Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? MULTIPLE CHOICE Importance of Interpersonal Skills 1. Over t he p as t two decades, busi ness schools have ad ded re quired c ourses on people skills to many of the ir curricula. Why have they done this?  a. Managers no longer need techni cal skil ls in sub jects such as economics and accounting to succeed. b. There is an increased emphas is i n controll ing empl oyee b ehavior i n the workplace. c. Managers need to un de rsta nd human be havi or i f th ey are t o be effective. d. These skills enable managers to effecti vely lead human resources departments. e. A manager wi th good people skills can help create a pleasant workplace. (c; Moderate; Interpersonal Skills; p. 4) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 2. Which of t he f ollowing is most likel y to be a belief held by a succ essf ul manager? a. Technical knowledge is all that is needed f or success. b. It is no t essential to have sound interpersonal skills. c. Technic al skil ls are necessary, but insuf fi ci ent alone for success. d. Ef fect ivenes s i s not impa ct ed by huma n b ehavio r. e. Technical skills do not influence efficiency. (c; Easy; Interpersonal Skills; p. 5) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1

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Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1

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  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior?


    Importance o Interpersonal !"ills

    1# Over the past t$o %eca%es& '(siness schools have a%%e% re)(ire% co(rses on

    people s"ills to man* o their c(rric(la# Wh* have the* %one this?

    a# Managers no longer nee% technical s"ills in s('+ects s(ch as economics

    an% acco(nting to s(ccee%#

    '# There is an increase% emphasis in controlling emplo*ee 'ehavior in the


    c# Managers nee% to (n%erstan% h(man 'ehavior i the* are to 'e


    %# These s"ills ena'le managers to eectivel* lea% h(man reso(rces


    e# , manager $ith goo% people s"ills can help create a pleasant


    -c. Mo%erate. Interpersonal !"ills. p# /0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    4# Which o the ollo$ing is most li"el* to 'e a 'elie hel% '* a s(ccess(l


    a# Technical "no$le%ge is all that is nee%e% or s(ccess#

    '# It is not essential to have so(n% interpersonal s"ills#

    c# Technical s"ills are necessar*& '(t ins(icient alone or s(ccess#

    %# Eectiveness is not impacte% '* h(man 'ehavior#

    e# Technical s"ills %o not inl(ence eicienc*#

    -c. Eas*. Interpersonal !"ills. p# 50 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    What Managers 6o

    7# Which o the ollo$ing $o(l% not 'e consi%ere% an organization?

    a# a ch(rch

    '# a (niversit*

    c# a militar* (nit

    %# all a%(lts in a given comm(nit*

    e# an elementar* school

    -%. Mo%erate. Organization. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /# Which o the ollo$ing is 'est %eine% as a conscio(sl* coor%inate% social

    (nit& compose% o t$o or more people& $hich (nctions on a relativel* contin(o(s

    'asis to achieve a common goal or set o goals?

    a# part*

    '# (nit

    c# team

    %# comm(nit*

    e# organization

    -e. Eas*. Organization. p# 80

    5# Which o the ollo$ing is least li"el* to 'e consi%ere% a manager?

    a# an a%ministrator in charge o (n%9raising activities in a non9proit


    '# a lie(tenant lea%ing an inantr* platoon

    c# a %octor $ho acts as hea% o the ph*siotherap* %epartment at a p('lic


    %# the ma*or o a large cit*

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    e# an IT technician $ho ena'les comm(nication 'et$een all o a

    compan*:s emplo*ees

    -e. Challenging. Managers. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    8# Which o the ollo$ing is not one o the o(r primar* management (nctions?

    a# controlling

    '# planning

    c# staing

    %# organizing

    e# lea%ing

    -c. Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    e# contemplating

    -%. Eas*. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    ># Mintz'erg concl(%e% that managers perorm 1 %ierent& highl* interrelate%roles# Which o the ollo$ing is one o the 'roa% categories into $hich these roles

    co(l% 'e gro(pe%?

    a# intrapersonal

    '# instit(tional

    c# %ecisional

    %# aective

    e# relective

    -c. Mo%erate. Management @oles. p#

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    e# %evil:s a%vocate

    -'. Mo%erate. Interpersonal @oles. p#

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    -a. Mo%erate. Technical !"ills. p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    15# ,ccor%ing to atz& technical s"ills encompass the a'ilit* to #

    a# anal*ze an% %iagnose compleD sit(ations

    '# eDchange inormation an% control compleD sit(ations

    c# appl* specialize% "no$le%ge or eDpertise

    %# initiate an% oversee compleD pro+ects

    e# comm(nicate eectivel* $ith others

    -c. Challenging. Technical !"ills. p# =0

    18# Which one o the ollo$ing $o(l% not 'e consi%ere% a h(man s"ill in atz:s


    a# %ecision ma"ing#

    '# comm(nicating

    c# resolving conlicts

    %# $or"ing as part o a team

    e# listening to others

    -a. Eas*. H(man !"ills. p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3


  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1



    -%. Mo%erate. Concept(al !"ills. p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    1=# ,ccor%ing to ;re% L(thans an% his associates& $hich o the ollo$ing isconsi%ere% a part o tra%itional management?

    a# %isciplining

    '# %ecision ma"ing

    c# eDchanging ro(tine inormation

    %# ac)(iring reso(rces

    e# investing

    -'. Mo%erate. Tra%itional Management. p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    1># Which o L(thans: managerial activities involves socializing& politic"ing& an%

    interacting $ith o(tsi%ers?

    tra%itional management


    h(man reso(rce management



    -%. Eas*. et$or"ing. p# >0

    4# Ho$ %oes L(thans %eine a manager:s s(ccess?

    a# '* the )(antit* an% )(alit* o their perormance

    '# '* the satisaction an% commitment o their emplo*ees

    c# '* the rate an% )(antit* o pa* raises

    %# '* the spee% o their promotion

    e# '* their scores on a 789%egree ee%'ac" anal*sis

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -%. Mo%erate. !(ccess(l Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0

    41# ,ccor%ing to L(thans: research& s(ccess(l managers spent more o their

    time on than on an* other activit*#

    tra%itional management

    h(man reso(rce management



    hiring an% iring

    -c. Mo%erate. et$or"ing. p# >0

    44# What %i% a st(%* o U#!# managers in%icate a'o(t those managers $ho see"

    inormation rom colleag(es an% emplo*ees?

    a# The* are rapi%l* promote%#

    '# The* are generall* more pop(lar#

    c# The* are less eicient as lea%ers#

    %# The* are generall* given e$er promotions& raises an% other re$ar%s#

    e# The* are generall* more eective managers#

    -e. Mo%erate. Eective Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0 ,,C!B2 Comm(nication3

    EMBE6 PBr(sh

    47# The pie charts a'ove sho$ ho$ 5 %ierent managers spent their time#

    ,ccor%ing to L(thans: research& $hich manager is most li"el* to receive more

    promotions an% other re$ar%s associate% $ith career s(ccess?

    a# Manager ,

    '# Manager B

    c# Manager C

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    %# Manager 6

    e# Manager E

    -c. Mo%erate. !(ccess(l Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    4/# While the ;(nctions& @oles& !"ills& an% ,ctivities approaches to management

    all %ier& the* all recognize that eective an% s(ccess(l managers m(st %evelop

    $hich o the ollo$ing?

    a# people s"ills

    '# technical s"ills

    c# eicienc*

    %# entreprene(rialism

    e# a'ilit* to net$or"

    -a. Mo%erate. Manager:s Ao'. p# 10

    Enter Organizational Behavior

    45# ,n OB st(%* $o(l% 'e least li"el* to 'e (se% to oc(s on $hich o theollo$ing pro'lems?

    a# an increase in a'senteeism at a certain compan*

    '# a all in pro%(ctivit* in one shit o a man(act(ring plant

    c# a %ecrease in sales %(e to gro$ing oreign competition

    %# an increase in thet '* emplo*ees at a retail store

    e# eDcessive t(rnover in vol(nteer $or"ers at a non9proit organization

    -c. Mo%erate. Organizational Behavior. p# 10 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    48# What are the three primar* %eterminants o 'ehavior that organizational

    'ehavior oc(ses (pon?

    a# proit str(ct(re& organizational compleDit*& +o' satisaction

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    '# in%ivi%(als& proit str(ct(re& an% +o' satisaction

    c# in%ivi%(als& gro(ps& an% +o' satisaction

    %# gro(ps& str(ct(re& an% proit str(ct(re

    e# in%ivi%(als& gro(ps& an% str(ct(re

    -e. Challenging. Organizational Behavior. p# 10 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

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  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -c. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110

    7# Which o the ollo$ing is a reason that the st(%* o organizational 'ehavior is


    a# H(man 'ehavior %oes not var* a great %eal 'et$een in%ivi%(als an%


    '# H(man 'ehavior is not ran%om#

    c# H(man 'ehavior is not consistent#

    %# H(man 'ehavior is rarel* pre%icta'le#

    e# H(man 'ehavior is oten not sensi'le#

    -'. Eas*. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    71# What approach involves managers centering their %ecisions on the 'est

    availa'le scientiic %ata?

    a# int(ition

    '# organizational 'ehavioral st(%ies

    c# s('stantive evi%ence approach

    %# preconceive% notions

    e# evi%ence 'ase% management

    -e. Eas*. Evi%ence Base% Management. p# 110

    74# What %o the (n%amental consistencies (n%erl*ing the 'ehavior o all

    in%ivi%(als ena'le researchers to %o?

    a# o'serve h(man 'ehavior

    '# s*stematize h(man 'ehavior

    c# research h(man 'ehavior

    %# pre%ict h(man 'ehavior

    e# %etect h(man 'ehavior

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -%. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110

    77# ,nal*zing relationships& %etermining ca(ses an% eects& an% 'asing

    concl(sions on scientiic evi%ence all constit(te aspects o st(%*#

    a# organizational

    '# int(itive

    c# theoretical

    %# s*stematic

    e# case9'ase%

    -%. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110

    7/# What %o the a(thors o the teDt'oo" a%vise?

    a# %isregar% *o(r int(ition 'eca(se it:s (s(all* $rong an% $ill lea% to

    incorrect ass(mptions

    '# (se evi%ence as m(ch as possi'le to inorm *o(r int(ition an%


    c# rel* on research since it is almost al$a*s right an% researchers %on:t

    ma"e mista"es

    %# ma"e pre%ictions o in%ivi%(als: 'ehaviors 'ase% on others: actions

    e# %on:t tr(st preconceive% notions (nless *o( have s('stantive evi%ence

    to 'ac" them (p

    -'. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 170

    6isciplines That Contri'(te to the OB ;iel%

    75# Organizational 'ehavior is constr(cte% rom all o the ollo$ing %isciplines

    eDcept #

    a# ph*sics

    '# ps*cholog*

    c# anthropolog*

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    %# sociolog*

    e# social ps*cholog*

    -a. Eas*. Behavioral !ciences. p# 170 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    78# Ps*cholog*:s ma+or contri'(tions to the iel% o organizational 'ehavior have

    'een primaril* at $hat level o anal*sis?

    a# the level o the gro(p

    '# the level o the in%ivi%(al

    c# the level o the organization

    %# the level o the c(lt(re

    e# the level o interacting gro(ps

    -'. Mo%erate. Ps*cholog*. p# 170


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    %# political science

    e# organizational 'ehavior

    -'. Mo%erate. Ps*cholog*. p# 170 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    7># 'len%s concepts rom ps*cholog* an% sociolog*#

    a# Corporate strateg*

    '# ,nthropolog*

    c# Political science#

    %# !ocial ps*cholog*

    e# ,rchaeolog*

    -%. Eas*. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /# The science that oc(ses on the inl(ence people have on one another is


    a# ps*cholog*

    '# anthropolog*

    c# political science

    %# social ps*cholog*

    e# archaeolog*

    -%. Mo%erate. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /1# Fro(p 'ehavior& po$er& an% conlict are central areas o st(%* or #

    a# archaeologists

    '# sociologists

    c# anthropologists

    %# social ps*chologists

    e# operations anal*sts

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -%. Mo%erate. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /4# oc(ses on the st(%* o people in relation to their social environment#



    Corporate strateg*

    Political science

    Operations management

    -'. Mo%erate. !ociolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /7# !igniicant contri'(tions to OB in the st(%* o gro(p 'ehavior in organizations

    have 'een ma%e '* #

    a# ps*chologists

    '# sociologists

    c# anthropologists

    %# political scientists

    e# operations anal*sts

    -'. Mo%erate. !ociolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    //# Which iel% o st(%* has contri'(te% to OB thro(gh its research on

    organizational c(lt(re an% ormal organization theor* an% str(ct(re?

    a# ps*cholog*

    '# operations management

    c# corporate strateg*

    %# political science

    e# sociolog*

    -e. Mo%erate. !ociolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    /5# Which o the ollo$ing iel%s has most helpe% (s (n%erstan% %ierences in

    (n%amental val(es& attit(%es& an% 'ehavior among people in %ierent co(ntries?

    a# anthropolog*

    '# ps*cholog*

    c# political science

    %# operations research

    e# ps*choling(istics

    -a. Challenging. ,nthropolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /8# The s('+ect o organizational c(lt(re has 'een most inl(ence% '* $hich

    'ehavioral science %iscipline?

    a# anthropolog*

    '# ps*cholog*

    c# social ps*cholog*

    %# political science

    e# corporate strateg*

    -a. Mo%erate. ,nthropolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    There are ;e$ ,'sol(tes in OB


  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    %# The ca(se9eect principles that ten% to appl* to all sit(ations have

    'een %iscovere%#

    e# Ca(se an% eect relationships or most h(man 'ehaviors have 'een


    -'. Eas*. O'servational Behavior. p# 180 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    /=# There are simple an% (niversal principles that eDplain organizational


    a# an ininit* o

    '# a'sol(tel* no

    c# a con(sing arra* o

    %# o(rteen

    e# e$ i an*

    -e. Challenging. O'servational Behavior. p# 180

    /># In or%er to pre%ict h(man 'ehavior $ith an* %egree o acc(rac*& $hat sort o

    varia'les m(st 'e ta"en into acco(nt?

    a# glo'al

    '# general

    c# %epen%ent

    %# non9reactive

    e# contingenc*

    -e. Mo%erate. Contingenc* Garia'les. p# 180

    Challenges an% Opport(nities or OB

    5# isare the n(m'er one reason that '(siness travelers have c(t 'ac" on

    their travel#

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    a# Lo$er proits

    '# !harehol%er interventions

    c# Freater comm(nications technolog*

    %# Better acco(nting principles

    e# ;ear o terrorism

    -e. Mo%erate. @espon%ing to Flo'alization. p# 1=0

    51# Which o the ollo$ing OB topics is not central to managing emplo*ees: ears

    a'o(t terrorism?

    a# emotion

    '# motivation

    c# comm(nication

    %# lea%ership

    e# $or" %esign

    -e. Eas*. @espon%ing to Flo'alization. p# 1=0

    5# Whereas oc(ses on %ierences among people rom %ierent co(ntries&

    a%%resses %ierences among people $ithin given co(ntries#

    a# $or"orce %iversit*. glo'alization

    '# glo'alization. $or"orce %iversit*

    c# c(lt(re. %iversit*

    %# c(lt(rization. $or"orce %iversit*

    e# ps*cholog*. social ps*cholog*

    -'. Challenging. Flo'alization an% Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 1=0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic

    !"ills3 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    57# is a meas(re o ho$ organizations are 'ecoming more heterogeneo(s in

    terms o gen%er& race& an% ethnicit*#

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1



    Wor"orce %iversit*

    ,irmative action

    Organizational c(lt(re

    Operational homogeneit*

    -'. Eas*. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 1=0 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    5/# In $hat $a* %oes c(rrent tho(ght on $or"place %iversit* %ier rom the ol%er

    melting9potJ ass(mption?

    '* recognizing that emplo*ees %on:t set asi%e their c(lt(ral val(es& liest*le

    preerences& an% %ierences $hen the* come to $or"

    '* realizing that people rom %iverse 'ac"gro(n%s $ill a(tomaticall* 'egin to

    integrate into the larger $or"place an% comm(nit* over time

    '* ta"ing active steps to minimize the eect o c(lt(ral val(es an% liest*le

    preerence $ithin the $or"place

    '* openl* see"ing a heterogeneo(s $or"place an% avoi%ing homogeneit* $herever


    '* (sing techni)(es s(ch as str(ct(re% $or"shops to sho$ emplo*ees that 'ehavior

    that is perectl* vali% $ithin their comm(nit* ma* not 'e vali% in the conteDt o the


    -a. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 1>0 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    55# In 47& $hich gro(p ma%e (p /8#< percent o the U#!# la'or orce?

    a# people over the age o 85

    '# Latinoas

    c# ,rican9,mericans

    %# men

    e# $omen

    -e. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 40 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    58# What is the pro'a'le conse)(ence o the act that $omen signiicantl*

    o(tn(m'er men on U#!# college camp(ses?

    a# Event(al parit* in the n(m'er o men an% $omen in the $or"orce#

    '# ,n increase in the n(m'er o technical positions ille% '* $omen#

    c# ,n increase in competition 'et$een men or proessional an%

    managerial +o's

    %# , stea%* increase in the n(m'er o technical& proessional& an%

    managerial positions

    e# , %ecrease in the competition or +o's in positions that have

    tra%itionall* 'een ille% '* $omen#

    -'. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 40 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3


  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -e. Challenging. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 40 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    5># Which o the ollo$ing statements is not an implication o increase%

    $or"place %iversit*?

    Managers sho(l% recognize %ierences 'et$een $or"ers#

    6iversit* training sho(l% 'e provi%e%#

    Emplo*ee 'eneits sho(l% 'e revampe% to accommo%ate the %ierent nee%s o

    %ierent emplo*ees#

    It is critical that all $or"ers 'e treate% ali"e#

    Innovation an% creativit* in organizations is li"el* to increase#

    -%. Challenging. Wor"orce 6iversit*. pp# 49410 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an%6iversit*3

    8# ,ccor%ing to the teDt'oo"& $hen %iversit* is not manage% properl*& there is a

    potential or #

    a# higher creativit*

    '# comm(nication 'eneits

    c# la'or cost ine)(ities

    %# increase% competitiveness

    e# higher t(rnover

    -e. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 410 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    81# ,ccor%ing to management g(r( Tom Peters& almost all )(alit* improvement

    comes rom o %esign& man(act(ring& la*o(t& processes& an% proce%(res#

    a# mo%iication

    '# stratiication

    c# integration

    %# separation

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    e# simpliication

    -e. Mo%erate. K(alit* Improvement. p# 410

    84# To%a*:s managers (n%erstan% that the s(ccess o an* eort at improving)(alit* an% pro%(ctivit* m(st incl(%e #

    a# process reengineering

    '# )(alit* management programs

    c# c(stomer service improvements

    %# emplo*ees

    e# man(act(ring simpliication

    -%. Mo%erate. K(alit* Improvement. p# 410

    87# The ma+orit* o emplo*ees to%a* in %evelope% co(ntries $or" in #

    man(act(ring +o's

    service +o's


    government agencies

    the militar*

    -'. Mo%erate. C(stomer !ervice. p# 410

    8/# ,pproDimatel* o the U#!# la'or orce is emplo*e% in service


    a# 1

    '# 45

    c# /

    %# 8

    e# =

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -e. Challenging. C(stomer !ervice. p# 410

    85# !ervice in%(str* +o's incl(%e all o the ollo$ing eDcept #

    a# ast goo% co(nter $or"er

    '# sales cler"

    c# $aiter

    %# n(rse

    e# pro%(ction line $or"er

    -e. Eas*. p# C(stomer !ervice. p# 410 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    88# Which o the ollo$ing actors ma"es it imperative that organizations 'e ast

    an% leDi'le?

    a# temporariness

    '# corporate eDcess

    c# tr(ncate% capacit*

    %# a%vances in corporate strateg*

    e# glo'alization

    -e. Mo%erate. Temporariness. p# 470


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    8=# Which o the ollo$ing is the ma+or challenge to managers in a (ll*

    net$or"e% organization?

    a# eliminating the nee% or paper comm(nication '* rel*ing entirel* on

    email& ile transers an% the li"e

    '# retaining team mem'ers $ho can easil* move to another emplo*er

    $hen %eman% or their services changes

    c# managing contract an% temporar* $or"ers

    %# maintaining a virt(al oiceJ thro(gh the (se o comp(ters& interoice

    net$or"s an% the Internet

    e# managing people $ho $or" together '(t are geographicall* separate%

    -e. Eas*. et$or"e% Organizations. pp# 4794/0

    8># allo$-s0 people to comm(nicate an% $or" together even tho(gh the*

    ma* 'e tho(san%s o miles apart#

    a# ;leDi'le c('icles

    '# !tratiie% $or" environments

    c# C*'er9empo$erment machines

    %# $i%esprea% (se o comp(ters

    e# et$or"e% organizations

    -e. Eas*. et$or"e% Organizations. p# 470

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    the increase in %(al career ho(sehol%s

    -%. Mo%erate. Balance Wor"9Lie Conlicts. p# 4/0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

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    %# real9$orl% scenario

    e# %epen%ent varia'le

    -a. Mo%erate. Mo%el. p# 480

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    -a. Challenging. Pro%(ctivit*. p# 4

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    -c. Mo%erate. Organizational Citizenship. p# 70

    =# In%ivi%(al9level in%epen%ent varia'les incl(%e all o the ollo$ing eDcept


    a# lea%ership

    '# learning

    c# perception

    %# motivation

    e# %ecision9ma"ing

    -a. Mo%erate. In%ivi%(al9Level Garia'les. p# 710 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3


    Importance o Interpersonal !"ills

    =1# ,ltho(gh managers m(st 'e technicall* competent& technical "no$le%ge is

    oten not eno(gh or s(ccess#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Interpersonal !"ills. p# 50

    What Managers 6o

    =4# Managers get things %one thro(gh other people#

    -Tr(e. Eas*. Managers. p# 80

    =7# The term organizationJ& as (se% in *o(r teDt'oo"& is meant to incl(%e

    '(siness irms an% non9proits& '(t eDcl(%e government agencies#

    -;alse. Eas*. Organization. p# 80

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    =/# Managers ma* 'e reerre% to as a%ministrators in not9or9proit organizations#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Managers. p# 80

    =5# Henri ;a*ol i%entiie% ive management (nctions2 planning& organizing&

    comman%ing& coor%inating& an% controlling#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    =8# Mo%ern theorists have con%ense% ;a*ol:s ive management (nctions %o$n

    to o(r2 planning& organizing& comman%ing& an% controlling#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80


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    >1# When managers initiate an% oversee ne$ pro+ects that $ill improve their

    organization:s perormance& the* are acting in the capacit* o an entreprene(r&

    $hich is an eDample o an inormational role#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. 6ecisional @oles. p# 7# ,ccor%ing to ;re% L(thans an% his associates& those managers $ho are most

    eective $ill spen% a greater proportion o their time net$or"ing than those

    managers $ho are consi%ere% most s(ccess(l#

    -;alse. Challenging. et$or"ing. p# >0

    >/# @esearch con%(cte% '* L(thans s(pports the 'elie that promotions are

    'ase% on perormance#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. !(ccess(l Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0

    >5# L(thans: research in%icates that among eective managers& comm(nication

    ma%e the largest relative contri'(tion an% net$or"ing the least#

    -Tr(e. Challenging. Eective Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0

    >8# ,ccor%ing to *o(r teDt'oo"& managers nee% to %evelop their people s"ills i

    the* are going to 'e eective an% s(ccess(l#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Manager:s Ao'. p# 10

    Enter Organizational Behavior

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    >=# Man* people:s vie$s on h(man 'ehavior are 'ase% on int(ition#

    -Tr(e. Eas*. Int(ition. p# 110

    >># It is the inconsistencies in 'ehavior that ma"e pre%iction possi'le#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110

    1# Behavior is generall* pre%icta'le& an% the s*stematic st(%* o 'ehavior is a

    means to ma"ing reasona'l* acc(rate pre%ictions#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 110

    11# Int(ition comes rom g(t eelingsJ a'o(t the state o some phenomenon o


    -Tr(e. Eas*. Int(ition. p# 140

    14# People overestimate the acc(rac* o $hat the* thin" the* "no$#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. !*stematic !t(%*. p# 140

    6isciplines That Contri'(te to the OB ;iel%

    17# Learning& perception& an% personalit* are OB topics $hose contri'(tions have

    generall* come rom ps*chiatr*#

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -;alse. Mo%erate. Behavioral !ciences. p# 170

    1/# What ps*cholog* is to the gro(p& sociolog* is to the in%ivi%(al#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Behavioral !ciences. pp# 179150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    15# !ocial ps*cholog* is an area $ithin ps*cholog*& 'len%ing concepts rom 'oth

    ps*cholog* an% socialism#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0

    18# Conlict an% po$er have 'een ma+or topics o concern to social ps*chologists#

    -Tr(e. Eas*. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0

    1# OB researchers cannot oer reasona'l* acc(rate eDplanations o h(man

    'ehavior since people act ver* %ierentl* in similar sit(ations#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. O'servational Behavior. p# 180

    Challenges an% Opport(nities or OB

    11# ,s the $orl% has 'ecomes more glo'al& managers have to 'ecome capa'le o

    $or"ing $ith people rom %ierent c(lt(res#

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Flo'alization. p# 1=0 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    111# Wor"orce %iversit* is a topic %ealing $ith ho$ organizations are 'ecoming

    more homogeneo(s in terms o gen%er& race& an% ethnicit*#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 1=0 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    114# People m(st set asi%e their c(lt(ral val(es an% %ierences $hen the* come

    to $or"#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 1>0 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    117# ;ort* percent o the U#!# la'or orce is emale#

    -;alse. Challenging. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 40 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an%


    11/# 6iversit*& i positivel* manage%& can increase creativit* an% innovation in


    -Tr(e. Eas*. Wor"orce 6iversit*. p# 40 ,,C!B2 M(ltic(lt(ral an% 6iversit*3

    115# OB is concerne% $ith creating sta'le an% pre%icta'le organizations#

    -;alse. Challenging. Temporariness. p# 470

    118# To%a*:s managers an% emplo*ees m(st learn to cope $ith temporariness

    learning to live $ith leDi'ilit*& spontaneit*& an% (npre%icta'ilit*#

    -Tr(e. Mo%erate. Temporariness. p# 470


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    Coming ,ttractions2 6eveloping an OB Mo%el

    11=# Organizational 'ehavior mo%els generall* ass(me +o' satisaction to 'e an

    in%epen%ent varia'le#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. OB Mo%el. pp# 4# There are three levels o anal*sis in OB& an% as $e move rom the in%ivi%(al

    level to the national level to the glo'al level& $e a%% s*stematicall* to o(r


    -;alse. Challenging. OB Mo%el. p# 40

    14/# @easona'le levels o emplo*ee9initiate% t(rnover acilitate organizational

    leDi'ilit* an% emplo*ee in%epen%ence#

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    -Tr(e. Challenging. T(rnover. p# 4>0

    145# The %ierence 'et$een the amo(nt o re$ar%s $or"ers receive an% the

    amo(nt the* 'elieve the* sho(l% receive is terme% +o' satisaction#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Ao' !atisaction. p# 710

    148# In%epen%ent gro(p9level varia'les st(%ie% in organizational 'ehavior incl(%e

    perception& learning& an% motivation#

    -;alse. Mo%erate. Fro(p9Level Garia'les. p# 710

    !CE,@IO9B,!E6 KUE!TIO!

    ,pplication o What Managers 6o

    Imagine that risten Mca* is a manager at a compan* specializing in 'rea% an%

    'rea%9'a"ing paraphernalia# risten perorms all the normal management (nctions

    o(tline% in *o(r teDt'oo"# ,ns$er the ollo$ing )(estions 'ase% on Henri ;a*ol:s



  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    14=# When Ms# Mca* %etermines $hich emplo*ees $ill %o $hat tas"s& she is

    perorming the (nction o management#






    -'. Eas*. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    14># When Ms# Mca* motivates her emplo*ees an% attempts to resolve conlicts

    among %epartment mem'ers& she is perorming the (nction o management#






    -c. Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    17# When Ms# Mca* compares pro+ecte% sales to act(al sales in her %epartment&

    she is perorming the (nction o management#






    -%. Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

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    ,pplication o Management !"ills N Eective vers(s !(ccess(l Managerial ,ctivities

    Aose o'les has 'een a manager at Mo(ntain Chemicals or ive *ears# Hire% or his

    eDpertise in pro+ect acco(nting& he rose )(ic"l* thro(gh the ran"s an% is no$ the

    hea% o the acco(nting an% inance %epartment# Aose is vie$e% as the rising star in

    the organization '* his s(periors#

    171# ,ccor%ing to atz& the s"ills that Mr# o'les $as hire% or $ere $hat t*pe o


    a# h(man

    '# concept(al

    c# technical

    %# controlling

    e# %irecting

    -c. Mo%erate. Technical !"ills. p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    174# Base% on $hat little $e "no$& $e can concl(%e that accor%ing to L(thans& Mr#

    o'les is pro'a'l* 'est at the management activit* o #

    a# net$or"ing

    '# comm(nicating

    c# $or"ing $ith technolog*

    %# controlling

    e# %irecting

    -a. Challenging. et$or"ing. p# >0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    177# Fiven the inormation $e have& Mr# o'les $o(l% pro'a'l* 'e categorize% '*

    L(thans as $hat t*pe o manager?

    a# eective

    '# eicient

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    c# s(ccess(l

    %# pro%(ctive

    e# t*pe ,

    -c. Challenging. !(ccess(l Managerial ,ctivities. p# >0

    ,pplication o Contri'(ting 6isciplines to the OB ;iel%

    o( are 'ringing together ac(lt* rom %ierent 'ehavioral %isciplines to a(thor a

    ne$ teDt'oo" in organizational 'ehavior# @epresente% are proessors rom

    ps*cholog*& sociolog*& social ps*cholog*& anthropolog*& political science& an%

    in%(strial engineering#

    17/# The ac(lt* mem'er rom sho(l% (rnish inormation a'o(t personalit*&

    learning& an% motivation#

    a# sociolog*

    '# ps*cholog*

    c# anthropolog*

    %# political science

    e# in%(strial engineering

    -'. Mo%erate. Ps*cholog*. p# 170 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    175# Which proessor o(t o this gro(p $o(l% *o( eDpect to a%%ress iss(es o


    a# the ps*chologist

    '# the anthropologist

    c# the political scientist

    %# the social ps*chologist

    e# the in%(strial engineer

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    -%. Mo%erate. !ocial Ps*cholog*. p# 1/0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    178# o( sho(l% eDpect that the ac(lt* mem'er rom $ill pro'a'l*

    contri'(te inormation a'o(t large scale gro(p 'ehavior#

    a# sociolog*

    '# ps*cholog*

    c# social ps*cholog*

    %# anthropolog*

    e# in%(strial engineering

    -a. Mo%erate. !ociolog*. p# 150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    ,pplication o 6eveloping an OB Mo%el

    The manager at a constr(ction site o'serves that he is spen%ing a great %eal o

    time intervie$ing prospective emplo*ees# This is %(e to the large amo(nt o

    a'senteeism an% t(rnover among his s"ille% $or"ers# On )(estioning eDiting

    emplo*ees he %iscovers that man* o them )(it 'eca(se the* eel the $or"place is

    too %angero(s# In partic(lar& several oremen have state% that the nee% to get the

    +o' %one )(ic"l* is more important than a e$ r(les& an% have gone as ar as to

    moc" the co(rage o $or"ers $ho )(estion this attit(%e#


  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    17=# What is the 'est $a* or the manager to control the %eviant 'ehavior o the


    a# or%ering the oremen to conorm $ith the re)(ire% saet* stan%ar%s

    '# in%ing o(t $h* the oremen place a greater importance on inishing

    the +o' than in saet*

    c# iring the oremen an% promoting ne$ oremen rom the c(rrent pool

    o $or"ers

    %# ta"ing over the $or" o the oremen himsel

    e# instit(ting training classes or the oremen on the importance o saet*

    -'. Challenging. 6eviant Wor"place Behavior. p# 4>0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    17># Which o the ollo$ing is an in%epen%ent varia'le $hich is li"el* to 'e the

    root ca(se o the $or"place %eviant 'ehavior the manager has o'serve%?

    a# ;oremen are pai% signiicant 'on(ses i the $or"ers the* s(pervise

    complete their tas"s )(ic"l*#

    '# ,'senteeism is o(n% to rise on those %a*s $hen partic(larl*

    hazar%o(s $or" is 'eing perorme%#

    c# !everal o the oremen are close personal rien%s $ho have ver*

    similar attit(%es to $or" an% saet*#

    %# The str(ct(re o the organization %oes not involve all $or"ers in the

    %ecision ma"ing process#

    e# Penalties or ignoring saet* stan%ar%s are not heav*& amo(nting to the

    e)(ivalent o onl* several ho(rs: pa*#

    -a. Challenging. In%epen%ent Garia'les. pp# 4>970 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    ,pplication o 6eveloping an OB Mo%el

    ,llison an% Fail 'oth are st(%*ing or a inal eDam# Both have a goal o

    attaining a gra%e o >1 or 'etter# Fail st(%ie% 8 ho(rs an% ma%e a gra%e o >4#

    ,llison st(%ie% or > ho(rs an% also ma%e a gra%e o >4#

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    1/# Which o the st(%ents $as eective?

    a# onl* Fail

    '# onl* ,llison

    c# neither Fail nor ,llison

    %# 'oth Fail an% ,llison

    e# ins(icient inormation to +(%ge

    -%. Mo%erate. Eectiveness. p# 4

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    1/7# 6isc(ss the o(r management (nctions %eine% '* Henri ;a*ol as %escri'e%

    in *o(r teDt#

    The o(r management (nctions as con%ense% rom Henri ;a*ol are planning&

    organizing& lea%ing& an% controlling# The planning (nction encompasses %eining

    an organization:s goals& esta'lishing an overall strateg* or achieving those goals&

    an% %eveloping a comprehensive hierarch* o plans to integrate an% coor%inate

    activities# Organizing incl(%es the %etermination o $hat tas"s are to 'e %one& $ho

    is to %o them& ho$ the tas"s are to 'e gro(pe%& $ho reports to $hom& an% $here

    %ecisions are to 'e ma%e# The lea%ing (nction involves motivating emplo*ees&

    %irecting the activities o others& selecting the most eective comm(nication

    channels& an% resolving conlicts among mem'ers# ;inall*& controlling involves

    monitoring& comparing& an% potential correcting to get the organization 'ac" ontrac"# -Mo%erate. Management ;(nctions. p# 80 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    1//# What $ere the three essential management s"ills i%entiie% '* @o'ert atz?

    Provi%e a short %escription o each s"ill#

    atz intro%(ce% the notion o technical& h(man& an% concept(al s"ills as 'eing core

    to management# Technical s"ills are %eine% '* the a'ilit* to appl* specialize%

    "no$le%ge or eDpertise# H(man s"ills are %eine% '* the a'ilit* to $or" $ith&(n%erstan%& an% motivate other people# ;inall*& concept(al s"ills are %eine% '*

    the a'ilit* to anal*ze an% %iagnose compleD sit(ations# -Eas*. Management !"ills.

    p# =0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    1/5# EDplain ho$ ;re% L(thans %ierentiates 'et$een s(ccess(l an% eective


    L(thans %eine% s(ccess(l managers in terms o the spee% o their promotions#

    Eective managers $ere %eine% in terms o the )(antit* an% )(alit* o their

    perormance an% the satisaction an% commitment o their emplo*ees# 6ierent

    s"ills $ere associate% $ith each gro(p# !(ccess(l managers (se% more net$or"ing

    s"ills& $hereas eective managers (se% more comm(nication s"ills# -Eas*.

    Eective Gers(s !(ccess(l Managers. p# >0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

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    1/8# What is the one common threa% that r(ns thro(gh the (nctions& roles& s"ills&

    an% activities approaches to management?

    The common threa% in all these approaches to management is the importance o

    managing people# It is clear that managers nee% to %evelop their people s"ills i

    the* are going to 'e eective an% s(ccess(l# -Eas*. Manager:s Ao'. p# 10 ,,C!B2

    ,nal*tic !"ills3


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    1/># Compare an% contrast the iel%s o ps*cholog*& social ps*cholog*& an%


    These iel%s all %eal $ith the h(man con%ition# While ps*cholog* oc(ses on

    the in%ivi%(al& sociolog* st(%ies people in relation to their social environment or

    c(lt(re# !ocial ps*cholog* 'len%s concepts rom 'oth ps*cholog* an% sociolog*&

    tho(gh it is generall* consi%ere% a 'ranch o ps*cholog*# It oc(ses on peoples:

    inl(ence on one another# Th(s it co(l% 'e sai% that social ps*cholog* alls 'et$een

    the eDtremes o the in%ivi%(al oc(s o ps*cholog* an% the large gro(p oc(s o

    sociolog*# -Eas*. Behavioral !ciences. pp# 179150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    15# Ho$ %oes glo'alization aect a manager:s people s"ills?

    Flo'alization aects a manager:s people s"ills in at least t$o $a*s# ;irst&

    managers are increasingl* li"el* to in% themselves on oreign assignments# Once

    there& the* ma* 'e managing a $or" orce that is %eine% '* ver* %ierent nee%s&

    aspirations& an% attit(%es rom the $or"orce 'ac" at home# !econ%& managers are

    going to in% themselves $or"ing $ith s(periors& peers& an% emplo*ees $ho $ere

    'orn an% raise% in a %ierent c(lt(re# To $or" eectivel* $ith these people&

    managers $ill nee% to (n%erstan% their c(lt(re& ho$ it has shape% them& an% ho$

    to a%apt a management st*le to these %ierences# -Mo%erate. Flo'alization. p# 1

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    154# What %epen%ent an% in%epen%ent varia'les are (s(all* i%entiie% or

    constr(ction o an OB mo%el?

    , %epen%ent varia'le is the "e* actor that *o( $ant to eDplain or pre%ict an%

    that is aecte% '* some other actor# OB !cholars have historicall* emphasize%

    pro%(ctivit*& a'senteeism& t(rnover& an% +o' satisaction# To%a*& %eviant $or"place

    'ehavior an% organizational citizenship have 'een a%%e% to this list# ,n

    in%epen%ent varia'le is the pres(me% ca(se o some change in the %epen%ent

    varia'le# The in%epen%ent varia'les are %ivi%e% into in%ivi%(al9level& gro(p9level&

    an% organization s*stems level varia'les# The in%ivi%(al9level varia'les incl(%e

    'iographical characteristics& a'ilit*& val(es& attit(%es& personalit*& an% emotions&

    perception& in%ivi%(al %ecision ma"ing& learning& an% motivation# Fro(p9level

    varia'les incl(%e comm(nication& lea%ership& po$er& an% politics# Organization

    s*stems level varia'les incl(%e the %esign o the ormal organization. the

    organization:s internal c(lt(re. an% the organization:s h(man reso(rce policies an%practices# -Mo%erate. OB Mo%el Garia'les. pp# 4

  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    ne$ pro+ects that $ill improve their organization:s perormance# ,s %ist(r'ance

    han%lers& managers ta"e corrective action in response to (noreseen pro'lems# ,s

    reso(rce allocators& managers are responsi'le or allocating h(man& ph*sical& an%

    monetar* reso(rces# Managers perorm a negotiator role& in $hich the* %isc(ss

    iss(es an% 'argain $ith other (nits to gain a%vantages or their o$n (nit#

    -Challenging. Mintz'erg:s Managerial @oles. pp# 89=0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3

    15/# Organizational 'ehavior is an applie% 'ehavioral science '(ilt (pon

    contri'(tions rom a n(m'er o %ierent %isciplines# What are these %isciplines an%

    $hat are the contri'(tions o each %iscipline? Be complete in *o(r response an%

    incl(%e o(r %ierent 'ehavioral science %isciplines#

    Organizational 'ehavior is an applie% 'ehavioral science that is '(ilt on

    contri'(tions rom a n(m'er o 'ehavioral %isciplines# The pre%ominant areas are

    ps*cholog* an% social ps*cholog*& sociolog*& an% anthropolog*# Ps*cholog*:s

    contri'(tions have 'een mainl* at the in%ivi%(al or micro level o anal*sis& $hile the

    other %isciplines have contri'(te% to o(r (n%erstan%ing o macro concepts s(ch as

    gro(p processes an% organization#

    Earl* in%(strialorganizational ps*chologists concerne% themselves $ith the

    pro'lems o atig(e& 'ore%om& an% other actors relevant to $or"ing con%itions that

    co(l% impe%e eicient $or" perormance# @ecentl*& ps*cholog* has contri'(te% to

    learning& perception& personalit*& emotions& training& lea%ership eectiveness&

    nee%s an% motivational orces& +o' satisaction& %ecision9ma"ing processes&

    perormance appraisals& attit(%e meas(rement& emplo*ee9selection techni)(es&

    $or" %esign& an% +o' stress# !ocial ps*cholog* has contri'(te% in the areas o

    implementing change an% re%(cing 'arriers to its acceptance. meas(ring&

    (n%erstan%ing& an% changing attit(%es. comm(nication patterns. '(il%ing tr(st. an%

    gro(p 'ehavior& po$er& an% conlict# !ociolog* has contri'(te% thro(gh the st(%* o

    ormal an% compleD organizations incl(%ing organizational c(lt(re& ormal

    organization theor* an% str(ct(re& organizational technolog*& comm(nications&

    po$er& an% conlict# ,nthropolog* has contri'(te% to an (n%erstan%ing o

    organizational c(lt(re& organizational environments& an% %ierences 'et$eennational c(lt(res# -Challenging. Behavioral !ciences. pp# 179150 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic


    155# What is an ethical %ilemma? Ho$ are organizations respon%ing to these


  • 5/24/2018 Organizational Behavior Test Bank Robbins Chapter 1


    ,n ethical %ilemma is a sit(ation in $hich emplo*ees are re)(ire% to %eine right

    an% $rong con%(ct# 6ilemmas incl(%e $hether to 'lo$ the $histle& $hether the*

    sho(l% ollo$ or%ers $ith $hich the* %on:t personall* agree& $hether the* sho(l%

    give an inlate% perormance eval(ation to an emplo*ee $hom the* li"e& "no$ing

    that s(ch an eval(ation co(l% save that emplo*ee:s +o'& or $hether the* sho(l%

    allo$ themselves to pla* politics in the organization i it $ill help their careera%vancement# These ethical %ilemmas res(lt rom the 'l(rring o the line

    %ierentiating right rom $rong# Managers an% their organizations are respon%ing

    to this pro'lem rom a n(m'er o %irections# The* are $riting an% %istri'(ting co%es

    o ethics to g(i%e emplo*ees thro(gh ethical %ilemmas# The* are oering seminars&

    $or"shops& an% training programs to tr* to improve ethical 'ehaviors# The* are

    also (sing in9ho(se a%visors to provi%e assistance an% the* are creating protection

    mechanisms or emplo*ees $ho reveal internal (nethical practices# -Mo%erate.

    Ethical 6ilemma. p# 480 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3 ,,C!B2 Ethical @easoning3

    158# 6escri'e the concept o t(rnover# Wh* is t(rnover o s(ch great concern to


    T(rnover is the vol(ntar* an% invol(ntar* permanent $ith%ra$al rom an

    organization# , high t(rnover rate res(lts in increase% recr(iting& selection& an%

    training costs $hich are )(ite signiicant# , high rate o t(rnover can also %isr(pt

    the eicient r(nning o an organization $hen "no$le%gea'le an% eDperience%

    personnel leave an% replacements m(st 'e o(n% an% prepare% to ass(me positions

    o responsi'ilit*# Ho$ever& reasona'le levels o emplo*ee9initiate% t(rnoveracilitate organization leDi'ilit* an% emplo*ee in%epen%ence& an% the* can lessen

    the nee% or management9initiate% la*os# Unort(natel*& t(rnover oten involves

    the loss o people the organization %oesn:t $ant to lose# -Mo%erate. T(rnover. p#

    4>0 ,,C!B2 ,nal*tic !"ills3