Filipino American Educators Association of California FAEAC Conference Feb. 1-3, 2013 - Page 2 of 2 Pages

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  • 7/29/2019 Filipino American Educators Association of California FAEAC Conference Feb. 1-3, 2013 - Page 2 of 2 Pages


    FAEAC Conference February 1-3, 2013Te Citizen Hotel, a Joie de Vivre Hotel 926 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814


    Friday, February 1st, 2013

    Fridays estivities will be an opportunity to reunite with those who have previously attended

    this conerence while welcoming new members to our organization. Tere will be severalopportunities to enjoy each others company while experiencing cultural activities you donot want to miss!

    03:00 pm - 05:30 pm Registration/Check-in/Vendors Registration will occur on the8th oor. Please come and get your goodie bag to ll up with rae prizes and vendorgiveaways.

    06:30 pm - 10:00 pm Barrio Fiesta We will be having a traditional barrio esta with livecultural Pilipino perorming artists o a variety o backgrounds including inikling, martialarts and other historically signicant mainstays.

    10:00pm - ???? Downtown excursion to the K street promenade.

    Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

    Saturdays events will provide an opportunity or educators to build shared knowledge, todiscuss issues with similar pathways and to become a key stakeholder in the uture o ourorganization.

    07:30 am - 09:00 am CONINENAL BREAKFAS

    09:00 am - 11:30 am

    BUILDING SHARED KNOWLEDGE- Morning Session Rotation (all partic-ipants will rotate through each o the three sessions)

    09:00 am - 09:50 am 10:00 am - 10:50 am 11:00 am - 11:50 am

    Common Core Curriculum - Incorporating Filipino American Heritage Tissession will be an introduction to the Common Core Curriculum and how Filipino Heritagecan be used to accomplish mastery. Te main ocus will be on the use o inormational and

    non-ction text to enhance student vocabulary at all levels K through 14. Tere will alsobe time or questions to allow or an deeper understanding o this new state curriculum. Amore in-depth discussion will happen in the aernoon workshops when participants choose

    their own pathways.

    No History, No Self...Know History, Know Self- Created and presented by MelOrpilla, No History, No Sel ...Know History, Know Sel is a visual history o the FilipinoAmerican experience rom 1587 to the present. Using historical photographs, oral historiesand personal stories, the presentation is educational, entertaining, enlightening andempowering. It is a cross-cultural, comparative history o the eects o Spanish colonialrule, American Imperialism and an oppressive American society on the development othe Filipino communities in the United States. It is also a story o overcoming adversity andstruggle and the eventual success o the Filipino spi rit in their newly adopted homeland.

    Filipino Martial Arts Te Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) has a unique connection to PhilippineHistory. Tis workshop will discuss the various areas that FMA has touched and the inuenceit has on modern day culture. Although Te systems o FMA that will be presented anddemonstrated are Original Giron Eskrima and atlong Landas Kempo Kali. Te session willinclude both educational connections as well as authentic learning activities.

    Original Giron Eskrima was ounded by the late Grand Master Leo Giron. GM Giron was

    part o the Filipino Resistance during WWII and eventually served as a Filipino Scout with USArmy. GM Giron was highly recognized or his dedication and achievements in FMA andor his service during the WWII. His son, GM Michael Giron carries on the tradition that hisather started.

    atlong Landas Kempo Kali was ounded by Proessor Kue in the tradition o traditionalKempo karate. Proessor Kue studied under the systems o Hawaiian and American Kempo,Bok Fu Kempo and Kali Eskrima and Villabrille-Lagusa Kali. Te atlong Landas Kemp Kaliis now in the contemporary age o Martial Arts which uses various techniques and movementsrom dierent martial arts systems which now known as Mixed Martial Arts, the philosophymade amous through GM Bruce Lee o Jeet Kune Do and Sijo Emperado o Kajukenbo

    Tis session will explore ways to integrate FMA into the subject areas o World and USHistory, Ethnic Studies and Fine Arts.

    12:00 pm -01:30 pm LUNCH

    CHOOSING YOUR PATHWAY- 01:30 pm -03:30 pmEach pathway will discuss issues and concerns that drive eorts or educational Awareness,Change, and Enhancement.

    01:00 01:50 Aernoon Session 1 (***Sessions are tentative and are subject to change)

    Room 1) Site, District & County AdministratorsRoom 2) Classroom / Direct student ser vice sta (eachers/Counselors K-12)Room 3) Community Based education agenciesRoom 4) CC / Four year Institutions

    02:00 02:50 Aernoon Session 2 (***Sessions are tentative and can change)

    Room 1) Site, District & County AdministratorsRoom 2) Classroom / Direct student ser vice sta (eachers/Counselors K-12)Room 3) Community Based education agenciesRoom 4) CC / Four year Institutions

    03:30 - 05:00 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEEING Pathway Report/Summary to the Membership/Conference Participants PriorMeetings and Rationale or Continued Conerences Budget Report Elect FAEAC Ofcers

    06:00 - 10:00 DINNER CELEBRAION/DANCING Keynote Speaker (Senator/AssemblyPerson) Induct New FAEAC Ocers

    Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

    09:00 am 10:00 am Conerence Committee Meeting Planning or the uture o the nextFAEAC Conerence. Sorry, Conerence Committee members only.

    Check Out by 11:00 am

    NFL Super Bowl XLVII @ 3:30 pm (On Your Own)





























    to:[email protected]




    Mail this form and payment to:

    FAEAC Conerence - 4314 Coventry Court - Union City, CA 94587

    For more inormation check online at













