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Film opening titles- Breakfast At Tiffany's

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Film Opening Titles-

Breakfast At Tiffany’s

By Lucy Johnson

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The Production CompanyThe first image shown is the production company; this indicates that this is important

because without a production company, there wouldn’t be a film.

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The first and second names that appear are ‘Audrey Hepburn’ and ‘George Peppard’.

This is because Audrey Hepburn is the main character in the film and George Peppard

plays the second biggest role.

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The title of the film comes after the production company and two main actors. This is

because the actors have ‘star power’, drawing the audience into the famous well

known actors, more than the name of the film.

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After the titles of the film, the next piece of writing to appear is the producer’s name.

The producers are the people who take overall responsibility for the production and

planning of the whole film, so they are very important people.

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• Names of people who co-star in the film appear next; Patricia Neal appears by

herself on screen because she is a more well known actress and has a more

important role in the film.

• The next frame shows three names on the screen, these actors are less important

than Patricia Neal and also have a lesser role in the film.

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The next names are just other actors in

the film- they may not necessarily be

known to the audience, but they are still

in the film and have small roles.

The last actors name that appears on

the screen is Mickey Rooney as “Mr.

Yunioshi’. His name is shown last

because ‘Mr Yunioshi’ is a main

character and is important so his

name is shown separately so people

remember it.

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The next shot shows a long list of

names and what their job was in

the film. These are the people that

the audience don’t see or

particularly care about, but they are

still very important to the making

of the film e.g. Set Decoration

The next shot is similar to the

last, although at the bottom it

has copyright logos.

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The next two shots are about the music; the name of a very famous song ‘Moonriver’

that was written for the film is included in the titles. This has audience appeal, as

people may like the song or the singer, so want to watch the film. The next shot is

the music, and just one name is shown. Henry Mancini produces the music for

‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s’ and he also sung ‘Moonriver’, so he was well known, also

creating audience appeal.

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The last three shots are essentially the most

important. The producers and director are

shown last so that their names is the last

that the audience see; so it stays in their


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• How do the titles link to the genre of the film?

• The font and the colour of the font both are very smart.

• Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

• There aren’t any characters that are actually introduced within the opening

titles, apart from Mr Yunioshi, but still the audience doesn’t see the character, only

his character name is shown.

• From the opening titles you can begin to tell what type of film it is going to be.

Although we only see Audrey Hepburn, from the clothes she’s wearing and the way

she’s walking the audience can tell that she is smart and posh. Because she’s the

only character shown, we know that the main character in film is her.

• The target audience would be woman, ranging from 20-60.

• The audience appeals would be the famous actors e.g. Audrey Hepburn. Also the

song ‘Moonriver’