Name Famous Pyramids by Cindy Grigg

Famous Pyramids - · PDF file8 Famous Pyramids The most famous pyramids were built by the ... taken to museums around the world, the pyramids themselves still fascinate people

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Famous Pyramidsby Cindy Grigg


Answer the following questions BEFORE you read this book. It is okay if you do not know as much as you thought. Do the best you can!

1.Who built the pyramids? Is Egypt the only place pyramids exist?

2.What makes a pyramid a pyramid? Write a definition for the word "pyramid."

3.What were pyramids used for?

2 Famous Pyramids

We often think of a pyramid as a shape with a square base and four smooth, sloping sides that form a point at the top.


The pyramid tombs at Giza, Egypt, are the best-known pyramids in the world. They were built more than four thousand five hundred years ago! Experts once thought that slaves had done the work of building these giant structures. Today, though, most experts believe the work was done by Egyptian skilled workers.

4 Famous Pyramids

The three biggest pyramids at Giza were built as tombs and monuments. The bodies of pharaohs, the kings of ancient Egypt, were buried there. The three smaller pyramids in front were tombs for other royal family members.


Not all pyramids look alike! The first Egyptian pyramid was a step-pyramid. Step-pyramids have sides that rise up like a staircase and flat tops. The step-pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, Egypt, is thought to be the oldest Egyptian pyramid and the oldest structure in the world made from cut stones. It was built around 2650 B.C. It had six platforms or "steps" and stood about 200 feet high. Each side is about 325 feet long.

Djoser's Pyramid was the first tomb in Egypt built of stone instead of mud bricks. It led the way to true pyramids with smooth, sloping sides.

6 Famous Pyramids

The Bent Pyramid may have been an engineering mistake. The lower part rises from the Egyptian desert at an angle of about 54 degrees. The top section has an angle of only 43 degrees. This gives the pyramid a "bent" appearance. The Bent Pyramid is 344 feet high. But it would have been at least 100 feet taller if the angle of the design had stayed the same. It is not known if the builders changed the angle because the structure was unstable or if it would have taken too long to finish a taller structure in time for the pharaoh's death.


Draw a pyramid of your own design.

8 Famous Pyramids

The most famous pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians. But they were not the only ones who built them! Many other cultures built pyramids, too. You can find pyramids in India, China, Greece, and many other countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

There are more than two hundred Pyramids of Kush, also called the Nubian Pyramids. They were built at three different places in Sudan, Africa. Steeper than the Egyptian pyramids, these were monuments to honor dead kings and queens.


In the "New World," the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca all built pyramids. Some of their pyramids were built as homes for their gods. Others were tombs for kings. There are actually more pyramids in Mexico and South America than in the rest of the world combined! This one was built by the Maya in Mexico.

10 Famous Pyramids

This picture shows the Pyramid of the Sun, near present-day Mexico City. It was built in the first century A.D. by the Teotihuacán people. Mexican legends say that the Pyramid of the Sun was built at the place where time began. The city of Teotihuacán was once one of the biggest cities in the world. Around the year 500 A.D., it had a population between 100,000 and 200,000 people.


The pyramid shape has been popular with architects around the world. The Rainforest Pyramid in Galveston, Texas, is a ten-story glass building. It is a home for rainforest plants and animals. The architect chose the pyramid shape to let in the most light.

The best-known glass pyramid in the world is this one. It is the entrance to the famous Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

12 Famous Pyramids

Pyramids have always attracted visitors. Some of them were looters who carried off many of the treasures the pyramids contained. Today, more than twelve million tourists visit Egypt every year. Many of them go to see the pyramids.

Although many of the treasures inside have been taken to museums around the world, the pyramids themselves still fascinate people. These landmarks have much to tell us about life long ago.


Answer the following questions AFTER you have completed this book.

1.Experts no longer believe slaves built the pyramids in Egypt. According to this story, who did build them?

2.What is special about Djoser's Pyramid?

3.Circle the places where you might find pyramids.Mexico Egypt

China North America

Greece Canada

Sudan South America

China Russia

14 Famous Pyramids

4.Where would you find the most pyramids in the world?

5.Compare and contrast the pyramids at Giza, Egypt, to the Pyramids of Kush in Sudan. How are they alike? How are they different?

15Famous Pyramids

6.Imagine that you are in Egypt seeing the pyramids. Write a letter to a friend. Describe the pyramids you see in detail. Use vivid adjectives to help your friend feel as if he or she is there with you!

16 Famous Pyramids