[Type the document title] Ferrer & Associates Law Offices (Ferrer Law) is a full service Philippine law firm composed of lawyers wit h exceptional academic and professional background, well-experienced to provide the firm’s local and foreign (individual and corporate) clients the best possible legal service. The firm’s legal team covers an expansive range of specialization under a clear mandate of providing legal service that addresses the concerns of its clients and safeguards their legal rights. Ferrer & Associates Law Office Civil Case Management System Demo KitPage 1

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Ferrer & Associates Law Offices (Ferrer Law) is a full service Philippine law firm composed of lawyers with exceptional academic and professional background, well-experienced to provide the firms local and foreign (individual and corporate) clients the best possible legal service. The firms legal team covers an expansive range of specialization under a clear mandate of providing legal service that addresses the concerns of its clients and safeguards their legal rights.

Case Scenario 1: Ideal Process (Complete Process) Lawyer: Atty. Jon P. FerrerClient: Mr. Juan CruzCase: Annulment Case of Juan Cruz with wife Mr. Juan Cruz requested a meeting with Atty. Jon Ferrer to hire him for his annulment case with his wife for 10 years, Mrs. Anna Cruz. As the meeting went well, they agreed to sign the case contract. Atty. Jon Ferrer logs in to the Ferrer & Associates Law Office Case Management System.

If the credentials are correct, Atty. Jon Ferrer will be redirected to his dashboard. To create a case for Mr. Juan Cruz, Atty. Jon Ferrer will have to create an account for him first. To do this, Atty. Ferrer will select the New Client option in the sidebar located at the leftmost part of the system.

Atty. Jon Ferrer, creates the clients account with the information of the client.

After creating the Client Account, it will automatically send a notification/authentication to the e-mail account of the client.

When Mr. Juan Cruz authenticated and verified his account,

Atty. Jon Ferrer can now create Mr. Cruzs case in the system from the gathered case information.

The system provides suggested lawyers which helps the user to choose which lawyer to assign the case through. The system achieves this by identifying the lawyers who specializes and have enough experience with the chosen civil case type.

The system prompts the user to upload files right after a case is created. Since this is a new case, no files are ready to be uploaded.

Atty. Jon Ferrer, will now view the case he just created. To do this, he needs to click the view case option in the sidebar.

He will now be taken to the search page (for cases) to search for the recently created case of the client. The user, Atty. Ferrer, will type the name of the client which is Juan Cruz. Results for Juan Cruz will show as soon as he types. Aside from searching the clients name, the user can search for the case name, attending lawyer, and the tags of the case.

After clicking one of the results (Case). It will show the case details.

Atty. Ferrer will now update the progress and status of the case. To do this, he will click the view workflow button at the top right of the page.

Once clicked, he will be redirected to the workflow page. Atty. Ferrer will now update the workflow based on what has already happened on the case.

First, Atty. Ferrer, opens the case by clicking the open case button. This will change the status of the case from new to open and will activate the preliminary stage.

Next, he will check the tasks that have been done already. Since Atty. Ferrer and Mr. Cruz already had a meeting together and his case has already been created and assigned to a lawyer, Set Appointment/Meeting and Assess and Delegate Case can now be checked or marked as done.

To further discuss the case, Atty. Ferrer and Mr. Cruz will have to set meetings. To set meetings, Atty. Ferrer will click the calendar option in the sidebar and create meetings and schedules from there.

Once Atty. Ferrer is in the calendar page, he will create a meeting between him and his client by clicking the new event button in the upper right of the page.

Atty. Jon Ferrer will now input the necessary details for the event. Once he is done, he will click the add event button

and the event will now appear in his calendar. Mr. Cruz will also receive a notification of the event. He may click the notification to view the details.

Atty. Ferrer will now update the workflow as he have accomplished a task in the preliminary stage.

Atty. Ferrer will now start creating documents for the case. In gathering all the case information, Atty. Jon Ferrer can look or reference other past cases of the firm that can be used for the current case through the reference/research module. To access this module, Atty. Ferrer will again click the research button from the view case page.

This will show the similar cases from Atty. Ferrers recent case (Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife). Atty. Ferrer wants to add the Chen-Negro Annulment and Annulment of Lebron James to his research space. He will click the add to research button to accomplish this.

Atty. Ferrer will start to compare the case of Mr. Cruz with the Chen-Negro Annulment and the Annulment of Lebron James case. He will have to go to the workflow page of the case and click the research button in the upper right part of the page.

In the research page, Atty. Ferrer can view the strategy, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the case referenced.

Atty. Ferrer can also compare documents in his current case with the documents of the referenced case but right now Mr. Cruzs case has no documents uploaded yet.

It is now time to make the petition for the annulment case of Mr. Juan Cruz and his wife, Ms. Anna Cruz. The petition and other document/s created in this stage will be uploaded in the Ferrer & Associates Law Office Civil Case Management System Database. To start uploading files, Atty. Ferrer will go back to the case details page and click on the upload files button.

Atty. Ferrer will be prompted to enter his password again before he can upload files for security purposes.

To upload a file or files. Atty. Ferrer will click the add files button (green button) first and select the file he needs to upload. The file he selected will appear and will be ready to upload. Atty. Ferrer will click the upload button (blue button) to start uploading the file. Now that the petition is completed. Atty. Jon Ferrer can update the workflow again. Since the preliminary stage is complete, the pre-trial stage is now active.

With the completion of the preparation of preliminary case documents stage, the collection of the needed pre-trial documents is the next process. Atty. Jon Ferrer will ask for the statement of willingness, statement of claims, admitted facts and proposed stipulation of facts, evidences, and witnesses and affidavits from Mr. Juan Cruz. After collecting the needed pre-trial documents it will be compiled which is called the pre-trial brief which will be submitted to the court and saved in the Ferrer & Associates Law Office Civil Case Management System Database.

Atty. Ferrer and Mr. Cruz recently had a meeting that required Atty. Ferrer to change the details in a document. He then views the files of Mr. Cruzs annulment case and clicks the download button.

Atty. Ferrer is prompted to choose the purpose of the download. Reference will only download the file for viewing purposes. But since Atty. Ferrer will do changes to the document. He chooses the Change purpose.

The downloaded document for change is now highlighted light orange and is marked revising.

Atty. Ferrer will now open the downloaded document using Microsoft Word 2013 and start making changes. To track the changes he makes in the document (Statement of Claims), he will need to activate the Track Changes option of Microsoft Word 2013 by clicking the Review tab on top of the application and clicking the Track Changes button.

Atty. Ferrer wants a detailed markup so he clicks the Review tab again and dropdown of the Display for Review and selected All Markup

Now Atty. Ferrer starts typing the changes he and Mr. Cruz talked about. All changes will be colored red. Erased texts will have strikethroughs and new texts will have underlines.

On the third paragraph, Atty. Jon Ferrer notices flaws on the statements of Mr. Cruz. So Atty. Ferrer thought of adding a comment to the paragraph. He highlights the third paragraph, clicks on the Add comment button on the Review tab and starts typing the comment on the comment box that popped out. The commented paragraph will be highlighted red and will have its corresponding comment box.

Atty. Ferrer is now done applying the changes. He now logs in the system, access the case files, and clicks the upload revision button on the file he just revised.

He clicks the changes option because he made changes to the document and selects the recent version of the document. He then clicks the upload button to upload the most recent version of the document.

If the file is uploaded successfully, the updated document will be in the files with a new version.

After Atty. Ferrer and Mr. Cruz had a meeting about the possible flaws in the third paragraph, Atty. Ferrer immediately downloaded the latest version of the Statement of Claims and changed the third paragraph. Atty. Ferrer now logs in the system again and uploads the revision. This time he chooses Final Version since there are no more changes that will be made in the document.

Once the file is successfully uploaded. All the subversions of the previous version (0.XX) will be deleted and a new version will be created. The final version of the previous version will be in pdf format and a docx format will also be created in case Atty. Ferrer have other changes.

All the tasks accomplished in this stage will be tracked by the workflow module and the progress will be updated.

As the pre-trial brief is submitted to the court, Atty. Jon Ferrer and Mr. Juan Cruz will wait for the Notice of Trial from the Court. After receiving the Notice of Trial, the creating of schedule will be made through the scheduling module.

After creating and settling their schedule, the creation of memoranda will be made followed by the collection of evidences. Both Atty. Jon Ferrer and Mr. Juan Cruz will dig in and look for evidences that will back-up the case. The next is the hearing of the case, Atty. Jon Ferrer will present the petition and evidences that they have gathered to the court. A hearing document summary will be issued every after hearing of case. If all the evidences are presented, they will wait for the courts decision. After a couple of weeks, the Regional Trial Court released a decision which is denying the nullity of the annulment of Mr. Juan Cruz and Mrs. Anna Cruz. The decision wasnt in favour of Mr. Cruz, so he asked Atty. Jon Ferrer if they can still appeal for the annulment case. After studying the claims and evidences of Mr. Juan Cruz, Atty. Jon Ferrer told him that they can still appeal for the case. Given that the physical and emotional abuse that Mrs. Cruz caused Mr. Cruz can now be proven by the results of the physical and emotional tests that they conducted with a Psychologist shows that Mr. Cruz is a battered husband and that Mrs. Anna Cruz is psychologically incapable. Given the situation, Atty. Jon Ferrer and Mr. Cruz filed for an appeal with the Motion for Reconsideration to the Regional Trial Court. After 90 days, the RTC sent a notice of trial to the firm.

Atty. Ferrer now logs in on the system and updates the workflow of Mr. Juan Cruzs annulment case. He clicked the appeal button which is the orange button on the right side of the workflow page and the now the appeal stage is active.

After receiving the notice of trial, they immediately prepared all the necessary claims and evidences by meeting with the client. The meeting was set through the scheduling module.

After the hearing the court finally grants the annulment of Mr. Juan Cruz and Mrs. Anna Cruz. The side of Mrs. Cruz refused to appeal and accepted the decision. The case is closed.

Atty. Jon Ferrer updates the workflow and is also now marked as closed in the system.

Atty. Jon Ferrer will be prompted to do the assessment of Mr. Cruzs annulment case every time he views the case. The assessment is important because the case will only be available in the reference list if it is assessed already. Inputs needed to be filled up by the lawyer are: strategy, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the closed case.

Case Scenario 2: Appealing Dismissed Case (defendant side) Client: Mr. Juan CruzCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife If the court issued the dismissal of the case and Ana Cruz and her attorney decided to appeal for the case, the workflow will stop on the trial stage and start again on the appeal stage. To enable the appeal stage, the Appeal button must be clicked on the workflow page. This process is the same with the appeal process of the plaintiff side.

The start of appeal stage means the over-all percentage of the case is back to zero because it will start another process and will be given a different case number. Afterwards, they will have to go on with the due process of the appeal stage starting from filing of the necessary documents and evidences to waiting for the courts response which can either be a notice of trial or refusal of the petition.

Case Scenario 3: Sharing of case

Lawyer: Atty. Jon P. FerrerCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife

Now that the case is on the appeal stage, stronger claims/evidences are needed to win the case. Atty. Jon then seeks the help of the managing partner, Atty. Pedro Ferrer, in strategizing and gathering the necessary documents. In doing so, he needs to share the case to Atty. Pedro by going to the case details page and clicking the Share Case button.

A pop-up will appear asking for Atty. Jons user password for security purposes.

After verifying the password, another pop-up, which consists of the possible lawyers to share the case to, will appear. Atty. Jon will select Atty. Pedro Ferrer and then click the Share button.

Atty. Pedros name will now be displayed as part of the users who can access the case.

Lawyer: Atty. Pedro Ferrer

In addition, Atty. Pedro will be notified directly that a case has been shared with him.

Atty. Pedro can click on the notification message and he will be redirected to the case details page. However, not all functions will be accessible to Atty. Pedro. He can only upload files, view case files, and edit the case.

Case Scenario 3.1 Sharing a case via request

Lawyer: Atty. Evecar Cruz

Atty. Evecar Cruz heard about the situation of Atty. Jon, she then wanted to help out. But first, she needs to have access to the case. She goes to the case details page and clicks on the Request for access button.

A pop-up will appear after clicking the Request for access button. Now, she clicks the Yes button to finalize her request.

Lawyer: Atty. Jon Ferrer

Atty. Jon will be notified of Atty. Evecars request to access the case.

Atty. Jon will click on the notification message and he will be redirected to the case details page where he will click on the button to grant the request of Atty. Evecar.

Case Scenario 4: Adding two or more lawyers in an event

Lawyer: Mr. Jon FerrerCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife

Since Atty. Jon will be helped out by Atty. Pedro and Atty. Evecar in strategizing, he can now ask both lawyers to join his meeting with Juan Cruz. Atty. Jon creates an event and adds Atty. Pedro and Atty. Evecar as guests.

User: Atty. Pedro Ferrer and Atty. Evecar CruzOnce the event is added, it will appear on the involved parties calendar, weekly agenda and notification.

Case Scenario 5: Viewing case activites

User: Mr. Juan CruzCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife

Due to Atty. Jons busy schedule, he was not able to update Juan Cruz personally of the progress made during the past few days. So to know the current progress of the case, Juan Cruz logs-in to his account and looks at the Activities of case section of his dashboard.

Case Scenario 6: Case Researching - Comparing of documents

User: Mr. Jon FerrerCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife

In addition to seeking his colleagues help, Atty. Ferrer used the research module to compare past cases with his current case to help him win the case at hand. In his research space, he chooses to compare the case Annulment of Lebron James with Juan Cruzs case.

At the bottom of the tab, Atty. Ferrer locates the files of the case (Annulment of Lebron James). He selects a file to compare from the files table of the current case (Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife) by clicking the Use to Compare button (check icon) of the file he wants to be compared with. The currently selected file will also show in the File for Comparison text box.

Atty. Ferrer then clicks the Compare to Selected file button (target icon) of the file from the Annulment of Lebron James case to compare it with the selected file from Mr. Cruzs case.

The system will now show a model with the selected documents side by side. Atty. Ferrer now compares the documents he just selected.

Case Scenario 7: Generating Statement of Account

User: SecretaryClient: Mr. Juan CruzCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife

After a month of using Ferrer & Associates Law Offices service, it is now time to collect Mr. Juan Cruzs payment dues. The secretary will click on the Payments option on her dashboards sidebar.

She will then be redirected to the Payments page, but she needs to search for Juan Cruzs name first from the search bar.

After clicking on Juan Cruzs name, a box with Juan Cruzs name will appear below the Payments box. To add particulars (payments), the secretary needs to click the add button.

Once she clicked the button, she will be redirected to the Add Particulars page where she can input the description of the particular, date (optional) and fee of the particular.

If there are two or more particulars to be added, the secretary can click on the Add new particular button to add the number of particulars field. The secretary can add up to 20 particulars.

The screen will now look like this after adding two additional particulars.

On the other hand, if the secretary added a new particular section but figured out later on that she doesnt need to input a second particular, she can remove Particular #2 by clicking on the Remove particular section button.

After the adding of particulars, the secretary will be redirected back to the Payments page where the new particulars will be shown.

Next, in generating a Statement of Account (SOA), the secretary needs to click on the Generate Statement of Account button.

A pop-up will then appear wherein the secretary needs to input the payment due date of Juan Cruzs SOA.

Case Scenario 7.1 Informing and reminding client of SOA

User: Client

After generating Juan Cruzs SOA, Mr. Cruz will immediately be notified thru his dashboard.

Once he clicked on the notification message, the Statement of Account will appear on his web browser. He can then opt to download the SOA as a PDF file or just view it.

Also, the payment due has been automatically added to Juan Cruzs calendar so once he logs in, he can see that for the week, he needs to pay his dues.

On the day of the payment deadline, Juan Cruz will be notified again thru his dashboard.

And for the firm to be reminded that Juan Cruzs payment is due that day, a notification will also appear on the secretarys dashboard.

Case 7.2 Settling of payment

User: Secretary

Due to lack of funds, Mr. Juan Cruz decided to pay on an installment basis. He chose to pay the Strategy meeting and Scheduled Appointment fee first. So the secretary needs to update the status of the specific particulars by clicking the Paid button on the Payments page.

Once the Paid button has been clicked, the selected particular will be updated.

In addition, the particulars already paid by Mr. Juan Cruz will not be included in next months Statement of Account, the only ones that will be included are the particulars with the unpaid status.

Case Scenario 8: Case Termination

Lawyer: Mr. Jon FerrerCase: Annulment of Juan Cruz with wife During the duration of the case, Mr. Juan Cruz wasnt able to pay his overdue bills for a year and is still refusing to pay his payment dues. Given this situation, Atty. Jon Ferrer will revoke and terminate his services from the case by clicking on the Terminate Case button on the workflow page.

Once a case is terminated, a Terminated label will appear beside the case name and the status of the case will now be Closed. All the workflow stages will not be accessible and the Open case, Appeal and Terminate case button will not be clickable as well.

Ferrer & Associates Law Office Civil Case Management System Demo KitPage 1