by the crisis of 2007 2009. Credit derivatives unlike traditional debtinstruments, such as bonds and loans make it relatively easy to hedge or source credit risk. Banks are major players in thecredit derivative market and the market has grown dramatically over the last decade. The outstanding amount at the peak of

    the market in 2007 was estimated at $50 trillion by the BIS and has declined to $28 trillion by the end of 2011. It should benoted that unlike some other credit markets (such as the market for structured securitization products), the market forcredit derivatives did not break down during the crisis.

    Studies that examine banks' use of financial innovations show that under normal economic conditions these instrumentsfacilitate the extension of credit and result in more favorable lending conditions for borrowers. In particular, lowerborrowing costs are observed for loans intended for subsequent sale ( Guener, 2006 ) or securitization ( Nadauld andWeisbach, 2012 ).1 Hirtle (2009) shows that greater credit derivative use by banks increases the credit supply to large firmsand lowers corporate loan spreads on average. Ashcraft and Santos (2009) document that firms with a higher default riskface higher loan spreads after they become traded in the CDS market. Ashcraft and Santos argue that this effect is driven byreduced incentives for banks to monitor the default risk of these firms. These studies all analyze the pre-crisis period. Inaddition, in the interpretation of the results they focus on one particular channel through which credit derivative use mayaffect credit markets they do not consider several channels simultaneously. This makes it difficult to obtain acomprehensive view about the dominant channel and how this channel operates under different market conditions.

    Our paper aims to fill this gap by examining various channels through which banks' use of credit derivatives mayinfluence the pricing of syndicated corporate loans both in normal times and in times of crisis. In addition, to further theunderstanding of the relevant channel, we complement the loan pricing analysis with an analysis of the lending behavior of banks active in the credit derivative market. We investigate four different channels. Credit derivatives may provide benefitsthat can be passed on to borrowers if banks use these instruments to (i) hedge credit risk, (ii) reduce economic or regulatorycapital, or (iii) actively manage the credit risk of their loan portfolios. Credit derivatives can also increase borrower risk (andresult in higher spreads) if the transfer of risk leads to (iv) incentive problems at banks. In order to identify the channel wedevelop hypotheses about the link between either a bank's gross position in credit derivatives (the sum of protection boughtand sold) or its net position (the difference of protection bought and sold) and loan pricing. The key prediction is that the riskmanagement channel is the only channel which can operate through banks' gross positions. For example, a risk managingbank may reduce exposures arising from their lending business by buying protection but at the same time source creditrisks on underrepresented risks through a sale of protection. All other channels require the bank to take a positive netposition in credit derivatives.

    Our dataset is based on loan-level information from the LPC DealScan database, bank-level information from the Call Reports, andborrower information from COMPUSTAT and ORBIS, covering the period from 1997 to 2009. The principal result from regressionanalysis is that, after controlling for lender, loan and bank characteristics, banks' gross positions in credit derivatives are significantlynegatively related to the loan spread they charge to the average corporate borrower. By contrast, banks' net positions in creditderivatives do not display a robust association with loan spreads. This result provides support for the risk management channel butnot for the other channels through which credit derivatives may affect loan pricing. The effect is robust in particular it is still presentwhen we control for the use of other derivatives and take into account various endogeneity concerns.

    We also find that the risk management benefits extend to firms that are unlikely to be traded in the credit derivativemarket. Risk management benefits are thus passed on to the entire portfolio of borrowers and not only the borrowers thatcan be easily traded. This suggests that risk management reduces a bank's overall marginal cost of risk-taking. It may alsoreflect pseudo pricing the practice at banks to price non-traded credit exposures using correlated traded credit exposures.

    We then turn to the analysis of loan pricing during the crisis of 2007 2009. If banks use credit derivatives to properlymanage risks, we would expect that their pricing advantage relative to other banks is not eroded during the crisis.

    Consistent with effective risk management, we find that banks active in credit derivatives still charge loan spreads that arelower than those of other banks in fact, the loan spread difference is essentially unchanged compared to the pre-crisisperiod. We also investigate the relationship between the credit derivative use and the characteristics of lending at the banklevel. Effective risk management would suggest that banks are less likely to face constraints under adverse conditions ( Frootet al., 1993 ). Consistent with this argument, we find that risk management banks cut lending back by significantly less thanother banks. Risk managing banks also do not seem to be more aggressive as their pre-crisis lending levels are comparableto other banks. There is thus no evidence for increased risk-taking arising from credit derivative use. Furthermore, we expectbanks that actively manage their credit risks to have lower loan risks and not to suffer more from the financial crisis thanother banks. In accordance with this, we find that banks with a larger gross position in credit derivatives have lower charge-offs than other banks and that this difference is not eroded (even partially) during the crisis. 2

    1 There is also evidence that loan sales ( Cebenoyan and Strahan, 2004 ) and Collateralized Debt Obligations ( Franke and Krahnen, 2005 ) lead to anincrease in lending at banks.

    2 We also find that over the entire sample period the volatility of the average loan spreads charged by the group of active banks is about half of thespread volatility of the other banks. This further speaks to risk management benefits.

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    Our paper contributes to the literature on financial innovations, risk management, banking and corporate finance. Takentogether, the analysis provides consistent evidence that banks use credit derivatives to improve their management of creditrisks. 3 There is no consistent evidence in support of other channels through which credit derivatives may affect loanspreads. Corporate borrowers benefit from risk management through lower spreads and these benefits do not seem to belimited to the borrowers whose risks can be directly managed using the derivatives. Our results also show that the benefitsextend to the crisis period not only through more favorable lending conditions but also through a more stable supply of credit. All in all, our results contain a positive message about the benefits of this type of financial innovation even in

    circumstances where markets are under great stress.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we develop hypotheses that allow us to identify thechannel through which credit derivatives might affect corporate loan spreads. In Section 3 we describe the data. In Section 4we outline the empirical strategy and present the results. Section 5 concludes.

    2. Hypotheses

    Related studies and evidence from the banking industry suggest different channels through which credit derivatives (andrisk transfer activities in general) may affect bank lending behavior. Subsequently, we briefly summarize the key channels.We also explain our approach to identifying the channels empirically.

    Credit derivatives allow banks to transfer risk exposures to third parties by hedging exposures through the purchase of protection. This may reduce banks' incentives to screen and monitor borrowers (e.g., Morrison, 2005 ). We refer to this as theIncentives Channel . Ashcraft and Santos (2009) provide evidence for this channel. They investigate the effect of a firm beingtraded in the CDS market on the spread it has to pay on its loans. Ashcraft and Santos argue that once a firm is traded in theCDS market, banks can hedge their exposure to this firm. This may, in turn, lower banks' incentives to monitor. The firm'sborrowing cost should then increase as it becomes riskier. Consistent with this, Ashcraft and Santos find that riskier andinformationally opaque firms, who benefit the most from bank monitoring, face higher spreads after the onset of trading inthe CDS market. 4

    Credit derivatives may also affect bank lending through the Risk Management Channel . According to this channel, creditderivatives allow banks to better manage the risk in their credit portfolios. Banks can buy protection on overrepresentedexposures and sell protection on underrepresented exposures. Banks can also use credit derivatives to keep the overall riskof their portfolio close to the target level. Among others, such risk management in the form of active credit portfoliomanagement provides benefits as it reduces the likelihood of financing constraints becoming binding. Risk managementbenefits may also obtain indirectly: the use of credit derivatives may induce banks to measure and price their credit risksmore rigorously. An increased awareness of risks may make banks more efficient in their lending behavior. Empiricalresearch provides evidence that risk management benefits enable banks to extend larger loan volumes ( Franke andKrahnen, 2005 ) or to pass on the benefits to their borrowers through lower spreads (see Cebenoyan and Strahan, 2004 forloan sales). If this channel is operative, we would expect banks that are actively trading credit derivatives to reduce theinterest rate charged to borrowers. Hirtle (2009) examines this hypothesis. Controlling for bank and loan characteristics,Hirtle finds that for large borrowers, the net position of credit derivatives held by banks has a negative effect on loanspreads, and argues that this finding is consistent with banks managing credit risk. Global survey evidence confirms thatlarge international banks have been following active credit portfolio management with credit derivatives for many years(Beitel et al., 2006 ).

    There are two additional channels through which credit derivatives may influence loan pricing. Both channels suggest anegative effect on loan spreads. According to the Hedging Channel, banks hedge their exposures by purchasing protection inderivatives markets. 5 Nadauld and Weisbach (2012) study whether this channel is operative for loan pricing. Nadauld andWeisbach examine the spreads of loans that are subsequently securitized. They provide comprehensive evidence that loansthat were later included in a CLO exhibit lower spreads when they are issued. Another channel, closely related to thehedging channel, is the ( Regulatory ) Capital Relief Channel . This channel is based on the idea that bank lending is constrainedbecause of the scarcity of regulatory bank capital. Credit derivatives can be used to alleviate this constraint by buyingprotection from third parties, thus releasing bank capital for new lending. This allows banks to grant new loans and to priceloans more aggressively. Broadly consistent with this channel, Loutskina and Strahan (2006) show that securitizationdiminishes the impact of bank financial conditions on loan supply.

    While most of the studies have focused on one channel, our paper considers these four channels jointly and aims toidentify the key channel(s) through which credit derivatives influence corporate loan spreads. We note that the fourchannels vary with their prediction regarding the impact on loan spreads (a spread reduction is suggested by the risk

    3 Our results on financial innovations complement recent evidence on the link among risk management, control and performance of US bank holdingcompanies ( Ellul and Yerramilli, 2013 ).

    4 Marsh (2006) finds that the announcement effect of a new bank loan is weakened when a bank actively uses securitization techniques to transfer therisk consistent with reduced bank incentives.

    5 There is no universally accepted definition of hedging and risk management in the literature. In this paper we take hedging to mean the simple

    shedding risk using financial instruments, while risk management goes beyond this and requires banks to actively control the risk of their portfolio, whichalso involves the acquisition of new risks through derivatives.

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    management, hedging and capital relief channel; a spread increase is consistent with the incentive channel). However, thekey innovation in our paper that ultimately allows us to identify the dominant channel is that we separately consider theeffect of the gross and the net position in credit derivatives on loan spreads (the gross position is the sum of protectionbought and sold, while the net position is the difference between protection bought and sold). We argue that all channelsexcept the risk management channel require the bank to take a positive net position in credit derivatives (i.e., to be a netprotection buyer). Under the hedging channel, risk is only reduced if the bank sheds risk net, that is, buys more protectionthan it sells. Similarly, regulatory capital relief only occurs if the bank reduces its risk overall, again requiring the bank to

    take a net buy position. The incentive channel also requires banks to buy protection

    but not to sell. The only channel thatcan become operative, without requiring the bank to be a net buyer, is the risk management channel. For example,diversifying the portfolio by shedding risk on overrepresented borrowers and assuming risk on underrepresented exposurescan be achieved without taking a net position. Improvement of the measurement of risks requires regular use of creditderivatives but not to take a net position. We thus argue that finding an association between gross positions and loanspreads supports the risk management channel. 6 Moreover, the absence of a relationship between the net position and thespread would be evidence against the presence of each of the three other channels.

    Summarizing, our approach to distinguish the channel that influences banks' loan pricing decisions is to identify theimpact of the gross position versus the impact of the net position held by banks and whether the influence is positive ornegative. The predictions for the various channels can be summarized as follows (see also Table 1 ):

    Incentives channel : There should be a positive relation between the net CD position and the loan spreads but no effect of the gross CD position.

    Hedging channel : There should be a negative relation between the net CD position and the loan spreads but no effect of

    the gross CD position.Capital relief channel : There should be a negative relation between the net CD position and the loan spreads but no effectof the gross CD position.

    Risk management channel : There should be a negative relation between the gross CD position and the loan spreads but noeffect of the net CD position.

    3. The data

    Our analysis is based on individual loan transaction data from the LPC DealScan database, firm level data fromCOMPUSTAT and ORBIS database and bank level data from the US Call Reports. From the first database we obtaininformation on loan characteristics of syndicated loans, such as loan spread over LIBOR, loan maturity, loan amount,currency, loan purpose and loan type. We also obtain borrower characteristics such as nationality, industry, sales, rating and

    stock market listing. We complement this characteristics with profit and leverage information from COMPUSTAT and ORBIS.We only consider completed term loan transactions.The Dealscan database also provides information about the lead arrangers that are involved in the syndicate. We consider

    only loans with a single lead arranger, as in the case of multiple lead arrangers it is difficult to attribute the effects of creditderivative use of individual banks to the spread offered by the lending syndicate. We match the lead arranger with bank-level data from the Call Reports. From the Call Reports we obtain quarterly bank balance sheet and income statementinformation. We also collect information about banks' off-balance sheet activities from these reports. From these weconstruct our main variables of interest: the outstanding volume of credit derivatives purchased and sold by the bank ineach quarter. Note that credit derivatives are mostly in the form of credit default swaps (CDS), which are dominated bysingle-name CDS on large corporate borrowers. Thus our variable of interest captures the same type of firms as observed inthe syndicated lending market. The sample covers the period from the first quarter of 1997 (when reporting requirementsfor credit derivatives started) to the fourth quarter of 2009. In order to control for mergers and acquisitions occurred in thistime frame, we identify M&As using data provided by the Chicago FED. Following each M&A, the new entity is treated as a

    new bank and obtains a new fixed effect, while the old entities disappear from the sample. The final sample comprises atotal of 1046 loan observations and 79 banks.Table 2 reports summary statistics for our sample (loan spreads, gross and net positions are winsorized at 2.5%). The

    average (all-in) loan spread in our sample is 235.14 basis points and varies between 30 and 455 basis points. Our mainvariables of interest are banks' gross and net credit derivative positions. The gross position (the outstanding sum of protection bought and sold) is on average around 52% of total assets. The net position (the difference of outstanding boughtand sold protection) is only 2% of assets on average (but varies widely between banks). Fig. 1a and b depicts the evolution of the quarterly averages of the gross and net credit derivatives positions over time. 7 It can be seen that, starting from the firstquarter of 1997, the gross position held by banks increases over time. The net position fluctuates between 1% and 4% of assets. We can also see that starting from the end of 2005, banks increased their net purchase of protection, presumably inanticipation of a higher share of problem loans. Moreover, the coefficient of variation (mean divided by standard deviation)

    6 It is important to point out that risk management can also take place by taking a one-sided position (i.e., with a gross of zero). Hence, the absence of a

    relationship between gross positions and spreads cannot be taken to imply that there are no risk management benefits.7 These figures are constructed with the raw data and exclude the Bank of America, which bought very large amounts of protection in 2005 and 2007.

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    of the gross and net position is comparable (0.49 and 0.42), suggesting that the measures exhibit a similar overall variation.The rank correlation between both metrics is positive but rather low (0.20).

    Fig. 2 compares the loan spreads charged by banks that are active in credit derivative markets with those of banks thatare not. For this figure we consider a bank being active from the moment it either purchases or sells protection for the firsttime in the raw data. We can see that throughout the sample period, active banks tend to charge lower spreads than passivebanks. 8 We also note that during the sample period there does not seem to be any trend in the spread differences among thegroup of banks. In addition, the figure suggests that the spreads of the active banks are more stable over time compared totheir passive counterparts, consistent with risk management effects. Table 3 shows the mean differences for each yearbetween the loan spreads charged by passive versus the active banks in our sample. The difference is significant in half of the years. This is first evidence for credit derivatives use being associated with a persistently lower loan spread.

    Table 1Predictions of the effect of different CRT channels on spreads.

    Hypothesis Net CD position Gross CD position

    Incentives channel ( ) No effectHedging channel ( ) No effectCapital relief channel ( ) No effectRisk management channel No effect ( )

    Table 2Descriptive statistics.

    Variables Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

    Loan characteristicsSpread (in bps) 235.14 112.69 30 455Log(amount) 18.32 1.46 12.20 21.82Secured 0.59 0.49 0 1Unsecured 0.09 0.29 0 1Short maturity 0.160 0.367 0 1

    Intermediate maturity 0.48 0.50 0 1Long maturity 0.350 0.477 0 1TERM 0.579 0.493 0 1TERM A 0.086 0.281 0 1TERM B 0.295 0.456 0 1TERM C 0.038 0.191 0 1

    Borrower characteristicsLog(sales) 19.75 1.64 13.304 25.110Ticker 0.753 0.431 0 1AAA 0 0 0 0AA 0.0019 0.043 0 1A 0.017 0.130 0 1BBB 0.077 0.267 0 1BB 0.165 0.371 0 1B 0.163 0.369 0 1CCC 0.034 0.182 0 1CC 0.0028 0.053 0 1C 0 0 0 0ROA firm 0.011 0.109 1.753 0.505Liabilities/TA 0.673 0.3498 0.003 1US borrower 0.962 0.189 0 1

    Bank characteristicsGross CD/TA 0.518 0.933 0 3.98Net CD/TA 0.022 0.054 0.039 0.225Derivatives not for trade/TA 0.276 0.313 0 1.263Log(assets) 19.415 2.015 10.028 21.566ROA 0.006 0.005 0.036 0.068Subdebt/TA 0.352 0.144 0.0006 0.848Liquid assets/TA 0.198 0.107 0 0.991Charge-offs/TA 0.003 0.003 0 0.072Equity/TA 0.092 0.089 0.051 0.961

    8 In the figure, for some quarters averages for passive banks are missing since there were no loans originated by these banks.

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    4. Empirical method and results

    4.1. The empirical strategy

    In the first step we estimate a loan-spread model that controls for loan, borrower and bank characteristics. We proxybanks' credit derivative use with the gross and net positions of credit derivatives scaled by (total) assets. A significantnegative relationship between the gross position and the loan spread supports the risk management channel. A negativesignificant coefficient on the net position would provide evidence for the hedging or capital relief channel, while a positiverelationship would be consistent with credit derivatives leading to incentive problems. The various channels also lead us toexpect that the impact of credit derivative use may depend on the borrower type and whether banks operate under adverse

    circumstances. In the second step, we also study whether the loan-spread impact differs among borrowers and whether itchanges during the crisis of 2007 2009.In order to investigate whether credit derivative use has an effect on loan spreads, we estimate a standard loan pricing

    model (see Harjoto et al., 2006 ), which we augment by adding banks' gross and net positions in credit derivatives as mainexplanatory variables:

    spread b; f ;l;t B

    b 1 1bbank b


    t 1 2t year t 3 grossCDb;t 4 netCDb;t


    i 1iF i; f ;t


    i 1 iLi;b; f ;l;t


    i 1 iBi;b;t b; f ;l;t ;


    where b denotes the bank, f the borrower (firm), l the loan and t the time. In (1) spread is the loan spread, bank is a set of bankdummies and year is a set of time dummies. The term grossCD denotes the sum of credit protection sold and purchased by a bankand netCD is the difference between credit protection purchased and credit protection sold. The terms F i denote borrower

    characteristics. These include dummies indicating the industry group of the borrower and the logarithm of the sales in US dollars.We expect firms with more sales to have lower spreads since large firms are more likely to have built

    Fig. 1. Gross (a) and net credit (b) derivative positions (scaled by total assets). (a) Gross credit derivative positions and (b) Net credit derivative positions.

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    a reputation and are less likely to suffer from problems of informational asymmetries. We also include a dummy indicating whetherthe borrower is listed on the stock market ( ticker ). We expect a negative association between this dummy on one side and the loanspread on the other side. This is because public firms are likely to face lower informational asymmetries. Further we control for a setof dummies that indicate the S&P senior debt rating of the borrower (using nonrated firms as the omitted category). Within the setof ratings, we expect higher rated firms to be charged lower spreads. We also include the borrower's return over assets andleverage. We expect higher spreads for less profitable and higher leveraged borrowers. In addition, we include ROA ( ROA firm) andleverage ( Liabilities/TA ) as measures of firm profitability and risk. Finally, we also control for the nationality of the borrower, weinclude a dummy US Borrower which is equal to one if the borrower is a company established in the US.

    The terms Li refer to loan characteristics. Following Harjoto et al. (2006) , these controls include two dummy variables thatindicate whether the database denotes a loan as secured and whether it denotes a loan as unsecured (the omitted category areloans for which securitization information is missing). It is not clear what sign to expect for these dummies. Safe borrowers mayuse collateral to signal their type to the lender ( Besanko and Thakor, 1987 ; Chan and Kanatas, 1985 ). If this is the case, securedloans should be associated with lower spreads. However, there is evidence suggesting that lenders require collateral for riskierborrowers, which would lead to higher spreads ( Berger and Udell, 1990 ; Berger et al., 2011 ). We also include among the controlsthe logarithm of the loan amount in US dollars ( log (amount )). Again, the loan amount coefficient can be positive or negative.Larger and safer firms usually demand larger loans, hence we should expect lower spreads for such loans. However, larger loansalso have a higher probability of default and may in addition result in overexposures in banks' credit portfolios, suggesting higherspreads. The next set of variables contains dummies for the loan maturity: shortmaturity for term loans with a maturity of lessthan two years, intermediatematurity for term loans with a maturity between two and five years, and longmaturity for term loanswith a maturity exceeding five years. The expected sign on these dummies is also ambiguous. There is some evidence of longermaturity loans being associated with higher spreads ( Dennis et al., 2000 ) but other studies show that short maturity loans

    Fig. 2. Spreads (all-in) of active versus other banks.

    Table 3Comparison of loan spreads between active and passive banks.

    Year Number of non-active banks Number of active banks Spread non-active banks Spread active banks Difference

    1997 18 41 202.63 189.31 13.321998 13 31 199.03 184.75 14.281999 7 87 277.85 210.83 67.02 n

    2000 7 65 319.64 237.23 82.41 nn

    2001 10 61 266.5 245.31 21.182002 9 69 243.88 285.35 41.462003 9 63 276.66 279.08 2.422004 10 109 301 247.80 53.19 nn

    2005 9 113 246.66 200.39 46.262006 16 105 279.84 218.59 61.25 nn

    2007 16 95 265.75 224.36 41.38 n

    2008 4 59 284.37 200.29 84.07 n

    2009 23 369.78

    1997 2009 128 918 256.75 232.13 24.61 nnn

    The last column in this table reports the t -test on the difference in spread means between active and non-active banks. Banks are defined as being activefrom the first moment the bank either buys or sells CDS protection in our sample.

    n Significance at the 10% level.nn Significance at the 5% level.nnn Significance at the 1% level.

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    Table 4Credit derivative use and loan spreads.

    Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)Baseline Only net Excl. Other IV Lagged Excl. Weighting

    loan controls derivatives CDS dealers obs.

    Gross CD/TA 32.26 nnn 31.17 nnn 33.64 nnn 44.25 nnn 25.04 n 50.60 nnn

    (7.415) (7.765) (7.147) (14.26) (14.76) (18.07)Net CD/TA 52.84 45.46 69.81 nn 56.16 n 55.59 72.34 99.76

    (32.04) (46.47) (29.70) (32.11) (77.05) (65.05) (164.5)Gross CD/TA lag 30.43 nn

    (13.52)Net CD/TA lag 35.01


    Borrower controlsLog(sales) 4.865 n 4.826 n 14.42 nnn 4.867 n 4.880 5.337 n 6.509 n 1.655

    (2.655) (2.769) (3.269) (2.622) (3.160) (3.088) (3.339) (3.949)AA 93.06 nnn 93.07 nnn 70.30 nnn 93.41 nnn 93.06 nn 106.4 nnn 135.6 nnn

    (23.20) (23.24) (20.92) (23.27) (39.40) (25.65) (30.26)A 66.36 71.27 n 60.18 64.59 64.54 n 68.83 68.29 72.09 n

    (41.56) (42.21) (36.95) (40.23) (37.62) (45.84) (49.57) (41.65)BBB 60.87 nnn 61.30 nnn 76.08 nnn 60.39 nnn 60.71 nnn 60.22 nnn 65.80 nnn 64.00 nn

    (7.571) (7.173) (10.61) (7.528) (11.14) (8.327) (13.82) (29.81)

    BB 8.967 8.911 16.35n

    9.286 8.988 7.476 22.84 51.85nn

    (8.969) (8.380) (8.819) (8.953) (10.26) (10.56) (17.97) (19.76)B 43.69 nnn 44.22 nnn 56.87 nnn 43.77 nnn 43.48 nnn 42.26 nnn 40.52 nnn 26.92

    (10.84) (10.35) (9.920) (10.81) (10.68) (13.44) (10.27) (20.05)CCC 110.4 nnn 112.9 nnn 131.7 nnn 110.6 nnn 109.5 nnn 122.9 nnn 106.6 nnn 97.48 nnn

    (13.67) (13.84) (14.23) (13.63) (19.66) (12.00) (18.59) (17.82)CC 171.6 nnn 172.3 nnn 177.2 nnn 174.2 nnn 171.3 nnn 166.1 nnn 161.9 nnn 155.7 nnn

    (45.25) (45.24) (34.74) (41.38) (31.53) (47.99) (39.82) (32.56)Ticker 3.205 2.093 5.730 3.590 3.619 0.463 1.168 14.00

    (7.984) (8.146) (8.893) (8.094) (8.128) (8.595) (14.01) (13.78)ROA firm 0.278 0.294 0.0945 0.398 0.272 0.0284 4.924 3.915

    (7.755) (8.001) (8.620) (7.667) (7.378) (8.160) (4.633) (8.715)Liabilities/TA 0.0334 0.0373 0.0263 0.0306 0.0319 0.0311 0.0450 nn 0.00356

    (0.0336) (0.0325) (0.0303) (0.0330) (0.0241) (0.0321) (0.0211) (0.0362)US borrower 25.73 25.11 21.35 25.99 25.96 21.83 11.41 17.86

    (15.83) (15.83) (14.74) (15.61) (15.81) (19.88) (18.28) (17.27)

    Loan controlsLog(amount) 16.24 nnn 15.58 nnn 16.41 nnn 16.48 nnn 13.58 nnn 15.29 nnn 18.39 nnn

    (3.336) (3.455) (3.230) (3.824) (4.441) (4.169) (5.239)Secured 14.80 14.13 14.60 15.05 n 9.137 23.69 nn 16.61

    (9.386) (9.408) (9.351) (8.449) (10.70) (11.76) (14.30)Unsecured 49.72 nnn 50.13 nnn 49.91 nnn 49.57 nnn 52.65 nnn 47.50 nnn 23.45

    (8.820) (9.006) (8.796) (10.72) (10.40) (13.69) (26.50)Inter. maturity 0.250 0.0239 0.143 0.351 1.150 2.550 3.028

    (9.621) (9.704) (9.798) (10.00) (9.478) (12.45) (17.41)Long maturity 1.615 1.664 1.126 1.596 1.228 9.331 13.93

    (11.85) (11.82) (11.75) (11.48) (11.55) (14.80) (19.41)TERM A 4.216 3.414 4.466 4.514 0.180 9.533 15.01

    (11.48) (12.20) (11.52) (11.54) (14.19) (15.55) (20.66)TERM B 34.18 nnn 35.19 nnn 34.25 nnn 33.80 nnn 33.17 nnn 31.58 n 2.463

    (10.21) (10.11) (10.26) (10.25) (10.19) (16.40) (21.13)TERM C 12.19 13.97 11.77 11.52 10.35 16.76 25.25

    (14.88) (15.48) (14.62) (16.67) (17.14) (30.02) (26.51)

    Bank controlsEquity/TA 171.0 nnn 116.7 n 136.6 nnn 147.7 nnn 191.2 142.6 nnn 203.2 nnn 295.3 nn

    (51.99) (67.67) (43.41) (52.37) (127.4) (52.55) (58.34) (114.6)ROA 18.56 103.0 8.362 94.37 63.78 0.776 325.3 110.6

    (731.5) (807.5) (754.6) (727.8) (677.6) (795.5) (949.1) (838.3)Subdebt/TA 74.31 37.26 78.22 78.05 88.09 2.394 94.21 nn 123.5 nnn

    (48.20) (54.25) (57.16) (50.49) (81.55) (56.75) (40.28) (33.82)Liquid assets/TA 3.318 18.40 20.00 5.047 2.294 8.658 30.54 44.42

    (34.61) (40.16) (38.66) (35.29) (67.55) (50.69) (37.70) (71.24)Chargeoff/TA 764.4 637.7 1,272 779.5 811.5 814.3 1,874 n 1,298

    (950.8) (925.5) (1,060) (934.5) (987.7) (1,047) (1,050) (1,554)Log(assets) 24.03 nnn 15.64 17.59 n 22.34 nn 27.15 n 23.74 nn 28.73 nn 52.62 nnn

    (8.900) (10.85) (9.047) (8.468) (16.37) (9.575) (10.97) (16.07)Derivatives 21.18

    not trade/TA (14.62)

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    exhibit higher spreads ( Strahan, 1999 ). We further include a set of loan purpose dummies ( corporatepurposes , acquisitions ,

    backupline , and debtrepayment ). Finally, we consider dummies for the tranche type. TERM indicates term loans without a tranchestructure and TERM A, TERM B, TERM C indicate whether a loan is designated to tranche A, B, C or higher, respectively (fordetails, see also Nadauld and Weisbach, 2012 ).

    The terms Bi stand for bank characteristics. We include as a proxy for bank size the logarithm of assets. We expect thiscoefficient to be negative given that larger banks are expected to have a lower cost of funds due to better access to debtmarkets. We also include a measure of a bank's liquidity equal to cash plus securities over assets ( liquid assets/TA ). We expectthis coefficient also to be negative, reflecting that also liquid banks find it cheaper to fund loans. Further we include asadditional controls the return on assets ( ROA), the amount of charge-offs over assets ( chargeoff/TA ), subordinated debt overassets ( subdebt/TA ) and equity over assets ( equity/TA ).

    4.2. Credit derivative use and loan spreads

    Table 4 reports the results of regressions that relate loan spreads to banks' credit derivative positions. All regressions

    include borrower controls, loan controls and dummies for industry and loan purpose. Furthermore, we include year andbank fixed effects. Standard errors are clustered at the bank level. Regression 1 includes the bank controls next to the grossand the net positions. We take this model to be our baseline model. The coefficient of the gross position takes a negativevalue ( 32.26) and is significant at the 1%-level. The coefficient of the net position is not significant. This result providessupport for the risk management channel but not for the other channels. The magnitude of the effect for the gross positionindicates economic significance. It implies that a one standard-deviation increase in the ratio of the gross position over(total) assets decreases loan spreads by about 30 basis points. Given a mean spread of 235.1 bps this implies spreads fall onaverage by 12%. The implied annual savings for borrowers are about $612,000 per loan as the average loan size is $204 mlnin our sample. This is a considerable impact in particular since this is the impact on the average borrower in the syndicatedloan market (many of these borrowers are not actively traded in the credit derivative market).

    Among the borrower controls, we can see that larger firms are charged lower spreads. Various rating category dummies turnalso out to be significant (the insignificance of the other rating dummies is due to the fact that for these ratings there are only fewobservations). Among the significant rating categories, loan spreads are found to decline with the firm's S&P rating as expected.

    Turning to the loan controls, we find that there is a negative and significant association between loan amount and loan spreads.This may reflect the tendency for large loans to be given to larger, established, firms. Unsecured loans have significantly lowerspreads. This is explained by banks being more likely to require collateral for lending to risky firms (see Berger et al., 2011 ). The loantranche indicators are positive, although only TERM B is significant. Since the omitted category is loans without a tranche structure,this indicates that tranched loans are more risky and consequentlycommand higher spreads. From the bank controls the log(assets)and equity/TA are significant, both variables enter with a positive sign.

    There is the concern that the insignificance of the net position is driven by a potential multicollinearity between net and grosspositions. However, the correlation among these variables is not very high (0.20). To be sure, regression 2 reports results where thegross position is excluded. The net position remains insignificant. The impact of the net position may conceivably also depend onwhether the net is positive or negative. We thus modify the baseline model by including separate terms for positive and negativenet-positions (unreported). These terms are each insignificant and the gross position remains significant.

    Some of the previous results suggest that loan characteristics and loan spreads are jointly determined. In regression 3 wefollow the literature by estimating a model that excludes the loan controls. The coefficient on the gross position remains

    significant, while the net position is now positive and significant. This last estimate however, is not robust across themodels. Therefore, the key result is thus robust to the exclusion of potentially endogenous loan controls.

    Table 4 (continued )

    Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)Baseline Only net Excl. Other IV Lagged Excl. Weighting

    loan controls derivatives CDS dealers obs.

    F -stat IV 91.23 J -test p -value 0.38

    Industry dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesPurpose dummies Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes YesYear dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesBank fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Observations 911 911 911 911 911 818 602 911R-squared 0.504 0.497 0.459 0.505 0.503 0.489 0.517 0.877

    The dependent variable is the all-in loan spread in basis points. All models are estimated using OLS with clustered robust standard errors at the bank level(in parentheses). Model (5) uses IV estimation.

    n Significance at the 10% level.nn Significance at the 5% level.nnn Significance at the 1% level.

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    A key concern at this stage is that banks also have means for risk management other than through credit derivatives. Useof these means is conceivably correlated with credit derivatives. The gross credit derivative position may hence also proxyfor general sophistication in bank risk management. In this case, our estimated effects cannot (exclusively) be attributed tocredit derivatives. To address this issue, regression 4 controls for the stock of other derivatives used for hedging (thesederivatives include interest rate, foreign exchange, equity, and commodity derivatives). The coefficient on the gross positionis essentially unchanged and the other derivatives turn out to be insignificant. The net position loses significance, nowweakly significant at 10%. We have also estimated a version of regression 4 where instead of including the sum of all other

    derivatives we include each derivative separately. The results for our variables of interest are essentially unchanged (notreported here). This result suggests that the risk management benefits do indeed come through credit derivatives. Amongthe other derivatives, commodity derivatives is the only variable significant at the 5% level.

    Another important issue is the potential endogeneity of the gross credit derivative position. A bank that pursues a risky strategymay simultaneously underprice in the syndicated lending market and write protection in the CDS market. Alternatively, a bank thatfaces good lending opportunities may have low lending rates and hedge the additional amount of loans using credit derivatives.However, this type of endogeneity affects the net position of credit derivatives. It is more difficult to conceive how endogeneity mayaffect gross positions. Endogeneity problems are also limited in our setting since we control for bank fixed effects and time effects.Nonetheless, we also employ a IV-estimation to account for remaining endogeneity. Our instruments for the gross position are otherderivatives held for trading purposes. 9 Banks typically start hedging activities in derivatives following trading in derivatives. We thusexpect derivatives for trading to be a good explanatory variable for credit derivatives ( Minton et al., 2009 ) find that use of creditderivatives is highly correlated with the trade of other derivatives). At the same time, we do not expect trading of derivatives to have adirect independent effect on the lending business of banks. Trading is typically done in response to short-term profit opportunities and

    it is difficult to conceive of how this should affect a bank's lending strategy. In addition, in most banks trading activities and lendingactivities are carried out in separate organizational entities that do not communicate. Regression 5 reports results from a IV-regressionwhere the gross credit derivative position is instrumented with the various other derivatives held for trading (interest rate, foreignexchange, equity and commodity derivatives). The F -test of 91.23 in the first stage of the IV regression indicates that trading derivativesare good instruments as theyare highly correlated with credit derivatives. The J -test has a p-value of 0.38. This indicates the absence of endogeneity for the instruments, confirming that non-credit derivatives trading activities are not related to loanpricing. The coefficientof the gross position is still significant. The size of the coefficient increases in absolute size (to 44.25). With respect to the netposition, this variable is not significant any more. A specific type of endogeneity may arise from a contemporaneous dependence of gross positions on demand or supply side considerations. In regression 6 we thus include the one-year lagged gross position insteadof the contemporaneous one. The coefficient now decreases in absolute size (to 30.43) and is significant at the 5% level. We concludethat our results are not driven by endogeneity problems associated with banks' gross positions in credit derivatives.

    Call Report data does not differentiate between credit derivatives used for trade and not for trade. This opens up thepossibility that our results are influenced by market-making activities of banks. In a robustness check we hence exclude

    dealer banks from the sample. Following Hirtle (2009) we define dealer banks as banks that have more than $10 billion incredit derivatives at some point in our sample and banks that are among the two largest credit derivatives users in a givenperiod. Column 7 shows that the coefficient decreases in absolute value is now only significant at the 10% level. 10

    One last concern is the concentration in the lending market. Appendix B shows that a large part of the loans in the sample wereextended only by a few banks. Our results could be driven by these banks. To address this issue, we weigh observations with theinverse of the total loans extended by each bank, thus effectively giving equal weight to each bank in the regression. The resultscontinue to hold, as shown in column 8. The coefficient of the gross position variable is still negative and significant at 1%. We havealso estimated our model (not reported) excluding the three most active banks (Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan). Thegross position variable remains negative and significant at 5%, while the net position is insignificant.

    We have also run other various other robustness checks, such as allowing for group-specific trends for active and passive banks,clustering at the firm level and scaling variables by loans instead of assets (not reported here). These do not show any noteworthychange in our variables of interest. In sum, the evidence in this section suggests a stable and negative association between banks'gross credit derivatives positions and loan spreads. The effect is robust to controlling for various forms of biases that may arise in

    the context. No consistent association between net positions and loan spreads can be observed. The results thus lend support to thehypothesis that banks use credit derivatives to manage risks more effectively and pass on gains to borrowers. By contrast, there isno broad support for other channels through which credit derivative may affect loan spreads.

    4.3. Loan spreads by borrower type

    The baseline analysis shows that borrowers at banks active in credit derivatives benefit from lower loan spreads. In thissection we analyze whether this effect is uniform across borrowers, or whether specific types of borrowers benefit more.Since the universe of liquid credit derivatives mainly consists of large, investment-grade rated corporate borrowers, ourexpectation is that risk management gains are the largest for these firms.

    9 The Call Reports distinguish derivatives held for trading for all derivatives except credit derivatives.10 We have also estimated our model using the approach in Minton et al. (2009) to exclude dealers from the sample, which is only to include banks

    with a (strictly) positive net position. The results are similar.

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    We add interaction terms between gross positions and borrower types to the baseline model. Table 5 reports the results.Regression 1 shows the results of a specification that looks at whether the credit derivative effect is different for large firms.The dummy variable Large indicates whether a firm belongs to the 25% largest percentile of our sample in terms of sales. Theinteraction term of this variable with the gross amount in credit derivatives captures the difference in the effect of riskmanagement for these firms. The coefficient of the interaction term is negative and significant, indicating that the largestfirms benefit more from risk management at banks.

    Regression 2 studies whether firms listed at the stock market benefit more from banks' use of credit derivatives. Stockmarket listing after controlling for the presence of a rating is likely to be unrelated to a firm's presence and liquidity inthe credit derivative market. Consistent with this we find that the interaction term of stock market listing and the grosscredit derivative position is insignificant.

    Regressions 1 and 2 have considered whether firms more likely to be actively traded experience different creditderivative effects. In the respective regressions, the non-interacted gross-position coefficient stays significant. This resultsuggests that firms less likely to be actively traded also benefit from enhanced risk management. In regression 3 we addressthis question directly. We constrain our sample to the set of firms that are unrated (and hence are very unlikely to haveactive credit derivatives trading). The effect on the gross position remains significant and negative. This suggests that riskmanagement benefits also extend to the firms for which the bank cannot directly manage risks using credit derivatives. Thisis consistent with risk management (balancing risks within the portfolio, keeping total risks close to the desired levels andimproved measurement of risks) that reduces the banks' overall (marginal) cost of taking on risk. It may also partially reflect pseudo-pricing the practice of banks to price untraded exposures using correlated traded exposures which allows banksto reduce risks on exposures for which credit derivatives do not exist.

    In sum, the evidence in this section suggests that firms generally seem to benefit from credit derivative use at banks

    regardless of whether they are likely to be actively traded in the credit derivative market.

    4.4. Loan spreads during the crisis of 2007 2009

    It has been argued that financial innovations, while beneficial in normal times, may amplify the effects of crises. Whilethis is likely to be the case under (for example) the incentive channel, the presence of a risk management channel suggeststhat benefits continue to be present under adverse circumstances. More generally, the risk management channel, unlike theincentives, hedging and capital relief channel, is likely to be persistent over time. This is because banks' decision to engageactive credit portfolio management is typically a one-time decision, and bank risk culture tends to be a stable characteristic(see Ellul and Yerramilli, 2013 ; Fahlenbrach et al., 2012 ). In this section we investigate whether the difference in loan pricing

    between active and passive banks persists during the crisis of 2007

    2009. For this purpose, we re-estimate the baselinemodel allowing the coefficient of interest and the intercept to differ after the onset of the financial crisis.

    Table 5Loan spreads by borrower type.

    Variables (1) (2) (3)Size Listed Unrated

    Gross CD/TA 24.27 nnn 25.60 nnn 45.54 nnn

    (7.653) (8.329) (17.17)Large 1.571

    (12.35)Gross CD/TA n large 13.48 nnn

    (4.435)Ticker 3.353 6.363 0.903

    (8.132) (9.485) (16.59)Gross CD/TA n ticker 6.589


    Borrower controls Yes Yes YesLoan controls Yes Yes YesYear dummies Yes Yes YesBank fixed effects Yes Yes Yes

    Observations 911 911 478R-squared 0.507 0.504 0.520

    The dependent variable is the all-in loan spread in basis points. All models areestimated using OLS with clustered robust standard errors at the bank level (inparentheses).

    n Significance at the 10% level.nnn Significance at the 1% level.

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    Table 6 presents the results. Regression 1 includes a dummy indicating the crisis period (which we take to start in the lastquarter of 2007). This dummy is insignificant, which is unsurprising given that the regression also contains time fixed-effects (when excluding these dummies, the crisis variable turns positive and significant). Regression 2 includes theinteraction term between the gross position of credit derivatives and the crisis dummy. The non-interacted gross positionterm stays significant and obtains a coefficient of 33.66. The interacted gross position term is insignificant. This resultsuggests that the benefits of credit derivative use remain unchanged after the onset of the financial crisis.

    A concern with regression 2 is that banks may have changed their credit derivative activities in response to the crisis. The crisisinteraction term in regression 2 relates to the contemporaneous gross position. It thus does not directly measure benefits from riskmanagement prior to the crisis. In regression 3 we look at how loan spreads change for banks depending on their credit derivativeactivity prior to the crisis. We thus include an interaction term of the crisis dummy with banks' gross position in the third quarter of 2007. We find that the interaction term remains negative and insignificant. The persistence of the loan spread benefit is thus notdriven by banks' responses to the crisis but by prior engagement in credit derivative markets.

    We finally consider whether net positions in credit derivative markets lead to different loan spreads in the crisis. We thusinclude the net position and the net position interacted with the crisis dummy. The interaction term is insignificant. We alsonote that the non-interacted term turns significant (positive) we do not emphasize this result as regressions in Table 4have shown that this relationship is not robust.

    In conclusion, the evidence suggests that even though loan spreads generally increased after the onset of the financialcrisis, the benefits of borrowing from banks' engaging in risk management via credit derivatives persist during the crisis.

    4.5. Credit derivative use and bank lending

    The evidence from the loan-level regressions supports the hypothesis that banks use credit derivatives for riskmanagement purposes. In this section we look at banks' lending characteristics in general. If banks successfully managetheir risks, we would expect banks active in credit derivative markets to experience lower losses on loans. In addition, wewould expect these banks to be less likely to be constrained when credit risks in the economy worsen and also to exhibitmore stable lending behavior. 11

    Specifically, we relate in this section lending characteristics at the bank level to banks' use of credit derivatives. First, westudy whether charge-offs on commercial and industrial loans are related to credit derivative use and whether this effectchanges during the crisis. Second, we study how the lending volume of banks before and during the crisis depends on thecredit derivative activities. For this analysis we use quarterly bank level data from the Call Reports. We study the samesample of banks we included in our loan spreads baseline model and use the years 1997 2009 for our sample. We estimate

    Table 6Loan spreads during the crisis of 2007 2009.

    Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)Crisis Gross CD crisis Gross CD pre-crisis Net CD crisis

    Crisis 26.78 26.10 23.93 30.99(18.56) (22.67) (22.07) (23.54)

    Gross CD/TA 33.66 nnn 33.60 nnn 34.99 nnn

    (6.310) (6.337) (6.098)Gross CD/TA n crisis 3.332 7.304

    (5.287) (6.718)Net CD/TA 97.90 nn

    (41.66)Net CD/TA n crisis 271.6

    (176.7)Gross CD 07/TA n crisis 4.775


    Borrower controls Yes Yes Yes YesLoan controls Yes Yes Yes YesYear dummies Yes Yes Yes YesBank fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Observations 911 911 911 911R-squared 0.498 0.506 0.506 0.507

    The dependent variable is the all-in loan spread in basis points. All models are estimated using OLS with clustered robust standard errors at the bank level(in parentheses).

    n Significance at the 10% level.nn Significance at the 5% level.nnn Significance at the 1% level.

    11 Fig. 2 already suggested that the loan pricing behavior of active banks is more stable than that of passive banks (the standard deviation of thequarterly spreads of the active banks is nearly 50% less than that of the passive banks).

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    two models:

    Net chargeoffs =TAb;t B

    b 1 1 bank b 2 Crisis t 3 Gross CDb;t 4 Crisis t n Gross CDb;t


    i 1iBi;b;t b;t 2

    C&I loans=TAb;t B

    b 1 1 bank b 2 Crisis t 3 Gross CDb;t 4 Crisis t n Gross CDb;t


    i 1iBi;b;t b;t 3

    In the first model, the dependent variable is the sum of net charge-offs (charge-offs minus recoveries) of commercial andindustrial loans minus the net gains of credit derivatives scaled by assets. We include the gains on credit derivatives in orderto capture potential risk management benefits: if a bank effectively manages its risk, charge-offs (recoveries) of loans shouldbe off-set by gains (losses) in credit derivatives holdings. The terms Bi stand for other bank characteristics. These includesubordinated debt, equity, liquid assets, total loans and commercial loans (scaled by assets). We also include the logarithmof assets and the ROA.

    If credit derivative use extends risk management benefits, we should see that banks with larger gross amounts of creditderivatives face a lower level of net charge-offs in a given period. We hence expect the coefficient on the gross amount of credit derivatives to be negative in the first model. The crisis regressions have shown that (although spreads increasedacross the board) the loan spread differential between banks active on both sides of the credit derivative market and otherbanks persisted during the crisis. This result suggests that banks with active risk management did not encounter largerlosses than other banks. Accordingly, we expect the interaction term of the gross position and the crisis dummy in themodel to be insignificant or even negative.

    The dependent variable in the second model is commercial loans scaled by assets. We include the same set of bankcontrols but exclude the dependent variable. Banks that successfully manage their risk should be less constrained underadverse conditions. They should have more stable lending and possibly be able to expand lending activities (relative topassive banks) in times of crisis. We thus expect the interaction term of the gross derivative position with commerciallending to be non-negative or even positive.

    Table 7 displays the results of both models. We include bank fixed effects in both models. Furthermore, standard errorsare clustered at the bank level. Regression 1 displays the results for the net charge-off regression. We see that banks withhigher gross positions have significantly lower charge-offs as indicated by the coefficient of the gross positions. Thecoefficient on the crisis dummy is positive and significant indicating that charge-offs increased during the crisis. Theinteraction term of the crisis dummy with the gross position is insignificant. Thus, the advantage (in terms of lower charge-offs) of banks active on both sides of the credit derivative market persists during the crisis.

    Regression 2 estimates the lending volume model. We find that the coefficient for the gross position in credit derivativesis not significant in this regression, indicating that active users of credit derivatives do not extend more commercial andindustrial loans than other banks. The negative sign on the crisis dummy shows that the volume of commercial andindustrial loans extended by banks overall decreases during the crisis. However, the coefficient is not significant. This mightbe due to the increase in the use of revolving lines by firms during this period. The interaction term of the crisis dummy andthe gross position is positive and significant. Thus, banks active on both sides of the market increased their lending volumerelative to passive banks. This is consistent with risk management stabilizing the lending activities of these banks.

    Summarizing, the bank-level regressions suggest that banks active on both sides of the credit derivative market facelower charge-offs both in normal times and in times of crisis. In addition, they are able to expand their lending relative topassive banks in crisis times. These findings are consistent with risk management benefits from credit derivative use.

    5. Conclusions

    The debate on the costs and benefits of financial innovations is an ongoing one. There is no consensus about whether their

    impact on the financial system is broadly a positive one or not. To a significant extent this is owed to the fact that we have littleknowledge about the channels through which financial innovations affect the behavior of players in the financial system. In thispaper we have investigated financial innovations and their role in the economy by studying their impact on loan pricing. Wefocus on credit derivatives probably the most significant financial innovation of the past decade. There are several potentialchannels through which credit derivatives may impact lending behavior and affect economic activity. We derive hypotheses thatrelate these channels to loan pricing and use a new empirical strategy that allows us to identify the key channel.

    We estimate a standard pricing model for syndicated loans that includes information on banks' use of credit derivatives andcontrols for loan, borrower and bank characteristics. Our key result is that a bank's gross position in credit derivatives has asignificantly negative and robust effect on corporate loan spreads. We argue that this indicates that banks use credit derivativesfor risk management purposes and pass the arising benefits (at least partly) on to borrowers. Such benefits include a better risk-balance within the loan portfolio, an improved ability to keep risk-levels at target ratios but also banks becoming moresophisticated in the measurement and control of their credit risks. We also find that the benefits from risk management persistafter the onset of the financial crisis. In addition, banks that actively manage their risks with credit derivatives exhibit lower

    losses and have a more stable supply of loans during the financial crisis. Taken together, our paper provides consistent evidenceon significant real effects of financial innovations that are present independent of economic conditions.

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    We thank Klaus Dllmann, Miles Livingston, Xiaohui Gao, Michael Pagano, Stavros Peristiani, Andrea Sironi, RohanWilliamson, and participants at the 11th FDIC Annual Bank Research Conference in Arlington, the International RiskManagement Conference 2011 in Amsterdam, the IFABS 2011 Conference in Rome, the CAREFIN 2011 Conference BankCompetitiveness in the Post-Crisis World in Milan, the C.R.E.D.I.T. 2011 Conference in Venice, the 12th Symposium onFinance, Banking and Insurance in Karlsruhe, the Sixth Annual Risk Management Conference 2012 in Singapore, theconference on the role of financial intermediaries in monetary policy transmission in Amsterdam, and at the economicsseminar at Tilburg University for useful comments and suggestions.

    Appendix A

    Description of variables is given in Table A1 .

    Table 7Credit derivative use and bank lending.

    Variables (1) (2)Charge-offs commercial/TA Commercial loans/TA

    Crisis 0.00392 nnn 0.0277(0.000839) (0.0165)

    Gross CD n crisis 0.00105 0.0363 nn

    (0.000876) (0.0167)Gross CD/TA 0.00192 nnn 0.00575

    (0.000306) (0.0129)Subdebt/TA 0.000661 0.0546

    (0.00207) (0.122)Liquid assets/TA 0.00148 0.0634

    (0.00206) (0.105)Equity/TA 0.000570 0.788 n

    (0.0132) (0.436)Log(assets) 0.000325 0.0342 n

    (0.000285) (0.0178)Commercial loans/TA 0.00146

    (0.00372)Total loans/TA 0.00406 0.356 nnn

    (0.00319) (0.0903)ROA 0.108 nn 0.376

    (0.0519) (0.727)

    Bank fixed effects Yes Yes

    Observations 417 420R-squared 0.520 0.934

    The dependent variable in model (1) is the net charge-offs minus CDS gains scaled by totalassets. The dependent variable in model (2) is the total volume of commercial loanextended scaled by total assets. All models are estimated using OLS with clustered robuststandard errors at the bank level (in parentheses).

    n Significance at the 10% level.nn Significance at the 5% level.nnn Significance at the 1% level.

    Table A1Description of variables.

    Gross CD/TA: Sum of credit derivative protection bought and sold divided by assetsNet CD/TA: Difference between credit derivative protection bought and sold divided by assetsDerivatives not for trade/TA : Total amount of derivatives used for hedging divided by assetsEqual to the sum of commodities, interest rate, equity and foreign exchange derivativesLog (assets ): Natural logarithm of the book value of total assetsROA: Net income by assetsSubdebt/TA : Subordinated debt divided by assetsLiquid assets/TA : Cash plus securities divided by assetsCharge-offs/TA : Total charge-offs divided by assetsEquity/TA : Bank equity divided by assets

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    Appendix B

    Bank lending shares and credit derivative position are given in Table B1 .

    Table B1Bank lending shares and credit derivative positions.

    Bank name Share in syndicated market Gross CD position Gross CD position

    Allfirst Bank 0 0 0AmSouth 0.00072 0.00110 0.00220American National Bank 0.00014 0 0BB&T 0.00008 0 0Bank Leumi USA 0.00075 0.01966 0.00075Bank One 0.01077 0.02271 0.03803Bank of America 0.22413 0.61035 0.56034Bank of New York 0.01033 0.01568 0.02241Bank of Oklahoma 0.00145 0 0BankBoston 0.00695 0.01350 0Bankers Bank 0.00022 0 0Bankers Trust 0.01055 0.01276 0.02439Beal Bank SSB 0.00287 0 0CIT 0.00141 0 0Chase Manhattan Bank 0.11798 0.05528 0Citigroup 0.16126 0.62874 1.6416Citizens Bank 0.00021 0 0Comerica Bank 0.00041 0.00026 0.00002Compass Bank 0.00009 0 0Eastern Bank 0.00001 0 0European American Bank 0.00008 0 0Fifth Third Bank 0.00005 0 0First Tennessee Bank 0.00001 0.00300 0First Union Corp 0.00999 0.01500 0.00388GMAC 0.00018 0 0Goldman Sachs 0.02479 0.02884 0HSBC Bank USA 0.00037 0.09856 0.18119Harris BankCorp 0.00583 0.00295 0.00017Hibernia National Bank 0.00013 0 0Huntington National Bank 0.00059 0 0 JP Morgan 0.21170 2.12890 0.38325KeyCorp 0.01135 0.05609 0.08514LaSalle Bank NA 0.00209 0.02050 0.04763Lehman Brothers 0.02040 0 0Lighthouse Capital Partners V LP 0.00004 0 0Manufacturers Traders Trust 0.00238 0 0Manufacturers Bank 0 0 0Mellon Bank 0.00024 0.01543 0Mercantile Bank 0.00018 0 0Merchants National Bank Minnesota 0.00001 0 0Merrill Lynch 0.01740 0.05751 0.03447Morgan Stanley 0.00615 0.39713 0.12760National City Corp 0.00093 0.00948 0.00292NationsBank 0.00645 0.00739 0.00194Northern Trust 0.00021 0 0PNC Bank 0.00088 0.02837 0.05629Regions Bank 0.00011 0.00124 0.00067Signature Bank 0.00001 0 0Silicon Valley Bank 0.00055 0 0SouthTrust Bank 0.00060 0 0SunTrust Bank 0.02054 0.00405 0.00153TD Banknorth 0.00078 0 0Union Bank of California 0.00345 0 0Wachovia 0.07552 0.29131 0.06197Wells Fargo 0.02751 0.02701 0.00500Whitney National Bank 0.00013 0 0

    The variable Bank Share in Syndicated Market corresponds to the sum of loans made by the bank in the entire sample period over the total amount of loansextended in the entire sample. Gross position mean is the average of the gross position in credit derivatives in our sample for a given bank. Gross positionis the difference in the gross position amount between the last observation and the first observation the bank appears in our sample.

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  • 8/10/2019 Financial Innovation and Bank Behavior



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