FC Adult Intake Forms Fisa Adult

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  • 8/18/2019 FC Adult Intake Forms Fisa Adult


     Family Counseling Intake Form


    Client #______________

    Client Name____________________________ Date_______________

    Preferred Name____________ Marital Status_______________ Date of Birth________________

    Gender________________ Race____________ Ethnicity______________Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Contact Information (please circle preferences for appointment reminders)

    Home__________________________ Cell___________________________ Work_____________________________


    Please check all problems that you are seeking counseling for:

    Anxiety Family Conflict

    Depression Occupational Problems

    Trauma Physical/Medical Problems

    Childhood Trauma School/Academic Problem

    Attention/Concentration Difficulties Stress

    Child/Adolescent Behavior Problems Substance Abuse

    Developmental Concerns Eating Disorder

    Difficulty with Social Interactions Verbal/Physical Aggression

    Grief Spouse/Partner Conflict

    Parenting Problems Other:

    Please provide brief description of any checked problems







    Have you wished you were dead or wished you would go to sleep and not wake up?


    Have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself?


    Have you ever done anything, started to do anything, or prepared to do anything to end your life?

    If yes, how long ago did you do any of these things?


    Have you previously received any mental health services? If yes, please list




     Approved 04/27/2015


  • 8/18/2019 FC Adult Intake Forms Fisa Adult


     Family Counseling Intake Form


    Client #______________

    Who is your primary doctor/pediatrician?


    Do you have any current medical conditions? If yes, please list




    Do you have any allergies? If yes, please list




    Have you ever been hospitalized overnight for medical reasons? If yes please list



    Past and Current Prescriptions medications

    Name Dosage Frequency Prescribing


    Reason for taking

    Over the Counter medications

    Name Dosage Frequency Prescribing


    Reason for taking

     Approved 04/27/2015


  • 8/18/2019 FC Adult Intake Forms Fisa Adult


     Family Counseling Intake Form


    Client #______________

    Do you use Alcohol? How often/much


    Do you use tobacco? What type? How often/much?


    Have you ever used illegal substances? What type? How often/much?


    Have you ever received substance abuse treatment? If yes, please explain




    Do you consider your substance use to be a problem? If yes, please explain




     Approved 04/27/2015
