FCS | Cycling Women’s Pro Team - Marketing Brief

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FCS | Cycling Women’s Pro Team - Marketing Brief





WE’RE DIFFERENT FROM TRADITIONAL TEAMS.WE UNDERSTAND MARKETING.91% of women say that advertisers don’t understand them.

We recognize the power and influence that women have in the market place and have incorporated marketing into our cycling program to help you better reach them. Our program is customizable and we can provide you with effective and efficient advertising platform to reach these women.

FCS Cycling will differentiate itself from other cycling teams by blending traditional cycling ethos, with non-traditional marketing, innovation, imagination, infusing art, music and sport to reach consumers. Our goal is to create a FCS Cycling tribe, a set of loyal followers, fans, who want to engage with the team and our sponsors and grow that fan base over the years.

FCS Cycling will continue to deliver untraditional heroes, female underdogs to the sport, that given the chance, will win races, will believe in their abilities, will move past their own self doubt, drawing in consumers, sport fans, as they themselves share in the journey, thus connecting sponsors products with these unsung heroes.

What will make us different from other cycling teams is our use of marketing and web presence so we can better engage with fans. This use of technology will draw in spectators from the sport of cycling and from other genres of society.

FCS Cycling is a brand.


WE CONNECT.WE HELP YOU CONNECT TO HER.+ Onsite race events & expo presence; with thousands of people onsite at

the start and finish of events, we will place our vehicles, riders and products in the

center of it all.

+ Signage; Your logo will be on our team kit, team vehicles, Facebook, Twitter,

Pinterest, tumblr, team website, loyalty page and more.

+ Athlete appearances; Appearances at all race events, expos, corporate

headquarters and non-cycling events.

+ Community outreaches; lead community rides and hospital visits, engaging the

communities, where the team travels too.

+ Social Media; Daily mentions plus two-way communication access on the top

five social media sites women interact with, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram

and Twitter.

+ Team Website and Loyalty page; Will also be a two-way communication tool

whereas fans can interact with the team, our riders and our sponsor’s product[s].

Digital loyalty web page that creates social incentives to actively engage FCS

Cycling’s tribe, building an emotional connection between the team, its fans and our

sponsors, providing ROI and economic value.

+ Grass roots; Daily promotions of our sponsor’s product[s], distribution of

promotional materials/media at race and non-race events.

+ Web TV Coverage; As Adobe tour tracker grows [internet TV], the team will

be highly visible and we can provide additional brand marketing through web TV


+ The Girl Effect; We are in the process of looking to teaming up with The Girl

Effect, a charity that brings awareness to the world of cycling that women and girls

play a crucial role in this world and all women should have a choice and the right to

choose how they live their lives.



TRAVEL, BUDGET AND INVESTMENT LEVELS.We are seeking first and second level title sponsorships, along with product sponsorship for a

minimum of three years to support our 6-year growth plan.

Details, including the financial budget, personal growth and race plan can be found on pages

19 - 24 of our attached business plan located in the appendix section of this marketing brief.

Gold Level Sponsorship [Title]

Silver Level Sponsorship [Second Level]

Broze Level Sponsorship [Third Level]

Product Sponsorship

THE BIG IDEA.Create a professional women’s cycling team that will put a dent in the cycling universe, by developing professional athletes and leading the charge on creating equality for women. The passion we have for the sport of cycling will channel energy, from FCS Cycling and it’s sponsors, delivering healthy growth and an environment for our sponsors to open a two-way dialog, connecting directly to our fans.

Our promise, to our investors, stakeholders, fans and team, is to be bold, to think differently, always do the right thing, develop athletes and create equality for women. We are fully committed to it’s journey and will always approach cycling with a fully integrated, unified voice between athletic and marketing to deliver the ultimate, total consumer / fan experience. It’s this approach that will allow FCS Cycling to build a sustainable environment in which, athlete, sponsors and fans can engage and grow together for the next 6-years and beyond. We understand that sponsorship is not an in-kind donation, but an investment, whereas we will deliver ROI back to our investors in the form of fan engagement, analytical analysis, brand extension and potential sales leads.

Our ask is simple, we ask that you invest in FCS Cycling for the long-term, for a minimum of 3-years so FCS Cycling can establish in-roads to fans and grow the

FCS tribe members. Growth does not happen over night and nor will FCS Cycling’s fan base, the tribe we believe is the key to a healthy cycling team and will take time and care to build. With long-term investment, this will allow us to cultivate a healthy subscriber base in which we can deliver healthy ROI to all investors and accelerate the team through the elite amateur level through to the UCI Women’s professional level by the calendar year 2017.

CONTACTLee Whaley - Team Co-Owner tel - 214.232.9976 (USA) email - [email protected]

Scott Warren - Director Sportif tel - 888.466.7232 (USA) email - [email protected]



Foundation for the Cultivation of Sport Cycling Team

Business Plan; August 18th, 2014


Foundation for the Cultivation of Sport Cycling Team (FCS), we are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, women’s professional cycling team founded in 2004. We compete both internationally and domestically in the disciplines of road, track and cyclocross racing while bringing awareness to women’s issues and The Girls Effect.


At FCS Cycling, we develop young female cycling athletes, giving them a direct path to participate in top level, premier cycling events, unleashing the potential in every athlete, to pursue her dream. We put the FCS athlete in the center of everything, bridging a connection between the FCS athlete, fans and sponsors, building a brighter future for the sport of cycling.


FCS Cycling is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, however FCS team will travel through out North America and Canada. For the calendar years of 2018-2020, we will ramp up international travel through Europe, North America and Middle East.


To empower, inspire and encourage every woman and ensure she has the opportunity to achieve her fullest potential in life.


We believe we have been pulled together to change the face of women’s cycling in the United States and abroad. We believe in developing and providing opportunities to female athletes to grow and be a changing force in the sport of cycling. We believe in pushing forward, breaking down the barriers and will race in events that are for men only, giving the female athlete a voice. Through sportsmanship, we will show women have a right to race too, becoming a change agent for women, and the sport of cycling, creating relevance outside of the sport.



1. Teamwork. We compete with compassion and win with honor.

2. Transparency & Integrity: Doing the right thing. Always. This team will continue to be known for its ethical decision-making. Doing something illegal just to win races is not worth violating our integrity.

3. Giving back: We recognize we are a guest in the community in which we race; we will treat these communities with the utmost respect and always try to give back to them. We will organize a variety of community outreach activities for key events where possible. We also recognize that the online community is equally as important and will strive to be the cycling leader with our web-based outreach activities.

4. FCS Cycling is a brand. The team is instantly recognizable around the world. FCS Cycling is seen as a symbol of hope not only in the sport of women’s cycling, but for equality for women and for a level playing field.

5. The fans decide. FCS Cycling is keenly aware of the sophistication of our fans and will treat them as its key stakeholders.

6. Inspire others. We believe in motivating and inspiring our athletes and fans, to break down barriers and to dream big and then pursue that dream.

7. Evolve immediately. FCS Cycling sees itself as being in perpetual motion–viewing change as a key source of innovation and thus will not be afraid of change and will quickly adapt to new technologies, to further the sport of cycling.

8. Master the fundamentals. A crucial part of FCS Cycling ’s success has been its ability to define and refine its performance and growth. Starting with the basics of cycling fundamentals, we will ensure every athlete has an opportunity to learn, grow while keeping in mind; we listen first, and then lead.

9. We are on the offense–always. To stay ahead in an extremely competitive environment, FCS Cycling urges its team members to act like leaders in the sport of cycling to achieve victory.

10. We create positive disruption. This team will create positive disruption through its exciting, youthful, aggressive and engaging style. The team will be comprised with riders and staff that are engaging (on and off the bike). All riders and staff will have a full understanding of the sponsors’ products and have the skillsets to successfully market them.

11. Collaboration: We believe in deep collaboration with sponsors, race promoters and fans, to innovate in way others cannot, creating fan loyalty based programs.



1. Build a FCS Cycling fan club [tribe]: The key to FCS Cycling’s success and sustainability is to turn prospective spectators and fans from the sport of cycling into loyal FCS Cycling tribe members, creating a legion of fans that wear their hearts on their sleeves. These fans love the sport of cycling, they are just waiting for an invitation to be engaged and we want to invite them to engage with us, we want to channel their energy into the team and reflect it back on them. This energy and passion will flow from fan, to the team and to our sponsors, creating a healthy ROI and rich platform for our sponsors to reach prospective customers on a more intimate level. One of the ways to harness this power would be to create a “fan subscriber list,” where the team sponsors can partner together and create a dialog between the FCS fans and their business. It’s the power of the FCS tribe that will create longevity and sustainability for FCS Cycling. However, FCS Cycling understands that to create a loyal FCS tribe, we must engage, nurture and educate cycling fans about FCS Cycling ’s mission, vision and values and transform the market place, i.e. pre race space at onsite events to a welcoming environment. The second component to engagement will be the introduction of FCS Cycling loyalty fan website, social media and website. Increase fan base by 10-20% each year, encouraging fans to believe in the power of women and sport, thus growing social currency for our sponsors as well. By going on the offense and focusing on

key fans and consumers in core geographies, will allow FCS Cycling to execute an aggressive growth plan of becoming a UCI Professional team by the year 2018.

2. Team Growth:

• 2015 FCS Cycling, will focus on building the fundamentals, securing a USAC Elite level racing license and building a team for the future. FCS will focus its energy on the NRC (National Race Calendar), with events such as Redlands, Joe Martin, Cascade Classic, Tour of Gila, Tour of Utah, US Pro Championships, Philadelphia Classic and the UCI Road World Championships.

• 2016-2017: FCS Cycling, capitalizing on the 2015 calendar, will grow and add international events to its race calendar including venues from Mexico and Canada. 2016, the team will also focus on securing positions in the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

• 2018-2020: FCS Cycling will secure a UCI Professional license, shifting focus from a North American race schedule to a full international event schedule including North America, Belgium, Qatar and Great Britain.

3. Team up with The Girl Effect and having a positive impact for both the sport of cycling and girls/women: Increase awareness of the girl effect, by 2016, build a girl effect Grand Fondo to help raise funds and further awareness of the girl effect within the cycling community.




Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and since then have been employed for many uses: recreation, work, military, show, sport etc. There are likely between 2 and 4 billion cyclists in the world, out of a 7 billion total population. This would include anybody with access to some form of bicycle or similar vehicle, and able to ride one. The future is bright for teams willing to step up and take risks, innovate, be bold, share their journey and mission with fans, engage fans, challenge them, the foundation already exist, we just need to transform it and integrate fans into the team.

• United States

• There are over 64 million cyclists, making it the second most popular recreational activity in the United States behind walking.

• Of the 64 million cyclists, 31 million would consider themselves avid. These avid cyclists are typically the most conscious consumers in the market.

Cycling is a popular sport around the world, therefore bicycle racing isn’t a local sport, attached to one or two countries, such as NFL Football or Cricket but a global sport, attracting avid global fans, many whom are active cyclists, who spend time and money on the sport they love. There are also the partially interested fans,

the ones who are into the sport because they ride a bike for health, recreation, environmental, economic or transport reasons, which can be converted into the avid fan. Add to this opportunity of fan engagement, the fact that there is less brand clutter in the sport of cycling than other sports makes cycling a huge opportunity for sponsors to connect to targeted consumers with smaller market investment dollars, receiving a larger ROI, than other sports such as soccer or NASCAR. By carefully branding of FCS Cycling, we will partner up with a-like sponsors, ones that target the female consumer. FCS Cycling can unite women and cycling fans, giving them a visual cue, an identity, which can visually bond fan, to team, to sponsor. FCS Cycling wants to be the indispensible brand [team] of choice for the female cycling fans.


Women are earning, spending, and influencing spending at a greater rate than ever before. In fact, women account for $7 trillion in consumer and business spending in the United States, and over the next decade, they will control two thirds of consumer wealth. Women make or influence 85% of all purchasing decisions, and purchase over 50% of traditional male products, including automobiles, home improvement products and consumer electronics. BUT 91% of women say that advertisers don’t understand them [The News Web International].

We recognize the power and influence that women have and FCS cycling will make the connection for our sponsors so they can tap into this market’s full potential.



There are two types of competitors for cycling sponsorship dollars -- Other sports in general and other cycling teams.

• Other sports in general, such as NASCAR, Futbol/Soccer, NFL football, Baseball and NBA can be seen as competition to cycling as all sports search for sponsorship dollars to fund their programs. Often times, these sports are more appealing than a cycling team because sponsors almost immediately see a ROI as the TV reach alone exposes many fans to products. The smallest amount of money a firm can spend on sponsoring a NASCAR team is one million dollars, which would buy the investor a limited amount of space to advertise their brand on the body of the car. However, this same million-dollar investment would equate to a title sponsorship deal for a professional UCI women’s cycling team.

• Other cycling teams can be seen as competition, however a majority of cycling teams very rarely focus on brand marketing or marketing itself, instead they focus their efforts on winning races. In the United States, cycling teams are 80-100% about sport, winning and losing, often times they do not focus on experiential marketing experience of the fan, nor do they work with promoters to promote the events, thus completely missing the opportunity to create and connect with some of the loyalist sports fans out there to cycling. Most women elite teams run with $100,000 or less budget in the USA, 80% or less of their riders are not paid, top salary for a rider, riding Team TIBCO, Optum

Pro Cycling and Team Specialized-Lululemon, average 20-30K per year. Most teams grab what sponsors they can; therefore they do not build a team with “a-like sponsors” thus missing the mark of building a strong marketing voice that speaks directly to a targeted cycling fan / consumer, and in our case, the female consumer, limiting their ability to return solid ROI numbers back to its investing partners.


• Our target consumer is female, 20-45 years old.

• They have wealth, new talent, more than likely to be college educated, and have a median household of $75,000+.

• By the year 2028, she is expected to earn more than the average male consumer.

• She owns stock and accounts for 85% of all household purchases, from automotive to healthcare.

• She is Active in multiple sports; cycling, running, yoga, hiking, triathlon, skiing etc.

• Focused on health and nutrition.

• She cares about the environment, her community and wants more green choices; she pays attention to brands that are committed to environmental causes.


• She is Internet savvy and is more likely to be highly engaged in social media active, she will seek advice and recommendations on product online and blog about products she likes or dislikes. She accounts for 58% of all online purchases.

• Repeat customer, very likely to buy products again and again if there is trust and a relationship established between the brand and her.

• She strives for a healthy life style with a balance of work, family and sport.


FCS Cycling will differentiate itself from other cycling teams by blending traditional cycling ethos, with non-traditional marketing, innovation, imagination, infusing art, music and sport to reach consumers. Our goal is to create a FCS Cycling tribe, a set of loyal followers, fans, who want to engage with the team and our sponsors and grow that fan base over the years.

FCS Cycling will continue to deliver untraditional heroes, female underdogs to the sport, that given the chance, will win races, will believe in their abilities, will move past their own self doubt, drawing in consumers, sport fans, as they themselves share in the journey, thus connecting sponsors products with these unsung heroes.

What will make us different from other cycling teams is our use of marketing and web presence so we can better engage with fans. This use of technology will draw in spectators from the sport of cycling and from other genres of society.

• FCS Cycling is a brand.

• FCS Cycling will tell stories, stories of our brand to amplify our sponsor’s products, keying in on products that fit our target consumer.

• Onsite product demos at event venues to reach thousand and thousands of consumers; Interbike demo style, creating social currency our sponsors can use and involving our target customer.

• Digital Loyalty system [web page], creating social incentives to actively engage FCS Cycling’s tribe, building an emotional connection between the team, its fans and our sponsors, providing ROI and economic value. Emotional connections represent economic value and can be used to promote products directly to targeted consumers, ultimately leading to financial results for FCS cycling’s sponsors [http://watsoncreative.com/About/ProjectBLINDSIDE.aspx].

• Social media, actively using social media to better cultivate brand awareness of FCS Cycling and sponsors.

• Teaming up with The Girl Effect, bring awareness to the world of cycling that women and girls play a crucial role in this world and all women should have a choice and the right to choose how they live their lives.

• Shake things up, upset the status quo, and work with outside partners, to add music to onsite demos, be the positive disruptor, thus building team branding to increase the market reach of the team, involving more customers in the FCS Cycling story. Work with race promoters, if there isn’t a women’s race, we will


disrupt the status quo and enter the men’s event and race.

We realize markets are evolving and consumers buying habits have changed. FCS Cycling understands that we need to be a mobile marketing team, as well as a professional cycling squad. We will connect with a large number of concentrated consumers at traditional and non traditional cycling events and through the art of telling a story we can evoke emotion and connect consumer to product. This connection will create social currency and trigger social sharing among fans via their own social media networks, thus creating practical value and ROI that sponsors can use. This is something other cycling teams have not done.

Using social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest Instagram) the art of story telling both pre and post racing events will create good social currency and spark interest among consumers and create loyal followers [subscribers].

FCS Cycling will take products to the consumers, keying in on events with large spectator turnouts to trigger top of mind, tip of tongue dialog around products and the team. However our agenda is not centered on racing alone, we also target non-race events such as Grand Fondos and children’s hospital visits to provide a balance of community outreach with our high performance event participation. Thus enabling FCS Cycling to reach a large majority of consumers for our sponsors and inspire hope for those who live challenging lives. This balance will reflect positively on both our sponsors and FCS Cycling.

We promise to shake things up and be a positive influence in cycling, get the target

audience involved in our journey and the brands we represent.


Cycling is fun, healthy, social and welcoming to everyone.

Marketing strategy -

• Onsite presentation

• Team webpage / Loyalty page [for subscribers]

• Social media, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Vine

• Adobe tour tracker / TV – depending on race event

• Retail catalog – possibility


The team’s effectiveness will be measured by fan growth [subscribers] and engagement with our sponsor’s products. Also the growth of our social media sites, including but not limited too, our team website, loyalty page and social media outlets.

Along with social media measurement, we will be able to pull analytical numbers and information from our loyalty website, which we can provide our sponsors a monthly report of fan engagement. A few examples of analytical numbers that can pulled for our sponsors are accumulated readers, session per issue, time spent per reader, which articles were read most and track loyalty points for giveaways.



Prospecting, initial contact [cold calls] will be made through participating in cycling events where there are thousands of concentrated spectators.

Pre-approach, we will work with event promoters prior to day-of event to work out how FCS Cycling can better integrate into the planned event, with demo tents/booth, team alley and event promotions.

Approach, day-of-event, set up before start of any event in a well-traveled traffic zone of spectators. Teardowns of demo space after all racing spectators have left for the day.

Presentation | Engagement – Presentation engagement of team and products will happen at cycling events, online social media loyalty webpage and monthly interactive magazine pushed out to all subscribers. Onsite presentation will be in high traffic zones, with a focus on fun and exciting, including showcase of products, music and interaction with riders pre and post race.

Gaining commitment – Gaining commitment will come through team’s social currency, by encouraging fans of the team, and spectators to subscribe to team’s loyalty webpage where sponsor’s can directly market to targeted consumers.

Follow-up | keep customers – Through our story telling and involvement of the audience, we will keep consumers engaged and wanting to see how our story plays

out in the world of cycling.

We will also involve local dealers / local shops with our onsite cycling events to make sure those onsite consumers have a point of contact in which to follow up with sales after we have left the area. Following up online, for those products that are not easily obtainable through local dealers, we will have engaging popup icons in our loyalty page that will lead consumers, our tribe, to where they can purchase items online.

Lead generation for sponsors – Through participating in cycling events and engaging in social media conversations with fans and our loyal tribe members, we will generate ROI for our sponsor’s product.

Access to consumers [our tribe] – FCS Cycling will get in front of our consumers by going to events and setting up demos --team tents in high traffic zones.



Below is a six-year growth plan; the financial numbers are based off current female teams in the US market, such as Team Specialized-Lululemon, Optum Pro Cycling and Team TIBCO.



2015 Elite $400,000 $360,000 $40,000

2016 Elite $600,000 $520,000 $80,000

2017 Elite $600,000 $520,000 $80,000

2018 UCI Pro $900,000 $810,000 $90,000

2019 UCI Pro $1,000,000 $900,000 $100,000

2020 UCI Pro $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000


Team and staff will grow as the team graduates through the cycling ranks from elite amateur to UCI Continental [Professional]. Below is a breakdown of riders and personnel needs to ensure proper growth of FCS Cycling Team from elite to UCI Continental.

PERSONNEL 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Elite Elite Elite UCI Pro UCI Pro UCI Pro


Riders 12 14 14 14 20 20

Sport Directors 1 1 1 1 2 3

Sports Development / Scout 1 1 1

Mechanics 1 1 1 2 2 3

Soigneurs 1 1 1 2 4 4


PERSONNEL 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Elite Elite Elite UCI Pro UCI Pro UCI Pro


Owner 1 1 1 1 1 1

Logistics Manager 1 1 1

Accounting/Finance 1 1 1


Marketing Director / Events 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sports Marketing Coordinator 1 1 1

Business Development 2 2 2 2 2 2

Editor-In-Chief / Social Editor-In-Chief 1 1 1 1 1 1

Report Columnist ETW ETW ETW ETW ETW ETW




*ETW, notes temporary worker.


The following 6-year race schedule provides experience, growth and opportunity for both riders and administrative personnel. The schedule also maximizes market reach for both sponsors and fans.

Tentative Race schedule for 2015 – 2018:

2015 2016-2017 2018-2020

JANTeam Presentation, Dallas, TXTraining Camp, Phoenix, AZ

FEBTeam Presentation, Dallas, TXTraining Camp, Phoenix, AZ

Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ

Team Presentation, Dallas, TXTraining Camp, Phoenix, AZ

Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZLadies Tour of Qatar

MARSan Dimas Stage race, California, USA

DelRay Beach Twilight Festival, California, USA

Vuelta A El SalvadorSan Dimas Stage race, California, USA

DelRay Beach Twilight Festival, California, USA

Omloop Het Nieuwsblad, BelgiumLe Samyn des Dames, Beligum

Omloop van het Hageand, BegiumDrentse 8, Begium

San Dimas Stage race, California, USA


2015 2016-2017 2018-2020


Redlands Bicycle Classic, California, USASea Otter,California, USA

Sunny King, Alabama, USACharlotte-Belmont Omnium, NC, USA

Winston Salem Cycling classic, NC, USAWinston Salem Crierium , NC, USA

Joe Martin stage race, Fayetteville, AK, USA

Redlands Bicycle Classic, California, USASea Otter,California, USA

Sunny King, Alabama, USACharlotte-Belmont Omnium, NC, USA

Winston Salem Cycling classic, NC, USAWinston Salem Crierium , NC, USA

Joe Martin stage race, Fayetteville, AK, USASpeed Week, Athens, GA, USATour of Gila, Sliver City, NM, USA

Redlands Bicycle Classic, California, USASea Otter,California, USA

Sunny King, Alabama, USACharlotte-Belmont Omnium, NC, USA

Winston Salem Cycling classic, NC, USAWinston Salem Crierium , NC, USA

Joe Martin stage race, Fayetteville, AK, USASpeed Week, Athens, GA, USATour of Gila, Sliver City, NM, USA


Tour of California Circuit Race, California, USATour of California TT, California, USA

Wilmington Grand Prix, Wilmington DE, USAUS National Championships, TN, USA

Tour of California Circuit Race, California, USATour of California TT, California, USA

Wilmington Grand Prix, Wilmington DE, USAUS National Championships, TN, USA

Tour of California Circuit Race, California, USATour of California TT, California, USA

Wilmington Grand Prix, Wilmington DE, USAUS National Championships, TN, USA


Philadelphia Championship, Pennsyvania, USATulsa Tough, Tulsa, OK

Air Force Classic, Washingtong DC, USANorth Star Grand Prix, Minnesota, USA

Tour of America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin, USA

Philadelphia Championship, Pennsyvania, USATulsa Tough, Tulsa, OK

Air Force Classic, Washingtong DC, USANorth Star Grand Prix, Minnesota, USA

Tour of America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin, USA

Philadelphia Championship, Pennsyvania, USATulsa Tough, Tulsa, OK

Air Force Classic, Washingtong DC, USANorth Star Grand Prix, Minnesota, USA

Tour of America’s Dairyland, Wisconsin, USA

JULManhattan Beach Grand Prix, California USA

Cascade Classic, Oregon, USA

Manhattan Beach Grand Prix, California USAB.C. Superweek, Vancouver British Columbia

Boise twilight Criterium, Idaho, USACascade Classic, Oregon, USA

Giro Rosa, ItalyLa Course, France

B.C. Superweek, Vancouver British ColumbiaBoise twilight Criterium, Idaho, USA

Cascade Classic, Oregon, USA

AUGTour of Park City, Utah, USA

Fort Follies Criterium. Utah, USAChris Thater Memorial, USA

2016 Olympic Games, Rio De JaneiroTour of Park City, Utah, USA

Fort Follies Criterium. Utah, USAChris Thater Memorial, USA

Tour of Park City, Utah, USAFort Follies Criterium. Utah, USA

Chris Thater Memorial, USA


UCI Road World Championships, VA, USAUSA Criterium National Champions, NC, USA

Thompson Bucks Contry Classic, Doylestaown, PA, USA

TD Bank Mayor’s Cup,

USA Criterium National Champions, NC, USAThompson Bucks Contry Classic, Doylestaown,

PA, USATD Bank Mayor’s Cup,

Ladies Tour of Holland, NehterlandsUSA Criterium National Champions, NC, USA

Thompson Bucks Contry Classic, Doylestaown, PA, USA

TD Bank Mayor’s Cup,


THE BIG IDEA – Create a professional women’s cycling team that will put a dent in the cycling universe, by developing professional athletes and leading the charge on creating equality for women. The passion we have for the sport of cycling will channel energy, from FCS Cycling and it’s sponsors, delivering healthy growth and an environment for our sponsors to open a two-way dialog, connecting directly to our fans.

Our promise, to our investors, stakeholders, fans and team, is to be bold, to think differently, always do the right thing, develop athletes and create equality for women. We are fully committed to FCS Cycling and it’s journey and will always approach cycling with a fully integrated, unified voice between athletic and marketing to deliver the ultimate, total consumer / fan experience. It’s this approach that will allow FCS Cycling to build a sustainable environment in which, athlete, sponsors and fans can engage and grow together for the next 6-years and beyond. We understand that sponsorship is not an in-kind donation, but an investment, whereas we will deliver ROI back to our investors in the form of fan engagement, analytical analysis, brand extension and potential sales leads.

Our ask is simple, we ask that you invest in FCS Cycling for the long-term, for a minimum of 3- years so FCS Cycling can establish in-roads to fans and grow the FCS tribe members. Growth does not happen over night and nor will FCS Cycling’s

fan base, the tribe we believe is the key to a healthy cycling team and will take time and care to build. With long-term investment, this will allow us to cultivate a healthy subscriber base in which we can deliver healthy ROI to all investors and accelerate the team through the elite amateur level through to the UCI Women’s professional level by the calendar year 2017.

We are seeking first and second level title sponsorships for a minimum of three years. Our budgetary needs are clear, below is a snapshot of our overall budget for the next 6-years.

The sport of cycling can and will change, if teams, such as FCS Cycling fully commit, which we have, to leading the charge of change, but in order to do that, we need investors and sponsors who are willing to invest in FCS Cycling for the long term.


2015 Elite $400,000 $360,000 $40,000

2016 Elite $600,000 $520,000 $80,000

2017 Elite $600,000 $520,000 $80,000

2018 UCI Pro $900,000 $810,000 $90,000

2019 UCI Pro $1,000,000 $900,000 $100,000

2020 UCI Pro $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000