Fault Tolerance and Checkpointing - Sathish Vadhiyar

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Fault Tolerance and Checkpointing

- Sathish Vadhiyar

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Checkpointing? storing application’s state in

order to resume later

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Motivation The largest parallel systems in the world have

from 200,000 to 10 million parallel processing elements. (http://www.top500.org)

Large-scale applications, that can use these large number of processes, are continuously being built.

These applications are also long-running As the number of processing elements,

increase the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) decreases

So, how can long-running applications execute in this highly failure-prone environment? –checkpointing and fault-tolerance

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Independent checkpointing

Processors checkpoint periodically without coordination

Can lead to domino effect – each rollback of a processor to a previous checkpoint forces another processor to rollback even further

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Checkpointing Methods

1. Coordinated checkpointing

1. All processes coordinate to take a consistent checkpoint (e.g. using a barrier)

2. Will always lead to consistent checkpoints

2. Checkpointing with message logging

1. Independent checkpoints are taken by processes and a process logs the messages it receives after the last checkpoint

2. Thus recovery is by previous checkpoint and the logged messages.

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Message Logging

In message-logging protocols, each process stores message contents and

sequence number

of all messages it has sent or received into a message log

To trim message logs, a process can also periodically checkpoint

Once a process checkpoints, all messages sent/received before this checkpoint can be removed from log

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Rules for Consistent Checkpointing

In a parallel program, each process has events and local state An event changes the

local state of a process

Global state – an external view of the parallel application (e.g. lines S, S’, S’’) – used for checkpointing and restarting Consists of local

states and messages in transit

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Rules for Consistent Checkpointing

Types of global states

Consistent global state – from where program can be restarted correctly

Inconsistent - Otherwise

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Rules for Consistent Checkpointing

Chandy & Lamport – 2 rules for consistent global states

1. if a receive event is part of local state of a process, the corresponding send event must be part of the local state of the sender.

2. if a send event is part of the local state of a process and the matching receive is not part of the local state of the receiver, then the message must be part of the state of the network.

S’’ violates rule 1. Hence cannot lead to consistent global state

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Checkpointing Performance

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Checkpointing Performance

Checkpoint overhead – time added to the running time of the application due to checkpointing

Checkpoint latency hiding Checkpoint buffering – during checkpointing,

copy data to local buffer, store buffer to disk in parallel with application progress

Copy-on-write buffering – only the modified pages are copied to a buffer. Other pages can be directly stored without copying to buffer. Can be implemented using fork() –forked checkpointing

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Checkpointing Performance

Reducing checkpoint size – memory exclusion and checkpoint compression

Memory exclusion – no need to store dead and read-only variables A dead variable is one whose current value

will not be used by the program; The variable will not be accessed again by the program or it will be overwritten before it is read

Read only variable – whose value has not changed since the previous checkpoint

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Incremental Checkpointing

Memory exclusion can be made automatic by using incremental checkpointing Store only that part of data that have been

modified from the previous checkpoint

Following a checkpoint, all pages in memory are set to read-only

When the program attempts to write a page, an access violation occurs

During next checkpoint, only pages that have caused access violations are checkpointed

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Checkpointing performance –using compression

Using a standard compression algorithm

This is beneficial only if the extra processing time for compression is lower than the savings that result from writing a smaller file to disk

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Redundancy/replication + checkpointing for fault tolerance

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Every node/process N has a shadow node/process N’, so that if one of them fail, the other can still continue the application –failure of the primary node no longer stalls the application

Redundancy scales: As more nodes are added to the system, the probability of failure of both a node and its shadow rapidly decreases Only one of the remaining n-1 nodes represent a

shadow node

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Less overhead for checkpointing Higher checkpointing interval/period for

periodic checkpointing

Recomputation and restart overheads are nearly eliminated

Still need checkpointing: Why?

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Total Redundancy

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Partial Redundancy

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Replication vs No Replication

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James S. Plank, ``An Overview of Checkpointing in Uniprocessor and Distributed Systems, Focusing on Implementation and Performance'', University of Tennessee Technical Report CS-97-372, July, 1997

James Plank and Thomason. Processor Allocation and Checkpointing Interval Selection in Cluster Computing Systems. JPDC 2001.

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MPICH-V: Toward a Scalable Fault Tolerant MPI for Volatile Nodes -- George Bosilca, Aurélien Bouteiller, Franck Cappello, Samir Djilali, Gilles Fédak, Cécile Germain, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Oleg Lodygensky, Frédéric Magniette, Vincent Néri, Anton Selikhov -- SuperComputing 2002, Baltimore USA, November 2002

MPICH-V2: a Fault Tolerant MPI for Volatile Nodes based on the Pessimistic Sender Based Message Logging -- Aurélien Bouteiller, Franck Cappello, Thomas Hérault, Géraud Krawezik, Pierre Lemarinier, Frédéric Magniette -- To appear in SuperComputing 2003, Phoenix USA, November 2003

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Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. “SRS - A Framework for Developing Malleable and Migratable Parallel Applications for Distributed Systems”. Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 13, number 2, pp. 291-312, June 2003.

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Schulz et al. Implementation and Evaluation of a Scalable Application-level Checkpoint-Recovery Scheme for MPI Programs. SC 2004.

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References for Replication

Evaluating the viability of process replication reliability for exascale systems. SC 2011.

Combining Partial Redundancy and Checkpointing for HPC. ICDCS 2012