State Senator John T. Montford . announced the . passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate in memory of the late J. L. Irish of Abernathy. The resolution. introduced by Senator Montford. was pUled by a unanimous vote of the Tellis Senate on June 5. 1984 during the 2nd Called Special Session. .. It was an honor for me to introduce and pass this Resolulion in memory of an outstanding Texan ." Senator Montford said. The resolution noted that the de ath of J. L. Irish. " had been a great loss to the citizens of Abernathy where he was a valued friend and respected civic leader . His exemplary qualities of leadership will be missed by his loved ones and colleagues in Abernath y and by his neighbors throughout the South Plains ." . The resolution. S.R. 27.. continued. "Be it resolved that the Senate 6f the Stat e of Texa s. 68th Legislature. assembled in it s 2nd Called Session . honor the memory of J. L. Irish and extend sympathy to the members of his family. and. be it further Resolved that. copi cs of thi s Resolution be prepared for hi s family. and that when the Senate of the State of Texas adjourns this da y. it do so in memory t re of J. L. Iri s h." The Re solution is signed by lieuten· ant Gove rn or William P. "Bill " • Hobby. who is President of the Texas Senate. by Betty King. Secretary of the Senate and by Senator Montford. . Scnalor Montford will present for· mal copies of the Resolution to the Irish famil y at a later date . following Ihe conclusion of the Special Session now underway in Austin. '1VEtKtY REVIE- '/V 25¢ ·'N 'H' '"IM Of ,Nt ptA'''- VOL. 63, NO. 32 THURSDAY, JUNE 21, '1984 {SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES) V.S.P ,S. NO. 003.340....,j , ....... '" . " " . WEATHER Date Hlah Low IWII 6- IJ 94 6J /}· 14 '12 6J , . 15 0- 15 75 6J .58 0- 10 s 60 6-17 88 04 .60 0· 111 86 65 6· 19 8J 6J 1.1 2 T(l lal fo r June 4.26 Tntal for Yea r 5.8'1 ., . '" ..... Just B .. 'ar .... " Uti Unda Salltroc .... ..... STlI.l NO . 1 .. . Thl · new,. p' per IndU,11'\ d",,, nol 1001 its own h,' rn h mu ch "' it should. pe rhaps. t3kon!! It f,,, gran l ed Ih.1 r{'udt"rs know thl' kind of pnxlu t they arc getting. BUI Ihe re, ull, of • s UI'\'e,' laken la't ,pri nl! b) Ih Consum';r Dll a SC"" .. .. in Okl ahoma CII \' make$ U$ \\ aliI 1<' pi" a Ii lt te of inl erestlng onf,'rn,," on along . n,,· CDS " -,ok a telephone sUI'\'cy of 2.h04 a" king th i>; que tl un' .. Wh en ,hoppill g. which media dol 'ou U\ U" lI v lurn 10 for informa ti on 0" ;., h"rt· In fond I he be, 1 bu \' s·" lhl' r, nd ' ll !: " Nc''' pa pc ,, ' 70. M"!., t<'ll''''''"" b.2°" , racllo J .O·-. , other 'OurtT ' On" 2 .g . "f t h,,, .. .-a ll ed refused to take p,trt III Ih,' ,u r\,e l·. Till' d'"t • . was pr"" ,,"l'cI " ilh " margi n of error 01 plu, ur min us 'Alth a confidence le"cl. Wh 31 Iha l n,can .. is I'OU could I", '1:-° . 'U rt' Ih at Ihc data, J' O"l' l"lamptc, " ould fall belwee n OX .S". a nd 12 .8 % ,f \'ou drew another ,"mple til the ,a lllt' 'methoo from the ,.lint' "0 ( Hll' !) and h ,,\ Th" rnca n, ,ha l a d' erti sc rs have a 1',, ' 11\ n1<' lh od of gClling Iheir ,,,Ie, 10 Ihe p< 'Opl c Ihey "ant to rcar h. Ad l c rt i. ,ng on a tc lc" ision slalion is hkc fi ring a ('annon to hit a parrow hCl ' au,e of Ih{' wide range {'("'cred by Ih{' prog ram. Radi o ad ve r!j s ing is d!('('II\ (' o nl y wh en (' usto mers ar e l"lc nill ); 10 your s tation in,lead of a Oo/cn "I hers plus television. The ad verti s in g me ss ag e in a n, ' ws pap er dues nOI' have 10 be ."irnilatcd ri g ht then , If you forget. ,'an .I\,·ays pid up . the paper lal er . Ne ws paper ad ve rti s ing me s sages arc brought into a home by people \\ ho pay to get that newspaper . It does not come in free and people are more apt 10 pay alienI ion 10 something they buy than thaI which is given to them. maybe even without their ",anting it . Ne ws paper have a story to tell and we need to tell It morc often. (Harold Hudson . Perryton Herald) THE REVIEW IS BEGINNING a Jubilee edition to coincide with our celebration here in Abernathy. We would like to receive any old pictures a nd interesting stories about the hi story or the area , All pictures ",ill be r(' turned in good condition , Advertisers. make plans now for your ad in the Jubilee edilion. This ev('nt is truly memorable and everyone will want to leave their mark in history, The tabloid w.iII surely be a collector's item. PIt ... •• , Needed Rains Come To Area Much neerled rains finally bcga n fa ll' ing in Ihe area lasl " ee k and il would appear the y could be in Ih e are a while longer , according 10 Ih e :>I ational We ather SI'\'icc. The moisture coming int o Ihe region is attribula bl e 10 a 10\\ from tropk al Boris and meleor · ologisls Ihink anOt her tropical storm {'Quid 01'0 brew dO\ 'n nea r Mexit'n and move our W3 \ ', The area had rCl'ci,cd 4. 26 " of rai n of Tue, dav, for a y('a rl ) lotal of 5.89". ano rOOrc hn • fa ll en since Ihen . The PCle"t). Jrg area rel'eive d I 'l l" of rai ll . accordi ng 10 Mrs. Norman Ma llh l'\\ ,. bUI a reas west of Aberna. Ihy did 1101 receiv(' Ihe hea"v rain s Ihal fe ll here ill lilt: d l \,. Ne;'" De al rceci, cd ' l'f\' heavy and high \\ Tuc,day c"c ning Ih at le fl , u me fi d," ;ond road, nOl)ded. Oll ie li ller. Hale Counly Agenl , \\ hen a"l kl'd hi co mment on (he rain r(·pli ed . lin er said moi,lure (, t: rt ainl., is helping lake us out of the dro u g hl , b UI s aid we dcfi nild) lIecd more rain. According McDaniel Resigns Coach Mac McDaniel conlaCIt'd thl' Rel'iew advisi ng us thaI hc pla ns I" lea,'(' his coachtng po.i"on \\ ith Ihe Abe rnalh y I. S.D, to take Ih(' posit ion of Firsl Ass islanl Defcn,ivt' Coordinalor in foolba ll and Head Track Coach at Ba nqu ele Hig h School. . When qu es lioned about hi s reasons trw luvi ng. Coac h McDa niel said he nol think Ihe promises made to him ,,' ht ' n he ca me 10 Abernathy have bee n fu lfill ed. since h i, "ife not ,/I, tI'{' n th e po, il ion of a rt 1"nchN in Ihl.' high 'l 'h,,,-,I "hen it beca me available. SUIl{'rinte nclcn t Gid Adki sson. when a,kcd 10 comme nt on the maner , re plied , . . No pro m ises were mad e abo ut " Job for his wife. We hired the pero\oi1l, e Ihought besl qualified for the art po,i ti on ." , CuJeh McDan iel said he has high hopes for the Abe rnathy football team and hopes Ihe)' ha ve a good )'('ar and Ihink s with hard ",ark on the ... pa rt of Ihe stude nts and coaching staff they can gO,to Slale . School Administrators Attend Workshops Mr. Gid Adki .son, wperinlcndent o( , chools. "ill attend Ihl" 541h Annual Adminis lrali vc l eade "'hip Confere",'e at Texas A&M June 20· 22 . The Ihl" me for the 1'I1i-I ronferenC(' IS : " Slraleg) For Impal'l 2000 A.D." GO\'crnor Ma rk While " ill addrc" Ih{ ' firsl ge n ... ral s(·ssion. Fi ve major lopics wi ll be prcsenled : finan ce, e du c alin g Ihe child. the leaching profession, orga ni zalion and maJ'ia ge menl, a nd federal regulations. Mr . Adki sson will .I so attend Ihe 25 1h Annual Co mmunil v Schoo ls Summer Workshop at ' Th o mp so n Confe renre Cent er on the University of TClas ca mpus on Jul\' 18· 20 . The Ihemc for this conference is: "Th(' Ne w Well · Balan cl" d Curr k ulum for Community Schools--A challenge a nd an Opportunity ." Mr. Chark, Bowen will attend the .lolh Annu al T.A.S.A. -- U. T. Summer Workshop for ed ucalional leaders in Aus li n on July 15 ·1 8. Th i. annu al s ummer confe rence is jOl lnll) ' ponsored by Ihe University of Tl' .a5, Ih e Texas Association of School Ad mini stralors. and Ihe Texas Educa. lion Age nc)·. Th e theme for this \\ orbhop i" " Texas Public Schools -- A Ri ,i ng Tidl' of Excellence." Mr. Bowcn will also anend the 4th Annual Texas Conre rence on Technol. ogy and Educ alion to be held in ,\u slin on July 18·20. This conference i. sponsored by Ihe University of Texas and Ihe theme is : "Realizing ' Ih e Pote ntial. " Several excelle nl sessions will be pre,e nt ed ('Once rning the potential of Ihe co m pUl e r in the Texas Independ. enl School Di strict. SPS Trip Jay Cox of Abernathy High School Chapter of the FFA of America is one of five young men who won Soulhwes· tern Publi c Servi ce Compan spon · sored trip s to the National FFA Convention in Kansas City. Mo. in November, Cox. son of Mr . and Mrs , James Sherman Cox . was a top student in the "Farm Motors" COUrle at a three· day farm electrification workshop spon · sored by SPS in Amarillo. June II·D, Eighty FF A boys and four FF A girls from tell8s and New Mexico atlended. Vocational agriculture teachers who made up the workshop faculty selected the five trip winners on the basis of Icst S(lOfeS and class performance. Also honored were Brian Dillow of Gruver; John Wyant. Pampa; Eric Clayton. Tulia; a,d Kit Morgan. Tucu-n, N.M. . The workshop was the 22nd spon· _ tend. by SPS. It. was the third in which Ill'll were .niaiiall. - - ro urse s, They we re assisted by \0 a dull FFA advi s ors and by SPS personne l. The " Farm Wiring" course empha· s ized safe and efficient "'iring of two- and three· way switches . proper wire s plicing. and how to make a meter lOOp, The skills can be used in homes. barns. sheds . or other places electriei· ty is needed. Students in the " Electric Controls" course learned how to tie in three· and four ·way switches. how to set up photoclectrk cells for automalic light· ing. and how to set up two- and three· pole relays, The "Farm Motors" course taught students how to operate. repair and build small electric moton- . On the second day of the workshop. the students toured SPS' HarrinatOll Station. the coal· fueled power plut northeast of Amarillo. The s .. tion has a generatin.g cap.ci,y of 1.122 . 000 - iilowans. - - - - to) Ih e (Qunly age nt. areas wes t of Pl ai ' '''iew a nd Aberna lh y ha \' e rcci\'co lighler rains Ihan areas 1 <) Ih e ea, 1. He sa id Ih e field s Ihal are fl ood ing wi ll not be harm cd because Ihe cooll on is s tandin g tall enuugh al Ih i, \t"g<', ., With more r a in due he·re. Ih e farmers can definilely brealh a sigh of relief and be more oplimisti c of a good harvcst in Ihe · fall . i Jacksons Adopt Baby Tra ve ling is old hat 10 SI eve and Teresa Jackson's new son, who new halfwav ac ross the world and traveled more Ihan 24 hours and 8.500 mil es to reac h hi s new horne, on June 14 . 1984. ( heon. Kyung Nam, wh ose Ameri· can name is Kcls ie Ja ck. was met at the DFW ai rport by hi s parents, SI eve and Teres a Ja ckson of Abe rnalh y and hi s Aunl Brenda Mayfi eld of Houston. Kelsie is named after bOlh of hi s gra ndfalhers. Si x and a half month old Kelsie 's ad o pli on was a rran g ed by Dillon Children's Services, a Tulsa based 'a ge ncy th aI has malched Kor e an children wi lh deserving famili es since 1973. •• _ The Di ll on ag enc y arrange s its adoptions Ihrough the Eastern Child Welfare Sociely in Seoul. South Korea. Th e LUlh e ran Soc ial Services of Lubbock did the home study and they al so work with Dillon placing children from Korea . During the five months that the Jacksons were waiting for their baby, he was being cared for by foster parents. The Kore an foster mothers arc es pecially prol ective of the young infanl Ihey are re sponsible for , and provid e loving care in their homes unlil the baby can be escorted to the Unit e d StalC S. Kelsie was welcomed home Thurs· da y al Ihe Lubbock airport by a large group of people including grandmoth· ers. T.V. crews, familv members and friends. . Ke lsie is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Kelsie Mayfield of Lubbock and Mrs. Merle Jackson of Abernathy. FLEW 1N ... Mr , and Mrs, Steve Jackson are proud to present their DeW SOD. Kelsie. to all the well wishers ",ho greeted them at the Lubbock International Airport on June' 14. Also on hand were television crews from Channels II and 13. ,Mr , Jackson said his son will have this first year off to get acclimated. but next year he will be out on the tractor. (Photo courtesy of the Jacksons .) I I AREA RAlNFAU J.,c.. ...... t •• e Mr ..... Mrs. David Sharp. Mlchlel This Week THURSDAY, JUNE 21 SUl1shine Group meets for luncheon and ineeting at the Senior Citizens Center. Edith Reid ",ill present a book review. Boys Scouts Honor Court at 7 p,m. at the Methodist Church . Music Club mets at 8 p. m. in the City Hall club 'room. SVNDo\ Y, JUNE 24, Reception for Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp at Administration Buildill8 from 7·9 p.m, TUESDAY, JUNE 26 _. Meath 1981 Jan . .23 Feb. .38 Mar. 1.40 Apr . 2,20 May .47 June .J5 July 3.69 Aug. 4 . 13 Sept. 1.84 Oct. J.n I Nov. .65 Dec. .24 Total 19.30 1982 1983 .07 2.89 ,39 "",, 70 .57 .04 .74 .80 5,80 1.40 " 3.87 1.77 1.38 .98 2.71 2.15 2.95 .98 .37 7.44 1.27 .54 1.66 .304 21 . 78 20.01 1984 .10 .30 .30 .35 ,68 The luture fanners learned how to wire bulkll..... build and Ulle electric eGIICNII. and how tl! build electric .......... They also were ...... haw eIectrIdty "u ..... and flnt aid and ..... , Iipa. Southwestem hblk 5errice Com- pany primarily provides eIedric utility service 10 a pofMI .... 01 age than ud ....... wW be h-.d with a ................. 0II5u ... '_ ... J ... 24tll fro. 7·9 P.M. ia the Murk Family Concert at First Baptist Church at 8 p. m . '1.. an. woea,Io •• 1 _,ritlll,., , ..... paid by SPS ....... die ...... CJIIiIe mill_ In . a ,.,._ ........ ..ue area of the P ........... SINd! PlaIIlS 01 T..... .... .... ..... New...... " ........ - .... SAnJaDAY , J1J1IIIB. 31 " die doaI Adnda!. . Hale County Elec:ted 0IIIc:iais .... . ...... . .. 7:30 .. ..

fI-IY '1VEtKtY REVIE-'/Vunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1984/1984-06-21.pdf · State Senator John T. Montford . announced the. passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate

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Page 1: fI-IY '1VEtKtY REVIE-'/Vunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1984/1984-06-21.pdf · State Senator John T. Montford . announced the. passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate

State Senator John T . Montford . announced the . passage of a Memorial

Resolution by the Texas Senate in memory of the late J . L. Irish of Abernathy. The resolution. introduced by Senator Montford. was pUled by a unanimous vote of the Tellis Senate on June 5. 1984 during the 2nd Called Special Session. ~

.. It was an honor for me to introduce and pass this Resolulion in

memory of an outstanding Texan ." Senator Montford said.

The resolution noted that the death of J . L. Irish. " had been a great loss to the citizens of Abernathy where he was a valued friend and respected civic leader. His exemplary qualities of leadership will be missed by his loved ones and colleagues in Abernathy and by his neighbors throughout the South Plains." .

y~egs The resolution. S.R. 27.. continued.

"Be it resolved that the Senate 6f the Stat e of Te xa s. 68th Legislature. assembled in it s 2nd Called Session. honor the memory of J. L. Irish and extend sympathy to the members of his family. and . be it further Resolved that. copi cs of thi s Resolution be pre pared for his famil y. and that when the Senate of the State of Texas adjourns this day. it do so in memory

t re of J . L. Irish."

The Resolution is s igned by lieuten· ant Gove rnor William P. "Bill "

• Hobby. who is President of the Texas Senate . by Betty King . Secretary of the Se nate and by Se nator Montford . .

Scnalor Montford will present for· mal copies of the Resolution to the Irish famil y at a later date . following Ihe conclus ion of the Special Session now underway in Austin .

}.\B,ER~I~\fI-IY '1VEtKtY ~ REVIE-'/V 25¢

·'N 'H' '"IM Of ,Nt ptA'''- VOL. 63, NO. 32 THURSDAY, JUNE 21, '1984 {SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES) V.S.P ,S. NO. 003.340....,j ,

....... '" . " " . WEATHER

Date Hlah Low IWII 6- IJ 94 6J /}· 14 '12 6J , .15 0- 15 75 6J .58 0- 10 s 60 6-17 88 04 . 6 0 0· 111 86 65 6· 19 8J 6J 1.1 2

T(llal fo r June 4 .26 Tntal for Year 5.8'1

., ~ . '" ~ ~

~~~~~ ..... ~~ Just B .. 'ar .... " Uti

B~ Unda Salltroc ~ .... ~~~~~ .....

STlI.l NO . 1 .. . Thl· ne w, . p' per IndU,11'\ d",,, nol 1001 its own h,'rn h much "' it should. pe rhaps . t3kon!! It f,,, gran led Ih.1 r{'udt"rs know thl' kind of pnxlu t t hey arc getting.

BUI Ihe re,ull, of • s UI'\'e,' lake n la't ,pri nl! b) Ih ,· Consum'; r Dlla SC"" .... in Oklahoma CII \' make$ U$ \\ aliI 1<' pi" a Ii lt te of inlerestlng onf,'rn,, " on along.

n,,· CDS " -,ok a te le phone sUI'\'cy of 2.h04 hou ,('ho l d~. a"king th i>; ques· tlun' .. When , hoppillg. which media dol 'ou U\ U" lI v lurn 10 for information 0 " ;., h"rt· In fond I he be,1 bu \'s·"

lhl' r, nd ' ll !:" Nc''' pa pc ,,' 70. M"!., t<'ll''''''"" b.2°" , racllo J .O·-. , other ' OurtT ' 1 " . 1 ° ~.

On" 2 .g. "f th,,, .. .-a lled refused to take p,trt III Ih,' ,ur\,e l·.

Till' d'"t • . " a t i"ica ll'~ 'p<'a k i n~ , was pr"" ,,"l'cI " ilh " margin of error 01 plu, ur min us 2~~ 'Alth a 9So~

confidence le"cl. Wh31 Iha l n,can .. is I ~a l I'OU could

I", '1:-°. 'U rt' Ihat Ihc ne,,,p~per data , J' O"l' l"lamptc, " o uld fall belween OX .S". and 12 .8% ,f \'ou drew anothe r ,"mple til the ,a lllt' 'me thoo from the ,.lint' "0 ( Hll' !) a nd h ,,\ n~ .

Th" rnca n, ,ha l ad' e rtiscrs have a 1',,'11\ ~\")(I n1<' lhod of gClling Iheir ,,,Ie, n1e"a~c, 10 Ihe p<'Oplc Ihey "ant to rcar h.

Ad l c rt i. ,ng on a tc lc"is ion slalion is hkc fi ring a ('annon to hit a parrow hCl'au,e of Ih{' wide ra nge {'(" 'cred by Ih{' prog r a m . Radio ad ve r!j s ing is d!('(' II\ (' onl y wh e n (' us to mers are l"lcnill ); 10 your s tation in,lead of a Oo/ cn " I hers plus te levision .

The ad verti s in g me ssage in a n,' ws pape r dues nOI' have 10 be ."irnilatcd right then , If you forget . ~'ou ,'an .I\,·ays pid up . the paper laler .

Ne ws pape r ad verti s ing messages arc brought into a home by people \\ ho pay to get that newspaper. It does not come in free and people are more apt 10 pay alienI ion 10 something they buy than thaI which is given to them. maybe even without their ",anting it .

Newspaper have a story to tell and we need to tell It morc often.

(Harold Hudson. Perryton Herald)

THE REVIEW IS BEGINNING a Jubilee edition to coincide with our celebration here in Abernathy. We would like to receive any old pictures a nd interesting stories about the history or the area , All pictures ",ill be r(' turned in good condition,

Advertisers. make plans now for your ad in the Jubilee edilion. This ev('nt is truly memorable and everyone will want to leave their mark in history , The tabloid w.iII surely be a collector's item.

PIt ... ~ ••


Needed Rains Come To Area Much neerled rains finally bcgan

fall'ing in Ihe area las l " eek and il would appear they could be in Ihe area while longer , accordin g 10 Ihe :>I ational Weather Sl· I'\'icc. The moisture coming into Ihe region is attribula ble 10 a 10\\ from tropk al ~Iorm Boris and meleor · olog isls Ihink a nOt her tropica l storm {'Quid 01'0 brew dO\'n nea r Mexit'n and move our W3 \ ',

The Aber~athl area had rCl'ci,cd 4.26 " of rai n a~ of Tue,dav, for a y('a rl) lota l of 5.89". ano rOOrc hn • falle n since Ihen .

The PCle"t).Jrg a rea rel'eived I 'l l" of rai ll . accordi ng 10 Mrs . Norman Mallh l'\\ ,. bUI a reas west of Aberna . Ihy did 1101 receiv(' Ihe hea"v rains Ihal fe ll here ill lilt: d l\,. Ne;'" Deal rceci, cd ' l' f\' heavy do~' n pours and high \\ 'nd~ Tuc,day c"cning Ihat lefl , ume fid," ;ond road, nOl)ded.

Oll ie li ller. Hale Counly Agenl , \\ hen a"lkl'd hi comment on (he rain r(·plied . "W'lIld('rfu l~" liner said th~ moi, lure (, t: rt ain l., is helping lake us out of the dro ug hl , b UI s aid we dcfi nild) lIecd more rain . According

McDaniel Resigns Coach Mac McDanie l conlaCIt'd thl'

Rel'iew Monda~' advisi ng us thaI hc pla ns I" lea,'(' his coachtng po.i"on \\ ith Ihe Abernalh y I. S.D, to take Ih(' position of Firsl Assislanl Defcn,ivt' Coord inalor in foolball and Head Track Coach at Banquele Hig h School. .

Whe n queslioned about hi s reasons trw luving. Coach McDanie l said he doc~ nol th ink Ihe promises made to him ,,' ht' n he ca me 10 Abern athy have been fu lfill ed . since hi, "ife wa~ not

,/I, tI'{' n the po,il ion of art 1"nchN in Ihl.'

high 'l'h,,,-,I "hen it became available. SUIl{'rinte nclcn t Gid Adkisson. when

a,kcd 10 comme nt on the maner , re plied , . . No prom ises we re made about " Job for his wife. We hired the pero\oi1l, e Ihought besl qualified for the art po,ition." ,

CuJeh McDan ie l said he has high hopes for the Abe rnathy football team and hopes Ihe)' have a ~eally good )'('a r and Ihink s with hard ",ark on the ... pa rt of Ihe stude nts and coaching staff they can gO, to Slale.

School Administrators Attend Workshops

Mr. Gid Adki .son, wpe rinl cndent o( , chools. "ill att e nd Ihl" 541h Annua l Adminis lralivc l eade"'hip Confere",'e at Texas A& M nil e r~ il\' June 20·22 .

The Ihl"me for the 1'I1i-I ron fere nC(' IS : " Slraleg) For Impal'l 2000 A.D." GO\'crnor Mark While " ill addrc" Ih{' firsl gen ... ral s(·ss ion.

Five major lopics wi ll be prcsenled : finan ce, e ducalin g Ih e ch ild . t he leaching profession, orga ni zalion a nd maJ'iagemenl, a nd legi~ l a lion ' fede ra l reg ulations .

Mr. Adkisson will .Iso atte nd Ihe 251h Annual Co mmunil v Schools Summe r Wo rk s hop at 'Th ompson Conferenre Center on the Uni versi ty of TClas campus on Jul\' 18·20. The Ihe mc for this confere nce is: "Th(' Ne w Well · Balan cl"d Curr k ulum for Community Schools-- A challenge a nd an Opportunity ."

Mr. Chark, Bowe n will a tte nd the .lo lh Annual T. A.S.A.-- U. T. Summer Workshop for educalional leaders in Ausli n on Jul y 15·1 8.

Thi. annu al summer conference is jOllnll) ' ponsored by Ihe Uni versity of Tl'.a5, Ihe Texas Association of School Ad mini stralors. a nd Ihe Texas Educa. lion Age nc)·. Th e theme for this \\ orbhop i" " Te xas Public Schools-- A Ri ,ing Tidl' of Excellence."

Mr. Bowcn will al so ane nd the 4th Annual Texas Conre rence on Technol. ogy and Educalion to be held in ,\uslin on July 18·20. This conference i. sponsored by Ihe University of Texas and Ihe theme is : "Realizing ' Ihe Pote ntial. "

Several excelle nl sessions will be pre,ented ('Oncerning the potential of Ihe com pUle r in the Texas Independ. en l School District.

Co~ins SPS Trip

Jay Cox of Abe rnathy High School Chapter of the FFA of America is one of five young men who won Soulhwes· tern Public Service Company· spon · sored trips to the National FFA Convention in Kansas City. Mo. in November,

Cox. son of Mr. and Mrs, James Sherman Cox . was a top student in the "Farm Motors" COUrle at a three· day farm electrification workshop spon· sored by SPS in Amarillo. June II·D, Eighty FF A boys and four FF A girls from tell8s and New Mexico atlended.

Vocational agriculture teachers who made up the workshop faculty selected the five trip winners on the basis of Icst S(lOfeS and class performance. Also honored were Brian Dillow of Gruver; John Wyant. Pampa; Eric Clayton. Tulia; a,d Kit Morgan. Tucu-n, N.M . .

The workshop was the 22nd spon· _tend. by SPS. It. was the third in which Ill'll were .niaiiall. - -

rourses, They we re assisted by \0 adull FFA advi sors and by SPS pe rsonnel.

The " Farm Wiring" course empha· sized safe and efficient "'iring of two­and three· way switches. proper wire s plicing. and how to make a meter lOOp, The skills can be used in homes. barns. sheds . or other places electriei· ty is needed.

Students in the " Electric Controls" course learned how to tie in three· and four · way switches. how to set up photoclectrk cells for automalic light· ing. and how to set up two- and three· pole relays,

The "Farm Motors" course taught students how to operate. repair and build small electric moton-.

On the second day of the workshop. the students toured SPS' HarrinatOll Station. the coal· fueled power plut northeast of Amarillo. The s .. tion has a generatin.g cap.ci,y of 1.122.000

- iilowans. - - ~ - -

to) Ihe (Qunl y age nt. areas wes t of Pl ai '''' ie w a nd Abe rn a lh y ha \' e re· cci\'co lighler rains Ihan areas 1<) Ihe ea, 1. He sa id Ihe field s Ihal are fl ood ing wi ll not be harm cd beca use Ihe coo llon is standing tall e nuugh al Ih i, \t"g<', .,

With mo re r a in d ue he·re. Ih e farmers can defin ile ly brealh a sigh of relief and be more oplimistic of a good harvcst in Ihe · fall .


Jacksons Adopt Baby Tra ve ling is old hat 10 SIeve and

Teresa J ackson' s new son, who new ha lfwav across the world and traveled more Ihan 24 hours and 8 .500 miles to reach hi s new horne, on June 14 . 1984.

( heon. Kyung Nam, whose Ameri · can na me is Kclsie Jack. was met at the DFW ai rport by hi s pare nts, SIeve and Teresa Jackson of Abe rnalhy and hi s Aunl Brenda Mayfi e ld of Houston .

Ke lsie is named afte r bOlh of his gra ndfal he rs.

Six and a half month old Kelsie 's ad opli o n was a rran g ed b y Dillon Childre n's Services, a Tulsa based 'age ncy th a I has ma lc he d Korean childre n wilh dese rvin g families since 1973 .•• _

Th e Dill on agency arrange s its adoptions Ihrough the Eastern Child We lfare Sociely in Seoul. South Korea.

The LUlhe ran Soc ial Services of Lubbock did the home study and they al so work with Dillon placing children from Korea .

During the five months that the J acksons were waiting for their baby, he was being cared for by foster pare nt s. The Korean foster mothers arc especially prolective of the young infanl Ihey are re sponsible for , and provide loving care in their homes unlil the baby can be escorted to the United StalCS.

Ke lsie was welcomed home Thurs· da y al Ihe Lubbock airport by a large group of people including grandmoth· ers. T .V. crews, familv members and fri ends. .

Ke lsie is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Kelsie Mayfield of Lubbock and Mrs . Merle Jackson of Abernathy.

FLEW 1N ... Mr, and Mrs, Steve Jackson are proud to present their DeW SOD. Kelsie. to all the well wishers ",ho greeted them at the Lubbock International Airport on June' 14. Also on hand were television crews from Channels II and 13. ,Mr, Jackson said his son will have this first year off to get acclimated. but next year he will be out on the tractor. (Photo courtesy of the Jacksons.)



...... t •• e

Mr ..... Mrs. David Sharp. Mlchlel

This Week


SUl1shine Group meets for luncheon and ineeting at the Senior Citizens Center. Edith Reid ",ill present a book review.

Boys Scouts Honor Court at 7 p,m. at the Methodist Church.

Music Club mets at 8 p. m. in the City Hall club 'room.

SVNDo\ Y, JUNE 24,

Reception for Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp at Administration Buildill8 from 7·9 p.m,


Meath 1981 Jan. .23 Feb. .38 Mar. 1.40 Apr. 2,20 May .47 June .J5 July 3.69 Aug. 4.13 Sept. 1.84 Oct. J.n I

Nov. .65 Dec. .24 Total 19.30

1982 1983 .07 2.89 ,39 "",,70 .57 .04 .74 .80

5,80 1.40 "

3.87 1.77 1.38 .98 2.71 2 .15 2.95 .98

.37 7.44 1.27 .54 1.66 .304 21 .78 20.01

1984 .10 .30 .30 .35 ,68

The luture fanners learned how to wire bulkll..... build and Ulle electric eGIICNII. and how tl! build electric .......... They also were ...... haw eIectrIdty "u ..... and flnt aid and ....., Iipa.

Southwestem hblk 5errice Com­pany primarily provides eIedric utility service 10 a pofMI .... 01 age than ud ....... wW be h-.d with a

................. 0II5u ... '_ ... J ... 24tll fro. 7·9 P.M. ia the

Murk Family Concert at First Baptist Church at 8 p. m .

'1.. an. woea,Io •• 1 _,ritlll,., • , ..... paid by SPS ....... die ......

CJIIiIe mill_ In . a ,.,._ ........ ..ue area of the P ........... SINd! PlaIIlS 01 T..... .... .... ..... New...... " ~ ........ -....

SAnJaDA Y , J1J1IIIB. 31 " die doaI Adnda!.

. Hale County Elec:ted 0IIIc:iais .... . ....... "It~ .. 7:30 .. ..

Page 2: fI-IY '1VEtKtY REVIE-'/Vunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1984/1984-06-21.pdf · State Senator John T. Montford . announced the. passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate

,. EIIImy 'RelJlier and Kent HarrisOq were ' 'married in a 3 p, m. ceteftlOllY SUllday. June 10. The vows were repeated in the sUllken garden of Allerlon Part. new Champaign. D1 . Sieve S~maker o( the McKinley Presbylerian Church offici· ated. .'

The bride is Ihe daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Regnier of Amhert. M .... The groom is.lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Harrison. Sue Rick of Columbus. Ohio and Mark Harrison; brother

of the lroom from Houston. served as honor attendants. Tessa Harrison. niece of the groom. presented each wed· ding guesl with Dowers.

A reception was held in the backyard of the couple's home under a white canopy. Serving al Ihe reception were the bride' 5 four sis­lers. Deanna Harrison regis· lered guests.

The bride is a' graduale of Vassar Private School. Vas­sar Collele and' ihe Univer· sity of Illinois.

The groom is a graduate

of Abernathy High School. Soulh Plains College. Texas MM Universily ' and Texas Tech Univl'rsity. Both the bride and' groom Ire gradu· ale 'students at the Universi­ty of Illinois. working toward Iheir doctorates ip aSfonomy.

The couple will live at 1305 Briarcliff, Urbana. III. after a wedding trip to Canada.

Out of town wedding guesls included Mr. and Mrs. Billie Harrison.

First BBptlst Church Presents T-Shirts

Firsl Bilptist Church pre· scnted 75th Anniversary T-shirts to 70 young people from age six months through high school Sunday morning. June 3, II the close of the worship service. The shins were awarded for 75'l'. (or better) attendance in Sunday School from February 5 Ihrough May 27.

Three pupils . had 100%: TracyI' and Tiffany Pope. daughters of Robert and Gwyn Pope. and Corey Riddles . son of Rev. 'L1oyd and Shirley Riddles. The youngest child receiving a T-shin was Christopher Rid· dies. 5 Y, monlh old son of Wayne and Linda Riddles .

The T·shirts were hand· painled wi th Ihe 751h Anni· versary logo. The T-shirl committee was LaRita Gallo. way. chairman; Scott and Renae We ll s ; Frank. and Re nea Rippetoe. Linda Rid. dies: Bro. Lloyd and Shirley Riddles. These people spent many. many hours painting the logo and the chilldrens' names on the T -shins.

... ~:.....- Those· receiving T~ shirts were: Christopher Riddles , Jared Shannon. Raelyn Rip. petoe. Lori Brightbill. lind­sey Rogers, Ryan Harrison. Bryan Conn, Rusty Rippe.

toe. Jami Shannon. Trey Thompson. Candice Riley. Jennifer . Shannon. Carl Brighlbill. Troy Harrison. Arnie Rogers . James Steele. Trey Warren, Wayne Knight. Miles Riley, Levi Steele. Neal Elliott, Leisha Elliott , Mychal Murray. Tammy Durrett. Kandace Floyd. Misly Spradling. Les· lie Riley. Trey Rogers. Amy Sleele. Jody steele. Joel Harrison , Tony Davis. Jason Conn. Kraig Durrell, Krecia Durrett. Alyson Aldridge. LaDonna Reedy. Kristi Gal· loway. Tiffany Pope. Andrea Attebury . Holly Murray. Angie Hearn. Shawn Reedy, Kory Elli s. Kris .Durrett,

Gail Sorrels. Lissa Goebel . Sheryl Sorrels. Tracye Pope, Flint Bigham. Donna Stal· lings. John Attebury. Doyle Attebury. Beth Windham , Angela Aldridge, Tonya Spradling. Kevin Galloway. Corey Riddles. Brian Hearn. Frank Goebel , Suzanne Floyd. Kevin Ellis . Lance Bigham, Micki Neve, .Tracy Murray , Kristi Godwin. Amy Boyles. Vicky McKen· zie, Dinah Neve . and Amy Pettit. ,

The slogan" Alive al 75" came from John Harkey. who won th~ slogan contest.

The logo was designed by LaRita Galloway and Shirley Riddles.

Kriad Godwin bec8 .... the IIIItIe 01 Haney 0... In wedtlina -I ctlchaapd at Plrat laptllt Church on ' Saturday. June't6. Rev. 5yl Moore of Levelt ,ad per· fanned the ceremony.

Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Drew God .. in Ind the groom's p"rents are Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Divis. Sr.

Maid of honor WIS Michell Trousdale of Tucumcari. N.M. Bilinda Scott of Abernathy WIS brides maid . Holly Davis , niece of the groom, se rved 8S junior bridesmaid.

The groom's best man

",II Robby Reeves. coulln of the IfCIOm of llOWIIWCICIcI. Groomeamen .. ere Skipper DIYII . brother, and CllY Davis. nephew of the IIroom. The Iroom "'IS Ittired in a sliver tuledo.

The bride wore I formal gown of white silk and organza . The bodice was composed of a ruine of chantilly fealuring a Victori· an neckline . Venise lace , seed pearls and iridescenls embellished the neckline and added touches of accenl to the full bishop sleeves. The empire waist line was encompassed by a string of Venise lace. The floor

Showers, For Amy Boyles Amy . Boyles. bride·elecl

of C ollins Miller was honored with a bridal show­er on Saturday, June 2. in the home of Billie Jean Spruiell .

The bride's grandmothe r, Mrs. La ttic Henderson from Lubbock . .lI ended the shower.

Hostesses were: Sally Barrick. Mary Williford, Janice McKenzie. Lois Ann Lovelace. Susie Ellis, Mary Attebury. June Odom, Bev· erly Godwin. Gui Via. ·Susan Bigham, Wilma Stillwell. Bit sy Aldridge, Mary . J o Snodgrass . Collee n Cecil. Tommy Ruth Stallings, Susie Harkey, and Billie Jean Spruiell .

On Wednesday, J~ne 6. Amy was hon'o red with a lingerie shower in Ihe home of La Rita Howard. ~oSl. csses were Jan Cecil, Rita Williford. Vickie McKenzie and LaRita Howard .

Amy Boyles was honored with a kitchen shower in San Angelo on Sunday, June 10.

The s howe r was he ld in the home of Karla Wend­land . who will be Amy's maid of honor. Co- hosl was Peggy Og lesby, Ann" s s is lc r · in · law. and Dori s Wendland .

J c ri. Richard and Amy Boylcs and Collins Miller spe nt the weekend in San Angelo with th e Boy lc ' s sons and fa milies.

"\ Nazarene Church News

The Na7.3rene Mission arv Soc ie t y met June 13 fo~r the ir monthly mee tin g .

The pot luck meal was enjoyed by aiL The serv ice began by singing " Blessed Assurance" led by Floyd Shipman . Billi e Jean Spruiell . o ur president. look cha rge .

Prayer was led by Florine Patte rson . Billie .lean read an inte res ting article about the progress of missionar· ies. Alma RUlh Patterson. our s tudy chairman. supe r -

vised a very uniqu e ana inform a t ive prog ra m o n Japa n. Korea a nd Taiwan. Rit a K c ll v . Ruth ('a nno n

. and R.· (~ Patt erson " 'e re Ih(' speakers. good.

It was vcry

The tin ct· l..'uullli rcs a rc taking o n our w('stern ways . All arc densely fK"l pula ted with only a small pefccnt of th l'm C hri s t i;]!l . Howeve r . they seem ope n to Chris t­innily. Thl' pica from the miss iona ri es is mor(' prayer .


. Depot .

Dispatch ~~~

~~~~ ~~ Attend The Churc~~~

~~ Of Your Choice This Sunday

We ha d a mi c ro \\ a\'c demuns trat iun at th t.· De put a l tht' Wednesday cove red di ::, h d inn e r . J oy Pu rn'l! wilh Sou t h'\. .. ·c s lc rn Pu b lic Se r vice (' ooked sc\'c ral d ishes and explained each activity as s he pe rfo rmed i l. The res ult was a vcry nice add ition to our mcal. Pentecost- Yesteryear & Today

It is s uch a blessing to one who reads and rereads the accounl of that Penile· cost Day, when the Holy Spirit descended upon those failhful disciples.

The Lord had told Ihem in t :4 to wait at Jerusa­

for the promise of the While they were

they all prayed Here we see Ihe

in a unity purpose.

66 Butane





Co-op Gin




H •• tlno

And Air


We see the Holy Spirit descending upon each indiv­idual disciple. not only a privileged few.

We see the Holy Spirit in action. enthusiasm and ex ­pression for they were receiving the magnifi cant power of Ihe Holy Spirit. In Acls 1:8. Luke tells us that power that Ihey had received was for witnessing.

The secret of Pentecost is in Ihree words repeated four times. "with one accord ."

"-'>1y of God 1404 A~e. B - 298-2060

&any TIley

LUeview MetllodJat Cbareh 3 l1li. NHth. 6 mi. E. 01 CIty

Jot Chtueh of Na_ 6dI St. a: Ave. E

298-W2 Rev. Allen SchJeaeI

Coaly u.e ...... a.-Jo at. 2 - 757·2134

Rev_o..'J .....

FInt U ............ a..rdI 7MA .... D

... _T-'- .... ~

c-~a.. S ...... ",.

.... 3 ... 5 .... _ 7 ................ ....

I. In prayer (1:14) . 2. in expectation (2: I). 3. in life (2 :46·47) , and 4. in praise and purpose 14 :24·31).

The Holy Spirit came not to the world. but to the little group wa iting for Him in J erusalem. The Holy Spirit was and is today for the church and not for the world • given only 10 believers . If we. the disci­ples of our age. are "filled" with Ihe Spirit . we shall

Bethel Baptist Cbardt E. hi SI .. 298-2118

Rev. J. B. LHter

Church of ChrlSl 10th " Ave. E • 2911-2718

Coedy BUllago1ey

51 .......... Charch Sotolh Ave. D

Rev. Mattloew D·5o ....

Ia\eoIa Del N_ Ave. A " 5th St. I.-"""--


fInt ...... a.-t. "lI-'7do Sa. "251'7 ..,.-1.-......

1IItI-. .......... II.".", ..Mit

Ut ..........

witness by lip and life t o those not in Christ. The Holy Spirit will be in us as the presence of God in life: on us as the power God in our work . a nd through us as the manife s­tation of God in o u te stimony.

Let us g ive the Spirit His . God the given place in our life.

Rev. Don North.lde BaptIst






Implement Co.



Co-op Grain


Gordy & Tura Clapp " 'cre g ues ts ilt th e dinne r. The)' arc vis il ing fri e nds he re for severa l days. They live in Su lphur Sprin gs h av in g moved the re fro m Abern a· thy several )' t~ ars ago.

Lalldsl' aping is progress­ing. Clayton Enger a rrange d for Ahl.·rnat hy Fa rmers Co· op Gin to do some blade work o n t he vard a ft e r whi ch Aure liano Qu io nez fini shed the le ve lin g usi ng a

. c.·it)' Ooa t machine . It looks very nicc . The la ndsca ping commiu cc ha s o rd e re d three maple trccs and some landinas. The bare space will be cove red wi th cru shed rock on a 6 mil. pl as tic base. Commill (,c~ are ha rd at

work to make the Center a place th a i ~LL se nior citi ­zen s (:an e l1Joy .

The fund rai s ing commit ­tee had a garage sa le at O oma Adams' house la s t wee~ . It nclled S450 fo r the Cente r .

Several people have pur· chased tickets to the spa· ghe tti supper. but there arc many tickets ye t to be sold.

The Enlertainmcnl Com­mittee met Thursday even­ing the 14th with Clayton Enger. chairman. presiding. After discussing many pro­gram possibilities each member of the commi"ee was assigned " date to be responsible for a program.

Wet weather has delayed the landscaping work.

There will be a ceramic demonslralion at 2 p.m . Wednesday. June 27 al Ihe Center.

~. I

..... ,. ..... !~: .. , ~ .. .: ... ~I ·,. : ···

a..-............ .... .... ........... ..... .......... CIIMIlttftellY .......... --.

... 2

Ixclt "'" I.nlth aklrt "'II lCce'nted with Ichlme, Venlu and chantilly lace, while another loft rume of chantllly flowed uound the chapel len8lh train.

To complele her ensemble the bride wore I wreath of white s ilk , roses .. The double layer illusion was fumishelf wilh a rolled edge and fell to fingertip length.

Michelle McLaughlin. sis· ter of the bride. of Dallas registered guests.

A reception followed the wedding in Fellowship Hall . Serving guests were Tracy Give ns. Linda Davis and Linda Sparkman.

Pearson-Ussery Engagement Tho.e To

Remember t .44G"'#G'GIZ~

Joe Thotb..- is in Meth· odist Hospital .

BemeU Dry. is in Metho­dist Hospital.

Mitzi Sanders is home aft e r having s urgery last week.

I Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Peirson wish to announce Ihe e ng age me n t and ap· proaching marriage of thei r daughter. Rebecca Sue. to J ay Daniel Usse ry. son of Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Usse ry of New Home.

The couple plan s to be

married August 17 at the First Baptist Church in Abernat/1y.

The iltide· el <ct graduated from Abernathy High School and attended Texas Tech. The fUlure bridegroom wa s a g raduale of New Home High School.

Jimmy O.wall is in Meth· odist Hospital. He is the son of Jeff and Jana Oswalt . He will be L'Oming home soon

Lakeview Locals by Mn. Norman Matthew. ._------------------------Joe Hannel is ho me

recove ring from bl lxld poi­soning in one foot.

Bro. J esse Nave was th e and Mrs. Harry Sinclair in fca ture d speake r W cdncs- Plai nview.

_ a_Ill_a (tay ni g ht a t ser v ice s a t La kc vie" M(' th ndi ... t Church. Mr. a nd M r s . J . C .

This & That by Helen Wad. ...c_n _______ •

Mrs . He len Man es. moth e r o f Mr s . Harpe r . from Dall a s a nd M ic he l Tc npe nn y. g randdaug hter. fr o m TU (50n . Ariz . a r e visiting Rc\". and Mrs. Don Harpe r th is su mmer. The ir child re n from Nor th Caroli ­na " :ill be h e r~ nex t w eek.

Tessa Ha rr ison. daug hte r Il f M r. a nd Mr s. M ,l rk Harri so n o f Hou!'ro ton . i .. \" i ~i till g Ih.· r g r:lndpan: n t ... Mr . a nd Mrs . Billie Harri ­M1n for a fc \\ day s.

M r ~ . D a i ~ y Gi\, h.a.\ rc<:entlv rc turl1t'd to Abl..' rn :. · thy fro m a h ll ~ lour. Sh e look a b us lo u r !.lut o f Lubbock to Na~h \'i ll c . Tenn . and ~ h l' 5;m tht· Grand Ole Opry 3nd oth<.' r po int s o f inte re st .

She had :1 ve ry cn jll.\ a ble lime a nd thnught it a ~("X, \\3 \ ' to S l ' {' the s ig h!!. .


Look Who's New

Mr a n d Mr s . Kci t h

S und a ~' wa s th e Jrd Sundu\' ditllll~ r a l Lilkcvirw M l' th~di)t C h urc h "·jth prc:ll:hing i l~~~\!' a ft t· r ntMHI.

... Mr . a nd Mr) . G le n Am ' nol ~pc nt Sunday . Fa thn ' , Day. wi th he r p arcfl l ~ . Mr.

Mnntgnm('~' a rc h O nl l"' a fte r bci n ~ in Okl.1.homa Cit y for 2 wcch \' h.iting the ir chi ld·

M r. and Mr).. J im Matr · he w ... of Da ub L. Ara b ia vi,itcd Mr.. . N. Mart hcw!<o SalU.rday.

M()orl' art· pro ud to announ .... L· the birth nf th eir dau ghl<.'r. Slcpha n;e Dian She wa ... bnrn JUnl' 12 in M{, t hndi ... 1 Hos pital an d " c igill'd n pou nd s . 11 OU IH.:(· ... and was 10 inc h l' ~

long al b irth .

,T .iI .. .' '::o~':.~ :.Jl;....~t yL'VI' '-.(1' : h .. L...

Stcpha n ie ~' i l1 be we l­m nl ed home by hcr .l ,)·car ­old b rolh(' r . Bra ndon.

I ..... 1 .. • f\J.:.· ... ". I.'f 'lU,I-:,{IpI'C r\!:' lllct ' f) C ..)(j!-

Grandpare nt !\. arc Mr . and Mr>. L. A. Duff of Lubbock an d Mr . a nd Mrs . 5\'1 Mllorc of Lc ve ll ;tnd . Grea t· ~randpa rc nt s a rc.' Mr . a nd Mr> . Bill Moore of Elkhart a nd Mr . a nd Mrs. I\' a n Ruffin of Abe rnath y.

••••••••••••••••• ........ , ... ".,',.,', .......................... " ..

A surefire formula

for a pOlished, but

very Individual look:

brights teamed with


From Hershles,

Tammy Is wearing a

look that I. light,

cool, and comfortable.

The ."lIng Simple,

• •• " and o".rs/z.d.

5 •• tltl. fa.hlon

.'.'.ment ., 8'"'' ' ••

10 'a 2 .. -2Ial

Original Halrbenders

298-4135 298-4039

Lubbock Summer Rep '&4 has announced that the call for it s production of "West Sid e Sto ry" includes Jill Blalock . daughter of Hayden and Donna BI. lock of Aber. na th y . The junior vo ice major al Tech is {'usl in the role of Maria in the musical. She Is also playing the role of Luciana in "The Boys from Syracuse ."

Othe r rece nt roles per. fo rmed by Miss Blalock in lubbock include Despina in scen e s from " Cosi fan t utt e , " C a s ilda in "The Gondolie rs ." and Gre lche n in " The St udent Prince."

Lubbock Summer Rep is a join1 ci ty a nd uni ve rs it y project, s ponsoring produc­tion of t.hree musicals each sunlmc r. NO\\· in it s fourth year. it involves the cooper­ation of T edl ' s depa rtments uf Thea tre Arts an d Music. Civic Lubbock, Inc" and the l ubb ock Cul tura l Affai rs Counci l

Sla tcd for pre Sl~ nt a t io n

arc three Broad~'ay musi· (·a ls . each with a hislori c.'a l sla nt. Be rn s le in ' s " w e!.t Side Storv." scheduled for June 15. 16 and 22·23 , is a

modern New York City update of Shakespeare's

. " Ron,eo and Juliet:.~ To be­. performed June 29·30 and Jul y 6· 7, Rodlen and Har t' , "The Boys from Syracuse" draws its plotlin. from Sha kes peare' s ".The Co medy of Errors: ' . The 1al e of two me n from the ancie nt Greek lown of Sy racuse t a ke s us on a sea rch for the ir long-los t (and. it turns out . notorious) twin brothers. And the final musil'al , "Pippin" by Ste­phen Schwartz and Roger O. Hir son . is a modern ada pta tion of the ques t for fulfi ll me nt by Charle· mag nc ' s o ldes t s on : it 's pe rforma nces are July 13-14 and 20·21.

All shows arc a t 8: 15 p.rn . at 'he Lubbock Mem· orial Civic Cenler Theatre . 150 1 6tl, 51. Season tickets arc S19. or " twofer" S3S. Ind ividua l tickets are 55.50 and S7.50, with SI student and senior citize n discounts .

For more information. call -4 2·1936 ,ir write Lubbock Suml1wr Rcp at Box 4298. Te xas Tech Uni ve rsity. Lub· Ihl!.·k, Tx .. 79409.

11K> Mil'" Famll) \-----------_._--\ ! Delayne's 11

I Day Care I \ Openlngs-18 months & older

' limited-cali now 1 11207 Ave E 298-41 ~ L--____________ _

8 Ct.

Cinnamon Rolls


Tech Honor

Rolls Texas Tech Universily has

anno unced Ihe Abe rn at hy a rea students qualifying fo r the President 's and Deans' Honor Roll s for the · I 'lB.4-spring semester .

Stude nt s qu alifyi ng fo r the President's lis t include Clinton Barrick. Route 2 ; Weldon Patle rso n, 50S 2nd Place: and Dee A. Attebury. 901 Velray Drive. .

Qual ifying for the De an 's lis t were Da rrid Stallings. 509 2nd Pl ace : Ge ne D. McDonald . 50 1 A I'e. D: and Jimm y Snlitros . Route 2 .

This li st o nh ' includ es those student s who list the ir mailing address as Abe rna ­thy.

Murk Famll,'

Concert The Mu rk Fami l\' will

prcscnt a concerl on Tue.,· day •. June l b, at 8 p.m. :11

the Firs t Baptis l Chur(·h. The conce rt is spon sorl'd

by the Abernathy Mini"iter ... · As socia t io n. E\'e n one I ...

e ncouraged h1 altenel.

Jill Hlvens , Ilonl with fi ve other TexIS tech stu· de.nlS, left Lubbock Intem a: tional Airport June 15 fbr a two· month mission trip to Calcull a, India.

Rev, Steve Moore, direc· tor of th e Texas Tech Wesley Foundation , recently spent s ix weeks in Calcutta allending a World Religion Se minar . While he was th e re. Si eve met Moth er Teresa and discussed the possibilit y of a 'group of co llege s tude nt s working wit h her thi s summer. After mu ch planning a nd many phone ca lis , th ~ trip was fin alized. The g roup witl be working with Mother Teresa in orph a nages and hos pital s in Ca lcutta .

Each person , oi nK raised their money 10 finance Ihei r own tri p a t a cost of aboul S2200 each .

Jill recently compl e te d the Emergency Me dica l Te chn ician Parame dic pro­gram at Odessa College in Odessa a nd is now a Texas Certified Paramed ic. Jill . a graduate of Abernathy High School. is the daughter of Mr . a nd Mrs . Ric hard Have ns of Stanton and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Davenport of Abcrna,hy.

Other students attending fro m Tec h are J e ani e McCle llan, Belinda Leonard . David Beckner . Ron Ru s h­ing a nd Chris Keisling.

Veeehio Finalist In Pre-teen Pageant

Miss Yve tte Vecchio . age 10. d,lug hte r of Mr. and M r~ . C. P. Vecchiu . Jr . of Lubhock has been se lected as a finali st ill Ihe 1984

which .so s tates, the Dis trict of Columbia , Puerto Rico and the Virgi n Is la nds are re presented . In 1984 Miss ;\'atio n al Pre -teen . as a

M i ~~ N lirth we~ t Texa s \.\I nne r of th e nat iona l Na t iona l Pr(·- t('en Pa gea nt 10 be held a t Ihe Holiday Inn Ci vil' Cente r on J un e 29 ;a nd ) 0 .

Contes ta nls \\ i ll be com­pcli ng fo r c as h awa rd s. sa\"1ng~ bo nds. liara . ba nner a nd t r o ph ~' a lo n g " '1t h scho l3rs hip to t he Mi s s Tc: xa , Na tio na l Pre· tee n Pageant in Dall as . Thc Miss Te .\:h Na ti o na l Pre- teen 1:l3gl'ant i!'l the Offi cial St3t" Paj.!l·j nl ft1r Ihe Miss Nal io ­na l Prl~ ·t ('e n Pageant to be held in Nm e mbt.' r in Le hig h AI rl·' . Fla.

The t \\ t) . da ~ pagea nl is tilt' l lllh one for g ir l" 8· 12 in

pagea n t. w ill rece ive 3

i-day cruise for herself and he r pare nt s with a ll meals . cnwr ta inme nt. acco mmoda ­tions and round tri p airfa re tn the port of embarkat ion In(..' lud(·d . In addi t ion . s he \\ ill receive a cash award . a co lor po rtr a it a nd ma n y olhe r giflS .

Miss Vecchio's tale nt is ja il dan c in g. Sh e is a ~ t u den t of Bill ie J o's Dane· ing Stud io a nd he r da ncing ins tr uctor is Sherry Fager. ... on.

) \ (· t ll· is th e g r a n d · d ~ u ~h t ('r of Mr. and Mrs . C R. Vecchio or Abern a lh y_

Selke Sisters Reeeh;e Degrees

K a th y. S t ac~ .3 nd A li:! Selke of Clarl"mon t r('l~ch cd

degrees from rn l lq~t:' .. I h ('~

attended . Kat hy recri\('d a hacholor

of arts deKree in hl !o IOT)

from Cal Poly PomOrl 3 al comm ence ment a('{ n It il l· ... on J un t' lJ _ She \l, a .. c l ('~·tl.'d

Phi Alpha Thela , inll.'rna t io nal ho no r SOcil~ I \' I n

hist" ')' .nd Phi Kappa' Phi . 3(" adem ic honor so('ie t ~·. She

I .. ;} 19i J g ra d ua te o f Clarema .. High and a IQ78 ~r3rt u :l( e of Lo s An ge les Theater Academy.

Slacy recc i\'('d a ma ~tt.· r of .l rl , dt.:~ r e(' in medica l ).!t·ograph~ from the Un;\,er ­<; ; t \ ur W ;J s hi l1Kto n in Scal· lle: Junl' Q. She is a ttP .':; .!'!radU;l (l' nf Cla re Ol om Hig h an d a I 'pq g radual e o f Pomona C~lIc gc _

Alia. a 19i 9 Cla re mont

Hig h g raduate . re(eived a bachl or of a rts de gree in rc n ca l ion adm ini st r atio n from San Diego Sta te Uni ­\cr!t l1 ~ May 10

Th e Selke ~ i s ( e r s a r e dau gh lc rs o f Ka ti e Se lke an d Bill Se lk o. both of Cl aremont. Ca lif. They a re lh(' g ra nddau ghlers of Mrs. Ollie Selke of Abernathy.

Buy one reg. price get one Free r

. ..-, 4-H NEWS

Two Abernathy 4· H Club members did well at the Southwest Regional Chiani· na Stlow in Abilene recent­ly . according to Count y Agent Ollie Liner .

Bl ack Femal e He ife r and Pe pper Dod son had th e lIeserve Gra nd Cham pion Senior Black Female Heifer .

Marc Dodson had the first place full b loo d Chi"ni na Junior Heifer Calf and the third place fu ll blood Ju nior

Chianina heife r ca lf. Hc also had the second

place light weigh' Chianina steer .

They we re accom pa nied to Abile ne bv thei r mother. Mrs. Carolyn Dod~n . Marc Dodson had th e

G r a nd C ha mpi o n Se ni o r

By Ace Reid




402 - 9th Street Member FDIC .J e ..£ 1P ~ F • 2 7 2 VS 27

Coke And Hot Dog


Tender Crust Bread 1 1/2 Lb. Loaf

~DiPS - -" '

',. • . . c"l Qt. Borden's \.."~ I~

, . Chocolate

t .•. ,

2 Liter

Buy one get one Free

Dr _ Pepper Buy one reg. price get one Free ,

Frito Lay Chips Buy one get one Free '


.Qt. Borden's Buttermilk

BBQ Sand"iches

Buy one get one Free

Buy one get one F:ree

Page 3: fI-IY '1VEtKtY REVIE-'/Vunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1984/1984-06-21.pdf · State Senator John T. Montford . announced the. passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate

For_ AU Your F.rmlng N •• ds 'j . ' - NEWS JOE THOMPSON IMPLEMENT

115 A,e. D · PH.ONE

---------------------------------------Plains Pest Management Report

---------------------------------------. . Cotton ranges from two to

ieven true leaves and early plln.ted fields are how squaring.

, Thrips populations have been variable. ranging from 0.2 to 10 thrips per plant average, Damage has been light to ' moderate in most fields . with a few experienc· ing heavier damage. After 'cotton begins to square. thrips should not be much concern. .

Scouting for cotton flea­hoppe rs should start as cotton begins to square. F1eahopper adults are about 1/ 8" long and pale green.

. The · nymphs are much smaller. They have sucking

~':.~~fW~uc\Y~g ~~,~ I!;,~~!h~b~:~:~~,d ::maf:~ from the plant leaving a blank fruit node. Fleahop. pers cause their greatest · amount of damage during Ihe first 3 'weeks of squar· ing. Decisions for control should be based on number of f1eahoppers present . squaring rates and percent square set. If flea hopper number.; exceed 25 to 30 per 100 terminals and square set falis below 75% . fhen a pesticide trea tme nt may be needed. Trea tments shou ld not be based on flea hopper numbers alone. Last year fleahopper num·

"Stubbornneu is the energy of foots." Germln Prov.rb

"*************,. : Stucco Work ,. : 298-2674 : It Early M ...... ' or Aft« : It s'p..... - ,. ~", ••...........

bers were high. but square loses were minimal.

False chinch bugs have been reported moving f.,.,m pastures. weedy areas or wheat into cotton. Fie ld margins should be inspected for this insec!. The adults are about 1/ 6" in size and gray to dark brown in color. As their name suggests . they look very similar to the chinch bug. They will cover the ground as they move inlo colton and have been known to desiccate 10-20 rows of young cotton adja· cerit to weeds or pasture. Fields margin treatme nts

. are usual!y e rf~ c.tiv e in ·controiling this pest ..


Corn is'18 to 42 inches lall and irrigations contin­ued this pas t week. Rains on W c:dnesday aftern oon and Thursday wiil he lp greatly wit h stretching irri· gations.

Southwestern com borers continue to be collected in light traps. Survey s of stubb le indicated emergence as high as 50 '9'0 in some fields . Only a few eggs have been . located to dale and leaf feeding by larvae diffi· cult 10 find .

Spider mites are be ing found in corn adjacent to wheat. Small colonies and

• Th. fint meearoni factory in the U.S. WI' established i~ 1848.

International Harvester .Dealer Farm Equipment

See Us For Repair,

Parts & Service

webbing have been found on the lower leaves of some plan!s. Spider mites have also been found occasionally in the fields away from the margins. Dr. Pat Morrison, Ex tension Entomologist from lubbock. has identi· fi e d the mite s as Bank s grass mile , Minule pirate bug nymphs have already been found feeding in the colonies. In years pas t. some early mite infestations have been a rood source for benefidals and were elimi­nated by them during the reproductive s tage. The re­cent rains s ho uld be of some help in washing off

. mites . a nd e liminatin g stressed com .


W ed nes da y night' s r a in was welcomed and a big he lp to fa rmers. Th e amounts ranged fr.om II . " to 3". Crops thaI are heavy users of irriga ti on waler should be watched carefuily because s mall amounls of rain. as dryas we were, will not last too long.

For a ddi tional infor ma ­lion , contact Greg C ron­holm. Extension Agent· E nlo molog y at th e Hal e County Extension office by calling 293·8481 . exl. 273 or mobile phone 293·6114.


Safety Corner

In both 1983 and 1984. the U.S. Department of Agriculture was required by law to set Ihe U.S. upland cotton loan rat e for the base quality. Strict low Middling 1·1I 16 th · ... cotto n at Ihe sta tuto r y minimum of 55 cents per pound.

But the s ituation is almost certain to bc different for 1985.

The 1981 Farm ACI reo quires that the bas.e loa n

,~~e~t~rh:al:\\re~3~'t ~r~~p~~ marke t calculatio n" o r a "North e rn European ca lcu· la ti o n . ·· However, if the Northern European calcul a· t ion is be low [h e spot market calcul at ion, the Set·­re tary or Agricultu re has the authority to set the loan at the leve l ind icated by the SPOt marke t f ig ures or anywhere bctwcc:.'n th e two. Thi s ass umes, o f course. that exercis ing such au th ori· tv will res ull in a loa ll a l or a bove the prcs C'r ibed 55-cent minimum.

The "spot market ca lcula· tion" is dcscribed by law as &.." percent of the' average pri("'e q uo tcd in U.S . spot marke ts for the base qua li ty during t he med ian three yea rs or the five-year period ending Jul y 31 of the yea r in which the Inan is an· nounced. The loan k'vel for 1985 must be a nnounced b.,.. November I of thi s \'("·ar. .

The " Nonhe rn E~ropea n calculation" eq ua ls 90 per­

l cent of an adjusted IS-week average of price qu ota tions for 1·3/ 32nds inch cotton. CIF Northern Europe.

'-Neither of Ihe two calcu· lation s ca n b e comple ted this year until la ter. The IS-week pc rit1d to be I:J scd for E uro pea n qu o ta tIOn s doesn't beg in until July I. and the S·ycar spot ma:ket

NITRATE POISONING FROM DROUGHT·STRICK. EN GRAINS .. Use of droug ht ·s tr icken corn and grain sorghum for hay or g ra zing ma.y cause nitrate poi soning in li ves tock. IltJh .. ·~

Farm Pond Safe.y a n agro nomist wit h the



Farm ponds provide a useful Te .'( as Agric ult ura l Exten-source 01 water and a place tor s io n ServiL·(,,·. Th{'rc- -recreation . Make your pond sate. r()rc. produc(.·rs s hould havc

Implement Co

•111 IrnElUMnONAI:


Lubbock 782-2133

• Ponds used for swimming or a nitra te tes t ru n o n these boating should have a "rescue crops before tht.~.Y ar~ gral('d station" containing a post with a or harvc~tc:.'d for Il vcstcl('k ring buoy, rope and long pole. feed. A ml ratc le ve l ('of more

I_ Keep your pond area ctean and than I pcn:enl Itlll a dry free of trash . mail e r basis) can be lelhal

eA'ancewlllkeepoutsmall 10 li vestock. Th e nitrOlI"C children. level in g rai n nop!! is

• If you boat on your pond, be hi g hest in the luwer por-sure the boat is seaworthy, and lions of the st.llk and lowe ,>' avoid overloading it. in th e grai n a nd uppe r

eDonotswlminapondshared Ieavcs, so po isoning is wilh lives1ock, and do not swim us ually most prevalcllt wi lh in one polluted by runoff water. hcavy grazin g .

In 1948, RCA Victor intra· duced tho 45 rpm record. !:~g.!:~~ .. code nalma of


Crop Hail Insurance ~

Establl,hed In No. · ember 01 192 t...pub· Ushed on Thursda y 01 each week in /\be rna thy, Texas . Second Class pos· tage paid a t Abernathy. Texas, 79311, located at 916 Ave. D. In Ihe city 01 I\bernathy. P . O. Draw· er D. Phone I 8061 298· 2033.

We sp.clallze In Crop Hall Insurance.

We sell and service any type of crop Insurance

In the state of Texas. We have been In the crop

h.1I busln.ss 15 y.ars and hav.,many satlsfl.d customers.

e.11 or com. by for. quote. Our record apealel for H •• If.

• f /

15% Dllcount- for ca.h No Int.re.t on note.


Any erroneous renee· lion upon the character of any firm, corporation or lodlvidual which may appear in the columnl of the . Allernalhy Weekly Rnlew gladly will be corrected upon helas broy,hl to the aUenU •• of Ihe publisher.

Sosheripllo.' Rale. : per year ia H.I.

••• L.bIIock C ... lles. ".M per year 10 resi .. Te". lid .... M per ye .. ......... Ie. 0111 III Te ....

figures ~on 't be comp lete until arrer August I.

Ther is, however , a good indication or how the latte r calcul ation will look w he n finalized. Through March of thi s year. acco rding to USDA. the weigh ,ed aver· age of q u,otations rur the med ia n three or the past five years comes to 67.32 ce n ts per pound . ThaI lig ure times 8S percen1. as required. equals 57.2 cents pc r pound.

So, unless the numbers change. IIle Secretary will hun" author ity to set the loa n Icve l for Ih e ba se qua lit y in 1985 a t 57.2 cen ts . over two ""Cilt s per po und above the sta tutory minimum. Moreove r. shou ld Ihe adj u s t ed Northe r n E urupean q uutes average above the spot mark e t figu re. as we ll may happe n, Ihc s pot marke l figur e bocu l1lc~ thc mirnimum fo r Ihe 1985 I~ ) .. n.

USDA in the Ju ne b Federal H. egisl<.' r ca lls fo r <:ommen Is on the I Q85 loan level. what kin d of and ~ize aL"r("lg(' redul·tiofl program .. ho lild be 311I1 oll IH:ed. if lillY, th e target pril'(' a nd m hcr 1985 prog ram details . lubb od~-b~l !!tc d Plain s

Coltnn Grnwcrs. Inc. , began it .. dclih n:.t t iu lI :-' U ll the 25·('oun t~' ,'o lt on p roducer g r o u p's co mm e nt s a t a meeting of the E.lcL· ut i\'e Commi ll (,c .IUIIC 14 . peG' s program rccom meilJations will be fina l ill.~d b-. Ihl' full Board on July II ,'

To be cons idcred . co m­nu:nt mu~t be s ubm itted by August 0 10 Dr. Howard C. Willi a ms. Dircclor, Anuh' !'oi .. Di\'io;;io n . USOA · ,\ SCS: p . O. Btlx 24 1 S. Wa .. hill glOll . D. C .. 2001J.

BATItlNG MESQUITE .. LatC' !'o pring and ea rly Stim·

nler i!'o Ihe ti lllL' llf the \'t."lT

to :I criall y apply li quid hc rhi .... id cs for .... ol1 tro ll ing IllL· ... qu iIL· Ulld a"!'o ul' iatt:d h ru ... h "' I)(,.' \,: il"'" IH\) vid cd gru\\ in~ co nditi o n s arc gH~l(1. 1l 11 1l: ~ " rangl' bru :-.h :Hld \\ ('cel l'llIlIrol specia li !!t t \\ith thl' Tl'.\a ... Agril'ultur;tl Extcno;;lllll Sl'rvin· . Mc.\quitl' kill i~ hi ... dll:~ t wht' ll "'Ili l nhlislurl' is good an d pl ;:lI lI ... arl' g ro\\ ing vig uro u ... ly with plenty of foliage. Alsll. :-.uil tt'mpera' tun: a t 18 inchc .. !'o hould he 75 dcgn'c.., F. or abo\le al :-. pnlying t illl l· . Regis te r e d hl' rbkide:-. fllr mc ... quite con· trol re 2. 4. S·T: picloram tur<l7011 PCl a nd 2.4.5·T mi:<cd one ·t u·one: a nd a ollc - III - OI1 ('" mix of dicambu IBan"ell and 2A.5·T.

Aile ........ '. Te_. 79311

New Test. Show Grain Uas Ulgh~r Feeding Value .

size or the kernel. That , in "That may even unde res~t-New test results show itself, wil l improve t he va lue mate the Irue va lue of gra m

grain sorghum has an 11 % about 50/11 ." Feedlot opera- sorghum because many cat· hig her feeding value than tors who have b een con- ~ I c feedc~s use ~ team flak · the old National Research cerned that rin e ly rolled IIlg ?r high motsture p~ Co un ci l feed composition g rain might cause b \oat a nd eCSS ID g . I.t see ms grain tables indicate, Cattle feed- acidosis probably ca n all evi- sorg hu~ IS mu ch more

. ers who feed sorg hum have ate th ose concerns by feed- resP?".sl\' e to th e m~re rea li ze d th ey are getting ing Rumensin or Bova tcc. snphtsllcatcd processing be tter performance than the adding buffers and keepin g procedu res and, co nse· 830?o va lue those tables feed in front of cattle at a ll qucnl ly, under those proce· placed on milo, times, dur~s the ener~y va lue of

Beef ca tll e specia list. A s umm ary of eight gra m sorgh um IS probably J ohn R Brc thour said , by experi me nt s a t the Hays equa l III that of corn_ ta kin g adva nta ge of new Branch Sta tion using rolled " Becau~c co.mpul c: r linear manage me nt s kills in · pro- rorn and fine ly rolled milo progra~l m lng IS oft.en used ccssing. he found the reed showed there ~as very lillie In rallon for!," ~lat llln. nct _ va lue of dry rolled grain difference in average d ress· ('Ilt'rgy coe ffi Cie nt s o ften ~ sorghum 10 be about 94 0/0 of ing perce nta ges. qualit y dc~t:rmi n c fced ing!<".dient ) th a t of dry ro lled corn , grade or carcass cutab ilit y. pTlces , These COc ffl c lcnt s Bre thour is ' a beef cattlc In those trial s. partially !!.hould take into acroun t thc scienti st at th e Ha vs Branch fund ed b y Ka n sas G_rain manl1('r in which th e grain J\gril'ultura l Experimen t Sorghum Comm ission, the i~ processed to be accurate ~ Stat ion o f Kan sas S ta t e indicated net energy £ror in thl' value of Stlrghum . As Univers ity. The research a t grain) conte nt of finely thl" upward ox~mcients of Havs shows Iha t consider· rolled milo was I.Jq Mcotil o;orgh unl grains are fig ured I

ab l~ improveme nt ca n be kg dry matte r (55 Mcalll OO into the computer linear made in dry proce ssing lb. air dry) compared 10 programming ," Brcthour grai n sorghums. 1.48 Mcal/kg dr}' ma tt cr (or co ncl uded. " th en thi s

Brcthour said , "The main dn rolled corn . Brc thour ... llOu ld enh:tncc the rclari"'e purpose of grain proccssing su-mmarized. "The va lue of priet." or ~ r;1 in sorghum ," is to ruplure the kernel , grai n for feeding cat1k is Mt'rl~ in forma ti on on red uct' the p art ide sizc and dosch' associated with net Ihc'iC trial o;; ma .. ' be obta in~d increase the surface a rea so energy l'Ont enl. ~o in th ose by cunlading J ohn R, Bre· diges tion can occur more lests. finely rolled milo wa !!. thuur . FOri Ha ys Branch. rapidly and thoroughly . The worth 94 (lIn 3S mU('h as Agricultural Experiment feedlo l with a roller mill C\lrn, "S~~~ilo. n . Ha ys, K .t nsa ~. would want 10 go to a fi ne Brethour wcnt on to say. uv mil to reduce .he particle

LEADERSHIP CLASS TO GET WASHINGTON ORIENTATION: Mcmbtr< of Ihe 1983·8-4 Cot ton Lead­('rsh ip C lass w ill be in W:lo;h ingHHl . D. C . Jun(' 10·15 fu r a session on guver nmenta l and pub li c affai rs. During the "'·cci .. th,,' group will participate in dis ( u!!.sio ns o n how th t' legislative process work !!.. current poli tica l climale . Ihe rt)le of orga ni za tion !!. in gU\,{'TIll1leu! re-la tiono;. and farlll pnli l·Y .

Ttal' da~!'o a lso ..... ill \IIo'i tnes~ thc Whit e House briefing, lour the Washington Post f:ldlil i c~. visit tht· H O U M'

fl o",r . 3th.' nd key Senate and H l1U .. (' cum mitt ee met·tings a nd ~cs!'o i ons with H oust~

and S('nate leade rship . Also un Ihe agenda arc meetings wi t h o ffidals o f \'ario u s g.11\ l'r nmen t agencies.

MC3 nwhill' , The Col1on Foundation htl!lo bc)(un rt" ­cciving appli cation!'. f{"lr th l' IQS4 · I:IS lC'ud <"r!'ohip (. .. Ia .. ~ . Deadlin(' (or 'iubmirring applicatinn .. b Jul .\ I nil.' prugram i" fund('d tilrouJ.(h Th(' Foundali(1Il h~ a grullt from J)uPlln .. .. Agri\'ullur al Chl' rni"'ab D(:partnl(.'n t .

EX PORTS RE PORTED: Co lt un npurt ~hipI1H·nt .. arnountt'd tll 121 ,200 runn · ill ;;: balc~ durin~ till" \\l·d l'mkd Mu~ .11 . Thi~ bfllUg hl

th e H'3!!.1l1l · ... Jl·ullllulah·t! total 10 S.bS 7. 700 hall"> . kavi ng undl' li v<.' re d .. a l(· ... nf 1.2-:'4 .JOO . NC' I 11 (" " .. a ll"'> a mou nt ed to 4.-'00 hall"'> arter C'3nl'l·l1at irom. uf 1M.SOO haks . Mea nwhil e ... ale .. fllr I Q84·HS dell\ C'r~ inrrc; ... ed h\ a net of 47.000 hall"'" hi ;1

t~tal uf 1.288.000 . MnJ '" b u )"l'rs art· horac1 . S Ollth Kore:1. THai land .Hld B .. n~ ­ludelooh

IMMIGRATION BIU SC IIEDULED: 100nllgra lion' rd~)frt1 ~ill . HR · I :- I O. IS

\\' h,,:dulcd h ) rcadl Ihe­H1W" (, Olll.' r th (' \\ct"k ~Jf

.I U Ill' 11 . lilt' hilI '" Iluld lmpo~e

\ 1\ II :lflll ~)(h"' lhl ~ ,'nminal pl' I1.tltll· ... on l' mplm('r, .... ·ho rqa':ltl'Cll\ Jnu " knu"lfl gly " tllfl' 1I1~': .Io:.'I1 .. lien .. The 1'1311.11131 Cul tOIl Council earlier p~""l' d a rC;"'lIlu tiun l 3 lhll ~ fur e rrur ... hI "pre· \~ ' lIt pCl1alrl(· ... · · lin ~hlund ~

th,lI l' mph l\ (. ,.. 1:11111\11 (("' I1!'o ' Ih l, a""t'rt;1I1l "h(.· thl"r 3

pnl"pl'~ u\ l ' l'mp l~l\ l' t" I' an ahl'll .

I hl" CtlUlIl"Il hHlIr .. th e hdl · .. pHh 1 ... ll.,l that r(,~ulrn th~ ' 1 00nll~rallllll and Nalur· :.111:11 '4'" ~(: T\ ICt· W ohtAIO \\ .Irral lh III ... t..'3H h pTl\ 3 t t'l~

Ill' \(t 1I1"ll" 1I f.dll .. . HO .... l"\'c r. ;III aml' ndl1lcn t It) ..,Irih· Ihe 'ol' 3rdl '"' ;lrra nt n:qulr(' llltl1 l

" npc.-'l-tl·U t(l b(' offered .

~'S'~ii_'C ·o~· .:;<¥~S;~I r a!"'.f"~~ -- ~'- o.::;- ·....::;::::=; - .J) " In foun .. iOl. the water often comes from I lion ' s mouth becauu in Incient EgyPt , it is I.id, the Nile River flooded in August when the sun is in the constell.tion l eo th e U~. .

THE LADYBUG SPOT SPRAYER Realon. You Sh.hI Buy. n. ...., ... • Designed Specifically For Row Crop

Spot Spraying • One of the most Economical Method.

of Applying Herbicides . • Designed for low Cost Investment

and Maintenance • A One Person Operation - Receive 4 Gallons of Roundup® Fr ..

(See below for details)







• I+1J#WHMllClFOII ~ TOUR.,. ..... WILl II DlLMIIo

. ~YTOYOU. ........ = ... If

_ ... IIet ..........

..r_ery -a.II •• eM._ Oeorie Sh.rp. who owned ­

. nd oper.led Sharp ' s Grocery In New De.1 for the pili ellht yea rs. h.. .n. nounced his retiremenl from the am<ery bu.ines •.

Georae WI. born in Chil . dren to Rev. and Mrs. Jim Shlrp: His father wa. pas. lor In the New Dell Methodist Chun:h for six years. Mrs. Sharp is pre. sently living in California wilh a daughler.

A gr. duate of Perrylon High SChool. George . a l . lended West Texas Siale Universi ty. majori ng in Eng li sh. Berore moving to New Deal. George and . his wife . Hel e n . ope ra ted a game room in lubbock.

10 SlDdt ,eaerlblc pl. nil. George would like to

.. pre.. hi s deepest appre. clatlon to all Ih. load people of New De. 1 for their

. patronage and kindn ... over Ihe years.

Now Ma IaT,..

Ed West is the new owner of the Bracery state. He has been in the grocery store business for 2S years.

Born in Weinen . he has been in the Lubbock area si nce 1947, His wife's name is B.J .

Ed's future plans are to res tock the store and put in a g rill so he can sell hamburgers a nd Fre nch fries . Other snack foods will be availabl e.

Phillip Van dygriff of Abernathy Hig h School Chapter of Ihe FFA took th ird in a conlest amon8 FFA s lud ents st Ud yi ng "Farm Motors" I I a recent Southwestern Public Se rvice Company farm e lectrifica . lion workshop.

The three· day ~'orkshop . held in Amar illo June 11 · 13 . .,tracled SO FFA boys and four FFA girls from Texas and Ne ..... Mexico,

Vand ygr iff. son of Mr . and Mrs. Clyde Vandygriff. is the second allernate for one of th e SPS-sponsored Irips 10 the National FFA Com'cntion in Kansas Ci ly. Mo. in Nove mber.

The futu re farmers learn how to wire buildings, build ' and use electric cont rols. and how to build electric

,AGa !

"' . motor s. Tht.~y also were taught how e le(' tricity is, made , a nd rirs t .aid and safety lips.

Five area vocational agri­c ulture teachers paid by SPS taugh l Ihe Ihree courses . They were assistt:d bv iO adull FFA advisors a~d by SPS personnel.

The "Farm Wiring " course e mphasized safe a nd efficient wiring of twa. and three-way switches. prope r wire splici ng. a nd how to make a meier loop. The skills can be used in ho mes . barn s . s heds, o r o th e r places e lectricit y is needed.

Stude nts to Ihe "Electrk Cont ro ls" co urse learn ed how to tie in three- and fo ur. way s " 'itches. how to

set up photoclec; tric ce ll s for auto matic lighti ng, and how

10' ~c t up I wo- and three· pule rdays.

On Ihe second day of the wo~ksh op, the si udenls tou red SPS ' Harrington Sta· lion, Ihe coal·fue led power plant northeast of Amarillo. The sta tion has a generating ca pacilY of 1.122.000 kilo· ""ath .

South western Pu blic Ser­vice Co mpan y prima r ily provides e lectric utility se r­vice to a population of more than one milli o n in a 70.00-~quiJ r e- m i l e area of the Panhandle and Sou th Pla ins of Texas. easte rn and southeas tern New Mexico . Ihe Panhandle of Oklahoma . 3nd southwestern Ka nsas.

The "Farm Motors" l'ourse taught s tudents how to opera te. repa ir and build sma ll elect ril' motors

-Jose Ferrer, the renowned actOf, showed such skill at mus ic during his school days that it was felt he would someday be a con­cert pianist.

When asked about future plans. George said he will be operal ing a nursery from his residence . selling pecan and frull lrees . He hopes 10 soon complete a greenhouse

Ed would appreciate Ihe business of the are a resi· de nt s. and he wi ll have gasoline on a regular basis.

UA decision il Whl1 I m.n makes when he eln't find Iny~ one to IerY' on • comminee." Fletcher Knebel •

Let us show you how

Good variety of Mexican Food,

Chicken Fried Steak,

Steak Fingers, Chicken Strips

CIIANGII'IG 1IANDS ... Pictured In the top photo Shlrp who annou,nccd his retirement from the grocery business. In Ihe bottom photo is Ed West who ~' iJJ be running Ed's Kwik Stop. (Review Pholosl

the electric ADD-ON HEAT PUMP could be the most energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home.

ReeitalIn New Deal

& Fried Chicken.

Caroline Mullin s ha s announ ced the voice recital of Caroli ne Askins on Sun · da\' . June 24. at the Firs t 8 a'plist Chuf{'h in the Fel· lowship H:l1I a l New Deal at " p.m. She has s tudied for 11' 1 year, and will perform 7 nun~ bc r... . most ly gospel

M3ril ~' n Askin s, Abigail Ford. and lecA nn Snedc· gar. all on Ihe piano. It i .. rh("ir !irsl yea r of s tudy.

Dav id Mullins wi ll pe r · fo rm on Ih e ce ll o. Hi s t('aC'her is ROl.n."n Stenis.

~~t f"fiIr tf!. €~~ Open 6 a.m . til 10 p.m.

Vecchio's Burger Hut 298-2874

There will be a reeep lion aft cr (he reci tal hosted b~'

Mr ... . We nd y A s kin ~ and ~1r "' , Juhn Fnrd . Evc:.' ryo~e

Other performers" III be i ... inviled to att ("' nd SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY President Thom.s Jefferson kept a pet mockingbird in his .tudy at the White Hou ....

y v

I Busln.as Sealces I

. ' or All \ ' our C~mfnt N~~dl

CIII Crn lrr R~.dy Mil



""nbhrr &: tabor A,·.Ua bl,UI> .. Ir.d

11 1 1. Cul.r U,·! II!

B~ck 's Brick Contractor 1Irk\-1IIod·S­N • .1Gb Too SaaII

Call IIcd . 298-lJ71 or m.411S


~ Although the U.S . . ton· . urn" .bout on . .. third of the world '. COlfN trap. Ihe Swedl.h people out · r."11 UI II pef c.pita drink.,.. of co"".


R.med. II.I. P ••• II." Ga r.,r {'onveniOD I , Pili.... Slorm Doon. .. d Window • . Pllntl_, . All lyP" .1 homo r.palr . No job 100 sm.1I

UltA ... D Abornllhy U8-2186

Guerrero 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE AppIIaace. Rerna­

, R ...... Shop AIfftdo Gtoenft'O



SEE RINSE·N· \' AC. Ihe m · l"f('dibk n('''' pt>nablc steam t\ pl' l' upet d(.'3ning systt"m II doc~ Ihe job of prores· ... IIUl31 l'arpt·t cleaners at a fral·tion of CO.!lo I. Rent one no" :11 Stru\'c's Depanment. SlOTt' . J I8 Main . Phone 2'18·253 1

ClEAN RUGS. like ne". so e3 \ y to do '" ith Bluc Lustre. R('111 c1('\' lrk sh~mpooer 51 . Sl ru \'l' Ocpa"mcnt Stor<' .

WALT'S BOOT AND SHO E REPAIR : tbOS A,e . F (Rl·ar ). Opc n 8 a.I1I .·8 p.m. Monda\ Ihru Fnd3~. Call .!<I~ · 4t .i1. .

(! j ··h l')

AMW A Y PRODUCTS Commerl'ial and home ca~ .

746·50 12. iJO·4Ic)

WANT TO BUY: o' , s· camper fur '83 Ford pickup. Call Q9 S· .J535 . Ni g ht< '195·4442 .


'The SUfI i. three million mileo c"'''' to the .. rth duro ing our winter th.n in our summer.

For The Next 2 Months

Ta'ke Out A Personal

Classi'fied Ad - Get

The Next Week Free! Clean out your garage or .ttlc - •• 11 tho ••


old whit •• '.ph.nt • •

Calt NOW 29", .. 2033

or come by the

thy Iy

For Sale I' FOR SALE. Abemalhy coin operated la undry. 792 ·6570. Call . ftcr 5 p.m.


fOR SALE: Honda 175 XL Mmorc"c1c . s ·t5O . C.II 2'18· 2430 ..


fOR SALE: 1981 Olds Cu tlass LS "·door. Cruise, stert."O. vinyl top, etc_ SS600 in N<~ Deal. 74b·53 18.

131 ·21pl

fOR SALE: 14 ' • SO· mobil< hllTTll.'. J hl'dmt)nts and 2 balh~ . hll-ill('d o n large t: I)fnl' r Inl. J 04 · lllh SI ]QS-2t}QS a ft e r 4 p.Ol .

(32 ·2Ic l FOR SALE: Tern' 1T;",e l traikr. 22 ft. sc1f·(·~n taincd. .. Iee ps 5 people . Roof a l e .md l"urpct. Rea l nice trail· cr. 298·121lO.

132·2Ip) FOR SALE: Registered Ger· ll1~n s hl"phcrd puppic-s for o;;aic. Cha mpion blood line. S200 each. 1!6.J·2137.

(32·2tcl FOR SALE: 10 horsepower Scars lawn tr3eto r . J6 · ' b lad(,,·s. Good co ndition . sooo. 298·2108.

132· 1tp) . FOR SALE: 81 Ford super· cab. iondcd shorr·bed. 2· tone blue. E.~(·e l1ent co ndi· lion. Call 298·234b.



3 bedrooml, 21/ 1 baths. 593,500.

3 lots for We on 15th Screet.

• ~" sQ betha, ...... y •• rru •• ~-!lO.

Quality home wltb urru. JIlIt ...... er 2500 sq. ft. $85.000.

1 bedNOlllS, ':$ Jha, .. .PIn_ P\a..~


2 ~ruoml, Il/ l baths, wllh 2 rent housea , 535,000.

TAX BREAK IIriclI Tripi .. , 579.950.

3 ........ 1 betha, lxIdI with _ .......

Re<hoced Ie S49,900.

3 bedroom., 1 bath, . SlS.OOO.

PrIce ....... ~t. 1/ 2. 4 bedroo.i;O 2 atory. SI5, .... 3-2·1 lxIdI, 1.1 _. SS9,500.

I-b :1~, ..... IIId '"" 1IIIIIty_.

Opportunities 3 ........ 2 ...... :10

PROCESS MAIL AT aere. 08 pav ..... al. HOME! 575.00 per hun· SIII,ooo. dred! No experience. Part or full time. Start immedi . 3 """.\04, 1 ..... , a te l)'. Dera ils·se nd self. .. .... b, . . -' addressed s ta mpe d e nve· J_ ,.,. lope 10 CR.1. 1>528. P. O. .....9 Box 3149. Stuart . Fla. 31495. a.t .........

FOR SALE: 905 6Ch St. 529,000. New palot Iaokle.

1.. ...... I mile DOrth of Abera.thy . Owaer 1Iaaaced.

FOR SALE: 4 bedroom. 2 bath . B. V.. double garage. 1717 Ave. H. Priced to sel l. Contact DuBose Ins urance. 2'18·2536. (27·ns)

TRIPLEX fOR SALE: Each apa nmcnI 2 bedroom. ba th , living room a nd kitchen (900 , sq . fl.) ca rport and s lorage s hed . Ca ll 298·2033 o r 298·2440. Don'l miss Ihis good investment opportun ity and tax benefit.

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 4 bedroom. 1900 sq. fl . 1409 Ave. L. 298-2404.


3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen·dining. bath. New Clrpet. Nice drapes . Close to town at 909 Ave. E. Good condition inside an d outside.


FOR SAlE OR LEASE. 3 bedroom. I 'I. bath house wilh fireplace and den. Two blocks from schooL 503 Ave. J . Cali 2'18·2919.

(31 ·3tp)

HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. Reduced price with ~dded feature. Owner ",ill c.rry . 3-2·2 . Large game room and basement. With ' attached certificate of accrual on Trelsury Sewri·

• tie. for M.tur!ty V.lue of Cost of House. Owner will furnish . No coot to buyer. 907 16th St. 298-2803. Josh Howanl. owner. (32·4Ipl M-4II2

There Ire m ..... then ten (31·2te) lhoullnd golf cou .... in the J ... s.JIII

_ .u;n;lted~~::~::·~ .... ~ .... ~~;;;;II~lIillI;;~ I Job I For Your Opportunltte"

D __ I E ..... - .. __ .... Ge-' SIIeIten III Teas. .,.. - .. nwwuS .... Is .... 1 .. a dealer in

c.II the Abernathy Iree for ret.1I Illes of portHle

Don E,..,. Fondy ... lIdi • ••• Lot •• d ... 11 -.- ....... ..... 712-0170 01' .... ........., to ...... ..................... EchNNa I A'.'....... rial. CMlact WIU Waif.

GeeINI W ..... ' .170423-... ell....,

.... 3


Card Of Thanks 1",_F_o_r_R_e_n_t~1 Tho peopl e of A bernal hy are so g racious. The COfil·

munit v showed us so mU(,,'h lo\'e and kindness of the loss of Jerry. The prayers . ca rd s. food. flowers . and the vis it s to our home were appreciated nlOre than )'ou will ever kn ow. God b less e3ch of YO U.

Te resa & Shane Hill Darre ll & Norma Stephens

SIeve & Rhonda Bradley & fa milv

Larry & Becki lutrick & fami ly

Ray & Mary l ynn lilchfie ld Cathv Ross

d2· l tpl

Thank you for the flowers, card an'd call s in the recent loss of our son and brothcr. We appreciate all yo ur concern shown us.

The Vecchio Family

Public Notice


We wish to advise the reside nts of Abernathy of mosquito s praying by aerial appli cation to be conducted during the morn ing hours of friday, June 22nd,

If ",cather or equipment ('Ondilio ns int erfere with our plans to spray o n the above dale, th en we will spray as soon as possible.

Thank you. The City of Abe;nathy

fOR R'ENT: 2 bedroom house in country on pave­ment. S 1 00 deposil and 5200 a mont h . Call l ubbock. 79'l·2986.


fOR RENT: bedroom apart men t (900 sq. ft.). unfurnished . wa te r and sew age pa id . Includes CQ\lcred carport a nd small storage room _ New inside and really nice. Call Keith al 797·5686 o r linda al 298·2033 for more informa· lion .


. UNBELIEVABLE LEASE PUIICHASE: 2 bedroom brick with new evel')1hing.

~~cl~~~~~ afr.'.ia';:'~~·r;::h;~ Call 797·9253. lubbock.


fOR RENT: 20' • 40' stucco business building. 4Ob·lOth SI. 298·2684. Hugh Vaughn.


I Lost & Found I LOST: Pa r t Siamese cat, smoke colo r . Answers 10 name Smokey. S20 reward . 298-4018.

(32· ltp)

LOST: Hereford calf wilh b rand M . lost approximate­ly 12 miles northwest of Abemalhy . Call 298·2447 or 298·2467.

(32· ltc)

Subscriptions Due In June 58 for Hale ..... Labbock . Coouotles 58.SO for all ether C-tIes ID Te ... 59.SO for u-e IivlDg .. t of _

'GenId W . Adams

Wade Auet.ry n. ..... LR ......... 0,.- .... MIa. Mary E. a.­........H .... AJ. a...e.aec­c., c;..;.. c.. J.e. ........ a.,,.. ...., .... ......... a-

a..e.. ....... a..e.. ....... ::' .. ~'~n ....... -- ..... ....... .... ..,.. ....... ........... .......

Floyd !\Iv",

0.. PI.-MIoaN ....... ......,. ........, SItIfI* .......... ~s-... ...... s.w.-....,.. ...... ......Ii.n.a.,­... "..... .....,... N.::r--'-' ...... --1; . ....,. ........ CIIIitt ......... 1Ir.

Page 4: fI-IY '1VEtKtY REVIE-'/Vunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1984/1984-06-21.pdf · State Senator John T. Montford . announced the. passage of a Memorial Resolution by the Texas Senate

Cpie III Oilr Mftmullity. I .hI. lIlY wtfe WI' not

hired beelu.. I did IIot brown· nose , the rlllht , people.

I know thlt III te.ehers It ,Abemathy do : ,net ' fill into

~1IIIJI.~~"'~!!!I!Ii!"'I. ' this category and do a '"good

It was our Intentions when we. tookl this job to establish a home here in Aberllath~. We boulht a ~ beause we were' led to belic!¥e my , wife would be hired as the ' art teacher when it came open. Conse· quently. she was not even l'()ftsidercd for the position.

I' feel t,hat the students of Abernathy are not the main objective of the school system: teachers and

, l"08ches keeping their jobs is the main objective. Fur­thermore. this is done a t the expensc of the students. ' and it ' is only the students who suffer. Pressure is put on everyone to win. not to .produce winners . Upon be­ing hired. I made it clear that I was strictly student oriented. I strive to mold students into the best they can possibly be. This school caters to a select group of

job telehlng the students. Yes. I am hurt. not so

much for myself. but for the students who have to enter society thinking that life and achievements are restricted to the chosen few. It is apparent that many students at Abernathy High School enter society believ· ing just this.

I sincerely wish you all the best in the upcoming year and hope it will be a vear focused around the students . I hope it will be a vear in which the student ~chieves not because of who they are. but rather what they will become.

Sincerely . Mac McDaniel

The smalle;t breed of dog is the Chihuahua. At maturity, this Mexican dog may weigh between two and four pounds, but some weigh no more than one pou·nd.

UnIque Waferbeds • Prlces to' flt any budget ., luxury to -economy.

.AII 51zcs -- King to Crlt,.

• Accessories.

·Flnanclng & Interest·free layaway.

·Come see our canopy beds.

By TG&Y In Plainview


Barney William Teague. 63 . resident of Deming . N.M .. died Monday. June II. lit Memorial General' Hospital in Las Cruces.

He was born December 29. 1920 in Fort Davis. Tx. and was a Navy veteran of World War II. He married Clydena Hull Augu s t 23. 1947 in Deming. In 1953 he moved to De ming from San Angelo. Tx .. where he had taught and joined the Dem­ing Public Schools. where he waS a teache r for 29 yel\rs. He had a total of 35 years of teaching'. He was a Chri s tian work e r for the Lord as a deacon of the Firs t Baptist Church . In 1962 he was se lected as New Mexico Man of the Year.

Funeral services will be he ld at the First Baptist Church Wednesday after­noon at 3:30 p.m . Rev. Kenneth Stohner will offici­ate and int e rment will follow at Mountain View Cemetery,

Survivors include hi s wife, Clydena of the home; a son. William Clyde Teague of San Diego. Calif.: a daughte r . Patricia Ann Brightbill 'of Ab e rnath y; four brothers . Ra ymond Teague, EI Paso. Charles Te ague. Alpin e, Ernest Teague . Pecos and Alvis Teague. Marathon: four s is­ters. Alice Rushing . Odessa . Dot Harrington, Austin , Ella Teague , Lampasas . and

Aberna'tby Body Works Waymon Jones

SSO ·REBATE *lnsurance Claims *Complete Inst.llatlon for elll'S & trucks

417 South Ave. D Phone 298-2084

Katherine Woodwlrd. Den·1

ver • . Colo.; ~n~ two ,Irand. children. Carl BrI'ahtbllJ and ' Dori Brightbill of Aberna. thy,

Mr. Teague was the eldest of the nine children in his family,

Pallbeare rs were Bob Beckett. Joe Bishop. Mel­bourne Fewell. Buck Pruit. Glenn Sessums and Francis Shiflett . .


Sanders Services for Janelle San­

ders . 59. of Abernathy were at. 2 p.m. Wednesday at Abernathy First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Tommie Beck. pastor. and the Rev, HB Coggin. officiating.

Burial was in Abernathy Cemetery under direction of Chambe~s Funeral Home.

Mrs. Sanders died at 4 a,m. Monday at SI. Mary of the Plains Hos pita l after a lengthy illness ,

Mrs, Sanders was born in Rob y, She married Ra y Sanders Nov . 23. 1947. in Levelland . They moved to Abernathy in 1957, She was a Me thodis t and a member of the Eastern Star .

Survivors include her hus­band ; three daughters. Nancy Sc haap . Annette Johnson and Susan Raphel, all of Abe rnath y; two sis­ters. Be tti e Caraway of Midland and Floss ie Slaton of Leve ll a nd ; a nd four granddlildrcn .

Th e famil y sugges ts memorial s to the American Hearl Association and Cal Farkys Boys Ranch.

Pa llbeare r s we re Ori s Cecil. Dick ie Herring, Lynn Shadde n. K , C Abercrom· bie. J oe Blair and Clyde Vand\'griff.

From- the time Leonardo da Vinci made the first sketches of gliders to the first real airplane was a period of 400 yeltl.






3/$1 00

•• 'IIlWllllO.lIIll •• DDD CooIII. FOI YOU IT IllIUP'1

Dr. Pepper 10 Oz. Bottle


llTUT a IlnU'lImEI





Th(' Reaga n admini. lration is bla ming "U nal'('eplablc " Nicaraguan b"havior for Ihe slaying of a U. S. Arm~ pi lot a t 11 ten,,, border area in Honduras, b UI four Oem· ocralic presiden lial l·nndi· dale. arc seil ing on the indd e nl 10 co ndemn th c admi ni s lra lion 's Ccnlral Am('rit'. polky ,

Senetar)' of Siale George Shull l sa id Thursday th e Uniled Sla lt's has lodged a slrong prOl eS! wi lh Nica ra, g ua ove r th(' s layi ng o f Chief Warrnt Officct J cffrv C'. Schwab. 27. of Joli t't. IIi,

NEW 6 COLUMN WASIfINGTON " P" ·,,denl Rl'"

;:a n. dl'lTyin!! Ihe hugl' delicit> ,n hi, t}\\ n nt'" blld~l'1, prnnll~l: d I l~hl\ hi

",bmil a plan III e\ e nlu nll \, <11'\ up e\ocr- drop "f red ink . BUI he >aid hl' '''1/' ' 1 d" II lill n<,XI 'Tar aflcr Nlll'l'mb,' " dC(·lion. '

Suhmillin~ ,ueh 11 pl3n in 111i, ckctioll ~' l'a r \\(luld ,, ' 1 dn a n~ ~O\ltI . h,' ,aid ,

Il callun nOled Ihal I,,· Ii,,, 3Ir<,a<l.' a,k(.'d, C(H1 g rt'~' 1\1 \\ urk \\l1h hl ~ admi nis lra lion loward SIOO billion 'n still , ulb pcl'ilicd delid t redul'lion, over the nCK I three \'ea r"

BUI even a, suming Ihe effort bt.~" fruit. " Ihe deli its projcl'led for fis('al 1'186 and bcvond ar,' tnlall v unal·· cl'plahlc to n;c." he ,aid . .


YOU WILL LIKE THE 'NEW LOOK' ... * Our Newspaper Will Be Easler To Read

* " Will Be Better Looking Overall . ~-* " Will Have A 91eaner Appearance

* Local Advertl.er. Will Receive Standar~ Size Ad.

From Their Company, Or Supplier - Thl. wiil Enable

Them To PartiCipate In More Promotion. , . I

Abernathy I . I

ee,kly Relliew


VEl Ix'gi ",II ' ",II

TI BRt: Ci l~ in\,1t plan help rem!

TI FRO how ",eel Ihinl 3 t OI

10 h

O' shol ('(' Ie' day Oed ben ther in I'

desl con' stro and Our not to "


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A DEA MEl pho Mar the

o SUI Cit~ opp lilt TId
