Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Photographer: 1. Dolce and Gabana

Fashion (6)

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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)


1. Dolce and Gabana

Page 2: Fashion (6)

2. Emma Watson- Vogue


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Theme or focus of images

Fashion photography is used for a variety of purposes, whether it is to advertise clothing and jewellery, for the front cover of a magazine or to promote a company. Mario Testino is a well-established photographer within this industry and whilst no two pieces of his work are the same, they all have that element of sexiness. The above photos are all from a variety of magazines such as Vogue and Vanity Fair.

One thing I noticed straight away in all of Mario Testino’s photos is his use of artificial lighting. It hides away their natural features; however it does play up their beauty, giving them an airbrushed, doll like look.

In each of the images it’s clear to us that the eyes are a key focal point; with the help of makeup artists Mario Testino has accentuated them. They’re eyes are made to seem very alluring giving that element of seductiveness which in image 3, 5 and 6 amplifies the edginess of the models. In all of the images- excluding number 4- their mode of address appears to be us, they’re drawing us right in and establishing a connection. The rule of third has been applied in all the images, since there eyes are the main key focal points, they’ve been placed in a primary point of interest.

Image 1 and 4 have both been shot in black and white and are very simplistic in the way they look- in a certain sense the images are very ‘fresh’ looking, the models appear to be seemingly glowing and very natural looking. There’s a ‘morning after’ type quality to them. The model in photo 1 has been posed in such a way that she appears to be tempting you in. I believe the image to be in black and white so that all our attention goes directly to her; the lighting used gives her face certain warmthness in comparison to the rest of her body meaning Mario Testino wants her face along with her eyes to be the focus of the image.

It’s apparent to us straight away in image 2 that Emma Watson is the sole focus of the photograph since it’s a close up of her face. The fact that such dark make-up has been used on such a pale complexion shows us that Mario Testino is amplifying her features- her beauty is his focus. Personally I believe there to be elements of a fairy tale in the image, her face is more dream-like rather that seductive compared to the other images. It’s as if Mario Testino is playing homage to snow white.

Image 3 follows the same theme as the other photos- he’s making the models face the focus. Overall the image is very edgy, bright lighting has been used on the models face in a dark room. Whilst we can’t see her full body, her pose screams confidence giving that illusion of an empowered woman.

Images 5 and 6 have both been taken from the same shoot. When I look at the picture my eyes are drawn directly to the model since her complexion is so pale in

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contrast to the rest of the image. Bright, bold, eye catching colour have been used both on the set and in the models clothing allowing her to stand out and making her the pinnacle of the photo. Personally I think the model seems to be dressed as a stereotypical ‘sexy’ mechanic in mage 6- similar to something you’d see in a movie when you have the females starting a car race.

It’s clear to us that all six of the images were taken in a studio from the artificial setting and lighting.


From the above images it’s obvious to us that Mario Testino’s focus is the models- images 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all close ups of their accentuated faces. The rule of third has been applied in all his photos- we can see this from the way the photos have been aligned. If he had zoomed further out of the image our attention may not have gone directly to the model. Any eye catching scenery that may take our attention away from them has been excluded. Marios Testino has composited the images so that they’re bold and distinctive- he wants the models to stand out, draw us in and allure us.

Techniques used

The rule of third has been applied to Mario Testino's photos- the models eyes are within the focal points meaning that's where our attention is drawn too. It's clear to us that bright artificial studio lighting has been used; therefore a fast shutter speed of around 1/1000 would have been used. An aperture of around f14 allows the Images not to be over exposed whilst the use of a low ISO allows the pictures to be pin sharp. A large depth of field has been used.

Strengths & Weaknesses

A key strength in Mari0 Testino’s work is his ability to make the eyes such a powerful focal point in his photographs- this is something that I hope I’m able to in my own work. However I don’t like the use of such bright lighting on his subjects, taking away from their natural features.