Feline Products A selection of our “ Kitty” products Available in 1.69 fl oz & 3.38 fl oz bottles

Feline Products - Cat Supplies and More · Hilton Feline products are formulated using a combination of herbal tinctures mixed with sweet tasting vegetable ... Gotu Kola - ( Hydrocotyle,

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Feline Products

A selection of our “ Kitty” products

Available in 1.69 fl oz & 3.38 fl oz bottles

Product Formulation & Dosage Information Hilton Feline products are formulated using a combination of herbal tinctures mixed with sweet tasting vegetable glycerine. This produces and extremely palatable product that can either be dropped straight into the cats mouth; added to a small amount of food or broth; or dropped onto the cats paws where they will lick it off. We have had no problem getting cats to take the products using one or other of these methods. Recommendations for administration: Use 4 drops of the products per 2.2lbs (1 kg ) body weight twice daily. So an average size cat - 8 lb ( 4kg ) cat would need 16 drops of the product twice a day. 20 drops = 1 ml The glass dropper pipette holds 20 drops when full The small 1.69 fl oz bottle contains approx 1,000 drops which means that on the 16 drops twice daily dosage a 1.69 fl oz bottle will last an average size cat of around 8lbs 30 + days.

Kitty Ezee-P

Feline idiopathic cystitis FEI or Feline lower urinary tract disease FLUTD, urinary stress, gravel, cystitis, pain, inflammation of the urinary tract. It is generally accepted that FEI has a stress component and is also linked to the increase in the use of dry diets.

A formulation that will: Reduce stress – Valerian Reduce pain and discomfort caused by inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract – Demulcents - Marshmallow leaf – Corn Silk Reduces formation of stones/gravel – using herbal anti - lithics Hydrangea, Corn Silk, Marshmallow Supports Kidney Function and kidney microcirculation – Golden Rod, Dandelion Leaf Reduces risk of urinary infection. – Buchu Encourages healing of mucous membrane especially in the bladder - Gotu Kola. GAG production – Gotu Kola Gotu Kola – contains GAG Glycosaminoglycan layer (glucosamine/bamboo) known to improve the mucous membrane lining of the bladder. Cats with FIC (Feline Idiopathic Cystitis) have been shown to have reduced membrane lining of the bladder. This is associated with an increased permeability, allowing substances in urine to pass through the urothelium to the bladder wall, where they may cause inflammation. It is not known what causes the alteration in the GAG layer. However, one important difference between FIC and Feline Urinary tract disease is that the frequency of recurrence of acute signs in cats declines as the cat ages.

Gotu kola – (Hydrocotyle, Centella asiatica) - Healing encourages GAG production, mild analgesic to alleviate pain in female organs Marshmallow leaf – (Althea officinalis fol) anti stone/gravel – anti lithic, demulcent, anti inflammatory, healing to mucous membrane Corn Silk – (Zea Mays) anti lithic reduces formation of stones, gravel, anti inflammatory to mucous membrane, specific for cystitis. Hydrangea – (Hydrangea arborescens) anti lithic - contains no tannins Buchu – (Barosma betulina) urinary antiseptic, for urinary inflammation, cystitis especially when caused by e Coli, urethritis, pus in urine Valerian – (Valeriana officinalis) anti stress, calming soothing and strengthening to the nervous system, digestive relaxant, antispasmodic action slows peristalsis, both smooth and skeletal muscle relaxant. Non doping or addictive.

Kitty KD Renal Failure – Chronic Glomerulonephritis, renal failure inevitably leads to death, but this mix can be used for cats whose kidneys are just not functioning as effectively as they should. Renal Failure - In this condition the cats kidneys are small due to scar tissue, the urine passed increases and is pale and low specific gravity. Kidneys “ leak” protein into the large quantities of water passed. The glomerular have reduced ability to filter waste products. There is oedema in eyelids/legs. Risk of uraemia ( blood in urine) caused by accumulation in blood of waste by - products of protein digestion. Avoid meat in favour of fish. Feed low protein diet. It is necessary to try and clear blood toxins, in particular waste by - products of protein digestion. Use diuretics to remove excess fluid, balance blood pressure, support potassium levels which can be depleted through frequent diuresis, support liver to help process high levels of waste products in blood and support kidneys that have been damaged.. Ingredients: Hawthorn – ( Crataegus oxycanthoides) regulate blood pressure, support heart muscle under pressure from oedema and fluid retention. Shepherds Purse – ( Capsella bursa-pastoris) urinary antiseptic, diuretic, circulatory stimulant, anti uric acid, hypotensive. Golden rod – ( Solidago virgaurea)anti- inflammatory, antiseptic to mucous membrane, diuretic specific for the support of the microcirculation of the kidneys. Cleavers – ( Galium aparine) lymphatic support, diuretic, immune support, rich in minerals potassium, silica etc Couch Grass – urinary antiseptic, inflammation of the kidney’s, nephritis, painful urination, renal colic, demulcent. Yarrow – pelvic circulation, anti inflammatory, urinary antiseptic.

Kitty Mew’n

A formulation to help support and strengthen immunity and resistance to infection. Use for rescue, rehomes or any cat who has had a poor start in life or whose immunity has been compromised. Use for cats exposed to other cats that may be carrying infections ( eg Feline viral rhinotracheitis), particularly in showing situations where the cat is already stressed and whose immunity may be under pressure. Can be used prior and post vaccination. Use any time cats immunity needs extra support.

Echinacea – ( Echinacea purpurea) – Anti microbial, antiseptic, anti inflammatory, parasiticide, antibiotic, vasodilator and lymphatic. Does not act directly on a virus but exerts antiviral effect by stimulating and supporting the immune response. Raises white blood cell count and increase the bodies own powers of resistance. Stimulates ‘ killer ‘ cells that resist bacteria. T – Cell activator.

Gotu Kola - ( Hydrocotyle, Centella asiatica) – Adaptogen which helps body to deal with the stress response, wound healing both internally and externally, specific for chronic sinusitis, used for overcoming stress and fatigue. Immuno modulator.

Elecampane – ( Inula helenium) – Expectorant, anti spasmodic, antiseptic, anti-catarrhal. Used traditionally for colds, chronic bronchitis, any chest infections or diseases, coughs, colds or any situation where you need to help encourage the removal/ expulsion of mucous.

Cleavers – ( Galium aparine) lymphatic support, diuretic, immune support, rich in minerals potassium, silica. Has a twin effect on the kidney and urinary system and on the lymphatic system, should be used for any condition marked by enlarged lymph nodes and severe infections. Rosehip – ( Rosa canina) – natural source of Vitamin C, flavonoids, tannins. Huge Vit C content to help support natural resistance to infections.

Milk Thistle – (Silybum marianum )- bitter tonic, hepatoprotective, used to help protect liver from blood toxins. Major anti-oxidant and free radical scavenging action ( anti oxidant action 10 times greater than Vit E. Encourages production of new liver cells (hepatocytes) damaged by blood toxins and environmental poisons.

Kitty Ease For Constipation – To support healthy digestive and liver function and promote normal waste elimination. The product aims to improve liver function – one of the main contributing factors to constipation in cats is thought to be due to sluggish liver function. Improve motor function of bowel with gastrointestinal spasmolytics –With constipation in older cats there may be a bowel motility factor due to poor neurological innervation of the bowel. Ingredients: Dandelion root – ( Taraxacum officinalis radix) increases bile production, slight laxative, supports liver and gall bladder. Pancreatic remedy as the herb leads to increased secretions of digestive juices from the pancreas into the intestine. The whole plant works on the liver – kidney axis where processing, detoxing, and elimination from the body is organized. Liquorice – (Glycarrhiza glabra) soothing and healing to the digestive tract, mild laxative action, mucilaginous, anti inflammatory to digestive tract. Chamomile – ( Matricaria recutita / Chamomilla) spasmolytic improves motor /nerve innovation and function of bowel Slippery Elm – ( Ulmus fulva) contains high levels of mucilage, for inflammation or ulceration anywhere in the digestive tract, Improves GI lubrication good for IBS, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. Yellow dock – ( Rumex crispus) gentle laxative, increases bowel motility without aggravating it, use to improve overall tone of bowel, works well in conjunction with chamomile for bowel motility. Also astringent contains tannins, rich tonic high in iron.

Aloe Vera – ( Aloe barbadensis) bacteriacidal, demulcent, analgesic for mild degree of pain, indigestion, ulceration, mild laxative. Kitty Komfort For cats with IBS / IBD and to help support a normal healthy digestion and bowel function. Can be used for cats with fur balls and vomiting. IBS causes abdominal pain, and swings between diarrhoea with watery stools and constipation. Flatulence ( gas) , mucus around stools, possibly blood in the stools, weight loss, poor liver and gall bladder function. N.B In cats IBS/ IBD has an auto immune component. Ingredients: Slippery Elm – ( Ulmus fulva ) demulcent, cooling, mucilaginous and healing on the upper digestive tract, reduces inflammation of the digestive tract, anti diarrhoeal. Chamomile flowers – ( Maricaria recutita – Chamomilla) cooling, reduces inflammatory damage in the upper digestive tract, nervine, anti inflammatory, supports and soothes digestive system, Agrimony – ( Agrimonia eupatoria) – tannin rich, mild astringent, for inflammation of upper digestive tract Liquorice – ( Glychyrizza glabra) - Anti inflammatory, particularly for inflamed mucous membrane, has steroidal action, tonic for debilitating conditions. Echinacea – ( Echinacea sp) immuno – modulatory – anti infective, warming promotes defences in particular of throat and stomach. Barberry – ( Berberis vulgaris) – choleretic ( stimulates bile production), tonic to spleen and pancreas, digestive tonic, traditionally used for autoimmune conditions, bitter,

astringent, appetite stimulant, stimulates digestive juices, liver support. Kitty Kalm Behaviour and Stress –– To help support stressed or anxious cats, rescue animals, rehoming, when introducing a new pet into the household, fearful animals or those with obsessive behavior ( licking, chewing, scratching) Valerian – ( Valeriana officinalis) strengthens and supports nervous system, natural relaxant to the CNS, sedative, calming, nervous tension, irritability, anxiety, antispasmodic. Chamomile – ( Matricaria recutita) restlessness, mild sedative, calms irritability, impatience, soothing relaxant, digestive carminative and bitter. Lemon Balm – ( Melissa officinalis) nervous exciteability, antispasmodic Marshmallow root – ( Althea officinalis radix) – rich in mucilage soothing, demulcent, healing to the digestive tract which can often be affected by anxiety Vervain – ( Verbena officinalis) antispasmodic for relief of tension, relaxing nervine with affinity for liver and kidneys Oats straw –( Avena sativa) – nerve restorative, tonic for brain and nerve cells, strengthens nervous system, extremely beneficial for digestive system.

Kitty Senior Designed to help support the overall physiology of the older cat as it ages. Supporting mobility, heart condition and strength, circulation, immunity, lymphatic system, liver health, protection and renewal, digestive and kidney function Wild Yam ( Dioscorea villosa) – anti inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, excellent digestive aid and for relieving inflammation and spasm of the gastrointestinal and genital – urinary tracts. Also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, plant steroid. Hawthorn – ( Crataegus oxyacanthoides- regulates blood pressure, strengthens and regulates heart beat, Specific for the older heart “ Nurse of the old heart”. Peripheral vasodilator, especially of coronary arteries. Specific for heart insufficiency especially due to advancing age. Echinacea – (Echinacea purpurea ) immuno – modulatory – anti-infective, warming promotes defences in particular of throat and stomach specific for strengthening immune response which may be lowered in older cats. Excellent for upper respiratory tract conditions, for increasing natural resistance to infections both viral and bacterial.

Cleavers – Galium aparine – increases production of white blood cells thereby strengthening immune response and natural resistance to infection. Supports lymphatic system and lymph nodes, reduces oedema, diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Rich in silica for healthy coat and skin. Milk Thistle - (Silybum marianum) specific for liver function, liver cell regeneration, protects liver from blood toxins, high anti-oxidant activity. Dandelion root - choleretic, increases bile production, slight laxative, supports liver and gall bladder, bitter digestive remedy encouraging the production of digestive juices. Used for any obstruction of the spleen, gall bladder and liver, its anti lithic action will help to break down any deposits such as stones, gravel etc. It is an effective herbal diuretic and will encourage the removal of excess fluid without depleting the body of potassium as so many of the conventional diuretics. Pancreatic remedy as the herb leads to increased secretions of digestive juices from the pancreas into the intestine. The whole plant works on the liver – kidney axis where processing, detoxing, and elimination from the body is organised.