HR Renewal Program & CAPEX Planning Document, December 2010 Incorporating: HR Renewal 2010 Program Review HR Renewal 2011 Overview Human Resources CAPEX Projects 2011 Prepared by: Karen Davies HR Renewal Program Manager

Final HR Renewal & CAPEX Planning Document December 2010 · 2012-11-20 · HR vision Improving the clarity and alignment of HR roles and responsibilities Clearly articulating a vision

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Page 1: Final HR Renewal & CAPEX Planning Document December 2010 · 2012-11-20 · HR vision Improving the clarity and alignment of HR roles and responsibilities Clearly articulating a vision

HR Renewal Program & CAPEX

Planning Document, December 2010


HR Renewal 2010 Program Review

HR Renewal 2011 Overview

Human Resources CAPEX Projects 2011

Prepared by: Karen Davies HR Renewal Program Manager

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HR Renewal: Progress Review

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Table of Contents

1.  Background & Context ...................................................................................................................... 3 

1.1.  The HR Renewal Program .......................................................................................................... 3 

1.2.  Key Achievements ....................................................................................................................... 4 

2.  HR Renewal Stream Updates ............................................................................................................ 5 

2.1.  HR Operating Model .................................................................................................................... 5 

Key Achievements ............................................................................................................................. 5 

Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 6 

2.2.  HR Strategy, Service and Culture................................................................................................ 6 

Key Achievements ............................................................................................................................. 6 

C4B Refurbishment ............................................................................................................................ 7 

Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 7 

2.3.  Efficient HR Processes and Systems .......................................................................................... 7 

Recruitment Improvement Project .................................................................................................... 8 

Induction ............................................................................................................................................. 9 

Project CasPer .................................................................................................................................. 10 

Return to Work Project .................................................................................................................... 11 

Additional Improvement Opportunities Undertaken ..................................................................... 11 

2.4.  HR Leadership and Capability ................................................................................................... 12 

3.  HR Renewal Planning 2011 ............................................................................................................. 13 

3.1.  Program Outline ........................................................................................................................ 13 

4.  HR CAPEX Planning 2011 ................................................................................................................ 14 

4.1.  Performance Management System ........................................................................................... 14 

4.2.  Implementation of an OH&S System ......................................................................................... 15 

4.3.  Implementation of an Induction Module ..................................................................................... 17 

4.4.  Implementation of the Alesco Time and Attendance Module ..................................................... 19 

4.5.  Implementation of the V12 Alesco Minor Release ..................................................................... 20 

5.  Program Management...................................................................................................................... 22 

5.1.  CAPEX & HR Renewal Project Team ........................................................................................ 22 

5.2.  Program Financials .................................................................................................................... 22 

5.3.  Project Dissection ...................................................................................................................... 23 

5.4.  HR Priorities 2011 – 2016 ......................................................................................................... 23 

5.5.  Timeline ..................................................................................................................................... 24 

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1. Background & Context

During 2010 Human Resources have been proceeding with the implementation of the recommendations from the external review undertaken by PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) undertaken during late 2009 titled the HR Renewal Program. The key findings from this review included:

HR’s performance consistently falls below internal client expectations. A large proportion of HR resources are allocated to the administration of

inefficient, administrative processes. HR systems, infrastructure, reports and tools are not being used to their full

potential. HR staff engagement and morale appears low.

As a result of these findings HR embarked on an extensive program of work during 2010 known as the HR Renewal Program. The objective of the first phase of the HR Renewal Program was to ‘fix the basics’; improve operational efficiency and meet the needs of our clients across the University.

1.1. The HR Renewal Program

The HR Renewal Program has four streams, which are being progressed in parallel to achieve the renewal objective of ‘fixing the basics’, through 2010:

The progress against these four streams, to 30 November 2010, is outlined on the following pages.

Investing in capability development for HR staff, to support delivery of the HR vision

Improving the clarity and alignment of HR roles and responsibilities

Clearly articulating a vision and strategy for HR and building staff engagement

Delivering strategic projects to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of HR operations

1. HR Operating Model 2. HR Strategy, Service & Culture

3. Efficient HR processes & Systems

4. HR Leadership & Capability


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1.2. Key Achievements

The key achievements from the 2010 HR Renewal Program of work include:

The roadmap for Human Resources renewal has been developed. A new eRecruitment solution, Taleo, has been implemented which delivered a

streamlined, simple and transparent solution. An improved, intuitive and comprehensive website including tool kits for

managers, staff and new employees. Streamlined processes with fewer forms, less blockages and quicker

turnaround times. Implemented more ‘value added’ services. A refurbished work area and teams co-located. Improved management and team structures. New training offerings, including eLearning opportunities, to support our

programs of change. Significant improvements in service delivery as noted from Your Say survey

results. Engaged clients through the Breakfast of Champions and Renewal Partner

groups. A greater level of staff engagement even with the program of work arising from the HR Renewal Project.

On the path to online processing of timesheets. Clarity and alignment of roles, functions and responsibilities to logical

operational areas. A number of process improvement documents have been handed over to HR

Operations providing a roadmap for implementing further system and process improvements.

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2. HR Renewal Stream Updates

2.1. HR Operating Model

This stream has been driven by the PwC finding that the HR Operating Model lacked alignment with University strategy; and that the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities across HR were unclear.

Key Achievements

HR has undergone significant restructure, including the development of three new positions reporting to the Director HR. In addition a new role of Staff Services Team Leader, reporting to the Manager Strategic Resourcing and Talent has been created.

HR Operations Manager

Manager, Strategic Resourcing and Talent

HR Projects Officer.

Staff Services Team Leader

In alignment with the revised structure, roles and responsibilities across teams have also been reviewed.

The new HR organisational chart is provided below.

Director, HR

Faculty HR Managers

HR Projects Officer

Manager, Strategic

Resourcing & Talent

Staff Services Team Leader

Staffing Services


Manager, HR Operations

Manager, HR Information


Manager, Remuneration


HR Information

Systems Team

Remuneration Services


Manager, Employee Relations

Employee Relations


Manager, Organisation

and Staff Development

Organisationand Staff

Development Team

Manager, Staff Health

Staff Health and Safety


PA to Director, HR

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Next Steps

Next steps for this stream include:

Analysis and redistribution of responsibilities between the Staffing Services Team and the Remuneration Services Team. Note: Work on this has commenced and is attached as Annexure A.

General analysis and redistribution of HR roles and workload. For example, the HR Information Systems Team is currently responsible for the distribution of Parking Permits purchased via salary sacrifice. It is proposed that this activity be transitioned to the Security/Facilities/Parking area of Macquarie University.

2.2. HR Strategy, Service and Culture

The PwC review identified that HR was lacking a holistic HR vision and strategy and, as a result, was not aligning its resources to activities that will deliver the greatest value for Macquarie University. Additionally, staff morale and engagement appeared to be low, which may impact on productivity and customer service.

This stream aims to address these issues by clearly articulating and sharing a vision and strategy for HR and improving communication and engagement.

Key Achievements

The table below outlines the communication activities that have been undertaken to improve communication, both within HR and more broadly across the University.

Activity Audience Channels

Development of HR strategy

HR Leadership Team

A number of off-site strategy planning sessions held in 2010 to build the HR strategy and align it with the University strategy

Communication of HR strategy

All HR staff Presentation by TS at May HR staff meeting and subsequent follow up at each of the HR Staff meetings.

Regular update on HR ‘business as usual’ activities

All HR staff

‘From Tim’s Desk’ monthly email newsletter introduced.

Regular updates on HR Renewal projects

All staff impacted by HR Renewal Projects

– HR Renewal wiki: https://wiki.mq.edu.au/display/HRrenewal/Home

– HR Renewal pages on HR intranet site

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Activity Audience Channels

– HR Renewal pages on Momentum intranet site

– Introduction of ‘Renewal Champions’ network of support across all faculties and offices (First meeting of this group held 8 July 2010)

– Presentations at faculty / office management meetings

HR Team improvement sessions

Staffing Team Payroll Team

– Team meetings to identify and progress improvement opportunities identified by the teams.

C4B Refurbishment

In addition to increasing communication activities a refurbishment of the physical HR work space was completed in August 2010 which allowed teams to be co-located and assist in the improved engagement and morale.

Next Steps

Next steps for this stream of work include:

Ongoing communication and engagement with staff

Delivery of identified opportunities for improvement through the HR Team Improvement Sessions.

2.3. Efficient HR Processes and Systems

A number of opportunities to improve the efficiency of HR processes and systems were initially identified through the PwC review. Subsequently, as part of Macquarie University’s HR Renewal Program Project, further and more extensive process and system improvements have been identified. These have been prioritised in terms of their strategic importance and operational impact.

There were four key projects within this activity including:

1. Recruitment Improvement Project 2. Induction 3. Project CasPer 4. Return to Work Program.

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Recruitment Improvement Project

The ways that we advertise positions and select candidates sends a powerful message to potential employees about who Macquarie University is as an organisation and as an employer. The Recruitment Improvement Project aims to improve the efficiency of current recruitment and selection processes and contribute to a positive candidate experience.

The project team consulted with recent hires, hiring managers, faculty HR managers and central HR stakeholders to identify the issues with the existing recruitment process and generate solutions to improve recruitment.

A key issue that emerged from the consultation was that the current Macquarie Online Recruitment System (MORS) has restricted capability to automate workflow, which is a key contributor to current inefficiencies and paper-driven processes. Further, it is not set up to measure recruitment performance or capture recruitment data to enable analysis and continuous improvement.

To address these issues, the Recruitment Improvement Project is implementing a ‘best-in-breed’ software solution from Taleo to replace MORS. The benefits of this new system include:

More intuitive and user-friendly experience for candidates

Time savings for hiring managers and HR through increased automation and streamlined processes

Improved reporting across all areas of recruitment and selection

Greater flexibility through more self-service options for candidates and hiring managers.

The Taleo system also offers more solution opportunities to address other manual processes including fixed term contract renewals, casuals and performance management.

The new Taleo eRecruitment solution went live on 5 October 2010.

Additionally, to better support hiring managers in their recruitment and selection activities, this HR Renewal Program implementing a Recruitment and Selection Toolkit, which includes a database of behavourial interview questions, and an the introduction of a specialized interview skills training course to enhance staff capability in conducting selection discussions.

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First impressions are very important and the Induction Project is focused on creating a first impression for new starters across the university that is consistent, welcoming and helps them become oriented with the university and their new role.

The high level induction process is outlined below:

The diagnostic phase of this project included the following activities to inform issue analysis and solution design:

31 One-on-one interviews with key stakeholders across the University’s faculties and offices

3 Focus groups with academic and professional staff, with a total of 16 attendees

Mapping of the ‘As Is’ pre-employment process with Staffing Advisors

Development of a survey (yet to be distributed) for new starters about their induction experience.

A key issue that has emerged through the extensive consultation undertaken by this project is that the quality of a new starter’s induction to the University is highly variable across faculties and offices and largely dependent on the hiring manager.

The project has developed the supporting Induction process and content to support high quality and consistent induction of new starters from pre-employment to the end of their first three months.

Project deliverables included:

Agreed ‘to-be’ induction process map

Clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to induction

Induction checklists for managers

Materials for new starters, e.g. welcome email.

Phased implementation of changes is anticipated to start in November 2010 – March 2011.

Pre-arrival preparation

Workplace induction

Job orientation

Faculty/office orientation

University orientation

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Project CasPer

The scope of Project CasPer (short for Casual Personnel) is to improve the ways in which we recruit and pay casual staff members across the University. The project team consulted with 129 casual and sessional staff via an online survey. The project team also consulted with hiring managers and HR staff, through focus groups and process mapping, to identify the following key issues:

There is large variability in the ways that casual and sessional staff are recruited and managed across the university

Current processes are largely paper-driven, with many forms being “walked” to HR on a regular basis

Processes, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities relating to the management of casual staff are not clear.

Work proceeded to transition as many of the 800 casual staff receiving a paper pay slip every fortnight to HR Online. The project team has also worked closely during the Solutions Design phase for the Alesco On-line Timesheet solution and consulting with relevant stakeholders about their needs in relation to online timesheets. Further, analysis of other higher education institutions online timesheets was conducted including the University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney.

Due to a delay in the Alesco V12 upgrade, the phased implementation of the Alesco On-line Timesheet solution across the faculties and offices has been delayed from the original plan of October – December 2010. It will now commence during December 2010 – March 2011.

One of the other initiatives which will be implemented by the HR Renewal Team for Casual employees will be the expansion of the new Taleo (e-Recruitment) system to allow the “Re-appointment/Extension” process that is currently undertaken for casual staff to be conducted online.

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Return to Work Project

The Return to Work Project is focused on enhancing the ways that the University manages the return to work process for injured workers with a worker’s compensation claim. The project team mapped the current processes and consulted with managers and workers who have recently experienced the return to work process.

Key findings of the diagnostic stage of this project were:

Macquarie University does not have a documented Return to Work Program and, as a result, is not compliant with legislative requirements under the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, s43 (NSW).

Distribution of workload associated with return to work is sub-optimal, with the Injury and Claims Management Coordinator performing the vast majority of activities in this process

There is a lack of awareness amongst supervisors in relation to their role and responsibilities in return to work for their direct reports who sustain a work-related injury or illness

Project deliverables from the return to work project include a documented and agreed Return to Work Program and detailed ‘to-be’ process documentation with a supporting RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) matrix for each of the roles involved in the process. This has been supported by communication materials, for example quick reference guides for supervisors, outlining the changes and expectations in relation to return to work.

Implementation of changes is expected during November 2010.

Additional Improvement Opportunities Undertaken

In addition to the improvements being implemented through the four HR Renewal projects, other activities that have been undertaken to enhance the efficiency of HR processes and systems include:

Transition of the HR meeting spaces from paper-based diary bookings to online bookings via Gmail

Completion of process documentation to help improve the consistency of systems use across operators and support training of new users

Identification of 190+ system-based improvement opportunities across staffing and payroll processes, which are being progressed at the individual Team level.

HR team based improvements from a workshop undertaken during one of the regular HR staff meetings including internal HR process automations.

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Establishment Review.

Policy and Procedure Review.

Forms Review.

Development and access to organisational charts, via OrgPlus.

Workforce Planning.

Immigration Process Improvements, including new service provider SIRVA implemented.

Preferred Suppliers for Recruitment activities.

2.4. HR Leadership and Capability

The purpose of this stream is to identify training needs for HR staff and build capability to support the implementation of changes to processes, systems and structure. A number of training programs, from July 2010, were implemented including:

Industrial relations (selected staff)

Customer service training (all HR)

VISA processing (selected staff)

Project management (all HR) Note: Due to timing some of this training will be undertaken during 2011.

Lean Six Sigma (all HR). Note: Lean Six Sigma Training has been made available to all HR staff involved in project teams related to HR Renewal projects. Further training sessions will be undertaken during 2011.

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3. HR Renewal Planning 2011

In the original review undertaken by PwC it was highlighted that the HR Renewal Project would be a 12 – 24 month program of change. Whilst a large number of the initiatives outlined in the program have been implemented, there are still a significant number that need to be undertaken.

To allow Human Resources to finalise the work undertaken to date with the HR Renewal Program additional funding was requested, and approved, to continue and finalise this program during 2011.

3.1. Program Outline

The PwC review identified that HR staff currently spend approximately 73% of their time on administrative and basic advisory tasks. The program of change has already realised significant process savings and the work during 2010.

During 2011, HR will build upon these administrative opportunities. The end result for Human Resources will be the implementation of more ‘value added’ activities for our clients and improved and reduced administrative overheads for the University.

The 2011 HR Renewal Program includes:

Electronic Document Management Implementation and alignment of the University wide electronic management solution (Cortex Project) that will allow Human Resources to move to full electronic records management. This will include:

o The development of a HR electronic records strategy. o Compliance with the NSW State Records Management Act. o Compliance to recent Audit Reviews. o Minimise the time and effort in filing, retrieval and storage of paper

records. o Reduction in on site storage requirements.

Process Improvement Projects The initial HR Renewal Program identified four key areas of improvement. During 2011 this program will be expanded to include:

o Realignment of activities within Staffing and Payroll. o Remuneration and benefits o Implementation of recommendations from the report titled ‘HR Renewal

Program – MQ HR Process Improvements’ which identifies system and process changes across all operational areas of Human Resources.

Communications/ Website Development

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4. HR CAPEX Planning 2011

4.1. Performance Management System

The implementation of a performance management solution, endorsed by the Senior Executive, will allow Macquarie University to further embed and track the organisation wide performance management cycle from organisational strategy through to individual reward thus aiding in the attraction and retention of outstanding personnel. The implementation of a technical performance management solution will underpin the implementation of a performance bonus for professional staff. Background There is an organisational KPI in place for the introduction of a performance bonus system for professional staff. The key dependency for the successful implementation of a bonus system is a technical and secure performance management solution where information can be entered at the functional source and tracked by Human Resources. Benefits

To achieve alignment between organisation strategy and individual KPI’s. Increase the update of the performance management system through

efficiencies in tracking staff participation in the performance management cycle, both annually and longitudinally with targeted interventions/ follow ups with groups who are slow to adopt.

More targeted support for functions and work units through improved tracking of development plans.

Improve the ability to drive performance in the University by making objectives clear and accountable, transparent and easy to manage.

Enablement of a professional reward system, which is currently absent in the performance management cycle.

Improved monitoring of the quality of documented performance and management goals. Enables targeted support to managers who require more coaching in these areas of performance management.

Efficiencies in tracking of staff development plans and achievement leading to more accurate performance records.

Reduced time to administer performance management cycle across the University.

Financial Allocation A request for an allocation of $265,250 as part of the 2011 CAPEX Planning Cycle was made and approved.

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Impact areas internal to HR

Organisational Development Team HR Renewal Business Analyst HRIS Systems Team Vendor

Impact areas external to HR

Informatics (technical integration) Faculty Executive Faculty HR Managers/ Office HR representatives and/or HoD Senior Executive

Project Management Project Lead: Margo Droulers, Manager Organisation and Staff Development Project Manager & Functional Lead: Marie Cirillo, Business Analyst HR Renewal Program Project team members proposed include:

Margo Droulers Marie Cirillo Faculty HR representative/s HRIS Systems representative Informatics representative (integration)

Note: Work has commenced in planning this project, engagement with Informatics and documenting business requirements.

4.2. Implementation of an OH&S System

It was highlighted that there was an urgent need to purchase a University wide occupational health & safety (OH&S) management system to support the workplace management of OH&S and workers compensation arrangements. Under NSW and Australian laws Macquarie University is required to ensure prompt reporting of all claims to its insurance partners and government agencies.

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The implementation of a university wide OH&S management system will provide risk control interventions not currently in place. Further during 2011, the University is moving to a burning cost model of premium calculation and it is extremely important that we can provide reporting of our OH&S related claims for the development of an annual insurance levy. The Vice Chancellor and Executive have committed the Macquarie University and related organisations to this model.


Implement an ‘incident reporting system’ for Macquarie University that will enable web based, enterprise reporting of OH&S incidents and work related injuries or illnesses.

Web based enterprise reporting of identified ‘hazards, risks and associated workflow’ to eliminate these.

Strong compliance with statutory and legislative obligations in particular those relevant to OH&S, workers compensation and workplace injury management.

Improvement in the quality of data relevant to OH&S, workers compensation and workplace injury management.

Reductions in time spent on manual processes and duplicating data across multiple systems.

Integrate with the University’s HRIS. Provide a single point of data entry for all OH&S, workplace injury and

insurance claims management processes; crisis management cases. Reduce costs, including material and distribution costs. Reduce annual insurance premium costs and provide reporting to support the

new financial burning cost model. Provide a central source of reporting, OH&S and hazard issues related to

students. (It should be noted that this is the first year that we will be using the one system for reporting staff and students.)

Financial Allocation A request for an allocation of $259,100 as part of the 2011 CAPEX Planning Cycle was made and approved. Impact areas internal to HR

Staff Health Team HRIS Systems Team

Impact areas external to HR

Campus Wellbeing Faculty HR representatives Financial Services

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Informatics Student Business Systems & Solutions representative University Hospital Vendor

Project Management Project Lead: Michael Carley, Manager Staff Health Project team members proposed include:

Michael Carley Kerrie Gregory Matthew Stafford Campus Wellbeing representative/s Faculty HR representative/s Financial Services representative HRIS systems representative MGSM and University Hospital representatives Organisational Development team member (change management plan)

Note: Work has commenced in planning this project, engagement with Informatics and documenting business requirements.

4.3. Implementation of an Induction Module

Orientation and onboarding of new staff to Macquarie University is a key activity for Human Resources. Impressions formed by new employees during their first weeks and months can be lasting and significantly influence the Macquarie University employee brand.

Background The request from the CAPEX planning was the implementation of the Taleo Onboarding/ Induction module to follow on from the recent implementation of the new eRecruitment solution from Taleo. The implementation will allow a fully streamlined application, offer and induction process. Benefits

Realign the full recruitment model and service offerings from Human Resources to deliver greater value to internal clients and demonstrate to new starters that the University is committed to becoming a top eight Australian university.

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Implement a formal monitoring system to track; measure and ensure that all probation periods are adequately monitored by the University. This will allow the University to ensure it is not retaining unsuitable new staff.

Recent Audit Reviews indicate the induction and orientation experience for new higher is highly variable. This project will ensure that the information provided and the experience received by new employees is consistent across the University.

Increased productivity of new hires so tht the time taken to fully contribute to the organisational objectives is reduced.

Increase consistency of branding and messaging to all new hires and reducing our legal risks in relation to policy and compliance.

Financial Allocation A request for an allocation of $70,640 as part of the 2011 CAPEX Planning Cycle was made and approved. Impact areas internal to HR

HRIS systems team Organisational Development Team Staffing Team

Impact areas external to HR

Faculty and Department HR areas Informatics Vendor

Project Management Project Lead: Sally Matthey, Manager Strategic Resourcing and Talent Business Analyst: Marie Cirillo, HR Renewal Project Project team members proposed include:

Sally Matthey Marie Cirillo Lisa Warren Faculty HR representative/s HRIS systems representative Induction Project Team members Informatics representative (integration between Taleo & HRIS system)

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4.4. Implementation of the Alesco Time and Attendance Module Background

This project is the implementation of the Alesco HRIS Time and Attendance module. This module meets the needs of a number of key stakeholders across the University where a high percentage of staff in these workplaces work various hours via predetermined shifts.

This module will interpret awards and develop rosters for their team/s which then derives the payments available to the employee.


Allow the planning and rostering of employee work times in advance. Management of roster and time and attendance by managers using the WSS

(web self service) functionality of HRIS. Full integration with other Alesco functions including costing, leave and payroll

processing. Automatic interpretation of work times under the required Award/Agreement

eliminating interpretation errors and variations and providing efficient and consistent application of payment rules.

Financial Allocation A request for an allocation of $115,000 as part of the 2011 CAPEX Planning Cycle was made and approved. Impact areas internal to HR

HRIS Systems team. Payroll Team Staffing Team

Impact areas external to HR

Informatics – shift work stakeholder - systems integration

Library Vendor

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Project Management Project Lead: Doug Barker, HR Operations Manager Project team members proposed include:

Lorraine Francke, HRIS Systems Administrator Business Analyst, HRIS Systems Team Informatics representative Library representative/s Office of Facilities Management representative/s

4.5. Implementation of the V12 Alesco Minor Release

Background The Human Resources Alesco/ Talent2 HRIS is the core system used for managing all aspects of staff payments associated with the University. To ensure we remain compliant with the vendor there is a requirement that we apply minor releases to the system during the course of the year. This upgrade is normally scheduled for either April or October annually. Benefits

The upgrade is required to remain compliant contractually with the vendor of the Alesco HRIS, being Talent2.

The upgrade provides Human Resources systems team with the latest system and functionality improvements, resolution to some of the outstanding issues and bug resolutions previously identified.

The upgrades allow Macquarie University to remain compliant with legislative changes to Payroll and HR as and when changes are made.

Financial Allocation A request for an allocation of $20,250 as part of the 2011 CAPEX Planning Cycle was made and approved. Impact areas internal to HR

HRIS Systems team Payroll team Staffing team Superannuation Team

Impact areas external to HR

Informatics User Acceptance Testing – external to HR Vendor

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Project Management Project Lead: Doug Barker, HR Operations Manager Project team members proposed include:

Lorraine Francke, HRIS Systems Administrator Business Analyst, HRIS Systems Team Informatics representative Payroll team members Vendor representative

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5. Program Management

To fully support Human Resources in achieving the program of work in both the 2011 HR Renewal Program and CAPEX projects it is essential that a program manager be appointed to oversee the program of work.

There has been a significant financial investment by the University to support the HR Renewal Program and CAPEX planning and it is recommended that the program be overseen by a Program Manager. This role is part time role that will be supported by the HR Management Team and the project team outlined below.

5.1. CAPEX & HR Renewal Project Team

The project team within Human Resources required supporting this program of work during 2011 needs to be managed effectively to minimise disruption. The management of business as usual activities and learning’s from the 2010 program of work highlight that we under estimated the impact of the program of change.

Therefore it is recommended that dedicated resources be allocated to the project team and where necessary, adequate backfilling from within the project is allocated to support existing activities.

The proposed HR Renewal Project Team includes the allocation of a Change Manager to assist in a specific internal change management and staff engagement process during 2011. It is recommended that this role be engaged to focus on the engagement of the two HR Operational areas under the management of the HR Operations and Manager Strategic Resourcing and Talent.

5.2. Program Financials

The financial allocation for the program of work during 2011 is outlined in the following table.

Program Financial Allocation Project Lead

HR Renewal 2011 $700,000 Karen Davies (TBC) Performance Management System $265,250 Margo Droulers OH&S System $259,100 Michael Carley Induction Module $70,640 Sally Matthey Time and Attendance Module $115,000 Doug Barker Alesco HRIS Minor Release $20,250 Doug Barker

Total Allocation $1,430,240

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Human Resources Program Review

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5.3. Project Dissection

Program Software Licences

Consultancy/ Vendor

Program Costs

Other Allocation

HR Renewal 2011 $50,000 $55,000 $595,000 $700,000 Performance Management System

$120,000 $100,000 $25,250 $20,000 $265,250

OH&S System $175,000 $50,000 $24,100 $10,000 $259,100 Induction Module $40,000 $6,640 $24,000 $70,640 Time and Attendance Module

$43,000 $72,000 $115,000

Alesco HRIS Minor Release

$15,000 $5,250 $20,250

Total Allocation $1,430,240

5.4. HR Priorities 2011 – 2016

The HR Renewal Program for 2011 and the CAPEX Planning approved projects support many of the strategies outlined at the recent HR Manager’s Strategy Planning Day. These include:

Talent Strategy. With further development and use of our new eRecruitment solution, Taleo, HR will be in a better position to manage a talent pool and effectively work towards succession planning.

Succession Planning. The performance management solution that will be implemented during 2011 will allow Human Resources to better manage staff skills, succession planning and effectively manage the capability frameworks for staff.

Automate and Streamline Processes The additional work of the 2011 HR Renewal process improvement streams will allow HR to further streamline and automate processes.

Data capture and cleansing. With further work in data entry and refined processes in parallel with the data cleansing work that has commenced, HR will be able to present information on HR related data to fulfill university reporting needs more effectively.

Paperless HR within 5 years. The implementation and development of a HR electronic management strategy and the implementation of the University electronic content management solution within HR will place us on the road to achieving this goal by 2016.

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HR Renewal: Progress Review

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5.5. Timeline


HR Renewal Project

Planning Process Reviews, Recommendations & Implementation

Electronic Document Management

Planning with Informatics Develop HR ECM Policy

Implementation with Informatics (Scanning records/ amending processes etc.)

Electronic Document Mgt Standard practice for HR

Performance Management

User Requirements


Change Management Plan

Implementation ------------------------

User training & support

Go Live

Managers Training & Support

Training & Support

Post Implementation Review

OH&S System

User Requirements


Implementation ------------------------

User training & support

Go Live

Post Implementation


Financial and Reporting requirements final review.

Post Implementation Review

Induction Module

User Requirements

Market Review

Implementation ------------------------

User training & support

Post Implementation


Online Timesheets Pilot Online Timesheets Phased implementation across business units

Time and Attendance

User Requirements Alesco/ HRIS Systems Implementation

& User Acceptance Testing Phased


Alesco Minor Release v12 2 & 3

Planning & User Acceptance Go Live

(May 2011)

Alesco Version 13 Upgrade

Planning - Version 13 & User Acceptance Testing

(Go Live April 2012)

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Human Resources Program Review

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TASK STAFFING PAYROLL SYSTEMS CORRECT LOCATION COMMENT/SPersonal data changes not on WSS Current HR Service Desk Note: The Taleo integration will minimise the level of work here.New Hires/ Onboarding Current Payroll

Deductions Current Current PayrollNote: Parking permits previously managed within Systems has been transferred to Financial Services.

Increment Current PayrollDirectory information Current HR Service Desk Automated mailing table to Informatics for Phonebook etc.Honorary Current StaffingVisiting Academics Current StaffingFellowships Current StaffingAllowances Current PayrollSalary Loading Current PayrollChanges in Hours (Occupancy) Current PayrollChanges in Hours (Position) Current StaffingHigher Duties Allowances Current Payroll Email triggers need to be initiated to manage the length of HDA's

Secondments Current Staffing/ PayrollThe letter will need to come from Staffing however the position changes need to be made by Payroll for consistency.

Fractional Changes Current Staffing/ PayrollPay rate changes Current Payroll

Classifications/ reclassifications Current Staffing/ PayrollThe letter will need to come from Staffing however the position changes need to be made by Payroll for consistency.

Contract extensions Current Staffing/ PayrollThe letter will need to come from Staffing however the position changes need to be made by Payroll for consistency.

Change in position due to internal promotions/appointments Current Staffing/ Payroll

The letter will need to come from Staffing however the position changes need to be made by Payroll for consistency.

Qualifications maintenance Current StaffingImplementation of WSS Qualifications option will address this administrative need.

OSP Payment Current StaffingCreating New Positions Current Staffing To be managed by the HR Establishment OfficerChanges in position Current ER/StaffingConversion - position and person Current Staffing Position Reporting Relationships Current Staffing To be managed by the HR Establishment OfficerProbation Current StaffingDefaulting leave balances Current PayrollAccount code changes Current Payroll

Reporting All

Reporting needs to relate to the task/ area to which it relates within HR. Note: All staff, if not already, will be trained in HRIS reporting.

Working with children checks Current StaffingVISA Current StaffingCriminal History/ Qualifications Check Current StaffingAcademic Promotions Cycle Current StaffingAdvising on EA to staff members Current StaffingStatements of Service Current HR Service DeskPerformance Issues Current ER/StaffingChange Management/ Business Restructuring Current ER/Staffing

Need for engagement with ER and better communication needs to occur for effective planning.

Employment branding Current StaffingPayroll enquiries Current Payroll

Non employee DatabaseInformatics Help Desk

Informatics - Help Desk