HOTDOGS In Santa Barbara Harbor At The Boat Launch Mini Mart 805-962-5898 Increasing Clouds 66° AVAILABLE NOW AT 3 38 88 87 7 S ST TA AT TE E S ST T - - 6 68 82 2. .1 11 11 11 1 D DIVORCE INCORPORATION WILLS •ETC. LIVING TRUSTS LDA#37 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY S SA AT TU UR RD DA AY Y, , F FE EB BR RU UA AR RY Y 2 25 5, 2 20 01 12 2 WWW.THEDAILYSOUND.COM F F R R E E E E VOLUME 7 ISSUE 39 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ TheDailySound FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SBDailySound Surf Report Wind: VAR 5-10 kts. Swell: W 3-5 ft. Water: 55° F Tide: High: 11:25 a.m. Low: 5:17 p.m. High: 11:41 p.m. Low: 6:18 a.m. Sunrise: 6:33 a.m. Sunset: 5:50 p.m. DAILY SOUND BIGGER IS BETTER As student demand increases, MTD tries out giant bus Story page 2 Photos by Victor Maccharoli / THE DAILY SOUND Kiosk robbery suspect photos made public page 7 Drama over 'On Patrol' Joshua Molina reports, page 3 ALSO INSIDE:

February 25, 2012

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New busses, drama over 'on patrol'

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Page 1: February 25, 2012

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Increasing Clouds66°


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Surf ReportWind: VAR 5-10 kts.Swell: W 3-5 ft. Water: 55° FTide: High: 11:25 a.m. Low: 5:17 p.m.

High: 11:41 p.m. Low: 6:18 a.m.Sunrise: 6:33 a.m. Sunset: 5:50 p.m.



As student demandincreases, MTDtries out giant bus

Story page 2

Photos by Victor Maccharoli /THE DAILY SOUND

Kiosk robberysuspect photosmade public page 7

Drama over 'On Patrol'Joshua Molina reports, page 3


Page 2: February 25, 2012

To deal with rising student demand for public transportation,the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District is getting readyto have its test run of the city’s first “articulated bus.”MTD general manager Sherrie Fisher said the buses have

seen an increase in demand for the 15x line that MTD doesn’thave the funding to meet. The 15x line is the express bus run-ning from UCSB to SBCC. Fisher estimated that the line takesin 1.1 million student passenger trips every year and it doesn’tseem to be getting smaller.“In one month we had 88 different times where we had to

refuse passengers standing at the curb,” Fisher said. To deal with the problem, MTD is taking out a 30 day lease

on a 62-foot articulated bus for a trial run to see how it will helpthe problem without disrupting the community. The bus is divided into a front and back section by a short

accordion section that gives space for more passengers whilemaintaining enough flexibility to maneuver through Santa

Barbara’s streets. The bus seats 62 with a maximum of 112-standing room-only compared to a conventional bus’ 41 seatswith a max of 80.The added size allows MTD to carry more passengers with-

out having to use multiple buses and tie-up more than one driv-er, saving on costs. “In a time of fiscal conservatism we basically need to save

some money but still try to meet the demands of the communi-ty,” MTD Board of Directors chair Dave Davis said.Davis said if the bus works it could go beyond just the the

15x line. MTD could consider getting buses for line 24x, thetransit center to UCSB express, another route that is seeingtighter cramping. The leasing option provides an ideal test tosee if the bus works and if citizens like it.“It’s going to be really good test to see how the community

feels,” Davis said.SBCC President Jack Friedlander said its coming at a criti-

cal time as student enrollment exceeds MTD’s capacity.

2 Saturday, February 25, 2012 Daily Sound


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See MTD, page 6

Photos by Victor Maccharoli / DAILY SOUNDDavid Damiano, manager of transit development, stands in the accordion center of the articulated bus. At right, bus driver Paul Tumbleson.

MTD ‘bends’ to demandArticulated bus will have a test run on the 15X from UCSB to SBCC

Page 3: February 25, 2012

Daily Sound Saturday, February 25, 2012 3





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Santa Barbara's "On Patrol" is knownfor its gritty, raw depictions of theAmerican Riviera's less glamorous wayof life.It's where you see chases, brawls,

arguments and arrests that sometimes gowrong.

But it's the mayhem behind thescenes of the hit local reality show thatnow has the community talking. Andthis legal fight could derail the future ofthe popular show.Ira Distenfield, the executive produc-

er of "On Patrol," filed a lawsuit againstthe city of Santa Barbara on Friday,demanding that the city allowDistenfield to finish filming Season 5.The suit was filed by the Santa Ana lawfirm of Cone & Kassel.The city suspended the show recently

because of a financial dispute. City offi-cials claim that Distenfield and his wifeLinda owe the city tens-of-thousands ofdollars. And they will not allow theshow to continue until the controversialcouple pays up.The Distenfields disagree with the

city over the amount of money theyowe. They claim they have already paid

the city what they are legally obligatedto, and are willing to pay for Season 5'sshows - once the City Council approvesa contract.The Distenfields said they have been


'On Patrol' at center ofheated legal dispute

See PATROL, page 5

"Ultimately thesituation becameuntenable and filmingprivileges weresuspended inDecember of 2011."


Ira and Linda Distenfield, in a file photo from2006.

Popular show suspended; couple fights to resume filming

Page 4: February 25, 2012

4 Saturday, February 25, 2012 Daily Sound


TodayThe sea breeze is going to stick around this weekend. Todaywe are going to be in the mid 60's for a daytime high, rightaround average for this time of year. The mix of sun andclouds will last until tommorow. On Monday we have a slightchance of rain, not much rain is forecasted - probably a tenthof an inch or less. Strong winds will be a bigger issue. Wemay see some wind advisories and warnings on Monday.

Partly Cloudy40/65°

Slightly Cooler42/61°

Strong Winds41/59°

Mostly Clear38/63°

WednesdayMondaySunday Tuesday


Wal-Mart Stores Inc has signed a deal for its firstNeighborhood Market grocery store in Los Angeles, the world'sbiggest retailer said on Friday.The store will compete with traditional grocery chains, such

as those owned by Kroger Co and Safeway Inc, intensifyingpressure in what already is one of the nation's most competitivemarkets for food sales.The planned 33,000-square-foot Neighborhood Market will

be on the ground floor of a senior housing complex on the edgeof downtown Los Angeles' Chinatown neighborhood.An opening date has not been set, spokesman Steve Restivo

said.The store will be about one-fifth the size of a traditional

Walmart store and sell food and other everyday items.

Wal-Mart to open ‘Market’ in LA

New U.S. home sales fell in January but upward revisions tothe prior months' data and a drop in the supply of properties onthe market added to signs of a budding housing recovery.In a further boost to the economy, a separate report on Friday

showed U.S. consumer confidence hit its highest point in a yearthis month despite a strong rise in gasoline prices."We are guardedly optimistic that we may be at an important

turning point for both the economy and the housing sector," saidMillan Mulraine, a senior macro Strategist at TD Securities inNew York.The Commerce Department said sales of new single-family

homes slipped 0.9 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted321,000-unit annual rate.However data for October, November and December were

revised to show a much higher sales pace than previouslyreported, giving the report a stronger tone and putting January'sfigure above economists' expectations.

Signs of a budding housing recovery

Marines killed in copter crash ID’dThree of the seven U.S. Marines killed in the collision of two mil-

itary helicopters during a training exercise along the California-Arizona border had previously served in Iraq, Afghanistan or both,the Marine Corps said on Friday.Two light attack helicopters, an AH-1W Cobra and a UH-1Y

Huey, were conducting nighttime training operations when theystruck one another on Wednesday night and plunged to the ground.The cause of the accident remained under investigation, and

Marine Corps officials declined to say if darkness, dust or weatherconditions were believed to be factors.Five Marines aboard the Huey and two aboard the smaller Cobra

copter died in the crash, officials said. No other aircraft were flyingwith the two helicopters that crashed, and nobody on the ground wasinvolved in the accident.There were no survivors.


Remember those early soccer dayswhen the kids would congregate aroundthe ball in one big mass kicking it nowhere. Nothing really happened otherthan the coaches yelling at the playersto take their positions to no avail.As the children matured and devel-

oped discipline, they would stay in theirassigned positions and all of a suddenthe field opened up. Movementoccurred, they were prepared to takeadvantage of changes on the field andscoring goals became a real possibility.The investment world is not all that

dissimilar. The basic concept of diversi-fication is to create dissimilar investments that are strategical-ly positioned to take advantage of the “soccer ball” when itcomes your way. Chasing that ball is just that…you rarely getahead of it, infrequently ready for the action to come andoften times not in a position to maximize results.The recent price increases in oil represents a good example

of this. Now that it has become headline news, let’s predictthe story and investor behaviors that will most likelyunfold…a movie we have seen before. For an educated guess,over the next several weeks the news media will focus onmiddle east instability (that’s a shocker…it’s only been thatway for our entire lives). Then scene two will probably focuson China’s insatiable appetite for oil only to be outdone by theU.S.Then the oil companies and traders are the next most logi-

cal focus of blame for price hikes as they must be manipulat-ing the markets along with the overseas producers. Then thegovernment is usually next in line. Bush was previouslyblamed because his administration “must be” helping his oilbuddies? This time around the same prices hikes will be dueto another reason. Gotta love the hypocrisy.As the frenzy gains speed, we can only imagine that oil

will be prognosticated by the same people that sensationalizeall the stories to go to $5, no $6, no $8 dollars a gallon…whoknows how high. It will surely be labeled as “scary” times andflash back parallels to the 70’s will inevitably follow. We canonly imagine the media will portray this as the end of any sortof economic recovery. The higher the price, the more fear thatcan be sold.

On the investor front, that fearprobably translates into greed. Can’tmiss out on this run up, right? Theskies the limit. The higher it goes, themore confident people will be that itwill continue that trajectory. The goldcommercials will undoubtedly throwin some oil if you want that too.We have absolutely no idea where

the price is going to go and no oneelse does as well with any certainty.How do we know that? Because wehave spent enough time with some ofthe “smartest” people in the financialindustry to know what they don’t

know (you would be surprised).To keep our heads in the game smartly and gain some per-

spective for consideration, we have been her before. Startingin 2000, the price of oil went from the $40 a barrel range to$140 in 2008. In 2008, it was story after story about oil goingto $200. Well, it dropped in price over the next year for allthat it gained over the previous eight. Stories ended.In theory there is no limit to how high the price can go. But

realistically there is because at some point, the demand justfalls as it becomes unaffordable. While the price can go up, upand up, it can reverse course extremely quickly as well (thenature of commodities). That is why we often write about howimportant it is to asset allocate your portfolio and rebalanceregularly. It naturally forces you to sell assets which haveappreciated faster than others and buy those that have lagged(some argue…sell high and buy low).The lesson to learn is that while you may be enticed to

chase oil as an investment, it probably was more advanta-geous and profitable if you would have been positioned like aprofessional soccer team ahead of time. Being ready beforethe prices jumped in the first place. The “ball” constantlymoves around the field…where it goes next is dependent onan endless array of human and natural actions yet to material-ize and still subject to tremendous uncertainty. But when theball moves, will you be ready for it?

If you have a question you want addressed, please submitthem to [email protected]

Good Soccer May Leadto Good Investing

Page 5: February 25, 2012

Daily Sound Saturday, February 25, 2012 5



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On February 1, 2012, all redevelopment agencies in California including seven in Santa Barbara County were dissolved and the process for unwinding their financial affairs began. The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors is accepting applications for positions for the PUBLIC AT LARGE MEMBER POSITIONS TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OVERSIGHT BOARDS FOR THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN OR WITHIN SANTA BARBARA COUNTY.

Applications for these positions are available online at www.countyofsb.org, at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors located in the County Administration Building, Fourth Floor, 105 East Anapamu Street, Room 407, Santa Barbara or by calling the Clerk of the Board Office at (805) 568-2240. Deadline for the submission of applications to the Clerk of the Board Office is Wednesday March 7, 2012. Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

For more information regarding Redevelopment Agencies, Successor Agencies and Oversight Boards, visit the California Legislative Analyst’s website at http://www.lao.ca.gov/analysis/2012/general_govt/unwinding-redevelopment-021712.pdf. For specific information regarding this Board, contact Errin Briggs at (805) 568-2047. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 105 E. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 568-2240

waiting for the city to approve a new contract,but they are not going to pay until that hap-pens.The true fight, said Ira Distenfield is not

about the money. The city's order to stop film-ing new episodes goes back to CityAdministrator Jim Armstrong's dislike of thepolice department, Distenfield said.

"The real issue is that Armstrong has said anumber of times that the police officers are nomore important than the people who stripe thestreets. He just doesn't feel the cops belong ontelevision."Frank Mannix, deputy police chief, said

the halting of the show simply comes down tothe money."The Santa Barbara Police Department

suspended filming privileges for "On Patrolwith SBPD Incorporated" because the corpo-ration was delinquent with its payments to thepolice department," Mannix said. "The corpo-ration was given several opportunities tobring their account current, and, despiterepeated, promises failed to do so.

"Ultimately the situation became untenableand filming privileges were suspended inDecember of 2011."Mannix said that since 2009, "On Patrol"

made approximately $41,500 in payments,but has been delinquent by $49,000.The situation is the latest real-life drama

for the Distenfields. Ira Distenfield in 2009spent a couple days in Los Angeles CountyJail after a judge concluded that Distenfieldwas in contempt of court.Distenfield went to jail following a compli-

cated legal dispute stemming from the sale ofWe The People, the no lawyers, save moneycompany that he founded with Linda. A judgedetermined that Distenfield owed a LosAngeles attorney more than $115,000 forwork that was done before We the People wassold and before the Distenfields filed forbankruptcy, according to the Pacific CoastBusiness Times.The Distenfields have since revived their

career, starting Marketing Express and a legaldocuments company similar to the originalWe The People.Distenfield told The Daily Sound that all

he wants is for city to allow him to film ninemore episodes to complete Season 5. He saidthe city doesn't even know how much moneyhas exchanged hands.Distenfield has a June 2011 email from for-

mer Santa Barbara Police DepartmentBusiness Manager Karen Flores, where itstates that he paid the police department$44,500. Flores was later in the year arrestedfor alleged embezzling several hundred thou-sand dollars from the police department.Still, he claims it's not about the money.

City brass simply doesn't want the show onthe air."The city administrator has never been in

favor of "On Patrol" on television,"Distenfield said. "Armstrong is not in favor ofcelebri-tizing the police on television."


"The city administratorhas never been in favor of‘On Patrol’ on television.(City Administrator)Armstrong is not in favorof celebri-tizing the policeon television."


Page 6: February 25, 2012

Nominated for Best Documentary atthe 2012 Academy Awards, “Pina” isnot like most documentaries. Createdby Wim Wenders, who was also nomi-nated for “Buena Vista Social Club,”this film is short on information butfull of the choreography of PinaBausch. A creative dancer whoallowed, and even required, herdancers to identify their deepest long-ings and put them into movement, Pinaformed a troupe of dancers who spentdecades under her watchful eye andbecame like a family. Dying duringthe filming of the documentary, it isobvious that she is in poor health as we see her skeletal formunder her powerful movements.A controversial artist who did not explain her programs but

rather invited the audience to have an encounter, Pina did notwant people to just read into the dances what they brought tothe theater, but to have a new insight into themselves and thehuman condition because of what they saw. Explaining thatdance began where words could no longer take us, Pinaspeaks to the deeper humanity we all share. Explaining thatthere is no correct interpretation of her choreographed scenes,she offers no words to help her audience except in a very fewinstances.One such instance is her symbolic expression of the sea-

sons of the year and thus of life. Using four simple move-ments, her troupe interrupts the film and allows us to movethrough the seasons together. Another explained scene iswhen she asks a dancer to put joy into movement. When hedoes so, she takes his pleasure and allows the entire troupeand audience to express and experience that joy.The locations in which the dances occur provide exquisite

backdrops to their movements. From a busy street corner, to abarren rock quarry, to a manufacturing platform, to an elegant

white room, to a glass-enclosed stage, weobserve the movements of a woman desir-ing a man so strongly that he flees, to a girlcarrying her father on her back, to a motherthrowing dirt on her daughter, all to arhythmic beat of both the music and ourhearts.Exhausting to watch because of the level

of physicality of the dances as well as theengagement it requires of the viewers towatch, “Pina” is a film that calls to ourdeeper humanity and presents images thatget beneath our conscious explanation thatlanguage requires. As such, it is anencounter. In that way, we are sure that

Pina is pleased with this representation of her work.Discussion for those who have seen this film:1. Expressing feelings and experiences through movement

allows each of us to enter into the angst of the dancers. Didyou gain any insights as you watched Pina’s choreography?2. The obvious respect her dancers have for her and the

respect she showed them in return allowed Pina to pull thebest out of each of them. Have you had a similar mentoringrelationship where someone believed in you and pulled outyour best? Have you done so for someone you are mentor-ing?3. When Pina died, Wim Wenders put the film on hold, but

it was her dancers who pleaded for him to complete the film.Their desire to honor her with this record of her work isundoubtedly a tribute to her. How would you want people topay their respects to you and your accomplishments when youdie?________________Cinema In Focus is a social and spiritual movie commen-

tary. Hal Conklin is former mayor of Santa Barbara andDenny Wayman is pastor of the Free Methodist Church ofSanta Barbara. For more reviews: www.cinemainfocus.com.

6 Saturday, February 25, 2012 Daily Sound


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Students wind up missing a bus despite being at the stops ontime. That means attendance problems, and students who expe-rience a bad run can end up dropping out. “It doesn’t take much for them to turn around from becom-

ing a successful student to just giving up,” Friedlander said. Elie Katzenson, a photographer/political science double

major, felt that might be a little extreme, it’s not outside therealm of possibility. She’s seen buses crowded right up to theyellow line. And while she has an array of tricks for gettingonboard, she’s ended up missing a bus several times. And forcertain classes, even a single absence can be a problem.“If you have a once a week class or even a twice a week

class, it really throws you back in the syllabus,” Katzensonsaid.

While there’s a great deal of confidence about the benefit tostudents, questions remain about the community’s reaction.Fisher said the routes are chosen to keep the bus away from res-idential areas.But the buses are also a staple of big-city transportation and

it’s uncertain how a community that values its small-town feelwill react to the appearance of one.Aaron Thule, a global studies major, understood public con-

cerns, but believes the bus is a good solution. He thinks that thecommunity that started Earth Day will support this solution.“I hope Santa Barbara can commit to the ability to help the

environment by reducing the use of cars,” Thule said.Santa Barbara City Council member Cathy Murillo said she

knew many students from her days at KCSB that had troublegetting from Isla Vista to City College. Murillo is an advocateof alternative transportation.“It’s exactly what the community needs,” Murillo said.


Page 7: February 25, 2012

Daily Sound Saturday, February 25, 2012 7


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style that defines Santa Barbar


1,023-1,578 sq. ft.•rom the mid $700,000s toF•

over $900,0002-3 bedrooms, 2-3 full baths•

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a living.style that defines Santa Barbar


rom the mid $700,000s to

2-3 bedrooms, 2-3 full baths

2-3 bedrooms, 2-3 full baths•Spring 2012 move-ins•Limited edition of 34 homes•


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Limited edition of 34 homes


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Join Us On

Police shared images yes-terday of a man they suspectheld up one of the city's park-ing kiosks last Tuesday after-noon.Three video stills show a

man wearing an orange safetyvest over a dark checkeredflannel shirt, jeans, and whitegeneric sneakers.He appears to be Caucasian

in his 30s to 40s and about 5feet, 10 inches tall.The bright vest, typically

worn by construction or roadworkers, was most likely adisguise and ditched shortlyafter the robbery, according topolice.This was the most current

of three armed robberies relat-ed to parking kiosks in thedowntown area. The firsthold-up was on Tuesday, Jan.3 around 4 pm at Lot No. 2 onthe 900 block of AnacapaStreet. The second occurredFriday, Jan. 20 around 8:45

pm at Lot No. 4 on the1100block of Chapala.In all three cases, the per-

petrator hid his face behind acloth.But it was only this past

week the man who hit LotNo. 7 chose to accessorizewith a vest.The frame-grabbed images

were taken just minutes priorto Tuesday's robbery, accord-ing to a police.They also appear to be

from the hallway of the mainpublic library, located yardsaway from Lot #7.But Scott Love, Library

Services Manager of thedowntown location, wouldnot comment, citing the ongo-ing investigation.Neither would Parking

Supervisor Rebecca Jimenez,who works for the city'sTransportation & ParkingDivision.So far, no one has been

injured, but the suspectremains at large and is consid-

ered armed and dangerous.Police urge anyone withinformation to contact themanytime, day or night.

Police release images ofkiosk robbery suspectBY KYLE ROKES


Photo courtesy of SBPD

Page 8: February 25, 2012

8 Saturday, February 25, 2012 Daily Sound



79 MGB Maroon, Hard & Soft top,extra metal bumpers, rebuilt eng.Extra Parts. $3,300, 805-569-0386

73’ Citreon SM-DS Custom, Eurolights 78k org. miles. New tires. 5speed, green fluid. $3,900. Call(805) 684-9627

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General ContractorWood decks. Stairs & railings.

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Saltwater fishing tackle, reels, rods wanted.Penn reels, working or not, Tom 684-7127.


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PRINTINGPRINTING, SIGNS, &DESIGN: Goleta Signsand DCM Graphics areyour one-stop for allyour graphic and web

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To list your service, please call 564-6001 or visit www.TheDailySound.com

LAUNDRYAire your dirty laundry

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Wanted: 1964 or 1966 El CaminoCall 805-745-8989

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Please contactMarguerite,

805-570-3745 [email protected]

ACCOUNTINGTax Preparationfor individuals and smallbusiness. Local CPA.Excellent service at thebest price in town.

Call Jeff at 284-1905.

Page 9: February 25, 2012


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT OF ABANDONMENTThe following Person(s) is/areabandoning the following businessnames as: MILPAS SERVICES &INSURANCE CO at 132 N Milpas, SantaBarbara, CA 93103 County of SantaBarbara; Jessica Flores Solano 3724Birch St Ventura, CA 93003. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on FEB 22,2012. I hereby certify that this is a correctcopy of the original statement on file inmy office. Joseph E. Holland, CountyClerk (SEAL) by Melissa Mercer. FBNNumber: 2010-0000190. PublishedFEB 25, MAR 03, 10, 17 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: ULTABEAUTY 70000 Marketplace Goleta,CA 93117 County of Santa Barbara;Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Frangrance,Inc(1000 Remington Blvd.Bolinbrook, IL 60440) This businessis conducted by aCorporation(Signed:) Scott M,Settersten.This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on FEB 21, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0000523. Published FEB 25, MAR03, 10, 17 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:PICKLES&SWISS 811 E State St.Santa Barbara, CA 93101 County ofSanta Barbara; Pickles&SwissLLC(2940 Verde Vista Unit B SantaBarbara, CA 93105) This business isconducted by a Limited LiabilityCompany(Signed:) Anna MarieMontgomery.This statement was filedwith the County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on FEB 13, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0000457. Published FEB 25, MAR

03, 10, 17 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: WILLOWCREEK PUBLISHING 227 W De LaGuerra St #17 Santa Barbara, CA93101 County of Santa Barbara; GailEsola(SAME) This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed:) GailEsola.This statement was filed with theCounty Clerk of Santa Barbara Countyon FEB 22, 2012. This statement expiresfive years from the date it was filed inthe Office of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Catherine Daly. FBN Number:2012-0000541. Published FEB 25, MAR03, 10, 17 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: 805PRODUCTIONS 205 West MontecitoSanta Barbara, CA 93101 County ofSanta Barbara; Bruno Ferrarotti(1228Bel Air Dr. Santa Barbara, CA 93105)This business is conducted by anIndividual(Signed:) BrunoFerrarotti.This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on FEB 13, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Melissa Mercer. FBN Number:2012-0000453. Published FEB 18, 25,MAR 03, 10 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: SANTABARBARA CONSULTING 2019Oak Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93101County of Santa Barbara; ElizabethFlanagan(SAME) This business isconducted by an Individual(Signed:)Elizabeth Flanagan.This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on JAN 26, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Miriam Leon. FBN Number: 2012-0000275. Published FEB 18, 25, MAR03, 10 2012




2X5.7Summary of Ordinance 4824

An Urgency Ordinance of the County of Santa Barbara,California, granting to Ellwood Pipeline, Inc. a CaliforniaCorporation, its successors and assigns, a nonexclusivefranchise to use, operate and maintain a pipeline system for thedistribution of petroleum and petroleum products, consisting ofpipelines, poles, wires, conduits, and appurtenances includingcommunication conduits or circuits necessary and incidental thereto;in, along, across, upon, over and under county highways, roads,streets, alleys, and ways, as they may now or hereafter exist,within the County of Santa Barbara, State of California. (12-00062)

Summary of Ordinance 4825

An ordinance of the County of Santa Barbara amending the existingEMT Certifications/Recertification Fee Schedule and the EMT-ParamedicAccreditation Fee Schedule to cover the administrativecosts of providing these services. (12-00022)

Summary of Ordinance 4826

An ordinance of the County of Santa Barbara amending the existingAnimal Services Fee Schedule to adjust for increased costs ofdoing business and the provision of additional services, includingupdated amounts for consumer and business license fees. (12-00061)

Summary of Ordinance 4827

An ordinance of the Board of Supervisors adding Sections 2-93.2,2-93.3, 2-94.4 and 2-93.5 to Article XII, Chapter 2, of the SantaBarbara County Code and amend the numbering of ordinancenumber 4440 relating to the Sheriff’s electronic Monitoring Program.(12-00051)

Passed, approved and adopted this 14th day of February 2012,by the following vote:

Ayes: Supervisors Carbajal, Wolf, Farr, Gray and LavagninoNoes: NoneAbsent: NoneAbstain: None


NOTE: A complete copy of Ordinance No. 4824 through 4827 ison file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and is availablefor public inspection and copying in that office in accordance withthe California Public RecordsAct, Chapter 3.5 (commencing withSection 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012In SANTA BARBARA

The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following matter will beheard by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Barbara,on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. or shortly thereafterin the Board of Supervisor’s Hearing Room, in the BetteraviaGovernment Center at 511 East Lakeside Parkway, Santa Maria.

Ahearing to consider the recommendations of the County PlanningCommission to approve Case Nos. 11ORD-00000-00017 and11ORD-00000-00018 which would amend, respectively, the CountyLand Use and Development Code and theArticle II Coastal ZoningOrdinance, to implement amendments establishing a permit processfor the closure of mobile home parks. (12-00146)

Please see the posted agenda, available on Thursday prior tothe meeting for a more specific time for this item. However, theorder of the agendamay be rearranged or the itemmay be continued.

In compliance with theAmericans with DisabilitiesAct, if you needspecial assistance to participate in this meeting, please contactthe Clerk of the Board at (805) 568-2240. Notification at least48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Clerk of the Boardto make reasonable arrangements.

If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raisingonly those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearingdescribed in this notice, or in written correspondence to the Boardof Supervisors at, or prior to, the public hearing. G.C. Section65009, 6066, and 6062a.

Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of February, 2012.

Michael F. BrownCLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSRobert Cohen, Deputy Clerk




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be receivedby the City of Santa Barbara Purchasing Office located at 310E. Ortega Street, Santa Barbara, California, until 3:00 p.m. onthe date indicated at which time they will be publicly opened,read and posted for:

BID NO. 5142

DUE DATE & TIME: March 14, 2012 UNTIL 3:00P.M.

Publication of Legal Ads & Notices

Bids must be submitted on forms supplied by the City of SantaBarbara and in accordance with the specifications, terms andconditions contained therein. Bid packages containing all forms,specifications, terms and conditions may be obtained in personat the PurchasingOffice or by calling (805) 564-5349, or by Facsimilerequest to (805) 897-1977. There is no charge for bid packageand specifications.

The City of Santa Barbara affirmatively assures that minority anddisadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded fullopportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and willnot be discriminated against on the grounds of age (over 40),ancestry, color, mental or physical disability, sex, gender identityand expression, marital status, medical condition (cancer or geneticcharacteristics), national origin, race, religious belief, or sexualorientation in consideration of award.

_____________________William Hornung, C.P.M. Published: February 25, 2012General Services Manager The Daily Sound

Page 10: February 25, 2012

10 Saturday, February 25, 2012 Daily Sound


ACT OF VALOR (R)1:40 4:30 7:10 9:45


in 2D: 1:50 6:50 9:25in 3D: 4:20


in 2D: 1:20 6:30 8:50in 3D: 3:50

THE VOW (PG-13)1:10 4:00 6:40 9:15

THIS MEANS WAR (PG-13)1:30 4:10 7:00 9:35

SAFE HOUSE (R)1:50 4:30 7:20 9:55

PASEO NUEVO8 W. De La Guerra Pl. - S.B.


1317 State Street - 963-4408

Metropolitan Theatres

GONE (PG-13)Fri/Sat - 1:45 4:15 7:00 9:20Sun-Thu - 1:45 4:15 7:00

WANDERLUST (R)Fri/Sat - 2:00 4:45 7:15 9:35Sun-Thu - 2:00 4:45 7:15


A SEPARATION (PG-13)Fri & Mon-Thu - 4:50 7:45Sat/Sun - 2:00 4:50 7:45

PINA (PG) in 3DFri & Sun & Tue & Thu- 1:30 7:00Sat-No Show Mon-Wed- 1:30

HUGO (PG) in 3DFri & Sun & Wed/Thu - 4:00Sat & Mon/Tue - No Show

Saturday, Feb. 25 - 9:55 amMET OPERA: Verdi’s Ernani

Wednesday, Feb. 29 - 7:00 pmLAPHIL:Dudamel conducts Mahler

ACT OF VALOR (R)Fri/Sat - 2:00 4:40 7:20 9:55Sun-Thu - 2:00 4:40 7:20


Fri/Sat - 1:45 4:25 7:10 9:45Sun-Thu - 1:45 4:25 7:10

GONE (PG-13)Fri/Sat - 2:15 4:50 7:30 10:05Sun-Thu - 2:15 4:50 7:30

JOURNEY 2: (PG)THE MYSTERIOUS ISLANDin 2D:Fri/Sat - 1:30 4:15 9:20Sun-Thu - 1:30 4:15 in 3D: Daily - 7:00

Except Tue - No 3D Show

Tuesday, Feb. 28 - 7:30 pmLOVE NEVER DIES

Jennifer AnistonWANDERLUST (R)

Fri/Sat - 1:50 4:30 7:20 9:40Sun-Thu - 1:50 4:30 7:20


in 3D: Daily - 2:00 7:30in 2D: Fri/Sat - 5:00 10:00

Sun-Thu - 5:00


Fri-Sun - 1:00 3:15 5:30 7:45Mon-Thu - 3:15 5:30 7:45

SAFE HOUSE (R)Fri/Sat - 1:40 4:20 7:10 9:55Sun-Thu - 1:40 4:20 7:10

CHRONICLE (PG-13)Fri/Sat - 2:15 4:50 7:40 9:45Sun-Thu - 2:15 4:50 7:40

Rachel McAdamsTHE VOW (PG-13)

Fri/Sat - 2:00 4:40 7:30 9:55Sun-Thu - 2:00 4:40 7:30

Reese WitherspoonTHIS MEANS WAR (PG-13)Fri/Sat - 2:20 4:50 7:20 9:45Sun-Thu - 2:20 4:50 7:20

10 Academy Award Nominationsincluding BEST PICTURE!

THE ARTIST (PG-13)Daily - 2:30 5:10 7:45

THIN ICE (R) Daily - 2:10

2 Academy Award NominationsBest Actress - Meryl StreepTHE IRON LADY (PG-13)Fri/Sat - 4:30 7:00 9:25Sun-Thu - 4:30 7:00

BARGAIN TUESDAYS AT ALL LOCATIONS!No Bargain Tuesday pricing for films with (*) before the title

618 State Street - S.B.

METRO 4Features Stadium Seating

225 N. Fairview - Goleta

FAIRVIEWFeatures Stadium Seating


CAMINO REALFeatures Stadium Seating

BULLHEAD (R)Fri & Mon-Thu - 5:00 7:45Sat/Sun - 2:00 5:00 7:45

THE DESCENDANTS (R)Fri & Mon-Thu - 4:45 7:30Sat/Sun - 1:45 4:45 7:30


916 State Street - S.B.Features Stadium Seating Courtyard Bar Open

Friday & Saturday

PLAZA DE ORO371 Hitchcock Way - S.B.

RIVIERA2044 Alameda Padre Serra - S.B.

Denotes Subject toRestrictions on “NO PASS” SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTS

Information Listedfor Fr iday thru ThursdayFebruary 24 thru March 1


Oscar Nominee...A SEPARATION (R) Riviera

Oscar Nominee...BULLHEAD (R) Plaza De Oro

ACT OF VALOR (R)Metro 4 Camino Real

GONE (PG-13) Metro 4 Fairview

WANDERLUST (R) Fiesta 5 Fairview


Saturday, February 25 - 9:55 am - ARLINGTONMET OPERA LIVE IN HD: Verdi’s ERNANI

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s LOVE NEVER DIESThe Sequel to ‘PHANTOM OF THE OPERA’Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday, March 7Both Screenings - 7:30 pm - in HD at METRO 4



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Notice ofTrustee Sale$175 (for most)

Summons$175 (for most)

Notice ofPetition

$175 (for most)

Name Change$150



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Page 11: February 25, 2012

Daily Sound Saturday, February 25, 2012 11

HOROSCOPES by Eugenia Last

Sudoku #6

Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 13

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

8 2 3 43 4 9 8

4 7 8 1 25 8 49 4 2 1

7 8 67 6 3 1 8

5 9 1 78 7 9 2

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com


Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 13

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #17 2 5 4 9 64 8 1 5 26 3 2 9 8 4

7 4 8 2 92 6 3 8 1

8 6 7 4 58 7 1 4 3 9

4 1 8 2 55 6 9 2 1 8

1 8 3

9 6 3 7

5 7 1

5 1 3 6

9 4 5 7

1 3 9 2

2 5 6

9 3 6 7

3 7 4

Sudoku #26 1 9 8 28 9 3 2 4 62 7 8 1

6 8 3 4 74 8 3 6 7 1 2

1 3 7 2 63 9 6 47 9 5 8 4 2 34 6 1 7 9

5 3 4 7

1 5 7

4 6 9 5 3

5 2 9 1

9 5

5 4 9 8

8 2 1 5 7

6 1

2 3 8 5

Sudoku #39 1 8 4 3

8 47 4 5 3 9 2 6

1 8 5 9 35 8 9 1 3 6 2

9 2 4 7 84 3 7 8 5 9 1

4 89 5 2 1 3

2 6 7 5

5 3 2 6 7 1 9

1 8

6 4 2 7

7 4

3 6 1 5

6 2

1 2 7 3 9 5 6

8 6 7 4

Sudoku #49 5 2 7 8 3 6

9 51 8 4 5 6 7

7 2 5 9 4 36 7 2

9 8 3 1 6 26 3 2 8 7 4

1 53 4 7 1 9 2 5

4 1

7 2 6 8 3 4 1

3 9 2

6 1 8

8 1 3 4 9 5

5 4 7

5 9 1

2 8 7 4 3 6 9

6 8

Sudoku #57 1 8 2

2 9 6 8 5 14 8 1 6 39 5 2 7 3 81 7 8 6 98 6 5 9 2 45 4 9 8 63 6 8 4 2 77 8 1 4

6 5 9 3 4

3 4 7

7 2 5 9

4 6 1

2 4 3 5

3 1 7

1 3 7 2

9 5 1

2 9 6 3 5

Sudoku #65 6 9 7 1

1 6 2 7 59 5 3 62 1 3 9 6 76 7 5 8 3

3 1 4 2 5 94 2 9 5

6 2 8 4 31 3 5 4 6

8 2 3 4

3 4 9 8

4 7 8 1 2

5 8 4

9 4 2 1

7 8 6

7 6 3 1 8

5 9 1 7

8 7 9 2

Sudoku #72 8 4 6

6 9 3 16 4 5 2 77 6 8 39 5 2 7 3 8 1 4 6

4 5 7 82 7 1 4 5

1 9 5 26 7 4 2

3 1 7 5 9

8 7 5 2 4

9 3 1 8

4 5 1 9 2

1 3 2 9 6

8 6 3 9

4 8 7 6 3

5 3 9 8 1

Sudoku #81 2 9 4 6 38 4 3 2 1 5

6 1 8 49 2 1 3 4 8 5

73 5 6 2 9 8 1

1 4 9 65 9 7 2 3 83 6 7 1 4 2

5 8 7

9 6 7

7 3 2 5 9

7 6

6 8 5 1 9 3 2 4

4 7

2 8 3 5 7

4 6 1

8 5 9


Answers Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 13

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #18 7 6 3 5 1

6 2 7 91 2 9 5 4 6 8 3

7 2 1 9 3 4 85 4 7 8 6 1 9

9 8 2 4 5 7 37 1 5 3 8 9 2 44 6 5 2 82 9 1 7 3 5

4 9 2

5 3 8 1 4


6 5

3 2

1 6


3 9 1 7

8 4 6

Sudoku #22 9 8 1 35 7 8 9 4 2 1

3 6 2 7 5 96 2 3 8 9 5 7 4

4 5 2 1 99 1 7 5 3 6 2 87 3 9 6 4 84 9 1 2 3 5 6

6 4 8 1 7

4 6 7 5

3 6

1 8 4


8 6 7 3


5 1 2

8 7

3 2 5 9

Sudoku #39 1 8 2 6

4 7 2 6 1 36 5 8 7 9 2 1 39 8 6 2 5 4 7

7 1 4 8 31 4 9 6 5 2 82 3 5 8 9 7 6 1

7 5 6 4 3 24 2 3 9 8

3 5 7 4

8 5 9


3 1

5 2 9 6

3 7


8 1 9

7 6 1 5

Sudoku #49 1 2 6 8 5

3 5 9 4 2 65 2 6 8 9 7 47 1 6 5 4 26 5 4 3 8 1 93 2 4 1 5 64 7 8 5 6 9 3

6 3 4 8 9 22 9 3 7 1 8

4 7 3

8 7 1

1 3

9 8 3

7 2

8 9 7

1 2

1 5 7

5 6 4

Sudoku #51 7 3 2 4 5 68 6 9 3 24 6 3 8 1 7 96 1 8 2 9 3

5 2 9 1 6 8 47 4 5 6 1 25 3 1 7 9 4 8

4 6 7 3 52 7 6 5 4 9 1

9 8

1 5 7 4

2 5

4 7 5

3 7

9 8 3

2 6

9 8 2 1

8 3

Sudoku #64 2 1 8 9 37 8 4 2 1 56 1 3 8 9 5 4 28 9 7 4 5 2

7 2 5 4 64 1 6 8 3 9

9 8 2 3 6 1 5 42 3 1 7 9 61 5 6 9 3 7

5 7 6

9 3 6


6 3 1

3 1 9 8

5 2 7


4 5 8

4 8 2

Sudoku #77 5 3 1 2 9 82 8 4 7 9 3 54 9 8 7

2 1 8 4 6 3 79 7 1 3 4 56 3 4 5 7 1 9

2 4 6 34 9 2 5 6 8 1

1 6 5 7 3 2 4 9

6 4

1 6

6 3 5 1 2

5 9

8 6 2

2 8

8 7 9 1 5

3 7


Sudoku #89 3 6 1 4 5

6 4 5 2 1 9 85 2 7 8 6 3

9 3 4 2 1 54 2 6 5 8 3 75 1 3 8 7 93 7 8 5 4 26 8 1 3 2 5 7

4 1 7 9 8 6

8 7 2

7 3

1 9 4

8 7 6

9 1

2 6 4

9 6 1

4 9

2 5 3

To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.

SUDOKUSudoku #6

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 13

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

5 7 69 3 6

76 3 1

3 1 9 85 2 7

74 5 8

4 8 2

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com

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“SPEED RACER” by Aaron Moore


features6 Settled on

11 Carpenter’stool

14 Flu type15 Battery, for

one16 Landmark

case name17 Put the

pedal to themetal

19 Bay Statecape

20 Spellingcenter?

21 Pick upstealthily

22 Theaterdistrict

24 Manages26 Lukas of

“Witness’’27 Put the

pedal to themetal

32 Removed35 Clearly

embarrassed36 Structural


37 Every onehas its day

38 Savoir-faire42 Author

Umberto43 Yours and

mine45 Figs.46 Put a strain

on48 Put the

pedal to themetal

52 Sweet-tonedmusicalinstrument

53 Revel wildly57 “Scram!’’60 Seed

covering61 “The Altar’’

constellation62 Go up in

the middle63 Put the

pedal to themetal

66 “HuckleberryFinn’’character

67 StevieWonder’s“My Cherie___’’

68 Flee intothe arms of

69 11-pointer,in blackjack

70 Hawaiianstate birds

71 Watchsecretly

DOWN1 Female

elephantseal group

2 Anatomicalhanger

3 Belaruscapital

4 “Shake!’’offering

5 Clips, ashair ends

6 Spottedwildcat

7 Dance forseniors

8 Word to thewise

9 May stones10 Repudiation11 Inland Asian

sea12 “Please ___

Eat the

Daisies’’13 Stoic philos-

ophy founder18 Arp art23 Wine city of

Italy25 Maniacal

leader26 Palette

blends28 Just-caught29 Goat with

backward-curved horns

30 Ornamentalthreadwork

31 Stomped allover

32 Brouhahas33 Barbarian34 Grimm

character39 Without

delay40 Thing jotted

down41 Merchants

not seen onthe street

44 Notice

47 Pack animal49 Mentor of

Anakin andLuke

50 Some maybe glaring

51 Enter54 Lion-colored55 Muse of

verse56 Certain


57 Cabo’speninsula

58 MontyPython firstname

59 As high asyou can get

60 Malarialfever

64 Alternativeto smoking?

65 Have dinner


Edited by Timothy E. Parker May 31, 2008

Universal Crossword

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com



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CELEBRITIES BORN ON THISDAY: Rashida Jones, 36; ChelseaHandler, 37; Sean Astin, 41; TeaLeoni, 46.

Happy Birthday: Don't leave any-thing to chance. Plan your actions andprepare to execute them with precision.Conflicts can be expected, but if youdo your homework, nothing will stopyou from reaching your goals. Patiencecoupled with discipline will lead to goodtiming. Don't reveal your secrets, inten-tions or connections to specific groups.Your numbers are 6, 17, 20, 24, 33,41, 44.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take onresponsibilities that will help you showoff your skills. What you do now willreflect the type of advancement youcan expect in the future. Love is in thestars, and emotions will be out of con-trol. Think before you act. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Workon self-improvement, updating yourlook or learning something that willexpand your horizons. There will be afine line between doing somethingwholeheartedly and taking on toomuch. Gauge your time to fit yourdesires. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Noteveryone will agree with you, but thatdoesn't mean you shouldn't follow yourheart and do as you please. Socializingwith people who share your interestswill enhance a new relationship thathas potential to grow into somethingworthwhile. 4 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Youdon't have to change because some-one wants you to. Find your own pathand create a lifestyle that suits yourneeds. Communication will be the keyto doing what you want without anyinterference. Jealousy is likely to ruin arelationship. 2 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take a shorttrip or make a change to your routine.You need to shake things up a bit inorder to feel stimulated. Adventure willresult in an experience that will helpyou make an important decisionregarding your personal life and status.5 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You canaccomplish a lot by expressing yourthoughts to a partner or to someoneyou wish to be involved with. Changinghow you deal with overhead to lessena financial burden will relieve stressand help your disposition. 3 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don't waituntil you are forced to make changes.Take a critical look at your personaland financial situation and do whateverit takes to improve it. Love is on therise, and a partnership can help reduceyour stress. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Createa space at home that allows you toindulge in hobbies or pastimes youwant to pursue. Partnerships will devel-op if you get involved in groups thatshare your interests. Communicationwill bring positive results and reform. 3stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Adisagreement can ruin your day. Makea point to compromise and get along.Concentrate on the positive changesyou can make at home. Love andromance should be high on your list,and special plans for two, your goal. 5stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):Stick to tried-and-true methods and tothe people you know you can rely onfor support and contributions. Initiatingsomething new or looking for newfriendships or relationships will lead toshort-lived encounters and disappoint-ment. 2 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):Resurrect old hobbies, friendships andgoals. Expand on what you've done inthe past and you will find a way to earnextra income doing something youenjoy. Start small. Taking on too muchtoo soon will be your downfall. 4 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):Question anyone who appears to begiving you inaccurate information. Doyour due diligence and find out first-hand if an idea you have is plausible.Someone from your past can clear upa misunderstanding. 3 stars

Birthday Baby: You are aggressive,determined and ready to take on theworld. You are a leader.

Eugenia's websites -- eugenialast.com for confidential consultations, eugenialast.com/blog/or Eugenia's blog and join Eugenia on twitter/facebook/linkedin.

Page 12: February 25, 2012

12 Saturday, February 25, 2011 Daily Sound

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