February Devotion

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  • 7/29/2019 February Devotion



    Comforting God MATHEW 17: 1-12 1 Friday

    Sometimes things may go wrong or in an unexpected way in our life we may be very afraid

    but Jesus is always there for us to say DONT AFRAID and to comfort us.

    Vs 7: Get up,dontbe afraid

    Christ with Good Nature MATHEW 17: 13-27 2 Saturday

    Here we can see two beautiful characters of Jesus Christ, 1: A Healer- but we need faith on

    him to receive healing (For God, healing a headache and raising a dead, is equal), 2: Always

    ready to obey the laws and rules of government.

    Vs 20: You have faith, Nothing will be impossible for you

    The honor of humbleness MATHEW 18: 1-17 3 Sunday

    Jesus loves the children so much that he told only people comparable to children can enter the

    heaven but the important word here is HUMBLENESS (vs.4). Those who seek the

    blessings of god need to humble themselves. Then Jesus is teaching here to give more

    importance to eternal life than our body parts.

    Vs 4: Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven

    The importance of forgiveness MATHEW 18: 18-35 4 Monday

    Forgiveness that is very important before God. He likes the forgiving heart but hates the

    bitter heart. If we want His forgiveness in our life, then we need to forgive others. This is the

    virtue that He shows us in the cross.

    Vs 35: This is how my heavenly Father will treat you unless you forgive your brother from


    The Lords Family MATHEW 19: 1-15 5 Tuesday

    God made humans as male and female and made them as husband and wife. So after

    marriage it is a sin against God to get separated. So let us be careful to obey the God.

    Vs 14: at the beginning the Creator made them male and female.therefore what God has

    joined together, let man not separate

  • 7/29/2019 February Devotion


    A heart without the desire for money MATHEW 19: 16-30 Wednesday

    We should not set our hearts on the worldly riches but should give importance to the eternal

    life. You may be rich by the grace of Godbut dont set your heart in it.Seek ye first the

    kingdom of God

    Vs 26: With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible

    Submit in Gods hand MATHEW 20:1-16 7 Thursday

    Many times we are comparing ourselves or our deeds with others and murmuring against God

    and that is a sin. We are doing here two mistakes: 1) trying to show we are wiser than God. 2)

    Trying to show we are better than others. Submit yourselves under the mighty things of God

    so that He may exalt you.

    Vs 16: So the last will be first, and the first will be last

    Fathers Will MATHEW 20:17-34 8 Friday

    1) Jesus is again teaching about humbleness from the heart not from the mind 2) His

    obedience/submission to His heavenly Father. Everything is done according to His will. 3)

    The heartfelt cry of blind and their healing.

    Vs 31: Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us

    Let us give fruits MATHEW 21: 1-22 9 Saturday

    Characters of Jesus: 1) He was not only ready to fulfil the wish of the Father but also ready to

    fulfil the prophecies of Bible. 2) His love for his Fathers house. 3) His longing for us to bear

    fruit. The circumstances in our life may not be favourable but he expects fruits.

    Vs 16: From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise

    Innocent Heart MATHEW 21: 23-46 10 Sunday

    Jesus here talks about the condition of our heart. We may show ourselves very pure and with

    great knowledge in bible, but for this same reason Jesus warns Pharisees and Sadducees and

    tell them that the sinners may enter into the kingdom of heaven before them.

    Vs 31b: the tax collectors are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you

    Suitable Garments MATHEW 22: 1-22 11 Monday

    Even though we are sinners, God by His great mercy invites us to attend the wedding. Still

    we are expected to be there with our wedding garments- garment of salvation otherwise we

    cannot attend the wedding. Always be ready with the garment of Salvation.

    Vs 21: Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

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    Bibles role in our life MATHEW 22: 23-46 12 Tuesday

    When Sadducees and Pharisees tried to question and condemn Jesus Christ he answered all

    their questions with verses from Bible. If we want to conquer Satan and this world we should

    know Bible by heart.

    Vs 32: He is not the God of the dead but of the living

    Avoid Boasting MATHEW 23: 1-12 13 Wednesday

    We should never do things to please men but God alone. If we do things in expectations to

    get praise from the people and if we boast before their eyes then we will be humbled but God

    exalts only those who humble themselves.

    Vs 12: For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be


    Pure Heart MATHEW 23: 13-39 14 Thursday

    We should not be a hypocrite. Should not show a clean image to the world but ugly and dirty

    in our heart. Our Father in heaven never likes this, so pray to God to clean you in and out.

    Vs 37: How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks

    under her wings, but you were not willing

    Scripture which protects us from deception MATHEW 24: 1- 24 15 Friday

    This is the true warning against the deceptions in the Christian world. Even the so-called true

    ministers of God may turn against scripture and deceive Christians, but the name of the Lord

    and verses of the Bible are our true protections against the deception.

    Vs 4b: Watch out that no one deceives you

    Get Ready MATHEW 24: 25-51 16 Saturday

    Jesus discussed to His disciples about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Except our father

    no one knows that day and hour. So when anyone says this day or that day will be the end of

    the world we should not believe them. But we should be always ready for His coming and

    His blessing.

    Vs 36: No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but

    only the Father.

    The life of the Wise MATHEW 25:1-30 17 Sunday

    Two sets of people wise and foolish. Do you know children, foolishness and laziness are

    sisters? When we read and meditate the Bible we become wise and we know the will of God

    and we will be blessed for our obedience to Him.

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    Vs 10: But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins

    who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

    A Christian who is compassionate to poor MATHEW 25: 31-46 18 Monday

    When we give alms to the poor we are giving loan to God himself Neverclose your heartfor the poor. According to the scripture, when we give and help the poor with the

    compassionate heart we shall inherit the kingdom of God, but when we close our hearts we

    may go to hell.

    Vs 34b: Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom

    prepared for you since the creation of the world

    Who occupies the first place in life MATHEW 26: 1-19 19 Tuesday

    We need to help the poor but the first person in our life should be Jesus Christ. At the sametime we should not allow money to rule our heart like Judas.

    Vs 10b: The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me

    Not by our own Will MATHEW 26: 20-46 20 Wednesday

    Many times we rely upon our own and declare things that we cannot do like Peter. Always be

    dependent upon the God. Make His way your way. Humble yourself before Him and ask Him

    to help you. You will be blessed spiritually and materially in this world.

    Vs 39b: My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but asyou will

    Sacrifice yourself to do the will of God MATHEW 26: 47-75 21 Thursday

    To fulfil the scriptures and obey His Father, Jesus was ready to sacrifice himself. How is our

    obedience? Peter betrays Jesus orally. But many times by our actions and thoughts we betray

    Jesus. Let our Heavenly Father helps us not to do this.

    Vs 56a: But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled

    The Effect of Words MATHEW 27: 1-31 22 Friday

    The crucification of Jesus Christ was due to the jealousy of the Jews. Without knowledge

    they themselves brought the curse on then. Till today they are suffering by this curse (Get the

    history of Jews and read). Always be careful about your speech and intentions.

    Vs 24b: I am innocent of this mans bloodIt is your responsibility

    The Living Song of God MATHEW 27: 32-66 23 Saturday

    Jesus Christ was humiliated and mocked by all (the watching people, the soldiers and eventhe robbers) but instead of all this humiliation he wanted to submit himself to the will of God .

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    Vs 54b: Surely He was the Son of God

    Gospel should be our life MATHEW 28: 1-20 24 Sunday

    A great joy (God) is with us till the end of the earth. Before Jesus ascended into the sky, He

    gave us all this commandGo, preach Gospel and make disciples This is the commandgiven by Jesus to all believers.

    Vs 19a: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations

    John who humbled himself MARK 1:1-20 25 Sunday

    John is mentioned in the Bible as a great Prophet. But read what he is saying in vs 7: I am

    not worthy to stoop downand loose His sandal. What do you do regarding humbleness?Next the core part of the portion is that They confess their sins and got baptized.

    Vs 15b: The kingdom of the God is near. Repent and believe the good news

    The Leper who teaches a lesson MARK 1: 21-45 26 Monday

    We should always desire to do the will of God in all areas of our life. See the leper, he did not

    desire anything except his health and also he seeks only the will of God (v 40). Children this

    is the most desirable and pleasing thing before God.

    Vs 41b: I am willing.

    Let us glorify the name of God MARK 2: 1-12 27 Wednesday

    After Jesus Christ did the miracle people glorified God not Jesus Christ. If u read throughout

    the gospel we can see after each and every miracle of Jesus Christ people glorified God and

    not even Jesus Christ. This should happen in our life also, in all our works and deed, God has

    to be glorified.

    Vs 12b: This amazed everyone and they praised God

    Give us the consciousness MARK 2: 13-28 28 Thursday

    We should accept that we are sinners. Unless and until we accept ourselves as sinners and

    guilty, God cannot cleanse us or save us from our sins. If you do not accept that you are sick

    or ill, how can the doctor treat you?

    Vs 27: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.