Family focus magazine company issue 1

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Our Aim is to share creative ideas on food, family, fellowship travel and photography. We strive to bless you and your family in some special way. Enjoy the content and share it with your family and friends.We provide stories and activities for children to learn, we promote child development and learning Send us an email or comment on our face book page. We hope you enjoy every issue and may God bless you and your family.

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Latoya Alicia

Hello and thank you for taking a copy of

Family Focus Magazine.Our goal is to build a

magazine based on family. We believe that

God is at the head of successful household.

We want to share creative ideas on

food, family, fellowship travel and pho-

tography. We strive to bless you and

your family in some special way. Enjoy

the content and share it with your fam-

ily and friends.We provide stories and

activities for children to learn, we pro-

mote child development and learning

Send us an email or comment on our

face book page. We hope you enjoy

every issue and may God bless you

and your family.

Family Focus Magazine.

Latoya Alicia

[email protected]

“ “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. - Matthew 7:12 (kjv)


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Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.

2.The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

3. His work is honourable and glorious: and His righteousness endureth for ever.

4. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of


5. He hath given meat unto them that fear Him: He will ever be mindful of His covenant.

6. He hath shewed His people the power of His works, that He may give them the

heritage of the heathen.

7. The works of His hands are verity and judgement; all His commandments are sure.

8. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.

9. He sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever: holy

and reverend is His name.

10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understandinghave all they

that do His commandments: His praise endureth for ever.

Key words:commandments - divine rules of conduct given by God.covenant - agreement between God and man.holy - morally and spiritually excellent or perfect and to be revered.Lord - God or Christ.praise - Glorify God in words.redemption - delivery from sin and damnation.revere - hold in deep religious respectreverend - deserving reverenceverity - truth whole with no part removed.

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Cover model. Kendra is 5 years old, she lives in central Florida. Kendra loves to help people and her friends. She is thoughtful and caring. Kendra loves dogs, ballet and art. Her favorite colors are pink, purple and all the col-ors of the rainbow. Her favorite bookis the bible and her favorite story is Esther. Kendra wants to be a mommy and a ballerina when she grows up.

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+Featured Content


From the Publisher

Psalm 111

About Cover Model

Table of Contents

Rainbow God

About Arron Prill


Quality Family Time

Dear Toya

Meet Stephen Strawberry

Learning Veruses

In The Kitchen

The Rainbow God Meet Stephen Strawberry In the Kitchen

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There is perhaps nothing more colorful and more beautiful than a rainbow. The colors of the rainbow are all distinct, yet they blend together so seamlessly, perfectly transitioned from one hue to the next. The lovely arch in the clouded sky is like a symphony we can hear with our eyes. It’s virtually impossible to witness its harmonious color-blend witout one’s spirit being lifted. It also never fails to invoke a sense of curiosity and wonder about where it begins and where it ends.Such is the genius of a God who creates variety not just in colors, but also in pretty much everything under the sun. Is it any wonder that beautiful art invokes a range of emotions?

The rainbow made its debut after the Flood (Genesis 9:13) because the God who created it felt emotion: love for the world He’d created, for the plants and the animals ,and, most i mportantly, love for all mankind. He used the first rainbow (and every one since) to write a love letter to you and me, a perpetual remind-er of how deeply He cares for us. At the heart of this love letter is a promise to everyone,

directly regarding something that will never hap-pen again (Genesis 9:14,15) and indirectly fore-telling something that will (2 Peter 3:10). Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives were the first to understand the true meaning of the multicolored bow that they’d beheld. And with this knowledge came great respon-sibility.

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The eight souls saved on the Ark from the world’s first global destruction are, like the first man and woman (Adam and Eve), fore-parents of Earth’s billions of human inhabitants. Now, because of their willingness to share with successive gener-ations the information revealed through God’s lofty love letter, we too have knowledge of their first encounter with His colorful message. We’re all grandchildren of this seafaring family, sitting at their feet a nd learning this amazing history of our past, present and future. When it sinks in that we’re all family, everything changes.

Being human, many tend to see variance where there’s variety, and adversity where there is di-versity. Rather than think of the human family as one race, the Human Race, many overlook a most important lesson: God invented variety (Psalm 104)!God could have used a solid block of color to declare His love for us, but He didn’t. Likewise, He could have rendered our fore-par-ents ’DNA’ incapable of producing the differ-ent ‘races’ of men who would experience His love throughout the whole world. Yet He didn’t. Rather, variety is an essential aspect of His grand design, a part of the picture painted by His love. God’s love is diverse, yet whole, and doesn’t play favorites… just like a rainbow!

You may have a favorite color in the rainbow, but I doubt you’d imagine a rainbow composed solely of that color. As a rainbow without color variation would cease to be a rainbow, so love without acceptance of our God-given distinctions ceases to be love. God loves us all, so let’s be colorful reflections of His love (Matthew 5:16).

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.“ ”-Matthew 5:6

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Quality family time

Quality family timeI asked Raheel Imtiaz how he spent time with his family. Raheel is a banker who want-ed to spend more quality time with his family.

‘The first thing I did was get rid of the dish and cable. I spent the first month obsessing over whether or not I would miss it. One evening after work I was sitting on the living room floor playing with my 6 month old, my 3 and 6 year old were playing together and my wife was on the phone. We were all together, we were interacting and we were happy. I had gotten my answer that I had done the right thing.

I have Netflix and Hulu account, if my wife and I want to watch a movie we can or if we want to watch a family movie we can. I don’t miss regular t.v.’ Raheel also takes his daughters to the mosque with him sometimes.

My family and I have daily family worship. We also go to church together. We also love to travel and cook. We spend most of the free time we have traveling and we cook most meals together.

My daughter and I go out to lunch; we also on occasion get manicures and pedicures. She enjoys going to dinner with my husband and going to different parks. When my mom is in town my husband and I take the opportunity to go on a date. We try to have a healthy balance. How do you spend quality time together as a family?

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Dear Toya, I am a mother of two boys aged 6 and 8. I always thought it would be great to have children of the same sex so close in age; they would have a lot in common and entertain each other. That is not proving to be the case.I’m beginning to feel the only time they are not fighting is when they are asleep. It is impossible to keep them separated. Do you have any suggestions?


Dear T.C,Sometimes how we envision things are not what they turn out to be. You are dealing with two school aged children; boys especially are very energetic in that age group. Here a few ideas that may work for you. Be a ‘fly on the wall’ when they are at play, listen to how they interact. You’ll be able to know what they are fighting about. Don’t react right away wait until later and ask why they did a certain thing you noticed or why they said a certain thing. Be as specific as you can, tell them you are trying to understand why they are not getting along. It may just be they spend too much time together. Try separating them in small increments, have quiet time for ten minutes when they get home from school.They can color or read but whatever they choose to do must be done quietly and alone. It will give them the opportunity to unwind. They may be needing some mommy time. Try to schedule time alone with each child. Go for a 5 or 10 minute walk, do a backyard picnic,sit and watch their favorite program with them. No phones, no computers one on one uninterrupted time.

God bless you.

Dear Toya,I cannot get my child to eat healthy; all she wants to eat is fast food. I don’t want her to have medical or weight issues in the future because of her diet. I need help.


Dear C.E,You’re not alone; there are a lot of children who would prefer a fast food diet. My daughter used to not like foods because she didn’t like the sound of the name or the color of it, which is unrealistic for an adult but not for a 3 or 4 year old. I talked to her pediatrician about it and she gave me some good advice. Replace her snacks with fruits, fresh not dried e.g grapes instead of raisins.Try eatingtogether as a family. If she sees you eating she will be more inclined to eat too. Children will eat when they are hungry, if you offer something and she refuses she may not be hungry, wait and offer again. Do not give her a fast food option.Take her grocery shopping and have her help choose fruits and vegetables. If she has never had the vegetable get a smaller quantity so she can try them. You will have to be patient, remember what you are doing is in your child’s best interest.

God bless you.

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Illustrated By: Candace WelcomeStephen Strawberry. By Bella

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