Field-based Internship Plan

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  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan


  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    ISSL #2

    Instructional Leadership



    Instructional Leadership

    (Condensed Criteria)

    E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed

    (Indicate Grade Level)

    Approximate Hours

    DESCRIPTION Estimated

    Completion Date

    2a Provides leadership for

    Assessing/Developing/Improving Climate

    and Culture

    1. .2 hr Sec 1. WDMS School board mtg. on bullying 1. Spring 2013

    2b Systematically/Fairly

    Recognizing/Celebrating Staff/Student


    1. 5 hrs. El. 1. Interviewed and recognized Iowa

    teachers who blend their instruction in

    the AEA K-12 Online blog.

    1. Fall 2013

    2c Encourages design of more effective

    learning experiences for students

    1. 6 hrs. El2. 5 hrs. Sec.

    1. Designing Online Iowa CoreDeeper Investigations

    2. Interviewed and recognizedIowa teachers who blend their

    instruction in the AEA K-12

    Online blog.

    1. Spring 20132. Fall 2013

    and The Iowa Department of

    Education to discuss how AEA

    PD Online could support and

    sustain the new Iowa Core

    website that Lindal Fandel has

    requested be ready by fall of


    1f Communicates effectively with various

    stakeholders on progress

    1. .2 hrs sec2. 1 hr. El

    1. WDMS school board mtg.(bullying)

    2. Social Media Webinar

    1. Spring2013

    2. Spring2013

  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    2d Monitors/Evaluates Effective


    1. 5 hrs. El 1. Interviewed and recognized Iowa

    teachers who blend their instruction in

    the AEA K-12 Online blog.

    1. Fall 2013

    2e Evaluates Staff and Provides ongoing

    coaching for improvement

    1. 1 hr El 1. Created an online lesson that reviews

    ORID questioning and how they fit into

    different types of coaching

    conversations that can be used when

    working with teachers to improve their


    1. Fall 2013

    2f Ensures professional development that

    enhances teaching/learning

    1. 6 hrs. EL 1. Designing Online Iowa Core Deeper


    1. Spring 2013

    2g Uses research/theory to develop/revise

    professional growth plan

    1. 1 hr. EL 1. Created an online lesson that reviews

    ORID questioning and how they fit into

    different types of coaching

    conversations that can be used when

    working with teachers to improve their


    1. Fall 2013

    2h Promotes collaboration with all


    1. .2 hr EC2. 5 hrs. El

    1. Participated in #EdChat onSchool Safety

    2. Coordinated with the AEA Edserve directors, AEA PD Online,

    and The Iowa Department ofEducation to discuss how AEA

    PD Online could support and

    sustain the new Iowa Core

    website that Lindal Fandel has

    requested be ready by fall of


    1. Spring 20132. Fall 2013

    2i Accessible and approachable to all


    1. .2 hr. EC 1. Participated in #EdChat onSchool Safety

    1. Spring 2013

  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    2j Visible and engaged in the community 1. 5 hrs. El 1. Interviewed and recognizedIowa teachers who blend their

    instruction in the AEA K-12

    Online blog.

    1. Fall 2013

    2k Articulates and reinforces desired school

    culture, showing evidence

    1. .2 hr.Secondary

    2. .2hr. EC

    1. WDMS School board mtg.(bullying)

    2. Participated in #EdChat onSchool Safety

    1. Spring 20132. Spring 2013

    ISSL #3Organizational Leadership



    Organizational Leadership

    (Condensed Criteria)

    E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed

    (Indicate Grade Level)

    Approximate Hours

    DESCRIPTION Estimated

    Completion Date

    3a Complies with state and federal mandates

    and local board policies

    1. 5 hrs. EC2. 1 hr. Sec3. 1 hr. El4. 1 hr. EC5. 1 hr. Sec.6. 1 hr. Sp. Ed

    1. Created the level oneinvestigator training for

    districts across the state. The

    training outlines how districts

    should handle reports of

    abuse by a school employee.

    2. MLK day Issue3. FERPA Overview Session4. Attended a session given by

    Matt Carver on Iowa Code

    1. Fall 20122. Spring 20133. Spring 20134. Fall 20135. Fall 2013

  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    related to Student Attendance

    5. Attended a session given myMatt Carver on Iowa Code

    surrounding student searches

    6. Ed Serve meeting focused onimplementation of MTSS

    3b Recruitment, selection, induction, and

    retention of staff for quality instruction

    1. 10 hrs. El.2. 15 hrs. El. And

    10 hrs.


    1. Designed and receivedapproval to implement a

    mentoring and induction

    process for new AEA PD

    Online instructors

    2. Implemented mentoring andinduction process with new

    instructors. I have been

    meeting with these individuals

    to get them prepared to teach

    for AEA PD online.

    1. Fall 20132. Summer Fall


    3c Addresses current and potential issues in a

    timely manner

    1. 2 hrs. Special


    Ed Serve meeting focused on

    implementation of MTSS

    3d Effectively/efficiently manages fiscal and

    physical resources

    1. 2 hrs.Elementary

    2. 1 hr. SpecialEd.

    1. Participated in the AEA PDOnline meeting were we

    reviewed and analyzed the

    2013/2013 budget for AEA PD

    Online and AEA K12 Online.Made plans to increase

    revenues for the remainder of

    the year.

    2. Ed Serve meeting focused onimplementation of MTSS

    1. Fall 2013

    3e Protects instructional time 1. 3 hours 1. Attended a meeting where the

    special education teacher met with

    the general education teacher to

    discuss scheduling of special

    Spring 2014

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    education students.

    3f Uses effective communication w/internal

    and external audiences about school


    1. 5 hrs El. 1. Created the level oneinvestigator training for

    districts across the state. The

    training outlines how districts

    should handle reports of

    abuse by a school employee.

    1. Spring 2013

    ISSL #4Collaborative Leadership

    Standard 4 Collaborative Leadership

    (Condensed Criteria)

    E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed

    (Indicate Grade Level)Approximate Hours

    DESCRIPTION Estimated

    Completion Date

    4a Engages families and community, and

    promotes shared responsibility for student

    learning and education

    1. 1 hr. Sec.2. 4 hrs. spec. ed 1. Attended a Des MoinesAttendance Center meeting

    2. Section 504 trainingFall 2012

    4b Promotes/supports structure for

    family/community involvement

    1. 15 hrs. Sec 1. Created a lesson on designing and

    implementing a communication plan

    4c Facilitates connections of students/families

    to health/social services that support a focuson learning

    1. 5 hrs. Sec.2. 4 hrs spec. ed

    3. Created the level oneinvestigator training fordistricts across the state. The

    training outlines how districts

    should handle reports of abuse

    by a school employee.

    4. Section 504 training

    Fall 2012

    4d Collaboratively establishes a culture that

    welcomes and honors families and

    1. 1 hr. Sec. 1. Attended a Des Moines Attendance

    Center meeting

    Fall 2012

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  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    opinions 2. 2 hr. special ed3. 2 hrs. Spec. Ed4. 1 hour spec. ed.

    School Safety

    2. Ed Serve meeting focused onimplementation of MTSS

    3. Chapter 103 Seclusion andRestraint Training

    4. Completed Bullying andPrevention training

    Spring 2014

    ISSL #6Political Leadership



    Political Leadership

    (Condensed Criteria)

    E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed

    (Indicate Grade Level)

    Approximate Hours

    DESCRIPTION Estimated

    Completion Date

    6a Collaborates with service

    providers/decision-makers to improve

    teaching and learning

    1. 6 hrs. EC2. 5 hrs. EL

    1. Designing Online Iowa CoreDeeper Investigations

    2. Coordinated with the AEA Edserve directors, AEA PD Online,

    and The Iowa Department of

    Education to discuss how AEA

    PD Online could support and

    sustain the new Iowa Core

    website that Lindal Fandel has

    requested be ready by fall of


    1. Spring2013

    2. Fall 2013

    6b Advocates for the welfare of all members

    of the learning community

    1. .2 hrs. sec2. 5 hrs. El

    1. WDMS School board mtg.


    1. Created the level oneinvestigator training for

    districts across the state. The

    1. Spring2013

    2. Fall 2012

  • 8/12/2019 Field-based Internship Plan



    training outlines how districts

    should handle reports of abuse

    by a school employee.

    6c Designs and implements appropriate

    strategies to reach desired goals

    1. 1 hr. Sec 1. MLK Day Issue 1. Spring 2013