40 Days of Prayer and Devotion January 7 th February 15 th , 2014 A Spiritual Journey

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40 Days of Prayer and Devotion

January 7th – February 15th, 2014

A Spiritual Journey

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Day 1


When Moses was building the tabernacle, there were women who served at the

entrance (Exodus 38:8). Nothing much is said about the women in Exodus, but we do

know that they parted with their mirrors for use in fabricating the brass basin. These

mirrors were made of the finest brass, highly polished, and just the right material for the

basin, which was a large bowl filled with water and set in a brass base. The priests used

the basin to wash their hands and feet whenever they entered the tent of meeting and

before they offered the sacrifices.

We don’t know how many ministering women gave their mirrors for the basin, but

there must have been a good number of them because their mirrors were small, but the

basin was big. These ancient women had somehow overcome their self-love. They no

longer gazed at themselves in mirrors. They gave up their mirrors to make the worship of

God possible, for without washing in the basin, the priest could not offer sacrifices

(Exodus 30:21). In the same way, it is impossible for us to glorify Christ while gazing at

self in the mirror of this world (Daniel Partner).

We live in a culture that promotes self-gazing, but we are called to overcome this

form of measurement, to fix our eyes on Christ. We are called to offer to God items we

once used for self-measurement –items used to reflect well upon self. Not just physical

image, but the image of status by the world’s standards. Offer them for use as the basin

was used, as a method of cleansing ourselves before approaching our Holy God.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is

temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Pray that…

The Grassy Pond community will be shaken by His spirit because of the time you

(we) spend in prayer.

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Day 2

Results Oriented

God is result oriented. He has a will for our life that is about a result. Everything

He brings into our life is about yielding that result. There is a goal for condemnation.

There is a goal for redemption. There is a goal for our every circumstance. When we

experience times of trial, it is not just for the experience. God expects a result. His will is

for us to act or to change in a way that honors Him. The same is true in times of blessing.

When God gives us a gift, it is not just for the sake of the gift. He expects a result.

Our Thanksgiving service provides an example of result-oriented blessing. During

that service we step forth to bring an offering to the Lord. Out of God’s blessings to us,

we offer a portion to be used as a blessing to others. We expect that offering to yield

results – to go somewhere, to do something.

God expects the same of every blessing He bestows on us. We often look for and

comprehend the results of our difficulties. But, do we look for results during our times of

blessing? Or do we just hold on to them – thankful, yes, but still grasping them firmly to


We sing, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” Let us not become dams,

allowing the blessings to pool around us. Instead, let the blessings that flow to us from

God, flow out from us, yielding results that honor and glorify Him.

Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Pray that…

God’s will to be accomplished in all our lives, and that in all things we glorify


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Day 3

Shade and Shadow

I like to read outdoors, basking in the sun, absorbing its warmth. I could sit there

for hours! But, sometimes a day that starts out to be pleasant becomes too warm, and I

seek some shade to rest from the sun’s intensity. It becomes more comfortable in the


Shade and shadows form when an object blocks a source of light. Sometimes we

move into them for rest. Other times they may move over us. We can relate this to the

choices we make with our finances. Sometimes we make the decision to move out of

God’s light and His plans and into the shadows cast by the world that is blocking out His

light. We often make our financial choices in this dim light; we may find it to be more


Keep in mind that shadows lack security. They shift as the light source changes.

Shade and shadows can be deceptive. What seems certain can be found faulty. Looking

at our finances in the world’s shadow can be deceptive as well. Priorities that seem

certain according to the world can be found faulty when seen in God’s light.

I Chronicles 29:15 warns “…our days are like a shadow on the earth, without

security.” Contrast that with Psalm 43:3, “Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead

me.” Let us make all our decisions, even financial ones, in light of God’s truth, basking in

the warmth of His certainty.

Pray that . . .

Our church family will sense an urgency to pray for spiritual awakening.

Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me. (Psalm 43:3)

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Day 4

Worship Then Give

When we talk of the Magi we usually focus on the gifts they brought to the new

born King. We speak of gold, frankincense and myrrh- valuable gifts, worth great dollar

amounts. Yet these Wise Men gave other gifts as well. They gave their time and effort as

they planned this trip. They studied and watched – ever alert to the signs that pointed to

the time and place of the birth. Much planning and attention to detail were necessary to

the execution of such a journey.

Matthew 2:11 records that “On coming to the house, they saw the child with His

mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped Him.” Notice first they gave their

worship and then they gave their gifts. Yes, Jesus was surrounded by their precious,

valuable gifts. Even more importantly, He was the center of their worship. All of their

time, effort and resources led to this moment of worship.

What is the focal point of your time, effort and resources? Identify that and you

will find the focus of your worship. Also consider this, does your worship culminate in


Giving should be the natural response to worship. Only after we worship, truly

worship, can we identify, appreciate, or comprehend even a small part of His worthiness.

And that compels our giving. Just a glimpse of His worthiness makes us want to give our


On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed

down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts

of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

Pray that . . .

Church leaders/teachers will have a purpose and a heart for God.

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Day 5

After God’s Own Heart

“I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all

My will.” Acts 13:22

Ruth Bell Graham writes of an encounter she had with a young Indian student

named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, “I would like to

believe in Christ, and many in India would like to believe, but we have never seen a

Christian who was like Christ.”

A friend of Mrs. Graham told her to tell Pashi, “I’m not offering you Christians. I

am offering you Christ.” Good point. No one will ever be excused for not believing in

Christ on the basis of Christians’ lack of faithfulness. On the other hand, we should ask

ourselves the question, “What does a person look like who says he’s a follower of Christ?

Should Christians be like Jesus Christ?”

Perhaps the most well-known answer to that question is the description given of

David: a man after God’s own heart, committed to doing all of God’s will. Perhaps, then,

that’s what a Christian should be –a person committed to doing all of God’s will. If a

government order were issued to arrest everyone who appears to be a Christian, would

you be incarcerated?

The person after God’s heart is the person whose own heart seeks first the

kingdom of God.

David Jeremiah—Turning Points

Pray that . . .

Our church family will listen for God’s instruction and direction in carrying on Kingdom

work here on Earth.

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Day 6

How to Walk by Faith

George Mueller hadn’t faced a situation quite like it. Before him were 120

orphans, expectantly seated at long dinner tables. But something at this mealtime tested

the mettle of Mueller’s heart. On the table was nothing but empty plates and cups of

water. Eager faces looked expectantly toward him, as if to say, “What’s for dinner?” But

he didn’t know. The cupboard was bare and they had no money to buy food or drink.

What was George to do? It didn’t take long for him to decide. He would do what

he had done every other mealtime. He would instruct the children to bow their heads and

join him in thanking God for the meal they were about to eat. He would praise God for

the faithfulness of His provision. And so he did. Mueller prayed simply, directly and with

a heart filled with faith.

When the “amen” was pronounced, the plates were still empty. As the eyes of the

boys turned to the head table, a knock sounded at the door. One of the boys went to

answer. A moment later he called out, “It’s the vegetable man! He’s got a lot of stuff for

us.” “Coincidently,” there were many vegetables that would spoil if he didn’t do

something with them. While the vegetables were being unloaded someone else showed

up. The butcher. He had run out of ice and was afraid of his meat spoiling. Then the

milkman pulled up, overloaded with dairy products and desperately needing to do

something with them!

Needless to say, it was quite a banquet that night. And it was the finest lesson in

faith those orphans ever received. Would the same thing have happened had Mueller not

prayed, believing God for His provision ahead of time for it? We don’t know, but we do

know that Jesus said we have not because we ask not. And we know that His will for us is

to walk by faith, not by sight.

God is calling each member of the church family to answer a vital question: Do

you have the faith to trust God for His provision? As we move toward the future –

personally and corporately- this must be our attitude.

Pray that . . .

Grassy Pond Baptist Church will wait patiently on the Lord and seek His answers first in

all things.

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Day 7


Do you like to receive gifts? Of course, we all do. Sometimes though we get gifts

that we do not like or will not use. A bigger question is have you received God’s gifts?

Yes, gifts! God’s first gift was his own son sent to save the world, Jesus.

Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David.

Luke 2:11

God’s second gift is his presence through the Holy Spirit. Are you calling on the

power of his second gift? When Jesus rose from the grave, he sent to us the gift of the

Holy Spirit.

“Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus

Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 2:38

In Romans 8:26-27, Paul is feeling weak in his prayer life. Maybe we feel weak in

knowing how to pray for others, our church and ourselves. God knew we would need

help in prayer. The Holy Spirit understands our needs and burdens as well as the big

picture. He carries our requests to God even when we cannot adequately express them.

Call on the power of the Holy Spirit as you pray today.

In the same way the Spirit also joins to help in our weakness, because we do not

know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with

unspoken groanings. - Romans 8:26

Try singing a hymn calling on the Holy Spirit before you pray today.

Holy Spirit rain down, rain down,

Let your voice be heard as we stand on your word.

Pray that . . .

Church staff will be filled with God’s spirit and power to preach/teach so that all might

hear and understand.

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Day 8

Fear or Confidence

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound

judgment. - 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear, apprehension and anxiety can paralyze us, preventing us from being bold

witnesses for Christ. Can you think of a time when you were afraid? Maybe it was in a

large crowd or following a national catastrophe. Maybe it was more personal when you

experienced a health issue or extreme grief. We often attempt to endure these situations

using our own strength rather than putting our trust in God.

Read a story of Peter – Matthew 14:22-33

Think about Peter when he walked on water to Jesus. The others were too afraid

to get out of the boat. Peter was fine as long as he was focused on Jesus but once he

turned to his own strength he became afraid as well. We can conquer our fear by taking

God at his word and living with confidence.

“Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so

assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.” - Martin Luther

So don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need

endurance so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.

- Hebrews 10:35-36

Pray that . . .

Church leaders will lean on Jesus in times of testing and God’s spirit will guide us

confidently into the future of our ministry.

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Day 9


Are you a patient person? Most of us become impatient when finding ourselves in

difficulty situations. Maybe it is the grocery line, the traffic jam, the restaurant or waiting

on our children to do what we asked them. Sometimes we are like the toddler in this

story. Mom was taking the toddler and his older brother to get a chocolate milkshake.

On the way, the toddler found a pack of old M&M’s in his car seat so he opened them

and ate them. When his mother discovered he had already eaten chocolate, she did not

allow him to have his milkshake. His impatient behavior caused him to miss out on a

greater reward. We are called to be patient and trust the Lord. Patience is available only

through the Holy Spirit. We can look to David’s example. David demonstrated

discernment, wisdom, love and faith in God’s timing. (1 Samuel 24:10-11; 26:10-11)

As our church looks for God’s guidance and direction we are called to have faith

in His timing. It is always better that we wait for God to tell us to move forward. We

must be in constant prayer and in His Word in order to know his direction.

Read these scriptures:

Hebrews 6: 9-15

James 4:13-16

James 4:7-8

“Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we

want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.” - John


Pray that . . .

Our church family will pray fervently and wait patiently for God to send answers in His

time so that His purposes will be accomplished for His glory.

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Day 10

Praise and Thanks

Give thanks to the Lord for this day is a gift from him. We are called to practice

gratitude each day. God is good and has provided for our every need. In the Bible, we

read about God’s people practicing gratitude. Today make a list of the things you are

thankful for personally and as a member of our church. Think about the things we have

to be thankful for as a congregation. God wants us to proclaim our thanksgiving and

praise to him. These actions help us to continue to keep our lives in perspective.

Gratitude is like a set of new lenses. The more we practice looking through a lens

of gratitude the more we recognize God’s work in our lives. We live in a fallen world so

there will be difficulties and pain in our lives. Gratitude is helping to see God’s hand in

all situations. Look to His Word for expressions of gratitude through prayer, praise and


Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout triumphantly to Him in

song. -Psalms 95:2

Then I brought the leaders of Judah up on top of the wall, and I appointed two

large processions that gave hanks. -Nehemiah 12:31

Because of the LORD’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end.

They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23

Pray that . . .

The Lord will teach you to practice gratitude so that you can see His hand at work more

clearly each day.

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Day 11

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Will Provide

2 Corinthians 9:8 says that God is able to make all grace abound toward the

believer so that he will have sufficiency in all things, an abundance of provision to meet

every need. It is important to note that this is a promise to those who give generously and

sacrificially to the Lord as the believers were doing in the churches in Macedonia. It is a

promise that God will be Jehovah-Jireh to those who give to the Lord.

The verse begins: “God is able.” That is the starting point in all matters of faith.

There should never be a question or doubt as to whether God is able. He is, and His

ability has been proven over and over in the lives of those who trust and obey Him:

Job 42:2 “I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can

be withheld from You.”

Matthew 19:26 “…with God all things are possible.”

2 Timothy 1:12 “I … am persuaded that He is able.”

Hebrews 2:18 “…He is able to aid those who are tempted.”

Hebrews 7:25 “…He is also able to save to the uttermost.”

In those and many other verses in Scripture, we learn that God is able to do

everything. And in 2 Corinthians 9:8, Paul says God is able to make grace abound to you

in the financial realm of life. The greatest thing God is able to do is set forth in Jude 24:

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before

the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” Jude says God is able to get you all the

way through this life and into heaven to stand before Him without fault and with great

joy. If God can do that, do you not think He is able to meet your needs in the here and

now? You must believe that God is able to make all grace abound to you when you give

to Him.

David Jeremiah – Stewardship is Lordship

Pray that . . .

Our church will see evidence of God’s grace in all things and will trust Him in all


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Day 12

Taking the Lead

Primary Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9


Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to see what God has in store for us next?

Are you excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead knowing that God is

in control and working out His perfect plan among us imperfect people? Or are you

comfortable where we are? Are you afraid to take risks, afraid of change, afraid of the

unknown that is ahead? In today’s devotion, we will look into the life of Joshua and

learn about taking the lead and taking the next step in God’s journey for our church, for

your family, and for you as an individual.

First, let’s set the scene… It’s hard to imagine a more intimidating job than this. How do

you “take over” for Moses? God handpicked Moses to lead His people out of captivity in

Egypt. God showed Himself to Moses and delivered to him the Ten Commandments and

the Law. God inspired Moses to write the first five books of the Bible. Moses had been

the top guy in Israel for 40 years! If I’d been Joshua — about to lead Israel into the

Promised Land after Moses’ death — I would have been scared. For 40 years, the people

of Israel had been waiting for this very day. And now their leader Moses was gone. How

was Joshua going to pull this off?

How about you? Does the prospect of building a new church building seem scary to you?

Do you question if after all these years, God is really behind this push for a new building?

Do you wonder what your role is in God’s plan? Are you scared to get on board and

make a commitment to the project?

Sounds a lot like the situation that Joshua faced. Here’s what God did… God appears to

him and says, "Joshua, let me tell you three things to do. And if you will do these three

things, I guarantee you success." Let’s look at those three things, and consider if God

might still be telling us, as we face the future and its uncertainties, to do them today, too.

I. God said to “Get ready to go!” He actually started off by saying “Moses my

servant is dead.” This was not news to Joshua; surely he had mourned

Moses’s death. But God was doing more than just stating the obvious. He was

saying that an end of an era has come. Moses was God’s servant, but it’s time

for a new servant to step up and lead. God tells Joshua to get the people ready!

Notice in verse 1, God is already promising success… “the land I am about to

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give them.” He just needs Joshua to prepare the people for what God is about

to do.

Today, God is preparing our church, your family, and you for what he is about to do. He

just says to each of us, “Get ready to go!”

II. Stay in the word. God says, "Joshua, I’m guaranteeing you success if you’ll be

careful to obey all the law. And the way to do that is not to turn from it either

to the left or to the right." In other words, "Don’t become sidetracked."

Now Christians can become sidetracked, too. You might be promoted in your job and

suddenly you’re so busy you don’t have time for the Word of God, to pray, or to be in

God’s house with God’s people. You have be a hobby. You get so caught up in it that

you no longer have time for God. Or you may be in a new relationship, and you’re

spending so much time with that person that you have no time left over for Bible study

and God.

In verse 8, God gives Joshua three ways to stay in the word.

1. Talk about it. It is not enough just to read the Word. We need to talk

about it, discuss it, and learn it. That’s why Sunday School and small

group Bible Study is important.

2. Think about it. The word "meditation" has fallen on hard times because

when we hear it we often think of someone sitting cross legged, hands

folded, in some kind of a trance, doing whatever it is they do. But

“meditation” is a good Biblical word. If you want to understand what it

is, consider this: "Worry is negative meditation." Worry is constantly

thinking about all the bad stuff that could happen. Positive meditation is

thinking about what God can do and how God can work in your life. So

God tells Joshua, "Talk about it and think about it."

3. "Do it!"...be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be

prosperous & successful. Take the teachings & principles out into the

world, and live them every day.


III. Here is the third thing God told Joshua to do: "Step out in faith." I like that

because we need to understand that faith is an action word. Faith is never

passive. It’s not enough just to sit around & say, "Well, faith is what I believe."

That’s not faith. I can say that I believe that an airplane will fly. But I don’t

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exhibit my faith in the airplane until I get on & ride in it. Or I can say that I

believe the chair will support my weight. But I don’t exhibit faith in the chair

until I sit on it.

So I can say, "I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Well, Satan

believes that, too. Faith is not real until it is active as you commit your life to Jesus

Christ, & say, "I not only believe in you, Lord, but I trust my life to you, & I’ll follow

where you lead." That’s the kind of commitment God was asking of Joshua.

Between him and the Promised Land was the Jordan River in full flood stage, and Joshua

was afraid. Now how is Joshua going to get from the wilderness to the Promised Land

without crossing the Jordan River? Well, obviously, he’s not. So how is God going to get

him and all the people across this raging river?

Notice what God says three times in these verses. "Be strong and courageous." Fear will

keep you in the desert. Do you realize that the Israelites could have traveled from Mt.

Sinai to the Promised Land in about three weeks? But it actually took them 40 years

getting there because they were caught in the grip of fear. But God says, "Be strong and

courageous.” In other words, “Don’t be afraid.”

Pray that . . .

God will give you a peace about His will for our church. Don’t let the fear of the

unknown keep you from participating in the blessings that God is about to unleash on us.

It will not be easy. It will require sacrifice and hard work. But God is promising us

success if we prepare ourselves, stay in the word, and step out on faith. Pray about how

you will take the lead in your family and in your personal life.

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Day 13

Give Thanks in Plenty

Text: Psalm 23:1-6, Psalm 105:1-5, 1 Chronicles 29:10-13

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. –Psalm 25:5a

It seems so simple—give thanks in plenty. Literal plenty makes a whole lot of

sense to me—to most of us, but plenty is oh-so-much-more than the material things and

our worldly blessings. For the believer, plenty and want are both constant states of being.

Yes, we all have real, felt needs, and we have noticeable, tangible blessings. But beyond

the surface—in light of eternity—our constant state is a want of grace, and God is our

constant and plentiful supplier.

HE is our plenty. Our overflowing cups have absolutely nothing to do with bank

accounts or people or material things. They do not overflow with success and they do not

empty with failure. Our cups overflow with the grace and mercy of an Everlasting God—

they overflow because there is always more than we can ask or imagine. THIS is our


Wherever we find ourselves on the worldly poverty-to-prosperity scale, let us see

ourselves in constant want of His grace and ever in possession of an overflowing cup of

mercy from an all-sufficient God. And let us give thanks.

“Think how much grace one saint requires, so much that nothing but the Infinite

could supply him for one day; and yet the Lord spreads his table, not for one, but many

saints, not for one day, but for many years; not for many years only, but for generation

after generation.” –C.H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

While it is all too easy to get caught up in things of this world and the things

we’ve been given rather than the Giver, let’s remember in this time to be thankful for that

which is most important – the gift of Jesus Himself.

Pray that . . .

Our church family will humbly give thanks for the huge blessings God has bestowed

upon Grassy Pond Baptist Church. We have much for which to be grateful.

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Day 14

Pray like this.

Text: Matthew 6:7-15, Psalm 139:1-6, Psalm 34:15, Revelation 1:8

To pray is to walk in the full light of God, and to say simply, without holding

back, I am human and you are God.” - Philip Yancey

Jesus truly gave us a pattern of prayer that allows us to pour out our deepest

thoughts and needs, confession of our mistakes and mishaps, and emotionally connect

with the beauty and awe of His creation.

Prayer is worship of the Alpha and Omega, the Almighty One who knows what

we will say and do. He goes before and He will follow. He will bless us with His mighty

hand. Prayer is adoration of the unchanging character of God. He is the same today as He

was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Prayer acknowledges that God will meet our

physical needs of water and daily bread. Prayer enables the ability to unleash grace and

forgiveness to self and others as He has forgiven us. Prayer gives us the mind and

spiritual strength to remain connected to the Holy Spirit who will guide our daily

decisions. Prayer inspires a personal conversation with God who guides us through His

Word, which has transforming power on the heart.

Prayer is made powerful when we draw together in community, reciting the very

words that Jesus spoke. These words of praise and petition have connected and unified

God’s people since the beginning. We pray the words of Jesus and, even crazier, we pray

with Jesus. “For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah 56:7)

We live in the presence of God when heaven and earth collide in prayer!

Pray that . . .

The Lord’s will to be done, rather than for our plans to succeed.

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Day 15

Like a child.

I get too caught up in words sometimes, of how I sound and how I want others to

perceive me. Thinking like a child helps me remember some truths about who I am in

Christ and what my attitude should be toward Him and in prayer. The following is an

excerpt from the Jesus Storybook Bible and a paraphrasing of The Lord’s Prayer from

Matthew 6 and needs to be read as if to a child:

“It’s not because you’re so clever, or so good, or so important that God will listen

to you. God listens to you because he loves you. Did you know that God is always

listening to you? Did you know that God can hear the quietest whisper deep inside you

heart, even before you’ve started to say it? Because God knows exactly what you need

even before you ask him. You see, God just can’t wait to give you all that you need. So

you don’t need to use long words or special words. You don’t have to use a special voice.

You just have to talk.

So when you pray, talk just like when you’re talking to someone you love very

much. Like this…

Prayer . . .

Hello Daddy! We want to know you. And be close to you. Please show us how.

Make everything in the world right again. And in our hearts too. Do what is best – just

like you do in heaven. And please do it down here, too. Please give us everything we

need today. Forgive us for doing wrong, for hurting you. Forgive us just as we forgive

other people when they hurt us. Rescue us! We need you. We don’t want to keep running

away and hiding from you. Keep us safe from our enemies. You’re strong, God. You are

in charge. Now and forever and for always! We think you’re great! Amen! Yes we do!”

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Day 16

Hold Up the Pastor

No, this devotional is not intended to promote criminal activity. Instead, its

purpose is to recall a powerful scene in Hebrew history recorded in Exodus 17:8-13.

Amalek’s warriors had confronted Israel. To encourage the Israelites, Moses climbed to

a hill with God’s staff in his hands. Whenever he raised up the staff, Israel would prevail

in battle; when he tired and lowered his hands, Amalek would gain advantage. Moses’

brother Aaron and his friend Hur responded by having Moses sit on a rock while each

man held up one of Moses’ arms. Because they supported God’s leader, the victory was


In 1974, this story inspired Maj. General Gerhardt W. Hyatt, the U.S. Army Chief

of Chaplains, to initiate “The Order of Aaron and Hur”. Each member is awarded a

medal because he or she made “an outstanding contribution to the spiritual welfare of the

men and women of the U.S. Army, and has supported the work of chaplains through their

humble service”. The medal recipients had supported these ministers in their work for


The apostle Paul spoke often of the need for the prayers of believers to be focused

on the work he had to do. In Rom 15:30 he wrote: “I beseech you…to strive together

with me in your prayers to God for me.” In Eph 6:18-19 he called out: “Praying

always…that utterance be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly”. In I Thess

5:25 he wrote forcefully: “Brothers, pray for us”. The infant church responded.

Prayer . . .

So, as our church stands on the edge of great commitment to Your work here, we

make it a part of our commitment and joyous duty to imitate Aaron and Hur and lift up

our pastor, God’s leader among us, both in prayer and action . . . That we may be

blessed, and You Lord, may be exalted.

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Day 17

A Christian Heart

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be

condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good

measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.

For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” - Luke 6:37-38

It is a heart issue in making these teachings a part of our life. Our human nature

says to judge the faults of others but our Christian heart says that only God has the right

to judge. Our human nature says to punish those who hurt us but our Christian heart says

to love those who do wrong to us. Our human nature says to hold grudges but our

Christian heart says to forget the wrongs done to us. Our human nature says to be greedy

and build up our wealth but our Christian heart says to meet the needs of others. I pray

that today you will choose to follow your heart that has been changed by the sacrifice on

Calvary. As you follow this heart you will be blessed. Do you desire for Jesus to do

away with your human nature and be guided by His Spirit?

Pray that . . .

You seek what God would have you do to advance His kingdom and His love


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Day 18

Quotes from some of my favorite Christian authors and commentaries:

“To Jesus prayer is everything;

It’s a duty as well as a privilege,

A right as well as a responsibility;

We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but Jesus wants it to be our first line of

defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but Jesus wants us to pray before

we do anything at all.” - David Jeremiah - Prayer the Great Adventure

“Faith and fear can’t live together in one heart, for one will destroy the other. True

faith depends on what God says, not on what we see or how we feel.” - Warren Wiersbe

“The will of God will never lead you where the power of God can’t enable you, so

walk by faith in His promises” - Warren Wiersbe

“Humility isn’t thinking poorly of ourselves; it’s simply not thinking of ourselves

at all but making God everything. If God isn’t Lord of all, He isn’t Lord at all.” - Warren


“For my determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressively

become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing

and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly.”

Philippians 3:10 (Amplified Version)

Pray that . . .

We will be a people dependent on prayer.

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Day 19

Is God’s Will Your Will?

Read Matthew 6:9-13

Unfortunately, our own will is often the problem in seeking His will. Because we

live in a culture that prides itself on ease and comfort, we desire a piece of that big pie.

As a result, we tend to perceive prayer as important only for making a difference in our

circumstances rather than for the difference it can make in us and for God’s glory. Thus

when God doesn’t answer our prayers as we wish right away, we lose the passion

necessary to persevere in intercession.

If you want to have that passion in your prayers, you need to realize that the real

benefit of prayer is not the changes God may make in your circumstances but the changes

He will make in you and in your perception of them. When He draws you into

conformity to His blessed person and will, your circumstances, no matter how

insurmountable they may have appeared at first, will no longer be your priority. That’s

because your attitude about them will be different.

When your prayers are rooted in your faith in God-when you believe He will hear

and answer your prayers-you are praying with the right attitude and perspective. The

greatest hindrance to prayer is not lack of technique, lack of biblical knowledge, or even

lack of enthusiasm for the Lord’s work, but lack of faith. We simply do not pray with the

expectation that our prayers will make a difference in our lives, in the church, or in the


John MacArthur- Alone with God

Pray . . .

Thank God for always keeping His promises!

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Day 20

A Wallet on a Chain

Primary Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24

Have you ever noticed that some people have chained their wallet to their belt? I

suppose this is out of fear that they might lose their wallet, so by chaining it to

themselves, they have some sense of security that their wealth (at least the part that they

carry in their wallet) is safe. Well Jesus had a similar thought about wealth and security.

Only instead of chaining our wallets to our belts, Jesus chained it to our hearts. During

his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus took time to teach about money and eternity and how the

two are connected through an imaginary chain to our hearts. If you want to invest your

wealth wisely, follow these principles.

The following outline will help to guide you through the scripture.

I. Matthew 6:19-21 - You may need to switch banks.

a. Most people in our world think living a good life is about getting what I

want. But Jesus teaches “things” that we acquire in this world don’t last.

They get old and faded, they rust, and someone else gets them in the end.

If you want your life to matter and your acquisitions to last, then you may

want to take Jesus’s advice and switch banks.

b. Notice that Jesus didn’t condemn the desire to “accumulate”. He only

redirects that desire from an earthly realm to a heavenly realm! Just switch

banks…move your accounts from the bank down the street to the bank up

in heaven! That’s a real investment that’s burglar proof, rust proof, decay

proof, corrupt proof…no need for FDIC, and the interest is out of this


II. Matthew 6:22-23 - Maintain your vision.

a. Right in the middle of teaching about money, Jesus drops two sentences

about light and darkness. No, Jesus didn’t have an A.D.D. moment; He

was making a point. Here’s his point… When I can’t stop thinking about

acquiring bigger and better stuff, I become blinded by “money-love”. My

spiritual eyes go dark. I can’t see all the good things God has given me — I

can’t trust Him to provide what I need next — because all I care about is

the money (or stuff) I don’t have, yet.

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b. Have you ever been so fixated on something that you wanted, that you

couldn’t “see” anything else? Think of 5 good things that God has given

you today.

III. Matthew 6:24 – Make a choice.

a. We can’t have it all. We have to choose. We want to use our lives for God

AND have a comfortable lifestyle. We want to die to ourselves AND be

popular. We want to look hot AND be pure. We want to change the world

AND go to the parties and the nightclubs. We want the new iPhone. No, the

newer iPhone.

b. Jesus said either you will serve God or money. You have to choose one.

Oh and one last thing, if you are going to invest in heaven, make sure that heaven is

going to be your final destination. If you need to be saved, ask Jesus to forgive you of

your sins and be the Lord of your life now.

Pray that . . .

God will save you from the blindness of worldly pursuits by opening your eyes to the

opportunities to invest in heavenly treasures. Ask God to free you from the illusion that

you can serve God and money at the same time.

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Day 21

Be Brave in Giving

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given

to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them to obey everything

that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

On every mission trip I have been able to witness at least one person from the group

experience missions for the first time. On the way, they are the ones that quietly ask what

they’ve gotten themselves into. On that first day of ministry, they put on a confident face,

take a deep breath and try to prepare for whatever is about to happen. Whether the task is

feeding families, sharing a Bible story, or praying with people, the result is always the

same by the end of the week: they thrive!

Giving does that to us. When we give transparently, stepping into places where we are

uncomfortable or vulnerable, God shows up. His Spirit is able to fill us with courage like

none other. We are filled with God, and pour His love and grace out on others. I have

seen it in the shy girl that suddenly fills a room with her laughter. I have seen the guy that

stutters pray boldly over his team. I have seen eyes opened, minds expanded, and hearts

broken over a humanity that desperately needs our Hope: Jesus.

As believers, God often calls us to step up to the edge of our known world and take a leap

into the unfamiliar. He wants us to give up everything we are to gain all of who He is. Be

brave in giving.

Pray that . . .

We would trust God with all He has given us.

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Day 22

Giving It All

The Shema: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord

your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

The shema was the culmination of the law for ancient Hebrews. This was by far

the greatest commandment, and as the verses soon after tell us, it was meant to be

continuously taught. In the Hebrew culture, mind, spirit and body were never separated.

If a person’s spirit was in turmoil, their rationale and body followed suit. The rituals

performed at the Temple were never meant to be physical acts alone, but reflections of

the heart and mind.

The word translated “might” in this verse refers to strength and abundance.

Imagine a weight-lifter reaching down to pick up a huge barbell then lift it over his/her

head. It takes every part of the body in order to get the barbell above the head: legs, arms,

mind and attitude. Loving God with all of one’s might looks like weight-lifting. Love

engages every aspect of a person. Everything we say, do and think is meant to be out of

our love for God. Giving out of love is not one-dimensional. I am not only called to give

of my finances, but of my time, energy, talents, etc.

Pray that . . .

I never give based on when it is logical. All that I am must go into my giving. I give with

all of my might; not because it is an expectation or command, but always, only out of


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Day 23

God Gives and Takes

Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and Job 1:21

I love seasons of joy, love and light. Honestly, I run from dark seasons. In times of

sadness, chaos or confusion such as when a friend dies, finances plummet, or the spirit is

weary, I run as far and as fast as I can. What would happen if we let the dark seasons seep

into our souls?

If asked, I would readily proclaim that God is good in all circumstances. There are

indeed seasons for “every activity under heaven,” and God is there in the midst of them

all. Yes, God provides for us, His children. Yet, there are days and weeks and years when

it feels like all God ever does is take. Darkness creeps in and lingers for a season, but

God is there and He is still the Provider.

Perhaps the dark times when God takes from us are His way of actually providing

for us. He takes away our pride so that He can give us servant hearts. He takes away a

loved one so that He can give us an eternal mindset. He takes away our financial security

so that He can give us true peace in Him.

The writer of Ecclesiastes saw these seasons and came to the conclusion that

everything is meaningless. If there are seasons for everything, and we cannot change

those seasons, then we must give up all hope. Yet, Job recognized God’s ability to give

and take. As God took everything from him, Job remained faithful. God gives us seasons

of darkness, but right there in the blackest night, God also gives us Himself. He is our

Light in the darkness.

Pray that . . .

We would walk in the light of His glory and majesty!

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Day 24

God Gives In Creation

God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the

earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every

beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth,

everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was

so. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. Genesis 1:29-31

The first time we see God’s provision for humanity is in the creation of the world.

I love that God in His wisdom created everything mankind would need before they were

in existence. His design for man and woman was perfect, and He knew them inside and

out. One of the most basic needs of humanity, the need for food, was met immediately

and it was clearly met through God.

Every time I read the creation story I cannot help but imagine God creating the

earth in Elsa-like fashion. God whips His hands over the waters to create land and sky.

He moves with gracefulness in His graciousness over the land so that plants and animals

are formed. Then, humanity—the crown of all creation—is made. They are lacking

nothing. God has provided shelter, food and water—all the things that we consider basic


It is hard for me to reconcile a God that provides immediately for humanity with

the same God that allows poverty in the world. Children starve and have to drink dirty

water. Their “shelters” are flimsy sheets of tin held together with mud. It breaks my heart

every day, but I hold to this one truth: God provides for us. We are His image-bearers,

and we have been called to display His character throughout the world. The Lord has

provided for us from the beginning of creation. We represent Him as we provide for


Pray that . . .

People will be touched in the future because of our faithfulness today.

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Day 25

Achieving Unity (Part 1)

Primary Scripture: Philippians 2:1-2

We live in a deeply divided society. Unity is rare. Most people are taught to

“look out for yourself”, which leads to a “me first” society, and results in division on

every level. Jesus knew that we would struggle with unity so he prayed for us in John

17:20-23 “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through

their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they

also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which

You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and

You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You

have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.”

The principles of unity can be applied to all relationships; communities, work, home,

church. In Philippians 2, Paul pleads with the Philippian Church, and our church today,

to have unity. The following outline will help guide you through the scripture.

I. Philippians 2:1 - The Basis for Unity

a. The basis for our unity is the shared experience of knowing Christ: Every

believer receives forgiveness and comes to Christ the same way. None of

us deserve forgiveness. None of us earn forgiveness. While I was a sinner,

and just because He loved me, God displayed great mercy to me by sending

His Son Jesus to die in my place on a cross 2000 years ago and He gives

me the gift of the Holy Spirit, the very presence of God, in my life so that I

can have fellowship with God now and for eternity. Guess what? I have

that in common with you and every other believer in the world. None of us

deserved it. Out of His love for us and His desire for a relationship with us,

He chose to show us mercy and bless us with grace. Our status as

unworthy sinners saved by grace is one thing that we all share in common.

II. Philippians 2:2- The Challenge of Unity

a. Be like minded – As believers, when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in

our lives, we will become like minded with other believers, seeing the

world through the lenses of the Holy Spirit.

b. Be impartial in our love – As believers, we are capable of loving everyone

regardless of what opinions, lifestyles, or choices that they have made.

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How? By realizing that love is a choice, not a feeling. Sure there are

feelings associated with certain types of love, but when Jesus told us to

“love our enemies”, I am pretty sure he didn’t imply that we should

cultivate those same warm and fuzzy feelings that we associate with other

kinds of love. Rather it’s a choice to love even those who are difficult to

love. If we seek unity, we have to love others the way that God loves them.

See 1 John 4:8, 1 John 3:16, and 1 Corinthians 13 for more about how to

love those who are different or difficult to love.

c. Be deep-spirited friends – Some translations will say “being of one accord.”

Friends are a must in life. God set us up that way. God created us to be

relational because God is relational. Eve was created for Adam (because it

was not good for Adam to be alone) and they were in perfect relationship

with each other and God prior to sin entering the world. Jesus is an

example of God relating to us in a human way. And the Holy Spirit comes

to live in each believer. How much more relational can God be? God

established the church to be a source of encouragement and support, love,

and unity in relationships.

III. The results of unity are found back in verse 1… Paul says to “make my joy

complete” by living in unity with one another. A united church is a joyful

place to be.

Pray that . . .

God will continue to bless our church with unity, love, and deep-spirited friendships.

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Day 26

Achieving Unity (Part 2)

Primary Scripture: Philippians 2:3-11

We learned from the first 2 verses of Philippians 2 that Paul desired for the church to

have unity. By achieving unity, the church would find joy. There will be joy in serving

together, joy in giving, joy in believing together and even joy through sufferings, because

no one has to suffer alone when we live in unity. But there exists an attitude that will

make unity impossible to achieve and that will rob all relationships of joy. That attitude

is selfishness and pride. In verses 3-11, Paul addresses the sins of selfishness of pride.

The following outline will help guide you through the scripture.

I. Philippians 2:3-4 - Get Rid of Selfishness and Pride

a. Verse 3 begins with a command to “do nothing out of selfish ambition.”

The world says to live for you, to make a name for yourself, to do what you

need to do to get to the top at the expense of others. But, so often Jesus

instructed us to do things that are opposite of the world’s way of thinking.

Paul wrote in Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Transformed by the

renewing of our mind? What does this mean? It means that we need a new

way of thinking. And in verse 3 Paul is encouraging is to think this way…

“It’s not about me!” To achieve unity, we need to adopt this way of

thinking… “It’s not about me!”

b. Romans 12:3 continues to remind us to “not think of yourselves more highly

than you ought.” Looking after ourselves and our own interests sounds

good and is accepted as good in our world. Paul says it’s okay to look after

your own interest, but only if we are also looking after the interests of

others also. It sounds a lot like what Jesus taught when he said, “Love your

neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)

c. Get rid of selfishness and pride by trusting God for your own needs, and

thinking of others first. This leads to acts of caring and praying for one

another. It results in regular church fellowship (Hebrews 10:23-25) and

unity in relationships.

II. Philippians 2:5-11 - Follow Christ’s Example

Paul says that our attitude (or our new way of thinking) should be like that of Christ.

And then he gives us a description of Jesus’s attitude:

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a. Give up some things. Jesus left the comforts and security of heaven. In

order to achieve unity and in order to have the attitude of Christ, maybe we

need to give up some things (status, privileges, reputation).

b. Be humble. Don’t do things for the praises of men but for the glory of God.

c. Be a servant.

d. Wait for God to lift you up. Jesus knew that his reward was awaiting Him

in heaven. So too is ours.

III. Jesus demonstrated remarkable unselfishness and humility in His willingness

to give up His heavenly position to put on skin and occupy an earthly one and

then to die for the sins of the world. It is a great example for us to follow in his

steps and demonstrate a humility that comes from a transformed way of

thinking about the world and its pursuits.

Pray that . . .

You will strive to imitate Christ in your day to day relationships with both Christians and

non-Christians and that Grassy Pond Baptist Church will imitate Christ and stand firm as

one body, unified through Him.

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Day 27

Biblical Stewardship

The biblical outline for stewardship is provided in 2 Corinthians 8. In the first few

verses, Paul encourages the Corinthian church (relatively prosperous) to consider how the

Macedonian churches (relatively poor) gave to the Jerusalem church (very needy).

1. Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been

given in the churches of Macedonia,

2. that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty

overflowed in the wealth of their liberality.

3. For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of

their own accord,

4. begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the


5. and this, not as we had expected, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to

us by the will of God. (NAS)

Verse 1 gives the foundational truth for the Macedonians’ generosity – God bestowed

grace on them.

Verse 5 tells the Macedonians first action – they gave themselves to the Lord by

God’s will.

Verse 4 shows the resultant mind-set – of their own accord, not reluctantly, not by

coercion, not by campaign; but “begging” and not just begging but “begging with much

urging”, not considering it an expectation, but considering it a “favor” to allow them to


Verses 2-3 describe the results – overflowing beyond their ability.

So the sequence appears to be:

God gave grace without which there would be no further action

As a result of grace, the people gave themselves to the Lord

As a result of giving themselves to the Lord, they begged for the opportunity to

give and they gave liberally.

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To God be the glory.

Prayer . . .

Heavenly Father, we ask that you bestow your grace on us, enabling us to give

ourselves to you so that your name is lifted high.

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Day 28

Christian Giving

Second Corinthians 9 provides several insights into Christian giving.

Verses 10 tell us God is the provider of the gift - “He who supplies seed to the sower and

bread for food will multiply your seed for sowing …

Verses 8, 10, and 11 tell us why he provides the gift. Verse 8 - so that you may have an

abundance for every good deed (not an abundance for every want); verse 10 - so that your

harvest of righteousness (not bank account) may be increased; and 11 - so that you will

be enriched in liberality (the desire to give).

Verses 12 and 13 tell us the divine results. Verse 12 – many thanksgivings will be made

to God; verse 13 – God will be glorified by our obedience to our confession of the gospel

(the obedience of giving shows our confession is real).

Verse 15 tells us how God gives – He gave “His indescribable gift” (or His

“unspeakable” gift as the KJV says).

Prayer . . .

Heavenly Father, help us to understand that Christian giving is not a matter of doing

more, trying harder, or digging deeper, but is Your character of gracious giving being

expressed in the behavior of persons in whom you dwell. Help us remember that you

provide the gift for good deeds, righteousness, liberality, and your glory.

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Day 29

A Matter of Our Free Will

We tend to think of Old Testament giving as the legally required tithe. However, there

were times when other offerings were freely given. Exodus 35 tells of such an offering

for the tabernacle.

The events leading up to chapter 35 are familiar. When Moses returned to the mountain

to receive the second set of tablets, he asked God to see his glory. God said no man could

see his glory and live, so Moses was allowed to see God’s back. As a result, Moses face

shown and the people saw it.

Then in chapter 35, Moses takes up contributions for the tabernacle. Several verses make

clear the offerings were freely given:

V 5 Whoever is of generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s contribution: gold silver …

… .” (ESV)

V 21 And they came, every one whose spirit moved him, and brought the Lord’s

contribution … … .”

V 22 So they came, both men and women. All who were of a willing heart brought …

… .

V 26 All the women whose hearts stirred them brought … … .

V 29 All the men and women … … , whose heart moved them to bring anything for

the work that the Lord had commanded by Moses to be done, brought it as a freewill


And what was the result of freewill offerings? Ex 36: 3-6 tell that the people brought so

much that the workers asked Moses to stop them and no one was allowed to bring more.

So, after seeing Moses shining face, the people’ hearts were changed. Seeing a second

hand reflection of someone who had a fleeting glimpse of God’s back was enough to

change hearts to be generous and willing.

Prayer . . .

Our Father, would you show us as much of yourself as we are able to receive so that our

spirit is moved to generosity.

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Day 30

Sacrificial Giving

What does sacrificial giving look like? In his book “Let the Nations Be Glad! The

Supremacy of God in Missions”, John Piper relates this example:

It is almost impossible for Americans to come to terms with Jesus’ commendation of the

widow who “out of her poverty put in all she had to live on” (Luke 21:4). To see this

spirit fleshed out, we must leave America and go elsewhere. A missionary illustrates it

from Haiti.

The church was having a Thanksgiving festival, and each Christian was to bring a love

offering. One envelope from a Haitian man named Edmund held $13. The amount was

three months income for a working man there. The missionary was as surprised as those

counting a Sunday offering in the United States might be to get a $6000 cash gift. He

looked around for Edmund but could not see him.

Later the missionary met him in the village and questioned him. He pressed him for an

explanation and found that Edmund had sold his horse in order to give the $13 gift to

God. But why hadn’t he come to the festival? He hesitated and didn’t want to answer.

Finally, Edmund said, “I had no shirt to wear.”

Prayer . . .

Heavenly Father, enable us to see you as this man did.

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Day 31

Partner Together

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

I am not an attorney, but I have been sought after and invited to be a partner in the

most wonderful “firm.” There are other partners and they have been supportive and

trustworthy through the years. They are family and friends, even co-workers who

provided strengths when my skills were rather weak. In turn, I believe I complemented

them in skills which they were shaky.

My husband of forty-one years was my partner for life, and when that particular

relationship ended with his passing, I wondered what to do about situations I usually

looked to him to handle. I was lost; but, then, I turned to the “head of the company.” He’s

always with me and ready to help in any situation. He will not leave me or forsake me;

the partnership is eternal. Of course, my wonderful partner is Christ. He is different from

the others; He doesn’t need me. He can run the “business” by Himself, but he wants me

to be a part of His work, and He provides me with all the essential resources to get the job

done. I feel so very blessed to be a part of His plan.

Prayer . . .

Dear Lord, Why do you want me to be a part of Your kingdom? You can handle it all

by Yourself. The fact that you want me and have faith in me makes me know for sure

that you and you alone are the one I want to serve. Thank you for the opportunities

You give me in your firm. Amen.

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Day 32

It’s Yours – Not Mine, Lord

We have given you only what comes from your hand – 1 Chronicles 29:14

I can’t possibly tell you what music has meant to me through the years. It was

always heard around my house when I was growing up and usually came from my

mother, who sat on the piano stool for hours and played hymns from the old hymnals.

The words to some of those old songs reminds us of who we are and who God wants us

to be. He has plans for you and me, and He gives us all the resources to get us there, but

He expects us to give something back. Everything belongs to Him anyway.

We give Thee by thine own,

What-e’re the gift may be;

All that we have is thine alone,

A trust, O Lord, from Thee.

May we Thy bounties thus

As stewards true receive,

And gladly, as Thou blesses us,

To Thee our first fruits give.

And we believe Thy Word,

Tho’ dim our faith may be;

What-e’er for Thine we do,

O Lord, We do it unto Thee.

What are you doing with your resources? What am I doing with mine? The above hymn

reminds us that what we have belongs to God. He expects us to use what He provides and

give back what we create.

Prayer . . .

Dear Lord of All, why do I think I own the world – that you have no expectations of the

way I use the resources with which you bless me? Help me change my attitude. Amen.

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Day 33

You cannot serve God “and” Money, but you must learn to serve God “with”


Think about, discuss or pray about the verse that relates most to your life:

Luke 16:11-13 (Jesus said) “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling

worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?… No servant can serve two masters.

Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and

despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

Proverbs 10:16 The good man’s earnings advance the cause of righteousness. The

evil man squanders his on sin. TLB Matthew 6:19-21 (Jesus said) “Do not store up for

yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in

and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not

destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there

your heart will be also.”

Proverbs 16:16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding

rather than silver!

Proverbs 17:16 Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to

get wisdom?

1 Corinthians 4:2 It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. KJV

The world asks: “What does a person own?” God asks, “How is the person using what

they have been given?”

A Christian is one who does not have to consult his bank book to see how wealthy he

really is.

Pray that . . .

The Lord would help us to remember that He owns everything and we are only managers.

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Day 34

The Testing of Faith

Abraham had to wait twenty five years before the promised son was born. By then

he was 100 years old; his wife, Sarah, was 90. Yet God superseded the laws of nature to

allow the birth of a child to an elderly, barren couple. They named their son Isaac,

meaning “laughter,” for her brought unspeakable joy to them.

After Isaac had grown into young manhood, the Word of God came once again to

Abraham. He commanded: “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go

to the region of Moriah.” The message continued, “Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering

on one of the mountains I will tell you about” (Gen. 22:2, NIV)

Still believing, Abraham obeyed the voice of God and took his boy on that long,

agonizing trip to the bleak slope of Moriah. Though he did not comprehend God’s

purpose, Abraham faith was not shaken. He complied with the instructions, placing his

dear son of the alter and raising a knife to plunge into the young man’s chest. In the very

act of lifting the knife to slay his son, God stopped him. He commanded Abraham to kill

instead a ram caught in a nearby bush.

Would he have gone through with it? Would the old man actually have killed his

own beloved son? We need not wonder. Hebrews 11:19 (NIV) provides the answer;

“Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did

receive Isaac back from the death.” Yes, he would have done it, for he was already

expecting God to raise his son from death!

What an extraordinary story, which causes us to wonder, what could we possibly

have in common with Abraham? Many things! As God spoke to Abraham, God speaks to

you. As God called Abraham to a life of obedience, He calls you. As God tested

Abraham, He testes you. As God called Abraham to a life of faith, so God calls you.

Think on and discuss the parallels between yourself and Abraham. If possible,

identify some specific ways these are revealed in your life. Praise God for His


Pray that . . .

We would be obedient to God’s Word and we would exercise the faith Abraham


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Day 35

The Door to God-Sized Church Growth

Peter put them all out, and knelt down and prayed. And turning to the body he said,

“Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. And it

became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on the lord.

Acts 9:40, 42

Christians in the early church followed the directions of the Holy Spirit. When

people saw God at work through His servants, God, not the servants, got the credit. Will

you lead your church through its present crisis of belief so the world will see God at work?

Prayer . . .

Father, our church wants to do good, but we are not willing to let You have the credit. We

trust only in our plans and activities and not in You. Help us through this crisis of belief

so that we may experience You. Amen.

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Day 36

We Can’t Out-Give God

The generous soul will be made rich.

Proverbs 11:25

The Bible teaches that blessings follow those who give liberally. Proverbs 11:25

says, “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered


I’ve heard countless testimonies from men and women who were afraid to put to

the test God’s promise to bless those who are generous. They feared they would not have

enough. Then, when at last they decided to tithe (to give a tenth of their income) in

accordance with the Bible’s standard, they began to prosper. They discovered what

countless others have known across the ages: You can’t out-give God.

What keeps you from being more generous in supporting God’s work?

Selfishness? Fear? Insecurity? Even a sinful habit you would rather support? Whatever

the reason, repent of it and discover the blessedness of generosity. Remember: “God

loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).

Pray that . . .

We remember that God prospers not to raise our standard of living but to raise our

standard of giving.

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Day 37

Life Adjustments When Giving to God

Everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they

brought the LORD’S offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service,

and for the holy garments.

-Exodus 35:21

Your greatest single difficulty in following God may come at the point of

adjustment. Israel had to turn from the following a golden calf to giving what they owned

to make a house for God. How much of what you have are you willing to give to God?

Prayer . . .

Giver of all good gifts, accept the offering I bring to You. Your love has stirred my heart

and changed my life. I owe everything I have to You. Here, take what You want. Amen.

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Day 38

Acting on the Promises of God

William Tyndale was perhaps the most important person in the illustrious history

of the English Bible. He was, in fact, not only the father of the modern English Bible, but

the father of the modern English language. His translation, first published in 1525, and

used subsequently in virtually every other major translation for hundreds of years to

follow, was the new standard for English expression. By quoting the Bible, Shakespeare

quotes Tyndale more than 5000 times

William Tyndale did not live an easy life. He was hunted, persecuted (by some in

the Church), and eventually killed by those that considered his work evil. Putting

Scripture in a language common people could read? Preposterous! Yet he pursued this

goal because He was motivated to communicate what he considered the “lost message of

the church” – the message of faith. Tyndale defined faith as “acting on the promises of

God.” It’s doubtful we could come up with a better definition.

As you consider that phrase- acting on the promises of God – how are you

exercising faith today? What promises are you claiming, and how are you living out that

reality? For today, identify one specific promise of God that is especially important and

significant. Share that promise with others, and consider how you can act on its certainty.

Pray that . . .

Lives will be changed during this time of devotion.

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Day 39

Commitment. . . Because We’re Joyful

Prisons today are five star resorts compared to those in which Paul languished. He

enjoyed no heated cell with private toilet and sink. There was no mattress for sleeping, no

TV room for relaxing, no well stocked library for reading and study. There was only the

dark encasement of roughly hewn stones, filled with putrid odors and the pungent

reminders of human depravity. Perhaps worst of all were the chains, their rusty

coarseness scraping his skin raw, constantly tugging at him.

As if imprisonment were not painful enough, Paul had to endure something worse:

the stinging criticism of those who called themselves his Christian brothers. They dared

to attack God’s apostle even while he was held captive. Stop and imagine yourself in

Paul’s situation. Feel the weight of the chains on raw skin. Take in the nasty smell that

was his daily food. Listen to those dreadful sounds of suffering that filled his ears day

and night. Look into the menacing eyes of his Roman prison guards.

You are there. You are suffering. You are chained. You are Paul the apostle. Now,

what’s your attitude? What fills your heart through the weary hours? Here’s what Paul

wrote to his friends in Philippi:

“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has

actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the

whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of

my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare

all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear” (Philippians 1:12-14).

What an attitude! Rather than being inflamed with furious self-pity, Paul is

encouraged by the positive impact of his negative condition. In spite of the severity he is

joyful. What a lesson Paul teaches us! We have troubles and trials, sure; butwhat is our

attitude, and what is our commitment? Paul was joyful and he kept on giving. What is

God teaching you today about joyfulness and the priority of giving?

Pray that . . .

We will view giving as worship.

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Day 40

Commitment . . . Because We’re Loved

George Matheson was a bright, promising musician when he received the most

devastating news of his life. He was going blind.

For several months as his vision worsened, he had suspected the worse. But more

painful than the crushing reality of his blindness was the reaction of his fiancée. When he

told her of his condition, she tearfully returned the engagement ring. She said she could

not live the rest of her life with a blind man.

Stunned by her reaction and overwhelmed with self-pity, Matheson was reeling

like a boxer falling to the mat. Then, it literally as if he were swept into God’s arms,

encouraged and uplifted. Still disappointed, yet buoyed in spirit, Matheson sat down and

composed a song. In one poignant moment, George Matheson knew more deeply than

ever what is the true mark of the Christian- the unmistakable mark of love.

This is what his song was all about. It’s a song sung by believers all over the

world, even to this day- the great hymn, “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go!” Through a

hurtful trial, he was reminded of the love that would remain forever unaffected. In doing

so, he was able even to love the one who had rejected him, as his Lord had loved those

who took His very life.

There are so many reasons for us to express our commitment as members of this

church family. We have been forgiven, blessed, protected, and encouraged. But most of

all we’ve been loved. Our heavenly Father has demonstrated His love for us in that, while

we were yet sinners His own Son died for us! The commitments we make, the monies we

give, the energies we devote, are simply expressions of thanksgiving for all He has done.

In these crucial days, let’s look with gratitude to the past, let’s exercise faith in the

present, let’s have true vision for the future; but, above all, let’s show a commitment too

the challenge before us.

Pray that . . .

God would move in a mighty way on the Lord’s Acre Day on February 15th!

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