J f r fY I i l tEditi61 r VOL NO 107 KY TUESDAY 161 1909 2 CENTS A COPY II CENTS A WETI I QUAKE IN TURKEY Thirty Persons Are Reported Killed and Many InjuredBuild ¬ ings Are Razed m Special to The News t Feb 16 An earthquake razed the government building and residence at Sivas the capital of Vilayet It is report ed that thirty persons were killed and many injured POWELL COUPLE MARRIED 4J f SK Baird and Miss Mattie United at Eleven Oclock 5 Moday Night S K Baird and Mattie Williams of Powell county were married at the BrownProctoria Hotel in this i city at 11 oclock Tuesday night At this unseemly hour Mr S W Powell Deputy County Clerk was aroused from his slumbers A license was r wanted quick Sam is always clever The next thing was to get a preacher Elder J M Rash was prevailedupon to get out of bed and come to the hotel Mr Baird is bookkeeper for Hardwick and Company at Stanton Miss Williams is a daughter of Mr John W Williams one of the most prominent citizens of Powell county The romance about this wedding is the fact that the parties have been married to each other before A di- vorce ¬ followed the result of a misun ¬ derstanding the bride taking her maiden name After a period of some years they found that they couldnot live one without the other and they are married again With manv friends we wish them a happy future azsr MRS LAIR DIES AS- RESULT V OF BURNS J From an Open Grat and She Survives Ten Days PARIS icy Feb 16The death of Mrs Sallie EL Lair following ten days of intense suffering froin0burns about the body asa result of her clothes becoming ignited from an open grate fire came as shock to the community Mrs Lair was aged about 54 years und was the widow of the late Joseph Lair She is sur- vived ¬ by two children Mrs Frank Current and Mr Matt Lair Jr The funeral services will take from her residence on the Clayand Rise r pike tomorrow morning at 10 oclock services at the grave in the Paris cemetery at 1130 being conducted by Elder Carey E Morgan The pall bearers will bew P Hume John Morris Joe Houston Jas Steaphens A P Adair and Al ¬ fred Batterton i GOOD PRICES REIGN t AT OPENING SALES First Day of Fifth Annual Winter Event Well Attended LEXINGTON Ky Feb 16The- of results the opening days of the Kentucky Sales Companys fifth an ¬ x nual winter auction of light harness horses was > everything considered very satisfactory Seventysix hea were sold yesterday for a total o 16185 an average of 213 per head The top price yesterday was 725 paid for the fouryearold Jay Bird filly> Eliza Jane by Hunter 0 Moody the local trainer U 5lfcJ Q Boone wmsnorjly build 1 a handsome residence ons East a Broadway near Highland street > SOLD A LOt Tiv Bloomfield sold a building lot in his Lexington avenue addition to Richard Jones Saturday pphsider = ation 500 4 l S > Eating too jmuch is far t hore likely to give you a headache than think ing too much I a t r J > Ct J w r r p 7j s 4 Iey t < t 1 A J r < LARGEST CIRCULATION IN 1 CHESTER fAN CLARK < T1LiE WINCHESTER NEWS r 1 WINCHESTER FEBRtfAfcY FELT CONSTANTINOPLE HERE Clotnmgjgnited a WILLBUILDRESIDENCE COUNTYt BREAK I NTH 1A GROCERY StORE i Thief Robs Burch and Vice Monday NightGets 6 in Gohf and Some Goods 1 v The grocery store1of Burch and Vice on East Broadway wairoken into sometime1 Monday night and about 6 in money was taken from the cash drawer and several boxes of cigars and other contents of the store The thief effected an entrance by breaking out the glass in the front door No arrests have been made yet but the police think they- have a clue to the guiltYarties- tEXCftLNT SHOW AT RINKs Backmans Wild Animals and Glass Blowers Show Pleases Large Audience < The Bachmans wild animal and glass blowers show that is to ex j hibit at the AuclitoriuntvRinkVali this week put on their first performance Monday night to a large ifncl appre ¬ ciative audience The doors opened at seven oclock and by eight oclock when the wild animal performance begun regardless of the weather the seats around the arena iri which the animals perform were will filled The performance is interesting and in- structive ¬ and well worth the price ofadmission The doors open one hour before each performance and every one has an opportunity ofsee ¬ ing the glass blowers iat work before and after 4Tio niiirtiil hsliow- Adam Forepau it i his palmiest days never had the pleasure of show ¬ ing to the public a better educated troupe of wild animals than these with the Bachman shows While they may not outnumber those of the For sabshaitd other great rcircnses1 they are equally as well trained and perform some feats that are seldom seen in the leading circuses of today first on the program in the an = eimal show js Joseph Gain with his wonderful troupe ofsix educated Australian cockatoos The cocka ¬ toos afford mucli amusement by their funny antics acid this iSIIIH of the best features on the prograh The next on the program is Mr j T Bachman playing the I role as a ventriloquist with his two wooden figures Tommy and Sarah Thus is something that is enjoyed by the old as well as the young aid produces much laughter Madam JVfazzellV Marguerite with her troupe of teddy earsi the next feature on thy program The bears ate well trained and do man Y rro batic and laughable stunts so char ¬ acteristic of them Bertine Lorenzo with his congre- gation ¬ of wild beasts including three goats two bears one ape one mon ¬ key two dogs and one German edu ¬ cated hog perform pf the most won ¬ derful tricks ever accomplished by wild animals The s and the bears do some very difficult acrobatic feats such as tight wire performan ¬ ces trapese acting etc with the agility of an acrobat The German wild hog is one of the most important characters in this featdre of the program and plays his FPart well Mr Bachman claims hi nito be the only educated German in this coun ¬ 5fThe of the program is Prof Paul Johanning Nubianf of the entire program aricUit alone is well worth the pricVof admission Every feature of the program was entertaining and was watched with interest by everyone in the audience The glass blowers are always in operation and every one of them are artists of Jio mean ability Their exhibition is worth watching and is fa scinatingto no small degree I I KENTOOKV DAY July 30th has been set apart as Kentucky Day at the Alaska kOnPacific Exposition to be held at Seattle this summer phfee thousand Kentuckians are said to reside in the ala te of Washington rAwoman who marries the second- time should not be toarried diiiwhite = u1 1f > c 1- l f1 fr MRS JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMAN Mrs Sherman wife of the vice president elect t has occupied a conspicuous place In Washington society for several years Shells a peysonal friend of Mrs Roosevelt and Mrs Taft and belongs to the inner circle at the White House She is an excellent entertainer sharing her genial husbands personal popularity Their Washington home will be the sgenpof many important social events during the present season II ii MARTIN HAS LEASED LARGER PLAGE j Will Carry Larger Line of Farming > Implements and Also DeaLin1Seed J TO meet fhe demands of a rapidly increasing business Mr J13 Martin the Broadway Coal and Implement dealrhas leased the large building on Main street recently occupied by McCord Track McCormick Mr Martin will add a much larger line of farming implements and will also deal extensively in field seeds his new quarters giving ample facili- ties for carrying a greater Variety in every line He is one of our most progressive young business men and will have the able assistance of such experienced men as Messrs Tutt Martin Dudley McCormick and Frank Tanner Mr Martin will also retain his present location on Broadway and is now ready for business at either lo ¬ cationBENEFITS OF USING COLUMNS OF THE NEWS MrJesse Owens Has Vefy Success ¬ ful Lace and Embroid ery Sale THe benefits of advertising in The Winchester News is strikingly seen by the wideawake merchant Mr Jesse Owens put on a lace and em ¬ broidery sale Friday and Saturday of last week The advertisements for this sale appeared twice in the col ¬ umns of The News Mr Owens re ¬ ports that his store on North Main street was crowded all day Friday and Saturday and that he made over 409hdividual sales HOTELISl BURNED CAMPTON Ky Feb 16At 2 oclock Monday morning the old Combs House in this city burned to the ground This was one of the oldest buildings in Campton having been built 30Jto 40 years ago The main building was of brick and the brick walls are all that saved all the fcenfcral pOrtion of Cam ton ifironr burning It is thought that the fire Theilhotel at least 3500 and was the property ol CL W Robinson of Winchester Ky 1 chitim T 4 SUEsrFOR DAMAES- i f 1 FOR AUTO ACCIDENT Wr and Mrs SJ6vTracy Claim That v VK Baiyless Ran Ma chi egoFast In the Fayet CirbnCourt Satur ¬ day two suits w refiled by Mrs Bernice Treyan B Tracy of tins city in tW JL Bay less for s alleged careless and negligence in running an 4tmicibirei Mrs Bernice TiioyrIues for 2 500 She says that during April 1908 she was driving on the Win ¬ chester and Lexington turnpike when she was overtaken by the defendants automobile which was being driven at a speed pf more than twenty miles an hour andthe car collided with the horse and buggy driven by plaintiff and she was thrown out and sustained injuries from which she has not nndPwillnot recover She says her c QUarbon t was broken and she was bruised anda crushedand vas confined to her bed for more than thirty days and incur ¬ red medical bills in the sum of at least 100 her spectacles were broken to the ofa 20 and by reason of those injuries and mental and bodily suffering en¬ dured she has been damaged in the sum of 2500 S B Tracy says on that date he was the owner ofa fine iron gray horse of the value of 250 and a bug ¬ gy and harness worth 50 that his wife was drivwisame when the de ¬ fendants car qljided the out ¬ fit and the bug y broken upset and damaged to the extent of 25 and the horse was frightened and ran away and was damaged in the sum of at least 100 He says the horse was a fine family horse gentle quiet and safe for ladies to drive prior to and up to the date of said collision and that sine that time has been and is dangerous excitable and nervous and of no value for family use wherefore heprays damages in the sum of 12ijt vy y J Smith Hays ancLIJ H Haggard are attorney for tHe plaintiffs HAVE MOVED HERE Grover Anderson and family have moved from Stanton o hgmsonthis- county ij 1 SHOW ENTERPRISE Messrs George JBrpsf proprietors otthe St George lI otel block have purchased ofthd agan Gas Engine Co two tenr ioipis P9i jir engines and dynamos fo furnishing light and running electrlctfF tL Vl t 1 jr ifrk t imfl 1JJr tit1ts If lf < j A Y t JJCi P- r J BIG CROWD- WELCOME TO FLEET 1 Advance Guard Arrives at Old Point i aril All Hotel Rooms Arer at a Premium Fort Monroe Va Feb 16The ad = vance guard of visitors en route here- to view the notable naval demonstra- tion ¬ tof Monday next and to partici batJ ¬ tleships under command of Rear Ad mi rah Sperry has begun to arrive Ho tel accommodations at Old Point al- ready ¬ are at a premium and quarters are now being sought at Norfolk Hampton and other cities bordering Hampton Roads The interest excited by the sailing of ittie fleet 14 months ago naturally has2 been accentuated many fold dur ¬ ing the remarkable cruise and excur ¬ sions are to be run from most of the eastern cities The program of entertainment here Is still indefinite as it is not known as yet just how many of the ships will be detached following the presi ¬ dents review and sent to the navy yards Some 3000 of the bluejackets from the fleet are to be sent to Wash ¬ ington to participate in the inaugural parade of March 4 and the vessels from which they are drawn undoubt- edly will remain here for the men are to be taken to the capital cn na ¬ val transports Efforts are to be made to have President Roosevelt and his guests on the Mayflower come ashore the even ¬ ing of the review to attend the dinner in honor of the flag and commanding officers of the fleet by the Navy league of which General Horace Por ¬ ter is president This dinner will be followed by a ball and during the stay of the ships in the road there will be a round of gaieties Officers of the army at Fort Monroe arte pre- paring to have a share in the wel ¬ come to the fleet > te The ships are to anchor in > racti cally the same positions from wliiciij they started on their voyage of the world Dec 16 1907 They were an ¬ chored before sailing In two long lines but fell Into single column to follow the Mayflower to = the review Ing water off Thimble Shoal light As understood here it Is Admiral Sperrys intention to bring the ships in the capes and past the presidents yacht In two lines of eight ships each The anchoring maneuvers after the ships pass the government pier probably will be the prettiest part of the fine spectacle Just what formation is tp be taken by the escorting ships of the third squadron under Admiral Arnold is not yet known These ships haVe Teen on detached duty and have had little opportunity to drill They may how- ever be disposed in double line for- mation to conform to the fleets sail- ing ¬ order In this way the line of ships which in a single column would stretch over five miles of water will be shortened to first onehalf that distance A num ¬ ber of the navy widows or officers wives who witnessed the departure of the fleet from here and since that time have followed or preceded the ships all the way around the world have arrived to see the close of the historymaking voyage NEW MATRON NAMED Mrs Smith of Sailors and Soldiers Orphans Home Indignant Xenia 0 Feb 16 Trustees of the Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphans home have appointed Mrs Anna M Punbar chief matron of the institu- tion succeeding Mrs J LI Smith wife of the racing superintendent whose salary was stopped by Gover ¬ nor Harmon last week Mrs Dunbar will act as matron until the appoint- ment of the new superintendent and his wife Mrs Smith denounces asUan infer ¬ nal He the report from Los Angeles Cal to the effect that Mr Smith ar- rived ¬ there a week ago accompanied ibyra young woman whose identity he defused to disclose Former Pen Manager Dies Columbus 0 Feb 16 Colonel Thompson Burton 70 former member of board of penitentiary managers is dead at Sheboygan Mich according to a telegram received here His home was at Youngstown OFor many years Colonel Burton was also elated with Ohio papers His son has been prominently connected with New York and London Eng news ¬ papers Declare Wilcox Is Ineligible Sandusky 0 Feb 16Major C B Wilcox mentioned as a possibility In connection with the local collector ship to succeed Charles A1udsonii Ineligible it is declared by legaFau thoritles because he is an importer This means in the opinigni pfypoliti clans another + actional squabble the outcome ofwnich ii problsmatlcaL < FY f 8c f WF fI C < f P i f 1M v r f c h tt tne day Fair and Comer Wo HUNilRE S BURNi IN THEATRE FIRE Mexican Village Scene of Accident L Building Well Filled With Select Aucrence f I Mexico City Feb 16 Between 250 and 300 people were burnedto death and many were Injure in a fire whichdestroyed the Flores theater IIi the city of Acapulco The Flores theater was a v ooden structure and over 1000 peopled crowded into it to witness a special performance given in honor of GOY¬ ernor Damian Flores of the state of Guerro who was visiting the post at the time One of the numbers of the program consisted of a series of mov ¬ ing pictures While operator was It exhibiting these a film caught fire and a blaze was quickly communicat- ed to some bunting which had been used for decorative purposes- In an Incredibly short time the flames spread to all parts of the struc- ture There were but three narrow exits and the panicstricken audience rushed to them many falling to b3 crushed to death their bodies chok rag the way to escape to others The screams of those Imprisoned were terrifying Owing to the rapid- ity with which the fire spread and its intense heat it was impossible io att- empt rescue work and those imprIs oned were literally roasted alive as the fire burned with little smoke ands few were suffocated Pitiful scenes of grief are being en- acted on the streets of the little west coast port Men women and children are wandering from place to place hunting for relatives or friends Many of the dead are from the first families of the state the affair at the theater being a social event of considerable importance In some instances entire families were wiped out of existence The municipal authorities caused large be dug and into those the remains of the dead were laid Ac s cording to the telegrams received from there recognition of any of then dead has been an impossibility owing to the fact that the bodies were burn ¬ ed in most cases to a crisp Telegrams aent to the Ainericajr confu1at asking for the hAveasiet c RECOMMEND MEMORIAL SITE Fine Arts Council Tells President Where to Erect Lincoln Mtmlinrif Washington Feb 1111 aletter7to President Roosevelt the council of fine arts recently appointed by the president recommends as a site for the proposed Lincoln memorial in this μ city the west end of the maliODS line with the Capitol and the Wash ¬ ington monument at a point near the Potomac river The council Is of the opinion that the site between the Capitol and the Union station provided for in the Me Call biUlsan architectural impos sibility because the relative position of the Capitol and the station ands their marked difference in scale ot designI The Battleship Fleet Washington Feb 16 Admiral Sperrys Atlantic battleship fleet Is v within 1500 miles of the American coast according to the reckoning of the officials of the navy department but no wireless communication has been received from the admiral The wireless telegraph stations of the gov- ernment along the coast have been endeavoring to get in communication with the vessels of the fleet but they have been unsuccessful for the past couple of days Bishop Hoss Operated On Baltimore Feb 16 Bishop E B Hoss of the Methodist Episcopal church South underwent a surgical operation at Johns Hopkins hospital for intestinal trouble He was upon the table for nearly two hours which was an hour longer than anticipated ant was due to the fact that the sur- geons ¬ found his condition much ¬ worse than had been expected The doctors said so far as they could tell at this time he was resting fairly sat- isfactory Abandoned at Sea Havre Feb 16The American schooner Mary Sanford Captain Stone from Wprgan City La for New York was abandoned at sea dismasted Jan 31 All the members of the crew were taken off by the British steamer Mineola CaptaiK Scott from Galveeton Jan 23 for Havre and landed here Mike Kahoe Fined Cincinnati 0 Feb 16 A fineofs 2dOof which 150 Is suspended irasfi assessed against player Mike Kaho f of the Washington American letgti > team by the national bebafl GOBI mission for playlmj aft4iuK a Ofl cago outlaw t9ifc f j ifkjJ i H t A L 5G 1 y

FELT BREAK NTH S BURNi GROCERY StOREchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069133/1909-02-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdfJ f r fY I i l tEditi61 r VOL NO 107 KY TUESDAY 161 1909 2 CENTS A COPY II CENTS

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r fYI i l

tEditi61 r



Thirty Persons Are Reported Killed

and Many InjuredBuild ¬

ings Are Razedm

Special to The Newst Feb 16 An

earthquake razed the governmentbuilding and residence at Sivas thecapital of Vilayet It is reported that thirty persons were killedand many injured




SK Baird and Miss MattieUnited at Eleven Oclock

5 Moday Night

S K Baird and Mattie Williamsof Powell county were married atthe BrownProctoria Hotel in this

i city at 11 oclock Tuesday night Atthis unseemly hour Mr S W PowellDeputy County Clerk was arousedfrom his slumbers A license wasrwanted quick Sam is always cleverThe next thing was to get a preacherElder J M Rash was prevaileduponto get out of bed and come to thehotel Mr Baird is bookkeeper forHardwick and Company at StantonMiss Williams is a daughter of MrJohn W Williams one of the mostprominent citizens of Powell countyThe romance about this wedding isthe fact that the parties have beenmarried to each other before A di-


followed the result of a misun ¬

derstanding the bride taking hermaiden name After a period of someyears they found that they couldnotlive one without the other and theyare married again With manvfriends we wish them a happy futureazsrMRS LAIR DIES AS-


JFrom an Open Grat

and She Survives TenDays

PARIS icy Feb 16The deathof Mrs Sallie EL Lair following tendays of intense suffering froin0burnsabout the body asa result of herclothes becoming ignited from anopen grate fire came as shock tothe community Mrs Lair was agedabout 54 years und was the widowof the late Joseph Lair She is sur-vived


by two children Mrs FrankCurrent and Mr Matt Lair Jr Thefuneral services will take fromher residence on the Clayand Rise rpike tomorrow morning at 10 oclockservices at the grave in the Pariscemetery at 1130 being conductedby Elder Carey E Morgan

The pall bearers will bew PHume John Morris Joe HoustonJas Steaphens A P Adair and Al¬

fred Batterton



First Day of Fifth Annual WinterEvent Well Attended

LEXINGTON Ky Feb 16The-ofresults the opening days of the

Kentucky Sales Companys fifth an ¬

x nual winter auction of light harnesshorses was > everything consideredvery satisfactory Seventysix heawere sold yesterday for a total o16185 an average of 213 per head

The top price yesterday was 725paid for the fouryearold Jay Birdfilly> Eliza Jane by Hunter 0 Moodythe local trainer


5lfcJ Q Boone wmsnorjly build1

a handsome residence ons Easta Broadway near Highland street



Tiv Bloomfield sold a building lotin his Lexington avenue addition toRichard Jones Saturday pphsider=

ation 500 4

l S >

Eating too jmuch is far t hore likelyto give you a headache than thinking too much

Ia tr



w r r

p7j s

4Ieyt <

t 1












Thief Robs Burch and Vice MondayNightGets 6 in Gohf

and Some Goods

1 v

The grocery store1of Burch andVice on East Broadway wairokeninto sometime1 Monday night andabout 6 in money was taken fromthe cash drawer and several boxesof cigars and other contents of thestore The thief effected an entranceby breaking out the glass in thefront door No arrests have beenmade yet but the police think they-have a clue to the guiltYarties-


RINKsBackmans Wild Animals and Glass

Blowers Show PleasesLarge Audience <

The Bachmans wild animal andglass blowers show that is to ex


hibit at the AuclitoriuntvRinkVali thisweek put on their first performanceMonday night to a large ifncl appre ¬

ciative audience The doors openedat seven oclock and by eight oclockwhen the wild animal performancebegun regardless of the weather theseats around the arena iri which theanimals perform were will filled Theperformance is interesting and in-


and well worth the priceofadmission The doors open onehour before each performance andevery one has an opportunity ofsee ¬

ing the glass blowers iat work beforeand after 4Tio niiirtiilhsliow-

Adam Forepau it i his palmiestdays never had the pleasure of show¬

ing to the public a better educatedtroupe of wild animals than thesewith the Bachman shows Whilethey may not outnumber those of theFor sabshaitd other great rcircnses1they are equally as well trained andperform some feats that are seldomseen in the leading circuses of today

first on the program in the an=

eimal show js Joseph Gain with hiswonderful troupe ofsix educatedAustralian cockatoos The cocka ¬

toos afford mucli amusement by theirfunny antics acid this iSIIIH of thebest features on the prograh

The next on the program is Mrj T Bachman playing the I role asa ventriloquist with his two woodenfigures Tommy and Sarah Thus issomething that is enjoyed by the oldas well as the young aid producesmuch laughter

Madam JVfazzellV Marguerite withher troupe of teddy earsi the nextfeature on thy program The bearsate well trained and do man Y rrobatic and laughable stunts so char¬

acteristic of themBertine Lorenzo with his congre-


of wild beasts including threegoats two bears one ape one mon¬

key two dogs and one German edu¬

cated hog perform pf the most won¬

derful tricks ever accomplished bywild animals The s and thebears do some very difficult acrobaticfeats such as tight wire performan ¬

ces trapese acting etc with theagility of an acrobat The Germanwild hog is one of the most importantcharacters in this featdre of theprogram and plays his FPart well MrBachman claims hi nito be the onlyeducated German in this coun ¬

5fThe of theprogram is Prof Paul JohanningNubianfof the entire program aricUit aloneis well worth the pricVof admissionEvery feature of the program wasentertaining and was watched withinterest by everyone in the audience

The glass blowers are always inoperation and every one of them areartists of Jio mean ability Theirexhibition is worth watching and isfascinatingto no small degree



July 30th has been set apart asKentucky Day at the Alaska

kOnPacific Exposition to be held atSeattle this summer phfee thousandKentuckians are said to reside in theala te of Washington

rAwoman who marries the second-time should not be toarried diiiwhite

= u11f>c


lf1 fr

MRS JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT SHERMANMrs Sherman wife of the vice president elect

t has occupied a conspicuousplace In Washington society for several years Shells a peysonal friend ofMrs Roosevelt and Mrs Taft and belongs to the inner circle at the WhiteHouse She is an excellent entertainer sharing her genial husbands personalpopularity Their Washington home will be the sgenpof many importantsocial events during the present season




Will Carry Larger Line of Farming

> Implements and Also

DeaLin1Seed J

TO meet fhe demands of a rapidlyincreasing business Mr J13 Martinthe Broadway Coal and Implementdealrhas leased the large buildingon Main street recently occupied byMcCord Track McCormick

Mr Martin will add a much largerline of farming implements and willalso deal extensively in field seedshis new quarters giving ample facili-ties for carrying a greater Variety inevery line He is one of our mostprogressive young business men andwill have the able assistance of suchexperienced men as Messrs TuttMartin Dudley McCormick andFrank Tanner

Mr Martin will also retain hispresent location on Broadway and isnow ready for business at either lo ¬




MrJesse Owens Has Vefy Success ¬

ful Lace and Embroidery Sale

THe benefits of advertising in TheWinchester News is strikingly seenby the wideawake merchant MrJesse Owens put on a lace and em ¬

broidery sale Friday and Saturdayof last week The advertisements forthis sale appeared twice in the col¬

umns of The News Mr Owens re¬

ports that his store on North Mainstreet was crowded all day Fridayand Saturday and that he made over409hdividual sales


CAMPTON Ky Feb 16At 2oclock Monday morning the oldCombs House in this city burned tothe ground This was one of theoldest buildings in Campton havingbeen built 30Jto 40 years ago Themain building was of brick and thebrick walls are all that saved all thefcenfcral pOrtion of Cam ton ifironrburning It is thought that the fire

Theilhotelat least 3500 and was the propertyol CL W Robinson of WinchesterKy









Wr and Mrs SJ6vTracy Claim Thatv VK Baiyless Ran Ma

chi egoFast

In the Fayet CirbnCourt Satur ¬

day two suits w refiled by MrsBernice Treyan B Tracyof tins city

in tW JL Bay lessfor


alleged careless and negligencein running an 4tmicibirei

Mrs Bernice TiioyrIues for 2

500 She says that during April1908 she was driving on the Win¬chester and Lexington turnpike whenshe was overtaken by the defendantsautomobile which was being drivenat a speed pf more than twentymiles an hour andthe car collidedwith the horse and buggy drivenby plaintiff and she was thrown outand sustained injuries from whichshe has not nndPwillnot recoverShe says her cQUarbon t

was brokenand she was bruised andacrushedand vas confined to her bedfor more than thirty days and incur¬

red medical bills in the sum of atleast 100 her spectacles werebroken to the ofa20 and by reason of those injuriesand mental and bodily suffering en¬

dured she has been damaged in thesum of 2500

S B Tracy says on that date hewas the owner ofa fine iron grayhorse of the value of 250 and a bug ¬

gy and harness worth 50 that hiswife was drivwisame when the de¬

fendants car qljided the out ¬

fit and the bug y broken upsetand damaged to the extent of 25and the horse was frightened andran away and was damaged in thesum of at least 100 He says thehorse was a fine family horse gentlequiet and safe for ladies to driveprior to and up to the date of saidcollision and that sine that time hasbeen and is dangerous excitable andnervous and of no value for familyuse wherefore heprays damages inthe sum of 12ijt vy y

J Smith Hays ancLIJ H Haggardare attorney for tHe plaintiffs


Grover Anderson and family havemoved from Stanton o hgmsonthis-county ij



Messrs George JBrpsf proprietorsotthe St George lIotel block havepurchased ofthd agan Gas EngineCo two tenr ioipis P9ijir enginesand dynamos fo furnishing light andrunning electrlctfF


t1 jr

ifrkt imfl 1JJrtit1ts If

lf <j A

Y t JJCi

P-r J





1Advance Guard Arrives at Old Point

i aril All Hotel Rooms Arerat a Premium

Fort Monroe Va Feb 16The ad=

vance guard of visitors en route here-to view the notable naval demonstra-tion


tof Monday next and to particibatJ ¬

tleships under command of Rear Admirah Sperry has begun to arrive Hotel accommodations at Old Point al-


are at a premium and quartersare now being sought at NorfolkHampton and other cities borderingHampton Roads

The interest excited by the sailingof ittie fleet 14 months ago naturallyhas2 been accentuated many fold dur¬

ing the remarkable cruise and excur¬

sions are to be run from most of theeastern cities

The program of entertainment hereIs still indefinite as it is not knownas yet just how many of the shipswill be detached following the presi ¬

dents review and sent to the navyyards Some 3000 of the bluejacketsfrom the fleet are to be sent to Wash ¬

ington to participate in the inauguralparade of March 4 and the vesselsfrom which they are drawn undoubt-edly will remain here for the menare to be taken to the capital cn na¬

val transportsEfforts are to be made to have

President Roosevelt and his guests onthe Mayflower come ashore the even¬

ing of the review to attend the dinnerin honor of the flag and commandingofficers of the fleet by the Navyleague of which General Horace Por ¬

ter is president This dinner will befollowed by a ball and during thestay of the ships in the road therewill be a round of gaieties Officersof the army at Fort Monroe arte pre-paring to have a share in the wel ¬

come to the fleet > teThe ships are to anchor in > racti

cally the same positions from wliiciijthey started on their voyage of theworld Dec 16 1907 They were an¬

chored before sailing In two longlines but fell Into single column tofollow the Mayflower to= the reviewIng water off Thimble Shoal light

As understood here it Is AdmiralSperrys intention to bring the shipsin the capes and past the presidentsyacht In two lines of eight shipseach The anchoring maneuvers afterthe ships pass the government pierprobably will be the prettiest part ofthe fine spectacle

Just what formation is tp be takenby the escorting ships of the thirdsquadron under Admiral Arnold is notyet known These ships haVe Teenon detached duty and have had littleopportunity to drill They may how-ever be disposed in double line for-

mation to conform to the fleets sail-ing


orderIn this way the line of ships which

in a single column would stretch overfive miles of water will be shortenedto first onehalf that distance A num¬

ber of the navy widows or officerswives who witnessed the departureof the fleet from here and since thattime have followed or preceded theships all the way around the worldhave arrived to see the close of thehistorymaking voyage


Mrs Smith of Sailors and SoldiersOrphans Home Indignant

Xenia 0 Feb 16 Trustees of theOhio Soldiers and Sailors Orphanshome have appointed Mrs Anna M

Punbar chief matron of the institu-tion succeeding Mrs J LI Smithwife of the racing superintendentwhose salary was stopped by Gover ¬

nor Harmon last week Mrs Dunbarwill act as matron until the appoint-ment of the new superintendent andhis wife

Mrs Smith denounces asUan infer ¬

nal He the report from Los AngelesCal to the effect that Mr Smith ar-


there a week ago accompaniedibyra young woman whose identity hedefused to disclose

Former Pen Manager DiesColumbus 0 Feb 16 Colonel

Thompson Burton 70 former memberof board of penitentiary managers isdead at Sheboygan Mich accordingto a telegram received here Hishome was at Youngstown OFormany years Colonel Burton was alsoelated with Ohio papers His son hasbeen prominently connected withNew York and London Eng news ¬


Declare Wilcox Is IneligibleSandusky 0 Feb 16Major C B

Wilcox mentioned as a possibility Inconnection with the local collectorship to succeed Charles A1udsoniiIneligible it is declared by legaFauthoritles because he is an importerThis means in the opinigni pfypoliticlans another +actional squabble theoutcome ofwnich ii problsmatlcaL



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htttne day Fair and Comer




Mexican Village Scene of Accident L

Building Well Filled WithSelect Aucrence



Mexico City Feb 16 Between 250and 300 people were burnedto deathand many were Injure in a firewhichdestroyed the Flores theater IIithe city of Acapulco

The Flores theater was a v oodenstructure and over 1000 peopledcrowded into it to witness a specialperformance given in honor of GOY¬

ernor Damian Flores of the state ofGuerro who was visiting the post atthe time One of the numbers of theprogram consisted of a series of mov ¬

ing pictures While operator was It

exhibiting these a film caught fireand a blaze was quickly communicat-ed to some bunting which had beenused for decorative purposes-

In an Incredibly short time theflames spread to all parts of the struc-ture There were but three narrowexits and the panicstricken audiencerushed to them many falling to b3crushed to death their bodies chokrag the way to escape to others

The screams of those Imprisonedwere terrifying Owing to the rapid-ity with which the fire spread and itsintense heat it was impossible io att-empt rescue work and those imprIsoned were literally roasted alive asthe fire burned with little smoke andsfew were suffocated

Pitiful scenes of grief are being en-acted on the streets of the little westcoast port Men women and childrenare wandering from place to placehunting for relatives or friends Manyof the dead are from the first familiesof the state the affair at the theaterbeing a social event of considerableimportance

In some instances entire familieswere wiped out of existence Themunicipal authorities caused large

be dug and into those theremains of the dead were laid Ac scording to the telegrams receivedfrom there recognition of any of thendead has been an impossibility owingto the fact that the bodies were burn¬ed in most cases to a crisp

Telegrams aent to the Ainericajrconfu1at asking for the



Fine Arts Council Tells PresidentWhere to Erect Lincoln MtmlinrifWashington Feb 1111 aletter7to

President Roosevelt the council offine arts recently appointed by thepresident recommends as a site forthe proposed Lincoln memorial in this µ

city the west end of the maliODSline with the Capitol and the Wash¬

ington monument at a point near thePotomac river

The council Is of the opinion thatthe site between the Capitol and theUnion station provided for in the MeCall biUlsan architectural impossibility because the relative positionof the Capitol and the station andstheir marked difference in scale otdesignI

The Battleship FleetWashington Feb 16 Admiral

Sperrys Atlantic battleship fleet Is v

within 1500 miles of the Americancoast according to the reckoning ofthe officials of the navy departmentbut no wireless communication hasbeen received from the admiral Thewireless telegraph stations of the gov-ernment along the coast have beenendeavoring to get in communicationwith the vessels of the fleet but theyhave been unsuccessful for the pastcouple of days

Bishop Hoss Operated OnBaltimore Feb 16 Bishop E B

Hoss of the Methodist Episcopalchurch South underwent a surgicaloperation at Johns Hopkins hospitalfor intestinal trouble He was uponthe table for nearly two hours whichwas an hour longer than anticipatedant was due to the fact that the sur-geons


found his condition much ¬

worse than had been expected Thedoctors said so far as they could tellat this time he was resting fairly sat-isfactory

Abandoned at SeaHavre Feb 16The American

schooner Mary Sanford CaptainStone from Wprgan City La forNew York was abandoned at seadismasted Jan 31 All the membersof the crew were taken off by theBritish steamer Mineola CaptaiKScott from Galveeton Jan 23 forHavre and landed here

Mike Kahoe FinedCincinnati 0 Feb 16 A fineofs

2dOof which 150 Is suspended irasfiassessed against player Mike Kaho fof the Washington American letgti >

team by the national bebafl GOBI

mission for playlmj aft4iuK a Oflcago outlaw t9ifc f

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