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Sociology Final Exam Study Guide

Spring 2015

This exam covers the following material:

Ritzer: Chapters 6 (Deviance and Crime), 11 (Religion and d!cation), 1" (#olitics and conom$), 1%

(#op!lation and nvironment), 1& ('ocial Change, 'ocial ovements)

Readings: Religion and depression, 99 Problems, Environmental racism, Six sins of Greenwashing,

Criminal justice sstem, !mpact of media on politics"

ideos: #he $orax, %eather &nderground, short clips from class

1* +ave a clear !nderstanding of the readings,

"* .nderstand $o!r %th and &th /mendment rights, as disc!ssed in class and in reading*

 'ourth (mendment ) Protection from unreasonable search and sei*ure

#he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against

unreasonable searches and sei*ures, shall not be violated, and no %arrants shall issue, but upon

 probable cause, supported b +ath or affirmation, and particularl describing the place to be

 searched, and the persons or things to be sei*ed"

 'ifth (mendment ) ue process, double jeopard, self)incrimination, private propert

 -o person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a

 presentment or indictment of a Grand .ur, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or

in the /ilitia, when in actual service in time of %ar or public danger0 nor shall an person be

 subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopard of life or limb0 nor shall be compelled in

an criminal case to be a witness against himself0 nor be deprived of life, libert, or propert,

without due process of law0 nor shall private propert be ta1en for public use without just


0* e a2le to explain the eight #art 3 or 3ndex offenses* -now the difference 2etween crimes*

 /urder and non)negligent manslaughter 2 #he willful 3non)negligent4 1illing of one human

being b another" eaths caused b negligence, attempts to 1ill, assaults to 1ill, suicides, and

accidental deaths are excluded" .ustifiable homicides are classified separatel"

 'orcible rape 2 #he carnal 1nowledge of a female forcibl and against her will" (ssaults or

attempts to commit rape b force or threat of force are also included0 however, statutor rape

3without force4 and other sex offenses are excluded"

 Robber 2 #he ta1ing or attempted ta1ing of anthing of value from the care, custod, or

control of a person or persons b force or threat of force or violence and5or b putting the

victim in fear"

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 (ggravated assault 2 (n unlawful attac1 b one person upon another for the purpose of

inflicting severe or aggravated bodil injur" #his tpe of assault usuall is accompanied b

the use of a weapon or b means li1el to produce death or great bodil harm" Simple

assaults are excluded"

 Propert +ffenses

 6urglar ) brea1ing or entering 2 #he unlawful entr of a structure to commit a felon or a

theft" (ttempted forcible entr is included"

 $arcen)theft 3except motor vehicle theft4 2 #he unlawful ta1ing, carring, leading, or riding 

awa of propert from the possession or constructive possession of another" Examples are

thefts of biccles or automobile accessories, shoplifting, poc1et)pic1ing, or the stealing of

an propert or article that is not ta1en b force and violence or b fraud" (ttempted

larcenies are included" Embe**lement, confidence games, forger, worthless chec1s, etc", are


 /otor vehicle theft 2 #he theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle" ( motor vehicle is self)

 propelled and runs on land surface and not on rails" /otorboats, construction e7uipment,airplanes, and farming e7uipment are specificall excluded from this categor"

 (rson 2 (n willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to

defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal propert of

another, etc"

%* -now the steps involved in the s$stem (for felonies)*

4  !nvestigation ) search warrant ) !nterrogation ) arrest 

4 Complaint, information, and indictment )arraignment )bail  

4  Plea negotiation )trial 

4 #he verdict )appeal

8 !f a person commits a felon or misdemeanor crime in the presence of a law enforcement

officer, the officer ma arrest the person without a warrant"

8 !f an officer has probable cause to believe that a person has committed a felon crime,

even if the crime was not committed in the officers presence, the officer ma arrest the person

&* e a2le to disc!ss ine5!alities in the criminal !stice s$stem, incl!ding the p!rpose7importance of bail and affording a private attorne"

 !n much less serious offenses, an individual who is well established in the communit with a job,

a home, and famil to support ma be released on relativel low bail" +r, a defendant ma be

released without bail" #his is sometimes referred to as being released in one's own recognizance ,or :  R.O.R.: 

 'or those who can;t afford a private attorne, the assigns a public" <aving access to doesn;t

mean having an access to a good" Public lawers also have a lot of cases to deal with" #hus the

are unfocused" 6ad defense" 6(((("

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6* -now the three 8camps9 that criminologists fall into*== sub)culture 3anomie4, control, strain, labeling, critical criminolog===

Classical  Positivist 3outside the individual control4

 /arxist * e a2le to recognize and disc!ss the following theories: la2eling, differential association, social

control, strain*Strain theor> theor based on the idea that the discrepanc between the larger structure of

 societ and the means available to people to achieve that which the societ considers deviant 

Social control> structural functional> wh people don;t engage in deviant behavior 

 $abeling> a theor contending that a deviant is someone whom a deviant label has successfull


 ifferential association> theor focuses on the fact that people learn criminal behavior from

those whom the associate 3 3 ;<=<> ?@A B< EFGH

I* .nderstand Three 'triJes Kaws and Lelon$ !rder R!le? felon   normal sentence

@ felonies   twice the sentence

A felonies   @B ears to life 3in California, an crime4

M* e a2le to disc!ss the social f!nctions of ed!cation as disc!ssed in class*

N Sociali*ation> #ransmit 1nowledge, teach technical s1ills, norms, values, democrac more

education eb@o dominant set and values 3conflict4, discipline, reward3smbolic4

N Social Control> submissive, custodian children,   best students 3more attention4, nonwhites more

li1el to be suspended3conflict4"" $abeled as a bad 1id, stereotpe threat 

N Selection and allocation> careers after grad, e"g college, trade vocation, major   counselors

 focus on top students, magnet schools

N  (ssimilation> helps newcomers assimilate

N  !nnovation and change> research

1O* .nderstand the ine5!alities in ed!cation*more education eb@o dominant set and values 3conflict4,

best students 3more attention4, nonwhites more li1el to be suspended3conflict 

33+ur educational sstem is not meritocratic" !f we loo1 at the statistics, we see that the student

with the highest reading and math scores are those whose parents have the most education" #he same pattern is evident if we loo1 at the famil income and occupational status" (sian and white

have much higher achievement than blac1 and <ispanic students" /ale Dfemales""

11* e a2le to disc!ss how sociologists view religion*

Sociologists ta1e no position in the religious debates" #he purpose of studing religion is rather

to understand the role it plas as a central force in man lives

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 1"* .nderstand the reasons 2ehind sec!larization as disc!ssed in the text*

4  Rise of scientific thin1ing as an alternative wa of interpreting the world that encourages

 s1epticism and doubt 

4 #he development of industrial societ thus encourages materialism and downplas

otherworldl concerns4 #he rise of govs that don;t mandate or promote established religion

4 #he encouragement of religion tolerance, which leads to watering of religion and differences

in particular 

4 #he existence of competing secular moral ideologies such as humanism

10* e a2le to disc!ss the worldPs most significant religions*

 .udaism, <induism, 6uddhism, !slam, Christianit

1%* .nderstand who votes7does not vote and wh$7wh$ not*oters> those who are politicall active and believe in the democratic process"

 -on)oters> #hose who don;t believe in the democratic process and view it as ineffective or theresults are alread predetermined 

 !n the middle> those are neither politicall active nor defined as non)voters" #he sometimes

 participate and sometimes don;t"

1&* e a2le to explain the maor differences 2etween capitalism and socialism*Capitalism is an economic sstem in which individuals can own the means of production as well

as the services that others ma need 

#he three core components of capitalism

) Private ownership of propert) Profit motivation

) Competition in a free mar1et F mar1ets that are free from government control 

• socialism is the economic sstem b which resources and the means of production are owned

collectivel b the citi*ens

• #he basic components of socialism are

• Collective ownership and e7ual distribution of wealth in societ

•  !rrelevance of profit 

•  Planned econom that emphasi*es collective values

16* Qe a2le to disc!ss how cons!merism ma$ contri2!te to pro2lems in poorer co!ntries, as well asthe .*'*Consumerism is considered to be the hallmar1 of postmodern societ" Post modern consumption


deficit is made up in core countries b drawing down the natural resources of their own

countries and expropriating the resources, through trade, of peripheral countries" !n other words,

 someone has to pa for our consumption levels"

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 exploit wor1ers in poor countries b violating their labor rights" (rguments against the

relationship between the price of a product and the wage paid b a compan0 %ages of wor1ers

emploed in foreign)owned firms0 (ccusations of anti)globali*ation activists against global


environmentHmanufacture industries and pollutionH

1* e a2le to explain the pros and cons of immigration, incl!ding illegal immigration and the impacton ed!cation in the .*'*

 !mmigration has had a positive effect on the econom of the us" !mmigrants don;t compete, no

less s1ill, no drain to public finance, pa more taxes and social securit, high cost of border


 Politicall, freer immigration  democrati*ation, because highl s1illed and educated people

leave for better opportunities" Puts pressure on regimes to reform" -ation states compete to 1eep

the best people and attract those from elsewhere"

 /oral arguments  freedom of movement is a universal and basic human rightI

 'ree immigration means more political and economic justice


1I* -now wh$7how we face water pro2lems in the .*'* and glo2all$*

%ater ine7ualit> man of the world pop have little to no access to water 

%ater Pollution> through manufacturing, mining, agriculture and waste /arine pollution> this leads to disruption of ecolog

Scarcit of water>

 esertification> decline in water suppl as a result of the degredation and deterioration of soiland vegetation

1M* .nderstand and 2e a2le to explain greenwashing*

“greenwashing” – false or misleading green marketing claims.

Sin of the Hidden Trade-O – The Sin of the Hidden Trade-o is committed bysuggesting a roduct is “green” based on a single en!ironmental attribute

Sin of "o #roof – $ny en!ironmental claim that cannot be substantiated by easily

accessible suorting informationSin of %rrele!ance – The Sin of %rrele!ance is committed by making anen!ironmental claim that may be truthful but is unimortant and unhelful forconsumers seeking en!ironmentally referable roductsSin of &ibbing – The Sin of &ibbing is committed by making en!ironmental claimsthat are simly false.

Sin of $esser of #wo Evils F #hese are JgreenK claims that ma be true within the product

categor, but that ris1 distracting the consumer from the greater environmental impacts of the

categor as a whole"

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"O* .nderstand and 2e a2le to appl$ the stages of social movements from class disc!ssion andexercise*

 Emergence> #eole reali'e that others are worried about it( too.Coalescence> ?" People get together and membership grows"

?" Groups reach out and public awareness grows"

@" Goals are defined" 6ureaucrati*ation>

?" People get together and membership grows"

@" Groups reach out and public awareness grows"

A" Goals are defined"


?" #he movement ma accomplish its goal"@" !t ma fall apart due to lac1 of interest, unclear goals"

"1* e a2le to disc!ss the positive and negative effects of riots, s!ch as those that occ!rred after therand S!r$ failed to indict in the shooting death of ichael rown in Lerg!son, *

""* -now the five t$pes of reso!rces needed for a s!ccessf!l social movement as disc!ssed in thetext* /aterial resources

Social organi*ational 

 <uman resources

 /oral resources

Cultural resources

"0* e a2le to explain the fo!r t$pes of social movements*#ea part

%omen;s movements

Ga and lesbian movements civil rights movements

"%* -now the terms in the 2acJ of the chapters*

"&* e a2le to appl$ the three sociological perspectives to an$ topic we have covered*

This exam will 2e part m!ltiple choice (mostl$ from terms in text), part ver$ short answer (text, class,

readings), part short essa$, and one longer essa$ 5!estion that ever$one answers* That 5!estion will comefrom item Q16 a2ove*