FINAL REPORT Paul P. Budenstein - Defense … light emission spectrum. One of the major goals of these calculations is to delineate the material parameters that are important in the

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Paul P. Budenstein

October 16, 1975


GRi.NT DAHCOV'774 G oo4-7



DEC 18 1975



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&WORK UNI NU MB3ERSAuburn, Alabama 36830C I. CO !ROLIG OFIENmE AND ADDRESSU. S. Army Research Office 0' /475Post Office Box 12211

. BRFAEResearch Triangle Park, N!C 27709 AGE14. M oIT I A GNy Nes arcE Of ic antES(/ dl fr om Controlling O fics) IS .SECURITY CLASS. (Of this report)

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Approved for Public release; distribution Unlimited.I?- 0ISTRIBUTIO STTMN (o h bte nee nBok2.If ierenj t fonRpo

Tefindings in this report are not to be construed as an officiald t ofthe. Army Position, unless so designated by other authorized

IKEY WORDS (Co....... on reverse aid*.i nle*ea&*h, 10mid dniy by block numiber)I711eory- Of electric breakdown in solids; dielectric breakdown in solide;electric strength of solids.

A t moratica1 model of dielectrc brearacu;n Zr fsolids has been rroposed by3ue~ti nti; oa h Oadw poe- trswt the 'evlInteit )f'aciillol charge denaity. Thais da neityj, in turn, causeechemical bonds to be broken and leada to th-: for-tal on of a hirh densitysma-ous T Iasma, the coadlirting y.th for atutibrakon Tlerael'work,. e:mpire . 3miiueo"teciiclcagcest yc aronof' the ban~ding energiea of the -T2 -2: ad~ n~

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20 initio calculation of the ground state of the itjrnoiecue - isrfo ed and is the major contribution of this work. The implica-

tions of this calculation on the breakdowr. problem and on otherproble.s are discussed. f,(This calculation and its im.rlicationsfoum the doctora.thesisIlA Jack U4. Lloyd, Jr.)







Paul P. Budenstein

Physics Department

Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36830

The goal of this study on dielectric breakdown in solids was to develop

a theory of breakdown that was consistent with experimental evidence. Theinitial idea for the theory came during the summer of 1973 when the princi-pal investigator was reviewing breakdown phenomena under nanosecond excita-tion(l). The proposed theory assumes that breakdown is initiated when alocalized charge density reaches a critical value. Then chemical bonds aredisrupted and atoms of the solid are freed to form a high-temperature, high-pressure gas. Electrons are assumed to be released during the bond breakageand later in reactions of the gaseous atoms. These cause further breakdorni

of the chemical bonds. Ultimately, through continuation of the above reac-tions and, possibly, through crack propagation, a gaseous channel grows inthe dielectric until it bridges the electrodes. Only then does the highcurrent of breakdown occur. Juule heating subsequent to the formation of thechannel can cause further erosicn of the solid.

If the above is essentially correct, then the fundamental issue ofdielectric breakdown of solids is to properly characterize the conversionof the solid to the gas. During the academic year of 1973-1974, neitherthe principal investigator nor his graduate students were able to work onthe breakdown problem. Thus an extension of time was requested to allow the

work to be carried on during the 1974-1975 year. This request was generouslygranted. In the summer of 1974, the principal investigator again worked on

the breakdown problem at the Guidance and Control Laboratory of the U. S.*: Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, this time designing breakdown experi-

ments employing a megavolt, nanosecond pulser with thick solid samples andalso pursuing the implications of his proposed breakdown model. The latterhave been summarized in a technical report (2) and in two conference presen-tations (3,4). In the fall of 1974, two graduate students (Jack Lloyd and

James Knaur) undertook portions of the F5reakdown study.Lloyd, a doctoral candidate with considerable experience with computers

and a fairly good background in solid state theory, was given support fundsunder this contract to consider the theoretical question concerning themagnitude of the excess charge density required for bond disruption and



the energies of the released atoms. Knaur, using the megavolt,

nanosecond pulser of the Guidance and Control Laboratories, set out to

make more detailed observations of the electrical waveforms and light

emissions than was previously possible. This work was done partially

to provide certain engineering data needed by the Dtissile Command and

partially to provide information pertinent to the breakdown mechanism.

Basic support for Knaur's work has come from the Guidance and Control

Laboratory, but a small portion of the funds of tho current contract

have been used to purchase specimen materials and, since Knaur's work

is the basis for his M. S. thesis, Auburn University has contributed

machine shop time to fabricate samples and fixtures. Also two spectro-

meters and associated equipment have been loaned by Auburn University

for use at the test facility at Redstone Arsenal. During the summer

of 1975 the principal investigator was provided with funds to work 20

days with Knaur at Redstone Arsenal.

A third graduate student, Aradhana Baruah, was added to the break-

down program in July of 1975 and given some financial aid from his con-

tract. Her problem, which is to be her doctoral dissertation, is to make

detailed calculations of the growth of the gas-ous region using the chemical

kinetics model described in Ref. 2. The chemical kinetics model involves

generation of the gas from the solid, reactions in the high temperature

gas, and heat conduction from the gas to the solid. From the model one

obtains such information as the rate of growth of the gaseous region, its

changing composition, and its temperature and pressure vs time. From the

temperature, the degree of excitation of the gas can be inferred and hence

its light emission spectrum. One of the major goals of these calculationsis to delineate the material parameters that are important in the breakdom

process. It is hoped that the calculations will ultimately lead to expres-

sions for the thickness dependence and temperature dependence of the break-

down voltage.

rho status of the three efforts will be summarized here. Lloyd's

work constitutes the major portion of this contract and is nearing comple-

tion. It will be his doctoral dissertation and should provide the basis

for a substantial journal article. His thesis and the article will be

submitted as the major documentation for this contract. Calculations for

this work are just about completed and work on the final document is in



r... j Lloyd first attempted to modify the traditional approaches of bandtheory to analyze the effect of localized charge distributions on therealignment of energy levels. However, the problem soon became too com-

plex and an alternate approach was sought. le decided the basic question'P was the alteration of chemical bonds by the addition of extra electrons

and that this question could be attacked by examining bonding in simple

molecular systems. The simplest molecule is the 112 molecule. Theoreticalsolutions previously existed for the H2+ ion, the H2 neutral molecule,and the 2- molecular ion; all of these are stable in the ground state.Lloyd has performed an ab initio calculation of the ground state of the

H2 molecular ion. A valence-bond method similar to that used by Fischer-Hjalmers for the calculation of the ground state of the H 2 ion was employed.

Only Is electronic basis functions were used, but with a choice of differ-

ent exponents in the orbital wa'vefunctions for greater accuracy. Briefly,the method entails the use of the basis functions to form a wave function

having the proper symmetry and then computing the state energy from the

expression E-.H '4 V

The internuclear distance appears as a parameter in the wave function and

also in the energy expression.

Lloyd is making his final calculations now and is plotting his results.

With several terms still to be included, he obtains a non-bonding state at

the internuclear separation corresponding to the equilibrium position of

the neutral H2 molecule. The energy should asymptotically approach thatfor two single If ions in the limit of infinite separation. The height ofthe curve at the point of maximum stability for the neutral system willgive some indication of the degree of instability of the neutral systemwith respect to the addition of the two extra electrons. The curve will

also allow estimation of the energy liberated per particle upon bond


Kinetics of cavity growth were formulted in Ref. 2 (see Appendix A,

taken from Ref. 2), but the details of the model were not quantified. The

first task toward quantification has been performed by Baruah. She hasmade a literature study of very fast reactions that take place at high

temperatures and at )- ,h pressures to determine reasonable parameters forthe rate equations, an appropriate equation of state for the cavity gas,

and an internal energy function for the cavity gas. Equations 4a to 4d

of Appendix A describe the rates of change of each of the constituentsof the gas in the highly idealized model. Only four constituents are


assumed to exist: neutral atoms, positive ions, negative ions, and free

electrons. Once the atoms and ions have been released from the wall, the

reactions are taken to be ionization of neutrals, recombination, charge

transfer from a negative ion to a positive ion, charge exchange betweenr two neutrals, electron attachment to a neutral, and electron detachment

from a negative ion. Three types of kinetic coefficients occur: wallrelease coefficients (o? , _, co ce) that describe the portion ofwall particles released as positive ions, negative ions, neutrals and

electrons; first order kinetic coefficients (3 1 and (32) which des-

cribe rates depending bnly on a single constituent's concentration; and

second order coefficients ( V l, , )', and '4) which describe ratesdepending upon two concentrations.

We assume that the wall coefficients are temperature-independent andare deteriiined by the reaction details when bond disruption occurs. Thefour wall coefficients are not independent since they obey the constraints

of charge neutrality ( + =(_ + ) and particle conservation+z G + +. VThe Is and Vs, however, are assumed to depend on the gas

temperature in the manner typical of chemical reactions, regardless ofthe kinetic order of tb, e'reactions: _ /'


where A i and Ai are descriptive of collision frequencies and E i and Ei are

activation energies. In the breakdown kinetics problem, very high rates

of reaction are required because the time scale of growth of a conducting

channel is 10"11 to 10-8 sec. The required reaction rate seems to be

somewhat faster than that of explosive reactions. For explosi~e reactions,such as the detonation of TNT or EDNA, the kinetics are well-described

by Eyring's surface corrosion theory in terms of a kinetic coefficient kr

kr = A' T2 exp (-,H*/kT)

whore A', T2 and A1H* are constants for a given explosive system. Thi3

equation is of the Ahrennius typo. The kinetic equation defining kr is

dn/dt = kr (4rr 2/s), whore 4Tr 2/s is thenumber of molecules on the surface of a reacting grain of radius r and dn/dt

describes the change in this number per unit time. Thus kr can be thought4r

of as the fractional change in the number of surface molecules per unit time.

For explosive reactions, kr is about 101/sec.

The equation of state for a highly dense, high teiiper ture gas isa matter of conjecture. In explosive reactions, best results seem to beobtained by using equations that are perturbations of the ideal gas law.

The gas that we wish to describe is both more dense and at a highertemperature than that of high power chemical explosions. Hence, it isplausible to use the ideal gas law as the equation of state as a start.

Later, when a more sophisticated kinetics model is developed, the choice

of equation of state will have to be re-examined.

An internal energy function is required because the kinetic coef-ficients are temperature dependent and the temperature depends both on

the rate at which energy is added during dissociation and the heat trans-fer to the surroundings. In addition to translational kinetic energy for

each specie, it is necessary to consider electronic excitation of the

neutral atoms, positive ions and negative ions. The internal energy may

be written 73 - "_ __ -

U . (n+ + n + n + n )(43rr/3)(l.5 kT) + f- ./-T _ -•. .e. _K 4.-r / \ .,. ,,*

+ ELe &i/____) + (5 Q . - J

The term with the factor (I.5 kT) describes translational kinetic energy of

neutrals, negative and positive ions, and electrons (assumed to be in thermal

equilibrium) and the three summations describe the contributions of electronicexcitations to the internal energies of neutrals, positive ions and negativeions. The remaining terms are descriptive of the heats of reaction.

This report is in the nature of an interim report. The main report forthe contract will be Lloyd's thesis and article for publication. It ishoped that these will be ready by the end of this year. lie appreciate the

11 support of the Army Research Office and hope that the current effort makesa meaningful contribution to the understanding of dielectric breakdown insolids. We are particularly grateful for the continuing encouragement

received from members of the Guidance and Control Laboratory, U. S. Army

Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal.



1. Paul P. Budenstein, Impulse Breakdown in Vacuum, Gases Liquids and Solids,

Technical Report R3- , U. S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal


2. Paul P. Budenstein, Dielectric Breakdown in Solids, Technical Report RG-75-25,

U. S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal (1975).

3. Paul P. Budenstein, "A Model of Electric Breakdown in Solids," pp. 135-136

in Extended Abstracts, 147th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May

11-16, 1975, Toronto, Canada.

4. Paul P. Budenstein and Jack M. Lloyd, Jr., "A Model of Electric Breakdown

in Solids," to be published in the Annual Report of the Conference on

Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (1975), National Academy

of Sciences, Washington, D. C.



4 flII

2. Proposed Model of Dielectric Breakdown in Solids

a. Concepts of the Model

(1) Critical Charge Density. The basic assumptionmade is that breakdown occurs when the density of excess charge in aninsulator in a local region containing many atoms attains a criticalvalue. The source of this excess charge may be field emission from anelectrode, charge multiplication by an avalanche process, charge injec-tion at the surface of an ionized void, electron injection from anexternal accelerator, electrons produced by ionization processes associa-ted with absorption of laser light, or some other means.

(2) Disruption of Chemical Bonds by Excess Charges. The

effect of a charge density greater than critical on the solid is assumedto be disruption of chemical bonds. (Bowden and McLaren [25], in

attempting to explain how a relativeLy small electric field (4.5 X 103

V/m) could initiate an explosive reaction in a single crystal of silverazide, hypothesized that a high local electron density led to the decom-position of the crystal. Subsequent work on silver azide has neitherconfirmed or disproven this hypothesis [26].)

The mechanism of bond disruption by an excess electron density canbe visualized by considering the hydrogen molecule and its ions. Anelectron can be attached to 112 to form a stable ion, H2. The three-

electron, two-nucleus system (11) will have a different set of electronic

energy levels than the two-electron, two-nucleus system (112)[27,28].

(The bond length of H2 is 0.746 X, while it is estimated to be 1.65

in K. The H 2 molecule is probably best thought of with the two elec-

trons shared by the two nuclei on an equal basis, while the 112 molecule

is more like an H we,'kly coupled to an H-.) The addition of still

another electron to th' system [l[ + e -)H2 (unstable)] leads to a non-

bonding situation. Thij nonbonding may occur with a variety if endproducts as illustrated in the following chemical reactions:

1I 11 + H + 2e H + 2e2 2 2

H2 H + H + e H2 -4H + e; .t1- + -2 2

1 12 -4 11 + H 11) H2 + 3e

+ +II11 H4' + H + 4e



H-H + H + 2e2 +

H + H+ 3e.2

The reactions that dominate should be the ones most favorable energeti-cally. These cennot be determined readily from calculations becauseof the number ot particles involved. Note that it is possible to endup with an excess of electrons; i.e., more than I electron may be pro-

duced in the dissociation of H2 , whereas only one electron was added

to H to form the unstable H2 H2

(3) Chain Reaction. The third ingredient believedessential to the breakdown process is the chain reaction. A well-knownexample of a chain reaction is the explosive co, bination of H and Cl* 12 2gases [29]. In the absence of light or an electric spark, this mixtureis stable at STP. However, a flash of ultraviolet light or a spark willcause the formation of HU1 with great rapidity, the reaction being

strongly exothermic. The reaction scheme may be represented as follows:

H, + light ->H + H

H + Cl -HC + C2

Cl + H -HC + H2

H + CI- HC + light.

The reaction products in each case have the potential for causing furtherreactions; thu total energy released is many times the initiating er.ergy.The rate of reaction depends upon the concentrations of the reacting com-ponents, temperature, and pressure. These, in turn, depend on the pro-cesses of diffusion, loss through boundaries, heat dissipation, walleffects, competing reactions, etc.

In the breakdown problem, we assume that an electron density iscreated in a local region sufficient to disrupt chemical bonds. Atomsare thus freed from their positions in the solid and form a dense gas.The gas density is the same as that of the solid for an appreciabletime. For breakdown to occur, we require that a chain reaction can takeplace inside the solid so that a gaseous cavity is created with thedissociation products. The reaction sequence as it might occur incrystalline sodium chloride will now be described; the general ideasare believed to be applicable for all types of chemical bonding.


as ions, Na and Cl , respectively. These might be converted to gas

atoms having different states of ionization, such as Naga Na+

Clgas , Clgas , and Clgas, through the reactions:

as gas

+01) Nasolid + e - Naold + QI

2) N' + Q -4 Na0asolid 2 gas

~ ~3) a0 + Q 4Na + + egas 3 gas

4) Cl solid -_ Clgas + Q4

05) Cla + Q -4 Cl + e

gas 5 gas

6) Cgas + 6 ~Cgas+e

Reactions 3), 5), and 6) occur in the gaseous state and are activatedby collisions amoig the particles of the gas. The entire reactionscheme must be highly exothermic if the chain reaction is to bevigorous.

The above reaction scheme is depicted in a two-dimensional formatii Figure 1. Figure la shows a region with a single extra electron. VThis might stay trapped fir an appreciable time, but would not causelattice disruption. In Figure lb, the electron density is increasedso that the ionic charges on several nearest-neighbor sodium atoms areneutralized as indicated in reaction step 1) (note the five centralsodium atoms in the figure). Because of their thermal energies, theneutralized sodium atoms (reaction step 2)] can move with ease fromtheir former equilibrium positions (Figure 1c). The neutral sodiumatoms experience only slight binding energy to their former equilibriumpositions. [Reaction step 2) should occur more readily at high tempera-tures, suggesting that the breakdown strength should decrease withincreasing temperature.] The movement of the sodium atoms removes the

constraints on the adjacent Cl atoms. Figure ld shows the system after

the Cl atoms have moved, through their mutu-al repulsion, from theirequilibrium positions (reaction step 4)]. In so doing they lose somepotential energy and gain kinetic energy; thus, by subsequent collisions,they heat up the gas created by the atoms thiat have left their equilib-rium posicions. Figures le and lf show how the electron density in thegas can be built up through further collisions [reaction steps 3), 5), :and 6)]. Finally, in Figure 1g, the second stage of the chain reactionis depicted after the excess electron density has caused more sodiumatoms to be freed from the solid matrix.


+ + + + 0

0 0 0 0 3 *060 0 .0 0) -

+ + + + + +



Na Na - ELECTRON+ 1 + 6

Cl 0 CI O CI

+ + + + + +

0 + + +

- 0- 0 0

0 0 . 0 0 * E ) 0Cd) Cl-ATOMS, THROUGH


6% (0 + 0 +' %@-

5."o-+ *0 0

+ + 0- 0+ + + + +

.0 0 0 * 0


Figure 1. Schematic description of the bonddisruption and chain reaction in NaCi.

+ 0

):I: "loi7

Note that the reaction sequence has the capability of releasingmore electrons than were needed for initiation and hence has the poten-tial for a chain reaction. The nature of the mechanism is believed tobe quite general: nonbonding should occur whenever the local densityof electrons is made too high, regardless of the detailed nature of thechemical. bond.

(4) Establishment of a Gaseous Conducting Channel. Theresult of the chain reaction is the conversion of the solid in a localregion to a partially ionized gas. As the chain reaction proceeds, agaseous cavity is formed within the solid. The reactions must take

place with great rapidity because sufficient energy must be continuallyadded to the gas to compensate for heat transfer to the surroundingmedium. As the size of the cavity increases, the mediut about thecavity is subjected to very high stresses and cracks will start to form.As they form, new surface area is exposed and the chain reaction spreadsto this, thus maintaining the high pressure.

(5) Completion of the Channel. We assume that the break-down conduction current starts when a gaseous channel bridges the elec-trodes. Mhe currents prior to this are associated with high field pre-breakdown conduction mechanisms; these are assumed incidental to break-down except as they give rise to a high local space charge density thatcan initiate the chain reaction. If the gaseous channel cannot com-pletely bridge the electrodes during the time in which the voltage isapplied, then the system experiences a "partial breakdowrn", one in whichdamage has occurred without completion of the conducting path. If thegaseous channel does bridge the electrodes, conduction through thechannel begins since the gas is ionized. As conduction proceeds, fur-ther erosion of the walls can occur because of the high electron densityand the heating of the plasma by the external circuit. Expurimentally,the conductivity of the system in the breakdown region changes by afactor of abcut 1.0 (10] in a time of about 10 nsec, measured from theobserved beginning of the gaseous channels to the onset of breakdownconduction [5,30].

b. Simplified Theory for the Growth of a Gaseous Channel

The reaction kinetics of real systems depend on thedetailed reactions present. As was shown for the hypothesized reactionsfor breakdown in NaCl, many reactions are possible during the dissocia-tion nd recombination processes associated with creation of the gaseouschannel. In a dielectric that is cher.,1cally complex, many more dissocia-tive and recombinatorial pro'nesses would be involved. However, one ofthe significant features of dielectric breakdown is that the breakdownfields for homogeneous specimens of different materials are remarkably-,imilar. Thus it becomes plausible to think in terms cf a model havinghighly sirplified chemical kinetics. Such a roodel will be outlined inthis section. The solutions for this model, which depend on the treat-ment of the heat flow problem and detailed assumptions on kineticcoefficients have not yet been e::plored.


We assume that the critical density of charge necessary forinitiating the chain reaction is present; the proposed theory is intendedto describe the growth of the gaseous cavity. The rate of reaction

wherein the solid is converted to gas is assumed to depend upon theelectron density n in the gas and on the wall area of the cavity. For

each molecule removed from the solid, some neutral atoms, positive ions,negative ions, and electrons are added to the gas. Each material willhave its own peculiar distribution of these reaction products. Also,there is some total energy released, partially as kinetic energy of theindividual particles and partially as electron excitation, when a mole-cule of the solid is converted to the gaseous phase. In our simplifiedmodel, we describe the breakup without identifying the atomic speciespresent. When an average molecule breaks away from the solid, we willsay that a certain number of neutrals, positive ions, negative ions,and electrons are added to the gas. Atomic and ionic species will notbe further differentiated; i.e., an atom of sodium in the gas will betreated the same as an atom of chlorine in the gas, a positive sodiumion the same as a positive chlorine ion, etc. For purposes of describingthe gas, we will assume its mass density is the same as that of the solidand the average volume per atom in the gas is the same as the averagevolume (volume of a molecule in the solid/No, of atoms in one molecule)of an atom in the solid.

We define wall generation coefficients for describing the dissocia-

tion at the cavity walls as follows:

1) a+ = fraction of wall atoms released as positive ions

2) a = fraction of wall atoms released as negative ions

3) a = fraction of wall atoms released as neutrals0

4) a = fraction of the number of wall atoms of electronse released at the wall.

The wall generation coefficients are assumed to be independent of thegas parameters. For simplicity the ions are assumed to be singlyionized.

The gas (neutrals, positive ions, negative ions, aad electrons) is

a dynamic system. Particles are added continuously and the volume ofgas increases as the solid is eroded. At any instant the cavity gas

will be assumed to be sufficiently close to equilibrium values thatthere is meaning to speaking of temperature, pressure, and particleconcentrations as system parameters. Since there is heat flow from thecavity gas while the cavity is growing, the temperature and pressurewill vary with time. Thus the densities of neutrals, positive ions,negative ions, and electrons (n. n+, n, and ne, respectively) will

vary through the processes of recombination, electron attachment and

* 11


detachment, and ionization within the gas. The volume processes and

their kinetic coefficients are as follows:

1) Ionization of neutrals, kinecic coefficient

neutral - (+ ion) + electron

2) Recombination, kinetic coefficient

(+ ion) + electron -4 neutral

3) Charge transfer from a negative ion to a positive ion,kinetic coefficient Y2

(- ion) + (+ ion) -- 2 neutrals

4) Charge exchange between two neutrals, kinetic coefficient 73

neutral + neutral - (+ ion) + (- ion)

5) Electron attachment to a neutral, kinetic coefficient 74

electron + neutral -+ (- ion)

6) Electron detachment from a negative ion, kinetic

coefficient 2

(- ion) - electron + neutral.

The kinetic coefficients are functions of temperature and pressure.

The equations that determine the state of the cavity system are

taken to be the following:

1) Charge neutrality condition

he+ n- = n+

2) Constancy of density of solid and gas

n++ n_ + n = a , where a = number of atoms per

unit volume of the solid

3) Rate of growth of the cavity:

a) The dielectric is assumed isotropic and the cavityspherical. The electron density is taken to be uniformat all points on the surface of the cavity. The number

of particles added to the cavity per unit time isassumed proportional to the electron density in thecavity and the wall area; that is,




d(avV) / d r = kn42

where V is the volume of the cavity, r is the cavity radius, and k is

a proportionality constant.

b) The proportionality constant is assumed to be independent

of the gas parameters. - ne is one of the dependent vari-

ables of the system and its value as a function of time

is part of the solution. Thus, using V=(4/3)nr 3 , theabove equation can be integrated to obtain r at any timet. The result is t

r = (k/av) f te(t) dt

4) Rate equations:

a) Positive ions

2 2

d dt = a kn 47r + 2 +nn1+e + n 73n 71n+ne - 2+

b) Negative ions

dn/dt = a kne4r 2 + 4 nn+ y 3n2

- n - y22n _

c) Neutrals

dn/dt a kn 47r2 + +

o e l +~71n+ne 72n+n- 2

u. nan - n 3n2

d) Electrons

2dne/dt = a kn 4r + P2n + - Y~+% - 74nfl

5) Heat flow from cavity to surroundings:

a) The temperature of the cavity changes according to thebalance between the energy added due to the w:all reac-tions and the energy conducting into the surrounding

medium. The heat capacity of the cavity gas becomesstrongly temperature-dependent when the temperature is

high enough to excite electrons and produce ionization.


A 9

kn e4r- = c(T) M dT/dt + dQ/dt

where c a is the average energy released into the gas per atom converted

to gas at the walls, c(l) is the specific heat capacity of the gas, Mis the mass of gas in the cavity at time t, T is the temperature of thecavity gas, and dQ/dt is a negative quantity, the heat flow from thegas to the surrounding medium.

b) The heat flow from the gas to the surroundings isdetermined by solving the heat conduction equation forthe spherically symmetric system with the heat flow tothe surrounding medium equal to dQ/dt in the aboveequation. The heat conduction equation for sphericalsymmetry is

6T1F , r2 LT

c) The temperature at the cavity surface is the same as thetinside the cavity. (A detailed solution using the heatconduction equation is probably unattainable, but asimplified "law of cooling," such as Newton's law ofcooling, might work adequately.)

The initial conditions are:

at t = 0, r = 0, n+ = 0, n = 0, n = 0, ne (n)CRIT

Here, (ne)CRIT is the charge density necessary to initiate the chain


The method of solution is numerical integration. First, reasonablevalues must be chosen for the coefficients. The temperature dependenceof the P's and 7's and c(T) are required. The constraint equations,

ne+n- = n+ and n+ +n + n=a ,

can be used to eliminate two of the four dependent variables in two ofthe rate equations. Thus, we might eliminate n+ and n in the rate

equations foi- ne and n. The ne and n rate equations would have to be

solved simultaneously with the cavity size equation and the heat flowequations. Ultimately, the solution would give the cavity temperature

as a function of time, the cavity radius as a function of time, n (t)

and n(t). With these quantities and using the constraint conditions inthe rate equations for n+ and n_, each of these equations can be expressed

in terms of one dependent variable and functions of time and numericallyJ integrated.



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