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  • 8/14/2019 fashion.txt


    "For me, Fashion is not just what the latest trends are nor what are the new collections of designers; it's not just what celebrities wear nor what you see girls are wearing on pictures on the web; it's not just what you see and read on fashion magazines nor what you watch in the runway. FASHION IS SIMPLY YOU, your very own sense of style. FASHION IS WHAT'S IN YOUR HEARTS. So, be yourself, wear what you want, be proud and MAKE THE STREETS YOUR RUNWAY."


    hole jeans w| fishnet leggings

    i comei eff ish upi leave

    Amarie Cemone .15 Years . Fashion + Photography x Modeling = MY LIFE .I BLOG DOPE SHIT . Check My ARCHIVE .Starbucks . Boys . Fashion . Vintage . Retro . Sex . Hello Kitty . Food . Photography . Music . Bad Bitches . Hot Guys .My Heart : James Maryland

  • 8/14/2019 fashion.txt


    he cant handle anything. Shes a crybaby! * His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see.. * Boy:I.. Well! You know, shed get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! Shes so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldnt bitch about it. * His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love onlyher. I see.. * Boy:Well, she.. * His Best Friend:You broke up with her because shes good for you? She just wanted the best for you? Shes broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud? * Boy:I broke her heart.. Because I couldnt see what was happening.. What happened to me? * His Best Friend:You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didnt want her when all she ever wanted was you. THATS what happened.