Back In 19 intenbetwe mean Eleva disclo Fortu devel betwe bridg On Ju practonly Now, popuintegr kground 87, Chicago C ded to protect een the owner nt that energy u ate Energy, a sosure law), disunately, Elevate loped with RW een utilities ane to transfer ho uly 3, 2013, Ch ice. MRED becity in the U.S , real estate bro late the utility rated into the m Figure A. Feity Council paChicago reside and renter or b use information pin-off non-prcovered this te e Energy alreaW Ventures, wa d the local Mu omeowner data hicago took angan displaying . to have utility okers are able t consumption f market transact An example o asibility o ssed a law requ ents from unten buyer. It had no n was left out o ofit of the Cenchnological br dy had an onlis called MyHo ltiple Listing S a securely. other major ste g the utility cos y bills electron to use their clie ields. The end tion. of a Chicago Mof Utility uiring disclosu nable winter bi ot kept up with of the sales tran ter for Neighbreakdown betw ne tool specific omeEQ. This to Service (MLS)ep forward to a ts of homes fonically disclose ents’ utility acc result is a real idwest Real EsBill Discl ure of heating c ills. Until 2013 the market shi nsaction. orhood Techno ween the intenti cally designed ool provided a , Midwest Rea a transformed m r sale as part o d as part of the count number t estate listing ( tate Data, LLC losure To costs by landlo3, this disclosur ift to electroniologies (which ion of the law for energy-use specific solutial Estate Data ( market where e of its online list e home listing. to look-up a ho (Figure A) whe listing with thool rds or home se re was complec listings, whic wrote the orig and the implem e transparency. on to the energ (MRED), and i energy efficien tings. To this d ome’s utility co ere energy use e utility costs i ellers. This law tely paper-basch in turn often ginal heating bmentation. . The tool, gy-use disconn it acted as the ncy is standard day, Chicago is onsumption an is seamlessly ncluded. w was ed n ill nect s the d

Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

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Page 1: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

  Back In 19intendbetwemean ElevadiscloFortudevelbetwebridg On Jupractionly c Now,populintegr 



87, Chicago Cded to protect Ceen the owner

nt that energy u

ate Energy, a sposure law), discunately, Elevateloped with RWeen utilities ande to transfer ho

uly 3, 2013, Chice. MRED begcity in the U.S

, real estate brolate the utility crated into the m

Figure A.


ity Council pasChicago resideand renter or b

use information

pin-off non-procovered this tee Energy alread

W Ventures, wad the local Muomeowner data

hicago took anogan displaying. to have utility

okers are able tconsumption f

market transact

 An example o

asibility o

ssed a law requents from untenbuyer. It had non was left out o

ofit of the Centchnological brdy had an onlins called MyHoltiple Listing S

a securely.

other major steg the utility cosy bills electron

to use their cliefields. The end tion.

of a Chicago Mi

of Utility

uiring disclosunable winter biot kept up withof the sales tran

ter for Neighboreakdown betwne tool specificomeEQ. This toService (MLS),

ep forward to ats of homes for

nically disclose

ents’ utility acc result is a real

idwest Real Est

Bill Discl

ure of heating cills. Until 2013 the market shi


orhood Technoween the intentically designed ool provided a , Midwest Rea

a transformed mr sale as part od as part of the

count number t estate listing (

tate Data, LLC 

losure To

costs by landlor3, this disclosurift to electronic

ologies (which ion of the law a for energy-use specific solutio

al Estate Data (

market where eof its online liste home listing.

to look-up a ho(Figure A) whe

listing with the


rds or home sere was completc listings, whic

wrote the origand the impleme transparency.on to the energ

(MRED), and i

energy efficientings. To this d

ome’s utility coere energy use

e utility costs i

ellers. This lawtely paper-basech in turn often

ginal heating bimentation. . The tool, gy-use disconnit acted as the

ncy is standard day, Chicago is

onsumption an is seamlessly



w was ed n



s the


Page 2: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

Purp In 20the CElevathe Dwithinthe caMLS, The oIn tergas, a Feed Pepc  John 29, 20utilitycommand th Mr. Vbe shChica PepcoMetroit may In folup emadopt  Was  In Sepwith Scautiosuffic Mr. Gthird-by thebuildiGas i Furthinacctransf


14, the Instituthicago success

ate set up convDistrict: Pepco,

n each utility aase study of ho, IMT and Elev

overall goal of rms of utility coand water.

dback, Prima


Andreoni from014. Before they bills through mercial buildinhe U.S. Genera

Vera’s overarchared. Expressinago, where cus

o’s current optiopolitan Regioy be possible to

llow up, our teamail (Appendixtion plan.

shington Gas

ptember 2014,Steven Jumperous, with Mr. Jcient to protect

Glidewell noted-party such as Me need to proviing energy-uses unable to sup

her research shoessible by an afers of custome

te for Market Ts together withersations in pe Washington Gand then conneow Chicago utivate would list

this work is haosts, this mean

ary Concern

m IMT and Johne conversation real estate listigs and is curreal Services Adm

hing concern wng concern fortomer account

ion is to have cnal Informatioo automate this

am crafted a mx A). The next

John Andreonr, Roberta WillJumper, Ms. Si customer priv

d that there muMyHomeEQ. Wide automated e benchmarkingpport an autom

owed Washingautomated procer data, this do

Transformationh strong local corson, by phone

Gas, and DC Wcted them withlities were ableen to and addre

ave a home’s tons that a buyer o

s, and Next 

n Blaser from E began, it was ings. It was als

ently using the ministration.

was customer pr the balance be numbers are u

customers acceon Systems, Incs data gatherin

memo addressinstep for further

ni and Cliff Malis Sims, and Rims, and Mr. G


ust be direct autWashington Ga uploads to the g requirements

mated approach

gton Gas currencess. While Myes not meet the

n (IMT) and Eleonnections in te, and over ema

Water. Togetherh a representatie to share homess the specific

otal cost of owof a home is ad


Elevate Energyestablished tha

so established t“Connect My D

rivacy—specifetween convenused to establis

ess their data onc. (MRIS). Howng from Pepco’

ng the concernsr work is to co

ajersik from IMRobert GlideweGlidewell expre

thorization by as is also in the Environmentas in the District to collecting d

ntly provides cuyHomeEQ coue need for direc

evate Energy pthe District of Cail with represe, IMT and Elevive from Elevae energy-use dc concerns of e

nership be trandequately infor

y spoke to Manat everyone on that Pepco is a Data” function

fically, how thenience and secush access, woul

n the Pepco wewever, given ths website using

s that Mr. Verantinue the conv

MT and John Blell from Washinessing skepticis

the customer te process of repal Protection At in 2018. Mr. Gdata.

ustomer data old technically act customer au

partnered to briColumbia. Durentatives from vate worked toate. After the Edata at the homeach utility.

nsparent duringrmed of the ye

nuel Vera from the call suppo proponent of t

nality in a limit

e customer wourity, Mr. Verald not be suffic

ebsite and thenhe wealth of dag the customer

a brought up boversation with

laser from Elevngton Gas. Thesm that the Chi

to release usageplacing its billi

Agency’s PortfoGlidewell note

on its website, bact as a secure

uthorization to W

ing the technicring this grant the three distr

o identify approElevate represenmeowner’s requ

g the buying anarly costs of el

m Pepco over thorted the idea othe Green Buttted pilot for the

ould to authoriza felt that the cucient for Pepco

n upload it to Mata collection tor’s username an

oth on the phon Pepco and lay

vate Energy exe tone of the exicago approach

e data to Washing mainframe

olio Manager ped that until tha

but that it is vi aggregator thrWashington G

cal expertise fro period, IMT anribution utilitieopriate parties ntative present

uest to the local

nd selling proclectricity, natur

he phone on Juof transparencyton initiative foe District’s sch

ze his or her daurrent practice o.

MyHomeEQ orools in the marnd password.

ne and in a folly out a specific

xchanged emaixchange was h would be

hington Gas or e; partially drivplatform to meeat time Washin

ia PDF, which rough the perio


om nd

es in ted l

cess. ral

uly y of or hools

ata to in

r rket,



to a ven et ngton

is odic

Page 3: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

It doepossib  DC W  John consumind,by im Currecustoaccesprefer Durinutilitydiscu Ms. Pchargmuchlot. T It is pdrive  Futu It is im2008—signifhomeand u In addconsu

The pmodifCoundisclo In teradditinumbprovi

es not seem likbly not until 20


Andreoni met umptions and c, the discussion

mplementing th

ently, DC Watemers. Since th

ss to the customrred to reduce

ng the discussioy with informassed with MRI

Preston noted thges that the Dish water that cusThe overall wat

possible that tra greater interes

ure Work 

mportant to no—facilitated thficant distinctioeowners and lanutilities in Chic

dition, existingumption inform


possibility of a fication of this

nsel (OPC). Thosure of custom

rms of technicaional privacy aber is not sufficde authorizatio

ely that Washi018 when its d

with Laura Precosts are not ren with Ms. Preis new type of

er provides onle technology h

mer data via theoverall comple

on, DC Water tion on an expeIS, who would

hat water cost strict Departmestomer uses. Iner cost for a cu

ansparency arost in measures t

ote that the Disthese conversation between thendlords to discago.

g regulation domation. The DC

An energy utionnection withf the utility cuurpose of the d

technical solus regulation anhe OPC Cons

mer information

al feasibility, thand authorizatiocient for data aon via the utilit

ington Gas willata architecture

eston at the DCquired by the Cston and her te access.

line access andhas already beee DC Water weexity.

suggested that ected service c need to provid

is distinctly difent of the Envirnstead, this chaustomer is a co

ound water costto reduce both

trict’s energy bions and, in thee experiences inclose energy co

require utilitieC Municipal Re

ility shall not h the provisionstomer. The c


ution that is connd discussion wsumer Rights n.

he solutions proon requiremenccess by a thirdty website or c

l be able to cone has been upg

C Water office Chicago law, aechnical lead fo

d, at minimum, en implementedebsite. Howeve

one possible bchange that wode the date of c

fferent than eleronment (DDO

arge is determinmbination of v

ts in a way tha costs through

benchmarking e case of Pepcon the District a

osts. The requir

es to obtain wregulation (15 D

disclose any n of regulated uconsent form s

nvenient for thwith utilities, th

and Responsib

ovided by MyHts from Pepco d party in the Dall center in ad

nnect consumpgraded.

on Sept. 3. 20and MRED doeocused primari

once-a-day wad at DC Water,er an interface

benefit of utilityuld be triggere

closing to DC W

ectricity or natuOE) and DC Wned by the amovariable usage c

t separates usa water efficienc

law—establisho, encouraged fand Chicago is rement has cert

itten consent frDCMR 3903) s

customer-specutility servicesigned by the u

e broker, homehe Public Servibilities also st

HomeEQ in Ch and WashingtoDistrict. Possibdvance of the d

ption data to M

14 with John Bes not list that uily on what ben

ater readings a, it is possible t that does not r

ty data release ed by the homeWater in order

ural gas chargeWater levy on a

ount of impermcosts and an im

age costs and imcy measures an

hed by the Cleafurther openne that the latter tainly spurred

from customersspecifically sta

cific informatis except upon utility custome

eowner, MRISice Commissiotate that writt

hicago are not pon Gas, and thable solutions, sudata request by

MRIS in the nex

Blaser joining bunder utility conefits for DC W

and high-usage that MyHomeErequire access v

to MRIS woule sale. This has for this to be i

es. For examplcustomer is ind

meable surfacesmpermeable su

mpermeable sund green roof i

an and Affordaess in data acce has a legal req rapid adoption

s before disclosates:

ion obtained i written consener shall state th

S, and utilities won, and the Offten authorizati

possible in theat the possessiuch as allowin MRIS or MyH

xt fiscal year an

by phone. Watosts. With this Water could ob

alerts for all oEQ could automvia the website

d be to provides not yet been implemented.

le, the stormwadependent of hs on a home’s turface charge.

urface fees couinstallations.

able Energy Acess. However, oquirement for n by both broke

sure of cost or

in nt he

will likely requffice of the Peoion is required

e District due toon of the accou

ng the customerHomeEQ, still e


er in btain

of its mate e is

e the

ater how tax


ct of one


uire a ople’s d for

o unt r to exist.

Page 4: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

With custo The glocal be acc    

this particular mer needing to

goal of future w utility. This cocomplished to

method, the dao download or

work is to lay ooncrete next ste determining w

ata request itse upload a data f

out a specific teep would allow

what other barri


elf could be autfile.

echnical adoptiw the discussioniers exist to pre

tomated betwe

ion plan that adn to progress frevent adoption

een the utility a

ddresses privacfrom examiningn.

and the MLS, w

cy concerns forg how this kind

without the

r both MRIS ad of disclosure

and a e can

Page 5: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool

App MemSent t

ILTpAsthvFfth DTe1caAbdTu ATafind•th


Ac TWf•aads


pendix A

o sent to Pepcoto: Manuel Vert was a pleasur

Listing ServiceThe goal of theprintable energyAs we discussesellers to providhis ordinance h

via a data serviFor an implemefollowed duringhis time, as tho

Data RequesteThe data pointselectricity cost,12 months of elcosts were provalong with the tAs part of the fboth are availabdetailed discussThis data is requpdate feed as w

Authorization The goal is to pauthorization fofaxed to providntensive, causi

data without pr• The homeoheir account de

• The homeoMyHomeEQ, to

As Pepco has ecustomer, we lo

Technical ImpWhile I am unafollowing servi• A secure waccess the custoaccount numbedetails. These dstudy.

• A process calculated 12 m

o ra (mavera@pere to speak to y

e (MLS), whiche program is to y disclosure th

ed, this was impde the previoushad previouslyce provided byentation in the g the implemenose details are

ed and Time Fs provided by th, based on the plectricity bill invided by monthtotal amount anfeasibility studyble, then a decisions involving

quired only oncwas utilized du

to Access andprovide seamleorm impracticade an energy coing underutilizroviding a signeowner, or their etails of via an

owner could pro access their d

experience withook forward to

plementation able to estimateices would neeweb service or oomer’s data baer or other uniqdetails will nee

that accesses thmonth total and

epco) on Tuesdyou about the fh is provided by allow Home S

hat may be provplemented in Cs year’s energy

y required faxedy MyHomeEQ, Pepco service ntation in Chicoutcomes of th

Frame he home sellerprevious 12 monformation canh, separately, snd average. y, it would be hision can be mg Pepco and Mce during the cruring the Chica

d Share the Daess integration bal. Prior experiost disclosure dation of the dised, paper autho agent, could a

n implementatio

rovide authorizdata.

h both protectino any other sugg

e the implemend to be provideonline portal th

ased on informaque identifier foed to be determ

he Customer’sd average mont

day, Aug 26, 2feasibility of iny Metropolitan

Sellers to disclovided to a prosChicago in suppy cost informatd requests betw, working with area, the requi

cago. Keep in mhis feasibility s

r on the MLS lionths. These van be provided fo that a graph

helpful if you cade on what is

MRIS. reation of the Mago implement

ata between the utence in Chicag

demonstrated tsclosure. Thereorization to Pepaccess their daton of the Green

zation via the P

ng customer prgestions that y

ntation costs wed by Pepco: hat would allowation provided or the customer

mined during de

utility bill infohly cost.

2014 by electrontegrating homn Regional Infoosure their enerpective Home port of an Enertion to home buween the realtoh Peoples Gas airements themsmind that it is dtudy, not input

isting are the yalues can be cafrom which theof the monthly

could investiga most valuable

MLS listing. Thtation.

tility and the Mgo using paper that the paper ae options that spco directly. ta directly via tn Button.

Pepco website f

rivacy and makou may have.

ithout addition

w the MLS or a by the customr, and possible

etailed design b

ormation withi

onic mail me sellers electr

ormational Sysrgy costs on th Buyer. rgy Disclosureuyers at time o

or and utility, band ComEd. selves are less difficult to defits.

yearly electricitalculated by Peese values can by costs could be

ate your abilitye to home selle

here is no requ

MLS, which ma authorization fauthorizations support the hom

the Pepco webs

for a specific th

king informatio

nal knowledge

a data aggregatmer. This informe an authorizatibased on the fin

in Pepco to retu

ricity costs withstem. Inc (MRIheir home listin

e Ordinance thaof closing. The ut is now prov

complex than ine many detai

ty cost and moepco and provibe calculated. e provided to t

y to provide usaers and buyers d

uirement for an

akes the usage forms that wer were too slow meowner’s abil

site, either thro

hird party, eith

on available to

of your system

tor such as Mymation most likion key, passwndings during

urn 12 months

hin the MultiplIS). ng and to provi

at requires hom process to sup

vided in real-tim

the process ils of the proce

onthly average ided directly, o In Chicago, ththe home buyer

age data as weduring more

n ongoing mon

of a paper re scanned and and labor-lity to share th

ough accessing

her MRIS or

the requesting

ms, it likely tha

yHomeEQ, to kely consist of ord, or other the feasibility

of cost data or


ide a

me pport me

ess at

or the he r

ell. If





at the


r a

Page 6: Fea sibility o f Utility Bill Discl osure Tool



• Integrationo the online po

t has yet to be directly to MRImanaged outsidntegrate direct

n between the oortal.

determined if IS. The use of de of Pepco andly.

online portal an

the MyHomeEa third party likd MRIS, but it

nd the process

EQ tool is neceke MyHomeEQt may be unnec

that retrieves t

ssary as an inteQ allows for socessary depend

the utility bill d

ermediary or ifome of the imp

ding on the capa

data, which pas

f Pepco could pplementation dacity of Pepco

sses that data b

provide data etails to be and MRIS to
