By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved. CATECHISTS NOTES Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B Children’s RCIA Resource HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE Dismissal Session The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week. Catechetical Session When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session options that fit your time frame. NOTES FOR THIS SUNDAY Sunday’s readings Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 Doctrine correlations Jesus’ Resurrection glorifies the name of the Savior God (CCC #434). The People of God shares in the royal office of Christ who by his death and Resurrection draws people to himself (CCC #786). RCIA team notes In conjunction with the scrutiny for the elect, see the sessions for Firth Sunday of Lent, Year A Lazarus (RCIA #146). If a scrutiny is not celebrated or catechumens are not yet the elect, the readings in the Lectionary for Mass, Year B, provide faith reflection about Jesus and glorification.

Fifth Sunday of Lent - TeamRCIAteamrcia.com/FriendsontheWay/LentB-05-6547.pdfIn conjunction with the scrutiny for the elect, see the sessions for Firth Sunday of Lent, Year A Lazarus

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Page 1: Fifth Sunday of Lent - TeamRCIAteamrcia.com/FriendsontheWay/LentB-05-6547.pdfIn conjunction with the scrutiny for the elect, see the sessions for Firth Sunday of Lent, Year A Lazarus

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved.


Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B


Dismissal Session The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week.

Catechetical Session When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session options that fit your time frame.

NOTES FOR THIS SUNDAY Sunday’s readings Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33

Doctrine correlations Jesus’ Resurrection glorifies the name of the Savior God (CCC

#434). The People of God shares in the royal office of Christ who by his

death and Resurrection draws people to himself (CCC #786).

RCIA team notes In conjunction with the scrutiny for the elect, see the sessions for Firth Sunday of Lent, Year A Lazarus (RCIA #146). If a scrutiny is not celebrated or catechumens are not yet the elect, the readings in the Lectionary for Mass, Year B, provide faith reflection about Jesus and glorification.

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Items to prepare

check-in sheet and nametag materials poster paper or white board, erasers, and erasable markers violet cloth on table or counter for prayer, percussion instrument Bibles, one set to John 12:20, prayer cards crucifix, candle in a heat-proof holder, matches cue cards (optional) paper, pencils, large sheets of paper, dark markers, stickers Sharing Faith questions, copies of “Faith at Home” recycled plant pots, newspaper, and trays, potting soil, scoops,

herb seed packets, acrylic paints, brushes, pitchers of water, and clean up supplies

lenten calendar, crayons

Gathering Prayer Ritual Place Bible, candle, and crucifix on a violet cloth. Bring prayer cards from the previous session and collect them to use throughout Lent.

Singing option Use music from your faith community resources. The suggestion is a guide available in Gather Comprehensive and Give Your Gifts, Melody Book (GIA Publications, Inc.). Bring songbooks and music in a player.

Building Community If you think the catechumens will need prompts to express words about death, prepare “cue” cards with phrases. Have chalk or dark markers handy.

Snack option Send a reminder to the sponsor providing the snack this week.

Engaging the Word Bring paper, pencils, large sheets of paper, dark markers, and stickers.

Sharing Faith groups Put the Scripture citation with the questions on cards for group leaders.

Crossing the Ages Activity option: Productive Seeds Contact sponsors to help supply clean recycled plant pots and trays (deli or frozen food trays), potting soil, scoops, herb seed packets, acrylic paints, brushes, pitchers of water, and clean up supplies. Cover tables with layers of recycled newspaper.

Carrying Out the Word Bring the lenten calendar and crayons.


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Catechumens, having heard the Sunday proclamation of the Word, are dismissed from the Mass. Greet the catechumens as they arrive. Have them check in and put on nametags. For anyone new, provide nametag materials. Distribute prayer cards to readers to prepare.


Chime a percussion instrument as a call to prayer. All stand around the prayer focal point.

(†) Light the candle. Teach the response for everyone to say after each reader.

Leader: God, our hope and our salvation, you guide us with your saving hand and never forget your covenant.

All: God, you gave us your covenant.

Readers: 1. Through Noah for all creation… (response) 2. Through Abraham for all his descendents… (response)

3. Through Moses, giving us ways to live… (response)

4. Through Cyrus, even when the people were unfaithful… (response)

5. Through Jeremiah, who promised a new covenant written on hearts… (response)

6. Through the suffering Messiah, who fulfills your promise… (response)

Song Suggestion: “Lamb of God, O Tree of Life.”

Invite everyone when you lift a hand to respond, “Create a clean heart in me, O God.” Prayerfully say the following verses inspired by Psalm 51, calling for the response by lifting a hand.

Have mercy on me, O God. Create a clean heart within me. (response)

In your goodness and compassion, wipe away my offense. (response)

Do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Return me to the joy of your salvation. (response)

Extinguish the candle flame.

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Invite everyone to sit in a circle. Introduce anyone new. Invite sharing about their experiences with the “Faith at Home” pages from the previous session.


Phrases about Death: (If needed, distribute cue cards.) Assign two catechumens to record on the board or poster paper. Ask what expressions the catechumens have heard that tell about death (passed on, asleep with Christ, eternal rest, in a better place, no longer in pain, departed, left this world, taken by God, went into glory). One by one, point to a phrase and ask what belief about death it expresses. Then say:

People use expressions to try to explain the mystery of death because we do not know what life after death is like. In the gospel story Jesus tells some disciples and other people about his upcoming death.


Have everyone sit with Bibles in a circle. Use the following as a guide. For information, refer to “Insight for the Catechist” and the reflections on the “Faith at Home” page. Always affirm the catechumens’ responses, adding comments to aid their understanding.

Help the catechumens find Jeremiah 31:31-34. Ask:

I wonder: Why does God write the law on our hearts?

I wonder: Why is it meaningful for you to know God?

Have the catechumens find Hebrews 5:7-9.

What is the important message in this short passage?

Have everyone find John 12:20-33.

I wonder: Why did the Greeks want to see Jesus?

Who has helped you see Jesus?

Affirm the members’ comments. Summarize:

You too once were inquirers like the Greeks who came to see Jesus for the first time. Someone you know brought you to the church so that you could discover Jesus’ teachings. You are learning that the way of the cross is not easy but leads to eternal glory.

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For children who are the elect preparing for baptism: Use reflective listening so that each of the elect has an opportunity to respond without discussion. Others offer affirming comments.

Considering that you soon will be baptized, how do you see Jesus differently than you did a year ago?

In baptism you will die to an old way of life and live a new life in Christ. What does that mean to you?


In faith we offer prayers for those we know and for the whole world. When I lift my hand please respond, “O God, hear the prayers of your people.”

May all your church, the people of the new covenant, live by words you write on our hearts. (Lift a hand for the response.)

When people offer prayers with cries and in tears, hear them, O God of mercies. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Thank you for Jesus, who offered himself and was glorified by you, almighty God. May all believers be willing to follow the way of the cross. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Invite the members to contribute intercessions. Conclude:

You, O God, are the One who is able to save us from death. Remember our sin no more. Hear the prayers we offer in unity with your Holy Spirit and through Christ Jesus, who gave himself so that we might share in his glory for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Option: Break for a snack or social time. If the group disperses now and meets for catechesis later in the week, collect nametags.

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By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved.

The Catechetical Session follows the Dismissal Session either immediately or at another time during the week. The catechetical session is designed for catechumens and parents or sponsors to grow in faith together. The status of the catechumens never is to be confused with that of baptized children preparing for confirmation or Eucharist, who may join in this catechesis as supportive companions (RCIA, Appendix III, #19).


Welcome the catechumens, parents, sponsors, and any baptized children arriving from liturgy. If this Catechetical Session is not following the Dismissal Session, allow an additional ten minutes and begin with the Gathering segment in the Dismissal Session. Have those arriving check in and put on nametags.

PRAYING Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Use the (†) prayer from the Gathering Prayer Ritual in the Dismissal Session, another prayer, or sing a gathering song from liturgy.


Distribute Bibles. Have everyone find John 12:20-33. Assign small groups each with a sheet of paper and pencil. Ask them to search the passage and write down words and phrases that refer to Jesus’ death and resurrection.

While they are doing the activity, display sheets of paper on a wall and draw a margin. Have dark markers and stickers handy. Ask the groups to print their words and phrases on the sheets. Instead of repeating they put a sticker in the margin by expressions that they also have.

Go over the words and phrases. Have volunteers count the stickers and determine which expressions were found the most.

Which words are about Jesus’ death?

Which expressions pertain to Jesus’ resurrection?


Form groups of four to six mixed-age groups with Bibles. (If there are only a few participants, lead the discussion as a whole group.) Print the questions on large paper or marker board or distribute questions on cards for an adult to lead. Circulate to offer support as needed.



Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33

Insight for the Catechist

Greek-speaking Jews come to “see” in the spiritual sense. In response to their inquiry, Jesus gives a discourse. Using images from nature and human experience, he responds with a prediction of his death and an explanation of its consequences.

The grain of wheat must die to produce fruit, so Jesus must be lifted on the cross to be lifted from the grave. Then, the good news spreads throughout the earth.

Jesus admits he is troubled but does not pray for deliverance from the impending suffering. A voice from heaven announces the glory that is to come to Jesus. Those who do not believe attribute the sound to thunder, while believers know divine presence.

The evangelist is convinced that all who do not recognize Jesus bring their own condemnation. Those who follow Jesus into glory do so by way of the cross.


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Why does Jesus compare himself to a seed that is a grain of wheat? Jesus is lifted in two ways. On what is he lifted when he dies? From where is he lifted during his

resurrection? How do we share in Jesus’ glory?

With the whole group, conclude:

Jesus’ resurrection glorifies the name of God our Savior. By his death and resurrection Jesus draws people to himself. The People of God shares in the royal office of Christ.

Friends on the Way - Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B 7

Crossing the Ages Activity (Optional activity for children and adults together: 20 minutes, minimum)

Productive Seeds (Activity that nurtures a life in accord with the spirit of Christ, RCIA #78)

On tables protected with recycled newspaper, set plant pots on recycled trays, potting soil, scoops, herb seed packets, acrylic paints, brushes, pitchers of water, and clean up supplies. As adult assist children, everyone does the following:

1. Place the planting pot on a recycled tray. 2. Fill the pot with soil. 3. Insert seeds according to package directions. 4. Keeping the pot upright, paint decorative

crosses. 5. Clean brushes and moisten the topsoil.


Take the pots home and place in a sunny location. Remember to keep the surface moist. Watch for the seeds to sprout and use the herbs in your meals. As you do, recall Jesus’ teaching about dying in order to produce something good. Be aware of ways you “die” to selfishness in order to produce loving actions.

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Invite everyone to bring a chair and sit around the prayer focal point. Encourage them to offer insights from this week’s session. Have crayons. Show the lenten calendar “Living by God’s Covenant.” Point out Week Five. Say:

The heart shapes remind us that God writes a new covenant upon our hearts. Reflect about what you feel in your hearts about God’s ways.

Invite volunteers to color one heart and say something they feel deep inside about God.


Invite everyone to respond “Amen” after each petition. Pray:

We are the People of God whose covenant is written on our hearts.

All: Amen.

Christ is the source of eternal salvation for all who obey his commands.

All: Amen.

The glory of God be known forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Raise your hands in blessing over the group, and say:

Go forth from this place following the way of Jesus and bearing much fruit.

And may the ever-living God bless us, (Make the Sign of the Cross on yourself as a model for everyone.) protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Distribute the “Faith at Home” page. Collect the nametags.

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At a convenient time for the family, gather around a dining table or in the living room. Silence all electronics. Place a Bible opened to John 12 in the center. Begin with a moment of quiet.


The development of the People of God follows the same pattern as personal development. First, we learn written rules and laws. As we grow in faith we internalize what is right and make it part of our decision making and way of living. During Lent, we move from “knowing about religion” to living faith more deeply. This is especially true for the elect, members of the church preparing for baptism.

What decisions do we make according to written laws and rules?

What decisions do we make according to what we feel deep inside?

On a very large sheet of paper draw a huge heart. Family members write on the heart things they do according to God’s law that is written on their hearts.


Jesus, in the flesh as one of us and with total reverence, suffered and cried out in prayer. God could have whisked him away from suffering. The cross, however painful it was for Jesus, was necessary for the glory of the resurrection. In suffering followed by glory, Jesus gave us an example of being obedient to the will of God and, accordingly, achieved our salvation.

In what ways do we show our reverence?

In which situations do we find it especially difficult to be obedient to God’s ways?

Together develop a poem that has the rhyming words “pray” and “obey.”

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2012, TeamRCIA.com. All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce this handout for family home use.

Faith at Home Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B

Remember Sunday’s Word

Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15

Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33

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Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B TeamRCIA.com


Whether the Greeks in this gospel who seek Jesus are serious or curiosity seekers, they certainly do not get whatever they are expecting. They approach Philip who has a Greek name, and he takes them to Andrew. Andrew has a reputation for introducing people to Jesus. The hour about which Jesus speaks is the time of his death and resurrection. Through death on a cross, Jesus becomes triumphant over evil and gives glory to God. Now is the time for each person to decide. Do or do not accept Jesus’ saving grace.

Who introduced you to Jesus?

What has happened as a result of the introduction?

Read other Bible accounts about Andrew introducing Jesus. In John 1:42 Andrew introduces his brother to Jesus. In John 6:8-9 Andrew introduces a boy to Jesus.

I’d like you to meet a friend of mine... Each family member writes a letter of introduction for Jesus or draws a picture that introduces someone to Jesus. Consider using images from this week’s gospel account. Share your letters and pictures with one another. Decide who, if anyone, you might introduce to Jesus by sharing these letters and pictures of introduction.