Created by: Independent Kyani Distributors Fast Start System An Easy to Duplicate Step by Step System

Fast Start System

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Page 1: Fast Start System

Created by: Independent Kyani Distributors

Fast Start


An Easy to Duplicate Step by Step System

Page 2: Fast Start System

Welcome - Introduction to Kyani

Dear new Team Member,

You have teamed up with a proven winner. The realization

that you are where many only speak of wishfully:

“The Right Place at Precisely the Right Time” may not have sunk in yet, but over the course of the coming

weeks, you will discover that you truly have in your hands

one of those - “Once in a Lifetime Opportunities”.

Kyani’s growth is nothing short of breathtaking. This growth

places Kyani in the elite class of companies doing multiple

hundreds of millions of dollars globally in sales annually.

Kyani’s advantages:

Wealthy Owners Committed to Long Term Success;

Debt Free Company;

Experienced Corporate Executive Team;

Industry Leading Medical and Scientific Board;

Powerful, Fast Acting, Emotion Creating Products;

Patent Pending & Industry Leading Compensation Plan;

New market.

You are now empowered to build to levels of success only

limited by your dreams and willingness to work.

The best way to take advantage of any opportunity, including

this one, is to use a systematic approach to your personal

success. This proven, systematic-structured approach will

provide you and all those that join your team a success

formula to follow.

If you commit to partnering with your Sponsor and your

Upline and to doing correct activities consistently, we are

confident you will be successful in reaching your goals.

Page 3: Fast Start System

My Kyani Career


My First 48 Hours Checklist

My Why

31 Days to Jade

My Goals

Time Budget

Three Business Builder Finder (Prospect Name List)

Prospect Approaches

Page 4: Fast Start System

My First 48 Hours


Getting off to a proper start is essential if you are to create a

domino-like effect that ensures true duplication that others will be

able to understand and also quickly do themselves.

A little time spent here will significantly empower your immediate


Ensure you are properly prepared to get started

1) (__) Starter Pack: Get signed up choosing the most advantageous

Starter Pack you can afford.

2) (__) Autoship: Set up your own autoship. The key to your success

is residual income. Set the example for others to follow.

3) (__) Use the Products: No one trusts a hypocrite. Use the product

and develop your own story/testimony.

4) (__) 31 Days to Jade: Understand how to reach this all-important

first milestone within your first 31 days.

5) (__) My Why, My Goals & Time Budget: Listing your reasons for

doing Kyani, setting rank goals and times to work your business

focuses you for success.

6) (__) Attend the Next Event: Ask your upline when & where.

Accelerate your success by listening, observing & inviting prospects.

7) (__) Three Partner List: Time spent here building a list of

prospects and prioritizing them is critical!

8) (__) Sample Approaches: Develop your own story… “Why you are

doing Kyani”- review Sample Approaches.

9) (__) Commitment: Make an Unconditional Commitment to work

your Kyani business for 1 year. This commitment will carry you

through the normal ups and downs of business.

10) (__) Complete: Success Pattern Orientation with Sponsor.

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My Why

WHY are you doing this business?

The more powerful your "WHY" the better.

It is often said: “If your WHY does not make you emotional,

it is not big enough”.

Close your eyes and give yourself permission to really


List your ultimate dream life. Don’t hold back. Write it down

in detail then share it with your upline mentors. Allow them

the privilege to see it and believe it with you. Ask them to

join with you and commit to help you achieve it all! (Use extra

paper if necessary)

My Why (No Time Limit)

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31 Days to Jade

Distributors that get off to a fast start and recover their initial

investment in their first 31 days are significantly more likely

to succeed long term. A maximum effort should be made to

ensure you and your new distributors qualify for the Jade


As you are promoting your business and talking to prospects,

they will often ask you how you are doing. Being able to say

that even though you are very part-time, you earned an extra

$300, $500, $1,000 or more your very first month, will

surprise most of them and definitely will be very helpful to

your recruiting efforts.

Jade = 2 teams/legs with at least 2,000 QV. 800QV

(points) must be from outside of the largest leg including a

maximum of 500 QV from personal.

Reach Jade in your 1st 31 days and earn an extra bonus of

$100. Hold Jade or higher a second month and earn $200

more. Hold the rank of Jade in the 3rd

month and earn an

extra $300. That’s $600 in bonuses for reaching Jade in your

first 31 days and holding it or higher in just your first 3


Build based on Jades and you’ll have a solid business!


Jade: Average monthly Income = $298*

2 ½ Jades = Pearl: Average mo. income = $659*

5 Jades = Sapphire: Average mo. income = $1,561 + car*

12 ½ Jades = Ruby: Average mo. income = $3,569 + car*

25 Jades = Emerald: Average mo. income = $7,416 + car*

50 Jades = Diamond: Average mo. income = $13,895 + car*

* Based on USA Averages – 2015

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My Rank Goals

Suggestion: Break your goals down into small bites so

you don’t choke on the big picture.

Goal achievement is a sequential process - week by week,

month by month, and year by year. Big goals are

accomplished by doing all the little things (the basics)

repetitively. Do this consistently and you will build

unstoppable momentum!

Goals: Activities – Ranks/Incomes

Day 1-2: Complete activities for 48 Hour Checklist

Day 2: Review completed 48 Hour Checklist with upline and

build agreement on how and when to do joint work

Begin contacting your prospects.

Week 1: Recruit 3 new distributors + customers

Weeks 2-4: Your 3 Business Builders Recruit 3 (BB) ea.

Month 1 Totals: 12 new distributors – Rank (Jade)

Month 2 Totals: _____ new distributors – Rank (_________)

Month 3 Totals: _____ new distributors – Rank (_________)

Month 4 Totals: _____ new distributors – Rank (_________)

Month 5 Totals: _____ new distributors – Rank (_________)

Month 6 Totals: _____ new distributors – Rank (_________)

Year 1: Rank (_________)

Year 2: Rank (_________)

Year 3: Rank (_________)

Year 4: Rank (_________)

Year 5: Rank (_________)

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Time Budget

When starting a new business it is important to establish

when you will allocate the time to do the work.

Below, work out a time budget to do the work of building

your Kyani business. It is important to prioritize time for

family, religious or personal time and existing obligations

such as school, jobs, etc. Think through times each day, hour

by hour where you can focus 15 minutes here, 30 minutes

there, an hour block of time here and a few hours blocked


It is often said: “Treat your business like a hobby, and it will

yield the results of a hobby. Treat your business like a

legitimate business and it will yield the results of a legitimate


I commit to spend (____) hours each week working in my

Kyani business in order to reach my goals.

List the times committed to - showing the hours. IE: Monday:

9:30-10:00, 3:00-3:30, 6:30-8:00 = Total Hours Today (2.5)

Monday: ___________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Tuesday: ___________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Wednesday: _________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Thursday: __________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Friday: _____________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Saturday: ___________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Sunday: ____________________ Total Hours Today (____)

Weekly Total (_____)

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My Kyani Career

“Three Partner List”

NOTES: Use this document to help you list all the people you know.

Make a serious effort to pull from your memory, person after

person. In the end, you only need to recruit three (3) people

that commit to be "Business Builders" that likewise make

the effort to be successful.

The most common mistake new distributors make is to

recruit the wrong people. They recruit those that they feel

will offer the least resistance to join. This creates a

“recruiting down scenario” with disastrous results.

Think of this activity in the same way you would if you were

reviewing job applications for your CEO, President, COO,

CMO, CIO, etc. positions. Just because you want your

family and friends to be blessed by the products and the

business doesn't mean you would place them at the top of

your new multi-million dollar annual sales company. Focus

immediately on people that can hit the ground running, not

those you will have to drag along with you.

It is also important to understand that it is critical to not

prejudge who will or will not be interested. Interviews of

top earning distributors demonstrate over and over again that

it is impossible to know who will and will not be interested.

Now, list your names as completely as possible making a

real effort to create a substantial list. Wait to fill in the email

and phone information until after you complete your

exercise. This will be one of the most important steps in

your new career.

Page 10: Fast Start System

Score your prospects on a 1-3 Scale with 1

being the lowest, 3 the highest


Consumer (1) - Someone who will consume the product

Product Advocate (2) - Someone who will consume the

products and recommend the products

to others.

Business Builder (3) - Someone who will consume the

products, recommend them to others

and build a distributor network.


1) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

2) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

3) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

4) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

5) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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6) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

7) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

9) ( ) Name: ____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

10) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

11) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

12) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

13) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

14) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

15) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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16) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

17) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

18) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

19) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

20) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

21) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

22) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

23) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

24) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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25) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

26) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

27) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

28) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

29) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

30) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

31) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

32) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

33) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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34) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

35) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

36) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

37) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

38) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

39) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

40) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

41) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

42) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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43) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

44) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

45) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

46) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

47) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

48) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

49) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

50) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

51) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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52) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

53) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

54) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

55) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

56) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

57) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

58) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

59) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

60) ( ) Name: ___________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Phone: (____) _____-____________

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Sample Approaches

There are as many different ways to initiate a conversation

with a prospect as there are people. While there are many

different approaches, it's important to remember to the


Note: The below steps do not have to be in any specific order

but to be effective, they have to be genuine not fake.

Build rapport - make a connection of comfort through

small talk

Power Statement - say something that will cause

curiosity then back up your statement with an


Triggering Question - ask something that will provoke a

positive response leading to a larger discussion

Power Statement Examples:

a. “One of our products is so profound; the science behind

it is backed by a Nobel Prize!”

b. “According to the US Small Businessmen’s

Administration... more than half of all U.S. businesses

are now based out of an owner's home.”

Triggering Question Examples:

a. “What if there was a natural product that is so effective

that in many cases reported, it has even worked to reduce

high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars, etc. when

drugs didn’t?”

b. “What if there was a high profit business opportunity

built by billionaires that you could afford to start.”

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Allow the conversation to develop naturally. Note: If this is

someone you are meeting for the first time, get permission to

take down their contact information (get their business card)

so you can get back to them and provide additional details

about Kyani and its products and or business opportunity.

Our business truly is a simple business with few skills to be

mastered but time spent learning your business will be

critically important. Anyone that is willing to make the effort

can quickly become an expert in our industry where it takes

many years or even decades in traditional business.

Final thought…

The Kyani business is a “Team Activity”. Please don’t ever

think you should do this alone, especially if you are capable

of doing it all by yourself. People see the business as you

present it, not as it really is. Make the business seem as easy

as it really is. Don’t complicate it!

Invite your new prospect to interact on the phone, in person

or at a Kyani event with the senior members of your upline

team. This way they will see all the support that they too

will be able to count upon.

Two quotes to help you put this business into perspective:

“Don’t waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself

on the work before you, well assured that the right

performance of this hour’s duties will be the best

preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Through the successes of those we serve, we find our


Dan SwinDell

Copies available for download @ www.kyanidistcareer.com