All Rights Reserved Team MVP, Inc Page 1 of 23 A step by step guide to getting your business and income off to A FAST START Fast Start Planner Business Building Basics NAME: ___________________________________________________________ NOTE: This orientation and training manual is to be distributed only to TEAM MVP’s new associates. It has been designed for educational and training purposes only and should not be distributed to the public.

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A step by step guide to getting your business and income off to A FAST START

Fast Start Planner

Business Building Basics

NAME: ___________________________________________________________

NOTE: This orientation and training manual is to be distributed only to

TEAM MVP’s new associates. It has been designed for educational and

training purposes only and should not be distributed to the public.

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DREAM IT… PLAN IT… DO IT… Visualize your goals Write it down Take Action!!

As soon as you receive your SOLUTION NUMBER (______________), you can complete your back office registration and access all the information to help build your business on PRIMERICA ONLINE (www.primericaonline.com), commonly referred to as POL. Contact your upline or ___________________ for more information on how to navigate your back office. In addition to accessing POL, it is critical that you PLUG IN to the team!

Weekly Training Days and Time: (check all the meetings you can FAITHFULLY attend!!!)


____ Monday, Big Hitter’s Conference call (7:45 a.m.–9a.m.) Call-in:712-775-7424, Replay Line: 712-775-7425 Access Code: 982755#

____ Monday, Bill Whittle – (9:45 a.m.–noon) Main Training Room

____ Wednesday, Train the Trainers – (9 am–11 am) MTR

____ Thursday, General Training – (7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.) Main Training Room

____ Sunday, Team MVP Conference call (9 p.m. to 9:30 pm). Call-in: 712-770-5505 Access Code: 384925#, Replay Line: 712-770-5506 Access Code: 384925#

www. Teammvp1.net

Password: 100x100

If you need help installing these apps go to

teammvp1.net > Orientation > Password: 100x100.

Look under “Download Primerica App, Telegram &


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Who’s in your ear???

If you’re not GROWING, you’re decaying! Your MIND holds the power to your future! Whatever you PURPOSEFULLY or unintentionally allow in your mind, determines your RESULTS!

We are over-saturated with negative media, negative people, negative thoughts and negative beliefs…Do not give in to these success crippling weapons of personal destruction!! If you don’t want their life, don’t take their advice… You must ALWAYS PROTECT and FEED your MIND with POSITIVE information you want to achieve anything great in life! LEARN from the best in our business let their testimonies and wisdom INSPIRE you to be the BEST version of yourself! We all wrestle with two voices in our head…the voice of insignificance or the VOICE of

GREATNESS… Which voice will you listen to?

Sound cloud App – “Primerica Audio University”

Hector LaMarque – Mental Toughness

Hector LaMarque – Dealing with Unsupportive Family and Friends

Hector Lamarque – How to Set Appointments

Hector Lamarque – Key Goals For A Fast Start

Mario Arrizon – All About the Baseshop (search)

Hector Lamarque – My Story

Hector Lamarque – The Importance of Field Training

Hector Lamarque – Keys to Mental Toughness

Hector Lamarque – Overcoming Objections

Omar Oropesa – How to Survive the First Year

Omar Oropesa – Working With the Odds

Mark & Lissette Rolls

Tonia Poe - WIP

Ian Prukner – Setting Appointments

Ian Prukner – Cause and Crusade

Ian Prukner – Ownership and Overrides

Jake Fruge – 10 Points to Building from Scratch

Mike Tuttle – Generating New Markets

Chauvon Landry – WIP

Chauvon Landry – Session 1

Chris & Elizabeth Koobs – 2 Feet Away

Search: TEAM MVP


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You will approach

locked doors, we

have keys!

Call us! We are

here to help!

When issues come

up, STOP!!

Important Information and Numbers Life Insurance Licensing School Address:




Life insurance licensing school start date/time: __________________________

Life insurance licensing school end date/time: __________________________

Life insurance exam date: _____________________________________________

Upline’s Name Upline’s Number

Jaime Quintanilla, Senior Vice

President (210) 273-9500

Kathy McAfee, Office Manager (210) 731-9500


-Field Trainer


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I want you to know that if you follow our system, every goal or dream you have can and will be accomplished. Within about 60 days from now you will be licensed and trained along with 1, 2, maybe even 3 or more licensed trained people with you, as well as several others that will be on track to do the same. You’ll have an unlimited number of appointments to go on because of all of the new recruits coming on to your team that need to be field trained and be in a position to earn $2,000-$3,000/month in income out of the gate.

On a scale of 1-10, what is your desire to make all of this happen? ______

MY WHY… _____________________________________________________________________________________







MY PRIMERICA GOALS… _____________________________________________________________________________________






MY COMMITMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________________





What are you grateful for today????

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The Success System 8 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 6 Cycle

Average life policy $83/mo = $1,000


2 KTs/wk 3 life clients/mo $3,000 premium

4 KTs/wk 6 life clients/mo $6,000 premium

6 KTs/wk 9 life clients/mo $9,000 premium

8 KTs/wk 12 life

clients/mo $12,000


District leader 50% contract $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $6,000

Division leader 60% contract $1,800 $3,600 $5,400 $7,200


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Promotion Guidelines: Contract level

110% +

20% Bonus RVP

Requirements 6 Direct District Leaders *showing up

Produce 30x30 as a Team QBI: 75%, Codes: 50

Fully Licensed (Life, Securities, & Principle)

Completed 2 consecutive months.

70% Regional Leader 3 Direct District Leaders *showing up

Produce 10x10 as a team Be Securities Licensed (series 6, 63, & 26)

All promotion from DIV-RVP must be completed within the

promotional month.

60% Division Leader 1 Direct District Leader *showing up

Produce 5x5 as a Team Start Security Process (Pass SIE, Finger Prints, etc)

*FAST TRACK to District Leader (1st 30 days): 4 Direct Recruits/4 Training Sales (4x4K)

50% District Leader

3 Direct Recruits 3 Team Recruits

6 Training Sales (6 x $6,000)

1st 30 day’s get’s an IPad

Presentation Certified

35% Senior Representative

3 Direct Recruits 3 Training Sales (minimum $1,500) (3x3)

25% Representative Life licensed

*A life sale must be in the “right” market (ex: decent income earning adult(s) with children, with a minimum monthly premium amount of $42). **Showing up”: Individual who consistently/faithfully attends training and big events and recruits/writes premium without fail. ***To qualify for the RVP contract, you must do 30x30 for 2 consecutive months prior to going out!! There will be no pre-qualifying, you must do 30x30 on your way out as an RVP!! ****A worthy replacement is considered one regional, 2 divisions, or 3 district leaders. The replacement must have a securities licensed leg with a minimum of 25 life licensed agents.

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Field Training Bonus:

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What is a Qualified Field Training Appointment?


Target Market (at least 4 with a “C”): Rules: M – married/couple with kids 1. 4 to 5 pointers A – Age 25-55 2. BOTH spouses present C – Children under 18 3. At the kitchen table (KT) H – Homeowner or in the area 3+ years 4. Monday thru Friday: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. O – Occupation ($30K+/yr.) 5. At least 4 per week Cycle #2 6. Take notes on EVERY appointment 7. Write 5+ questions on every appointment

Important!!! In order to properly define, structure and accomplish your financial goals, you want to complete your financial needs analysis (FNA) as soon as possible! It’s an effective tool we use to fulfill Primerica’s mission statement: Completing your own FNA deadline: ______________

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The 4 Minute Drill:

Family(LOCAL) 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ 5. ________________________________ 6. ________________________________ 7. ________________________________ 8. ________________________________ 9. ________________________________ 10. ________________________________ 11. ________________________________ 12. ________________________________ 13. ________________________________ 14. ________________________________ 15. ________________________________ 16. ________________________________ 17. ________________________________ 18. ________________________________ 19. ________________________________ 20. ________________________________

Friends (LOCAL) 1. ________________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ 5. ________________________________ 6. ________________________________ 7. ________________________________ 8. ________________________________ 9. ________________________________ 10. ________________________________ 11. ________________________________ 12. ________________________________ 13. ________________________________ 14. ________________________________ 15. ________________________________ 16. ________________________________ 17. ________________________________ 18. ________________________________ 19. ________________________________ 20. ________________________________

Coworkers 21. ________________________________ 22. ________________________________ 23. ________________________________ 24. ________________________________ 25. ________________________________ 26. ________________________________ 27. ________________________________ 28. ________________________________ 29. ________________________________ 30. ________________________________ 31. ________________________________ 32. ________________________________ 33. ________________________________ 34. ________________________________ 35. ________________________________ 36. ________________________________ 37. ________________________________ 38. ________________________________ 39. ________________________________ 40. _______________________________

60 Years Old and Still Working 21. ________________________________ 22. ________________________________ 23. ________________________________ 24. ________________________________ 25. ________________________________ 26. ________________________________ 27. ________________________________ 28. ________________________________ 29. ________________________________ 30. ________________________________ 31. ________________________________ 32. ________________________________ 33. ________________________________ 34. ________________________________ 35. ________________________________ 36. ________________________________ 37. ________________________________ 38. ________________________________ 39. ________________________________ 40. ________________________________

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Primerica Awareness Campaign:

M =Married/Long-term couple A = Age 25-55 C = Children H = Homeowner O = Occupation($30K+/yr.)

Name Phone Market Rating Credibility Rating

(Circle all that apply). (Know Both,Know One,Casual)

1. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

2. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

3. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

4. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

5. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

6. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

7. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

8. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

9. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

10. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

11. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

12. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

13. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

14. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

15. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

16. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

17. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

18. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

19. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

20. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

21. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

22. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

23. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

24. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

25. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

26. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

27. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

28. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

29. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

30. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

31. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

32. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

33. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

34. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

35. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

36. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

37. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

38. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

39. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

40. _____________________ _____________________ M A C H O Market Rating: ____ _________

M = Married/Long-term couple A = Age 25-55 C = Children H = Homeowner O = Occupation ($30K+/yr.)

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What does a C.H.A.M.P. Look Like?

1. Be COACHABLE…not choke-able… 2. Maintain a POSITIVE attitude

a. Some Will…Some Won’t…So What! Someone’s Waiting! 3. WORK the plan

a. Cycle #1 or Cycle #2 or Cycle #3 or Cycle #4 b. Keep FILLING the PIPELINE

i. KTs (4 pointers and higher) Learn the Business in the Field ii. Recruiting appointments (3 pointers and lower)

iii. Meeting attendance Build A Business in the Meetings iv. Positive Attitude (Who’s in your ear? – See page 3) v. Self – Improvement (Who’s in your ear? – See page 3)

4. So are you…?


…expecting something …feeling lucky? …willing to pay the for nothing? price of GREATNESS?

Do you know other Champs?

Competitive 1)


Hard Working 1)


Ambitious 1)


Motiviated 1)


People Skills 1)


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12 Training Appointments Tracker:














Minimum $3000 in Premium Total: ________

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Interview Text (3 Pointer or lower with NO kids…)

Hey, I just came of an interview they asked me if I knew anyone who was hard working & ambitious looking for Part-Time or Full-time flexible hrs. Expect a call from _______________

KT TEXT (Recruit who’s not comfortable with the ETHOR script… I am working on a second career and I’m in training. I’ve listed you as a character reference. You’ll be receiving a phone call from (Trainer Name), my trainer. This is really important to me. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Text Responses What’s the name of the company? PFS, Inc. It’s a nationwide financial services company that is expanding right now in our area…Check out their stock symbol “PRI”, it’s an amazing company! (Trainer) is in charge of expansion, I’d rather he/she explain the details. Talk to you later. What is the company? What do they do? How much do they pay? PFS, Inc. It’s a nationwide financial services company that is expanding right now in our area…They are looking for more people and I thought you might be a good candidate. (Trainer) is in charge of expansion, I’d rather he/she explain the details. Talk to you later. Do you need any experience, degree or a certain background? What they are looking for is good people with great work ethic, that is why I thought of you. Since (Trainer) is in charge of expansion, I’d rather he/she explain the details. Did you quit your other job? Have you started yet? How is it going for you? I am excited about working with (trainer)! Set up a time to meet with him/her as soon as you can. I have a feeling you will be just as impressed as I am! Talk to you later. I just set up an interview with your boss, now what? GREAT! Thanks for letting me know. Let’s touch base after you meet with (Trainer) and make sure you keep your appointment or contact him/her if you have to change the time. Talk to you soon….

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E T H O R script for scheduling KT’s REMEMBER: This should be a BRIEF CONVERSATION…Initially exchange a few pleasantries! (30 seconds tops!)

Hey, (NAME), the reason I’m calling is…

EXCITED I’m really excited! I just started working with a new company and possibly thinking of making a career change…

TRAINING I’m currently in training to get my financial licenses with the state of Texas and…

HELP I need your help.

OBSERVE I have to do 12 observations with my trainer before I can be on my own. Can you help me out? WFA

REFER I want to show you what I’ll be doing so you can refer others to me once I get licensed?

YES: (If married/couple): It’s really important for my training that I meet with you & (spouse’s

name/your spouse). I’m scheduled to work on DAY and DAY. Which day works best for BOTH of you? *WFA (wait for answer) What time is better, 6 p.m. or 8 p.m.? WFA Great! I’ll see you and (spouse’s name) on (DAY) at (TIME)!

***TAKE NOTE OF APPT. DATE & TIME TO CONFIRM AT END*** (Name), before I let you go, my trainer is adjusting his/her schedual for my observations. So, IF THERE’S A SERIOUS FAMILY EMERGENCY, I am going to ask that you please reschedual within 24 hours in advance. Can you do that for me please? WFA I’LL SEE YOU BOTH on (DAY) at (TIME)!

Q & A Do I have to buy anything? Answer: Absolutely not! All you and (spouse) have to do is listen carefully and ask as many questions as possible so I can learn how to address those questions in the future! So what day works best for you BOTH, (DAY) or (DAY)? What do I have to do? Answer: All you and (spouse) have to do is listen carefully and ask as many questions as possible so I can learn how to address those questions in the future! So what day works best for you BOTH, (DAY) or (DAY)? Does my spouse have to be there? Answer: It’s actually very important that you are both there, in order for it to count as a successful training appointment for me, but more importantly, so that you are both fully aware of what I do and you both can refer individuals who may need my services. So what day works best for you BOTH, (DAY) or (DAY)? What is this about? Answer: I’m working with a financial services company, I just need a favor. It’s part of my training in order to get certified. I’m just trying to get my name out there, so what day works best for BOTH of you (DAY) or (DAY)?






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(Client): Hi.. Welcome……

(Rep/Recruit): Hi, this is (trainer’s first name) my trainer. (chat at door enter


(Rep/Recruit): Do you mind if we sit at your kitchen table? WFA

Note: Allow the trainer to control seating arrangements. Rep/Rec will need to

conduct small talk until the trainer is properly setup to begin the appointmnt.

After Setup:

(Rep/Recruit): Let me ask you, are you expecting an important phone call?


(Rep/Recruit): If your phone does ring would you mind letting it go to

voicemail so we don’t take up too much of your time? WFA

Thank you!!

Would you mind if I record our presentation today? This is

solely for my learning purposes. Would that be okay? WFA (If

consent is given, rep will begin recording immediately.)

Before we get started let me tell you a little about my trainer,

(Trainers Full Name), he/she is an expert in finances and totally

changed the way I view my finances. Matter of fact, I was so

impressed with what he/she did for me (and my spouse name)

I/We have joined the company part-time, and I/We am/are in

the proccess of getting my licenses with the state. So now I will

turn it over to (trainers first name).

(Trainer will begin the presentation)

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o Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

o Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

o The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki

o How Money Works by Primerica

o Relentless by Tim S. Grover

o Break Out! By Joel Osteen

o E Myth by Michael E. Gerber

o No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

o Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

o The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

o Pushing Up People by Art Williams

o How Successful People Think by John Maxwell

o All About Goals and How to Achieve Them by Jack Ensign


o I Can’t Accept Not Trying by Michael Jordan

o The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach

o Pushing Up People by Art Williams

o Coach by Art Williams

o What To Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter

o Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffries

o Success is not an Accident by Tommy Newberry

o The Enemy Called Average by John Mason

“ A leader is not born, a leader is developed, they are taught, and they seek knowledge through

reading. He/She does not accept mediocrity in oneself, but makes the necessary changes to

become better everyday for those whom they seek to lead!!” – VG

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“The expert in anything was once a beginner”

Date Completed

“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling

you it’s going to be worth it!” -Art Williams

Join Telegram App: Team MVP

Download Soundcloud: New Recruit Playlist (Listen to the 1st 3 audios within the 1st 48 hours)

Develop your WHY for the WALL (Next Meeting)

Determine commitments (Weekly Schedule)

Complete List: Primerica Awareness Campaign

Complete personality quiz and submit results to trainer: www.16personalities.com

Set more appointment with staff: Profile and Headshot

Test Out ETHOR Script with CFT/Upline begin to set 12 KT Appointments

Earn First STAR: Set a minimum of 4 appointments

Import Contacts on Primerica App & Complete Vivint Certification on (POL)

Complete Personal FNA: Date:

Complete 12 Appointment Observations Attend PFSU 2 day class

6x6 Pre-Qualify District and IPAD

Schedule Test 3-5 days after attending PFSU class

Finger Print: Keep Receipt!!!

Earn 2nd STAR: Mastering the Presentation

Practice Exam: Score 75+

Pass State Exam (Keep Pass notice!!)

Submit Life License Application (Attach pass notice and fingerprint receipt)

Complete annuities certification (POL)

Complete Vivint Certification on (POL)

Securities Process

Complete STAR Course

Pass Series 6 and 63

Get Appointed

Pass the 26

Continue with CFT Process

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Set-Up Rep Website

Schedule Exam on POL

Watch video on app

DAY 2:

Study by Topic – 2hrs

Schedule Exam on POL

DAY 3:

Enroll in PEP (Partner)

Study by Topic – 2 hrs

Set at least 1 appmnt

DAY 4:

Study by Topic – 2hrs

Set at least 1 appmnt

DAY 5:

Study by Topic – 2hrs

Set at least 1 appmnt

DAY 6:

Study by Topic – 2hrs

Set at least 1 appmnt

DAY 7:

Study by Topic – 1 hr

Take practice exam 2x

Set at least 1


DAY 8:

Take Practice Exam 2x

Take Focus Exam

Set at least 1


DAY 9:

Take Practice Exam

Take Focus Exam

Take Guarantee Exam

Get your GOGREEN


DAY 10:

Go Pass the Test!

Schedule Fingerprints

Fax Pass Notice to RLC

Bring Pass Notice &

Fingerprint receipt to


Fill out License application

DAY 11:

Set min. 4 appointments

Complete Certification

for Fix Annuities

Begin to Study &

Practice 2 hrs on

Winning Presentation

DAY 12:

Set min. 4 appointments

Complete Certification

for Vivint

Begin to Study &

Practice 2 hrs on

Winning Presentation

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You have 2 different ways you can register for your Life Exam:

1.) Schedule and PAY FOR YOUR STATE EXAM YOURSELF, then get reimbursed

a. Before completing your pre-licensing class, PFSU, register and pay for your state

exam online at www.pearsonvue.com or call (888) 754-7667

b. Fee for the exam is $48.00 for Life Only (reimbursable when license has been


c. Register for Life only (InsTX-Life01: Life Agent (Specify English or Spanish))

d. You will be given a Confirmation Number that you MUST take with you to the


2.) Allow PRIMERICA TO PAY for your State Exam

a. Complete PFSU & Complete ALL Chapter Quiz’s, Practice Exam, Focus Exam, and

get the GREEN LIGHT to GO on www.primericaonline.com.

b. When you get the Green Light to Go, you will then call Texas Regional Licensing

Center (RLC) at (512) 258-2208 to register for your Exam.

c. The TX RLC will verify that you have received the Green Light to Go on POL by you

providing your solution #. After verification, they schedule your exam. No monies

will be required.



1.) Register online through POL > Getting Licensed > Select Texas > Life: Resident > Click

IDENTAGO link > or Call (888) 754-7667 to schedule your digital fingerprinting


2.) Bring pass notice, fingerprint receipt to Office Manager to help you finalize your


3.) Primerica will reimburse the amount back to you through your direct deposit



1.) You will call 1-800-624-5275 to obtain your ONE-TIME issued VOUCHER CODE. Please

ensure you write it down and triple check to make sure it is correct. You will not be

able to call back and receive it again.

2.) After receiving your voucher code, you will call IDENTAGO at 1-888-754-7667 to

schedule your fingerprint appointment.

3.) Bring pass notice, fingerprint receipt to Office Manager to help you finalize your


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Guidelines for Certified Field Trainer (CFT)

To be a Certified Field Trainer (CFT) you must complete and certified the skills listed below; your RVP or CFT will

need to approve your CFT status.

1. __________________ Learn how to set Interviews and KT Appointments RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

2. ____________________ Master the Presentations RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

3. ____________________ Learn How to Prospect RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

4. ____________________ Gather FNA RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

5. ____________________ Secure Firm Commitments RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

6. ____________________ Present the FNA RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

7. ____________________ Overcome Objections RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

8. ____________________ Learn How to Conduct Recruiting Interviews RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

9. ____________________ Receive Referrals from KT’s / Interviews RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

10. ____________________ Getting Recruits off to a Fast Start RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

11. ____________________ Become Licensed Life/Securities Minimum (District or higher) RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

12. ____________________ Learn How to Close All Product Lines and Become Familiar

..RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE with all the Paperwork

13. ____________________ Attend All Meetings / Events RVP/ CFT INITIALS & DATE

14. ____________________ Continuous Self-improvement (Books, Audio, Videos etc..)

I, the certified field trainer and/or regional vice president certify that the below associate has meet all

the above requirements. By signing below, I am indicating they are qualified to name a CFT within

our organization.

________________________________ ________________________________ REP NAME SOLUTION #

________________________________ ________________________________


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Steps to Become a Certified Field Trainer:

The following are the necessary steps a rep must complete in order to become a CFT. All fundamentals

must be mastered, and the representative must be fully licensed with both life and securities. All the

material can be found online at www.teammvp1.net under the “Fundamentals” tab, Password is

100x100. Please use these online tools to help you complete and master these fundamentals.

Setting Appointments: (within Fast Start Packet)

➢ Set 4 Qualified Kitchen Table Appointments

➢ Both Spouses must be present/attend

➢ Must be 4 or 5 Pointers (M-A-C-H-O)

➢ Master Setting appointments script & Trainer Introduction script

Mastering the Presentation:

➢ Practice using all the tools: TeamMvp1.net, (Recommended studying/practicing 2 hours a day)

➢ Be able to give the presentation to the CFT or RVP in accordance with the grading rubric found



➢ Practice using all tools online: TeamMvp1.net

➢ 10 Names & Phone numbers within 24 hours.

➢ CFT/RVP will receive those 10 prospects and contact for interview.

Overcoming Objections:

➢ Practice using all tools online: TeamMvp1.net

➢ Memorize the 4 Life Objections and 5 Recruiting Objections

➢ Present & Certify with CFT/RVP on all 9 Objections

Gathering & Inputting FNA:

Note: The following will be completed with the CFT/RVP as a client conducting a practice FNA.

➢ Must be able to demonstrate and explain which pages the client will need to complete in the

Client Survey Packet. Along with what documents the client can locate the information.

➢ Demonstrate entering all information into TurboApps on POL and within the FNA

➢ Able to demonstrate making changes to the “assumption’s tabs” in setting tab.

Presenting FNA:

Note: The following will be done with a CFT/RVP as client doing a practice FNA.

➢ Demonstrate how to breakdown and explain each “Results tab” to the client.

➢ Demonstrate how to Print/Email and Provide Client with a hardcopy.

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Securing Firm Commitments:

Note: The following will be done with a CFT/RVP as client doing a practice FNA.

➢ Demonstrate how to breakdown and setup Financial house sheet within the Client Survey


➢ Demonstrate how to setup Monthly Commitment form and explain it to the client and secure a

firm monthly commitment.

➢ Be able to Setup, and Present 3 Choice Life Insurance Close Form within the Client Survey


Recruiting Interview:

Note: The following will be done with a CFT/RVP as interviewee.

➢ Have mastered the presentation fundamental first.

➢ Able to present shorter interview presentation effectively.

➢ Demonstrate ability to use Interview Sheet to conduct interview and review New Representative

Screening Sheet.


➢ Have the knowledge and ability to ask for referrals during Kitchen Table and Interview


➢ Total of 10 referrals from a KT (take picture and send the CFT/RVP)

➢ Learn how to use S-T-E-A-M method when asking for referrals

New Recruit Fast Start:

➢ Present and complete the Fast Start Planner to CFT/RVP as if was a recruit.

➢ Produce 1 Fast Start District within 30 days of a recruits IBA.

Additional Requirements:

➢ Attended all Training Meeting & Events

o For consecutive quarter (3 months)

➢ Attend STAR Class

➢ Being active in Personal Development

o Have presented in Book Report

o Will provide CFT/RVP with current book, recording being read or listen too

➢ Have a positive attitude

o Have greeted newcomers, and current representatives with a positive attitude.

➢ Performing & Operating your business within Primerica Compliance and Policies