Filtering a Image

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  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Lesson 15: Filtering 2-D images

    This lesson is all about how convolving an image with a filter transforms an image,and how this transformation can be viewed in the frequency domain using fft2.


    Superposition Filtering gratings Where's Waldo? Exercises

    A filter in 2-dimensions takes an image as an input and returns an image as its

    output - much like a 1-D filter transforms a time-course to another time-course.Just like the 1-D case, a linear shift invariant filter can be described entirely by itsimpulse response function, which in our case can be thought of as the

    transformation of an image containing a single 'white' pixel.

    A really simple filter blurs an image using an impulse response as a Gaussian. That

    is, it turns points in to Gaussians. Let's create its impulse response:

    wDeg = 1; %size of image (in degrees)

    nPix = 50; %resolution of image (pixels);

    [xf,yf] = meshgrid(linspace(-wDeg/2,wDeg/2,nPix+1));

    xf = xf(1:end-1,1:end-1);

    yf = yf(1:end-1,1:end-1);

    sigma = .3; %width of Gaussian (1/e half-width)

    Gaussian = exp(-(xf.^2+yf.^2)/sigma^2);



  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    The transformation of an image by this filter is done by convolution, just like the1-D case. The 2-D convolution at any specific pixel location is calculated by

    placing the filter on the image centered on the pixel, multiplying the image valuesby their corresponding filter values and adding it all up (i.e. the dot product of theimage and the filter). The whole image is filtered by doing this at every pixel

    location, effectively 'sliding' the filter around the image (like the 'smudge' tool in


    Matlab's 2-D function is 'conv2'. Let's convolve an image containing a single white

    pixel with the Gaussian:

    wDeg = 4; %size of image (in degrees)

    nPix = 200; %resolution of image (pixels);

    [x,y] = meshgrid(linspace(-wDeg/2,wDeg/2,nPix+1));

    x = x(1:end-1,1:end-1);

    y = y(1:end-1,1:end-1);

    img = zeros(size(x));

    img(end/2,end/2) = 1;

    filtImg = conv2(img,Gaussian,'same');





  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Not surprisingly, we get the impulse response back because we calculated theresponse to an impulse (duh).


    Filtering the sum of two images is the same as adding the images after filtering. Soa filtered image containing a few sparse pixels becomes a few Gaussians. The

    Gausisans add on top of eachother if the underlying pixels are close enough so they


    img = zeros(size(x));

    img(rand(size(img))>1-5/nPix^2) = 1;

    filtImg = conv2(img,Gaussian,'same');






  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Filtering gratings

    Just like for the 1-D case, when a grating is passed through a linear shift-invariantfilter the output is a grating of the same spatial frequency. Only the amplitude andphase are changed. Here's what happens when you filter a grating with the

    Gaussian filter:

    Make a grating;

    orientation = 90; %deg (counter-clockwise from horizontal)

    sf = 4; %spatial frequency (cycles/deg)

    ramp = sin(orientation*pi/180)*x-cos(orientation*pi/180)*y;

    grating = sin(2*pi*sf*ramp);

    filtImg = conv2(grating,Gaussian,'same');


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    We'll always get a grating, no matter how weird our impulse response is:

    weirdFilt = rand(size(Gaussian))-.5;

    filtImg = conv2(grating,weirdFilt,'same');


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Except for the edge artifacts, notice how the inside of the image is a grating of thesame frequency, and how the phase and amplitude changes.

    So, like the 1-D case, we have the following facts:

    1) Any 2-D image can be represented as a sum of gratings. 2) Linear filteringsatisfies the properties of superposition and additivity. 3) A filtered grating is just

    another grating of the same frequency.

    From these three facts, it follows that a filter can be completely described by howit transforms sinusoidal gratings. And, since the impulse response also completely

    describes the filter, the fft of the impulse response does too. This means that we

    can look at the fft of the impulse response to see what parts of the frequencyspetrum pass through the filter.

    A good example is a Gabor filter:

    orientation = 0; %deg (counter-clockwise from horizontal)

    sf =3.75; %spatial frequency (cycles/deg)

    ramp = sin(orientation*pi/180)*xf-cos(orientation*pi/180)*yf;

    grating = sin(2*pi*sf*ramp);

    Gabor = grating.*Gaussian;


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    When we filter noise by the Gabor filter, we're only allowing through the gratingcomponents in the noise that correspond to the amplitudes in the filter:

    noise = randn(size(x));

    filtNoise = conv2(noise,Gabor,'same');


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    This should look familiar. In the previous lesson we did a similar thing bymultiplying the amplitudes in the frequency domain. It should be clear, now, that

    there are two ways to filter an image - either through convolution of the impulseresponse function or by multiplying the fft of the image by the fft of the impulseresponse function.

    To demonstrate, we'll do the same filtering in the frequency domain:

    fftFilt = fft2(Gabor,size(x,1),size(x,2));

    fftNoise = fft2(noise);

    fftFiltNoise = fftFilt.*fftNoise;

    filtNoise2 = ifft2(fftFiltNoise);


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Where's Waldo?

    I've scanned in (without copyright permission) a page from a 'Where's Waldo'book. Let's build a filter to help find Waldo. First we'll read in the image and cropit to be square.

    waldo = imread('Waldo.bmp');

    %waldo = imread('TheGobblingGluttons.jpg');

    %waldo = imread('DepartmentStore.jpg');




    axis equal

    axis tight

  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Our goal is to build a filter that finds Waldo. This will be done by analyzing acomponent of the image containing Waldo-like features.

    Since Waldo's stripes are red and white, how do we combine the r,g, and b imagesto make a grayscale image where the stripes are black and white?

    Our transformation will be: red - (.5*green + .5*blue)

    waldo2D = double(waldo(:,:,1)-.5*waldo(:,:,2)-.5*waldo(:,:,3));

    waldo2D = waldo2D-mean(waldo2D(:));




    colormap(gray);axis equal

    axis tight

  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Let the user click on a possible location of 'Waldo' (e.g. stripes) and crop the imagedown to the region around where the mouse was clicked. Then show the cropped

    image in figure 2.

    The user input is done with 'ginput' which waits for the user to click the mouse on

    the current figure and returns the x and y positions. the '1' means wait for just oneclick.


    [xClick,yClick] = ginput(1);

    xClick = round(xClick);

    yClick = round(yClick);

    %size of square patch (pixels)

    sz = 50;

    patch2D = waldo2D(yClick-sz/2:yClick+sz/2-1,xClick-sz/2:xClick+sz/2-1);

    Now we'll calculate the spatial freqency of the stripes.

    [xx,yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-sz/2,sz/2,sz));

    patch2D= patch2D-mean(patch2D(:));




  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Have the user click on the 2D fft to get the spatial frequency:


    [foo,sf] = ginput(1);

    disp(sprintf('Spatial Frequency: %5.2f cycles/pixel',sf));

    Spatial Frequency: 0.05 cycles/pixel

    Make a sin-phase Gabor with the desired spatial frequency:

    sigma = 1/sf; %width of Gaussian (1/e half-width)

    Gaussian = exp(-(xx.^2+yy.^2)/sigma^2);

    gratingSin = sin(2*pi*sf*yy);

    GaborSin = gratingSin.*Gaussian;




  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Filter the image with 'GaborSin' and look at the result:

    filtImgSin = conv2(waldo2D,GaborSin,'same');




    axis equal

    axis off


  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Notice that the filter does pick up on the locations in the Waldo image containingstripes, but the filtered image has stripes, too. This is because the output of filtering

    by our Gabor is dependent upon spatial phase. In the convolution process, whenthe filter and the image match up, the output is a large positive number, but whenthey're out of phase, the output is a large negative number.

    Another way to think about it is to remember that a filtered sinusoid is also a

    sinusoid. So where the waldo image is sinusoidal, the filtered output will besinusoidal too.

    What we really want is a filtering process that picks up on the stripey parts, butdoesn't depend on phase. One way to do this is to filter with Gabors of both sin and

    cosine phase and combine the outputs. Since sin^2+cos^2=1, it follows that thesum of squared outputs of the filtered images will only reflect the amplitude of thesinusoids in the image.

    The two filters are called a 'quadrature pair'.

    The next step convolves the image with a cosine-phase Gabor:

    gratingCos = cos(2*pi*sf*yy);

    GaborCos = gratingCos.*Gaussian;

    filtImgCos = conv2(waldo2D,GaborCos,'same');

  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image


    Our phase-invariant filtered image is combined by taking the square root of thesum of squares of the two phase-dependent filtered images.

    filtImg = sqrt(filtImgSin.^2+filtImgCos.^2);



    axis equal

    axis off


    This next part modifies the original Waldo image by multiplying it point-by-point

    with a scaled version of our phase-invariant filtered image. It makes the imagedarker where there is red and white stripey stuff.

    attenuateImg = filtImg/max(filtImg(:));

    attenuateImg = (attenuateImg+.25)/1.25;

    newImg = uint8(double(waldo).*repmat(attenuateImg,[1,1,3]));




    axis equal

    axis off

  • 7/29/2019 Filtering a Image



    1) Find some more Waldo images on the web and see if you can get the code aboveto find Waldo. Since the spatial frequencies of the images are in cycles/pixel, thecode doesn't rely on an assumption about the image size, so it should generally

    work. You might have to mess with the size of the filter ('sz').

    2) The Waldo image has a couple of green and white stripey distractors. Can you

    combine the image colors and run the code so that it finds these distractors instead?

    3) What does the filter find when you use a zero spatial frequency filter (e.g. a


    Published with MATLAB 7.11